Easy Approach To Requirements Syntax (EARS) : October 2009

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Easy approach to requirements syntax (EARS)

Conference Paper · October 2009

DOI: 10.1109/RE.2009.9 · Source: IEEE Xplore

101 6,801

4 authors, including:

Alistair Mavin Philip Wilkinson

Independent Requirements Specialist Rolls-Royce


Adrian R. G. Harwood
The University of Manchester


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Accepted for RE09, IEEE, August 2009

EARS (Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax)

Alistair Mavin Philip Wilkinson Adrian Harwood Mark Novak

Rolls-Royce PLC
PO Box 31
Derby DE24 8BJ, UK
[email protected]

Abstract 2. Background to the problem

The development of complex systems frequently in- Stakeholder requirements are often written by individ-
volves extensive work to elicit, document and review uals who are not experts in requirements definition. Most
stakeholder requirements. Stakeholder requirements are commonly, stakeholder requirements are written in un-
usually written in unconstrained natural language, which structured natural language (NL). The flexibility of NL
is inherently imprecise. During system development, makes it an ideal medium for creative expression, such as
problems in stakeholder requirements inevitably propa- drama, poetry and humour. However, unconstrained use
gate to lower levels. This creates unnecessary volatility of NL is inherently unsuitable for requirements definition
and risk, which impact programme schedule and cost. for a number of reasons. Some of the problems that can
Some experts advocate the use of other notations to in- appear in NL requirement documents are:
crease precision and minimise problems such as ambigui-  Ambiguity1 (a word or phrase has two or more dif-
ty. However, use of non-textual notations requires trans- ferent meanings).
lation of the source requirements, which can introduce  Vagueness (lack of precision, structure and/or de-
further errors. There is also a training overhead associat- tail).
ed with the introduction of new notations. A small set of  Complexity (compound requirements containing
structural rules was developed to address eight common complex sub-clauses and/or several interrelated
requirement problems including ambiguity, complexity statements).
and vagueness. The ruleset allows all natural language
 Omission (missing requirements, particularly re-
requirements to be expressed in one of five simple tem-
quirements to handle unwanted behaviour).
plates. The ruleset was applied whilst extracting aero
 Duplication (repetition of requirements that are
engine control system requirements from an airworthiness
defining the same need).
regulation document. The results of this case study show
qualitative and quantitative improvements compared with  Wordiness (use of an unnecessary number of
a conventional textual requirements specification. words).
 Inappropriate implementation (statements of how
1. Company background the system should be built, rather than what it
Aircraft engine control systems present a significant should do).
systems engineering challenge: the systems are complex,  Untestability (requirements that cannot be proven
safety-critical and developed in ever-compressed time- true or false when the system is implemented).
scales. To satisfy aircraft manufacturers’ requirements There are other problems that this study does not con-
and maintain market position, control systems must pro- sider, including conflicting requirements and missing
vide increased functionality and maintain the highest lev- traceability links. There are two main reasons for their
els of dependability. exclusion: firstly these problems are not unique to NL
Rolls-Royce Control Systems develops Full Authority requirements documents, and secondly there are no occur-
Digital Engine Controllers (FADECs) for civil gas turbine rences of these problems in the case study.
engines. The development and operation of FADECs pre-
sent numerous challenges [1] including: operation in ar- 1
duous environments, increased system complexity, ever- There are three common forms of ambiguity: lexical, refer-
ential and syntactical [2]. Lexical ambiguity occurs where a
greater reliability, improved fault tolerance and the need
word or phrase, which has two or more meanings, is used in a
to certify against European and US regulations. A typical manner that permits a sentence or phrase to be interpreted in
modern control system has a dual channel design, con- more than one way. Referential ambiguity occurs when a word
tains thousands of components, over 100,000 lines of or phrase is used that can be referring to two or more things.
code and is developed with up to twenty suppliers. Syntactical ambiguity arises when the order of words allows two
or more interpretations.
To overcome problems associated with NL, some ex- The remainder of this paper is divided into five sec-
perts advocate the use of other notations for the specifica- tions. Section 3 describes the Case Study. Section 4 de-
tion of requirements. These include formal notations such fines the Method used and how it was developed. Section
a Z [3] and Petri Nets [4] and graphical notations such as 5 summarises the Results. Section 6 is a Discussion of the
Unified Modeling Language (UML) [5, 6] and Systems findings and section 7 describes Future Work.
Modeling Language (SysML) [7]. There are also numer-
ous scenario-based approaches [summarised in 8], tabular 3. Case study
approaches such as Table-Driven Requirements [9] and Certification Specification for Engines (CS-E) [19] de-
ConCERT [10, 11] and pseudocode. fines what must be achieved in order for an aero engine to
Advocates of some notations claim that they work for achieve certification. For this study, the section of CS-E
requirements at all system levels, whilst others do not most applicable to engine control systems (CS-E 50) was
claim universal applicability. UML and SysML are graph- analysed. CS-E 50 contains a relatively small number of
ical notations used to describe systems, within which dif- requirements, which was a manageable quantity for a case
ferent views can be generated depending on user needs. study.
Meanwhile, claims have been made for the effective use When analysing the structure and content of CS-E, it is
of scenarios in many different ways and at different sys- prudent to consider the history of the document. CS-E has
tem levels [8] though not necessarily within an integrated evolved from incremental updates to its predecessor Joint
framework. Airworthiness Requirements for Engines (JAR-E) [20]
However, use of any of these non-textual notations of- over many years. Repeated updates have resulted in the
ten requires complex translation of the source require- addition of statements to form long paragraphs of prose.
ments, which can introduce further errors. Such transla- Many of these paragraphs contain a rich mixture of both
tion of requirements can serve to create a “language barri- complex and simple requirements, along with design and
er” between developers and stakeholders due to uncon- verification statements and supporting information. Most
scious communication of assumed context. There is also a requirements are explicit, but there are also some implicit
training overhead associated with the introduction of requirements that can be difficult to discover.
many notations. Requirements authors are unlikely to Due to the evolutionary nature of the text, care must be
seek excessive formality and complex training, and rarely taken when interpreting the intent of statements within
do they require a software tool to help them write. CS-E. Much of the document is written at an abstract lev-
There are many hundreds of general books on re- el, relying on lists and explanatory notes to add meaning.
quirements engineering. There are also numerous exam- Engineers use the requirements in CS-E during the design
ples of published works specifically about how to write of an engine, but most are unlikely to be trained and expe-
better requirements. These include two well-known pa- rienced in requirements definition. Engineers are likely to
pers titled “Writing Good Requirements” [12, 13] that be most comfortable when presented with a set of unam-
focus on the characteristics of well-formed requirements biguous, simple statements in order to validate their own
and the attributes that should be included. There are also work. This will reduce the likelihood of lengthy negotia-
templates available, such as VOLERE [14] and SL-07 tions or expensive alterations later in an engine pro-
[15]. Despite this large body of published material, there gramme. In addition, if requirements are written well,
seems to be little simple, practical advice for the practi- they can be reused on future programmes, with obvious
tioner. cost savings.
It was hypothesised that introducing a small set of
simple requirement structures would be an efficient and 4. Method
practical way to enhance the writing of high-level stake- The process and ruleset used during this investigation
holder requirements. Previous work in the area of con- was developed as the work progressed. The participants
strained natural language includes Simplified Technical started with a set of loose rules derived from their own
English [16], Attempto Controlled English (ACE) [17] experiences in systems, safety and requirements engineer-
and Event-Condition-Action (ECA) [18]. In ECA, the ing and built on the concepts of ECA. These included
event specifies the signal that triggers the rule and the basic syntactic rules of thumb such as the use of “when”
condition is a logical test that (if satisfied) causes the for event-driven behaviour, “while” for state-driven be-
specified system action. haviour and “if-then” statements to handle “failures”.
The work reported here is principally concerned with The collaborative nature of the work led to incremental
requirements syntax. Although measures were taken to changes to the ruleset that were tested empirically during
improve the semantics of the requirements, they are not the ongoing study. Additionally, occasional serendipity
described in this paper. There is no claim made that this helped the evolution of the syntactic rules.
approach is universally applicable to all levels of system A group of cross-discipline engineers, including the
decomposition. The technique is most suitable to the defi- company’s CS-E certification expert, analysed the source
nition of high-level stakeholder requirements. text of CS-E 50 in two phases. In the first phase, each
clause of the document was broken into its constituent triggering event is detected at the system boundary. The
parts. Some sentences were explicit requirements; others keyword When is used for event-driven requirements. The
needed interpretation, but did imply requirements on the general form of an event-driven requirement is:
engine control system. Other statements were determined
WHEN <optional preconditions> <trigger> the
to be design guidance or were clearly informative text. All
<system name> shall <system response>
requirements were placed in a spreadsheet to aid manipu-
lation. For example: “When continuous ignition is command-
In the second phase, each requirement was rewritten in ed by the aircraft, the control system shall switch on con-
a consistent manner using the syntactic ruleset described tinuous ignition”. This system response is required when
below. Subsequent iterations were necessary as the ruleset and only when the stated event is detected at the boundary
evolved. This led to further rewording of requirements of the system.
and to the reclassification of some statements.
4.4 Unwanted behaviours
4.1 Generic requirements syntax Requirements to handle unwanted behaviour2 are de-
The generic requirement syntax adopted during this fined using a syntax derived from event-driven require-
study is as follows: ments. “Unwanted behaviour” is a general term used to
cover all situations that are undesirable. This includes
<optional preconditions> <optional trigger> the
failures, disturbances, deviations from desired user behav-
<system name> shall <system response>
iour and any unexpected behaviour of interacting systems.
This simple structure forces the requirement author to The authors’ experiences suggest that unwanted behav-
separate the conditions in which the requirement can be iour is a major source of omissions in early requirements,
invoked (preconditions), the event that initiates the re- necessitating costly rework. Consequently, these require-
quirement (trigger) and the necessary system behaviour ments were given their own syntax, so that they could be
(system response). Both preconditions and trigger are easily identified throughout the lifecycle.
optional, depending on the requirement type, as described Requirements for unwanted behaviour are designated
later in this section. using the keywords If and Then. The general form of a
The order of the clauses in this syntax is also signifi- requirement for unwanted behaviour is:
cant, since it follows temporal logic:
IF <optional preconditions> <trigger>, THEN the
 Any preconditions must be satisfied otherwise the <system name> shall <system response>
requirement cannot ever be activated.
 The trigger must be true for the requirement to be For example “If the computed airspeed fault flag is
“fired”, but only if the preconditions were already set, then the control system shall use modelled airspeed”.
satisfied. In this example, the unwanted event (computed air speed
 The system is required to achieve the stated sys- fault flag is set) triggers the system response, which al-
tem response if and only if the preconditions and lows continued safe operation of the system.
trigger are true. Using the If-Then structure explicitly differentiates the
requirements that handle unwanted behaviour. In such
The generic requirement syntax is specialised into five
requirements the system response mitigates the impact of
types of requirement (Ubiquitous, Event-driven, Unwant-
the unwanted event, or prevents the system from entering
ed behaviours, State-driven and Optional features), which
an unwanted state.
are described in more detail below.

4.2 Ubiquitous requirements

A ubiquitous requirement has no preconditions or trig- 2
The distinction between wanted and unwanted behaviour is
ger. It is not invoked by an event detected at the system not always clear. For example, due to the safety-critical nature
boundary or in response to a defined system state, but is of aero engine control systems, many subsystems employ multi-
always active. The general form of a ubiquitous require- ple redundant components. This allows the system to accommo-
ment is: date unwanted events whilst continuing to satisfy operational
requirements. In such cases, the system is behaving “normally”,
The <system name> shall <system response> but the requirements would be considered as describing “un-
wanted behaviours” using the classification described here.
For example: “The control system shall prevent engine Hence the distinction between wanted and unwanted behaviour
overspeed”. This is a system behaviour that must be ac- is a matter of viewpoint, or even a matter of “style”. Another
tive at all times; hence this is a ubiquitous requirement. perspective on the distinction between wanted and unwanted
behaviours is provided by the concept of Misuse Cases [21].
4.3 Event-driven requirements Misuse Cases describe users with hostile intent who are likely to
An event-driven requirement is initiated only when a have wants that are in direct opposition to the wants of other
system stakeholders.
4.5 State-driven requirements trol system shall inhibit thrust reverser deployment”. In
A state-driven requirement is active while the system this situation the trigger (reverse thrust command) is un-
is in a defined state. The keyword While is used to denote wanted whilst in-flight and the required system response
state-driven requirements. The general form of a state- prevents the system from entering an unwanted state.
driven requirement is: Similarly, in the requirement “When selecting idle set-
ting, if aircraft data is unavailable, then the control sys-
WHILE <in a specific state> the <system name> tem shall select Approach Idle”, the unwanted behaviour
shall <system response> (aircraft data is unavailable) should result in the stated
For example: “While the aircraft is in-flight, the con- system response only when the triggering event (selecting
trol system shall maintain engine fuel flow above idle) is satisfied.
XXlbs/sec”. The system response is required at all times
whilst the system is in the defined state. 4.8 Testing the hypothesis
To make requirements easier to read, the keyword The hypothesis was tested against a number of criteria,
During can be used instead of While for state-driven re- based on the eight problems associated with NL require-
quirements. For example: “During thrust reverser door ments identified in section 2. For each problem, instances
translation, the control system shall limit thrust to mini- were counted in the both the raw requirements from the
mum idle”. In this context, the meaning of During is iden- CS-E document and the interpretations. The count for
tical to While, and this alternative keyword is used purely each set of requirements was compared to assess the ef-
to aid readability. fectiveness of the EARS ruleset.

4.6 Optional features 5. Results

An optional feature requirement is applicable only in The majority of the requirements could be written in
systems that include a particular feature. An optional fea- one of the EARS templates with little difficulty. Those
ture requirement is designated with the keyword Where. that could not were either manipulated to fit the ruleset or
The general form of an optional feature requirement is: the ruleset was evolved to incorporate the additional re-
quirement types.
WHERE <feature is included> the <system name>
shall <system response> Raw extract of CS-E Interpretation Type
For example, “Where the control system includes an It must be substantiated by The Engine Control Ubiqui-
tests, analysis or a combina- System shall not cause tous
overspeed protection function, the control system shall
tion thereof that the Engine unacceptable thrust or
test the availability of the overspeed protection function Control System performs the power oscillations.
prior to aircraft dispatch”. This functionality only makes intended functions in a man-
sense (and therefore is only required) for a system that ner which does not create
includes the specified feature. unacceptable thrust or power
It must be demonstrated that, When the Engine Event
4.7 Complex requirement syntax when a Fault or Failure re- Control System Driven
For requirements with complex conditional clauses, sults in a change from one changes operational
combinations of the keywords When, While and Where Control Mode to another, or mode, the Engine
from one channel to another, Control System shall
may be required. The keywords can be built into more or from the Primary System maintain the engine
complex expressions to specify richer system behaviours. to the Back-up System, the within approved op-
For instance, the same event may trigger different system change occurs so that the erational limits.
behaviour depending on the state of the system when the Engine does not exceed any
of its operating limitations.
event is detected. Single Failures leading to If a single Failure Unwant-
For example: “While the aircraft is on-ground, when loss, interruption or corrup- leads to deficient ed Be-
reverse thrust is commanded, the control system shall tion of Aircraft-Supplied Aircraft-Supplied haviour
enable deployment of the thrust reverser”. The triggering Data, must not result in a Data, then the Engine
Hazardous Engine Effect for Control System shall
event (reverse thrust command) triggers the system re- any Engine. not cause a Hazardous
sponse only when the system is in a particular state (air- Engine Effect.
craft on-ground). The Engine Control System While in a Full-Up State
The keywords When, While and Where can also be must be designed and con- Configuration, the Driven
structed so that in the Full-up Engine Control Sys-
used within If-Then statements to handle unwanted behav- Configuration, the system is tem shall be Essential-
iour with more complex conditional clauses. For example essentially single Fault toler- ly Single Fault Toler-
the requirement to handle thrust reverser commands dur- ant for electrical and elec- ant with respect to
ing the in-flight state (an unwanted and potentially cata- tronic Failures with respect to LOTC/LOPC event.
LOTC/LOPC events.
strophic event) is handled as follows: “While the aircraft
is in-flight, if reverse thrust is commanded, then the con-
Raw extract of CS-E Interpretation Type ty Engineers and Airworthiness Engineers, uncovered the
When over-speed protection Where over-speed Optional contextual intent of CS-E, allowing an accurate set of
is provided through hydro- protection is provided Feature requirements to be defined. Table 1 shows some examples
mechanical means, it must be through hydro-
demonstrated by test or other mechanical means, the
of raw extracts from CS-E and the resulting interpreta-
acceptable means that the frequency of Engine tions. As part of the interpretation process, it was occa-
over-speed function remains Control System in- sionally necessary to examine associated advisory materi-
available between inspection spection and mainte- al [22]. This material contains information, verification
and maintenance periods. nance periods shall be
consistent with the
and design statements in addition to requirements.
required availability of Following translation of the requirements, the raw re-
the feature. quirements and interpretations were compared against the
criteria described in section 2. Graph 1 shows the differ-
Table 1. Examples of raw extracts from CS-E with
ences for the eight criteria on a log scale 3. Overall, the
interpreted control system requirements
interpretations scored significantly better than the raw
requirements. Against five of the criteria, the interpreta-
Several patterns emerged as the rules were applied to
tions contain none of the problems present in the raw re-
the raw extracts from CS-E. Common examples of these
quirements. For the other three criteria – ambiguity,
patterns were:
vagueness and wordiness – a substantial reduction in
 Logical restructuring to increase clarity and un- problems was observed. The number of requirements and
derstanding. the average words per requirement for the raw require-
 Reduced wordiness to create simpler statements. ments and the interpretations is shown in Table 2. The
 The separation of complex triggers resulting in total number of requirements has increased, while the
two or more atomic requirements. average number of words per requirements has reduced.
 Reusable statements and reusable formats.
Raw extract Interpretation
No. individual requirements 36.0 47.0
Av. words per requirement 36.9 25.6
Table 2. Word count of raw requirement extracts and


6. Discussion

The results show that the modified notation has a


number of advantages over the use of unconstrained NL.



All of the text from the regulation, once formatted as re-

d in

quirements, was successfully translated into one of the


EARS templates. Where problems of translation were


initially experienced, these were addressed by further evo-


lutionary development of the ruleset.


The review against the criteria of section 2 demon-


strated a significant reduction in all eight problem types.


For the case study, the notation appears to have eliminat-


ed the problems of complexity, omission, duplication,


implementation and untestability. However, the claim that


omissions have been eliminated needs to be treated with


caution. Whilst the trial may have effectively identified


some unwanted behaviour, there is no evidence that other


missing requirements have been captured.


The problems of ambiguity, vagueness and wordiness

were reduced, but not eliminated. The remaining prob-

lems are thought to be due to:


 Lexical ambiguity, where a precondition was un-

EARS Applied (Scaled) Raw Text (Scaled)
derstood by inference, but not explicitly recorded.

Graph 1. Quantitative results for case study 3

The data contained a combination of large and small data
values. It was therefore necessary to scale the numbers using a
Consultation with a team of specialists, including Safe- log function (on values greater than 1) for clarity on the chart.
General vagueness, which is an innate feature of Further thought is necessary to investigate how the If
high-level requirements and difficult to remove and When preconditions can be applied to unwanted
until accompanying design decisions are made. states. Although the case study identified no such scenari-
 Wordiness occurred where a particularly long re- os, unwanted states may require an additional template to
quirement, containing numerous conditional define how the system should behave while in an unwant-
clauses, employed clumsy word constructions. ed state.
The increase in the number of requirements was ex-
pected. This was because some clauses of CS-E contain References
1. Holt J.E., “The Challenges of Civil Aircraft Engine Control Sys-
numerous compound requirements, which were separated tem Development at Rolls-Royce”, Proceedings of IEEE United
out during the interpretation process. A reduction in the Kingdom Automatic Control Council (UKACC) International Con-
average word-count of the interpretations was also antici- trol Conference, Glasgow, August, 2006.
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Although the results of this case study are very posi- and Proof”, Prentice Hall, 1996.
tive, a number of limitations could have influenced the 4. Peterson, J. “Petri Nets”, ACM Computing Surveys 9 (1977), 223-
outcomes of the study: 252.
5. Object Management Group, UML Resource Page,
 The sample size was small, consisting of only 36 http://www.uml.org/
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 The study was restricted to high-level safety- (2nd edition), IEE, 2004.
7. Object Management Group, Official OMG SysML Site,
related requirements. It is possible that other types http://www.omgsysml.org/
of high-level requirements and lower-level re- 8. Alexander, I.F. & Maiden, N.A.M. (eds), “Scenarios, Stories, Use
quirements may exist that cannot be adequately Cases: Through the Systems Development Life-Cycle” Wiley,
represented in the notation. 2004.
9. Alexander, I.F. & Beus-Dukic, L., “Discovering Requirements”,
 Although efforts were made to reduce subjective John Wiley, 2009.
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12. Hooks, I., “Writing Good Requirements”, Proceedings of Third
International Symposium of INCOSE Volume 2, INCOSE, 1993.
7. Future work 13. Wiegers, K., “Writing Good Requirements”, Software Develop-
The authors intend to continue with their assessment ment Magazine, May 1999.
of the remainder of CS-E. This would involve the transla- 14. “VOLERE Requirements Specification Template”, Atlantic Sys-
tion of all requirements pertaining to the engine control tems Guild, http://www.volere.co.uk/template.htm
15. Lauesen, S., “Guide to Requirements SL-07. Template with Exam-
system. Further studies are also planned to assess the no- ples”, Lauesen Publishing, 2007.
tation against an entire suite of high-level engine control 16. “ASD Simplified Technical English: Specification ASD-STE100.
system requirements and lower-level elements of the con- International specification for the preparation of maintenance doc-
trol system design. It is hoped that these studies will es- umentation in a controlled language”, Simplified Technical Eng-
lish Maintenance Group (STEMG), 2005.
tablish the effectiveness of the notation by addressing the 17. Fuchs, N. E., Kaljurand, K. and Schneider, G., "Attempto Con-
limitations identified in section 6. trolled English Meets the Challenges of Knowledge Representa-
As stated in section 2, a number of known require- tion, Reasoning, Interoperability and User Interfaces", FLAIRS,
ments problems were consciously excluded from this 2006.
18. Dittrich, K. R., Gatziu, S. and Geppert, A., “The Active Database
study. One of the reasons for this was that the document Management System Manifesto: A Rulebase of ADBMS Fea-
used in the case study did not include such problems. tures.”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 985, Springer, 1995,
However, it is expected that use of the EARS templates pages 3-20.
will address at least some of these issues when applied to 19. “Certification Specification for Engines” (CS-E) Amendment 1,
18-20, European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), 10 th December
other stakeholder requirement documents. For example, 2007, http://easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/g/rg_certspecs.php
applying the syntactic rules will clarify the precise pre- 20. “Joint Airworthiness Requirements for Engines” (JAR-E), JAA,
conditions and triggers, which should highlight conflict- http://easa.europa.eu
ing requirements. The intention is to apply the EARS sys- 21. Sindre, G. and Opdahl, A., “Capturing Security Requirements
through Misuse Cases”, TOOLS 37 (2000), pp. 120-131.
tem to a wider range of system documents which contain 22. “AMC20 Effective 26/12/2007”, European Aviation Safety Agen-
such problems. cy (EASA), http://easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/g/rg_certspecs.php

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