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The Islamic Republic of Iran

Thermal Power Plants Holding Company (TPPH)

The Islamic Republic of Iran

Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee

Power Plant Construction Project

Final Report

October 2018

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Tokyo Electric Power Services Co., Ltd.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 Background to Survey ...................................................................................................... 1-1

1.2 Objectives and Scope of the Study ................................................................................... 1-1

1.2.1 Objectives of the Study.............................................................................................. 1-1
1.2.2 Scope of the Study ..................................................................................................... 1-2

1.3 Study Schedule ................................................................................................................. 1-7

1.4 Study Implementation System .......................................................................................... 1-8

Chapter 2 Overview of Electric Power Sector .................................................... 2-1

2.1 Electric Power Sector System .......................................................................................... 2-1

2.1.1 The Ministry of Energy.............................................................................................. 2-2
2.1.2 TPPH ......................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.1.3 TAVANIR................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.1.4 SATBA ...................................................................................................................... 2-8

2.2 Present Status of Supply & Demand / Forecast Demand ................................................. 2-8
2.2.1 Present Status of Electric Power Demand in Iran ...................................................... 2-8
2.2.2 Status of Electrical Power Demand in the Regional Electric Companies ............... 2-10
2.2.3 Forecast of Electrical Power Demand in Iran .......................................................... 2-11
2.2.4 Forecast of Electrical Power Demand at Regional Electric Company TREC ......... 2-12

2.3 Current Status of Power Generation Facilities ............................................................... 2-13

2.3.1 Power Generation Facilities..................................................................................... 2-13
2.3.2 Transmission, Distribution, and Substation Facilities ............................................. 2-19

2.4 Electric Power Facility Plans for Future ........................................................................ 2-24

2.5 Power Generation Policies ............................................................................................. 2-28

2.5.1 Policy on Development of Thermal Power Plants ................................................... 2-28
2.5.2 Privatization ............................................................................................................. 2-34
2.5.3 Renewable Energy ................................................................................................... 2-37

2.6 Electrical Power Distribution (Power Charging System) ............................................... 2-40

2.6.1 Electrical Power Distribution Routes ...................................................................... 2-40

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

2.6.2 Liberalization of the Electrical Power Wholesale Market ....................................... 2-41

2.6.3 Electrical Power Consumer Prices........................................................................... 2-47

Chapter 3 Natural Conditions .............................................................................. 3-1

3.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 3-1

3.2 Site Geological Conditions ............................................................................................... 3-1

3.2.1 Status of the Ground .................................................................................................. 3-1
3.2.2 Results of Geological Survey .................................................................................... 3-4
3.2.3 Discussion on Geological Properties ......................................................................... 3-9
3.2.4 Groundwater Conditions.......................................................................................... 3-10

3.3 Topographical Conditions of the Site ............................................................................. 3-10

3.3.1 Topographical Conditions ........................................................................................ 3-10
3.3.2 Land Formation Plan ............................................................................................... 3-11

3.4 Climatic Conditions ........................................................................................................ 3-12

3.5 Well Water ...................................................................................................................... 3-13

3.6 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 3-14

Chapter 4 Fuel Supply Plan ................................................................................. 4-1

4.1 Fuel Sector in Iran ............................................................................................................ 4-1

4.1.1 Outline of Fuel Sector in Iran .................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.2 Current Status of Natural Gas Development in Iran .................................................. 4-4

4.2 Gas Pipelines .................................................................................................................... 4-6

4.3 The Existing Fuel Facilities of Shahid Rajaee Power Station ........................................ 4-10
4.3.1 Gas Facilities ........................................................................................................... 4-10
4.3.2 Gas Oil Facilities ..................................................................................................... 4-12
4.3.3 Status of Fuel Use in Shahid Rajaee Power Station ................................................ 4-13

Chapter 5 Power System Analysis and Grid Connection Plan ......................... 5-1

5.1 Basic concept and calculation conditions of power system analysis ................................ 5-1
5.1.1 Objectives .................................................................................................................. 5-1
5.1.2 Power Flow Analysis ................................................................................................. 5-1
5.1.3 Fault Current Analysis ............................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.4 Steady state stability/Transient stability Analysis...................................................... 5-1

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

5.1.5 System Frequency Analysis ....................................................................................... 5-2

5.1.6 Work Flow of Power System Analysis ...................................................................... 5-2
5.1.7 New Generator Specification ..................................................................................... 5-3
5.1.8 Power System Modeling ............................................................................................ 5-3

5.2 Result of Power system analysis on 2cct and π connection ............................................. 5-3
5.2.1 Case Scenario(2cct and π connection).................................................................. 5-5
5.2.2 Result of pre calculation(2cct and π connection) ................................................. 5-6
(2cct and π connection) ...... 5-14
5.2.3 Method of fault current reduction【Bus-splitting】
5.2.4 Result of Power Flow and Voltage after the Bus Splitting operation measures(2cct
and π connection) ........................................................................................................... 5-23
5.2.5 Result of Steady state/Transient stability calculation after the bus splitting operation
measures execution(2cct and π connection) ................................................................ 5-35
5.2.6 Result of power system frequency calculation after generator unit outage ............. 5-54

5.3 Result of Power system analysis on 2π connection ........................................................ 5-55

5.3.1 Result of pre calculation(2π connection)............................................................ 5-56
(2πconnection, Bus-splitting)
5.3.2 Method of fault current reduction【Bus-splitting】
.......................................................................................................................................... 5-60
5.3.3 Result of Power Flow and Voltage after Bus Splitting operation measures(2π
connection)..................................................................................................................... 5-65
5.3.4 Result of Steady state/Transient stability calculation after the bus splitting operation
measures execution(2π connection) ............................................................................ 5-71
5.3.5 Result of power system frequency calculation after generator unit outage(2π
connection)..................................................................................................................... 5-87

5.4 Summary of Power System Analysis ............................................................................. 5-88

5.5 Grid Connection Plan ..................................................................................................... 5-90

5.5.1 Location of a new power plant and a 400kV switching station ............................... 5-90
5.5.2 Existing National Grid ............................................................................................. 5-90
5.5.3 Busbar configuration of a 400kV switching station ................................................ 5-92
5.5.4 400kV equipment..................................................................................................... 5-93
5.5.5 Method of connection .............................................................................................. 5-93
5.5.6 Relocation of office buildings ................................................................................. 5-95
5.5.7 Techno-economical comparison .............................................................................. 5-96
5.5.8 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 5-98

Chapter 6 Environmental and Social Considerations ....................................... 6-1

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

6.1 Overview of the Project .................................................................................................... 6-1

6.1.1 Location of the Planned Project Site ......................................................................... 6-1
6.1.2 Overview of Related Facilities .................................................................................. 6-5

6.2 State of the Environment .................................................................................................. 6-5

6.2.1 Overview of the Natural Environment ...................................................................... 6-5
6.2.2 Overview of the Social Environment ........................................................................ 6-5
6.2.3 Status of monitoring in the existing power plant ....................................................... 6-6

6.3 Laws and Regulations Related to Environmental Impact Assessment ........................... 6-16
6.3.1 Environment-Related Legal System ........................................................................ 6-16
6.3.2 International Treaties ............................................................................................... 6-16
6.3.3 Legal System and Procedures for Environmental Impact Assessment .................... 6-17
6.3.4 Gap between JICA Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations and
Iran’s Environment-related Legal System ........................................................................ 6-19
6.3.5 Standards Relevant to the Project ............................................................................ 6-23

6.4 Examination of Alternatives ........................................................................................... 6-29

6.4.1 In case of the Project is implemented and not implemented ................................... 6-29
6.4.2 Examination of Candidate Sites............................................................................... 6-30
6.4.3 Examination of fuel types ........................................................................................ 6-32
6.4.4 Examination of Cooling Systems ............................................................................ 6-33

6.5 Results of Scoping and Survey Plan ............................................................................... 6-34

6.5.1 Results of Scoping ................................................................................................... 6-34
6.5.2 Survey Plan .............................................................................................................. 6-38

6.6 The result of Baseline survey ......................................................................................... 6-41

6.6.1 Natural environment ................................................................................................ 6-41
6.6.2 Social environment .................................................................................................. 6-66

6.7 Environmental Impact Evaluation .................................................................................. 6-71

6.7.1 Construction Phase .................................................................................................. 6-71
6.7.2 Operation Phase ....................................................................................................... 6-80
6.7.3 Summary of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ................................. 6-117

6.8 Environmental Management Plan ................................................................................ 6-125

6.8.1 Implementation System ......................................................................................... 6-125
6.8.2 Environmental management plan .......................................................................... 6-127

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

6.9 Environmental Monitoring Plan ................................................................................... 6-139

6.10 Stakeholder Meeting................................................................................................... 6-145

6.10.1 Scoping phase ...................................................................................................... 6-145
6.10.2 Questionnaire survey ........................................................................................... 6-146
6.10.3 EIA preparation phase ......................................................................................... 6-147

6.11 Confirmation on the Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan (LARAP) ...... 6-150

6.12 Considerations on the Schedule for Obtaining the Environmental ............................ 6-150

6.13 Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Reductions ................................................................ 6-151

6.13.1 Methodology ........................................................................................................ 6-151
6.13.2 Calculation of project CO2 emission factor of electricity: EFPJy ....................... 6-152
6.13.3 Estimation of effect of greenhouse gas emissions reductions ............................. 6-153

6.14 Others ......................................................................................................................... 6-155

6.14.1 The checklist ........................................................................................................ 6-155
6.14.2 Monitoring Form ................................................................................................. 6-170

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report


Table 1-1 Study Schedule.......................................................................................... 1-7

Table 2-1 Trend of Electric Power Demand in Iran(FY 2010 to 2016) ............... 2-9
Table 2-2 Trend in Demand within the Area Operated by the Regional Electric
Company TREC (FY 2010 to 2017) ............................................................ 2-11
Table 2-3 Power Demand Forecast and Required Power Generation Forecast.... 2-12
Table 2-4 GDP (Gross Domestic Product) Actual and Forecast of GDP ............... 2-12
Table 2-5 Forecast Demand within the Jurisdiction of the Teheran Regional Electric
Company (TREC) ............................................................................................. 2-13
Table 2-6 Capacity of Power Generation According to Type (End FY 2016) ........ 2-14
Table 2-7 List of Steam Power Plants (2017) ......................................................... 2-17
Table 2-8 List of Gas Turbine Power Plants (2017) ............................................... 2-18
Table 2-9 List of Combined Cycle Power Plants (2017) ......................................... 2-19
Table 2-10 List of 400 kV and 230 kV Substations and Switch Stations within the
TREC Area ....................................................................................................... 2-22
Table 2-11 Time Schedule for Completion of Various New Power Plants............. 2-25
Table 2-12 Forecast of Extensions in Sub-Transmission and Transmission
Installation ....................................................................................................... 2-26
Table 2-13 Forecast of Extensions in Distribution Installation ............................ 2-26
Table 2-14 Total Generation Capacity and Composition Ratio of Power Plant
According to Type (Sixth 5-year Plan) ............................................................ 2-27
Table 2-15 Annual Power Generation of Power Plant According to Type (Sixth
5-year Plan) ...................................................................................................... 2-27
Table 2-16 Development plan of Various New Thermal Power Plants ................. 2-30
Table 2-17 Constructed Thermal Power Plants by BOO (MW)............................. 2-33
Table 2-18 Schedule of BOO Power plants (MW) (Iranian Year) .......................... 2-34
Table 2-19 Privatized Power Plants ....................................................................... 2-36
Table 2-20 Installed renewable energy power plants situation up to end of Jan,
2018 .................................................................................................................. 2-38
Table 2-21 Installed Power Plant with Non-Governmental Sector (Feb, 2018) ... 2-38
Table 2-22 Companies with PPA (Jan. 2018) ......................................................... 2-39
Table 2-23 Trend in Tenders on the Day Ahead Market........................................ 2-43
Table 2-24 Breakdown of the IGMC Electrical Power Purchase Price (IRR/kWh)
.......................................................................................................................... 2-44
Table 2-25 IGMC Breakdown of Sales Price(IRR/kWh) ................................... 2-45

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 2-26 Offtake Tariffs for Electric Power Generated by RE Power Plants .... 2-46
Table 2-27 Tariff1 Residential Uses ....................................................................... 2-47
Table 2-28 Tariff2 Public Uses ................................................................................ 2-48
Table 2-29 Tariff3 Production Uses (Water and Energy) ...................................... 2-48
Table 2-30 Tariff4 Production Uses (Industry and Mine)...................................... 2-49
Table 2-31 Tariff5 Other Uses ................................................................................ 2-50
Table 2-32 Average Electrical Power Sales Price (IRR/kWh) ................................ 2-50
Table 2-33 Cost of sales, Subsidies, Sales Tariffs .................................................. 2-52
Table 2-34 Fossil-fuel subsidies in IRAN (as reference) ........................................ 2-53
Table 2-35 Indicators for year 2016(as reference) ................................................ 2-53
Table 3-1 Coordinates of the bore holes ................................................................... 3-3
Table 3-2 Maximum and Minimum Density ............................................................ 3-4
Table 3-3 Results of Mechanical Tests ..................................................................... 3-4
Table 3-4 Results of Chemical Component Analysis ............................................... 3-4
Table 3-5 Typical Grain Size Distribution ............................................................... 3-9
Table 3-6 Typical Geological Parameters ................................................................. 3-9
Table 3-7 Coordinates of the bench marks ............................................................. 3-11
Table 4-1 IGATs: Outline of Iran Gas Trunklines.................................................... 4-8
Table 4-2 Gas Condition in the Existing Gas Facilities ........................................ 4-11
Table 4-3 The Annual Usage of Gas Oil from 2012 to 2016 (the Existing GTCC) 4-13
Table 5-1 Case Scenario of Calculation .................................................................... 5-5
Table 5-2 Three-phase short circuit current(Pre and post new generator
interconnection) ................................................................................................. 5-6
Table 5-3 Three-phase short circuit current (Pre and post new generator
interconnection) ................................................................................................. 5-7
Table 5-4 Single-phase short-circuit current (pre and post new generator
interconnection) ............................................................................................... 5-10
Table 5-5 Single-phase short-circuit current (pre and post new generator
interconnection) ............................................................................................... 5-11
Table 5-6 Three-phase short circuit current (after the bus splitting operation
measures execution)......................................................................................... 5-15
Table 5-7 Three-phase short circuit current (after the bus splitting operation
measures execution)......................................................................................... 5-16
Table 5-8 Single-phase short-circuit current(after the bus splitting operation
measures execution)......................................................................................... 5-19
Table 5-9 Single-phase short-circuit current(after the bus splitting operation

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

measures execution)......................................................................................... 5-20

Table 5-10 Voltage of new power plant connection to 400kV existing steam
substation through two-circuit 400kV transmission line(Peak Load) ........... 5-23
Table 5-11 Power Flow of new power plant connection to 400kV existing steam
substation through two-circuit 400kV transmission line(Peak Load) ........... 5-24
Table 5-12 Voltage of new power plant connection to 400kV existing steam
substation through two-circuit 400kV transmission line(Light Load) .......... 5-26
Table 5-13 Power Flow of new power plant connection to 400kV existing steam
substation through two-circuit 400kV transmission line(Light Load) .......... 5-27
Table 5-14 Voltage of new power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee
steam-Vardavard transmission line(Peak Load) ............................................ 5-29
Table 5-15 Power Flow of new power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee
steam-Vardavard transmission line(Peak Load) ............................................ 5-30
Table 5-16 Voltage of new power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee
steam-Vardavard transmission line(Light Load) ........................................... 5-32
Table 5-17 Power Flow of new power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee
steam-Vardavard transmission line(Light Load) ........................................... 5-33
Table 5-18 Accident Case ........................................................................................ 5-35
Table 5-19 Three-phase short circuit current(pre and post new generator
interconnection) ............................................................................................... 5-56
Table 5-20 Single-phase short-circuit current (pre and post new generator
interconnection) ............................................................................................... 5-58
Table 5-21 The three-phase short-circuit current after the bus splitting operation
measures execution 【2π connection(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid
Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan)】 ............................................................................. 5-61
Table 5-22 Single-phase short-circuit current after the bus splitting operation
measures execution .......................................................................................... 5-63
Table 5-23 Voltage of new power plant connection to 400kV 2π connection(Shahid
Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan) after bus Splitting
operation (Peak Load) ...................................................................................... 5-65
Table 5-24 Power flow of new power plant connection to 400kV 2π connection
(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan)after bus
splitting operation(Peak Load) ........................................................................ 5-66
Table 5-25 Voltage of new power plant connection to 400kV 2π connection(Shahid
Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan) after bus Splitting
operation (Light Load) ..................................................................................... 5-68

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 5-26 Power flow of new power plant connection to 400kV 2π connection
(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan) after bus
Splitting operation (Light Load) ..................................................................... 5-69
Table 5-27 Accident Case ........................................................................................ 5-71
Table 5-28 Three short circuit current and Single-phase short-circuit current
【kA】 .............................................................................................................. 5-88
Table 5-29 Combination plans of a power plant and a switching station ............. 5-90
Table 5-30 Plans for comparison ............................................................................ 5-95
Table 5-31 Techno-economical comparison ............................................................ 5-97
Table 6-1 Monitoring Result of the Exhaust Gas from the Existing Steam Power
Plant ................................................................................................................... 6-7
Table 6-2 Monitoring Result of the Exhaust Gas from the Existing Combined Cycle
Power Plant ........................................................................................................ 6-9
Table 6-3 Monitoring Result of Waste Water from the Existing Power Plant ..... 6-11
Table 6-4 Result of Water Quality of Effluent........................................................ 6-11
Table 6-5 Result of the Air Quality Monitoring (µg/m3) ................................... 6-13
Table 6-6 Result of the Noise Monitoring (dBA) .................................................... 6-14
Table 6-7 Overview of the waste treatment system in the existing power plant . 6-15
Table 6-8 Comparison of Key Environmental and Social Consideration Items
provided respectively in the JICA Guidelines and Iran’s EIA-related Legal
System .............................................................................................................. 6-20
Table 6-9 Ambient Air Quality Standards of Iran and International Organization
.......................................................................................................................... 6-24
Table 6-10 Gas Emission Standards of Iran and of International Organization . 6-25
Table 6-11 Wastewater Quality Standards of Iran and of International Organization
.......................................................................................................................... 6-26
Table 6-12 Noise Emission Standards of Iran and of International Organization
.......................................................................................................................... 6-27
Table 6-13 Vibration Standard Value of Japan ...................................................... 6-27
Table 6-14 Comparison of Case in which Implemented and Not implemented ... 6-29
Table 6-15 Characteristics of Plan A and Plan B ................................................... 6-30
Table 6-16 Examination of Fuels ............................................................................ 6-32
Table 6-17 Features of Different Cooling Systems ................................................ 6-33
Table 6-18 Scoping Result ....................................................................................... 6-34
Table 6-19 Survey Items, Methods, Predicted Impact and Assessment Policy .... 6-38
Table 6-20 Outline of the Wells for Ground Water Exploitation for the Existing

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Power Plant ...................................................................................................... 6-53

Table 6-21 Measurement Result of Air Quality around the Project Site (unit: μg /m3)
.......................................................................................................................... 6-56
Table 6-22 Sampling reports for 6 wells of the Existing Power Plant (2014-2016)
.......................................................................................................................... 6-57
Table 6-23 Result of Water Quality Measurement ................................................ 6-58
Table 6-24 Result of the Measurement of Noise (Leq) around the Project Site ... 6-59
Table 6-25 Species of Flora in Qazvin Province ..................................................... 6-60
Table 6-26 Species of Mammal in Qazvin Province ............................................... 6-62
Table 6-27 Species of Birds in Qazvin Province ..................................................... 6-63
Table 6-28 Species of Reptiles in Iran .................................................................... 6-64
Table 6-29 Species of Amphibians in Iran .............................................................. 6-65
Table 6-30 Medical centers near the Shahid Rajaee power plant ......................... 6-67
Table 6-31 Population of the Settlements and the Distance from the Power Plant
.......................................................................................................................... 6-67
Table 6-32 Schools near Shahid Rajaee power plant ............................................. 6-68
Table 6-33 Noise Level of Major Construction Machinery .................................... 6-73
Table 6-34 Results of Simulating Noise Levels from Construction Work ............. 6-75
Table 6-35 Emission Concentration and Emission Standard ............................... 6-80
Table 6-36 Emission specification of the new gas turbine plant. .......................... 6-85
Table 6-37 Emission specification for the existing steam power plant ................. 6-86
Table 6-38 Emission specification of the existing combined cycle power plant .... 6-86
Table 6-39 Prediction Result of the Contribution Concentration of the operation of
the new power plant ........................................................................................ 6-95
Table 6-40 Prediction Result of the Contribution Concentration of the existing
power plant facility and of the new power plant .......................................... 6-110
Table 6-41 Noise Level and the Number of the Major Equipment ..................... 6-113
Table 6-42 Results of the simulation of noise levels in the power plant ............. 6-114
Table 6-43 Results of Environmental Impact Assessment for the Power Plant . 6-117
Table 6-44 Environmental Management Plan (Power Plant) ............................. 6-128
Table 6-45 Environmental Monitoring Plan (Power plant) ................................. 6-140
Table 6-46 Overview of the Stakeholder Meetings .............................................. 6-145
Table 6-47 Main questions, opinions and answers at the First Stakeholder Meeting
........................................................................................................................ 6-145
Table 6-48 Implementation schedule of questionnaire survey............................ 6-146
Table 6-49 Overview of the implementation of the second stakeholder meeting

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

........................................................................................................................ 6-148
Table 6-50 Main questions, opinions and answers at the second stakeholder
meeting ........................................................................................................... 6-149
Table 6-51 Grid CO2 Emission Factors in Iran .................................................... 6-153
Table 6-52 Calculation of CO2 emission coefficients for Shahid Rajaee Project . 6-153
Table 6-53 Production and CO2 Emission by Shahid Rajaee GTCC ................... 6-154
Table 6-54 Environmental Checklist (Power plant) ............................................ 6-156

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report


Fig. 1-1 Work Flow(1/2) ............................................................................................. 1-5

Fig. 1-2 Work Flow(2/2) ............................................................................................. 1-6
Fig. 1-3 Implementation System Diagram............................................................... 1-8
Fig. 2-1 Diagram of the Iran Electrical Power Sector System ................................ 2-1
Fig. 2-2 Organization Chart of Ministry of Energy ................................................. 2-2
Fig. 2-3 TPPH Organization Chart .......................................................................... 2-4
Fig. 2-4 TAVANIR Organization Chart .................................................................... 2-5
Fig. 2-5 Tehran Regional Electric Company Territory ............................................ 2-6
Fig. 2-6 Trend in Electric Power Demand According to Sector(2000 to 2016) . 2-10
Fig. 2-7 Trend in TREC Electrical Power Demand (2000 to 2017) ....................... 2-11
Fig. 2-8 Number of Years of Operation of Power Plant ......................................... 2-15
Fig. 2-9 Trend in Annual Power Generation According to Type............................ 2-15
Fig. 2-10 Trend in Electrical Power Generation Capacity .................................... 2-16
Fig. 2-11 Trend in Operational Capacity According to Type ................................. 2-17
Fig. 2-12 Trend in Total Length of Primary Transmission Cable ......................... 2-21
Fig. 2-13 Trend in the Number of Primary Substations and Total Capacity of
Transformers .................................................................................................... 2-21
Fig. 2-14 TREC Transmission System Diagram .................................................... 2-23
Fig. 2-15 Power Flow and Price Flow ..................................................................... 2-40
Fig. 2-16 Overview of the IEM ............................................................................... 2-42
Fig. 2-17 Mechanism for Determining the Day Ahead Market Price ................... 2-43
Fig. 3-1 Photo of Candidate Site ............................................................................... 3-1
Fig. 3-2 Location of the bore holes ............................................................................ 3-3
Fig. 3-3 Passing Rate ................................................................................................ 3-5
Fig. 3-4 Liquid Limit ................................................................................................. 3-6
Fig. 3-5 Plasticity Index ............................................................................................ 3-7
Fig. 3-6 Typical Geological Boring Log at Site ......................................................... 3-8
Fig. 3-7 Typical Grain Size Distribution Diagram................................................... 3-8
Fig. 3-8 Survey Area................................................................................................ 3-10
Fig. 3-9 Topological Map Made by Site Investigation ............................................ 3-12
Fig. 4-1 Organization of the Fossil Fuel Industry ................................................... 4-1
Fig. 4-2 Organization of NIGC ................................................................................. 4-2
Fig. 4-3 Area of Natural Gas Supply ........................................................................ 4-3
Fig. 4-4 Trend of Natural Gas Production in Iran ................................................... 4-4

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Fig. 4-5 Trend of Natural Gas Consumption ........................................................... 4-5

Fig. 4-6 Trend of Proven Reserves of Natural Gas in Iran ...................................... 4-6
Fig. 4-7 Major Gas Fields (in red) and Oil Field (in green) in and around the Persian
Gulf ..................................................................................................................... 4-7
Fig. 4-8 Outline of Existing and Planned IGATs in Iran ......................................... 4-9
Fig. 4-9 The Location of Gas Facilities ................................................................... 4-10
Fig. 4-10 Layout of the Existing Gas Facilities ..................................................... 4-11
Fig. 4-11 Flow of Application for Fuel Supply ........................................................ 4-12
Fig. 4-12 Layout of the Existing Gas Oil Facilities ............................................... 4-13
Fig 5-1 Work Flow of Power System Analysis.......................................................... 5-2
Fig 5-2 New Generator Configuration...................................................................... 5-3
Fig 5-3 New Generator AVR Model .......................................................................... 5-3
Fig 5-4 New Generator Governor Model .................................................................. 5-3
Fig 5-5 Shahid Rajaee new plant connection scenario and location ....................... 5-4
Fig 5-6 Three-phase short circuit current(Post new generator interconnection) ... 5-8
Fig 5-7 Three-phase short circuit current(Post new generator interconnection) ... 5-9
Fig 5-8 Single-phase short-circuit current(post new generator interconnection) 5-12
Fig 5-9 Single-phase short-circuit current(post new generator interconnection) 5-13
Fig 5-10 Bus-splitting in Rajaee steam substation for fault current reduction ... 5-14
Fig 5-11 Bus-splitting in Rajaee steam substation for fault current reduction ... 5-14
Fig 5-12 Three-phase short circuit current (after the bus splitting operation
measures execution)......................................................................................... 5-17
Fig 5-13 Three-phase short circuit current (after the bus splitting operation
measures execution)......................................................................................... 5-18
Fig 5-14 Single-phase short-circuit current(after the bus splitting operation
measures execution)......................................................................................... 5-21
Fig 5-15 Single-phase short-circuit current(after the bus splitting operation
measures execution)......................................................................................... 5-22
Fig 5-16 Power Flow diagram of new power plant connection to 400kV existing
steam substation through two-circuit 400kV transmission line(Peak Load) 5-25
Fig 5-17 Power flow diagram of new power plant connection to 400kV existing
steam substation through two-circuit 400kV transmission line(Light Load)5-28
Fig 5-18 Power Flow diagram of new power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee
steam-Vardavard transmission line(Peak Load) ............................................ 5-31
Fig 5-19 Power Flow diagram of new power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee
steam-Vardavard transmission line(Light Load) ........................................... 5-34

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Fig 5-20 1-1 The outage of Shahid Rajaee new generator unit (Peak Load) ........ 5-36
Fig 5-21 1-1 The outage of Shahid Rajaee new generator unit(Light Load) ........ 5-36
Fig 5-22 1-2 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing steam generator unit(Peak Load)
.......................................................................................................................... 5-37
Fig 5-23 1-2 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing steam generator unit(Light Load)
.......................................................................................................................... 5-37
Fig 5-24 1-3 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing combined generator unit(Peak
Load) ................................................................................................................. 5-38
Fig 5-25 1-3 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing combined generator unit(Light
Load) ................................................................................................................. 5-38
Fig 5-26 1-4 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Shahid Rajaee new power
plant-Rajaee Steam transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds(Peak Load) ............................................................................. 5-39
Fig 5-27 1-4 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Shahid Rajaee new power
plant-Rajaee Steam transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds(Light Load) ............................................................................ 5-39
Fig 5-28 1-5 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Vardavard
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
(Peak Load) .................................................................................................. 5-40
Fig 5-29 1-5 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Vardavard
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds(Light Load) ............................................................................ 5-40
Fig 5-30 1-6 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Minoodar
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
(Peak Load) .................................................................................................. 5-41
Fig 5-31 1-6 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Minoodar
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
(LightLoad) ....................................................................................................... 5-41
Fig 5-32 1-7 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Ziaran
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
(Peak Load) .................................................................................................. 5-42
Fig 5-33 1-7 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Ziaran
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
(Light Load) ................................................................................................. 5-42
Fig 5-34 1-8 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Loshan
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(Peak Load) .................................................................................................. 5-43

Fig 5-35 1-8 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Loshan
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
(Light Load) ................................................................................................. 5-43
Fig 5-36 1-9 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Roudshour
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
(Peak Load) .................................................................................................. 5-44
Fig 5-37 1-9 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Roudshour
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseco(Light
Load) ................................................................................................................. 5-44
Fig 5-38 2-1 The outage of Shahid Rajaee new generator unit (Peak Load) ........ 5-45
Fig 5-39 2-1 The outage of Shahid Rajaee new generator unit(Light Load) ........ 5-45
Fig 5-40 2-2 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing steam generator unit (Peak
Load) ................................................................................................................. 5-46
Fig 5-41 2-2 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing steam generator unit (Light
Load) ................................................................................................................. 5-46
Fig 5-42 2-3 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing combined generator unit (Peak
Load) ................................................................................................................. 5-47
Fig 5-43 2-3 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing combined generator unit (Light
Load) ................................................................................................................. 5-47
Fig 5-44 2-4 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Shahid Rajaee new power
plant-Rajaee Steam transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds (Peak Load) ............................................................................ 5-48
Fig 5-45 2-4 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Shahid Rajaee new power
plant-Rajaee Steam transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds (Light Load)............................................................................ 5-48
Fig 5-46 2-5 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Shahid Rajaee new power
plant- Vardavard transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds (Peak Load) ............................................................................ 5-49
Fig 5-47 2-5 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Shahid Rajaee new power
plant- Vardavard transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds(Light Load) ............................................................................ 5-49
Fig 5-48 2-6 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Minoodar
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
(Peak Load) .................................................................................................. 5-50
Fig 5-49 2-6 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Minoodar

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

transmission line and the outage of transmission line after

100miliseconds(Light Load) ............................................................................ 5-50
Fig 5-50 2-7 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Ziaran
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
(Peak Load) .................................................................................................. 5-51
Fig 5-51 2-7 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Ziaran
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
(Light Load) ................................................................................................. 5-51
Fig 5-52 2-8 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Loshan
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
(Peak Load) .................................................................................................. 5-52
Fig 5-53 2-8 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Loshan
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
(Light Load) ................................................................................................. 5-52
Fig 5-54 2-9 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Roudshour
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
(Peak Load) .................................................................................................. 5-53
Fig 5-55 2-9 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Roudshour
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
(Light Load) ...................................................................................................... 5-53
Fig 5-56 System Frequency of the outage of Shahid Rajaee new generator unit 5-54
Fig 5-57 System connection method of new generator .......................................... 5-55
Fig 5-58 Three-phase short circuit current (post new generator interconnection)【2π
connection(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan)】
.......................................................................................................................... 5-57
Fig 5-59 Single-phase short-circuit current (post new generator interconnection)
.......................................................................................................................... 5-59
Fig 5-60 Bus-splitting in Rajaee steam substation for fault current reduction ... 5-60
Fig 5-61 The three-phase short-circuit current after the bus splitting operation
measures execution .......................................................................................... 5-62
Fig 5-62 Single-phase short-circuit current after the bus splitting operation
measures execution .......................................................................................... 5-64
Fig 5-63 Power flow diagram of new power plant connection to 400kV 2π connection
(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan) after bus
Splitting operation (Peak Load) ...................................................................... 5-67
Fig 5-64 Power flow diagram of new power plant connection to 400kV 2π connection

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan) after bus

Splitting operation (Light Load) ..................................................................... 5-70
Fig 5-65 1 The outage of Shahid Rajaee new unit (Peak Load) ............................ 5-72
Fig 5-66 1 The outage of Shahid Rajaee new unit (Light Load) ........................... 5-72
Fig 5-67 2 The outage of Shahid Rajaee exsiting steam unit (Peak Load) ........... 5-73
Fig 5-68 2 The outage of Shahid Rajaee exsiting steam unit (Light Load) .......... 5-73
Fig 5-69 3 The outage of Shahid Rajaee exsiting C.C. unit (Peak Load) .............. 5-74
Fig 5-70 3 The outage of Shahid Rajaee exsiting C.C. unit (Light Load) ............. 5-74
Fig 5-71 4 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power
plant-Rajaee Steam transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100 miliseconds(Peak Load) ............................................................................ 5-75
Fig 5-72 4 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power
plant-Rajaee Steam transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100 miliseconds(Light Load)............................................................................ 5-75
Fig 5-73 5 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power
plant-Rajaee C.C transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100 miliseconds(Peak Load) ............................................................................ 5-76
Fig 5-74 5 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power
plant-Rajaee C.C transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100 miliseconds(Light Load)............................................................................ 5-76
Fig 5-75 6 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power
plant- Vardavard transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100 miliseconds(Peak Load) ............................................................................ 5-77
Fig 5-76 6 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power
plant- Vardavard transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100 miliseconds(Light Load)............................................................................ 5-77
Fig 5-77 7 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power
plant-Baghestan transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100 miliseconds(Peak Load) ............................................................................ 5-78
Fig 5-78 7 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power
plant-Baghestan transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100 miliseconds(Light Load)............................................................................ 5-78
Fig 5-79 8 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Minoodar
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Peak Load) ................................................................................... 5-79
Fig 5-80 8 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Minoodar

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100

miliseconds(Light Load) .................................................................................. 5-79
Fig 5-81 9 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Ziaran
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Peak Load) ................................................................................... 5-80
Fig 5-82 9 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Ziaran
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Light Load) .................................................................................. 5-80
Fig 5-83 10 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Loshan
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Peak Load) ................................................................................... 5-81
Fig 5-84 10 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Loshan
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Light Load) .................................................................................. 5-81
Fig 5-85 11 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Roudshour
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Peak Load) ................................................................................... 5-82
Fig 5-86 11 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Roudshour
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Light Load) .................................................................................. 5-82
Fig 5-87 12 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C-Roudshour
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Peak Load) ................................................................................... 5-83
Fig 5-88 12 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C-Roudshour
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Light Load) .................................................................................. 5-83
Fig 5-89 13 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C-Mehr
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Peak Load) ................................................................................... 5-84
Fig 5-90 13 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C-Mehr
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Light Load) .................................................................................. 5-84
Fig 5-91 14 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C-Dashtabi
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Peak Load) ................................................................................... 5-85
Fig 5-92 14 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C-Dashtabi

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100

miliseconds(Light Load) .................................................................................. 5-85
Fig 5-93 15 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C- Rajaee Steam
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Peak Load) ................................................................................... 5-86
Fig 5-94 15 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C- Rajaee Steam
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Light Load) .................................................................................. 5-86
Fig 5-95 System Frequency of the outage of Shahid Rajaee new generator unit 5-87
Fig 5-96 Planning location of a power plant and a 400kV switching station ....... 5-90
Fig 5-97 Existing 400kV overhead transmission line............................................ 5-91
Fig 5-98 Connection by overhead line: plane drawing .......................................... 5-91
Fig 5-99 Connection by overhead line: elevation drawing .................................... 5-92
Fig 5-100 Busbar configuration of a 400kV switching station .............................. 5-92
Fig 5-101 Power plant ”B”-new switching station ............................................... 5-94
Fig 5-102 power plant ”B”-existing switching station ......................................... 5-94
Fig 5-103 power plant ”A”-existing switching station ......................................... 5-95
Fig 5-104 ROW of the 400kV overhead transmission line .................................... 5-96
Fig. 6-1 Location of Project Site................................................................................ 6-1
Fig. 6-2 Layout of Shahid Rajaee Power Plant and Planned New Power Generation
Units ................................................................................................................... 6-3
Fig. 6-3 Layout of the New Power Plant Units ........................................................ 6-4
Fig. 6-4 Measurement Points of Air Quality and Noise ........................................ 6-12
Fig. 6-5 Flow of EIA Procedures in Iran................................................................. 6-18
Fig. 6-6 Residential Areas Closely Located to Power Plant for which Information
will be Disclosed prior to Explanatory Meetings for Residents ..................... 6-23
Fig. 6-7 Candidate Project Sites ............................................................................. 6-31
Fig. 6-8 Schematic Diagram of Cooling Systems ................................................... 6-33
Fig. 6-9 Monthly Average Air Temperature at Qazvin Meteorological Station in
2014~2017 ........................................................................................................ 6-42
Fig. 6-10 Monthly Average Humidity at Qazvin Meteorological Station.............. 6-42
Fig. 6-11 Monthly Average Precipitation at Qazvin Meteorological Station ........ 6-43
Fig. 6-12 Monthly Average Solar Radiation at Qazvin Meteorological Station.... 6-43
Fig. 6-13 Average Wind Direction/speed at Qazvin Meteorological Station in
1959-2017 (annual) .......................................................................................... 6-44
Fig. 6-14 Average Wind Direction and Speed at Qazvin Meteorological Station from

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

1959 to 2017 (January~April) ......................................................................... 6-45

Fig. 6-15 Average Wind Direction and Speed at Qazvin Meteorological Station from
1959 to 2017 (May~August)............................................................................. 6-46
Fig. 6-16 Average Wind Direction and Speed at Qazvin Meteorological Station from
1959 to 2017 (September~December) ............................................................. 6-47
Fig. 6-17 Topography of Qazvin Province............................................................... 6-48
Fig. 6-18 Slope of Qazvin Province ......................................................................... 6-49
Fig. 6-19 Geological map around the power plant ................................................. 6-50
Fig. 6-20 Recorded instrumental earthquake (1996-2017) within 15 km radius of
Rajaii Power Plant Site.................................................................................... 6-51
Fig. 6-21 Water canal within the radius of 15km of Shahid Rajaee power plant. 6-52
Fig. 6-22 Exploitation Wells for taking Ground Water used in the Power Plant . 6-53
Fig. 6-23 Interannual Variability of Water Level of Qazvin Aquifer .................... 6-54
Fig. 6-24 Air Quality Measurement Point around the Project site ....................... 6-56
Fig. 6-25 Noise Monitoring points around the Project Site ................................... 6-58
Fig. 6-26 Protected Areas of Qazvin province and distances from Shahid Rajaee site
.......................................................................................................................... 6-60
Fig. 6-27 The Nearest Residential Area ................................................................. 6-66
Fig. 6-28 Land Use on the South Side of Shahid Rajaee Power Plant ................. 6-66
Fig. 6-29 Historical Cultural Heritage Sites within 15km radius of Shahid Rajaee
power plant....................................................................................................... 6-70
Fig. 6-30 Location of Simulation Points ................................................................. 6-74
Fig. 6-31 Results of Simulating Noise Level (dBA) from Construction Work ...... 6-76
Fig. 6-32 Consideration of the impact of topography ............................................ 6-81
Fig. 6-33 Diagram of Downwash ............................................................................ 6-82
Fig. 6-34 Diagram of Downdraft ............................................................................. 6-83
Fig. 6-35 Simulated frequency of wind direction/speed level based on the weather
model (MM5) (16 wind directions, 2015~2017)............................................... 6-84
Fig. 6-36 Frequency of appearance of wind speed based on the weather model MM5
(16 wind directions, 2015~2017)...................................................................... 6-84
Fig. 6-37 Topography used for the prediction ........................................................ 6-85
Fig. 6-38 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of SO2 at the Ground
Level (1 Hour Value)(light oil fuel) .................................................................. 6-89
Fig. 6-39 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of SO2 at the Ground
Level (24 Hour Value)(light oil fuel) ................................................................ 6-89
Fig. 6-40 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of SO2 at the Ground

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Level (1-year average)(light oil fuel) ............................................................... 6-90

Fig. 6-41 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of NO2 at the Ground
Level (1 Hour Value)(gas fuel) ......................................................................... 6-90
Fig. 6-42 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of NO2 at the Ground
Level (24 Hour Value)(gas fuel) ....................................................................... 6-91
Fig. 6-43 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of NO2 at the Ground
Level (1-year Value)(gas fuel) .......................................................................... 6-91
Fig. 6-44 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of NO2 at the Ground
Level (1 Hour Value)(light oil fuel) .................................................................. 6-92
Fig. 6-45 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of NO2 at the Ground
Level (24 Hour Value)(light oil fuel) ................................................................ 6-92
Fig. 6-46 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of NO2 at the Ground
Level (1-year average)(light oil fuel) ............................................................... 6-93
Fig. 6-47 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of PM10 at the Ground
Level (1 Hour Value)(light oil fuel) .................................................................. 6-93
Fig. 6-48 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of PM10 at the Ground
Level (24 Hour Value)(light oil fuel) ................................................................ 6-94
Fig. 6-49 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of PM10 at the Ground
Level (1-year average)(light oil fuel) ............................................................... 6-94
Fig. 6-50 Ground Level Concentration of SO2 (1 Hour Value)(current status
(existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel)) ................................................. 6-98
Fig. 6-51 Ground Level Concentration of SO2 (1 Hour Value)(future status (existing
facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel+ new facility: light oil fuel)) .................... 6-98
Fig. 6-52 Ground Level Concentration of SO2 (24 Hour Value)(current status
(existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel)) ................................................. 6-99
Fig.6-53 Ground Level Concentration of SO2 (24 Hour Value)( future status
(existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel+ new facility: light oil fuel)) ..... 6-99
Fig. 6-54 Ground Level Concentration of SO2 (annual average Value)(current status
(existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel)) ............................................... 6-100
Fig. 6-55 Ground Level Concentration of SO2 (annual average Value)(future status
(existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel+ new facility: light oil fuel)) ... 6-100
Fig. 6-56 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (1 Hour Value)(current status
(existing facility:gas fuel)) ............................................................................. 6-101
Fig. 6-57 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (1 Hour Value)(future (existing
facility:gas fuel+ new facility: gas fuel)) ....................................................... 6-101
Fig. 6-58 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (1 Hour Value)(current status

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel)) ............................................... 6-102

Fig. 6-59 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (1 Hour Value)(future (existing
facility:heavy oil and light oil fuel+ new facility: light oil fuel)) .................. 6-102
Fig. 6-60 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (24 Hour Value)(current status
(existing facility:gas fuel)) ............................................................................. 6-103
Fig. 6-61 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (24 Hour Value)(future status
(existing facility:gas fuel+ new facility: gas fuel)) ........................................ 6-103
Fig. 6-62 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (24 Hour Value)(current status
(existing facility: light oil and heavy oil fuel)) .............................................. 6-104
Fig. 6-63 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (24 Hour Value)(future (existing
facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel+ new facility: light oil fuel)) .................. 6-104
Fig. 6-64 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (annual average Value)(current
status (existing facility:gas fuel)) .................................................................. 6-105
Fig. 6-65 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (annual average Value)(future
(existing facility:gas fuel+ new facility: gas fuel)) ........................................ 6-105
Fig. 6-66 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (24 Hour Value)(current status
(existing facilitylight oil and heavy oil fuel)) ................................................ 6-106
Fig. 6-67 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (24 Hour Value)(future status
(existing facility:heavy oil and light oil fuel+ new facility: heavy oil and light oil
fuel)) ................................................................................................................ 6-106
Fig. 6-68 Ground Level Concentration of PM10 (1 Hour Value)(current status
(existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel)) ............................................... 6-107
Fig. 6-69 Ground Level Concentration of PM10 (1 Hour Value)(future status
(existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel+ new facility: light oil fuel)) ... 6-107
Fig. 6-70 Ground Level Concentration of PM10 (24 Hour Value)(current status
(existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel)) ............................................... 6-108
Fig. 6-71 Ground Level Concentration of PM10 (24Hour Value)(future status
(existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel+ new facility: light oil fuel)) ... 6-108
Fig. 6-72 Ground Level Concentration of PM10 (annual average Value)(current
status (existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel)) .................................... 6-109
Fig. 6-73 Ground Level Concentration of PM10 (annual average Value)(future
(existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel+ new facility: light oil fuel)) ... 6-109
Fig. 6-74 Waste water treatment flow .................................................................. 6-111
Fig. 6-75 Results of Simulating Noise Level from Power Plant (Unit:dBA)....... 6-115
Fig. 6-76 Environmental Management Plan and Monitoring Implementation
Structure in Construction Phase for Power Plant ........................................ 6-126

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Fig. 6-77 Environmental Management Plan and Monitoring Implementation

Structure in Operation Phase for the Power Plant ...................................... 6-127
Fig. 6-78 Villages targets of questionnaire survey .............................................. 6-147
Fig. 6-79 Images of Emissions Reductions ........................................................... 6-151
Fig. 6-80 Images of OM and BM ........................................................................... 6-152

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report


Abb. Description

ABFA Water and Sewage Service

AC Alternating Current

ADB Asian Development Bank

AIS Air Insulated Switchgear

API American Petroleum Institute

ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers

AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator

BAT Best Available Technology

BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand

BOO Build Own Operate

BOP Balance of Plant

BOT Build Operate Transfer

C&I Control & Instrumentation

CB Circuit Breaker

CC Combined Cycle

CCR Center Control Room

CCTV Closed Circuit Television

CEMS Continuous Emission Monitoring System

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna

CITES and Flora

COD Chemical Oxygen Demand

COP Conference of the Parties

CPI Consumer Price Index

DC Direct Current

DCS Distributed Control System

DO Dissolved Oxygen

DOE Department of Environment

DSO Distribution system operator

ECA Energy Conversion Agreement

EDG Emergency Diesel Generator

EHS Environment, Health and Safety

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Abb. Description

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

EIRR Economic Internal Rate of Return

EOH Equivalent Operating Hour

EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency

EPC Engineering, Procurement and Construction

EWS Engineering Work Station

FAC Final Acceptance Certificate

FIRR Financial Internal Rate of Return

FIT Feed In Tariff

FOD Foreign Object Damage

FS Feasibility Study

GCB Gas Circuit Breaker

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GE General Electric Company

GEN Generator

GHG Greenhouse Gas

GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear

GT Gas Turbine

GTCC Gas Turbine Combined Cycle

GTG Gas Turbine Generator

GOI Government of Iran

GPRS Gas Pressure Reducing Station

HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter

HIV/AID Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome

HP High Pressure

HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generator

HSE Health, Safety and Environmental

I/O Input/Output

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IEM Iranian Electricity Market

IERB Iran Electricity Regulatory Board

IFC International Finance Cooperation

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Abb. Description

IGMC Iran Grid Management Company

IMF International Monetary Fund

IP Intermediate Pressure

IPB Isolated Phase Bus

IPDC Iran Power Development Company

IPO Iranian Privatization Organization

IPP Independent Power Producer

IPPMC Iran Power Plant Maintenance Company

IPT Intermediate Pressure Turbine

IRR Internal Rate of Return

IRR Iranian Rial

ISO International Organization for Standardization

ITD Inlet temperature difference

IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature

JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency

KVA Kilovolt Ampere

LC Letter of Credit

LCD Liquid Crystal Display

LP Low Pressure

LTSA Long Term Service Agreement

MCC Motor Control Center

MHPS Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems

MOE Ministry of Energy

MOP Ministry of Petroleum

MT Main Transformer

NIGC National Iranian Gas Company

NLDC National Load Dispatch Center

NPV Net Present Value

NOx Nitrogen Oxides

O&M Operation and Maintenance

ODA Official Development Assistance

OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer

OFAF Oil Forced and Air Forced Type

ONAF Oil Natural and Air Forced Type

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Abb. Description

P/Q Pre-Qualification

PBO Planning and Budgetary Organization

PE Annual Generated Power Energy

PM Particulate Matters

POPE Based on Plant Operation Energy

POPH Based on Plant Operation Hour

PPA Power Purchase Agreement

PT Potential Transformer

QBS Quality Based Selection

QCBS Quality and Cost Based Selection

RH Reheater

RTU Remote Terminal Unit

SABA Iran Energy Efficiency Organization

SATBA Renewal Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization

SBD Standard Bidding Documents

SH Super-heater

SMS Siemens

SOx Sulfur Oxides

SS Suspended Solid

SSS Synchro-Self-Shifting (Clutch)

ST Steam Turbine

SCF Standard Conversion Factor

SUNA Renewable Energy Organization of Iran

SWGR Switch Gear


R Iran Power Generation and Transmission Company

TOR Terms of Reference

TPPH Thermal Power Plant Holding Company

TREC Tehran Regional Electric Company

TSS Total Suspended Solid

UN United Nations

UNEP United Nations Environment Programme

UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Abb. Description

WACC Weighted Average Cost of Capital

WB World Bank

WTP Willingness To Pay

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background to Survey

According to Iran Power Generation Transmission & Distribution Management Company

(TAVANIR), in 2016, the installed power capacity held by the country was 76,428 MW with the
power generation capacity of 66,599 MW and the maximum power demand in the year was
53,198 MW. Power demand has increased significantly from year to year, with an annual
average increase from 2000 to 2016 at 6.1% (TAVANIR). The population of Iran increased at
the rate of about 1% over the previous year for the past 10 years from 2006 to 2015
(International Futures).

Under the country’s Fifth Five-Year National Development Plan (2011-2015), increase of power
generation efficiency was selected as one of the objectives in the energy sector and it is taken up
the same objective as one of major issues to tackle under the Sixth Five-Year Plan (2017-2021) .
Furthermore, in its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions to COP21 (the 21st session of
the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change),
the Iranian Government expressed its strong political will to target at reducing the country’s
greenhouse gas emission by 4% by 2030 relative to what would happen in absence of any
measures. As one measure to achieve this target, the Iranian Government is considering to
introduce combined cycle power generation. Based on such circumstances, with respect to the
country’s development of new power sources, the Iranian Ministry of Energy (MOE) and other
concerned parties expressed their intention to replace conventional steam power plants and
promote introduction of gas combined cycle power plants that are highly efficient in power
generation and impose less burden on the environment.

Considering this situation, Government of I.R.Iran submitted a request to the Japanese

Government for granting Japanese ODA loans for additional development of highly efficient
power generation facilities at the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant, which has the third largest power
generation capacity in Iran.

This Study will be implemented for the purpose of gathering data necessary to evaluate whether
Japan should grant cooperation in the form of a Japanese ODA loan project as requested by
Government of I.R.Iran.

1.2 Objectives and Scope of the Study

1.2.1 Objectives of the Study
Based on Government of I.R.Iran’s request for an ODA loan for the Shahid Rajaee Power
Plant Construction Project (hereinafter referred to as the “Project”), this Study will be
implemented for the purpose of gathering data necessary to evaluate whether Japan should grant
cooperation in the form of a Japanese ODA loan project. In light of this purpose, the Study
Team shall conduct a survey concerning the Project’s necessity and objectives, overview, costs,
implementation schedule, implementation method (procurement/construction), project
implementation system, operation/maintenance system, environmental and social considerations,

According to the preliminary consultation made with the Iranian side, it is expected that the
project components listed below should be examined as a scope of targets of this Study.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

 Gas combined cycle power plant (GTCC) (ISO base; 680 MW x 2)

 Other related facilities

When at any related facilities, new construction, improvement, etc. become necessary in
association with the addition of GTCC to be made, such facilities will be identified in this Study
by making consultation with TPPH(Thermal Power Plants Holding Company) and JICA. In
addition, examination will be made on an appropriate targeted scope for the Japanese ODA loan
project by looking at the entire scope of the Project.
1.2.2 Scope of the Study
This Project concerns the construction of a highly efficient gas turbine combined cycle power
plant (GTCC) within the premises of the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant located in Qazvin Province
of Iran.

In order to meet Iran’s further activating economic activities and increasing power demand in
association with the removal and relief of economic sanctions on the country made by the
International community (2016) , GTCC will be constructed in a relatively short period of time.
In addition, in order to contribute to improvement in power generation efficiency, which is one
of the major issues Iran determined to tackle in its energy sector, the application of a new-type,
high-efficiency gas turbine will be examined. Also in order to contribute to the achievement of
the Iranian Government’s policy for COP21 (4% reduction of greenhouse gas emission),
examination will be made concerning the introduction of GTCC that gives less burden on the

The major policies of the Study are the following 4 points.

1) Utilization of Japanese companies’ technology and review of the requirements for

prequalification (P/Q)

In this Study, based on the preliminary consultation made with JICA and the Iranian side, it is
projected that GTCC of high efficiency (at a level of 1,600 degrees C) will be installed. During
the survey, by introducing stakeholders to technology that is owned by Japanese companies and
relevant to related facilities and by inviting stakeholders to facilities and factories located in
Japan for inspection, the Japanese companies’ technological advantages will be shown
objectively to gain understanding of the Iranian side. In addition, the requirements for
prequalification to make this Project an infrastructure project of a high quality will be reviewed
and organized before holding consultations with TPPH. Particularly, in relation with the
introduction of an advanced gas turbine system that has only a limited record of commercial
operation, the establishment of fit and proper P/Q requirements is an important issue in order to
ensure operational reliability of a gas turbine system by taking the advantages held by Japanese
companies into account.

An additional study and review will be conducted regarding the influence of the recent restriction
by the U.S.A. on re-export transactions involving Iran. A comparative study will also be conducted
on the approval processes of competitive bidding and implementation of negotiated agreements for
general construction projects in the electric power sector in Iran.

2) Utilization of existing materials

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(1) Utilization of knowledge obtained through previous projects

Prior to this Study, JICA has implemented an ODA loan project entitled, “the Data Collection
Survey on Electric Power Sector in the Islamic Republic of Iran,” and in implementing this
Preparatory Survey, knowledge, outcome and reports obtained through and made in the
previous project will be reviewed and made best use of so that this Study will be able to be
implemented efficiently.

3) Policy for examining technical elements

(1) Gas turbine models
(2) Axis composition of GTCC
(3) Steam turbine
(4) Condenser cooling system

4) Environmental and social considerations

(1) Review of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report and preparation of a draft
supplementary EIA report
(2) Support for the drafting of Abbreviated Resettlement Plan
(3) Holding Stakeholder Meetings
(4) Support for the Explanation to Advisory Committee for Environmental and Social
Considerations established by JICA

The method of implementing the work is shown in Fig. 1-1 Work Flow. The main terms of
reference are as follows.

(1) Domestic preparation work and preparation, explanation, consultation and confirmation of
the Inception Report (TOR 1)
(2) Training in Japan (TOR 2)
(3) Background survey of Project (collection of basic information) (TOR 3-1)
(4) Power system survey (TOR 3-2)
(5) Verification of the current status of fuel supply and future perspective (TOR 3-3)
(6) Verification of and study on intake/discharge of service water for the target power plant
(TOR 3-4)
(7) Study and survey on natural condition (TOR 3-5)
(8) General design (TOR 3-6)
1) Selection of candidate sites
2) Layout conceptual plan within the premises
3) Specifications, composition and layout plan for the power plant including electrical
instrument/machinery systems
(9) Analysis of Issues Related to Past ODA-Loan Projects (TOR3-7)
(10) Survey of US re-export regulation(TOR3-8)
(11) Survey on procurement and construction method (TOR 4-1)
(12) Safety countermeasures of construction work (TOR 4-2)
(13) Preparation of plant construction schedule (TOR 4-3)
(14) Project implementation cost estimation (TOR 4-4)
(15) Cost reduction method survey (TOR 4-5)
(16) Proposal on the scope of yen loan project (TOR 4-6)
(17) Proposals on the implementation system and the operation/maintenance management
system (TOR 4-7)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(18) Preparation of risk control sheet (TOR 4-8)

(17) Comparison of competitive bidding and single source selection(TOR4-9)
(19) Preparation of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) report (draft) (TOR 5-1)
(20) Implementation of verification survey on involuntary resettlement and land acquisition
(TOR 5-2)
(21) EIA supplement investigation (TOR 5-3)
(22) Confirmation of climate change measures effect (TOR 5-4)
(23) Investigation on project evaluation (TOR 6)
1) Economic and financial analysis will be conducted (calculation of FIRR and EIRR,
calculation base of benefits, establishment of conversion factors for economic values and
its base will also be presented). (TOR 6-1)
2) Operational effect index will be proposed (indexes will be established and reference values
and target values for the target year, which is expected about 2 years later from the project
completion, will be established). (TOR 6-2)
3) Confirmation of qualitative effect will be conducted. (TOR 6-3)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Scope of Work

Domestic  Preparation  work 1st Site survey 1st Home work 2nd Site survey 2nd Home work 3rd Site survey 3rd Home work 4th Site survey 4th Home work 5th Site survey
(March,  2017) (April, 2017) (2017.April~May) ( May, 2017) (2017. May~July) ( July, 2017) (2017.August~September) (November,  2017) (2017,December) (2017, December)

Presentaion of Inception report
TOR1: Preparation work, and 
(Apr,  2017)
submission of Inception Report

Collection of basic information Data collection and Analysis Site survey for data  analysis

TOR3: Confirmation of current status, and Planning

TOR3‐1: Background survey  of Project

TOR3‐2: Power System survey

TOR3‐3: Verification  of the Current  status  of Fuel supply and future  perspective

Summary of  Survey
TOR3‐4: Verification  and study of Intake/discharge  of  the service  water of power  plant

Data collection from  TOR3‐5: Study and survey  of Natural condition

Japanese manufacturer TOR3-7 : Survey of US re-export regulation
TOR3‐6: General  design
TOR3-8 : Analysis of Iuusues Related to Past ODA-Loan projects

Negotiation with 
Iranian side TOR4: Proposal  of Project

Data and 
Information  Meeting with
collection,  JICA , to confirm 
and analysis progress

TOR5: Environmental  and Social consideration
TOR5‐1: Peparaton  of Environmental  Impact acessment  report
TOR5‐4:  Confirmation of the climate change measures effect

TOR5‐2: Implementation of verification survey on involuntary 

TOR5‐3 : EIA Supplemental  survey

Environmental Advirory comittee Advisary committee

Stakeholder  Review of 
Meeting comments

Submissionof  Q &A sheet,  Answer 

Preparation  of Q & A
and Answer  collection collection

TOR2: Invitation  to Japan

Preparation  of  Invitation  Explanation  of Tour  Preparation  of  tour to  Meeting  with Tour  (Power  station,  Manufaturer)
plan to Japan to Janan Japan member * One week

Local sub‐contracting Local sub‐contracting
; Prerparation of TOR ; Prerparation of TOR

Submission of TOR, Receiving Proposal Completion of work Submission of 

Contract  ,and Job Start Data analysis
and Bidding Receiving Final report TOR, and 

Fig. 1-1 Work Flow(1/2)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Scope of Work

4th Home work 5th Site survey 5th Home work 6th Site Survey 6th Home work 7th Site Survey 7th Home work 8th Site Survey 8th Home work 9th Site Survey 9th Home work
(2017,December) (2017, December) (January, 2018) (Jan‐Feb., 2018) (2018.Feb.‐Apr.) (May,  2018) (June, 2018) (July, 2018.) (July‐September,  2018) (October,  2018) (October, 2018)

Data collection for Proposal

TOR3-7 : Survey of US re-export regulation

TOR3-8 : Analysis of Iuusues Related to Past ODA-Loan projects Submission of Report、Presentation and 

discussion (Jan. , 2018)

TOR4: Proposal  of Project  Implementation 

TOR4‐1: Survey of procurement and construction method
Bidding process survey report 
TOR4‐9: Comparison of competitive bidding and   (2018, March)
single source  selection

TOR4‐2 : Safety countermeasures of construction work
TOR4‐6 : Proposal on the scope of yen loan project
TOR4‐3:  Preparation of Plant construction schedule
TOR4‐8: Preparation of Risk control sheet
TOR4‐4: Project inprementation cost estimation
TOR4‐7 :  Proposal on the Imprementation system and 
TOR4‐5: Cost reduction method survey operation/maintenance management system

Advirory Committee

Review of 
Stakeholder Meeting Comments

Presentation  and 
Presentation  and  Presentation  and  Revised Draft Final  Final Report
Draft  Final Report discussion on Revised 
Interim Report discussion on Interim  discussion on Draft  Report (October, 2018)
(JUne,  2018) Draft Final report
(April, 2018)
report Final report

Local sub‐contracting
; Prerparation of TOR

Receiving Contract ,and Job  Contract ,and  Data 

Submission of  Job Start
Data analysis Proposal Start analysis
TOR, and  (2)
(2) (2) (2)

TOR6: Investigation  of  Project evaluation

TOR6‐1: Econimical & Financial evaluation

TOR6‐2: Proposal of  Operation and  Effective  indicator 
TOR6‐3: Confirmation  of qualitative effect

Fig. 1-2 Work Flow(2/2)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

1.3 Study Schedule

The following table shows the study schedule.

Table 1-1 Study Schedule

2017/3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2018/1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Work 1st Site 2nd Site survey 4th Site

3rd Site survey 5th Site survey 6th Site 7th Site survey
survey 8th Site 9th Site survey
survey survey survey

Site survey 1

Home work
Prerepatory Home  1st Home  work
2nd Home work 3rd Home 4th Home work 5th Home work 5th6th
work 7th Home work 8th Home work 9th Home work

▲   ▲ ▲ ▲
Ic/R Int/R DF/R F/R

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

1.4 Study Implementation System

The study implementation system is shown in the following.

JICA Headquater

JICA IRAN Office JICA Survey Team

Counter part
Note :Dashed line part means 
Iranian side.

Fig. 1-3 Implementation System Diagram

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Chapter 2 Overview of Electric Power Sector

2.1 Electric Power Sector System

The electrical power sector system in Iran viewed from the point of view of electrical power
distribution and sales is as follows. The Ministry of Energy (MOE) has responsibility for the
electrical power sector as a whole, and the Deputy Minister for Electricity and Energy is
responsible for the electrical power sector. In 2015, the system of subsidiaries changed. Until
last year, TAVANIR was responsible for the whole system of electrical power generation,
transmission, and distribution, but in 2015, TPPH was established, and of the electrical power
generation sector, the thermal generation sector was transferred from TAVANIR. Private sector
power generation consists of IPP power stations developed by the private sector in BOO and
BOT schemes, and publicly owned power stations that have been delegated to the private sector.

Source: TPPH
Fig. 2-1 Diagram of the Iran Electrical Power Sector System

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

2.1.1 The Ministry of Energy

The Ministry of Energy (MOE) is the organization responsible for supply of electrical power
and other energy, as well as being responsible for water resources management, water and
sewage management, human resources development and education, etc. TAVANIR and TPPH
are organizations affiliated to the MOE.
Fig. 2-2 shows the organization chart of the Ministry of Energy of Iran. Besides electrical power,
they are responsible for water resources. There are 10 organizations that are affiliated to the
MOE, including the power transmission and distribution company (TAVANIR) and the electrical
power generation company (TPPH). The other 8 affiliated companies are Water Resources
Management, Water & Drainage Company, SATKAP Company, Water & Electricity University,
Water and Electricity Institute, Niroo Research center, Water Research Institute, and National
Water Institute.

Organization Chart of Ministry of Energy

Minister of Energy

Minister's Deputy of
Minister's Deputy
International Affairs &
Supporting Water & Central Committee of
- Other 8 Companies

Experts Development Office of Disaster Office of

Public Relation
& Support of Water & Management & Inspection & Security Office Ministerial Office
Electricity Industries Passive Defense Operation

Deputy of Legal
Deputy of Electricity & Deputy of Research & Water & ABFA Deputy of Planning &
Affairs, Support &
Energy Human Resources Deputy Economic Affairs
Parliament Affairs

Office of Leadership & Office of Standards &

Human Resources Office of Strategic
Legal Office Surveillance over Water & ABFA
Development Office Planning
Electricity Affairs Projects

Office of Major Management Office of Operation Office of Investments

Office of Parliament
Planning for Electricity Development & Systems & Protection & Arranging the
& Energy Administrational of Water & ABFA Regulations of Water
Reform & Electricity Market
Office for Office of Consumption
Office of Financial &
Development of New Office of Training, Management &
Accounting Office of Privatization
Energies, Standards & Research & Improving the
& Assembly Affairs
Improving the Technology Productivity of Water
Office of Productivity of & ABFA
Administrations &
Office of IT &
Office of Border Line Statistics

Office of HSE &

Social Affairs

Source: TPPH

Fig. 2-2 Organization Chart of Ministry of Energy

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

2.1.2 TPPH
a. Objectives of TPPH

TPPH has started its official activities on September 10 in 2015, TPPH is introduced as follows
on its website.

The objectives of the company are defined as follows:

• Planning, management and development of capacities for thermal power generation based
on comprehensive programs of the Ministry of Energy and regulations
• Organizing and managing all thermal power producers that belong to the government in
whole or in part

The parent organization for establishment of TPPH was the Iran Power Development Company
(IPDC), the name IPDC was changed, and the relevant departments were transferred from
TAVANIR, etc., in order to strengthen its personnel and its role. IPDC itself was a subsidiary of
TAVANIR that was established in 1989, and with its restructuring into TPPH, it came under the
jurisdiction of the MOE.

b. TPPH’s subsidiary company

With the independence of the thermal power generation field, the TAVANIR thermal power
generation subsidiary was also transferred to TPPH. As described later, privatization of
publically operating power plants is in progress, but at present publically operated power plants
remain. 15 generation management companies (owner companies) and 27 power generation
maintenance and repair companies have been transferred to TPPH. The roles are divided in the
thermal power plants: the generation management companies own, operate, and manage the
power plants, and the power generation maintenance and repair companies are responsible for
maintenance and repair, etc.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report


Generation Generation
management Co. Maintenance and
(Owner Co.) Repair Co.
Azerbayjan - 2 power plants
Bandar Abbas - 1 power plants
Khorasan - 3 power plants
Ramin - 1 power plants
Zahedan - 3 power plants
Shahrood - 1 power plants
Shahid Rajaee - 1 power plants
Shahid Mofateh - 2 power plants
Fars - 3 power plants
Loushan - 1 power plants
Yazd - 2 power plants
Sazand - 1 power plants
Tehran - 3 power plants
Salimi - 1 power plants
Isfahan - 2 power plants

Source: TPPH
Fig. 2-3 TPPH Organization Chart

a. Objectives of TAVANIR

TAVANIR is a company responsible for power transmission, power distribution, and power
generation excluding thermal power generation. It is also a holding company, that is mainly
responsible for indirect work such as planning and policy, and the practical work seems to be
undertaken by each of its subsidiaries. Note that TAVANIR plays a role which is comparable to
the role of the Deputy Minister for Electricity and Energy, so it is a subsidiary of MOE, and can
be considered to be one department in MOE.

Originally TAVANIR was established in 1970 under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Water
and Electricity (name changed to the Ministry of Energy in 1975). Its initial objective was to
enhance the power generation capability and substation capability, and to develop the power
transmission and power distribution networks. According to their HP, the current objectives of
TAVANIR are “to faster the supervisory activities of the government in the field of operation
and development of the Electric Power Industry of the country within the scope of policies
issued by the Ministry of Energy, Leading the subsidiary companies of the Electric Power
Industries toward increasing their efficiency and productivity, and favorable utilization of the
Electric Power Industry’s facilities and should it necessitates get involve in certain execution
activities, and carrying out the responsibilities of supervision and preparation of programs in
behalf of the Ministry of Energy of Iran”.

As stated previously, TAVANIR is a state-owned company that manages the transmission and
distribution of electrical power within Iran. TAVANIR has 16 regional electric companies and

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

39 distribution companies under its jurisdiction. In addition it is also responsible for overall
management of the Iran Grid Management Company (IGMC) and Iran Power Plant
Maintenance Co..

b. TAVANIR’s subsidiaries company

Electric companies and distribution companies are divided into each region, and each company
has a monopoly on transmission and distribution in that region. What changes the characteristics
of the regional distribution companies is the fact that, unlike the electric companies and their
subsidiaries which are subsidiaries of TAVANIR, the regional distribution companies are
privatized, with TAVANIR having a 40 – 50% ownership share. Therefore they are not
subsidiaries, but affiliated companies.


Regional electricity
Regional distribution companies Other companies
Azerbayjan Tabriz City Iran Grid Management
Bakhtar East Azerbaijan Co. (IGMC)
Fars West Azerbaijan Iran Power Plant
Gharb Ardebil Province Maintenance Co.
Gilan Markazi Province
Hormozgan Hamedan Province
Isfahan Lorestan Province
Kerman Shiraz city
Khoraasan Fars Province
Khuzistan Bushehr Province
Mazandaran Kermanshah Province
Semneh Kurdistan Province
Systan & Baluchistan Ilam Province
Tehran Gilan Province
Yazd Hormozgan Province
Zanjan Isfahan city
Isfahan Province
Chamahal & Bakhtieri
North Kerman Province
South Kerman Province
Mashad city
Khoraasan e Razavi Province
South Khoraasan Province
North Khoraasan Province
Ahwaz city
Khuzistan province
Kohgilooye & Buyer‐Ahmad
Mazandaran Province
West of Mazarandan Province
Golestan Province
Semnan Province
Systan & Baluchistan Province
Capital Tehran
Alborz Province
Tehran Province
Qom Province
Yazd Province
Zanjan Province
Ghazvin Province
Source: TPPH
Fig. 2-4 TAVANIR Organization Chart

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

c. TREC(Tehran Regional Electricity Company)

Operation of the transmission and substation equipment is carried out by 16 regional electric
companies, that are subsidiaries of TAVANIR.
The regional electric companies plan their own new and expanded facilities, repairs, etc., but in
the case of large-scale repairs or expansion projects, the approval of TAVANIR must be

Tehran Regional Electric Company (TREC) is the largest of the regional electric companies, and
is the regional electric company that supplies the capital, Tehran, and surrounding two states.

Fig. 2-5 shows the supply area of TREC. The area is about 30,000 km², and 23% of the
population of Iran is living.

Source: Obtained from TREC, and prepared by the Study team

Fig. 2-5 Tehran Regional Electric Company Territory

TREC supplies the capital Tehran for a long time, and about 1/3 of the 400 kV and 230 kV main
system substations are more than 30 years old, which requires replacement of transformer
equipment. Therefore, rehabilitation is required, and a renewal plan has been formulated.

Among TREC’s substations, in the case of primary system equipment that is more than 30 years
old, there are substations for which reliability is a problem during an accident because of
omission of breakers in some cases, and there are some substations where because of the
omission of a substation bus, during a transmission cable accident an excessive load is placed
on the equipment on the intact side (a system that continues transmitting electricity without being
disconnected during cable accidents).

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

TREC understands the problem points and determined plans for modification have been
prepared, but due to funding problems, etc., at present they are operated as they are.
The current equipment is well-maintained, and the operators are very knowledgeable, but as
stated previously some substations are being operated that have a problem with reliability.

TREC owns, operates, and manages the transmission and distribution equipment. The number
of substation staff varies depending on the location, but the standard personnel are six operation
and management engineers, plus 14 including the plant manager, security staff, drivers, etc., for
a total of 20 persons. The operation and management engineers operate on a two person three
shift system (one cycle is a 24-hour period from 8:00 to 8:00).

Also, among the old substations, there are substations with a 63 kV control room separate from
the 400 kV and 230 kV control room. One operating and management engineer is stationed in
these control rooms (one person, three shifts), to operate and manage the 63 kV equipment.

In these substations, it is desirable that the monitoring rooms be integrated, to achieve

reductions in personnel and improve efficiency.

When the operation and management engineers detect a problem with the equipment, they
contact the dispatching center, and the equipment repairs are carried out by a repair company
affiliated with TAVANIR.

d. Other the subsidiaries and affiliated companies of TAVANIR

・Regional Distribution Companies

Some of the 39 regional distribution companies, several are responsible for major cities. There
are three distribution companies in Tehran. The others are responsible for wide area (provinces).

The regional distribution companies were privatized in accordance with the 2007 Act on the
Independence of Regional Distribution Companies. All 39 regional distribution companies were
privatized. However, TAVANIR retained shares in the companies, and own 40 – 50% of the
regional distribution companies. They were not completely privatized, and TAVANIR can
exercise some influence as they are affiliated companies of TAVANIR. It is considered that this
is a measure to ensure that the distribution companies are managed within the framework of the
policies of MOE.

・Iran Grid Management Co. (IGMC)

IGMC is a state-owned company, and its work is supervised by TAVANIR. The MOE Market
Committee carries out supervision of the performance of the e-marketplace, which is a job
related to IGMC.

This company was established in order to provide a sound competitive environment between
electric power supply companies in accordance with the national electric power industry policy,
to attract private sector investment into electric power generation, to reduce government

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

interference in the electric power industry, to allocate subsidies to electric power, to respect the
right of customers to choose, and to establish the market to store electricity.

・Iran Power Plant Maintenance Company(IPPMC)

IPPMC was established to overhaul and carry out periodic repairs to power plants and high
voltage substations, and to manufacture and modify spare parts that are required for domestic
power plants. One of their important roles is to enable self-sufficiency in electric power to be
realized. At present it is an affiliated company of TAVANIR. The activities of IPPMC include
mechanical repairs, power plant repairs, electric repairs, equipment policy matters, joint export
matters in association with SANIR, and repair parts policies. TAVANIR1 owns 49.9% of the
shares of the company.

2.1.4 SATBA
The Act for the Establishment of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization
(SATBA)2 was legislated by the Islamic Consultative Assembly on 15th November 2016 and
approved by the Guardian Council on 1st January 2017. SATBA was formed by the merger of
the Renewable Energy Organization of Iran (SUNA), which was responsible for the
development of renewable and new energy resources, and the Iran Energy Efficiency
Organization (SABA), which was responsible for the optimization of energy systems. While
both SUNA and SABA were under the control of TAVANIR before the merger, SATBA has been
under the direct control of MOE since the merger.
Article 1 of this Act recognizes that SATBA is responsible for developing clean and renewable
energy resources by establishing infrastructure that is appropriate for increasing efficiency and
reducing loss in the transmission, distribution and consumption of power in Iran and improving
the efficiency of power generation. Article 2 declares that the top agenda of the organization is
to accomplish the aim of developing renewable energy resources by promoting and supporting
involvement of the private sector, formulating and implementing incentive policies and
developing renewable energy resources at industry level.

2.2 Present Status of Supply & Demand / Forecast Demand

2.2.1 Present Status of Electric Power Demand in Iran
The demand for electric power in Iran in fiscal years 2010 to 2016 is shown in Table 2-1.
Although there was a temporary reduction in electric power demand from fiscal 2011 to 2012
due to economic sanctions, the average annual growth rate between fiscal 2010 and 2016 was
4.8% for peak demand output and 4.3% for electric power demand.
The growth rate in the number of consumers was about 3 to 5%.
As shown in Fig. 2-6, the percentages of demand according to sector in fiscal 2016 were:
household use 33%, public use 9.7%, commercial and other 7.4%, industrial use 32.7%, and
agricultural use 15.2%. Compared with fiscal 2000 the percentages are almost the same, but the
electric power demand has increased by a factor of 2.6.

TAVANIR website; http://amar.tavanir.org.ir/pages/report/stat85/sanatlhtml/Structure.htm
the act of integration of two organizations Renewable Energy Organization of Iran (SUNA) and
Energy Efficiency Organization of Iran (SABA) which led to Renewable Energy and Energy
Efficiency Organization (SATBA)

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Prior to the economic sanctions the growth rate of electric power demand was between 5 and
9%, the average annual growth rates between fiscal 2000 and 2010 was 6.5% for peak demand
and 7.4% for electric power demand.

Over the period 2000 to 2014, the annual average growth rate for the summer maximum
demand was 6.1%, and for the peak demand was 6.5%, although there was a temporary
reduction in demand under the effect of increases in oil, gas, and electricity prices at the end of
2010 during the economic sanctions.

Table 2-1 Trend of Electric Power Demand in Iran(FY 2010 to 2016)

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Maximun Demand
40,239 42,367 43,459 46,474 48,937 50,321 53,198
Annual Growth Rate(%) 6.2% 5.3% 2.6% 6.9% 5.3% 2.8% 5.7%
Annual Demand (GWh) 184,183 183,905 194,149 203,192 219,815 227,790 237,436
Annual Growth Rate(%) 9.3% -0.2% 5.6% 4.7% 8.2% 3.6% 4.2%
Number of Customers
25,693 27,166 28,751 30,288 31,672 32,832 33,823
(Thousand custormer)
Annual Growth Rate(%) 6.2% 5.7% 5.8% 5.3% 4.6% 3.7% 3.0%

Source:Statistical Report on 50 years of Activities of Iran Electric Power Industry(1967-2016), Obtained from
TAVANIR, and prepared by JICA Study Team

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Power Demand(GWh)

Street Lighting
100,000 Industrial
50,000 Public Services

Source: Statistical Report on 50 years of Activities of Iran Electric Power Industry (1967-2016), Obtained from
TAVANIR, and prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig. 2-6 Trend in Electric Power Demand According to Sector(2000 to 2016)

2.2.2 Status of Electrical Power Demand in the Regional Electric Companies

As an example of the electrical power demand in the regional electric companies, Table 2-2
shows the demand in Tehran Regional Electric Company (TREC) between 2010 and 2017.
TREC supplies the region around the capital Tehran, and is the largest of the 6 regional electric

The annual average growth rate over the period 2001 to 2015 was 5.3% for summer maximum
demand, and 4.9% for peak demand.

Because the regional electric company TREC supplies the Tehran that consumes the most
electricity due to dynamic economic activity, the annual average growth rate of the electrical
power demand over the period 2001 to 2009 was steady with 6.4%.

However, the effect of the increase in oil, gas, and electricity prices at the end of 2010 due to the
economic sanctions was great, so in 2011 the demand was lower than in the previous year, and
in 2012 also the increase in demand was only 2.7%.

Therefore the annual average growth rate over the period 2010 to 2015 was small, being only
2.9% for the maximum summer demand, and 2.2% for the peak demand.

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Table 2-2 Trend in Demand within the Area Operated by the Regional Electric Company
TREC (FY 2010 to 2017)
Subject 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Peak demand of
7,615 7,518 7,722 8,250 8,691 8,780 9,230 9,699
Power Demand of
37,174 37,264 37,106 39,274 40,668 41,615 44,246 46,911
Peak demand of Direct
460 501 523 529 553 559 636 762
Power Demand of Direct
2,376 2,528 2,645 2,448 2,493 2,465 2,588 2,744
Total Peak demand(MW) 7,851 7,750 7,961 8,505 8,960 9,052 9,515 9,999

Annual Growth Rate(%) 7.8% -1.3% 2.7% 6.8% 5.3% 1.0% 5.1% 5.1%

Total Power Demand (GWh) 39,550 39,792 39,751 41,722 43,161 44,080 46,834 49,655

Annual Growth Rate(%) 4.0% 0.6% -0.1% 5.0% 3.4% 2.1% 6.2% 6.0%
Source: Obtained from TREC, and prepared by JICA Study Team

50,000 10,000

45,000 9,000

40,000 8,000

35,000 7,000 Sales Energy of

Power Demand (GWh)

Peak Demand (MW)

Direct sales
30,000 6,000
Sales Energy of
25,000 5,000
20,000 4,000
Peak Demand
15,000 3,000

10,000 2,000

5,000 1,000

0 0

Source: Obtained from TREC, and prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig. 2-7 Trend in TREC Electrical Power Demand (2000 to 2017)

2.2.3 Forecast of Electrical Power Demand in Iran

Table 2-3 shows the forecast electrical power demand in Iran between 2016 and 2020.
It is envisaged that the annual average growth rate between 2016 and 2020 will be high at 6.5%.

Due to the stagnation in infrastructure renewal because of the economic sanctions, there is likely
to be demand for renewal in the infrastructure field after removal of the sanctions, so it is

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considered that domestic investment will continue to increase in the future.

Table 2-3 Power Demand Forecast and Required Power Generation Forecast

Subject 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Power Demand (GWh) 247,173 263,244 280,586 298,251 318,525

Annual Growth Rate(%) 6.5% 6.6% 6.3% 6.8%

Distribution Losses(%) 10.00% 9.45% 9.20% 8.95% 8.70%

Energy with consideration of
distribution losses(GWh)
274,637 290,717 309,015 327,568 348,877
Transmission and Sub-transmission
2.96% 2.93% 2.90% 2.87% 2.84%
Energy with consideration of
transmission and sub-transmission 283,014 299,493 318,248 337,254 359,087
Power plants Consumption(%) 3.50% 3.44% 3.42% 3.27% 3.23%
Amount of energy needed for the
293,278 310,162 329,517 348,641 371,086
Source: The Sixth Five Year Development Plan in TAVANIR

In the case of GDP, which is an index of economic growth and which has a close relationship to
electrical power demand, the IMF forecasts that the growth rate in GDP after removal of
economic sanctions will be about 4%, as shown in Table 2-4.

Taking into consideration that the annual average growth rate of electrical power demand over
the period 2010 to 2017, which included the temporary reduction due to the economic sanctions,
was 4.5%, and in 2017 the actual GDP growth rate was 4.3% and the growth rate in the
electrical power demand was 4.2%, if it is considered that in the future the growth rates of GDP
will be at the 4% level, then it is considered that the growth rate of electrical power demand in
the future will be about 6%.

Table 2-4 GDP (Gross Domestic Product) Actual and Forecast of GDP
2015/ 2016/ 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ 2020/ 2021/ 2022/
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Nominal GDP 11,129 12,723 14,772 17,926 20,742 23,811 27,365 31,464
(Trillion of IRR)
Real GDP -1.6% 12.5% 4.3% 4.0% 4.0% 4.1% 4.2% 4.4%
Source: IMF Country Report No. 18/93. ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN. 2018 ARTICLE IV

2.2.4 Forecast of Electrical Power Demand at Regional Electric Company TREC

Table 2-5 shows the forecast electrical power demand in Iran over the period 2016 to 2023 at
the regional electric company TREC.

The annual average growth rate of Power demand over the period 2016 to 2020 is 6.2%.
It is envisaged that the electrical power demand of normal electricity consumers will have an
annual average growth rate of 6.2% over the period 2016 to 2020, so it is considered that there

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will be steady domestic investment after removal of economic sanctions.

Table 2-5 Forecast Demand within the Jurisdiction of the Teheran Regional Electric
Company (TREC)
Subject 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Peak demand of
10,217 10,736 11,261 11,793 12,313 12,138
Power Demand of
50,072 53,150 56,332 59,507 62,685 66,141
Peak demand of Direct
918 1,045 1,148 1,222 1,314 1,401
Power Demand of Direct
2,881 2,996 3,146 3,397 3,635 3,817
Total Peak demand(MW) 10,533 11,068 11,609 12,158 12,694 13,267

Annual Growth Rate(%) 5.3% 5.1% 4.9% 4.7% 4.4% 4.5%

Total Power Demand (GWh) 52,952 56,146 59,477 62,905 66,320 69,958

Annual Growth Rate(%) 6.6% 6.0% 5.9% 5.8% 5.4% 5.5%

Source: Obtained from TAVANIR, and prepared by JICA Study Team

2.3 Current Status of Power Generation Facilities

2.3.1 Power Generation Facilities
As shown in Table 2-6, the main electric power generation facilities in Iran are thermal power
generation facilities such as steam, gas turbine, combined cycle, etc., which accounts for more
than 80% of the total. Tables 2-7 to 2-9 show the main thermal power plants.
Also, in recent years the Government of Iran is undertaking initiatives to improve the efficiency
of use of electric power, and is planning to introduce efficient energy use and renewable energy.
Renewable energy accounts for 4% of total electric power generation.

In addition, privatization of electric power facilities is proceeding as a national policy in Iran.

New plant is being developed by BOO or BOT schemes, and at the same time existing facilities
are being sold. As of end fiscal 2016, 61% of the total power generation facilities have been
privatized. The percentage of privatization in fiscal 2013 was 48.9%, so 12% has been
privatized in three years. At the end of 2015, the percentage of privatization was 45.3% due to
closure of some private power stations and the development of new power stations by the MOE,
but henceforth it is planned that 60 to 70% of the new power stations will be private facilities.

Of these, the rate of privatization of gas turbine and combined cycle power plants exceeds 70%,
but in the case of steam power generation facilities the rate of privatization is about 30% at
present, since it is important facilities to supply power as base load.

On the other hand, the electric power generation at privatized power plants is 50% of the total
power generated, and trend of increase.

Gas turbine power plants can be constructed in a short period of time, and are also scheduled to
be constructed in the future, but it is planned that the power plants to be constructed in the
future will be mainly combined cycle power plants in order to improve the efficiency. The plans

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include conversion of existing gas turbine power plants into combined cycle power plants by
add on, in order to improve plant efficiency.

Table 2-6 Capacity of Power Generation According to Type (End FY 2016)

Nominal Privatization Operational
Type of Power Plants Ratio of power station
Capacity(MW) rate Capacity(MW)
Steam 15,830 20.7% 29.0% 15,210
Gas Turbine 27,890 36.5% 74.5% 22,447
Combined Cycle 19,470 25.5% 78.0% 15,857
Diesel 439 0.6% 284

Hydro 11,578 15.1% 11,578

Nuclear & Renewable
1,223 1.6% 4.4% 1,223
Total 76,430 100.0% 45.3% 66,599
Source: Obtained from TAVANIR, and prepared by JICA Study Team

Of the thermal power generation facilities, gas turbine and combined cycle generation account
for about 80% of the generation capacity, as they are affected by the external air temperature
and pressure. On the other hand, steam power plants producing stable output are important
facilities for base load supply etc.

However, as shown in Fig. 2-8, 73% of the capacity of steam power plants is from plants that
have been in operation for more than 20 years. Therefore, plant output is decreasing year by
year, and there is a necessity for rehabilitation.

Capacity of power generation (End FY 2016) is 76,430MW, if all power plants can operate fully,
according to Table 2-6. On the other hand, operational capacity is 66,599MW, considering power
down of both Gas turbines and GTCCs during summer time.
As power demand is 53,198MW as shown in Table 2-1, capacity of power generation seems to be
However, because of both deterioration of power plant and countermeasure for water shortage,
capacity of power generation is evaluated to be becoming insufficient year by year.

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12000 Steam
Power Plant
8000 Gas Turbine
6000 & CC Power
4000 Hydro
2000 Power Plant







more than

Source: Electric power industry in Iran (2016-2017): Obtained from TAVANIR, and prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig. 2-8 Number of Years of Operation of Power Plant

Nuclear &Reneable
300000 Energy

Gross Generation (GWh)

200000 Diesel

150000 Combined Cycle

Gas Turbine


Source: Obtained from TAVANIR, and prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig. 2-9 Trend in Annual Power Generation According to Type

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80,000 20.0
Nuclear &
70,000 Renewable Energy

Growth Compared to Previous Year(%)

60,000 15.0

50,000 Diesel
Capacity (MW)

40,000 10.0
Combined Cycle

Gas Turbine
20,000 5.0


0 0.0

Source: Obtained from TAVANIR, and prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig. 2-10 Trend in Electrical Power Generation Capacity

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Operational Capacity Rate

80.0% Gas Turbine

75.0% Combined Cycle

Source: Obtained from TAVANIR, and prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig. 2-11 Trend in Operational Capacity According to Type

Table 2-7 List of Steam Power Plants (2017)

Installed Capacity(MW) Available Capacity(MW)
Name of Power Summer period Winter period Primary/seconda
Number Unit Total Location Completion Year Company
Station Output Output ry Voltage (kV)
of Units Capacity Capacity Outpot Rate Outpot Rate
capacity capacity
Tarasht (Shahid
4 12.5 50.0 40.0 80.0% 40.0 80.0% 11.5/63 Tehran 1959 Teheran
Beasat 3 82.5 247.5 225.0 90.9% 225.0 90.9% 13.2/63 Tehran 1967-1968 Teheran
2 37.5 75.0 70.0 93.3% 70.0 93.3% 13.8/63 1969
Islam Abad 1 120.0 120.0 120.0 100.0% 120.0 100.0% 13.8/63 1974
Isfahan Isfahan
(Isfahan) 2 320.0 640.0 640.0 100.0% 640.0 100.0% 20/230 1980-1988
Total 835.0 830.0 99.4% 830.0 99.4%
Shahid Montazere
4 156.3 625.0 560.0 89.6% 560.0 89.6% 15/230 Karaj 1971-1973 Teheran
Loushan (Shahid
2 120.0 240.0 240.0 100.0% 240.0 100.0% 10.5/230 Loushan 1973 Gilan
Zarand 2 30.0 60.0 45.0 75.0% 48.0 80.0% 11.5/132 Zarand 1973 Keman
2 60.0 120.0 120.0 100.0% 120.0 100.0% 13.8/63 1973-1974
Mashhad 1 12.5 12.5 12.5 100.0% 12.5 100.0% Mashhad 1968-2007 Khorasan
Total 132.5 132.5 100.0% 132.5 100.0%
Zargan 2 145.0 290.0 200.0 69.0% 200.0 69.0% 15/230 Ahwaz 1975-1992 Khozestan
4 440.0 1760.0 1700.0 96.6% 1720.0 97.7% 20/400 1979-1981
Neka (Shahid
2 9.8 19.6 19.6 100.0% 19.6 100.0% Turbine extension Neka 2007 Mazandaran
Total 1779.6 1719.6 96.6% 1739.6 97.8%
6 315.0 1890.0 1810.0 95.8% 1810.0 95.8% 20/230 1979-1999
Ahwaz (Ramin) 2 6.5 13.0 13.0 100.0% 13.0 100.0% Turbine extension Ahwaz 2007 Khozestan
Total 1903.0 1823.0 95.8% 1823.0 95.8%
Bandar Abbas 4 320.0 1280.0 1280.0 100.0% 1280.0 100.0% 20/230 Bandar Abbas 1980-1986 Hormozgan
8 200.0 1600.0 1568.0 98.0% 1600.0 100.0% 15.75/230/400 1984-1999
Shahid M.
2 8.0 16.0 8.0 50.0% 8.0 50.0% Isfahan 2011-2012 Isfahan
Total 1616.0 1576.0 97.5% 1608.0 99.5%
Toos 4 150.0 600.0 600.0 100.0% 600.0 100.0% 11.5/132 Mashhad 1985-1987 Khozestan
Tabriz 2 368.0 736.0 650.0 88.3% 650.0 88.3% 20/230 Tabriz 1986-1989 Azarbayjan
Shahid Rajaee 4 250.0 1000.0 1000.0 100.0% 1000.0 100.0% 19/400 Ghazvin 1992 Teheren
Bistoon 2 320.0 640.0 640.0 100.0% 640.0 100.0% 20/230 Kaemanshah 1994 Gharb
Shahid Mofatteh 4 250.0 1000.0 1000.0 100.0% 1000.0 100.0% 19/230 Hamedan 1994 Bakhtar
Sistan &
Iranshahr 4 64.0 256.0 240.0 93.8% 248.0 96.9% 21/230 Iran shahr 1995-97-2002-03
Shazand 4 325.0 1300.0 1260.0 96.9% 1280.0 98.5% 20/230 Arak 2000-2001 Bakhtar
Sahand 2 325.0 650.0 650.0 100.0% 650.0 100.0% 20/230 Tabriz 2004-2005 Azarbayjan
4 162.0 648.0 488.0 75.3% 584.0 90.1% 15.75/230 Khozestan 2016 TPPH
Shirvan 3 160.0 480.0 426.0 88.8% 480.0 100.0% 15.75/230 Khorasan 2017-2018 TPPH
Total 79 15240.6 14511.1 14594.1
Source: TAVANIR documents”IRAN ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY (2016-2017)”, and prepared by JICA Study

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Table 2-8 List of Gas Turbine Power Plants (2017)

Installed Capacity(MW) Available Capacity(MW)
Name of Power Summer period Winter period Primary/seconda
Number Unit Total Location Completion Date Company
Station Output Output ry Voltage (kV)
of Units Capacity Capacity Outpot Rate Outpot Rate
capacity capacity
1 11.8 11.8 9.0 76.3% 11.0 93.2% 11/66 Shiraz 1965 Fars
3 15.0 45.0 30.0 66.7% 36.0 80.0% 11/66 1967
1 28.6 28.6 18.0 62.9% 20.0 69.9% 11/66 1973
1 25.6 25.6 18.0 70.3% 20.0 78.1% 11/66 1974
1 24.2 24.2 17.0 70.2% 18.0 74.4% 11/66 1975
1 60.8 60.8 38.0 62.5% 44.0 72.4% 10.5/66 1981
2 18.8 37.6 36.0 95.7% 38.0 101.1% 5.5/63 1971-1989
Mashhad Mashhad Khorasan
2 79.0 158.0 124.0 78.5% 142.0 89.9% 10.5/63 1977-1978
Bushehr 3 25.0 75.0 51.0 68.0% 57.0 76.0% 10.5/66 Bushehr 1975-1993 Fars
Loshan (Shahid
2 60.0 120.0 100.0 83.3% 110.0 91.7% 10.5/230 Loushan 1977 Gitan
Doroud 2 30.0 60.0 30.0 50.0% 36.0 60.0% 11.5/20 Doroud 1977 Bakhtar
Shahid Zanbagh
4 24.3 97.0 68.0 70.1% 80.0 82.5% 11/63 Yazd 1977-1979 Yazd
4 32.0 128.0 92.0 71.9% 104.0 81.3% 11/230 1977-1978
10 23.7 237.0 192.0 81.0% 240.0 101.3% 11.5/230 1977-1987-2007
Rey 9 32.0 288.0 207.0 71.9% 232.0 80.6% 11/230 Ray 1978 Tehran
3 85.0 255.0 183.0 71.8% 217.0 85.1% 11/230 1978
1 24.0 24.0 16.0 66.7% 20.0 83.3% 10.5/230 1978
Zargan 4 32.0 128.0 80.0 62.5% 80.0 62.5% 11/230 Ahvaz 1978-1980 Khozestan(Ahvaz)
Tabriz (New) 2 32.0 64.0 46.0 71.9% 54.0 84.4% 10.5/230 Tabriz 1978 Azarbayjan
Chahbahar Sistan &
6 23.8 142.5 102.0 71.6% 108.0 75.8% 11/63 Chabahar 1978
(Konarak) Baloochestan
Orumia 2 30.0 60.0 38.0 63.3% 44.0 73.3% 11.5/20 Orumia 1981 Azarbayjan
Shariati 6 25.0 150.0 108.0 72.0% 132.0 88.0% 11.5/132 Mashhad 1984-1986 Khorasan
Sufian 4 25.0 100.0 68.0 68.0% 80.0 80.0% 10.5/132 Tabriz 1984-1985 Azarbayjan
3 24.5 73.4 51.0 69.5% 54.0 73.6% 11/63 1986
1 30.0 30.0 17.0 56.7% 18.0 60.0% 6.6/63 1995 Sistan &
Zahedan Zahedan
1 24.8 24.8 17.0 68.5% 18.0 72.6% 11/63 1997 Baluchestan
4 24.5 98.0 68.0 69.4% 72.0 73.5% 11/63 2007
Ghaen 3 25.0 75.0 51.0 68.0% 60.0 80.0% 11.5/132 Ghaen 1987-1994 Khorasan
Hasa 3 29.2 87.6 60.0 68.5% 69.0 78.8% 11.5/63 Shahin Shahr 1989 Esfahan
6 25.0 150.0 102.0 68.0% 114.0 76.0% 10.5/66, 11.5/66 1995-96-97-2002
Kangan Kangan Fars
1 14.0 14.0 11.0 78.6% 13.0 92.9% 11/66 1995
Yazd 2 60.0 120.0 82.0 68.3% 92.0 76.7% 10.5/63 Yazd 1998 Yazd
Farg Darab 3 1.4 4.2 2.7 64.3% 3.0 71.4% 6/66 Darab 2002 Fars
Bandar Abbas 2 25.0 50.0 32.0 64.0% 36.0 72.0% 20/132 Bandar Abbas 2002 Hormozgan
(Khalije Gars) 6 165.0 990.0 834.0 84.2% 918.0 92.7% 15.75/230 Bandar Abbas 2004-2005 Hormozgan
Shirvan C.C 6 159.0 954.0 756.0 79.2% 864.0 90.6% 15.75/400 Shirvan 2005-2006-2007 Khorasan
Cheisotoon 6 159.0 954.0 648.0 67.9% 792.0 83.0% 15.75/230 Isfahan 2005-2006 Isfahan
Parand 6 159.0 954.0 702.0 73.6% 804.0 84.3% 15.75/230 Tehran 2005 Tehran
Roud Shour 3 263.0 789.0 687.0 87.1% 567.0 71.9% 15.75/230 Tehran 2005-2006 Tehran(Parand)
4 159.0 636.0 488.0 76.7% 560.0 88.1% 15.75/230 2006-2007
Orumia C.C Orumia Azarbayjan
2 162.0 324.0 244.0 75.3% 280.0 86.4% 15.75/230 2009
4 159.0 636.0 492.0 77.4% 552.0 86.8% 15.75/230 2006-2007
Sabaian C.C Ardebil Azarbayjan
2 162.0 324.0 246.0 75.9% 276.0 85.2% 15.75/230 2009
Kahnodj 3 25.0 75.0 45.0 60.0% 54.0 72.0% 10.5/230 Kahnodj 2009-2012 Kerman
Asaloye 6 159.0 954.0 810.0 84.9% 906.0 95.0% 15.75/230 Asaloye 2006-2007 Booshehr
Ferdosi C.C 6 159.0 954.0 705.0 73.9% 837.0 87.7% 15.75/230 Khorasan 2006-2007 Khorasan(Mashad)
Jahrom C.C 6 159.0 954.0 654.0 68.6% 780.0 81.8% 15.75/230 Jahrom 2006-2007 Fars
4 24.0 96.0 64.0 66.7% 72.0 75.0% 15.75/230 2007 Sistan &
Chabahar Chabahar
2 159.0 318.0 254.0 79.9% 284.0 89.3% 15.75/230 2007-2008 Baluchestan
Shahid Kaveh
4 159.0 636.0 444.0 69.8% 516.0 81.1% 15.75/400 Ghaen 2007-2008 Khorasan
Khorramshahr 4 243.0 972.0 768.0 79.0% 900.0 92.6% 15.75/230 Khorramshahr 2007-08-09-13 Khozestan
Noshahr 2 23.7 47.4 34.0 71.7% 38.0 80.2% 10.5/230 Noshahr 2008 Mazandaran
Kashan 2 162.0 324.0 234.0 72.2% 272.0 84.0% 15.75/230 Kashan 2008 Isfahan
Golestan 6 162.0 972.0 840.0 86.4% 918.0 94.4% 15.75/230 Golestan 2009 Ali-Abad
Zagros 4 162.0 648.0 472.0 72.8% 536.0 82.7% 15.75/400 Kermanshah 2009-2010 Gharb
Soltanie 4 162.0 648.0 472.0 72.8% 536.0 82.7% 15.27/230 Zanjan 2009-10-11 Zanjan
Semnan C.C 2 162.0 324.0 234.0 72.2% 282.0 87.0% 15.27/230 Semnan 2009 Semnan
2 162.0 324.0 238.0 73.5% 272.0 84.0% 15.27/230 Shahrood 2010 Semnan
Hafez (Fars) 6 162.0 972.0 672.0 69.1% 798.0 82.1% 15.75/230 Fars 2010-11 Fars
Sistan &
Bam Pour 2 162.0 324.0 242.0 74.7% 288.0 88.9% 15.75/230 Iranshahr 2012-14
Esin 4 162.0 648.0 516.0 79.6% 580.0 89.5% 15.75/230 Hormozogan 2013 Hormozogan
Eslamabad Ghard 4 25.0 100.0 96.0 96.0% 116.0 116.0% 10.5/230 Eslamabad 2013 Gharb
Shams Sarakhs 2 25.0 50.0 31.0 62.0% 38.0 76.0% 10.5/132 Sarakhs 2013 Gharb
Taban Sadoogh
2 162.0 324.0 - - - - - Yard 2015 (private)
Ofogh 4 166.0 664.0 - - - - - Mahshahr 2016 Khouzestan
Piroozan 2 166.0 332.0 - - - - - Behbahan 2016 (private)
Goharan 2 166.0 332.0 - - - - - Sirjan 2016 (private)
Samangan 2 166.0 332.0 - - - - - Kelman 2016 (private)
DG & CHP 126 916.0 - - - - - Country 2010-2016 Gharb
Total Gas Power
355 22848.5 15086.7 66.0% 17108.0 74.9%
Plants in NG
Kish (Gas) 3 37.5 112.5 81.0 72.0% 90.0 80.0% 10.5/20 1922-99-2003
1 24.3 24.3 14.0 57.6% 14.0 57.6% Kish 2006-2007 Kish
2 23.5 47.0 28.0 59.6% 28.0 59.6% 2006-2007
Khark (Gas) 1 25.0 25.0 16.0 64.0% 20.0 80.0% 10.5/20 Khark 2014 Fars
Total Gas Power
7 208.8
Plants out of NG
Total 362.0 23057.3

Source: TAVANIR documents ”IRAN ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY (2016-2017)”, and prepared by JICA Study

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 2-9 List of Combined Cycle Power Plants (2017)

Installed Capacity(MW) Available Capacity(MW)
Primary /
Name of Power Summer period Winter period
Number Unit Total secondary Location Completion Date Company
Station Output Output
of Units Capacity Capacity Outpot Rate Outpot Rate Voltage (kV)
capacity capacity
Gilan Combined- 6 143.2 859.2 726.0 84.5% 822.0 95.7% 10.5/230 1992
Cycle 3 148.8 446.4 405.0 90.7% 414.0 92.7% 15.75/230 Rashy 1997
6 116.3 697.5 480.0 68.8% 576.0 82.6% 13.8/230 1992
Montazare Ghaem Karaj Tehran
3 100.0 300.0 240.0 80.0% 288.0 96.0% 10.5/230 1999-2000
Qom Combined- 4 128.5 514.0 368.0 71.6% 432.0 84.0% 13.8/230 1993
Qom Tehran
Cycle 2 100.0 200.0 184.0 92.0% 200.0 100.0% 11.5/230 1997-1998
Shahid Rajai 6 123.8 742.8 504.0 67.9% 600.0 80.8% 13.8/400 1994
Ghazvin Tehran
Combined-Cycle 3 100.0 300.0 252.0 84.0% 297.0 99.0% 10.5/400 2001
Neishabour 6 123.4 740.4 546.0 73.7% 606.0 81.8% 13.8/400 1994-1998
Neishabour Khorasan
Combined-Cycle 3 100.0 300.0 273.0 91.0% 300.0 100.0% 10.5/400 2002-2003
Shariati 2 123.4 246.8 180.0 72.9% 210.0 85.1% 13.8/132 1994
Mashad Khorasan
Combined-Cycle 1 100.0 100.0 95.0 95.0% 100.0 100.0% 10.5/132 2003
Fars Combined- 6 123.4 740.4 498.0 67.3% 576.0 77.8% 13.8/230 1995-1998
Shiraz Fars
Cycle 3 98.3 294.9 249.0 84.4% 288.0 97.7% 10.5/230 2002
Khuy Combined- 2 123.4 246.8 180.0 72.9% 202.0 81.8% 13.8/230 1997
Khuy Azarbayjan
Cycle 1 102.5 102.5 90.0 87.8% 100.0 97.6% 10.5/132 2002
Shahid Salimi 1 160.0 160.0 154.0 96.3% 160.0 100.0% 2006
Neka Mazandaran
Combined-Cycle 2 137.5 275.0 232.0 84.4% 258.0 93.8% 10.5/230 1990
2 160.0 320.0 272.0 85.0% 297.0 92.8% 15/230 2006-2010
Yazd Combined-
2 123.4 246.8 184.0 74.6% 206.0 83.5% 15/230 Yazd 2000 Yazd
2 159.0 318.0 228.0 71.7% 262.0 82.4% 15/230 2008-2009
2 128.0 256.0 190.0 74.2% 220.0 85.9% 13.8/230 1994
4 159.0 636.0 468.0 73.6% 544.0 85.5% 15.75/230 Kazeroon 2002-2003 Fars
3 160.0 480.0 401.0 83.5% 452.0 94.2% 15.75/230 2006-2007
Kerman Combined- 8 159.0 1272.0 880.0 69.2% 1000.0 78.6% 15.75/230 2001-2002
Kerman Kerman
Cycle 4 160.0 640.0 528.0 82.5% 588.0 91.9% 15.75/230 2007-2009
Damavand 12 159.0 1908.0 1404.0 73.6% 1608.0 84.3% 15.75/400 2003-2004-2005
Garmsar Tehran
Combined-Cycle 6 160.0 960.0 552.0 57.5% 620.0 64.6% 15.75/400 2009-2010-2011
Sanandaj 4 159.0 636.0 456.0 71.7% 528.0 83.0% 15.75/230 2005-2006
Sanandaj Gharb
Combined-Cycle 2 160.0 320.0 134.0 41.9% 152.0 47.5% 15.75/230 2011-2012
Abadan Combined- 4 123.4 493.6 364.0 73.7% 452.0 91.6% 13.8/230 2002-2003
Abadan Khozestan
Cycle 2 160.0 320.0 272.0 85.0% 262.0 81.9% 10.5/230 2013-2014
Zavare Combined- 2 162.0 324.0 220.0 67.9% 262.0 80.9% 15.7/230 2011
Esfahan Esfahan
Cycle 1 160.0 160.0 130.0 81.3% 151.0 94.4% 15.75/230 2012
Pare Sar 4 162.0 648.0 536.0 82.7% 452.0 69.8% 15.75/230 2011-2012
Gilan Gilan
Combined-Cycle 2 160.0 320.0 308.0 96.3% 320.0 100.0% 15.75/230 2013
Shir Kooh 2 162.0 324.0 230.0 71.0% 272.0 84.0% 15.75/230 2012
Yazd Yazd
Combined-Cycle 1 160.0 160.0 135.0 84.4% 156.0 97.5% 15.75/230 2013
Genaveh Combined- 2 162.0 324.0 244.0 75.3% 292.0 90.1% 15.75/230 2011
Cycle 1 160.0 160.0 142.0 88.8% 160.0 100.0% 15.75/230 Boushehr 2014 Genaveh
Total 484.0 386.0 79.8% 452.0 93.4%
2 162.0 324.0 - - - - - 2014
2 80.0 160.0 - - - - - Kahnooj 2016 (private)
Total 484.0 - - - - -
2 166.0 332.0 - - - - - 2014
1 160.0 160.0 - - - - - Chadormaloo 2016 (private)
Total 492.0 - - - - -
Total 139 19469.1 11353.0 12906.0

Source: TAVANIR documents ”IRAN ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY (2016-2017)”, and prepared by JICA Study

2.3.2 Transmission, Distribution, and Substation Facilities

TAVANIR is responsible for planning and strategy formulation of transmission and distribution
facilities in all Iran, and implementation is the responsibility of its subsidiaries, the regional
electric companies. In addition, IGMC, a subsidiary of TAVANIR is the entity responsible for
monitoring and control of the electrical power system, standardization of protective control
relays, determination of specifications, etc., and the regional electric companies take charge of
practical affairs in accordance with the guidelines and instructions of IGMC.

The Iranian electric power system consists of a 400 kV and 230 kV primary transmission system,
a 132 kV, 66 kV, and 63 kV secondary transmission system, and a 20 kV, and in part 33 kV and
11 kV distribution system.

Also, they have started to investigate a 765 kV ultra-high voltage system as the next generation
primary system voltage.

The following dispatching centers have been provided in Iran for monitoring and control of the
electric power system. Under the direction of IGMC,

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

 Central Region and Backup Dispatching Center

 Tehran Dispatching Center
 Northwest Region Dispatching Center
 Northeast Region Dispatching Center
 Southwest Region Dispatching Center
 Southeast Region Dispatching Center
 South Region Dispatching Center
 North Region Dispatching Center
 West Region Dispatching Center

RTU(Remote Terminal Unit)s or optical communication equipment is installed at each

substation in order to transmit information to these dispatching centers.

The primary system transmission cables as of the end of fiscal 2016 included 20,477 km of 400
kV transmission cable, and 31,324 km of 230 kV transmission cables, covering the whole
country of Iran.

Fig. 2-12 and Fig. 2-13 shows the trend in the total length of the primary system transmission
cables and the total capacity of transformers over the period fiscal 2000 to 2016.
The average growth rates of the total length of transmission cable over the period fiscal 2000 to
2016 was 5.1% for 400 kV transmission cables and 3.4% for 230 kV transmission cables.

Table 2-10 shows a list of the 400 kV and 230 kV substations and switch stations of the regional
electric company TREC, which supplies the Tehran region. Fig. 2-14 shows the system diagram.

Through surveys within the Tehran Regional Electricity Authority (TREC), summary of the
results of consideration on future issues of transmission line and substation equipment will be as

1)Issues of facility configuration / supply reliability:

By omitting the facility from the standard form as a cost reduction measure in equipment
construction, substations exist which have problems such as reduction of supply reliability,
extension of power outage range, and time-consuming restoration of accidents. Specifically,
among the 400 kV substations, there is a substation that omits the bus and directly connects the
transmission line and the transformer. At the time of this transmission line accident, the
transformer also stops at the same time, causing overloading of the remaining transformer and
there is a problem in terms of supply reliability.

2)Issues on voltage maintenance measures:

There are substations where the voltage (230 kV) drops to about 90% of the nominal state at
heavy load (peak demand), and stable power quality (voltage maintenance) can’t be secured. It
is considered necessary to install shunt capacitor for the purpose of maintaining the voltage for
the future.

3) Issues on overload measures

The substation facility is designed assuming that the availability of the remaining transformer
within 110% when one transformer occurs fault. (Example: when transformers in substation are
three: 110 × (3 - 1) / 3 = 73% and in the case of two one: 110 × (2 - 1) / 2 = 55%) The
availability at the time when one of the transformers stops failure is called the operation target

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

value, In Iran there are many substations that are operating beyond this operational target value.
When a failure occurs in a transformer of a high availability substation, if the remaining
transformer that has become overloaded is shut down for protecting the equipment, then, all the
transformers of the substation will be stopped, and a wide range of power failure will occur. For
this reason, it is considered necessary to expand facilities such as transformer expansion as a
measure to lower the availability of the transformer.


















400kV Transmission Line 230kV Transmission Line

Source: Obtained from TAVANIR, and prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig. 2-12 Trend in Total Length of Primary Transmission Cable

80,000 800
70,000 700
60,000 600

50,000 500

40,000 400
30,000 300
20,000 200
10,000 100
0 0


Capacity of 400kV TR
Capacity of 230kV TR
Number of 400kV Tr

Source: Obtained from TAVANIR, and prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig. 2-13 Trend in the Number of Primary Substations and Total Capacity of

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 2-10 List of 400 kV and 230 kV Substations and Switch Stations within the TREC
Voltage Capacity Year of Operating
No Substation Name
(kV) (MVA) Operation Year
1 Besat 230/63 360 1967 49
2 Firouzbahram 400/230 2000 1969 47
3 ShahidFirouzi 230/63 340 1970 46
4 MontazerQaem 230/63 540 1971 45
MontazerQaem-CHP Switch
5 200 - 1971 45
6 Ozgol 230/63 350 1974 42
7 Namayeshgah 230/63 540 1974 42
400/230 1000 1976 40
8 Kan
230/63 320 1976 40
9 DoshanTappeh 230/63 540 1976 40
10 Manavi 230/63 540 1976 40
11 Qom1 230/63 360 1978 38
400/230 1000 1979 37
12 Ziyaran
230/63 250 1979 37
400/230 1000 1981 35
13 Tehran Pars
230/63 360 1981 35
14 Jalal Switch station 400 - 1981 35
15 Rey Gas Turbine 230/63 360 1983 33
400/230 1500 1987 29
16 Rey Shomali
230/63 680 1987 29
17 Kalan-Switch station 200 - 1989 27
18 Mosalla 230/63 720 1990 26
230/63 540 1991 25
19 Azadegan
230/20 180 1991 25
ShahidRajaeiPower Plant's
20 400 - 1993 23
Switch station (Gas Turbine)
ShahidRajaeiPower Plant's
21 400 - 1995 21
Switch station (CHP)
22 Eslamshahr 230/63 480 1995 21
23 Qom Cycle (Qom 2) 230/63 320 1995 21
230/63 540 1995 21
24 Qourkhaneh
230/20 180 1995 21
25 ZarrinKouh Mobile 230/63 40 1996 20
26 Moshiriyeh 230/63 320 1998 18
27 Alghadir 230/63 500 1999 17
28 BonyadRang 230/25 126 1999 17
29 Shoush 230/63 360 1999 17
30 Firouzkouh Mobile 230/63 40 2000 16
31 Hashtgerd 230/63 320 2002 14
400/230 1000 2003 13
32 Vardavard
230/63 320 2003 13
33 Parand 230/63 320 2003 13
Parand-Power Plant Switch
34 200 - 2003 13
35 Qeytariyeh 230/63 320 2003 13
36 Karaj 230/63 320 2003 13
37 Imam Khomeini airport 230/20 80 2004 12
Damavand Power Plant's
38 400 - 2005 11
Switch station
400/230 1000 2008 8
39 Pardis
230/63 320 2005 11
40 Kamalabad 230/63 500 2006 10
RoudshourGas Turbine Switch
41 400 - 2007 9
42 RoudshourSwitch station 400 - 2007 9
43 Jamkaran 230/63 320 2007 9
44 SaeidabadSemi Mobile 230/20 90 2008 8
45 Neyzar Mobile 230/63 80 2009 7
46 Varamin 400/63 400 2010 6
400/230 1000 2011 5
47 Sheikh Bahaei
230/63 360 2010 6
48 Shahriyar 230/63 360 2011 5
SiahbishePower Plant Switch
49 400 - 2014 2
50 Firouzkouh 400/230 200 2015 1

Source: Prepared by JICA Study Team, based on TREC documents (2016.7.12)

Hasan Keif

Shahid Bisheh


Saadat Abad
Pardis Shahid Salimi Power Plant
District22 Azgol
Shahid Rajaee Hashtgerd Sayar
Fair Rudehen
Baghestan Firuzkuh
Kan Gheytariyeh
Sheykrbahal Damavand


Vardavard Mosala
Shahid Firuzi
Shahid Rajaee CC Karimkhan
Ahovan semnan
Montazerghaem Ghorkhane
Montazer Ghaen Azadegan
Shahriyar ram

Damavand1 Damavand2
Rudshur Power Plant Moshiriyeh
Rey North Garmsar

Parand Power Plant

Emam Airport Ahovan
Parand Reygazy Jalal

Anjirak Bardej Varamin Varamin



Future Existing Description

Fig. 2-14 TREC Transmission System Diagram

765kV Substation

400kV Substation
230kV Substation
Esfahan Sayar Pardisn Qom
63kV Substation Kangan
Power Plant Anjirak
765kV Transmission
400kV Transmission
230kV Transmission Neyzar Qom
230kV Transmission Kashan
Line (Power Cable)
Salafchegan Establishment of the future transmission network plan by TREC until 2014
The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Source: Prepared by JICA Study Team, based on TREC documents

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

2.4 Electric Power Facility Plans for Future

The development of the power plants shown in Table 2-11 is planned in conjunction with the
increase in the electric power system and demand in Iran, by the development of new power
plants as sources of electric power, completion of hydroelectric power plants under construction,
conversion of existing gas turbine power plants to combined cycle power plants in order to
improve efficiency, and development of new power plants by BOO and BOT, etc.
In this way, the reserve capacity will be increased and the electric power supply stabilized.

In addition, the policy of the Iranian Government to privatize power generation facilities of can be
seen in this plan in which 60% to 70% of the power plants to be developed are private.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 2-11 Time Schedule for Completion of Various New Power Plants
Regional Kind of Power Capacity(MW)
No Name of Power Plant
electricity power Plant 2017 2018 2019 2020
1 Shirwan 160 320 0 160
2 Zarand 0 0 324 160
3 Zahedan 0 0 0 324
4 Bandar abbas 0 307 307 292
5 Tabris Combined 0 0 307 144
6 Khoramabad Cycle 0 0 307 0
7 Ministry of Andimeshk 0 0 0 307
8 energy Rey C.C. 0 0 0 1,050
9 Ramin Ahvaz 0 0 0 307
10 Tehran 2 0 0 0 446
11 Noshahr 25 0 0 0
Gas Turbine
12 Behshahr 25 0 0 0
13 Sirk Thermal 0 0 0 350
14 Yazd Solar Solar 0 0 17 0
15 Pasargad Gheshm 0 324 160 0
16 West Mazandaran 307 140 0 0
17 Khorramabad 0 324 160 0
18 Sadough (Yazd 2) 0 0 0 0
29 Dalahoo (Kermanshah) 0 304 160 0
20 Gol Gohar Sirjan 160 160 0 0
21 Samangan 160 0 0 0
22 Heris 0 310 160 0
23 Makoo 74 36 0 0
24 Sabzevar 0 0 0 307
25 Behbahan 0 0 0 0
26 Andimeshk & Dezfoul 0 0 304 150
27 Gachsaran 0 0 0 307
28 Zahedan 2 0 0 0 307
29 Omidieh 0 0 0 307
30 Aras Combined 0 0 0 307
31 Arvand Cycle 0 0 307 160
32 Private Dehdasht 0 0 307 160
33 Parand 160 320 0 0
34 Jahrom 0 480 0 0
35 Oroomieh 0 0 160 320
36 Sabalan 0 160 320 0
37 Rood-e Shoor 0 0 345 0
38 Chabahar 0 0 160 0
39 Kashan 0 160 0 0
40 Semnan 0 0 0 160
41 Sltanih 0 0 0 320
42 Zagros 0 0 0 320
43 Ferdosi 0 480 0 0
44 Aliabad 0 0 0 160
45 Asaloyeh 0 480 0 0
46 Saveh 0 0 0 810
47 Renewable Energies Renewable 600 960 960 960
Dispersed Generation, Heat
48 DG, CHP 250 480 480 480
and Power Production
49 Darian 210 0 0 0
50 Roodbar in Lorestan 225 0 0 0
Ministry of
51 Sardasht Hydro 50 100 0 0
52 Chamshir 0 55 0 0
53 Plants Hydro power 4 0 20 0
Total of MOE 699 782 1,282 3,540
Total of Private Sector 1,711 5,118 3,983 5,535
Total of the Country 2,410 5,900 5,265 9,075
Privatization rate 71.0% 86.7% 75.7% 61.0%
Source: Prepared by JICA Study Team, based on TAVANIR documents ”IRAN ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY

Also in conjunction with the development of new power plants, it is intended to steadily
implement the following construction plans, in order to improve the efficiency of existing power
(1) Rehabilitation of existing facilities
(2) Repowering
(3) Improving the efficiency of combined cycle power generation
(4) Improving the performance of steam power generation

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

It is planned to increase and strengthen the transmission lines and substations as shown in
Tables 2-12 and 2-13, to enable the electric power generated from the new power plants to be
stably supplied to the electric power system to satisfy the increase in demand.

Table 2-12 Forecast of Extensions in Sub-Transmission and Transmission Installation

Voltage End of End of End of End of Annual
(kV) 2016 2017 2018 2019 Growth (%)
Transmission Substation
400 & 230 142,653 148,463 156,209 165,892 5.1
Capacity (MVA)
Substation Capacity 66,63& 132 100,321 104,704 110,548 117,853 5.5
Transmission Lines
400 & 230 51,801 54,252 57,520 61,605 5.9
Length (km-Circuit)
Sub-Transmission Lines
66,63& 132 71,476 73,861 78,374 84,015 5.5
Length (km-Circuit)
Source: Electric power industry in Iran (2016-2017) TAVANIR

Table 2-13 Forecast of Extensions in Distribution Installation

End of End of End of End of Annual
Description Unit
2016 2017 2018 2019 Growth (%)
Number of Customers 10 Customers 33,824 34,840 35,997 37,143 3.1

Energy Sales 10 Kwh 237,436 251,436 264,907 278,140 5.4

Distribution Lines Length km 769,483 78,555 802,366 818,357 2.1

MVA 114,945 118,078 121,553 124,986 2.8
Substation Capacity
Source: Electric power industry in Iran (2016-2017) TAVANIR

Tables 2-14 and 2-15 show the total capacity and the component ratio for each power plant type
in the Sixth Five-year Development Plan of TAVANIR, as well as their annual generating

Among the power plant types, there is a trend towards the combined cycle generation whose
capacity exceeds 50 % of total generating capacity, and which allows to increase the thermal
efficiency including existing gas-fired generation as an add-on. Also, the capacity of renewable
energy such as wind power generation, etc., that utilize natural energy without relying on fossil
fuel, exceeds 5% of the total generating capacity and its percentage of the total capacity is
tending to increase.

On the other hand, in the annual power generation, the generation by renewable power plants
that use unstable natural energy is only about 1%, and it is about 6% of all power generation
systems including hydroelectric power generation but excluding thermal power generation.
Therefore, there is no change to the trend of dependence on thermal power generation for more
than 90% of the total. Among thermal power generation, steam generation is capable of
generating a stable output throughout the year, so it is planned to rely on it for 20% or more of
power generation output.

In order to obtain stable output, an increase in new combined cycle plant and rehabilitation of
aging steam generating plants for function-permitting maintenance seem to be necessary.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 2-14 Total Generation Capacity and Composition Ratio of Power Plant According to
Type (Sixth 5-year Plan)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Type of Power Plants Capacity Ratio of Capacity Ratio of Capacity Ratio of Capacity Ratio of Capacity Ratio of
(MW) Power Station (MW) Power Station (MW) Power Station (MW) Power Station (MW) Power Station
Steam 15,830 20.3% 15,830 19.3% 15,830 18.2% 16,155 17.3% 17,455 17.3%
Gas Turbine 26,761 34.4% 23,481 28.7% 19,269 22.1% 15,057 16.1% 10,845 10.8%
Combined Cycle 20,914 26.9% 26,945 32.9% 35,117 40.3% 43,619 46.6% 51,487 51.1%
Diesel 439 0.6% 439 0.5% 439 0.5% 439 0.5% 439 0.4%
Thermal Total 63,944 82.1% 66,694 81.4% 70,654 81.0% 75,269 80.4% 80,225 79.6%
Hydroelectric 11,819 15.2% 12,236 14.9% 12,236 14.0% 12,236 13.1% 12,236 12.1%
Nuclear 1,020 1.3% 1,020 1.2% 1,020 1.2% 1,020 1.1% 1,020 1.0%
Renewable 578 0.7% 1,168 1.4% 2,068 2.4% 3,366 3.6% 4,966 4.9%
Renewable Total 13,417 17.2% 14,424 17.6% 15,324 17.6% 16,622 17.8% 18,222 18.1%
Distributed Generation 500 0.6% 800 1.0% 1,200 1.4% 1,700 1.8% 2,350 2.3%
Total 77,861 100.0% 81,918 100.0% 87,178 100.0% 93,591 100.0% 100,797 100.0%
Annual Growth Rate(%) 5.1% - 5.2% - 6.4% - 7.4% - 7.7% -
Source: The Sixth Five Year Development Plan in TAVANIR

Table 2-15 Annual Power Generation of Power Plant According to Type (Sixth 5-year
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Type of Power Plants Power Power Power Power Power
Ratio of Ratio of Ratio of Ratio of Ratio of
Generation Generation Generation Generation Generation
Power Station Power Station Power Station Power Station Power Station
(GWh) (GWh) (GWh) (GWh) (GWh)
Steam 86,130 28.6% 86,130 27.0% 86,130 25.3% 87,625 24.2% 91,964 23.7%
Gas Turbine 88,462 29.3% 66,097 20.7% 50,660 14.9% 36,203 10.0% 22,576 5.8%
Combined Cycle 104,912 34.8% 142,998 44.9% 177,433 52.2% 210,878 58.3% 241,430 62.3%
Diesel 71 0.0% 71 0.0% 71 0.0% 71 0.0% 71 0.0%
Thermal Total 279,575 92.7% 295,297 92.7% 314,294 92.5% 334,776 92.5% 356,041 91.8%
Hydroelectric 15,531 5.2% 15,006 4.7% 16,077 4.7% 15,006 4.1% 16,077 4.1%
Nuclear 4,914 1.6% 5,004 1.6% 5,004 1.5% 5,004 1.4% 5,004 1.3%
Renewable 456 0.2% 972 0.3% 1,658 0.5% 2,654 0.7% 3,915 1.0%
Renewable Total 20,901 6.9% 20,981 6.6% 22,739 6.7% 22,663 6.3% 24,996 6.4%
Distributed Generation 986 0.3% 2,334 0.7% 2,839 0.8% 4,424 1.2% 6,764 1.7%
Total 301,462 100.0% 318,612 100.0% 339,872 100.0% 361,863 100.0% 387,802 100.0%

Source: The Sixth Five Year Development Plan in TAVANIR

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Final Report

2.5 Power Generation Policies

2.5.1 Policy on Development of Thermal Power Plants
According to TPPH, construction of power plants with a total capacity of 20,000 MW is
planned in the Five-Year Electric Power Development Plan (2017-2021). In the plan, the
assumed ratio of the capacity to be developed by the private sector against the capacity to be
developed by the public sector is 80:20, which is the same ratio as assumed in the privatization
policy, so the private sector and TPPH are expected to develop capacities of 16,000 MW and
4,000 MW, respectively.
As shown in the table below (Table 2-16, which includes power plants to be constructed after
the sixth five-year plan), there are power plant development schemes for the national
government (TPPH) and the private sector. EPC (engineering, procurement and construction)
and PayBack are divided in the former, and PayBack and BOO (build-own-operate) are divided
in the latter. Since the national government is unable to provide sufficient funds for the
development of power plants due to severe financial hardship, as mentioned later, it has
prepared a policy aimed at using private funds effectively for development. This financial
hardship was a contributing factor to the adoption of the ratio between private sector and public
sector mentioned above. In principle, both Payback and BOO are means of developing power
plants without government spending. Therefore, while the national government owns power
plants constructed under the Payback scheme, it appears that such plants are considered to be
privately-owned plants in the calculation of the private-to-public ratio mentioned above because
in practice they are developed by the private sector.
EPC is a form of contract that the government concludes with construction companies in
ordinary power source development by the national government. It is also referred to as
(1) Payback
PayBack is a unique power source development method in Iran aimed at reducing fuel
consumption by optimizing power generation efficiency by 15%. It will be used in order to
install a total of 7.5 GW of steam turbine generators in the existing eight state-owned and 13
privately-owned gas turbine power plants to convert them into CC (combined cycle) power
The schemes for converting state-owned and privately-owned power plants differ in content.
(a) Scheme for privately-owned plants
As an incentive for owners of privately-owned gas turbine power plants to invest in the
conversion of their plants into Combined Cycle (CC) plants, an amount equal to the saving in
fuel expenses derived from the conversion will be paid back to them. The incentive will be
provided for five years after the completion of the conversion. In principle, no other incentives
will be provided to the owners.
A PayBack contract will be concluded between an owner of a power plant and TPPH. As the
conditions of each PayBack contract will be decided in negotiations between the two parties, the
conditions may differ from one contract to another.
(b) Scheme for state-owned plants
The national government concludes an EPCF (engineering, procurement, construction and
finance) contract with a contractor for the conversion of existing state-owned power plants into
CC plants to supplement a shortage of funds. This type of contract prescribes that the

The Islamic Republic of Iran
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Final Report

government will pay back the construction expenses and the interest on them to the contractor in
five years after the completion of the construction. The payback period varies depending on the
international market price of fuel. While the payback period is currently five years, it used to be
shorter when the price was higher. The repayments amounts for EPC costs and non-EPC costs
(including interest and commitment fees) are calculated separately. The total amount of
repayment is supposed to be equal to the saving in the fuel expenses derived from the

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Final Report

Table 2-16 Development plan of Various New Thermal Power Plants

Comletion year
Owner PP name Scheme Type Capacity
(Iranian calender)
TPPH Shirvan EPC CC 480.0 1396-1397
TPPH Mahshahr EPC Gas Turbine 324.0 1395
TPPH Zarand Kerman EPC Gas Turbine 324.0 1398
TPPH Tosee Ramin Ahvaz EPC Steam 650.0 1399-1400
TPPH Tosee Shazand EPC Steam 650.0 1399-1400
TPPH East Bandar Abbas EPC Steam 1,400.0 1400-1401
TPPH Tabas EPC Coal 650.0 1400
TPPH Rajaee EPC CC 1,368.0 1399
EPC Total 5,846.0
TPPH Iranshahr Payback CC 160.0 1400
TPPH Shahroud Payback CC 160.0 1400
TPPH shahid Kaveh Payback CC 320.0 1400-1401
TPPH Persian Gulf Payback CC 480.0 1400-1401
TPPH South Isfahan Payback CC 480.0 1400-1401
TPPH Hafez Payback CC 480.0 1400-1401
TPPH Mahshahr Payback CC 320.0 1400-1401
TPPH Homozgan Payback CC 320.0 1400-1401
Private Roudshour Payback CC 316.5 1398
Private Chabahar Payback CC 160.0 1398
Private Kashan Payback CC 160.0 1397
Private Uremia Payback CC 480.0 1399
Private Semnan Payback CC 159.0 1398
Private Soltanieh Payback CC 320.0 1399
Private Zagros Payback CC 320.0 1399
Private Sabalan Payback CC 480.0 1397-1398
Private Aliabad Payback CC 480.0 1397
Private Parand Payback CC 477.0 1396
Private Ferdowsi Payback CC 477.0 1397
Private Asalouyeh Payback CC 477.0 1397
Private Jahrom Payback CC 480.0 1396
Payback Total 7,506.5
Private Qeshm BOO CC 484.0 1397(324) 1398(160)
Private Mazandaran - Nowshahr BOO CC 447.0 1396(307) 1397(140)
Private KhoramAbad BOO CC 484.0 1397(324) 1398(160)
Private Sadoogh - Taban BOO CC 160.0 1396
Private Dalahoo BOO CC 484.0 1396(304) 1397(180)
Private Sirjaan BOO CC 160.0 1396
Private Samangan BOO CC 160.0 1396
Private Heris BOO CC 454.0 1396(304) 1397(150)
Private Makoo BOO CC 110.0 1396(74) 1397(36)
Private Sabzevar BOO CC 467.0 1399(307) 1400(160)
Private Behbahan BOO CC 160.0 1396
Private Dezfool BOO CC 454.0 1398(304) 1399(150)
Private Zahedan 2 BOO CC 467.0 1399(307) 1400(160)
Private Aryan (zanjan 2) BOO CC 467.0 1400(307) 1401(160)
Private Zanjan 1 BOO CC 467.0 1401(307) 1402(160)
Private Omidiyeh BOO CC 467.0 1402(307) 1403(160)
Private Aras BOO CC 467.0 1399(307) 1400(160)
Private Andimeshk 2 BOO CC 467.0 1403(307) 1404(160)
Private Bandzark BOO CC 467.0 1401(307) 1402(160)
Private Andimeshk 3 BOO CC 467.0 1400(307) 1401(160)
Private Loshan BOO CC 467.0 1402
Private Dehdasht BOO CC 467.0 1398(307) 1399(160)
Private Abadan BOO CC 910.0 1401(620) 1402(290)
Private Saveh (Unit) BOO CC 1,200.0 1399(810) 1401(390)
Private Zahedan (Unit) BOO CC 880.0 1400(308) 1401(572)
BOO Total 11,684.0
Total 25,036.5
Sources: Reference materials provided by TPPH, Data compiled in a table by the JICA Study Team

(2) BOO
(a) BOO Scheme
BOO is a scheme to use private funds to develop infrastructure. In this scheme, the government

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Final Report

(TPPH) designs projects and private companies construct, own and operate power plants. As the
power demand in Iran is expected to continue increasing alongside population growth and
improved living standards, many power sources will be required. However, it is difficult for the
national government to develop all necessary power sources due to financial difficulties. Since
2000, the Iranian Government accepts private investment for the construction of power plants
under BOT (build, operate and transfer) or BOO (build, own and operate) scheme.3
The government implements a policy of inviting domestic and foreign private investment in the
construction of power plants by providing the following incentives to private investors for the
construction and operation of CC power plants.4
・BOO contract
・ECA (energy conversion agreement) for five years
・Guaranteed fuel supply
・Offtake tariff standard set at US Cent 2.6/kWh
・Revision of the tariff in accordance with price escalation rates and changes in foreign exchange
・Assistance in acquisition of environmental and other licenses
・Approval for export after a five-year ECA period
・Guarantee of payment by the government
Although both BOT and BOO are mentioned above, only BOO is used at present. According to
TPPH, although BOT was used for the development of gas turbine power plants in the past, in
principle, only BOO will be used in the future. The CC power plant will be the only type of
thermal power plant to be developed in the future. The reason for this is that the BOO contract
period is 20 years. The lifespan of CC power plants is shorter than that of gas turbine and steam
turbine power plants and is approximately the same as the BOO contract period. Therefore,
BOT will bring no benefit to the government, which is why only BOO will be used.
In a case where a private power producer constructs and operates a power plant under BOO,
SATBA concludes a PPA (power purchase agreement) based on FITs (feed-in tariffs) with the
producer. Meanwhile, SATBA concludes a contract with a DSO (distribution system operator)
for a small-scale power generation scheme. Under this contract, a DSO is an agent of SATBA
that reads meters, prepares invoices, and makes payments, etc. on behalf of SATBA in a
small-scale power generation scheme. SATBA pays DSOs for the payment that they have made
on its behalf. Although electric power generated by SATBA plants and purchased by SATBA
from private producers is delivered to consumers through its power distribution and
transmission networks, SATBA does not sell electricity but transmits it free of charge.
Budgetary allocation from the government is practically the only revenue source of SATBA.
The benefits mentioned below are expected from the development of social capital by the
private sector under BOO contracts.5
・Transfer of ownership and management of projects from the public to private sector will
increase national product in society.
・Privatization will have a positive effect on the government budget by creating budgetary
flexibility with reduction in government spending
・Improved economic efficiency is another positive effect of privatization, which is considered

3 Considering of BOO Contract in project management & its role in developing of rivatization,
Nouredin Gandomi & Shiva Rezai, The 4th International Conference on Innovative Research in
Management, Economics and Accounting, July 2016
Investment opportunities and incentives in power industry, 2nd business forum Iran Europe,
Ministry of Energy Iran, March 2016

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Final Report

to be a tool for the improvement of government operation.

(b) ECA
ECA of Iran is based on two major principles, namely, (1) free feedstock gas supply, and (2)
offtake of electricity from suppliers at competitive tariffs. Both of these components of ECA are
offered for five years. MOE has reached an agreement with the Ministry of Petroleum on the
supply of gas, which is converted into electric power for the domestic market. Therefore, this
ECA is considered to be an energy conversion agreement as opposed to a conventional power
purchase agreement (PPA) provided elsewhere. According to TPPH, a unit tariff schedule that is
used to set offtake tariffs is revised every year in consideration of the price escalation rate and
changes in foreign exchange rates, while the power generation efficiency of a power plant
decides which offtake tariff in the schedule is applicable to the plant. The number of companies
eligible for the application of the tariffs is estimated to be between seven and nine at present.5
The major conditions of the ECA are as follows:
・A five-year agreement based on free supply of feedstock gas
・An agreement on offtake at a preset tariff (which is to be revised every year to protect
investors from losses derived from price inflation and changes in foreign exchange rates)
・Discretionary grid connection for 20 years
・A fixed financial model of TPPH offering 20% of IRR (internal rate of return)
・The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance of Iran guarantees ECAs with equity capital
registered under FIPPA (the Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Act) and the
incurred interest to build trust in the agreements among investors. Investors can obtain
low-interest loans from international banks with this guarantee.6
(c) Development under BOO
Table 2-17 shows the thermal power plants constructed under the BOT and BOO schemes.
Except for the two gas turbine power plants constructed under BOT, all the rest have been
constructed under BOO.

Information obtained in the interview at IGMC
New Contracts Offer Synergies Between Players in Iran's Power Industry、Hamid Soorghali
Business Analyst with Energy Pioneers Ltd., 2016/8/8/

The Islamic Republic of Iran
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Final Report

Table 2-17 Constructed Thermal Power Plants by BOO (MW)

Power Plant Name Type Unit Capacity Scheme
Chehdsotoun (South Isfahan) Gas Turbine 6*159 954 BOT
Roudshour Gas Turbine 3*264 792 BOO
Ferdowsi Gas Turbine 6*159 954 BOO
Asalouyeh Gas Turbine 6*159 954 BOO
Khoramshahr Gas Turbine 6*162 972 BOO
Golstan(Aliabad) Gas Turbine 6*162 972 BOO
Zavareh CC 1*160+2*162 484 BOO
Fars (Hafez) Gas Turbine 6*162 972 BOT
Pareh-sar CC 2*160+4*162 968 BOO
Kahnouj Small Scale Steam Gas Turbine 3*25 75 BOO
Nowshahr Small Scale Steam Gas Turbine 2*25 50 BOO
Kashan Gas Turbine 2*162 324 BOO
Gonaveh CC 1*160+2*162 484 BOO
Shirkouh CC 1*160+2*162 484 BOO
Andakan CC 1*160+2*166 492 BOO
Showbad (Kahnou) CC 1*160+2*162 484 BOO
Shams Sarakhs CC 2*25 50 BOO
Taban CC 2*162 324 BOO
Behbahan CC 2*166 332 BOO
Golgohar (Sirjan 2) CC 2*162 324 BOO
Samangan (Sirjan 1) CC 2*162 324 BOO

Table 2-18 shows the schedule for the construction of thermal power plants, according to which
power plants will be constructed in nine years with a total capacity that is comparable to the
plants constructed in the past 17 years.

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Table 2-18 Schedule of BOO Power plants (MW) (Iranian Year)

Cap 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404
1 Qeshm 484 324 160
2 Mazandaran - Nowshahr 447 307 140
3 KhoramAbad 484 324 160
4 Sadoogh - Taban 160 160
5 Dalahoo 484 304 180
6 Sirjaan 160 160
7 Samangan 160 160
8 Heris 454 304 150
9 Makoo 110 74 36
10 Sabzevar 467 307 160
11 Behbahan 160 160
12 Dezfool 454 304 150
13 Zahedan 2 467 307 160
14 Aryan (zanjan 2) 467 307 160
15 Zanjan 1 467 307 160
16 Omidiyeh 467 307 160
17 Aras 467 307 160
18 Andimeshk 2 467 307 160
19 Bandzark 467 307 160
20 Andimeshk 3 467 307 160
21 Loshan 467 467
22 Dehdasht 467 307 160
23 Abadan 910 620 290
24 Saveh (Unit) 1200 810 390
25 Zahedan (Unit) 880 308 572
Total 11684 1629 1154 931 2041 1402 2516 1384 467 160
Source: Information obtained from TPPH

2.5.2 Privatization
Full-scale privatization of the electric power sector in Iran began in the 2000’s. The Iranian
Privatization Organization (IPO) was established under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and
Finance in 2001 for the implementation of privatization. In 2004, Article 44 of the Constitution
was amended. This amendment allowed free interpretation of privatization and efficient
privatization of state-owned companies in key sectors. The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah
Khamenei, gave instructions for the privatization of 80% of state-owned companies in
accordance with the Constitution.46 In the electric power sector, a new law enacted in 2004 has
given TAVANIR authority to reorganize itself, to make each of its power plants an independent
company and to sell 65% of the shares of these companies on the Tehran Stock Exchange.7
Privatization is implemented in the power generation and distribution areas, while power
transmission is out of the scope of the privatization in accordance with the stipulation of Article
44 of the Constitution. IPO implements the privatization of power generation and distribution.
According to MOE, it selects state-owned companies to be privatized and IPO selects the best
methods to privatize them.

7Iran announces new plans for privatisation and structural reform in the power sector, Written by
Adrian Creed and Dr Amir Kordvani., May 2014

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Final Report

According to TPPH, the sale of shares for the privatization of power plants is conducted on the
Tehran Stock Exchange. For the purpose of privatization, shares in power plant power
generation management companies are sold at auction as a set with shares in the power
generation maintenance and repair company responsible for the same plant, and all shares are
sold to the company that offers the highest price. Therefore, each privatized company has only
one shareholder. Shares in a privatized company are sold on the Tehran Stock Exchange,
regardless of whether it is listed or not. A shareholder may list a company that it owns on the
stock exchange. However, no privatized company has been listed so far.

Table 2-19 shows the power plants that have been privatized so far. Since the amendment of the
Constitution and establishment of IPO in 2004, 35 power plants have been privatized.
According to TPPH, as privately-owned power plants already account for 80% of the plants in
the country, the government has no plan to privatize remaining state-owned power plants.

As many companies were nationalized after the revolution, it is thought that the public sector
has played a major role in economic activities in Iran. Further economic development requires
the growth and development of the private sector, and privatization is thought to be consistent
with this requirement. A great concern in the electric power sector and especially in the power
generation area in Iran is that many power plants in the country are decrepit and many of them
require large-scale repair. However, the current state of public finances in Iranian government
only allows limited repairs of such plants. This fact also seems to have influenced the
privatization of the power generation area.

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Final Report

Table 2-19 Privatized Power Plants

No Name Capa (MW) Type
1 Tabriz 736 Steam
2 Shahid Mohammad Montazeri 1616 Steam
3 Montazerghaem 625 Steam
4 Birch 600 Steam
5 Mashhad 133 Steam
6 Zergan (Shahid Modhej) 290 Steam
7 Tabriz 64 Gas Turbine
8 Orumia 960 Gas Turbine
9 Sabalan 960 Gas Turbine
10 Kashan 324 Gas Turbine
11 Parand 954 Gas Turbine
12 Shariati 150 Gas Turbine
13 Mashhad 196 Gas Turbine
14 Shams fern 50 Gas Turbine
15 Zergan (Shahid Modhej) 128 Gas Turbine
16 Soltanieh 648 Gas Turbine
17 Jerusalem (Semnan) 324 Gas Turbine
18 Chabahar 414 Gas Turbine
19 Zagros 648 Gas Turbine
20 Jahrom 954 Gas Turbine
21 Kahnooj 75 Gas Turbine
22 Noshahr 47 Gas Turbine
23 Yazd Shahid lily 97 Gas Turbine
24 Sarv (Chadermalu) 332 Gas Turbine
25 Khoy 349 Combined cycle
26 Montazerghadem 998 Combined cycle
27 Damavand 2868 Combined cycle
28 Qom 714 Combined cycle
29 Shariati 347 Combined cycle
30 Neyshabur 1040 Combined cycle
31 Abadan 814 Combined cycle
32 Sanandaj 956 Combined cycle
33 Fars 1035 Combined cycle
34 Kazeroon 1372 Combined cycle
35 Gilan 1306 Combined cycle
Source: Information obtained from TAVANIR

All the regional DSOs have been privatized. The privatization of the DSOs differs from that of
power plants in that TAVANIR still owns 40% to 50% of their shares. In addition, none of the
regional DSOs is listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange.

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Final Report

The Mapna Group has been involved in privatization in the electric power sector. Construction
of power plants used to be the main business of the group. However, the group has expanded its
business to various fields including oil and gas, railway transportation and manufacturing. The
group is listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange. It was the fourth largest company among the
listed companies in 2010. When the Mapna Group was an affiliate of TAVANIR, SABA
Investment Company, TAVANIR Holding and Sazman Gostaresh va No Sazi Sanaie Iran
owned 51 %, 39 % and 10 % of its shares, respectively. At present, SABA, Edalat Brokerage,
MAPNA Employees Investment Co. and Ayandeh Negar own 90 % of the shares.

2.5.3 Renewable Energy

While TPPH is responsible for the development of thermal power plants, SATBA is responsible
for the development of renewable/clean energy.
The Sixth Five-Year Plan (March 2016 – March 2021) of the government includes a plan to
construct new photovoltaic (PV) and wind power plants to increase the capacity of renewable
energy power generation to 5 GW, or 10 % of the total power generation capacity.
This increase to 5 GW is to be achieved with the construction of power plants by the public and
private sectors. According to SATBA, however, no specific target has been set for the increase
in capacity by the public or private sector or for the use of each type of renewable energy.
Power plant development by the government will be limited due to the budgetary constraints of
the government, as mentioned above. Therefore, the private sector is expected to take the lead in
plant construction.
(1) Scheme for Renewable Energy Development
BOO and FIT is the scheme used for the development of renewable energy by the private sector.
BOO is used for the construction and operation of power plants and FITs are used as tariffs for
the sale of electric power. The procedures for development under BOO and FIT are as follows:
Phase1 - Registration and construction permit: An applicant prepares an application form for a
construction permit and submits the form to SATBA. SATBA issues the permit to the applicant
after verifying such facts as whether or not the project area in the application overlaps with that
of a registered project.
Phase2 - Acquisition of necessary permits: The applicant needs to acquire an environmental
permit, grid connection permit and land ownership transfer permit from competent authorities.
After having acquired all the necessary permits and prepared all the necessary documents, the
applicant concludes an agreement for a plant development and operation project with SATBA.
Phase3 - Project implementation: The applicant takes responsibility for the financing and
implementation of the project. The applicant manages the construction work in the project under
the supervision of SATBA. SATBA negotiates with a grid management company for grid
connection after the completion of construction.
Phase4 Project operation: The applicant operates the plant and submits monthly invoices for
operation. SATBA pays the bills after applying an adjustment factor and considering the
available time of the plant.8


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Final Report

(2) State of Development of Renewable Energy

Tables 2-20 and Table 2-21 show the renewable energy power plants installed in Iran

Table 2-20 Installed renewable energy power plants situation up to end of Jan, 2018
Governmental Non-Governmental Total
Item Power plant
capacity (MW) capacity (MW) (MW)
1 Wind 98.86 115.86 214.72
2 Solar (PV) 7.40 114.60 122.00
3 Biomass 0.00 10.56 10.56
4 Small Hydropower 62.40 19.85 82.25
5 Waste heat recovery 0.00 0.60 0.60
Total 168.66 270.47 439.13
Source: Information obtained from SATBA

Table 2-21 Installed Power Plant with Non-Governmental Sector (Feb, 2018)
No Project Name Capacity Construction Site Date of Operation
Wind Power Plant
1 Mapna-Kahak 1 5 Takestan ,Qazvin July 2014
2 Mapna-Kahak 2 20 Takestan ,Qazvin January 2015
3 Mapna-Kahak 3 30 Takestan ,Qazvin February 2017
4 Behin Ertebet Mehr 2.5 East Azerbaijan
5 Agh Kand 23.8 Siahpoosh, Qazvin
6 Binalood 28.4 Neishabour, Khorasan Razavi September 2010
7 Dizbad 4 Neishabour, Khorasan Razavi January 2017
8 Tavan Bad 0.66 Khaf, Khorasan Razavi January 2017
9 Fanavaran Energy Pak 1.5 Khaf, Khorasan Razavi September 2016
Total 115.86 MW
Solar Power Plant
10 Atrian Parsian 0.514 Malard, Tehran May 2018
11 Pak Bana 0.228 Qom September 2018
12 Aftab Mad Rah Abrisham 35 Hamadan December 2018
13 Tara Moshaver 0.215 Shams Abad, Alborz January 2018
14 Ghadir Energy 10 Jarghouyeh, Esfahan April 2018
15 Mehran Energy Arvand Co. 1.2 Rafsanjan, Kerman July 2018
16 Tose-e Faragir Jask Co. 10 Mahan, Kerman July 2018
17 Solar Energy Arka Co. 10 Mahan, Kerman July 2018
18 Abouyand Co. 1.313 Damghan December 2018
19 Sanaye Siman Shahrekord 1.5 Shahrekord December 2018
20 Energy_e_Nou Atieh 10 Yazd January 2018
10 Sistan&Balouchestan, Zahedan
21 Iran Tablou Co. 0.63 Nazar Abad, Albourz January 2018
22 Behnad Energy Pars Lian Co. 4 Sarvestan, Fars January 2018
23 Pars Ray Energy Bahar Co. 10 Ray, Tehran
24 Aftab Kavir Part 10 Khosef, South Khorasan
Total 114.6 MW
Biomass Power Plant
25 Municipality of Mashhad 0.6 Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi September 2009
26 Niroo Sabin Aria 1.06 Shiraz, Fars September 2009
27 Kian Group 1.9 Abali, Tehran -

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Final Report

Water and Waste Water

28 Management Company of Tehran 4 Rey, Tehran October 2010
29 Tadbir Tosee Salamat 3 Kahrizak, Tehran January 2016
Total 10.56 MW
Small Hydro Power plant
30 Modiriat Tosee Energy Mashhad 0.44 Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi March 2014
31 Parsina Nano Danesh 0.24 Arak, Markazi 2015
32 Pardisan Sazeh Tarahan 0.17 Brojerd, Lorestan March 2016
33 Farab 10 Kordestan March 2016
34 Roushd Sanaat 2.7 Qom, Delijan July 2018
35 Sabz Mah Ab Co. 6.3 Bijar, Gilan
Total 19.85 MW
Waste heat recovery
36 Kesht Sanat Dehkhoda 9.6 Ahwaz 2017
Total 9.6 MW
Total 270.47 MW
Source: Information obtained from SATBA

(3) Renewable Energy Development Plan

As shown in Tables 2-20 and -21, the total power generation capacity of the installed plants has
not reached the target of 5 GW.
・Development plan for private sector
Total capacity of the plants which construction permits have been issued is approximately 3,000
MW. Valid period of the permit is six months. An applicant must obtain the environmental,
grid-connection and land use permits within this valid period. Many issued construction permits
have been canceled. Many permits have been canceled because of problems in financing,
non-availability of land and unsatisfactory grid connection conditions. Table 2-22 shows the
number of companies that have concluded PPAs.

Table 2-22 Companies with PPA (Jan. 2018)

Number of
Item Power plant Capacity (MW)
1 Biomass 3 6.00
2 Small Hydropower 8 22.00
3 Wind 26 1,339.40
4 Solar (PV) 130 1,529.03
5 Waste heat recovery 5 64.00
Total 172 2,960.43
Source: Information obtained from SATBA

It is highly likely that the planned power plant will be developed as a PPA has been concluded,
so it is expected that the generation capacity mentioned in Table 2-22 will be realized. Even if
the capacity to be developed by the government mentioned below is added, the total capacity
will not reach 5 GW. However, as there is still time until the completion of the current sixth
five-year plan, the government is inviting applications for PPA with FITs left unchanged for
2017. Using the capacity generated by plants to be constructed by new applicants, the
government intends to achieve the target of 5 GW.

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Final Report

・Development plan for the government (SATBA)

SATBA planned to develop following renewal energy power plants; A total of 2 GW of wind
power generation capacity (capacities to be developed by the public and private sectors
combined) is planned to be developed within the implementation period of the current five-year
plan. Among them, SATBA is constructing wind power plants with a total capacity of 22 MW
(36 units of 660 KW generators). The contractor for construction is an Iranian company,
Sabanirou Co. Eighteen (18) generator units are to be installed at Milnader (Zabol) and Sarab,
respectively. In addition, SATBA is preparing two additional projects. One project is the
construction of a wind power plant with a total capacity of 250 MW (with 2.5 MW units) in
Maqba. A German company will construct a power generation facility with 50-MW capacity,
while SATBA is holding consultation with Siemens for the development of the remaining
200-MW capacity. The other project is the development of a wind power plant with a capacity
of 106 MW. SATBA is holding consultations with a PBO on this plan.
The privatization of state-owned Renewal Energy (RE) power plants is in progress. Wind power
plants in the northern region have been privatized (sold). While HP of SATBA puts its wind
power generation capacity at 168 MW, its current capacity is 91.59 MW. Although the
government has a policy of privatization, it has no plans to privatize the remaining state-owned
power plants, because it focuses and concentrate their availabilities more on the construction of
new power plants for infrastructure development.

2.6 Electrical Power Distribution (Power Charging System)

2.6.1 Electrical Power Distribution Routes
Iran has its own electrical power transaction form and its own electrical power pricing system.
The following is an overview explanation.

Power Flow Price Flow

Generation State P/P Private P/P State P/P Private P/P

T AVANIR Network
Transmission Regional Electricity Co. IEM

② ⑤
Distribution Distribution Co. Distribution Co. REC
HV Client ③ ④
Cosutomer HV Client

Source: Prepared by the Study Team from data obtained

Fig. 2-15 Power Flow and Price Flow

In the past TAVANIR had a de facto monopoly position in the Iran electrical power sector, but
this has changed greatly as a result of corporate spin-off and liberalization. In the generation
sector many power stations have been privatized, and the thermal power generation sector has
been spun off from TAVANIR into a separate company and TPPH has been established. The

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Final Report

regional distribution companies have also been privatized (companies affiliated to TAVANIR).
The regional electric companies have remained under the jurisdiction of TAVANIR, while
transforming from a company that was formerly responsible for regional power generation,
transmission, and distribution, into a company with jurisdiction over transmission.

The format of electrical power distribution is the same as in most of the country, with power
being transmitted from the generating companies to the transmission network of TAVANIR, and
from the distribution network of the regional distribution companies the power is sold to the
ordinary customers. For some high-voltage and ultra-high voltage customers, the power is
directly sold from the transmission network.

On the other hand, the flow of price differs slightly from the actual flow of electrical power.
Iran has an electronic electrical power wholesale market known as IEM, operated and managed
by IGMC, and regulated by the Iran Electricity Regulatory Board. The electrical power
generated is sold through the Iranian Electricity Market (IEM), and viewed from the IEM there
is the sellers’ price (1) and the buyers’ price (2). The electrical power purchased at the IEM is
sold to VHV (Very High Voltage) and HV (High Voltage) customers by the transmission
companies (4), and the distribution companies sell to the other customers (3). Also, private
power generators can conclude bilateral sales contracts with VHV and HV customers (5). Also,
ECA contracts and renewable energy are exceptions to the above table. The outline of electricity
prices of the IEM and others is provided below.

2.6.2 Liberalization of the Electrical Power Wholesale Market

(1) Overview of the IEM
IEM is the electrical power wholesale market operated and managed by IGMC via an electronic
network. IGMC and the market are controlled by the Iran Electricity Regulatory Board (IERB).
The participants in the market on the electrical power supply side are almost all domestic
electrical power generation companies, and include the thermal power plants of TPPH, the other
power stations of TAVANIR, and the private power companies. Although it is said that there
are others, according to IGMC the amount of their sales is negligible. The electrical power
demand side includes the distribution companies (that sell to normal customers), the regional
electric companies (that sell to customers that purchase directly from the transmission lines),
and TAVANIR (for export).
IERB conducted a study on electric power markets in other countries and proposed a model for
the IEM (Iranian Electricity Market). Based on this model, the “buying and selling electricity
regulations”was legislated by the council of ministers in September 2003. The IEM officially
commenced operation on 23 November 20039.


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Power demand IGMC Power supply

Regional E Co IEM Opetation & TPPH
Distribution Co management Tavanir
Tavanir Bid IEM Bid Private P.P.

Source: Prepared by the Study Team based on data obtained

Fig. 2-16 Overview of the IEM

1) Iran Grid Management Co. (IGMC)10

IGMC was established in 2004 based on Article G of Explanatory Note 12 of the Budget Act,
for the purpose of reorganizing the electrical power industry in Iran, and they commenced
activities in the latter half of 2005.
Their objectives and scope of activities are as follows.
・ To develop the national network and carry out transmission and monitoring, in order to
ensure electrical power supply in the country and to maintain the safety and continuity of
the network.
・ To provide open access to the network for government and non-government participants,
for transmission and distribution.
・ To provide the conditions for competitive transactions, and to establish, operate, and
develop the electrical power market.
・ To adopt effective policies for the introduction of competition in electrical power
generation and distribution, and to implement the necessary policies in order to ensure
supply of electrical power and to revitalize the activities of non-government organizations,
within the scope of authority of the Ministry of Energy.

2) Iran Electricity Regulatory Board (IERB)11

The IERB was established in 2003 by the Ministerial Decree of the Minister of Energy, from a
necessity to reorganize and reregulate the electrical power system.
IERB is a government bureau that supervises the electrical power market, and guarantees the
fairness and justice of the electrical power market environment through its actions. Its specific
actions include supervising the compliance of the procedures adopted by the market operators
with the market methods defined by law. In addition, they monitor the function and
relationships of the market participants including IGMC that function as the system and market
operators. Finally, IERB has the authority to process demands on the market players.

IGMC HP http://www.igmc.ir/en/

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(2) Transactions on IEM

Apart from in-house power generation, electrical power generated within the country is bought
and sold via the IEM, the transactions on IEM are managed and operated by IGMC, and
supervised by IERB. Exceptions include Energy Conversion Agreements (ECA), Power
Purchase Agreements (PPA), and renewable energy. Of these, the system has been established
for PPAs, but at present it has not been adopted by any power station. There are 3 types of
electricity market carrying out transactions on IEM: the day-ahead market, the power exchange,
and bilateral contracts.

1) Day Ahead Market

This is the main market of the IEM, and accounts for about 90% of the electrical power
transacted on the IEM. It is an auction for the electrical power for the following day. All stations
submit tenders on the day prior to supply of electrical power. The sellers submit prices and
quantities in their tenders. Customers submit demand quantities only. In reality, this mechanism
is a one-sided auction for the sellers.

Source: Prepared by the Study Team based on data obtained

Fig. 2-17 Mechanism for Determining the Day Ahead Market Price

A uniform price is not determined by the auction in the Day Ahead Market, but tenders are
fulfilled up to the total demand quantity of the buyers. Explaining the example in the figure
above, assume the tenders of the sellers is as shown in Fig. 2-17, and the cumulative demands of
the buyers is 110. In this case, the tenders for sale in the cumulative column are successful until
110. The total quantity of the tenders with prices from 100 to 140 are successful, and a quantity
of 10 is successful for the tender of price 150. The upper limit of the price is determined by the
sellers’ maximum tender price limit set by the Regulatory Board. The following table shows the
trend in the volume of transactions, value of transactions, and unit selling prices on IEM.

Table 2-23 Trend in Tenders on the Day Ahead Market

Auction Bilateral + Sold amounts Unit price
(MWh) Exchange IRR Mil IRR/kWh
2011-12 221,480,240 0 88,881,067 401
2012-13 237,840,481 0 95,182,381 400
2013-14 250,892,134 2,926,134 122,582,186 494
2014-15 263,852,290 20,130,990 151,532,510 622
2015-16 270,217,289 48,710,541 157,433,606 711

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2016-17 279,179,375 23,453,499 155,143,081 607

2017-18 298,157,624 31,662,431 155,723,909 584
Source: IGMC

The volume of transactions have increased year-by-year as the domestic electrical power
demand has increased. The transaction unit price had increased since fiscal year 2015-16, but
after that unit price decreased. It is considered that this is related to energy production costs
which will be referred later (Note that energy production costs consist of whole costs, not only
production costs but also transmission and distribution costs). Production costs were the highest
in 2014 - 15 and then declined. Because unit production cost is calculated after the fiscal year end, it
seems to be the reason that there is a one year difference in the peak with the transaction unit price.
The breakdown of the average unit purchase price on IGMC is as shown below. The sales price
includes a Capacity Payment and an Ancillary Service Payment, in addition to the electricity
price. The capacity payment is paid in accordance with the capacity released on the IEM, with
the objective of development of additional generating capacity.

The Ancillary Service Payment is made in accordance with the quality of electric power that a
plant provides. A power plant applies for the payment by stating the type of service it provides
and the market operators calculate the payment amount in accordance with the quality of the
service. Self-start (black start) power plants, frequency adjustment and reactive power are
considered to be ancillary services.

Table 2-24 Breakdown of the IGMC Electrical Power Purchase Price (IRR/kWh)
Year Energy Rate Capacity rate Ancillary service Total
2013-14 341 152 2 496
2014-15 427 193 4 624
2015-16 421 291 4 717
2016-17 364 242 3 609
2017-18 339 232 14 585
Source: IGMC

2) Power exchange

Power exchange is a futures transaction for electrical power. Basically, a transaction is

established between the buyer and the seller for the price, quantity, period, etc. In the case of
sellers, this system can only be used by the private generation companies. Also, an upper limit
on the quantity of electrical power that can be transacted in the Power exchange is determined
for each power generating unit. The transactions on the Power exchange are excluded from
transactions on the Day Ahead Market, for both sellers and buyers.

3) Bilateral contracts

This is a method whereby sellers and buyers carry out direct negotiations to determine the price.
Buyers and sellers can freely negotiate regarding the price and quantity. However, it is
necessary to apply to the system operator and obtain approval for transactions. Almost all
bilateral contracts are long-term contracts.

4) Buyers price

As stated above, the IEM is a one-sided auction, in which the sellers submit tenders based on
the principle of competition, but the buyers only apply for the quantity that they require. IGMC

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purchases the electrical power applied for by the buyers, and sells it to the buyers. The selling
price to the buyers is the average purchase price by IGMC. The transmission cost is allocated to
the transmission system users based on the usage. The following is a breakdown of the average
sales price to buyers.

Table 2-25 IGMC Breakdown of Sales Price(IRR/kWh)12

Year Energy rate Transmission fee Total
2013-14 435 66 502
2014-15 631 80 717
2015-16 721 142 895
2016-17 630 147 777
2017-18 612 135 747
Source: IGMC

(3) Transactions other than the electrical power wholesale market - ECA & Renewable energy

As stated previously, basically, the electrical power generated and sold using the TAVANIR
network is transacted on the IEM, but there are exceptions. These exceptions are the ECA
contracts and renewable energy.

1) Energy Conversion Agreement (ECA)

The tariff stipulated in an ECA should be used as the tariff of power offtake by TPPH from a
contracted power plant during the ECA period. As an individual BOO agreement has been
concluded for each BOO project, there is no unified tariff and the tariffs vary among agreements.
A tariff of US Cent 2.6/kWh is considered to be the standard.

2) Renewable energy

A PPA is concluded on FIT basis. MOE is obliged to purchase electric power from a private
renewable energy (RE) power plant to promote its use. A law enacted in 2011 obliges MOE to
purchase electric power at a price guaranteed for 20 years under a long-term agreement.
Guaranteed prices will be adjusted every year in accordance with changes in the local CPI
(consumer price index) and the foreign exchange rate against the U.S. dollar.13 Table 2-27
shows the offtake tariffs for electric power generated by RE power plants from 2015 on.
Although the law stipulates that FITs shall be revised every year, the current FITs will be valid
at least until the end of this project year (2017 – 2018).

In principle, a private power plant is connected to a power transmission network. However, a

power plant with an output capacity of less than 7 MW may be connected to a power
distribution network. Whether or not connect such a station to a transmission or distribution

The electricity unit prices in Table 2-16, Table 2-17, and Table 2-18 differ from each other, and this is
because the values in the respective denominators are the quantity of generation at the power station, the
quantity actually purchased by IGMC, and the quantity sold by IGMC. As the measurement location
becomes further from the power station, transmission losses increase, and the value in the denominator
becomes gradually smaller.
Iran power sector Enough to double GDP, Sector overview Equity Research 20 January 2016,
Renaissance Capital

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network is primarily decided by the geographic conditions of the plant site and the availability
of networks around the site. The basic rule is to connect small-scale power generation facilities
(1 MW or less and 100 kW or less for wind and PV power generation, respectively) including
roof-top PV facilities to distribution networks.

SATBA and a power producer conclude a PPA. Meanwhile, SATBA concludes a contract with
a DSO (distribution service operator) for a small-scale power generation scheme. Under this
contract, a DSO is an agent of SATBA that reads meters, prepares invoices and makes payments
on behalf of SATBA in small-scale power generation schemes. SATBA pays DSOs for the
payment that they have made on its behalf. Although electric power generated by SATBA own
plants and purchased by SATBA from private producers is delivered to consumers through its
power distribution and transmission networks, SATBA does not sell electricity but transmits it
free of charge. Budgetary allocation from the government is practically the only revenue source

Table 2-26 Offtake Tariffs for Electric Power Generated by RE Power Plants
(IRRs per kWh)
No Technology type 2015 2016-18
Landfill 2,900 2,700
The anaerobic digestion of manure,
1 Biomass 3,150 3,500
sewage and agriculture
Incineration and waste gas storage 5,870 3,700
above 50 megawatt capacity* 4,060 3,400
2 Wind farm
with the capacity of 50 MW and less 4,970 4,200
above 30 megawatt capacity* 3,200
3 Solar farm with the capacity of 30 MW and less 4,000
with the capacity of 10 MW and less 6,750 4,900
4 Geothermal (including excavation and equipment) 5,770 4,900
5 Waste Recycling in industrial processes 3,050 2,900
Small hydropower Installation on the rivers and side
6 with the capacity of facility of dams 3,700
10 MW and less Installation on the pipelines 1,500
7 Fuel cell systems - 4,948
8 Turbo expanders 1,800 1,600
9 Other renewable sources excluding hydropower plants 4,873 -

(IRRs per kWh)

No Technology type 2015 2016
1 Wind with the capacity of 1 MW and less 5,930 5,700
with the capacity of 100 kW and less 8,730 7,000
2 Solar
with the capacity of 20 kW and less 9,770 8,000
* Allocated to the consumers and limited to the connection capacity
Source: Information obtained from SATBA

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2.6.3 Electrical Power Consumer Prices

(1) Trend in electrical power consumer prices

The electricity prices for consumers are determined by law. In 2016, the cabinet approved a
10% price increase in the August price adjustment. According to the MOE, the average price
after the 2015 adjustment was about 600 IRR/kWh, but it is envisaged that the average price
after the price adjustment will be 670 IRR/kWh.

The consumer electricity price is affected by political decisions, and does not necessarily reflect
the wishes of TAVANIR. Therefore, price changes have not been made every year, and recently
in 2012 and 2013 the price change was deferred. It is considered that this was related to the fact
that price changes had been made consecutively in December 2010 and March 2011. At present,
the purchase price exceeds the sales price, so it is envisaged that TAVANIR will increase the
price until the purchase price and the sales price are equal. However, electrical power prices are
determined politically, so it is not known when this will be realized.

Tariff schedules have been prepared for different types of power consumers. Tables 2-27 to -31
show examples of the numerous schedules in use.

Table 2-27 Tariff1 Residential Uses

Base Price kWh/IRR
per month(kWh) 2010 2011 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Up to 100 270 300 372 409 450 458 490
Over 100-200 320 350 434 477 525 534 571
Over 200-300 720 750 930 1,023 1,125 1,144 1,224
Over 300-400 1,300 1,350 1,674 1,841 2,025 2,059 2,303
Over 400-500 1,500 1,550 1,922 2,114 2,325 2,365 2,531
Over 500-600 1,900 1,950 2,418 2,660 2,926 2,976 3,184
Over 600 2,100 2,150 2,666 2,933 3,226 3,281 3,511

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Table 2-28 Tariff2 Public Uses

with power above 30 kW with 30 kW power or less
Energy price (kWh/IRR) Energy price (kWh/IRR)
Tariff Power Power
Year Middle peak Low Middle peak Low
code price price
(kW/IRR) load load load (kW/IRR) load load load
hours hours hours hours hours hours
1 30,000 1,000 2,000 500 - 1,200 2,400 600
2010 2 25,000 300 600 150 - 400 800 200
B-2 12,000 150 300 75 - 200 400 100
1 30,000 1,100 2,200 550 - 1,300 2,600 650
2011 2 25,000 340 680 170 - 440 880 220
B-2 12,000 190 380 95 - 240 480 120
1 37,200 1,364 2,728 682 - 1,612 3,224 806
2014 2 31,000 422 844 211 - 546 1,092 273
B-2 14,880 236 472 118 - 298 596 149
1 44,640 1,637 3,274 819 - 1,934 3,868 967
2015 2 37,200 506 1,012 253 - 655 1,310 328
B-2 17,856 283 566 142 - 358 716 179
1 49,104 1,801 3,602 901 - 2,127 4,254 1,064
2016 2 40,920 557 1,114 279 - 721 1,442 361
B-2 19,642 311 622 156 - 394 788 197
1 49,939 1,832 3,664 916 - 2,163 4,326 1,082
2017 2 41,616 566 1,132 283 - 733 1,466 367
B-2 19,976 316 632 158 - 401 802 201
1 53,435 1,960 3,920 980 - 2,314 4,658 1,107
2018 2 44,529 707 1,212 303 - 784 1,068 392
B-2 21,374 338 679 169 - 429 808 215

Table 2-29 Tariff3 Production Uses (Water and Energy)

with power above 30 kW with 30 kW power or less
Energy price (kWh/IRR) Energy price (kWh/IRR)
Year Tariff code Power Power
price Middle peak Low price Middle peak Low
(kW/IRR) load load load (kW/IRR) load load load
hours hours hours hours hours hours
A-3 - 135 270 68 - 135 270 68
B-3 12,000 175 350 88 - 215 430 108
Option 1 20,000 225 450 113
C-3 - 325 650 163
Option 2 - 325 650 163
A-3 - 80 160 40 - 80 160 40
B-3 12,000 155 310 78 - 195 390 98
Option 1 20,000 205 410 103
C-3 - 305 610 153
Option 2 - 305 610 153
A-3 - 100 200 50 - 100 200 50
B-3 14,880 194 388 97 - 242 484 121
Option 1 24,800 254 508 127
C-3 - 378 756 189
Option 2 - 378 756 189
A-3 - 110 220 55 - 110 220 55
2015 B-3 16,368 213 426 107 - 266 532 133
C-3 Option 1 27,280 279 558 140 - 416 832 208

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Option 2 - 416 832 208

A-3 - 121 242 61 - 121 242 61
B-3 18,005 234 468 117 - 293 586 147
Option 1 30,008 307 614 154
C-3 - 458 916 229
Option 2 - 458 916 229
A-3 - 123 246 62 - 123 246 62
B-3 18,311 238 476 119 - 298 596 149
Option 1 30,518 312 624 156
C-3 - 466 932 233
Option 2 - 466 932 233
A-3 - 122 264 66 - 132 264 66
B-3 19,593 255 510 128 - 319 638 160
Option 1 32,654 334 668 167
C-3 - 499 998 250
Option 2 - 499 998 250

Table 2-30 Tariff4 Production Uses (Industry and Mine)

with power above 30 kW with 30 kW power or less
Energy price (kWh/IRR) Power Energy price (kWh/IRR)
Year Tariff code Power
Middle Peak Low price Middle Peak Low
Load Load Load (kW/IRR Load Load Load
Hours Hours Hours ) Hours Hours Hours
Option 1 32,000 340 680 170
A-4 - 440 880 220
Option 2 12,000 390 780 195
Option 1 18,000 200 400 100
B-4 - 270 540 135
Option 2 9,000 240 480 120
Option 1 32,000 340 680 170
A-4 Option 2 12,000 390 780 195 - 440 880 220
Option 3 - 430 860 215
Option 1 18,000 200 400 100
B-4 Option 2 9,000 240 480 120 - 270 540 135
Option 3 - 270 540 135
Option 1 39,680 422 844 211
A-4 Option 2 14,880 484 968 242 - 546 1,092 273
Option 3 - 534 1,068 267
Option 1 22,320 248 496 124
B-4 Option 2 11,160 298 596 149 - 336 672 168
Option 3 - 336 672 168
Option 1 47,616 506 1,012 253
A-4 Option 2 17,856 581 1,162 291 - 655 1,310 328
Option 3 - 641 1,282 321
Option 1 26,784 298 596 149
B-4 Option 2 13,392 358 716 179 - 403 806 202
Option 3 - 403 806 202
Option 1 52,378 557 1,114 279
A-4 Option 2 19,642 639 1,278 320 - 721 1,442 361
Option 3 - 705 1,410 353
Option 1 29,462 328 656 164
B-4 Option 2 14,731 394 788 197 - 443 886 222
Option 3 - 443 886 222

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Option 1 53,267 566 1,132 283

A-4 Option 2 19,956 650 1,300 325 - 733 1,466 367
Option 3 - 717 1,434 359
Option 1 29,963 334 668 167
B-4 Option 2 14,981 401 802 201 - 451 902 226
Option 3 - 451 902 226
Option 1 56,997 606 1,212 303
A-4 Option 2 21,374 696 1,392 348 - 784 1,568 392
Option 3 - 767 1,534 384
Option 1 22,060 356 714 179
B-4 Option 2 16,030 429 858 215 - 483 966 242
Option 3 - 483 966 242

Table 2-31 Tariff5 Other Uses

Price Category 2010 2011 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
with power above 30 kW
Power price (kW/IRR) 30,000 20,000 24,800 29,760 32,736 33,293 35,624
Energy Middle load hours 1,000 1,100 1,364 1,637 1,801 1,832 1,960
price peak load hours 2,000 2,200 2,728 3,274 3,602 3,664 3,920
(kWh/IRR) Low load hours 500 550 682 819 901 916 980
with 30 kW power or less
Up to 100 1,000 1,100 1,364 1,637 1,801 1,832 1,960
Over 100-200 1,000 1,150 1,426 1,711 1,882 1,914 2,048
consumption/ Over 200-300 1,400 1,200 1,488 1,786 1,965 1,998 2,138
month Over 300-400 1,400 1,250 1,550 1,860 2,046 2,081 2,227
(kWh/month) Over 400-500 1,400 1,400 1,736 2,083 2,291 2,330 2,493
Over 500-600 1,400 1,600 1,984 2,381 2,619 2,664 2,850
Over 600 2,000 1,800 2,232 2,678 2,946 2,994 3,206

The month for revision of the prices in the above tables varies from year to year; in fiscal 2010,
it was December, in fiscal 2011, it was April, in fiscal 2014, it was April, and in fiscal 2015, it
was March 201614. Although it was not possible to obtain the information during the survey, as
stated previously, there was a price revision actually in September 2016, in which the price
increase is likely to about 10% over the previous year’s price. In the Persian calendar, a year
begins in March and ends in March in the following year.

The average sales prices as a result of applying the above sales tariff table were as follows.

Table 2-32 Average Electrical Power Sales Price (IRR/kWh)

Year Residential Public Agriculture Industry Others Average Inflation
2005-06 102.74 176.81 21.56 201.57 539.74 152.08
2006-07 102.92 181.70 21.25 200.41 541.16 152.78 0.5%
2007-08 124.67 159.61 20.97 205.86 507.95 164.98 8.0%
2008-09 119.34 228.92 21.98 204.61 552.36 174.25 5.6%
2009-10 129.00 152.00 21.00 206.00 501.00 165.00 -5.3%
2010-11 142.26 226.53 46.80 263.58 599.10 208.70 26.5%

14 The start date of the New Year in the Persian calendar corresponds to 21nd, March in A.D.

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2011-12 334.84 501.56 125.65 441.91 1275.25 409.48 96.2%

2012-13 337.46 491.01 131.10 427.52 1339.45 407.01 -0.6%
2013-14 364.80 516.30 133.40 442.60 1342.20 418.50 2.8%
2014-15 439.40 617.60 177.90 542.60 1664.00 525.60 25.6%
2015-16 515.56 729.80 192.94 640.26 1965.38 616.90 17.4%
2016-17 538.37 765.44 208.53 675.41 2183.23 662.03 7.3%
Source: Electric power industry in Iran 2014-2015

The price increases in fiscal 2010 and 2011 overlapped, so the sales price increased greatly, and
the increase was about double. Thereafter in fiscal 2012 and 2013 there was no price revision,
but a price revision was carried out in 2014.

In addition, it is considered that the future direction of the price is upwards, but as the price
itself is a political matter, when and how much the price increase is impossible to predict.

(2) Sales prices to VHV and HV customers

Different prices are applicable to VHV and HV customers that directly purchase their electrical
power from the transmission lines, and not via the distribution network. Basically, the price is
determined by contract negotiated individually between the parties in long-term contracts.

(3) Electrical power subsidies

There are 2 types of so cold subsidy. Those are fuel subsidy and Government budget. The
Government decides domestic fuel price and fuel price for generation are set cheaper than fuel
price for other category in Iran. The amounts which are corresponding to difference between
purchase price from National petroleum Co. or National gas Co. and international price are
recognized as fuel subsidy. Fuel subsidy is not actual payments from the Government and it is
recognized only through calculation.
In law, TPPH and TAVANIR are a company, but from the financial viewpoint, it also has the
aspect of a government organization. As a government organization, they prepare a budget, and
differences between forecast expenditure and income are paid from the national budget, so that
income and expenditure in the budget are balanced.

The income is broadly divided into electrical power income and disbursements from the
government. When TPPH and TAVANIR are considered as a self-supporting organization, the
budget dispersed from the government is effectively considered to be a subsidy.

The following table shows the comparison between the cost of sales and the sales tariffs. It was
not possible to obtain data for the fuel subsidies up to 2010 and the cost of goods in 2012, etc.,
so the table is incomplete. As shown in the table below, the cost of sales greatly exceeds the
sales tariff. The amount of the difference is compensated for by the fuel subsidies and budget.
The sales tariff increases yearly, but the difference with the cost of sales is great, so even in
2014 the sales tariff was less than half the cost of sales. From 2013 the fuel subsidy has been
abolished, so the compensation from the budget has increased.

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Table 2-33 Cost of sales, Subsidies, Sales Tariffs

Costs Fuel Net budget
Year Net Costs Sales tariff
*1 subsidy *2
2004-05 301.0 - 301.0 151.1 149.9
2005-06 316.6 - 316.6 152.1 164.5
2006-07 326.1 - 326.1 152.3 173.8
2007-08 310.0 - 310.0 165.0 145.0
2008-09 397.7 - 397.7 174.3 223.4
2009-10 430.0 - 430.0 165.0 265.0
2010-11 537.4 - 537.4 208.7 328.7
2011-12 1,240.1 649.0 591.1 409.5 181.6
2012-13 - - - 407.0 -
2013-14 1,107.0 - 1,107.0 418.7 688.4
2014-15 1,131.0 - 1,131.0 525.6 605.4
2015-16 904.0 - 904.0 616.9 287.1
2016-17 958.0 - 958.0 662.0 296.0
*1 Year 2004-05 to 2010-11 Costs without fuel subsidy year 2011-12 and after costs with fuel subsidy
*2 year 2004-05 to 2011-12 Budget, 2013-14 and after bidgt + fuel subsidy
Source: Electric power industry in Iran 2011-2012、2014-2015

Fuel subsidy (as reference)

Daily essentials like wheat and energy are subsidized in Iran like in other middle east countries.
Energy such as gasoline diesel and electricity and basic foods such as bread, egg and food oil are
subsidized in Iran.

2000 era and after increase in energy subsidy became a factor of strict national finance in line with
increase of domestic energy demand At the beginning, gasoline price was raised in incremental steps
from 2007 to 2014, and On a nominal price basis, the gasoline price increased by a factor of 7 in
seven years, through a major reduction in subsidies15.

Transitions in energy subsidy from 2014 to 2016 were as follows. The Government reduce energy
subsidy after 2014 also but flagging oil market is considered as main reason for energy subsidy
reduction. Domestic fuel price for generation was not increased as described above, on the contrary
it was decreased in fiscal year 2016-17. Therefore, it should be understood that fuel subsidy was
reduced rather according to the result of external factor; prolonged slump in international oil market
not due from the Governmental policy.

FY2014 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Foreign and Security Affairs Research Project (General Project) “The Middle
East as a Global Strategy Issue – Outlook to 2030 and Response –” Chapter 6 Subsidies and Structural Reform,
Yoshikazu Kobayashi, The Japan Institute of International Affairs

The Islamic Republic of Iran
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Table 2-34 Fossil-fuel subsidies in IRAN (as reference)

USD mil
Product 2014 2015 2016
Oil 33,754 17,151 16,075
Electricity 13,091 12,254 4,888
Gas 18,766 17,554 13,841
Coal 0 0 0
Total 65,611 46,959 34,804
Source:IEA fossil-fuel subsidies database

Table 2-35 Indicators for year 2016(as reference)

Average Subsidy per Total subsidy
subsidisation capita as share of
rate (%) ($/person) GDP (%)
Iran 65.5% 434.8 9.2%
Source: IEA fossil-fuel subsidies database

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Final Report

Chapter 3 Natural Conditions

3.1 Overview

The site is located just under 2 hours by car from Tehran.

According to the field investigations conducted at the time of the second site survey, the ground
surface of the site was covered with plants, and the surface layer was a silty fine sand covering a
mixture of sand and gravel. There are trees near the boundary line on the north side within the
site of the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant, which will have to be removed together with the tree
stumps and roots prior to commencement of construction. Also, there is one (1) cable laid in a
cable trench in the center of the site. In addition, there are structures in several locations, and
there are also concrete pipes on the site, so it will be necessary to remove these prior to

An on-site borehole survey and a laboratory soil test were conducted for the basic design of the
foundation and the details of soil properties were elucidated by the results of the survey and test.

Source: prepared by JICA Study team

Fig. 3-1 Photo of Candidate Site

3.2 Site Geological Conditions

Site investigations such as soil investigation, topographical survey, infrastructure survey, etc.,
has been carried out to confirm that there are no problems in the natural conditions, etc., in the
site for construction of the new high-efficiency low environmental load gas combined cycle
generating plant within the site of the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant in Iran. The detailed contents
to be carried out are described in Section 3.2.1onwards.

3.2.1 Status of the Ground

A borehole survey has been carried out in July 2017 by local consultants engaged by the JICA
consultant team. The results will be summarized and the site ground conditions will be

The quantities to be surveyed are as shown below. The quantities of the survey were decided in
accordance with ground conditions at the plant site.

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Final Report

(1) Quantity and Location of the Study

1) Field Work

The items and quantities of the field work are as follows:

a) Boring : 5 points (BP1-BP5)

: 100 m in length at 1 boring point and 30 m in length at 4 boring points,
220m in total length
b) Standard Penetration Test : Every 1 meter intervals (Total 170 sets at most)

2) Laboratory Test

The items and quantities of the laboratory test are as follows:

a) Particle-size Analysis : 63 pieces of all samples

b) Atterberg Limits : 63 pieces of all samples
c) Specific Gravity Test : 5 pieces of all samples
d) Direct Shear Test : 5 pieces of all samples
e) Chemical Test : 5 pieces of all samples

The locations of the boreholes are as shown below.

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Source: created by JICA study team utilizing Google Earth

Fig. 3-2 Location of the bore holes

Table 3-1 Coordinates of the bore holes

Row BH No. X Y Z
1 BH-1 437591 4001253 1286 100
2 BH-2 437984 4001564 1303 30
3 BH-3 437545 4001779 1300 30
4 BH-4 437209 4000977 1283 30
5 BH-5 437674 4000631 1282 30
Source: prepared by JICA Study team

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3.2.2 Results of Geological Survey

The maximum and the minimum soil density at each depth as obtained in the above surveys are
shown in Table 3-2.
Table 3-2 Maximum and Minimum Density

Source: prepared by JICA Study team

Table 3-3 shows the soil cohesion and friction angle at each boring depth.

Table 3-3 Results of Mechanical Tests

Source: prepared by JICA Study team

In addition, Table 3-4 shows the results of chemical component analysis at each depth.

Table 3-4 Results of Chemical Component Analysis

Source: prepared by JICA Study team

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Fig. 3-3 shows the passing rate of a grain size of 0.074 mm or less, Fig. 3-4 the liquid limit and
Fig. 3-5 the plasticity index respectively.

Source: prepared by JICA Study team

Fig. 3-3 Passing Rate

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Source: prepared by JICA Study team

Fig. 3-4 Liquid Limit

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Source: prepared by JICA Study team

Fig. 3-5 Plasticity Index

The typical geological boring log at the site is shown in Fig.3-6. No large differences are seen at
5 survey points.

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Final Report

Source: prepared by JICA Study team

Fig. 3-6 Typical Geological Boring Log at Site

The typical grain size distribution diagram and table are shown in Fig.3-7 and in Table 3-5

Source: prepared by JICA Study team

Fig. 3-7 Typical Grain Size Distribution Diagram

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Final Report

Table 3-5 Typical Grain Size Distribution

Source: prepared by JICA Study team

The typical geological parameters as deemed as the design guidelines are shown in Table 3-6.

Table 3-6 Typical Geological Parameters

Source: prepared by JICA Study team

3.2.3 Discussion on Geological Properties

(1) Geological Conditions at Site
 The grain size distribution analysis has revealed the existence of gravelly soil at all
survey points. While the ground consists mostly of gravel and sand, clay is also found
in the fine-grain fraction. (Fig.3-6)
 The strength test of the ground has revealed that the soil fraction of the ground
excluding gravel has an N value of approximately 20, indicating that it is compact
sand. (Fig.3-6)
 The ground mostly consists of gravelly sand and the ratio of particles with a grain size
of 0.0075 μm or less (fine-grain fraction) is 20 % or less. Therefore, there will be no
negative effects from the absorption of water into the ground (e.g., at the time of rain),
such as the clayey component becoming muddy or loosening of the ground. (Fig.3-6)
 Although clay content in the fine-grain fraction is large, the ground consists of
gravelly sand with a ratio of particles with a grain size of 0.0075 μm or less at 20 % or
less. Therefore, it has been concluded that the soil taken from this ground can be used
for backfilling. (Fig. 3-3)
 As seen in the geological boring log, the geological strata are composed of tight sandy
gravels (N-value>50). (Fig.3-6)
 The plasticity index and the liquid limit are shown in Fig. 3-4 and Fig. 3-5. The
plasticity indexes are concentrated on 10 to 15%. The liquid limits are concentrated on
20 to 30%.

(2) Chemical Components at Site

 The chemical component analysis has revealed that the soil in the entire site has
neutral to slightly alkaline pH values and, thus, will have no adverse effect on concrete.
(Table 3-4)
 As the existence of sulfate ions in the soil in the planned power plant construction

The Islamic Republic of Iran
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Final Report

sites is suspected, sulfate resisting concrete must be used for the construction of
underground structures. Application of asphalt on concrete surfaces that come into
direct contact with soil is recommended as a safety measure. (Table 3-4)

3.2.4 Groundwater Conditions

The levels of the groundwater have been checked during the borehole survey to be carried out
by the local consultants engaged by the JICA consultant team. According to the hearing survey
with the power plant staff in the second site survey, the groundwater existed at the depth of 40
m or more from the ground surface as based on the water level of the borehole used at the
existing power plant.

In groundwater level monitoring in the borehole survey, the existence of groundwater was not
observed in BH-2 to -5 bored to GL-30m, but it was observed in BH-1 at GL-64.5 m.

3.3 Topographical Conditions of the Site

3.3.1 Topographical Conditions
A topographical survey has been carried out by local consultants engaged by the JICA
consultant team. The results are summarized and a description is provided regarding the local

(1) Survey Range

The area to be surveyed was not only the Plan-B new power station construction area, but
included about 75 hectares, also covering the areas for the new Administration Building and
Switch Yard. The area to be surveyed is shown in the following figure.

Source: created by JICA study team utilizing Google Earth

Fig. 3-8 Survey Area

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Final Report

1) Benchmarks
Temporary benchmarks were installed at ten locations in the Plan-B area. The UTM coordinates
and elevation of each benchmark were determined using a GPS device and a national control
point near the plant (grade 2 national benchmark, NCC/040-007) as a reference point. Table 3.2
shows the UTM coordinates and elevation of each benchmark.

Table 3-7 Coordinates of the bench marks

Row TBM No. X Y H

1 TBM-1 437885.202 4001601.521 1298.176

2 TBM-2 437612.405 4001787.059 1297.641

3 TBM-3 437469.541 4001578.388 1292.106

4 TBM-4 437510.635 4001356.638 1289.01

5 TBM-5 437393.445 4001239.449 1285.345

6 TBM-6 437310.451 4001044.013 1280.831

7 TBM-7 437505.392 4001022.285 1282.967

8 TBM-8 437570.173 4001144.052 1285.867

9 TBM-9 437676.506 4001295.949 1289.996

10 TBM-10 437811.005 4001493.103 1294.998

Source: prepared by JICA Study team

2) Topographic Map
The results of a topographic survey of an approx. 75 ha in the Plan-B area were used for the
creation of a 1:1000-scale topographic map with contours at 0.5 m intervals of the area. The
existing structures at the site were also surveyed and represented on the map.

3.3.2 Land Formation Plan

A geological survey of the site revealed that the ground in the site consists of compact sandy
and gravelly soil and that the groundwater level in the site is sufficiently deep (deeper than
GL-60m). This allows to conclude that there are no geological problems for land formation at
the site.

The topographic survey conducted by local consultants revealed a slope in the north-south
direction in the site. There is an elevation difference of 20 m in the site, with an elevation of
1,298.5 m at the northern edge of the site and 1,278.5 m at the southern edge. In the power plant
construction plan, the Administration Building, Power House and Switch Yard are to be
constructed in the northern, central and southern areas of the site, respectively, as shown in the
figure below.

As a spread foundation will presumably be used in the construction of these structures, the
ground will be excavated in the required areas to the required depths, and excavated earth will
be disposed of within the plant site.

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Final Report

Administration Building Area

Power House Area

Switch Yard Area

Site Boundary Excavated Area

E.L. =1298.5 m
E.L. =1292.5 m
Site Boundary
20.0 m E.L. =1285.0 m South
E.L. =1278.5 m

Administration  Building Area Power House Area Switch Yard Area

L =280 m L =340 m L =360 m

Existing Road
L =20 m

A-A Section (No-Scale Diagram)

Source: prepared by JICA Study team
Fig. 3-9 Topological Map Made by Site Investigation

3.4 Climatic Conditions

A survey has been carried out on the various types of climatic data (winds directions, wind
speeds, rainfall, air temperature and humidity, air composition, etc.). The results are summarized
and a description will be provided regarding the climatic conditions.

The meteorological conditions and specifications to be used in the project were set mainly using
data recorded at the Qazvin Synoptic Meteorological Station located approximately 24 km west
of the Shahid Rajaee Thermal Power Plant.

(Temperature and humidity)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

The temperature and humidity data recorded at the Qazvin Station, the meteorological station
closest to the plant, and other stations near the plant were analyzed. The average annual
temperature, average annual maximum temperature and average annual minimum temperature
are 14.1 ºC, 21.2 ºC and 6.8 ºC, respectively. The daily maximum temperate is 44.0 ºC recorded
between June and August and the daily minimum temperature is -28.0 ºC recorded in January.
The average annual relative humidity is 65.0 %.

Thirty-two (32) existing meteorological stations near the plant were selected as the sources of
precipitation data for statistical analysis conducted on the basis of the accuracy, reliability and
period of measurement of the data. Precipitation has been measured for the past 46 years at
these stations. The statistical analysis of the precipitation data has revealed that, of the average
annual precipitation of 320.5 mm, 34.3 % is observed in the winter, 28.7 % in the fall, 33.5 % in
the spring and only 3.5 % in the summer.

(Wind direction and velocity)

Wind direction and velocity has been measured for 55 years at the Qazvin Station, the station
closest to the plant. The prevailing wind direction is southeast throughout the year and in each
season. The average velocity of the prevailing wind is between 1 m/s and 4 m/s and the average
annual wind velocity is 1.97 m/s. The maximum instantaneous wind velocity observed at the
station is 38.9 m/s.

3.5 Well Water

A survey will be carried out of the present status of well water intake and drainage methods,
quantities of water, and routes. The results have been summarized and a description will be
provided regarding the water.

The river system in which the new power plant site is located consists of the Shoor River, the
river system in the Qazvin Plains, the Bahjat Abad (Zaghe) River and the Unes Abad River.
The Behjat Abad River is an important source of water intake into the plant. It is a 3.5 km-long
tributary and has a catchment area of 120 km2. The gauging station closest to the plant is in
Behjat Abad. The station was established in 1979 and water flow has been measured for 36
years at this station. The average annual flow rate is 0.22 m3/s and the maximum flow rate is
observed in April and May.

A groundwater survey was conducted with consideration for the possibility of the use of
groundwater from boreholes in and near the plant site for plant operation. There are seven
boreholes in and around the site. Their depths are between 150 m and 200 m and their pumping
rates are between 1.5 L/s and 19.3 L/s.
The groundwater level in the plant area dropped by 36 m between 1965 and 2016, which is a
rate of 0.68m/year. In association with this drop in the groundwater level, the salinity of
groundwater has noticeably increased.

Groundwater will be supplied to the new power plant as in the case with the existing plant. The
quality requirements for groundwater and the required amount are described in “5.3.4 (4)
Design and Performance Requirements.”

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Final Report

3.6 Conclusion
Based on the results of the above surveys of natural conditions, a study has been carried out into
the ancillary facilities associated with the power station, preliminary design of buildings, etc.,
routes for transportation of equipment, and temporary storage locations. The results have been
summarized and a description is provided below regarding the civil engineering design.

(1) As a deep layer of sandy and gravelly soil is found below the ground surface of the site, the
bearing capacity of the ground is expected to be high even near ground level. Based on the
absence of silt and cohesive soil that may cause ground settlement, it has been concluded
that consolidation settlement will not occur in the site. However, as a few centimeters of
immediate settlement is expected to occur immediately after a load is applied on the ground,
the absence of adverse effect from the immediate settlement on the foundation structures
will be confirmed in the stage of the detailed design.

(2) Based on the results of the surveys of natural conditions in and near the project site, it has
been concluded that there is no need to use a pile foundation for the construction of
structures that apply a large load on the ground such as the Power House and fuel tanks. As
the site is on a gentle slope, the construction sites will be prepared with cutting and spread
foundations will be constructed on the prepared ground.

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Final Report

Chapter 4 Fuel Supply Plan

4.1 Fuel Sector in Iran
4.1.1 Outline of Fuel Sector in Iran
The fossil fuel industry is one of the major industries in Iran. Therefore, exports of oil and gas
account for the majority of trade value. Because it is a major industry, the fossil fuel industry is
managed by the Ministry of Petroleum (MoP) under the government. The organization of the
fossil fuel industry is shown in
Fig. 4-1. The fossil fuel industry is divided into four parts by major public companies as the
subordinate organization of MoP. Also each company has subsidiary companies.

Ministry of Petroleum
National Iranian Oil Company
Islamic Republic of Iran

Subsidiary Companies

National Iranian Gas Company

Subsidiary Companies

National Oil Refining and Distribution

Subsidiary Companies

National Petrochemical Company

Subsidiary Companies
Source: MoP WEB Site

Fig. 4-1 Organization of the Fossil Fuel Industry

The new facilities which are forecasted in this study are the combined cycle power plant which
will use natural gas as the main fuel. So, the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) is the most
relevant in this study. The organization of NIGC is shown in Fig. 4-2.

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National Iranian Gas

Provincial Gas Companies

 Chaharmahal  Mazandaran
 Bushehr  Semnan
 East Azarbaijan  South Khorasan
 Golestan  Sistan& Balochestan
 Isfahan  Tehran
 Gilan  West Azarbaijan
 Fars  Zanjan
 Kerman  Yazd
 Hamedan  Hormozgan
 Ilam  Ardebil
 Kermanshah
 Khoozestan
 Khorasan razavi
 Kordestan
 Lorestan
 North Khorasan
 Qazvin
 Qom Total 29 Companies
 Markazi

Gas Treating Companies

 Fajr
 Bid Boland
 Hashemi
 Parsian
 South Pars
 Sarkhoon & Qeshm
 Ilam Total 7 Companies

Iranian Gas Transmission


 Iranian Gas Transmission Company

 District No.1 ~10
Total 11 Companies

Iranian Gas Engineering &

Development Company

Iranian Gas Commercial


Underground Gas Storage

Source: NIGC WEB Site
Fig. 4-2 Organization of NIGC

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According to NIGC’s website, NIGC has subsidiary companies having various roles. The gas
facilities are managed and operated by each provincial company. Shahid Rajaee Power Station
which is the subject of this study is located in Qazvin, so Qazvin Province Gas Company is in
charge of the gas supply management for the power station. And Iranian Gas Transmission
Company which is in charge of the gas transmission separates the company for each area to
manage. The areas are shown in the following figure. Tehran and Qazvin province is located in
Area III.

Area #VIII

Area #IX

Area #III
Area #VII
Area #IV

Area #II
Area #I

Area #V
Area #VI
Area #X

Source: Google Earth, Naft&EMA website1

Fig. 4-3 Area of Natural Gas Supply


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4.1.2 Current Status of Natural Gas Development in Iran

The natural gas production by 2016 in Iran is shown in Fig. 4-4.


Natural Gas Production
[billion cubic meters]




Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2017
Fig. 4-4 Trend of Natural Gas Production in Iran

The natural gas production in 2016 was more than 200 billion cubic meters which is 5.7 % of
the world gas production (No.3 in the world). But the natural gas consumption in Iran reached
5.7 % of the world gas consumption (No.4 in the world), so Iran is importing gas from
Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan during the winter season which is the highest gas demand season.
The natural gas is mainly using for power generation, industry (petrochemical and so on),
consumers, and gas injection for oil fields. The natural gas consumption by 2016 in Iran is
shown in Fig. 4-5.

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Natural Gas Consumption
[billion cubic meter]




Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2017
Fig. 4-5 Trend of Natural Gas Consumption

After around 1990, production and consumption expanded rapidly in Iran. Also the proven
reserves expanded with production and consumption by the development of natural gas mining
technology, etc. According to BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2017, the proven reserves
of Iran in 2016 reached 18 % of the world share (No.1 in the world). The proven reserves of
natural gas are shown in Fig. 4-6.

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The Proved Reserves of Natural Gas

[Trillion cubic meters]






Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2017

Fig. 4-6 Trend of Proven Reserves of Natural Gas in Iran

Although Iran is one of the world’s leading countries in gas development, it does not export
much natural gas. In 2016, annual natural gas exports by pipeline remained at 8.4 billion cubic
meters. Even so, Iran is grabbing the whole world’s attention as a new natural gas development
country due to the high potential for natural gas development.

4.2 Gas Pipelines

In Iran, natural gas is supplied directly from refineries and gas storage facilities to places of
consumption throughout the country through gas pipelines. Gas fields in and around the Persian
Gulf are the major production area of natural gas, which is supplied throughout Iran through gas
pipelines. Fig.4-7 shows major gas fields in and around the Persian Gulf. Among these gas
fields, the South Pars Gas Field is the largest. Reference materials distributed in a workshop
organized by the International Gas Union (IGU) state that the South Pars Gas Field is the
world’s largest gas field.

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Source: Reference materials distributed in the IGU Executive Committee Workshop2

Fig. 4-7 Major Gas Fields (in red) and Oil Field (in green) in and around the Persian Gulf

Gas pipelines in Iran are classified by supply area into ten large groups. Subsidiaries of the
Iranian Gas Transmission Company manage gas distribution in their respective service areas.
The major gas pipelines called Iran Gas Trunklines (IGATs) are literally the trunks of the gas
pipeline network and gas is distributed from the trunk lines to the entire country. Some IGATs
are used for exporting natural gas.

A workshop held on 30th March 2017 organized by IGU
Session 2 ; Regional gas industry issues and opportunities – The Future of Gas in the Middle East
Natural Gas Industry in I.R.IRAN – Past, Present, Future ; H.E. Amir Hossein Zamaninia, Deputy
Petroleum Minister in International Affairs & Trading (Iran)

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Table 4-1 IGATs: Outline of Iran Gas Trunklines

Total Pipe
length diameter Description
(km) (inch)
I 1103 42 From Bid-Boland Refinery in Khūzestān Province to Astara
II 1039 56 From Kangan Refinery in Fars Province to Qazvin Province
III 1267 56 From Asalouyeh County to central and northwestern Iran
IV 1145 56 From Asalouyeh County to Fars and Isfahan Provinces
V 504 56 Used for gas injection in oil fields in Khūzestān Province
VI 610 56 Used for gas distribution from Asalouyeh County to Khūzestān
Province and export to countries west of Iran
VII 902 56 From Asalouyeh County to Hormuzgān, Sistan-Baluchestan and
Kermān Provinces
VIII 1050 56 From Asalouyeh County to Fars, Isfahan and Qom Provinces
IX 1863 56
From Asalouyeh County through Khūzestān and Ilam Province and
Kurdistan and Iranian Azerbaijan Regions to the border with
X 632 56 A trunk line to reinforce gas distribution to central Iran
XI 1200 56 From Asalouyeh County to Bushehr, Fars, Yazd, Isfahan and
Semnan Provinces and the Tehran-Mashhad Pipeline
Source:2017 IGU Executive Committee Workshop (2017)

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Armenia Azerbaijan
EU Turkey






Source: Reference materials distributed in the IGU Executive Committee Workshop in 2017, Figure
prepared by the Study Team

Fig. 4-8 Outline of Existing and Planned IGATs in Iran

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Final Report

4.3 The Existing Fuel Facilities of Shahid Rajaee Power Station

4.3.1 Gas Facilities
The existing gas facilities are located to the south-east from the existing GTCC. The location of
gas facilities in the site is shown in Fig.4-9. The gas facilities are managed by Qazvin province
Gas Company which is a subsidiary company of NIGC under the control of MoP. Although
TPPH and Shahid Rajaee Power Station do not manage the facilities, they are dedicated gas
supply facilities for Shahid Rajaee Power Station.

Source: created by JICA study team utilizing Google Earth

Fig. 4-9 The Location of Gas Facilities

In the gas facilities, there are treatment facilities as indicated in Fig.4-10, that carry out heating,
pressure reducing, and filtering. There are four lines, No.1 and No.2 belong to the existing
steam PP, and No.4 belongs to the existing GTCC. Line No.3 of four lines is a spare line, and it
is not used currently. The condition of each gas is shown in Table 4-2. The spare line is installed
in parallel to No.1 and No.2 lines, and it is closed by a blind flange in the existing steam PP.

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Existing Existing Existing

Spare Pipe GTCC Steam PP Steam PP




No.3 No.4 No.2 No.1

Main Gas Pipe

Source: created by JICA study team utilizing Google Earth

Fig. 4-10 Layout of the Existing Gas Facilities

Table 4-2 Gas Condition in the Existing Gas Facilities

Before NIGC Metering Station After NIGC Metering Station
Pressure (psi) Temperature (C) Pressure (psi) Temperature (C)

Minimum 400 Ambient Temperature 250±5% 15±5

Maximum 700 Ambient Temperature 250±5% 15±5

Average 550 Ambient Temperature 250 15


These gas supplies are decided by the application which indicates gas supply conditions and is
requested from TPPH to the province gas company. According to TPPH, the generating
company applies to the gas company to supply the quantity of gas necessary for generation, and
the gas company supplies the gas in accordance with the application. Even if the gas supply
capacity or ability is not enough with the existing facilities, the province gas company extends
the gas facility at the gas company’s responsibility. According to TPPH, the flow of fuel supply
application is shown in below.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
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Final Report

TPPH Plan and Design for executing the project

[Project site, Requested Fuel and operating starting time]

Issue of Application Form from TPPH to NIGC

(Note) Form includes Efficiency and Power output plan
(For Announcement; 3 months)

4 months

MOP (Ministry of Petroleum)

Fuel Coordination Committee


Coordination Committee;
 Approval of Fuel and Efficiency
 Member; MOP (Planning Department) and NIGC
 Every two(2) months


Receive Approval
Source: TPPH
Fig. 4-11 Flow of Application for Fuel Supply

First, TPPH will plan and design for executing project. On the planning, the project site, the amount
of requested fuel, and commercial operating date are usually focused. Then, TPPH will issue the
application document to NIGC as formal application. In the application, the efficiency, the power
output, the technology which is H or J class gas turbine combined cycle power plant in case of this
project will be written as addition on above executing plan.

MOP is holding the fuel coordination committee once in 2 months. The committee judges whether it
is an efficient project deserving fuel supply and decides whether to supply fuel. The planning
department of MOP and the representative of NIGC will attend the committee. The results of the
committee will be announced to MOE and TPPH within 3 months from the application. As a result
of the committee, if fuel supply is available, it will be approved in about 1 month after the
4.3.2 Gas Oil Facilities
The existing gas oil facilities are located to north-east of the existing GTCC. The gas oil is
supplied by truck and pipeline. First, the gas oil is stored in the primary gas oil tank. Then the
gas oil is transferred to the secondary gas oil tank by an oil pump.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

The storage capacity of teach primary tank in the existing gas oil facilities is 20,000 m3. In the
case of secondary gas oil tanks, there is one 20,000 m3 capacity tank and three 30,000 m3
capacity tanks in the gas oil facility area. According to TPPH, the power station should have a
back-up fuel storage facility that can store back-up fuel for 5 days (depending on the facility).

Gas Oil Tank (No.6, 7)
Secondary Heavy Oil Tank
Gas Oil Tank (No.1, 2) (for Steam PP)


Gas Oil Tank (No.3, 4, 5)
Transfer Pump House

Existing GTCC

Source: created by JICA study team utilizing Google Earth

Fig. 4-12 Layout of the Existing Gas Oil Facilities

4.3.3 Status of Fuel Use in Shahid Rajaee Power Station

According to BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2017, the amount of natural gas imported
by pipeline is 7.4 billion cubic meters (from Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan) due to the gas
shortage because of the demand for heating in the winter season. Therefore, in Shahid Rajaee
Power Station, gas oil is used instead of natural gas in the winter season. The annual usage of
gas oil in 2016 was approximately 200,000 tons/year for the existing GTCC at Shahid Rajaee
Power Station.

Table 4-3 The Annual Usage of Gas Oil from 2012 to 2016 (the Existing GTCC)
Unit No. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
1 GT1 Gas 167 124 137 172 180
Oil 53,210 73,253 50,275 50,902 29,123
GT2 Gas 164 140 133 190 189
Oil 78,742 79,200 35,039 36,298 38,293
2 GT1 Gas 154 137 136 159 189
Oil 37,295 71,845 76,353 27,375 31,972
GT2 Gas 148 89 182 212 167
Oil 64,486 26,325 41,513 28,375 32,569
3 GT1 Gas 145 125 130 180 175
Oil 53,115 87,875 26,080 32,613 27,224
GT2 Gas 153 139 148 171 193
Oil 55,815 75,234 76,789 23,468 40,530
Gas: Million cubic meters, Oil: tons
Source: created by JICA study team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Chapter 5 Power System Analysis and Grid Connection Plan

5.1 Basic concept and calculation conditions of power system analysis
5.1.1 Objectives
To define the technical requirements for connecting the Shahid Rajaee thermal power plant (640
MW×2) to the existing 400 kV power system, and to carry out a power system analysis
calculation of the situations of the network system based on these requirements. In addition to
confirm that operation of facilities and power system can continue in stable operation. (Refer to
MONENCO’s Final (3rd) report) (Note)
(Note) This power system analysis was performed by MONENCO with JICA Study Team. Title of MONENCO's
Final (3rd) report is "Power System Analysis for Preparatory Survey on Shahid Rajaee Power Plant
Construction PROJECT, COMPLEMENTARY Studies, by MONENCO (May 2018)”.

Specifically to carry out power flow calculation, fault current calculation, and transient stability
simulation for interconnection of the Shahid Rajaee thermal power plant to the existing power

5.1.2 Power Flow Analysis

To confirm the power flow of the transmission line and the transformer, voltage of each bus at
peak and Light demand power system.

(1) Power flow

【N-0 Criterion】 To confirm that the network current is within the rated capacity in
(Normal Condition) each of the facilities when the operation of all the facilities is normal.
・Transmission line:Within the rated capacity 100%
・Transformer:Within the rated capacity 100%
【N-1 Criterion】 When a fault occurs in a single facility, to confirm that the current in
(A single fault condition) the rest of the facilities which are in normal operation is within the
rated capacity.
・Transmission line:Within the rated capacity 100%
・Transformer:Within the rated capacity 110%

(2) Voltage
【N-0 Criterion】 To confirm that each bus voltage is kept within the allowable voltage
(Normal Condition) range
・Bus voltage:Within 0.95~1.05[P.U.]
【N-1 Criterion】 To confirm that each bus voltage is kept within the allowable voltage
(A single fault condition) range
・Bus voltage:Within 0.90~1.05[P.U.]

5.1.3 Fault Current Analysis

To confirm that each fault current is within short circuit breaking capacity of the circuit breaker.
・Short circuit breaking capacity of the 400kV circuit breaker:50kA

5.1.4 Steady state stability/Transient stability Analysis

To confirm that the Steady state stability/Transient stability of the Iranian power system is stable
when a fault occurs in a single facility around the Shahid Rajaee area.

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

5.1.5 System Frequency Analysis

To confirm that the system frequency must not fall below 49.5Hz when it is occur the outage of
one generator.

5.1.6 Work Flow of Power System Analysis

Obtain the Grid Cord

(Power system criteria)

Obtain Power System Data

(Generator, Generator Control, Transformer
transmissoin line, load etc)

Build a network model for power system

analysis tool (PSS/E)

Load Flow Calculation

(Power Flow/Voltage)

Transient Stability Short Circuit

Simulation Calculation
・ R a ted capacity > Pow er Flow
・ R a nge of Allowable Voltage N

・ S h ort Circuit Breaking Y consider measures

Ca p acity > Fault Current N
for problem
・ S t able

Understanding Power System characteristics

Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-1 Work Flow of Power System Analysis

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

5.1.7 New Generator Specification

(1)New Generator Configuration:640MW×2unit(1 on 1) HRSG:Heat Recovery Steam Generator
GT:Gas Turbine
ST:Steam Turbine
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-2 New Generator Configuration
(2)AVR Model
Ec:Generator Terminal Voltage
Vref:Voltage reference
Tn:Time constant
IIFD:Field current
EFD:Field Voltsge

Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-3 New Generator AVR Model
(3)Governor Model

△ω:Rotation Speed
δ:Speed Droop
K:Gas turbine power fraction
Tn:Time constant
Pmech:Machine output command

Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-4 New Generator Governor Model
5.1.8 Power System Modeling
Power system modeling is as follows.
(1) System configuration in:2024
(2) Demand level
・Peak(Peak Load):78068MW
・Light(Light Load):37622MW
(3) Output of new generator
・Peak (summer): 530MW
・Light (winter): 640MW
(4) Power station site location
・A point: North side of existing switchgear
・B point: East side of existing power station

5.2 Result of Power system analysis on 2cct and π connection

(1) System connection method of new generator
・It draws it in to the existing Rajaee power station 400kV switch gear twice in the line.
・The switch gear is newly established, and the ation 400kV switch gear twice in the line
400kV one line

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Source: Obtained from Google Earth, and prepared by JICA Study Team

New power plant connection to 400kV existing New power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee
steam substation through two-circuit 400kV steam-Vardavard transmission line
transmission line
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-5 Shahid Rajaee new plant connection scenario and location

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

5.2.1 Case Scenario(2cct and π connection)

To confirm the power flow of the transmission line and the transformer, voltage of each bus at
peak and Light demand power system. Case Scenario of Calculation is as follows.

Table 5-1 Case Scenario of Calculation

Location Case Shahid Rajaee new power plant connection scenario and location
New power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation through
two-circuit 400kV transmission line
A-2 New power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard transmission line
A New power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee combined cycle - Baghestan
transmission line
A-4 New power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Ziaran transmission line
A-5 New power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Roudshoor transmission line
New power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation through
two-circuit 400kV transmission line
B-2 New power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard transmission line
B New power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee combined cycle - Baghestan
transmission line
New power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee combined cycle - Roudshoor
transmission line
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

5.2.2 Result of pre calculation(2cct and π connection)

(1)Result of Power Flow Calculation
In case scenario A-1-B-4, it was confirmed that the case with both【 N-0 criteria 】 and【 N-1
criteria 】 the current and the voltage pre and post new generator system interconnection was
the tolerances or less.

(2)Result of Three-phase short circuit current

The Fault current of the three-phase short circuit exceeds 50 kA pre and post new generator

Table 5-2 Three-phase short circuit current(Pre and post new generator interconnection)
【New power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation through two-circuit
400kV transmission line】
Pre-connection Post-connection
Substation Name Ikss (kA) X/R Ikss (kA) X/R
ANARAN 400 19.5 12.2 19.6 12.2
ANJIRAK-ARAK 400 29.5 12.9 29.5 12.9
BAGHESTAN 400 25.4 14.7 25.9 14.8
BOO 400 16.7 13.7 16.8 13.6
DASHTABI 400 31.9 13.5 33.5 13.7
GILAN 400 17.4 14.6 17.5 14.6
JALAL 400 38.1 19.1 38.2 19
MEHR 400 22.2 13.2 25.4 10.5
MEHR 230 25.4 10.5 22.2 13.2
MINODAR 400 17.0 11.2 17.3 11.2
N-SH.RAJAII(S) 400 55.9 18.7 61.8 20.3
NGS-SH.RAJAII(C.C) 400 55.0 18.7 60.3 20
NGS_GILAN 230 44.7 13.4 44.8 13.3
NG_DAMAVAND 400 34.3 20.3 34.5 20.2
ROUDSHOUR 400 49.5 19.3 50.1 19.3
RUDSHUR 400 48.6 19.4 49.2 19.4
NEW P/S 400 - - 61.5 20.2
TOSE'E SHAZAND 230 21.7 12.3 21.7 12.3
UNIT SAVE 400 31.2 15.7 31.3 15.7
VARDAVARD 400 43.7 16.8 44.9 16.8
ZIARAN 400 43.2 16.0 45.7 16.4
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 5-3 Three-phase short circuit current (Pre and post new generator interconnection)
【New power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard transmission line】
Pre-connection Post-connection
Substation Name Ikss (kA) X/R Ikss (kA) X/R
ANARAN 400 19.5 12.2 19.6 12.2
ANJIRAK-ARAK 400 29.5 12.9 29.5 12.9
BAGHESTAN 400 25.4 14.7 25.9 14.8
BOO 400 16.7 13.7 16.8 13.6
DASHTABI 400 31.9 13.5 33.4 13.7
GILAN 400 17.4 14.6 17.5 14.6
JALAL 400 38.1 19.1 38.2 19.0
MEHR 400 22.2 13.2 22.2 13.2
MEHR 230 25.4 10.5 25.4 10.5
MINODAR 400 17.0 11.2 17.3 11.2
N-SH.RAJAII(S) 400 55.9 18.7 61.7 20.2
NGS-SH.RAJAII(C.C) 400 55.0 18.7 60.2 20.0
NGS_GILAN 230 44.7 13.4 44.8 13.3
NG_DAMAVAND 400 34.3 20.3 34.5 20.2
ROUDSHOUR 400 49.5 19.3 50.1 19.3
RUDSHUR 400 48.6 19.4 49.2 19.4
NEW P/S 400 - - 56.6 19.6
TOSE'E SHAZAND 230 21.7 12.3 21.7 12.3
UNIT SAVE 400 31.2 15.7 31.3 15.7
VARDAVARD 400 43.7 16.8 44.9 16.8
ZIARAN 400 43.2 16.0 45.6 16.3
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-6 Three-phase short circuit current(Post new generator interconnection)
【New power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation through two-circuit 400kV transmission line】

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-7 Three-phase short circuit current(Post new generator interconnection)
【New power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard transmission line】

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(3)Result of Single-phase short-circuit current

The Fault current of the Single-phase short-circuit exceeds 50 kA pre and post new generator

Table 5-4 Single-phase short-circuit current (pre and post new generator interconnection)
【New power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation through two-circuit 400kV
transmission line】
Pre-connection Post-connection
Substation Name Ikss (kA) X/R Ikss (kA) X/R
ANARAN 400 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3
ANJIRAK-ARAK 400 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7
BAGHESTAN 400 17.5 17.5 17.8 17.8
BOO 400 15.6 15.6 15.7 15.7
DASHTABI 400 25.1 25.1 26.4 26.4
GILAN 400 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9
JALAL 400 37.7 37.7 37.7 37.7
MEHR 400 15.9 15.9 21.7 21.7
MEHR 230 21.7 21.7 15.9 15.9
MINODAR 400 11.6 11.6 11.8 11.8
N-SH.RAJAII(S) 400 54.2 54.2 63.0 63.0
NGS-SH.RAJAII(C.C) 400 53.1 53.1 60.4 60.4
NGS_GILAN 230 45.2 45.2 45.2 45.2
NG_DAMAVAND 400 34.5 34.5 34.7 34.7
ROUDSHOUR 400 45.4 45.4 45.8 45.8
RUDSHUR 400 45.4 45.4 45.8 45.8
NEW P/S 400 - - 62.6 62.6
TOSE'E SHAZAND 230 22.1 22.1 22.1 22.1
UNIT SAVE 400 29.7 29.7 29.8 29.8
VARDAVARD 400 35.7 35.7 36.5 36.5
ZIARAN 400 36.1 36.1 38.2 38.2
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 5-5 Single-phase short-circuit current (pre and post new generator interconnection)
【New power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard transmission line】
Pre-connection Post-connection
Substation Name Ikss (kA) X/R Ikss (kA) X/R
ANARAN 400 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3
ANJIRAK-ARAK 400 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7
BAGHESTAN 400 17.5 17.5 17.8 17.8
BOO 400 15.6 15.6 15.7 15.7
DASHTABI 400 25.1 25.1 26.4 26.4
GILAN 400 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9
JALAL 400 37.7 37.7 37.7 37.7
MEHR 400 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9
MEHR 230 21.7 21.7 21.7 21.7
MINODAR 400 11.6 11.6 11.8 11.8
N-SH.RAJAII(S) 400 54.2 54.2 62.4 62.4
NGS-SH.RAJAII(C.C) 400 53.1 53.1 60.0 60.0
NGS_GILAN 230 45.2 45.2 45.2 45.2
NG_DAMAVAND 400 34.5 34.5 34.7 34.7
ROUDSHOUR 400 45.4 45.4 45.8 45.8
RUDSHUR 400 45.4 45.4 45.8 45.8
NEW P/S 400 - - 55.8 55.8
TOSE'E SHAZAND 230 22.1 22.1 22.1 22.1
UNIT SAVE 400 29.7 29.7 29.8 29.8
VARDAVARD 400 35.7 35.7 36.5 36.5
ZIARAN 400 36.1 36.1 38.1 38.1
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-8 Single-phase short-circuit current(post new generator interconnection)
【New power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation through two-circuit 400kV transmission line】

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-9 Single-phase short-circuit current(post new generator interconnection)
【New power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard transmission line】

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

5.2.3 Method of fault current reduction【Bus-splitting】(2cct and π connection)

In order to reduce the short circuit level, the bus splitting should be done in Shahid Rajaee
Steam 400kV switchyard in such way that the amount of short circuit levels after bus-splitting
are lower than the circuit breakers rated capacity.

(1) Bus-splitting at new power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation through
two-circuit 400kV transmission line

2 4

Shahid Rajaee



Shahid Rajaee

Existing Rajaee
steam units G Dashtabi
New Shahid
Rajaee units
Roudshor Mehr
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-10 Bus-splitting in Rajaee steam substation for fault current reduction

(2) Bus-splitting at new power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard transmission
Shahid 4 2
Rajaee G G
New Shahid Rajaee 


Shahid Baghestan

Existing Rajaee Dashtabi

steam units G
New Shahid Roudshor Mehr
Rajaee units G
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-11 Bus-splitting in Rajaee steam substation for fault current reduction

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(3) Three-phase short circuit current after bus-splitting

The three-phase short-circuit current is below 50 kA, after the bus splitting operation measures
execution and system interconnection of new generators.

Table 5-6 Three-phase short circuit current (after the bus splitting operation measures
【New power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation through two-circuit
400kV transmission line】
Pre-splitting Post- splitting
Substation Name Ikss (kA) X/R Ikss (kA) X/R
ANARAN 400 19.6 12.2 19.5 12.2
ANJIRAK-ARAK 400 29.5 12.9 29.5 12.9
BAGHESTAN 400 25.9 14.8 25.9 14.8
BOO 400 16.8 13.6 15.9 14.1
DASHTABI 400 33.5 13.7 30.1 14.0
GILAN 400 17.5 14.6 17.2 14.9
JALAL 400 38.2 19 38.1 19.1
MEHR 400 25.4 10.5 22.2 13.2
MEHR 230 22.2 13.2 25.4 10.5
MINODAR 400 17.3 11.2 15.4 11.5
N-SH.RAJAII(S)-1 400 61.8 20.3 49.5 19.5
N-SH.RAJAII(S)-2 400 61.8 20.3 35.8 16.5
NGS-SH.RAJAII(C.C) 400 60.3 20 49.3 19.5
NGS_GILAN 230 44.8 13.3 44.6 13.4
NG_DAMAVAND 400 34.5 20.2 34.5 20.2
ROUDSHOUR 400 50.1 19.3 49.5 19.5
RUDSHUR 400 49.2 19.4 48.6 19.6
NEW P/S 400 61.5 20.2 35.7 16.5
TOSE'E SHAZAND 230 21.7 12.3 21.7 12.3
UNIT SAVE 400 31.3 15.7 31.2 15.7
VARDAVARD 400 44.9 16.8 44.7 16.8
ZIARAN 400 45.7 16.4 45.0 16.2
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 5-7 Three-phase short circuit current (after the bus splitting operation measures
【New power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard transmission line】
Pre-splitting Post- splitting
Substation Name Ikss (kA) X/R Ikss (kA) X/R
ANARAN 400 19.6 12.2 19.6 12.1
ANJIRAK-ARAK 400 29.5 12.9 29.5 12.9
BAGHESTAN 400 25.9 14.8 25.8 14.9
BOO 400 16.8 13.6 15.5 14.0
DASHTABI 400 33.4 13.7 28.0 15.3
GILAN 400 17.5 14.6 17.1 14.9
JALAL 400 38.2 19.0 38.1 19.0
MEHR 400 22.2 13.2 22.2 13.2
MEHR 230 25.4 10.5 25.4 10.5
MINODAR 400 17.3 11.2 14.6 11.2
N-SH.RAJAII(S)-1 400 61.7 20.2 43.0 23.1
N-SH.RAJAII(S)-2 400 61.7 20.2 29.8 13.5
NGS-SH.RAJAII(C.C) 400 60.2 20.0 43.3 22.9
NGS_GILAN 230 44.8 13.3 44.4 13.4
NG_DAMAVAND 400 34.5 20.2 34.5 20.2
ROUDSHOUR 400 50.1 19.3 49.9 19.1
RUDSHUR 400 49.2 19.4 49.0 19.2
NEW P/S 400 56.6 19.6 41.2 22.5
TOSE'E SHAZAND 230 21.7 12.3 21.7 12.3
UNIT SAVE 400 31.3 15.7 31.3 15.6
VARDAVARD 400 44.9 16.8 44.7 16.6
ZIARAN 400 45.6 16.3 31.8 13.6
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-12 Three-phase short circuit current (after the bus splitting operation measures execution)
【New power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation through two-circuit 400kV transmission line】

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-13 Three-phase short circuit current (after the bus splitting operation measures execution)
【New power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard transmission line】

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(4) Single-phase short-circuit current after bus-splitting

The Single-phase short-circuit current is below 50 kA, after the bus splitting operation measures
execution and system interconnection of new generators.

Table 5-8 Single-phase short-circuit current(after the bus splitting operation measures
【New power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation through two-circuit
400kV transmission line】
Pre-splitting Post- splitting
Substation Name Ikss (kA) X/R Ikss (kA) X/R
ANARAN 400 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3
ANJIRAK-ARAK 400 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7
BAGHESTAN 400 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.8
BOO 400 15.7 15.7 15.1 15.1
DASHTABI 400 26.4 26.4 24.1 24.1
GILAN 400 15.9 15.9 15.8 15.8
JALAL 400 37.7 37.7 37.7 37.7
MEHR 400 21.7 21.7 15.8 15.8
MEHR 230 15.9 15.9 21.7 21.7
MINODAR 400 11.8 11.8 10.7 10.7
N-SH.RAJAII(S)-1 400 63.0 63.0 48.2 48.2
N-SH.RAJAII(S)-2 400 63.0 63.0 33.5 33.5
NGS-SH.RAJAII(C.C) 400 60.4 60.4 48.0 48.0
NGS_GILAN 230 45.2 45.2 45.1 45.1
NG_DAMAVAND 400 34.7 34.7 34.7 34.7
ROUDSHOUR 400 45.8 45.8 45.3 45.3
RUDSHUR 400 45.8 45.8 45.4 45.4
NEW P/S 400 62.6 62.6 33.5 33.5
TOSE'E SHAZAND 230 22.1 22.1 22.1 22.1
UNIT SAVE 400 29.8 29.8 29.7 29.7
VARDAVARD 400 36.5 36.5 36.3 36.3
ZIARAN 400 38.2 38.2 37.7 37.7
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 5-9 Single-phase short-circuit current(after the bus splitting operation measures
【New power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard transmission line】
Pre- splitting Post- splitting
Substation Name Ikss (kA) X/R Ikss (kA) X/R
ANARAN 400 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3
ANJIRAK-ARAK 400 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7
BAGHESTAN 400 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.8
BOO 400 15.7 15.7 14.7 14.7
DASHTABI 400 26.4 26.4 23.4 23.4
GILAN 400 15.9 15.9 15.7 15.7
JALAL 400 37.7 37.7 37.7 37.7
MEHR 400 15.9 15.9 15.8 15.8
MEHR 230 21.7 21.7 21.7 21.7
MINODAR 400 11.8 11.8 9.8 9.8
N-SH.RAJAII(S)-1 400 62.4 62.4 45.3 45.3
N-SH.RAJAII(S)-2 400 62.4 62.4 22.0 22.0
NGS-SH.RAJAII(C.C) 400 60.0 60.0 45.2 45.2
NGS_GILAN 230 45.2 45.2 45.0 45.0
NG_DAMAVAND 400 34.7 34.7 34.7 34.7
ROUDSHOUR 400 45.8 45.8 45.6 45.6
RUDSHUR 400 45.8 45.8 45.6 45.6
NEW P/S 400 55.8 55.8 42.7 42.7
TOSE'E SHAZAND 230 22.1 22.1 22.1 22.1
UNIT SAVE 400 29.8 29.8 29.8 29.8
VARDAVARD 400 36.5 36.5 36.3 36.3
ZIARAN 400 38.1 38.1 24.9 24.9
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
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Final Report

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-14 Single-phase short-circuit current(after the bus splitting operation measures execution)
【New power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation through two-circuit 400kV transmission line】

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-15 Single-phase short-circuit current(after the bus splitting operation measures execution)
【New power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard transmission line】

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

5.2.4 Result of Power Flow and Voltage after the Bus Splitting operation measures
(2cct and π connection)
In the following case scenario for Peak and Light demand, it was confirmed that the power flow
and the voltage is in the tolerance or less after bus splitting operation measures.

(1)New power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation through two-circuit 400kV
transmission line(Peak Load)
(2)New power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation through two-circuit 400kV
transmission line(Light Load)
(3)New power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard transmission line(Peak Load)
(4)New power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard transmission line(Light

(1)New power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation through two-circuit 400kV
transmission line(Peak Load)

・Power Flow:within rated capacity of all facilities

Table 5-10 Voltage of new power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation
through two-circuit 400kV transmission line(Peak Load)

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 5-11 Power Flow of new power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation
through two-circuit 400kV transmission line(Peak Load)

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-16 Power Flow diagram of new power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation through two-circuit 400kV transmission
line(Peak Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(2)New power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation through two-circuit 400kV
transmission line(Light Load)

・Power Flow:within rated capacity of all facilities

Table 5-12 Voltage of new power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation
through two-circuit 400kV transmission line(Light Load)

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 5-13 Power Flow of new power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation
through two-circuit 400kV transmission line(Light Load)

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-17 Power flow diagram of new power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation through two-circuit 400kV transmission
line(Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(3)New power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard transmission line(Peak Load)

・Power Flow:within rated capacity of all facilities

Table 5-14 Voltage of new power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard
transmission line(Peak Load)

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 5-15 Power Flow of new power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard
transmission line(Peak Load)

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-18 Power Flow diagram of new power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard transmission line(Peak Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(4) New power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard transmission line(Light

・Power Flow:within rated capacity of all facilities

Table 5-16 Voltage of new power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard
transmission line(Light Load)

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 5-17 Power Flow of new power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard
transmission line(Light Load)

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-19 Power Flow diagram of new power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard transmission line(Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

5.2.5 Result of Steady state/Transient stability calculation after the bus splitting
operation measures execution(2cct and π connection)

In the case scenario of 1-1~1-9 and 2-1~2-9, it was confirmed that the generator around
Shahid Rajaee area is able to be continued stable, and it is acceptable from Steady
state/Transient Stability study perspective.

・1:New power plant connection to 400kV existing steam substation through two-circuit
400kV transmission line(Peak Load and Light Load)
・2:New power plant connection to 400kV Rajaee steam-Vardavard transmission line(Peak
Load and Light Load)

Table 5-18 Accident Case

Configuration No Contingency Characteristic
1 The outage of Shahid Rajaee new generator unit
2 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing steam generator unit
3 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing combined generator unit
1:New power
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Shahid Rajaee new power
plant 4 plant-Rajaee Steam transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
connection to 100miliseconds
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Vardavard
existing steam 5
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Minoodar transmission
through 6
line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Ziaran transmission
400kV 7
line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Loshan transmission
line 8
line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Roudshour
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
1 The outage of Shahid Rajaee new generator unit
2 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing steam generator unit
3 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing combined generator unit
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Shahid Rajaee new power
4 plant-Rajaee Steam transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
2:New power
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-
connection to
5 Vardavard transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
400kV Rajaee 100miliseconds
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Minoodar transmission
ard 6
line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Ziaran transmission
line 7
line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Loshan transmission
line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Roudshour
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100miliseconds
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

【Result of Steady state /Transient stability calculation】

(1)1-1 The outage of Shahid Rajaee new generator unit (Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-20 1-1 The outage of Shahid Rajaee new generator unit (Peak Load)

(2)1-1 The outage of Shahid Rajaee new generator unit(Light Load)

Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-21 1-1 The outage of Shahid Rajaee new generator unit(Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(3)1-2 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing steam generator unit(Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-22 1-2 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing steam generator unit(Peak Load)

(4)1-2 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing steam generator unit(Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-23 1-2 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing steam generator unit(Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(5)1-3 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing combined generator unit(Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-24 1-3 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing combined generator unit(Peak Load)

(6) 1-3 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing combined generator unit(Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-25 1-3 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing combined generator unit(Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(7)1-4 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Rajaee Steam transmission line (Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-26 1-4 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Rajaee Steam transmission line and the outage of
transmission line after 100miliseconds(Peak Load)

(8)1-4 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Rajaee Steam transmission line (Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-27 1-4 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Rajaee Steam transmission line and the outage of
transmission line after 100miliseconds(Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(9)1-5Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kVRajaee Steam-Vardavard transmission line (peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

EPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-28 1-5 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Vardavard transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds(Peak Load)

(10)1-5Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kVRajaee Steam-Vardavard transmission line (Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-29 1-5 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Vardavard transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds(Light Load)
The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(11)1-6 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Minoodar transmission line (Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-30 1-6 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Minoodar transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds(Peak Load)

(12)1-6 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Minoodar transmission line (Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-31 1-6 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Minoodar transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds (LightLoad)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(13)1-7 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Ziaran transmission line(Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-32 1-7 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Ziaran transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds(Peak Load)

(14)1-7 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Ziaran transmission line(Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-33 1-7 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Ziaran transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds(Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(15)1-8 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Loshan transmission line(Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-34 1-8 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Loshan transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds(Peak Load)

(16)1-8 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Loshan transmission line(Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-35 1-8 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Loshan transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds(Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(17)1-9 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Roudshour transmission line(Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-36 1-9 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Roudshour transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds(Peak Load)

(18)1-9 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Roudshour transmission line(Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-37 1-9 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Roudshour transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseco(Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(19)2-1 The outage of Shahid Rajaee new generator unit (Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-38 2-1 The outage of Shahid Rajaee new generator unit (Peak Load)

(20)2-1 The outage of Shahid Rajaee new generator unit (Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-39 2-1 The outage of Shahid Rajaee new generator unit(Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(21)2-2 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing steam generator unit (Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-40 2-2 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing steam generator unit (Peak Load)
(22)2-2 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing steam generator unit (Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-41 2-2 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing steam generator unit (Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(23)2-3 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing combined generator unit (Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-42 2-3 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing combined generator unit (Peak Load)

(24)2-3 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing combined generator unit (Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-43 2-3 The outage of Shahid Rajaee existing combined generator unit (Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(25)2-4Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Rajaee Steam transmission line(Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-44 2-4 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Rajaee Steam transmission line and the outage of
transmission line after 100miliseconds (Peak Load)

(26)2-4Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Rajaee Steam transmission line(Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-45 2-4 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Rajaee Steam transmission line and the outage of
transmission line after 100miliseconds (Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(27)2-5 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant- Vardavard transmission line(Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-46 2-5 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant- Vardavard transmission line and the outage of
transmission line after 100miliseconds (Peak Load)

(28)2-5 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant- Vardavard transmission line(Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-47 2-5 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant- Vardavard transmission line and the outage of
transmission line after 100miliseconds(Light Load)

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Final Report

(29)2-6 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Minoodar transmission line(Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-48 2-6 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Minoodar transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds(Peak Load)

(30)2-6 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Minoodar transmission line(Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-49 2-6 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Minoodar transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds(Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
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Final Report

(31)2-7 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Ziaran transmission line(Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-50 2-7 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Ziaran transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds(Peak Load)

(32)2-7 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Ziaran transmission line(Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-51 2-7 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Ziaran transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds(Light Load)

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Final Report

(33)2-8 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Loshan transmission line(Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-52 2-8 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Loshan transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds(Peak Load)

(34)2-8 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Loshan transmission line(Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-53 2-8 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Loshan transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds(Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(35)2-9 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Roudshour transmission line(Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-54 2-9 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Roudshour transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds(Peak Load)

(36)2-9 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Roudshour transmission line(Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-55 2-9 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400kV Rajaee Steam-Roudshour transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100miliseconds (Light Load)

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

5.2.6 Result of power system frequency calculation after generator unit outage
In the case scenario of the outage of Shahid Rajaee new generator unit, it is confirmed that the
system frequency is 49.52Hz.

Peak Load【Hz】 Light Load【Hz】

50.05 50.03

49.98 49.90

49.92 49.77

49.85 49.65

49.79 49.52

49.72 49.39
0 12.8 25.6 38.4 51.2 64 0 7.0 14.0 21.0 28.0 35
【S】 【S】
・Minimum frequency:49.737Hz—9.5s ・Minimum frequency:49.422Hz—11.2s
・Final frequency:49.822Hz—57.5s ・Final frequency:49.520Hz--34.4s
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-56 System Frequency of the outage of Shahid Rajaee new generator unit

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Final Report

5.3 Result of Power system analysis on 2π connection

For the power system connection of the new generator, we carried out power system analysis of
two line attraction and π pulling from the Vardavard transmission line.
Subsequently, based on the request from TAVANIR who is managing the entire power system,
considering power system reliability aspect, we carried out additional power system analysis of
2π pulling from the Vardavard transmission line and the Baghestan transmission line.

(1) System connection method of new generator

The switch gear is newly established, and the 2π connection

(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan)

Source: Obtained from Google Earth, and prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-57 System connection method of new generator

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Final Report

5.3.1 Result of pre calculation(2π connection)

(1)Result of Three-phase short circuit current

As shown in Table 5-19 and Fig. 5-58, when a new generator is connected with 2π connection
(Shahid Rajaee (S) ~ Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee (CC) ~ Baghestan), the three-phase short
circuit current exceeds 50 kA pre and post new generator interconnection.

Table 5-19 Three-phase short circuit current(pre and post new generator interconnection)
【2π connection(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan)】
Pre-connection Post-connection
Substation Name Ikss (kA) X/R Ikss (kA) X/R
ANARAN 400 19.5 12.2 19.6 12.2
ANJIRAK-ARAK 400 29.5 12.9 29.5 12.9
BAGHESTAN 400 25.4 14.7 26 14.8
BOO 400 16.7 13.7 16.8 13.6
DASHTABI 400 31.9 13.5 33.6 13.7
GILAN 400 17.4 14.6 17.5 14.6
JALAL 400 38.1 19.1 38.2 19
MEHR 400 22.2 13.2 22.2 13.2
MEHR 230 25.4 10.5 25.4 10.5
MINODAR 400 17.0 11.2 17.3 11.2
N-SH.RAJAII(S) 400 55.9 18.7 61.7 20.2
NGS-SH.RAJAII(C.C) 400 55.0 18.7 60.8 20.1
NGS_GILAN 230 44.7 13.4 44.8 13.3
NG_DAMAVAND 400 34.3 20.3 34.5 20.2
ROUDSHOUR 400 49.5 19.3 50.1 19.3
RUDSHUR 400 48.6 19.4 49.2 19.4
NEW P/S 400 - - 59.8 20
TOSE'E SHAZAND 230 21.7 12.3 21.7 12.3
UNIT SAVE 400 31.2 15.7 31.3 15.7
VARDAVARD 400 43.7 16.8 44.9 16.8
ZIARAN 400 43.2 16.0 45.6 16.3
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

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Final Report

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-58 Three-phase short circuit current (post new generator interconnection)【2π connection(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(2)Result of Single-phase short-circuit current

As shown in Table 5-20 and Fig. 5-59, when a new generator is connected with 2π connection
(Shahid Rajaee (S) ~ Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee (CC) ~ Baghestan), the Single-phase
short-circuit current exceeds 50 kA pre and post new generator interconnection.

Table 5-20 Single-phase short-circuit current (pre and post new generator interconnection)
【2πconnection(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan)】
Voltage Pre-connection Post-connection
Substation Name
(kV) Ikss (kA) X/R Ikss (kA) X/R
ANARAN 400 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3
ANJIRAK-ARAK 400 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7
BAGHESTAN 400 17.5 17.5 17.9 17.9
BOO 400 15.6 15.6 15.7 15.7
DASHTABI 400 25.1 25.1 26.6 26.6
GILAN 400 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9
JALAL 400 37.7 37.7 37.7 37.7
MEHR 400 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9
MEHR 230 21.7 21.7 21.7 21.7
MINODAR 400 11.6 11.6 11.8 11.8
N-SH.RAJAII(S) 400 54.2 54.2 62.4 62.4
NGS-SH.RAJAII(C.C) 400 53.1 53.1 61.3 61.3
NGS_GILAN 230 45.2 45.2 45.2 45.2
NG_DAMAVAND 400 34.5 34.5 34.7 34.7
ROUDSHOUR 400 45.4 45.4 45.8 45.8
RUDSHUR 400 45.4 45.4 45.8 45.8
NEW P/S 400 - - 59.9 59.9
TOSE'E SHAZAND 230 22.1 22.1 22.1 22.1
UNIT SAVE 400 29.7 29.7 29.8 29.8
VARDAVARD 400 35.7 35.7 36.5 36.5
ZIARAN 400 36.1 36.1 38.1 38.1
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

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Final Report

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-59 Single-phase short-circuit current (post new generator interconnection)
【2πconnection(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard,Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan)】

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Final Report

5.3.2 Method of fault current reduction【Bus-splitting】

(2πconnection, Bus-splitting)
In order to reduce the short circuit level, the bus splitting should be done in Shahid Rajaee
Steam 400kV switchyard in such way that the amount of short circuit levels after bus-splitting
are lower than the circuit breakers rated capacity.

(1) Bus-splitting at new power plant connection to 400kV 2Bus-splitting at Shahid Rajaee(S)~
Vardavard,Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan)

Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-60 Bus-splitting in Rajaee steam substation for fault current reduction
【2π connection(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan)】

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Final Report

(2) Three-phase short circuit current after bus-splitting

As shown in Table 5-21 and Fig. 5-61, the three-phase short-circuit current is below 50 kA,
when a new generator is connected with 2π connection(Shahid Rajaee (S) ~ Vardavard, Shahid
Rajaee (CC) ~ Baghestan), after the bus splitting operation measures execution and system
interconnection of new generators.

Table 5-21 The three-phase short-circuit current after the bus splitting operation measures
execution 【2π connection(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee(CC)~
Voltage Pre-splitting Post- splitting
Substation Name
(kV) Ikss (kA) X/R Ikss (kA) X/R
ANARAN 400 19.6 12.2 19.5 12.2
ANJIRAK-ARAK 400 29.5 12.9 29.4 12.9
BAGHESTAN 400 26 14.8 25.8 14.9
BOO 400 16.8 13.6 15.3 14.3
DASHTABI 400 33.6 13.7 28.2 14.8
GILAN 400 17.5 14.6 17.0 15.1
JALAL 400 38.2 19 38.1 19.1
MEHR 400 22.2 13.2 22.1 13.2
MEHR 230 25.4 10.5 25.4 10.5
MINODAR 400 17.3 11.2 14.3 11.6
N-SH.RAJAII(S)-1 400 61.7 20.2 43.5 21.0
N-SH.RAJAII(S)-2 400 61.7 20.2 27.8 14.9
NGS-SH.RAJAII(C.C) 400 60.8 20.1 43.8 21.1
NGS_GILAN 230 44.8 13.3 44.4 13.4
NG_DAMAVAND 400 34.5 20.2 34.5 20.3
ROUDSHOUR 400 50.1 19.3 49.1 19.8
RUDSHUR 400 49.2 19.4 48.3 19.9
NEW P/S 400 59.8 20 43.5 21.0
TOSE'E SHAZAND 230 21.7 12.3 21.7 12.3
UNIT SAVE 400 31.3 15.7 31.1 15.8
VARDAVARD 400 44.9 16.8 44.8 16.8
ZIARAN 400 45.6 16.3 30.7 14.5
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

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Final Report

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-61 The three-phase short-circuit current after the bus splitting operation measures execution
【2π connection(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan)】

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(3) Single-phase short-circuit current after bus-splitting

As shown in Table 5-22 and Fig. 5-62, the Single-phase short-circuit current is below 50 kA,
when a new generator is connected with 2π connection(Shahid Rajaee (S) ~ Vardavard, Shahid
Rajaee (CC) ~ Baghestan), after the bus splitting operation measures execution and system
interconnection of new generators.

Table 5-22 Single-phase short-circuit current after the bus splitting operation measures
【2π connection(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan)】
Voltage Pre-splitting Post- splitting
Substation Name
(kV) Ikss (kA) X/R Ikss (kA) X/R
ANARAN 400 14.3 14 14.3 14.3
ANJIRAK-ARAK 400 23.7 23 23.7 23.7
BAGHESTAN 400 17.9 17 17.8 17.8
BOO 400 15.7 15 14.7 14.7
DASHTABI 400 26.6 26 23.4 23.4
GILAN 400 15.9 15 15.6 15.6
JALAL 400 37.7 37 37.7 37.7
MEHR 400 15.9 15 15.8 15.8
MEHR 230 21.7 21 21.7 21.7
MINODAR 400 11.8 11 10.1 10.1
N-SH.RAJAII(S)-1 400 62.4 62 44.4 44.4
N-SH.RAJAII(S)-2 400 62.4 62 24.8 24.8
NGS-SH.RAJAII(C.C) 400 61.3 61 45.0 45.0
NGS_GILAN 230 45.2 45 44.9 44.9
NG_DAMAVAND 400 34.7 34 34.7 34.7
ROUDSHOUR 400 45.8 45 45.1 45.1
RUDSHUR 400 45.8 45 45.2 45.2
NEW P/S 400 59.9 59 44.7 44.7
TOSE'E SHAZAND 230 22.1 22 22.1 22.1
UNIT SAVE 400 29.8 29 29.6 29.6
VARDAVARD 400 36.5 36 36.4 36.4
ZIARAN 400 38.1 38 26.3 26.3
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

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Final Report

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-62 Single-phase short-circuit current after the bus splitting operation measures execution
【2π connection(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan)】

The Islamic Republic of Iran
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Final Report

5.3.3 Result of Power Flow and Voltage after Bus Splitting operation measures(2π
In the following case scenario for Peak and Light demand, it was confirmed that the power flow
and the voltage is in the tolerance or less after bus splitting operation measures.

(1)New power plant connection to 400kV 2π connection(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid

Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan) (Peak Load)
(2)New power plant connection to 400kV 2π connection(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid
Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan) (Light Load)

(1) New power plant connection to 400kV 2π connection(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard,

Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan) (Peak Load)
・Power Flow:within rated capacity of all facilities

Table 5-23 Voltage of new power plant connection to 400kV 2π connection(Shahid

Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan) after bus Splitting operation
(Peak Load)

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

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Final Report

Table 5-24 Power flow of new power plant connection to 400kV 2π connection(Shahid
Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan)after bus splitting
operation(Peak Load)

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

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Final Report

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-63 Power flow diagram of new power plant connection to 400kV 2π connection(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee(CC)
~Baghestan) after bus Splitting operation (Peak Load)

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Final Report

(2)New power plant connection to 400kV 2π connection(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard,

Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan) (Light Load)
・Power Flow:within rated capacity of all facilities

Table 5-25 Voltage of new power plant connection to 400kV 2π connection(Shahid

Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan) after bus Splitting operation
(Light Load)

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

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Final Report

Table 5-26 Power flow of new power plant connection to 400kV 2π connection(Shahid
Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan) after bus Splitting operation
(Light Load)

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

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Final Report

Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

Fig 5-64 Power flow diagram of new power plant connection to 400kV 2π connection(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid Rajaee(CC)
~Baghestan) after bus Splitting operation (Light Load)

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Final Report

5.3.4 Result of Steady state/Transient stability calculation after the bus splitting
operation measures execution(2π connection)

In the case scenario of 1~15, it was confirmed that the generator around Shahid Rajaee area is
able to be continued stable, and it is acceptable from Steady state/Transient Stability study

・New power plant connection to 400kV 2π connection(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard, Shahid

Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan) after bus Splitting operation (Peak Load and Light Load)

Table 5-27 Accident Case

Contingency Characteristic
1 The outage of Shahid Rajaee new unit
2 The outage of Shahid Rajaee exsiting steam unit
3 The outage of Shahid Rajaee exsiting C.C. unit
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Rajaee Steam
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100 miliseconds
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Rajaee C.C
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100 miliseconds
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant- Vardavard
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100 miliseconds
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Baghestan
transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100 miliseconds
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Minoodar transmission line and the
outage of transmission line after 100 miliseconds
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Ziaran transmission line and the
outage of transmission line after 100 miliseconds
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Loshan transmission line and the
outage of transmission line after 100 miliseconds
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Roudshour transmission line and the
outage of transmission line after 100 miliseconds
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C-Roudshour transmission line and the
outage of transmission line after 100 miliseconds
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C-Mehr transmission line and the outage
of transmission line after 100 miliseconds
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C-Dashtabi transmission line and the
outage of transmission line after 100 miliseconds
Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C- Rajaee Steam transmission line and
the outage of transmission line after 100 miliseconds
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

【Result of Steady state/Transient stability calculation】

(1)1 The outage of Shahid Rajaee new unit (Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-65 1 The outage of Shahid Rajaee new unit (Peak Load)

(2)1 The outage of Shahid Rajaee new unit (Light Load)

Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-66 1 The outage of Shahid Rajaee new unit (Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(3)2 The outage of Shahid Rajaee exsiting steam unit (Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-67 2 The outage of Shahid Rajaee exsiting steam unit (Peak Load)

(4)2 The outage of Shahid Rajaee exsiting steam unit (Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-68 2 The outage of Shahid Rajaee exsiting steam unit (Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(5)3 The outage of Shahid Rajaee exsiting C.C. unit (Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-69 3 The outage of Shahid Rajaee exsiting C.C. unit (Peak Load)

(6)3 The outage of Shahid Rajaee exsiting C.C. unit (Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-70 3 The outage of Shahid Rajaee exsiting C.C. unit (Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(7)4 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Rajaee Steam transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100 miliseconds(Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-71 4 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Rajaee Steam transmission line and the outage of
transmission line after 100 miliseconds(Peak Load)

(8)4 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Rajaee Steam transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100 miliseconds(Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-72 4 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Rajaee Steam transmission line and the outage of
transmission line after 100 miliseconds(Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(9)5 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Rajaee C.C transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100 miliseconds(Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-73 5 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Rajaee C.C transmission line and the outage of
transmission line after 100 miliseconds(Peak Load)

(10) 5 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Rajaee C.C transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100 miliseconds(Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-74 5 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Rajaee C.C transmission line and the outage of
transmission line after 100 miliseconds(Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(11)6 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant- Vardavard transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100 miliseconds(Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-75 6 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant- Vardavard transmission line and the outage of
transmission line after 100 miliseconds(Peak Load)

(12) 6 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant- Vardavard transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100 miliseconds(Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-76 6 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant- Vardavard transmission line and the outage of
transmission line after 100 miliseconds(Light Load)
The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(13)7 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Baghestan transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100 miliseconds(Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-77 7 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Baghestan transmission line and the outage of
transmission line after 100 miliseconds(Peak Load)

(14) 7 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Baghestan transmission line and the outage of transmission line after
100 miliseconds(Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-78 7 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Shahid Rajaee new power plant-Baghestan transmission line and the outage of
transmission line after 100 miliseconds(Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(15)8 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Minoodar transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-79 8 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Minoodar transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Peak Load)

(16) 8 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Minoodar transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-80 8 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Minoodar transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Light Load)
The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(17) 9 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Ziaran transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100 miliseconds(Peak
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-81 9 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Ziaran transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Peak Load)

(18) 9 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Ziaran transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100 miliseconds(Light
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-82 9 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Ziaran transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(19)10 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Loshan transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100 miliseconds(Peak
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-83 10 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Loshan transmission line and the outage of transmission line
after 100 miliseconds(Peak Load)

(20) 10 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Loshan transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-84 10 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Loshan transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Light Load)
The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(21)11 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Roudshour transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-85 11 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Roudshour transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Peak Load)

(22) 11 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Roudshour transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-86 11 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee Steam-Roudshour transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Light Load)
The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(23)12 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C-Roudshour transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-87 12 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C-Roudshour transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Peak Load)

(24) 12 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C-Roudshour transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-88 12 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C-Roudshour transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Light Load)
The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(25)13 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C-Mehr transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100 miliseconds(Peak
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-89 13 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C-Mehr transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Peak Load)

(26) 13 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C-Mehr transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100 miliseconds(Light
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-90 13 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C-Mehr transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Light Load)
The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(27)14 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C-Dashtabi transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100 miliseconds(Peak
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-91 14 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C-Dashtabi transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Peak Load)

(28) 14 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C-Dashtabi transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100 miliseconds(Light
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-92 14 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C-Dashtabi transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Light Load)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(29)15 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C- Rajaee Steam transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Peak Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-93 15 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C- Rajaee Steam transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Peak Load)

(30) 15 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C- Rajaee Steam transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Light Load)
Generator Output Generator Internal Angle Generator Bus Voltage

TEPSCO-G1, Active Power, MW SH-RAJAII(2), Rotor Angle, deg TEPSCO, Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Reactive Power, MVar SH-RAJAII(3), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(1), Voltage, P.U.
SH-RAJAII(4), Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(S), Voltage, P.U.
TEPSCO-G1, Rotor Angle, deg SH-RAJAII(C.C), Voltage, P.U.
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-94 15 Three-phase short circuit fault in 400 kV Rajaee C.C- Rajaee Steam transmission line and the outage of transmission line after 100
miliseconds(Light Load)
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Final Report

5.3.5 Result of power system frequency calculation after generator unit outage(2π
In the case scenario of the outage of Shahid Rajaee new generator unit, it is confirmed that the
system frequency is 49.52Hz.

Peak Load【Hz】 Light Load【Hz】

50.05 50.03

49.98 49.90

49.92 49.77

49.85 49.65

49.79 49.52

49.72 49.39
0 12.8 25.6 38.4 51.2 64 0 7.0 14.0 21.0 28.0 35
【S】 【S】
・Minimum frequency:49.737Hz—9.5s ・Minimum frequency:49.422Hz—11.2s
・Final frequency:49.822Hz—57.5s ・Final frequency:49.520Hz--34.4s
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team
Fig 5-95 System Frequency of the outage of Shahid Rajaee new generator unit

The Islamic Republic of Iran
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Final Report

5.4 Summary of Power System Analysis

(1)Result of Fault Current Calculation

The short-circuit current of the Shahid Rajaee power station 400kV bus exceeds 50kA pre and
post new generator interconnection to power system. If the bus of this power station is to done
the bus splitting operation, it becomes less than 50 kA.

Table 5-28 Three short circuit current and Single-phase short-circuit current 【kA】
After bus
Before bus splitting
Power station and substation
Configuration interconnection Post interconnection of new
of new generator
Shahid Rajaee exiting steam
55.9 54.2 61.8 63.0 49.5 48.2
power station (S-1)
existing substation Shahid Rajaee exiting steam
- - - - 35.8 33.5
through two-circuit power station (S-2)
Shahid Rajaee exiting
55.0 53.1 60.3 60.4 49.3 48.0
combined power station (CC)
Shahid Rajaee exiting steam
55.9 54.2 61.7 62.4 43.0 45.3
power station (S-1)
Shahid Rajaee exiting steam
transmission line - - - - 29.8 22.0
power station (S-2)
Shahid Rajaee exiting
55.0 53.1 60.2 60.0 43.3 45.2
combined power station (CC)
25connection Shahid Rajaee exiting steam
55.9 54.2 61.7 62.4 43.5 44.4
・Shahid Rajaee(S) power station (S-1)
~Vardavard Shahid Rajaee exiting steam
- - - - 27.8 24.8
・Shahid power station (S-2)
Rajaee(CC)~ Shahid Rajaee exiting
55.0 53.1 60.8 61.3 43.8 45.0
Baghestan combined power station (CC)
Source: calculated by JICA Study Team

(2)Result of Power Flow/Transient Stability/System Frequency calculation

It was confirmed that Power Flow/System Frequency/Transient Stability at new generator
interconnection after the bus splitting were unquestionable. The system study condition and the
calculation result are as follows.

○Generator interconnection condition

・New power plant connection to 400kV Shahid Rajaee(S) through two-circuit 400kV
transmission line
・New power plant connection to 400kV πconnection(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard)
・New power plant connection to 400kV 2π connection(Shahid Rajaee(S)~Vardavard,
Shahid Rajaee(CC)~Baghestan)
○System configuration
・Bus splitting operation of Shahid Rajaee 400kV substation
【 N-0 Criteria 】----(Normal Condition)
【 N-1 Criteria 】----(A single fault condition)

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

○Result of Calculation
・Power Flow:Within 100%【within 100% of rated capacity】
・Steady state stability/Transient stability:Stable【Not step-out of generator】
・System Frequency:49.52Hz【49.5Hz or higher】

We carry out the power system analysis calculation for interconnecting the Shahid Rajaee new
power plant (640 MW×2) to the existing 400kV power system. As a result, the fault current of
the three-phase short circuit and the Single-phase short-circuit current exceeds 50 kA pre and
post new generator interconnection. Therefore the bus splitting should be done in Shahid
Rajaee Steam 400kV switchyard, in order to reduce the short circuit level.

It was confirmed that Power Flow/Steady state stability/Transient stability/System Frequency/

at new generator interconnection after the bus splitting were unquestionable, and operation of
facilities and power system can continue in stable operation.

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

5.5 Grid Connection Plan

5.5.1 Location of a new power plant and a 400kV switching station
TPPH has planned to construct a new power plant at Shahid Rajaee and to transmit a generating
power to the national grid through a 400kV switching station. There are two candidate sites, “A”
and “B”, for the power station, further as for the 400kV switching station, two plans have been
considered, one is to construct a new switching station and another is to re-use the existing
switching station.

Source: created by JICA study team utilizing Google Earth

Fig 5-96 Planning location of a power plant and a 400kV switching station

Three plans out of these combination plans have been studied. Plan 1 is combination of a power
plant “B” and a new switching station. Plan 2 is combination of a power plant “B” and the existing
switching station. Plan 3 is combination of a power plant “A” and the existing switching station.

Table 5-29 Combination plans of a power plant and a switching station

Location of New Power Plant
Candidate Site Candidate Site
"A" "B"
New Switchyard Plan 4 Plan 1
Existing Switchyard Plan 3 Plan 2
Source: created by JICA study team

5.5.2 Existing National Grid

The existing 400kV transmission line runs near the planned Shahid Rajaee power plant “B”. In
case of connecting the new switching station to the national grid in Plan 1, this connection
would be joined to the existing 400kV overhead transmission line between tower number 7 and
tower number 8.

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

As other towers are suspension tower, existing transmission lines could not be divided
between towers to connect outgoing lines to the grid. Therefore, lines to the grid shall be
connected to the dividable transmission line between tower number 7 and tower number 8,
which are tensile towers.

Source: created by JICA study team utilizing Google Earth

Fig 5-97 Existing 400kV overhead transmission line

The outgoing line will be connected to each circuit of the existing 400kV transmission lines
after dividing the lines. Power system analysis has proved that no troubles occur on transmitting
capacity, power flow and accidental short-circuit current after connection to the grid.

Source: created by JICA study team

Fig 5-98 Connection by overhead line: plane drawing

Connection by overhead line in elevation drawing is as follows;

The Islamic Republic of Iran
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Final Report

Source: created by JICA study team

Fig 5-99 Connection by overhead line: elevation drawing

In plan 2 and Plan 3, as the power plant is connected to the existing 400kV switching station,
connection to the grid is not necessary. In these cases also, it is proved that no troubles occur on
transmitting capacity and others.

5.5.3 Busbar configuration of a 400kV switching station

Busbar configuration of a new switching station in Plan 1 is one and a half circuit breaker,
which is a standard of a 400kV busbar configuration in Iran.

As for number of feeder at the switching station, the outgoing feeder is four circuits with
considering grid reliability at failure and the generator feeder is two circuits same as number of

Source: created by JICA study team

Fig 5-100 Busbar configuration of a 400kV switching station

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Final Report

5.5.4 400kV equipment

400kV equipment at the new switching station is Air Insulated Switchgear (AIS) in order to
reduce initial cost and in accordance with the discussions with TPPH. AIS has been selected
because of lower cost, adequate existing area in Shahid Rajaee Power plant and environmental
conditions. TPPH recommends to use Iranian qualified AIS equipment (DS, CB, CT, CVT, …).

The Iranian unit price indicated by TPPH is applied to the estimation for all products and
construction prices including labor charge except the 400kV XLPE cable.

A lifetime of substation equipment is assumed fifty (50) years and the overhaul inspection will
be carried out every twenty-five (25) years. As the existing 400kV switching station already
passed twenty-five (25) years without being operated even once since construction, the
remaining lifetime would be twenty-five (25) years.

5.5.5 Method of connection

The method of connecting the power plant to the switching station and connecting the switching
station to the grid is two ways, one is an overhead connection and another is an underground
connection. As the result of combining these methods of connection and Plan 1 to 4, the
following 5 plans are studied.

1. Plan 1-1, power plant “B”, new switching station, overhead

connection from power plant to switching station, overhead connection from
switching station to the grid

2. Plan 1-2, power plant “B”, new switching station, underground

connection from power plant to switching station, overhead connection from
switching station to the grid

3. Plan 2-1, power plant “B”, existing switching station, overhead

connection from power plant to switching station

4. Plan 2-2, power plant “B”, existing switching station, underground

connection from power plant to switching station

5. Plan 3-1, power plant “A”, existing switching station, overhead

connection from power plant to switching station

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Final Report

Source: created by JICA study team utilizing Google Earth

Fig 5-101 Power plant ”B”-new switching station

Source: created by JICA study team utilizing Google Earth

Fig 5-102 power plant ”B”-existing switching station

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Final Report

Source: created by JICA study team utilizing Google Earth

Fig 5-103 power plant ”A”-existing switching station

Above 5 plans have been indicated in the following table.

Table 5-30 Plans for comparison

1 2 3
Plan No.
1-1 1-2 2-1 2-2 3-1
Candidate Site Candidate Site Candidate Site Candidate Site Candidate Site
Location of New Power Plant
"B" "B" "B" "B" "A"
Location of Switchyard New Switchyard New Switchyard Existing Switchyard Existing Switchyard Existing Switchyard
Switchyard Configuration 1 1/2 CB 1 1/2 CB 1 1/2 CB 1 1/2 CB 1 1/2 CB
Switchgear Type AIS AIS AIS AIS AIS
Country of Origin for Switchgear IRAN IRAN IRAN IRAN IRAN
No. of Bay 4 strings 4 strings 2 strings 2 strings 2 strings
Overhead Underground Overhead Underground Overhead
Connection Method
Connection Connection Connection Connection Connection
Distance from power plant to
50 100 1,950 1,600 200
Switchyard (m)
No. of Transmission Tower 0 - 9 - 2
Distance from Switchyard to
400+200 400+200 - - -
Grid (m)
No. of Transmission Tower 2 2 - - -
Source: created by JICA study team

5.5.6 Relocation of office buildings

In Plan 2-1, four office buildings which belong to Shahid Rajaee power plant have been located
underneath the 400kV transmission lines which are planned to connect the new power plant to
the existing switching station. Four buildings are same scale and each building has floor of
600m2 and two layers.

Under current Iranian regulations, any structure is not permitted to build within fourteen (14)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

meter from 400kV transmission line due to Right of Way (ROW). The distance between 400kV
lines is twenty (20) meter as for a standard of 400kV overhead transmission line design in Iran.

It is forbidden to construct a structure within a width of forty-eight (48) meter near a 400kV
transmission line. Therefore, the buildings which are scheduled to be underneath the 400kV
transmission line shall be relocated.

We could obtain the Iranian cost for dismantling, transferring and re-constructing the office
buildings through TPPH’s cooperation.

Source: created by JICA study team utilizing Google Earth

Fig 5-104 ROW of the 400kV overhead transmission line

5.5.7 Techno-economical comparison

The fifty (50) years’ Life Cycle cost is compared among five plans due to the reason why the
lifetime of substation equipment is assumed fifty (50) years. All equipment is Iranian products
except the 400kV XLPE cable as mentioned previously and all cost are Iranian prices.

As to cost comparison, several assumptions have been set up.

Assumption-1: The operating cost of the new 400kV switching station is seventy percent of
ordinary cost. The rest thirty percent is expected an assistance from the
existing 400kV switching station. (Plan 1-1, Plan 1-2)
Assumption-2: The operating cost of the existing 400kV switching station increases twenty
percent due to the facilities of a double scale. (Plan 2-1, Plan 2-2, Plan
Assumption-3: The load loss should occur due to a long distance between the new power
station “B” and the existing 400kV switching station. (Plan 2-1, Plan 2-2)
Assumption-4: The independent control building should be constructed at the new 400kV
switching station. (Plan 1-1, Plan 1-2)
Assumption-5: The existing control building should be extended for an additional control
and protection system for the additional 400kV equipment. (Plan 2-1, Plan
2-2, Plan 3-1)
Assumption-6: Interest and inflation are as the same rate and these will cancel each other in
the calculation. (All Plans)

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Final Report

Furthermore, other conditions to estimate cost are as follows;

1. As to the new 400kv switching station, initial cost at first and overhaul cost after
twenty-five years occur.
2. As to the existing 400kV switching station, overhaul cost at first and dismantling and
construction cost after twenty-five years occur.
3. The cost for gas pipe and oil pipe depends on the location of power plant.

Under these conditions, Life Cycle cost shall be estimated for each plan.

Table 5-31 Techno-economical comparison

1 2 3
Plan No.
1-1 1-2 2-1 2-2 3-1
Candidate Site Candidate Site Candidate Site Candidate Site Candidate Site
Location of New Power Plant
"B" "B" "B" "B" "A"
Location of Switchyard New Switchyard New Switchyard Existing Switchyard Existing Switchyard Existing Switchyard
Switchyard Configuration 1 1/2 CB 1 1/2 CB 1 1/2 CB 1 1/2 CB 1 1/2 CB
Switchgear Type AIS AIS AIS AIS AIS
Country of Origin for Switchgear IRAN IRAN IRAN IRAN IRAN
No. of Bay 4 strings 4 strings 2 strings 2 strings 2 strings
Overhead Underground Overhead Underground Overhead
Connection Method
Connection Connection Connection Connection Connection
Distance from power plant to
50 100 1,950 1,600 200
Switchyard (m)
No. of Transmission Tower 0 - 9 - 2
Distance from Switchyard to
400+200 400+200 - - -
Grid (m)
No. of Transmission Tower 2 2 - - -
Erection Cost (MUSD) 20.00 20.00 - - -

Connection Cost (MUSD) 0.30 1.06 0.84 8.80 0.09


Relocation Cost for

- - 1.91 1) - -
Offices (MUSD)
Overhaul Cost on Resume
- - 0.08 0.08 0.08
Maintenance Cost for
2.07 2.07 1.24 1.24 1.24
50yrs (MUSD)
Overhaul Cost at every

0.14 0.14 - - -
25yrs (MUSD)

Replacement Cost

- - 12.41 2) 12.41 2) 12.41 2)

Cost for 50yrs

4.59 3) 4.59 3) 1.31 4) 1.31 4) 1.31 4)

Concurrence Ratio 0.70 5) 0.70 5) 0.20 6) 0.20 6) 0.20 6)

Gas Pipe Cost Deviation

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.75

Oil Pipe Cost Deviation

0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.00
Loss (MW) 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.33 0.00

Unit Price (1000USD/MW) 2,631.58 2,631.58 2,631.58 2,631.58 2,631.58

Loss Cost (MUSD) 0.00 0.00 0.87 0.87 0.00
* *
Life Cycle Cost (MUSD) 27.40 28.16 18.96 25.02 16.89
Remarks: "1)" means relocation cost for 4 offices.
"2)" means dismantling cost for the existing switchgear is included.
"3)" means cost for additional operators because of the independent operating building.
"4)" means cost for additional operators because of the combined operating building.
"5)" means 70% of manpower is required for operating a new substation and 30% of
manpower will be expected assistance from the existing substation.
"6)" means extra 20% of manpower is required for operating new switchgears in the
existing substation.
Source: created by JICA study team

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

5.5.8 Conclusion
1. As the candidate site “A” in plan 3-1 is not the sufficiently available land to construct a power
plant, it is difficult to layout efficiently the power plant. Therefore, this plan will not be
recommended for the reason.
2. As for Plan 2-1 and 2-2, difficulty would occur against emergency response due to the long
distance between a power plant and a 400kV switching station. These plans will not be
recommended for the reason.
3. From a cost and operating point of view, Plan 1-1 would be recommended as the most
suitable plan.

Plan 1-1 is repeated herein.

Plan 1-1: the power plant ”B”, the new 400kV switching station, overhead connection from the
power plant ”B” to the new 400kV switching station, overhead connection from the new 400kV
switching station to the grid

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Chapter 6 Environmental and Social Considerations

6.1 Overview of the Project
6.1.1 Location of the Planned Project Site
This Project has a target site within the site of the existing Shahid Rajaee Power Plant, which is
located in Iran’s northern province of Qazvin, about 100 km northwest of the capital of Iran.

The power-generating capacity of the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant is 1,000 MW (250 MW x 4
units) at its steam power plants and 1,042 MW(347MW×3 units1) at its combined cycle power

Source: Obtained from Google Earth, and prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig. 6-1 Location of Project Site

Overview of the Project

The government of Iran, in "Intended Nationally Determined Contributions" which is their
policy objective toward COP21 (the 21st Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC), expressed
their commitment to the reduction of greenhouse gas by 4% (12% at the maximum) by 2030 as
compared with the case where no measures are taken, and cited the combined cycle as a means
for achieving the objective.

One unit of 347MW is composed of 123.4MW×2 units of gas turbine and 100.6MW×1 unit of steam turbine.

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Final Report

The energy sector accounts for 90% of the total greenhouse gas emissions, of which the power
generation fields such as thermal power plants are emitting 20% of the total.
In establishing the INDC target, the increasing demand for electric power associated with
economic growth is considered as BAU scenario, and then the following measures are provided
in the field of power generation in order to achieve the target. The introduction of a combined
cycle power plant is cited as one of the measures2.
- By 2030 a wind power plant of 6,000 MW and a hydroelectric power plant of 18,700 MW
will be installed.
- Increase the share of the high-efficiency combined cycle power plant with a thermal
efficiency of about 45% from 27.5% in 2015 to 54.3% in 2025. (Improvement of open
cycle gas turbine or new construction of combined cycle power plant)
- Installation of a 2,000 MW nuclear power plant.

The estimated greenhouse gas emission reduction in Iran is approximately 210 million t-CO2
per year in 2030, of which the contribution of the power generation field including thermal
power plant will be more than 30% of the total reduction, approximately 60 million t-CO2 per
year. Implementation of reduction measures through thermal power generation is therefore
important for achieving the goal.

In this regard, the Iranian Department of Energy etc. indicated their intention to promote the
introduction of low-environmental-impact gas combined cycle power generation facilities
instead of conventional steam power generation facilities in the future development of new
power sources.

Based on the situation above, this Project relates to the construction of two units of new
combined cycle power generation units with the maximum output of 640 MW within the site of
the existing Shahid Rajaee Power Plant.

The power plant has approximately 60% of power efficiency (generating end output, LHV base),
and meets the criteria for the 500MW-class combined cycle listed in BAT (Best Available
Technology, February 2017) released by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Ministry of
the Environment in Japan.

It will adopt the technology enabling minimum fuel consumption per output and lower emission
of nitrogen oxide (NOx) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

It is also planned to newly construct gas pressure reducing facilities, gas switch stations, etc.,
within the same site.
The combined-cycle power plant generates electricity using both gas turbine and steam turbine,
to thereby use less water compared to the conventional power generation using steam turbine

For intake of raw water, it is planned to use ground water taken from water wells, two within
the project site and five outside of the site.

For the power plant facilities under planning, a dry-type forced-draft direct cooling system will
be introduced, which does not use water resulting in reduction of total water intake and large
scale groundwater intake will not be undertaken.

「Islamic Republic of Iran Intended Nationally Determined Contribution」(2015),「Iran's Third National
Communication to UNFCCC, Chapter 3: National GHGs Mitigation Policies Energy」(2015)

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

The planned amount of water intake is about 300m3 / day at the maximum, which is only 1.6%
of the permitted water intake amount at existing power plants, 19,000 m3/day, and can
sufficiently cope with the pumps used at the existing wells. A new water intake permission will
not be necessary.

The amount of wastewater discharged from the power plant is about 360m3 / day at the
maximum, and it will be entirely stored in the reservoir installed within the power plant site
after treatment to reuse for watering such as greening.

No river is located near the power plant site, and in case of temporary increase of waste water,
during periodic inspection for example, and at the same time in the winter when water-reuse is
smaller and the capacity of the reservoir is exceeded, wastewater from the power plant may be
discharged into the adjacent irrigation canals, as is the case of the existing facility
The layout of the existing Shahid Rajaee Power Plant and the planned new power generation
units is shown below. The new power generation units will be established in the location of
Plan-B, using the open area in the east of the existing power plant.

Source: Obtained from Google Earth, and prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig. 6-2 Layout of Shahid Rajaee Power Plant and Planned New Power Generation Units

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Final Report

Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig. 6-3 Layout of the New Power Plant Units

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6.1.2 Overview of Related Facilities

Electric power to be generated by the new power plants planned to be constructed in this project
will be transmitted via existing 400 kV transmission lines, and no plan is being made to
construct new transmission lines.

In addition, gas fuel to be used for power generation will be supplied from the gas pressure
reducing facilities currently in use for the existing power plant through a new pipeline
(approximately 200m) to be installed in the existing pipeline installation area outside the site.

Also, light oil will be supplied from the light oil tank installed for the existing power plant via a
pipeline planned to be newly constructed within the site.

6.2 State of the Environment

In the following sections, the overall state of the environment will be discussed based on the
results of the first to fourth site surveys. Detail of the results obtained concerning the state of the
environment through document studies and field investigations will be described in Section of

6.2.1 Overview of the Natural Environment

The flora and fauna observed within the project area includes several herbaceous species and
rodents species, which are commonly seen in the wide area around the site, and no precious
species are observed. There are no major sources of air pollution and noise emission in the local
area except for the existing power plant, which means the project site can be considered to be
relatively clean and quiet.

No river is found in the area around the existing power plant, and excess wastewater which
cannot be reused is discharged to nearby irrigation water canals for agriculture in the
surrounding area.

The nearest natural conservation area is the Bashgol Protected Area (25,334ha) located in an
area at about 68 km distance from south-east of the existing power plant.

6.2.2 Overview of the Social Environment

The project site is located in the site of the existing power plant and in an area where land
preparation has already been completed and there is no house within the site.

The nearest residential area is a small Asghabad village located about 1.5 km to its north and
there is no residential area nearer to the power plant.

Qazvin City (population 400 - 500 thousand people) is located about 20 km away from the site.
As for the surrounding land use, the south side is mainly agricultural land, and corn, melon,
watermelon, vegetables, etc. are cultivated.

The waste water from the existing power plant which cannot be reused, for sprinkling in winter
for example, is stored in the adjacent agricultural canal, and will be used in the surrounding
farmland in the coming spring.

An agreement was made on the regional contribution between the existing Shahid Rajaee Power

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Station and the local community, noting that waste water is provided to the surrounding farmers
as agricultural water in compensation for using groundwater for power plants,.
Since there is no river nearby, fishery is not implemented around the power plant.

6.2.3 Status of monitoring in the existing power plant

The current status of exhaust gas, waste water, air quality and noise, and the waste treatment
method is described below, in order to present basic information for determining the cumulative
impact of the project within the project facility including the existing power plant and the
surrounding area.

(1) Exhaust gas

The pollution concentration measurement is conducted within the existing steam power plant
using a continuous monitoring system, and also in the existing combined cycle power plant
every three months by the consultant registered and authorized by DOE.

Gas fuel is normally used in the existing power plant. In winter, in case natural gas supply is not
sufficient, heavy oil fuel is used in the steam power plant and light oil is used in the combined
cycle power plant, mixed with natural gas in certain cases. In consequence, pollution
concentration varies depending on the fuel used.

The monitoring result of the pollution concentration of exhaust gas from the existing power
plant is shown in Table 6-1 and Table 6-2.

In the steam power plant, NOx concentration often exceeds the emission standard, and SOx also
exceeds the standard value several times in the case of burning heavy oil.

Also in the combined cycle power plant, NOx concentration does not meet the emission
standard in several cases and SOx also exceeds the standard value several times in the case of
burning light oil.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 6-1 Monitoring Result of the Exhaust Gas from the Existing Steam Power Plant
Steam power plant Emission gas standard of Iran
Date Parameter Unit
No1 No2 No3 No4 (Grade-2)(mg/Nm3)

2016.03.12 Fuel - Mix (Gas/Heavy oil) Mix (Gas/Heavy oil) Mix (Gas/Heavy oil) Mix (Gas/Heavy oil) Gas Heavy oil Diesel oil
SOx mg/Nm 1057 - 1040 1549 200 800 150
NOx mg/Nm3 613 - 613 676 300 400 250
2016.06.09 Fuel - Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Heavy oil Diesel oil
SOx mg/Nm 0 0 0 0 200 800 150
NOx mg/Nm 475 503 438 623 300 400 250
2016.08.28 Fuel - Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Heavy oil Diesel oil
SOx mg/Nm3 0 0 0 0 200 800 150
NOx mg/Nm 493 707 805 585 300 400 250
2016.11.24 Fuel - - Heavy oil Heavy oil Heavy oil Gas Heavy oil Diesel oil
SOx mg/Nm - 741 644 468 200 800 150
NOx mg/Nm - 170 161 185 300 400 250
2017.02.21 Fuel - Mix (Gas/Heavy oil) Mix (Gas/Heavy oil) - Mix (Gas/Heavy oil) Gas Heavy oil Diesel oil
SOx mg/Nm 359 144 - 194 200 800 150
NOx mg/Nm3 201 171 - 202 300 400 250
2017.05.30 Fuel - Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Heavy oil Diesel oil
SOx mg/Nm3 0 0 0 0 200 800 150
NOx mg/Nm 249 128 170 585 300 400 250

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Steam power plant Emission gas standard of Iran

Date Parameter Unit
No1 No2 No3 No4 (Grade-2)(mg/Nm3)

2017.08.22 Fuel - Heavy oil Heavy oil Heavy oil Heavy oil Gas Heavy oil Diesel oil
SOx mg/Nm 316 281 300 558 200 800 150
NOx mg/Nm 80 160 189 175 300 400 250
2017.11.20 Fuel - - - Gas Gas Gas Heavy oil Diesel oil
SOx mg/Nm - - 0 0 200 800 150
NOx mg/Nm3 - - 297 299 300 400 250
2018.03.05 Fuel - Gas Mix (Gas/Heavy oil) Gas - Gas Heavy oil Diesel oil
SOx mg/Nm3 0 59 0 - 200 800 150
NOx mg/Nm 280 296 249 - 300 400 250
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

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Final Report

Table 6-2 Monitoring Result of the Exhaust Gas from the Existing Combined Cycle Power Plant
Combined Cycle PP 1 Combined Cycle PP 2 Combined Cycle PP 3 Emission gas standard of Iran
Date Parameter Unit
GT No1 GT No2 GT No3 GT No4 GT No5 GT No6 (Grade-2)(mg/Nm3)

2016.03.12 Fuel Mix (Gas Mix (Gas Mix (Gas Mix (Gas Mix (Gas Mix (Gas
- Gas Heavy oil Diesel oil
/Diesel oil) /Diesel oil) /Diesel oil) /Diesel oil) /Diesel oil) /Diesel oil)
SOx mg/Nm3 174 - 146 169 - - 200 800 150
NOx mg/Nm3 295 - 271 326 - - 300 400 250
2016.06.09 Fuel - Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Heavy oil Diesel oil
SOx mg/Nm 0 0 0 0 3 0 200 800 150
NOx mg/Nm 244 224 242 275 348 424 300 400 250
2016.08.28 Fuel - Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Heavy oil Diesel oil
SOx mg/Nm3 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 800 150
NOx mg/Nm 253 193 238 232 299 444 300 400 250
2016.11.24 Fuel - - - Diesel oil Diesel oil Diesel oil Diesel oil Gas Heavy oil Diesel oil
SOx mg/Nm - - 7 35 18 23 200 800 150
NOx mg/Nm - - 176 126 171 125 300 400 250
2017.02.21 Fuel - Diesel oil Diesel oil - - Diesel oil Diesel oil Gas Heavy oil Diesel oil
SOx mg/Nm 3 31 - - 12 11 200 800 150
NOx mg/Nm3 147 150 - - 115 140 300 400 250
2017.05.30 Fuel - Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Heavy oil Diesel oil
SOx mg/Nm3 0 0 0 0 3 0 200 800 150
NOx mg/Nm 123 134 188 124 163 123 300 400 250

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Final Report

Combined Cycle PP 1 Combined Cycle PP 2 Combined Cycle PP 3 Emission gas standard of Iran
Date Parameter Unit
GT No1 GT No2 GT No3 GT No4 GT No5 GT No6 (Grade-2)(mg/Nm3)

2017.08.22 Fuel - Gas Diesel oil Gas Diesel oil Diesel oil Gas Gas Heavy oil Diesel oil
SOx mg/Nm 0 31 0 27 16 0 200 800 150
NOx mg/Nm 140 130 121 103 207 80 300 400 250
2017.11.20 Fuel - Gas Gas - Gas - Gas Gas Heavy oil Diesel oil
SOx mg/Nm 0 0 - 0 - 0 200 800 150
NOx mg/Nm3 168 137 - 159 - 174 300 400 250
2018.03.05 Fuel - Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas - Gas Heavy oil Diesel oil
SOx mg/Nm3 0 0 0 0 3 - 200 800 150
NOx mg/Nm 123 134 188 124 163 - 300 400 250
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

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Final Report

(2) Waste water

The result of the monitoring of the pollutant concentration of the water emission is reported to
DOE as necessary. Table 6-3 indicates the monitoring result of concentration of pollutants in the
waste water from the existing power plant.

Table 6-3 Monitoring Result of Waste Water from the Existing Power Plant
Item Monitoring results(mg/l)
Day/month/year Waste water standards of
30/5/2017 22/8/2017 20/12/2017 5/3/2018 Iran (Discharged to surface
water for using agriculture
and irrigation) (mg/l)

Chlorine 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2

Oil and grease 0 0 0 2.6 10
BOD 0 0 0 0 100
COD 7 4 3.6 4.6 200
DO 3.8 5.2 4.1 4.1 2
Total Suspended Solids 4 38 10 2 100
pH 8.2 8.1 7.8 7.4 6-8.5
Turbidity 4.61 15.7 4.65 50
Total coliform / 100mL 23 120 120 120 1000(MPN)
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

JICA Study Team also conducted the water quality measurement of the treated waste water
using reused water at the sprinkler and water at the discharge channel within the project site.
The result as shown Table 6-4 indicates that the effluent standard of Iran is well satisfied.

Table 6-4 Result of Water Quality of Effluent

Item Sprinkle water Water of Waste water standards of Iran
(mg/l) discharge (Discharged to surface water for
channel using agriculture and irrigation)
(mg/l) (mg/l)

Cadmium ND ND 0.05
Chloride 36 86 600
Mercury ND ND Negligible
Lead ND ND 1
Sulfite 0.01 1.341 1
Oil and grease ND ND 10
COD ND 3 200
Total Suspended
ND ND 100
pH 7.5 7.6 6-8.5
Note: ND indicates “under limit of detection”.
Source: prepared by the Study Team

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(3) Air quality

Air quality (PM10 and PM2.5) measurement has been conducted every three months at eight
locations around the boundary of the power plant site shown in Figure 6-4, by the consultant
registered and authorized by DOE. Table 6-5 shows the result of the air quality monitoring
within the existing power plant site.

Both PM10 and PM2.5 are well below the environmental quality standard in Iran. The
measurement of NO2 and SO2 has not been conducted.

Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-4 Measurement Points of Air Quality and Noise

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Final Report

Table 6-5 Result of the Air Quality Monitoring (µg/m3)

Day/month/year Point No PM2.5 PM10 Day/month/year Point No. PM2.5 PM10
22/2/2017 1 3.9 41.2 20/11/2017 1 8.9 54.8
2 4.1 48.4 2 8.8 45.9
3 5.8 38.3 3 10.1 115.1
4 7.4 51.8 4 8.9 44.0
5 5.6 55.2 5 7.3 41.0
6 6.5 65.2 6 7.4 39.7
7 4.1 37.1 7 7.9 38.5
8 5.5 63.3 8 8.0 57.0
30/5/2017 1 4.3 38.8 05/03/2018 1 7.0 35.9
2 5.2 42.2 2 6.5 29.3
3 4.6 35.6 3 6.9 28.4
4 5.7 47.4 4 7.7 38.8
5 5.8 52.1 5 6.8 42.3
6 4.8 59.3 6 6.3 39.6
7 5.9 41.7 7 6.2 56.6
8 4.6 48.6 8 6.3 44.4
1 2.7 46.6 Iran standard 35(24hr) 150(24hr)
2 2.5 37.5
3 2.6 41.2
4 2.8 45.4
5 1.9 21.7
6 3.8 45.3
7 3.7 52.6
8 2.1 25.4
Iran standard 35(24hr) 150(24hr)
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

(4) Noise
Noise level measurement has also been conducted every three months at eight locations around
the boundary of the power plant site shown in Figure 6-4, similar to the air quality measurement,
by the consultant registered and authorized by DOE.

Table 6-6 shows the result of the noise monitoring within the existing power plant site. The
noise level is below the environmental quality standard in Iran.

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 6-6 Result of the Noise Monitoring (dBA)

Day/month/year Point Noise Iran standard Day/month/year Point Noise Iran standard
No. level (Industrial No. level (Industrial
Area) Area)
Leq Leq

22/2/2017 Day:75 20/11/2017 Day:75

1 63 1 62
Night:65 Night:65
2 65 2 57
3 62 3 71
4 61 4 62
5 62 5 44
6 58 6 43
7 59 7 62
8 61 8 64
30/5/2017 05/03/2018
1 62 1 66
2 65 2 61
3 65 3 64
4 62 4 64
5 64 5 64
6 59 6 52
7 61 7 62
8 64 8 56
1 61
2 60
3 66
4 66
5 63
6 62
7 63
8 66
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

(5) Waste
The overview of the waste treatment system in the existing power plant is shown in Table 6-7.
Concerning hazardous waste, sludge and waste oil generated from waste water treatment is sold
for recycle, and other hazardous waste including sludge from waste water treatment,
incineration ash from the boiler and oily mud are landfilled within an anti-seepage pit
authorized by the Department of Environment (DOE) and built in the site.

Hazardous waste was disposed of in the past at the disposal site in Booin Zahra City 90km away
from the project site, but today they are disposed of in the pit within the project site.
As for general waste, paper and iron scrap is sold to the specialized recycle operator, and
residual food of the power plant staffs
is composted and reused for fertilizer.

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Final Report

Table 6-7 Overview of the waste treatment system in the existing power plant

Classification of Disposal method

waste (Recycle by 3rd party,
Description of waste Content
(Hazardous or Non land fill to authorized
hazardous) place etc)

Non hazardous Ferrous scrap metal Recycle by Selling

Non hazardous Nonferrous scrap Copper, aluminum Recycle by Selling

Waste electrodes Land fill in the power

Hazardous Stub
(stubs) plant site

Land fill in the power

Hazardous Ash from boiler Ash
plant site
Hazardous Waste oil Oil Recycle by Selling
Sludge contaminated Land fill in the power
Hazardous Oily sludge
by oil products plant site
Sludge from
Land fill in the power
Hazardous wastewater treatment Sludge
plant site
Sludge from pretreated
Hazardous Sludge Recycle by Selling
raw water

Non hazardous Waste paper, can, bin Paper, can, bin Recycle by Selling
Non hazardous Solid domestic waste Solid domestic waste Recycle
Non hazardous Food waste Remains of food Compost
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

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Final Report

6.3 Laws and Regulations Related to Environmental Impact Assessment

6.3.1 Environment-Related Legal System
In Iran, environmental protection is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Environment. In
1971, the Department of Environment was established for the purposes of protection and
improvement of the environment, prevention and management of environmental pollution and
worsening pollution, and conservation of wild life and marine life in its territorial seas. The
Department of Environment has provincial offices to perform environmental monitoring at the
provincial level.

The basic law for environmental protection in Iran is the “Environmental Protection and
Enhancement Act (1982)” which was issued in 1974 and revised in 1982.

The Department of Environment is the government body responsible for application and
enforcement of the above Act and other environmental protection laws and regulations.
Laws Iran has in relation with environmental protection are as follows:

 Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (1982)

 Environmental Impact Assessment Decree 138 (1994)
 Air Pollution Control Act (1996)
 Air Pollution Prevention Executive Regulation (2016)
 Standards of Air Pollution arising from Industries and Workshops (1999)
 Water Distribution Act (1982)
 Water Pollution Control Rule (1984)
 Solid Waste Management Act (2004)
 Municipality Act (1955)
 Noise Protection Act (2008)

6.3.2 International Treaties

International treaties signed or ratified by Iran are as follows:

 UN Conference on the Man & Environment (Stockholm Declaration-1972)

 UN Conference on Environment & Development (Rio Declaration-1992)
 AGENDA 21-Character for Future (Rio-1992)
 Principal on the Conservation of the Forests (Rio-1992)
 United Nations Environment Program (UNEP-1972)
 International Union Conservation Nature & Natural Resources (1948)
 Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar-1971)
 Convention Concerning to the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
 Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (Vienna – 1987)
 Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (Montreal – 1987)
 Convention on the Control of Trans-boundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes & Their
Disposal (Basel – 1989)
 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (New York – 1992)
 Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (Kyoto–1998)
 UN Convention to Combat Desertification (Paris – 1994)
 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Waste and other Matter
(London – 1972)

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 Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (London – 1990)

 Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties
(Brussels – 1969)
 Protocol Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Pollution by Substances
Other Than Oil (London – 1973)
 Berne Treaty on the Protection of Endangered Species in Their Habitats
 CITES Convention (Control of International Trade in Endangered Species)

6.3.3 Legal System and Procedures for Environmental Impact Assessment

In Iran, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is carried out pursuant to the Environmental
Impact Assessment Decree 138 (1994). When constructing a thermal power plant of 100 MW or
larger in Iran, EIA is required.

A flow of EIA procedures in Iran is shown in Figure below. The number of date for the review is
not specified in the Decree cited above. According to TPPH, based on what they experienced in
the past, it takes at least about three months from when an EIA report is submitted until the
Department of Environment issues EIA approval, since the review by the technical committee
and the committee for the final review take long time.

Risk assessment is considered an important item, and a detailed safety analysis method, which
is normally not required in the EIA in other countries, is required for the gas supply facility and
the combustion facility, which are not a subject in the F/S report by the Study Team. In this
regard, an additional period for implementing risk assessment will be necessary based on F/S
report by employing a consultant. In consequence, TPPH considers that it will take
approximately one year for obtaining the approval from DOE after receiving F/S report from the
Study Team.

The monitoring reports during construction and operation phase (including working safety
report) will be submitted every month to DOE, and will be examined by the monitoring
committee consisting of DOE and TPPH.
The local government having the jurisdiction for this project is the Qazvin Provincial

In Iran, although disclosure of information to the general public, explanatory meetings for
residents, etc., in relation to EIA reports are not defined in the EIA procedures, the EIA report
will be disclosed in Persian language at the state and provincial DOE.

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Final Report

Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig. 6-5 Flow of EIA Procedures in Iran
The general composition of the EIA report based on the regulation is shown below.
1. Non –technical 1.1 Overview of the project
abstract 1.2 location of project (Alternatives)
1.3 General spec. of alternatives
1.4 Technical aspects of different alternatives
1.5 Environmental impacts
1.6 Social impacts,
1.7 Mitigation assessment of Environmental of project
1.8Risk analysis of project on Environment
2. Project description 2.1Title of project
2.2 Objectives and, requirement of project
2.3 Iran global future planning and project
2.4 Laws and regulations related to the Environmental issues.
2.5 Purposed location for the project
2.6 Alternatives for project from technical and location viewpoints
2.7 Different phases of project
2.8 Detailed description of project activities in construction and operation
2.9 Auxiliary facilities
2.10 Specialty of each and every alternative
3.Environmental 3.1 Site mobilization
issues during 3.2 Site preparation
construction period
3.3 Earth work, excavation, and soil consolidation
3.4 Accommodation of staff
3.5 Development of green area
4. Pollutant, 4.1Soil pollution in construction and operation phase
important waste, and 4.2 Water pollution in construction and operation phase
related hazardous to 4.3 Noise pollution in construction and operation phase
the project 4.4 Air pollution in construction and operation phase

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Final Report

5.Project HSE 5.1During construction

・Explosion, fire
5.2 During operation
6.Existing condition 6.1 Area to be studied
of environment of 6.2 The natural environment(Geology, Erosion ,soil contamination ,
region topography, seismicity , fault zones of region , water resource, surface
water ,quality of surface water , undergrounded water , water pollution,
climate , air/ noise pollution)
6.3 Natural Environment
6.4 Social Environment
7.Assessment of Environmental impact (positive /negative) of the project
8.Analysis of project impact on environment and results methodology
9. Management and 9.1 Mitigation measure for reduction and control of negative impact of
Environmental project on Environment (chemical, physical, air quality noise, vibration,
pollution monitoring soil, topography ,ground water , surface water, waste)
9.2 Natural Environment (fauna, flora,landscaping)
9.3 Safety, health of working groups、 monitoring planning , training, waste
management system, ways to use waste,
10. Environmental 10.1 Prediction of most probable Environmental issues related to the project
risks Assessment and 10.2 Formulating the problem(identification of hazards around site ,
management evaluation of effectiveness of it and consequences)
10.3 Human Environment and related risk
10.4 Explosion
10.5 Assess and forecast Environmental hazards
10.6 Analysis of crisis management due to Environmental issues
10.7 Environmental risks management
10.8 Conclusion
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

6.3.4 Gap between JICA Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations and
Iran’s Environment-related Legal System
When implementing surveys on environmental and social considerations for this project, it is
required that the “JICA Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations” (April 2010)
(hereinafter referred to as the “JICA Guidelines”) and environment-related laws of Iran be

A comparison was made between the JICA Guidelines and the EIA system in Iran as shown in
Table below. As the result of the comparison, it was found that Iran does not define disclosure of
information, explanatory meetings for residents, etc., in relation to EIA reports, and therefore it
is planned in this project to disclose information and then to hold stakeholder meetings at the
phases of scoping and Draft EIA in the course of this Study.

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 6-8 Comparison of Key Environmental and Social Consideration Items provided
respectively in the JICA Guidelines and Iran’s EIA-related Legal System
Existence of gap and
Items JICA Guidelines EIA system in Iran
how to cope with it
Basic issues  In the implementation of the  In a major There is no significant
project, the survey and the development project, gap.
examination of the the implementation of
environmental and social the EIA survey in the
impact of the project shall be stage of feasibility
conducted in the planning study (F/S) is
stage of the project in order to required.
consider the alternative or the  Concerning the
mitigation measure to prevent negative impact of the
or minimize the impact and to project, the
reflect the findings in the development of
project plan. mitigation measure,
alleviation measure,
and controlling
measures is
Information  EIA reports shall be disclosed  No related provision is Since there is a gap, the
Disclosure to all local stakeholders, in place. result of scoping and
residents, etc. Also, the reports EIA summary reports
shall be disclosed on the JICA will be disclosed to
web site. stakeholders who are
considered relevant,
prior to explanatory
meetings for residents,
during this preparatory
survey. In addition, the
same will be disclosed
to participants of
explanatory meetings.
Participation  Information on the Project No related provision is Since there is a gap,
of residents shall be disclosed to project in place. stakeholder meetings
proponents and discussions will be held at the
with local residents and phases of scoping and
stakeholders (particularly with Draft EIA during this
local residents who can be preparatory survey, to
affected directly) shall be offer explanation
encouraged. concerning the
 In the case of category A necessity of
projects, project proponents development, predicted
shall make an explanation to negative environmental
local residents and and social impacts,
stakeholders at an early stage analytical results of
about the necessity of alternative plans, etc.
development, predicted
negative environmental and
social impacts, and analytical
results of alternative plans.
 In the case of category A
projects, explanatory meetings
for local residents shall in
principle be held twice in total,

The Islamic Republic of Iran
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Final Report

Existence of gap and

Items JICA Guidelines EIA system in Iran
how to cope with it
one when the scoping is made
and another when EIA reports
are being prepared. In the case
of category B projects, it is
provided that explanatory
meetings shall be held as
Examination  Multiple alternatives shall be Alternatives shall be The priority of
of mitigation examined in order to avoid or compared and mitigation measures,
measures minimize adverse impacts. examined. reduction measures and
 In the examination of  Mitigation measures, compensation is
measures, priority is to be reduction measures, specified in JICA
given to avoidance of adverse and control measures Environmental and
impacts on the environment; against the negative Social Considerations
when this is not possible, impact of the project Guidelines, but not in
minimization and reduction of shall be developed. the EIA system in Iran.
impacts must be considered EIA reports shall The EIA concerning
next. clearly describe this project shall take
 Compensation measures shall environmental into account the priority
be examined only when management plans, of the mitigation
impacts cannot be avoided with environmental measures in accordance
any of the aforementioned monitoring plans, with JICA
measures. accident prevention Environmental and
 Appropriate follow-up plans measures, risk Social Considerations
and systems, such as assessment, etc. Guidelines.
monitoring plans and Confirmation shall be
environmental management made whether
plans, shall be prepared; the environmental
costs of implementing such management plans and
plans and systems, and the environmental
financial methods to fund such monitoring plans are
costs shall be determined. being implemented
Plans for projects with appropriately.
particularly large potential
adverse impacts shall be
accompanied by detailed
environmental management
Assessment  The scope of the impact to be Physical No gap is observed in a
items of the investigated and examined environment(geograph large category, but the
environmental with regard to environmental y and geology, soil, items in small
and social and social considerations water quality, categories especially in
consideration include the impact on human meteorology, the environmental and
health and safety and the temperature, air social area (poor
natural environment (including quality, noise) people, indigenous
transboundary or global Natural and biological people, gender,
environmental impact) through environment(flora and children's rights,
the atmosphere, water, soil, fauna, aquatic and infectious disease,
waste, accident, water use, terrestrial organisms) working environment,
climate change, ecosystem and Social hygienic etc.)are not precisely
biota, and social considerations environment described in the EIA
for the matters listed below. (consideration of the system in Iran as are
 Population migration including opinion of the medical described in JICA
involuntary resettlement, science university near environmental and

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Existence of gap and

Items JICA Guidelines EIA system in Iran
how to cope with it
Local economy including the project site) social consideration
employment and means of Social, economic, guidelines.
livelihood, land use and local cultural environment As a countermeasure,
resource use, social ( Population and the assessment of
organization including social Demography, environmental and
infrastructure and regional employment, social social consideration
decision-making organizations, infrastructure, will be conducted
the existing social education, cultural according to JICA
infrastructure and social heritage, cultural and environmental and
services, socially vulnerable religious custom) social consideration
group including poor people Impact on land use and guidelines.
and indigenous people, on the other
fairness in distribution of development project
damage and benefits and Risk assessment
development process, gender, (accident prevention
right of children, cultural measures, etc.)
heritage, conflict of interests
within the local area, infectious
diseases such as HIV / AIDS,
and labor environment
(including working safety).
Monitoring,  Appropriate follow-up plan or The monitoring plan No gap exists regarding
grievance system such as environmental shall be developed and monitoring.
redress management plan and conducted for the items The consideration items
system monitoring plan, including the predicted be subject to regarding the
necessary expense and the environmental and development of
fund-rising method, shall be social impact. grievance redress
developed. Detailed mechanism specified in
environmental management JICA environmental
plan should be prepared and social
especially for the project with considerations
larger impact expected. guidelines are not
 In case an adequate monitoring described in the EIA
is presumed to be essential for system in Iran. The
an appropriate environmental system for handling
and social consideration, such grievance in the
as a project where the existing Shahid Rajaee
mitigation measures should be power plant shall be
implemented while examining determined in this
the effect of the mitigation survey, and if it was
measures at the same time, it found that an
should be ensured that the appropriate grievance
monitoring plan is included in redress mechanism is
the project plan and that the not in place ,the consent
feasibility of the plan is for the preparation of
confirmed. the grievance
 The grievance redress system mechanism shall be
to address grievance from the obtained through
affected people and explanation of the
community. requirements of JICA
environmental and
social consideration
Ecosystem  The project should not cause  The assessment of the  There is no significant

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Existence of gap and

Items JICA Guidelines EIA system in Iran
how to cope with it
and biota significant alteration or natural and ecological gap.
significant deterioration of environment (flora
the precious natural habitat or and fauna, aquatic
precious forest. and terrestrial
ecosystem) is
Indigenous  The impact of the project on No regulation exists. The land use of the
people the indigenous people should indigenous people is
be avoided with all possible determined in the
measures considered. In case survey and the
the impact cannot be avoided response will be
through such consideration, a considered as
viable countermeasure for necessary.
such people should be
developed in order to
minimize and compensate for
the possible impact
Source: Prepared by JICA Study Team

It is planned to disclose information and offer explanation concerning the outline of the Project
to leaders of local communities located near the power plant (those who have an executive
position called “Shora” in the society of Iran) prior to explanatory meetings for residents as well
as to invite them to such explanatory meetings. Residential areas near the power plant by
information disclosure are shown in Figure below.

Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared d by JICA Study Team
Fig. 6-6 Residential Areas Closely Located to Power Plant for which Information will be
Disclosed prior to Explanatory Meetings for Residents

6.3.5 Standards Relevant to the Project

In this section, environment-related standards applicable to the thermal power plant projects in

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Iran and IFC/WB EHS guideline values which the JICA Guidelines refer to are discussed. In
this project, it is necessary to satisfy both the environmental standards of Iran and IFC/WB EHS
guideline values, and therefore it is planned to ensure compliance with the stricter guidelines or
standards of these two.

(1) Ambient air quality

Ambient air quality standards and gas emission standards of both Iran and IFC/WB EHS
guidelines are shown in the Table below.

In the IFC/WB EHS guidelines, it is specified that “in the basic, pollutant concentration in
ambient air does not exceed the environmental standard value of the host country. In addition, as
a general rule, this Guideline stipulates that the contribution concentration of the project
emission shall not exceed 25 %of the air quality standards of the host country in consideration
of the impact from the existing facilities and the surrounding facilities.”

In this project, the height of stacks, etc., will be determined so that contribution concentration
shall be below 25% of the air quality standards in Iran.

Table 6-9 Ambient Air Quality Standards of Iran and International Organization
Standards of IFC/WB EHS guideline
Pollutant Averaging time
Iran(µg/m3) values (µg/m3)
CO 1 hour 40,000 -
8 hours 10,000 -
SO2 1 hour 196 500 (guideline):10 min.
24 hours 395 125 (interim target 1)
50 (interim target 2)
20 (guideline)
NO2 1 hour 200 200 (guideline)
Annual average 100 40 (guideline)
PM10 24 hours 150 150 (interim target)
100 (interim target 2)
75 (interim target 3)
50 (guideline)
Annual average - 70 (interim target 1)
50 (interim target 2)
30 (interim target 3)
20 (guideline)
PM2.5 24 hours 35 75 (interim target 1)
50 (interim target 2)
37.5 (interim target 3)
25 (guideline)
Annual average - 35 (interim target 1)
25 (interim target 2)
15 (interim target 3)
10 (guideline)
O3 8 hours 148 160 (interim target 1)
100 (guideline)
Annual average 12
Source:•Air Pollution Prevention Executive Regulation (2016)、IFC/WB Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS)
Guidelines、General (2007)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 6-10 Gas Emission Standards of Iran and of International Organization

Emission Gas Guideline Value in IFC/WB EHS
Emission Standards concerning thermal power plant in Iran
Guidelines value *1
Poll Fuel type Unit Grade-1 Grade-2 Fuel Unit Gas turbine Boiler
utan (newly setup) (former value) type (O2 15% (O2 3%
t (boiler using gas and (boiler using gas
liquid fuel: O2 3% and liquid fuel: O2
equivalent) equivalent)
equivalent, 3% , equivalent
Gas turbine: O2 15% Gas turbine: O2
equivalent) 15% equivalent)

Gas mg/Nm3 100 200 Gas -

Heavy Oil mg/Nm 3
700 800 Sulfur
SOx mg/Nm3 content: 1% or
Oil 200-1,500
Light oil mg/Nm3 100 150 less 0.5% or
Gas mg/Nm3 150 300 Gas 51 (25) 240
3 mg/Nm3
NOx Heavy Oil mg/Nm 200 400
Oil (ppm) 152 (74) 400
Light oil mg/Nm 200 250
100 Gas - -
PM - mg/Nm3 (Gas turbine is 150 mg/Nm3
excluded.) Oil 50 50
CO - mg/Nm 150 200 - - - -
H2S - mg/Nm 6 8 - - - -
*1: Non-degraded air shed
Source: Standards of Air Pollution arising from Industries and Workshops (1999), IFC/WB Environmental, Health,
and Safety (EHS) Guidelines Thermal Power Plant(2008)

(2) Water quality

Wastewater quality standards of Iran and IFC/WB EHS guidelines are shown in the Table
At the existing Shahid Rajaee Power Plant, wastewater is treated and reused for sprinkling in
the site of the power plant.

In wintertime when a large amount of water for sprinkling is not needed, treated wastewater will
be discharged into the irrigation canal for use in agriculture in the local area.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 6-11 Wastewater Quality Standards of Iran and of International Organization

Wastewater quality standards of Iran IFC/WB EHS
Wastewater Wastewater guideline
Use in agriculture
Item discharged to discharged to values(thermal
and irrigation
surface water water well power station)
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
Silver Ag 1 0.1 0.1 -
Aluminum Al 5 5 5 -
Arsenic As 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5
Boron B 2 1 1 -
Barium Ba 5 1 1 -
Beryllium Be 0.1 1 0. 5 -
Calcium Ca 75 - - -
Cadmium Cd 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.1
Chlorine Cl 1 1 0.2 0.2
Chloride Cl- 600 600 600 -
Formaldehyde CH2O 1 1 1 -
Phenol C6H5OH 1 Negligible 1 -
Cyanide CN 0.5 0.1 0.1 -
Cobalt CO 1 1 0.05 -
Chrome Cr+6 0.5 1 1 0.5(Total Cr)
Chrome Cr+3 2 2 2
Copper Cu 1 1 0.2 0.5
Fluoride F 2.5 2 2 -
Iron Fe 3 3 3 1
Mercury Hg Negligible Negligible Negligible 0.005
Lithium Li 2.5 2.5 2.5 -
Magnesium Mg 100 100 100 -
Manganese Mn 1 1 1 -
Molybdenum Mo 0.01 0.01 0.01 -
Nickel Ni 2 2 2 -
Ammonium NH4 2.5 1 - -
Nitrite NO2 10 10 - -
Nitrate NO3 50 10 - -
Phosphate P 6 6 - -
Lead Pb 1 1 1 0.5
Selenium Sc 1 0.1 0.1 -
Hydrogen Sulfide H2S 3 3 3 -
Sulfite SO3- 1 1 1 -
Sulfate SO4- 400*1 400*1 500 -
Vanadium V 0.1 0.1 0.1 -
Zinc Zn 2 2 2 1
Oil and grease 10 10 10 10
Detergent ABS 1.5 1.5 1.5 -
BOD5*3 BOD5 30 (instant 50) 30 (instant 50) 100 -
COD*3 COD 60 (instant 100) 60 (instant 100) 200 -
DO DO 2 - 2 -
*1 *2
Total Dissolved Solids TDS - -
Total Suspended Solids TSS 40 (instant 60) - 100 50
Suspended Solids SS 0 - - -
pH pH 6.5-8.5 5-9 6-8.5 6 –9
Radioactive Substances 0 0 0 -
Turbidity 50 - 50 -
Color 75 75 75 -
Temperature Up to 3 degrees - - -
C. (within a
radius of 200m)
Coliform Bacteria (in 400 400 400 -
Total coliform (MPN in 1000 1000 1000 -

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Wastewater quality standards of Iran IFC/WB EHS

Wastewater Wastewater guideline
Use in agriculture
Item discharged to discharged to values(thermal
and irrigation
surface water water well power station)
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
*4 -
Parasite Eggs - -
:Chloride, sulfate and total dissolved solid can exceed their standard values if they do not exceed by more than 10%
of the values at 200m from the discharge outlet
:Chloride ,sulfate and total dissolved solids can exceed their standard values if they do not exceed 10% of the
:BOD5 or COD can be reduced to 90% in the existing industries.
:If treated wastewater is used in agriculture, the value cannot exceed 1 per 1 liter.
Source: Water Pollution Control Rule (1984)、IFC/WB Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS)
Guidelines Thermal Power Plant(2008)

(3) Noise and vibration

Noise emission standards of Iran and IFC/WB EHS guidelines are shown in the Table below.
Since the project site is located within the site of the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant, noise emission
standards for the category of “industrial area” are applicable to the area along the boundary of
the plant site.

Table 6-12 Noise Emission Standards of Iran and of International Organization

Standards of Iran IFC/WB EHS guideline values
(dB(A)) (dB(A))
Daytime Nighttime Daytime Nighttime
(07:00-22:00) (22:00-07:00) (07:00-22:00) (22:00-07:00)
Residential area 55 45 55 45
Residential area + 60 50 - -
commercial area
Commercial area 65 55 70 70
Residential area + 70 60 - -
industrial area
Industrial area 75 65 70 70
Source:Noise Protection Act (2008)、IFC/WB Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines、General(2007)

The vibration standard value is not established either in Iran or in IFC/WB EHS Guideline
which is adopted in EU and other major industrialized countries.
The vibration standard in Japan is shown in Table 6-13 for information in impact estimation.

Table 6-13 Vibration Standard Value of Japan

Category Daytime Nighttime
(05:00-19:00 (19:00-05:00 or
or 08:00-22:00) 22:00-8:00)
Residential area 60~65 55~60
Residential area + 65~70 60~65
commercial area + industrial
Source: Vibration Regulation Law, 1976(4) Odors

In Iran, the regulation standard for odor related to chemicals, which is the cause of odor
produced in the process in the power plant, factories, etc.

In this project, since a desulfurization system using malodorous ammonia is not installed, other

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

chemicals generating malodor as well, generation of malodor is not predicted, and consequently
the international environmental standard for malodor of Japan and other western countries is not

Malodor resulting from domestic waste (garbage) may be generated, but the standard value and
other regulation in this regard is not established in Japan and other industrialized countries.

(5) Waste
In Iran, waste management is regulated under the Waste Management Act enacted in 2004. In
the 1955 Municipality Act, the roles of local governments in management of waste and
prevention of industrial pollution are regulated

(6) Working safety

In Iran, the safety and health management of workers is considered based on the Labour Law
established in 1990.

Under the Labour Law, regulation of safety standards related to work, arrangement of required
equipment, confirmation of training and compliance status, periodic health checks, monitoring
of accident and diseases, etc. are stipulated in Chapter4 Working Safety and Sanitation, Article
85 to 106.

Various technical safety standards are established for each business type by the Safety High
Council composed of related organizations including Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare,
Ministry of Industry, Environment Bureau, etc. and approved by Ministry of Social Welfare.
The major technical safety standards regarding the power plant includes:
- Standard related to environmental protection promotion law
- Standard related to air purification law
- Regulation regarding the allocation of safety inspection personnel
- Fire-fighting regulations
- Regulations regarding personal gears
- Regulations regarding safety sign

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

6.4 Examination of Alternatives

6.4.1 In case of the Project is implemented and not implemented
A comparison was made between a case in which the project is implemented and another case
in which it is not implemented as shown in the Table below. In the case of non-implementation
of the project, sufficient electricity supply will not be available against demand. Therefore, this
project should be implemented.

Table 6-14 Comparison of Case in which Implemented and Not implemented

Item In case the project is implemented Non-implementation
Technology - A highly efficient combined cycle - No change will be made from the
power plants will be constructed on present state.
the site of the Shahid Rajaee Power
Economy - Although construction cost will arise, - There will be no construction cost.
the project can contribute to economic It, however, will not lead to
development of Iran as well as create economic development of Iran and
jobs through procurement of materials even the economy can be affected
and equipment and human resources negatively due to a shortage of
domestically in Iran and specifically, electricity. In addition, it cannot
locally in the area where the project lead to creation of jobs and
site is located. contribution to the local economy.
Environmental - The installation of the high-efficiency - The operation of the existing
and social gas combined cycle power generation low-efficiency power generation
considerations facility will contribute to the facility is inevitable and CO2
implementation of the policy reduction compared to the current
objective of Iran government ,“the emission is not possible.
reduction of greenhouse gas by 4% - There will be no change from the
by 2030” toward COP21. present state of the environment
- Although it is expected that the newly and the society.
constructed power stations can emit
gases, wastewater, noise, etc., the
planned new power plants will be a
highly efficient combined cycle power
plant that will be in compliance with
the environmental standards of Iran.
Comprehensive - As the environmental standards of - The case of non-implementation is
evaluation Iran will be complied, no serious assumed to be less advantageous
impact on environmental society is in view of economy.
assumed and the project
implementation case is assumed to be
comparatively advantageous from the
economic point of view.
Source: Prepared by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

6.4.2 Examination of Candidate Sites

The existing Shahid Rajaee Power Plant was selected as the site to construct the planned new
power plant for the following reasons:

 The existing Shahid Rajaee Power Plant has been aging and it cannot meet the present gas
emission standards,
 Land preparation in the vacant lot of the site has been completed and it is not a woodland,
farm land, or residential area,
 It is not necessary to install new transmission lines, and
 The total length of gas pipeline to be newly installed is short.

Detailed examination has not been made of other sites to construct the planned new power plant,
because, as described below, when compared with the candidate site in the existing power plant,
it will not be possible to construct the new plant in any other area in a short period of time.

 A new piece of land will need to be obtained and prepared for construction work,
 It will take longer time, and
 It will be necessary to newly install transmission lines and a gas pipeline.

The two locations within the site of the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant (Plan A and Plan B) were
comparatively examined and the result is shown in the table below. Both of the plans are
conducted within the existing power plant site with only a poor ecosystem, and no land
acquisition is necessary.

The two plans have no significant difference in view of environmental and social considerations.
The Plan B has advantage in view of construction work and heat efficiency, and the selection
will conducted through consultation with the project proponent and the stakeholders.

Table 6-15 Characteristics of Plan A and Plan B

items Plan A Plan B
Land area Sufficient area (15ha) Larger area (30ha)
Construction work Displacement of some existing facilities Displacement of the facilities is not
is necessary. needed.
Land acquisition Not necessary Not necessary
Vegetation Poor ecosystem Poor ecosystem
Surrounding conditions Heat from the existing facility is carried Impact of heat from the existing
from south-east (main wind direction) facility is not assumed.
and heat efficiency is lowered.
Total evaluation Need for displacement of the existing No need for displacement of the
facility at the construction activity and existing facilities and less impact
the lower heat efficiency due to the on heat efficiency resulting from
surrounding condition: Plan A is the surrounding conditions: Plan B
comparatively less advantageous. is comparatively advantageous.
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

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Final Report

Source: Obtained from Google Earth, and prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig. 6-7 Candidate Project Sites

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

6.4.3 Examination of fuel types

The results of the comparison of fuel types between natural gas, petroleum and coal are shown
in Table 6 -16.

Natural gas has advantage in easy fuel supply, no need for development of the related
infrastructure, and less emission of SOx, dust, and CO2 into ambient air, and thus is selected as
fuel in the project.

Table 6-16 Examination of Fuels

Items Natural gas Oil Coal
Technical ・ Pipelines used in the ・ Construction of large scale oil ・ A railway for transporting coal needs to
aspects existing power plant may be tank is necessary. be constructed.
used. ・ Construction of oil pipeline for ・ Construction of a large-scaled coal
・ Neither large scale LNG oil supply is necessary. storage and ash treatment facility is
tank or ash treatment facility ・ Heavy oil may not be used for necessary.
is necessary to be fuel of combined cycle ・ Combined cycle generation by coal
constructed. generation. gasification is not in a commercial
・ Combined cycle generation phase.
may be adopted.
Economic ・ Natural gas is abundantly ・ Construction cost for pipeline is ・Price per unit is low.
aspects buried and produced in Iran, high. ・Railway construction cost is high.
and pipelines are ready for ・ Land for construction of a large ・Land acquisition for coal storage and
use. oil tank is necessary. ash disposal is needed.
Environmental · Ash is not contained in · Oil contains ash and sulfur, Coal contains a lot of ash, and dust
and social fuel, sulfur content is also less producing soot and SOx. collecting system may be necessary.
considerations than in petroleum and coal in Depending on the sulfur content, Depending on the sulfur content,
general, producing less soot desulfurization equipment is also desulfurization equipment is also
and SOx.CO2 generated per required. required.
unit output is the smallest, and CO2 generated per unit output is CO2 generated per unit output is the
the influence on global larger than in natural gas, and the largest, and the influence on global
warming is the smallest. influence on global warming is warming is also larger.
also larger than natural gas.
General Natural gas is comparatively Oil is comparatively less Coal is comparatively less advantageous
evaluation advantageous in that the advantageous in that construction in that construction of coal transportation
existing gas pipeline may be of oil tank and pipeline is railway, coal storage and ash disposal site
used, there is a large deposit necessary, and that larger amount is necessary, and that larger amount of
in Iran, and that generation of of SOx and CO2 generation is soot, CO2 and SOx is generated.
soot, SO2 and CO2 is smaller. anticipated.
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

6.4.4 Examination of Cooling Systems

Since there is no river in the area around the project site, groundwater has been taken and used
at the existing power plant. In order to control intake of groundwater, either a natural-draft
indirect cooling system or a forced-draft direct cooling system will be selected, both of which
basically does not use water, as condenser cooling system.

At the first stakeholder meeting, many of the participants showed concern about the impact of
the project on water consumption for daily life and agriculture, and in that view, the
consideration of the dry-type cooling system for condenser cooling system was presented for its
minimum water consumption.

As a result of the consideration, it was found that a natural-draft indirect cooling system needs
certain amount of water in summer, and TPPH expressed their intension to select the
forced-draft direct cooling system in this view. In consequence, the forced-draft cooling system
is adopted in this project.
The explanation of the result was provided at the second stakeholder meeting and the
participants showed no particular concern on this result. The final decision will be made based
on the result of the stakeholder meeting.

Table 6-17 Features of Different Cooling Systems

Item Natural-draft indirect cooling system Forced-draft direct cooling system
Construction cost [Base] Almost the same
Operating cost [Base] Slightly more expensive
Cooling water(condenser) Water supply is needed in summer. Unnecessary
Installation floor area [Base] Slightly smaller
Water quality management Unnecessary Unnecessary
Power generation efficiency [Base] Almost the same
Noise emission [Base] Large impact
Past experience in Iran Employed in many cases Employed in some cases
Total evaluation More advantageous in that running cost is Comparatively less advantageous in that
lower, noise impact is smaller, and that it running cost is rather higher, noise impact is
has been adopted in many cases in Iran. larger, and that the number of adoption in
Less advantageous in that water supply is Iran is smaller. Advantageous in that water
necessary. is not necessary.
Source: Prepared by JICA Study Team

Natural-draft indirect cooling system Forced-draft direct cooling system

Source: prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig. 6-8 Schematic Diagram of Cooling Systems

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

6.5 Results of Scoping and Survey Plan

6.5.1 Results of Scoping
The draft scoping was developed concerning the environmental and social items to be
considered in accordance with JICA Guidelines, based on the result of the on-site survey and the
predicted level of the environmental impact of the construction of the thermal power plant.

The electricity generated by this project is planned to be transmitted using the existing 400 kV
transmission line and new transmission line will not be constructed.

The pipeline for fuel supply is installed within the existing pipeline site only for 300m, and land
acquisition and resident resettlement do not occur. The impact during construction phase is also
insignificant; and there is no item to be added to this draft scoping.

Table 6-18 Scoping Result

Constructi Operation
on period period
No Item Reasons of assessment



【Pollution control measure】

1 Air quality D B D A During construction: Civil engineering work, such as land formation may
cause dust, while heavy equipment and trucks will discharge air pollutants
(SOx, NOx etc). The emission may cause temporary impact in the vicinity of
the construction area.
During operation: Operation of the power station will discharge NOx in
case gas fuel is used and NOx, SOx and PM in case light oil is used, causing
impact to ambient air quality in a wide area.
2 Water quality D B D B During construction: Domestic waste water from workers, waste water
from concrete and oil-containing waste water will be generated, and
temporary impact on water quality of discharge channel is anticipated.
During operation: Waste water from the plant, oil-containing waste water
and domestic waste water will be generated from the operation of the power
plant, and impact on water quality of discharge channel is anticipated.
3 Waste D B D B During construction: The construction work will generate general waste
including waste packing materials and domestic waste and hazardous waste
including waste oil from construction machines.
During operation:
Along with the operation of the power plant, general waste including
domestic waste, and hazardous waste such as sludge from wastewater
treatment facility and waste oil from equipment will be generated.
4 Soil contamination D B D B During construction: Lubrication oil and fuel may be spilled from
construction vehicles and construction machinery, if not appropriately
During operation: There is a possibility that lubrication oil and fuel are
spilled in case of accident.
5 Noise and vibration D B D B During construction: Operation of construction machines and vehicles will
generate noise and vibrations causing temporary impact. Activities with high
noise level including piling may cause impact on a wider area.
During operation: The operation of the plant will cause noise and vibration.
6 Land subsidence D C D C During construction: There is a possibility that land subsidence occurs
temporarily, because the project will take ground water. Impact on land

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Constructi Operation
on period period
No Item Reasons of assessment



subsidence will be studied during the survey.
Operation phase: There is a possibility that land subsidence occurs
temporarily, because the project will take ground water. Impact on land
subsidence will be studied during the survey.

7 Odor D B D B During construction: The construction work will generate general waste
and hazardous waste like waste oil.
During operation: General waste and hazardous waste like sludge and
waste oil will also be generated during operation.
8 Substratum D D D D During construction and operation: The project will not discharge waste
contamination water to the river; therefore, no particular impact on substratum
contamination is expected.
【Natural environment】
1 Wild life D D D D During construction and operation: The project site is not located in
preservation area designated protected area. There is no such protected area nearby.
2 Terrestrial D B D B During construction and operation: The project site is already developed.
ecosystems and rare The flora and fauna observed within the project area includes several
species herbaceous species and rodents species, which are commonly seen in the
wide area around the site, and no precious species are observed. Therefore,
the direct impact of land alteration will be insignificant. Air pollution, noise
and vibration impact during construction and operation may affect growth of
flora and behavior of fauna; however, the impact will be only temporary and
limited, since the area around the project site is bare land and agricultural
land with dry ecosystem, not rich in biodiversity.

3 River ecosystems D D D D During construction and operation: The project will not take river water.
and rare species The project will not also discharge wastewater to the river.
4 River hydrology D D D D During construction and operation: The project will not take river water.
5 Underground D C D C During construction and operation: There is a possibility that ground
hydrology water level decreases, because the project will intake ground water. Current
ground water level will be studied during the survey.
6 Topography and D D D D During construction and operation: The project site is within the existing
geology power plant boundary; therefore, no impact is expected.
【Social environment】
1 Resettlement and D D D D Before construction: The project site is located within the existing power
Land acquisition plant boundary; therefore, local people will not be resettled.
2 Poor people D D D D Before construction: The project site is located within the existing power
plant boundary; therefore, the impact on poor people is not predicted.
During construction and operation: No particular impact on poor people
is expected.
3 Ethnic minorities D C D C Before construction: The project site is located within the existing power
plant boundary; therefore, the impact on ethnic minorities is not predicted.
During construction and operation: A further survey on ethnic minorities
will be conducted, since land use of the surrounding areas of the project site
by minorities is not well known at this moment.
4 Local economy B D B D Before construction: The project site is located within the existing power
including plant boundary; therefore, the impact on employment and means of
employment and livelihood is not predicted.
means of livelihood .
During construction and operation: There is a possibility that local people
may be employed as workers by the power station or that procurement of
materials and equipment may be done in the local area resulting in the
improvement of the local economy.
5 Land use and D D D D Before construction: The project site is located within the existing power

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Constructi Operation
on period period
No Item Reasons of assessment



utilization of local plant boundary; therefore, the impact on land use and utilization of local
resources resources is not predicted.
During construction and operation: The factors of giving impact on land
use and utilization of local resources will not be anticipated.
6 Water use N C D C During construction:
D The temporary impact on the surrounding ground water use may be
expected due to intake of ground water by the project. A further survey will
be conducted to find out the current situation of ground water use.
Domestic waste water from workers, waste water from concrete and
oil-containing waste water will be generated and temporary impact on water
quality of discharge channel and water use is anticipated. A further survey
will be conducted to find out the current situation of irrigation water use.
During operation phase:
The impact on the surrounding ground water use may be expected due to
intake of ground water by the project. A further survey will be conducted to
find out the current situation of ground water use.
Domestic waste water, waste water from plant and oil-containing waste
water will be generated, and temporary impact on water quality of discharge
channel and water use is anticipated, if not appropriately treated before
discharge. A further survey will be conducted to find out the current situation
of irrigation water use.
7 Existing social D D D D During construction and operation: There are Qazvin with population of
infrastructure and 400 thousand near the project site, which have accommodation facilities and
social service social infrastructure including medical facility, school, sewage and road;
therefore, no impact of inflow of workers is expected.
8 Social bodies D D D D Before construction: The project site is located within the existing power
including plant boundary; therefore, the impact on l society-related capitals and social
society-related organizations that make local decisions is not predicted.
capitals and social .
organizations that During construction and operation: No particular impact on social bodies
make local including society-related capitals and social organizations that make local
decisions decisions is expected.
9 Unfair distribution D B D B Before construction: The project site is located within the existing power
of damage and plant boundary; therefore, the unfair distribution of damage and benefit is
benefit not predicted..
During construction and operation: If employing local people and/or
outsourcing contracts are not fair, benefit may be unfairly distributed.
10 Conflict of interests D B D D Before construction: The project site is located within the existing power
within the local area plant boundary; therefore, conflict of interests within the local area will not
During construction: Conflict between local residents and construction
workers coming from outside may occur, if workers from outside do not
understand local custom.
During operation: Conflict between local residents and construction
workers will not occur, because not many workers from outside is expected
to be hired.
11 Cultural heritage D D D D During construction and operation: The project site is a land developed
for the existing power plant, and there are no historical, cultural and/or
religious heritages in the project site.
12 Scenery D C D C During construction and operation: The project site is located within the
existing power plant, so that impact by structures like construction cranes,
stacks and cooling towers will be limited. The survey of the scenic points of
the surrounding sites will be conducted.
13 Gender D C D C Before construction: The project site is located within the existing power
plant boundary; therefore, disadvantage for women will not occur.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

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on period period
No Item Reasons of assessment



During construction and operation: No particular impact on gender is
The occupational situation etc. in the nearest residential area will be
confirmed by the questionnaire / interview survey currently being conducted
and the influence / evaluation on gender will be specified.
14 Rights of children D B D D Before construction: The project site is located within the existing power
plant boundary; therefore, impact on children’s right will not occur.
During construction:
Since construction work requires many workers, there is the possibility that
many children are hired and drop out of school. Under the Labor Law of the
country, employment of minors under the age of 15 is prohibited, and TPPH
strictly prohibits child labor, including EPC contractors.
During operation: Children will not be hired for simple labor by power
plant during operation phase.
15 HIV/AIDS and D B D D During construction: Inflows of foreign workers may spread this sort of
other infectious infectious diseases.
diseases During operation: Large number of inflows of foreign workers is not
expected; therefore, spreading infectious diseases is not expected to occur.
16 Work environment D B D B During construction: There is a temporary and relatively high possibility of
(including labor accident caused by construction activities.
safety) During operation: There is a possibility of labor accident.
1 Accident D B D B During construction: Accidents may occur during construction work and/or
operation of vehicles.
During operation: Accidents may occur during operation of facilities
and/or vehicles.
2 Impact across the D D D B During construction: Construction activity will generate CO2, but emission
borders and on volume is low and only during construction period; therefore, no impact
climatic change across the borders and on climate change is expected.
During operation: Operation of the power station will generate CO2.
However, impact across the borders and on climate change will be smaller
than the conventional thermal power plant of the similar capacity.
Note) Categories are classified as follows:
A: There will be a serious impact.
B: There will be a certain impact.
C: The extent of impact will be uncertain. (A further survey will be needed to make the expected impact clear.)
D: Impact will hardly be expected.
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

6.5.2 Survey Plan

Based on the above-mentioned results of scoping, the assessment policy including the necessary
survey items, survey methods, the assessment criteria for environmental items assumed to be
affected by the Project concerning the environmental items which may be affected by the
project are summarized in Table below.
(1) Collection and efficiency improvement of appropriate baseline information

In order to predict environmental impacts and minimize such impacts, it is necessary to collect
and organize information on the present state. The information collection on the natural
environment, data on climate, ambient air quality, water quality, terrestrial biota, etc., will be
conducted basically from existing documents and through interview surveys targeting at
concerned parties and, if necessary, site surveys will also be carried out.

In addition, for air quality and noise, the monitoring results of existing power plants will be
referred, and for animals and plants, the survey conducted at the development of the site will be
referred to improve efficiency

To obtain information on the social environment, data on the social environment (such as land
use, land transport, hygiene and sanitation, demographics, education, social infrastructure,
income and occupation), scenic areas, cultural heritage, ethnic minorities, etc., will be collected
from existing documents and through interview surveys targeting at concerned parties.

In addition, stakeholder meetings will be held to provide information on the project and to
collect opinions.

Table 6-19 Survey Items, Methods, Predicted Impact and Assessment Policy
Item Survey range Survey method Predicted assessment policy
Air quality - Related Within 30km - Obtaining air quality standards - During construction, the implementation
environmental radius. and exhaust fume standards of appropriate air pollution control
standards The existing - Obtaining meteorological data measures will be checked.
- Meteorological power plant from neighboring - During operation, the compliance with
information site meteorological station the emission gas concentration standards
- Current situation of (temperature, humidity, wind will be ensured according to the
air pollution direction, wind speed. etc.) provision of the emission standard of
- Collecting existing measured Iran and IFC/WB EHS Guidelines.
data of air pollutants in the - The project will simulate atmospheric
atmosphere (SO2, NO2, PM10, diffusion of pollutant in exhaust gas
etc.) within the existing power during operation using internationally
plant and the surrounding area adopted model. In addition to the new
and measuring baseline data in facility, the cumulative impact of the
the surrounding area. existing facility and the new facility is
also simulated, based on the monitoring
result of the existing facility. The result
is examined, with view of the current
status of pollution, to ensure compliance
with the emission standard according to
the provision of the emission standard of
Iran and IFC/WB EHS Guidelines..
Water - Related Within 15km - Obtaining water quality - During construction, the implementation
turbidity environmental radius. standards and waste water of appropriate measures to control water
standards The existing standards. pollution will be checked.
- Current conditions of power plant - Collecting existing measured - The project will comply with the
water quality site data on surface water and discharge standards of Iran and IFC/WB
ground water (temperature, EHS Guidelines for domestic waste
BOD, nutrient salt, etc.) and water and waste water from the power

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Item Survey range Survey method Predicted assessment policy
measuring baseline data. plant, by installing waste water treatment
Waste and - Related standards The existing - Obtaining standards related to - The plan for disposal of hazardous
Odor power plant waste handling. waste will be checked, including
site contract with a licensed company to
collect and treat it, with view of the
current implementation status in the
existing facility.
- Domestic waste will be appropriately
treated and disposed of.
Soil - Nothing in particular The existing - Nothing in particular - During construction and operation, the
contamination power plant project will check appropriate measures
site to control oil leakage for respective
Noise and - Related Within 3km - Obtaining noise standards - During construction and operation, the
vibration environmental radius. - Checking the result of the implementation of appropriate measures
standards The existing monitoring of the existing to control noise and vibration will be
- Current situations of power plant power plant and measurement checked.
noise and vibration site of the baseline data of the - Conducting noise simulation to ensure
surrounding area. compliance with the noise standards
stipulated by Iran and IFC/WB EHS
Guidelines, with view to the monitoring
result of the existing facility.
Terrestrial - Habitat status of Within 15km -Examination of the existing - During construction and operation: The
ecosystem vegetation, reptiles, radius. documents and hearing from implementation of appropriate prevention
and rare amphibians, birds and The existing DOE.
measures against air pollution and
species mammals power plant - Observation of the survey data
site collected at the development noise/vibration will be checked.
of the existing power plant.
Ethnic -Presence / absence of Within 15km - Collecting information on - In the cases where impacts on ethnic
minorities ethnic minority, ethnic radius. ethnic minorities through minorities are assumed, appropriate
name, number of hearing with the relevant explanation on the project and
people, their organizations and experts. environmental social impact / mitigation
characteristics measures will be provided.
Land - Current situations of Within 15km - Collecting existing measured - Examining impacts on groundwater
subsidence, land subsidence. radius. data level, land subsidence and irrigation
hydrology - underground water The existing water by groundwater intake and water
(ground level power plant discharge. The appropriate mitigation
water), Water site measures, if needed, will be checked.
Local - Current situations of Within 15km - Collecting material on - The appropriateness of the employment
economy jobs and livelihood radius. situations of employment and policy of local people will be checked.
including - Local economic The existing income in the area - The fairness of the employment criteria
employment development power plant will be checked.
and means of programs site
distribution of
loss and
Conflict of
within the
area ,Gender,
Rights of
Scenery - Current situations of Within 15km - Collecting information on - If the project is likely to cause impact to
scenic spots radius. scenic spots a scenic spot, the implementation of an
The existing appropriate mitigation measures will be
power plant checked.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Item Survey range Survey method Predicted assessment policy
HIV/AIDS - Nothing in particular The existing - Nothing in particular - During construction, the development of
and other power plant appropriate labor health program will be
infectious site checked.
Work - Nothing in particular The existing - Nothing in particular - During construction and operation, the
environment power plant project will prepare labor safety
(including site programs.
labor safety)
Accident - Nothing in particular - - Nothing in particular - During construction and operation, the
development of appropriate accident
prevention and accident response plans
will be checked.
Impact across - Estimating CO2 - - Estimating CO2 generation - During construction, the implementation
the borders generation volumes of volumes based on fuel of appropriate measures to reduce CO2
and on the project consumption volumes and generation volumes as necessary will be
climatic power generation efficiency. checked.
change - During operation, the implementation of
appropriate monitoring of fuel type and
fuel consumption volume will be
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

(2) Prediction and assessment of environmental impacts

By reviewing collected information for each of the environmental items identified in the
scoping process, prediction and evaluation will be made on adverse impacts on the natural and
social environment that will possibly be generated during the construction and operation start
It is fundamental to develop mitigation measures to reduce such impacts as much as possible.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

6.6 The result of Baseline survey

6.6.1 Natural environment
(1) Meteorology
The meteorological data at Qazvin meteorological station, the nearest weather station from the
Shahid Rajaee Power Station, from 2014 to 2017 is shown below. The measurement of wind
direction and wind speed at the meteorological station is only 3 times a day (morning, daytime,
nighttime) and the result is summarized into 8 directions.

a) Temperature
According to the data from Qazvin meteorological station, the annual average temperature of
Qazvin is 14.1 degrees centigrade, with the average annual high temperature of 21.2 degrees
centigrade and the average annual low temperature of 6.8 degrees centigrade.

Qazvin is one of the coldest regions in Iran with an average monthly high temperature of 28
degrees centigrade and average monthly low temperature of 5 degrees centigrade (Fig. 6-9).
The highest daily temperature reaches 44.0 degrees centigrade from June to August, whereas
the lowest daily temperature is as low as -28.0 degrees centigrade in January.

b) Precipitation
The average monthly precipitation in site indicates that summer tends to be dry with little rain,
while 70 % of precipitations are concentrated in autumn and winter (Fig. 6-11).

c) Humidity
Monthly average humidity is high in autumn and winter, approximately 55% to 75%, and is
lower in summer around 35 % (Fig. 6-10).

d) Solar radiation
Monthly average solar radiation is concentrated in summer (June-August), 80,000cal/cm2,
and is less in winter, about one-third of summer season (Fig. 6-12).

e) Wind direction and wind speed

South-east wind is dominant throughout the year, and in respect of time zone, north wind is
dominant in the morning, south-east wind is dominant in the daytime, and west and east wind
is dominant in nighttime. West wind is dominant in May to June.

The occurrence of “calm” referring to wind speed below 0.5m/s(1kt)is 44%. For wind speed
over 0.5m/s, 2-3m/s (4-6 kt) occurs most frequently. High wind exceeding 6m/s(11kt)
appears less than 1% throughout the year, mainly in winter (January to March).

As described in Chapter 3.2.5, the Instantaneous maximum wind speed sometimes reaches

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Monthly average air temperatature(℃)

30.0 2015
25.0 2017





0.0 Jan     Feb     Mar      Apr    May      Jun    Jul     Aug      Sep     Oct     
0 1 2 3 4 5 Nov    Dec
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig. 6-9 Monthly Average Air Temperature at Qazvin Meteorological Station in 2014~2017

Monthly average humidity(%)

65 2017
average humidity(%)




25 Jan    Feb     Mar    Apr    May      Jun      Jul     Aug     Sep       Oct     
0 1 2 3 4 5 Nov    Dec
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig. 6-10 Monthly Average Humidity at Qazvin Meteorological Station

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Monthly average precipitation(mm)

65 2015
55 2017





‐5 Jan   Feb     Mar    Apr    May     Jun      Jul     Aug      Sep       Oct     
0 1 2 3 4 5 Nov     Dec
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig. 6-11 Monthly Average Precipitation at Qazvin Meteorological Station

Monthly average solar radiation (cal/cm2)

80000 2015
70000 2017
Solar radiation(cal/cm2)





20000 Jan    Feb     Mar    Apr    May      Jun      Jul     Aug     Sep       Oct     
0 1 2 3 4 5 6Nov    Dec
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig. 6-12 Monthly Average Solar Radiation at Qazvin Meteorological Station

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(All day) (7:30)

(13:30) (19:30)

Note: wind speed unit : knot (1 kt≒0.51m/s).

Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig. 6-13 Average Wind Direction/speed at Qazvin Meteorological Station in 1959-2017


The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(January) (February)

(March) (April)

Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig. 6-14 Average Wind Direction and Speed at Qazvin Meteorological Station from 1959 to
2017 (January~April)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(May) (June)

(July) (August)

Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig. 6-15 Average Wind Direction and Speed at Qazvin Meteorological Station from 1959 to
2017 (May~August)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(September) (October)

(November) (December)

Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig. 6-16 Average Wind Direction and Speed at Qazvin Meteorological Station from 1959 to
2017 (September~December)

(2) Topography and Geology

a) Topography
The topography and elevation of the area around the project site (within 15km radius) are
given in the figure below. The elevation of the area around the project site is in the range of
1,000 to 1,500 meters.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

The terrain is mainly flat with the gradient less than 7%, in some places hilly or with small
forms of topography. The area consists of flat plains (80%) and hills (20%)(Fig. 6-17 ~Fig.

The project site is located in Central Alborz subzone which is a portion of Alp - Himalaya
mountain range that is surrounded by Caspian depression and Central Iran plain. The
eastern extreme of Alborz range connects to Pamir mountain range, and the altitude reaches
2,000m and higher at the point 3km north of the project site.


Source: data from National Cartographic Center Iran

Fig. 6-17 Topography of Qazvin Province

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Vol.8, No.3, Spring 2011

Fig. 6-18 Slope of Qazvin Province

b) Geology
The geological subzones from stratigraphy and tectonic points of view as follows:
The most parts of the area around the power plant site is a cultivated area that consist of
Quaternary young terraces. South to south west of this area consists of silt and clay flat
with mud and salt flat in south extreme (Fig. 6-19).

North to north east of the area is a faulting zone that is covered by Paleogen to Neogen
volcanic rocks such as trachyte, porphyry, andesite, basalt, green tuff and dark gray
volcanic lavas.

According to the result of the boring survey of the site, the geological structure of the site
consists of sand and gravel to the deep layer, and silt and clay layer which tend to cause
subsidence does not emerge.
The result of the geological boring survey of the power plant site is described in Chapter

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Source: data from National Cartographic Center Iran

Fig. 6-19 Geological map around the power plant

(3) Seismicity
According to the data of International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology
(IIEES), there were only 2 minor earthquakes recorded within a radius of 15 km of power plant
site in the last 20 years (Fig. 6-20).

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Source: data from International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES)
Fig. 6-20 Recorded instrumental earthquake (1996-2017) within 15 km radius of Rajaii
Power Plant Site

(4) Hydrology
a. Rivers
The rivers in the area around the power plant site (15 km radius) are mostly seasonal river and
there is not any major permanent river. There is only one permanent river, known as River
Behjatabad, used for public water in Abyek and for irrigation. Its source is in the northern
mountains and flows toward south to cultivated area.

As described in Chapter 3.2.6, Behjat Abad River is 3.5km length with a basin of 120km2. The
water gauging station nearest from the power plant is located in Behjat Abad and has conducted
measurement since 1979, for 36 years. The annual average flow rate is 0.22 m3/s, and the
maximum flow rate is observed in April and May.

For irrigation of cultivated lands a canal with 8.0 width and 2.5m height parallel to Tehran high
-way has been constructed (Fig. 6-21).

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Source: Obtained from Google Earth, and prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig. 6-21 Water canal within the radius of 15km of Shahid Rajaee power plant

b. Ground water
As described in Chapter 3.2.6, the water intake wells for taking groundwater used for the power
plant are located in the power plant site (one well) and around the site (6 wells). Well No.4 is
not used at present (Fig. 6-22).

The average exploitation, depth of the well, and maximum allowable exploitation according to
the license are described in Table 6-20.

The well depth is approximately 150 meters to 200 meters, the actual surface level of round
water is 55 to 77meters, with sufficient groundwater quantity. The average exploitation ranges
from 1.5 L/s to19.3 L/s, and the actual exploitation is much below the allowable exploitation
(106~234L/s) (Table 6-20).

The lowering of water level is observed in the wells used by the power plant.
However, the ground water level of Qazvin aquifer close to the power plant has lowered of 36m
between 1965 to 2016, with the estimated annual average decrease of -0.68m.
The monitoring of the ground water level in the wells used by the power plant shall be

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Source: Obtained from Google Earth, and prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig. 6-22 Exploitation Wells for taking Ground Water used in the Power Plant

Table 6-20 Outline of the Wells for Ground Water Exploitation for the Existing Power
Average of
Aquifer exploitation Depth to
Depth to pump Well Depth exploitation
No Thickness within the past water table Well location
facilities (m) according to the
(m) two years (m) license
(L/s )
(L/s )
1 144 13.9 55 132 199 126 Inside of the power plant site
2 101 1.5 55 108 156 234 outside of the power plant site
3 95 3.5 55 108 150 234 outside of the power plant site
4 95 - 55 108 150 234 outside of the power plant site
5 97 13.9 55 108 152 234 outside of the power plant site
6 98 9.0 52 102 150 234 outside of the power plant site
7 128 15.3 72 150 200 108 Inside of the power plant site
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report


































Source:prepared from the data of Qazvin Water Resource Department

Fig. 6-23 Interannual Variability of Water Level of Qazvin Aquifer

(5) Ground Subsidence

Qazvin Province is currently home to 440,000 hectares of farmlands. There were 3,500 hectares
of gardens where almonds and pistachios were grown, but now it shrank to barely 2,000
Decline in rainfall combined with aggressive development has forced the residents of the
province to excessively withdraw groundwater, accelerating land subsidence as a result.

Taking advantage of Shahrud River, sealing illegal water wells and reducing legal ones were the
measures implemented to alleviate the water problem. In 2017 more than 1600 illegal water
wells were sealed.

The declination of ground water levels is observed in southern parts of Qazvin province, but not
in the area of the Shahid Rajaee power plant.

(6) Air quality

There are no major sources of air pollution and noise emission in the local area except for the
existing power plant, which means the project site can be considered to be relatively clean and

As continuous air quality monitoring by DOE or any other environmental authority is not
conducted around the power plant site, on-site survey was conducted in the surrounding villages
on five points shown in Fig. 6-24 on March 11, 2018. At the time of measurement, 4 units of
steam power plant and 3 units of gas-combined cycle power plant were in operation in the
existing power plant.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Measurement results of air quality around the project site are shown in Table 6-21, and the
outline of the results is described as below.

 Sulfur dioxide(SO2)
Regarding SO2 concentrations, one-hour values lie between 30.0~114.9μg/ m3, 24-hour values
between 50.1~91.2μg/ m3, which satisfy the environmental standard of Iran (one-hour average
value of 196μg/ m3 and 24-hour average value of 395μg/ m3) at all measurement points.

Additionally, the measured values are also well below more strict guideline values such as EHS
guideline value (24-hour average value:125μg/ m3), EU and Japan standard (1-hour average
value: 286-350μg/ m3, 24-hour average value:114-125μg/ m3) .

Consequently, the measurement results indicate that the air quality around the project site, as
regards to SO2, overall may be said to be in a clean status.

 Nitrogen dioxide(NO2)
Regarding nitrogen dioxide(NO2)concentrations, one-hour average values lie between 3.7~
33.1μg/m3, 24-hour average values lie between 17.4~27.7μg/m3, satisfying the environmental
standard of Iran (1-hour average value: 395μg/m3) at all measurement points.

Additionally, the measurement values also satisfy EHS guideline value of IFC (1-hour average
value:125μg/m3) and Japan standard (24-hour average value:113μg/m3) .
Consequently, the measurement results indicate that the air quality around the project site, as
regards to NO2, overall may be said to be in a clean status.

 Particulate matter(PM10)
Regarding the concentration of particulate matter (PM10) with radius smaller than 10 μ,
one-hour average values lie between 49.0~74.0μg/m3, 24-hour average values lie between 57.8
~63.1μg/m3, satisfying the environmental standard of Iran (24-hour average value: 150μg/m3)
at all measurement points.

Additionally, the measured values are also well below more strict guideline values such as EHS
guideline value (24-hour average value:150μg/m3) and Japan standard (1-hour average value:
200 μg/m3, 24-hour average value:100μg/m3) Consequently, the measurement results indicate
that the air quality around the project site is not polluted by PM10 and overall in a clean status.

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Source: Obtained from Google Earth, and prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig. 6-24 Air Quality Measurement Point around the Project site

Table 6-21 Measurement Result of Air Quality around the Project Site (unit: μg /m3)
1-hour average value
average value
IFC EHS EU Standard
Measurement Average Iran standard
Item guidelines※ (Japan standard
point measurement
Min. Max. Interim target 1 (μg/m3)
value at the
Abyek 34.3 62.9 50.4
Naserabad 40.0 68.9 54.1 196 (1hour)
Sulfur dioxide - (1 hour) 350 (286)(1hr)
Asghrabad 48.6 114.9 91.2 395 (24hr)
(SO2) 125※ (24hour) 125 (114)(24hr)
Zybashahar 38.6 97.1 67.3
Qazvin 30.0 82.9 50.1
Abyek 16.4 19.5 17.4
Naserabad 16.4 25.5 19.1 200 (1hour) 200(-)(1hr)
Nitrogen 200 (1hr)
Asghrabad 3.7 33.1 27.7 -(24hr) - (113) (24hr)
dioxide (NO2) 100 (Annual)
Zybashahar 16.4 30.8 22.5 40(Annual) 40(Annual)

Qazvin 16.4 30.8 21.0

Particulate Abyek 56.5 69 63.1 - (1hr) - (1hr) (200) (1hr)

matter(PM10) Naserabad 54.4 69 61.5 150 (24hr) 150※ (24hr) 50 (100) (24hr)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

1-hour average value
average value
IFC EHS EU Standard
Measurement Average Iran standard
Item guidelines※ (Japan standard
point measurement
Min. Max. Interim target 1 (μg/m3)
value at the
Asghrabad 54.0 68.1 58.6 - (Annual) 70※(Annual) 40(Annual)

Zybashahar 50.5 70.2 57.8

Qazvin 49.0 74 60.8
Source: environmental air quality standards of the international organizations and related countries are cited from:
WHO: Air Quality Guidelines for Particulate Matter, Ozone, Nitrogen dioxide and Sulfur Dioxide, Global update,2005
EU: Directive 1999/30/EC
Japan: Notification No.25/1973 of the Environment Agency, Notification No.38/1978 of the Environment Agency

(7) Water quality

No river is found in the area around the existing power plant, and wastewater discharged from
the power plant is in principle reused for sprinkling within the site or discharged to nearby
irrigation water canals in wintertime.

The result of measurement of water quality of six wells shown in (4) b. during the last 3 years
(2014-2016) is shown in Table 6-22.

Table 6-22 Sampling reports for 6 wells of the Existing Power Plant (2014-2016)
Items Unit Min. Max. Average
- 7.4 8 7.7
water temperature C 17 27 22
Chemical oxygen demand
mg/l Nil Nil Nil
Bicarbonate(HCO3) mg/l 190 220 205
Nitrate(NO3) mg/l 0.77 0.24
Sulfur(SO4) mg/l 145 210 177.5
Total silica(SiO2) mg/l 18 30 24
Total Dissolved Solid(TDS) mg/l 558 918 738
Turbidity NTU ≤1.0 ≤1.0 ≤1.0
Calcium(Ca) mg/l 90 120 105
Chlorine(CL) mg/l 50 - -
Conductivity µS./cm 765 1258 1011.5
Total Iron (T-Fe) mg/l 0.0 0.018 0.0
Potassium(K) mg/l 1 2 1.5
Sodium (Na) mg/l 115 200 157.5
Total hardness mg- caco3/l 169 185 177
Source: Prepared by JICA Study Team

JICA Study Team has also conducted water quality measurement at five wells used by the
power plant for water intake, and the result of the measurement is indicated in Table 6-23.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 6-23 Result of Water Quality Measurement

Item N0.1 N0.2 N0.5 N0.6 N0.7
pH 7.6 7.9 7.8 7.7 7.5
PO4-P(mg/l) 0.06 0.13 0.03 0.23 0.21
NO3-N (mg/l) 15 36 19 15 12
NO2-N (mg/l) ND ND ND ND ND
Oil and Greases
Source: Prepared by JICA Study Team

(8) Noise
A continuous survey of noise level is not conducted around the power plant by DOE or other
environmental organizations. For this reason, a field survey on the noise level was conducted
around the power station 24 hours at 1 hour intervals on March 11, 2018 at three locations
shown in Fig.6-25. At the time of measurement, the power plant is in operation.

The result is shown in Table 6-24 and the overview is described below.
・Noise level (Leq)in Naserabad is 49~61dBA in daytime and 36~56dBA in nighttime.
・Noise level (Leq)in Asghrabad is 31~46dBA in daytime and 31~46dBA in nighttime.
・Noise level (Leq)in Kawandaj is 37~49dBA in daytime and 31~39dBA in nighttime.

The noise level at the survey points, except Naserabad, satisfy the environmental noise standard
in Iran and EHS guideline value of IFC for daytime.

The noise level at the survey points, except Kawandaj, does not satisfy the environmental noise
standard in Iran and EHS guideline value of IFC for nighttime.
The reason for exceeding these standards is due to traffic of heavy vehicles.

Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig. 6-25 Noise Monitoring points around the Project Site

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 6-24 Result of the Measurement of Noise (Leq) around the Project Site
Noise level(dBA) Standards of Iran IFC/WB EHS
Point time (dBA) guidelines(dBA)
Min Max Ave ・Residential area: ・Residential area:
Day 49 61 55
Night 36 56 46
Day 31 46 41 55(Day) 55(Day)
Night 31 46 36 45(Night) 45(Night)
Day 37 49 44
Night 31 39 36
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

(9) Natural Parks and Protected Areas

Qazvin province does not have any National park, but there are three protected areas which are
called Bashgol, Alamut and Taromsofla as shown in the figure below. The nearest one from the
Shahid Rajaee power plant is Bashgol protected area.

The area of Bashgol is about 25,334 ha and its distance to Shahid Rajaee site is about 68 km.
Bashgolis a land of water springs, with wetland and forest, rich with flora species. Mammals
including large herbivorous mammals such as gazelle and muffron, various kinds of birds in
addition to eagles and vultures are inhabited. The area is designated as protected areas under the
Act on Promotion of Environmental Protection (1982) for protection of animals and plants
including wetlands, forests and endangered species, and has been protected since 1997 by DOE.

Alamut has about 118,000 ha in the western edge of the Elburz range, between the dry and
barren plain of Qazvin, and its distance from Shahid Rajaee site is about 133km.

Taromsofla has about 47,000 ha, located at the north-western of Qazvin, and its distance to
Shahid Rajaee site is about 216 km. Alamut and Taromsofla have been protected since 2017 by
DOE for precious flora and fauna species.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Taromsofla 216
km from the
site Alamut
133 km from
the site
68km from
the site Shahid Rajaee P.P.

Source: Prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig. 6-26 Protected Areas of Qazvin province and distances from Shahid Rajaee site

(10) Terrestrial ecosystem and precious species

a. Terrestrial Flora
The area around the Shahid Rajaee power plant site, including transmission line and gas
pipeline consists of farmland and meadow land, and no woodland is observed.

According to the existing documents and interviews with experts from DOE, 32 species of
plants have been confirmed in Qazvin State as shown in Table 6-25.

These species are not endangered species of the International Conservation Union for Nature
Conservation (IUCN). In addition, Iran has not created its own red list.

Although there are no past record of survey, plants that grow in the power plant site are mostly
herbaceous plants except greening trees, which are normally found in the surrounding
agricultural lands, and are not considered endangered species..

Table 6-25 Species of Flora in Qazvin Province

No English name Latin name Division IUCN
1 Greea juniper JUNIPERUS excelsa Arbor -
2 Almond Amygdalus lycioides Arbor -
3 Barberry Berberis Shrub -
4 Honey suckle Lonicera spp. Shrub -

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

5 Pistacia tree Pistacia vera Arbor -

6 Walnut Juglans regia Arbor -
7 Oak tree Quercus spp Shrub -
8 Hawthom Crataegus Shrub -
9 Christs thom Patiurus spina christi Arbor -
10 Wild almond Irvingia malayana Arbor -
11 Hawthom Crataegus aronia Shrub -
12 Pistacia atlantica Pistacia atlantica Arbor -
13 Cannabis disambiguation Herbaceous -
14 Mongolian milkvetch Astragalus spp. Herbaceous -
15 Centaurea Centaurea spp. Herbaceous -
16 Esfand Peganum harmala Herbaceous -
17 Rosa persica rosa persica Herbaceous -
18 Sophora stphnolobium japonicum Arbor -
19 Liquorice glycyrrhiza glabra Herbaceous -
20 Camelthom Alhagi camelarum Shrub -
21 Spear Thistle cirsium vulgare Herbaceous -
22 Chicory cichorium intybus Herbaceous -
23 Fumaria officinlis fumaria officinalis Herbaceous -
24 Plmtae artemisia abrotanum Herbaceous -
25 Aster aster Herbaceous -
26 Thymus kotschyanus thymus kotschyanus Shrub -
27 Borage borage offieinalis Herbaceous -
28 Tamarisk tamarix Arbor -
29 Sweep Qazvini Qazvini nihilum deduces -
30 Lawn lawn Herbaceous -
31 Alfalfa medicago sativa Herbaceous -
32 Prosopis farcta prosopis farcta Arbor -
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

b. Terrestrial Fauna
< Mammals>
According to interviews with existing documents and DOE experts, 13 species of mammals
have been confirmed in Qazvin province, as shown in Table 6-26.

The list of fauna species living in Qazvin province is shown in the tables below. There are four
endangered species of mammals and birds observed, Ursus arctos, Panthera pardus, Ovis
orientalis, and Rhinolophus euryale,but these species are inhabited in the mountain, wetland and
forest from the view of their habitat characteristics, and the power plant site area consisting of
flat farmland and dry land are not suitable for their habitat. Also, according to the hearing from
the expert from DOE, most of them live in the forests or protected areas, and they are not
assumed to live in the dry area around the project site.

Although there are no past survey records, large mammals and bats are not observed in the area,
except only small rodents. In consequence, it is considered that endangered mammal species do
not inhabit in the area in and around the project site.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 6-26 Species of Mammal in Qazvin Province

No English name Latin name Habitat characteristics IUCN
1 Brown Bear Ursus arctos Rocky mountain area
with shrub
2 Leopard Panthera pardus Mountain area in Iran. VU
3 Eurasian Lynx Lynx lynx Wide area such as forests
and grassland
4 Wild Cat Felis silvestris Wide area such as dry
land, grassland, and -
5 Jungle Cat Felis chaus Prefer the environment
with water such as
wetlands and marsh, and
dense vegetation
6 Wolf Canis lupus Wide area such as tundra,
forests, mountains.
7 Caracal, Caracal caracal Wide area such as
forests, grassland, rocky -
8 Otter Eueopean Lutra lutra Wide aquatic
Otter environment such as
rivers, marsh, coastal
9 Goitered Gazella Wide area in semi-dry
Gazelle subgutturosa and dry land
10 Mouflon Ovis orientalis Moutains and cliffs EN

11 Goat Capra aegagrus In almost any habitat

hircus environment.
12 Mediterranean Rhinolophus Bush and forests.
Horseshoe Bat euryale
13 Geoffroys Bat Myotis Wide area in Iran.
Notes:CR:Critically Endangered
NT:Near Threatened
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

According to the existing documents and interviews with DOE experts, 24 species of birds have
been confirmed in Qazvin province, as shown in Table 6-27.

Among them, five species of endangered species of valuable species IUCN are confirmed:
Egyptian vulture, Houbara, Imperial Eagle, Saker Facon, and Greater Spotted Eagle. In view of
their habitat characteristics, these species live in places with vegetation such as mountainous
areas, rocky areas, forests, etc.

Flat farmlands and dry areas around the project site are not suitable for their habitation. Even
through interviews with DOE experts, these endangered species inhabit forests or protected
areas and are not considered to live in farmlands and dry areas around the project site.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Although the past survey record around the site does not exist, the hearing from the power plant
staffs indicated that large bird species such as eagles and vultures are not observed in the area.
In consequence, it is considered that endangered bird species do not inhabit in the area in and
around the project site.

Table 6-27 Species of Birds in Qazvin Province

No English name Latin name Habitat characteristics IUCN
1 Egyptian vulture Neophron percnopterus Nests in cliffs, rocky areas, EN
big trees, etc.
2 Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis undulata Habitat in dry and semi-dry VU
area in Iran.Resting in shrub
3 Lesser kestrel Falco naumanni Feeding in grassland and grass VU
4 Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca -Inhabited in grass field and VU
riverine forests.
5 Barbary Falco Falco pelegrinoides Observed mainly in dry area. -
6 Peregrine Falco peregrinus Inhabited in a wide area such -
as wetland, dry land, tropical
zone and cold zone.
7 Bustard Otididae Living mainly in grass land of -
Asia and Africa.
8 Caspian Snowcock Tetraogallus caspius Inhabited in steep slopes, -
valleys, mountains,
grasslands, etc.
9 Saker Facon Falco cherrug Nesting in mountains and flat EN-
ledge shelves.
10 Merlin Falco columbarius Habitat on plain area farmland -
and riverbed
11 Hobby Falco subbuteo Inhabited in forest area. -
12 Circus Inhabited on wetlands, -
reclaimed land, lakes shore,
shore of river
13 Buzzard Buteo buteo Inhabited in a wide -
environment, but need forest
area for nesting.
14 Goshawk Accipiter gentilis Inhabited in forest area -
15 Kestrel Falco tinnunculus Widely inhabited including -
16 Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus Widely inhabited including -
forests and dry area
17 Sparrow Hawk Accipiter nisus Mainly inhabited in forests- -
18 Levant Sparrow Hawk Accipiter brevipes Mainly in forests near aquatic -
19 Greater Spotted Eagle Clanga clanga Inhabited in forests near VU
20 Bearded vultre Gypaetus barbatus Normally inhabited in -
mountains over 1000m.
21 Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus Mountains and dry area -
22 cinereous vulture Gegypius monachus Inhabited in dry grassland and -
23 Eurasian crane Grus grus Habitat in wetland, rivers, -
grassland, estuaries, tidelands

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

No English name Latin name Habitat characteristics IUCN

24 Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia Habitat in rivers, lakes, -
mangrove swamps, etc.
Notes:CR:Critically Endangered
NT:Near Threatened
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

<Reptiles and amphibians>

According to the existing documents and interviews with DOE experts, reptiles and amphibians
are not confirmed in Qazvin province. In Iran, 16 species of reptiles and 4 species of amphibians
which are IUCN endangered species have been confirmed, as shown in Table 6-28 and Table
6-29 .

Regarding reptiles, Spur-thighed Tortoise, Central Asian Tortoise and a lizard Eremias pleskei
are the only species that may live in flat dry area , in view of their habitat characteristics. The
surroundings are being used as bare land and agricultural land, and it is not suitable for habitat
of these species.

Although the past survey record around the site does not exist, the hearing from the power plant
staffs indicated that the turtles and lizards cited above are not observed in the area.

Regarding amphibians, river, which is their habitat, does not exist around the project site.

In consequence, it is considered that endangered reptile and amphibian species do not inhabit in
the area in and around the project site.

Table 6-28 Species of Reptiles in Iran

No English name Latin name Habitat characteristics IUCN
1 loggerhead sea Cretta cretta Habitat in oceans.
turtle Egg-laying in coastal VU
2 Green turtle Chelonia mydas Shallow coastal area EN
3 Hawksbill Eretmochelys imbricata Habitat mainly in
Turtle marine coastal area
4 Olive Ridley Lepidochelys olivacea Habitat in oceans.
Turtle Egg-laying in coastal VU
5 Leatherback Dermochelys coriacea Habitat in oceans.
Turtle schlegelii Egg-laying in coastal VU
6 Mesopotamian Rafetus euphraticus Habitat mainly in river
Softshell area. EN
7 Spur-thighed Testudo graeca Habitat in dry area and
Tortoise Linnaeus grass field.
8 Central Asian Testudo horsfieldii Habitat mainly in grass
Tortoise field and dry area.
9 Marsh Crocodylus palustris Inhabit in fresh water
Crocodile areas such as rivers,

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

No English name Latin name Habitat characteristics IUCN

lakes, ponds
10 Latifi s Viper Montivipera latifi Inhabit in vegetated
mountain area
11 Meadow viper Vipera ursinii Habitat in mountains
eriwanensis and grassland.
12 Mountain Montivipera albicornuta Habitated in rocky area,
Viper not in grassland and VU
13 Wagner's Montivipera wagneri Rocky area in
Viper mountain, especially CR
near rivers.
14 Pleskes Eremias pleskei In Iran, seen from
Racerunner semi-dry area to CR
15 Egyptian Uromastyx aegyptia Habitat in rocky area.
16 Persian Toad Phrynocephalus Semi-dry area higher
Agame persicus than 1,150m altitude.
Notes:CR:Critically Endangered
NT:Near Threatened
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

Table 6-29 Species of Amphibians in Iran

NO English name Latin name Habitat characteristics IUCN
Luristan newt Neurergus kaiseri Aquatic area such as -
1 CR
small rivers.
2 Kurdistan spotted newt Neurergus microspilotus Small rivers- CR
Gorgan salamander Paradactylodon gorganensis Aquatic environment in -
3 CR
caves, etc.
Lake Urmia Newt Neurergus crocatus Egg-laying in -
4 VU
mountainous rivers
Notes:CR:Critically Endangered
NT:Near Threatened
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

6.6.2 Social environment

(1) Land Use
The project site is located in the site of the existing power plant and in an area where land
preparation has already been completed and there is no house within the site.

The nearest residential area is a small village of Asghabad located about 1.5 km to its north and
there is no residential area nearer to the power plant.

Fishery is not implemented around the power plant since there is no river nearby. The figures
below show the land use of the area around the project site.

Source: Photographed and prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig. 6-27 The Nearest Residential Area

Source: Photographed and prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig. 6-28 Land Use on the South Side of Shahid Rajaee Power Plant

(2) Water Use

Water shortage in Qazvin area has been an issue for a long time. In 1969, government decided
to construct a dam in Taleghan area after some years of delay, and since 2006, Taleghan dam
became operational for irrigation of Qazvin areas through the 9km canal to Zyaran, which is
nearby the Shahid Rajaee power plant.

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Nowadays, the canal supplies the required water for the Yonosabad, Asghabad, Naserabad
Kavandaj and Hesarkhravan residential areas. A new dam, called Nahab dam , which will
improve water capacity of the area, was to start operation by March 2018 but not yet in
operation at the current moment. As for ground water availability, only 700 wells are now in
operation in province of Qazvin to supply water for irrigation use as well as households use.

(3) Sanitation
Table 6-30 shows the location of medical centers in each District near the Shahid Rajaee power
plant. About half of the districts have their own medical centers, and even the districts which do
not have one can easily access to any medical centers nearby.
Qazvin province has 14 hospitals total with 2,153 beds, consisted of 7 governmental hospitals
with 1,267 beds, 4 private hospitals with 441 beds and 3 other hospitals with 445 beds.

Table 6-30 Medical centers near the Shahid Rajaee power plant
No. Name of District Medical Centers
1 Anjilagh -
2 Asghabad -
3 Hajitapeh ○
4 Sharknab ○
5 Zagheh ○
6 Zarchebostan -
7 Yonesabad ○
8 Behtajatabad -
9 Kavandaj -
Caspian Industrial -
11 Hesarkharvan ○
12 Falizan -
13 Naserabad ○
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

(4) Population and Demography

The population of the 15 settlements around the Shahid Rajaee Power plant and the distance
from the power plant is shown in Table 6-31.

Most of the settlements are more than 5 kilometers away from the power plant site and the
population is less than 1,000. The nearest settlement from the project site is Asghabad
Settlement, located about 1,500m to the north from the site boundary with 150 inhabitants.

Qazvin City (population 400 - 500 thousand people), the capital of Qazvin province, is located
about 20 km away from the site. The total population of Qazvin has risen to more than
1.27 3 million people in 2016. The population growth rate was 1.17% in 2016. The population is
significantly concentrated in Qazvin city center, which is about 400,000 people.

Table 6-31 Population of the Settlements and the Distance from the Power Plant
Population Distance from Shahid Rajaee
No. Name of Village
(Parsons) Power plant (m)
1 Anjilaq. 450 6,000
2 AsghaAbad 150 1,500
3 Ebrahimabad 50 5,000
4 HesarKharav 4,036 8,000

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

5 Hezar Jolfa 118 5,500

6 HajiTape 1,300 8,000
7 kahavank 99 12,000
8 Kavandaj 1,600 3,000
9 Khatayan. 802 6,000
10 Mahmoudian. 459 10,000
11 Yonesabad 400 2,000
12 Behtajatabad 700 6,000
13 Naserabad 2,100 4,000
14 Hajiabad 67 20,000
15 Zagheh 1,200 6,000
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

(5) Education
Formal education in Iran is divided into general and higher education: General education
includes primary, lower secondary, upper secondary and technical and vocational training.

All children spend six years of their lives at primary level from age 6 to 12 and attend high
school from ages 12 to 18. About 88.4% of population is educated and the rest are not educated
in Qazvin province. Table 6-32 shows the presence of school in the Districts near Shahid Rajaee
power plant.

The average literacy rate in Qazvin province is 87.7% for male and 80.4% for female, and the
literacy rate for rural area of Qazvin province is 82.2% for male and 71.6% for female.

Table 6-32 Schools near Shahid Rajaee power plant

Lower Upper
No. Name of District Secondary Secondary
School School
1 Anjilagh x - -
2 Asghabad x - -
3 Hajitapeh x x -
4 Sharknab x - -
5 Zagheh x x -
6 Zarchebostan x - -
7 Yonesabad x - -
8 Behtajatabad x - -
9 Kavandaj x x -
10 Caspian Industrial City - - -
11 Hesarkharvan x x x
12 Falizan x - -
13 Naserabad x x x
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

(6) Public Infrastructure

There are highways, roads, railway, gas pipelines, schools, clinics and other public
infrastructures near the proposed project site. In terms of public utility, all flats of residential
buildings in the districts nearby are supplied with electric energy and natural gas meter. Overall,
the public infrastructures are in good condition, except for the waste water system of some
districts that needs development.

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(7) Land Traffic

According to the statistics by Information and Technical Documentation Bureau of the Ministry
of Roads and Transportation, 488,000 persons are transported by minibus, and 461,000 persons
are transported by passengers’ cars, and these two ways of transportation are the most common
in Qazvin province.

(8) Employment
Iran is one of the largest economies in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, with
an estimated Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2017 of US$438 billion. It also has the
population of very close to 80 million people in 2016.

Iran’s economy is characterized by the hydrocarbon sector, agriculture and services sectors,
manufacturing and financial sectors. Unemployment rate in Qazvin province is 10% for women
and 7.4% for men in 2016. The labor force engaged in industry, agriculture, and service
respectively has been 19.4%, 31.5%, and 49.1% in the country. At present, agriculture sector,
due to drought and modernization of irrigation systems, has less labor forces.

(9) Income and Expenditure

In the year 2014, the average annual income of an urban household was about 204.5 million
Rials. The average annual income for a rural household was 121.1 million Rials.

In the year 2014, the average annual net expenditure of an urban household amounted to 206
million Rials including 151 million Rials for non-food expenditures (73.3 percent) and 55
million Rials (26.7 percent) for food, which increased by 25.4 percent in comparison to the
previous year.

Average rural household net expenditure in the year 2014 amounted to 129.6 million Rials,
including 73.5 million Rials for non-food expenditures (56.7 percent) and 56.1 million Rials
(43.3 percent) for food which increased by 19.8 percent in comparison to the previous year.

(10) Tourist Site and Cultural Heritage

According to the field survey, there are a total of 10 historic cultural and religious facilities such
as mosques and palaces in the city of Qazvin about 20 km away from the project site, which is a
tourist site, but there are no historical facilities around the project site and it is not a tourist

For this reason, the impact assessment of the landscape will not be conducted during and after
construction of the power station thereafter.

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Emamzade bostan
h Eshagh Shekar nab

Shahid Rajaee Site Tazeh Nodaran
Hezar jolfa

Emamzade Jazmeh
h saleh Zagheh


Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig. 6-29 Historical Cultural Heritage Sites within 15km radius of Shahid Rajaee power

(11) Minorities
The minorities such as Christian, Jews, Zoroastrian and others were less than 0.25% (About
3,000 people) of the population of Qazvin province at the time of the year 2011, living in
harmony with Iranian people.

According to the hearing survey, minorities do not live around the proposed project site, nor do
they use the project site, and for this reason, the impact of the power plant during construction
and operation phase on the minorities is not assumed, and will be excluded from the impact

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

6.7 Environmental Impact Evaluation

6.7.1 Construction Phase
(1) Air quality
Generation of dust is expected by land preparation, and flying dust is expected to impact the air
quality of the surrounding area.

According to the Beaufort scale, when wind speed exceeds about 6 m/s, dust on the ground may
be lifted up. The occurrence ratio of wind speed exceeding about 6 m/s around the project site is
below 1% throughout the year, whereas it is occurs slightly more often in winter.

Dust caused by the strong winds in the dry season will be reduced with periodic watering in the
site and road.

Emission of air pollutants (SOx, NOx, PM) from construction machinery and vehicles may
affect air quality of the surrounding site.
Periodic maintenance and management of all the construction machinery and vehicles will be
conducted to reduce pollutant emission. Adjustment of the construction schedule shall be
considered in advance in order to avoid the concentration of machinery and vehicles in one
specific period.

The impact of the project on the atmospheric air quality will be minimized by the mitigation
measures cited above, although air quality monitoring in the busiest construction period will
still be necessary.

(2) Water quality

Domestic wastewater and excretion from workers, concrete effluent and oil-containing effluents
are generated and may affect the water quality of the irrigation canal in the surrounding sea.
A wastewater treatment facility for workers, such as a septic tank and temporary toilet, will be
installed in the worker’s camp and construction area.

Concrete-generated waste water and oil-containing effluent are treated at a neutralization and
oil-separation system installed within the construction area. Waste water will be checked for
compliance with the water quality standard of Iran and IFC/WB EHS Guidelines.

Treated waste water is finally sent to the existing waste water reservoir and is reused within the
site as much as possible. Waste water that could not be reused will be discharged into the
irrigation canal.
These measures will minimize the impact of contamination of irrigation canal water. Water
quality monitoring of waste water and the irrigation canal will still be necessary.

(3) Waste
Waste generated from the construction work will include general waste such as packing material
and domestic waste, and hazardous waste such as waste oil and waste battery.
Waste will be collected separately and stored in an appropriate place and method. Paper wastes
and iron scraps will be recycled, and other general wastes will be appropriately disposed of, as
with the case in the existing facility. Small amount of sludge and waste oil will be generated
from waste water treatment and is recycled, and other hazardous waste including sludge from
waste water treatment, is landfilled within an anti-seepage pit authorized by DOE and built in
the site.

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

As water pollution, soil pollution, odor or sanitary problems resulting from waste will be
mitigated with the above-described mitigation measures, the environmental impact will be
minimized and insignificant. The monitoring of waste will be conducted regarding the type,
generation amount and disposal method of waste.

(4) Soil contamination

Soil pollution may possibly be caused by leakages of lubricate collected from construction
machinery, fuel oil and chemicals. Oil and chemicals will be stored at an appropriate storage
place equipped with anti-permeation system in the project site. With these measures the impact
of soil contamination will be negligible.

(5) Noise and Vibration

Operation of heavy equipment and vehicles for transporting materials will cause noise and
vibration impacts. There are no households in the direct neighborhood of the site, but some
households are located in 1.5 km on the north of the project site, and sufficient consideration
must be given to minimizing any noise impact.

The level of noise resulting from the operation of the construction machinery was simulated
using the following estimation model.
Noise level estimation model
Noise predictions were carried out in accordance to International Standard ISO 9613,
Acoustics-Attenuation of Sound during Propagation Outdoors.

LPA = LWA − 20・1ogR − 8 − Aγ – AE

In which
LPA:Sound pressure level by A-weighted (dBA)
LWA:Sound power level by A-weighted (dBA)
R : Distance (m)
Aγ :Barrier attenuation (dBA)
AE :Atmospheric absorption (dBA)
Noise level data of noise source

Major construction machines used for construction include cranes used for loading basic
materials and the like, concrete mixers and pump cars in foundation construction works,
backhoes for excavation, power generators, air compressors, etc.

Considering the ground condition, piling operation which generates high noise will not be
Table 6-33 shows the noise level of the main construction machinery and the number of

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 6-33 Noise Level of Major Construction Machinery

Work stage Noise Number
Machine type Specification level of
(dB) equipment
Unit 1 Crawler crane 25-650 t 97 1
Installation of electric
Truck crane
transformer equipment 45-300 t 109 2
Crawler crane 25-650 t 97 2
Unit 1 Truck crane 45-300 t 109 4
Installation of turbine Forklift 800 t 105 1
equipment Trailer 30-50 t 113 4
Truck 2-11 t 109 6
Crawler crane 25-650 t 97 2
Unit 1
Truck crane 45-300 t 109 4
Installation of heat
Forklift 800 t 105 1
recovery steam
Trailer 30-50 t 113 4
Truck 2-11 t 109 6
Unit 2 Truck crane 25-650t 97 1
Installation of the Backhoe 1.0-4.0 m3 102 2
cooling tower (cooling Concrete pumping vehicle 100 m3/h 110 1
fan) Concrete mixer 4 m3 101 2
Air compressor 10.6m3/min 106 1
Generator 60-600kVA 101 2
Unit 2 Construction of concrete pumping truck 100 m3/h 110 1
stack truck-mixer 4 m3 101 2
Crawler crane 25-650 t 97 2
Unit 2 Truck crane 45-300 t 109 4
Construction of backhoe 1.0-4.0 m3 102 6
turbine building concrete pumping truck 100 m3/h 110 3
Concrete mixer 4 m3 101 6
Installation of the fuel Truck crane 25-650t 97 1
tanks Backhoe 1.0-4.0 m3 102 2
Concrete mixer 4 m3 101 2
Air compressor 10.6 m3/min 106 1
Generator 60-600kVA 101 2
Note: Data based on the example of gas turbine power plant of similar-scale in Japan
Source: Prepared by JICA Study Team

Calculation conditions
The calculation was conducted on the assumption that all the aforementioned machines were
operating simultaneously.

Construction activities will be carried out based on a step-by-step construction schedule so that
all the machinery is not operated simultaneously.

10 measurement points(No.1 ~ No.10)were selected and used for simulation at the boundary of
power plant site and another 3 points (No.11 ~ No.13) in the factory and the residential area
located near the power plant were also selected for simulation.

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig. 6-30 Location of Simulation Points

<Results of the simulation>

Table 6-34 shows the result of simulation of the noise level (contribution, current, and future
level ) related to the operation of the construction equipment. Figure 6-31 shows the
distribution of noise levels.

The contribution noise level was 25 ~ 63 dB(A) at the boundary of the site, and 29 ~ 33
dB(A) in the nearby factory and the residential area. The current noise level was detected at 6
points in the boundary (No.2 ~ No.4,No.8 ~ No.10)and 3 points in the nearby factory and
residential area (No.11 ~ No.13). For 4 points on the boundary where current noise level was
not detected (No.1,No.5 ~ No.7), the noise level at the nearest points (No.2,No.4 ) was adopted.

The noise in the boundary of the power plant site was estimated to lie between 58-62 dB (A),
and 46-65 dB(A) in the nearby factory and residential area.

Future noise level was simulated through the addition of the current noise level and the
contribution noise level. Future noise level is 58 ~ 65 dB(A) at the boundary, and 58 ~ 65
dB(A) in the nearby factory and residential area. Future noise level may slightly increase from
the current level at certain points on the boundary, but the increase is only 4dB at the maximum.

The estimated future noise levels at all the measuring points of boundary and the nearby
workplace comply with the IFC/WB guideline value (industrial area, daytime). Also, the future

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

noise levels at the residential area satisfy the standard value of Iran and IFC/WB guideline value
(residential area, daytime). The future noise level does not satisfy the noise standard for
nighttime, but increase from the current noise level is not expected.

Table 6-34 Results of Simulating Noise Levels from Construction Work

Contribution Current Future
Noise standard EHS
Location Point noise level noise noise level
of Iran (dBA) Guideline
(dBA) level(dBA) (dBA)
No. 1 34 62 62
No. 2 42 62 62
No. 3 45 61 61
No. 4 58 61 63
Industrial zone: Industrial zone:
Project No. 5 56 61 62
Day 75 Day 70
Boundary No. 6 63 61 65 Night 65 Night 70
No. 7 57 61 62
No. 8 53 59 60
No. 9 25 58 58
No. 10 36 62 62
Residential Residential
Residential zone: zone:
area 33 46 46 Day 55 Day 55
Night 45 Night 45
No. 12 29 63 63 Industrial zone: Industrial zone:
Power plant
Day 75 Day 70
surroundings No. 13 29 65 65 Night 65 Night 70
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

Noise impact caused by construction activities will be mitigated by managing the construction
schedule in order to level out the construction amount and scale.

Low noise equipment will be used as much as possible and regular maintenance will be
conducted. .
Measures for reducing generation of noise, such as speed reduction of large vehicles in
residential areas, will be taken, whereby vehicle noise impact will be minimized.

Construction work will be conducted in daytime to the possible extent. Considering the high
bearing power of the ground, piling work producing high noise will not be conducted.

Thus, all efforts will be made to minimize the noise impact. Monitoring on noise levels in the
busiest construction period will still be necessary.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by the Study Team
Fig. 6-31 Results of Simulating Noise Level (dBA) from Construction Work

Vibration impact caused by construction activities will be mitigated by managing the
construction schedule in order to level out the construction amount and scale.

Low vibration equipment will be used as much as possible and regular maintenance will be
Measures for reducing generation of vibration, such as speed reduction of large vehicles in
residential areas, will be taken, whereby vehicle vibration impact will be minimized.

Construction work shall be conducted in daytime to the possible extent. Considering the high
bearing power of the ground, piling work producing high noise will not be conducted.
Vibration may be generated from trailers and trucks.

In the example of Japan, the vibration level of 75dB at the generation source attenuates to
approximately 10dB at 500 meters away, which is extremely low compared to the noise
standard of Japan, 55dB. The nearest residence is 1.5km away from the site and the impact of
vibration will be negligible.

(6) Land subsidence and hydrology (ground water)

At the construction stage of the power plant, water will be temporarily taken from the
authorized wells used for the existing facility within the range of permission and will be
minimized through water reuse.
The lowering of water level in the existing wells and land subsidence in the surrounding area of

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

the site are not observed. Monitoring of groundwater level will be continued.
With the above- described mitigations measures, the significant lowering of groundwater level
and ground subsidence due to water intake of the construction activity is not expected.

(7) Odor
In case domestic waste from the workers’ camp is not appropriately treated, it may produce foul
odors. Before starting the construction work, workers will be instructed to classify and collect
garbage and illegal waste disposal will be prohibited. Food and kitchen waste will be disposed
on a periodic basis using containers with a cover to prevent odor and is composted and reused
for fertilizer.
All the aforementioned measure measures will be taken in order to minimize the generation of

(8) Terrestrial ecosystems and rare species

The site is a developed area for the existing power plant. As fauna and flora, herbaceous and
rodent species were confirmed, but these species are widely inhabited in the surroundings, and
not endangered species.

The surrounding area is a dry ecosystem, and this ecosystem is attributed to the land use as bare
land or agricultural land proceeding in the area, and endangered species requiring special
attention are not observed.

Although some of the habitats of animals and plants may disappear due to modification in the
site, and air pollution, noise and vibration during construction may affect the growth of plants
and behavior of animals in the vicinity, the inhabitation of these species spreads widely around
the project site, and there is very little influence on the biota.

Mitigation measures for air pollution, noise and vibration, similar to the measures described in
“Air pollution” and “Noise/vibration”, will be implemented, and impact on the terrestrial
ecosystem will be very limited.

Regarding reptiles, since there is little survey data, visual observation of the presence and
absence of turtles and lizards that are endangered will be implemented on the site and nearby,
for precaution.

(9) Local economy including employment and means of livelihood

The site is a developed area for the existing power plant and new land acquisition and
resettlement will not occur. Local people may be employed as power plant workers. Increased
purchase of materials and equipment items in the local area will activate the local economy.

The project proponent will employ as many local residents as possible and make use of the
services (i.e. restaurant and catering service etc.) and purchase products and equipment offered
in the local community, as much as possible in order to contribute to the local economy.

(10) Water use

Ground water intake by the project may cause continuous impact on the water use in the
surrounding area, but mitigation measures will be taken as described in the chapter “Subsidence
and hydrology (ground water)” and the impact of water intake will be insignificant.

In the construction period, concrete-containing waste water and oil-containing waste water may
be generated, and water turbidity of the irrigation canal is predicted.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Water pollution on irrigation water caused by construction waste water will be minimized by
mitigation measures cited in “Water pollution” described above and its impact on the irrigation
canal is expected to be very limited.

(11) Unfair distribution of damage and benefits

The site is a developed area for the existing power plant and new land acquisition and
resettlement will not occur. Unfair distribution of damages and benefits caused by compensation
will not occur. If employment of local people and/or outsourcing contracts is done through
unfair schemes such as personal connection of the construction company, benefit may be
unfairly distributed among local people.

The employment of local people shall be conducted under publicized employment conditions to
prevent unfair competition.

(12) Conflict of interests within the local area

The site is a developed area for the existing power plant and new land acquisition and
resettlement will not occur. Conflicts of interests within the local area are not predicted.

Inflows of many workers from other parts of Iran or foreign countries during construction
period may cause conflict with local workers, if the local customs are not followed.
The employment of local people will be enhanced as much as possible so as to limit the number
of workers from outside.

Education program will be established for workers from outside to respect local customs. They
will also be invited to the local events to enhance mutual understanding with local people.
The above-described mitigation measures will minimize conflict with local workers due to
difference in customs.

(13) Rights of children

The site is a developed area for the existing power plant, and new land acquisition and
resettlement will not occur. No particular impact is expected to take place to the rights of

Child labor may increase on the construction site and may lead to school abandonment.
Employment of children under the age of 15 is prohibited by the regulation of Iran, and TPPH
also strictly prohibits child labor including RPC contractors.

(14)HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases

The inflow of workers from other parts of Iran or foreign countries may induce the spread of
infectious diseases. Local people should be recruited as much as possible so as to minimize the
risk of infectious diseases being transmitted from external workers. Education and training
concerning infectious diseases and health for workers, placement of medical facility and staffs,
periodic medical check-ups should be conducted.

(15) Work environment (including labor safety)

Workers may have accidents during construction service.
The construction company will develop the safety and sanitation management plan including
safety education and training and obtain approval from TPPH. Safety gears including helmet,
safety shoes and earplugs shall be installed following the safety management plan. The storage
of hazardous materials shall be marked with a sign board.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

A manual for safe handling of machinery shall also be prepared and checked by TPPH for
In case of an accident, monitoring shall be conducted.

(16) Accident
Traffic accidents may occur during operation of vehicles. As prevention measures for land
traffic accidents, observation of traffic regulations, and training and education on safe driving
will be implemented, as well as an appropriate vehicle operation route and schedule.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

6.7.2 Operation Phase

(1) Air pollution
a. Compliance with the exhaust gas standard
Gas will be used for fuel in the power plant in normal cases, but light oil may also be used
mainly in winter when gas supply is not sufficient, and that may cause impact in a wide area.
When gas is used as fuel, nitrogen oxide (NOx) is generated, but sulfur oxide (SOx) and
particulate matter (PM) are not emitted.

Regarding NOx emission, as nitrogen (N2) is barely contained in fuel, N2 contained in air reacts
chemically with oxygen (O2) and produces nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2).
It is mostly NO at the time of emission of exhaust gas, and is converted into NO2 through
photoreaction with ozone (O3) in the air at the dispersion stage.

In case light oil fuel is used, NOx emission is similar to gas fuel. SOx emission consists mostly
of sulfur dioxide (SO2) converted from sulfur(S) contained in fuel.
Particulate matter (PM) consists of metal or unburned matter contained in light oil or heavy oil,
mostly consisting of PM10 of 10µm radius or smaller.
A gas turbine adopted in this project will be equipped with dry type low-NOx burner as a
mitigation measures for reduction of NOx level

With the mitigation measures described above, the emission concentration of air pollutant in the
exhaust gas will meet the emission standard of Iran and the standard value of IFC/WB EHS
guidelines (Thermal Power Plant, 2008) as described in Table 6-35.

In this project, except for emergency, gas is basically used to reduce generation of SOx and
NOx. Also, by adopting a high-efficiency combined cycle, the fuel consumption is reduced and
the amount of SOx, NOx and PM emitted from the power plant is reduced as a result.

Table 6-35 Emission Concentration and Emission Standard

Fuel Proposed Emission Standards IFC/WB EHS guidelines
Item Unit
Concentration of Iran (Thermal Power Plant; 2008)
Gas SOx mg/Nm3 0 200 -
NOx mg/Nm3 51 300 51
PM mg/Nm3 0 - -
Light oil -- Sulfur contents in fuel:≦
SOx mg/Nm3 150 150
NOx mg/Nm 150 200 152
PM mg/Nm3 50 150 50
Note: O2=15% equivalent
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

b. Estimation of impact on the air quality of the surrounding area

According to the result of air quality measurement in the surrounding, SO2, NO2 and PM
10concentration is below the environmental standard value of Iran even under the operation of
the existing power plant. It is necessary to ensure that the compliance of the environmental
standard will continue to be secured in future and to take appropriate measures for it.

The dispersion calculation will be conducted to understand the contribution concentration of the
new power plant through simulation and the cumulative impact of the existing facility including
contribution concentration. It is also important to take into account the condition cited below

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

where high concentration occurs in the calculation.

Effect of the topography

Exhaust gas emitted from the stack is dispersed up in the air and reaches the ground level. As
high concentration of gas emission tends to emerge high in the air, the existence of elevated
topography in the dispersion simulation area may result in higher concentration of pollutant
compared to the ground level.

The schematic diagram of the topographic condition in the simulation is shown below. The
impacts of geography on the exhaust gas dispersion shall be considered to avoid incorrect high
concentration in the high elevation even if the impact of gas emission is negligible.

① Topography is considered.

Smoke from the stack

②Topography is not considered.

Smoke from the stack

Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig. 6-32 Consideration of the impact of topography

In “Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines for Power Plant” (2016) published by

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, the impacts of geography on the exhaust gas
dispersion shall be considered in case of the topography with the conditions below:

・ within 5km radius from the stack: Maximum altitude / Effective stack height (Actual stack
height + Emission gas elevation height ) ≧0.6
・ within 20km radius from the stack: Maximum altitude / Effective stack height (Actual stack
height + Emission gas elevation height ) ≧1.0
Note: the effective stack height is calculated with the formula used for the regulation of SOx
emission in Air Pollution Control Act in Japan.
(2004, EPA, U.S.A.), it clearly states that the impact of the topography shall be considered
in case inclination is 10 degrees or over based on the distance from the measurement object and
the elevation, on a case-by-case basis.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

This condition corresponds to the case where the measurement point is 1km from the emission
source and the difference of elevation is more than 200meters.

In this project, although the effective stack height is expected to be about 200 m, the impact of
the topography is taken in consideration for estimation of the impact from the following
viewpoints, based on the above-described knowledges of Japan and the U.S.
・ There is an elevated area of more than 200m higher compared to the project site within
3km radius in the north of the power plant.
・ Southern wind blowing northward is frequent.

・Downdraft / Downwash
In general, downwash reportedly occurs with a wind speed 1.5 times or more than the exhaust
gas speed. The assumed exhaust gas speed in this project being 25 m/s, downwash may occur in
case wind speed at the stack outlet is more than 17 m/s.

According to the meteorological survey data of the area, the occurrence of the above-described
wind speed is very low, and the occurrence of downwash will be extremely small.



Source: ”Nitrogen oxides total amount control manual” (Ministry of the Environment, 2000)
Fig. 6-33 Diagram of Downwash

In the case the stack height is low, downdraft may occur due to the presence of the surrounding
building. By using the formula shown below, if the HG value is shown to be higher than the
stack height, it is necessary to consider the impact of downdraft.

HG = H + 1.5L
H = Building height (m)
L = Building height or the value for the building with the lowest diameter (m)

In this project, the stack height is 60m and the turbine building and HRSG are only 23m and
28m height, respectively, and the planned stack height is 80m which is much higher than the
required height of 70m for downwash prevention.

In addition, the cooling tower of the existing power plant is located in the western side of the
project site, but downdraft is not predicted to occur because of warmed air rising over the stack,
and therefore the impact estimation does not take into account the impact of downdraft.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Stack building

Source: ”Nitrogen oxides total amount control manual” (Ministry of the Environment, 2000)
Fig. 6-34 Diagram of Downdraft

<Selection of the evaluation system >

The impact evaluation model for this project was selected from plume models commonly
adopted in the U.S., Europe and Japan in the environmental impact assessment, and AERMOD
in particular. AERMOD is an evaluation model recommended by the US-EPA and is suitable for
the impact evaluation of the area including elevated area, as is the case in this project.
AERMOD also takes into account the impact of downwash. This model is widely adopted
abroad in the EPA and is a reference model of IFC/WB EHS guidelines. AERMOD is published
as Appendix W to 40 CFR Part 51 (as revised).

<Meteorological conditions>
AERMOD dispersion model requires one-hour value of meteorological data (air temperature,
wind speed and wind direction, etc) of at least one year’s span to conduct correct estimation.

However, the meteorological measurement around the project area is conducted by Qazvin
meteorological station for only three times a day regarding wind speed and wind direction,
which are the essential meteorological data in the dispersion modeling. This is not sufficient for
a correct evaluation.

In consequence, the one-hour value in the meteorological data from the meteorological model
(MM5(The Mesoscale Model)) from 2015 to 2017 will be used for calculation. MM5 is
Fifth-Generation Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model* developed by Pennsylvania the State
University and National Center for Atmospheric Research. It encompasses existing data from
each region around the world and is very efficient in air quality simulation.
*The meteorological models in Mesoscale is applicable to the grid of several kilometers to
several ten kilometers, is therefore suitable for the air quality simulation for this project.

The estimated frequency of wind direction and wind speed based on the weather model (MM5)
is shown in Fig. 6-35 to Fig. 6-36. It indicates that east wind is dominant, followed by
south-south-east and north-north-east wind, mainly eastern wind.

Wind speed is mostly within the range of 1~6 m/s, with low occurrence of wind speed
exceeding 6m/s, similar to the meteorological data in Chapter 6.6.1.

Regarding frequency of appearance of wind direction, the measurement data of Qazvin

Meteorological Station cited in Chapter 6.6 may appear to differ from MM5 data due to the
difference in measurement frequency (3 times a day) and direction classification (8 wind
directions), but MM5 data is measured on one-hour basis and is adopted for calculation in this

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

The calculation with gas fuel and using NOx concentration of 2015, 2016 and 2017 indicated no
significant difference. All calculation was conducted with one-hour basis with the data of 2017
when NOx concentration was the highest.

2015 2016 2017

Source: prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig. 6-35 Simulated frequency of wind direction/speed level based on the weather model
(MM5) (16 wind directions, 2015~2017).

2015 2016 2017

Source: prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig. 6-36 Frequency of appearance of wind speed based on the weather model MM5 (16
wind directions, 2015~2017).

<The area of prediction calculation and topography>

In the EIA in most countries including Japan, dispersion prediction of gas emission from the
power plant is conducted within an area of 20km to 30km radius from the power plant. In this
project, the area of prediction is set to 40km radius from the power plant in consideration with
the impact of the existing facility.
The topography used for dispersion prediction is shown in Fig. 6-37.

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report





Source: Obtained from Google Earth, and prepared by JICA Study Team
Fig. 6-37 Topography used for the prediction

<Emission specification>
Table 6-36 to Table 6-39 show the volume, temperature, speed of exhaust gas and emissions of
NOx, SOx, and PM contained in gas emission from the new and existing power plant for
respective fuel, under the assumption that all NOx, SOx, and PM become SO2, NO2, and PM10,

The fuel used in the power plant in Iran is basically gas, but heavy oil and light oil is also used
in many cases mainly in winter in case of shortage of fuel supply.

In this regard, the prediction of cumulative impact of the existing and the new facility is
conducted for the case of gas fuel use and for the case of light/heavy oil use in both facilities.
The prediction was not conducted for the case gas is used in one facility and heavy/light oil is
used in the other facility.

Table 6-36 Emission specification of the new gas turbine plant.

Item Unit New Unit1 New Unit2
Output MW 560MW 560MW
Fuel - Gas Light oil Gas Light oil
Exhaust temperature ºC 90 164.5 90 164.5
Exhaust speed m/s 25.1 30.5 25.1 30.5
Stack diameter m 6.3 6.3
Stack height m 80 80
SOx emission g/s 0 81 0 81
NOx emission g/s 27 81 27 81
PM emission g/s 0 27 0 27
Note: the data in the table above was calculated based on fuel type.
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 6-37 Emission specification for the existing steam power plant
Item Unit Unit1 Unit 2 Unit.3 Unit.4
Output MW 250 250 250 250
Fuel ‐ Gas Heavy oil Gas Heavy oil Gas Heavy oil Gas Heavy oil
Exhaust gas ºC
123 143 123 143 123 143 123 143
Exhaust speed m/s 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27
Stack diameter m 4 4 44 4
Stack height m 220 220 220 220
SOx emission g/s 0 142 0 89 0 169 0 148
NOx emission g/s 102 82 127 34 131 78 127 71
PM emission g/s 0 72.1 0 72.1 0 72.1 0 72.1
Notes : 1. Gas emission is calculated with stack diameter and gas emission speed based on the design condition.
2. Emission concentration of pollutants adopted here is the average value of the past monitoring result. PM emission
concentration data in case of heavy oil use was not available and therefore set to 100 mg/Nm3 based on the measurement result
of the heavy oil thermal power plant in Japan.
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

Table 6-38 Emission specification of the existing combined cycle power plant
Item Unit GT No1 GT No2 GT No3 GT No4 GT No5 GT No6
Output MW 123.4 123.4 123.4 123.4 123.4 123.4
Light Light Light Light Light Light
Fuel - Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas
oil oil oil oil oil oil
Exhaust gas
ºC 125 110 125 110 125 110 125 110 125 110 125 110
m/s 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
m 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
Stack height m 45 45 45 45 45 45
g/s 0 23 0 8 0 20 0 26 0 4 0 4
e mission
g/s 56 51 38 59 57 62 58 79 36 106 34 56
g/s 0 13 0 13 0 13 0 13 0 13 0 13
Notes: 1. Gas emission (wet gas) is calculated with stack diameter and gas emission speed based on the design
2. Emission concentration of SOx and NOx adopted here is the average value of the past monitoring result and based
on the gas emission amount of the design condition. PM emission concentration monitoring data was not available
and therefore set to the value similar to the existing gas turbine.
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

<Prediction result>
The prediction was conducted for the ground concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen
dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM10) corresponding to 99%3 value of the one-hour value

*99% value: the compliance with the environmental standard value stipulated in the regulations of Iran
is assessed with the measurement value excluding the top 1% value which tends to be extremely high
concentration. This assessment method is adopted in Japan, EU, and the U.S. for assessment of
compliance with the environmental standard.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

and 24-hour value and the annual average value, under the assumption that all of the new
facility and the existing facility are in operation.
a. Impact of the new power plant facility
As fuel used in this project is basically gas, the diffusion simulation of NO2 generated in case of
gas fuel is conducted. As use of light oil fuel is highly expected in winter when gas supply is not
sufficient, SO2 and PM10 as well as NO2 emission is also predicted and the diffusion of 3
pollutants is simulated.

The prediction results of the contribution ground concentration are as shown in Fig. 6-39 to Fig.
6-49 and Table 6-39, and the overview is described below.

The distribution of the ground concentration indicates that the concentration is the highest at the
monitoring points for air quality, and the contribution concentration at the elevated area is
relatively low.

The summary of the impact assessment for each pollutant is described below.

Sulfur dioxide (SO2)

In case light oil fuel is used, the maximum ground level concentration is 30.16μg/m3for
one-hour value, 11.58μg/ m3 for 24-hour value, and 3.39μg/ m3 for the annual average, which is
approximately 15.4% (one-hour)and 2.9% (24-hour)of the environmental standard value of
Iran (one-hour value196μg/ m3, 24-hour value:395μg/ m3) and 9.3% of the EU environmental
standard value and IFC/WB guideline value (24-hour value:125μg/ m3).

According to the IFC/WB Guidelines (General), a single project is required not to contribute
more than 25% of the applicable ambient air quality standards, and compared to this threshold
the present project has the contribution of 9.3% which is extremely low.

Additionally, the maximum concentration obtained by adding the present concentration to the
predicted value is 145.06μg/ m3 for one-hour value, and 102.78μg/ m3 for 24-hour value, which
is sufficiently low as compared with Iran's environmental quality standards and the IFC/WB

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)

In case gas fuel is used, the maximum ground level concentration is 15.18μg/ m3 for one-hour
value, and 5.18μg/ m3 for 24-hour value, 1.88μg/ m3 for the annual average, which is
approximately 7.6% (one-hour) and 1.9% (annual average) of the environmental standard value
of Iran (one-hour value:200μg / m3, annual average value:100μg / m3) and 7.6% and 4.7% of
IFC/WB guideline value (one-hour value:200μg / m3, annual average value:40μg / m3).

In case light oil fuel is used, the maximum ground level concentration is 30.16μg/ m3 for
one-hour value, and 11.58μg/ m3 for 24-hour value, 3.39μg/ m3 for the annual average, which is
approximately 15.1%(one-hour) and 3.4% (annual average) of the environmental standard value
of Iran and 15.1%(one-hour) and 8.5% (annual average) of IFC/WB guideline value.

According to the IFC/WB Guidelines (General), a single project is required not to contribute
more than 25% of the applicable ambient air quality standards, and compared to this threshold
the present project has an extremely low contribution.

Additionally, regarding the future concentration obtained by adding the current concentration to
the predicted value, the maximum future concentration calculated with the highest concentration

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

obtained in the current monitoring data is 48.28μg/ m3 in one-hour value in gas fuel and
63.26μg/ m3 in one-hour value in light oil fuel, which are sufficiently lower compared with the
Iran's environmental quality standard and the IFC/WB guidelines.

Particulate matter (PM10)

In case light oil fuel is used, the maximum ground level concentration is 3.86μg/ m3 (24-hour
value), and 1.12μg/m3(annual average)which is approximately 2.6% of the environmental
standard value of Iran (24-hour value:150μg / m3) and 2.6%(24-hour value) and 1.6% (annual
average) of IFC/WB guideline value (24-hour value:150μg / m3,annual average:70μg/m3 ).

According to the IFC/WB Guidelines (General), a single project is required not to contribute
more than 25% of the applicable ambient air quality standards, and compared to this threshold
the present project has an extremely low contribution.

Regarding the future concentration, which is the addition of the prediction concentration and the
current concentration, the maximum concentration calculated with the highest value observed
in the current monitoring data is 66.96μg/ m3, which is sufficiently low as compared with Iran's
environmental quality standards and the IFC/WB guidelines.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-38 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of SO2 at the Ground Level (1 Hour Value)(light oil fuel)






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-39 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of SO2 at the Ground Level (24 Hour Value)(light oil fuel)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-40 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of SO2 at the Ground Level (1-year average)(light oil fuel)






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-41 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of NO2 at the Ground Level (1 Hour Value)(gas fuel)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-42 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of NO2 at the Ground Level (24 Hour Value)(gas fuel)






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-43 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of NO2 at the Ground Level (1-year Value)(gas fuel)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-44 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of NO2 at the Ground Level (1 Hour Value)(light oil fuel)






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-45 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of NO2 at the Ground Level (24 Hour Value)(light oil fuel)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-46 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of NO2 at the Ground Level (1-year average)(light oil fuel)






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-47 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of PM10 at the Ground Level (1 Hour Value)(light oil fuel)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-48 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of PM10 at the Ground Level (24 Hour Value)(light oil fuel)





Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-49 Contribution Concentration of the new power plant of PM10 at the Ground Level (1-year average)(light oil fuel)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 6-39 Prediction Result of the Contribution Concentration of the operation of the new power plant

Pollu Fuel Time Maximum Maximum maximum Iran’s International

tant category concentrat monitored monitored atmospheric standard value
ion at the concentration concentration environmental and standard
ground b(μg/ m3) + Maximum quality value in each
level concentration standard country
a(μg/ m3) at the ground (μg/m3) (IFC/EU/Japan)
level (μg/m3)
a+b(μg/ m3)
1-hour value 30.16 114.9 145.06 196 -/350/350

SO2 Light oil 11.58 91.2 102.78 395 125/125/114
3.39 - - - -

1-hour value 15.18 33.1 48.28 200 200/200/-

Gas 5.18 27.7 32.88 - -/-/113
1.88 - - 100 40/40/40
1-hour value 30.16 33.1 63.26 200 200/200/-

Light oil 11.58 27.7 39.28 - -/-/113
3.39 - - 100 40/40/40

1-hour value 10.05 74 84.05 - -/-/200

PM10 Light oil 3.86 63.1 66.96 150 150/50/100
1.12 - - - 70/40/40
Note: The current concentration (c) in the table above was measured under the condition that all the existing power plants
are in operation and includes the contribution concentration of the existing facility.
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

B Cumulative impact of the existing facility and the new facility

The current contribution concentration of the existing facility and the predicted contribution
concentration after the new facility is installed are described below, and the overview is as

The current distribution of the ground concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide
(NO2), and particulate matter (PM10) indicates that the concentration is the highest at the area
around the point of air quality field survey, and the contribution concentration at the elevated
area is relatively low.
The future distribution of the ground concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide
(NO2), and particulate matter (PM10) after the installation of the new facility indicates that
although one-hour value of SO2 shows slight difference in light fuel use compared to the current
concentration distribution simulation, no particular increase of concentration is predicted in
other pollutants compared to the current ground concentration.

The comparison of the current status of pollutant concentration and the future concentration of
the new facility with the environmental standard for respective pollutant is described below.

Sulfur dioxide (SO2)

The maximum ground level concentration in the existing facility in case light oil and heavy oil
is used is 76.38μg/m3for one-hour value, 26.67μg/ m3for 24-hour value, and 9.72μg/m3 for the
annual average, which is approximately 39.0%(one-hour) and 6.8%(24-hour) of the
environmental standard value of Iran(one-hour value :196μg/m3, 24-hour value:395μg/m3) and
21.8% and 21.3%of the EU environmental standard value (one-hour value:350μg/m3) and the
IFC/WB guideline value (24-hour value:125μg/m3).

In case light oil fuel is used in the new facility, the maximum ground level concentration of the
existing facility and the new facility is 100.85μg/m3for one-hour value, 35.25μg/m3for 24-hour
value, and 12.07μg/m3 for the annual average, which is approximately 51.5%(one-hour) and
8.9%(24-hour) of the environmental standard value of Iran and 28.8% of the EU environmental
standard value (one-hour value:350μg/m3), 28.2%(24-hour) of the IFC/WB guideline value ,
showing no significant difference compared to the current status.

Regarding the future concentration, which is the addition of the prediction concentration of the
existing facility and the new facility and the background concentration4 the future concentration
is 143.25μg/m3 for one-hour value, and 77.65μg/m3 for 24-hour value, which is in accordance
with Iran's environmental quality standards、EU environmental standard and the IFC/WB
guidelines value.

 Nitrogen dioxide(NO2)
The contribution concentration of the existing facility, in case gas fuel is used, is higher
compared to the case light oil is used, and the maximum ground level concentration in the
existing facility is 168.83µg/m3for one-hour value, 59.73µg/m3for 24-hour value, and
25.15µg/m3 for the annual average, which is approximately 84.4%(one-hour) and 25.2%
(annual average) of the environmental standard value of Iran(one-hour value: 200μg/m3, annual

4 In the three places of Naserabad, Asghrabad and Zybashahar, which have been affected to a certain extent by
existing power plants, the wind from the north is dominant and SO 2 , NO 2 and PM 10 are the minimum values in the
morning, when the smoke of the power plant does not diffuse to these points, so the minimum value was taken as
the background concentration

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

average:100μg/m3) and 62.9% of the IFC/WB guideline value (annual average).

The maximum future ground level concentration in case gas fuel is used in the new facility is
168.83µg/m3for one-hour value, 25.36µg/m3 for annual average, which is approximately
84.%(one-hour) and 25.4%(annual average) of the environmental standard value of Iran and
63.4% of the IFC/WB guideline value (annual average), which shows no significant difference
compared to the current status.
Regarding of the future concentration, which is the addition of the prediction concentration of
the existing facility and the new facility and the background concentration, the future
concentration is 181.10μg/m3 for one-hour value, and 71.98μg/m3 for 24-hour value even in the
case gas fuel is used (where highest impact of emission is assumed), which is in compliance
with Iran's environmental quality standards, EU environmental standard and the IFC/WB
guidelines value.

Particulate matter (PM10)

In case light oil fuel is used, the maximum ground level concentration of the existing facility is
34.02μg/m3for one-hour value, 11.92μg/m3for 24-hour value, and 5.02μg/m3 for the annual
average, which is approximately 7.9%(24-hour) of the environmental standard value of
Iran(24-hour:150μg/m3) and 7.2%(annual average) of the IFC/WB guideline value(annual
average: 70μg/m3).

In case light oil fuel is used in future in the new facility, the maximum ground level
concentration is 34.16μg/m3 for one-hour value, and 12.03μg/m3 for 24-hour value, 5.16μg/m3
for the annual average, which is approximately 8%(24-hour) of the environmental standard
value of Iran and 8%(24-hour) and 7.4%(annual average) of IFC/WB guideline value, showing
that the difference is extremely small.

Regarding the future concentration, which is the addition of the prediction concentration of the
existing facility and the new facility and the background concentration, the future concentration
is 87.13μg/m3 for one-hour value, and 65μg/m3 for 24-hour value, which is in compliance with
Iran's environmental quality standards and the IFC/WB guidelines value.

According to the results above, even when the impact of the existing thermal power plant is
taken in consideration, the standard value of Iran and IFC/WB guideline value are predicted to
be satisfied.
Also, it can be concluded that the impact of the new power plant to the surrounding
environment is predicted to be relatively small.

In the future, in order to reduce the adverse impact on air quality, the operation of the newly
installed facility shall be promoted in priority, and the operation of the existing low-efficiency
facility, with attention to the result of monitoring, shall be limited only for the necessary period,
and it is also necessary to consider the replacement / refurbishment of equipment or gradual stop
of operation in the future.

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-50 Ground Level Concentration of SO2 (1 Hour Value)(current status (existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel))






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-51 Ground Level Concentration of SO2 (1 Hour Value)(future status (existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel+ new
facility: light oil fuel))

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-52 Ground Level Concentration of SO2 (24 Hour Value)(current status (existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel))






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig.6-53 Ground Level Concentration of SO2 (24 Hour Value)( future status (existing facility:light
oil and heavy oil fuel+ new facility: light oil fuel))

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-54 Ground Level Concentration of SO2 (annual average Value)(current status (existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel))






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-55 Ground Level Concentration of SO2 (annual average Value)(future status (existing
facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel+ new facility: light oil fuel))

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-56 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (1 Hour Value)(current status (existing facility:gas fuel))






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-57 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (1 Hour Value)(future (existing facility:gas fuel+ new
facility: gas fuel))

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-58 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (1 Hour Value)(current status (existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel))






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-59 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (1 Hour Value)(future (existing facility:heavy oil and
light oil fuel+ new facility: light oil fuel))

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-60 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (24 Hour Value)(current status (existing facility:gas fuel))






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-61 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (24 Hour Value)(future status (existing facility:gas fuel+ new facility: gas

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-62 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (24 Hour Value)(current status (existing facility: light oil and heavy oil fuel))






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-63 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (24 Hour Value)(future (existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel+ new
facility: light oil fuel))

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-64 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (annual average Value)(current status (existing facility:gas fuel))






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-65 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (annual average Value)(future (existing facility:gas fuel+ new facility: gas

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-66 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (24 Hour Value)(current status (existing facilitylight oil and heavy oil fuel))






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-67 Ground Level Concentration of NO2 (24 Hour Value)(future status (existing facility:heavy oil and light oil fuel+
new facility: heavy oil and light oil fuel))

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-68 Ground Level Concentration of PM10 (1 Hour Value)(current status (existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel))






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-69 Ground Level Concentration of PM10 (1 Hour Value)(future status (existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel+
new facility: light oil fuel))

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-70 Ground Level Concentration of PM10 (24 Hour Value)(current status (existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel))






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-71 Ground Level Concentration of PM10 (24Hour Value)(future status (existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel+
new facility: light oil fuel))

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-72 Ground Level Concentration of PM10 (annual average Value)(current status (existing facility:light oil and heavy oil






Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-73 Ground Level Concentration of PM10 (annual average Value)(future (existing facility:light oil and heavy oil fuel+
new facility: light oil fuel))

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 6-40 Prediction Result of the Contribution Concentration of the existing power plant
facility and of the new power plant
Pollut Fuel Time category Maximum Maximum Backgrou Maximum Iran’s International
ant concentration concentration nd future atmosphe standard
at the ground at the ground concentra concentrati ric value and
level of the level of the tion on environm standard
existing existing (μg/m3) b+c ental value in each
facility facility and (μg/m ) quality country
a(μg/m3) the new standard (IFC/EU/Jap
facility (μg/m ) an)
b. (μg/m3) (μg/m3)

1-hour value 76.38 100.85 42.4 143.25 196 -/350/350

SO2 24-hour value 26.67 35.25 42.4 77.65 395 125/125/114

Annual average 9.72 12.07 - - - -

1-hour value 168.83 168.93 12.2 181.10 200 200/200/-

gas 24-hour value 59.73 59.81 12.2 71.98 - -/-/113

Annual average 25.15 25.36 - - 100 40/40/40

1-hour value 126.56 126.76 12.2 138.93 200 200/200/-

24-hour value 43.50 43.72 12.2 55.89 - -/-/113

Annual average 17.97 18.44 - - 100 40/40/40

1-hour value 34.02 34.16 53.0 87.13 - -/-/200

PM10 oil
24-hour value 11.92 12.03 53.0 65.00 150 150/50/100
Annual average 5.02 5.16 - - - 70/40/40
Note: The background concentrations are assumed to be minimum concentration of measured values at 3 points such as
Naserabad, Asghrabad and Zybashahar In the three places of Naserabad, Asghrabad and Zybashahar, which have been
affected to a certain extent by existing power plants, the wind from the north is dominant and SO 2 , NO 2 and PM 10 are the
minimum values in the morning, when the smoke of the power plant does not diffuse to these points, , so the minimum
value was taken as the background concentration
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

(2) Water turbidity

In the operation of the power plant, wastewater from the power plant, oil-containing wastewater
and domestic sewage will be generated and the potential environmental impact is predicted.

A steam turbine will be used in the power plant, but cooling water from the condenser will be
reused through forced-draft cooling fan system and thermal waste water will not be discharged
and cooling water will not be intake.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Waste water mainly consists of regeneration waste water from demineralization plant and from
Boilers Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG), which are not large in amount in a normal
operation. Oily drainage wastewater from the condenser and the light oil tank will be generated
accompanying to domestic sewage from office and accommodation for staff and rain water.

The total amount of waste water will be approximately 380m3 per day at the maximum, and the
waste water discharge flow is shown in Fig. 6-74.

Water header for maintenance
Unit ; m 3 /day

Service Water  Tank
2900m3 Fire Fighting Water ; 1000m3/time

Water  110 HRSG Blowdown Tank Drain Temperature Reduction Water
300 m3/day 1700m3
Well  Pre‐
water treatment
(if required)
Fire Fighting Water  280 170 20
80 80 60 170
HRSG Blow Supply Water HRSG 
Service Water ; Water Treatment 
280x5days = 1400m3 System

40 40
Supply Water for  Main System
20 150

Treated  150 10
water  Supply Water for  Cooling System 10
tank Power 

20 20
Supply Water for  Sampling System
Condition Treated Water ;
‐ Ambient Temperature:  30 ℃ 150x5days = 750m3
‐ Operation Condition: 24 hours continuous (~22,400t for 7days'  oil firing, as optional ) 0 0
‐ Operation Unit Number: 2 units GT Water Injection (for Fuel Oil)
(~6,300t  for 7days' air inlet cooling)
‐ Condenser  Cooling system ;  ACC (~3,000t/day/2units for oil firing only,  as optional )
‐ Fuel ; Gas
GT Compressor Air Inlet Cooling
(~900t/day/2units for air inlet cooling only )

Supply Water for  Auxiliary Boiler Auxiliary  0

20 240

100 360 360

Waste Water 
From Transformer / Switch Yard Area drain Oil Separator Settling Basin Treatment
Plant Release 
or Reuse

20 water  20
Tap(City)  tank
70m3 Tap  Water 

Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig. 6-74 Waste water treatment flow

Main items associated with water quality are as follows:

・Oily drainage wastewater:oil
・Domestic sewage:SS, organic matter
・Wastewater from water purification system:SS, Acid, Alkaline
・Waste washing water from the exhaust heat recovery boiler: SS, Acid, Alkaline

Wastewater from water purification system and waste water from the exhaust heat recovery

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

boiler is treated with neutralization and sedimentation treatment system and is examined for
compliance with waste water quality standards of Iran and of the IFC/EHS Guideline for
thermal power plants (2008).

Oily drainage wastewater will be collected in the wastewater treatment system for oil separation
to comply with Iran's standards and IFC/EHS Guideline values for thermal power plants (2008).
Domestic wastewater from worker’s camp is treated in the septic tank to comply with Iran's
standards and IFC/EHS Guideline values (general, 2007).

All these waste water is discharged into the drainage tank within the existing power plant for
reuse to the possible extent, or use for greening or other purpose as much as possible. If the
discharge amount is found to be too large for reuse during the regular checkup, the excess water
will be discharged into the irrigation canal and may be used for agriculture in the surrounding
With the above-described measures, the impact on water quality by the power plant operation is

(3) Waste
General waste and hazardous waste will be generated. General waste is sewerage and garbage
produced from workers in the power plant. Hazardous waste includes waste oil generated from
the operation and maintenance of the facilities and sludge generated through precipitation
treatment at the wastewater treatment facility.

Basic mitigation measure is to develop a waste management plan including reduction of waste,
promotion of recycling, and education of workers to prevent inappropriate waste disposal.
Waste will be collected separately and stored in an appropriate site and method.

Specifically, paper wastes, iron scraps and waste oil will be recycled as with the case in the
existing facility. Residual food is composted and reused as fertilizer in greening. All of the
hazardous waste which cannot be recycled will be transported to the landfill site authorized by
DOE and equipped with ground-seepage prevention within the power plant site for disposal.

As water pollution, soil pollution, odor or sanitary problems resulting from waste will be
mitigated, the environmental impact will be minimized and insignificant. The monitoring of
waste will be conducted regarding the type, generation amount and disposal method of waste.

(4) Soil contamination

There is a possibility of soil contamination caused by spill of lubricant oil and fuel oil which
will be used for operation of the facilities.
Tank for oil will be settled in the place with concrete pavement and oil dyke around the tank.
As the above measures will be taken, the occurrence of soil contamination is minimized.

(5) Noise and Vibration

Impact of noise and vibration from the plant operation is predicted. There are no residences in
the direct neighborhood of the project site, but there is a residence 1.5km north of the power
plant, and sufficient consideration must be given to minimize noise impact.

The noise level related to the operation of the major equipments of the power plant is estimated
using the noise level estimation model cited below.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Noise level estimation model

An estimation of the noise level was made according to Chapter6.7.1 Construction Phase.

Noise level data of noise source

The noise source related to the operation of the power plant includes stack, air filter, gas turbine,
pumps, transformer, cooling fan, duct, etc. The noise level and the number of respective noise
sources are shown in Table 6-41.

Table 6-41 Noise Level and the Number of the Major Equipment
Equipment Noise level (dB)
Gas turbine (with enclosures) 87
Gas turbine generator (with
enclosures) 83
Inlet air duct 87
Inlet air filter 94
GT duct (exhaust gas) 91
Generator step-up transformer 95
Unit auxiliary transformer 93
Main Stack 89
Cooling fan 88
Cool water pump 98
Gas compressor 85
Diesel oil transfer pump 86
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

Calculation conditions
10 measurement points (No.1 ~ No.10) were selected and used for simulation at the boundary of
power plant site and another 3 points (No.11 ~ No.13) in the factory and the residential area
located near the power plant were also selected for simulation.

Results of simulation
Table 6-42 shows the result of the estimation of noise level (contribution, current, and future
level) for each sampling point during the operation of the plant equipment. Figure 6-75 shows
the noise level distribution.

Noise level generated by power plant operation is 27- 57dB (A) at the boundary and the factory
in the vicinity of the power plant site, and 27-32B (A) at the factory and the residential area near
the site.
As for the current noise level at the prediction point, the current noise level during construction
(shown in 6.7.1) is adopted. The future noise level at the prediction points was estimated based
on the current noise level and contribution noise level.

The future noise level was 58 ~ 63 dB(A) at the boundary, and 46 ~ 65 dB(A) at the nearby
workplace and residential area. The future noise level exceeds the current level at only one point
in the boundary, and the noise level does not differ from the current level at all the other points.

The noise levels at all the measuring points of boundary and the nearby workplace comply with
the environmental standard of Iran and IFC/WB guideline value (industrial area, daytime). Also,
the noise levels at the residential area satisfy the environmental standard of Iran and IFC/WB
guideline value (residential area, daytime).

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Regarding noise level at nighttime, the current noise level exceeds the standard value, but
estimated future noise does not differ largely compared with the current noise level.
Noise-generating equipment will be enclosed as much as possible and low noise type equipment
will be installed. Periodic maintenance of equipment will be conducted.

Table 6-42 Results of the simulation of noise levels in the power plant
Place Point Noise level Current Future Noise standard IFC/WB EHS
(dBA) noise noise of Iran Guideline,
level level General
(dBA) (dBA)
Project site No. 1 32 62 62
boundary No. 2 40 62 62
No. 3 38 61 61
No. 4 52 61 62
No. 5 51 61 61 Industrial area; Industrial area:
No. 6 57 61 63 Daytime:70 Daytime:70
No. 7 50 61 61 Nighttime:65 Nighttime:70
No. 8 47 59 59
No.9 27 58 58
No.10 33 62 62
Nearby Residential
Residential area:
Residential area area:
No.11 32 46 46 Daytime:55
Workplace No.12 27 63 63 Industrial area; Industrial area;
adjacent to the Daytime:70 Daytime:70
power plant No.13 27 65 65 Nighttime:65 Nighttime:65
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

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Final Report

Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-75 Results of Simulating Noise Level from Power Plant (Unit:dBA)

The impact of vibration generated from the operation of the power plant is predicted, but the
vibration level is not high. Vibration sources include gas turbine, generator and pumps. They
shall be installed on a strong foundation, and low-vibration equipment will be adopted. Regular
maintenance of equipment will be conducted.

In the cases of Japan, the vibration level at the source is approximately 65 dB and attenuates to
approximately 0dB at 500 meters away. The nearest residence is further1.5km away from the
site and the impact of vibration will be negligible.

(6) Land subsidence and hydrology (ground water)

At the operation stage of the power plant, water will be taken from the authorized wells used for
the existing facility at the maximum rate of 300m3 per day. Water intake will be conducted
within the range of permission and will be minimized through water reuse.

The lowering of water level in the existing wells and land subsidence in the surrounding area of
the site are not observed. The monitoring of ground water level will be continuously conducted.

With the conditions cited above, lowering of ground water level and the accompanying impact
associated with water intake during operation phase is not predicted.

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(7). Odor
In case domestic waste of the workers is not appropriately treated, it may produce foul odors.
Workers will be strictly instructed to classify and collect garbage and illegal waste disposal will
be prohibited.

Garbage will be collected and stored in a covered container and composted on a periodic basis
and reused as fertilizer.. These measures will be taken to minimize the generation of odor.

(8) Terrestrial ecosystem and rare species

Power plant will generate air pollution, noise and vibration, etc. that may have impact on the
terrestrial ecosystems. The surrounding area is a dry ecosystem, and this ecosystem is
attributed to the land use as bare land or agricultural land proceeding in the area, and
endangered species requiring special attention are not observed.

Mitigation measures for air pollution, noise and vibration will be implemented as described in
the chapter “Air pollution” and “Noise and vibration” and the impact on the terrestrial
ecosystem will be minimized
Regarding reptiles, since there is little survey data, visual observation of the presence and
absence of turtles and lizards that are endangered will be implemented on the site and nearby,
for precaution.

(9) Local economy including employment and means of livelihood

Since the site is a land developed for existing power plant, new land acquisition and
resettlement will not occur.

Local people may be employed as workers by the power plant, and increased purchase of local
materials and equipment items, use of local restaurants and catering service will activate local

(10) Water use

Ground water intake by the project may cause continuous impact on the water use in the
surrounding area, but mitigation measures will be taken as described in the chapter “Subsidence
and hydrology (ground water)” and the impact of water intake will be insignificant.

In the operation of the power plant, Oily drainage wastewater from fuel and around the tank of
lubricant, and domestic sewage from office and accommodation for staff will be generated and
may affect water quality of irrigation water by water pollution.

Water pollution will be minimized by mitigation measures cited in “Water pollution” and its
impact on irrigation water is expected to be very limited.

(11). Unfair distribution of damage and benefit

The site is a developed area for the existing power plant and new land acquisition and
resettlement will not occur. Unfair distribution of damages and benefits caused by compensation
should not occur. If employment of local people and/or outsourcing contracts is done through
unfair schemes such as personal connection of the construction company, benefit may be
unfairly distributed among local people.

The employment of the local people shall be conducted under publicized employment
conditions to prevent unfair competition.

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(12) Work environment (including labor safety)

In the operation phase, works at a high place or generating high noises may cause labor
accidents. It is necessary to develop the safety and sanitation management plan including safety
education and training. Safety gears including helmet, safety shoes and earplugs shall be
provided following the safety management plan. The storage of hazardous materials shall be
marked with a sign board.

(13) Accident
Fire and traffic accidents by operation of facilities and / or vehicles may occur.
Project proponent will develop oil-leakage prevention management plan. Fire-fighting facility,
fire-fighting team, and fire-fighting training will be introduced.

Traffic accident mitigation measures will be implemented including development of appropriate

driving routes and schedule, traffic safety education and safe driving training for workers. In a
period of regular maintenance when an increased number of vehicles is expected, appropriate
instruction shall be provided for the maintenance company.

(14) Impact across the borders and on climate change

CO2 is produced by the project operation, but a high-efficiency gas turbine will be installed with
the emission of 2,896,000 t-CO2 per year. The emission reduction amount is 2,782,527 t - CO2
per year as compared to the baseline emission of 5,678,527 t-CO2 per year in the existing power
Additionally, the total emission from thermal power generation in Iran based on the year 2015 is
about 160 million t-CO2 per year. The estimated emission from this project is only 1.8% of the
total emission, and the impact is expected to be insignificant.

6.7.3 Summary of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

The results of environmental and social impact assessment are summarized in Table 6-43.

Table 6-43 Results of Environmental Impact Assessment for the Power Plant
Assessment at the Assessment based
scoping survey results
Constru Operatio Construc Operation
ction n period tion period
No. Items period period The Result of Assessment







【Pollution prevention】
1 Air pollution D B D A D B D B Construction period:
- Civil engineering work such as land formation,
may cause dust, but the impact should be
When wind speed exceeds about 6 m/s, dust on the
ground may be lifted up. The occurrence ratio of
wind speed exceeding about 6 m/s around the
project site is less than 1%.
- Emission of air pollutants (SOx, NOx, PM) from
construction machinery and vehicles will affect air
quality of the surrounding site.

Operation period:
- Gas and light oil will be used as the fuel at the

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Assessment at the Assessment based

scoping survey results
Constru Operatio Construc Operation
ction n period tion period
No. Items period period The Result of Assessment







power plant. SOx, NOx, and PM will be emitted by
the operation of gas turbine, causing impact on a
broad area.
- According to the field survey conducted by the
Survey Team, it was found that the north side of the
proposed power plant site is a high-elevation area;
therefore, there is a possibility that a part of the
area may have high concentration of pollutants
emitted from the stack, for a certain period,
depending on the wind direction.
The emission concentration of air pollutant in the
exhaust gas will meet the emission standard of Iran
or the standard value of IFC/WB EHS guidelines
(thermal power plant, 2008).
-Wind speeds exceeding 10m/s are extremely rare,
so downwash is expected to rarely occur.
- Around the stack, there is no building causing
occurrence of downdraft.
- The maximum concentration at the ground level
of the pollutants released by the project is
extremely low compared to the Iran's standard and
IFC/WB guidelines.
- Future maximum concentration at ground level
obtained by adding the predicted concentration of
the existing power plants and the new facility to the
background concentration is sufficiently low as
compared with Iran's standards and the EU and the
IFC/WB guidelines.
2 Water pollution D B D B D B D B Construction period:
- Domestic waste water and excrement from
workers, concrete effluent and oil-containing
effluents are generated and may affect the water
quality of the irrigation canal in the surrounding
Waste water will be checked to comply with the
environmental standard of Iran and IFC/WB EHS
guideline value.
Operation period:
The impact of plant waste water, oily drainage
waste water and domestic waste water generated
from the operating power plant is predicted.
The power plant uses a steam turbine and cooling
water from the condenser will be reused through
forced-draft cooling fan system so that thermal
waste water will not be discharged.
Waste water mainly consists of regeneration waste
water from demineralization plant and from Boilers
Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG), which
are not large in amount in a normal operation.
Oily drainage wastewater from the condenser and
the light oil tank will be generated accompanying
domestic sewage from office and accommodation
for staff and rain water.

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Final Report

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These wastewater is treated with oil separator,
neutralization and sedimentation treatment system
and is examined for compliance with waste water
quality standards of Iran and of the IFC/EHS
Guideline for thermal power plants (2008).

3 Waste D B D B D B D B Construction period:

Waste generated from the construction work will
include general waste such as packing material and
domestic waste, and hazardous waste such as waste
oil and waste battery.

Operation period
General waste and hazardous waste will be
generated. General waste includes domestic waste
generated by the project workers within the site,
and hazardous waste includes waste oil from the
operation and maintenance of the facility and
sludge from sedimentation of waste water treatment

4 Soil pollution D B D B D B D B Construction period:

- Soil pollution may possibly be caused by leakages
of lubricate collected from construction machinery,
fuel oil and chemicals.
Operation period:
- Lubrication oil and fuel oil may be spilled and
may cause contamination to the soil.

5 Noise and D B D B D B D B Construction period:

vibration - Operation of heavy equipment and trucks for
transporting materials will cause noise and
vibration impacts. There are no residences in the
direct neighborhood of the project site, but there is
a residence 1.5km north of the power plant, and
sufficient consideration must be given to minimize
noise impact.
The estimated noise level is 58 ~ 65dB(A) at
the site boundary and 46~ 63dB(A) at the
nearby workplace and residence.
All estimated noise levels at the boundary and the
nearby workplace meet the environmental standard
of Iran and IFC/WB EHS guideline standards
(Industrial zone Daytime).
All estimated noise levels in the residential area
meet the IFC/WB EHS guideline standards
(residential zone :Daytime).

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Final Report

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Vibration may be generated from trailers and
trucks. The vibration level attenuates to
approximately 0dB at 500 meters away, which is
extremely low compared to the noise standard of
Japan, 45dB. The nearest residence is 1.5km away
from the site and the impact of vibration will be

Operation period:
Noise level is 58-63 dB (A) at the boundary and the
factory in the vicinity of the power plant site, and
46-65 dB(A) at the workplace and the residential
area near the site. The noise levels at all the
measuring points of boundary and the nearby
workplace comply with the IFC/WB guideline
value (industrial area, daytime).

The impact of vibration generated from the

operation of the power plant is predicted, but the
vibration level is not high. In the cases in Japan, the
vibration level of 65dB at the source attenuates to
approximately 0 dB at 500 meters away. The
nearest residence is 1.5km away from the site and
the impact of vibration will be insignificant.

6 Land D C D C D B D B Construction and operation period:

subsidence - Water will be taken from the authorized wells
used for the existing facility within the range of
The lowering of water level in the existing wells
and land subsidence in the surrounding area of the
site are not observed.
Lowering of ground water level is not observed and
the ground subsidence is also not seen around the
project area. The significant ground subsidence
associated with water intake is not predicted.

7 Odor D B D B D B D B Construction period and operation period:

- In case domestic waste from the workers and the
project staffs is not appropriately treated, it may
produce foul odors.

【Natural environment】
1 Wild life D D D D D D D D Construction period and operation period:
preservation - The site is not located within a preservation area,
area nor is there a preservation area around the site.
2 Terrestrial D B D B D B D B Construction and operation period:
ecosystems and - The site is a developed area for the existing power
rare species plant The flora and fauna observed within the
project area includes several herbaceous species
and rodents species, which are commonly seen in

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the wide area around the site, and no precious
species are observed.
The surrounding area is a dry ecosystem, and this
ecosystem is attributed to the land use as bare land
or agricultural land proceeding in the area, and
endangered species requiring special attention are
not observed.
Although some of the habitats of animals and plants
may disappear due to modification in the site, and
air pollution, noise and vibration during
construction may affect the growth of plants and
behavior of animals in the vicinity, the inhabitation
of these species spreads widely around the project
site, and there is very little influence on the biota.

3 River D D D D D D D D Construction period and operation period:

ecosystems and Water intake from the river and water discharge
rare species into the river is not expected in this project.
4 River hydrology D D D D D D D D Construction period and operation period:
- Water will not be drawn from the rivers in this
5 Underground D D D D D D D D Construction period and operation period:
hydrology - water will be taken from the authorized wells used
for the existing facility. Water intake will be
conducted within the range of permission.
The lowering of water level in the existing wells is
not observed. Lowering of ground water level
associated with water intake is not predicted.
The monitoring of ground water level will be
continuously conducted .

6 Topography and D D D D D D D D Construction period and operation period:

geology -The project is developed within the existing power
plant site and the impact is not predicted.

【Social environment】
1 Resettlement D D D D D D D D Pre-construction period, construction period, and
and Land operation period:
acquisition - The site is a developed area for the existing power
plant and new land acquisition and resettlement
will not occur.
2 Poor People D D D D D D D D Pre-construction period:
The site is a developed area for the existing power
plant and impact on poor people will not occur.
Construction and operation period:
No element that affects the poor people is expected.
3 Ethnic D C D C D D D D Pre-construction period, construction period, and
minorities operation period:
- The site is a developed area for the existing power
plant and impact on ethnic minorities will not

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- The on-site survey shows that the area around the
site is not inhabited by ethnic minorities.
4 Local economy B D B D B D B D Pre-construction period
including The site is a developed area for the existing power
employment plant and impact on employment and means of
and means of livelihood will not occur.
livelihood Construction period and Operation period:
- The project proponent will employ as many local
residents as possible and make use of the services
(i.e. restaurant and catering service etc.) and
products offered in the local community, as much
as possible which will promote local economy.

5 Land use and D D D D D D D D Pre-construction period, construction period, and

utilization of operation period:
local resources - The site is a developed area for the existing power
plant and use of land and local resources are not
likely to be affected.
6 Water use D C D C D B D B Construction and operation period:
Ground water intake by the project may cause
continuous impact on the water use in the
surrounding area, but as described in the chapter
“Hydrology (ground water)”, significant lowering
of ground water level is not predicted.

7 Existing social D D D D D D D D Construction period and operation period:

infrastructure There are Qazvin with population of 400 thousand
and social near the project site, and the social infrastructure
service service such as lodging houses, medical treatment
facilities, schools, sewer systems and other
infrastructure are well established so that inflow of
construction workers and the power plant staffs will
not affect the social service.

8 Social bodies D D D D D D D D Pre-construction period: - The site is a developed

including area for the existing power plant and impact on
society-related society-related capitals and social organizations that
capitals and make local decisions will not occur.
social Construction period, and operation period:
that make local Any factors which may cause impact on social
decisions bodies including society-related capitals and local
decision-making organization is not assumed.

9 Unfair D B D B D B D B Pre-construction period:

distribution of - The site is a developed area for the existing power
damage and plant and unfair distribution of damage and benefit
benefit will not occur.
Construction period and operation period: - If
employment of local people is done through unfair
schemes such as personal connection of the
construction company, benefit may be unfairly

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distributed among local people.

10 Conflict of D B D D D B D D Pre-construction period:

interests within - The site is a developed area for the existing power
the local area plant and conflict of interests within the local area
will not occur.
Construction period:
- Inflows of many workers from other parts of Iran
or foreign countries during construction period may
cause conflict with local workers, if the local
customs are not followed.
Operation period:
- A small inflow of workers from outside the area is
predicted, and conflict with local workers due to
difference in customs should not occur.
11 Cultural D D D D D D D D Construction period and Operation period:
heritage - The site is a developed area for the existing power
plant and the construction site has no precious
historical, cultural, or religious heritage.
12 Landscape D C D C D D D D Construction period and Operation period:
- The site is a developed area for the existing power
plant, and since it was confirmed that the site has
no scenic spots.
13 Gender D D D D D D D D Pre-construction period:
- The site is a developed area for the existing power
plant, and disadvantage for women will not occur.
Construction period, and operation period
No particular impact is expected to take place
regarding gender.

14 Rights of D B D D D B D D Pre-construction period:

children - The site is a developed area for the existing power
plant, and impact on children’s right will not occur.
Construction period:
- Construction work requires a large number of
workers and child labor may increase on the
construction site. It may lead to school
abandonment. Operation period:
- No child workers will be employed for simple
work during operation.
15 HIV/AIDS and D B D D D B D D Construction period:
other infectious - The inflow of workers from other parts of Iran or
diseases foreign countries may induce the spread of
infectious diseases.

Operation period:
- A very small inflow of workers is expected, so the
spread of infectious disease is not expected.
16 Work D B D B D B D B Construction period:
environment - Workers may have accidents during construction
(including labor service.
safety) Operation period:
The labor accidents of workers may occur.
- In the operation phase, works at a high place or

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generating loud noises may cause labor accidents.

1 Accidents D B D B D B D B Construction period:
- Traffic accidents may occur during operation of
Operation period:
- Fire and traffic accidents by operation of facilities
and / or vehicles may occur.

2 Cross-boundary D D D B D D D B Construction period:

Impact and - Although CO2 will be generated during
Climate Change construction, the impact shall be limited to a
temporary period and is highly unlikely to have any
impact across the borders and on climatic change.
Operation period:
- CO2 is produced by the project operation, but a
high-efficiency gas turbine will be installed. The
project emission is 2,896,00 t-CO2/y, and the
reduction of emission is 2,782,527 t-CO2/y as
compared to the baseline emission of the existing
power plants, 5,678,527 t-CO2/y.
Additionally, the total emission from thermal power
generation in Iran based on the year 2015 is about
160 million t-CO2 per year. The estimated emission
from this project is only 1.8% of the total emission,
and the impact is expected to be insignificant.
Note) Categories are classified as follows:
A: There will be a serious impact.
B: There will be a certain impact.
C: The extent of impact will be uncertain. (A further survey will be needed to make the expected
impact clear.)
D: Impact will hardly be expected.
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

6.8 Environmental Management Plan

6.8.1 Implementation System
(1) Construction Phase
At the construction phase, the power generation department of TPPH shall carefully consider all
construction activities with the supervision consultant, and encourage the EPC contractor to
fully understand the necessary mitigation measures and implement them.

In this regard, Project Management Team (PMT) shall be organized prior to the start of
construction and an expert environmental management administrator in the PMT shall be
employed. The unit will discuss and prepare mitigation measures with the supervision
consultant and the EPC contractor prior to the start of construction.

A large inflow of workers is expected once construction begins. The PMT shall also function as
a grievance organization seeking to understand and address any grievances from local people
during the construction phase, and conduct appropriate mitigation measures.

The PMT shall improve the understanding of the surrounding community regarding
construction details, schedule and mitigation measures, and shall obtain local people’s opinions
and correct the mitigation measures as appropriate.

In order to confirm the implementation of environmental management and to consider further

mitigation measures, the contractor should submit regular reports to the supervisory consultant
and the PMT on the implementation status of the management plan.

The administrator of the PMT shall regularly hold explanation sessions with the local
community, continuously listen to their grievances, submit reports to JICA and other relevant
organizations regarding those grievances, as well as the implementation status of environmental
management and environmental monitoring (described hereinafter).

If environmental problems occur due to construction work, the PMT shall confirm the cause
with the contractor as soon as possible.
In order to resolve these problems, the administrator of the PMT shall instruct the contractor and
consultant regarding necessary measures. If the problem is serious, TPPH may order the
contractor to halt construction work until the problem is resolved.

Fig. 6-76 outlines the environmental management and monitoring implementation structure in
accordance with the reporting flow during the construction phase.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
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Final Report


Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig. 6-76 Environmental Management Plan and Monitoring Implementation Structure in
Construction Phase for Power Plant

(2) Operation Phase

The TPPH and power plant are responsible to develop and implement an environmental
management plan that includes mitigation measures. An expert environmental management
administrator in the TPPH and power plant shall be employed to ensure the environmental
management plan is appropriately implemented.

The administrator shall encourage the project staffs to familiarize themselves with the
environmental management plan prior to the start of plant operation, and shall regularly educate
them regarding ongoing matters during the operation phase.

The administrator shall also function as a grievance organization and will strive to understand
and address any grievances from the local people during the operation phase, and conduct
appropriate mitigation measures.

The basic function of the environmental management plan is to closely cooperate with the local
community, and to provide them with sufficient explanations based on positive mitigation
measures, which is very important.

The administrator shall report the contents and implementation status of the environmental
management plan and environmental monitoring plan described below to the director of the
plant and the director of the responsible section, with the director of power plant taking final

The administrator shall regularly provide explanations to the local community, continuously
listen to their grievances, submit reports to JICA and other relevant organizations regarding
those grievances, as well as on the implementation status of environmental management and
environmental monitoring activities (described hereinafter).

Fig. 6-77 outlines the environmental management and monitoring implementation structure in
accordance with the reporting flow during the operation phase.

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Final Report

Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

Fig. 6-77 Environmental Management Plan and Monitoring Implementation Structure in
Operation Phase for the Power Plant

6.8.2 Environmental management plan

Table describes the environmental impact, mitigation measure, responsible organization and
cost for each environmental item in construction and operation phase.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 6-44 Environmental Management Plan (Power Plant)

Sources of Standard of Management Period of Management
No Impact to be Objectives Management Effort Cost
Potential Impact Impact Location Management Institution
Construction Stage
1 Air Pollution 1) Generation of 1)-3) 1) – 3) 1) Dust 1) - 3) 1) - 3) - Implementation: Expenses
fine particles - Ambient air - Prevention of - Generation of dust due to - Construction - During Contractor/ included in
from land quality air pollution in strong wind will be reduced area construction Environmental contract cost by
preparation and standards (Iran) the surrounding with periodic watering (dry phase Consultant TPPH and
other civil - IFC guideline area season) - Supervisor: TPPH/ Contractor
engineering values for - Conduct washing of Supervision
work. ambient air equipment and vehicles Consultant
2) Exhaust gas quality
from construction (General/ 2007) 2) Preventing exhaust gas
machinery and emissions
vehicles used for - Conduct periodical
mobilization of maintenance in the
equipment construction equipment and
3) Soot from field vehicles
burning of waste - Turn off engines on
- Distribute construction
work within schedule
preventing concentration of
work in short periods

3) Prohibit field burning of


2 Water 1) Wastewater 1) - 3) 1) - 3) 1) Installation of a 1) -3) 1) - 3) - Implementation: Expenses

Pollution from concrete - Water quality - Prevention of neutralization tank - Construction - During Contractor/ included in
2) Oily standards (Iran) water pollution 2) Installation of a area construction Environmental contract cost by
wastewater - IFC/WB EHS of the irrigation provisional oil separator phase Consultant TPPH and
3) Wastewater guideline values canal 3) Installation of a septic - Supervisor: TPPH/ Contractor
from the for ambient tank and temporary toilets Supervision
construction site air quality for the workers Consultant
(General/ 2007)
3 Waste 1) General waste 1) – 2) 1)-2) 1) - 2) 1) - 2) During - Implementation: Expenses

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Sources of Standard of Management Period of Management
No Impact to be Objectives Management Effort Cost
Potential Impact Impact Location Management Institution
generated in the - Waste Prevention of - Implement a waste Construction area construction Contractor/ included in
construction management soil and water management and disposal phase Environmental contract cost by
phase regulation pollution, plan including education Consultant TPPH and
(packaging, (official name malodors and of site workers addressing - Supervisor: TPPH/ Contractor
organic, etc.) yet to be hygiene issues waste reduction, recycling Supervision
2) Hazardous included in this and inadequate waste Consultant
waste generated document) disposal.
in the -Litter separation and
construction storage in an appropriate
phase (exhausted place and method.
batteries) -Compliance with
legislation regarding
general waste and
hazardous waste, and
assuring they are
adequately transported and
treated in the facilities
authorized by DOE, as in
the case of the existing

4 Soil pollution Leakage of -Hazardous Prevent soil Conduct the lubricants and Construction area During - Implementation: Expenses
lubricants and material pollution in the oils collection in area construction Contractor/ included in
fuels collected by regulation project site where soil permeation does phase Environmental contract cost by
construction not occur (for examples, a Consultant TPPH and
vehicles and concrete layer covered soil) - Supervisor: TPPH/ Contractor
other Supervision
construction Consultant
5 Noise and 1) Noise and 1)- 2) 1)- 2) 1) Construction machinery 1)- 2) 1)- 2) - Implementation: Expenses
Vibration vibration caused - Noise level - Reduction of - Perform construction - Construction - During Contractor/ included in
by construction standards noise level from work during daytime area construction Environmental contract cost by
machinery - IFC EHS construction - Using low-noise/ low phase Consultant TPPH and
2) Noise caused guideline, noise activities vibration equipment - Supervisor: TPPH/ Contractor

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Sources of Standard of Management Period of Management
No Impact to be Objectives Management Effort Cost
Potential Impact Impact Location Management Institution
by vehicles used level values 2) Mobilization Supervision
for mobilization (General/ 2007) - Limit truck speed Consultant
of equipment 1)- 2)
and workers Periodic checks and regular
maintenance of
construction equipment and
Adjusting schedule so as to
prevent the concentration
of transporting vehicles on
the site
6 Ground Ground water Water intake Prevention of Reduction of water intake Power plant Operation period TPPH/ environmental Expenses
subsidence intake permission lowering of by waste water reuse of the power Consultant included in
groundwater plant contract cost by
level and ground TPPH and
subsidence Contractor
7 Odor Waste from - Waste Prevention of - Education regarding litter Construction area During - Implementation: Expenses
construction site management generation of separation and prohibition construction Contractor/ included in
(domestic waste) regulation malodors of illegal dumping phase Environmental contract cost by
- Organic waste will be Consultant TPPH and
collected and stored in a - Supervisor: TPPH/ Contractor
container with cap to Supervision
prevent odor regarding Consultant
organic waste, recipients
with lids will be installed
on the site and the waste
periodically collected and
disposed of by municipal
waste company
8 Terrestrial 1) Exhaust gas 1) - 2) 1) - 2) 1) - 2) 1)-3) - During - Implementation: Expenses
ecosystem and from construction Same as “1) Air Same as “1) Air Same as “1) Air Pollution” Construction area construction Contractor/ included in
rare species machinery and Pollution” Pollution” 3) phase Environmental contract cost by
vehicles used for 3) 3) Same as “5) Noise and Consultant Contractor and
mobilization of Same as “5) Same as “5) Vibration” - Supervisor: TPPH/ TPPH
equipment Noise and Noise and Supervision

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Sources of Standard of Management Period of Management
No Impact to be Objectives Management Effort Cost
Potential Impact Impact Location Management Institution
2) Noise and Vibration” Vibration” Consultant
vibration from
3) Noise from
transportation of
workers and
9 Hydrology Ground water Water intake Prevention of Minimization of water Construction area Construction - Implementation: Expenses
(ground water) intake permission lowering of intake through water reuse period Contractor/ included in
groundwater Environmental contract cost by
level Consultant Contractor and
- Supervisor: TPPH/ TPPH
10 Local - Employment for - - Activation of - Employ as many local - Construction - During - Implementation: Expenses
economy local residents the local residents as possible area construction Contractor/ included in
including - Local supply economy - Use the services (i.e., phase Environmental contract cost by
employment and machinery - Increase the laundry and catering Consultant Contractor and
and means of standard of services, etc.) and products - Supervisor: TPPH/ TPPH
livelihood living of the offered by the local Supervision
local population community Consultant
11 Water use 1) Groundwater 1) Water intake 1)Prevention of 1) Minimization of water 1)-4) 1)-4) - Implementation: Expenses
intake permission lowering of intake through waste water - Construction - During Contractor/ included in
2) Wastewater 2)- 4) ground water reuse area construction Environmental contract cost by
from concrete Same as “2) level 2)- 4) phase Consultant Contractor and
3) Oily Water 2)-4) Same as “2) Water - Supervisor: TPPH/ TPPH
wastewater Pollution” Minimize the Pollution” Supervision
4) Domestic impact to fishery Consultant
waste water from by preventing
the site workers water pollution
12 Unfair Employment - Promote local - Present employment - Construction - During - Implementation: Expenses
distribution of distribution in the employment and opportunities with clearly area construction Contractor/ included in
damage and area could be avoiding a explained pre-requisites phase Environmental contract cost by
benefit unfair feeling of Consultant Contractor and

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Sources of Standard of Management Period of Management
No Impact to be Objectives Management Effort Cost
Potential Impact Impact Location Management Institution
unfairness - Supervisor: TPPH/ TPPH
within the Supervision
community Consultant
13 Conflicts Conflict between - Cooperation - Employ as many local - Construction - During - Implementation: Expenses
regarding the local with the local residents as possible area and the construction Contractor/ included in
benefits and population and population - Respect local habits and surrounding area phase Environmental contract cost by
damages manpower traditions Consultant Contractor and
within the coming from - Promote cultural - Supervisor: TPPH/ TPPH
region other regions exchange with the local Supervision
population (for instance, Consultant
participating in a local
14 Children’s Potential increase - - Prohibit child - Prohibit labor contracts - Construction - During - Implementation: Expenses
rights in school labor with minors area construction Contractor/ included in
abandonment - Conduct periodical phase Environmental contract cost by
due to child labor inspections regarding child Consultant Contractor and
labor - Supervisor: TPPH/ TPPH
15 Infectious - Temporary - - Consideration - Education and training on - Construction - During - Implementation: Expenses
Diseases such influx of migrant of sanitation of workers’ infectious disease area construction Contractor/ included in
as HIV/AIDS labor during local residents and health care phase Environmental contract cost by
construction may Installation of medical Consultant Contractor and
increase risk of facility and medial staff. - Supervisor: TPPH/ TPPH
infection - Implementation of Supervision
periodic medical check-ups Consultant

16 Work High risk of labor - Work safety - Labor safety - Prepare a manual for - Construction - During - Implementation: Expenses
Conditions accidents in standards and prevention labor accident prevention area construction Contractor/ included in
(Including construction established in of health including safety education phase Environmental contract cost by
Work safety) work: Iran problems and training: Consultant Contractor and
- Handling heavy - EHS - Provide workers with - Supervisor: TPPH/ TPPH
loads Guidelines on appropriate protective Supervision
- Working at the IFC/WB equipment such as a Consultant
heights (General, 2007) helmet, safety boots, safety

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Sources of Standard of Management Period of Management
No Impact to be Objectives Management Effort Cost
Potential Impact Impact Location Management Institution
- High-noise belt, mask, electric shock
work prevention equipment,
earplugs, etc.
- Establish clear signs to
identify the location of
hazardous or toxic material
- Create a “User Manual”
for equipment such as
17 Accidents Traffic accidents - Prevent traffic - Consider adequate traffic Roads During - Implementation: Expenses
accidents rules and timing surrounding the construction Contractor/ included in
- Compliance with local construction area phase Environmental contract cost by
traffic rules and safe Consultant Contractor and
driving training - Supervisor: TPPH/ TPPH
Operational Stage
1 Air Pollution Operation of gas - Gas emission - Prevention of - Introduction of Low NOx - Power plant - During - TPPH/ Expenses of
turbine generates standards (Iran) air pollution in combustion technology to operational Environmental equipment
emissions of - IFC/WB EHS the surrounding reduce the total emission of phase Consultant included in
NOx in case gas guideline area NO2. contract cost by
fuel is used, and emission gas - A continuous emission TPPH and
emission of standard monitoring system (CEMS) Contractor.
SOx, NOx, and (Thermal power will be installed in the duct, Other expenses
PM in case light plant, 2008) and emissions will be included in the
oil is used. -Air quality compared with operation/mainte
standards (Iran) international emissions nance cost of
-Air quality standards and Iran’s TPPH (2%/year
standards of standards of project cost).
al, 2007)
2 Water 1) Oily water 1) - 2) 1)-2) 1) 1) - 2) 1) - 2) - TPPH/ Expenses of
Pollution including rain - IFC/WB EHS - Prevention of - Wastewater will be - Power plant - During Environmental equipment
water guideline marine pollution collected, and its related operational Consultant included in

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Sources of Standard of Management Period of Management
No Impact to be Objectives Management Effort Cost
Potential Impact Impact Location Management Institution
2) domestic effluent neutralization, phase contract cost by
waste water standard(Therm sedimentation and oil TPPH and
al power plant, separation equipment will Contractor.
2008) be installed. Treated Other expenses
-Iran’s effluent wastewater will be included in the
standards periodically checked operation/mainte
- IFC/WB EHS against the IFC/WB EHS nance cost of
guideline standards TPPH (2%/year
domestic 2) of project cost).
wastewater -Wastewater treatment for
standard(Gener domestic water will be
al, 2007) installed. The treated water
will be periodically
checked against IFC/WB
EHS guideline and Iran’s
3 Waste 1) Hazardous 1) - 2) 1) - 2) 1) - 2) 1) - 2) 1) - 2) - TPPH/
waste from - Waste - Prevention of - Implement a waste - Power plant - During Environmental Expenses
wastewater management inadequate management and disposal operational Consultant included in the
treatment regulation waste disposal plan including education of phase operation/mainte
(sludge, oils) site workers addressing nance cost of
2) Domestic waste reduction, recycling TPPH (2%/year
waste from and inadequate waste of project cost)
construction disposal.
workers -Litter separation and
storage in an appropriate
place and method.
-Compliance with
legislation regarding
general waste and
hazardous waste, and
assuring they are
adequately transported and
treated in facilities
authorized by DOE.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Sources of Standard of Management Period of Management
No Impact to be Objectives Management Effort Cost
Potential Impact Impact Location Management Institution

4 Soil pollution Leakage of -Hazardous Prevent soil Conduct the lubricants and Power plant During TPPH/ Environmental Expenses of
lubricants and material pollution in the oils collection in area operational Consultant equipment
fuels used for regulation project site where soil permeation does phase included in
operation of the not occur (for examples, a contract cost by
facilities concrete layer covered soil) TPPH and
Other expenses
included in the
nance cost of
TPPH (2%/year
of project cost).
5 Noise and 1) Noise and 1)-2 1)-2) 1)-2) 1) - 2) 1) - 2) - TPPH/ Expenses of
vibration vibration caused - IFC/WB EHS - Mitigation of - Introduction of low noise - Power plant - During Environmental equipment
by construction Guidelines noise from the type or enclosed type operational Consultant included in
machinery noise level power plant equipment phase contract cost by
2) Noise caused standards -Mitigation of - Maintaining equipment by TPPH and
by vehicles used (General, 2007) vibration from periodical check Contractor.
for mobilization the power plant - Introduction of low Other expenses
of equipment vibration equipment included in the
and workers - Periodical check of operation/mainte
equipment nance cost of
- Reduce vibration by TPPH (2%/year
selecting a solid foundation of project cost).

6 Land Groundwater Water intake Prevention of Reduction of water intake Power plant - TPPH/ Expenses
subsidence intake permission lowering of through waste water reuse Environmental included in the
groundwater Consultant operation/mainte
level and ground nance cost of
subsidence TPPH (2%/year
of project cost).

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Sources of Standard of Management Period of Management
No Impact to be Objectives Management Effort Cost
Potential Impact Impact Location Management Institution
7 Odor Domestic waste - Waste Prevention of - Organic waste will be Power plant - During - TPPH/ Expenses of
from project management malodors collected and stored in a operational Environmental equipment
workers (organic regulation container with cap to phase of the Consultant included in
waste) (official name prevent odor. power plant. contract cost by
yet to be - Prohibit illegal dumping TPPH and
included in this Contractor.
document) Other expenses
included in the
nance cost of
TPPH (2%/year
of project cost).
8 Terrestrial 1) Emissions of 1) Same as “Air 1) Maintain 1) Same as “Air Pollution” 1) - 3) 1) - 3) - TPPH/ Expenses of
ecosystem and SOx, NOx, PM Pollution” conditions for - Power plant - During Environmental equipment
rare species generated from the growth of 2) - 3) operational Consultant included in
the gas turbine 2) - 3) native plant Same as “Noise and phase of the contract cost by
2) Operation of Same as “ Noise 2) - 3) vibration” power plant TPPH and
equipment and vibration” Maintain Contractor.
generating noise conditions for Other expenses
3) Operation of the growth of included in the
equipment native animals operation/mainte
generating nance cost of
vibration TPPH (2%/year
of project cost).

9 Hydrology Ground water Water intake Prevention of Minimization of water Expenses

(ground water) intake permission lowering of intake through water reuse included in the
groundwater operation/mainte
level nance cost of
TPPH (2%/year
of project cost).
10 Local - Employment for - - Activation of - Employ as many local - Villages around - During - TPPH/ Expenses
economy local residents the local residents as possible the site operational Environmental included in the
including - Local supply economy - Use the services (i.e., - Power plant phase of the Consultant operation/mainte
employment and machinery - Increase the laundry and catering power plant nance cost of

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Sources of Standard of Management Period of Management
No Impact to be Objectives Management Effort Cost
Potential Impact Impact Location Management Institution
and means of standard of services, etc.) and products TPPH (2%/year
livelihood living of the offered by the local of project cost).
local population community
11 Water Use 1) Plant 1) Water intake 1) Prevention of 1) Minimization of water 1)-3) Power plant 1) - 3) - TPPH/ Expenses
wastewater permission lowering of intake by waste water reuse - During Environmental included in the
2) Oily water and 2)- 3) ground water 2)- 3) operational Consultant operation/mainte
rain water Same as “Water level Same as “2) Water phase nance cost of
3) Wastewater Pollution” 2)-3) Pollution” TPPH (2%/year
from the Minimize the of project cost).
construction site impact to water
quality ofthe
irrigation canal
by preventing
water pollution
12 Unfair Employment - Promote local - Present employment - Power plant - During - TPPH/ Expenses
distribution of distribution in the employment and opportunities with clearly operational Environmental included in the
damage and area could be avoiding a explained pre-requisites phase Consultant operation/mainte
benefit unfair. feeling of nance cost of
unfairness TPPH (2%/year
within the of project cost).
13 Work Labor accidents - Occupational - Labor safety - Prepare a manual for - Power plant - During - TPPH/ Expenses
Conditions involving: standards and prevention labor accident prevention operational Environmental included in the
(including established in of health including safety education phase Consultant operation/mainte
work safety) Working at Iran problems and training: nance cost of
heights - IFC/WB EHS -- Provide workers with TPPH (2%/year
- High-noise Guidelines(Gen appropriate protective of project cost).
work eral, 2007) equipment such as a
helmet, safety boots, safety
belt, mask, electric shock
prevention equipment,
earplugs, etc.

- Establish clear signs to

identify the location of

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Sources of Standard of Management Period of Management
No Impact to be Objectives Management Effort Cost
Potential Impact Impact Location Management Institution
hazardous or toxic material

14 Accidents 1) Fire 1) Fire 1) Fire 1) 1) - 2) - TPPH/ Expenses

2) Traffic prevention and - Implement plan to prevent Power plant During Environmental included in the
accidents fire oil leakages 2) Roads operational Consultant operation/mainte
(especially at extinguishing - Installation of fire surrounding the phase nance cost of
periodic 2) Prevention of extinguishers power plant TPPH (2%/year
inspections) traffic accidents - Installation of fire alarm of project cost).
- Establishment of fire
brigade and training

2) Traffic accidents
- Investigate adequate
traffic rules and timing
- Education to promote safe

15 Transboundar CO2 emissions Amount of CO2 Reduction of Utilization of Power plant During - TPPH/ Expenses of
y effects and emissions CO2 emissions high-efficiency gas turbine operational Environmental equipment
climate per kW phase of the Consultant included in
change power plant contract cost by
TPPH and
Other expenses
included in the
nance cost of
TPPH (2%/year
of project cost).
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

6.9 Environmental Monitoring Plan

An Environmental Monitoring Plan will be prepared to provide guidelines for environmental
management plan during construction and operation of the power plant.

The environmental components that will be monitored are those which will be negatively
affected by the construction activities and to determine that the effectiveness of mitigation
measures should be confirmed.

Environmental management is a sustainable way of planning, arranging, supervising, organizing,

and developing the environment for the maintenance of the preservation of natural resources
and the prevention or reduction of damage to the environment.

The major environmental impact, monitoring method, responsible organizations, and expenses
for each environmental item in the construction and operation phases for the power plant are
listed in Table 6-45.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 6-45 Environmental Monitoring Plan (Power plant)

Monitoring Method
Method of
No Impact to be Monitored Parameter Duration and Responsible Organization Cost
Collecting and Location
Monitored Frequency
Analyzing Data
Construction Phase
1 Air pollution, Air quality of the surrounding area Analyzing air Air quality of -Once (1 week) - Implementation: Expenses included in cost by
terrestrial - PM10, SO2, NO2 quality the surrounding in period where Contractor/ TPPH and contract cost by the
ecosystem and - Ambient air quality standard of area construction Environmental Consultant Contractor.
precious species Iran - 1 point: activity - Supervisor: TPPH/ Measurement of air
- IFC/WB EHS guideline, ambient Residential area becomes Supervision Consultant quality:6,000USD
air quality standard (General/ 2007) in the north of maximum
the power plant
2 Water pollution -Quality of discharged water (TSS, - Evaluation of -Discharged -Discharged - Implementation: Expenses included in cost by
pH, Oil, BOD, Coliforms, etc.) effect of the water water Contractor/ TPPH and contract cost by the
- Iran Wastewater discharge mitigation measure - 1 point: - at the timing Environmental Consultant Contractor.
standards and ambient water quality of water pollution of discharge - Supervisor: TPPH/ Measurement of water
standard Supervision Consultant quality:2,000USD
- IFC/WB EHS guideline,
wastewater standard (Thermal
Power/ 2008)

3 Waste, Odor - Type and volume of waste as well - Record of type and - Contractor’s - Continuously - Implementation: Expenses included in cost by
as disposal method volume of waste as office Contractor/ TPPH and contract cost by the
- Waste management regulation well as disposal Environmental Consultant Contractor.
method - Supervisor: TPPH/
Supervision Consultant
4 Soil - Management record of oil and - Record of type and Contractor’s - Continuously - Implementation: Expenses included in cost by
contamination chemical substances. volume of waste as office Contractor/ TPPH and contract cost by the
・Leakage accident well as disposal Environmental Consultant Contractor.
method - Supervisor: TPPH/
Supervision Consultant
5 Noise and Noise level - Measurement - 5 points: On -Once (one - Implementation: Expenses included in cost by
Vibration - Noise standards using noise level the border of the week) in period Contractor/ TPPH and contract cost by the
- IFC/WB EHS guideline, noise meter site (4 points ), where Environmental Consultant Contractor.
level standard the residential construction - Supervisor: TPPH/
(General/2007)) area near the activity Supervision Consultant Measurement of noise

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Monitoring Method
Method of
No Impact to be Monitored Parameter Duration and Responsible Organization Cost
Collecting and Location
Monitored Frequency
Analyzing Data
power plant (1 becomes level:5,000USD/year
point) maximum
6 Ground Groundwater level of the well Measurement of 7 points at the Regularly. Implementation: Expenses included in cost by
subsidence, groundwater level existing wells Contractor/ TPPH and contract cost by the
hydrology, Environmental Consultant Contractor.
water use - Supervisor: TPPH/
Supervision Consultant
7 Terrestrial -Land modification -Record of precious -The project site -Regularly. -Implementation: Expenses included in cost by
ecosystem and -Generation of air pollution, noise species of reptile. and the Contractor/ TPPH and contract cost by the
precious species and vibration. surrounding Environmental Consultant Contractor.
area. - Supervisor: TPPH/
Supervision Consultant
8 Local economy -Number of workers employed from -Information from -Contractor’s - Continuously Implementation: Expenses included in cost by
including the local area and the number of the the relevant office Contractor/ TPPH and contract cost by the
employment subcontractor in the local area. organizations -Construction Environmental Consultant Contractor.
and means of -Interview with the area - Supervisor: TPPH/
livelihood, local people Supervision Consultant
distribution of
loss and benefit,
Conflict of
interests within
the local area
9 Rights of Existence of child labor Confirmation of the -Contractor’s - Continuously - Implementation: Expenses included in cost by
children work contract of the office Contractor/ TPPH and contract cost by the
subcontractor -Construction Environmental Consultant Contractor.
Record of regular area - Supervisor: TPPH/
patrol Supervision Consultant
10 HIV/AIDS and -Record of training -Record of training -Contractor’s - Continuously - Implementation: Expenses included in cost by
other infectious -Record of health check -Record of health office Contractor/ TPPH and contract cost by the
diseases -Record of medical treatment check Environmental Consultant Contractor.
- Supervisor: TPPH/
Supervision Consultant
11 Work Record of accidents - Record of - Contractor’s - Continuously - Implementation: Expenses included in cost by
Environment - Handling heavy loads accidents office Contractor/ TPPH and contract cost by the

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Monitoring Method
Method of
No Impact to be Monitored Parameter Duration and Responsible Organization Cost
Collecting and Location
Monitored Frequency
Analyzing Data
(Including Work - Working at heights Environmental Consultant Contractor.
Safety) - Electric shock - Supervisor: TPPH/
Supervision Consultant
12 Accident -Record of accidents -Record of - Contractor’s - Continuously - Implementation: Expenses included in cost by
-Driving of vehicles accidents office Contractor/ TPPH and contract cost by the
Environmental Consultant Contractor.
- Supervisor: TPPH/
Supervision Consultant
Operation Stage
1 Air pollution, 1)Exhaust gas 1) Exhaust gas 1) Stack outlet 1) Continuous - TPPH/ Environmental - CEMS
terrestrial SOx, NOx, PM - CEMS measurement of Consultant Expense of CEMS installation
ecosystem and - Emission gas standards of Iran (Continuous 2) 5 points in gas emission included in cost by TPPH and
precious species - IFC/WB EHS guideline, emission Emission the surrounding contract cost by the Contractor.
gas standard(Thermal power plant/ Monitoring System) residential area 2) 4 times a year
2008) (based on the (24 hours, one Management and measurement
2) Ambient air prediction result week) for the of CEMS included in the
2)Ambient air of the area :SO2, NO2, quality analysis and according to first 3 years of operation/maintenance cost of
PM10 the operation TPPH (2%/year of project cost).
- Ambient air quality standards of measurement
Iran points of the Air quality
- IFC/WB EHS guideline, e current air measurement:40,000USD$/year
Ambient air quality standards quality survey)
(General / 2007)

2 Water pollution -Quality of discharged water (TSS, - Evaluation of 1) Discharged 1) Discharged - TPPH/ Environmental Water quality
pH, Oil, BOD, Coliforms, etc.) effect of the water water Consultant measurement:8,000USD$/year
- Wastewater discharge standards of mitigation measure - 1 point: outlet -4 times a year
Iran of water pollution point of
- IFC/WB EHS Guideline, wastewater
wastewater standard (Thermal treatment plant
Power plant, 2008)
3 Waste, odor - Type and volume of waste as well - Record of type and - Power plant - Continuously - TPPH Expenses included in the
as disposal method volume of waste as office operation/maintenance cost of
- Waste management regulation well as disposal TPPH (2%/year of project cost).

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Monitoring Method
Method of
No Impact to be Monitored Parameter Duration and Responsible Organization Cost
Collecting and Location
Monitored Frequency
Analyzing Data
4 Soil - Management record of oil and - Record of type and - Power plant - Continuously - TPPH Expenses included in the
contamination chemical substances. volume of waste as office operation/maintenance cost of
・Leakage accident well as disposal TPPH (2%/year of project cost).
5 Noise and Noise level - Measurement - 5points: On -Four times a - TPPH/ Environmental Noise level
Vibration - Noise standards using noise level the border of the year Consultant measurement:20,000USD$/year
- IFC/WB EHS guideline, noise meter site (4 points
level standard added to the
(General/2007)) existing
facility), one
(residential area
near the power
6 Ground Groundwater level of the well Measurement of 7 points at the Regularly Implementation: Expenses included in the
subsidence, groundwater level existing wells Contractor/ operation/maintenance cost of
hydrology, Environmental Consultant TPPH (2%/year of project cost).
water use - Supervisor: TPPH/
Supervision Consultant
7 Terrestrial -Generation of air pollution, noise -Record of precious -The project site -Regularly. -TPPH Expenses included in the
ecosystem and and vibration. species of reptile. and the operation/maintenance cost of
precious species surrounding TPPH (2%/year of project cost).
8 Local economy -Number of workers employed from -Record of -Power plant - Continuously - TPPH Expenses included in the
including the local area employment office operation/maintenance cost of
employment TPPH (2%/year of project cost).
and means of
distribution of
loss and benefit
9 Work - Labor accidents - Record of -Power plant - Continuously - TPPH Expenses included in the
Environment - Handling heavy loads accidents operation/maintenance cost of
(Including Work - Working at heights TPPH (2%/year of project cost).

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Monitoring Method
Method of
No Impact to be Monitored Parameter Duration and Responsible Organization Cost
Collecting and Location
Monitored Frequency
Analyzing Data
Safety) - Electric shocks
10 Accident -Record of fire accidents -Record of - Power plant - Continuously - TPPH Expenses included in the
accidents office operation/maintenance cost of
TPPH (2%/year of project cost).
11 Transboundary - Amount of CO2 emissions - Calculation of - Power plant - Once a year - TPPH Expenses included in the
effects and CO2 emission based office operation/maintenance cost of
climate change on the fuel TPPH (2%/year of project cost).
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

6.10 Stakeholder Meeting

6.10.1 Scoping phase
The assumed range of impact of the project such as air pollution and noise is within the radius
of 2 to 3 kilometers in construction phase. Also in the operation phase, the noise level is
predicted to be sufficiently low within this range, the area of the maximum concentration in
ambient air is expected to be within the range of 10 kilometer radius, and all other impacts of
the project are expected to be limited within this range as well.
In this regard, the outline of the project was explained in advance to the relevant organizations
and the leaders of each district within the area described above and invitation letters were sent.
The summary of the explanation was distributed in advance to the leaders and the local residents
were asked for participation.

The timing of holding each stakeholder meeting, the target participants, explanation contents
and the outline of Q & A at the time of scoping are shown in Table 6-46 and Table 6-47.

The staffs of the environmental department in the surrounding municipality and the settlement
leaders were concerned about the impact of water consumption and the air pollution in the
surrounding residents and agriculture. Concerning the adaption of forced-draft cooling tower
system and air quality, increase of investigation points to 5 points at different times was an
important issue.

Table 6-46 Overview of the Stakeholder Meetings

Date and time July 17, 2017
Place(plan) Meeting room in Shahid Rajaee Power Plant
Object participants Leaders of the settlement (4), local municipal officials
in the environmental department and officials of the
relevant governmental organization (DOE)(10), Local
residents(3:including university professor in
environmental science)
Contents of ・Project overview
explanation ・Draft scoping
・Survey items and method, evaluation method, etc
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

Table 6-47 Main questions, opinions and answers at the First Stakeholder Meeting
Questions/opinions(speaker) Answer
It is necessary to thoroughly examine whether the future In Qazvin province, the growth rate of electricity demand is
environmental pollution and water consumption will be about 10% per year. This project will reduce pollutant
reduced with the latest generation equipment. ( local emissions per kwh. (TPPH)
municipal officials in the environmental department)
I would like to know whether renewable energy is a Regarding the power generation facility of this capacity,
better choice or not for this scale of generation capacity. the stability is the most important in view of voltage of
(Local resident) transmission line net and others, and I am confirmed that
this project is the best choice. (TPPH)
What about the employment creation and impact on For non-experts, we are planning to employ local people as
agriculture?(Settlement leader) much as possible.
Regarding the impact of agriculture, we believe that there
will be no impact as long as the standards and guidelines of
the Environment Bureau are met. (TPPH)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

What kind of technology transfer is there due to the This is an issue to be considered, and for construction, we
construction of the gas turbine (local resident) are planning to employ 30% of the staff locally. (TPPH)
In order to make effective use of the results of the We will consider the opinion. (TPPH)
simulation, I propose to measure the air quality at
different times at around 5 points.(environmental expert
in University )
How much water consumption is expected in the new 280m3 per day will be consumed in the plan. Installation of
power plant? We are concerned about the impact. the forced draft air-cooled cooling tower will be examined.
(municipal water office) (TPPH)
How much MW will be distributed to Qazvin province? This issue will be discussed by the relevant organization.
(municipal officer in the relevant department) (TPPH)
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

6.10.2 Questionnaire survey

In the EIA procedure in Iran, information disclosure and stakeholder’s meeting are not
conducted. The first stakeholder meeting was mainly attended by the municipal officers and
leaders of the settlement, with little participant from the general inhabitants, and no women

The participation of the general inhabitants and women to the stakeholder’s meeting is difficult
due to the religious and customary situation in this area, and for this reason, the questionnaire
was conducted with the aim of collecting as much as possible the opinions of female residents
and ordinary people.
10 villages around the power station were selected and a questionnaire survey was conducted
with 2 men and 2 women from each village.

The implementation of the questionnaire had to be conducted upon prior consultation with the
leader of each settlement, which was difficult in certain cases. The survey could be actually
conducted for male and female among general inhabitants in 10 villages, respectively. Among
them, the questionnaire was conducted in 9 villages for both man and women whereas it could
be conducted for either men or women in 2 villages.

The implementation period and the target village of the survey are shown in Table 6-48 and Fig.
Table 6-48 Implementation schedule of questionnaire survey

Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
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Final Report

Source: obtained from Google Earth and prepared by Study Team

Fig. 6-78 Villages targets of questionnaire survey

The survey was conducted using questionnaire form to collect data including occupation, age,
education history, electricity and fuel use situation, water use, main diseases, medical
institutions, problem awareness about pollution, income, expenditure, opinions on the existing
power plant and new power plant.

According to the results of the questionnaire survey from the residents, regarding the current
environmental situation, dust in the air is the issue of concern, which represents the
characteristics of the area with little precipitation and sand dust frequently occurs in strong

Both males and females who were the subject of the questionnaire survey had mainly the
following opinions about the implementation of this project at the existing power station.
·The existing power plants should be updated against contamination with the latest technology.
·The local labor force should be utilized during construction and operation.

6.10.3 EIA preparation phase

In the area around the project site, important information is conveyed through spoken
communication from the settlement leader to the general residents. In this regard, prior to the
second stakeholder meeting, the outline of the project will be explained to the relevant
organization and the leader of the settlement so that the general people including women can
learn the necessary information and are encouraged to participate to the stakeholder meeting.
The EIA summary material will be disclosed on the TPPH web site for a certain period of time
and opinions will be invited.
Table 6-49 and Table 6-50 show the outline of the stakeholder meeting at EIA preparation
including the time of meeting, the object persons, contents of explanation and the main
questions and answers.
15 people were invited including the personnel of the environmental department in the
surrounding municipality and residents including women. A general understanding was obtained
on that the project relates to the most advanced combined cycle power plant which enables
smaller water consumption and low environmental load on ambient air, and no particular

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

objection was shown from the participants.

Table 6-49 Overview of the implementation of the second stakeholder meeting

Date July 4, 2018
Place(plan) Shahid Rajee Power Plant meeting room
Participants Community leader(2), department of the
environment personnels of the surrounding
(DOE)and related organizations
( 5 )、 local residents ( 15, including 8
Content of Explanation of the attached document-2 in
explanation local language(Persian)
・Project overview (water use, fuel use, etc)
・Survey result(air quality, noise, ground
water, etc)
・Estimation result(air quality, noise, ground
water, etc)
・Mitigation measures, monitoring plan
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 6-50 Main questions, opinions and answers at the second stakeholder meeting
Questions and opinions(speaker) Answer
The power generation of Qazvin State in the The total power generation needs in Iran will reach
average is more than 5 times the power at least 120 thousand MW by 2025.
consumption of Qazvin State. At the peak period, The request from the State of Iran for cooperation
the power generation is more than twice of the from Japan is to construct a new J class power
power consumption of Qazvin State. plant with high technology and to modernize the
Qazvin profits from good wind power, and it present power plant, and construction of wind
would be more favorable to abandon the old power or solar power plant is not included.
power plant within 5 to 15 years and construct a (TPPH)
new wind power plant.
I think it is better to convert the cost for
contrition of the combined cycle into
construction of the wind power station which
may solve many environmental problems.
In order to maintain (secure) the power source At present, the government is presenting private
and voltage, the power plants should be sector investors with the construction of combined
distributed over the country. Why is additional power plants, the construction of distributed power
investment planned in the power development in plants, and the construction of wind power plants.
Qazvin State? (administrative department of the The maximum output of a wind power station is 8
municipality) hours a day, and it is necessary to secure stable
power production means for the remaining 16
hours, and also there is a need from the production
department for a power station to generate
permanent electricity.
It should be noted that renewable energies are also
not completely free from environmental impact.
Power stations require a large land and significant
land modifications. Shahid Rajaee power station
occupies only 350 hectares of area. The
construction of renewable power stations in some
countries aims at the reduction of fossil fuels, but
Iran has a large amount of gas production, and it is
necessary to utilize such energy.
Will Japan continuously cooperate with Iran in The situation in the world is changing, but we need
this project? (administrative department of the to cooperate with Japan for the implementation of
municipality) the project.
I wish the employment of the local people for It is necessary to acquire experience, training and
construction and operation of the facility specialized learning for employment at the power
(resident, women) station. People who want to learn are invited to the
training course, and after the end of the training
course, they can take the employment test at the
Ministry of Energy.
We plan to hire 30% of the planned employment
from the local area.
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

6.11 Confirmation on the Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan (LARAP)

(1) Power plant site

The project site is located in the site of the existing power plant and in an area where land
preparation has already been completed; therefore, land acquisition will not occur.

There is no house within the site and the nearest residential area is a small village located about
1.5 km to its north and there is no residential area nearer to the power plant. Consequently,
resettlement will not occur.

(2) Associated facility site

The electricity generated by this project is planned to be transmitted using the existing 400 kV
transmission line and new transmission line will not be constructed.

Fuel to be used for power generation will be supplied from the gas pressure reducing facilities
outside the site currently in use for the existing power plant through a new pipeline to be
installed in the existing pipeline installation area in the site.

Also, gas oil will be supplied from the gas oil tank installed for the existing power plant via a
pipeline planned to be newly constructed within the site. In consequence, additional land
acquisition and resettlement of the local residents will not occur.

6.12 Considerations on the Schedule for Obtaining the Environmental

Regarding the EIA approval schedule, risk assessment is considered an important item, and a
detailed safety analysis method, which is normally not required in the EIA in other countries, is
required for the gas supply facility and the incineration facility, which are not a subject in the
F/S report by the Study Team. In this regard, an additional period for implementing risk
assessment will be necessary based on F/S report by employing a consultant. In consequence,
TPPH considers that it will take approximately one year for obtaining the approval from DOE
after receiving F/S report from the Study Team.

The EIA report will be disclosed in Persian language at the state and provincial DOE.

During the construction and operation, licensing other than EIA is not required, but the approval
by TPPH is necessary for the monitoring results during construction and operation submitted
from TPPH in relation to the EIA. The results of the monitoring are published at the local DOE.

In concrete, the monitoring reports during construction and operation phase (including working
safety report) will be submitted every month to DOE, and will be examined by the monitoring
committee consisting of DOE and TPPH every three months.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

6.13 Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Reductions

6.13.1 Methodology
This project is identified as a climate change mitigation project, and its mitigation effect was
calculated in reference to “JICA Climate-FIT (Mitigation) Climate Finance Impact Tool for
Mitigation, 2011”. The calculation method for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction is
shown below (Fig. 6-79).

ERy: GHG emission reduction in year y achieved by project (t-CO2/y)

BEy: GHG emission in year y with low-efficiency power generator (t-CO2/y) (Baseline
PEy: GHG emission in year y after efficiency improvement (t-CO2/y)
(Project emission)

Source: JICA Climate-FIT (Mitigation) Climate Finance Impact Tool for Mitigation, 2011
Fig. 6-79 Images of Emissions Reductions

(1) Baseline emission

Since the amount of power output in the grid before the start of the project is supposed not
changed after the completion of the project, the power output reduced by the existing power
plant shall be equivalent to the power out generated by the new power plant.


BEy: Baseline emission (GHG emission with low-efficiency existing power plants),
EGBLy: Reduction of net electrical output by the existing power plants, which shall
be equivalent to the power output of new power plant EGPJy, (MWh/y)
EFBLy: CO2 emission factor of the electricity for the low-efficiency power plant,

There are three options for calculations of baseline emission coefficient (t-CO2/MWh)

Option 1 : the build margin emission coefficient (t-CO2/MWh)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Option 2 : the combined margin emission coefficient (using a 50/50 operating

margin/build margin weight)
Option 3 : emission coefficient (t-CO2/MWh) identified as the most likely baseline

The images of operating margin (OM) and build margin (BM) emissions coefficient are
shown in Fig. 6-80.

Source: http://gec.jp/gec/jp/Activities/cdm_meth/pACM0002-old-080414.pdf
Fig. 6-80 Images of OM and BM

(2) Project emission

Project emission shall be determined by multiplying the net power output produced by the
new power plant and the CO2 emission factor of electricity for the new power plants.


PEPJ,y: Project emission (GHG emission after project activity (t-CO2/y))
EGPJ,y: Yearly electricity generating capacity after the project (transmission end
efficiency) (MWh/y)
EFPJ,y: CO2 emission coefficient of electricity generation (t-CO2/MWh)

6.13.2 Calculation of project CO2 emission factor of electricity: EFPJy

CO2 emission coefficient of electricity for the new power plant is calculated using the
planned data of CO2 emission factor of fuel and generation efficiency and power output for
the new power plant before the project starts, and the measured data shall be used after the
project is completed.
CO2 emission factor of fuel “i” shall be the same as of the baseline, since the fuel properties
are the same for the both cases.

EFPJ,y = {COEFi / (ηPJ,y/100) }x 0.0036

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

EFPJy: Project CO2 emission factor of electricity, (t-CO2/MWh)
COEFi: CO2 emission coefficient of fuel “i” per calorific value, (t-CO2/TJ)
ηPJ,y: Planned value of generation efficiency after improvement, (%)
0.0036: Conversion factor of electric energy (megawatt hour) to thermal energy
(tera-jule), (TJ/MWh)

6.13.3 Estimation of effect of greenhouse gas emissions reductions

(1) Baseline emission

IGES (Institute for Global Environmental Strategies) of Japan provides three emission
factors as below for Iran.

Table 6-51 Grid CO2 Emission Factors in Iran

Margin Unit Average
Combined Margin (CM) t-CO2/ MWh 0.669
Operation Margin (OM) t-CO2/ MWh 0.692
Build Margin (BM) t-CO2/ MWh 0.646
Source: http://pub.iges.or.jp/modules/envirolib/view.php?docid=2136

Since not only combined cycle power plants but also conventional thermal power plants
are programmed for the future plan in Iran, using combined margin (CM) as baseline
emission seems to be more conservative and appropriate than using build margin (BM).
Therefore, we adopt here combined margin (CM) as baseline emission factor.

Baseline Emission Coefficient: 0.669 (t-CO2/ MWh)

(2) Project emission

Regarding Shahid Rajaee GTCC, the CO2 emission factor of fuel i: COEFi and CO2
emission factor of electricity: EFPJ,y can be calculated using the same equations as for the
old power plants by only changing the figure of generation efficiency from Table 6-51. The
results are as shown in Table 6-52.

Table 6-52 Calculation of CO2 emission coefficients for Shahid Rajaee Project
Item Unit Value Remarks
Total power generation MW 1,117.6 558.8MW×2
Gas turbine MW 766.8 383.4×2
Steam turbine MW 350.8 175.4×2
Capacity factor(CF) % 86.7
Higher heating value, HHV kJ/kg 50,370
Lower heating value, LHV kJ/kg 45,370
Carbon content in fuel, C% weight% 68.90
CO2 emission coefficient of fuel, COEFi t-CO2/TJ 55.64 Note-1)
Net generation efficiency of new power
% 58.7
plant, ηPJ/y

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Item Unit Value Remarks

Conversion factor of electric energy
(megawatt hour) to thermal energy TJ/MWh 0.0036
CO2 emission coefficient of electricity
t-CO2/MWh 0.3412 Note-2)
generation, EFPJ,y
1) CO2 emission factor of fuel i,
COEFi = (C%/100) / LHV x (44.01/12.011) x 106
2) CO2 emission factor of electricity, EFPJ,y={COEFi / (ηPJy / 100)} x 0.0036
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

(3) Trial calculation of GHG reduction

Table 6-53shows a trial calculation result of CO2 emission reduction of the project based on
the expected performance data for the combined cycle plant The baseline emission BEy is
5,678,527 t-CO2/y, and the project mission PEy is 2,896,00 t-CO2/y, and consequently the
reduction of emission is 2,782,527 t-CO2/y.

Table 6-53 Production and CO2 Emission by Shahid Rajaee GTCC

Item Unit Value Remarks
Gross power output of GTCC MW 1,117.6
Gross thermal efficiency % 58.7
Capacity factor % 86.7 CF
Electricity generation MWh 8,488,082 MWx8760x(CF/100)
Annual CO2 emission ton 2,896,000 Fx8760*(CF/100)x(C%/100)
Baseline CO2 emission factor
ton/MWh 0.669
of electricity
Project CO2 emission factor of
ton/MWh 0.341
Baseline emission, BEy t-CO2/y 5,678,527
Project emission, PEy t-CO2/y 2,896,000
Reduction of emission, t-CO2/y 2,782,527
Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

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Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

6.14 Others
6.14.1 The checklist
Table 6-54 shows environmental checklist for the power plant.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Table 6-54 Environmental Checklist (Power plant)

Environmental Yes: Y Confirmation of Environmental Considerations
Category Main Check Items
Item No: N (Reasons, Mitigation Measures)
(a) Have EIA reports been already prepared (a) N (a)
in official process? - for the construction of a new power plant over 100MW, the preparation of the EIA
is required .
(b) Have EIA reports been approved by (b)N (b)
authorities of the host country's - The EIA report shall be examined by Qazvin Province Environmental Department
government? and the Department of Environment (DOE) for approval.
(c) N (c)
(1) EIA and
(c) Have EIA reports been unconditionally - Draft EIA is currently under preparation, and waiting for the formal procedure.
approved? If conditions are imposed on the (d)
approval of EIA reports, are the conditions - There is not any environmental permit other than EIA that need to be acquired by
satisfied? (d) N the project proponent.
(d) In addition to the above approvals, have
other required environmental permits been
obtained from the appropriate regulatory
1 Permits
authorities of the host country's
(a) Have contents of the project and the (a)N (a)
potential impacts been adequately explained Although the EIA regulation of Iran does not include regulation on the information
to the Local stakeholders based on disclosure and explanation to the local people, the stakeholder meeting was held
appropriate procedures, including according to JICA guidelines at the scoping phase and the EIA phase, with the
information disclosure? Is an understanding (b)N participation of the leader and inhabitants of the nearby settlement, the
obtained from the Local stakeholders? administrative officer of Qazvin province, based on the disclosed information
(2) Explanation to
(b) Have the comment from the stakeholders regarding the overview of the project, alternatives, environmental impact
the Local
(such as local residents) been reflected to the assessment, the summary of the environmental management plan.
project design?
(b)- In view of the suggestion raised at the stakeholder meeting regarding the
consideration of the possibility of reduction of groundwater use, forced-draft
cooling fan system is selected in this project which requires less water use. Also,
the project will adopt a state-of-the-art environmental friendly power plant reflecting
the local people’s opinion.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Environmental Yes: Y Confirmation of Environmental Considerations

Category Main Check Items
Item No: N (Reasons, Mitigation Measures)
(a) Have alternative plans of the project (a) Y (a)
(3) Examination of been examined with social and - Alternative plans of the project are being examined in regard to the case of
Alternatives environmental considerations? implementation and non-implementation of this project , new alternative site,
generating system, cooling system of the condenser cooling water.
(a-1) (a-1)Y (a-1)
Do air pollutants including sulfur oxide Gas and light oil will be used as the fuel at the power plant. SOx, NOx, and PM will
(SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NO2) and dust be emitted by the operation of gas turbine.
emitted from the operating power plant The gas turbine adopted in this project is equipped with a low-NOx burner as a
comply with the emission standard of Iran? mitigation measures for reduction of NOx level. In this manner, the emission
concentration of air pollutant in the exhaust gas will meet the emission standard of
Iran or the standard value of IFC/WB EHS guidelines (thermal power plant, 2008).
(a-2) (a-2)N
Is there some area where air pollutant
- Gas and light oil will be used as the fuel at the power plant. SOx, NOx, and PM
emitted from the power plant does not
will be emitted by the operation of gas turbine, causing impact on a broad area.
satisfy the environmental standard of Iran?
According to the field survey conducted by the Survey Team, it was found that the
north side of the proposed power plant site is a high-elevation area; therefore, there
is a possibility that a part of the area may have high concentration of pollutants
2 Pollution (1)Air quality emitted from the stack for a certain period, depending on the wind direction.
Control -Wind speeds exceeding 10m/s are extremely rare, so downwash is not expected to
- Around the stack, there is no building as occurrence of downdraft.
-The maximum concentration at the ground level of pollutants is extremely low
compared to the Iran's standard and IFC/WB guidelines.
- Future maximum concentration at ground level obtained by adding the
contribution by the current power plants and the future contribution of the new
facility is extremely small in increase from the current concentration , except SO2
concentration, and will comply with Iran's standards and the IFC/WB guidelines.
SO2values may slightly increase, but the actual concentration is predicted to be in
accordance with the environmental standard of Iran.

The project uses gas and light oil for fuel, not coal-fired power plant.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Environmental Yes: Y Confirmation of Environmental Considerations

Category Main Check Items
Item No: N (Reasons, Mitigation Measures)

(a-1) (a-1) Y (a-1)

Does waste water from the power plant The power plant uses a steam turbine and cooling water from the condenser will be
including thermal water comply with the reused through forced-draft direct cooling system so that thermal water will not be
effluent water standard of Iran?
Waste water mainly consists of regeneration waste water from demineralization
plant and from Boilers Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG), which are not
large in amount in a normal operation.
Oily drainage wastewater from the condenser and the light oil tank will be generated
accompanying domestic sewage from office and accommodation for staff and rain

(a-2)N The total amount of waste water will be approximately 380m3 per day at the
maximum. Wastewater from water purification system and waste water from the
exhaust heat recovery boiler is treated with neutralization and sedimentation
treatment system and is examined for compliance with waste water quality standards
(b) N/A of Iran and of the IFC/EHS Guideline for thermal power plants (2008). Oily
(2) Water Quality drainage wastewater will be collected in the wastewater treatment system for oil
(a-2) Is there a possibility that in certain area separation to comply with water quality standards of the IFC/EHS Guideline for
the environmental standard of Iran is not (c) Y thermal power plants (2008). Domestic wastewater from worker’s camp is treated in
the septic tank to comply with Iran's standards and IFC/EHS Guideline values
satisfied or high-temperature water area
(general, 2007).
emerges due to water discharge?
All these waste water is discharged into the drainage tank, similar to the existing
(b) In case of coal-fired power plant, does power plant, and reused to the possible extent for greening or other purpose. If the
leachate from coal storage site or coal discharge amount is found to be too large for complete reuse during the regular
disposal site meeti the environmental checkup, the excess water will be discharged into the irrigation canal and may be
standard of Iran? used for agriculture in the surrounding area.
(c) Will any mitigation measure be (a-2)
conducted so as not to contaminate surface With the above-described measures, the area not meeting the environmental
water, soil and groundwater and sea water? standard of Iran is barely expected.

The project uses gas and light oil for fuel, not coal-fired power plant.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Environmental Yes: Y Confirmation of Environmental Considerations

Category Main Check Items
Item No: N (Reasons, Mitigation Measures)
Waste water is treated at the waste water treatment facility so as not to contaminate
surface water, soil and groundwater and sea water.
(a)Is waste generated from the operation of (a)Y (a) Basic mitigation measure is to develop a waste management plan including
the facility, or other waste including coal reduction of waste, promotion of recycling, and education of workers to prevent
ash, plq inappropriate waste disposal.
ster which is a by-product from the flue gas Specifically, paper wastes and iron scraps will be recycled as with the case in the
(3)waste desulfurization appropriately treated and existing facility. Residual food is composted and reused as fertilizer in greening.
disposed of according to the laws and Small amount of sludge and waste oil will be generated from waste water treatment
regulations of Iran? and is recycled, and other hazardous waste including sludge from waste water
treatment, is landfilled within an anti-seepage pit authorized by DOE and built in the
(a) (a)Y (a)
Does the level of noise and vibration meet Future noise level, which is the addition of the current noise level of the existing
the environmental standard of Iran? facility and of the contribution noise level of the project, is almost equal to the
current noise level.
( 4 ) Noise and The noise levels at all the measuring points of boundary and the nearby workplace
vibration comply with the IFC/WB guideline value (industrial area, daytime). Also, the noise
levels at the residential area satisfy the IFC/WB guideline value (residential area,
daytime). Noise-generating equipment will be enclosed as much as possible and low
noise type equipment will be installed. Periodic maintenance of equipment will be

(a)N At the operation stage of the power plant, water will be taken from the authorized
wells used for the existing facility at the maximum rate of 300m3 per day . Water
intake will be conducted within the range of permission and will be minimized
(5) Ground through water reuse.
subsidence The lowering of water level in the existing wells and land subsidence in the
surrounding area of the site are not observed. The monitoring of ground water level
will be continuously conducted .

(a) Is there a source of bad odor? Is any (a)Y In case domestic waste of the workers is not appropriately treated, it may produce
(6)Odor mitigation measure taken? foul odors. Workers will be strictly instructed to classify and collect garbage and
illegal waste disposal will be prohibited. Garbage will be collected and stored in a

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Environmental Yes: Y Confirmation of Environmental Considerations

Category Main Check Items
Item No: N (Reasons, Mitigation Measures)
covered container and composted on a periodic basis and reused as fertilizer.. These
measures will be taken to minimize the generation of odor.

(a) Is the project site located in protected (a) N (a) The site is not located within a preservation area, nor is there a preservation area
areas designated by the country’s laws or around the site.
(1) Protected Areas international treaties and conventions? Is
there a possibility that the project will affect
the protected areas?
(a) Does the project site encompass primeval (a)N (a) - The site is a developed area for the existing power plant and wild forest,
forests, tropical rain forests, ecologically tropical natural forest, habitat of precious species do not exist.
valuable habitats (e.g., coral reefs,
mangroves, or tidal flats)? (b)N (b)
Only limited terrestrial flora and fauna are inhabited including rodents grasses.
These are commonly observed, broadly-inhabiting species and no precious species
are observed. Consequently, the direct impact of land alteration will be very limited.

3 Natural (c) The land around the project site is bare land or agricultural land, and the
Environment affected biota is not expected to be significant.

(2) Ecosystem (d) Water will be taken from groundwater in the power plant, not from rivers. Rivers
are far from the site and the impact of ground water intake is not predicted.
(b) Does the project site encompass the
protected habitats of endangered species (e)N (e) The power plant uses a steam turbine and cooling water from the condenser will
designated by the country’s laws or be reused through forced-draft cooling fan system so that thermal waste water will
international treaties and conventions? not be discharged.
Water discharged into the irrigation canal will be appropriately treated and no
turbidity and the impact to aquatic organism is predicted.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Environmental Yes: Y Confirmation of Environmental Considerations

Category Main Check Items
Item No: N (Reasons, Mitigation Measures)

(c) If significant ecological impacts are

anticipated, are adequate protection
measures taken to reduce the impacts on the

(d) Are adequate measures taken to Mitigate

the impact of water intake of the
project(surface water, groundwater) to the
aquatic ecosystem of the rivers,etc? Is any
mitigation measure taken against impact on
aquatic organisms?

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Environmental Yes: Y Confirmation of Environmental Considerations

Category Main Check Items
Item No: N (Reasons, Mitigation Measures)

(e) Is there any possibility that the discharge

of thermal effluent, intake of large amount
of cooling water, discharge of leachate
causes impact on the aquatic ecosystem of
the surrounding area?

(a) Is involuntary resettlement caused by (a)N (a) The site is a developed area for the existing power plant and new land acquisition
project implementation? If involuntary and resettlement is not predicted.
resettlement is caused, are efforts made to
minimize the impacts caused by the
resettlement? (b)-(j)N/A (b)-(j) N/A

4 Social
(1) Resettlement
(b) Will an adequate explanation on
compensation and resettlement assistance be
given to affected people prior to
(c) Is the resettlement plan, including
compensation with full replacement costs,
restoration of livelihoods and living
standards developed based on

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Environmental Yes: Y Confirmation of Environmental Considerations

Category Main Check Items
Item No: N (Reasons, Mitigation Measures)
socioeconomic studies on resettlement?
(d) Is compensation going to be paid prior to
the resettlement?
(e) Are the compensation policies prepared
in the document?
(f) Does the resettlement plan pay particular
attention to vulnerable groups or people,
including women, children, the elderly,
people below the poverty line, ethnic
minorities, and indigenous peoples?
(g) Are agreements with the affected people
obtained prior to resettlement?
(h) Is there an organizational framework in
place to properly implement resettlement?
(i) Are any plans developed to monitor the
impacts of resettlement?
(j) Is the grievance redress mechanism
(a) Is there a possibility that the project will (a)N (a) The site is a developed area within the existing power plant site and new land
adversely affect the living conditions of acquisition and resettlement is not predicted.
inhabitants? Are adequate measures
considered to reduce the impacts, if

(2) Living and

Livelihood (b) are the social infrastructure service (b)N (b) - Construction period and operation period:
such as medical treatment facilities, A middle-sized city with 400 to 500 thousand habitants is located near the site, and
schools, traffic roads are well the social infrastructure service such as lodging houses, medical treatment facilities,
established? If not, is there a schools, sewer systems and other infrastructure are well established so that inflow of
construction workers and the power plant staffs will not affect the social service.
preparation plan?
- as increased traffic during construction phase may cause traffic jam, the
(c) Is there any possibility that operation of (c)Y

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Environmental Yes: Y Confirmation of Environmental Considerations

Category Main Check Items
Item No: N (Reasons, Mitigation Measures)
large construction vehicles adversely affect appropriate traffic route and driving schedule, introduction of bus for workers will
the traffic of the surrounding roads? Is there be considered to reduce the number of vehicles. The route and schedule will be
any mitigation measure as necessary? negotiated with the related organizations.

(d) Is there a possibility that diseases, (d)Y -- The inflow of workers from other parts of Iran or foreign countries may induce
including infectious diseases, such as HIV the spread of infectious diseases.
Local people should be recruited as much as possible so as to minimize the risk of
will be brought due to immigration of
infectious diseases being transmitted from external workers.
workers associated with the project? Are Education and training concerning infectious diseases and health for workers,
adequate considerations given to public placement of medical facility and staffs, periodic medical check-ups should be
health, if necessary? conducted.

(e) Fishery is not conducted around the power plant site. Ground water intake by the
project may cause continuous impact on the water use in the surrounding area, but
(e)N mitigation measures will be taken as described in the chapter “Subsidence and
hydrology (ground water)” and the impact of water intake to the groundwater use
will be insignificant.
Water turbidity may affect the water quality of the irrigation canal.
Water pollution will be minimized by mitigation measures cited in “Water pollution”
and its impact on irrigation water is expected to be very limited.

(a) Is there a possibility that the project will (a)N (a)

damage the local archeological, historical, The site is a developed area within the existing power plant site and the construction
cultural, and religious heritage? Are site has no precious historical, cultural, or religious heritage.
(3) Heritage
adequate measures considered to protect
these sites in accordance with the country’s
(a) Is there a possibility that the project will (a) N (a)
adversely affect the local landscape? Are - The site is a developed area within the existing power plant site, and there is no
(4) Landscape
necessary measures taken? scenic sightseeing spots in the surrounding area.

(5) Ethnic (a) Are considerations given to reduce the (a-b) N/A (a)
Minorities and impacts on the culture and lifestyle of ethnic - - The site is a developed area within the existing power plant site and land

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Environmental Yes: Y Confirmation of Environmental Considerations

Category Main Check Items
Item No: N (Reasons, Mitigation Measures)
Indigenous Peoples minorities and indigenous peoples? acquisition and resettlement will not occur.
(b) Are all of the rights of ethnic minorities - The on-site survey shows that the area around the site is not inhabited by ethnic
and indigenous peoples in relation to land minorities.
and resource respected? (b) N/A

(a) Is the project proponent not violating any (a) Y (a)

laws and ordinances associated with the - The project proponent will comply with regulations of Iran regarding labor safety.
working conditions of the country which the
project proponent should observe in the (b)
project? (b) Y - Safety gears including helmet, safety shoes, earplugs and electric shock prevention
(b) Are tangible safety considerations in equipments shall be provided. The storage of hazardous materials shall be marked
place for individuals involved in the project, with a sign board.
such as the installation of safety equipment
which prevents industrial accidents, and
(6) Working management of hazardous materials? (c) Y (c)
Conditions (c) Are intangible measures being planned - The safety and sanitation management plan including safety education and training
and implemented for individuals involved in will be developed and implemented.
the project, such as the establishment of a
safety and health program, and safety
training (including traffic safety and public (d) Y d)
health) for workers etc.? - In the power plant site, appropriately trained security guards will be assigned to
(d) Are appropriate measures taken to ensure protect safety of the project staffs and the local residents.
that security guards involved in the project
not to violate safety of other individuals
involved, or local residents?
(a) Are adequate measures considered to (a) Y (a)
reduce impacts during construction (e.g., <Noise and Vibration>
noise, vibrations, turbid water, dust, exhaust Noise and vibration impact caused by construction activities will be mitigated by
(1) Impacts during managing the construction schedule in order to level out the construction amount
5 Others gases, and wastes)?
Construction and scale. Low noise and vibration equipment will be used as much as possible and
regular maintenance will be conducted. .
Measures for reducing generation of noise and vibration, such as speed reduction of
large vehicles in residential areas, will be taken.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Environmental Yes: Y Confirmation of Environmental Considerations

Category Main Check Items
Item No: N (Reasons, Mitigation Measures)
Construction work shall be conducted in daytime to the possible extent. Considering
the high bearing power of the ground, piling work producing high noise will not be

<Water turbidity>
- The precipitation in Iran is very low and turbid water will not occur.

<Dust/gas emission>
Dust caused by the strong winds in the dry season can be reduced with periodic
watering of the site and road.
- There will be periodic maintenance and management of all construction machinery
and vehicles as a way to reduce dust and exhaust gas discharged from such
(b) If construction activities adversely affect (b) Y
Adjustment of the construction schedule will be considered in advance in order to
the natural environment (ecosystem), are avoid the concentration of machinery and vehicles in one specific period.
adequate measures considered to reduce
impacts? <Waste>
Basically, a waste management and disposal program including education of
workers to encourage reduction and reuse of waste and prevent inappropriate waste
disposal will be developed.
Waste will be collected separately and stored in an appropriate place and method.
Paper wastes and iron scraps will be recycled, and other general wastes will be
appropriately disposed of, as with the case in the existing facility.
(c) Y All of the hazardous waste will be transported to he landfill site authorized by
(c) If construction activities adversely affect DOE and equipped with ground-seepage prevention within the power plant site for
the social environment, are adequate disposal.
measures considered to reduce impacts?

The site is a developed area within the existing power plant site mostly covered with
artificial structures. Only limited terrestrial flora and fauna are inhabited including
rodents grasses. These are commonly observed, broadly-inhabiting species and no
precious species are observed.

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Environmental Yes: Y Confirmation of Environmental Considerations

Category Main Check Items
Item No: N (Reasons, Mitigation Measures)
The construction of Power plant will generate air pollution, noise and vibration, etc.
that may have impact on the behavior of terrestrial ecosystems. Appropriate
mitigation measures will be taken.(c)
- the increased traffic during construction may cause traffic jam. The project
proponent will conduct the traffic control plan including route-setting and operation
Bus for transportation of workers will be operated to minimize traffic and the route
and schedule of operation will be discussed with the relevant organizations.

(a) In case of coal-fired power plant, will the (a)N/A (a) The project relates to the power plant using gas and light oil fuel, not a coal-fired
preventive measure against spontaneous fire plant.
in coal storage prepared (sprinkler, etc)?
(a) Will the proponent develop and (a) Y (a)
implement a monitoring program for the - An Environmental Monitoring Plan will be prepared by the project proponent
items described above that are considered to regarding the environmental items that may be affected. (b)
have potential environmental impacts? - Main monitoring items, method and frequency are as follows;<Air
・Construction phase
-SO2、NO2,PM10are measured at one point in the residential area near
(b) What are the items, methods and (b) Y the power plant, once (1 week) at the peak period of construction
frequencies of the monitoring program? activity.
・Operation phase
(3) Monitoring
SO2、NO2,PM10 are measured at 5 points in the area near the power
plant,4 times a year (1 week) for 3 years.
-SOx、NOx and PM will be continuously monitored on the route of
<Water turbidity>
・Construction phase
- TSS, pH, Oil,BOD are measured at the timing of discharge at the
outlet of the wastewater treatment facility.
・Operation phase
- TSS, pH, Oil ,BOD and coliforms are measured as necessary at the

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Environmental Yes: Y Confirmation of Environmental Considerations

Category Main Check Items
Item No: N (Reasons, Mitigation Measures)
outlet of the wastewater treatment facility.
(c) Will the proponent establish an adequate (c) Y ・Construction phase
monitoring framework (organization, Noise level is measured on the border of the site (4 points ), the
personnel, equipment, and adequate budget residential area nearest the power plant (1 point) once (1 week) at the
to sustain the monitoring framework)? peak period of construction activity.・Operation phase
(d) Are any regulatory requirements (d) Y Noise level will be measured at 4 points on the border the power plant,
pertaining to the monitoring report system one point at the nearest residential area, four times a year as necessary.
identified, such as the format and frequency
of reports from the proponent to the
regulatory authorities?
- The proponent will establish an adequate monitoring framework including
organization, personnel, equipment, and adequate budget to sustain the monitoring
- The project proponent will periodically report implementation status of
environmental management plan and environmental monitoring plan to the relevant
authorities such as JICA and the relevant organization.
(a) Where necessary, pertinent items (a) N/A (a)
described in the Road checklist regarding - The generated electricity is transmitted through the existing transmission facility.
transmission and distribution of electricity (b)N/A (b) No port facility will be installed.
should also be checked (e.g., projects
including installation of electric
Reference to
transmission lines and/or electric
6 Note Checklist of Other
distribution facilities).
(b) Where necessary, pertinent items
described in the Road checklist regarding
port facility should also be checked (e.g.,
projects including installation of port

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Environmental Yes: Y Confirmation of Environmental Considerations

Category Main Check Items
Item No: N (Reasons, Mitigation Measures)

(a) If necessary, the impacts to (a) N (a)

transboundary or global issues should be - CO2 is produced by the project operation, but a high-efficiency gas turbine will be
confirmed, (e.g., the project includes factors installed and CO2 generation per kWh is lower than in the conventional power
Note on Using generation system. As a result of the calculation based on "JICA Climate - FIT:
that may cause problems, such as
Environmental (mitigation) Climate Change Measure Support Tool 2011", the emission reduction
transboundary waste treatment, acid rain, amount is 2,782,527 t - CO 2 / y as compared with the case using Iran 's average
destruction of the ozone layer, or global power generation facility.In this manner, the cross-boundary pollution and impact on
warming). climate change will be insignificant.

Source: prepared by JICA Study Team

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

6.14.2 Monitoring Form

Monitoring items shall be decided based on the sector and the characteristic of the project.
According to this project, monitoring items are as follows.

(1) Construction phase

①Air pollution
<Air quality>
Location: 1 point: Residential area in the north of the power plant
Regulation and guideline: Air quality standard of Iran (Air Pollution Prevention Executive
Regulation (2016), IFC/WB EHS Guideline, General 2007
Concentration Baseline value Air quality
(1hour) standard of IFC/ EHS
Date Item Iran Guideline, Note
Min Max Average General 2007

196 (1 hour) -(1 hour)

395 (24 hour) 125(24 hour) Once (1 week)
200 (1 hour)- 200(1-hour) at the peak of
(24 hour) -(24 hour) construction
- (1 hour) -(1 hour) activity
150 (24 hour) 150(24hour)

②Water pollution
<Waste water>
Location: 1 point: outlet of the waste water treatment facility, outlet of the temporary
sedimentation tank
Regulation and guideline:Effluent standard of Iran (Water Pollution Control Rule (1984)、I),
IFC/WB EHS Guideline (Thermal power plant, 2008)
Measurement date:

Effluent Guideline
Item Unite concentration standard of (Thermal Note
Iran power plant,
pH - 6-8.5 6 –9
TSS mg/L 100 50
Oil & Grease mg/L 10 10
Iron mg/L 3 1
Zinc mg/L 2 1
Cromium mg/L 1 0.5
Chlorine residue mg/L 0.2 0.2
Copper mg/L 0.5 0.5
Lead mg/L 1 0.5
Cadmium mg/L 0.05 0.1
Mercury mg/L Negligible 0.005
Arsenic mg/L 0.1 0.5

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report


Location: Contractor’s office

Regulation: Waste management regulation of Iran
Reporting Date;

Place of Storage amount Disposal amount
Item method and Remark
generated waste (Unit: t or kg) (Unit: t or kg)


Location:5 points: On the border of the site (4 points ), the residential area near the power
plant (1 point)
Regulation:Noise Protection Act (2008)、IFC/WB EHS Guideline (General, 2007)
Measurement date:

Baseline value (Leq) Noise standard of IFC/WB EHS

Noise level Iran
Date Location Guideline Note
(General 2007)
Residential Residential Twice at the peak of
areaDaytime:55 areaDaytime:55 construction activity
Nighttime: 45 Nighttime: 45
Industrial area Industrial area
Site border Daytime: 70 Daytime: 70
Nighttime: 65 Nighttime: 70

Location:7 poins at the existing water intake well
Regulation:Water Intake Permission
Measurement date:

Baseline level (m)

No. of water
Date Groundwater level(m) Note
intake well

4 Regularly

⑥ Terrestrial ecosystem (reptiles)Location:Contractor’s office

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Reporting date:
Survey method: visual observation
Observation Observation
Species Remarks
date and time place
Testudo graeca
Testudo horsfieldii
Eremias pleskei

Location:Contractor’s office
Reporting date:
From other
Item Locals From Iran Remarks
Number of Continuously

⑧Children’s rights
Location:Contractor’s office
Reporting date:
Item number Provision Remark
Child laborer Continuously

⑨ IV/AIDS and other infectious diseases

Total number
Total number
Item of infectious Provision Remark
of diseases
Health check Continuously

⑩Work environment
Location:Contractor’s office
Reporting date:

Inspection Item Contents Status Provision Remarks

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

(2) Operation phase

①Air pollution
<Exhaust gas>
Location:Duct、Continuous emission monitoring systems(CEMS)
Regulations and guidelines:Exhaust Gas Standard of Iran(Standards of Air Pollution arising
from Industries and Workshops (1999)), IFC/WB EHS Guideline (Thermal power plant; 2008)
Fuel IFC/ WB
Exhaust gas standard EHS Guideline
Item Unit Min.-Max. Note
of Iran (Thermal power
plant; 2008)<Gas>
SOx mg/Nm3 200 -

NOX mg/Nm3 300 51

Light oil Continuously

SOx mg/Nm3 150 -

NOx mg/Nm3 200 152

PM mg/Nm3 150 50

Note dry gas base,O2=15%

<Ambient air environment>

Location: 5 points in the residential area around the power plant
Regulation and guideline: Air quality standard of Iran (Air Pollution Prevention Executive
Regulation (2016)),IFC/WB EHS Guideline General; 2007
Measurement Air quality
concentration standard of
(1-hour) Iran IFC/ EHC
Date Item Note
Min Max Average

196 (1 hour) -(1 hour) 4 times a

395 (24 hour) 125(24 hour) year (24
200 (1 hour)- 200(1-hour) hours, one
(24 hour) -(24 hour) week) for
the first 3
- (1 hour) -(1 hour)
PM10 years of
150 (24 hour) 150(24hour)

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

②Water pollution
Location:1 point at the outlet of the water treatment facility Related regulation and guidelines:
Effluent standard of Iran(Decree No. 18/2004), IFC/WB EHS
Guideline (Thermal power plant, 2008)
Measurement date:

Measurement Effluent Guideline
Item Unit Note
concentration standard or Iran (Thermal power
plant, 2008)
pH - 6-8.5 6 –9 4 times a year
TSS mg/L 100 50
Oil & Grease mg/L 10 10
Iron mg/L 3 1
Zinc mg/L 2 1
Cromium mg/L 1 0.5
Chlorine residue mg/L 0.2 0.2
Copper mg/L 0.5 0.5
Lead mg/L 1 0.5
Cadmium mg/L 0.05 0.1
Mercury mg/L Negligible 0.005
Arsenic mg/L 0.1 0.5

Location:Power plant office
Regulation: Waste management regulation of Iran(Decree No. 13/2006)
Reporting date:

Place of Storage amount Disposal amount
Item method and Remark
generated waste (Unit: t or kg) (Unit: t or kg)


Location: 5 points: 4 points at the site boundary, 1 point in the residential area
Regulation: Noise Protection Act (2008)、IFC/WB EHS Guideline(General, 2007)

Noise standard of IFC/WB EHS

Noise level
Date Location Iran Guideline Note
(General 2007)
Residential Residential
areaDaytime:55 areaDaytime:55 Four times a year, in
Nighttime: 45 Nighttime: 45 the first 3 years
Industrial area Industrial area
Site border Daytime: 70 Daytime: 70
Nighttime: 65 Nighttime: 70

The Islamic Republic of Iran
Preparatory Survey on the Shahid Rajaee Power Plant Construction Project
Final Report

Location:7 points at the existing water intake well
Regulation:Water Intake Permission
Measurement date:

No. of water
Date Groundwater level(m) Note
intake well

4 Regularly

⑥ Terrestrial ecosystem (reptiles)Location:Contractor’s office

Reporting date:
Survey method: visual observation
Observation Observation
Species Remarks
date and time place
Testudo graeca
Testudo horsfieldii
Eremias pleskei

Location:Contractor’s office
Reporting date:
From other
Item Locals From Iran Remarks
Number of Continuously

⑧ Work environment
Location:Power plant
Reporting date:

Inspection Item Contents Status Provision Remarks


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