ASEAN-Australia Strategic Partnership POA 2015-2019-Final

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ASEAN-Australia POA

Plan of Action to Implement the ASEAN-Australia Strategic Partnership


This Plan of Action (PoA) is aimed at implementing the goals and objectives of the ASEAN-
Australia Summits and the Joint ASEAN-Australia Leaders’ Statement on the 40th Anniversary
of ASEAN-Australia Dialogue Relations Towards a Strategic Partnership for Mutual Benefit. To
realise the ASEAN-Australia strategic partnership in a broad-based, equal, and mutually
beneficial manner, the PoA also aims to address emerging regional and global challenges over
the next five years.

This PoA builds upon the strong cooperation between ASEAN and Australia that began in 1974,
promotes the establishment of a peaceful, stable, integrated, prosperous, and caring ASEAN
Community by 2015 and contributes to the ASEAN Community’s Post-2015 Vision.

ASEAN and Australia hereby endeavour to pursue cooperation in conformity with their
obligations under international law and in accordance with their respective domestic laws,
regulations, and policies.

1. Political and Security Cooperation

1.1. Political Dialogue

1.1.1. Convene a Commemorative ASEAN-Australia Summit in 2014, with a view to

considering more regular ASEAN-Australia leaders’ meetings in the future;

1.1.2. Deepen ASEAN-Australia consultations and cooperation through the

following ASEAN-led fora: the East Asia Summit (EAS), ASEAN Post
Ministerial Conference with Australia (PMC+1), ASEAN Regional Forum
(ARF), ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM-Plus), ASEAN-
Australia Forum and the ASEAN-Australia Joint Cooperation Committee;

1.1.3. Work closely to strengthen the EAS, with ASEAN as the driving force, as a
leaders-led forum for dialogue and cooperation on broad strategic, political
and economic issues of common interest and concern with the aim of
promoting peace, stability and economic prosperity and integration in East

1.1.4. Promote two-way Ministerial visits to raise the profile of ASEAN-Australia

relations and to enhance political momentum for cooperation;

1.1.5. Promote inter-Parliamentary exchanges and two-way visits by Speakers’


1.1.6. Strengthen engagement and dialogue through the resident Australian

Ambassador to ASEAN, appointed in 2013;

ASEAN-Australia POA

1.1.7. Develop ASEAN-Australia cooperation in multilateral fora, including in the

United Nations and other bodies within the UN system, as well as in the Asia-
Europe Meeting (ASEM), Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and
the Group of Twenty (G20) in order to strengthen the multilateral system,
and, where appropriate, carry out consultations between ASEAN and
Australia at the margins of those fora;

1.2. Security Cooperation

1.2.1. Promote dialogue and strengthen practical defence cooperation to address

the challenges facing the region through the ASEAN Defence Ministers’
Meeting Plus (ADMM-Plus) framework;

1.2.2. Strengthen cooperation in the context of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF)
and cooperate on the implementation of the Hanoi Plan of Action to
Implement the ARF Vision Statement 2020, including in the areas of
preventive diplomacy, disaster relief, counter-terrorism and transnational
crime including cyber-security, non-proliferation and disarmament, maritime
security as well as to explore possible cooperation on space security;

1.2.3. Enhance synergies among relevant ASEAN-led mechanisms, including by

promoting information sharing and coordination between them;

1.2.4. Support the implementation of the Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear
Weapons-Free Zone (SEANWFZ) as an effective instrument in promoting
and strengthening nuclear non-proliferation and support efforts towards the
accession of the Nuclear Weapons States to the Protocol to the SEANWFZ

1.2.5. Promote cooperation among peacekeeping training centres in the region;

1.2.6. Enhance defence exchanges and cooperation through dialogues at different

levels, mutual visits, training, capacity building and other practical
cooperation through the relevant and existing regional security frameworks;

1.3. Good Governance and Human Rights

1.3.1. Promote dialogue, consultations, and partnership among governments,

private sector and other relevant stakeholders in the society to foster and
enable new ideas, concepts and methods with a view to enhancing
transparent, accountable, participatory and effective governance;

1.3.2. Promote the universalisation and implementation of the United Nations

Convention against Corruption;

1.3.3. Encourage collaboration with the private sector and other relevant
stakeholders in the society in promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR)
within the region;

ASEAN-Australia POA

1.3.4. Exchange best practices in promoting democracy and democratic institutions

including lessons learned from mechanisms such as the Bali Democracy
Forum, as appropriate;

1.3.5. Promote the role of good governance in the promotion of human rights;

1.3.6. Explore consultations and information sharing between the ASEAN

Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) and the Australian
Human Rights Commission;

1.3.7. Explore encouraging and supporting the implementation of the Universal

Declaration of Human Rights, the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD)
and other relevant international human rights instruments to which ASEAN
Member States are parties;

1.3.8. Support the promotion and protection of human rights in ASEAN in

accordance with the work plans of ASEAN related to human rights through
regional dialogues, seminars and workshops, education and awareness
raising activities, exchange of best practices and other capacity building
initiatives aimed at enhancing the promotion and protection of human rights;

1.3.9. Support the AICHR and the ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and
Protection of the Rights of Women and Children (ACWC), and collaborate in
the promotion of the rights of women and children and gender equality across
the breadth of ASEAN pillars, including ways to expand women’s participation
in the economy;

1.3.10. Provide technical assistance to support programmes and projects for

vulnerable groups;

1.3.11. Encourage cooperation on interfaith and inter-civilisation dialogues, such as

the Regional Interfaith Dialogue, and further contribute, internationally and
regionally, to the promotion of tolerance and understanding through initiatives
on the Global Movement of Moderates (GMM) and promoting moderation as
a core value to counter extremism in all aspects;

1.4. Maritime Cooperation

1.4.1. Promote maritime security and safety, freedom of navigation and overflight,
unimpeded commerce, the exercise of self-restraint, the non-use of force or
the threat to use force, and the resolution of disputes by peaceful means, in
accordance with universally recognised principles of international law,
including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
(UNCLOS) and the relevant standards and recommended practices by the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO);

1.4.2. Strengthen cooperation in maritime safety and search and rescue (SAR),
including the implementation of the ASEAN Declaration on Cooperation in
Search and Rescue of Persons and Vessels in Distress at Sea and oil spill

ASEAN-Australia POA

preparedness, such as through technical cooperation, training exercises, and

exchange of visits of relevant ASEAN and Australian officials;

1.4.3. Promote maritime cooperation, through appropriate ASEAN mechanisms,

including the ASEAN Maritime Forum and its Expanded ASEAN Maritime
Forum, and where appropriate, promote technical cooperation, capacity
building, exchange of experience and sharing of knowledge and expertise;

1.5. Non-Traditional Security and Counter-Terrorism

1.5.1. Enhance cooperation in preventing and combating transnational crimes such

as illicit drug trafficking, trafficking in persons, people-smuggling, money
laundering, arms smuggling, piracy, terrorism and financing of terrorism and
cybercrime, utilising existing regional and international institutions and

1.5.2. Continue to convene regular Senior Officials’ Meeting on Transnational Crime

(SOMTC) + Australia Consultations and implement annual work programmes
on Counter-Terrorism and Transnational Crime;

1.5.3. Encourage training centres in ASEAN and Australia to enhance the

development of human, institutional, and forensic capacities of law
enforcement and investigation agencies through technology transfer, training
programmes, joint exercises, and exchange of best practices;

1.5.4. Support the implementation of the ASEAN Declaration and ASEAN Leaders’
Joint Statement in Enhancing Cooperation against Trafficking in Persons in
Southeast Asia by enhancing the criminal justice response to trafficking in
persons through the Australia-Asia Program to Combat Trafficking in Persons
(AAPTIP 2013-2018) and the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking
in Persons and Related Transnational Crime as appropriate;

1.5.5. Continue to strengthen public outreach, preventive measures, and protection

and reintegration of victims of trafficking, including through media and private
sector participation;

1.5.6. Enhance cooperation on border management as well as effectively

responding to irregular movement of people and people smuggling through
regular consultations between ASEAN Directors-General of Immigration
Departments and the Heads of Consular Affairs Divisions of the Ministries of
Foreign Affairs (DGICM) and Australia and implementation of the annual
DGICM-Australia work programme;

1.5.7. Convene consultations between the ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting on

Drugs (ASOD) and Australia to support capacity-building activities under the
ASEAN Work Plan on Combating Illicit Drug Production, Trafficking and Use;

1.5.8. Promote cooperation in addressing humanitarian aspects of landmines and

other explosive remnants of war issues in the region, such as through the

ASEAN-Australia POA

ASEAN Regional Mine Action Centre (ARMAC) and in accordance with

existing and applicable treaties, conventions and instruments and with
respective domestic laws and policies;

2. Economic Cooperation

2.1. ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA)

2.1.1. Pursue the effective implementation of the AANZFTA and support business
utilisation of the Agreement in recognition of the economic and wider benefits
that will accrue from a stronger and more prosperous ASEAN and a more
integrated regional economy;

2.1.2. Pursue AANZFTA’s built-in agendas in seeking to ensure the Agreement

continues to deliver real commercial benefits for traders and investors;

2.1.3. Contribute to the facilitation of trade in services with and amongst

ASEAN under the AANZFTA, including through economic cooperation and
capacity building;

2.1.4. Support, sustain, promote, enhance and increase the flow and opportunity of
investment with and amongst ASEAN under the AANZFTA based on the
provisions and obligations provided for under this Agreement;

2.1.5. Utilise the AANZFTA Economic Cooperation Support Programme (AECSP) to

enhance the capacity of ASEAN to implement the AANZFTA and manage the
AANZFTA’s Economic Cooperation Work Program (ECWP);

2.1.6. Support cooperation that builds the institutional capacity of AANZFTA Parties
and the ASEAN Secretariat and contributes to sustainable development
outcomes, including under the ECWP’s nine work components: (i) rules of
origin (ROO) and other aspects of implementation of tariff commitments, (ii)
sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures, (iii) standards, technical
regulations and conformity assessment procedures (STRACAP), (iv)
services, (v) investment, (vi) intellectual property, (vii) sectoral integration,
(viii) customs, and (ix) competition policy;

2.1.7. Promote and raise awareness of the business opportunities created by

AANZFTA and other trade agreements in the region including by: enhancing
business outreach activities; pursuing two-way trade and investment
missions; and strengthening links between government and the private
sector, with a particular focus on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and
Chambers of Commerce;

2.1.8. Seek to ensure synergy between the AECSP and the ASEAN-Australia
Development Cooperation Program Phase II (AADCPII) in supporting the
AANZFTA’s implementation and realization of the ASEAN Economic
Community (AEC);

ASEAN-Australia POA

2.2. Regional Economic Integration

2.2.1. Continue to build on the engagement between ASEAN and Australian Trade
and Economic Ministers, including at the ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM),
the EAS Economic Ministers and the Closer Economic Relations (CER)
Consultations, to support regional economic integration;

2.2.2. Pursue a modern, comprehensive, high quality and mutually beneficial

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement that will
cover trade in goods, trade in services, investment, economic and technical
cooperation, intellectual property, competition, dispute settlement and other

2.2.3. Strengthen sub-regional cooperation frameworks as test beds to accelerate

the development and implementation of ASEAN agreements;

2.2.4. Continue to support ASEAN economic integration and implementation of the

AEC Blueprint through the ASEAN-Australia Development Cooperation
Program Phase II (AADCP II);

2.2.5. Support the creation of a certification system to improve trade of ASEAN food

2.2.6. Strengthen consumer protection in ASEAN through research, exchange of

best practices, training, seminars and capacity building as well as through
promotion of public awareness among consumers and feedback

2.2.7. Collaborate, where appropriate, with the Economic Research Institute for
ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) to orient its policies and research activities
towards the priorities and concerns of ASEAN and Australia as well as other
EAS participating countries;

2.2.8. Strengthen coordination and cooperation on G20-related matters, including

supporting the continued participation of the ASEAN Chair in future G20
Summits and, where appropriate, its related Meetings;

2.2.9. Support ASEAN’s efforts on regulatory improvement through exchange of

best practices and capacity building;

2.2.10. Strengthen the ASEAN Integration Monitoring Office (AIMO) as an institution

for regional surveillance in support of regional economic integration;

2.2.11. Further develop regional and global supply chain opportunities to promote
inclusive growth between ASEAN and Australia;

2.2.12. Continue strengthening cooperation in areas of mutual interest at the regional

and multilateral levels to create more trade and investment opportunities;

ASEAN-Australia POA

2.3. Finance

2.3.1. Encourage the expansion of trade financing and other available funding
support mechanisms for SMEs to stimulate trade;

2.3.2. Support regional financial development and integration, through deepening

the understanding of capital market development in ASEAN Member States
and supporting the development of appropriate strategies to facilitate capital
market development, including strengthening the capacity of financial
regulators (ASEAN) in the areas of risk management, financial inclusion, and
international payments and remittance services;

2.3.3. Explore technical assistance in strengthening cooperation in taxation,

particularly in addressing tax-related impediments to economic and financial

2.3.4. Explore Australia’s participation in collaboration on regional financial safety


2.3.5. Continue to deepen finance cooperation between ASEAN and Australia,

including through the Informal EAS Finance Ministers’ Meeting;

2.4. Transport

2.4.1. Explore the possibility of convening consultations between ASEAN and

Australia on transport and logistics cooperation to exchange experience on
cross-border transportation, civil aviation and environmentally-friendly
transport systems;

2.5. Information Communication Technology (ICT)

2.5.1. Promote cooperation and information sharing on ICT, including broadband

and mobile telephone connectivity and e-commerce, with support for the
implementation of the ASEAN ICT Master Plan 2015 and its successor

2.6. Energy and Resources

2.6.1. Enhance cooperation and activities, including through the private sector, to
promote energy security through the development of renewable and
alternative energy sources as well as promotion of clean energy technologies
and energy efficiency technologies;

2.6.2. Explore the application of clean coal technologies and carbon capture and
storage (CCS) as key mitigation technologies to reduce the environmental
effects of coal use;

ASEAN-Australia POA

2.6.3. Exchange best practices on energy regulatory frameworks and technical

standards, consistent with the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation

2.6.4. Explore convening consultations between ASEAN Senior Officials on

Minerals and Australia, including on the appropriate regulatory settings to
encourage investments in the minerals industry and promote responsible
development of mineral resources through exchange of information and
sharing of best practices;

2.7. Tourism

2.7.1. Strengthen cooperation on tourism, including support for the implementation

of the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) for Tourism
Professionals, with a focus on enhancing two-way tourism flows between
Australia and ASEAN;

2.7.2. Cooperate to strengthen local and coordinated regional responses to crisis

situations, including by providing accurate and timely information to key
stakeholders and exchanging information, experience, technology and best

2.7.3. Encourage the private sector’s participation in the annual ASEAN Tourism
Forum (ATF) as buyers;

2.8. Initiative for ASEAN Integration/Narrowing the Development Gap (IAI/NDG)

2.8.1. Support ASEAN’s efforts in narrowing the development gap within and
between ASEAN Member States through the implementation of IAI Work
Plan II and its successor documents, as well as alleviating poverty and
promoting sustainable development in order to realise the ASEAN
Community and regional integration;

2.8.2. Continue to support ASEAN-Australia development cooperation, including

through Phase II of the ASEAN-Australia Development Cooperation Program

2.9. Forestry

2.9.1. Support Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation

(REDD+) through capacity building for measurement, reporting and
verification of greenhouse gas emissions, particularly through the South-East
Asia Global Forest Observations Initiative regional forest monitoring

2.10. Agriculture

ASEAN-Australia POA

2.10.1. Promote closer cooperation in agriculture in key areas of mutual interest,

including capacity building, strengthening agricultural markets and promoting
linkages and cooperation between relevant agriculture authorities to enhance
agricultural innovation and accessibility of ASEAN and Australian products to
regional and global markets;

3. Socio-Cultural Cooperation

3.1. Disaster Management

3.1.1. Continue to support the implementation of the second phase of the ASEAN
Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER)
Work Programme for 2013-2015 and beyond, and explore possible continued
cooperation with the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian
Assistance on disaster management (AHA Centre);

3.1.2. Continue to support the development of ASEAN-wide disaster risk

assessment efforts through better hazard and vulnerability mapping and
expand utilisation of InaSAFE by ASEAN Member States as a tool for
disaster risk modelling; in addition, support regional networks for disaster risk
management, including information sharing, exchange of best practices and
capacity building;

3.1.3. Continue consultations between the ASEAN Committee on Disaster

Management (ACDM) and its partners including Australia to facilitate synergy
between the AADMER Work Programme and disaster management
cooperation under the frameworks of EAS, ADMM-Plus, and ARF;

3.1.4. Increase public and private participation and exchanges of information

facilitated by the AHA Centre on disaster preparedness and response;

3.1.5. Explore technical assistance on risk modelling to increase insurance

coverage in the ASEAN region, including the development of disaster risk
insurance products such as property catastrophe insurance, disaster micro-
insurance, and crop insurance;

3.2. Education, Youth, and People-to-People Exchanges

3.2.1. Strengthen engagement between Australian and ASEAN higher education

institutions, staff and students and promote ASEAN and Australian
awareness and studies, including through two-way mobility of students and
staff, as well as through the New Colombo Plan and other scholarships

3.2.2. Explore enhancements to qualification recognition arrangements for students

and academics between ASEAN and Australia, including encouraging the

ASEAN-Australia POA

possible participation in the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Recognition Convention

and establishment of national information centres for qualifications

3.2.3. Enhance the quality of basic education through sharing of best practices in
regard to education curricula and syllabuses, teaching pedagogies, and
resource development;

3.2.4. Promote collaborative activities in Information and Communication

Technology (ICT), in areas such as software development and online
instructional design, so as to enhance the access to quality education;

3.2.5. Promote regional collaboration in the area of Technical and Vocational

Education and Training (TVET) through embedding the principles and quality
indicators of the East Asia Summit TVET quality assurance framework and
actively supporting the East Asia Summit TVET Provider Network;

3.2.6. Enhance shared understanding of qualifications and qualifications

frameworks, including through the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade
Agreement (AANZFTA)-supported ASEAN Qualifications Reference

3.2.7. Work collaboratively to share information and technical expertise about the
development of occupational standards to more effectively meet the skills
needs of local and regional labour markets;

3.2.8. Encourage the development of life-long learning programmes and equipping

students during their studies with the skills and knowledge to advance
themselves, including by facilitating greater interaction and engagement
between students and teachers across Australian classrooms and those in
ASEAN Member States;

3.2.9. Share expertise and knowledge gained from Australian Government grants
and projects in areas of excellence in university learning and teaching,
including professional development and recognition of staff;

3.2.10. Encourage expansion of ASEAN-Australia youth exchange and internship


3.2.11. Promote training and exchanges involving media, cultural experts, sports
authorities and athletes;

3.2.12. Engage with relevant stakeholders to support social protection, social

inclusion and promote cohesive and multicultural societies;

3.2.13. Promote training cooperation and exchange of information on safety and

prevention of asbestos disease in the production industry;

ASEAN-Australia POA

3.3. Public Health

3.3.1. Continue to collaborate and share information on priority health issues,

including but not limited to: Emerging Infectious Diseases; Communicable
Diseases (including HIV and AIDS, particularly to support the implementation
of ASEAN Cities Getting to Zeros Project (zero new infection, zero
discrimination, and zero AIDS related deaths) in priority countries identified
by ASEAN and Australia; and pandemics by supporting effective monitoring,
prevention, preparedness and response systems, in coordination with
relevant international and regional agencies currently collaborating with the
ASEAN Health Sector;

3.3.2. Enhance cross sector animal and human health coordination and
collaboration in addressing zoonotic diseases and antimicrobial resistance;

3.3.3. Promote collaboration in research and development on health issues

identified as priorities by ASEAN and Australia;

3.3.4. Continue to support the implementation of the EAS Declaration on “Regional

Responses to Malaria Control and Addressing Resistance to Anti-malarial
Medicines” through the Asia-Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA) in
consultation with relevant bodies;

3.4. Science and Technology

3.4.1. Encourage cooperation and cross-sectoral collaboration in science and

technology, including on joint research and development (R&D) projects,
thereby supporting the implementation of the ASEAN Plan of Action on
Science and Technology and the Krabi Initiative;

3.4.2. Encourage the exchange and mobility of scientists and researchers and
encourage conducting joint research projects in ASEAN and Australia;

3.4.3. Encourage cooperation among research centres of both parties to address

shared challenges, including disaster management, climate change
adaptation, food security and safety, tropical and communicable diseases,
marine sciences, and natural resources management;

3.4.4. Support the development of the ASEAN research activities by contributing,

where possible, to the establishment of stronger ties between ASEAN and
Australian research institutions through strategies, networks and researchers’
exchanges to be developed around shared regional priorities;

3.5. Environment

3.5.1. Promote regional cooperation to further implement the ASEAN Action Plan on
Joint Response to Climate Change, including through other regional fora;

ASEAN-Australia POA

3.5.2. Continue to promote biodiversity conservation and management in the

region, including encouraging collaboration with the ASEAN Centre for
Biodiversity (ACB);

3.5.3. Support and promote conservation and sustainable management of ASEAN’s

coastal and marine environment;

3.5.4. Promote implementation of the Integrated Water Resources

Management concept, public participation and awareness raising, partnership
and cooperation, and capacity building to ensure the effectiveness and
sustainability of water resources management in the region;

3.6. Sports

3.6.1. Promote cooperation and public awareness in sports including by supporting

or institutionalizing regional sports events, sharing best practices and
expertise, research and development and training and exchange programs;

3.7. Arts and Culture

3.7.1 Encourage cooperation and collaboration on arts, heritage, and culture to

foster understanding, appreciation, and appropriate preservation of culture,
history and literature in Australia and ASEAN Member States;

3.7.2 Encourage visits and exchanges between their countries of persons engaged
in artistic, creative and cultural activities, including young artists and

4. Connectivity

4.1.1 Continue cooperation on the ASEAN Connectivity agenda, including through

communication, outreach and monitoring of the Master Plan on ASEAN
Connectivity (MPAC) and through other regional fora;

4.1.2 Continue to convene informal, ad-hoc consultations between the ASEAN

Connectivity Committee (ACCC) and Non-ASEAN EAS Participating

4.1.3 Support the development of an ASEAN Public Private Partnership (PPP)

development agenda, including in the areas of legal and regulatory reform
and public sector capacity building to support the development of
commercially viable PPP projects;

4.1.4 Encourage private sector investment in infrastructure projects, including

through public private partnership (PPP) schemes and other financing
modalities for the implementation of the MPAC, particularly its prioritised
projects, which will contribute to the ASEAN Community building;

ASEAN-Australia POA

5. ASEAN Institutional Strengthening

5.1.1. Support ASEAN’s efforts to implement measures aimed to build capacities in

the ASEAN Secretariat as well as in other ASEAN institutions and bodies,
particularly in corporate development and project management, in order to
increase support to all ASEAN-centred institutions;

6. Implementation Mechanisms

6.1.1 This Plan of Action will be taken forward with the support, where appropriate,
of funding mechanisms available through the Australian and ASEAN

6.1.2 Review of this Plan of Action will be made through appropriate mechanisms
comprising ASEAN and Australian officials, including through the ASEAN-
Australia Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC) and the ASEAN-Australia
Forum, with the assistance of the ASEAN Secretariat;

6.1.3 Submit a summary progress report of the implementation of the Plan of

Action to the annual Post Ministerial Conference (PMC) +1 session with



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