ASEAN-Australia Strategic Partnership POA 2015-2019-Final
ASEAN-Australia Strategic Partnership POA 2015-2019-Final
ASEAN-Australia Strategic Partnership POA 2015-2019-Final
ASEAN-Australia POA
This Plan of Action (PoA) is aimed at implementing the goals and objectives of the ASEAN-
Australia Summits and the Joint ASEAN-Australia Leaders’ Statement on the 40th Anniversary
of ASEAN-Australia Dialogue Relations Towards a Strategic Partnership for Mutual Benefit. To
realise the ASEAN-Australia strategic partnership in a broad-based, equal, and mutually
beneficial manner, the PoA also aims to address emerging regional and global challenges over
the next five years.
This PoA builds upon the strong cooperation between ASEAN and Australia that began in 1974,
promotes the establishment of a peaceful, stable, integrated, prosperous, and caring ASEAN
Community by 2015 and contributes to the ASEAN Community’s Post-2015 Vision.
ASEAN and Australia hereby endeavour to pursue cooperation in conformity with their
obligations under international law and in accordance with their respective domestic laws,
regulations, and policies.
1.1.3. Work closely to strengthen the EAS, with ASEAN as the driving force, as a
leaders-led forum for dialogue and cooperation on broad strategic, political
and economic issues of common interest and concern with the aim of
promoting peace, stability and economic prosperity and integration in East
ASEAN-Australia POA
1.2.2. Strengthen cooperation in the context of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF)
and cooperate on the implementation of the Hanoi Plan of Action to
Implement the ARF Vision Statement 2020, including in the areas of
preventive diplomacy, disaster relief, counter-terrorism and transnational
crime including cyber-security, non-proliferation and disarmament, maritime
security as well as to explore possible cooperation on space security;
1.2.4. Support the implementation of the Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear
Weapons-Free Zone (SEANWFZ) as an effective instrument in promoting
and strengthening nuclear non-proliferation and support efforts towards the
accession of the Nuclear Weapons States to the Protocol to the SEANWFZ
1.3.3. Encourage collaboration with the private sector and other relevant
stakeholders in the society in promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR)
within the region;
ASEAN-Australia POA
1.3.5. Promote the role of good governance in the promotion of human rights;
1.3.9. Support the AICHR and the ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and
Protection of the Rights of Women and Children (ACWC), and collaborate in
the promotion of the rights of women and children and gender equality across
the breadth of ASEAN pillars, including ways to expand women’s participation
in the economy;
1.4.1. Promote maritime security and safety, freedom of navigation and overflight,
unimpeded commerce, the exercise of self-restraint, the non-use of force or
the threat to use force, and the resolution of disputes by peaceful means, in
accordance with universally recognised principles of international law,
including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
(UNCLOS) and the relevant standards and recommended practices by the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO);
1.4.2. Strengthen cooperation in maritime safety and search and rescue (SAR),
including the implementation of the ASEAN Declaration on Cooperation in
Search and Rescue of Persons and Vessels in Distress at Sea and oil spill
ASEAN-Australia POA
1.5.4. Support the implementation of the ASEAN Declaration and ASEAN Leaders’
Joint Statement in Enhancing Cooperation against Trafficking in Persons in
Southeast Asia by enhancing the criminal justice response to trafficking in
persons through the Australia-Asia Program to Combat Trafficking in Persons
(AAPTIP 2013-2018) and the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking
in Persons and Related Transnational Crime as appropriate;
ASEAN-Australia POA
2. Economic Cooperation
2.1.1. Pursue the effective implementation of the AANZFTA and support business
utilisation of the Agreement in recognition of the economic and wider benefits
that will accrue from a stronger and more prosperous ASEAN and a more
integrated regional economy;
2.1.4. Support, sustain, promote, enhance and increase the flow and opportunity of
investment with and amongst ASEAN under the AANZFTA based on the
provisions and obligations provided for under this Agreement;
2.1.6. Support cooperation that builds the institutional capacity of AANZFTA Parties
and the ASEAN Secretariat and contributes to sustainable development
outcomes, including under the ECWP’s nine work components: (i) rules of
origin (ROO) and other aspects of implementation of tariff commitments, (ii)
sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures, (iii) standards, technical
regulations and conformity assessment procedures (STRACAP), (iv)
services, (v) investment, (vi) intellectual property, (vii) sectoral integration,
(viii) customs, and (ix) competition policy;
2.1.8. Seek to ensure synergy between the AECSP and the ASEAN-Australia
Development Cooperation Program Phase II (AADCPII) in supporting the
AANZFTA’s implementation and realization of the ASEAN Economic
Community (AEC);
ASEAN-Australia POA
2.2.1. Continue to build on the engagement between ASEAN and Australian Trade
and Economic Ministers, including at the ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM),
the EAS Economic Ministers and the Closer Economic Relations (CER)
Consultations, to support regional economic integration;
2.2.5. Support the creation of a certification system to improve trade of ASEAN food
2.2.7. Collaborate, where appropriate, with the Economic Research Institute for
ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) to orient its policies and research activities
towards the priorities and concerns of ASEAN and Australia as well as other
EAS participating countries;
2.2.11. Further develop regional and global supply chain opportunities to promote
inclusive growth between ASEAN and Australia;
ASEAN-Australia POA
2.3. Finance
2.3.1. Encourage the expansion of trade financing and other available funding
support mechanisms for SMEs to stimulate trade;
2.4. Transport
2.6.1. Enhance cooperation and activities, including through the private sector, to
promote energy security through the development of renewable and
alternative energy sources as well as promotion of clean energy technologies
and energy efficiency technologies;
2.6.2. Explore the application of clean coal technologies and carbon capture and
storage (CCS) as key mitigation technologies to reduce the environmental
effects of coal use;
ASEAN-Australia POA
2.7. Tourism
2.7.3. Encourage the private sector’s participation in the annual ASEAN Tourism
Forum (ATF) as buyers;
2.8.1. Support ASEAN’s efforts in narrowing the development gap within and
between ASEAN Member States through the implementation of IAI Work
Plan II and its successor documents, as well as alleviating poverty and
promoting sustainable development in order to realise the ASEAN
Community and regional integration;
2.9. Forestry
2.10. Agriculture
ASEAN-Australia POA
3. Socio-Cultural Cooperation
3.1.1. Continue to support the implementation of the second phase of the ASEAN
Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER)
Work Programme for 2013-2015 and beyond, and explore possible continued
cooperation with the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian
Assistance on disaster management (AHA Centre);
ASEAN-Australia POA
3.2.3. Enhance the quality of basic education through sharing of best practices in
regard to education curricula and syllabuses, teaching pedagogies, and
resource development;
3.2.7. Work collaboratively to share information and technical expertise about the
development of occupational standards to more effectively meet the skills
needs of local and regional labour markets;
3.2.9. Share expertise and knowledge gained from Australian Government grants
and projects in areas of excellence in university learning and teaching,
including professional development and recognition of staff;
3.2.11. Promote training and exchanges involving media, cultural experts, sports
authorities and athletes;
ASEAN-Australia POA
3.3.2. Enhance cross sector animal and human health coordination and
collaboration in addressing zoonotic diseases and antimicrobial resistance;
3.4.2. Encourage the exchange and mobility of scientists and researchers and
encourage conducting joint research projects in ASEAN and Australia;
3.5. Environment
3.5.1. Promote regional cooperation to further implement the ASEAN Action Plan on
Joint Response to Climate Change, including through other regional fora;
ASEAN-Australia POA
3.6. Sports
3.7.2 Encourage visits and exchanges between their countries of persons engaged
in artistic, creative and cultural activities, including young artists and
4. Connectivity
ASEAN-Australia POA
6. Implementation Mechanisms
6.1.1 This Plan of Action will be taken forward with the support, where appropriate,
of funding mechanisms available through the Australian and ASEAN
6.1.2 Review of this Plan of Action will be made through appropriate mechanisms
comprising ASEAN and Australian officials, including through the ASEAN-
Australia Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC) and the ASEAN-Australia
Forum, with the assistance of the ASEAN Secretariat;