Professional Misconduct: Sec.2 (2) : (I)
Professional Misconduct: Sec.2 (2) : (I)
Professional Misconduct: Sec.2 (2) : (I)
Sec.2 (2):
Members deemed to be in practice: If he
(i) Engages himself in practice of accountancy, or
(ii) Offers to perform audit related services or holds himself out to the public as an accountant, or
(iii)Renders professional service or assistance in Matters of accountant interest etc., or,
(iv)Renders such other services which as per opinion of the council, to be rendered by C.A. in
practice. (Mgt. consultancy service)
Explanation : (1) C.A. who is salaried employer of C.A. in practice shall be deemed to be in
practice for limited purposes of training articled clerk.
(2) C.A. shall be deemed to be in practice if he, in his professional capacity (not in
personal/employee’s capacity) acts as liquidator, trustee, executor, adviser & same or takes
up an appointment mate by Govt. or court or other legal authority. However for this purpose
his engagement shouldn’t be on a salary-cum- full time basis.
Significance of certificate of Practice:
As per judicial ruling;
(i) Once a member of ICAI appears before I.T. authorities etc. he can so appear only in his
capacity as a C.A.
(ii) Thus for period of suspension, he can’t practice as I.T. practitioner even if he is having law
(iii) Thus, a member of ICAI can’t have other capacity, separable from his capacity to practice as a
member of the Institute.
Section 7:
A member in practice can’t use any other designation than that of a Chartered Accountant nor any
other description whether in addition thereto or in substitution therefore. However they can use
any other letter etc. indicating degree of other institutions.
Section 8 : Disabilities for purpose of membership :
(i) If he isn’t 21 yrs. or
(ii) If he is of unsound mind as per a competent Court, or
(iii) Undischarged insolvent, or
(iv) Discharged insolvent but hasn’t obtained from the court a certificate starting that his insolvency
was by misfortune without any misconduct on his part, or
(v) Convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude unless he has been granted a pardon etc. or
(vi) If removed from membership of ICAI due to misconduct.
If the person fails to disclose the fact that he suffers from any of disabilities aforementioned, it will
constitute professional misconduct on his part.
Section 21 : Procedure in enquires for disciplinary matters :
Complaint Council Disciplinary Committee Council High Court (if need arises)
Complaint Council whether it is fit D.C. (Ist Schedule)
fit for case or not (Having evidences explanation
unfit & than recommended report
(Prima facie opinion reject supply to council
Whether complaint is
fit. It is not deciding) Council
Pass the decision
Refer to H.C
(If in Ist Schedule to be removed
from register for more than 5 yrs.
if it falls in IInd schedule)
(i) At first stage, council is framing just prima facie opinion with respect to complaint.
(ii) It is not deciding whether C.A is guilty or not.
(iii) Normally no fresh evidences are permitted before council, once the disciplinary committee
submitted its report to council. However council may permitted the same at its own discretion.
(iv) The recommendation report of D.C. in to be given to C. A concerned before submitting it to
the council & it is also giving opportunity of being heard.
(v) The C.A. concerned will appear to council either himself or may be represented by some
other C.A (not by Lower)
(vi) Without any complaint, the council may also take any action suo-moto.
First Schedule
Part I (C.A. in Practice)
Clause 1 :
Allows any person to practice in his name as a C.A. unless such person is also a C.A. in practice
and is in partnership with or employed by himself.
Clause 2 :
Pays / allows / agrees to pay or allow directly or indirectly any share commission or brokerage in
fees or profits of his professional business to any person other than a member or partner or retired
partner or legal representative of deceased partner.
⇒ Widow can continue to receive a share of firm if partnership agreement contains a
⇒ Now onwards, on death of sole proprietor, the name of the firm will be kept in abeyance by
the institute for one year so that to enable the widow of deceased to sell g/w of the firm.
For deaths
Clause 4 :
Enters into partnership with any person other than C.A. in practice or a person resident without
India who but for his residence would be entitled to be registered or whose qualification are
recognized by Govt./ Council / provided C.A. shares in fee / profits of business of partnership both
within and without India.
⇒ This clause applies only to profession of C.A. and not to other business, which is covered
by clause 11.
⇒ Clause 5 :
Secures, either through the services of a person not qualified to be his partner or by means which
are not open to a C.A., any professional business.
Clause 6 :
Solicits clients or professional work either directly or indirectly, by circular, advertisement, personal
communication or by any other means.”
(a) Adv. And note in press : As a general rule he can’t advertise
Exception :
(i) change in partnership, address and tel. no. having bare statement of fact and no. of
insertion and limited distribution of new spares.
(ii) Classified ad. In journal / news letter of institute for sharing professional
work/partnership, etc. provided firm name and address is not given.
No indication as to association with any firm of C.A.
(g) Issue of greeting cards or invitation :
Designation and name of the firm may be printed on invitation provided sent to clients relatives
and close friends.
(h) Roving inquiries :
No sending of such inquiries to prospective clients.
(i) Seeking work from professional colleagues :
Not permissible except in a(ii)i.e. journal.
(j) Scope of Representation U/S 225(3) :
Merely state that he has acted independently and may indicate willingness but no extra
publicity. No derogatory remarks against company.
(k) Acceptance of work, emanating from a client introduced by other C.A. :
Shouldn’t accept. Client should come through the introducing C.A.
(l) Public Interview :
No publicity, details about firm / professional attainments.
(m) Adv. Ur Bondex No. :
(n) Web-site :
⇒ CA / CA firm free to create own website (no std. Format, no restriction on
⇒ Website run on ‘pull’ mode not on ‘push’.
⇒ Can mention Website Address on professional. Stationery.
⇒ Specific.’ pull’ request for :
(i) Nature of services rendered.
(ii) Area of Exp. of partners.
(iii) Area of exp. of employees.
(iv) No. of articled clerks.
(v) Nature of assignment handled.
⇒ Can’t give : (i) Name of clients and fee charged; (ii) No logo; (iii) No
photograph(however passport size photograph of member can be given) (iv) No Adv. (v)
Ref. About website (other than that of ICAI and Govt. related.).
⇒ Articles etc. of professional interest can be given.
⇒ Bulletin Boards can be provided.
⇒ Chat room between client and CA is permitted.
⇒ Listing on suitable search engine is permitted if restricted to CA, Indian CPA
⇒ Details shouldn’t solicit client or adv.
⇒ Secrecy of matters of clients through website.
⇒ If he is member of a professional body or chamber of commerce offering
listing → permitted.
⇒ Strict compliance with guidelines is required.
⇒ Address of website can be diff. from name of the firm but should be as near
as possible to such name of CA/CA firm).
⇒ Address of website → intimation to ICAI alongwith annual membership form.
⇒ Mention date upto which it is updated.
⇒ They can provide services through other websites also provided contact
address of CA and professional achievement is not given.
Clause 7 :
Advertises his professional attainment or services or uses any designation or expression other
than Chartered Accountant on professional. Documents, visiting cards, letter heads or sign boards
unless it be a degree of a University established by law in India or recognized by the Central
Government or a title indicating membership of ICAI or any other institute recognized by Central
Govt. /by Council.
⇒ He can’t use words like income-tax consultant, cost consultant or management consultant.
⇒ Can’t use ‘Member of Parliament’, etc. in addition to that of Chartered Accountant.
⇒ Persons eligible otherwise, subject to permission may practice as advocates but can’t use
designation “Chartered Accountant” and “Advocate” simultaneously.
⇒ Name, description and address of member (firm) may appear in any directory or list of
members of a particular body (alphabetically). He may provide appropriate directorship held
and reasonable personal details (outside Interest) but not name of clients and services offered
by his firm.
⇒ Photograph and brief particulars in magazine (No payment/No Adv.).
⇒ Advertisement is permissible (not bolder than substance)
(i) Recruiting staff in own office.
(ii) Recruiting staff or acquiring/disposing business/property on behalf of client.
(iii) Sale of Business/Property acting as trustee, liquidator or receiver.
⇒ Success in exams may be given without any undesirable publicity w.r.t member/firm/clerk.
⇒ May appear on T.V. films/Radio, etc. describe themselves as Chartered Accountant
qualification but no reference, as to name/address/services of firm. It is a duty of C. A to insure
that host doesn’t refer to any such think.
⇒ Publicity is permitted for appointment of position of local/national importance, etc. They
may mention membership of ICAI but not firm.
⇒ Use of glow sign-board/light or large size board is not proper. He may have a name board
of himself at residence but not of a firm.
⇒ Prospectus of the company in which he is a director shouldn’t advertise his professional
attainment. Firm name not permissible. Expression like “In association with ……..” ,
“Associates of ……………” not proper.
⇒ Use of logo ⇒ not permissible at all.
Clause 8 :
Accept a position as Auditor previously held by another chartered accountant or restricted
state auditor without first communicating with him in writing.
⇒ Professional reasons for not accepting Audit fee.
(i) Non-compliance of provisions of section 224 and 225.
(ii) Undercutting of fee.
(iii) Non-payment of undisputed audit fee (except sick unit)
(iv) Issuance of qualified Report.
⇒ In first three, if he accepts professional misconduct. In (iv), he may accept if he thinks that
attitude of retiring auditor wasn’t proper and justified. But if he qualified it for good and valid
reasons, he should refuse.
⇒ If dispute regarding fee not paid, he (incoming) may use his influence in favour of his
predecessor to have dispute settled.
⇒ If prospective clients tells the member about change of auditor. Ask him if retiring one has
been informed, if yes communicate with retiring. If not, ask reasons for change if no valid
reasons he shouldn’t accept. However, if he chooses to accept, communicate with retiring.
⇒ Incoming can act after waiting for reasonable time for a reply.
⇒ Mere posting “under certificate of posting” is not sufficient. Positive evidence
(acknowledgement) that letter has in fact reached the person.
⇒ Applies to all audit assignment including internal concurrent, tax audit, healthy practice for
special audit u/s 142(2A) of I.T. Act also.
⇒ Outgoing should sent a reply as soon as possible (No violation of confidentiality).
⇒ Duty of communication is absolute & required is every case, even when appointment is
made by government or when if previous auditor knows about the appointment.
⇒ The incoming auditor should communicate with previous auditor who was there in same
⇒ Take care of new point in AAS-4.
Clause 9 :
Accepts an appointment as auditor of a company without ascertaining from it whether requirement
of section 225, in respect of such appointment have been duly complied with.
Clause 10 :
Charges/offers to change accepts/offers to accept w.r.t. any professional employment, fee based
on a % of profits or which are contingent upon findings or results of such employment, except in
cases which are permitted.
⇒ Not contingent if fixed by court/public authority.
⇒ Exception (may by % of profits) :
(i) Receiver or liquidator (% of realization).
(ii) Auditor of Co-op. Society (% of paid up/working capital, gross/net income/profit.
(iii) Valuer.
Clause 11 :
Engage in any Business (occupation other than profession of C.A. unless permitted by council so
to engage.
However, he can always become director (not M.D.) in a company provided he/his partner is not
interested in such co., as an auditor.
“General Permission”
(i) Employment under C.A./C.A. firm.
(ii) Private tutorship.
(iii) Authorship of Books/Articles.
(iv) Holding Life Insurance Agency licence (Renewal Commission.).
(v) Attending class and appearing in any exams.
(vi) Holding public elective office (M.P., M.L.A.)
(vii) Honorary office of charitable – educational institute.
(viii) Notary public, Justice of peace, Special Executive Magistrate and like.
(ix) Part time tutorship under coaching organization of institute.
(x) Valuation of paper, paper setter, head-examiner or moderator for any exam.
(xi) Editorship of professional journal.
(xii) Acting as Surveyor/Loss Assessor under Insurance Act.
(xiii) Recovery consultant
(xiv) Insurance brokerage.
“Specific Permission”
(1) Full time/Part time employment in Business concerns provided he/his relative not
having sub. intt.
(2) Full time/Part time employment in non-business concern.
(3) Managing Director/Whole-time Director concern.
(4) Intt. In family Business concern.
(5) Intt. In agriculture/allied activities with help of hired labour.
(6) Intt. In any educational institute.
(7) Part time/Full time lectureship for courses other than C.A. exams.
(8) Part time/Full time tutorship under any educational institute other than coaching org. of
(9) Editorship of journal other than professional one.
(10) Any other Business/Occupation considering it to be necessary to take permission.
However, they may act as liquidator trustee, executor, etc., or may take an appointment made by
Govt./Court/Legal Authority in professional. capacity provided it is not a salary-cum-full-time basis.
⇒ If not designated as M.D. or W.T.D. but entrusted with whole/substantially the
whole of management of affairs of company, deemed to be M.D.
The Council at its 242nd meeting noted the recommendations made to it by the Executive
Committee and accordingly passed the following resolution as a part of and in continuation of the
existing resolution under Regulation 190A which appears as Appendix no. 9 to the C.A.
Regulations, 1988 (2002 edition)
IT IS FURTHER REOLVED that the general and specific permission granted by the Council is
subject to the condition that –
(i) Any member engaged in any other business or occupation, in terms of general or specific
permission granted as per Appendix NO. (9) shall not be entitled to perform any attest
function except in the following cases:
(a) Authorship of books and articles.
(b) Holding of Life Assurance Agency Licence for the limited purpose of getting renewal
(c) Attending classes and appearing for any examination.
(d) Holding of public elective offices such as M.P., MLA & MLC.
(e) Honorary office-bearership of charitable, educational or other non-commercial
(f) Acting as Notary Public, Justice of the Peace, Special Executive Magistrate and the
(g) Part-time tutorship under the Coaching Organisation of the Institute.
(h) Valuation of papers, acting as paper-setter, head-examiner or a moderator for an
(i) Editorship of professional journals – (not in employment)
(j) Acting as surveyor and Loss Assessor under the Insurance Act, 1938 (not in
(k) Acting as Recovery consultant in the Banking Sector (not in employment)
(l) Any coaching assignment organized by the Institute, its Regional Councils and
Branches of Regional Councils.
(m) Engagement as Lecturer in an University, affiliated college, educational institution,
coaching organisation, private tutorship, provided the direct teaching hours developed
to such activities taken together do not exceed 25 hours a week.
(n) Engagement in any other business or occupation permitted by the Executive
Committee from time to time.
(o) Insurance brokerage.
(ii) A member who is not entitled to perform attest function shall not be entitled to train articled
Clause 12 :
Accepts a position as auditor previously held by another in such condition as to constitute
Consider the following:
(i) Quantum of work.
(ii) Incidental and out Of pocket expenses.
(iii) Other terms of appointment.
Clause 13 :
Allows a person not C.A. or a member not his partner to sign on his or his firm behalf, any B/S,
P&L A/c. report of financial statement,
In relation to C.A. in service
(a) If pays/allows/agrees to pay directly/indirectly to any person any share in emoluments of the
employment undertaken by member.
(b) Accepts/agrees to accept any part of fees, payment or gain from a lawyer, C.A., broker
engaged by company, firm or person or agent or customer of such company, firm or person
by way of commission or gratification.
(c) Discloses confidential information acquired in the course of his employment except as and
when required by law/permitted by employer.
In relation to C.A. (generally)
(i) If he includes in any statement, return or form to be submitted to council, particulars
knowing them to be false.
(ii) If he, not being a fellow styles himself as a fellow.
(iii) Doesn’t supply information called for, or doesn’t comply with requirement asked for, by
council or any of its committees.
Referred to H.C. for decisions
Professional misconduct in relation to C.A. in practice.
Clause 1 :
Discloses information acquired in the course of his professional engagement to any person other
than his client, without consent of his client or otherwise than as required by any law for the time
being in force.
⇒ Request for disclosure must come from client.
⇒ Duty in relation to unlawful act by client :
(i) No duty on C.A. to inform I.T. Authorities.
(ii) No duty to shield him from consequences of tax frauds.
(iii) Disclosure immediately. If small fraud may be made with submission of current return.
(iv) Genuine mistake/omission client won’t object to make complete disclosure.
(v) Fraud in past returns/A/c. in which no same C.A. Client Is advised to disclose. He may
continue to act.
(vi) Fraud relates to A/c. examined/reported by same C.A. client advised to disclose. If he
refuses, disassociate himself and disclose the same in report to authorities.
(vii) If fraud in returns/a/c. currently being prepared client advised to disclose. Else
reservation in his report and disassociate with return.
(viii) Member’s assignment is dispensed with before A/c. completed/reported on/return
submitted → no further duty.
(ix) Relates to A/c. not prepared/reported by member, for example where he is preparing
business returns while fraud is there is individual return of partner, he may continue with
Business A/c. but under no obligation to do so.
(x) Impression on Client :
(a) Disclosure only penalty, non disclosure with fine/imprisonment.
(b) Intimation by member to I.T. authorities about disassociation can start
investigation against client.
(xi) Summon the member to examine him on oath, legal expert advice is taken.
(xii) For production of Books of Accounts/Documents → Expert advice.
Clause 2 :
If he certifies/submits in his/his firm’s name a report of an examination of financial statements
unless examination is made by him / a partner / employee / another C.A. in practice.
Clause 3 :
Permits his / his firm’s name to be used in connection with estimate of earnings contingent upon
future transaction in manner which may lead to belief that he vouches for accuracy of the forecast.
⇒ He may participate in preparing and servicing them provided he clearly indicates source of
information, basis of forecasts and major assumption and so long as he doesn’t vouch for
accuracy of the forecasts.
Clause 4 :
Expresses his opinion on Financial Statement of any Business / Enterprise in which he, his firm or
partner has substantial intt. Unless he discloses intt. Also in his report.
⇒ Council clarification : He or his firm name shouldn’t accept.
(i) Accept auditorship of college in which he’s lecturer.
(ii) Accept auditorship of trust wherein he/partner is either employee or a trustee.
⇒ Enterprise/Business in which he’s either owner or partner → shouldn’t accept.
⇒ Enterprise/Business in which his partner/relative has sub. intt. → Disclose the fact if audit
the same.
⇒ Company in which he is director → shouldn’t accept.
⇒ Company in which his Partner/Relative is director having sub. Intt. → Disclose the fact if
audit the same.
⇒ He should take care of the same while acting as Tax Consultant/Financial Advisor also.
⇒ Members not to write Books of Account of clients.
⇒ St. Auditor not to become its Internal Auditor.
Clause 5 :
Fails to disclose a material fact known to him which is not disclosed in the Financial Statement,
but disclosure of which is necessary to make financial statements not misleading
→ Refer to SAP-13 ‘Materiality’ and AS.
Clause 6 :
Fails to report a material misstatement known to him to appear in a financial statement with which
he is concerned in a professional capacity.
Clause 7 :
Is grossly negligent in conduct of his professional duties.
⇒ He should perform it with due skill and care.
⇒ Like in circulation of newspapers (certification).
Clause 8 :
Fails to obtain sufficient information to warrant the expression of opinion as his exception are
sufficient material to negate the expression of opinion.
⇒ He shouldn’t express it before obtaining required information.
⇒ He should reproduce (brief self-explanatory explanation) the notes of qualificatory nature in
report to enable reader to know importance of these qualification.
Clause 9 :
Fails to invite attention to any material departure from generally accepted procedure of audit
applicable to the circumstances.
⇒ Refer to AAS .
Clause 10 :
Fails to keep moneys of his client in separate banking A/c. or to use such moneys for purposes
other than those for which they are intended.
Explanations :
(i) Advance received by C.A. against services to be rendered doesn’t fall under this clause.
(ii) It doesn’t apply to expenses to be spent within reasonably short time. These need not be
deposited into separate bank account.
Members of the Institute Generally.
Clause 1 :
Contravenes any of the provisions of this Act or Regulation made thereunder.
⇒ Mainly in connection with Articles, part-time employment, restriction on fees.
⇒ Some important points:
1. Monthly payment of stipend to every article. It must be confirmed beyond all doubts
that payment has been made.
2. It is duty of C.A to forward article deed to ICAI.
3. A CA can’t take loan from any enterprise in which article is interested. However he
may accept the same from any enterprise where in articles farther or relative is interested.
But it must not be taken as a consideration for admitting the article into firm.
4. Now no premium can be accepted by C.A
5. Practice work only after obtaining COP.
Clause 2 :
Is guilty of such other act or omission as may be specified by the Council in this behalf, by
notification in the Gazette of India.
He shouldn’t be cost auditor of company in which he
(i) Is auditor (ii) Is officer/employee; (iii) Partner, or in employment of officer/employee of
co.; (iv) Partner or in employment of company’s auditor; (v) Indebted for > 1000 Rs.,
⇒ Member in practice can’t become auditor of company., while he’s an employee of cost
auditor of co.
⇒ A member who is an employee shall be deemed to be guilty if he is willfully & grossly
negligent in conduct of his duty as employee.
⇒ C.A in practice is to maintain proper Books of Accounts including Cash Book / Ledger.
⇒ If he accepts more than sp. tax audit assignments (30).
⇒ If becomes member of CFA in addition to C.A.
⇒ Accepts less fee than specified.
accepts any other work or services with regard to same undertaking on a remuneration which
in total exceeds the fees payable for carrying out the statutory audit of the same.
⇒ As auditor of a concern while he is indebted to the concern or has given any guarantee for
limits fixed in the statute & in other cases exceeding Rs. 10,000.
AAS – 1
AAS- 2
The term 'General. Purpose Financial Statements' include Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account
and other statements and explanatory notes which from part thereof.
1. Objective of an Audit - The audit of financial statements is undertaken with the objective to
'enable the auditor to express an opinion on such financial statements. For this, it is essential that
financial statements are prepared as per the recognized accounting policies and practices and
relevant statutory requirements.
The auditor's opinion does not constitute an assurance as to future viability of the enterprise, or
the efficiency or effectiveness with which its management has conducted the affairs of the
2. Responsibility for the financial statements - The management is responsible for maintaining
an up to date and proper accounting of various transactions entered into during the course of the
year. The auditor is responsible for forming and expressing an opinion on the financial
statements. The audit of the financial statements, does not relieve the management of its
3. Scope of an Audit - The auditor decides the scope of his audit having regard to
a. The terms of the engagement
b. The requirements of the relevant legislation
c. The pronouncements of the Institute (ICAI)
d. The judgments of various courts of law
However, the terms of engagement can not supercede the pronouncements of the Institute or the
provisions of relevant legislation.
4. Organising an Audit - The audit should adequately cover all aspects of the enterprise which are
relevant to the financial statements under audit. The auditor should be reasonably satisfied that
the information contained in the accounting records, etc. is reliable and sufficient.The auditor
should compare the financial statements with accounting records and other source data to satisfy
himself that there is no variation between the two. He should assess the basis of selection of
accounting policies and their consistent application. He should satisfy himself about the
compliance with the various relevant laws and rulings of various courts of law.
5. Inherent limitations of Audit - The auditor, with a view to forming his opinion on the financial
statements follows certain audit procedures. He recognizes that because of the limitations
inherent in the test checks, audit and any system of internal control, some material misstatement
may remain undiscovered. It is true that in many situation a material misstatement by
management may be discovered in the course of an audit, but such discovery is not the main
objective of the audit. However, the auditor should extend his procedures, if he has any indication
that some fraud or error, which is likely to result in material misstatement, may have taken place.
The auditor is primarily concerned with, the items, which, whether individually or as a group, are
material in relation to the affairs of an enterprise. However, in the absence of any definite
standard to judge materiality, the auditor should make a decision about it on the basis. of his
professional experience and judgment.
The auditor is not expected to perform duties, which are outside the scope of his competence,
e.g. determining physical condition of certain assets.
If there are any constraints as regards the scope of audit, he should set them out in his report
and render a qualified opinion or a disclaimer of opinion, as deemed appropriate.
AAS- 3
"Documentation" refers to the working papers prepared or obtained by the auditor and retained by him
in connection with the performance of his audit.
1. Form and Content of working papers - These are affected by matters such as –
a. The nature of the engagement
b. The form of auditor's report
c. The nature and complexity of the client's business.
d. The nature and condition of the client's records and degree of reliance on internal controls, and
e. The need in particular circumstances for direction, supervision and review of work performed
by assistants.
2. Preparation of working papers - Following care should taken while preparing for working
papers -
a. Working papers should be designed and properly organized
b. They should be standardized
c. They should be adequately complete and detailed
d. All significant matters, which require the exercise of judgment and the auditor's conclusion
as regards them, should be included in working papers.
e. The auditor should ensure that the schedules, analysis and other working papers prepared by
the client and utilized in the course of the audit have been properly prepared.
f. In case of recurring audits, some working paper files may be classified as permanent audit
files and current audit files.
3. Contents of permanent Audit file –
a. Information concerning the legal organizational structure of the entity, such as Memorandum
and Articles of Association in case of a company, and relevant regulations in the case of a
statutory corporation.
b. Extracts or copies of important legal documents, agreements and minutes relevant to the audit.
c. A record of the study and evaluation of internal controls related to the accounting system.
d. Copies of audited financial statements of previous years.
e. Analysis of significant ratios and trends.
f. Copies of management letter, issued by auditor, if any:
g. Record of communication with the retiring auditor, if any, before the acceptance of the
appointment as auditor.
h. Notes regarding significant accounting policies.
i. Significant audit observations of earlier years.
j. List of officers, their financial powers and authorities.
k. List of offices, factories, godowns, depots etc.
4. Contents of current audit file
a. Correspondence relating to acceptance of annual reappointment.
b. Extracts of important matters in the minutes of Board meetings and general meetings, as are
relevant to audit.
c. Evidence of the planning process of the audit and audit programme.
d. Analysis of transactions and balances.
e. A record of nature, timing and extent of auditing procedures performed, and the results of
such procedures.
f. Evidence that the work performed by assistants was supervised and reviewed.
g. Copies of communication with other auditors, experts and other third parties.
h. Letters or representation or confirmation received from the client.
i. Copies of letters or notes concerning audit matters communicated to or discussed with the client,
including the terms of the engagement and material weakness in relevant internal controls.
j. Conclusions reached by the auditor concerning significant aspects of the audit.
k. Copies of the financial information being reported on, and the related audit reports. .
I. Reports of branch auditors, internal. auditors and stock auditors etc.
(i) Who performed the audit work & date of such work
(ii) Who reviewed specific audit documentation & date of such review.
Auditor should record the identifying characteristics of the specific items tested.
If in exceptional circumstances, auditor departs from basic principle or procedure in an AAS, he
should document the reasons for the same.
After date of audit report, if (in exceptional situations) auditor performs new procedures etc. he
should document the changes necessary including:
(i) When & by whom such charges were made & reviewed (if applicable)
(ii) Specific reasons for the changes, &
(iii) The effect (if any) of changes on auditors conclusion.
After completing Audit file, auditor shouldn’t delete any documentation. However he may make
addition he should take care of above, same is the case with documentation of new information
received after A.R’s date.
Auditor, should (regarding documentation)
(i) Maintain its confidentiality & sale custody.
(ii) Protect its integrity
(iii) Enable its accessibility & retrievability, &
(iv) Enable its retention for a period sufficient to meet the needs of the firm & legal and
professional requirements (subject to legal requirements but not shorter than 10 years
from date of audit report).
He should adopt proper control procedures to maintain integrity, accessibility and retrievability
of data whether documentation is in paper, electronic or other media.
AAS- 4
and error, the auditor should perform procedures to determine whether the financial statements
are materially misstated. When the auditor identifies a misstatement, he should consider whether
such a misstatement might be indicative of a fraud and if there is such an indication, he should
consider the implication of the misstatement in relation to other aspects of the audit, particularly
the reliability of management representation.
When the auditor confirms that, or is unable to conclude whether, the financial statements are
materially misstated due to fraud or error, he should consider a necessity for a disclosure in the
financial statements and if adequate disclosures are not made, the necessity for a suitable
disclosure in audit report.
8. Documentation - The auditor should document fraud risk factors identified and his response to
such factors.
9. Management representation - The auditor should obtain a management representation that
a. It is responsible for the implementation and operation of accounting and internal control
systems that are designed to prevent and detect fraud and error;
b. It believes that the effect of uncorrected misstatements, both individually and in aggregate, is
c. It has disclosed to the auditor all facts relating to frauds or suspected frauds known to the
them; and
d. It has disclosed to the auditor the results of its assessment of the risk that the financial
statements may be materially misstated as a result of fraud or error.
10. Communication - When the auditor identifies a misstatement resulting from fraud or error, ,he
should communicate that information to the appropriate level of management on a timely basis,
and consider the need to report such matters to those charged with governance and if required to
regulatory and enforcement authorities. The auditor should communicate to the management any
material weakness in internal control related to the prevention or detection of fraud and error,
which has come to his attention as a result of the performance of the audit.
11. Auditor unable to complete the engagement - If the auditor concludes that it is not possible to
continue performing the audit due to material misstatements, he should consider the professional
and legal responsibilities applicable in the circumstances including responsibilities to persons
who made the audit appointment or regulatory authorities. The AAS specifies that in such
circumstances the auditor should consider the possibility of withdrawal from the engagement .The
AAS also specifies that if fraud or suspected fraud was a factor in the existing auditor's
withdrawal from the engagement, the existing auditor should estate the facts relating to these
matters to the incoming auditor.
Compliance Substantive
Whether internal control Regarding completeness, accuracy
have been designed and and validity of transactions and
these are operating balances.
effectively throughout the
Reliability of Evidences :
⇒ External Evidences more reliable.
⇒ Internal Evidences reliable if internal controls are effective.
⇒ Written are more reliable than oral.
Consistency : If evidences from one source are inconsistent with those obtained from other
sources, auditor is required to perform extended procedures.
Methods :
a. Inspection – It involves examination of records, documents or assets, etc.
b. Computation – i.e. to check the arithmetical accuracy of data and records.
c. Analytical Review Procedures – Examination of significant ratios and trends.
d. Inquiry and confirmation – obtaining appropriate informations from persons orally or
In written form.
e. Observation – witnessing a process being performed by others.
AAS- 6
According to this standard, it is the responsibility of the management to develop and operate. an
adequate. system of accounting and internal control. The auditor should acquaint himself with the
accounting system and internal control system in order to develop an effective audit plan. The auditor
should use his professional judgment to assess audit risk and to design audit procedures to ensure
that it is reduced to an acceptably low level.
1. Accounting System - Accounting system refers to the series of tasks and records of an entity by
which transactions are processed as a means of maintaining final records. The auditor should
obtain an understanding of the accounting system sufficient to identify and understand
a. Major classes of transactions;
b. Manner of initiation of transaction;
c. Significant accounting records, supporting documents and specific accounts in the financial
statements; and
d. The accounting and financial reporting process.
2. Internal Control System - It refers to all the policies and procedures adopted by the
management of the entity to assist in achieving management's objective of:
a. Conducting the business in an orderly and effective manner;
b. Adherence to management policies.
c. Safeguarding of assets; and
d. Defection of fraud and error in a timely manner
"The Internal Control System comprises of
i. The Control Environment - It refers to the overall attitude, awareness and actions of the
directors. and management regarding the internal control system and its importance in
the entity.
II. Control Procedures - Control procedures are additional policies and procedures
established by the management to achieve entity's specific objectives. These procedures
include preparation of periodic reports, approving and controlling access to documents and
records etc.
3. Audit Risks - Auditors risk is the risk that the auditor may give an inappropriate
opinion when the financial statements are materially misstated. Audit risk has three components
viz.; inherent risk, control risk and detection risk.-
4. Inherent Risk - Inherent risk is the susceptibility of an account balance or class of
transaction to a material misstatement either individually or when aggregated with misstatements
of other balances or classes, assuming that there were no internal controls. The auditor should
study and evaluate the degree of inherent risk in order to determine the audit plan. He should
also consider other factors, which might compensate for an otherwise high degree of inherent
Inherent Limitations of Internal Controls
The objectives of internal control can only be reasonably, and not absolutely, achieved due to the
following limitations inherent in the system:
a. Management's concern about the operating system;
b. Transactions of unusual nature may be missed by most controls;
c. Potential of human error;
d. Circumvention of controls through collusion;
e. Abuse of control by the person who is himself responsible for exercising it; f. Inadequacy of
procedures due to changes in conditions; and
g. Manipulations by management.
5. Control Risk.- Control risk is the risk that a misstatements could occur in an account balance or
class of transaction and that could be material, either individually or when aggregated with other
misstatements, will not be prevented or detected and corrected on a timely basis by the
accounting and internal control system.
I. Preliminary Assessment of Control Risk
In order to make a preliminary assessment of the control risk, the auditor should obtain an
understanding of the accounting system and related internal controls.
The preliminary assessment of control risk 'is the process of evaluating the likely effectiveness
of an entity's accounting on internal control system in preventing or detecting and correcting
material misstatements. Thus the auditor should assess the control risk as high when
a. The entity's accounting and/or internal control system are/is not effective; or
b. It would be inefficient to evaluate the effectiveness of the accounting and internal control
II. Test of Controls
Tests of controls are performed by an auditor to obtain audit evidence about the effectiveness of the
a. Whether the accounting and internal control systems are suitably designed to prevent or
detect and control material misstatements; and
b. Operation of internal controls throughout the period. '
Test of control may include the following procedures:
Inspection of the documents and records;
Inquiries about and observation of internal controls that leave no audit trail;
Re-doing on a test basis, activities performed automatically by the system; and
Testing of internal controls operating on computerized applications.
III. Final assessment of control risk
On the basis of the results of the test of control the auditor should evaluate whether the
preliminary assessment of control risk was correct or do they need to be revised. He should
accordingly determine any modification in the nature, timing and extent of audit procedures.
6. Relationship between assessment of Internal and Control Risks - The auditor should make a
combined ,assessment of the inherent and control risks. This is because the management often
reacts to inherent risk situations by designing suitable accounting and internal control system to
prevent or detect and correct material misstatement.
7. Detection Risk - Detection risk is the risk that an auditor's substantive procedures will not detect
a misstatement that exists in an account balance or class of transactions that could be material,
either individually or when aggregated with misstatements in other balances or classes.
There is an inverse relationship between detection risk and the combined level of inherent and
control risks. Thus when inherent and control risks are high, acceptable detection risk should be
low to reduce the audit risk to an acceptably low level. It should, however, be noted that the
assessed levels of inherent and control risk cannot be sufficiently low to eliminate the need to
perform substantive procedures.
When the auditor determines that the detection risk regarding material assertion in the financial
statements cannot be reduced to an acceptably low level, the auditor should express a qualified
opinion or a disclaimer of opinion as may be appropriate.
8. Internal Controls In a Small Business - There may be inadequate segregation of functions
among a small number of persons who perform accounting procedures.. However through an
effective supervision by the owner or manager of the business who has direct personal
knowledge of the business and its transactions, this limitation can be neutralized. But where
effective supervision is lacking, the auditor should largely depend upon subtractive procedures to
form his opinion as regards financial information.
9. Communication of Weaknesses in Internal Control - Any material weakness in the internal
control noticed by the auditor during the course of his evaluation or audit procedures should be
communicated in writing to the management in a timely manner. However, such communication
should make it clear that the audit examination has not been designed to determine the
adequacy of internal controls.
AAS- 7
Though work of internal auditor can be useful to the statutory auditor, the statutory auditor alone will be
responsible for his report and for determination of the nature, timing and extent of the auditing procedures.
Scope and Objective of Internal audit function:
It depends on the size and structure of the enterprise and the requirements of its management. The
internal audit broadly covers following areas:
a. Review of accounting system and internal controls
b. Examination for management of financial and operating information.
c. Examination of the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the operations.
d. Physical examination and verification.
Relationship between internal and external auditors:
a. Although the internal and external audit functions are different as regard their role and
objectives, the external auditor can usefully draw on the work of internal auditor to determine the
nature, timing and extent of the auditing procedures.
b. However, the external auditor should carefully subject the relevance of the internal control
system to his own examination.
c. The external auditor will alone be responsible for his report and the reliance on the internal
auditor's work will in no way reduce his responsibility.
General evaluation of Internal audit function:
The external auditor's evaluation and conclusions as to the internal audit function should take into
account the following:
a. Organlsational status : Whether the internal auditor reports directly to top management and is
free of any other operating responsibility, whether there are any restrictions as regards the work
of the internal auditor should be evaluated by external auditor.
b. Scope of coverage: The nature and depth of coverage of the internal auditor's assignment vis-
a-vis the management should be ascertained and how the management acts upon his
c. Technical competence: Whether the internal audit is under the charge of persons with
appropriate professional training and proficiency should be considered.
d. Due Professional care: Whether the internal audit function is property planned, supervised"
reviewed and documented should be ascertained.
Coordination: When the internal auditor's work is to be relied upon. The external auditor should
ascertain the internal audit plan and discuss with him at an early stage to determine the areas where
reliance may be placed. The internal. and external auditors should meet at regular intervals to ensure
effective coordination. They should share the information, which may help each other.
Evaluating specific internal audit work:
He should review the internal auditor's work taking into account the following factors
a. The scope of work and related audit programme are adequate for the external auditor's purpose.
b. The work was properly planned and the work of .assistants was properly supervised, reviewed
and documented.
c. Sufficient appropriate evidence was obtained.
d. Conclusions reached are appropriate in circumstances and any report_ prepared are consistent
with the results of the work performed.
e. Any exceptions disclosed by the internal auditor's procedures are properly resolved.
The external auditor's conclusions as to the review of the specific work should be documented. He
should also test the work of the internal auditor on which he intends to rely. The nature, timing and
extent of his tests will depend on his evaluation of internal audit function.
AAS- 8
The first step in audit process is planning. Every audit should be carefully planned to ensure highest
technical standards make best use of audit personnel and achieve utmost efficiency. Audit plan helps to:
a. Ensure that appropriate attention is devoted to important areas of audit.
b. See that potential problems are promptly identified.
c. Ensure that work is completed on time.
d. Coordinate the work done by other auditors and experts.
e. Utilize the assistants properly.
Factors to be considered while planning the audit are:
a. Complexity of the audit.
b. Environment in which the entity operates.
c. Previous experience with the client.
d. Knowledge of client's business.
Knowledge of the client's business: It will enable the auditor to identify the events, transactions and
practices, that in his judgment, may have a significant effect on the financial information. The auditor
can obtain such knowledge from:
a. the client's annual report to its shareholders;
b. minutes of meetings of shareholders, Board of Directors etc;
c. internal financial management reports;
d. previous year's audit working papers;
e. discussion with client;
f. the client's policy and procedures manual;
g. consideration to the state of economy and its affect on client's business; and h. visit of the client's
premises and plant facilities.
Development of an overall plan: The overall plan should cover the following:
a. Terms of audit engagement and statutory responsibilities.
b. Nature and timing of reports or other communication.
c. Relevant legal and statutory requirements.
d. Accounting policies of client and changes therein.
e. Effect of new accounting or auditing pronouncements on the audit.
f. Identification of critical audit areas.
g. Conditions requiring special attention.
h. Degree of reliance as regards accounting system and internal control.
i. Possible rotation of emphasis on specific audit areas.
j. Nature, timing and extent of audit evidence to be obtained.
k. Work of internal auditors and reliance to be placed on them.
I. Consideration to branch auditor's report.
m. Allocation of work between joint auditors and the procedures for its control and review.
n. Establishing and coordinating the staff requirements.
Developing the audit programme :
The auditor should prepare a written audit programme setting forth the procedures that are needed to
be implemented while carrying out the audit plan. He may take into account the reliance to be placed
on internal controls.
The auditor has some flexibility in deciding when to perform audit procedures. But, sometimes he may
have no discretion as to timing, such as, observing the stock taking by the client's personnel. The
audit programme should consider previous year's audit programmes and should be modified, if
AAS- 9
An auditor during the course of an audit may have to place reliance on the work of an expert. An
expert is a person who possesses special skill, knowledge: and experience in a particular field, other
than accounting and auditing.
Determining the Need to use the Work of an Expert:
During the audit, an auditor may seek to obtain, either independently or from the client, audit evidence
by way of reports, opinions, valuations and statements of experts, such as value of certain types of
assets, actuarial valuation etc. In determining whether to use the work of an expert, the auditor should
consider the materiality of an item, the nature and complexity of item etc.
AAS-10 is applicable only to components audits and it excludes joint audit form its purview.
The procedures laid down in AAS-10 are applicable where the financial statement of a component of
business, For Example, branch, sales depot etc. are material. Where several components, immaterial in
themselves, are together material in relation to the financial statement as a whole, this AAS is applicable.
COMPONENT Any branch, division, subsidiary, J.V., or associates etc. whose financial information is
used in the financial statements of client.
Principal Auditor's Procedures:
The following procedures are recommended on the part of principal auditor:
1. Advise the other auditor of the use that is to be made of his work and report.
2. The principal auditor should also inform the areas requiring special consideration and the
timetable for completion of audit.
3. Advise the other auditor of the significant accounting auditing and reporting requirements.
4. Ascertain from other auditors any limitation on the scope of his work by the terms of engagement.
5. Consider the significant findings of the other auditor.
6. The principle auditor is not required to evaluate the professional competence or independence of
other auditor except in doubtful situation,
7. He may require the other auditor to submit responses to a questionnaire regarding the audit work
8. He may discuss with the other auditor and concerned branch official the audit findings affecting
the financial statements of the branches.
9. If necessary, he may require that supplementary tests be performed or he may himself perform
such tests.
10. In case of foreign branch, the principal auditor should consider the qualification, experience and
expertise of the foreign branch auditor.
1. The principal auditor should maintain in his working paper / files the financial statement of the
branches, which are audited by other auditor. He should also document the manner in which he has
applied the audit procedures and conclusions thereof.
2. When the other auditor has qualified his audit report, the principal auditor should refer in his working
paper the manner in which he dealt with the same.
Coordination between Auditors:
1. There should be coordination between the principal auditor and branch auditor so what they can
discharge their responsibility effectively.
2. The other auditor should bring to the notice of principal auditor any of his significant findings, adhering
to the time scales, ensuring compliance with legal requirements, etc.
3. If the principal auditor requires a specific audit procedure to be carried out or to answer a detailed
questionnaire, the other auditor should comply with the same.
Consideration of Report of Other Auditor
1. The principal auditor should qualify or disclaim his opinion when he concludes that he cannot use the
work of the other auditor and has not been able to perform sufficient additional procedures with
respect to the financial statements submitted by the branch auditor.
2. The principal auditor should consider the qualification of the branch auditor's report in relation to the
financial statement of the entity as a whole.
Division of Responsibility:
1. The principal auditor is not responsible for work carried out by the other auditor unless there are
doubtful . circumstances
2. The principal auditor's report should clearly state the division of responsibility by indicating the extent
to which the financial statement of branches audited by other auditors have been included in the
financial statement of the entity e.g. the number of branches / divisions audited by other auditors.
AAS – 11 Management Representation
Management Representation – written / oral confirmation by them w.r.t. items included in financial
Example :
(i) For Financial Statement as a whole.
(ii) For Accounting Policies.
(iii) Investments.
(iv)Provision for claims, etc.
Types of MRL :
(i) Letter issued by management.
(ii) Letter from auditor outlining his understanding, duly acknowledged and confirmed by
Elements :
− Addressed to Auditor.
− Dated and signed by proper authority.
− MRL date < AR date.
− For specific transfer there may be separate MRLs.
Management Representation as Audit Evidence :
− He should use his professional judgement to decide the areas in which MRL is
− Management Representation should be in writing.
− Auditor should seek corroborative evidences.
− Evaluate its reasonableness and consistency.
− Person rendering Management Representation should be well informed.
− Management Representation Letter can’t be substitute for other audit evidences.
− Sometimes it may be only evidence.
Documentation : of both types of Management Representation Letters.
Management Management
Acknowledges refuses
↓ ↓
OK Limitation on Scope
of work of auditor
Division of Work :
The joint auditors should divide the audit work in anyone of the following basis:
1. Components of financial statements
2. Geographical location
3. Functional areas and activities
4. Period basis
The division of work among joint auditors should be adequately documented and communicated to
the entity.
Coordination among Joint Auditors:
Where a company auditor comes across matters, which are relevant to the areas of responsibility of
their joint auditors, he should communicate it immediately to the other joint auditors to discharge
himself of the responsibility.
Relationship among Joint Auditors:
Each joint auditor is responsible for the work allocated to him. However, in respect of following areas,
all the joint auditors are jointly and severally responsible.
1. Audit work not divided among joint auditors and carried out by all of them.
2. Matters, which are brought to the knowledge of joint auditors by one of them and on which there
is an agreement among the joint auditors.
3. Collective decisions taken by joint auditors such as the decision regarding the nature, extent and
timing of the audit procedures to be carried out.
4. Compliance and disclosure requirements as per statute.
In case the information is brought to the other joint auditors by an auditor after submission of the audit
report, the other joint auditors would not be responsible for such matter.
Each joint auditor is responsible for drafting his own audit programme and determine nature, extent of
checking etc.
Each joint auditor should keep appropriate working papers, which enables him to come to a
conclusion regarding the financial statements.
In the case of audit of a large entity with several branches. In such a case, it is the separate
responsibility of each joint auditor to review the reports of the branches allotted to him and to ensure
that they are properly incorporated into the accounts of the entity.
In respect of branches, which do not fall under any division or zone, which were separately assigned
to different joint auditors, they may agree among themselves regarding the division of work relating to
such branch returns.
Each joint auditor is entitled to rely upon the work carried by other joint auditors. It is not necessary for
a joint auditor to review the work performed by other joint auditors or perform any tests to ascertain
whether the work has actually been performed in accordance with generally accepted audit
If one of joint auditors also carries out the audit of branches or other division of the entity, the joint
auditors. are entitled to rely upon the work carried out by him, unless the other joint auditor specifically
brings out any material discrepancy.
Reporting Responsibilities:
Where the joint auditors are in disagreement with regard to any matter, each one of them should
express his own opinion through a separate report. The joint auditor is not bound by the views of the
majority of joint auditors regarding matters to be covered in the report.
Materiality :
→ Material items are those which may influence the judgement of users
of statement.
→ It may be quantitative / qualitative.
→ It depends upon –
(i) Size of item (ii) Nature of item, (iii) Statutory provisions, etc.
→ Materiality to be considered from both point of views –
(i) Individual A/c.; and
(ii) Overall financial statement.
→ Auditor to consider materiality while –
(i) Determining NTE of audit procedure; and
(ii) Evaluating effect of misstatement.
Reason – Generally management / employees don’t commit fraud in high value items.
Moreover, as a general practice, auditor checks high value items in detail. Thus it is less risky
that high value F & E may not be detected. Thus high materiality level leaves audit risk at
lower degree. Thus inverse relation.
Procedure and considerations by Auditor –
→ Auditor decides upon mat level during planning stage which may be changed
during progress of audit. May be increased/decreased for specific A/c.
→ If ARP indicates misstatements, auditor should adopt other procedures to
estimate it.
→ Aggregate uncorrected misstatement =
(i) Specific misstatement identified by Auditor +
(ii) Aggregate uncorrected misstatements (not identified) +
(iii) Net effect of uncorrected misstatement identified during previous year’s audit.
→ Auditor concludes aggregate uncorrected misstatement are
Ask management to adjust f. st.
"Analytical review procedure" refers to analysis of significant ratios and trends including the resulting
investigation of fluctuations and relationships that are inconsistent with other relevant information or
which deviates from predicted amounts. The auditor should apply analytical review procedures at the
planning and the overall stages of audit.
Nature and purpose of Analytical Procedures:
Analytical review procedures includes both inter-firm and intra firm comparisons. The latter is vis-a-vis:
a. Comparable information for prior periods.
b. Predictive estimates prepared by auditor e.g. estimation of depreciation change.
c. Anticipated results of the entity such as budgets or forecasts.
d. Similar industry information - entity's ratio of sales to debtors with industry averages.
It depends on the auditor's judgment as to the nature of procedures, methods arid level 6f
Purposes I stages of application of Analytical Review Procedures:
The analytical review procedures can be used by the auditor for the following purposes / at following
i. While planning the nature, timing and extent of other audit procedures.
ii. As a means of substantiating the financial assertion relating to business transactions.
iii. Overall review of the financial statements in the final review stage of the audit.
Stage I - Planning the audit:
Analytical review procedures assist in understanding the business and in identifying areas of potential
risk. It may indicate aspects of the business of which the auditor was not aware,
Stage II - Analytical review tasks as useful substantive procedures:
The following are the factors that need to be considered while applying analytical procedures as
substantive tests:
1. Extent of reliance that can be placed on analytical procedures and results derived thereof.
2. Nature and complexity of the business.
3. Reliability of information available
4. Relevance of information available.
5. Sources from which information is available i.e. internal/external sources.
6. Comparability of the information available.
7. Knowledge gained by the auditor in the previous year's audit.
8. Auditor's understanding of the effectiveness of the accounting and internal control systems and
types of problems that in prior periods have given rise to accounting adjustments.
Extent of reliance that can be placed on Analytical Procedures:
The extent of reliance that the auditor places on the results of analytical procedures depends on the
following factors:
1. Materiality of the items involved. .
2. Other audit procedures directed towards the same audit objectives e.g. other procedures
performed by the auditor in reviewing the collectability of accounts receivable.
3. Accuracy with which the expected results of analytical procedures can be predicted.
4. The auditor should also test the control over the preparation of information used in applying
analytical procedures.
State III - Overall review at the end of the audit:
The auditor should apply analytical procedures at the end of the audit when of in overall conclusion as
to the consistency financial statement with that of auditor's knowledge of the business. The drawn
thereof is intended to corroborate the evidences found during the audit of individual element or
components, of the financial statement. Where, based on analytical pr ocedures, the auditor
concludes that he has to apply further procedures before forming conclusions, then he has to apply
such procedures which he considers deemed fit.
Investigation of unusual items:
When analytical procedures identify major fluctuations or relationships that are inconsistent with other
relevant information, the auditor should investigate and seek explanation from management and other
corroborative evidences.
AAS – 15
Audit Sampling – Meaning – Application of audit procedure on Less than 100% of items within a
class of tr./A/c. Balance
→ It may be statistical or non-statistical.
→ It requires skill and competence on part of auditor.
→ Auditor should try his level best to choose sample which should
be true representative of population.
→ Choosing all items above certain amount is not sampling.
Design of Audit Sample – It depends on following :
(i) Audit Objective – Specific objective and procedures.
(ii) Population – It should be appropriate.
(iii) Stratification – Dividing heterogeneous (different characteristics) population in more
homogeneous (similar characteristics) sub-population. For getting same level of assurance,
it results in smaller sample size.
Sampling Units – Individual units constituting the population.
Size of Sample – Auditor should consider overall population, tolerable error, expected error and
sampling risk.
Method of Sampling – Each item in population should have equal chances of being chosen. Thus –
(1) Random Sample – use of random no table. Each sampling unit has
equal probability of being selection.
(2) Systematic Sample – Having fixed interval, between any consecutive
units selected. However, it can be adopted only when population is not structured in a way
that it corresponds to a particular trend.
(3) Haphazard Selection – No intention to include/exclude a particular
item. Equivalent to (1).
Expected Error - If auditor expects error in sample – larger sample size, otherwise smaller sample
Tolerable Error – Maximum Error in population that auditor is ready to accept for a given sample
Sampling Risk - It arises from possibility that auditor’s conclusion based upon sample may be
different from conclusion that would have been reached if complete population were subjected to
same audit procedure.
− If auditor willing to accept less risk → large size of sample to be chosen.
− It is always there in sampling..
Sampling Risk
In Compliance Risk of under reliance Risk of over reliance
In Substantive Risk of incorrect rejection Risk of incorrect acceptance
→Less risky → More risky
→Leads to more work to be → May lead to erroneous opinion
performed by auditor by auditor.
AAS – 16
Going Concern
Going Concern : an entity is said to be going concern if it is likely to continue in existence for
foreseeable future.
⇒ It is a fundamental accounting assumption (AS-1).
Auditor’s Consideration : whether going concern assumption adopted by management holds goods.
⇒ There may be indicators when auditor should adopt extended procedures.
⇒ Such indications may be mitigated (compensating) by some positive factors. For example
– labour difficulties may be solved by negotiations and compromises, or loss of some
major supplier may be compensated by availability of some alternate source of supply.
⇒ But in case of question regarding going concern, auditor should obtain sufficient and
appropriate evidence e.g.
1) Discussion with management.
2) Reviewing events after Balance sheet date.
3) Taking legal advice.
4) Analyse future plans of management.
Audit procedures – Conclusion and Reporting
If doubt regarding Going Concern Assumption
Obtain Audit Evidence
Evaluate those Evidences & Conclude whether
If mgt. If mgt.
do not discloses
↓ ↓
qualify the clean
report report/
21. On 30th September, 2000 a company’s issued and paid up capital was Rs.25 crores comprising
of fully paid equity shares of Rs.10 each. This included Rs.50,00,000 capital issued for cash;
Rs.4,50,00,000 capital issued for purchase of business; Rs.20 crores on issue of bonus shares
from time to time by capitalizing various reserves including Rs.5 crores by capitalizing capital
redemption reserve. The company had fixed assets costing Rs.2 crores on which depreciable
provision was Rs.1.95 crores, which was equal to the full cost of depreciable assets. The
balance Rs.5 lakhs represented the cost of land. It has discontinued its operations for last many
years. The company had made investments in various companies to the tune of Rs.30 crores.
Unfortunately, all the investee companies have turned out to be BIFR cases. Nothing is
expected to be realized on such investments. The company has dues from customers totaling to
Rs.4.95 crores of which Rs.4.90 crores are due from businesses, which have become defunct.
The balance Rs.5 lakhs are due for over 3 years. The accumulated losses are Rs.10 crores. The
amounts due to suppliers are Rs.3 crores and they are overdue. The balancing figure in the
Balance Sheet refers to loan from Financial Institutions. Workers who had put in long years of
service have lodged claims for termination benefits of Rs.10 crores, which have been decreed in
their favour. No accounting entry has been passed for the same since the decree on 1-1-1997.
In the light of AAS-16, relating to Going Concern, you are asked to write appropriate paragraph
of audit report. Give reason for supporting your report. (C.A. Final, Nov., 2000)
Ans.: Considering these indicators and as per the facts of the case, the company is not a going
concern as on September 30,2000 on account of following reasons :
(i) The company has discontinued its operations for last many years. Its productive fixed
assets are fully depreciated. The only productive asset left is land worth Rs.5 lakhs.
(ii) The claim of workers for termination benefits amounting to Rs.10 crores though decreed
on January 1, 1997 has not been provided for in the books of account. The accumulated
loss of the enterprise would be much higher if these losses were provided for.
(iii) The amounts recoverable from customers totaling Rs.4.95 crores of which Rs.4.90 crores
are due from business which are totally defunct are doubtful of recovery in its entirety.
Even the balance amount is due for more than 3 years.
(iv) The company has not been able to pay to its suppliers amounting to Rs.3 crores which are
(v) The company’s investment to the tune of Rs.30 crores are not realizable and are worthless
in view of the fact that all investor companies have turned sick. The accumulated loss of
the enterprise would be much higher if the loss on account of diminution in value of
investment was provide for.
(vi) The balance figure for term loan from financial institutions works out to be Rs.17 crores as
per records which the company is unable to pay.
(vii) The net worth of the company is completely eroded and there are no mitigation factors or
any support from the group company or financial institution that would prevent its ultimate
Thus, in view of the aforesaid financial operating and other indicators, the assumption of going
concern is not appropriate. Since the qualification is very material and all pervasive an adverse
opinion rather than a ‘subject’ to qualification would be required.
Paragraph in the Audit Report. “The Company has discontinued its operations for last many
years and has not been able to honour its obligation t creditors and financial institutions for quite
some time. Thus total accumulated losses are Rs.54.5 crores (and not as…………. Reported).
After taking into account the above factors we are of the opinion that the company is not a going
concern as on September 30, 2000 and, thus the using of going concern assumption in the
preparation of financial statements is inappropriate.
In our opinion, considering the information given in preceding paragraph, the financial
statements do not give a true and fair view of the financial position of the company at September
2002 and the results of its operations for the year that ended”.
AAS- 17
Objective - To establish standards on quality control:
a. Policies and procedures of an audit firm for audit work generally, and
b. Procedures regarding the work delegated to assistants on an individual audit.
Meaning of certain terms
a. Auditor -' The person with final responsibility for the audit.
b. Audit firm - A proprietary or a partnership firm providing audit service.
c. Personnel - All partners and professional staff engaged in the audit practiced of the firm.
d. Assistants - Personnel involved in an audit other than auditor.
Implementation of Quality Control - The audit firm should implement quality control policies to
ensure that all audits are conducted in accordance with Auditing and Assurance Standard (AASs).
Essential factors for incorporating quality control in audit work - .
a. Professional Requirements - Adherence to basic principles such as independence, integrity,
objectivity, confidentiality, etc.
b. Skills and competence - Audit personnel should have required degree of skill and competence.
c. Assignment - Audit work should be assigned only to competent personnel.
d. Delegation - There is to be sufficient direction, supervision and review of work at all levels.
e. Consultation - Consultancy within and outside the firm with experts.
f. Acceptance and Retention of clients - Evaluation of prospective client and review of existing client
should be done.
g. Monitoring - Continued adequacy and effectiveness of quality control policies should be monitored.
The firm's quality control policy should be effectively communicated to its personnel.
Quality control for Individual Audits - The quality control policies applicable to firm should be
implemented for individual audits to the extent applicable. The audit work should be delegated to
assistants with professional competence and should be appropriately directed and supervised. Audit
assistants should be informed of the nature of business, accounting policies, possible accounting or
auditing problems. They should be explained of what is expected of them and how to achieve it. They
should be informed about the importance of audit programme, time budgets and overall audit plan.
Supervision - Persons with supervisory responsibilities should
a. Monitor the progress of audit;
b. Become informed of and address significant accounting and auditing questions raised during the audit;
c. Resolve the differences of professional judgment and consider the level of consultation as appropriate.
Review - Review of work of audit staff should be carried out to ensure that the:
a. Work has been performed as per the audit programme.
b. Work performed has been adequately documented.
c. All significant matters have been resolved or are reflected in audit conclusions.
d. Objectives of the audit procedures have been achieved, and
e. Conclusions expressed are consistent with the work performed.
Matters to be reviewed On a timely basis
a. Overall audit plan and the audit programme.
b. Assessment of inherent and control risks.
c. Changes to be made to audit plan and programme.
d. Documentation of the audit evidence obtained from substantive procedures and the conclusions drawn
there from.
e. Any amendment to the financial statement arising out -of the auditor's examination, and the auditor's
proposed observations / report.
Persons not connected with audit may be requested to perform additional procedures before issuing
the auditor's report.
Accounting Estimate -An approximation of an item in the absence of a precise means of
measurement. For example, provision for taxation, provision for warranty claims, provision for a loss
from a law suit, accrued revenue etc.
Responsibility for Accounting Estimates - Management is responsible for making accounting
estimates included in financial statement.
Nature of Accounting Estimates - The determination of accounting estimates may be simple or
complex, depending upon the nature of the item. Accounting estimates may be determined as part of
the routine accounting system operating on a continuous basis, or may be non-routine only at the end
of the period. The uncertainly associated with an item, or lack of. objective data may make it
incapable of reasonable estimation.
Audit Procedures - The auditor should ensure that an accounting estimate is reasonable in
circumstance, and when required, is appropriately disclosed in the financial statements. Following
approaches should be used in the audit of an accounting estimate
a. Review and test the process used by management to develop the estimate.
b. Use an independent estimate for comparison with that prepared by management, or
c. Review subsequent events, which confirm the estimate made.
d. Obtain external evidence, where possible, to corroborate internal evidence.
e. Evaluate the data and assumptions on which the estimate is based and ensure reasonableness
and consistency of assumptions.
f. Use of experts in case of complex estimating process
g. Review the counting appropriateness of formula used by management.
h. Test the calculation procedures used by management.
i. Where possible, compare accounting estimates made for prior periods with actual results of those
Evaluation of Results of Audit Procedures - The final assessment of an accounting estimate would
be based on the auditor's knowledge of the client's business and its consistency with other audit
evidence obtained during the audit. If he of the opinion that the accounting estimates prepared by the
management is significantly different from that assesses the auditor, he should request the
management to revise the same, If the management refuses to revise the estimate, it would be
considered a misstatement and the auditor would need to consider its effect on the financial
AAS – 19Subsequent Events
Subsequent Event : Significant events occurring between Balance sheet date and Auditor Report’s date.
Auditors duty and Audit procedures :
⇒ Ensure that all events upto AR date requiring adjustment/disclosure (as per AS-4) in f.
statement have been identified and incorporated.
⇒ Review management’s procedure for identification of sub events.
⇒ Inquiring entity’s lawyer regarding litigation.
⇒ Reading entity’s latest interim, budgets. Cash flow statements/forecasts, etc.
⇒ Reading minutes of meetings of shareholders, B.O.D. and other executive committees.
⇒ Inquiring management about significance of sub events.
⇒ If another auditor audits the component of entity, principal auditor should make similar enquiries
and procedures w.r.t component regarding events between another auditors report and principal
auditor’s report.
Reporting : If management doesn’t agree for such events which as per auditors opinion should be incorporated
then qualify / adverse report.
AAS – 21
Consideration of Law and Regulation in an audit of
Communication / Reporting of non-compliance :
AAS – 22 [Initial Engagements – Opening Balance
Initial Engagements :
(i) When financial statements are audited for 1st time or
(ii) Some other auditor audited the financial statement for preceding period.
Opening Balance :
A/c. Balances existing at beginning of the period i.e. closing balance of preceding period b/f to
current period.
⇒ It reflects the effect of :
(i) Transaction / Events of preceding period, and
(ii) A/c. policies applied in preceding period.
Evidence :
Obtain sufficient app. evidence that :
(a) Correctly b/f.
(b) Opening Balance don’t contain misstatements affecting current pd. and
(c) Consistent application of appropriate A/c. policy.
Audit Procedure :
He should consider :
(i) A/c. policy followed by entity.
(ii) Type of preceding period’s. A.R. – clean / modified
(iii) Nature of opening Balance – risk of misstatement.
(iv) Materiality of opening balance for current pd’s f.s.t.
⇒ Financial Statement for preceding period
The auditor should perform audit procedures designed to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence
regarding the identification and disclosure by management of related parties and the related party
transactions that are material to the financial statements.
Existence and Disclosure of Related Parties :
1. He should -
a. Review the entity’s procedures for identification of related parties.
b. Review his working papers for the prior year for names of known related parties.
c. Review shareholders records to determine the names of principal shareholders or
appropriate, obtain a list of principal shareholders form the share register,
d. Review the joint venture and other relevant agreements entered into by the entity.
e. Review statutory records like memorandum and articles of association, minutes of
board and shareholders’ meetings and other relevant records such as register of director’s
2. Where the financial reporting framework requires disclosure of related party relationships, the
auditor should satisfy himself that the disclosure is adequate.
Transactions with Related Parties :
1. The auditor should review information provided by directors and key management personnel of
the entity identifying related party transactions. During the course of the audit, the auditor should
carry out detailed procedures, which may identify the existence of transactions with related
2. The auditor needs to be alert for transactions, which appear unusual in the circumstances and
may indicate the existence of previously unidentified related parties.
Examine Identified related party transactions:
1. In examining the identified related party transactions, the auditor should obtain sufficient
appropriate audit evidence as to whether these transactions have been properly recorded and
2. Given the nature of related party relationships, evidence of related party transactions may be
limited. Because of such transactions, the auditor would consider performing procedures such as:
a. Confirming the terms and amount of the transaction with the related party.
b. Obtaining confirmation from persons associated with the transaction, such as, banks, lawyers,
guarantors and agents.
Management Representations:
The auditor should obtain a written representation from management regarding:
a. The completeness, accuracy and validity of information provided regarding the identification of
related parties; and
b. The adequacy of related party disclosure in the financial statements.
Audit conclusion and Reporting:
If he is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence concerning related parties and
transactions with such parties or concludes that their disclosure in the financial statements in not
adequate, he should express a qualified opinion or a disclaimer of opinion in his audit report, as may
be appropriate.
The Auditor should consider how a service organisation affects the client’s accounting and internal
control systems so as to plan and develop an effective audit approach.
Considerations for The Auditor of the Client
When the services provided by service organisations are limited to recording and processing of
transactions of the client and the client retains authorization and maintenance of accountability, the
client might be able to implement effective policies and procedures within its organisations. However,
the client may have to rely upon the policies and procedures of the service organisation where the
latter executes the transactions and maintains accountability on behalf of the client.
While planning his audit, the auditor should determine the significance of activities performed by the
service organisation and their relevance to the audit. In doing so the auditor should consider:
Nature of the services provided.
Terms of contract.
Material financial statement assertions that are affected by the use of the service organisation.
Inherent risks associated with those assertions.
Extent to which the client’s systems interact with those of the service organisation.
Client’s internal controls that are applied to the transactions processed by the service organisation.
The capability and financial strength of the service organisation.
Documentation of systems manual of the service organisation.
Information available on general controls and computer systems controls relevant to the client’s
Reports of the auditor or internal auditor of the service organisation.
When the auditor of the client concludes that the activities of the service organisation are significant to
the entity and to his audit, he should obtain sufficient understanding of the service organisation’s
accounting and internal control system. If the information he is able to gather is insufficient, he should
consider the need to request the auditor of the service organisation to furnish him information on
specified areas.
Service Organisation’s Auditor’s Report
When the auditor of the client uses the report of the auditor of service organisation, he should
a) The professional competence of the reporting auditor; and
b) Nature and content of the report.
The report submitted to the client’s auditor would ordinarily be one of the two types as follow:
Type A - Report of Suitability of Design
The contents of this report are
a. A description of the service organisation’s accounting and internal control System; and
b. An opinion by the service organisation’s auditor that
i. The above description is accurate;
ii. The systems controls have been placed in operation; and
iii. The accounting and internal control systems are suitably designed to achieve their stated
Such reports help the auditor of the client in obtaining an understanding of the accounting and internal
control systems installed and operated by the service organisation.
Comparatives :
Corresponding figures Comparative f. st.
Amount and other disclosures for preceding Amount and other disclosures for
Period are included as part of Current year preceding period are included for
Financial Statement (Applicable in India comparison but not form part of
and thus covered by AAS – 25) Current year financial statement
(Not applicable in India)
(Not covered by AAS – 25)
Auditor’s responsibility :
⇒ Sufficient & Appropriate evidence that corresponding figures meet requirement of
relevant financial reporting framework.
⇒ Extent of audit procedure is less for corresponding figures as compared to current
period figure.
⇒ He should assess whether –
(ii) A/c. policies used for corresponding figures are consistent with those of C.Y.
figures. (or whether appropriate adj./ disclosure made)
(iii) Corresponding figure agree with amount and disclosure in prior period (or
whether appropriate adj./ disclosure made) Also take care of AAS – 22.
Reporting :
Auditor Report (opinion) is on current period financial statements as a whole, including
corresponding figures.
Auditor’s Report on Previous Period
Modified Unqualified/clear
Auditor to check whether matter giving But during audit procedures comes across
rise to such modification is a material misstatement, affecting prior
years financial statement.
Audit or examine whether disclosed by mgt.
Resolved by mgt. unresolved
↓ ↓
Clear report Modify regarding corres- Yes No
(If material, then ponding figure. ↓ ↓
may highlight in ↓ (Clear, may modify regarding
his AR) whether affects C.Y. figures highlight in corresponding
in his A.R.) figure.
Yes No
Modify regarding X
C.Y. figures also
⇒ If prior pds not audited, state in AR that corresponding figures are un-audited.
The auditor and the client should - agree on the terms of the engagement. The agreement should be
in writing.
Audit Engagement Letters: The auditor should send an engagement letter, preferably before the
commencement of the engagement, to help avoid any misunderstanding.
Principal contents of audit engagement letter
a. Objective of Audit of financial statements.
b. Management's responsibility for the financial statements.
c. Management's responsibility for selection and consistent application of accounting policies and
accounting standards.
d. Management's responsibility for preparing the financial statements on a going concern basis.
e. Management's responsibility for making judgements and estimates that are reasonable and
f. Management's responsibility for the maintenance of adequate records and internal controls.
g. The scope of audit, including reference to applicable legislation, regulations, etc.
h. The fact that having regard to test nature of an audit, persuasive rather than conclusive nature of
audit evidence together with inherent limitations of internal control system, there is an
unavoidable risk that some fraud and error may remain undetected.
i. Unrestricted access to whatever records, documentation and other information requested in
connection with audit.
A change in circumstances that affects the entity's requirements or a misunderstanding
concerning the nature of service originally requested would ordinarily be considered a reasonable
basis for requesting change in engagement.
Before agreeing to change, the auditor should consider, any legal or contractual implications of
the change.
Where the terms of engagement are changed, the auditor and client would agree on new terms.
The auditor would not agree to change of engagement if there is no reasonable justification for
doing so.
If the auditor is unable to agree to a change of the engagement and is not permitted to continue
the original engagement, he should withdraw from the engagement and consider any obligation
to report the circumstances necessitating the withdrawal to other parties, viz. Board of directors
or shareholders.
Governance: The term “governance” is used to describe the role of persons entrusted with
supervision, control and direction of an entity.
Audit Matters of Governance interest: Those matters that arise form the audit of financial
statements and are in the opinion of the auditor, both important and relevant to those charged with
governance in overseeing the financial reporting and disclosures process.
Relevant Persons:
a. The auditor should determine relevant persons who are charged with governance and with whom
the audit matters of governance interest and to be communicated.
b. The auditor uses his judgment to determine the relevant persons.
c. He considers the governance structure of the entity the circumstances of engagement, relevant
legislations, etc.
d. He also considers the importance and sensitivity of the audit matters.
e. Where it is not possible to identify the relevant persons, the auditor comes to an agreement with
the entity with whom the audit matters of governance are to be communicated.
f. Communications of governance matters may be included in the audit engagement latter.
g. The engagement letter may include the form of communications and the relevant persons with
whom such communications shall be made.
Audit matters of governance interest to be communicated.
a. The general approach and overall scope of audit
b. Any expected limitation or any additional requirements
c. The selection of or changes in, significant accounting policies and practices, that have or could
have a material effect on the entity's financial statements.
d. Audit adjustments that could have a significant effect on the entity's financial statements or
auditor's report.
e. Material uncertainties that may cast a doubt on the going concern assumption.
f. Disagreement with management that could be significant to entity's financial statement or
auditors report.
g. Expected modifications to the auditor's report.
h. Material weakness in the internal control system.
i. Questions regarding management's integrity and fraud involving management.
Timely communications: The auditor should communicate the audit matters of governance interest
on a timely basis. This enables those charged with governance to take appropriate action.
Forms of communications: The communications can be made orally or in writing. The form is
affected by factors such as:-
a. The size, operating structure, legal structure and communications process of the entity.
b. The nature, sensitivity and significance of the audit matters to be communicated.
c. The arrangement made with respect" to periodic meetings or reporting of audit matters of
governance interest.
Oral Communications of audit matters: In this case, the auditor should document in the working
paper the matters communicated and any responses to those matters.
Other matters: Communications between the auditor and those charged with governance cannot be
regarded as a substitute for such qualified, adverse or disclaimer of opinion.
The Auditor’s Report on Financial Statements
Auditor’s Report
The auditor should incorporate in his report, the matters specified by a statute or regulator and/or
report in the form prescribed by them in addition to the requirements prescribed
An unqualified opinion should be expressed when the auditor concludes that the financial statements
give a true and fair view in accordance with the financial reporting framework used for
preparation and presentation of the financial statements.
a. A ‘qualified opinion’ should be expressed when the auditor concludes that an unqualified opinion
cannot be expressed but that the effect of any disagreement with the management is not so
material and pervasive as to require a adverse opinion, or limitation on scope is not material and
pervasive as to require a disclaimer of opinion.
b. A 'disclaimer' of opinion' should be expressed when the possible effect of a limitation on scope is
so material and pervasive that the auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence
and is hence unable to express an opinion on the financial statements.
c. An 'adverse opinion' should be expressed when the effect of a disagreement is so material and
pervasive to the financial statements that the auditor concludes that a qualification of the report is
inadequate to disclose the misleading or incomplete nature of the financial statements.
Opinion other than an unqualified opinion: Whenever the auditor requires an opinion other than
unqualified, a description of all the substantive reasons should be included in the
report and quantification of the possible effect(s), individually and in aggregate, on the
financial statements should be mentioned in the report.
Limitation on Scope: The AAS also requires that in case there is a limitation on scope that requires
expression of a qualified opinion or a disclaimer of opinion, the auditor's report should
describe the limitation and indicate the possible adjustments that might have been
necessary had the limitations not existed.
AAS- 29
Computer Information Systems (CIS): CIS environment. is one where one or more computers of
any type or size is involved in the processing of financial information of significance to the audit,
where those computers are operated by the entity or by a third party.
Factors to determine the effect of CIS' environment on the audit
a. The extent to which CIS environment is used to record, compile and analyse accounting
b. The system of internal control in existence in the entity with regard to flow of complete and correct
data to the processing centre and the processing, analysis and reporting tasks undertaken in the
c. The impact of computer based accounting system on the audit trail that would otherwise exist in a
manual system.
Skills and competence needed in CIS environment: The auditor should have sufficient knowledge
of the CIS to plan, direct, supervise, control and review the work performed. He should consider
whether any specialized skills are needed in the conduct of the audit.
If the use of professional possessing specialized skill is planned, the auditor should in accordance
with AAS- 9 "Using the work of an expert" obtain sufficient, appropriate audit evidence that the work
performed by the expert is adequate for the purpose of the audit.
Planning an audit in CIS environment'
a. The auditor should obtain an understanding of the accounting and internal control systems,
sufficient to plan the audit and to determine the nature, timing and the extent of audit procedures.
b. In planning the portions of the audit, which may be affected by the environment, the auditor should
obtain an understanding of the significance and complexity of the CIS activities and the availability
of data for use in the. audit.
Matters to be considered while planning
a. The CIS infrastructure (hardware, operating systems) and application software used by the entity.
b. Significance and complexity of computerized processing in each significant accounting application.
c. Determination of the organizational structure of the client's CIS activities and extent of
concentration or distribution of computer processing throughout the entity.
d. Determination of availability of data.
e. Potential for Computer Assisted Audit Techniques.
Nature of risks and the internal control characteristics in CIS environments
(a) Lack of transactions trails – Some CIS may provide complete transaction trail, however
some may not provide it (OLRT). If there is absence of trail, the risk will be high (IR + CR).
(b) Uniform processing of transactions – Uniform processing of transaction can eliminate
clerical errors which are there with manual processing. However, programming errors may
(c) lack of segregation of functions – The extent of segregation of functions present in manual
systems may not be there in CIS environment. Thus, an individual performing many computer
related works may be in a position to perform incompatible function.
(d) Potential for errors and irregularities in the development, maintenance and execution of
Computer Information System – The potential for human error in development, maintenance
& execution of CIS may be greater than in manual system (due to technical incompetence).
(e) Initiation or execution of transaction automatically may not be authorized or
documented – CIS may initiate certain transactions automatically. The authorization of these
transactions may not be documented (for Ex. – ERP)
(f) Dependence of other controls over computer processing – Manual control procedure may
also be used while implementing CIS.
(g) Potential for increased management supervision may serve to enhance the entire
internal control structure – If management uses all the technologies & tools to review &
supervise the CIS department of entity, the risk will be reduced.
(h) Potential for use of computer-assisted audit techniques – Due to peculiarities of some
transaction and systems, auditor may be required to apply CAAT.
Evaluating the reliability of the Accounting and Internal Control Systems These systems should
a. Ensure that authorized, correct and complete data is made available for processing.
b. Provide for timely detection of errors.
c. Ensure that in case of interruption in the working of the CIS environment due to power, mechanical
or processing failures, the system restarts without distorting the completion of entries or records.
d. Ensure the accuracy and completeness of the output.
e. Provide adequate data security against fire and other calamities, wrong processing, fraud, etc.
f. Prevent unauthorized amendments to the programs.
g. Provide for safe custody of the source code of the application software and the data files.
Assessment of Risk: Based on an understanding of the CIS environment, the auditor should make
an assessment of inherent and control risks for material financial statements in accordance with AAS-
6 "Risk Assessments and Internal Control".
Audit Procedures: The auditor should consider the CIS environment in designing audit procedures to
reduce audit risk to an acceptably low level. He should ensure that adequate procedures exist to
ensure that the data transmitted is correct and complete. .
a. He should document the audit plan, the nature, timing and the extent of audit procedures
performed and the conclusions drawn from the evidence obtained.
b. In CIS environment, some of the audit trail may be in the electronic form. He should satisfy himself
that such evidence is adequately and safely stored and is retrievable in its entirety as and when
operation of cut-off procedures. However, such confirmation does not provide all the necessary
audit evidence relating to the assertion regarding valuation.
When obtaining evidence for assertions not adequately addressed by confirmations, the auditor
considers other audit procedures to complement confirmation procedures or to be used instead of
confirmation procedures.
8. Timing of External Confirmations - External confirmation may be requested either at the date of
financial statements or as at any other selected dates close to the date of financial statements.
The date may be settled in consultation with the management. When the level of inherent and
control risk is high, the auditor may decide to confirm balances at a date other than the period end.
9. Design of the External Confirmation Request–The auditor should design external confirmation
requests to the specific audit objective.
10. Nature of Information being confirmed - In designing the request, the auditor consider the type
of information respondents will be able to confirm readily since this may affect the response rate
and the nature of evidence obtained. Respondents will be more willing to a confirmation request
containing management authorisation.
11. Prior Experience - The auditor should consider the information from audits of earlier years while
designing external confirmation requests.
12. Form of confirmation request– Use of Positive and Negative Confirmations:
Positive confirmation request - It asks the respondent to reply to the auditor in all cases either by
indicating the respondent's agreement with the given information, or by asking the respondent to fill in
Negative confirmation request - It asks the respondent to reply only. in the event of disagreement
with the information provided in the request. Negative confirmation request should be used when:
a. the assessed level of inherent and control risk is low;
b. a large number of small balances is involved;
c. a substantial number of errors is not expected; and
d. the auditor has no reasons to believe that respondents will disregard these requests.
A combination of positive and negative combinations may be used.
13. Characteristics of Respondents
The reliability of evidence is affected by the respondent's competence, independence, authority to
respond, knowledge of the matter being confirmed, and objectivity. Therefore, the confirmation
request should be directed to appropriate individual.
The auditor also assesses whether certain parties may not provide an objective or unbiased
.response to a confirmation request. The auditor considers the effect of such information on
designing the confirmation request and evaluating the results, including determining whether
additional procedures are necessary.
14. The external confirmation process -
The auditor should maintain control over the process of selecting those to whom a request will be
sent, the preparation and sending of confirmation requests, and the responses to those requests.
He should ensure that it is he (the auditor) who sends out the confirmation requests, the requests
are properly addressed, and that it is requested that all replies and the undelivered confirmations
are delivered directly to the audit.
He should perform alternative procedures when no response is received to a positive external
confirmation requests.
The auditor should consider whether there is any indication that external confirmations received
may not be reliable.
The auditor should also consider the authenticity of the response and perform appropriate
procedures to dispel any doubts. Oral confirmations should be documented in work papers.
If the confirmation process and alternative procedures have not provided sufficient appropriate
audit evidence regarding an assertion, the auditor should undertake additional procedures to
obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence.
He should also consider the causes and frequency of exceptions reported by respondents. If the
responses received indicate a pattern of misstatements, the auditor should reconsider his
assessment of inherent and control risk and also consider the effect on his audit procedures.
Management Requests
When the auditor seeks to confirm certain balances or other information, and management
requests the auditor not to do so, the auditor should consider whether there are valid grounds for
such a request and obtain evidence to support the validity of management's requests. The auditor
should also seek the management to submit its request in a written form, detailing therein the
reasons for such request.
If the auditor agrees to managements requests not to seek external confirmation regarding a
particular matter, the auditor should –
a. document the reasons for acceding to the management's request; and
b. apply alternative procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence.
If the auditor does not accept the validity of management's request and is prevented from carrying
out the confirmations, there has been a limitation on the scope of the auditor's work and the
auditor should consider the possible impact on the auditor's report. The auditor should, however.
in this case also, document the request made by the management along with the reasons given by
the management as well as his own reasons for acceding to the management's request.
AAS – 31
1. OBJECTIVE – To establish standards on professional responsibilities of an accountant when an
engagement to compile financial statements or other financial information is undertaken and form
and content of the report to issued in connection with such a compilation so that the association of
name of the accountant with such financials is not misconstrued by a user of those statements or
information as having been audited by him.
ii. Preparation and presentation of financial statements in accordance with applicable laws.
iii. Safeguarding the assets of the entity and preventing and detecting fraud and other
iv. Ensuring that activities of the entity are carried in accordance with applicable laws and
v. Ensuring complete disclose of all material and relevant information to the
(e) Intended use and distribution of the information, once compiled.
(f) Basic of accounting on which financial information is to be compiled.
(g) The fact that the management is responsible to the users for the information to be compiled by
the accountant.
(h) Basis on which fees would be computed and any billing arrangements.
(i) Request for the client to confirm the forms of engagement by acknowledging the receipt of the
engagement letter.
6. PLANNING AND DOCUMENTATION – The accountant should plan the work so that an
effective engagement will be performed. He should document matters which care important in
providing evidence that the engagement was carried out in accordance with this Auditing and
Assurance Standard and the terms of the engagement.
(a) The accountant should obtain a general knowledge of the business and
operation of the entity and should be familiar with the accounting and practice of the
industry in which the entity operates.
(b) He should be familiar with the form and the content of financial statements /
other financial information which is appropriate in the circumstances.
(c) He should request management representation letter covering significant
information or explanations given orally on which he considers representations are
(d) If he becomes aware that the information supplied by management is incorrect,
incomplete or unsatisfactory, he should consider performing additional procedures, e.g.
making inquiries, assessing internal controls, etc. If the management refuses to
provide additional information, he should withdraw from the engagement.
(e) He should read the compiled information and consider whether it appears to be
appropriate in form and free from obvious material misstatements.
(a) Clients having an Identified Reporting Framework – in this case, the accountant should
ensure that the financial statements or other financial information compiled comply with
the requirements of the identified financial reporting framework. If case o any material
departure, the fact should be stated in the notes to the Accounts or other compiled
financial information as well as in the accountant’s report.
(b) Clients having not Identified Financial Reporting Framework – since accounts
are normally assumed to be compliant with the generally accepted accounting
practices, including the accounting standards issued by ICAI, the different basis of
compilation should be set out in the Notes to the Accounts or other compiled financial
information as well as the report issued by the accountant on compilation
(c) Non-Compliance with the Accounting Standards – if the accountant becomes
aware of material non-compliance with the relevant Accounting Standards, the same
should be brought to the attention of the management. If the same is not rectified by
the management, it should be included in the notes to the accounts and the compilation
report of the accountant.
(d) Accounting Estimates made by Clients - if it appears that certain estimates
made by the client are unreasonable, the accountant should draw these to the attention
of the management for consideration.
9. REPORTING ON COMPILATION ENGAGEMENT – The financial statement or other financial
information compiled should be approved by the client before the compilation report is signed
by the accountant. It is essential that the accountant clearly brings out the nature of work with
the financial statements and the nature of work performed by him. The report on compilation
should be in following lay out –
(a) Title – The title should be “Accountant’s Report on compilation of unaudited Financial
Statements” (and not “Auditor’s Report”).
(b) Address – The report should be addressed to the appointing authority.
(c) Identification of the financial information.
(d) When relevant, a statement that the accountant is not independent of the entity.
(e) A statement that management is responsible for –
(i) Completeness and accuracy of the underlying data and complete disclosure of all
material and relevant information.
(ii) Maintaining adequate accounting and other records and internal control.
(iii) Selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies.
(iv) Preparation of financial statements and other information in accordance with
applicable laws and regulations, if any.
(v) Establishing controls to safeguard the assets of the entity and preventing and
detecting fraud or other irregularities.
(vi) Establishing controls for ensuring that activities of the enterprise and carried out in
accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
(f) A statement that the engagement was performed in accordance with his Auditing and
Assurance Standard.
(g) A statement that neither an audit nor a review has been carried out and that according no
assurance is expressed on the financial information
(h) Date of report
(i) Place of signature, and
(j) Accountant’s signature – the report should be signed by the accountant in his personal
name. Where a firm is appointed, the report should be signed in the personal name of the
accountant and in the name of the firm. The membership number assigned by ICAI should
be mentioned.
AAS – 32
The auditor simply provides a report of the factual findings of agreed upon procedures, no
assurance is expressed by him in his report. The report is restricted to those parties that have
agreed to the procedures to be performed since others, unaware of the reasons for the
procedures, may misinterpret the result.
The auditor should conduct an agreed upon procedure engagement in accordance with this
AAS and the terms of the engagement.
of factual findings regarding the agreed procedures and the conditions of the engagement.
The nature to be agreed include the following:
(a) Nature of the engagement
(b) Stated purpose for the engagement
(c) Identification of the financial information to which he agreed upon procedures will be
(d) Nature, timing and extent of the specific procedures to be applied.
(e) Limitations on distribution of the report of factual findings. When such limitation would be in
conflict with legal requirements, the auditor, would not accept the engagement.
The auditor should send an engagement letter documenting the key terms of the appointment.
An engagement letter helps avoid misunderstanding regarding such matters as the objectives
and scope of engagement, the extend of auditor’s responsibilities and the form of report to be
6. PLANNING AND DOCUMENTATION – The auditor should plant the work so that an effective
engagement will be performed in providing evidence to support the report of factual findings,
and evidence that the engagement was carried out in accordance with this AAS and the term
of the engagement.
7. PROCEDURES AND EVIDENCE – The auditor carry out the procedures agreed upon and
use the evidence obtained as the basis for the report of factual findings. The procedures may
includes –
(a) Inquiry and analysis.
(b) Recompilation, comparison and other clerical accuracy checks.
(c) Observation
(d) Inspection
(e) Obtaining confirmations.
8. REPORTING – The report needs to describe the purpose and agree upon procedures in
details to extent of work performed. The report should also clearly mention that no audit ore
review work has been performed. The report should certain –
(a) Title
(b) Addressee (ordinarily the appointing authority);
(c) Identification of specific financial or non-financial information
(d) A statement that the procedure performed were those agreed upon with the recipient;
(e) A statement that the engagement was performed in accordance with this AAS.
(f) Identification of the purpose for which the agreed upon procedures were performed;
(g) A listing of the specific procedures performed.
(h) A description of the auditor’s factual findings.
(i) A statement that procedures performed do not constitute either an audit or a review, and,
as such, no assurance in expressed.
(j) A statement that had the auditor performed additional procedures, an audit or a review,
other matters might have come to light that would have been reported;
(k) A statement that the report is restricted to those parties that have agreed to the procedures
to be performed.
(l) A statement (when applicable) that the report relates only to the elements, accounts, items
or financial or non-financial information specified and that it does not extent to the entity’s
financial statement taken as a whole;
(m) Date of the report;
(n) Place of signature;
(o) Auditor signature – The report should be signed by the auditor in his personal name. When
a firm is appointed the report signed in the personal name of the auditor and the firm. The
membership number assigned by ICAI should also be mentioned.
AAS 33
Engagements to Review Financial Statements
Scope of a Review
The procedures required to conduct a review of financial statements should be determined by the
auditor having regard to the requirements of this AAS, relevant legislation, regulation and, where
appropriate, the terms of the review engagement and reporting requirements.
Terms of Engagement
The auditor and the client should agree on the terms of the engagement.
1. The auditor should plan the work so that an effective engagement will be performed.
2. In planning a review of financial statements, the auditor should obtain or update the knowledge of
the business including consideration of the entity’s organization, accounting systems, operating
characteristics and the nature of its assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses.
The auditor should document matters which are important in providing evidence to support to review,
and evidence that the review was carried out in accordance with this AAS.
4. If the auditor has reason to believe that the information subject to review may be materially mis-
stated, the auditor should carry out additional or more extensive procedures as are necessary to
be able to express negative assurance or to confirm that a modified report is required.
Conclusion and Reporting
1. The review report should contain a clear written expression of negative assurance. The auditor
should review and assess the conclusions drawn from the evidence obtained as the basis for the
expression of negative assurance.
2. Based on the work performed, the auditor should assess whether any information obtained during
the review indicates that the financial statements do not give a true and fair view (or ‘are not
presented fairly, in all material respects,’) in accordance the framework used for the preparation
and presentation of financial statements and relevant statutory requirements, if any.
3. The report on a review of financial statements should contain the following basic elements,
ordinarily in the following layout:
(a) Title5;
(b) Addressee;
(c) Opening or introductory paragraph including;
(i) Identification of the financial statements on which the review has been performed;
(ii) A statement of the responsibility of the entity’s management and the responsibility of
the auditor;
(d) Scope paragraph, describing the nature of a review, including:
(i) A reference to this AAS applicable to review engagements, or to relevant laws or
(ii) A statement that an audit has not been performed, that the procedures undertaken
provide less assurance than an audit and that an audit opinion is not expressed;
(e) Statement of negative assurance;
(f) Date of the report;
(g) Place of Signature; and
(h) Auditor’s signature and membership number assigned by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India.
4. The review report should:
(a) State that nothing has come to the auditor’s attention based on the review that causes the
auditor to believe the financial statements do not give a true and fair view (or ‘are not
presented fairly, in all material respects’) in accordance with the framework used for the
preparation and presentation of financial statements (negative assurance)6; or
(b) If matters have come to the auditor’s attention, describe those matters that impair a true
and fair view (or a fair presentation, in all material respects) in accordance with the
framework used for the preparation and presentation of financial statements including,
unless impracticable, a quantification of the possible effect(s) on the financial statements,
and either:
(i) Express a qualification of the negative assurance provided; or
(ii) When the effect of the matter is so material and pervasive to the financial statements
that the auditor concludes that a qualification is no adequate to disclose the
misleading or incomplete nature of the financial statements, give an adverse
statement that the financial statements do not give a true and fair view (or ‘are not
presented fairly, in all material respects’) in accordance with the framework used for
the preparation and presentation of financial statements; or
(c) If there has been a material scope limitation, describe the limitation and either:
(i) Express a qualification of the negative assurance provided regarding the possible
adjustments to the financial statements that might have been determined to be
necessary had the limitation not existed; or
(ii) When the possible effect of the limitation is so significant and pervasive that the
auditor concludes that no level of assurance can be provided, not provide any
5. The auditor should date the review report as the date the review is completed, which includes
performing procedures relating to events occurring up to the date of the report. However, since
the auditor’s responsibility is to report on the financial statements as prepared and presented by
management, the auditor should not date the review report earlier than the date on which the
financial statements were approved by management.
AAS 34
Audit Evidence-Additional Considerations for Specific Items
1. Physical verification of inventories is the responsibility of the management of the entity.
2. When inventory is material to the financial statements, the auditor should obtain sufficient
appropriate audit evidence regarding its existence and condition by attendance at physical
inventory counting unless impracticable, due to factors such as the nature and location of the
3. If unable to attend the physical inventory count on the date planed due to unforeseen
circumstances, the auditor should take or observe some physical counts on an alternative date
and where necessary, perform alternative audit procedures to assess whether the changes in
inventory between the date of physical count and the period end date are correctly recorded.
4. Where attendance at the physical inventory counting is impracticable, the auditor should consider
whether alternative procedures provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence of existence and
condition of inventory to conclude that the auditor need not make reference to a scope limitation.
Management Representations
The auditor should obtain a written representation from management concerning:
(a) The completeness of information provided regarding the inventory; and
(b) Assurance with regard to adherence to laid down procedures for physical inventory count.
1. The auditor should carry out audit procedures in order to become aware of any litigation and
claims involving the entity which may have a material effect on the financial statements.
2. When litigation or claims have been identified by the management or when the auditor believes
hey may exist, and are likely to be material, the auditor should seek direct communication with
the entity’s lawyer.
3. The letter, which should be prepared by management and sent by the auditor, should request the
entity’s lawyer to communicate directly with the auditor.
4. If management refuses to give the auditor permission to communicate with the entity’s lawyers,
this would be a scope limitation and should ordinarily lead to a qualified opinion or a disclaimer of
Management Representations
The auditor should obtain a written representation from management concerning:
(a) The completeness of information provided regarding the identification of litigation and claims;
(b) The adequacy of litigations and claims disclosures in the financial statements.
When long-term investments are material to the financial statements, the auditor should obtain
sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding their valuation and disclosure.
Management Representations
The auditor should obtain a written representation from management concerning:
(a) The completeness of information provided regarding valuation and disclosure off long term
(b) The valuation of long term investments in the financial statements including adequacy of
provision for diminution in such values, wherever required.
When segment information is material to the financial statements, the auditor should obtain sufficient
appropriate audit evidence regarding its disclosure in accordance with the applicable identified
financial reporting framework.
Management Representations
The auditor should obtain a written representation from management concerning:
(a) The completeness of information regarding segments and disclosure thereof; and
(b) Appropriateness of the selected segments based on risks and returns; and
(c) The organizational structure of an enterprise and its internal financial reporting system and
deviation therefrom.
If the auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence concerning segment information
or concludes that their disclosure in the financial statements is not adequate, he should consider its
effect in his audit report.
Effective Date
This Auditing and Assurance Standard becomes operative for all audits related to accounting periods
beginning on or after 1st April, 2005.
Guidance Note on Revision of Audit Report
⇒ Revision of Audit Report after the same has been issued, in case auditor considers
necessary to do so.
⇒ If Auditor becomes aware subsequent to his audit report that facts may have existed at
that date which might have affected his report had he been aware of such facts at time of
issuance of A.R.
⇒ It doesn’t apply to developments after date of A.R. or where contingencies already
disclosed in financial statement.
⇒ For e.g. – Apparent mistake, wrong information about facts, subsequent discovery of
facts, etc.
⇒ Revision of A.R. doesn’t free the member from professional misconduct, committed by
⇒ Auditor may advise the management to amend financial statement before issuing the
⇒ Auditor may issue the revised report referring therein earlier report if management
ensures that everyone in receipt of previously issued financial statement alongwith A.R. is
informed of the situation.
⇒ However, for company’s revise report till A/c. at adopted at AGM. For others, revise
within reasonable time but not later than issuance of A.R. for immediately next A/c. period.
⇒ If management doesn’t ensure auditor, he may seek legal advice, notify the client that
A.R. no longer be associated with financial statement, notify Regulatory Agencies and make app.
Statement at AGM.
⇒ If management doesn’t ensure the same auditor may conclude to withdraw from further
⇒ Auditor being partnership firm, same partner should sign revised report. If not, give
⇒ Revised report should be self contained.
Special Aspects
Classification of NBFC :
A. NBFC is one whose principal business is that of receiving deposits or that of financial institution.
1. Equipment Leasing Company.
2. Hire Purchase Finance Company.
3. Investment Company.
4. Loan Company.
5. RNBC i.e. Residuary non-banking co. that receives deposits under any scheme.
B. MBFC (Mutual benefit Financial Co.) : i.e. Nidhi Co. notified by Central Government u/s 620
A of Companies Act.
C. MBC (Mutual Benefit Company) : i.e. potential Nidhi co. working on lines of Nidhi co. but not
so notified by Sec. 620A of Companies Act and Central Government. Company having minimum
net owned fund and preference share capital of 10 lacs.
D. MNBC (Miscellaneous Non-banking co.) : i.e. Chit Fund company. Where a company
enters into an agreement with specified number of subscribers to subscribe a certain sum and
everyone of them be entitled to a prize amount. (may be by lot).
1. Ascertaining the business of the Company.
2. Evaluation of I.C. System.
3. Registration with RBI which is compulsory for companies having net owned funds of
Rs.2 crores. Also ascertain whether it has submitted quarterly return with RBI about liquid Assets
within 15 days in specified form. Moreover, it must transfer at least 20% of its net profit to reserve
fund before any dividend is declared.
4. NBFC Public Deposit Directions
(i) Public deposit in accordance with the credit rating assigned to it.
(ii) Interest calculations.
(iii) NBFC accepted public deposit or renewed it only after written application received by the
depositor in a specified form.
(iv) Public deposits should be accepted only after advertisement or statement in lieu of
advertisement has been filed with RBI.
(v) Check deposit register (payment on due date).
(vi) Investment in approved liquid assets and it should be kept in safe custody.
(vii) Audited statement submitted within 15 days of Holding AGM to RBI.
(viii) Annual Return within 6 months from close of year submitted to RBI.
(ix) If not accepting deposits, see Board resolution in this behalf.
(x) For Group holding investment company, see board resolution to identify the group.
5. NBFC Prudential Norms Directions
(i) Compliance with income recognition and Accounting Standards, etc.
(ii) Classification as Standard / Sub-standard / Doubtful / Loss Asset.
(iii) Income from NPA on realization basis.
(iv) Previous year’s NPA A/c. continue or not.
1. Equipment Leasing Finance Company:
(i) Check whether proposals for equipment Leasing are accepted only after proper credit
(ii) The auditor should verify the adequacy of system in place for ensuring installation of
assets and their periodical physical verification.
(iii) The auditor should check the system to monitor whether Asset is adequately insured and
properly maintained should be in place.
(iv) Verify the lease agreement.
(v) The auditor should ensure that leasing transactions are classified and accounted as per
AS-19 “Lease”.
(vi) Ensure that the provisions relating to asset classification, provisioning and income
recognition laid down for lease financing by NBFCs are observed.
2. Hire Purchase Finance Company
i. The auditor should ascertain whether there is an adequate appraisal system for extending
hire-purchase finance.
ii. The auditor should verify that payments for assets are made directly to the vendor and the
assets are property charged in the name of the NBFC.
iii. The auditor should ascertain the adequacy of system in place to ensure installation of the
asset and their periodic physical verification.
iv. If the finance is against vehicles, the registration certificate should contain an endorsement in
favour of the NBFC.
v. Auditor should verify the system to ensure that hirer have not sold the assets or encumbered
vi. Whether hire-purchase instalments are received regularly.
vii. The auditor should verify that hire purchase assets are adequately insured.
viii. Check the valuation of goods sold on hire purchase and goods repossessed.
ix. Examine the method of accounting followed for appropriation of finance charges over the
period of hire purchase contract.
3. Investment Company
(i) The Auditor should physically verify the investment certificate. If these are lodged with
another institute/bank obtain a certificate to that effect.
(ii) Verify whether investments made by the NBFC are within limits.
≤15% of net owned funds to single borrower
Lend ≤25% of net owned fund to single group of borrowers
Same is the case with investment.
≤ 25% of net owned funds to single borrower
Lending + investments ≤40% of net owned fund to single group of borrowers
(iii) Verify that no loans have been advanced on the security of its own share.
(iv) Verify whether income in the form of interest, dividend and capital gains is properly
(v) Test Check the bills/contract notes received from brokers w.r.t. prices in the stock market on
the respective dates.
(vi) Verify the board minutes for authorization of purchase and sale of investments.
(vii) Shares/Securities held through depository, obtain confirmation from D.P.
(viii) Check whether investments have been valued as per NBFC Prudential Norms and AS 13
“Accounting for Investments”.
(ix) Obtain a list of subsidiary/group company from NBFC.
(x) Check the investments made in subsidiary / group companies for basis for price paid,
quantum of investment made etc.
(xi) Ascertain that investments in unquoted debentures and bonds have not been classified as
investments but as term loans for the purpose of asst classification, provisioning and income
(xii) Incase of securities lent / borrowed under securities lending scheme of SEBI, verify the
terms and conditions of the agreement.
4. Loan Company
i. Ascertain whether there is system in place for proper appraisal, and sanction of loans.
ii. Verify the terms & conditions of loan agreement and security obtained.
iii. Check whether adequate records are maintained as regards the bill discounting facilities.
iv. Check whether the loans are within the limits specified for single and group borrowers.
v. No loans should be given of the security of NBFCs own shares.
vi. Check whether norms for asset classification, provisioning and income recognition as specified
for credit facilities have been adhered to.
vii. The auditor may also obtain balance confirmation from the borrowers.
viii. Check whether there is adequate system to ascertain creditworthiness of client for co.
engaged in business of providing short term fund in ICD market.
Special Auditor Report :
⇒ can be called by a lending bank, if circumstances wants. Submitted on
quarterly basis, it is in addition to normal audit report which is on annual basis).
Information regarding :
(i) Actual Production.
(ii) Actual production as % of rated capacity.
(iii) Sales.
(iv) Cash of goods sold / cost of production.
(v) Gross margin.
(vi) Interest on bank borrowing.
(vii) Interest on others.
(viii) Age-wise classification of raw material and finished goods.
(ix) Basis of valuation of raw material and finished goods.
(x) Age wise classification of B/R and other receivables due from domestic parties and for
(xi) Some ratio etc. also be given.
(xii) Information w.r.t. following
(a) Balances at the end of each month of the quarter for major categories of stock,
receivables and bills receivables;
(b) Tax assessments and payments made during the quarter.
(c) Actual disbursement of capital expenditure during the quarter;
(d) Outstanding contracts.
(e) The contingent liability;
(f) Investment made during the quarter and the income from such investments including
profit on sale of investments.
(g) Loans given during the quarter;
(h) Loans raised during the quarter
(i) Overdue statutory liability at the end of the quarter;
(j) Amounts due but not paid at the end of the quarter in respect of (a) loans from banks, (b)
public deposits and (c) other loans; and
(k) Figures of cash losses during the last 2 years to be stated on the basis of the annual
accounts. If such accounts were not audited this fact should be stated.
⇒ Auditor’s objective to see how far the decisions are in line with co-
operative principles. Interest of members, provision in respective law of state and provision of
bye-laws of society.
⇒ Managing Committee of society does the following :
(i) Custody and maintenance of moveable/un-moveable property.
(ii) Maintenance of account for receipt/payment.
(iii) Summon and attend all meetings.
(iv) Keeping all registers and records required by Act.
Auditor :
⇒ C.A. or diploma holder or having served as auditor in co-operative
department of Government.
⇒ Appointment by Registrar and report submitted to him and to society
⇒ Audit fee may be w.r.t., working capital at prescribed rates.
⇒ Books of accounts required for :
(i) Sum of money received and expanded.
(ii) All sales and purchases and accounts of st. in hand.
(iii) Assets and liabilities.
Further different books can also be maintained by the society.
⇒ For limited lia. Society, no member other than a registered society can
hold share-holding exceeding 20% of shares or Rs.1,000.
⇒ No loan to any person other than member. Special permission to grant
loan to another society.
⇒ Accept loan/deposits from members/others subject to bye-laws.
⇒ Investment in :
(i) Central/State Co-operative Bank.
(ii) Approved securities.
(iii) Share security bond, etc. of any other society with limited liability.
(iv) Any co-operative bank if approved by Registrar.
(v) Other money permitted by Central/State Government.
⇒ 25% of pt. Transferred to Reserve Fund before distribution to members.
Registrar may reduce it but at least 10% is even then required. It may use Reserve fund in
Business of a society or may invest or for some public purpose.
⇒ Some State Act provide for compulsory contribution to education fund of
⇒ Over due debts for 6 m – 5 yr. and more than 5 years classified and
reported upon.
⇒ Overdue interest excluded from interest outstanding in calculation of pt.
⇒ Some Act provide that Bad debts can be written off only if certified as
⇒ Auditor to see existence, ownership and valuation of asset.
⇒ Special report to registrar for e.g. :
(i) Personal profiteering by members.
(ii) Detection of fraud.
(iii) Mis-management.
(iv) Urban co-operative bank, disproportionate advances to vested interest groups.
(v) Reckless advancing
⇒ Then he provides a class to society. If society is unsatisfied, it may
appeal to Registrar and he may direct to review the audit classification.
⇒ Audit Report :
(i) All necessary information and explanation.
(ii) A/c. give all information required by Act.
(iii) P & L true and fair view.
(iv) B/S true and fair view of state of affairs.
(v) Proper Books of Accounts maintained.
(vi) P&L and B/S in agreement with Books of Accounts.
Schedules to the report for :
(i) Transaction contrary to Act, rules and Bye-laws
(ii) Sums not brought into A/c.
(iii) Material/property appearing as doubtful/bad.
(iv) Material irregularity in expenses/realization of money.
(v) Any other matter specified by registrar.
⇒ He may also have to answer two sets of questionnaire called audit
(i) General nature (Applicable to all)
(ii) Practical nature (like for Housing agriculture, etc.)
Sec 73 (3):
(i) B/s. True & fair view of sate of affairs &
(ii) P&L A/c. True & fair view of Profit or Loss:
Sec 73 (4):
(i) Whether obtained all information & explanation ………………
(ii) Whether, proper books of A/c kept by MSCOS & proper returns received from branches
(iii) Whether report on A/c of any branch office forwarded to him & how he dealt with the same
(iv) Whether MSCOS’s B/s & P&L A/c are in agreement with the books of account & return.
Where any matters aforesaid are in negative reasons.
⇒ Auditor to be appointed by trustees. Report also forwarded to trustees.
⇒ Every asset, Management Company to keep proper books of accounts,
records, etc. for each scheme.
⇒ Audit Report :
(i) Obtained all information and explanation.
(ii) Balance Sheet and Revenue Accounts – True and fair view.
(iii) Accounts prepared in accordance with Ninth Schedule.
⇒ Inspection and Audit :
SEBI may appoint one or more persons as inspecting officer for following purposes :
(i) Books of accounts maintained by Mutual Funds
(ii) Provision of Act complied with.
(iii) System procedures are adequate.
(iv) Provision of Act or rules violated.
(v) Investigate into complaints.
(vi) Affairs are in interest of investors.
General clarification
Close Ended Open Ended
1. Open only for specified period say 45 1. Open every time. Any one can subscribe
days in which public may subscribe. them any time
2. Traded in stock exchange. 2. Bought & sold by M.F itself
3. Daily NAV 3. Weekly NAV.
4. No such account 4. Equalisation A/c
⇒ To maintain following records and documents :
(i) Record of sec. Dematerialized/re-materialized.
(ii) Transferor, transferee and date of transfer.
(iii) Register of beneficial owner (B.O.).
(iv) Instruction received.
(v) Approval notice, cancellation or pledge.
(vi) Details of participants.
(vii) Details of securities eligible for DEMAT.
(viii) Other specified by board.
⇒ Intimate SEBI the place of maintaining records and documents.
⇒ Preserve for minimum 5 years.
⇒ If kept electronically, ensure integrity of system and precaution.
⇒ SEBI may appoint one/more inspecting officer for following purposes :
(i) Ensure that books of accounts maintained by depository, participants, or agents.
(ii) Look into complaints.
(iii) Whether provision of Act, Bye-Laws, etc. being complied with.
(iv) Whether system, procedures followed.
(v) Affairs conducted in interest of investors or securities market.
⇒ Every issuer shall submit on a quarter basis, the details of changes in share capital during the
quarter to the concerned stock exchange. It should be audited by a qualified Chartered Accountant
or a practicing Company Secretary. It is submitted for the purpose of reconciliation of total issued
capital, listed capital and capital held by the depositories in DEMAT form. It should also contain an
updated status of register of members of issuer. Further, the issuer shall immediately bring to the
notice of the depositories and the stock exchanges, any differences observed in its issued, listed
and the capital held by depositories in dematerialized form.
⇒ Conducted on behalf of Government.
⇒ For detecting and preventing tax evasion.
⇒ It is for use for -
Government Industry & Service Consumers
(i) Increased Revenue (i) awareness of changes (i) Better Tax compliance
with reduced tax rates
(ii) Less cost of administration (ii) Tax planning (ii) Faith of general public
(iii) Complete self-assessment (iii)Corporate governance
(iv) Tax awareness (iv) Good internal controls
(v) Broader Tax Base
(i) All assesses → paying duty > 1 cr. p.a.
(ii) 10 lakhs < duty < 1 crore. → once in two years.
(iii) Duty < 10 lakhs → Maximum 20% of units on rotation basis.
⇒ Activity that serves the purposes of assessing energy use pattern of a
factory or energy consuming, equipment and identifying energy saving opportunities.
⇒ Energy Auditors to give recommendation.
⇒ Function of energy Auditor :
(i) Quantify energy cost and quantity.
(ii) Correlate production to energy cost.
(iii) Energy database format.
(iv) Compliance of organization for policy aspect.
(v) Highlight areas needing attention.
(vi) Conduct preliminary and detailed energy audits.
(a) Data collection and analysis
(b) Measurements, mass and energy balances
(c) Reviewing energy procurement practices.
(d) Identification of energy efficiency projects and techno-economic evaluation.
(e) Establishing action plan including energy saving targets, staffing
(f) Recommendations on goal setting.
⇒ Audit team to have representation from various sections.
⇒ A standard of energy/p.u. to be derived then compared with actuals.
Methodology to Energy Auditing
a. Preliminary Energy Audit :
(1) It typically involves two or three days of plan visit.
(2) It is also referred to as walk-through audit.
(3) One may rely on data supplied by the unit or personally read from meters installed
in the industry.
(4) In many instances, the meters installed in the industry do not show accurate
(5) Ideally, the energy auditor must carry proper portable instruments and make
b. Detailed Energy audit :
(1) It goes much beyond the
quantitative estimates of cost and savings.
(2) The scope of the audit
assignment is discussed in detail with the plant personnel.
(3) The study involves details
examination of major energy consuming equipment.
(4) The study proposes specific
projects/feasibility study for replacement proposals, providing a cost-benefit analysis of the
recommended measures.
⇒ Disclosure of environmentally related data regarding environmental risks its impact, policy target,
cost and performance, etc. to interested parties.
⇒ Multi-disciplinary thus conducted by a team of experts from various
⇒ Mainly for Internal use.
⇒ Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a pre-requisite to start an
industry which forecast the expected damage to the environment and means required to mitigate
the damage.
⇒ Its objective is to evaluate the efficiency of the utilization of resources
and identifying the areas of risks and to control the generation of pollutants and waste, etc.
⇒ Following aspects should be considered :
2. Layout and design : Adequate provision for pollution control measures, etc.
3. Management of resources : It should be used in such a manner to produce best
output and minimum waste.
4. Pollution Control System : It should be in existence.
5. Environment Safety Measures : like emergency plans, aware, etc. to meet the
6. Medical & Health care facilities : Regarding workers.
7. Industrial Hygiene :
8. Occupational health : According to type of industry.
9. Information Assimilation and Reporting System : Authorities and responsibilities
should be clearly defined.
10. EIA Methodology : Degradation of Environment and mitigatory measures should be
11. Compliance to Regulatory Mechanism : To avoid penalty, etc.
12. Concern for the society :
1. Name, address, 5. Generation of hazardous 9. Additional proposal for
etc. waste in current and previous environmental protection.
2. Date of last EAR year.
submitted 6. quantity of sold waste.
3. Consumption of 7. Disposal practice for
input during current and waste.
previous year. 8. Practice for conservation of
4. Pollution natural resources
generated and types.
In March 2002,
To assure that profession is conscious of its responsibilities and strive its best to ensure that
highest standards are observed by all practicing members rendering audit and attestation services
to the society.
In involve examination of the systems and procedures of the PU.
To ensure that in professional assignments, the member of ICAI.
(a) Comply with technical standard, and
(b) Have proper system to maintain quality of work.
PU : Choice of reviewer to may modify his initial sample Report: In writing within 21
board within 15 days from selected for review in days from receipt of the
receipt of information . consultation with the PU at preliminary report from
Within 1 month of receipt of executions stage. reviewers.
intimation, send completed
questionnaire along with 4. Review of Records: 3. Interim Report of
complete list of client. Compliance & substantive Reviewer: If reviewer not
approach: Compliance satisfied with reply, interim
4. Selection of sample procedure to know report to Board. The Board
Attestation service worthwhile ness of IC. Then recommend to PU & instruct
engagement: Random he decided whether to rely on the reviewer to carry out
basis for review. IC or not. In case of rely, his review again after 6 months
NTE of sub procedure will be to verify whether systems
5. Confirmation of visit: less extensive & vice-versa. &d procedures have been
Reviewer in consultation Compliance procedure not modified appropriately.
with PU fix the dates for on necessary if size of firm is
site review to complete the small/ medium. He may 4. Final Report of Reviews: If
peer review process in the adopt only sub procedure. reviewer is satisfied with
four months of receipt of reply of PU. Final report
initial intimation to PU. should incorporate the
Clause 49 of listing agreement (Corporate Governance)
It is the system by which companies are directed and controlled by the management in the best
interest of the stakeholders and other ensuring greater transparency and better and timely reporting
Entity required to obtain a certificate from auditors for compliance of conditions of corporate
governance. This certificate to be annexed to directors report and also sent to S.E. along with annual
1. Board of Directors: optimum combination of ED & non ED with at least 50% of BOD comprising
non ED. If non ED chairman At least 1/3 of Board comprise of independent directors else at
least ½ of Board comprise of independent directors. Independent director is a non-ED, who fulfills
all the following conditions -
(i) He shouldn’t have (apart from receiving managerial remuneration any other material
pecuniary relationship / transaction with the co., its promoters. Management / Subsidiary
which (in judgment of Board) may affect independence of judgment of Board.
(ii) Not related to promoters or persons occupying management positions at Board level or at
one level below the Board.
(iii) Not been executive of co. in proceeding 3 F.Y.
(iv) Not partner / executive (this year or Pr. 3 F.Y) of (i) Statutory /internal audit firm and (ii)
legal / consulting firm having material association with co.
(v) Not a material supplier, service provider or customer or lesser / lessee of co.
(vi) He is not a substantial shareholder of the company owning 2% or more of block of voting
Company agrees that all pecuniary relationship / Transaction of non ED vis-à-vis co. shall be
disclosed in Annual Report.
2. Audit Committee
Minimum 3 members (any director) with 2/3 independent.
All members financially literate.
Chairman independent director.
Minimum no. of meetings in a year 4. one meeting before finalisation of A/c Maximum gap
between 2 meetings is 4 months.
Quorum 2 members or 1/3 of members (higher) & out of which minimum of 2 independent
Co. secretary shall act as secretary of A.C.
A.C. to invite financial executive of co. in its meeting. However, they can meet without his
presence too.
(i) Will maintain laison with Co. & auditor. Consider:
(a) Matter to be included in directors responsibility statement.
(b) Review functioning of whistle blower mechanism (if any).
(c) Review performance of statutory / internal auditors.
AC Mandatorily review
(i) Management discussion & analysis of financial statements.
(ii) Statement of significant related party transaction.
(iii) Management letter / letters of IC weaknesses issued by statutory auditors.
(iv) Internal audit reports relating to internal control weaknesses.
Appointment / Removal / Terms of remuneration of chief internal auditor.
3. Remuneration of Directors: Remuneration of non-ED decided by BOD, after obtaining prior
approval of shareholders. If stock option to non-ED. Limit for maximum no. to be granted to non-
ED in one F.Y. & in aggregate to be disclosed alongwith disclosure of elements of remuneration
package. Details of incentives, service contract in annual report.
4. Board procedures: Meeting 4 times a year with maximum gap 3 months between two meetings.
Code of conduct for Board / Senior management laid by BOD. A director not to be a member in
more than 10 committees or chairman in more than 5 committees across all companies in which
he’s is a director.
5. Management:
(a) Management discussion & analysis report should form part of annual report.
(b) Disclosure of all material transaction having personal interest, having potential conflict with
interest of the company a large.
(i) Statement on transaction with related parties in ordinary course of bussiness/not in
ordinary course of business to be placed before A.C.
(ii) Details of transaction with related parties or other not on arms length to be placed before
A.C. with management justification.
(iii) Financial Statement to disclose (with management explanation) A/C treatment difference
from A/C standard.
(iv) Procedure to inform Board risk assessment & its minimization procedures.
(v) Company to disclose Audit Committee (quarterly) use of funds raised through issue.
(vi) Criteria for making payment to non-ED.
9. CEO / CFO Certification : The CEO and the CFO or any other person heading the finance
function discharging that function shall certify to the Board that :
(a) They have reviewed financial statements and the cash flow statement for the year and that to
the best of their knowledge and belief :
i) these statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit any material fact.
ii) These statements together present a true and fair view of the company’s affairs.
(b) There are no transactions entered that are fraudulent, illegal and violative of the company’s
code of conduct.
(c) They accept responsibility for establishing and maintaining internal controls.
(d) They have indicated to the auditors and the Audit committee
i. Significant changes in internal control during the year;
ii. Significant changes in accounting policies during the year.
iii. Instances of significant fraud.
10. Report on Corporate Governance :
There shall be separate section on Corporate Governance in the Annual Reports of company with
a detailed compliance report on Corporate Governance.
11. Compliance : The company shall obtain a certificate either from the auditors or practicing
company secretaries regarding compliance of conditions of corporate governance.
required shall be present as an invitee for the meetings of the audit committee.
meetings of the Audit Committee
i. The turnover of sales/purchases of goods has been properly determined. The sales
turnover arrived at by applying the generally accepted accounting policies may not be the
same as required under the VAT law.
ii. The turnover of purchases should be tested to enable the auditor to get the purchases
eligible for grant of input tax credit segregated from other purchases.
iii. The auditor is expected to list out the due dates of filing of returns and find out the reasons
for delay in filing the returns, if any.
iv. The auditor should apply tests as will enable him to ascertain whether the auditee is
eligible for composition.
v. The auditor may also be expected to check the consolidation of the returns filed for all the
periods covered in the year under audit.
vi. The auditor should check whether all the transactions relating to sale and purchase are
entered in the books of account and have been taken into consideration while filing the
At the end of the audit the auditor has to arrive at his conclusion on the mattes to be reported in the
audit report. The format of the audit report is generally prescribed under the relevant VAT law and the
auditor has to fill in all the columns of the audit report that are applicable. His opinion is on the
adequacy of accounting records, correctness and completeness and arithmetical consistency of
returns filed.
Every active member shall get his accounts audited by a chartered accountant.
Company can also become a member of stock exchange.
SEBI may levy monetary fine & penalties on any person in following cases:
(i) Failure to furnish document information etc. required by Board
(ii) Failure to maintain books of accounts/returns.
(iii) Failure by sponsor of any collective investment scheme including M.F. to obtain
registration certificate. To comply with terms of such certificate, to dispatch unite
certificate, to refund application money, to invest money in desired manner & in specified
(iv) Failure to Issue contract notes in form required, to deliver security, make payment to
client, charging excess brokerage.
(v) Failure to enter into agreement with client.
(vi) Person dealing/communicating on basis of price sensitive information.
(vii) Failure to disclose aggregate of shareholding in body corporate before acquiring furthers
share & to make public announcement to acquire share at minimum price in case of
Business at S.E. can be transacted only by its members. They enter into transaction either on
their own behalf or their clients or sub-brokers.
1. Due to wide fluctuations in prices of securities over a period of time, the
exchange levies margin on its members.
2. This certain deposit is to be kept with exchange by its members.
3. This mechanism is adopted, in order to restrict excessive speculations and
safeguard the interest of the investors.
4. The members are required to collect margins from their clients and deposit
it with the clearing house of exchange.
5. The three types of margins are –
1. Volatility Margin :
(a) The volatility margin is imposed to curb excessive volatility in the securities.
(b) It is also used to prevent building up of excessive outstanding positions.
(c) This margin is calculated at the discretion of stock exchange to charge margin on any
particular security because of its volatile nature, on specific percentage.
2. Gross Exposure Margin :
(a) It is the percentage of net cumulative outstanding position in each security
that the member should keep with the exchange at all times.
(b) This margin is calculated on continuous basis.
(c) This margin is to be kept with stock exchange in advance.
(d) Gross exposure is calculated on all securities unlike volatility margin which is on any specific
3. Mark to Market Margin :
(a) This margin is imposed to cover a loss that a member may incur in
case the transaction is closed out at the closing price of the trading day, which is different from
the price at which the transaction has been entered into.
(b) It is the notional loss if net cumulative outstanding position in all the
securities were closed out at closing price of relevant transaction date, for a specific member.
There are four types of market.
I. Normal Market – All orders which are of the regular lot size or multiples thereof are traded in the
Normal Market. For D-mat shares, lot size is 1 share.
II. Odd lot Market – An order is called an odd lot order if the order size is less than the regular lot
size, such orders are traded in the odd lot market. But for order matching both price & quantity
should tally with each other.
III. Spot Market – in all respects spot orders are similar to the normal market orders except that spot
orders have different settlement periods vis-à-vis normal orders. Pay in pay out takes place on the
same day.
IV. Auction Market – Stock exchange on behalf of their members initiate auctions to purchase from
the market, the number of shares short deposited by the members. In this way, they complete the
settlement process. Loss is recovered from members but profit it any deposited to investors
education & protection fund.
As has been explained above, a member has various options regarding the type of order he wants to
place. When an order is received it is given a unique number and a unique time stamp. In case, an
order could not be matched, then they are stored in a different book in price – time priority in the
following sequence.
• Best price
• Within price, by time priority.
Thus when two orders are entered at the same time the one with a better price gets priority. Similarly,
incase two orders were entered at the same price; the one which was entered earlier gets priority.
The following types of books are maintained in the Capital Market
i. Regular Lot Book – This book contains only regular lot orders and order do not have any of the
following attributes attached to them.
• All or Non (AON)
• Minimum fill (MF)
• Stop Loss (SL)
ii. Special Term Book – All the orders, which have any of the following attributes, are recorded in
this book. They are –
• All or NON (AON)
• Minimum Fill (MF)
iii. Stop-Loss Book –
Stop loss orders are stored in this book till the trigger price is reached or surpassed.
When the trigger price is reached or surpassed, the order is released in the regular lot
The stop loss conditions are met under the following circumstances.
• Buy order – a buy order in the stop loss book gets triggered when the last traded price
in the normal market reaches or exceeds the trigger price of the order.
• Sell order – a sell order in a stop loss book gets triggered when the last traded prices
in the regular market reaches or falls below the trigger price of the order.
iv. Odd Lot Book – The odd lot book contains all orders with lot size lesser than the marketable lot.
v. Spot Book – The spot book contains all orders having different settlement periods only. The
system attempts to match an active spot order with a passive spot order in the book.
vi. Auction Book – Auction Book contains orders that are entered for all auctions.
(i) The best buy-order is matched with the best sell order.
(ii) It is obvious that a seller would like to sell at the highest available price.
(iii) Thus, the best buy-order is the one with the highest price.
(iv) At the same time, a buyer would like to buy at the lowest available price.
(v) Thus the best sell-order is the one with the lowest price.
(vi) Thus the trading system tries to find for the seller the best possible buying price and the best
possible selling price for the buyer.
Order Matching Rule
Buy Sell
Qty Price Qty Price
500 38.90 200 39
400 38 500 40
100 37 700 41
1000 36 200 41.50
300 35.50 1000 42
Best price (Buy) highest Best sell (lowest price)
(vii) Orders that match with other orders are called ‘active’ orders while those, which do not match,
are called ‘passive’ orders.
(viii) The system always matches orders with passive orders in order to clear earlier orders on priority
Order conditions : The order matching conditions fall into three categories
i. Time Related conditions
ii. Price related conditions
iii. Quantity related conditions
i. Time Related Conditions
a. Day order – A day order is valid only for the day on which it is entered. It gets
automatically cancelled if not matched by the end of the day.
b. Good till cancelled order – A GTC order remains in the system until it is cancelled by
the trading member. The maximum number of days for which a GTC order is valid is notified
by the concerned stock exchange.
c. Good Till Days/Date order (GTD) – In such orders the trading member specifies the
days / date upto which the order shall remain valid. The stock exchanges specify the
maximum permissible term of such orders.
d. Immediate or Cancel orders (IOC) – An IOC order allows a member to buy or sell a
security as soon as the order is released into the system, failing which the order is cancelled. If
it is partially matched remaining quantity is automatically cancelled.
ii. Price Related Conditions
a. Limit Price order – An order where the trader specifies his offer price is called a limit
price order.
Buyer – Max price upto which he is willing to pay.
Seller – Minimum price is which he ready to sell.
b. Market price order – An order t buy and sell securities at the best market price at the
time of placing the order.
c. Stop loss price order – Stop loss price orders get activated when the market price
reaches or crosses a threshold price specified in the order (refer stop loss book).
iii. Quantity Related conditions
a. Disclosed Quantity Order (DQ) – A DQ order allows a trading member to disclose
only part of the order quantity to be displayed. For example in a buy order for 500 units only
100 units will be disclosed, when these are purchased the buy order for the next 100 units are
disclosed to the market.
b. Minimum fill orders (MF) – Minimum fill orders allow the members to specify the
minimum quantity by which an order should be filled.
c. All or None order (AON) – All or none orders allow the members. Put the order into
market with the condition that only whole quantity should be matched.
d. Short Sell – The seller sells the shares even if he doesn’t own then. These are
speculative order (for bear). In this case, the orderer anticipates a decline in the price of
shares. However, it is risky as he has to square up the transaction within the day.
(T + 3) rolling settlement was in operation in India upto 31st March, 2003, which was switched on
to “T+2” rolling settlement system from 1st April, 2003.
Trades o/s at end of day are to be settled with ‘X’ business day form transaction.
T+2, transaction on Monday pay in & pay out takes place on Wednesday.
Trades on each single day settled separately from trades done earlier or subsequent trade days.
Netting of trades is done only for the day & not for multiple days (as earlier in settlement period).
It adopts VAR (Value at Risk) based margining approach.
If member fails to deliver shares sold the exchange conducts an auction session on T+3 to meet short
fall due to non-delivery.
It has two mechanism futures & options.
Contracts are available for trading with one months & three months expiry.
TM (Trading member) & CM (Clearing member)
CM – (i) TM – CM (Both)
(ii) PCM (professional CM)
Premium is paid on entering each option.
Trading in index options also available.
All active members of stock exchanges are required to get their accounts audited by a Chartered
Accountant. Active member is any member who has conducted business in securities even for a
single day in the year.
Books of Accounts and other Documents Subjected to Audit
A member holding membership of many stock exchanges or different segments of same exchange
(derivatives/capital market segment), he has to maintain separate records and documents with
respect to each exchange or each segment.
A member of the exchange is required to maintain the following books of accounts –
• Register of transactions / Sauda Book
• Clients ledger
• General ledger
• Journal Register
• Cash Book
• Bank pass book
• Documents (received / delivered) register
• Members contract book showing details of all contracts entered into by him with other
members of the same exchange.
• Counterfoils or duplicates of contract notes issued to clients.
• Written consent of clients to the contracts entered into as principals.
• Margin deposit book.
• Register of accounts of sub brokers.
• Copies of agreements with sub-brokers.
• Copies of margin statements down loaded from the exchange.
• Details of spot delivery transactions.
• Clients database and member client agreement.
• Copy of registration certificate of each sub-broker.
• Copy of the power of attorney / board resolution authorizing the directors / employees to
sign the contract notes.
• Copies of pool account statements.
Audit Procedures
1. Daily Transactions List (Sauda Book)
This is the basis record maintained by the member containing details of all transactions entered
by them on a daily basis. It contains information on
• Name of the client
• Securities traded on behalf of client
• Rate and quantity of securities bought and sold.
Daily transaction register contains a record of all the following categories of transactions
i. Member’s own business on the exchange
ii. Member’s business on behalf of his clients
iii. Member’s business with his clients on a principal to principal basis
iv. Member’s own business with member’s of other stock exchanges
v. Member’s business on behalf of his clients with members of other stock exchanges
vi. Spot transactions
2. Contract Notes
Every member of the stock exchange has to issue contract notes to its clients for all business
executed on their behalf within 24 hours of the execution. In reference to contact notes, the
auditor should ensure that
i. Contract notes are serially numbered
ii. These are in the format prescribed by relevant exchange.
iii. Brokerage has been charged within specified limits and shown separately
iv. Ordering time should be reflected on contract notes along with the time of execution of order.
v. Member/authorized signatory should sign contract notes.
vi. Brokerage, Service tax & security transactions tax shown separately.
3. Client bills
(i) It contain summary of all trades executed on behalf of the
client during a period.
(ii) It shows the net amount receivable from or due to the client.
(iii) The auditor should ensure their proper postings.
4. Clients ledger
It contains transactions with each client. The auditor should examine
i. Transactions remaining unsettled for a long time.
ii. Whether amounts received from clients is consistently different from the contract bills.
iii. That amounts received or paid as loans or deposits have not been passed through clients
iv. Confirmation of balances received from clients of the member.
iv.Any exemptions from deposit of margin for particular trades available to the members
7. Member’s own Trading Account
(a) The auditor should verify the entries with the bills raised
for trading on own account.
(b) He should also ensure that there is a proper system for
revenue recognition and closing stock from such transactions.
(c) No brokerage is charged on this account.
8. Bank book
The member holds a fiduciary position in the security trading system and hence certain restrictions
are imposed on the operation of the bank account in respect of his clients. According to these
restrictions –
A. No money be paid into clients account other than
i. Money held or received from clients
ii. Money for replacement of withdrawal by accident from such account.
C. No money can be paid from clients account other than
(i) Settlement with the client
(ii) Payment to clearing house on behalf of client
(iii) Money for replacement of deposit by accident into such account.
9. Documents Register / (Inward / Outward) Register
It contains particulars of securities including their distinctive numbers received from or delivered to
the client in physical form. With regard to documents register, the auditor should check
i. Balance of stock as shown in deposit register segregated into client stock and own stock.
ii. The reasons for client’s stock remaining with the member for a long time.
iii. The auditor should also physically verify the stocks.
10. Dematerialized securities
(a) Now-a-days, most of the securities have been converted into dematerialized form because of
benefits of electronic trading system.
(b) Under this system, each member has to maintain two demat accounts.
(c) One of these is used to hold its own securities and known as “Beneficiary Account”.
(d) The other one, ‘Pool Account’, is meant for trades executed on behalf of clients.
(e) The securities meant for sale are transferred to the ‘Pool Account’ from where these are given
to the clearing house on the relevant pay in day.
(f) The audit procedures should include
i. whether securities received n pool account have been transferred to client’s Demat
Account within 48 hours.
ii. Reasons for holding a particular security in pool account for an unreasonable time.
iii. Ensuring that securities lying in pool account have not been used to settle member’s own
trade obligations.
Audit Report:
(i) We have audited B/s & P&L a/c of ..........
(ii) Obtained all information & explanation
(iii) Proper books of a/c & records specified by securities contracts (regulation) rules are kept.
(iv) Broker complied with requirement of exchange . So for as they relate to maintenance of a/c & was
regular in submitting req. information to S.E.
(v) In our opinion & to best of our information ... (true).
Matters to be considered by SEBI while granting registration to a prospective stockbroker:
1. Is eligible to be admitted.
2. Has necessary infrastructure.
3. Has past experience in business of securities.
4. Is not subjected to in disciplinary proceedings by stock exchange.
Hit or take orders
(i) These are a variations of market orders.
(ii) Faster order execution.
(iii) For the quantity specified, the system attaches the counter touchline price to it.
(iv) The order will be matched while all unexecuted orders of this type are automatically killed.
1. In securities:
(a) To curb excessive volatility.
(b) May be 2%, 5%, 10% or 20% based upon categories of shares.
(c) It is calculated w.r.f closing price of previous trading day.
(d) For example, if on 13-06-2005 the closing rate of AFTEC INFOSYS is Rs. 100 the price
band in case of 20% circuit breaker is 80 (Lower freeze)and 120 (upper freeze).
Depending upon time of index movement & its percentage trading may be halted for specified
time period.
Depositories and Dematerialisation :
(a) NSDL & CDSL keep record of ownership of securities electronically in book entry form.
(b) Transfer of ownership of securities is done by simple account transfers.
Advantage :
(I) Liquidity of scripts (immediate transfer and register)
(II) Receive bonus and right as direct credit to A/c.
(III) Much lower risk of bad deliveries.
(IV) Saving of stamp duty.
(V) Saving of courier charges.
(VI) No physical certificates (no risk of getting them misplaced)
(VII) Reduction in brokerage.
(VIII) Easy settlement with clearing house.
Clearing and Settlement Mechanism
1. the securities pay-in obligations of members are downloaded by the clearing agency.
2. The members make available the required securities in their pool accounts with Depository
Participants (DPs) by the prescribed pay-in time for securities.
3. The depository runs an electronic file to transfer the securities from the pool accounts of
members with DPs to the DP account of the clearing agency.
4. The securities are transferred on the pay-out day by the depository from the DP account of
the clearing agency to the DP accounts of members.
5. Select banks have been empanelled by clearing agency for electronic transfer of funds.
6. The members are informed electronically of their pay-in obligations of funds.
7. The members make available required funds in their accounts with clearing banks by
prescribed pay-in day.
8. Same way, funds are transferred on the pay-out day by the clearing banks from the account of
the clearing agency to the accounts of members.
“M.A. concern itself with whole field of activities of concern, from top to bottom, primarily
concerned with whether the general management is functioning smoothly and satisfactorily.” T.G.
⇒ It is audit of management.
(Management Audit = Op. audit + Review of adequacy and competence of top management).
3. Reports required by the management.
4. Internal controls.
5. Nature of production of Business.
6. Production planning.
7. Factory layout, design and installed capacity.
8. Personnel policy.
9. Material management.
10. Sales management.
11. Decision making process.
12. Books and Records.
13. Financial Managements.
Thus, management audit includes all the elements of op. audit also.
Organisation of written report
(1) Format :
(i) Title
(ii) Objectives.
(iii) Scope.
(iv) Findings, conclusions and opinions.
(v) Recommendations.
(vi) Auditee’s view.
(vii) Summary.
Causes :
1) Staff / line conflict : Management Auditors are staff, thus line unhappy.
(i) Normally staff has superiority complex they don’t wonna understand line considering it to
be inferior.
(ii) Staff may give irresponsible advice without judging its feasibility.
(iii) Line doesn’t co-operate with staff.
(iv) Line doesn’t provide sufficient information to staff.
(v) Line doesn’t use staff advice property.
(vi) Staff has fault finding advice.
(vii) Staff doesn’t consider line before advising.
2) Control : Auditee fear that his actions will have adverse effect on top
management. They have → fear of criticism, → fear of changes and → punitive actions due to –
(i) insensitive audit practices and (ii) Hostile audit style.
3) Changes : Resistance to changes. Auditor’s recommendation for changes to
which auditee resists.
Three cases
1. Auditor Objective
Auditee Offensive
Management indifferent.
2. Auditor cantankerous
Auditee progressive.
Management indifferent.
3. Auditor progressive
Auditee participative.
Management objective.
“Management audit would concern itself with whole field of activities of concern from top to bottom
primarily concerned with whether general management is functioning smoothly and satisfactorily.”
- T.G. Rose
“Operational Audit is undertaken at the instance of management for providing it with information and
appraisal of operations and activities.”
Financial Operational
1. Opinion on financial information. 1 Opinion on effectiveness & efficiency of operation
2. Only financial information 2 All activities
3. Report to shareholders 3 Report to management
4. It ends in report 4 It ends in report including suggestions
5. By C.A 5 By team of expert
6. By independent 6 May be by is house team
7. Compulsory 7 Optional
8. Yearly 8 It depends
9. Old concept 9 Comparatively new approach
(1) Executives → no time to collect information and locate problems. Preoccupied with their own
(2) Managers generally relied upon.
(3) Information transmitted by managers → biased.
(4) Conventional nature of internal audit report and mechanical nature, as it does not provide
(5) Other reports (performance) → own limitation.
(6) Operation of control → no idea of environmental condition. Whereas the operational auditor is
always supposed to be open-minded.
(7) Survey → costly, time consuming.
Objectives of Op. Audit
1. Appraisal of control – Internal controls provide the essential means to ensure proper
performance in each functional or organizational area for accomplishing the desired
organizational objective. Operational auditing deals with the administrative controls and its
purpose is to determine whether the controls are adequate.
2. Evaluation of performance – During performance evaluation, an operational auditor is
heavily dependent upon availability of acceptable standards.
3. Appraisal of objectives and plans – Though controversial, one school of thought holds that
operational auditing can be stretched to evaluate management objectives and plans. If the
management policy favours installation of controls, controls would have to stay within the
policy frame. Therefore, the basic things that should be evaluated is management policies,
plans and objectives.
4. Appraisal of organization structure – Organisational structure provides the line of
relationship and delegation of authority and tasks. This is also another important area for
appraisal by the operational auditor.
“Internal Auditing is an independent appraisal activity within an organization for review of operation as
service to organization.” Institute of Internal Auditors. N.Y.
B. Issues : According to few, area of operational audit is young while Internal audit is old concept.
Extension of scope of operational audit to recommendation of specific changes. As per Lindberg &
Cohn, operational auditors shouldn’t involve in installing systems and controls of operational areas
whose audit they’re expected to perform. Same way, as per Institute of Internal Auditors. Internal
auditor should also be completely objective in his approach. Thus, we can understand operational
audit as an extension of internal auditing with definite work content stretching beyond traditional
field of internal auditors (financial A/c.) Every aspect of operational audit, however, is towards
management policies, management objects and goals only.
C. Objectives : operational auditor try to verify fulfillment of plans and other requirements and focus
on objectives and their achievement. Having good knowledge of business aspects. Open minded,
well acquainted with performance yard-sticks, which he apply with suitable adjustments. Now, the
modern definition of Internal auditing is broad enough to embrace the areas covered by
operational auditing as well.
For each of sub heads following points must be mentioned:
(a) Long-range plans
(b) Short or medium range plans
(c) Organizational structure
(d) Leadership
(e) Communication
(f) Control.
1. General 1. Specific
2. Opinion 2. Fact
3. No doubt 3. Doubt
4. 1 year 4. No fixed period
5. St. requirement 5. It depends
6. C.A 6. Any person
1. Determine scope/objectives of Investigation
2. Formulate Investigation programme.
3. Examine/Study various records.
4. Analysis, interpretation of finding
5. Preparation of report.
Profit and Loss Account – Study or profit and loss account should cover profit statements over a
period of 5 – 7 years in order to cover all possible phases of business cycle. This will also enable
the accountant to establish a trend between various related elements of profit statement.
(i) Whether adequate depreciation has been provided on a consistent basis.
(ii) Incase of revaluation of assets, depreciation should be provided on revalued amount and
over their estimated useful life.
(iii)For leasehold property, it should be ascertained whether an adequate provision has
been made for the deterioration charge that may be payable at the end of lease period.
2.Turnover :
(i) Turnover of the company should be segregated between various products, types of
customers, territory etc.
(ii) Order books should be examined to identify and eliminate fictitious entries.
(iii)Income and expenses should be broken proportionately between manufacturing and
trading operations.
3.Wage Structure :
(i) Method of computing wages and rate of wages should be checked.
(ii) Any unusually high wage payment should be analysed.
(iii) If the business has suffered labour disturbance in the past then it should be checked
whether a long lasting settlement has been reached.
4. Managerial remuneration:
(i) Check that remuneration payable is not excessive
(ii) It should be in accordance with the provisions of Companies Act, 1956.
(iii)Even if no or nominal remuneration has been paid, it should be adjusted to arrive at true
5.Exceptional and non-recurring items: These items disturb the trends of the profits.
Therefore, the effect of these items along with their tax implications should be adjusted to
arrive at maintainable profits.
6. Repairs and Maintenance:
(i) Major repairs and over hauling jobs are generally undertaken at any interval of 3 to 4
years. It should be ensured that these expenses have been systematically appropriated
over a period of time. (However, take care of Accounting Standard – 26).
(ii) It should be correctly broken into capital and revenue expenses.
7.Unusual year: Investigating accountant should eliminate results of one or more years which
disturbs the trend due to exceptional factors, while arriving at maintainable profits.
Balance Sheet:
The elements of Balance sheet may be studied as under –
1.Fixed Assets – Fixed assets may be studied as regards with
(i) Age of fixed assets in order to determine replacements that may be required in the
(ii) Incase proper repair and maintenance has not been ensured, a provision for heavy
expenditure on repairs that may be required should be made in the value of the assets.
(iii)Incase of revaluation of fixed assets, depreciation should be provided on the revalued
2.Investments –
(i) Current investments should be valued at market price.
(ii) Long term investments should be valued at cost. However, a permanent decline in value
should be provided.
(iii)Pre-acquisition profits should be reduced from cost of investment.
3. Debtors –
(i) The bad debts should be adjusted in the year of sale unless the write off is on account of
a slump or fall in international prices.
(ii) A study of credit period allowed by a business which shows rise in credit period over the
period of investigation is indicative of diminishing sales.
(iii)Age – wise classification of debts helps in understanding the nature of customers and
working capital requirement of business.
4. Stock and work in progress –
(i) These assets should be consistently valued as per generally accepted accounting
(ii) Due allowance for damaged, obsolete and show moving items should be made.
5. Other liquid assets – These assets include cash in hand and readily realizable bank
balances. It is prudent to insure cash in hand.
6. Idle assets – Idle assets may be in the form of unused plant, excessive cash holdings or
obsolete stocks etc. The investigating accountant should ignore assets from the net worth of
the business.
1. Taxation:
(i) It should be verified that adequate provision for tax has been made.
(ii) Incase there have been reopening of cases in the past, the final liability should
ascertained from the order passed by the authority.
(iii) Any temporary tax benefit should be disregarded.
2. Capital
(i) The investigator should ascertain a proper balance between owners and debt capital. A
disproportionate ratio can handicap the business.
(ii) It should be verified that the capital is reasonable as compared to fixed assets and
working capital.
The underlying purpose of conducting such an investigation is to enable the accountant in
predicting with reasonable accuracy the future positioning of the business. For example, he
may be able to determine the allowance required for replacement of worm out fixed assets
or the turnover as over the coming period or the working capital requirements etc.
Investigation under Companies Act, 1956 [Refer to Sec.235, 237, 239, 240, 247, etc. from
Companies Act]
The purpose of this investigation is for the incoming auditor to know whether -
(i) The terms offered to him are reasonable
(ii) His capital contribution would be safe and applied usefully.
The investigator should take care of the following -
(i) Ascertain the history of inception and growth of the firm.
(ii) Study the provisions of the partnership deed.
(iii) Scrutiny of the profitability and the rate o return of the firm’s business over a period of time.
(iv) Examinations of the assets and liability position of the firm. This helps in determining the
tangible asset backing, impending liabilities etc.
(v) Position of orders on hand the range and quality of customers should be thoroughly
(vi) Study the composition and quality of key personnel’s employed.
(vii) Study the important contractual and legal obligations.
(viii) Ascertain the reasons for offer of admission to a new partner.
(ix) Manner of computation of good will of admission and retirement of a partner should be
(x) The standing and reliability of other partners and their personal reputation should be
properly judged.
(i) Sales to Average Stocks held
(ii) Sales to fixed assets.
(iii) Equity to fixed assets.
(iv) Current Assets to current liabilities.
(v) Quick assets (the current assets that are readily realizable) to quick liabilities.
(vi) Equity to long term loans.
(vii) Sales to Book debts.
(viii) Return on Capital Employed.
(f) Break-up of annual sales product-wise.
Verification of assets and liabilities included in the financial statement submitted by the
The investigator should prepare schedule of assets and liabilities in them the particulars given
1. Fixed Assets:
(i) Description of the item.
(ii) Gross value
(iii) Depreciation rate used
(iv) Total depreciation written off
(v) Nature of charge on assets created
(vi) Revaluation of the assets if carried out recently
(vii) Basis of revaluation.
2. Inventory:
(i) The different types of raw material and finished goods held.
(ii) Basis of valuation of the inventory.
(iii) Slow moving and obsolete items.
(iv) In case the stock has been pledged or hypothecated the fact should be stated.
(v) Assessment of the redundancy of stock consequent to changes that occurred after
balance sheet.
3. Sundry Debtors:
(i) Composition of debtors.
(ii) Age wise classification debtors.
(iii) The adequacy of the provision if any created.
(iv) Classification as follows –
a. Debts due in respect of which the credit has not expired.
b. Debts due in respect of which the credit has expired.
c. Debts due from directors and employees.
d. Debts due from subsidiary companies or affiliated companies.
e. The subsequent recovery of debts after the Balance Sheet date.
4. Investment: The schedule of investment should be prepared showing date of purchase, cost,
nominal value, market value and in case it is pledged for a loan, the details of people.
5. Secured Loans: The loans should be classified between debtor and other showing there in
the secured and unsecured classification. The particulars of the assets pledged for securing
the debt should be clearly stated.
6. Provision for Taxation: The breakup of the year wise provisions and a note on the adequacy
of a each provision shall be provided.
7. Other liabilities: A statement to the effect that all the liabilities have been properly disclosed
showing the age wise analysis of trade creditors.
8. Insurance: A statement of insurance policies giving details of the risk covered and the
particulars of the prepayment
9. Contingent liabilities: A list should be provided giving a break up of the contingent liabilities
Finally, the investigator should ascertain whether any other application has been made by
the applicant for loans to other institutions or agencies and if so the result of such
applications on the date of review.
5. Defalcation of stock –
(1) The defalcation of trading stock, etc. is usually possible through a collusion among a
number of persons.
(2) Check whether there is
(a) A system of stock control, and existence of detailed record of the movement of
stock, or
(b) Availability of sufficient data from which such a record can be constructed.
(3) Physically check the quantities in stock and those shown by the stock
(4) Shortages observed on physical verification of stock should be
reconciled with the discrepancies observed on checking the books.
Investigation for Review of Profit / Financial Forecasts [Guidance note on Profit Forecast]
Chartered Accountants are required to investigate into the profit forecasts of a business for
various purposes like purchase of a business or sanction of loan etc. As per guidance notes
issued by the ICAI a Chartered Accountant should consider the following aspects while
conducting review of profit forecasts.
1. Preliminary considerations
(i) Obtain in writing the scope of work
(ii) Procure the following information in written from
(a) Period covered by forecast
(b) The assumptions used
(c) The purpose of forecast
(d) The ultimate user of the forecast.
2. General considerations
(i) Obtain a clear understanding of client’s business and its environment.
(ii) Review the accounting policies.
(iii) Check the reasonableness of various assumptions.
(iv) Review the method of forecasting.
3. Specific considerations
(i) Check whether correct accounting policies have been consistently applied over the
period of forecast.
(ii) Ensure proper disclosure of extra ordinary items.
(iii) Incase where purpose of forecast is to estimate fund requirements, ensure that proper
bifurcation has been made between working capital and long term capital
(iv) Proper investigation into the current status of the entity should be made.
(v) Evaluate the opinion of other exports.
(vi) Ensure the proper explanatory notes supplement the forecasts.
(vii) The investigator should properly adjust inflationary factors and make reasonable
inter firm comparisons.
The report of the investigator should cover the following aspects.
(i) The assumptions used
(ii) The forecasts made
(iii) Conclusions of the review.
(1) This term is used is relation to corporate restructuring.
(2) Corporate restructuring includes internal reconstruction, amalgamations,
mergers, joint ventures etc.
(3) Corporate restructuring involving more than one party should be planned
(4) Thus, due diligence review is performed to check whether it is feasible and
desirable to acquire / merge the unit.
(5) Discipline-wise it can be classified as follows:
(a) Commercial /operation Due Diligence : i.e. to check whether the target is
commercially feasible.
(b) Financial Due Diligence : To check the financial feasibility of the target by
examining the financial statement and devising their profit trends.
(c) Tax Due Diligence (Direct and Indirect) : Whether the target is paying appropriate
taxes on a regular basis. Moreover, ascertain what are the tax benefits available to
(d) Information system Due Diligence : Whether information system of target is
providing right information to the right management at the right time in the right
(e) Legal Due Diligence : Whether the target is complying with all the applicable laws
and regulations.
(f) Environmental Due Diligence : To check the compliance of target with
environmentally related rules and regulations.
(g) Personnel Due Diligence : To ascertain whether the employees of target company
are efficient.
A full-fledged financial Due Diligence review includes the following:-
How Company was set up, who were original promoters, its survival strategies in past, any
regulatory requirement, history like nature of production, location, product/ service and markets,
franchises, licenses, patents, R & D, legislation & regulation, information systems.
Appropriateness, effect of recent changes in A/c policies, effect on overall profitability and their
correctness. Areas where A/c polices of target are different from that of acquiring enterprise
and their effect.
(3) Review of Financial Statement:-
In accordance with statute, relevant framework and A/c standards. Review the operating
results, extraordinary items. Comparison of actual figures with budgeted figure. Trading results
of last 4-5 years, valuation of intangible assets, special attention to over valued assets or
hidden liabilities.
(4) Taxation:-
Regularity of payment of various taxes to government, tax affects of mergers.
(5) Cash Flow:-
Cash generating abilities and major trends.
(6) Financial Projections:-
For next 5 yrs with detailed assumptions and workings on optimistic, pessimistic and most
likely basis. If projections are inappropriate highlight the areas.
(7) Management and Employees:-
Status of work force, staff and their demands etc. excess work force and implications, pay package,
employee benefit PF, gratuity, E.S.I. leave and superannuation etc. to be taken care of.
(8) Statutory compliance:-
List of applicable laws, punitive charges etc.
Contents of Due Diligence Report
(i) Summary
(ii) History of Target
(iii) History of Promoters
(iv) Review of Operational D.D
(v) Review of Financial D.D
(vi) Review of Tax D.D
(vii) Review of Information system D.D
(viii) Review of Legal D.D
(ix) Review of Environmental D.D
(x) Review of Personnel D.D
(xi) SWOT Analysis
(xii) Suggestion
Under I.T. Act, audit is to be conducted by an Accountant. It defines accountant as a C.A. within
meaning of C.A. Act & any other person entitled to be appointed as an auditor of a company u/s 226
of Company Act. But as per C.A. Act, it will nevertheless a necessary requirement that the member
concerned must hold a certificate of practice.
But for Co. op. societies, the auditor appointed under the relevant statute provision need not be a C.A.
but he can conduct the tax audit.
Audit of Public trusts (Sec. 12A)
Exemption from I.T. u/s 11 & 12 provided :
1. The person in receipt of the income has made an application for registration of the
trust/ Institute to C.I.T. Before expiry of one year from date of creation of trust.
2. Where total income > 50,000 in any previous year, the accounts of trust/ Institute have
been audited.
As per guide published by ICAI, the audit programme in this case will be as follows :
(A) Preliminary
(i) Obtain resolution from trust (Scope of audit)
(ii) Letter of appointment from trust & communicate with previous auditor.
(iii) Certificate as to op. balance of Assets & Liabilities & fund
(iv) List of Books of A/c
(v) Certificate from trust as to system of A/c & I.C.
(vi) List of institutions/ activities run by trust
(vii)Certified true copy of deed of trust.
(B) Routine checking
(i) Check Book of A/c.
(ii) Vouch transactions. Whether within power and authorised, Properly A/c for, recorded on
the basis of system of Accounting etc & funds applicable towards objects of the trust.
(iii) Obtain trial Balance on closing date certified by trust.
(iv) Obtain B/s & P & L A/c authenticated by trustee.
(C) A/c Principles: Usually accepted A/c Principles. In Particular.
(i) All assets verified properly valued & depreciated.
(ii) All liabilities properly A/c for.
(iii) Investment properly classified & market values shown.
(iv) O/s due to trust properly A/c for. Its recoverability examined. Provided made for
(D) Annexure to Audit Report:-
(i) Certified list of persons u/s 13(3).
(ii) Statement for items specified in annexure to form 10B.
(iii) Verify information supplied by trustees in light of available mater.
Audit u/s 44AB
Any person get his A/c audited by an Accountant who:
(i) Carrying on Business, total turnover or gross receipt > 40 lakh Rs.
(ii) Carrying on Profession, if gross receipt > 10 lakh Rs.
(iii) Carrying on Business if profits & gains from Business are deemed to be profits & gains of
such person if he has claimed has income to be lower than deemed one.
Audit by specified date i.e. 31st October.
Applicability of A/c Standards
In case of charitable / religious organisations, AS will not apply if all activities are not of commercial,
industrial or business nature. Even if a small portion of activates of an entry is commercial, industrial
or Business in nature, AS would apply to all its activates including those which are not commercial,
industrial or Business in nature.
Section 145:-
(i) Income under head “Business or profession’ or from other sources’ be computed in
accordance with either cash or mercantile regularly employed by the assessee.
(ii) C.G. may notify AS to be followed
(iii) If A.O. not satisfied about correctness or completeness of A/c of Assessee or where
method, of a/c followed have not been regularly followed by the assessee, he may make
assessment AS per method Provided u/s 144.
As (I.T.) Mandatory for those following mercantile system.
(i) AS I relating to disclosure of A/c policies
(ii) AS II relating to disclosure of prior period & extraordinary items & changes in A/c Policies.
The tax auditor is not computing the income but
(i) reporting on A/c &
(ii) reporting on relevant information furnished in form no. 3CD. Thus in case of non-
compliance with AS, the C.A should make appropriate qualification/ disclosure in the audit
Audit Report:-
(i) Form 3CA + 3CD for person carrying on Business or profession who is required under any
other law to get his A/c audited &
(ii) For 3CB + 3CD for others.
1. Name of the assessee : _______________________________________
2. Address : _______________________________________
3. Permanent Account Number : _______________________________________
4. Status : _______________________________________
5. Previous year ended : ___31st March____________________________
6. Assessment year : _______________________________________
7. (a) If firm or Association of Persons, indicate names of partners/members and their profit
sharing ratios.
(b) If there is any change in the partners/members of their profit sharing rations, the particulars
of such change.
8. (a) Nature of business or profession.
(b) If there is any change in the nature of business or profession, the particulars of such
9. (a) Whether books of account are prescribed under section 44AA, if yes, list of books so
(b) Books of account maintained. (In case books of account are maintained in a computer
system, mention the books of account generated by such computer system.)
(c) List of books of account examined.
10. Whether the profit and loss account includes any profits and gains assessable on presumptive
basis, if yes, indicate the amount and the relevant sections (44AD, 44AE, 44AF, 44B, 44BB,
44BBA, 44BBB or any other relevant section).
16. (a) Any sum paid to an employee as bonus or commission for services rendered, where such
sum was otherwise payable to him as profits or dividend. [Section 36 (1) (ii)].
(b) Any sum received from employees towards contributions to any provident fund or
superannuation fund or any other fund mentioned in section 2(24)(x); and due date for
payment and the actual date of payment to the concerned authorities under section 36(1)
(b) Expenditure of personal nature;
(c) Expenditure on advertisement in any souvenir, brochure, tract, pamphlet or the like,
published by a political party;
(d) Expenditure incurred at clubs:–
(i) As entrance fees and subscriptions;
(ii) As cost for club services and facilities used;
(e) (i) Expenditure by way of penalty or fine for violation of any law for the time being in
(ii) Any other penalty or fine.
(iii) Expenditure incurred for any purpose which is an offence or which is prohibited by law;
(f) Amounts inadmissible under section 40(a);
(g) Interest, salary, bonus, commission or remuneration inadmissible under section
40(b)/40(ba) and computation thereof;
(h) Amount inadmissible under section 40A(3) read with rule 6DD and computation thereof;
(i) Provision for payment of gratuity not allowable under section 40A(7);
(j) Any sum paid by the assessee as an employer not allowable under section 40A(9);
(k) Particulars of any liability of a contingent nature.
18. Particulars of payments made to persons specified under section 40A(2)(b).
19. Amounts deemed to be profits and gains under section 33AB or 33ABA or 33AC.
20. Any amount of profit chargeable to tax under section 41 and computation thereof.
21. * (i) In respect of any sum referred to in clause (a), (c), (d), or (e) of section 43B, the liability for
A. Pre-existed on the first day of the previous year but was not allowed in the assessment
of any preceding previous year and was –
(a) paid during the previous year;
(b) not paid during the previous year;
B. Was incurred in the previous year and was –
(a) paid on or before the due date for furnishing the return of income of the previous
year under section 139(1);
(b) not paid on or before the aforesaid date.
(ii) In respect of any sum referred to in clause (b) of section 43B, the liability for which –
A. Pre-existed on the first day of the previous year but was not allowed in the assessment of
any preceding pervious year –
(a) nature of liability;
(b) due date of payment under second proviso to section 43B;
(c) actual date of payment;
(d) if paid otherwise than in cash, whether the sum has been realised within fifteen days of
the aforesaid due date:
B. Was incurred in the previous year:–
(a) nature of liability;
(b) due date of payment under second proviso to section 43B;
(c) actual date of payment;
(d) if paid otherwise than in cash, whether the sum has been realised within fifteen days of
the aforesaid due date.
* State whether sales tax, customs duty, excise duty or any other indirect tax, levy, cess,
impost, etc., is passed through the profit and loss account.
22. (a) Amount of Modified Value Added Tax credits availed of or utilized during the previous
year and its treatment in the profit and loss account and treatment of outstanding
Modified Value Added Tax credits in the accounts.
(b) Particulars of income or expenditure of prior period credited or debited to the profit and
loss account.
23. Details of any amount borrowed on hundi or any amount due thereof (including interest on the
amount borrowed) repaid, otherwise than through an account payee cheque [Section 69D].
24. (a) * Particulars of each loan or deposit in an amount exceeding the limit specified in
section 269SS taken or accepted during the previous year:–
(i) name, address and permanent account number (if available with the assessee) of
the lender or depositor;
(ii) amount of loan or deposit taken or accepted;
(iii) whether the loan or deposit was squared up during the previous year;
(iv) maximum amount outstanding in the account at any time during the previous year;
(v) whether the loan or deposit was taken or accepted otherwise than by an account
payee cheque or an account payee bank draft.
* (These particulars need not be given in the case of a Government company, a
banking company or a corporation established by a Central, State or Provincial Act.)
(b) Particulars of each repayment of loan or deposit in an amount exceeding the limit
specified in section 269T made during the previous year:–
(i) name, address and permanent account number (if available with the assessee) of
the payee;
(ii) amount of the repayment;
(iii) maximum amount outstanding in the account at any time during the previous year;
(iv) whether the repayment was made otherwise than by account payee cheque or
account payee bank draft
25. Details of brought forward loss or depreciation allowance, in the following
manner, to the extent available:
Serial Assessment Nature of Amount as Amount as assessed Remarks
Number Year loss/allowance returned (in (give reference to
(in rupees) rupees) relevant order)
28. (a) In the case of trading concern, given quantitative details of principal items of goods
(i) opening stock;
(ii) purchases during the previous year;
(iii) sales during the previous year;
(iv) closing stock;
(v) shortage/excess, if any.
(b) In the case of manufacturing concern, give quantitative details of the principal items of
raw materials, finished products and by-products:
A. Raw materials
(i) opening stock.
(ii) purchases during the previous year;
(iii) consumption during the pervious year;
(iv) sales during the previous year;
(v) closing stock;
(vi) * yield of finished products;
(vii) * percentage of yield;
(viii) * shortage/excess, if any.
B. Finished products/By products
(i) opening stock;
(ii) purchases during the pervious year;
(iii) quantity manufacturing during the previous year;
(iv) sales during the previous year;
(v) closing stock;
(vi) shortage/excess, if any.
* Information may be given to the extent available.
29. In the case of a domestic company, details of tax on distributed profits under section 115-O in
the following form:–
(a) total amount of distributed profits;
(b) total tax paid thereon;
(c) dates of payment with amounts.
30. Whether any cost audit was carried out, if yes, enclose a copy of the report of such audit [See
section 139(9)].
31. Whether any audit was conducted under the Central Excise Act, 1944, if yes, enclose a copy
of the report of such audit.
32. Accounting ratios with calculations as follows:–
(a) Gross profit/Turnover;
(b) Net profit/Turnover;
(c) Stock-in-trade/Turnover;
(d) Material consumed/Finished goods produced.
Signed: ___________
Place ____________ Name: ___________
Date _____________ Address:
1. The Annexure to this Form must be filled up falling which the Form will be considered as
2. This Form and the Annexure have to be signed by the person competent to sign Form No.
3CA or Form No. 3CB, as the case may be.
1. Name of the Assessee : ________________________________________
2. Address : ________________________________________
3. Permanent Account Number : ________________________________________
4. Status : ________________________________________
5. Previous year ended : ________________________________________
6. Assessment year : 31st March
1. Current IT Trends :
(i) End user computing
(ii) Declining Hardware prices, increase in micro user
(iii) RDBM extensive use
(iv) System development and CASE tools adopted by many users..
(v) Shift from DOS to UNIX & C language.
(vi) Knowledge based and decision support systems.
(vii) Increased data communication and networking
(viii) Use of EDI (Electronic data interchange)
(ix) Scanners and voice recognition system for input.
2. Impact on Auditing :
(i) Unintentional Errors (inexperienced persons)
(ii) Program modification can take place with a view to fraud.
(iii) Improper use of DSS.
(iv) Auditors participation in SDLC is necessary.
(v) Use of sophisticated audit software.
(vi) Data communication and networking – new risk.
(vii) Data security problems.
(viii) Move towards EDI (Elimination of much of traditional audit trail).
(ix) Change in nature of audit evidence.
Prerequisites auditing in CIS Environment.
1. Skill & Competence :To determine over all audit risk, understanding I.C. to perform
tests and to evaluate results thereof.
2. Knowledge of Business : Entity’s attitude towards I.T., usage compared with industry,
recent and planned charges.
3. Planning : To plan understanding about organization structure, significance of comp.
Processing, complexity, availability of data source documents, files, etc.
4. Assessment of Risk : Risk may be due to deficiencies in CIS environment and they
may increase potential for errors of fraudulent activities.
He should consider the following for risk assessment
1. Own application / packages.
2. Industrial environment.
3. Pervasive CIS controls.
4. Access to sp. function / data.
5. Ability to change and develop the report.
6. Documentation.
7. Factors affecting quality of evidence (paperless).
8. Sp. risk (Electronic funds trf.).
9. End-user computing.
10. Lack of time, discipline or knowledge to monitor results of processing.
Compensating for loss of audit trail :
1. Arranging for sp. print-outs of additional informal.
2. Programmed interrogation facility.
3. Clerical recreation.
4. Testing on total basis.
5. Relying on alternative tests.
6. Special Audit Technique.
These controls provide reasonable assurance that all transactions are properly authorized and
access to data and programs are to restricted persons.
IT application controls
Application controls are controls over the thoroughness, accuracy and validity of accounting
information. These controls include:
1. Controls over inputs
These controls are designed to provide reasonable assurance that,
(a) All transactions are authorized.
(b) Transactions are not lost or improperly added or modified.
(c) The system detects and reports incorrect transactions.
2. Controls over processing and computer data files
The objective of these controls is to provide assurance that,
(a) All transactions are properly processed.
(b) Processing errors are identified and corrected on a timely basis.
3. Controls over output
These controls are designed to provide the accurate outputs are timely provided to authorised
Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (CAAT) (Used in Auditing through the computer)
1. Audit Software: It is a set of computer programs used by the Auditor, as part of his
Auditing Procedures, to process data of audit significance from the entity’s accounting system.
The Auditor should use such programs only after he proves their validity for Audit purposes.
Audit Software may consist of:
(a) Package Programs – These are generalised Computer Programs, that perform data
processing like reading computer files, selecting information, performing calculations,
creating data files and printing reports in a format specified by the Auditor. May be used at
many clients site.
(b) Purpose Written Programs – These are Computer Programs, designed by the Auditor /
entity / outside programmer, to perform Audit tasks in specific circumstances. The Auditor
may sometimes use the programs of the entity in the same or in a modified form. But it
may not be used at many clients site thus cost consideration should taken care of.
(c) Utility Programs – These are programs of the entity, designed for non-audit purposes, but
for performing common data processing functions like sorting, creating and printing files.
These are not designed specifically for audit purpose.
(d) System management software – These are enhanced productivity tool that require
specialised knowledge on part of auditor. However these are not specifically meant for
audit purposes. Thus used with much skill and care. For example flow chart review
systems. It may be used for comparing source code with object code.
2. Test Data: The Auditor enters a set of test data into the entity’s computer system and
compares the results with predetermined results. Test data are used to test specific controls /
specific processing characteristics in computer programs like online password and data access
controls. The test data are chosen by the Auditor. They may be of the following types –
(a) Testing a set of data selected from previously processed transactions, in the entity’s
system, separately from the normal processing procedure.
(b) Establishing a dummy unit to which test transactions are posted during the normal
processing cycle of the entity. (Called integrated Test Facility). However, the dummy
entries should subsequently be eliminated from the entity’s accounting records. These are
used mainly on line real time systems.
CAAT are used to perform various Audit Procedures like –
1. Tests of Details of transactions and balances e.g. use of Audit software to test all /
few transactions in a computer file. As substantive procedures.
2. Analytical Review Procedures e.g. use of Audit software to identify unusual
fluctuations or unusual items.
3. Compliance Test of General IT Controls e.g. use of test data to test access
procedures to the program libraries.
4. Compliance Test of IT Application Controls e.g. use of test data to test the
functioning of a programmed procedure.
The Auditor should take the following measures to control CAAT applications
Control of Software Applications Control of Test Data
• Participate in the design and testing of the • Control the sequence of submission of
computer programmes. test data.
• Check the coding of program to ensure • Perform test runs containing small
conformity with detailed program amounts of test data before submitting
specifications. main audit test data.
• Review of operating system instructions to • Predict the results of test data and
ensure proper running of software in the compare with actual test data output,
entity’s computer application. both for individual transactions and
• Run audit software first on test files before also in total.
taking up the same on main data files. • Confirm that only current version are
• Ensure use of correct files. used to process test data.
Requirement for internal auditor
Consideration of following mattes with client :
1. Ownership and stability : Share holders, cr. rating, other
clients, commercial appropriate staff.
2. Location : Conditions (geographical and others) machine
loading (high or low).
3. Back up : Stand by arrangements.
4. Documentation education and programs, etc. : Systems
and program documentation manual, staff training, approved changes, authorized owner of
copyrights of programs ownership of data files.
5. Liability of bureau for : Losses to lateness, fraud,
confidentiality, corruption of megnatic media.
6. Control : Over data processed, reconciliation, amendments
and error reports, file retention.
7. Packages : Standard software package, req. of input and
format and output.
(ii) Authorisation & accuracy of on line transaction must be checked.
(iii) He should include technical persons in Audit team.
(iv) He should perform compliance preliminary if the preliminary assesses control risk as less than
(v) Sub procedure should include CAAT (normally ITF).
(vi) Auditor should carry out Pre-implementation review of OLRT system if possible.
On data base I.C w.r.t. access the Date Base must be properly securitinised.
Audit of Public Sector Undertaking
→ “Propriety Audit stands for verification of transactions on the test of public interest, commonly
accepted customs & standards of conduct”.
→ Propriety is that which meets the tests of public interest, commonly accepted customs and
standards of conduct and particularly as applied to professional performance, requirement of law,
Government regulations and professional codes” – E.L. Kohler.
→ It shifts the emphasis to substance of transaction.
→ It requires transactions (mainly expenses) to conform to certain general principles :
a) Expense is not prima facie more than the occasion demands and same degree of vigilance is
exercised as should be exercised in respect of his own money.
b) Authority exercises its power of sanctioning expenses to pass an order which will not accrue to
its own advantage.
c) Funds not utilized for benefit of a particular person/group.
d) Apart from agreed remuneration, no other avenue is kept open to benefit management
personnel, employees and others.
a) If the company has given or taken loans, secured or unsecured, to/from companies, firms or
other parties listed in the register maintained under section 301 of the Companies Act, whether the
rate of interest and other terms and conditions of such loans are prima-facie prejudicial to the
interest of the company. In this case, the auditor will have to look into the reasonableness of the
rate of interest and the terms and conditions of such loans. In other words, he will have to see
whether the terms and conditions, including the rate of interest are apparently adverse to the
interests of the company, having regard to the circumstances of the company at the time of taking
the loans and the terms normally available. He is to exercise his judgment based on commercial
considerations like urgency, security offered etc.
b) If the overdue amount of the loan given to or taken from companies, firms or other parties
listed in the register maintained under section 301 of the Companies Act is more than rupees one
lakh, what reasonable steps have been taken by the company for recovery/payment of the
principal and interest. In making this examination, the auditor would have to consider the facts and
circumstances of each case, including the amounts involved. It is not necessary that steps to be
taken must necessarily be legal steps. Depending upon the circumstances, period of delay and
other similar factors, issue of reminders or sending of advocate’s or solicitor’s notice may amount
to reasonable steps. The auditor should ask the management to give in writing the steps which
have been taken. The auditor should arrive at his opinion only after consideration of the
management’s representations.
c) Whether the transactions needed to be entered in a register in pursuance of section 301 of
Companies Act have been made at prices which are reasonable having regard to the prevailing
market prices at the relevant time. Section 301 requires that every company shall keep one or
more registers in which shall be entered separately the particulars of all contracts or arrangements
to which sections 297 and 299 of the Companies Act apply. As regards the reasonability of prices,
the auditor is not expected to make a roving market inquiry but to examine price lists, quotations,
prices for other parties etc. he should also taken into account the factors such as delivery period,
quality, quantity involved, credit terms etc.
d) Is the company regular in depositing undisputed statutory dues including Provident Fund,
Investor Education and Protection Fund, Employee State Insurance, Income-Tax, Sales Tax,
Wealth Tax, Custom Duty, Excise Duty, cess and any other statutory dues with the appropriate
authorities and if not, the extent of the arrears of outstanding statutory dues as at the last day of
the financial year concerned for a period of more than six months from the dat they became
payable, shall be indicated by the auditor.
e) Whether the company has made any preferential allotment of shares to parties and companies
covered in the register maintained under section 301 of the Companies Act and if so whether the
price at which shares have been issued is prejudicial to the interest of the company.
→ It can select some enterprises each year to examine whether affairs of same are managed in
accordance with sound business principles, etc.
→ It doesn’t however examine mattes of major Government policy or day-to-day administration.
→ It gives its findings and recommendations in its report which are presented to Parliament /
State Legislatures.
Types of Audits
Directions of C & AG :
(a) System of Account :
1. Examine the following systems and give deficiencies along with suggestions
(Receipts/Expenses/Trial Balance/Inventories, etc.)
2. Allocation of expenses during construction.
3. Bank Reconciliation Statement.
4. Control and subsidiaries account are updated and reconciled regularly.
5. Examine accounting policies.
(b) System of Financial Control :
1. Delegation of financial power whether legally made.
2. Whether credit from bank are monitored regularly.
Auditor of SBI and their remuneration by RBI in consultation with Government Bank.
RRB’s auditors and their fee determined by Bank concerned with approval of Central Government.
Auditor’s Report
For Nationalised Bank, Report to Central Government stating :
(i) Balance Sheet is full and properly drawn up and True and Fair View.
(ii) Transactions of Banks within their powers.
(iii) Returns received from offices and branches of Banks are adequate.
(iv) P & L A/c. shows true balance of profit or loss.
For Banking Companies, in addition to reporting u/s 227, also to state whether –
(i) Information and Explanations are satisfactory.
(ii) Transactions of company within power of company.
(iii) Returns received from branches are adequate.
(iv) P&L shows true balance of profit or loss.
(v) Any other matter to be brought to notice of the share holders of the company.
Audit of Compliance with SLR Requirement
→ Statutory Central Auditor to verify compliance with SLR requirements on 12 odd
dates in different months of a financial year not being Fridays.
→ Report of Management and RBI.
→ Examination of 2 Aspects
(i) Correctness of figures of DTL (Demand & Time Liabilities) on reporting Friday (last Friday of
second preceding fortnight), and
(ii) Maintenance of liquid asset on selected date.
Steps :
i. See circulars of RBI regarding composition of DTL;
ii. Branch auditor to verify correctness of cash on 12 odd dates (Br. Not maintain assets / securities);
iii. Review Return from un-audited branches.
iv. It is examination on test basis consolidation regarding DTL position prepared by the Bank.
v. Examine exclusions and inclusions from / in the liabilities.
vi. Verify computation of liquid Assets and following are treated as cash :
(a) Deposits with RBI by Banking Company incorporated
outside India.
(b) Cash/Balance by Banking Companies with itself or with
(c) Balance maintained by Scheduled Bank with RBI in
excess of balance required to be maintained.
(d) Net Balance in current A/c. in India by Scheduled Bank.
(e) Balance by RRB with Sponsor Bank.
vii. Price of gold shouldn’t exceed current market price.
viii. Verify amount of unencumbered approved security.
ix. Provision for Expenses and Liabilities not to be included in DTL.
x. Number of unaudited branch and reliance on returns, etc. to be disclosed by central statutory
auditor in his report.
“Adequacy of capital resources of a Bank in relation to risks associated with its operation” All Indian
scheduled commercial Banks (excluding RRB) & foreign Banks operating in India to maintain
CA Ratio at a minimum of 10%. Banking operations are risky thus it is more appropriate for
a bank to maintain adequate capital funds corresponding to risk associated with its operations.
From 1st November 04 public sector bank require to maintain it at 9% and private sector bank at 10%.
Capital funds
Capital Adequacy Ratio = × 100
Risk wto assets & off B/S Items
Capital Funds
(1) Tier I Capital = (Paid up capital + St. reserve + disclosed free Reserves)
(Equity investments in subsidiary + Intangible Assets + current & B/f loss)
(2) Tier II Capital = It includes following i.e. undisclosed Reserve, general Provision & Loss
reserves, Hybrid debt capital instruments & subordinated debt.
Tier II Capital can be maximum 100% of Tier I capital
Various assets after exposing to varying degrees of risk as specified.
“Audit or verification of transactions or activities of an organisation concurrently as the transaction or
activity takes place.”
It is done on regular Basis.
Mandatory for Banks to cover at least :
50% of total deposits &
50% of total advances
Following should be considered :
Large / very Large branches
Special branches
Large problem branches
H.O. department dealing with treasury/funds management & handling Investment Portfolio.
Any other branch/deptt. at discreation of bank
It can be undertaken by internal inspection staff or outside C.A.
Scope of Concurrent Audit :
Daily Cash Transactions, purchase & sale of share & securities physical verification, procedure for
opening new A/c Verification of Advances, foreign Exchange Transaction, House keeping
(Reconciliation. Balancing of ledger etc.) , Determination of revenue Leakage, fraud prone areas,
High Value transactions, Safe custody of security form, T.D.S., statement, H.O. return etc., study
of RBI Report & Inspection Report dealing with customers complaints.
Its objective is to see whether transactions or decisions are within the policy parameters valid down by
H.O., they don’t violate instructions of RBI & they are within authority.
Remuneration of auditor is fixed by bank.
Minor irregularities to be rectified on the spot. Serious irregularities reported to H.O. /Z.O.
Proper reporting & at proper interval. Reported on 10th of next month/quarter but flash report can be
submitted immediately,
Member : Executive director, nominee of Central Govt. & RBI, CA director & one of non-official
Review Internal inspection/ appointment & Remuneration of Concurrent Auditor/ Conducting training
Programmes etc.
Banks to frame suitable Investment policy.
Classification of Investment
Held to maturity
Available for Sale
Held for Trading
Disclosure in A/c same as present 6 categories.
Intention Basis.
HTM ≤ 25% of Banks total Investment.
Following not to be Covered /Counted for 25%
Re-capitalisation Bonds from govt. of India.
Investment in subsidiary & Joint Venture.
Investment in Debenture/Bonds if deemed to be in nature of advance
If issued for project finance (3 Yrs. or more)
If issued for working capital finance (less than 1 yr.)
Banks state is ≥ 10% is issue.
Issue is part of private placement.
Profit on sale of such I to P&L A/c & thereafter Capital Reserve A/c. Loss to P&L A./c.
Carried at acquisition cost. If acquisition Cost is more than face value there amortise the premium.
Recognise permanent dimunation.
(v) Transfer to IFR as appropriation to net Profit “below line” after statutory Reserve.
Income Recognition on I :
(i) Accrual Basis on securities if guaranteed by Central govt.
(ii) Otherwise if owners right is established.
(iii) From mutual funds on cash Basis.
1. Loan documents to be check.
2. Check the securities hypothecated against loan.
3. Check the internal control, procedures for loans applied by the bank.
4. Whether loan agreements (sanction limits) within authority of bank.
5. Whether bank is properly following up the loan.
6. Check NPA and their provisions.
7. Interest calculations.
8. Whether there is healthy turnover in account.
9. Whether repayment schedule is made considering repayment capacity of borrower.
10. If borrower is a company, whether there is proper resolution to borrow amount from bank.
11. Audit of bank borrower.
Applicability of AS to G.I.C. :
1. AS – 3 → As per Direct Method only.
2. As – 4 → Not applicable w.r.t. liabilities arising out of I. Policies.
3. AS – 9 → Not applicable w.r.t. incomes of insurance business.
4. AS – 13 → As per regulation. Apply AS – 13 where regulation is silent.
5. AS – 17 → Applicable in each case irrespective of its applicability clause.
Auditors’ Report :
1. (a) obtained all information
(b) proper books of Ac/. Maintained.
(c) Proper returns received from branches.
(d) Balance sheet, revenue A/c., P&L A/c., R&P A/c. in agreement with books.
(e) Acturial valuation of liability certified.
2. (i) Opinion on :
(a) Balance sheet – true and fair view of affairs.
(b) Revenue – true and fair view of surplus / deficit.
(c) P & L – true and fair view of profit / loss.
(d) R & P – true and fair view of receipt / payment.
(ii) Financial Statement prepared in accordance with regulation.
(iii) Investment as per reg.
(iv) A/c policies appropriate.
3. Certify that
(i) Reviewed management report and no mistake therein.
(ii) Insurer complied with terms of registration.
4. Certificate that
(i) Verified cash balance and securities.
(ii) Extent of verification of investment etc., relating to any trust undertaken by insurer as trustee.
(iii) No asset in contravention of Act.
Part 2: Disclosure
Part 3: General Instruction
(Last year figures, notional income, Provision/Reserve)
Part 4: Management Report
• Confirmation for validity of registration
• Conformation that all statutory dues have been paid.
• Conformation that shareholding pattern is in accordance with law.
• Conformation that solvency margin is maintained
• Conformation that valuation of I
• Conformation that management has not invested any money outside India.
• Conformation that overall risk exposure
• Conformation that operation in other countries
• Conformation that aging of claims
• Conformation that quality of asset & portfolio
• Conformation that payment to parties in which director are interested
• Responsibility statement.
Valuation of Investment
(i) Real Estate – Investment property : Historical cost less acc. Dep. Less impairment loss. Residual
value as zero.
(ii) Debt Securities – as ‘held to maturity’ – Historical cost.
(iii) Equity / Derivative Active Market – F.V. at B/S date. Impairment as exps. Changes in
F.V. in “Fair Value change A/c.”
(iv) Unlisted and other – at H.C. provision made for diminution in value such provision may be
reversed but increased carrying amount not to exceed its historical cost.
⇒ Credited to separate Bank A/c.
⇒ No Risk Assumption without receipt of premium.
Three types of premium – for direct business for re-insurance business and share of co-insurance
⇒ Recognised over policy period. As per risk pattern. Some portion of premium allocable to
succeeding period thus called unearned premium.
⇒ Reserve for unexpired risk.
⇒ Premium deficiency = expected cost – related unearned premium. Provision to be
⇒ Internal controls and procedures.
⇒ Cover notes serially numbered.
⇒ Premium recognition on aforesaid criteria.
⇒ Company not at risk for uncollected premium, short premium, not collected in time, etc.
⇒ Reinsurance → look for all its details.
⇒ Collection after B/S date whether relating to year under audit.
⇒ Co-insurance, company’s share of premium.
⇒ Premium register chronologically → in order of time of premium.
⇒ Due date and date of collection.
⇒ Year end transactions.
⇒ Service tax → applied on premium
⇒ Refund of premium.
Verification of claims
1. Provision for all unsettled claims.
2. Only for those co. is legally liable.
3. Not exceed insured amount.
4. Event after B/S date.
5. Average clause.
6. Co insurance, provision only for its share.
7. Reasons for long delays after claim lodged.
8. Under litigation, legal advice.
9. Provision net of salvage value.
10. No contingent lia. W.r.t. claim intimated.
11. Intimation within reasonable time.
12. Claim paid duly sanctioned.
13. Claim paid for its share in co-insurance.
14. Claim paid after salvage accounted for.
15. Claim paid discharge note from claimant.
Unexpired Risk Reserve
Not all risk expire as on B/S date. Risk will be there in succeeding year w.r.t. premium received in this
year, thus provide for –
(i) 50% of all other types and
(ii) 100% for marine Hull.
___ % is to be taken of net premium income i.e. premium received, net of reinsurance premium paid.
Facultative Treaty
Solvency Margin :
To maintain excess of assets over amount of its liabilities at all times, highest of following :
i. 50 crores (100 cr. For reinsurer)
ii. 20% of net premium income.
iii. 30% of net incurred claims.
If non-maintenance of S.M., insurer to submit a financial plan to authority indicting plan of action, else
it shall deemed to be insolvent and wound up by court.
Commission is the consideration payable for getting the insurance business. The internal control
in this area are aimed to ensure that commission is paid in accordance with rules and
regulations of the company, terms of the agreement and legal requirements. The internal
controls with regard to commission may include:
Established guidelines for determining appropriate terms for agency contracts.
Appropriate guidelines for calculation of commission.
Appropriate system is put in place to ensure timely processing of commission and regular
reconciliation of general ledger and premium register.
Commission payments are made in accordance with established guidelines.
Correlate with this years business.
Management Expenses
The following internal control measures may be adopted for management expenses
Clear management guidelines are issued to cover authorization level of employees /
mangers for ordering products and services.
Authorized personnel receive products and services only.
Purchases should be made only from approved vendors who should selected on the basis of
tenders received from them.
The management who should also enquire into unusual costs should regularly review work
processes and operating expenses.
Authorized personnel should release payments only.
The company’s policy on travel and entertainment expenses should be clearly laid out and
A proper system should be established for complication of employee records, computation of
wage bills and disbursement of the same.
The audit procedures, which may be followed with regard to agent’s balance, are as follows –
Verify whether agent’s balances and outstanding balances in outstanding premium account
have been listed, analysed and reconciled for the purposes of audit.
Verify whether recoveries of large outstanding have been made in post audit period.
Verify whether there is any old outstanding debit or credit balances as at the year end which
require adjustment. A written explanation maybe obtained from the management is to their
Verify that agents balances do not include employees’ balances and balances of other
insurance companies.
Verify that no credit of commission is given to agents for businesses directly procured by it.
Vouch adjustments / payments against old outstanding balances in agents account.
Ensure that the relevant control account in the General Ledger is reconciled with the
subsidiary records.
The procedures to be adopted by the auditor while auditing provision for taxation are given
below –
The auditor should check whether provision for taxation has been made after taking into
account the specific provisions relating to general insurance companies.
The auditor should in addition to financial statements examine other accounts furnished by
the company to C & AG.
The auditor should examine the income of foreign branches and foreign countries and the
impact of double taxation avoidance treaties.
The auditor should see that all TDS certificates have been kept and deduction on the same
is claimed.
The auditor should assess the implications of wealth Tax Act, 1957 on the company.
The auditor should see the system of service tax collection and the payments to statutory
authorities and filling of returns.
The auditor should examine sale tax implications on sale of salvage.
Large business risks are shared between more than one insurer.
The leading insurer issues the documents, collects premiums and settles claims and renders
statements of Accountants to the co-insurers.
The auditor should check that the premium account is credited on the basis of statements
revived from the leading insurer.
Auditor should check the communication in the post audit period and obtain a written
confirmation to the effect that all incoming advice have been accounted for.
The claims provisions and claims paid should also be verified.
For outgoing co-insurance the auditor should scrutinize the transactions relating to outgoing
business; i.e. where the company is the leader.
Verification of Reinsurance Inwards
The Reinsurance inward underwriting should be as per the norms and guidelines prescribed
in the Insurance Act, 1938 IRDA Regulations as well as the company’s approved
The auditor should verify the reinsurance inward transactions are as per the arrangements
with re-insurers.
The auditor should examine the accounting policy of the company in regard to reinsurance
business received, premium received and payment of commission and claim costs.
The auditor should satisfy himself about the system of control over the reinsurance inward
The auditor should examine the foreign currency transactions and ensure that they comply
with Accounting Standards (AS) 11, Accounting for Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange
The auditor should examine whether the outstanding claim figures have been properly
obtained well in time, under proper arrangements and adequate provision has been made
for outstanding claims.
The auditor should check whether provision has also been made for claims incurred but not
Closing balance of the re-insurer’s accounts should be reconciled and confirmation should
be obtained form them.
Verification of Reinsurance Outward
The auditor should apply the following verification measures for reinsurance outward
The auditor should verify that reinsurance outward transactions are as per the norms and
guidelines prescribed in the Insurance Act, 1938, IRDA Regulations and company’s
approved reinsurance programme.
The auditor should verify that insurances have been ceded as per agreements entered into
with various companies.
The auditor should verify the confirmations received form re-insurers regarding claims for
losses submitted to them.
The auditor should examine the aspects of reinsurance cession premium, commission
receivable, paid claims- recovered, outstanding losses- recoverable from re-insurers.
The auditor should examine the foreign currency transactions and ensure that they comply
with Accounting Standard (AS) – 11.
The auditor should set whether the sub-ledger balance tallies with general ledger control
account. He should also scrutinize selected accounts of re-insurers.
He should verify any old outstanding claims paid or outstanding at the end of the year.
The auditor should look into events after balance sheet date which might have significant
impact on recovery of claims – paid or outstanding.
(iv) Stores and Spare Parts :
→ Receipt, issues and balances.
→ Quantity and value.
→ All direct charges upto works
→ Used should be charged to relevant head.
→ Wastage separately shown.
(v) Wages and Salaries :
→ Proper Records to show attendance and earnings.
→ Records to show overtime wages, piece rate wage earned, incentive wages and
earnings of casual labourer.
→ Idle time.
→ Extent of wages and salaries capialised.
(vi) Overheads :
→ Proper maintenance of records.
→ Classified under works, Administration and selling and distribution overheads.
→ Allocation of or. to deptt., etc.
→ If allocation on method other than actuals the variation and its treatment.
(vii) Service deptt. Expenses including Expenses on utilities :
→ Expenses on power, fuel, water and steam (purchased or generated)
→ Expenses on subsidized canteen.
→ Maintenance deptt. Expenses.
→ Allocation on reasonable basis.
(viii) Depreciation :
→ Cost, date of installation, rate of depreciation, and amount of depreciation provided.
→ Old assets.
→ Minimum rate of depreciation in Company Act.
→ AS-6.
(ix) Packing : → Quantity and cost of packing material.
→ Wages and other expenses on packing.
→ Income received by sale/disposal of spoiled, rejected waste materials.
(x) By-products :
→ Proper records.
→ Receipt, issues and Balances (quantity and value).
→ Basic of Valuation.
→ Sales realization.
→ Expenses on further process of by-product.
(xi) Production and Sales :
→ Records (quantity and value)
→ Separate records of packed and unpacked finished goods.
→ Records of Sales and inventory.
(xii)Inventories : → Classified as raw materials, stores and spare parts WIP and finished goods.
→ Separate records (quantity and value).
→ Physically verified.
→ Reasons for shortage and excess.
→ Method to determine cost of WIP and finished goods.
→ Methods to be followed consistently.
(xiii) Variances : →
If Standard Costing i.e. other than actuals then procedure followed to
work out cost of the products.
→ Reasons for variances.
(xiv) Cost Statements :
→ As part of cost records.
→ w.r.t. each product.
→ Form of cost sheet (prescribed).
(xv) Reconciliation of Cost and Financial Account :
→ To ensure accuracy.
→ Variations clearly indicated an explained.
→ Period of reconciliation < financial year of company.
→ Difference between sales realization and total cost and then it is reconciled with
financial P&L A/c. for the period.
→ Specific information in Both A/c. not to be different.
(xvi) Royalty : → Records of Royalty paid.
→ With terms of agreement.
→ Basis of computation.
→ Allocation to different cost centers, etc.
→ If it is a direct charge or overhead.
(xvii)Statistical Records :
→ Plant utilization, idle machine time, capital employed, capital W.I.P.
→ Percentage of different raw materials.
→ To have control over various operations and costs.
(xviii)Inter – Company transfer :
→ Normally, no inter co. transfer below cost.
→ Ensure against shifting of profits between corporate investors.
→ Proper valuation of inter-company transfer to generate revenue (duty and tax).
Programme of Cost Audit
(c) Review of Cost Accounting Records : This will include :
i) Method of costing in use – batch, process or unit.
ii) Method of accounting for raw materials; stores and spares,
wastages, spoilage defectives, etc.
iii) System of recording wages, salaries, overtime and spares,
wastages, etc.
iv) Basis of allocation of overheads to cost centers and of
absorption by products and apportionment of service department’s expenses.
v) Treatment of interest, recording of royalties, research and
development expenses, etc.
vi) Method of accounting of depreciation.
vii) Method of stock-taking and its valuation including inventory
viii) System of budgetary control.
ix) System of internal auditing.
(d) Verification of cost statements and other data. This will include the verification of :
i) Licensed, installed and utilized capacities.
ii) Financial ratios.
iii) Production data.
iv) Cost of raw material consumed, wages and salaries, stores, power and fuel, overheads
provision for depreciation etc.
v) Sales realization.
vi) Abnormal non-recurring and special costs.
vii) Cost statements.
viii) Reconciliation with financial books.
Exemption from Cost Audit
The exemption from Cost Audit on year-to-year basis in the following situation :
(i) Temporary Closure of the company/products.
(ii) Negligible production activity.
Fees :
Company having an authorized Capital Amount of fees to be paid
A Less than Rs.25 lakh Rs. 500
B Rs.25 lakh or more but less than Rs.5 Rs.1,000
C Rs.5 crore or more Rs.2,000
Appropriate documents are required to be furnished along with application for exemption :
(i) True copy of complete Annual Report containing balance sheet and profit and loss account for
the year for which exemption is being sought along with copies of the same pertaining to
preceding two years.
(ii) An affidavit containing full facts of capacity utilization turnover and financial status of the
company, duly signed by two Directors of the company and authenticated by a Notary Public.
(iii) A brief note/status report on steps taken by the management for revival of the said unit.
Composite Audit
It is not feasible due to :
(i) Different information system (accounting data / costing data).
(ii) Objective of Audit. (True and Fair financial statement Vs. Cost).
(iii) Classification of accounting data (A/c head vs. Cost centres).
(iv) Confidentiality. (Cost Audit Report is more confidential).
(v) Applicability (for all Co. vs. Some Industries).
(vi) Tool of Management (overall results vs. weaknesses in cost the system)
(vii) Extensive Nature: (cost auditor also on propriety & efficient aspects).
* Data for current year 1st previous year and 2nd previous year.
** Data for current and 2 previous year for product under reference and for factory as a whole.
TRUE AND FAIR : Financial statements are reported to be as true and fair when all of the
following hold good -
Reasonable evidence is obtained in support of the transactions recorded in the books of
Accounting entries passed in the books of account are in conformity with the applicable
accounting principles and standards followed consistently;
The financial statements prepared represent a true summary of transactions that took
place during the year;
The process of classification and aggregation followed in preparation of the financial
statements is fair and does not hide a material fact nor does it highlight something which
may distort the real state of affairs. The form of accounting statement is in the required
form, if any;
The accounting statements do not contain any misstatement;
The material transactions recorded in the books are neither illegal nor beyond the legal
powers of the client; and
All statutory and relevant disclosures have been made.
in the case of the balance sheet, of the state of the company’s
affairs as at the end of its financial year; and
in the case of the profit and loss account, of the profit or loss for
its financial year.
• Report under section 227(3)
The auditor’s report should state
Whether he has obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of his
knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of his audit;
Whether in his opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept
by the company so far as appears from his examination of those books, and proper
returns for the purposes of his audit have been received from branches not visited by
Whether the report on the accounts of any branch office audited under section 228
by a person- other than the company’s auditor has been forwarded to him as required by
clause (C) and how he has dealt with the same in preparing his report;
Whether the company’s Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account dealt with by the
report are in agreement with the books of accounts and returns;
Whether, in his opinion, the Profit and Loss Account and balance sheet complied with
the accounting standards referred to in section 211 (3c);
Whether any director is disqualified from being appointed as a director under section
Whether any cess payable by the company has been so paid and if not the amount
not so paid.
The companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 provides for section 441A which states as
(i) A cess on companies will be levied for purpose of rehabilitation or revival of sick
industrial Co.
(ii) These provisions are made in sections 441A to 441F.
(iii) The amount to be collected must be in a range of .005% to .1% on value of annual
turnover annual gross receipts more as the Central Government may notify from time to
time in official gazette.
(iv) The company shall pay the amount to Central Government within 3 months from close of
every financial year.
• Report under section 227 (4A)
Short title, application and commencement
• This order may be called the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order; 2005.
• It shall apply to every company including a foreign company as defined in section 591 of
the Act, except the following –
a Banking company as defined in clause (c) of section 5 of the Banking Regulation
Act, 1949 (10 of 1949);
an insurance company as defined in clause (21) of section 2 of the Act;
a company licensed to operate under section 25 of the Act; and
a private limited company with a paid up capital and reserves not more than fifty
lakh rupees and does not have loan outstanding twenty five lakh rupees or more from
any bank or financial institution and does not have a turnover exceeding five crore
Definitions - In this Order, unless the context otherwise requires
• “Act” means the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956);
• “chit fund company”, “nidhi company” or “mutual benefit
company” means a company engaged in the business of managing, conducting or
supervising as a foreman or agent of any transaction or arrangement by which it in into an
agreement with a number of subscribers that every one of them shall subscribe to a certain
sum of instalments for a definite period and that each subscriber, in his turn, as determined
by lot or by auction or by tender or in such other manner as may be provided for in the
agreement, shall be entitled to a prize amount, and includes companies whose principal
business is accepting fixed deposits from, and lending money to, members;
• “finance company” means a company engaged in the
business of financing, whether by making loans or advances or otherwise, of any industry,
commerce or agriculture and includes any company engaged in the business of hire-
purchase, lease financing and financing of housing;
• “investment company” means a company engaged in the
business of acquisition and holding of, or dealing in, shares, stocks, bonds, debentures,
debenture stocks, including securities issued by the Central Government or by any local
authority, or in other marketable securities of a like nature.
• “Manufacturing company” means a company engaged in any
manufacturing process as defined in the Factories Act, 1948 (63 of 1948);
• “Mining company” means a company owing a machine, and
includes a company which carries a the business of a mine either as a lessee or occupier
• “Processing company” means a company engaged in the
business of processing materials with view to their use, a sale, delivery or disposal;
• “Service company” means a company engaged in the
business of supplying, providing, maintaining and operating any services, facilities,
conveniences, bureaux and the like for the benefit of others;
• “Trading company” means a company engaged in the
business of buying and selling goods.
Auditor’s report to contain matters specified in paragraphs 4 and 5 - Every report made by
the auditor under section 227 of Act, on the accountants of every company examined by him to
which this Order applies for every financial year ending on any day on or after the
commencement of this Order, shall contain the matters specified in paragraphs 4 and 5.
Matters to be included in the auditor’s report - The auditor’s report on the account of a
company to which this Order applies shall include a statement on the following matters,
(i) Whether the company is maintaining proper records showing full particulars, including
quantitative details and situation of fixed assets;
Whether these fixed assets have been physically verified by the management at
reasonable intervals; whether any material discrepancies were noticed on such
verification and if so, whether the same have been properly dealt with in the books of
If a substantial part of fixed assets have been disposed off during the year; whether
it has affected the going concern;
(ii) Whether physical verification of inventory has been conducted at reasonable intervals by the
management; .
Are the procedures of physical verification of inventory followed by the management
reasonable and adequate in relation to the size of the company and the nature of its
business. If not, the inadequacies in such procedures should be reported;
Whether the company is maintaining proper records of inventory and whether any
material discrepancies were noticed on physical verification and if so, whether the same
have been properly dealt with in the books of accounts;
(iii)has the company granted any loans, secured or unsecured to companies, firms or other
parties covered in the register maintained under section 301 of the Act. If so, give the
number of parties and amount involved in the transactions.
Whether the rate of interest and other terms and conditions of loans given by the
company, secured or unsecured, are prima facie prejudicial to the interest of the
Whether receipt of the principal amount and interest are also regular;
If overdue amount is more than one lakh, whether reasonable steps have been taken by
the company for recovery of the principal and interest;
Has the company taken any loans, secured or unsecured from companies, firms or other
parties covered in the register maintained u/s. 301 of the Act. If so, give the number of
parties and the amount involved in the transactions.
Whether the rate of interest and other terms and conditions of loans taken by the
company, secured or unsecured, are prima facie prejudicial to the interest of the
Whether payment of the principal amount and interest are also regular.
(iv) is there an adequate internal control system commensurate with the size of the company
and the nature of its business, for the purchase of inventory and fixed assets and for the sale
of goods and services. Whether there is a counting failure to correct major weaknesses in
internal control system.
(v) Whether the particulars of contract or arrangements referred to in section 301 of the Act
have been entered in the register required to be maintained under the section.
Whether the transactions made in pursuance of such contracts or arrangements have
been made at prices which are reasonable having regard to the prevailing market prices
at the relevant time;
(This information is required only in case of transactions exceeding the value of five lakh
rupees in respect of any party and in anyone financial year).
(vi) in case the company has accepted deposits from the public, whether the directives issued
by the Reserve Bank of India and the provisions of sections 58 A and 58AA or any other
relevant provision of the Act and the rules framed there under, where applicable, have
been complied with. If not, the nature of contraventions should be stated; If an order has
been passed by Company Law Board or National Company Law Tribunal or RBI or any
Court or any other Tribunal whether the same has been complied with or not?
(vii) in the case of listed companies and / or other companies having’ a paid-up capital and
reserves exceeding Rs.50 lakhs as at the commencement of the financial year
concerned, or having an average annual turnover exceeding five crore rupees for a
period of three consecutive financial years immediately preceding the financial year
concerned, whether the company has an internal audit system commensurate with its
size and nature of its business;
(viii) where maintenance of cost records has been prescribed by the Central Government
under clause (d) of sub-section (1) of section 209 of the Act, whether such accounts and
records his been made and maintained;
(ix) is the company regular in depositing undisputed statutory dues including Provident Fill
Investor Education and Protection Fund, Employees’ State Insurance, Income-tax,
Sales-tax, Wealth Tax, Service Tax, Custom’ Duty, Excise Duty, cess and any other
statutory dues with the appropriate authorities and if not, the extent of the arrears of
outstanding statutory dues as at the last day of the financial year concerned for a period
of more than six months from the date they became payable, shall De indicated by the
In case dues of sales tax 1 income tax 1 custom tax 1 wealth tax 1 excise duty 1 cess
have not been deposited on account of any dispute, then the amounts involved and the
forum where dispute is pending may please be mentioned.
(A mere representation to the Department shall not constitute the dispute).
(ix) Whether in case of a company which has been registered for a period not less than five
years, its accumulated losses at the end of the financial year are not less than fifty
percent of its net worth and whether it ha incurred cash losses in such financial year and
in the immediately preceding financial year.
(xi) Whether the company has defaulted in repayment of dues to a financial institution or
bank or debenture holders? If yes, the period and amount of default to be reported;
(xii) Whether adequate documents and records are maintained in cases where the company
has granted loans and advances on the basis of security by way of pledge of shares,
debentures and other securities; If not, the deficiencies to be pointed out.
(xiii) Whether the provisions of any special statute applicable to chit fund have been duly
complied with? In respect of nidhi / mutual benefit fund / societies;
Whether the net-owned funds to deposit liability ratio is more than 1 : 20 as on the date
of balance sheet;
Whether the company has complied with the prudential norms on income recognition and
provisioning against substandard 1 doubtful / loss assets;
Whether the company has adequate procedures for appraisal of credit proposals 1
requests, assessment of credit needs and repayment capacity of the borrowers;
Whether the repayment schedule of various loans granted by the night is based on
the repayment capacity of the borrower.
(xiv) If the company is dealing or trading in shares, securities, debentures and other
investments, whether proper records have been maintained of the transactions and
contracts and whether timely entries have been made therein; also whether the shares,
securities, debentures and other securities have been held by the company, in its own
name except to the extent of the exemption, if any, granted under section 49 of the Act;
(xv) Whether the company’ has given any guarantee for loans taken by others from bank or
financial institutions; the terms and conditions whereof are prejudicial to the interest of
the company;
(xvi) Whether term loans were applied for the purpose for which the loans were obtained;
(xvii) Whether the funds raised on short-term basis have been used for long term investment;
if yes, the nature and amount is to be indicated;
(xviii)Whether the company has made any preferential allotment of shares to parties and
companies covered in the Register maintained under section 301 of the Act and if so
whether the price at which shares have been issued is prejudicial to the interest of the
(xix) Whether securities or charge have been created in respect of debentures Issued?
(xx) Whether the management has disclosed on the end use of money raised by public
issues and the same has been verified;
(xxi) Whether any fraud on or by the company has been noticed or reported during the year; If
yes, the nature and the amount involved is to be indicated.
a. Reasons to be stated for unfavourable or qualified answers - Where, the auditor’s report,
the answer to any of the questions referred to in paragraph 4 is unfavourable or qualified, the
auditor’s report shall also state the reasons for such unfavourable or qualified answer, as the
case may be. Where the auditor is unable to express any opinion in answer to a particular
question, his report shall indicate such fact together with the reasons why it is not possible for
him to give an answer to such question.
b. Auditor should consider following while rendering modified report
i. The auditor should identify the statements of facts and opinions, which require
ii. Where the auditor is in active disagreement with something, which the
management had done he would either give an adverse report or disclaim his opinion.
iii. Where the disagreement with the management is only in respect of a particular
item, he may qualify his report.
iv. Where the item is material enough to distort the true and fair view of state of
affairs of the company, he may give an adverse opinion in respect of such item.
v. Where the item concerned is not material, he may even ignore the aspect and
issue a clean report.
Aspects Concerning the Auditor
• Signing of the Report - The requirements of signing of these reports are
same as in case of signing of audit report under the Companies Act, 1956.
• Fees for issue of reports - The fees for making a report to be attached to
the prospectus would be determined on the basis of agreement between the auditor and the
directors of the company.
• Consent Letters - According to section 60 (3) of the Act, the auditor
should give in writing his consent to act in such capacity. The letter should accompany the
prospectus when submitted for registration.
• Liability for misstatements in prospectus - According to section 62 of
the Companies Act, 1956 every person who _as authorized the issue of prospectus will be
liable to compensate every person who has incurred any loss or damage due to untrue
statement in the prospectus. Section 60 (3) provides that Chartered! Accountants will be
liable only for untrue statements made by them in the capacity of expert. Where the auditor
is made to compensate for any loss, he may claim contribution from other persons.
However, a professional accountant will not be so liable if he can prove that
the prospectus was issued without his knowledge or consent and
that on becoming aware of its issue, he forthwith gave reasonable public notice that it
was issued without his consent; or
he withdrew his consent in writing before delivery of the
prospectus for registration; or
after the delivery of prospectus for registration but before allotment
of shares, on becoming aware of the untrue statement, he withdrew his consent in writing
and gave reasonable public notice of the withdrawal and of the reasons therefore; or
he was competent to make the statement and that he had
reasonable ground to believe and did upto the time of allotment of shares or debentures
believe that the statement was true.
• Rights of the auditors - The auditors have right to access
the books of account, other records and call for any necessary information from the
• Communication of the report – The reports of auditors
are addressed to the Board of Directors of the company.
• Where accounting policies
have not been consistently followed, the accountant should compute the figures for all
periods under report based on the policies applied in the latest period.
• Where the statement of trend
of profits contains an interim period or broken period, the accountant may adopt either of the
two approaches.
He may treat the interim period as part of the whole year. In this case, the items of the
income and expenditure should be based on the yearly trend for the period covered by
the report; or
He may view the interim period as a separate accounting period and items of income and
expenditure will be reported at actual for the period. Similar will be the treatment for
estimated provisions in the accounts.
With preparing the report to be included in the prospectus, the accountant takes up great
responsibility. Thus he should take a note of
• The manner in which the directors, in their estimate of current and future profits,
have dealt with the figures shown in the accountant’s report and with the matters to which
the directors’ attention was drawn in that report;
• Material facts known to him, in relation to directors’ estimates;
• The manner in which the directors have dealt with any special circumstance.
• Various certificates and representations submitted to him by the management.
In case there is a misstatement in his report and a liability to compensate a person for loss
incurred as a result of the misstatement arises, the accountant can protect himself from such
liabilities in the manner as discussed for the statutory auditors.
Profit or loss arrived at before and after considering the extraordinary items should be
disclosed. The disclosure of such item should be on “net of tax basis”.
2. Material Changes in Activities
The offer documents shall also disclose the changes in the activities of the issuer, which
may have had a material effect on the financial statements. For example,
• Discontinuance of lines of business.
• Loss of agencies or market and other similar factors.
• Addition of new lines of business.
It is not intended to identify the impact of each change which is part of normal business
activities e.g. updating the technology, normal change in product mix, change in ordinary
agency relationship. The intention is to identify the changes, which pertain to separate major
lines of business.
The management shall prepare the statement disclosing the above. The auditor should
check the correctness of the information based on his knowledge of the company’s
operations. In the case of discontinued operation the-following information shall be
• Nature of the discontinued operation
• Effective date of discontinuance for the accounting purposes.
• Manner of discontinuance (sale / abandonment etc.)
• Turnover of the discontinued operation.
3. Significant Accounting Policies
All significant accounting policies followed in the preparation of offer document should be
4. Transactions with Companies in “Promoter Group”
Disclosure in offer document is called for in respect of
• Sales or purchases between companies in the promoter group when sales or
purchases exceed in value, in aggregate, 10% of the sales or purchases of the issuer.
• Material items of income or expenditure arising out of transactions within the
promoter group.
5. Disclosure under the heading “Other Income”
Where such income exceeds 20% of net profit before tax the various details of “other
income” shall be disclosed, viz.,
• Sources and other particulars of such income
• Indication whether it is recurring or non-recurring and has arisen out of business
activities / other than the normal business activities.
The computation of 20% has to be made in relation to net profit or net loss before tax and
extraordinary item. The concerned income should be after netting off of expenses, and such
netting off is only for computing the relevant “other income”. For the purpose of disclosure in
the relevant statement of profit or loss the incomes / expenses should disclosed at gross
amounts in the usual manner.
The disclosure should be
• Source;
• Nature;
• Amount;
• Recurring or non recurring; and
• Whether on account of normal business activity or not.
6. Disclosure of Bifurcated Turnover
• Turnover of products manufactured by the company
• Turnover of products traded by the company and
• Details of products not normally dealt in by the company but included in above should be
mentioned separately.
Financial Information in Respect of which the Auditor should give Separate Report to the
There are some other financial information that should be provided by the management and the
same should be audited by the auditor of the issuer company. The report should also be
contained in the offer documents.
(a) Tax shelters
For proper understanding of future maintainable profits the incidence of tax should be
properly explained by way of appropriate disclosure. The auditor should examine the
detailed computations made by the management to arrive at the figure of provisions for
taxation, which has been disclosed in the annual accounts.
(b) Accounting Ratios.
The following accounting ratios for each of the accounting periods for which financial
information is given
Earnings Per Share
Return on Net Worth and
Net Asset Value Per Share
The auditor should satisfy himself that for making various
computations for the above accounting ratios, the various items of profit / loss assets and
liabilities have been properly adjusted.
Earnings per share
It may be (i) basic earnings per share or (ii) diluted earnings per share.
Net Proift/ loss for he period attributable to equity shareholders
Basic Earnings per Share =
Weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the period
Net profit attributable to equity shareholders (after adjustment for diluted earnings
Diluted Earnings Per Share =
Average number of weighted equity shares outstanding during the
period (assuming the conversion of diluted potential equity shares)
Return on Net Worth
The formula used is -
Net profit before extraordinary items but after adjusted tax
Net worth excluding revaluation reserve at the end of the year
The term adjusted tax refers’ to tax provided for the period after adjusting tax attributable
to extraordinary items. While calculating net worth, the effect of, revaluation should be
ignored. In order words, the assets would be valued on historical cost basis.
Net Assets Value Per Share
NAV shall be calculated on the basis of the latest audited balance sheet.
It can be computed either by net assets method or net equity method.
In the case of net asset method the total liabilities and preference capital are
deducted from the total assets.
In the case of net equity method, equity share capital is added to reserves and
surplus, deducting there from miscellaneous expenditure and debit balance of profit
and loss account.
The auditor should consider
Intangible assets are not taken into account (unless they have been paid for)
Revaluation of assets have not been taking into account
‘Arrears of preference dividend should be provided for
The formula for NAV per share is
Net Asset Value
Equity shares at the end of the accounting period
(c) Capitalization Statement
The capitalization statement shows total debt and net worth and the debt I equity ratio before
and after the issue is made. Where there is a change in the share capital since the date as of
which the financial information has been disclosed in the offer document, a note shall be
included explaining the nature of the change.
(d) Disclosure of Project Expenditure
The following information should be annexed to the Offer Document
• actual expenditure incurred on the project upto a date not earlier than 2
months of filling the prospectus with SEBI or Register of Companies whichever is later
• means and sources of financing such expenditure
• year wise break Lip of the ‘expenditure proposed to be incurred on the
said project.
The auditor should obtain a management representation regarding details of project expenditure
and the means and sources of financing such expenditure and year-wise break-up of
expenditure proposed to be incurred on the project. There is no need to audit the information as
it is based on estimates arrived at by management.
(e) Bridge Loans
Details of bridge loans or other financial arrangement if any, for incurring expenditure on the
project and which would be repaid from the proceeds of, the issue.
(f) Loans
The principal terms of loans and assets charged as security should be disclosed.
(g) Disclosure under “Basic of Issue Price”
The following information shall be disclosed
• EPS i.e. EPS pre-issue for the last three years (adjusted for changes in capital)
P/E pre-issue - comparison with PIE of industry (giving source of information) Average
return on net worth in the last three years
Minimum return on increased net worth required to maintain pre-issue EPS.
NAV per share after issue and comparison thereof with the issue price.
(h) Auditor’s Certificate on Profit Forecast
The offer documents should also include a forecast of estimated profits for the financial year
ending immediately before the date of offer document (if such information is not already
given in the offer document) and for the financial year ending immediately after the date of
the offer documents. This should be supported by an auditor’s certificate, which lists the
major assumptions on which the forecast is based and gives assurance on the arithmetical
calculations derived, from such assumptions.
Refer to Chart on Dividend and Case Study from study material.
He should examine the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company to
determine the rights of different classes of shareholders to whom dividend has been paid.
He should ensure that dividends can only be distributed out of profits. The capital of the
shareholders can not be used for he purpose of payment of dividends.
He should ascertain whether profits earmarked for the purpose of dividend have been
computed in accordance with the requirements of section 205 of the Companies Act.
He should ascertain whether the rate of dividend has been recommended properly in a
meeting of the Board of Directors.
He should inspect the shareholders minute book to verify the amount of dividend declared
and confirm that the amount does not exceed the amount recommended by the directors.
He should see that profits appropriated for payment of divided are after transfer to reserves
an amount in accordance with the rules framed by the Central Government.
He should examine the list of shareholders as drawn from the Registrar of Shareholders and
see that the total amount of dividend payable companies with the Dividend Account.
If a separate bank account is opened for payment of dividends, he should check the transfer
of total amount of dividends payable from the Dividends Account.
He should verify the amount of unclaimed dividend with the Dividend Account, bank Pass
Book and dividend warrants as have been returned undelivered.
He should see that where the dividend is declared, distributed or paid by a domestic
company (not a foreign company), the tax on distributed profit at the rate of 10% is paid with
in 14 days from the date of declaration, distribution or payment of dividend whichever is
earliest. [Section 115(0) of the Income Tax Act, 1961]
The auditor should see that the dividend which remains unpaid or unclaimed within 30 days
of the declaration of the dividend, such unpaid or unclaimed dividend has been transferred to
a special bank account entitled “Unpaid Dividend Account of _________ Company Limited /
Company Pvt. Limited”. The transfer must be made within 7 days from the date of expiry of
30 days. Such an account is to be opened only in a Scheduled Bank.
If any dividend remains unpaid or unclaimed for a period of seven years from the date of
transfer, the amount standing to the credit of the special bank account has to be transferred
by the company to the fund called Investor Education and Protection Fund.
7. When the asset is installed during the year, check that it is only pro-rate depreciation that appears
in the accounts.
8. In case of revaluation of assets, check the depreciation on revalued part (whether charged to
Profit & Loss Account or revaluation reserve.