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The key takeaways are that the article looks at the structure of impossible worlds and their deployment in analyzing intentional notions such as conceivability. Impossible worlds can help make sense of what one can conceive, whether possible or impossible.

Modality has been discussed since ancient philosophy, with Aristotle's modal syllogistic and its medieval developments like the doctrine of ampliation. Possible world semantics became prominent in the 20th century and has been applied to areas like meaning, belief, conditionals, and intentionality. Recently, impossible worlds have also been explored.

Possible worlds semantics structures interpretations around a set of worlds X, a relation of relative possibility R, an actual world @, and a valuation function ν that assigns truth values at worlds. The logic that results is normally just modal logic K.

Thinking the Impossible

Graham Priest
City University of New York
University of Melbourne


The article looks at the structure of impossible worlds, and their deployment in
the analysis of some intentional notions. In particular, it is argued that one can, in
fact, conceive anything, whether or not it is impossible. Thus a semantics of con-
ceivability requires impossible worlds.

Keywords: Possible World, Impossible World, Conceivability, David Hume, FDE.

«Possible? Is anything impossible? Read the newspapers».

Arthur Wellesley (Duke of Wellington).1

1. Introduction: The History of Modality

Possibility has been a familiar character in Western philosophy since the incep-
tion of the discipline. Systematic ways of thinking about it are to be found in
both of the first two great periods of logic: Ancient and Medieval. Witness Aris-
totle’s modal syllogistic2 and and its medieval developments, such as the doc-
trine of ampliation, and the notions of sensu composito and sensu diviso.3
The articulation of the notion has taken a very distinctive turn in the third
great (and contemporary) period. Possible-world semantics has come to take
centre stage. And the applicability of these has spread the tentacles of modality
into areas where connections had not before been made, such as meaning, be-
lief, conditionals, and intentionality.4 Of late, we have seen an extension of this
logical technology into the area of impossible worlds, stretching the tentacles
further, and—arguably—untangling some knots in the earlier tentacles.5
The present paper takes a close look at the structure of impossible worlds,
and of one in particular of the tentacles: the mental state of concep-
Cohen and Cohen 1992: 450.
See Smith 2011.
See Knuuttila 2014.
See Garson 2014.
See Berto 2014.

Argumenta 2, 2 (2017): 181-194 © 2016 Springer

ISSN 2465-2334 DOI 10.23811/41.arg2017.pri
182 Graham Priest

2. Possible Worlds
2.1 Their Structure
Possible-world semantics are familiar to contemporary logicians and philoso-
phers, and need little explanation;6 but let me set things up in a slightly unusual
way, for reasons that will become clear later. Take a propositional language
with the connectives: ∧, ∨, ¬, ◊, .7 (⊃ can be defined in the usual way.) An
interpretation for the language has four components: ⟨X, R, @, ν⟩. X is a set of
(possible) worlds. (It would be more normal to write this as W; but I will hold
this letter in reserve till later.) R is a binary relation on X: relative possibility. @
Î X is the actual world. And ν assigns every propositional parameter a pair of
subsets of X, ν+(p) and ν−(p), subject to the constraints of exclusivity and ex-
Exc: ν+(p) Ç ν−(p) = Æ
Exh: ν+(p) È ν−(p) = X
Intuitively, ν+(p) is the set of worlds where p is true; ν−(p) is the set of worlds
where p is false.
We now define what it is for a formula to be true (⊩+) and false (⊩−) at a
world w Î X:
• w ⊩+ p iff w Î ν+(p)
• w ⊩− p iff w Î ν−(p)
• w ⊩+ ¬A iff w⊩− A
• w ⊩− ¬A iff w⊩+ A
• w ⊩+ A ∧ B iff w  ⊩+ A and w ⊩+ B

• w ⊩− A ∧ B iff w⊩− A or w  ⊩− B
• w ⊩+ A ∨ B iff w⊩+ A or w ⊩+ B
• w ⊩− A ∨ B iff w⊩− A and w ⊩− B
• w ⊩+ àA iff for some w' such that wRw', w ⊩+ A
• w  ⊩− àA iff for all w' such that wRw', w ⊩− A
• w ⊩+ A iff for all w' such that wRw', w ⊩+ A
• w ⊩− A iff for some w' such that wRw', w ⊩− A
Validity (⊨) is defined as preservation of truth at @ in every interpretation.8
A simple induction shows that for every formula, A, and world, w, w ⊩+ A
or w ⊩− A, but not both. Hence, given that no constraints are placed on R, the
logic delivered is simply the modal logic K.
It should be noted that an interpretation is simply a piece of mathematical
machinery. In particular, X is any old set of objects. These are not to be con-
fused with possible worlds themselves. We may naturally suppose, however,

See Priest 2008: Chs. 2, 3.
What follows applies equally to first-order languages, but their specificities are not rele-
vant to the following considerations.
In some standard presentations, there is no designated world, @, and validity is defined
as truth preservation over all possible worlds. As long as no special constraints are put on
@, this is, of course, equivalent. However, it will be useful in what follows to have @ at
our disposal.
Thinking the Impossible 183

that there is one interpretation of the language which is in accord with the real.
(In this, X is the set of real possible worlds, @ is the real actual world, R is the
real relation of relative possibility, and ν+(p)/ν−(p) are the sets of worlds in
which p—understood as some meaningful sentence—is really true/false.) That
is why we can reason using modal logic about reality (not just actuality: actuali-
ty is just one world of the plurality of worlds). Why do we require a plurality of
interpretations to define validity? For the same reason that we do in the case of
propositional non-modal logic. We want our inference relation to be applicable
whatever reality is, in fact, like.
Of course, none of this tells us what kind of thing possible worlds are. Phys-
ical objects or abstract objects, existent objects or non-existent objects? There are
many well-known accounts of this matter;9 and which is right need not concern
us in this essay. Of more concern here is possibility itself.

2.2 A Plurality of Possibilities

Possibility comes in many flavours. To name but a few: physical (𝜑), epistemic
(ε), deontic (δ). Let us write K for the set of different kinds of possibility. For
every member of K there will be a corresponding notion of necessity. If 𝜅 Î K,
let us write the corresponding modal operators as ⟨𝜅⟩, and [𝜅]. In an interpreta-
tion, each 𝜅 Î K will also have its own accessibility relation, Rk. Thus we will
have for each 𝜅:
• w  ⊩+ ⟨𝜅⟩  A iff for some w' such that wRkw', w  ⊩+ A
• w ⊩− ⟨𝜅⟩  A iff for all w' such that wRkw', w  ⊩− A

• w ⊩+ [𝜅]A iff for all w' such that wRkw', w ⊩+ A
• w ⊩− [𝜅]A iff for some w' such that wRkw', w ⊩− A
What we have now done is to move from a mono-modal logic to a multi-modal
logic, whose language contains a multiplicity of possibility/necessity operators,
and whose semantics contains a corresponding multiplicity of accessibility rela-
The accessibility relations will come with appropriate constraints. Thus,
one would expect that for every world, w, wRεw, so that [ε]A ⊨ A (what is
known is true). Sometimes, the accessibility relations will be nested, in the sense
that possibility in one sense implies possibility in another. (We will have an
example of this in a moment.) Sometimes there is no nesting. For example, epis-
temic and physical possibility properly overlap. Thus, there is a physical limit to
how fast a marathon can be run. Suppose, for the sake of argument, that this is
one hour. Then it is physically possible to run a marathon in 61 minutes, and
physically impossible to run a marathon in 59 minutes. But both of these are
(currently) epistemic possibilities. Conversely, it is both physically possible and
epistemically possible for something to be made of antimatter. In the 13th Cen-
tury, it was still a physical possibility, but it was not an epistemic possibility:
people then had no conception of antimatter, or, therefore, of its possibilities.
For the most part, we will not be concerned with the constraints on the ac-
cessibility relations—with one major exception. Given possible-world seman-
tics, there is a most general notion of possibility. To be possible in this sense is
See Menzel 2013. My own account can be found in Priest 2005: 7.3.
See Carnielli and Pizzi 2008.
184 Graham Priest

simply to hold at some world. How to describe this kind of modality, one might
argue about. I shall simply call it logical, λ. (Though it is worth noting that logi-
cal necessity in this sense will include things that are not formally logically nec-
essary, including analytic truths such as ‘all red things are coloured’ and math-
ematical truths such as ‘there is an infinitude of prime numbers’.) Anything that
is possible in any more restricted sense is possible in this sense; and Rλ is simply
the universal relation: every possible world accesses every other. Hence, for any
𝜅 Î K, we have:
• ⟨𝜅⟩  A ⊨ ⟨λ⟩  A
• [λ]A ⊨ [𝜅]A
and the modal logic of λ is S5.
Here we see the beginning of a problem. Some things that are epistemically
possible would seem to be logically impossible. Thus, before Wiles’ proof of the
truth of Fermat’s last theorem, its negation was epistemically possible, though
logically impossible.

3. Impossible Worlds
3.1 The Primary Directive
The rediscovery of modal logic in the 20th century was in the work of C.I. Lew-
is between the two World Wars. Possible-world semantics came to prominence
in the 1960s and 70s. At first, under the influence of Quine’s attack on things
modal, possible worlds and their machinations were considered creatures of
darkness. But the clarity of the mathematics involved, and their usefulness in an
analysis of many things other than modality—such as conditionals, meaning,
knowledge and belief—meant that they soon became part of the intellectual
landscape. The philosophical debate around worlds changed from whether one
can make sense of them to how best to make sense of them, given the slew of
theories about their nature.
Impossible worlds rose to prominence some 20 years later. Under a very
different ideology (that of the unintelligibility of inconsistency), they, too, were
often taken to be creatures of darkness. Current debates may still concern
whether one can make sense of them. However, their mathematics is clear, and
their applicability to many philosophical areas—including some of those in
which possible worlds were clearly problematic—have, I think, ensured, that
they will soon be as much part of the landscape as possible worlds.11
Of course, for certain notions of possibility, impossible worlds can be ac-
commodated in possible-world semantics. Thus, physically impossible worlds,
where, say, a particle accelerates through the speed of light, are logically possi-
ble; and so can be accommodated in a model which allows for all logical possi-
The main problem is with logical impossibilities themselves. On standard
possible-world semantics there are no worlds which realise these. But if there are
worlds which do so, there must be worlds where logical impossibilities hold;
and dually, worlds where logical truths fail. There appears to be no reason to
distinguish between different kinds of logical truths and falsehoods in this re-

On these issues, see Priest 1997a and Berto 2013.
Thinking the Impossible 185

gard. Hence we have the first leading principle of impossible-world semantics:

any logical truth must fail at some worlds, and any logical falsity must hold at
some worlds. Of course, this was already the case for logically contingent
things. Hence we arrive at what we may call the Primary Directive:
• Everything holds at some worlds, and everything fails at some worlds.
What, then, is the technology of logically impossible worlds? We may simply
broaden the class of worlds by dropping Exc and Exh.
It is almost trivial to check that if there are no constraints on accessaibility
relations at impossible worlds the Primary Directive is then satisfied. Take any
formula, A, and consider a world, w, such that for all 𝜅 Î K, w accesses itself
and only itself under Rk, and for every parameter, p, in A, w Î ν+(p) Ç ν−(p). A
simple induction shows that every formula whose parameters are amongst the
ps—and so A—is both true and false at w. Dually, replace the condition w Î
ν+(p) Ç ν−(p) with w Ï ν+(p) È ν−(p), and a similar induction shows that A is
neither true nor false at w.12

3.2 Possibile Worlds Revisited

So far so good. Let P Í X be the logically possible worlds. We should clearly
require that @ Î P. (What is actual is logically possible.) And we should require
that the worlds in P access each other, and nothing else, under Rλ.
But what is P? One reason the answer is important is that it determines the
validity relation, since this was defined in terms of truth preservation at @, and
@ is in P. Those who think that classical logic gets the validity relation right
will, of course, suggest that P is a proper subset of X, namely, the worlds where
Exh and Exc hold. These are the worlds closed under classical S5 for the modal-
ity λ, except the trivial world (where everything is true).13
What if one does not think that classical logic is correct? If one takes FDE
(First Degree Entailment) to be the correct logic, then we could, at the other
extreme, as it were, just take P to be X itself (so there are no impossible worlds—
at least of this kind; stay tuned). There are intermediate possibilities. If one takes
the correct logic to be LP, we will just reinstate the condition Exh. The possible
worlds are then those that are closed under LP-S5 consequence (including, NB,
the trivial world). Alternatively, if one takes the correct logic to be K3, we will
reinstate the condition Exc. The possible worlds are then those closed under K3-

I note that if we make all the propositional parameters true and false at w, then every
formula is true there; and if we make all the propositional parameters neither true nor
false at w, all formulas are neither true nor false there. Hence, the primary directive can,
in fact, be satisfied with just these two worlds. However, the two, on their own, hardly do
justice to the diversity of impossible situations.
Any such world is obviously closed under the consequence relation. Conversely, if w
does not satisfy Exh and Exc, it is clearly not closed under the relation. If it accesses a
world, w', that is not so closed, then for some, p, p is either both true and false at w' or
neither true nor false there. In the first case, à(p ∧ ¬p) is true at w; but in S5, à(p ∧ ¬p) ⊨
A, so the world is either not closed under the consequence relation, or is trivial. In the
second case, it is not true that (p ∨ ¬p) at w, so the world is not closed under Necessita-
186 Graham Priest

S5, except the trivial world.14 I note that the Primary Directive may no longer be
satisfied for modal formulas involving λ. Thus, in LP (p ∨ ¬p) will hold at all
worlds; and in K3 à(p ∧¬p) will fail at all worlds. This will be rectified with the
Secondary Directive, as we shall see in a moment.
It is sometimes touted as a virtue of possible-world semantics that they pro-
vide a reductive account of (logical) possibility. To be possible is simply to hold
in some world. Exactly the same is true if P is X; but of course, it is not true if P
is a proper subset of X. Reduction has alway struck me as a dubious virtue,
however. Why should one expect such a reduction? We obviously don’t have it
for all the other kinds of possibility; why just this one? Or better, we have to give
a non-reductive account for the other notions of possibility, so we ought to be
able to do it for this one too. We have just seen how.
More importantly in the present context: a natural thought is that if, at a
possible world, something is possible in any sense, it is logically possible. For
some notions of possibility this seems right. We would expect any physical pos-
sibility to be a logical possibility. And if X = P then everything is logically possi-
ble.15 Indeed, for any 𝜅 Î K, if w Rkw' then wRλw'.
But at least if P is a proper subset of X, there are good reasons why this
should not hold for all 𝜅 Î K. Consider epistemic possibility. Take a logical un-
truth, A, of enormous complexity: one which it would take longer than the his-
tory of the cosmos to decide. As far as is known, A could be true. So there must
be some w Î X − P, such that @Rεw.
Or again, suppose, for the sake of illustration, that the Law of Excluded
Middle is a logical truth. Let us suppose that intuitionist critiques have been so
fierce that we are now no longer sure whether A is true or not, where, this time,
A is: either there are or there are not 17 consecutive 0s in the decimal expansion
of π. It could be false for all we know; but A is false at no logically possible
world, so there must be a w Î X − P, such that @Rεw. Or a more realistic exam-
ple. Let G be a statement of Goldbach’s Conjecture. (Every even number greater
than 2 is the sum of two primes.) The conjecture is currently undecided. It is
true for all we know; it is false for all we know. Hence there are worlds w1 and
w2, such that G is true at w1, false at w2, and @Rεw1 and@Rεw2. Either w1 Î X−P
or w2 Î X−P.
Or consider deontic modality. I may promise to do something logically im-
possible (such as prove some mathematical statement which is, as a matter of
fact, false). Or I may make promises to do incompatible things, such as to be in
two different places at the same time (assuming such to be impossible). I am
then morally obliged to do impossible things;16 that is, the worlds that realize my
obligations are impossible. Hence, for any w such that @Rδw,

For these non-classical modal logics, see Priest 2008: Ch. 11a.
As argued by Mortensen 1989. Even if X is not P, this may still be the case. In FDE and
LP everything is logically possible, because of the trivial possible world. The thought that
every situation is logically possible may initially seem an odd one. But it should be re-
membered that logical possibility is a very weak constraint. Even if one is of a classical
persuasion, it is a logical possibility that I can jump a kilometre into the air, that the
moon is made of blue cheese, etc. Usually, when we are concerned with possibility, we
are concerned with much more restricted notions, especially physical possibility.
See Priest 1987, Ch. 13.
Thinking the Impossible 187

w Î X − P.
Sometimes, at this point, people will say things like ‘Of course we are as-
suming an ideal agent’. A poor move. It helps us not one iota to understand
what it means for us to know or be obliged to do something, if all we understand
is what it is for God to know or be obliged to do it. We are interested in notions
that apply to us: not God.

3.3 The Secondary Directive

The Primary Directive tells us that everything must hold at some world, and
everything must fail as some world. There is, however, a stronger condition:
• If A and B are distinct formulas, there are worlds where A holds and B fails.
Let us call this the Secondary Directive. (It of course entails the Primary Di-
rective.) The above semantics does not deliver this directive. Thus, for example,
if C is true at any w Î X, so is C ∨ D, for any C and D. More generally, if A en-
tails B in FDE, and A is true at w, so is B. Clearly, for some As and Bs, a world
that realises the Secondary Directive must be logically impossible. If one takes
as a motto the thought that at an impossible world, anything can happen, the
Secondary Directive seems entirely reasonable. Are there stronger reasons?
There are. One concerns conditionals with logically false antecedents.
Thus, assuming that intuitionist logic is not the correct logic, the following seem
true and false, respectively:
• If intuitionist logic is correct, the Law of Excluded Middle fails.
• If intuitionist logic is correct, the Law of Non-Contradiction fails.
Given something like a standard theory of counterfactuals,17 to evaluate such
conditionals we must consider worlds where intuitionist logic is correct. If A
does not entail B in intuitionist logic, there must be such worlds where A holds
and B fails. This does not happen in the present semantics. In intuitionist logic
¬¬A does not entail A; but in the present semantics the one holds at a world iff
the other does. More generally, consider an arbitrary logic, L, and some A
which does not entail some B, according to L. Then to evaluate counterfactuals
of the form: ‘if L were the correct logic...’, we have to consider worlds where L
is the correct logic, and so where A may hold and B may fail.18
A second reason comes from consideration of intentional states, such as
fear, hope, etc.—and crucially in the current context, belief, knowledge, and
conception. People being what they are, if A and B are distinct, someone may
believe A, but not B. No one said that we are dealing only with rational agents—
whatever that may mean. And, even a rational agent (not an idealised one) may
believe/know all the axioms of Peano Arithmetic, without believing/knowing
all their consequences. Hence we are required to countenance worlds which
realise these states. The Secondary Directive delivers these.
How, technically, are we to obtain states delivered by the Secondary Di-
rective? The simplest way is by brute force. We now augment X with a set of
worlds, Z, to give us a set of worlds W = X È Z. At worlds in Z, every formula is
treated as atomic. (Priest (2005) calls such worlds open worlds.) Thus, in an

See Priest 2008, Ch. 5.
One notable exception: logics where the inference A ⊢ A fails.
188 Graham Priest

interpretation, ν+/ν− applies to arbitrary formulas (not just parameters). The

truth conditions at worlds in X are now as before (so if A is not atomic, ν±(A) is
irrelevant). But if w Î Z:
• w ⊩+ A iff w Î ν+(A)
• w ⊩− A iff w Î ν−(A)
And for 𝜅 Î K, Rk is a binary relation on W. The possible worlds are still P ⊆ X,
and the impossible worlds are (X−P) È Z. @ is still in P. It is easy to see that the
Secondary Directive (and so the Primary Directive) is now satisfied.19
At this point, one might think one has gone too far. Why does one need to
countenance all these worlds? Here is a natural view.20 Counterfactuals are con-
text dependent. If we consider counterfactuals such as ‘If intuitionist logic were
correct ...’, the context requires us to consider worlds in which intuitionist logic
is true; so we need to extend the realm of possibility to those worlds that are
intuitionistically possible. Other contexts will require similar extensions. But
there is no context in which we need to consider all such worlds. Conditionals
are, of course, only one example of topics for which we need impossible worlds.
But even concentrating just on conditionals, and granting the analysis given—at
least for the sake of argument—even if it is the case that there is no context
which requires every world, every world in Z will be required in some context
(since we may consider an arbitrary logic). Hence, globally, they must all be
available to us. Whether one wants to call the worlds where intuitionist logic
holds ‘possible’ in an extended sense, appears to me to me a terminological mat-
ter. Call them so if one wishes; but if intuitionist logic is not the correct logic,
they may not be logically possible in the veridical sense.

3.4 Generalising
By taking advantage of the fact that the set of truths/falsehoods in any world in
X can be imitated by a world in Z, we can, in fact, make matters more uniform
(and cut out the first stage in the construction of impossible worlds). An inter-
pretation is now a tuple ⟨W, @, {Rk : 𝜅 Î K}, ν⟩. W is a set of worlds; @ Î W;
for 𝜅 Î K, Rk is a binary relation on W;21 and for any formula, A, ν±(A) are sub-
sets of W. The truth conditions for @ are as in 2.1/2.2, and the truth conditions
for any other world, w, are as in 3.3. What are the possible worlds? We may
simply take these to be those closed under the S5 version of whichever of our
four logics we hold to be correct (or if this is explosive, all such worlds except
the trivial world).22
The techniques employed here are also generalisable in natural ways to
most other standard propositional logics—not just the four we have met: FDE,
In truth, it is only ν+ that is required to deliver the Secondary Directive. We cannot
give up ν−, though, since it may be involved in the falsity conditions of modal formulas at
@; though this leaves us free to impose constraints on ν− if required for any reason.
Suggested to me by Hartry Field.
In fact, we do not need to consider what is accessed by non-@ worlds under Rk, since
the truth/falsity of modal sentences at such worlds is taken care of by ν. We may there-
fore take Rk simply to be of the form {⟨@,y⟩  : y Î Y} for some Y ⊆W.
And the new context may suggest some new members of K, such as ‘It is intuitionisti-
cally possible that ...’.
Thinking the Impossible 189

LP, K3, and classical logic. For example, if we take as our basic propositional
logic an LFI,23 possible worlds have this as their underlying logic, and the nega-
tions of modal statements are given non-deterministic truth conditions. Since
LFIs are paraconsistent logics, all worlds obtained in this way are possible. Or
we may take a propositional logic that itself has world semantics. Thus, the
Kripke semantics for intuitionistic logic adds a binary accessibility relation to
give the truth conditions of the conditional.24 All the worlds delivered are possi-
ble. Or the Routley/Meyer world semantics of relevant logics add a ternary
accessibility relation to give the truth conditions of the conditional. 25 The se-
mantics themselves specify possible (normal) and impossible (non-normal)
worlds. In all cases, open worlds may be added to the models, in order to satisfy
the Secondary Directive (and so the Primary Directive if it is not already satis-

4. Conceivability and Possibility

I now want to turn to the notion of conceiving.26 Perhaps this can be under-
stood in many ways. I intend to use conceive here as roughly synonymous with
imagine: the sort of imagination employed by scientists, mathematicians, philos-
ophers, novelists, political reformers, theologians, visionaries, and so on.27 In
imagination, a state of affairs or an object is brought before the mind, and may
be considered, enjoyed, its consequences thought through, and so on. ‘Con-
ceive’ can be an intentional operator (to conceive that something), and it can be
an intentional predicate (to conceive an object). Let us start with the intentional
A very traditional view is that if one can conceive of something, it is possi-
ble. As David Hume put it:

’Tis an establish’d maxim in metaphysics, That whatever the mind clearly conceives
includes the idea of possible existence, or in other words, that nothing we imagine is abso-
lutely impossible (Hume 1739-40: 32).

Hume’s absolute impossibility here is essentially logical impossibility.28 Hence,

for Hume, one cannot conceive of a logical impossibility. In particular, there are
things that cannot be conceived.
Even given a Humean conception of what is logically impossible, I have
always found this view incredible. Take Goldbach’s conjecture again. I have no
difficulty in conceiving this, and no trouble conceiving its negation, though one

See Carnielli, Coniglio and Marcos 2007, and Bueno-Soler 2012.
See Priest 2008, Ch. 6.
See Priest 2008, Ch. 10.
OED, to conceive: ‘to take or admit into the mind, to form in the mind, to grasp with the
OED, to imagine: ‘to form a mental image of, to represent to oneself in imagination, to
create as a mental conception, to conceive’. There is one sense of the word according to
which what is imagined ‘should not be known with certainty’ (OED, again). This is not
the sense at issue here.
For Hume, for something to be absolutley impossible is for it to imply a contradiction.
(See Lightner 1997: 115.) I take it that he holds that the negation of any “relation of ide-
as” would do this.
190 Graham Priest

of these is mathematically impossible. Indeed, mathematicians must be able to

conceive these things, so that they understand what it is of which they are look-
ing for a proof, or so that they can infer things from them, in an attempted reduc-
tio proof. Nor does the conceivability of Goldbach’s conjecture and its negation
disappear if I discover which one of them is true, and so the other no longer
appears mathematically possible to me. Hence, when something is conceived it
may not even be appear to be possible.29
Similarly, the claim that intuitionist logic is true is, I take it, logically false
(and if you disagree, merely replace this with classical logic in the following
example). Yet I have no problem in conceiving what it would be like for it to be
true. Indeed, I have to do so in order to be able to debate with intuitionists on
the matter.
Moreover, I have no problem in imagining that deep in a trench at the bot-
tom of the Pacific Ocean, there is a pearl which is round and square. I cannot
form a visual image of this. But imagination should not be confused with visual
imagery. I cannot form a visual image of a chiliagon (a regular 1,000 sided fig-
ure), even though there is nothing impossible about this. Conversely, I can visu-
ally picture a state of stationary motion, even though this is contradictory. This
occurs in the well-know “waterfall illusion”. In this, one conditions the visual
system with constant motion in one direction. The after-image will make things
appear to be moving in the opposite direction. But if one focusses on a point in
the visual field, it appears to be stationary, even though in motion.30
And again, understanding a work of fiction requires an act of imagination.
Yet there are works of fiction with essentially inconsistent plots—for example,
Sylvan’s Box.31 One must therefore be able to imagine such things.

Indeed, it seems to me that I can conceive of and imagine anything that can
be described in terms that I understand.32 (Which is not to say that such things
are the only things I can imagine. That is another matter.) In fact, such under-
standing allows for the possibility of conception—which is not the same as the
conception of possibility. To conceive, I merely have to bring the state of affairs,
so described, before the mind.

So, to return to the formal semantics, given any of the interpretations with
impossible worlds of the kinds described in 3.3, there will be a really most gen-
eral notion of possibility: being true at some world. Call this global possibility, γ. If
W is the set of all worlds, then for @ (or, more generally, for every world in P),

See Yablo 1993. Yablo’s own account of conceivability (in Section 10) is that A is con-
ceivable if one can imagine a world that verifies A. In fact, I agree with this, since I take
everything to be conceivable/imaginable. This is not what Yablo intends, however. For,
by ‘world’, he means ‘(classically) possible world’. Yablo tells us (30) that one cannot
imagine, e.g., tigers that lick all and only those tigers that do not lick themselves. I find
this no harder to imagine than a set that contains all those sets which are not members of
themselves. (And I could imagine this even before I became a dialetheist.)
For discussion and references, see Priest 2006: 3.3.
Priest 1997b.
There is a somewhat thorny issue here about what it is, exactly, to understand. Can a
congenitally blind person understand the predicate ‘is red’, for example? I am inclined to
the view that they can, if they can use the word—by whatever means—in a roughly nor-
mal way. When they imagine something red, the phenomenological content may, how-
ever, be quite different from that of a sighted person who imagines something red.
Thinking the Impossible 191

@Rγ w for all w Î W. Given the Primary Directive, for any A, ⟨γ⟩A is true at @,
and [γ]A is not true at @. We may take γ to be the modality of concep-
tion/imagination: ⟨γ⟩A is ‘A is conceiveable/imaginable’.33 I should note that,
strictly speaking, conceivability is agent-relative (as is knowability). In particu-
lar, the As in question have to come from a language that the agent in question
understands (in a way that, say, a medieval monk could not understand the
language of quantum mechanics).34
Three objections. One. It might be suggested that if I seem to conceive of
(imagine) something that is impossible, I am, in fact, conceiving something else.
Thus (assuming that identities are necessary), when I conceive that water is not
H2O, what I am actually conceiving is that some substance that is a colourless,
odourless, potable liquid—even called ‘water’—is not H2O.35 Of course, I can
imagine that too; but that is not what I am imagining when I imagine that water
is not H2O: I am imagining something about water. The imagination is de re. In
the same way, when I imagine that Sarah Palin was the US Vice President after
the 2012 US election, I am imagining something about Palin. When I imagine
that Routley found a box that was empty and not empty, it is him that I imagine.
And when I imagine that 361 is a prime number (it isn’t) I am imagining some-
thing about that very number.
Two. It might be suggested that this is not the notion of conceivability oper-
ative in Hume’s dictum, since one who imagines impossibilities is not clearly
conceiving. If one takes it that one can clearly conceive only what is logically
possible, this turns Hume’s dictum into an empty tautology—and a useless one,
since we may not know what is impossible in this sense. If one is using the word
in a more common-sense way, it is something of an insult to say that a logician
or mathematician who conceives of impossibilities is not conceiving these things
clearly, since it is tantamount to an accusation of confusion. Perhaps, there is
some other notion of conceivability that satisfies Hume’s dictum, and which can
serve as a test for possibility. If so, I leave it to others to articulate it. I know of
no satisfactory such articulation.36

Semantics for a logic of imagination can be found in Niiniluoto 1987, Costa-Leite
2010, and Wansing 201+. These are all variations on possible-world semantics, and hence
do not allow for imagining the impossible. Even worse, they all require imagination to
satisfy certain logical closure conditions. Thus, they all validate the principle that if A is
imagined, and A is logically equivalent to B, then B is imagined. This is clearly incorrect.
A is logically equivalent to (A ∧ C) ∨ A, but I can imagine that Sherlock Holmes lived in
Baker St without imagining that (Sherlock Holmes lived in Baker St and E = mc2, or
Holmes lived in Baker St). Nothing about Special Relativity need have crossed my mind
at all. It is precisely this to which the Secondary Directive caters. Berto (2012: Ch. 7) has
a semantics for conception/representation which uses impossible worlds. He does not
require that everything be conceivable, but the semantics does allow for that possibility.
One might also doubt that a person understands indefinitely long sentences of such a
language. By the same token, one might doubt that such sentences are really grammati-
cal. One might therefore be inclinded to put the same bounds of finitude on both both.
See Berto 2012: for references and discussion.
Chalmers 2002 constructs an eightfold taxonomy of notions of conceivability, and
argues that at least one of these entails possibility: ideal primary positive conceivability.
This may well be different from the notion of conceivability I am discussing here—
though the circularity in his glosses of these notions make me less than certain. But in
any case, one thing is clear: the ideality involved is that of some infinite and infallible a
192 Graham Priest

Three. It might be suggested that I am confusing imagination with supposi-

tion. One can suppose anything; this does not mean that one can imagine any-
thing. One can indeed suppose anything, but I am not talking about supposition.
To suppose something is to assume it, usually for the purpose of drawing con-
clusions.37 Imagining does not require this. I ask you to imagine that George
Bush likes dressing up in a tutu. I am not asking you to suppose anything, or
infer anything—merely to use your imagination. Indeed, we will next turn to
imagining objects. These are not even the kind of thing that can be supposed.
So let us turn to the intentional predicate. For an agent to conceive of an
object (de re) is simply for them to bring before the mind a term, t, which refers
to it.38 And just as I can conceive of any state of affairs I can describe, I can con-
ceive of any object I can describe, even if it is an impossible one. That is, any-
thing of the form ⟨φ⟩mCt is true (at the actual world)—where m is me, t is any
name or description, and xCy is ‘x conceives of y’.
It is natural to ask, at this point, what the difference is between a possible
object and an impossible one—or better which conditions characterise possible
objects and which conditions characterise impossible ones.
Let A be any condition with one free variable, x. Then a condition is possi-
ble if there is a possible world, P, where something satisfies A in P. Otherwise it
is impossible. (By the Primary Directive, any condition is satisfied at some
worlds.) Thus, if one takes classical logic to be correct, and A is an inconsistent
condition, then it will be an impossible one, and εxA will be an impossible ob-
Finally, how are matters affected if the Primary Directive is satisfied in pos-
sible worlds (for example, if the correct logic is FDE)? Then every state of affairs
is logically possible. By the same token, every condition is realised in a possible
world, so there are no impossible conditions. So whatever A is, εxA is a possible
object. If this is the case, there is a certain irony here. One must agree with the
quote from Hume! If everything is logically possible, then anything ‘the mind
clearly conceives’ is logically possible! Of course, that is not what he meant.
Perhaps there is a lesson here.40

5. Conclusion
The Norwegian explorer Fridtjof Nansen said: “The difficult is what takes a
little time; the impossible is what takes a little longer”.41 Philosophy plays the
long game. The impossible has always been a marginalised character in Western
philosophy. The infinite had always been a marginalised character in mathemat-
ics until the time of Cantor. But just as Cantor provided an understanding of the
mathematical structure of the infinite, modern logic—especially paraconsistent
logic—has provided an understanding of the mathematical structure of the im-
possible. One can hardly pretend that this is an achievement on the scale of

priori reasoner—not a very useful notion for mere mortals.
OED, to suppose: ‘to think or assume that something is true or probable but lack proof or
certain knowledge’, ‘used to introduce a hypothesis and imagine its development’.
See Priest 1995: 4.8. Again, I am assuming that the agent understands the term ‘t’.
Here, ε is the indefinite description operator: a (particular) object such that.

As the old saying goes: be careful of what you wish for; you might just get it.
Cohen and Cohen 1992: 291.
Thinking the Impossible 193

Cantor’s (at least so far). However, I think that it has the potential to open peo-
ple’s eyes in the same way. Maybe even wider.42


Berto, F. 2012, Existence as a Real Property, Dordrecht: Springer.

Berto, F. 2013, “Impossible Worlds”, in Zalta, E. (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Phi-

Bueno-Soler, J. 2012, “Models for Anodic and Cathodic Multimodalities”, Logic
Journal of the IGPL, 20, 458-76.
Carnielli, W., Coniglio, M. and Marcos, J. 2007, “Logics of Formal Inconsistency”,
in Gabbay, D. and Guenthner, F. (eds.), Handbook of Philosohical Logic, 2nd ed.,
Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1-93. 

Carnielli, W. and Pizzi, C. 2008, Modalities and Multimodalities, Berlin: Springer.
Chalmers, D. 2002, “Does Conceivability Entail Possibility?”, in Szabó, T. and
Hawthorne, J. (eds.), Conceivability and Possibility, Oxford: Oxford University
Press, Ch. 3.
Cohen, J.M. and M.J. 1992, The New Penguin Dictionary of Quotations, London: Penguin.
Costa-Leite, A. 2010, “Logical Properties of Imagination”, Abstracta, 6: 103-16.
Garson, J. 2014, “Modal Logic”, in Zalta, E. (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philoso-
Hume, D. 1739-40, A Treatise of Human Nature, Selby-Bigge, L. and Nidditch, P.
(eds.), 2nd ed., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978.
Knuuttila, S. 2013, “Medieval Theories of Modality”, in Zalta, E. (ed.), Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy,
Lightner, D.T. 1997, “Hume on Conceivability and Inconceivability”, Hume Studies,
23, 113-32.
Menzel, P. 2013, “Possible Worlds”, in Zalta, E. (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Phi-
Mortensen, C. 1989, “Anything is Possible”, Erkenntnis, 30, 319-37.
Niiniluoto, I. 1985, “Imagination and Fiction”, Journal of Semantics, 4, 209-22.
Priest, G. 1987, In Contradiction, Dordrecht: Martius Nijhoff; 2nd ed., Oxford: Ox-
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Priest, G. 1995, Beyond the Limits of Thought, Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press; 2nd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Priest, G. (ed.) 1997a, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 38 (4), Special Issue on
impossible worlds.

Versions of this paper were given at the Fordham University Metaphysics and Mind
Group, the Departments of Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam and the Australi-
an National University, and the conference Thinking the Impossible, at the University of
Turin. Thanks go to those present for their helpful comments. Thanks, too, go to Hartry
Field for comments on an earlier draft.
This paper has already appeared on Philosophical Studies, 173 (10), 2016, 2649-62: many
thanks to the editors of Philosophical Studies for having agreed to republish the paper in
this journal.
194 Graham Priest

Priest, G. 1997b, “Sylvan’s Box”, in Priest (1997a), 573-82; repr. in Priest 2005, Ch. 6.6.
Priest, G. 2005, Towards Non-Being: The Logic and Metaphysics of Intentionality, Ox-
ford: Oxford University Press.
Priest, G. 2006, Doubt Truth to Be a Liar, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Priest, G. 2008, Introduction to Non-Classical Logic: From If to Is, 2nd ed., Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Smith, R. 2011, “Aristotle’s Logic”, in Zalta, E. (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philos-
Wansing, H. 201+, “Remarks on the Logic of Imagination”, Synthese, to appear.
Yablo, S. 1993, “Is Conceivability a Guide to Possibility?”, Philosophy and Phenome-
nological Research, 53, 1-42.

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