Researcher: January, 2019
Researcher: January, 2019
Researcher: January, 2019
January, 2019
Chapter 1
world-at-large. Social media websites were some of the most popular haunts on
the internet. They have revolutionized the way people communicate and socialize
increased effectiveness and impact of social media. Using social media like
In USA, the report attributes frequent online access, in part to fact that 73
percent of U.S. teens surveyed, ages 13-17, “have or have access to” a
Smartphone. The numbers associated with social media use follow the same
trend. Just over three quarters of the teens surveyed said they “use social media”.
Of the seven platforms teens were asked about in the survey, girls were overall
has applied to the Canadian Institutes of Health Research for a grant to conduct
his own study into the topic. However, Lyon’s study will be laser focused. With so
much anecdotal evidence about the effects of cyberbullying and online taunts, he
wants to know what role social media plays in the persons decision to end their
life, and if there was a way to leverage social technologies to reach out to people
In the Philippines, people all over the world have been enjoying the
sharing of thought between people are restricted by long distance, race, and even
religion. But now this barriers can no longer stop the flow of information and
knowledge because the new world of social networking allows free sharing of
In the Davao Oriental, Since students are highly motivated to using social
media sites the majority of them use these to satisfy their social needs more than
their academic needs. They have the freedom to do whatever they want – they
can upload or download data, they can make new friends and comment on other
people’s lives, and they can even create other online identities the real world
does not allow. It has been observed too that the majority of the students
nowadays, particularly those in the secondary level, spend most of their time
chatting with their acquaintances, playing online games, and watching videos
instead of reading their lessons, making their assignments, and other academic
requirements. The main reason is when they work or search their materials
online they get attracted to social networking sites to kill boredom during study
time, diverting their attention from their work. The darker side of this that has
gained the attention of many parents is that some students are getting lazier and
extensively indulged to get global access and therefore leading them to perform
less academically.
This study aims to determine the significant influence of Social Media and
1.1 Facebook
1.2 Twitter
1.3 Student
This study aims to determine the significant influence of Social Media and
1.1 Facebook
1.2 Twitter
1.3 Student
The null hypotheses that will be tested at 0.05 significance are the
Ho1: There is no significant relationship between the social Media
Ho2: The Social Media does not significally influence the Academic
(There is no domain of the Social Media that the best predicts the Academic
social media and academic performance among the student in DORSHS. The
acquired information of the study could also benefits the school administrator,
subject teacher, parents, students, and also the researcher. They would catch on
having an social media that could affect the academic performance of the
students. School Administrator The result of the study may help the school
also help them to realize if the school organizations are effective or not. Subject
Teacher The result of the study may help the every subject teacher initiate more
student. It may possibly help them to by encouraging the student to use their
social media in good way and in free time, and also used it by scattered the lesson
what will be learned from. Parents The findings of the study would give insights
and information to put some advices to their children who were schooling.
Students The outcomes of this study may help the students on how to manage
their time to use their social media. Researchers The findings of this study will
give more information to the researcher about the relationship between the
social media and academic performance and how to balance the using of social
This study focuses only in the grade 8 students of Davao Oriental Regional
Science High School. This involves a survey for those who are currently enrolled
as grade 8 students of Davao Oriental Regional Science High School. The selection
of respondents is only limited since there are lots of students in Davao Oriental
Performance. And now for them solve their problems by being aware of the
Conceptual Framework
Shown in Figure 1 are the variables of the study. The first variable is the
personal messages, and other content (such as videos). The aforesaid variable
has the following indicators: Facebook, Twitter and Student. Facebook was
defined as an online social networking website where people can create profiles,
share information such as photos and quotes about themselves, and respond or
micro blogging service that allows registered members to broadcast shorts posts
called tweets. But unlike that disappear when user closes the application tweets
are also posted on the Twitter website. They are permanent, they are searchable
and they are public. Student is a learner, or someone who attends an educational
institution. In its widest use, student is used for anyone who is learning,
Dictionary refers to the level of schooling you have successfully completed and
the ability to attain success in your studies. When you receive great grades, this is
three indicators; the following indicators are Facebook, Twitter and Student.
Facebook was defined as an online social networking website where people can
create profiles, share information such as photos and quotes about themselves,
and respond or link to the information posted by others. Twitter is a free social
shorts posts called tweets. But unlike that disappear when user closes the
application tweets are also posted on the Twitter website. They are permanent,
they are searchable and they are public. Student is a learner, or someone who
attends an educational institution. In its widest use, student is used for anyone
who is learning, including mid-career adults who are taking vocational education
or returning to university.
Definition of Terms
The following terms used in this study were defined conceptually and
operationally for clarity and common frame of reference. Social Media are
information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual
communities and networks? The variety of stand-alone and built-in social media
create profiles, share information such as photos and quotes about themselves,
and respond or link to the information posted by others. Twitter is a free social
shorts posts called tweets. But unlike that disappear when user closes the
application tweets are also posted on the Twitter website. They are permanent,
Instagram, Snapchat, ect. Social media is a phrase that we throw around a lot
these days, often to describe what we post on sites and apps like Facebook,
Twitter etc. (Suhasini, 2017). The comparison to other media, social media’s
unsuccessful candidacy of Howard Dean in 2003, and then in the election of the
Social media has revolutionized the way we view ourselves, the way we
see others and the way we interact with the world around us (Shellabarger,
2016).Moreover the social media (SM) or new media (NM) in our education
developed and developing countries are becoming more addicted to social media
and its applications for various reason (Chukwuere, 2017). There are many
factors that influence political impressions in social media, including the type of
comment, the age of the commenter and the age of the candidates. The study
could point the way towards more sophisticated uses of social media for political
a huge platform for the achievement of some specific objective. This was very
media networking evidence in the last 5 years. Social networking sites like
alternative news for internet users, and also becoming a channel in which users
Using social media becomes a risk to adolescents more often than most
adults realize. Most risks fall into the following categories: peer-to-peer;
becoming a driving factor. The world is getting smaller, and through the use of
(Hopkins, 2017).
Social media has revolutionized the way we view ourselves, the way we
see others and the way we interact with the world around us. While social media
individuals who may have never met without social networking, the over-usage
2016). Many mental health professionals are deeply concerned about the impact
that social media has on mental health.Some believe that the constant distraction
Academic Performance
performance is the sum of the students academic performance in all the subjects
to be mentioned however, that the distinction and credit grades are the only
requisite grades for admissions into Nigerian Universities and Candidates must
teachers in schools and insufficient facilities. These reason might perhaps have
core subjects in the year 2000 senior secondary certificate examinations in the
annals of the state (Odesola, 2001 ; Adelugba, 2003; Asaolu, 2003). Although
education was not the only road to success in the working world, much effort is
made to identify, evaluate, track and encourage the progress of students in school
outcomes are the most important indicators of students future achievement, this
refers that as the higher previous appearance, better the student’s academic
Academic Performance
Using social media to enhance the learning process can take a number of
forms, target various skills, and utilize different tools. University educators
However there is also research that shows that these same tools can
superficial thinking. The following section will present some of the studies that
addressed the relationship between social media and academic performance and
learning. This review presents a snapshot mainly on studies dealing with the
comprehensive review of all forms of social media. Studies generally imply that
social media is mainly used by college students to socialize rather than for
academic pursuits.
Facebook were academic in nature. On the other hand, the majority of students in
Camilia, Sajoh, and Dalhtu (2013) used social media for academic purposes.
Several studies suggest that the time spent on social media takes away
from the time available for studying. Alwagait, Shahzad, and Alim (2015)
students. Survey data revealed that Twitter was the most popular social network
media was 25.3 hours. Sixty percent of the respondents acknowledged that
indicated that 10 hours per week of use would ensure that their academic
Similarly Krischner and Karpinski (2010) noted that some students do not
have control on their social media while engaged in academic activities, and that
they spend more time on these networks than they do studying or sleeping. They
point out that empirical research suggests the negative impact of multitasking, or
performance. They underscore that this leads to increased study time and an
taken for class preparation and overall GPA for 1839 students. Hierarchical linear
Some studies delve deeper into the phenomenon of spending too much
Krischner and Karpinski (2010) for example, did not believe that it impacted
predictor of Facebook use rather than the opposite. Students with low GPA are
more active on Facebook than students with high GPA; one of the 19 reasons of
this is the fact that students, who are facing academic or social problems turn to
Facebook as a way of distraction from the difficulties that they are facing.
social media to procrastinate on their academic duties and socialize or surf the
internet. Very few studies have investigated variables that might impact how,
examine if and how 102 undergraduate and 117 graduate students in public US
University used Facebook, and how this usage related to hours of studying and
GPA. The survey they used also elicited information about students’ own
perceptions on Facebook use. Facebook users reported lower GPA and fewer
hours studying. Users and nonusers did not however differ in terms of the
amount of time they spent on the Internet, but their studying strategies differed.
STEM or business). The study also suggested that personality and hours spent