Purposive Comm.
Purposive Comm.
Purposive Comm.
-is the process of meaning-making through a channel or a medium
-comes from the word communicare, meaning to share or to make ideas in
1. SOURCE- sender carefully crafts the message. The sender may be anyone
:an author of a boo, a public speaker in a specials occasion or even a traffic
2. MESSAGE – the reason behind any interaction . It is the meaning shared
between the sender and the receiver. They could mean poems, songs,
essays, news articles road signs and even symbols
3. CHANNEL – by which a message is conveyed
4. RECEIVER-the person who receives the transmitted message
5. FEEDBACK-is essential to confirm recipient’s understanding. Like messages,
are expressed in varied forms
6. ENVIRONMENT-the place , the feeling, the mood, the mindset and the
condition of both the sender and receiver.
7. CONTEXT-involves the expectations of the sender and the receiver and the
common or shared understanding through environmental signals
8. INTERFERENCE-also known as barrier and block that prevents effective
communication to take place
a. Psychological barriers are thoughts that hamper the message to be
interpreted correctly by the receiver
b. Physical barriers include competing stimulus , weather and climate , health
and ignorance of the medium
c. Linguistic and cultural barriers pertain to the language and its cultural
environment. Words may mean another in different cultures
d. Mechanical barriers are those raised by the channels employed for
interpersonal, group, or mass communication. Examples: cellphones
laptops and other gadgets used in communication
Language contact
- is the social and linguistic phenomenon by which speakers of
different languages (or different dialects of the same language) interact with one
another, leading to a transfer of linguistic features.
- "Language contact is a major factor in language change” - Stephan Gramley
2. Visual Communication
- type of communication that uses visuals to convey information
and /or messages . Sone examples are signs , symbols , imagery,
maps, , graphs , charts , diagrams , pictograms , photos , drawings ,
or illustrations, and even various forms of electronic
Electronic communication
-Symbols or images- emojis , emoticons and animation
among others to convey the writers emotions or clarity
the intent of the message sender
- achieved through digital mode or text
Formal communication
a. (https://www.britannica.com/topic/language)
b. (https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-language-contact-4046714)
c. Wakat G. S., Caroy A.A , et al(2018). Purposive Communication . Philippines :Lorimar Publishing
d. Madrunio M. and Martin, I (2018). Purposive Communication Using English in Multilingual
Contexts . Quezon City : C&E Publishing Inc.
Prepared by:
Ms. Hannah Marie Fe M. de la Cruz, LPT