Sampling Procedure For Feed

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MF-2036 • Feed Manufacturing


I ngredient quality is
the foundation on
which an animal ration is Sampling:
Official Sample: One
taken by a government
official, either for
built. Correct sampling regulatory purposes or
and sample evaluation
enables the processor to
Procedures for to assign an official
make inferences about
the quality of incoming
grain, protein sources,
Feed Purchasing Sample:
A portion submitted by
the supplier to a pur-
micro-nutrients, and chaser, purported to
finished feed. represent a lot offered
Prior knowledge, for sale.
based on ingredient data, Referee Sample: A
allows assignment of the sample taken, often by
appropriate sampling an impartial sampler,
pattern and sample size to Tim Herrman and submitted to a
different feed ingredients. Extension State Leader referee laboratory for
Grain Science and Industry
This sampling pattern the purpose of arriving
depends on the dimen- at a settlement between
sions of shipment con- buyer and seller.
tainers, conveying equipment, and sampling equipment. Reference Sample: A sample of known characteris-
Thus, a sampling program should be a dynamic tics kept as a guide or comparison check for incoming
process in which a company is always striving to achieve ingredients and finished product. The reference sample
the greatest possible inference about different feed may be used for visual comparison (e.g., color, texture).
ingredients and finished feed at the lowest possible cost. Retained Sample: A duplicate portion of a lot
retained in case an analysis is needed following use or
Definitions distribution of the lot.
To facilitate a discussion of sampling, definitions of Standard Sample: One that has been carefully
the different types of samples are presented below analyzed by experienced laboratories and provided to
(Pierce 1994): other laboratories as a means of standardizing or
Check Sample: A sample that is carefully subdi- calibrating their methods or instruments.
vided with portions sent to a number of laboratories for Working Sample: The portion or portions of a
analysis and used as a check on laboratory assay sample used for analysis.
Composite Sample: A sample formed by Sampling Schemes
compositing or accumulating and combining a number Common sampling schemes used in the feed and
of discrete samples; useful in determining the average grain industry include simple random sampling, strati-
composition of a large amount, such as a shipload, fied random sampling, and systematic sampling.
carload, or truckload. A simple random sampling from a population of N
Discrete Sample: A sample representing a specific, sampling units gives equal probability to all units.
usually small, amount of material. It also is known as A stratified random sample is obtained by separat-
an individual spot or grab sample and is useful in ing the population elements into non-overlapping
determining variations within a lot, adequacy of groups, called strata. Then, a simple random sample is
mixing, and other attributes that may vary throughout a collected from each stratum. This typically is how
larger amount of product or ingredient. shiploads are sampled — each hold represents a stratum
Duplicate Sample: A representative portion of an and multiple samples are collected randomly within
existing sample that is then provided to an additional each hold.
laboratory and often used to resolve differences be-
tween laboratories.
Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service

A systematic sample involves random selection of Bag shipments of basemix, premix, and medicated
one unit, and then repeated collection of sampling units feed articles should be sampled with a bag probe using
at equal intervals thereafter. Systematic samples are procedures outlined in Table 4.
easier to perform than a simple random sample and Drums or barrels of liquid ingredients such as fat
often provide greater information per unit cost than or molasses can be sampled using a tube of glass or
does simple random sampling. A diverter-type (D/T) stainless steel, 3/8 to 1/2 inch in diameter and several feet
mechanical sampler is an example of a systematic long, referred to as a drum thief. Sample at least
sampling system. The D/T is mounted in grain spouts, 10 percent of the containers and collect a minimum of
at the end of belts, or at the head of elevator legs, and 1 pint. Bulk shipments of liquid ingredients may be
the diverter moves through the grain (takes a cut) at sampled using a bomb sampler or core sampler. In all
timed intervals. cases, liquid ingredients should be subject to some
The feed industry uses a combination of these types stirring action (e.g., rolling drums) prior to sampling to
of sampling schemes. Instructions for collecting an ensure ingredient distribution.
official sample of grain (GIPSA 1995) are listed in Forage samples should contain several pounds of
Table 1, and depicted in Figure 1. Bulk truck or rail material. The sampling scheme, procedure, and sample
shipments of grain or soybean meal are frequently preparation will vary depending on whether the mate-
sampled using a hand probe and employ a sampling rial is a dry forage, silage, pasture, green chopped
pattern (Figure 1). forage, or forage in the field.
The bulk container may be stratified and sampled if Collect dry forage from at least 20 different loca-
there is an inferior portion of grain in the carrier (Table tions using a core sampler. If a core sampler is not
2). Each sample is a minimum of 5 pounds (2 kilo- available, hand (grab) sampling can be used. Try to
grams) in weight and is obtained in a balanced manner avoid leaf loss when using this procedure.
depicted below in Figure 2. Collecting silage samples from trench silos should
The prescribed procedure for sampling soybean meal be performed by removing a column 6 inches deep by
at vessel loading facilities, defined by the National 12 inches wide on the open face. Mix the silage and
Oilseed Processors Association (NOPA), conforms to a place a number of random handfuls in a plastic bag.
systematic sampling design (Table 3). Pack the sample tightly and seal the bag to exclude air.
Table 1. The Grain Inspection, Processors, and Stockyard Figure 1. Sampling pattern for bulk carriers of grain
Administration sampling pattern that stratifies flat-bottom
trucks or trailers for hand probe sample collection. A C F
Site A: Probe the grain approximately 2 feet (0.6 m)
from the front and side.
Site B: Probe approximately halfway between the front D
and center, 2 feet (0.6 m) from the side.
Site C: Probe approximately 3/4 of the distance between B E G
the front and center of the truck, 2 feet (0.6 m) from
the side.
Site D: Probe grain in the center of the carrier.
Sites E,F,G: Follow a similar pattern described above
for Sites A,B,C for the back half of the carrier.

Figure 2. Sampling pattern for bulk carriers containing

Table 2. Instructions for sampling bulk carriers containing
damaged grain
inferior portions of grain.
Sample A. Probe the lot of grain as a whole (inferior
and sound portions) as if both sections were in the
same condition.
Sample B. Probe the portion containing the inferior
grain thoroughly so a representative cross-section is
Sample C. Probe the sound portion to collect a repre- A B C
sentative sample.

Table 3. NOPA procedures for sampling soybean meal at be taken for every 12 tons or less of meal flow. A
vessel loading facilities. minimum of 10 samples shall be taken during the
A. Sampling of soybean meal shall be done by an loading of any one vessel.
automatic mechanical sampler located in a spout or D. The diverter opening for cross-cut samplers and
at the discharge of a belt conveyor, as appropriate. swing-type samples in which the diverter moves
The sampler shall be designed to cut an increment about a horizontal shaft (where the entire length of
from the entire cross section of the meal stream, the diverter opening passes through the stream at the
perpendicular to the flow, at a location where the same speed) shall be of uniform width in the range
meal is flowing freely and at a uniform rate, in order of 5/16 inch to 7/8 inch. For rotary-type samples, in
to obtain the most representative sample of the meal which the diverter moves about a vertical shaft and
flow. If the sampler is located in a spout, the spout passes through the stream similar to a swinging door
slope must be 45 degrees or more from horizontal, (with the outer end of the diverter moving at a higher
and the flow must not be choked. When the diverter, speed than the inner end), the diverter opening width
or pelican, is stationary between cuts on either side shall be a minimum of 5/16 inch at the end nearest the
of the meal stream, the opening shall be sealed to pivot, and shall increase in width in proportion to the
prevent dust from entering. distance from the pivot point. In all cases, the
B. The sampler system shall be located at a point diverter shall cut the meal stream at an average speed
beyond which no blending or addition to the product of approximately 100 feet per minute.
may be introduced prior to its being loaded onto the E. The sample taken by the automatic sampler may be
vessel. reduced in size by one or more mechanical dividers,
C. The activation of the sampler shall be regulated by but the reduced sample must still be representative of
an adjustable timer. When the average meal-flow the meal passing the sampler. The accuracy of the
rate through the sampler is less than 800 tons per divider shall be equal in performance to a Jones or
hour, a sample, or cut, shall be taken for every 5 tons Boerner type divider. To comply with contract
or less of meal flow. When the flow rate is between specifications, the entire sample may be further
800 and 1,200 tons per hour, a sample shall be taken reduced through a Jones or Boerner divider or its
for every 8 tons or less of meal flow. When the flow equivalent. Then each portion of the sample must be
rate is 1,200 tons per hour or greater, a sample shall placed in an official NOPA soybean meal sample

Table 4. Procedures for collecting bagged ingredients For shipments of one to 10 bags, sample all bags; for
samples. shipments of 11 or more, sample 10 bags selected at
Stand the sacks up on end and insert the probe into the random; for shipments less than five bags, collect at
top corner of the sack. least five probes to gather enough material to per-
Move the probe diagonally through the sack until the form an assay and retain a sample.
end of the probe touches the bottom corner opposite
the top corner and withdraw sample.

Sample upright silos by taking random handfuls of Water samples may be collected directly into a
silage from the unloader or wagon during the feeding clean sample container from ponds, lakes, tanks, or
period. Pack and seal as described above. Freeze other sources. Immerse the container, holding it neck
samples that will not arrive at the laboratory within down, to 1 foot below the surface, then turn it mouth up
12 hours. and allow the container to fill. Sample well water after
Pasture and field forage sampling is difficult due to extended pumping (2 to 4 minutes) to be sure the water
variations in soil fertility and moisture content. Ran- being sampled has not been standing in pipes. Use a
domly select eight to 10 locations for sampling, remove sterile container for samples from which a bacterial
1 square foot of forage at grazing height at each loca- examination is performed.
tion, composite and mix subsamples, and reduce Finished feed can be sampled as it is transferred to
material to a 2-pound working sample. Immediately dry the delivery vehicle if feed is in bulk form. In the case
or freeze green pasture samples to prevent marked of cattle feed that is mixed during transport, collecting
chemical changes. the sample from the feed bunk is an acceptable practice.
Sampling Equipment

Collecting feed samples from portable grinder-mixers
during discharge into bulk feeders is a recommended
practice, particularly when evaluating mixer uniformity

Slotted grain probes may be used to collect a repre-

sentative sample from grain, soybean meal, or finished
feed. The grain probe should be long enough to pen-
etrate at least 3/4 of the depth of the feedstuff. Official
grain samples are collected using a 13/8 inch diameter
probe that consists of two tubes, one inside the other
(Figure 3). The inner tube is divided into compartments
that enable the individual collecting the sample to
detect inconsistencies in grain quality across the profile
(depth) of the carrier. This procedure is more labor-
intensive since the contents of the probe must be
emptied onto a tarp or trough and inspected before the
grain is transferred into a container.
Open-handled grain probes, in which the inner
tube is not divided into compartments, may be used for
sampling feed ingredients including grain. The probe’s
contents are emptied from the handle end and mixing
will occur, making it difficult to perform a visual
inspection for load inconsistencies by depth.
a An open-handled spiral probe is designed such that
openings on the inside tube rotate around so it opens
first at the bottom and then in gradual steps to the top.
This assures a fair portion of the sample is collected
across the profile (bottom to top) of the material.

Figure 3. Grain Probes

Figure 4. Pelican Grain Sampler


However, incorrect use of this probe can result in the

opposite effect if the inside tube is rotated in the
opposite direction, resulting in a disproportionate
amount of sample collected from the top.
Probes come in standard lengths of 40, 51, 63, and
72 inches, 8, 10, and 12 feet. The probe should be
inserted into the grain or feed ingredient at a 10-degree
angle from the vertical, with the slots facing upward
and completely closed. A 10-degree angle is used to
obtain a cross section of material, while placing the end
of the probe as close to the bottom of the carrier as
possible. The slots must be kept closed until the probe
is inserted as far as it will go. If the probe’s slots are
open as it enters the grain, a disproportionate amount of
material from the top will fill the probe.
After the probe is fully inserted, open the slots and
move the probe up and down quickly in two short
motions. Close the slots completely, grasp the probe by
the outer tube, and withdraw it from the grain.
The Pelican grain sampler (Figure 4) is used for
on-line grain sampling by FGIS personnel. The Pelican
is a leather pouch, approximately 7 inches deep and
18 inches long, with a band of iron inserted along the
edge to hold the pouch open. The pouch is attached to a
long pole. Pelicans are designed to catch grain as the
pouch is swung or pulled through a falling stream of
grain. The Pelican grain sampler would be useful for
collecting grain, soybean meal, or complete feed
samples while a truck is unloading.
Tapered bag triers are constructed of stainless steel
and are characterized by a sharp point, a tapered body,
and an open throat. These triers are available in lengths
from 6 to 12 inches (Figure 5.) Tapered bag triers are
used to sample closed bags of powdered and granular
Double-tube bag triers are constructed of stainless
steel or chrome-plated brass. These triers are available
in various lengths and diameters, in both close-ended
and open-ended models. These triers are used to sample
closed and opened bags of powdered and granular
Single-tube, open-ended bag triers are constructed
of stainless steel tubing and are used to sample opened
bags of dry, powdery commodities when removal of a
core of material is desired.
Bomb or zone samplers are used to collect liquid
ingredients from bulk carriers (Figure 6). These sam-
plers consist of a closed cylinder ranging in size from
12 inches long by 13/4 inch in diameter to 16 inches
long by 3 inches in diameter; with capacities of 4
ounces and 32 ounces, respectively (Anonymous 2000).

Figure 5. Tapered Bag Triers Complete feed and feed ingredients may be parti-
tioned into uniform subsamples using a riffler. The
sample is poured into the hopper, which is divided into
equal portions by two series of chutes that discharge
alternately in opposite directions into separate pans
(Anonymous 2000).
The Boerner Divider is the grain industry’s standard
for splitting samples. A sample of grain is placed in the
hopper and then released down a cone, where grain is
cut into 38 separate streams, which rejoin into two
streams and then empties into the pans (Anonymous
A valve lifts when the bottom of the tank is reached, or Quartering is a method for reducing the sample size
it can be manually lifted by a cord attached to the of high-roughage feed (e.g., cattle feed) to a convenient
valve’s plunger if intermediate depths are sampled. amount for analysis. Spread the mixed composite
sample on clean plastic or paper to form an even layer.
Sample Reduction Mark into quarters. Take two opposite quarters, mix,
The contents of each probe location should be mixed and repeat until the two quarters selected give the
together prior to reducing the sample. Sample reduction desired sample size.
may be performed using a riffler (Figure 7), Boerner Heavy plastic bags, zip-lock bags, or plastic contain-
Divider (Figure 8), or by quartering the sample (Figure ers with lids make excellent sample containers for dry
9). The end result of this process should produce a ingredients or finished feed. Label samples as they are
working sample of 1 to 2 pounds and a retained sample taken, identifying the date, sample number, and the
that should be kept for a predetermined time (usually contents (or ingredient to assay). Preservation of
until the meat animal is marketed and processed). samples is highly important. Immediately freeze high-
moisture feedstuffs, silage, or green forage. Store other
materials in cool, dry locations.

Figure 6. Bomb Sampler

Figure 8. Boerner Divider




Outer funnel
Inner funnel

Collecting pans

Figure 7. Riffler
Figure 9. Quartering the Sample
Return to

Return to

Sampling Frequency and Retention where the ingredient was placed, sensory or physical
How often should incoming ingredients be qualities, and signature of the individual who unloads
sampled? With few exceptions, all ingredients should the material (Figure 10).
be sampled upon arrival and inspected for identity, Procedures for evaluating physical (test weight, bulk
physical purity, and compared with a reference sample. density, foreign material) and nutritional properties of
These samples, at a minimum, should be retained until feed ingredients are described in Kansas State Univer-
the complete feed has been consumed by the animal sity Research and Extension publication MF-2037.
and performed according to the label.
Commercial feed mills should collect and retain a Sampling for Livestock Health Problems
sample of complete feed for each run of a given Proper treatment of a livestock problem depends on
product. The sample should be retained as long as correct identification of the causative agent. A carefully
potential liability exists (e.g., until the meat animal is compiled history will usually provide an adequate
marketed and processed). background for immediate and practical emergency
Medicated feed sampling and evaluation must treatment. A correct diagnosis of the causative agent
conform to regulatory requirements. In the United usually rests upon sample assays of feed, water, sur-
States, the Food and Drug Administration (Hermann rounding environment, or animal tissue and body
and Stokka 2000) requires feed mills licensed to utilize fluids.
high-potency drugs that have a withdrawal period A case report (Figure 11) form at the back of this
(Category II Type A) to perform routine assays. Three bulletin lists important pieces of information to collect
representative samples of medicated feed containing when livestock health problems occur (Wilcox 1972).
each drug or drug combination used shall be collected Summary
and assayed by approved official methods every year. Sampling is a critical part of any quality-assurance
Receiving Procedures program. Steps involved with collecting a representa-
All feed processors should develop and follow a set tive sample include following a sampling scheme;
of procedures for receiving feed ingredients. This collecting enough sample to ensure it is representative;
should include inspection of the carrier’s paperwork to using the correct sampling equipment and procedure;
ensure the correct material is on the carrier, a sensory inspecting the sample for its sensory characteristics;
inspection of ingredients collected from the sampling reducing the sample and preparing it for shipment,
process, and documentation of receipt of those ingredi- retention, or both; incorporating sampling into a
ents. structured method for receiving ingredients; sampling
When receiving bulk material, inspect the shipping finished feed; and using sampling as a tool to help
documents for ingredient identification, mill and diagnose animal health problems.
supplier, and name of the individual hauling the cargo. Literature Cited
Inspect the ingredient label and compare to previous Anonymous. 2000. Seedburo Equipment Company.
labels. If no label accompanies the feed ingredients Grain Inspection, Processors, and Stockyard Administration.
(with the exception of grain), do not unload the carrier 1995. Grain Inspection Handbook Book I. Federal Grain
until a label can be supplied. Check the label for the Inspection Service, United States Department of Agricul-
correct ingredient and analyses guarantees. Herrman, Tim. 2001. Evaluating feed components and
Ingredients should be examined for sensory charac- finished feed. MF-2037. Kansas State University Research
teristics (color, odor, texture, insect infestation, and and Extension, Manhattan.
moisture). This inspection procedure should be com- Herrman, Tim and Keith Behnke. 1995. Testing mixer
pared to reference samples or pre-established standards performance. MF-1172. Kansas State University Research
and Extension, Manhattan.
for comparison purposes. Do not unload ingredients
Hermann, Tim and Gerald Stokka. 2000. Medicated feed
that do not pass this initial inspection; particularly with additives for beef cattle and calves. MF-2043. Kansas
bulk ingredients. Once the material is unloaded, you State University Research and Extension, Manhattan.
own it. Pierce, James G. 1994. Sampling In: Feed Manufacturing
A receiving report that documents receipt of ingredi- Technology IV. AFIA.
ents will augment a sampling program. This report Wilcox, Robert A. 1972. How to sample feedstuffs for
nutritional assay or livestock problems. L-316. Kansas
should include the date, ingredient name, supplier, State University Research and Extension, Manhattan.
carrier name, license, bill of lading, purchase order or
invoice number, time received, weight, bin number

Figure 10. Receiving Report


Date Date
Received Unloaded

Trailer PO Bill of
No. No. Lading
Weight Net
Ticket No. Weight

Bin No.

Time In

Time Out

Unloaded By


Color Odor

Texture Moisture


Sample No.


Figure 11. Case Report Form

Case Report Form

Date Report Prepared Report Prepared By
Owner’s Name Address
Address Telephone Number
City State Zip

If a company’s product is in question, have they been notified? Yes No

Date notified
Veterinarian’s or fieldman’s report is attached? Yes No
Date called

Sample Identification: (give each sample a number or letter)

Description of Case: (see suggested list of case information)

Class of Livestock Number Age Sex
Raised on Farm If Purchased, When Where
Describe symptoms in detail and date first noticed

Describe ration in detail and method of feeding. Include all changes made recently

Dates and details on every drug, vitamin, antibiotic, hormone, wormer, insecticide, vaccinations, disease-preventive shots or
disease treatment used on livestock. Include castrations, dehorning, etc.

List any contact livestock could have had with poisons (refuse, trash pile, fertilizer sacks, paint cans, weed sprays, insect sprays,
etc.) Any toxic weeds?

Weather conditions, especially sudden changes in preceding two weeks

Water supply checked for nitrates? for salinity? for potability?
Readily available to livestock?
Describe housing, lots and management problems

Other pertinent information

I declare that to the best of my knowledge this is a true, complete and correct report.

Signature of Livestock Owner

Brand names appearing in this publication are for product identification purposes only. No endorsement is intended,
nor is criticism implied of similar products not mentioned.
Publications from Kansas State University are available on the World Wide Web at:
Contents of this publication may be freely reproduced for educational purposes. All other rights reserved. In each case, credit Tim Herrman,
Sampling: Procedures for Feed, Kansas State University, July 2001.

Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service
MF-2036 July 2001
It is the policy of Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service that all persons shall have equal opportunity and
access to its educational programs, services, activities, and materials without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age or disability. Kansas State
University is an equal opportunity organization. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, as amended. Kansas State
University, County Extension Councils, Extension Districts, and United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating, Marc A. Johnson, Director.

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