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The author discusses different reasons people seek guidance and leadership, and says the true Gnostic-Hermetic path begins alone without external assurances.

The author says that forewords are seldom read and uses excerpts from an interview instead to introduce topics in a more intimate way.

The author says most seekers look for guidance and leadership from a guru or master but that the only true master can be found within oneself.


Forewords are seldom read. Most people hit a book

first at the end, then, searching for certain terms, scroll forward, and
Poke around in the text until they land at the table of contents. This is a pity,
because in the foreword, the author usually uses more intimate ideas too
treated topic together and gives an overview of some things, so, in
his statements, then no longer comes to language.

Therefore I do not start with a foreword, but with excerpts from one
Interview already published in January 1999 in "Gnostika", and
I hope that this kind of introduction will be noticed sooner. The then said lies
I am still very close to my heart. From the letters received, I know
it has had a very sobering effect on many readers and some mystical ones
Swarmers brought back to the bottom of the real world. Also for the readers of
Master Books is now the time to recognize:

the only master who can guide you can only be found in oneself.
I'm not an adept, and I've never played the role of a guru. I
describe the experienced practice of initiation, not as an enlightened one,
but from the experience of a student who has gone this way himself.
I do not want my readers to blindly believe what I am describing, but rather
that they think about it and make their own thoughts about it. who
ask questions now or even want to know if he is allowed or allowed to do something,
instead of himself
even asking, he understood nothing, but really nothing at all about the Gnostic-
Hermetic initiation. The master books are guideposts,
who point the way to freedom and not the seeker into a new one

One should not be a textbook of hermetics with normal textbooks

to compare. Apart from the fact that you can not say everything because it is
formulate not understandable, but only lets experience, you become something
do not want to entrust to everyone. Certain mental mechanisms are explained
not to prevent it from being misused. There are also
Insights that, if obtained too soon, would bring peace, confidence
and destroy all beliefs. You would have to for each reader, depending on his
Insight, write your own book. And not only that. One would have to
as soon as he has understood everything, explain that most actually not at all
Right. That they are only signposts leading to something completely different
like a source of light, illuminating the necessary steps, so that he can find HIS
recognizes. Temporary crutches that once enabled one to become self-reliant
It is more to elevate, to free and to bring about self-responsibility
not what you can give the neophyte.

So, in this book, everything is said, which is the next path

and whoever follows the way will find his way. But that's not all
said, what would be to say. There are findings that everyone has to do themselves,
otherwise it would not be for him truths that would one day serve him as the light
of faith
Levels brightens.

What are the searchers looking for? Most are looking for a leadership and
Guidelines. And they are looking for a support in the form of a guru whom they
because they do not trust themselves to find their way. They search
a master who reveals knowledge to them, who confirms that they are
worthy, and to them the great enlightenment and spiritual power in the form of a
or initiation transmits. They seek a community that gives them security
mediates and a faith that gives them confidence. Some are enough for what the
Communicating religions, others examine their reason with knowledge of the
Philosophers or seek a philosopher's stone or the holy grail. The
one content themselves with comforting stories of just, powerful,
ordering gods, benevolent angels and the prospect of a happy life
after death, the others are trying to gain magical power already
to dominate this world. Basically, everyone is just looking for what
they can believe. Even the hermetic is for many, without them noticing, only
the replacement for a lost fairytale world that gives hope to a hereafter.
But all that the true Gnostic-Hermetic Way has to offer. He
begins at the end of all these ways. And he has to go alone.
Nobody is there, who assures that the doctrine is correct. No master who leads, no
benevolent angel who protects, not a dear god, the pilgrim at the end of the way
closes in the arms.

Who follows this path, has no more, to whom he can ask questions. Not
only because there are no reputable orders or initiates who could guide him,
but also because someone who, despite all the already published textbooks on
Way gets stuck, either following a wrong path, or does not go,
but wants to be carried.

All the secrets that have ever been entrusted to temple students are
read today in cheap paperbacks. You could do more then
not mediate, on the contrary; The Hermetic Science was made by the
Works of Franz Bardon, published in an unprecedented detail.
With the experiences from the practice described in the master books
added, the way is also without further explanation for each trainer.

Compare these works with the old symbolic, bombastic ones

Teachings of hermeticists, alchemists, medals and lodges.

Anyone who still searches in dusty archives and not in himself, or

Following a guru, instead of behaving like a master, shows that
he does not yet go the way of the masters. The master looks through the ghosts, the
behind orders, lodges, churches and other "venerable" communities,
Hide the enlightened and the anointed, and know that they follow all who follow
want to bind in their sphere.

No matter how significant for the further development of child faith, and
how constructive the initiation experience was in the box, no matter how helpful
the religion or the doctrine of the tradition to which one confesses is also that
supporting mental structure must never be binding, and the ideal behind it, the
Direction of the respective intelligence, must not be used to align the personal
Become middle. Therefore it is necessary to keep everything you believe in again
and again
questions and sooner or later of what you have so far
pointing the way, separating again.

The master will recognize what initially supported him as a crutch and that
remove the obstructive plaster cast because he no longer needs it. What he
he needs, he finds in himself; the questions and the answers. There is for him
besides only one teacher: fate. He deliberately seeks and uses all
offered possibilities. He instructs and tests himself and looks at them
Destiny powers as his only allies and trailblazers who still left him
to have something to listen to and he tries to understand.

• One can only be a master if one recognizes oneself as a master, as one

Master behaves and puts no other master over himself.
Would you say that to a neophyte at the beginning of his journey,
that would be a catastrophe for his spiritual development. Uncertainty, or
Arrogance, the episode and a crash would be inevitable. Therefore had
the Mystery Schools different degrees of initiation and degree of dignity to the
Pupils, step by step, on their actual self-responsibility

An apprenticeship of the Hermetik can not offer this individual care.

Even the master books can only provide a step-by-step guide, but
not be a guide unless you follow them step by step. Even those
Readers who are in personal contact with me know who followed me so far,
must go alone now.
Anyone who has come here has not only the power of
Shadow, but also the light that is just behind all
Religious communities and orders hide, see through, and even that
true goal of the powers that come with joyful messages in churches and with
auspicious initiations in log temples the people themselves
Therefore, he will use these crutches, even if he
then he has to crawl into the corner because he can not walk or fly yet
put. Those who are on the right path will begin to suspect that even
the spirit of hermeticism, and the intelligences behind it, are not interested
have his awakening, but that they too only use him and one
other disguise of the same gods are, for which the humans theirs
Sacrifice the powers of faith, of the mind and of the soul so that they can be at
their levels
can persist.

More than this truth can not be conveyed in writing. And yet
At the same time, knowledge is the first step to liberation from it
tragic, but necessary for the development of humanity symbiosis
with the beings of the hierarchy. What else we can convey is
how to draw the power of the wrong centers for the necessary
Momentum that frees from it, really useful.

To whom once the significance of the knowledge of captivity in the

Became fully aware of the sphere of influence of the genii, who takes on the
tedious work
like to be on your own. The exercises of transformation are not just for
Strengthening the personal mental power and the liberation of schemes, but
they are the only way to escape the spell of the world
Intellects that people have about their essential cells in their sphere
involve, escapes.

An anecdote may illuminate that. From the American ex president Ronald

Reagan, whose consciousness is affected by Alzheimer's disease,
It is said that he spends most of the day with leaves from the
Pool in the garden to fish. He does not realize that the bodyguards are behind
throw the leaves back into his pelvis on his back so he keeps busy

Each of us fishes leaves from his soul pool and does not realize that it only
Baits are with which the genii get his attention in their favor
stimulate. One writes clever books of the soul, the other
collects them, or collects recognition, fortune or success
by ideals, or by satisfaction in enjoyment.

Even the hermetic ones

Exercises remain lazy foliage in the cycle of life drives as long as the
cosmic bodyguards, who are in reality terrestrial prison guards,
can act unrecognized and unhindered. To unmask them is the goal of
Master books, because this realization is the first step to recovery from
Delusion that keeps everyone in the world imprisoned. And now finally to the
announced interview:


Mr Stejnar, you have been in public media many years ago
have emerged and thus have a high profile
achieved as an astrologer. Your guardian angel book and the previously published
Master Books then established your reputation as a competent magician. you
have established a tradition with their Gnostic Hermetics that the
Esotericism should lead to the twenty-first century.
In contrast to our usual procedure first to the last
Ask question. Which three books do you recommend to our readers?
to gain access to your own writings - especially the
Masterbooks - to create?

I have always admired your interviewees because they all respond to this question
had an answer ready. I can not commit myself there. There is for everyone
Cognition and development level another helpful book, the one
Time as a guide facilitates searching.

There is Gustav Meyrink, his works are much more than occult novels, man
she should read again and again, and also his other stories, e.g. "The
Transformation of the blood "where he finds his personal way and all his
describes are very informative.

There's Rudolf Steiner. I read

him with anger in the stomach and in principle only at the toilet, because I do not
run away there
can. Nevertheless, I consider him one of the most important esoterics. There is
Thomas Ring, the most outstanding psychologist of our century. The
The first three volumes of his "Astrological History" offer the best
Entry into the Hermetic Anatomy. There are the works of the Christian
Mystic, the Bhagavad Gita, the Sermon on the Mount, the ...
Can I still ask you for three titles?

All right then. But I must disappoint you, the old Scharteken of Gnosis and
Hermetics are not particularly suitable, the gnostic-hermetic
Way to open up.

The old masters and adepts used a vocabulary that we do not today
understand or misread.

They handed down mainly

Theories for insights and few understandable instructions for the
Practice. Therefore for the beginning (but not only for beginners, because of the
Advanced will take this valuable advice for a lifetime
a life help book for the practice: "mischief of the life and
of dying and the end of mischief ", by P. Mulford. (Fischer
Paperback) This will allow everyone to get away from it quickly and easily
convince that it is possible, with his thoughts and feelings his life
to influence specifically. For the next operations: "The way to the true
Adepts "by Franz Bardon (Verlag Hermann Bauer) It is the best textbook
the hermetic. With this probably most valuable occult book ever written
you learn how to get your mind and soul, that is
Consciousness bearer of his true SELF and thus himself, purposefully and
can change at will and incidentally magical abilities
unfolded. And finally for the very great masters: "The KronenzeitungKochbuch"
(Publisher: Dichand and Falk Wien). In addition to fantastic recipes
Austrian cuisine will also be the alchemical secret of the
Preparation of the true Viennese Milk Cream Topfenstrudel disclosed.

How did you come to esotericism?

More interesting would be the question of how I sometimes got away from her, but
You're welcome. It happened shortly before my fifth birthday. I was life
Ill, the doctors had given me up, but somehow survived mine
Body, and I remember exactly at the turn. It was like one
Initiation experience.

My bed had been pushed onto the terrace of the hospital, which
mild winter sun made the snow glitter on the old tall fir trees
I watched everything as newborn. The fever fantasies were erased, me
was clearly awake. And suddenly I discovered myself. Like me, the sky and
watching the firs, I watched myself, and I realized
that I watched myself observing
Out-of-body experience. I was aware of my SELF in a way like
I was only able to relive it many years later as an adult. The
Impressive was not this realization, but that
predominant, of inner peace and absolute confidence characterized, deep
Happiness that I will never forget again.
The green snake had bitten. With the experience that it is possible
to observe oneself while observing, namely the most annoying
Question of all questions: "Who am I"?
For a couple of years, the pastor's answer was enough, I believed in one
Soul and became a devout, happy child. But in the house where we are
lived, lived a woman who knew how to tell a lot of exciting ghost stories, had
books about wizards, mermaids and fairies that she
She borrowed money, and commuting, card reading, and astrology she understood
also. I was intrigued, and soon other questions came up.
I began to read and devoured everything besides Karl May and Tom Sawyer,
what came to me about magic and mysticism. When I was nine,
my parents gave me a subscription to the journal "Mensch und
Destiny ", that was the" Esotera "of the forties and fifties
twelfth birthday I wished the "Secret Figures of the Rosicrucians",
which of course I did not understand, and then I started with occult
Exercises. For hours I fixed a black dot on a white
Paper to get the "magical" look, and made first
Hypnosis experiments with deeply impressed friends.
But then I really started to think seriously. The doubts came
with them the philosophers and a vain period of atheistic arrogance.
This was followed by the usual painful phase of pubertal emptiness, and to
Recovery of the inevitable Buddhism. Then Paul Brunton, Duval,
Spießberger, and of course the old mystics and masters, and finally Franz
Bardon. Meanwhile, I also had my apprenticeship as a goldsmith and silversmith
finished, emigrated to Sweden at eighteen and moved there
back to become an "adept". There I stood again before the mother of all
Questions "Who am I - what is ME?"

Could you find a satisfactory answer to that?

Unfortunately, no. But I found a lot of rubble and scrap as well
Essential, Daseinsnotwendiges I am not, though it is mine
Consciousness apparently bears. I therefore recommend to anyone who is after
Self-knowledge strives to first find out what he is not, and in doing so
try to get his consciousness bearers and the world thoroughly under control
before he renounces the world and hopes to be true in "higher spheres"
To find ITSELF And when he asks for the meaning of existence,
I recommend to him that he first give meaning to his existence. Because then
he will notice that something crystallizes out of him, namely the
Foundation for his true ITSELF. Only now can he start doing this
expanded form of consciousness towards his study and his world

Do you have an answer to the question of the meaning of existence?

So personally I like to deal with this annoying question with a crispy one
Fried duck, a well - kept beer and maybe Mozart and
a delicious pretty dessert. That usually answers them completely from
But whoever wants, can gain other experiences in life.
Experiences that you would not otherwise have on yourself and others
to be able to live. And the very zealous may as well
Mental fitness training to improve yourself and the world.

What would you become to a student of Hermeticism, your master books

has not read, guess first?

Of course, that he reads her quickly. But then he should read everything he read
has forgotten, and the troubles of everyday life as a training and see the daily
Knowingly tackle a bit like a yoga exercise. This is much cleverer than
to meditate for hours or to study hundreds of books. He should continue
always give as he is and as it corresponds to his nature and to none
Price to the world to do or say something that he can not really represent. If
He calls himself into consciousness as often as possible that he is in the body as
a spirit
infected and acting as a subtle being, he will gradually awaken,
his compassion will deepen, his will power will increase, and
if he's lucky, he'll come to his senses now and then he will not
Become an initiate more.

How do you recognize such an initiate?

Unfortunately, no adept has ever met me in this life and I am myself too
no enlightened one. I still have a digestion, many more questions than answers
and as mentioned earlier, sometimes a powerful rage in the stomach. Nevertheless
I believe that you are a hermetic on the way to Adeptschaft
is pretty good of the sloth ears that are spent or the
Weird heads, who can hold their own, can make a difference. May I do this from the
Quote "Book of the Masters":
The true mastery is not shown in miracles or spectacular
mystical experiences, but the inner attitude with which one
Life masters, and how to deal with his worries, problems and with
bypasses his fellow man.
Modesty and contentment make the being happy and satisfied
harmoniously on the conditions. Desires disappear earlier
Meaning were. Serenity in failure and patience uphold the
Distance to harassing events. The need for
Retreatment grows, while appreciation by others always
seems unimportant. Absolute honesty, reliability, tolerance and
sympathetic compassion towards others characterizes the character.
Making a sacrifice for others is perceived as an enrichment. waiver
does not require any extra effort.
Expectations are realized without any special effort. One knows
his weaknesses and uses his strengths and preserves equanimity in happiness
and in pain.
A master of hermeticism no longer looks for dusty manuscripts,
venerable orders, secret formulas, rituals or unknown
Instructions, he does not seek his master in a "guru", but finds
him in the sacred second-long eternities in which he deals with his
I am the most self-evident in the course of his spiritual development
worked out, identified.
One should not ask too much from the Hermetic Way and certainly nothing
Expect extraordinary things. When the ordinary begins, bearable too
you are on the right path. The signs and wonders happen
only when you no longer expect them.
You are the founder of the Gnostic Hermetics you mentioned
not only in the esoteric, but also for the psychology partly completely
set up new models of thinking.
• For you, the soul is not a nebulous ray of light, but one
subtle organism, its organs, limbs and essential cells, in
Analogy to the astrological planetary principles, very specific
fulfill anatomical and physiological functions.
• In the mind, you see no higher and lower ME, but only one
only true I Amber, but not perfect or divine
is, but depending on experience, with its different
Identified Wesellen cells.
• This AMBER does not end up in the Hereafter after death,
but first awakens in his personal soul garden, a species
Soul bubble, where all the thoughts and feelings that one had, like
confront essential spirits and shape the experienced environment.
You designate these spirits as elementals and elementals and
see in them the personal essential cells of the subtle body,
to master and refine it. Only if they succeed, they too
you could also control his subtle limbs and organs,
which are composed of these essential cells, willingly targeted
use and in other spheres, so in the real hereafter
with his real geniuses and ghosts.
• You connect to the original qualities of the four elements
to the human consciousness cells, the personal self
create, and seek after, from the theory of antiquity
practical inauguration system for personal self-complete
to do something.
• But you have also put forward heretical theories. That's how they look
e.g. the people as milking cows of the gods. This will be for many esotericists
Not exactly encouraging, even if you have an option
And now my question to you, where did you get it all from? From which
Secret archives or spiritual sources have you drawn your knowledge?

The academic footnotes are missing in my books, but not everything is

really new. I have only, without scratching the tradition, the Gnosis and the
Hermetics freed from the patina of the time. (About the recently in
GNOSTIKA a non-cultist complains.) But I owe my findings
neither medial inputs, nor were they channeled elsewhere. I have
not copied by old masters, but tried there
think ahead where others left off.
It is clear that when writing always the entire existing
Co-processing knowledge and never inventing something new while thinking.
Even the seemingly new will be out of each level and you
above intelligence scooped or entered. That's why I meet everyone
Inspirations with great caution. "Words and Acoustic Messages
other levels, if one should and can trust them, must be as
if you speak to yourself, "Gustav Meyrink noted
all the inspirations, and therefore I have everything that I published exceedingly
tried to examine critically.

The Gnostic Hermetics sees itself not as a science, but as

Continuation of the tradition - it wants food for thought and no axioms or dogmas
give - but she rejects any form of belief that is not logically comprehensible
is off.

Gullibility is exactly the same in our enlightened time today

widespread evil as in the darkest Middle Ages. Not only in the esoteric scene,
where a bunch of madmen, of whom one half (the anointed, as Gustav
Meyrink), preach something she has no idea about, and the other
Half (the soapy), listening in awe and believing what she does not understand.
Much more embarrassing is that this sick state of mind at least as much
so-called scientists are tormenting the mind. Just academics
Buy blue-eyed her guru or other rogues, occult publishers and
Pharmaceutical companies from the biggest nonsense. This becomes questionable if
Graduate physicians believe they can, instead of with experience and intuition,
with too
"Bioresonance devices" transformed lying detectors, diseases
track down, and also the same, hocuspocus, the suitable homeopathic
Display remedy.

The scientists would be well advised if they did not, by

Questions of faith unsettled, leaving the foundations of scientificity
would, just as the esoterics should stand by their magic and mysticism,
instead of feeling embarrassed and desperately trying to do anything scientifically
to explain.

17We are trying to reach this very gap between science and esotericism
in GNOSTIKA. You think that is bad or

But no, quite the contrary. Magic and science contradict each other
Not. It's just the intolerant, the uninformed, the one-sided
oriented fanatics who contradict each other, or because they matter
do not understand, let these excesses arise.
Depending on the article, GNOSTIKA will always have uninhibited readers
lose both camps, but I think it's still important
open-minded people to open up a worldview that is foreign to them.
It will be hard enough. The esoterics have to before the
Define terms with which they operate more accurately, e.g. what do you mean
with spirit and soul - there is not even one common
Vocabulary, which is a fertile conversation between the esotericists of the
different traditions among each other - and the
On the one hand, scientists must be unprejudiced to the esotericists, but
listen carefully and show them understandably that the
The findings of science are often much more exciting and fantastic
as the reports from the world of gnomes and demons, and immensely
be stimulating for the esoteric worldview. After the hermetic
Law, "as above so above", the natural science offers the only one
reliable method, on the gross level, conclusions about others
to draw "higher" levels.

Where do you see the possibility of a bridge?

Between psychology on the one hand and astrology on the other
that is already done. A good reputable astrologer also has one today
well-founded psychological knowledge, and conversely, more and more benefit
Psychologists the many possibilities offered by astrology.
Astrology conveys a vivid soul model, which includes the
to understand the individual invisible structure of every human being.
In addition, it allows to recognize in advance when a
certain soul organ will work better or worse. This
"Soul Weather Report" is, much like an economic forecast for the economy,
for the deliberate planning of the life path immensely helpful and puts everyone
Therapists in a position, without time-consuming testing and dubious methods,
both the personal vulnerabilities in the soul structure of his patients
also the causes of a momentary disturbance and the probable
To recognize the development of the state of the soul

I have been in the 25 years of my career as an Astrological Life Coach

Thousands of horoscopes checked for accuracy, and I really do not know any
People who, once he has learned the basic rules of astrology and
practically busy with it, would still doubt it. on the other hand
I'm not surprised that many, otherwise intelligent and
open-minded people, do not even bother with it because they are different from
all the nonsense, which is also offered as astrology, repelled
feel. As long as reputable astrologers give in to it, newspaper horoscopes
and lay people who have no idea about astrology, bestsellers about
Write "moon astrology" as long as every charlatan is allowed to call himself an
that will not change either.
Although astrology is not a science, it could at most be the
but it delivers in such a way
convincing evidence that besides the laws of the gross world still exist
a subtle mechanism that affects life and consciousness
you can not escape these facts.

Unlike some other esotericists, they always stood with you

both legs firmly in life. They have family, were owners of one
good jewelery shop and not just as jewelry designer,
but also internationally recognized as an astrologer, and sat down
for decades, not only in Freemasonry, but also in the profane, for
the recognition of a serious esotericism. But suddenly you have yourself
completely withdrawn. They receive only very few friends and
about esotericism you do not talk at all. Why? are
You disappointed, did you resign?

Periods where you can make a difference are followed by times when you feel
must withdraw. Therefore, around the turn of the century, a hermetic lodge compared
its work to Golden Dawn. Who with nature
is familiar, knows this phenomenon: Since the sky turns golden, the sun
it opens, you think, but then suddenly it gets dark and dark again. The
Spectacular splendor disappears for ten minutes, before the sun really sets
appears over the horizon. We are currently in this dark phase.

page upto 29 accidentally undone

The Gnostic Hermetics teaches step by step how to use four-pole entities for
wins his light body. In the third book of the masters, the retreat for
Masons are described as how to become aware of thinking, feeling, willing
united and refined. In the fourth book you can find techniques with which one
then the necessary quantity, that is the force, for the new essential cells wins
transformed. In the fifth book will be a fifth element, the four
Connecting elements, made aware by the practice of being awake.

First, through conscious thinking, feeling, and willing, becomes the connecting
Element, the consciousness, made aware.
But also these highest essential cells of the TRUE ICHSELBST, whose
Qualities in consciousness, being awake, being free and being alone have one
connecting fifth element, which is in the sensation of the spatial
Being manifested. This four-dimensional feeling must therefore also
be practiced until it can be recalled at any time.

Those who follow the Hermetic Way for a long time know how quickly the
Mind muscles slacken as soon as they are no longer consciously trained. The
Consciousness of the gross middle is therefore just as much a daily exercise
important as the conscious waking or the transformation exercises.
There are enough opportunities to attract attention in a multi-dimensional way
school, for example: listen to the radio lecture and write something at the same
time. Room off
looking out of the center. Always also what is behind you, into the
Call consciousness and visualize, first with closed eyes later
with open and at any time. Evola's pentagram image before group work.
Breathing with space: Osiris Exercise is condensing - Akasha Exercise is dispelled.
One should not be discouraged on his way, because as long as that is
Consciousness experienced out of a gross body, are due to the
Lifelike, natural limits set. That too, once you get it
unemotional, consciously aware and not against wanting it
impress, to the essence of his nature. And in fact it is straight
these boundaries, which give the consciousness an expansion, into areas that one
previously closed would allow.
The human body with its different, genetic,
Stirrings, instincts, and needs offer consciousness to one
Possibility to get to know also alien beings and thereby
To develop qualities that otherwise, because of its nature, not
would have unfolded. The first step to perfecting is to do this
Experiencing essential cells and thus expanding his space of consciousness, the
that one consciously seizes them and at least temporarily, be it for the
Moment of exercise or for the whole incarnation, mastered. Let it go
gain completely new experiences in each incarnation.

The perfect requires that it must be able to grasp everything.

No spiritual intelligence of the Hierarchy, not even a human being, can do that
boast. The Gnostic Hermetic therefore avoids over-worshiping
philosophize because a statement about him is not possible. Nevertheless, the
conscious perfection of one's own being, in its quadripolarity, something
from the foundation of true perfection, under which one imagines oneself
divine being with his omnipotence, omnipresence, wisdom and eternity
would have to imagine.
Strictly speaking, every quadrupole closes at the same time a fifth, all four
Linking the principle in itself. Not like a three-legged table
wobbles, but not because he has three legs, but because the tabletop these three
connects and thus fulfills the function of a fourth supporting principle results
the "divine" of the quadruple is joined by the connecting fifth
Element, the Akashan principle.


The all-encompassing space principle Akasha can not be grasped by oneself. you
can not edit, compress or otherwise evoke it like the others
four elements, still one can put oneself in the Akasha, just like one in the
other elements, or to a different location, offset. On the contrary, the quieter,
one is calmer and still one who is one, the "closer" one is Akasha, all the more
more is one equal to him. Akasha is the dimmed and to the room
crystallized Consciousness, one must be, if one wants to understand it.
One is accustomed to assault consciousness bearers, but in the Akasha it is
vice versa. One becomes the bearer of consciousness for what one is
introduces, believes and is. One has to dissolve, much like an ice cube
in the water, or a drop of water that evaporates into a mist, but you
should not lose it. You manage it while you are
thus seemingly detached from itself, to preserve consciousness
one realizes that in reality nothing escapes, but the one
Space that one occupies expands - or its contents are condensed and
Increased - and you do not change or move, because you yourself
Room has become. One recognizes that everything that is, is only the bearer of
and you yourself, in the form of consciousness, the omnipresent space
"Take everything away from you, as you shrink, spread God
Dress over you, "is how the mystics of all traditions swarm
In fact, Akasha is the stuff of which the gods are. That means
but not that anyone who is able to renounce everything, instead
is equipped with divine qualities as soon as he "dives" into the Akasha. It
will be for the time being only the Akash plane of his personal consciousness
where he finds himself. And he will experience that not only
its elemental and elemental essences (the living
"Spirit Crystals" and "Soul Molecules"), but also the space between his
Essential cells belong to his nature.
However, this space, the apparent nothing, is also the main principle
of the Akasha of the gods. The Gnostic Hermetics sees in the Akashaprinzip the
Spatial and timeless expansion of the universe as unlimited, eternal
Foundation of consciousness. If one succeeds in identifying with it, that is
you are still far from perfect or united with God, but you are
on the basis of what is called divine qualities
and can unfold. Since there is nothing that is not directly in Akasha
embedded and permeated with, you can get out of Akasha too
Everything that is, understand and comprehend. You do not even need to
move to another place or to another level, because also bodies,
Spirit and soul are steeped in it. If you manage to do it consciously
Then, without losing yourself, you will be able to detach everything from yourself
you come across the primordial qualities of the Akasha, which re-open everything,
as soon as you identify with them.

Although Akasha manifests as absolute emptiness, but still points

certain qualities, it's not just nothing. Also on the subtle
Levels only exist that which is and works and is different from others
differs, that is, has a certain amount of energy, power (quantity)
and with a quality, a name, called and described
can be. If you want to feel Akasha, you must therefore also from
This unimaginable principle of the all-encompassing emptiness is an idea
Akasha appears immobile, black-violet, formless, infinite. Since it is not too
displace or change, it works for everything that is embedded in it, such as
a clear, diamond-like, supporting structure. But also like a jelly, because
through its support, it also provides the basis for the beginning
any conscious spiritual movement and does not restrict. Akasha is indeed
stable, but at the same time fluid. One must not therefore his strength with the
Density of the earth element that arises as a result of the strained dry
confound. Even the quiet rest in Akasha is not tolerated with the motionless
Comparing cold receiving water. The compassionate of the Akasha
is based on the property that it permeates everything and thus perceives everything
and feels, but it does not touch or move even of it.
Akasha also masters the time. Not only that as a space in appearance
The passing form of the Akasha includes time, but also its
living content, the consciousness.
As in the infinite space of the universe, that of the gross light
worn images of distant galaxies, even as they were millions of years ago
looked, are included and, depending on the distance, the viewer in one
Other states appear in the consciousness field of the Akasha who are out
subtle spiritual light shaped inner worlds, the elementals
all representations of all beings, in each of their states of development,
One only has to trace the emergence of a thought and become immediately
realize what it means. One thought emerges from another.
Ideas give birth to emotions and vice versa. Wishes are condensing
Will impulses. Feelings open like the leaves of a rose.
But what the time-bound perceptions
appears in a row, lies, viewed from Akasha, spread out there.
As the light from the sun flows through the universe, it seems to move
Consciousness through the landscape of the lifetime, and yet, when you return
think, it is one continuity. What moved and changed were only
the contents of consciousness. No matter how strange a sixty-year-old man
the being that he was at the age of 20 occurs, his personal ICH
He does not feel conscious about it, he always feels himself as the one he is
The fourth dimension, the spacetime and timeless Akasha, is therefore the basis for
Consciousness transfers and out of body experiences.


Akasha is thus a distant place, even if it may seem like one, and none
"higher" level, but the ubiquitous space in which all times, places and
Levels, including the gross, are included. It's everywhere, and you
Therefore, as soon as you lean on the Akashan principle, it does not matter
which position you look at yourself or your environment, at the same time the
surrounding area
and the middle one.

An analogous impression of Akasha is experienced in the form of his

Body sensation. The consciousness (it is indeed a property of the Akasha) leaves
You can also perceive all the limbs simultaneously (the fingers are one
just as close as the toes or lips), and although it is due to the
Nerve pathways, usually located in the head, it is only a matter of
Exercise, and you can also exert your body from any other body part
feel. The hermetic therefore designates the Akashaprinzip as fourth

All dislocations of consciousness and out-of-body experiences are based

therefore, on the mastery of the Akashan principle. While you are
usually, both in the gross body and in the out-of-body
Condition, based on consciousness bearer and, intentionally or unintentionally, of
Feelings, ideas, thoughts or feelings, you get in
Form of Akasha itself the bearer of everything on which one adjusts. Therefore
you can change the respective consciousness carriers out of Akasha, without
that thereby the consciousness is interrupted. Because instead of moving
or being moved shifts in the space you take as soon as you move
one identifies with him and not with his contents, only his content, man
even untouched if you want it.

However, you will only find your way on the Akash plane if
you can perceive, think, feel and imagine four-dimensionally. It
requires a lot of practice before one is able to get his position in the
Akasha always occupies the center of the circumference, at the same time after all
To present directions broadly. You have to feel like something that is
forward and backward, up and down, on all sides alike
and at the same time oriented.
This must be practiced and requires a complete rethinking, because of the
From a visual point of view at the gross level one is used to the
Not to notice the space behind him.
• The most common mistake in disassociation is therefore that the
Hermetic in his imagination the object in which it is placed, the
Quality of the level he visits, or the place he wants to go to
Although clearly imagines, but this imagination in front of him, and thus
out of his own, builds up, while still at the same time still on the
Starting point feels. Usually one sees oneself how one at the
desired location, and thus automatically imagines one
Doppelgänger, who, detached from one, travels.

• In order to avoid splintering in this way, there is a simple one

Trick: One does not think of the place desired, but picks himself up
the place and build it around.
Since one operates thereby automatically with the space principle, also gets the
Unschooled, as soon as he has appropriate ideas of this process
imagined, a vivid sense of Akasha, to which he then turns
can support.

The following experiment will immediately make you aware of what idea it is
it depends: Before falling asleep, one is usually with the head
always in the same direction, one imagines, one lies differently
around. If you lie, for example Usually with your back to the wall, so you put
Now imagine how to have the room behind you and what is going on
usually located at the head, you now think backwards to
his feet. With this one pushes the space without one's self
moved, and does not even forget his gross body.
Another obstacle in the case of loss of consciousness is the
Body sensation. As long as you still feel something of his body and that
As a rule, you will not be able to break away from him. The
Consciousness remains focused on the body because of its pressure points
is still perceived and these bodily sensations parts of
hold on to subtle entities. You will not be able to get involved
to move the desired place, it will succeed at best, individual
Essential cells equal to extend or split off sensors.
• On the other hand, there is an effective trick: you get the
Perception of his gross body in the operation.
To make you aware of the influence of bodily sensations, try
following experiment: You lie with closed eyes in side position in bed
and imagine in detail what is in the room in front of you.
You will easily succeed in what you would see before you
imagine. Then imagine that you would be on the other side of the body
and that would have that half of the room that is actually behind your back
now, you will not be able to do so well anymore, that which is in
Truth is behind you, to see it as if it were in front of you. You feel
the bruise on the side of the body that you're really lying on and it's going to be
Imagine, you are on the other side. The exercise succeeds immediately
again, if you imagine instead, you're lying, the other way round in bed, so
with your head where your legs are. The pressure point of the body position
then agrees again with the side of the room that you imagine before you. There
You really are not different, you also have the room
turned around you, so already included Akasha


Because you can easily lose consciousness when working with Akasha
you immediately use the time otherwise drowsy in bed before falling asleep. there
It's easier when you first get into the fourth dimension of his
"staggered" physical body before practicing in the Akasha of the Universe. Because
it falls from the innermost lowest point of his own life-space
easier to expand, to move into an object, to another place,
or to another level. Out of the personal center is
it is possible to identify with each center.
The first "place" to be relocated is therefore the body. That's it
not so normal, because most of the time you are in your thoughts everywhere, just
not there,
where you really are. You may also feel the heaviness
of his limbs, which has nothing to do with Akasha, to mark one
Involve the center of the field of consciousness in the imagination. One does
So, the body is aware and feels, first in turn and then
at the same time, in all its organs and members. The head is just as well
a limb like the arms and legs, so that one feels like a starfish. ever
the smaller one thinks, the easier it will be the middle of his
Body structure, which can take on the same spherical shape, find. Then call
Recall the characteristics of the Akasha. By the feeling of
Emptiness becomes what one still perceives of his body as a "body"
a cavity, with a transparent, permeable shell, and with the
Omnipresent spatial sensation also dissolve these boundaries. It
easily succeeds, even the bed on which one lies, as well as two fat eyes in the
Soup, to unite with his body and in his personal
Consciousness space to involve. In the same way you expand yourself
and also includes all furniture and items that are in the room
his body. It can be like a fluid, violet light
think that infiltrates everything, like water in blotting paper, and even that
Solidest soaked. Nevertheless, never feel the sensation of movement
arise. It is very important that you feel like a room by the
Movements take place, and one does not deal with the moving or the
Room contents identified.
This is difficult because either you feel like a middle or a room, in
everything is located. The sensation of existence in the form of a
Omnipresent space principle must therefore be practiced as well as that
Awake and consciousness.
Therefore, do not miss opportunities to look at its four dimensions
To call memory. The idea the spatial center can be anytime
be awakened. Try at any opportunity you too
to realize the space behind you. You can look at the items
putting them behind them, as if one were from there the space in front of them
survey, whereby one then has in front of him and as object includes. Or
one continues to occupy the middle and "looks" with all his spiritual eyes
Pages, which is more difficult. It is easier, the environment with the mental
Sensing tactile sensation. One is used to one of the bodies of all
Page wrapped, and a sensation on the back does not seem like that
outlandish, as if you could look back. Stretch, with closed
Eyes, in the mind your mental hand like a feeler and touch all
Items that need to be in front of you. Then let feelers out of the
Back grow and probing the entire circumference groping. Solve the feelers, as
if it were invisible rays that strike sparks when impacted, think of it
At Radar, which replaces the light and also allows visual impressions behind you.
Feel the omnipresent center of everything that you, in such a way to the room
become, recorded.
Even in the Akasha, consciousness is multi-limbed. Just like Yin and Yang
not the duality, but the lighted and shady side of a mountain
(according to other tradition, the two steep banks of a river bed) is
the sensation of "front and back" also given in the Akasha, as soon as one
works with the concept of time. Even if you take the middle, that determines
Planned Planned as a picture of the future, the viewing direction, whereby a
"front" emerges.
Since the body senses the anlog mental perception abilities
you can also train the mind through them. If you learn two and
to apply more senses at the same time by, for example, listening to the radio,
reading something, or following a lecture while making notes, one obtains
also mentally the ability to capture two directions simultaneously. The
Four-female (sense?) concentration, which Franz Bardon describes, also sharpens at
the same time
also the fifth sense, namely the perception of the Akasha.
From the ancient Rosicrucians is the following exercise to find one's center
can, described: You lay down flat with your back on a large
Cross and let this rotate in the mind, first slowly, then faster and faster.
As long as one fixes one's consciousness in the head, one experiences the passing
Environment in a timely manner. But if you put it in the solar plexus, in the
Hub of the "rolling world wheel", where the bars intersect, one can
to free oneself from the movement of space and time
From the point back to the general condition one arrives with the following
exercise: Am
Lie back, imagine, you have the sky over you. (Of course you can
the exercise in a balmy August night also with open eyes in the open air
practice). Under you you know your bed, the house in which you live, and
including the globe. Then you imagine how the earth turns, so long,
until you are on the other side of the globe. Now you do not look
more up, but down. Under you you can see the star-studded
Night sky. You float in space. Your body is huge now, and the whole thing
Earth weighs only with the weight of a backpack on your back.
Part of the solar system is already in you, which you now feel in the back
is, only the expansion pressure of the sun, with which you merge immediately
will. Even shining, you detach yourself from everything that still holds you in
Form of light and space you are no limits set. You have that now
Solar system in you, then the Milky Way, you're just more room. Not you
expand now, but the galaxies are condensing in you and you are seizing,
immobile, in you, the infinite boundless being.
In addition to the Akashaprinzip there are other ideas, one on the
Can support the articulation of his consciousness. There are therefore different
Methods of Conscious Displacement. The best known is, you imagine
meticulously, how to find the place where you are, together with your body
leaves, so how do you feel, with all the normally associated with it
Sensations, rises and gets to the desired other place. Must have
you experience your body up close, its weight, its feet, how to walk
and moves, and must imagine this completely to the goal, what a
requires enormous concentration ability.
The lookalike
Or you form a subtle body with which you can fly.
But even then you have to leave his gross body, and
that works only if you can completely forget it. In addition, must
you also have the energy organ in the lower abdomen, the one in the
Out-of-body condition allows the locomotion, dominate.
You bring the space you want to move to

The simplest is therefore, you get, as already described, the place to the
you want to go, to yourself. You do not necessarily need his
gross body, but only the room in which one is located
to erase his consciousness field. Usually the thoughts disappear
its environment even by itself, as soon as you, with all your senses,
introduces how to perceive the new environment. Depending on the details you get
Destination imagined, the more, as when falling asleep, the
Memories of the old surroundings fade and disappear because of the
Attention focused on new ideas, of them
is deducted. In fact, they are painted over with the new pictures presented.
Initially, this will be difficult, but with the described Vorzubungen
let the subtle senses for the essential, on it there
arrives, sharpen.
The secret of the flying carpet
One can, if it does not succeed, the disturbing body sensations
switch off, this technique of spatial displacement also in conjunction with
apply to other body positions. If you practice sitting, you will become
Imagine the destination also sitting. The body sensation will not be one
hold in the body at the point of origin. One does not think with his own
Chair is placed on the place, but imaginatively builds the goal around and
his chair up.
Incidentally, the famous flying carpet is nothing else than the
personal Tapis, or an imaginary Liege, as consciousness-bearing
"Flying object". Especially those Hermetic, lying, or with crossed legs
Sitting, practicing, being like this old Oriental Sufi practice
You can also combine the techniques with each other. You form yours
Doppelgänger with which one identifies oneself but which one does not send out
but, on the contrary, it evokes in itself consciousness. Then
one imagines oneself in order not to have to switch off the physical sensation
"Vehicle", that can be a transparent "flying carpet" or a "throne"
(which one commands, as a ruler over time and space,), and does
Akasha consciously. By getting in touch with the all-pervading violet
If you extend your bill, you first tie up your vehicle, and then gradually
around him imagined ideas of the objects of the place, to the
you want to move, in the Akasha filled with an environment. You have that
Place brought to you

You have to feel as overgrown with the "vehicle" as with his

own body, only then will it succeed, without change of location, the
Magic chair or carpet on which one sits, already as part of the place, to the
you want to put yourself, to feel. After that, it's easy to get around too
Imagine the rest of the facility or landscape, and it will immediately become
also consciously perceive itself there present. Did you manage everything?
to present in detail as a new environment, you can be sure that you
is actually there with his mind and can do the planned
Project (placement of an elemental, magnetizations, space charges
or bans). Even now you do not need his place too
leave. You work imaginatively or let your doppelganger do the work
do. In order to avoid a split of consciousness, one thinks
himself as the doppelganger and growing, like a computer animation,
like a feeler or a limb without detaching itself from itself
out, you just expand.
The chair, of course, is only used for the purpose of dismissing consciousness
and not as a desk chair or guest chair use. Also the with
Light or Akasha charged carpet is reserved for visitors
and is always kept rolled up. You can get your doppelganger yourself
either created with the mirror method Bardons, or you can use it
a life-sized photo of himself, which then looks like a small kyilkhor of his
I have to consider and treat accordingly.
NOTE: All exercises and experiments with the Akashic Principle are as well as
to consciously take back the exercises with the elements. Depending on how
As far as practicing you expand and what you include in your consciousness,
You have to dismiss it again and confine your consciousness to the body.
By considering the order of the solar system, the density of the earth belt zone
and the qualities of the four elements of your personal consciousness in
Memory calls and you again as spirit in the body, and then as a body
Every work with Akasha is completed.
What is that which incarnates and more and more over the lifetime
a personality growing up that says, I think I feel, I want,
I am? Who or what determines the initial situation of a birth and what
Is the course of further destiny based? Why are people drowning?
apparently very unfairly distributed physical, family and financial
Conditions and with very different skills and
Characteristics to the world?

It does not matter whether you believe in karma and rebirth or think you are
Only born once, the question, according to which rules and why
especially to those personal essential cells that give you the consciousness in
It was not possible to enable this life, and not to others
The usual karma theory, after which, round about eye - tooth to tooth, a thief in
deprived of life itself, only the garbage of deeds returns among the
karmic carpet of the past or blame a poor one
Devil who incarnates in the future, and can not remember anything.
Since New Age raised the idea of a rebirth to folk religion, many hope
proper housewife born in the next life even as a revered guru too
(in the last life she was anyway the daughter of Pharaoh), but like her
she asks herself, to the necessary qualities and abilities
But exactly this question must be answered, before you even with the
Discusses theme of rebirth; how do you get to the
Entities that think, feel and behave the way one is, and not otherwise
let act? The destiny is about this personal
Genes cells certainly rather than the evil will of the will
Destiny powers determined. For the gods, genii and demons can
just about the personal essentials that they share with each other
connect, interact with him.

For the time being, therefore, we are not interested in why, e.g. someone in the
Busch and another in a big city, with all their advantages and disadvantages, the
Sees the light of the world, or the one as the guarded only child of a millionaire
the other than the ninth child of an unemployed criminal convict is born. It
It's not about how it comes about that one cripple and the other
as a beauty is born, but how the special spiritually spiritual
Structures of the being that is in the body, different in each person
could shape. What determines the personal attachments that make up
then the skills and character?

There must have been something that incarnates. As far as you do not think
that thoughts and feelings are excretory products of the body or
If God re-creates every human soul, one must assume
the mind and the soul, or something else from the consciousness-bearing I,
was already present in some form before birth.
But this raises the question; you can incarnate as you please and as you can
you travel abroad to get to know other countries, an earthly one
Book body to experience other life situations up close? used
At the same time you also have another spirit and a new soul, too
other mental attitudes, opinions, preferences, as well as characteristics and
Stirrings that are alien to one, to be able to experience, or can be in each other
Only ever live the mental and spiritual systems you already have,
unfold? How to get to a new character, other ideals,
Inclinations and traits? Why do you change your interests? receives
the old spirit a new soul-dress with which he incarnates, or he rises
right into a body, (just like you get into a bought car, that fits too
anyone who can afford it) and then marries the subtle one
Essential cells attracted by the vitality flowing out of the body
become? Theoretically that would be possible without further ado, because that's it
gross body, which, with its biochemical structure, pretends which
Plants can unfold and which can not.
According to the latest scientific findings, it is not just the
physical equipment such as Eye color, nose shape or disease dispositions, but also
the requirements for the personal mental
and mental traits and characteristics, so the personal
Essential cells of mind and soul, which unfolds in the respective life
the genetic structure of the gross body in which one incarnates,
specified. Whether someone reacts aggressively or caringly "maternally" depends
of how many oxydocines his body is able to produce.
Sex hormones determine sexual desire. Depression and
Lethargy, as well as confidence and activity, become biochemical
Controlled operations. A dysregulation of stress hormones, a disturbed one
Serotonin metabolism, you know a lot of hormones, enzymes and others
Substances that control the mental state can affect the whole inner world
Blow up your balance. Even the predisposition to criminal behavior is based
demonstrably on a functional defect in neurological processes, which the
Regulate the connection between perception and emotional reaction. Of the
so-called amygdala in the brain has become clear as a center and
Regulator of emotions isolated.

All this does not mean, however, that the consciousness-bearing

subtle essences of mind and soul products or outflows of the
but only that only those can be
Entity cells can incarnate and hold in a body that is in this body
Body find appropriate gross docking. Thinking, feeling, willing
and one can also be conscious in an out-of-body condition, and some
Biochemical processes can also be temporarily controlled by targeted
Imagine imagination. The brain only serves as a laptop for being in
gross body. But where the software is missing, the
most powerful spiritual aspirations no significant changes
can cause.
Nature, too, must follow certain measures, otherwise order would be
there and regulated life processes impossible. The essential cells of mind and
Souls are once subtle and therefore, without intermediate link than
Transmitter, not to connect with the gross matter. In the retreat
For Masons, this psychophysical mechanism has already been explored
described: Seen from the body meet the so-called Vitale, the
"Molecules of life force", this task. You have to be the gross
Level are assigned and are actually excreta of the
Body. Concentrated on sensations and impulses, they connect with each other
Hopes, fears and other forms of feelings, the elementals. First
these elementals, which are the "molecules of the soul," can come to terms with
each other
Elementals, these are the "molecules of the mind", ie the ideas,
Thoughts and imaginations, connect and invigorate them. Vice versa
Spirit molecules connect the molecules of the mind, the ideas
and opinions, also first with the elementals, that is, with emotional impulses,
trigger the wishes and in the form of wool impulses the mind
allow to act on the body and over the body, even in the
gross world, to act.
Depending on how you define the true Ischelself and what you are
Under the mind and soul it becomes independent of the gross body
subtle beings of man either with these incarnating ones
Being identical or, independently of them, others
Can support consciousness bearers.
Hermetic anatomy, in conjunction with astrology, has one
vivid thinking model developed with which the consciousness-bearing
subtle limbs consisting of these essential cells are described

Cosmological Chemistry
However, the question remains, how and why do you come to these, or
those, essential cells? How does karma work? Will someone be one
dissolute life led, its essential organs for love and enjoyment
Essential cells consist of uncontrolled planetary qualities of the
Mars, Venus, Uranus or Neptune mixed, these essential cells
also take in his next incarnation? How could he get rid of them,
if he does not control them or does not want to get rid of them because he feels
in order to. Or is just the opposite of the prude Ascetic, the every
Pleasure fails, but reveling in his fantasies, in the
incarnation with these pent-up "repressed" essential cells as
joyful libertine to the world?

Can one only deal with essential cells which one in oneself, thus in his
Consciousness space, had and used or tolerated, incarnate, or is there
possible to incarnate in a body, one, for a change or
to mental muscle training, confronted with completely alien properties?
Is it possible that one gives up one's entire being and with others?
Essential cells is born? Just to find out what it's like with this or that
to live that character, and to learn with other qualities
bypass? Such an incarnation would then be like a long journey in
a foreign country, where one gains new impressions, and not the consequence of
past life; and she would have no karmic consequences, since with the
Discard the old essentials not just the experiences and memories
but also the basis for it. The work on yourself
would seem pointless, unless one attains the desired
Perfection in the same life.

It is the structure of the spirit that outlasts death and itself

incarnating beings cells serve as a framework and model to define and the
Mechanism with which the energies of the desire - force, the will, the
Belief and the imagination, the energies with which that is
SELF renewed and keeps alive to fathom. How is the power over the
Urqualities of the Akasha, which are omnipresent, eternal and unbound and in
their various compositions with the consciousness itself all-powerful
are to capture?

What of the personal being is the true I Am? What are the
Entities and organs with which one incarnates, and what of them
are interchangeable essential cells that are being reborn in every life?
Are the original qualities of personal qualities the basis for
every new incarnation, or is it possible to put it down like that
different body, in which you look over the millennia

Every Hermetic must answer these questions himself. Because only

if he believes in it, he will be able to do it that way
created image of himself in his true I Am
anchor and keep in mind. If you do not have a concrete picture
makes of what one is and wants to be, there is the danger that one
as soon as one no longer uses his body as a support for consciousness
Has lost.

The Gnostic Hermetic has set up no dogmas and promises

not eternal life after death. But there is a lot
revealing text in the ritual of tradition. It is said in the survey
to the Masonic master, when the murdered master is lifted from the grave
"I can not lift it, the skin gets away from the flesh.
"I can not lift it, the flesh comes off the leg," and then, "Let us
try to lift him with the five points of the championship. "That is
hinted that at least two of the bodies that are the true ICHSELBST
used, the body of the gross body and the so-called
Astral body, mortal. Only when the four essences become one
fifth uniting (the overall, summarizing whole is more and more
than what it consists of and has other properties than its parts)
created a foundation for immortality.
The Gnostic Hermetics therefore teaches techniques with which one can
Refining essential cells, transforming their energy, or transforming them into
Can transform the essence of cells. Unwanted essential cells are already in the
Germs are hindered, the smallest approaches to positive emotions are carefully
maintained. The
Experience proves it, this self and consciously constructed life becomes,
at least for a while, personal consciousness also after that
Take off the gross body. This results in different ones
Theories for ways of attaining, for an incarnation,
provided (or not to be foreseen) essential cells can come.

The simplest probability would be, according to popular belief

the theory of reincarnation, that one is born with those essential cells, the
one acquired in the course of its various incarnations and already in the
used previous life.

Naturally, the Properties and drives from the last incarnation dominate because
they still exist
are more animated and can therefore appear more powerful. Those
Essential cells that one learned to master can, in the form of positive ones
Qualities and ingenious abilities, the corresponding essentials
whereas the neglected or degenerate
same weaknesses and negative tendencies will effect as already

It basically means a constant repetition of the same

Properties, however, under different life situations, resulting in a
new perspective and thus to a change in aspirations (ie new
Essential cells). Nevertheless, that will, sooner or later, become one
unilateral development, because both the positive and the
negative essentials are increasingly asserting themselves.
Vemeiden could only do that,
if a gracious incarnation mechanism would automatically
that e.g. a reckless power-hungry politician in the next life as
sacrificial, compassionate nurse, a clever, successful one
Businessman as a frugal, modest shepherd, a more comfortable one
Connoisseurs could be born as an ambitious top athlete.
However, that would be unfair to those who are concerned about theirs
Self-improvement, and an equally illogical interpretation of the
Law of karma, as it would be a much too low punishment if a conscienceless one
Dictator who has millions of people on his conscience and his opponents too
Tortured deaths, and then ends up in a prison in his next life.

Although it is believed that e.g. the successful businessman already

once lived as a shepherd and on these old humble beings cells
It would be very unlikely, especially if you look at it
Imagine that to someone on skills that he has laboriously appropriated
and who belong to his being, must renounce, how should he "forget" them

The one-sidedness of the genius Therefore, as the Hermetic tradition teaches, the
hermetic is supposed to work
his self-perfection less the development of a special one
Ability, but, according to the four elements, the uniform unfolding
go for all possible characteristics.
the more consciously one uses his subtle essentials, and the better
one controls one's essential cells, the easier it will be, the one for one
Incarnation to determine desired essence cells itself. Who is not in it
is able to become the uncontrolled parts of his being in one
Body urge that fulfills those genetic conditions that its essence
and the one-sided development will be in the next life

However, there is a mechanism that provides for balance. Namely through the
different function of the elemental essential cells, which are the pictorial
Drawing mental structure, and the elementary essentials, as streams
the spiritual energies enliven these images.

Let's take the example again, someone comes with essential cells for
Abnormal or exaggerated sexual tendencies to the world (which at a birth
at the time where tense aspects between Venus and Uranus, or Neptune, or
other planets the harmonious balance of good taste
and love-loving, that would be the case).

These essential cells either come from a dissolute life,

in which the person concerned did not impose a compulsion, whereby, because he has
Elementary impulses followed, the corresponding essential cells in him
multiplied, or they result from the opposite; the person was alive
ascetic, but could not control his thoughts, so that the
elemental emotions, by the imaginary elemental images of fornication
fertilized, could multiply in his fantasies.

In both cases will be

Essential cells formed, which are also in another incarnation the personal one
Susceptible beings for a sexually permissive life.
Of course, the positive essence cells also influence the connection with a new life
body according to the same rules. This is the clear
drawn elemental mental structures a greater importance
to be measured as the elementary instinctual or sentimental
Stirrings. Ideas of qualities and abilities, despite the most zealous
Aspirations could not be realized because living conditions or the
necessary, genetically conditioned, conditions were missing, if they can
Nevertheless, as goals and ideals continue to be enlivened with desire,
let the following incarnation take place in a more suitable body.

The interest, that is, the spiritual attention, is thereby

decisive and forms the subtle structures around which in
properties and abilities appropriate to a next life
can crystallize. The power of belief, the conviction of the
Possibility of realization, will be the corresponding original qualities,
at least on the spiritual levels, visualize and enliven. A
The essential cells of conscience play a special role in this process.

are, as far as it is genuine and not religious or
culture-conditioned "remorse" acts as the Gedächnis
to look at the spirit of the experiences of the past
Incarnations stores. At the same time, the conscience is not limited to
moral values, although the knowledge of his good deeds the
Belief in a right to fulfill personal wishes immensely
strengthens. Any good intent will mark any conscious aspiration, every attempt
to conscience.

The Gnostic Hermetics shows how to use its different ones

Essential cells are transformed and refined, and how to do so
Strengthened beings, can leave his body, but there is none
logical reason for the assumption that one also of his subtle
The body that is made up of these essential cells comes off differently than you do
whose essential cells changed. Nobody comes out of his skin.
To leave his subtle body to enter another self
hatching, would be the same paradox, as one would be on the gross
Can pull level on own scoop out of a swamp. Even if you
on the subtle level his soul garden, in which one yes all
Surrounding beings of all incarnations, leaves to another level
To search, one uses personal essential cells as
Consciousness carrier.

Still, that does not have to mean that because you're only dealing with those
Characteristics and traits incarnate that one is aware of
worked out (or neglected) and with whom one died before, one
Connection with other, apparently alien, essential cells not possible
is. Because it is to be assumed that one of the bodies in which one is born
is also confronted with essential cells that are alien to one another and, if one
it awakens and takes hold, to new experiences and an extension of the
otherwise lead by the subtle body limited possibilities. Just like that
like not all diseases whose genetic systems are present, too
Actually, not all plants present in the genome are for
certain abilities, qualities or traits karmic through the
incarnating mind conditioned and appear. One incarnates
though always in a body that has the genetic basis for those
Essential cells, which correspond to the personal being, contain, but beside it
Probably every body also has facilities for qualities that are not
correspond to personal beings

Therefore each incarnation, besides the unique possibility, offers itself

Himself, that is to say, one's own essential cells, and to face oneself
work, also opportunities with new, alien essential cells in contact
to step.

That, however, due to the possibly existing facilities for foreign

Characteristics, a complete personality change becomes possible and how
Some followers of the Karma doctrine believe, e.g. a once powerful
murdering dictator or a tyrannical family despot, to punishment or
Purification, now even as the oppressed slips into the role of the sufferer, is
rather unlikely. Just this possibility would be a just
Lawfulness according to which the personal beings develop,
disagree. It would mean that you are, purely technical
seen, regardless of its characteristics incarnate. That would
then also allow one to commit one's life without obligation and without
"watching", like a TV movie or a lucid dream.
Remains the question of the meaning of existence
That until today it has not succeeded in satisfying the meaning of existence
is not least because there is more than one reason to be in
to incarnate a gross body. Everyone has to find the answer
for it largely determines how he makes sense of his existence in each life
will give. Self-perfection, mind and soul muscle training, the world
improve, pay debts or experience new, time and space with all
Capturing features are just a few motivations for a new one
Incarnation. An important reason that is often overlooked is forgetting.
Gnostic Hermetics describes different conditions of existence
the different levels. The principle of the resolution corresponds more to the
subtle worlds, while the principle of condensation more earthly
Arises from circumstances. Surely it will be one on the gross
Level easier to remember, to differentiate and to remember
collect and characteristics that the earth element and the compacting fluid
correspond, e.g. the stabilizing, the preserving, the reason and the
Orientation-giving festivals (even if it inhibits and makes selfish)
experience and develop, whereas on the subtle levels the light,
Timeless, selfless, dissolving is raising consciousness more and more
volatilized. Both would lead to self-destruction in one-sided form. The
only a self-compacting principle of the earthly would become
Hardening, and because it leads to seclusion; the timeless, in the
infinite Its volatilizing principle, as the basis of the subtle,
would lead to the dissolution of self-confidence. A change between the
For that reason, worlds will be required from time to time.
Since Aristotle the thinkers of the traditions distinguish the spirit and the
Soul and describe the spiritual as active, male strong and the soul
as passive, female weak. Because of this unfortunate dichotomy and
Polarization of a unity, which in reality is multi-membered, became that
ICHSELBST up to the present time again and again one-sided distorted and
incomprehensible described.

The consciousness of the true SELF is possible only because the essence of the
People is four-limbed. What the computer manufacturers can only dream of is
in the subtle realm already reality; the true ICHSELBST is able to
Act simultaneously on up to four different levels without being there
Consciousness that rests on a fifth level to lose. It can also:
1. Perceiving (also inspirations, intuitions and fantasies are true
perception), recognize, imagine something, purposefully imagine, reasonable
think, understand and plan, so think.
2. Perceive and be touched and moved
feel tuned (also by the presented), so feel and sympathize.
3. Desire, create or change the imagined and do it
So act (no matter what level).
4. To visualize ones existence, and thus of its existence and "soseins"
also be aware of each level.
5. And also consciously and awake to experience this consciousness.
In these considerations, one must not these four subtle essentials
his true I Am, which itself is like a fifth element of being, similar
the head can experience the other essential elements in itself, appears with the
three bodies, with which one acts on the different levels,
confound. The thinking becomes mostly the mental level, the feeling of the
Astral plane and the will of the gross plane, in the form of action,
assigned. Apart from the fact that thereby the existence and the consciousness and
In order to lack the essence of the true I Am, it is overlooked that one
not only on the gross level something wants and acts, but also on
the mental plane acts specifically, namely in the form of imagination,
and meditation, and also on the astral plane, one is active in
or if it is the astral plane of a foreign sphere that is there
surging, emotions, feelings and fears dominate and direct and so on
designed astral environment

The true ICHSELBST can be stuck in different bodies (the

Hermeticism distinguishes the mental body, the astral body and the life body
of the gross body), but it is capable of its four essentials, ever
after personal development more or less conscious, in each of these bodies
(and thus the body) to use. We were already at the beginning of the
Meisterweges firmly, even the true ICHSELBST is not perfect and is
also no indivisible unity, as some ancient mysteries taught, because one
everything that is divisible, considered transient. Only the compound is
changeable and thus has the prospect of perfection and duration. Therefore may
his subtle nature is confidently made up of limbs and organs
put together as long as one connects all his members
Element that assumes conscious being as the essential foundation.
Forming the four essentials of the true I Am, starting from that
mysterious center, where they are connected, that is, where consciousness,
Thinking, feeling and willing through self-conscious being
united in a single Geistorgan, the structure around which the essence
the three bodies of a new incarnation crystallized. Because the mental body, the
Astral body and the life body of the gross body, in each incarnation,
due to a different composition, have different qualities,
thereby also the new consciousness contents and the true ICHSELBST become
new opportunities. Therefore, the true I Am, though
it is the same self in every life, changing with every incarnation. ever
after which of his essential cells connect for a new incarnation
and above all, how they relate to one another becomes one
new nature of his three bodies experiencing life with other "eyes"
let, which also change the essentials and one
seemingly give new identity.
Even if the personal essential cells are the same, they can be transformed into
give each life different priorities. New planet connections
let each other experience other great qualities. Like the same
Ingredients in different mixing ratios cake, pies or
Biscuits, for example, become harmonious Venus cells (Venus in Libra),
as soon as they are in conflict with Mars (Mars in Cancer), too
a dissonant challenge and can the inner harmony that one
laboriously worked through in a past life, and in
Ask a Question. But it is precisely this that makes it possible to move on
developed and not frozen in its old essential cells, like that after only one
single incarnation would otherwise be the case.

• It does not matter what you get from your past lives
can remember, so what elemental essential cells of his self
incarnate, but on how to deal with his essential cells
can. How to experience something and react to it. First of all, how you can do it
is the elementary emotions of his feelings with the elemental
To reconcile ideas without losing oneself.
Is it possible, through his thinking, feeling and willing, consciously or
Structures of mental buds for the next life form? You can
Properties that are due to lack of facilities even with so much
Striving not to be won, by the constant attempts and by his
to achieve intimate wishes in the next life?
No matter how one thinks of one's spiritual being and one's soul
what one imagines under spirit and the subtle worlds, it can be
always just about structures, forms or energies to act out something
Light or darkness, or else a "spirit" that is not being
which then automatically, even what is in between, in the
"Spiritual" is involved.
On the other side and beyond
If you ask the question, if something, and if so what, that everyone as I
called, the death "survived", wants to answer, you have the essential, with
which one identifies, defines. That's why it's not just about that
Consciousness and what makes the consciousness possible, so carries, but also
about what one feels immediately as his I. Because only that, with the
One can identify oneself, is also the personal consciousness bearer of the
true I AM. Everything else, no matter whether it is "higher self",
Naming "self" or "divine spark" is as alien as the ego of
Neighbors next door, as long as you do not consider it as your personal self
The stuff of which the dreams are made is nothing abstract, the spiritual worlds
are not distant unreachable levels. In thinking, feeling, willing and
Consciousness one experiences the mind and the soul and the subtle worlds,
to be explored in every moment of his being.

Even at the highest spiritual levels you can only imagine

to perceive or what one can imagine; from
Sensations, feelings and other emotions, of things, beings and
Situations, or of what one imagines purposefully. No matter what the
The cause of a perception on the subtle levels is whether personal
Essential cell in the form of an elemental, elementary or outgrowth as a larva
or schemes, etc., or if it is another intelligence and its
Essential cells or inspirations that she imagines and transmits, it acts
will always be quite normal ideas, in which one is dressed and
according to which forms the subtle environment. And this environment is not
somewhere in infinite distant spheres, but in the immediate
Surrounding the Earth, even the planes of the planets are still within
of the solar system.
• One will therefore learn the most about oneself, if in oneself
even looks and investigates what constitutes the personal being.
The Gnostic Hermetic will neither focus on fruitless philosophical
Speculation, or any other media announcements
Revelations, no matter which beings or
Traditions these come. The only axiom the Hermetic recognizes is
the age-old statement, "As above so below". He will therefore explore himself,
his subtle essence and his body, in which he is embedded, and the
Nature around, and draw conclusions from it. From the findings of
modern science and the analogies that he draws from it
He will be able to learn more than all of them
Old Scharteken of hermetic tradition or other venerable writings.

Nothing has caused more confusion in the traditions than the

different definitions of mind and soul.
Tempted by the polarity in nature, one also has spirit and soul
facing each other, giving them characteristics like active and passive, strong and
weak, male and female, but not uniform, so it
always confused.
Some see in the spiritual only products of the intellectual
Brain thinking and thus transient, for them is the true essence of
People founded in the life of the immortal soul. For others are straight
Intellect, imagination and will the attributes of the determinant
Spirit, whereas all emotional impulses are called psychic
and, like the passions and desires, the perishable, earthly
be assigned to an aligned nature of man. As you, by analogy
to the levels, the mind as a mental body to the "higher" mental plane and the
Soul, as astral body, moved to the underlying astral plane -
or vice versa - this must provide for language confusion.
Some traditions still describe a third body, the etheric body, the
but either the gross body, the mortal body, or, as
immortal light body from Akasha, assigned to the divine causal plane
becomes. Some see in spirit the higher, finer, purer principle, the
imperishable, consider the others in the soul and some traditions
this third consciousness bearer as the true SELF that is divine. After
Some theories add up to seven bodies to explain the human
Essence. But there are also occult schools, the only ones
subtle body and the different spiritual and
describe mental functions with its members.
No matter whether one sees in the mind and in the soul subtle bodies that,
as the gross body on the gross level, on the mental level
and mental level carry the consciousness and insights into the respective
Give environment, or whether one with it the essentials of the incredible self
designated, with which one on the respective subtle levels willingly
no matter whether one is the mind or the soul, eternal or
created, as transient or immortal sees when exactly what is defined
When one thinks with mind and soul, it also becomes in comparisons with others
Traditions come to no misunderstandings.
• But first you have to get a clear picture of yourself,
what you think you are.
Who to terms such as the "Absolute", or the "Beings", or others
philosophical concepts that do not say anything, used or not
is based on more defined religious beliefs, no one will
vivid picture in which he can recognize his nature. With
The unimaginable that can not be described is not needed
if you want to grasp the comprehensible of yourself.
Therefore, the Gnostic Hermetic seeks no creator in inaccessible
Spheres or theories about the beginning of a creation and the origin of the
People in distant primeval times, but he examines what is happening in it now
His personal being is essentially in appearance as a conscious creative force
• Start researching where your personal consciousness springs from.
What is conscious of you, it is necessary to understand, and that you find in
every moment in you.
But it would be inadequate to try the essence of man
exclusively with scientific terms such as energies, fields and
To describe frequencies. It is tempting, in analogy to computer science, that
Spiritual as programmed light structure and the soul as the circulating
To describe energy, but that would give a wrong picture. Because the
Function of the sensor in the cybernetics of pictorial spirit does not work
automatically, but independently, deliberately, consciously, so that concludes
feeling energetic principle in itself. And the spiritual energies are
neither one-sided nor blind, but have their goal, which they follow, in
and thus gain different qualities.
Just as the gross light defines both particles and waves
can be, mind and soul form a unity. There are no subtle ones
Structures without living energies and no subtle energies without
pictorial structure. This applies to the construction of a particular entity and
Level as well as for the subtle "molecules", the essential cells.
The active, "strong", creative character can therefore also from the
as well as from the spiritual moving, and that
female passive, "innocent" principle, is either the subtle light dress,
or the coveting moving force, the light in their sense to a picture
designed. In one case, it is the feelings that touch and move and the emotions
Take over the role of the active, and in the other case they are purposeful
Ideas to follow.

So you can not say that the essence of man is spirit or soul,
but the true I AM is what is spiritual as well as that
Spiritual, dominates and directs. It is neither the active male nor that
passive female principle. It is neither strong nor weak. It is that
End of the area that wants and moves without moving, and that perceives and
feels without being touched and moved by it. It is exactly what the
Gnostic Hermetics using the four transformation techniques, from what
becomes conscious, works out and forms and consciously integrates into the
At least a third principle, the conscious being, is therefore necessary.
The TRUE ICHSELBST, the Imperishable, is not, as in some
Indian traditions like to portray the strong, the spirit, the one with the
Bridge pier is compared to the the flow the frequencies and vortices
of creation. Eternal life is not the other way around
Energetic, surrendering streams, to find in the moving, in which
Most western traditions see the pure spiritual. The one could
not be without the other. The mind is only the firmer interacting with
the soul alone, he would be nothing, not even sounding ore; and vice versa
the soul needs the stable structure of the mind to experience and
express. The mind manifests itself on all levels in image structures, the
Ideas, the imaginations, the thought forms. The soul experiences
in the feelings and emotions, starting with the most elementary impulses
self-preservation and lust, to the instincts of love, compassion,
the inspiring hope or paralyzing fear. Emotions are always
awakened only by ideas and images, and thoughts and
Ideas do not become conscious without feeling. But consciousness is
neither imagination nor feeling, even if it is itself without thinking and
Feel not experience, perceive and recognize.
This can not be explained by complicated philosophical theories. Around
To understand this one must observe oneself in thinking, feeling and willing
and his conscious acting, no matter at what level, analyze and
check. One will then realize that there is no other conscious existence
is conceivable as what the human being, in the form of his
Perception, in his feelings and in his will impulses
and can experience.
The four prerequisites of becoming conscious, thinking, feeling, willing
and being conscious, always, no matter what level, the
Remain fundamentals of consciousness. Even in the state of the highest
Perfection (the possibilities are yes, in their extension and
Diversity, no limits set), the existence only in one
conscious of the realization, recognized in the form of ideas and
be experienced feeling and it becomes a (creative) acting as
Want to include expression of his being.

Incidentally, this applies to all beings. No matter if gods, genii or

Human beings, even the simple forms of consciousness, the schemas, larvae
and elemental beings rest on at least one of these four
subtle essentials.
That means thoughts, ideas and imaginations are, even if
thought, imagined or perceived in an out-of-body condition
become exactly the same subtle entities (the Gnostic Hermetic
designates them as elementals) like those experienced in the gross body. Also
the emotions (the elementals) and the tension, which are the energies
of wanting, focusing and focusing, are the same.
Some occult school, e.g. the anthroposophical, sees in imaginations only
lower brain-resolved schemes, as it were reflections and reflections of the
actual mind, while inspiring as higher insight and direct
Look at images from the truly spiritual levels. Evola poses
"spiritual" experience of the "intellectual" mind, and for G.G. Jung offers
fantasizing a better access to knowledge than the logical one
In reality, however, they are always the same elementals that
one perceives as thoughts, ideas, fantasies or inspirations.
Only the cause of their creation can be different. There is, if one from
the quality that they express, not higher or lower
Elementals. Only because the consciousness of thoughts, ideas, ideas or
deliberately perceived, ie imaginings, perceived in the gross body
are therefore not more gross than those that one on the
perceives subtle levels. Elementals are always the same
subtle spiritual entities, whether they are in the gross body
about the brain or about the beliefs, inspirations, intuitions and
Imagination, without it, be enlivened and perceived. Also on the
subtle levels, one has to do with elementals, if certain
Situations or circumstances are perceived or expressed
should. Even gods, genii and other intelligences think and imagine,
when planning and using something to represent their ideas,
elemental entities that are not "finer" than our thoughts

Even if then the creative energy to realize an idea,

in certain "higher" spheres, in the form of color and sound frequencies
is expressed, the elemental role models are the same thoughts
and imaginations like those in the gross world through language
or be put into reality by hand work.
There is no "subconscious mind" which, in addition to consciousness, forms the
basis of a
would make second I AM. One should not be conscious with the
Confuse consciousness content. There is awareness content that just gives you
become conscious and thus controllable, and those who, like something, that
one has forgotten, just not in the field of consciousness.
Even in dreams one lives very consciously, also self-consciously, and acts
willful, rational and deliberate. What is missing is the memory of the bed
go and fall asleep. That the gross body is lying in bed is
one not conscious in the dream life. Most impressions by the
Body senses are made, absent or become automatic in the straight
experienced dream landscape built-in; Urinary urgency, for example, leaves you just
like in the
Waxing his bladder easier (with the bedwetting it is not included)
a dream event, but the idea then transfers to
the body). Only in the so-called lucid dream one remembers his
Body and recognizes that one is a spirit being.
Especially in the dream one recognizes the secret of his "unconscious" impulses
much better. Because the attention of the impressions by the
Body senses are made, not distracted, one takes for it
Soul events are much clearer. One is stronger in his inner worlds
involved and is much closer to the spectacle of his acting entities
as in body-waking state.
Conversely, one takes many memories from the dream world, or from
Experiences in the out-of-body condition, not with the so-called
Day consciousness. Sleep researchers have discovered that
Sleepwalkers are always in the deep sleep phase, which is considered to be
dreamless. That
Nevertheless, they can easily walk through the rooms proves (also
if they do not remember it afterwards), they can not work at the same time
have been unconscious. Sleepwalking is nothing more than a
Astral walk, where you take the body with you.

What is called subconscious in the psychological schools is

in reality, the action of the essential cells in their respective
Cellular associations of the elemental and elementary complexes as schemes and
Larvae actually lead a life of their own. But they are nothing strange or
Collective that you share with others (though usually everyone
have the same elementals, they are not the same), and certainly
not, such as the G.G. Young student Alfred Ribi means, identical to what the
Hermetic describes with demons and spirits.
As soon as one notices one's consciousness as something passive,
but also recognizes as an acting power, one becomes also with his
Perceptions experienced experienced "inner" environment, including his
Content, be involved in its essence, and also what is not aware
is illuminated as part of his being. That's the only way you can be
to keep certain entities under his control. Only because
you just do not have them in mind or do not direct them to his will
This does not mean that it can not be part of the personal subtle
Essence are. It is also not necessary to keep all his cells constantly
control and keep an eye on. That would be the same as if you were the
conscious control over the autonomic nervous system of his gross
Go for the body. The planetary organs are self-acting
Cell associations of the subtle nature of man, without conscious will
can act.
And again and again: recognize yourself
Right at the beginning of the Meisterweg we tried to find out what, what
in the human being can say of himself, "I am", justified. To
we have that which is of our true I AM in the form of the original qualities
was refined and strengthened with the help of the four transformation techniques
and become conscious. This succeeded, at least some parts of the essence
to seize one's self, but what one really is always seems to one
to slip away again. It escapes any analysis as soon as one wants to understand it.
True, we found, in accordance with the traditions, in the primordial qualities of
Thinking, feeling, willing and consciousness, the essential cells for the fourfold
Structure of our being as soon as you want to identify with it
they look more like a dress, at best supports, but not as that
true I Am.
Nevertheless, they formed, depending on the philosophical or psychological
Tradition, views, each have a fundamental basis as the true essence
of the SELF. Only the Gnostic Hermetic describes
the light structure, which is made up of Weseszellen all four elements alike
forms and appears as the fifth element. But you have to do this first
to grasp individual elements down to their deepest primal ground and as essentials
to visualize his SELF.

Consciousness, for example, most often considered the true I AM

turns, then turns on closer inspection, like the screen of a
Computers, as a passive basis, the first of this itself
observing point of view, in the new form of SELF-AWARENESS,
becomes the bearer of consciousness.
For some, that is feeling, because you usually get up close and personal
not considered, the only real expression of personal being.
They believe that "empathy" is more valuable than sober cognition, and that they
see in it
Feel finer, nobler, higher mental qualities than in thinking. The sentient
Principle was therefore used by most religions and mystics in the symbol of
immortal pure soul glorified. But you only need it once in a while
to develop a feeling, to recognize immediately that, even in the highest
Ecstasy, even the feeling is only a passive element of being, a feeler of the
SELF, with whom one sympathizes not only with his environment, but also others
Consciousness content can perceive, but not your own whole personal
SELF captured.
Though thinking again leaves both feeling and consciousness
recognize; however, it only remains without those minds that it captures and thinks
a tool. For every form of thinking you need, in addition to the
Ideas, imaginations and inspirations, also the mental form of the
Willpower, concentration. Ideas are indeed about impressions
the environment, or inspiration from other beings, made aware of
or, seemingly self-urging, as consciousness contents in the form of
Elementals that spring from the personal consciousness space on, but around
In order to be able to deal with it in a targeted manner, the independent is also
part of the thinking
Handling both the thought forms and the subtlety, from the
they are formed. Without the power of concentration of imagination ability would be
that is not possible.
That leaves the will. The main reason why you are inclined to be with
to identify with his will lies in the fact that it is only with willing and
Acting expresses and manifests the whole personal being. The will is
it that lets man act the way he plans, and thus, as he is, and
not otherwise, lets appear. Wanting really does mark for everyone
Level the point at which the being receives a visible real origin.
Nevertheless, it is not the sole basis of the self. Also the
Will relies on the other three subtle abilities and would be alone
in itself only blind force.
Nevertheless, we found one with the exercise "Alpha and Omega" in the will
Key to the gate of the ICHSELBST. True, the self is also with the will
not to define, but with the power of the will one touches his most intimate
Nerve. If one follows his will, one arrives the safest to the origin of his

Self-knowledge is also achieved when one visits the SELF

in the hidden structures of the being of his neighbor
What is it that makes him appear that way? Why is one so and the other
completely different? What leaves the power-drunk politician murdering dictator
become and give others the courage and the moral courage to take any form of
To oppose abuse of power? What deepens in the mother Theresa and the
many nursing angels have their selfless compassion, and what drives others
Women to lift in the clinic? How does ICHSELBST differ?
Teenagers rioting on football pitches from ICHSELBST the
same-age young people demonstrating for environmental protection? What drives
The one for jogging out of the house and leaves the other lethargic in front of the
Squat TV? It is the different will that moves them all
and let act and "be as" as they appear, but how does it happen?
this will that makes man to who he is?
There are emotions before, because before wanting, the wishes give reason
and the direction of the will. The wishes are again from
Body needs, feelings, ideas and thoughts aroused and these
again are of the personal interests, inclinations,
Opinions and ideals shaped. So it's a chain of mental structures
which gives the energy stream of the will the quality and direction, for the
to pretend and pretend to do something.

Depending on the level, there are different expressions and manifestations

this energy, which, as soon as it is consciously directed, we as willpower
describe. It's the same energy that's in the emotions, drives and
There are passions that inspire, as a feeling of hope, and as a feeling of
Fear or melancholy paralyzes, as does the power that they conquer and vice versa
can control. Only the spiritual structure of the paths they follow is in each case
another. The spiritual power that makes up these structures and
holds together, is the same, just just unmoved, purposefully aligned, so that
a picture, the idea of an idea, what should be, becomes clearly visible
and realized. It manifests, depending on the level, as energy of the
Life force (gross level), as self-control (astral plane), as
Concentration and imagination force (mental plane) or as light of the
convinced of unshakeable faith (Akashic plane).
In addition to the exercise "wakefulness" and "consciousness", the exercise is a
question of fate
the most important work a hermetic can devote to. Also Bardon, Meyrink
and Rudolf Steiner have repeatedly pointed out in their works.
Whether you believe in karma and rebirth or your incarnation
considered as a one-time affair, the question of the meaning of his
existence no one can escape. However, it has to be asked correctly.

It's pointless to ask, "What did I do in the last life, that I did
that has to happen? "It's about this life:" What fate will tell me,
by experiencing this or that now, today, tomorrow, and next year

With the question of fate one does not seek an explanation for any
Fatal blows or the suffering you just have to bear.
Reincarnation research and "returns" are left to the rogues who, to
Pastime, as a modern board game curious interested parties
Let a bit of pseudomystic showers trickle down your spine.

With this
become imitated form of a dubious psychotherapy, with the broom lazier
Excuses, problems at most swept under the carpet of the past,
but not really recognized and certainly not eliminated.
It's not about the question of why - why do I suffer, but what can I do?

(Do? What should?) I learn from what I am seeing and experiencing around me? Why am
I grasping?
that way and not different? How would someone else feel in my place?
and act? Why do I feel so close to this person? What
symbolizes my wife, my husband, my boss, in my life? Would be mine
current life a dream, how would I like him after awakening
suggest? Would I experience this lifelong dream as a lucid dream?
"wake up" without waking up), I would change something if I knew
it does not cost life? (If I could wake up in this life-dream and so 'lucid dream'
what would I change?)
Just as the "Osiris exercise" celebrates both as a morning ritual, but through
the exercise "Being Conscious" (I am a spirit in the body) several times a day
is also incorporated into everyday life, you put the "fate question" not only
as a meditation topic in quiet hours, but as daily as possible,
every hour, at least in those moments of being awake, in
who are aware of his existence.

It is not only the

receive one or another valuable answer, but more trusting in the
Looking to the future and thus more consciously to the co-designer of his fate
Fate can also answer differently if asked the question in advance
becomes as if it afterwards one the muzzle in the made dirt press
got to. However, it depends on the right question and on the
unprejudiced consideration of his existence

The best way to do it, if the "fate question" impersonal as a

Dream analysis provides. When you wake up in the morning, you also distance
yourself from
his dream experiences, no matter how intense and "really" that
Dream events were experienced. It will be a dream that can tell you something
and not regarded as a momentous reality. Just as dreams are tremendous
can do much, as soon as you consciously involve them in life, too
seemingly meaningless events and encounters to important building blocks
of life as soon as one consciously recognizes and integrates it as such
Intellectual edifice.

If e.g. someone dreamed that he had been imprisoned in a prison,

he will not assume that he dreamed it as a punishment, because he was something
was guilty of being guilty. The dream analysis would be something completely
make it clear that he is in a blocked life situation
from which he sees no way out and suggest to him the cause, the
put him in this situation, seek and then, if possible, be himself
Behavior or to change its environment, that is, to get rid of something.

Even fate is not on the past, but on the future

aligned and represents nothing but condensed dreams, consequences
crystallized wishes and thoughts, symbol of one's own being.

From the subtle level, the whole life is nothing

other than a dream from which one will awaken with death. Only with the
Experience of death offers consciousness the possibility of being one's own
To really experience birth.

To look at life as a lucid dream is

therefore the first step to the right interpretation of fate and conscious
Of life.

Firstly, the transitoriness and so on

Consciousness of many values consciously, and secondly, this view offers complete
new views. When you realize in the dream that you are dreaming, you experience it
this awakening as a birth. The birth in the gross body against it
It was unconscious, only gradually did one realize existence and much more
later the existence of his self.

Consciousness and wakefulness can only be achieved when one also has "fate"
consciously lives by correcting the meaning, what it wants to teach you
recorded and then consciously playing along and shaping it.
In general, this is not so easy, because there are no rules
set up as in the dream interpretation. Never, however, may blame as the cause
to be searched for a stroke of fate and imposed the fate out
Punishment can be seen. Even if some fate of
Saturngenien was prepared as a result of misconduct, it is not punishment,
but a chance for probation.

You can never atone for guilt by punishment. Never experienced suffering
to compensate for the suffering that has been caused to others. Never would be
Punishment change the character of a malefactor. Only your own will changed
the essence of his self.

That's why life does not make sense until you realize it
ask, what does it want to tell me, what can I learn from it, how should I feel

These instructions are constantly needed. You change, you often do

weak in temptations, forgets his goals, emotions, instincts and the
The power of habit keeps you spellbound.

Fate corrections are therefore experienced daily, you rarely hear it. Franz
Bardon used to say, "As long as I'm sick, I know the Divine
Providence has not forgotten me. "

In fate, the Genii of Providence speak and symbolically say what

you should do and leave. In the dream, the own parts of being, which speak
you will face after death in the garden of the soul, and shine already
during his lifetime the inner landscape.

Just as a dream remains meaningless when it is not awake

life is meaningless if what you experience is not
understood and consciously to the change of the essence, thus the thinking,
Feeling, willing and being leads.

Meyrink writes about this in the transformation of the blood: "Dreams and visions
futile and meaningless if one does not learn to educate them in such a way that
they can guide us to
Become a leader. After all, life is useless and useless if it is us
not taught where we should control our Daseinsschiff. To be ingenious
Educating dreams is easier than many believe. Only stamina is part of
not to let go, the one-time firm decision; I do not stop and
if it took millions of years! One has to deal with the persistent question
to sleep: What meaning will my dream, which I meet,
to have?"

Meyrink does not say you want to dream something,

fall asleep. He also does not recommend that one should answer in dream symbols
looking for a specific question.

He rather asks in advance what do you want me to say

and already expects the answer in the dream. He gets ready each night
for an encounter, for a conversation with his genius. He wants as an "answer"
to experience the awake consciousness.
Therefore, one must also formulate his fateful question in such a way and to the
Destiny Powers ask, "What significance will that be tomorrow?
If you ask in advance, you can
Powers answer better than asking, "What did you mean,
by letting me experience this or that? "

Just as with the Meyrink method after a few months the

Dreams unraveled and order comes into the dreams, becomes, if one
consciously asking the "question of fate" daily, clarifying life like a confused
Movie in which you suddenly capture the meaning of the plot.
It is not enough to ask: "Why must I go through this? Or,
what did it mean that I experienced this or that? "What has happened is
over, and then the answer can only be given by yourself and through
Intuition grasped - or symbolically, in the dream, by the own parts of being
be played.

It is best to combine the question of fate with the question of the

Meaning of his dreams. Then the fate powers can do the events
make it easier to understand - most of what you experience is a consequence of your

Thinking and nonsensical wishes and not karmically conditioned as "fate" -

and the dreams are no longer out of the garbage of the elemental
Side of the personal essential cells, but of their elemental structure
here, meaningful, designed. A question can always be answered first,
after it has been asked, and each answer will be easier understood if you
previously asked himself the question.

Therefore, it is not enough to have reasonable or pleasant beautiful dreams

in which one recovers from the daily routine and sometimes reflections
his thoughts and feelings, even those who were previously unaware
to recognize. It's as meaningless for life as it is for life
watched TV program.
And it is not enough to believe in karma, its fate as a consequence
When you look at past actions and ask yourself, what was wrong with me then?
made? Just as the dreams change when you look at them (and with them
in itself) the question of fate, life changes as soon as one has the
Destiny powers specifically the question of the conscious design of destiny

Especially at life turning points in the periods where there are decisions
one has to wonder what fate wants to tell me by doing
let me experience these possibilities to decide?

Behind every possibility

stands a chance, the symbol of a spiritual property and a possibility
to the probation is. Who grasps this correctly, will live much more consciously and
to use existence better than if he only destined fate
Considered overcoming the past.

It does not matter, what and how someone did it hundreds of years ago
has been. He has something planned for this life, something to do and
to be, and must ask myself, what was that, what did I want in this life
learn, what did I want to change in my being, what should I experience,
how should I be?
Am I still on my way or have my essential cells,
that developed in a wrong direction, from my goals I am in
put this life, kidnapped? Every life offers because of another
Essential structure other possibilities. Not every virtue is for every life
right one. It has also brought weaknesses to their counter-forces in itself
develop. Each life offers different because of another being
Possibilities. Unilateral developments, including positive characteristics, must be
otherwise they block unfoldments that are pending
Life goal would have been more important. One can in the development of certain
Overshoot your skills.

My good friend Michael had the most fantastic dreams at night. As

Hermetic, he was a leader in his faith community,
respected and revered, but not as beloved as he is because of his severity
because of his selflessness towards his sisters and brothers
actually deserved. He is exemplary in all respects, extremely disciplined
and reliable, but expected the same from the others. That was probably
his only mistake. After a few years he was so isolated that he became his senior
Function, and was even voted out.

Mentally a very hard blow for him, because he lived so far only for his
Community, and suddenly he was completely lonely. Only by the omission of the
Power (in Islam one calls this mysterious Elixir, from which one better
never costs, Barakat), he became aware of his isolation.

Only the dreams

had stayed with him. He was happy in his dreams, had comforting
Encounters with wise, venerable but unrecognizable persons, one
kind faceless woman kept popping up. It reminded me of that
"Hooded," who appeared frequently in Meyrink's Dreams, and I gave
I advise him to ask the fateful question according to Meyrink's dream method.
And suddenly his dreams were gone.

Michael was deeply disappointed. That now also his spiritual friends, the
He had seen in his dream phantoms, left, robbed him of the last
Hope. And that was exactly the answer of the powers of fate. "Stop
dream! Face the facts. You are years, in your dreams
entangled, gone by the reality, the others do not see things like that
like you. Through rigor you can only yourself, but never another
change. Laws are only there to certain areas of existence
to arrange and to regulate. You can not do the world by following the laws
not even people. "

I tried to explain this to my friend: "How would you,

as a fateful power to show someone that he lives in a dream world
and his ideals never, and certainly not with coercion, spread and
let enforce? "- he understood:
"I would take his dreams for him," he said, disillusioning
a few months back from his religious community.

Just like the powers of fate Michael his dreams, the one him
he pretended, took false reality and woke it up in life,
Take some of what he loves especially to show him
that he should aim for something else.
Fate does not punish, but tries
only to set the course. Even the worst deeds that have been committed can
never through suffering, but only through sacrifice, good deeds, renunciation in
another, or benefits created for others (art,
Inventions, etc.).

Most "destinies" are therefore homemade and only emerge in the

respective life. These are banal consequences of wrong thoughts and desires
and the resulting wrong actions. There are not
Fate angel, but personal elementals of those at work.
Fate then has the task, the old starting state again
manufacture. Nevertheless, the consequences of mistakes can be immense
be educational for personal development. As soon as one consciously from the
Experience gets the corresponding knowledge, every event becomes spirit
and soul be a valuable building block. (Hardly a successful drug therapist,
who did not come from the drug hell himself, seldom a great artist, the one
happy teens had, physically too small boys are often the
bravest men.)
The fateful question to Divine Providence, therefore, is not, "Why
are you doing this to me? What did I do wrong? "But," Show me how
I should behave now - what do I see, think, feel or do I do
not correct?

Until a few years ago I lived in an absolute rest position. We lived in

the only house in the area, despite the proximity of the city ideal for my
withdrawn existence. But then a lot of building activity started, each one
Year we got a new neighbor. Our property is large, so now
There are three villas on the upper side alone, and each family has two or three
Children. After the construction noise came the noise of the untamed children. I
It disturbed me terribly at my work, it was as if the demons were raging
out. So I asked the question of fate.
The answer was two more construction sites, a house on the left and a house on the
and three more children. I fled to our mountain retreat, but
meanwhile there was a house there too, not yet plastered, but for
Three youngsters were taken care of. As a last escape attempt, we rented for
the summer a country house in Sweden. I knew it from earlier, it was lying
beautiful on a hill on the edge of the small village, there it would
be quiet. What I did not consider, the small community had grown, and
just below the house, on the ground because of some granite blocks
Unobstructed land, you had a great adventure playground
And suddenly I understood what fate had wanted to convey to me for years. been
telling me for years.
Cities are growing, children are growing, new homes are needed. Also
Spiritual science developed and rests on the knowledge that exists today
childish, but which, in my youth, I still thought was right.
Thought buildings rest on foundations that are no longer visible, but they are
had to be built. But just for that I had lost the understanding.
I had withdrawn, because I understand the lack of understanding
lost and wanted to have my peace. I was escaping from one
World that had become too loud, too hectic, too reckless for me, but which I did
but wanted to change with the Gnostic Hermetic. Nevertheless, I have been rejecting
it ever since
Years of talking about esoteric topics, I did not want to
to deal with immature awareness content that I consider outdated
looked at. I had no understanding for the carefree lightweight
Sense, the carelessness of the people. I grew old and forgot
what it's like to be young.

But one must always start over again and may

Not discard ideas that led to mature knowledge, only
because they are outdated. One must not freeze, one must have the child in oneself
keep alive, otherwise there is no new beginning.

Humanity is only at the beginning of adulthood. The new displaced

naturally the old. Trees grow when they live and new buildings
have to be built. Just as the houses only when they are inhabited,
animated, new buildings of thought must be supported by empathetic understanding
Otherwise, they remain barren skeleton. As I write this, romp
the children in front of the house, but it does not bother me as it used to. I
to our own children, they had never irritated me, and they did
In the meantime, adults have become all humanity
grow up someday. I can only hope that they are the youth
preserved and not frozen on the way there.
For me and the others who got tired of me, but I emphasize: learn
to be like the children again. Learn again, hope to believe in the good
learn to take care of yourself every day as it is. Let us of the
Learning from children what the genius of time made us forget. The age brings
Insights and mental structures that would never be possible in youth. But
only in connection with the once experienced light, happy, carefree
Essential cells are revived and gain their true value.
Just as a child has anchored his roots in the minds of his parents and himself
only properly developed, if it honors "father and mother", thus learns from them
on their experiences and mental attitudes, and not on the
unripe ideas of friends, builds, so finds the old his roots
in his own childhood and gets the topic he should not forget
from his children and the children of his time on the stage of life
The question of fate and astrology.
The actual roots of the self, however, are in the personal soul garden
anchored, and the true parents are the genii and intelligences that exist in the
Incarnation were the godfather and the incarnating beings
The first answer to the question of fate, to the question of where and how
Wherever, according to the meaning, which one should give to his existence, one
becomes in
recognize the structure of his birth horoscope. With astrology you will become the
first entry into the hidden worlds of the mind, and one
Guidance on how to navigate your inner worlds.


It is amazing that in the information age of globalized knowledge still
So many people have a completely wrong idea of astrology
to have. Even esoterics often show considerable gaps in their knowledge.
While astrology believers interpret far too much into astrology
or want to read it out, the skeptics see in it only self-deception,
Superstition or fraud. That's a pity, because you do not need astrology
Believe as to the dear God, the astrological laws can be
check. You just have to deal with it yourself, the simple ones
Basic rules are easy to learn. In practice, you will be very soon
what was previously mistaken for astrology, of what a
serious astrology really has to offer, learn to differentiate and deep
be impressed by the mysterious coincidence that exists between the
cosmic events and mental processes, is recognizable.
You will then realize, but from a horoscope can be neither the
Character still manages to pick out the abilities of a human, but
the existing germs are, even if not always, all too personal
Ripen properties, due to certain constellations, as
"Predispositions" given and recognizable from the birth picture. Also the
Fate history can not be so clearly foreseen from a horoscope
as is sometimes expected. But the time qualities of certain
Periods of life in which priority themes, such as Professional or
Partner questions, often seemingly fateful, want to be solved, are with great
Probability predictable. Even if the particular insights and
Moods, which then stand out more and set the course or
To seek decisions based on objective judgments and that
Desire to be successful or to jump on premature emotions and
therefore presumably fail, is the predictable
Constellations influenced. Only, if and how the person finally
actually decide and act is not predetermined, the
Astrology knows no destiny compulsion.
Astrological analyzes and forecasts are therefore not created to
but they are intended as one piece of information for the future
Point out development. They are, just like economic forecasts, first
meaningful, if through intervention, a positive change through conscious
Shaping the future, is effected. An astrological preview is like a
Soel weather report for the expected inner condition and a
Hiking map for the upcoming section of the path of life; if you have the
Foreseen circumstances, you better progress.

Astrology offers a unique way to recognize

that besides the gross physical world there is also a world of subtle levels
gives. At the same time it also describes the function of mental organisms, about
which these two worlds are connected to each other.
It thus provides a theory which provides a comprehensible picture of the human
Character and thus allows a psychology that is not based on abstract
Conceived, but on a very specific anatomy and physiology of
spirit-spiritual consciousness structure of man is based.
Thus, astrology allows access to both the cosmic
Powers of the hierarchy as well as in the consciousness space of each person.
It is right to say that anyone who knows the name of a being can do it with it
dominate. The name describes the quality and usually also the
Quantity of intelligence.
The true name of a person results from his birth picture. The
Horoscope drawing is nothing more than a symbolic representation that
Spirit-emotional code, one would say today, is the essential and
Entities of the Born as He incarnates. Just like the goods today
sorted and ranked on the shelves according to their pasted bar code
and you start with the help of the genetic code, into the organism
of life, the cosmological code is the key to being
of man and to the gates into the planes of beings and intelligences of
However, the personal horoscope only describes a one-off
Life theme, the subtle structure of the born, and not his
all I mean.
The germ-plasmic determination (Dr. Heinz Fidelsberger, "Astrology 2oo1"),
It is well known that the possibilities of future life already exist
of birth. Thus, those, which are actually only visible at birth, become
"astrologically conditioned" plants already genetically predetermined. Still
This phenomenon of germ-plasmic determination becomes more astonishing
the following knowledge; According to the latest research finds the actual
of life not with conception, so then if the male sperm cell
the shell of the female egg cell pierced, instead of, but only many hours
later. Twelve and more hours lie after the spermatozoon in
the egg has invaded, the male and female genetic strand in the
Germ cell opposite, and apparently nothing happens. It's as if they were
check which of the inherited genes fit together and one
very specific docking point, with which then, as is known, the entire further
Development of possible facilities and properties is sought. The
lie opposite each other in the fertilized egg, and then, after many
Only hours, suddenly the female genome plunges on the male (not
vice versa), and the genetic material is merged. Only now begins
cell division, growth and life. They have something
waited, as if they knew that at the moment of the merger, as the case may be
where they connect, the entire blueprint of the new human being
fixed. External features such as eye color, nose shape, body size,
Disease dispositions, but also a lot of other factors later that
Temperament and the ability to shape, are well known in this
for a short moment

Now comes the incredible. Exactly these plants, for the others
individual development, it is, then out of certain astrological
Constellations that prevail at the moment of birth are recognizable. It
So there must be a causal or superordinate connection between
Conception and birth exist, and when you think of a mind or a soul
Believers who incarnate there have to consider these as factors from another
Level, in the context of involvement. There is the from somewhere
Starting signal for the beginning of a life given, at that time,
that from a wealth of genetic information just those very specific
Plants, which then, nine months later, also from a
Star constellation are readable.
One has to make clear the meaning of this fact. Only about two
Every hour a certain ascendant is possible. You can often do it
recognize without calculation, because he has a large part of the appearance and
visible behavior of a person. For example, the typical bull neck and
the slow remorse of the bull-scary. Or the passionate one
Temperament, behind the fascinating look of the unmistakable
Scorpion eyes blazing. Or the full hair of the lion's mane and the
The urge to bring these people with Löweaszendent in the foreground
pushes. Or to bring one last example, the long legs that
long narrow nose and the carefree spontaneity of the
Schützeaszendenten. Each animal sign shows its peculiarity, and
Nevertheless, this was derived from the birth constellation and real
Lockable system already fixed at conception.
This phenomenon alone provides convincing proof of the action
a spiritual power. It means that, after fertilization of the
Oocyte, the beginning of cell division by a parent mental
Mechanism that is directly related to the moment of birth,
otherwise it would not be possible. He finds in fact exactly
that moment taking place in the existing female and
male genetic material just those construction sections face,
by their merger, nine months later, just those for the
Birth hour revealed characteristic features. Only with knowledge of the
Plants of the incarnating being and the necessary moment of birth
the signal for the fusion of the genes can be given.

The meaning of the so-called hereditary material, that is, the properties that
contribute to
The parents are already trained and about the genes on the expectant
Child can therefore be overestimated. You only need those
Diversity of the character and siblings one's abilities
To look at family to see how many possibilities of transmission
Existing facilities exist and how different they are from child to child
actually expressed. Each parent pair offers a tremendous abundance
at possible genetic information, and even the selection of it, which then in
the gene strand is still much more comprehensive than for the character of the
Born then determined by the true moment of conception.
The incarnating mind will, according to his due
of his characteristics necessary birth moment, those parents who search
best of all the genetic possibilities for the development of his plants
offer, and not the other way around. Or shown differently, not because you're at
particular parent pair is gerbunden or at any given time
was born, you got his features, but the
People who incarnate, take advantage of the opportunities that arise due to the
offer inheritable characteristics of a parent pair; the birth moment results
then forcibly from the Urqualitäten, which form the life body and
thus forming the actual basis for the spiritually spiritual structure of itself
incarnating beings cells.
Incarnation, the incarnation of the spirit
It is not to be assumed that one becomes unconscious in a "beyond" and "dies"
and then reborn in this world. You will not be in the world
but born into a body, more precisely in the growing
Life of a growing embryo. But that means a development, is
a slow transition and no sudden mental death followed by
Birth. This can be illustrated by the example of an hourglass.

With the essential cells (the sand of the hourglass) always shifts
more consciousness from the soul garden into the vital body. The in the soul garden
The remaining complex of minds, the not yet incarnated beings, will become one
think of themselves as "guardian angels" rather than as "guardian angels" in the
early years
Consciousness, which is in dissolution. Who reads an exciting book is
even with a part of his consciousness absent without that
To lose consciousness. With the growing interests stemming from the new
Surrender environment, the mind becomes more and more trapped and corresponding
aligned "earthly".
We do not know the exact process. Also, not the mechanism of
Selection and the regeneration of essential cells that are needed
Cause changes in the nature of the total personality. Around
To explore questions, you first have to get a vivid picture of possible
Drawing answers. We use the thinking model of the essential cells.
Gnostic Hermeticism teaches that the process of becoming conscious in the body is a
which extends over many years and is completed step by step. The
personal essential cells, in the form of perceptions by the
Body senses as well as of thinking, feeling and wanting the conscious ICHSELBST
carry, incarnate not at once, but following certain laws,
bit by bit. We compared this to the process in an hourglass.
From the personal soul garden "trickle", according to the of the
earthly side genetically filtered way, gradually the
Essential cells in the aura of growing life. You could do it with the
Dubbing a program to the hard drive of a computer.
Our hard drive is the brain, and what is called life experience is
nothing else than the progressive programming of the life body for
certain mental and emotional qualities and abilities that are one
develop from the other, what you experience with them
can collect in life. It already starts in the womb with acoustic
Perceptions and the experience of sensations followed by others
Impressions and stimuli, e.g. cold, warm, light and dark, pleasant,
unpleasant, then the feelings, e.g. Fancy more, or fear
uncomfortable, and only recently, when the "write program" on the disk
is, the thoughts can be entered. Only then can one also in the
handle the gross body with its elementals, one begins with it
work and write his life novel.
Certain characteristics and abilities can only develop
if certain other experiences have already been made previously. That's why
mentions Rudolf Steiner somewhere, it was a grace to reach old age.
That's quite right, because certain insights require insights that
to adjust only on the basis of experiences made in the course of many years of
That can not be bypassed, but in terms of the first half of life, abbreviated

Namely through an initiation experience, no matter in which way this

was triggered, the green snake bites in many places.
Then, as Gustav Meyrink so aptly describes, that begins
Life galloping. One stroke of fate follows the other until the
Concerned the insignificance of the lost and recognizes each other,
not only earthly, can free bond internally. Exams that
Demanding decisions and revealing the true character follow.
It is often as if you were dying and in the same life
to be born again.
It would, however, be conceivable that an initiate is capable of his body and
to let the soul associated with it grow, without being too much
to have to deal with. He incarnates only then with his remaining
Parts of the body, if it suits him or if those already incarnate
Essence cells begin to develop a too powerful own life, which in the
Usually between the seventh and twelfth year of life is the case. Since he is all
He does not need to wait until he has his parts down under control
are, but pack them all together and get into the body (his vehicle
for the earthly life journey), as one puts oneself to bed, into the world of the
Dive dreams.
Astrology opens up to people both the big and the small
Mysteries. "As above so below" is the Hermetic Law. With astrology
One can understand these mysterious relationships that exist between the
of the spiritual worlds and the consciousness of men.
You can not only recognize the up and down and the respective ones with her
Foresee possibilities that offer themselves to the might of the powers of fate,
but is enabled, even the connecting elemental
Structures and elementary streams of energy that exist between the spheres of the
and the soul gardens of the individual to use. Who the astrology
does not understand, can also not a vivid picture of the spiritual and
To make spiritual of his being.

Suppose that a hermetic who followed the way of the masters so far, the
Basics of astrology already mastered. The Hermetic must be able to
be able to create a horoscope, and at least interpret the essence.
Anyone who does not understand how to calculate a horoscope is certainly not in the
Able to interpret it correctly. And if you do not take the time to do it yourself
draw, and believes he could get up to style of fast food astrology
support the expression of a sterile computer horoscope, has the essence of
Astrology certainly not yet recorded.
The birth picture is like the magical seal of the horoscope owner.
In this mandala are all the facilities and development possibilities of his
Essence symbolically represented for each incarnation.
Calculating and drawing a horoscope is therefore a magical one
A process in which, as in the painting of an icon or a mandala, the
represented powers can be seized, evoked and banished.
By calculating the individual horoscope factors, in turn
"Mentally grasped", and the planetary positions symbolically in the resulting
Structure of the signs and fields inscribed, one understands step by step
also the spiritually spiritual being, the image that one fixates,
connected is.
Just as with the name and seal of a cosmic intelligence this
Understand, contact and influence beings (not a magician
would print the seal for evocation by a computer
can be with the personal horoscope of a human being
to grasp a hidden being, and vice versa, to act on it as well. The
At least Hermetics are aware of this possibility of Astromagie, to which
we will remember later, consciously.
This is not just magical influence in terms of healing or
"Hex", etc. meant. Every horoscope analysis, every astrological consultation,
requires the "grasping and grasping" of the being and the forces that are
act through the person concerned and act on the person concerned, and
therefore means an interference in the personality and the fate of one
People. Drawing a horoscope is therefore a magical process
and the horoscope is more intimate than a groomed Woodoo doll. Even if
the horoscope owner of it knows nothing, means the occupation with
his horoscope the evocation of his spiritually spiritual structure, even if the
Process apparently goes unnoticed and without spectacular concomitant

This requires not only the necessary knowledge in astrology,

but also the right understanding of the corresponding subtle
Connections that form the spirit and soul members, and a concrete one
pictorial idea of the analog, behind it acting, cosmic
But that's what most astrologers usually lack. They stop
learned rules without recognizing the mind behind them. That would,
as if a doctor had the power of smelling the nose and hearing the
To ascribe ears and the living people behind them, and be
perceiving consciousness, overlooked.
In order to clarify here, I introduce below a short introduction to the
cosmological doctrine from the perspective of the Gnostic Hermetic tradition.
If in the following it is talked about planets or zodiac signs, then is
thus always the effect of a personal inner power, a power, the
meaning, and not the influence of one
outer planetary or star energy.
In any case, these are personal forces that you too
as soul organs. These personal soul organs are not
only essentials of his SELF, but, like the personal ones
Essentials of which they consist also entities and behave
independently. Even if you do not control and control them,
they fulfill their function. However, they are not identical to the analog ones
cosmic planet genii with which they are due to the characteristics of their
Essential cells that act like mental synapses.

How exactly that works, we do not know. You do not have a satisfying one yet
scientific explanation for the astrological mechanisms found. It
there is only a statistically detectable connection between the
Positions of the planets on the respective degrees of the ecliptic on the one hand,
the spiritual, mental and organic processes in the human being
on the other hand. There is a causal-mechanistic explanation for this phenomenon
but not. All previous theories such as gravitational fluctuations due to the
Distance and angle of the planets, or their radiation certain
Frequencies, cosmic irradiation of constellations, electromagnetic
Field influences and as a consequence changes in the terrestrial magnetosphere with
analogous resonance in the magnetic field of living body cells, provide none
satisfactory explanations, some can be due to (astro) -logical
Even refute conclusions easily. The latter, in fields
based theories are more likely to point in the right direction.
But even if no mechanistic connection between the one
and the other must be proved, a higher-level context
exists between above and below. That sense-related things can come together
although it is causally unrelated, G.G. guys
Studies on the synchronicity of events confirmed. As above
below, is also the hermetic law, no matter if we have the blueprint of the
connecting or not connecting bridges that need to exist.
The believer will see himself embedded in the cosmos as part of God, and
as in the hologram a dot reflects the whole, like every cell the blueprint
of the entire organism, the world spirit in sync with itself
The Gnostic Hermetic Tradition offers with the Hermetic
Anatomy is a vivid model of thinking, the subtle organs of a
Soul body, in analogy to the known planetary principles and the
cosmic forces acting behind it explains. The experienced synchronicity of the
Feeling of the personal spirit-spiritual organism, with the cosmic
State of the hierarchies of the world spirit, is made understandable.
The cosmobiological structure of psychophysical
Force fields can also be used as the basis of a purely mechanistic
serve the psychology of consciousness psychology
The theory of the essential cells and soul organs gives a vivid one
Picture of the spiritually spiritual nature of man. Just like you have ears to
Eyes to see, feet to walk, and fingers to grasp things
the subtle body is equipped with analog soul organs. Very coarse
Simplified, one could say that one identifies with his inner sun.
Feels right and fantasizes with his moon. Takes information
true, process them and react, so think, with his Mercury. Feels and dislikes,
adapts and loves with its inner Venus. Want something and
acts accordingly with his Mars. Hopes, expects, sows and reaps and
Grows and matures accordingly with his Jupiter. Firms and delimits
with his Saturn. Capture something new and free yourself from it with your Uranus.
Loses the hold, or the context, and expands with his
Neptune. And defeat yourself and the world with his Pluto.

What separates people from each other is not just that

Consciousness content, but much more, what meaning this for the
Has individual. Depending on how one is capable, with his feelings,
To deal with thoughts and emotions, these become a different value
to have. Depending on the personal experiences that one has due to his
personal behavior, but conversely the personal one
Shape behavior, can be very specific character typical
Identify features that, when analyzed in detail on the quality of
personal spiritual organs are due.
Expression and manner of behavior in dealing with
the environment and your own thoughts and feelings depends on the quality of the
Soul organs off. If e.g. If someone sees badly, he will be without glasses all the
where to run. And if someone loves bad, so does not feel good, who to him
because his "affections", which he can not control, constantly pull him away and he
therefore constantly falls in love with the fake, he gets by
his feelings of love suffer injuries again and again. A consequence that the
subtle organ for love, affection, adaptation and aesthetics, the
personal Venus, would be attributable.
In the current state of development are in most people 7 to 10
Soul organs are so far developed that they as characteristics of the personality
Expressive means of the true ICHSELBST can be consciously handled.
Each principle gives the human mind a special soul organ
a very specific function for his conscious BEING.
After the Hermetic anatomy, so the human psyche is out
certain individual elements, soul organs, built. Every soul organ has
a certain function and, according to its task, with the
analog cosmological planetary principle associated

Under mind and soul, one makes himself known, unlike his
gross body, something subtle that carries the consciousness and in
Interaction with an environment (which does not have to be gross, you can
to deal with ideas, thoughts and feelings)
Self-consciousness allows. This real existence of the self, of which
one hopes that it can be immortal, considering the wonderful
Mechanism of self-conscious and willing acting
Being considered, can not be a nebulous light weaving than that
Soul is generally described. Like the gross body, needs too
the body of the soul meaningfully connected organs, otherwise that disappears
As well as a functioning control circuit (for example, the thermostat of a heater)
at least three elements united in the vision (a sentimental,
a measuring and a switching element), the cybernetics of the
Consciousness on corresponding sensory mechanisms. These
depth psychology centers as switching points of the basic functions of the
Consciousness is quite similar to the traditional, circular arrangement
astrological principles, which are known to be already in the ancient world of gods
personified powers that steer from "above", found their expression. Also the
Soul organs are circular with each other to a closed whole,
the subtle consciousness organism, connected, and every soul organ
exerts an influence on the other organs.

Roughly simplified, the functions of these soul organs can be as follows
to be discribed:
• The inner sun represents the organ, which confidently owns
value in the center of existence.
• The inner moon influences, via the imagination, the emotional mood
• The inner Mercury switches the ideas and thus regulates the up
caprice and the mind.
Through the inner Venus, the organ of harmony and affection, the
Adaptability and balance, so the love feeling aroused.
• The soul organ of propulsion and assertiveness, which is considered to be
Tatimpuls and Willenkraft expresses, corresponds to the astrological principle of a
inner Mars.
• The inner Jupiter is the meaning-giving principle of the discrimination, the, the
Grading, the quality of the optimal values and goals for
determines the success and thus the ethical level and the personal
Mature shapes. Jupiter is the basis for the optimum for which
Meaning value of values and thus determines both the assimilation as
also the striving for expansion.
• The inner Saturn creates the inhibiting, condensing, preserving and
holds back (fear, experience, conscience) and as the capacity for concentration
follows personal will and creates boundaries and foundations.
• Inner Uranus regulates the ability of intuition to break new ground
open up and make of traditional, of memories, of old ones
Thinking structures independent.
• Inner Neptune dissolves everything that binds, often conscience and conscience
Reason boundaries of the structures that carry the thoughts, and
what is not to know, or obscures and hides.
• The inner Pluto creates compelling emotions that are often powerful
Vibrations trigger what old forms (the personality and their
Values) and creates space and material for and redesign. Pluto is
the organ for real transformation. It is the overpowering. Pluto means
not too much energy, but the compelling force. If Mars says "I want,"
that's how Pluto decides "I have to".

The so-called outer planetary organs Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are not
Fully developed in all people. They are for the consciousness in the everyday life
and also not necessary for the existence in the soul garden. You win first
Meaning, given the limits of his skills and knowledge, so
of his personal consciousness.
Pluto is the organ for the courage of the frontier workers, for the extraordinary,
above-average achievements and for magical power.
We owe Uranus and Neptune, in addition to the normal thinking of Mercury,
the intuition and inspiration, the two basics with which one geniales
creates. One must always differentiate in thinking processes:
Mercury perceives existing things; Sensory impressions, thoughts,
Memory contents, memories, ideas, reacts, checks and
compares them to other perceptions, logically arranges them already
experiences, connects them, registers them and gives them as
Information continues. (Whether someone has a long lead or everything fast
recorded, results from the Mercury). Mercury is the organ and sensory tool
for the understanding activity, both of brain thinking in the gross body as
also for dealing with elementals in the soul garden.
Uranus is an organ that, like Mercury, is more elemental, pictorial
Side of the essential cells and concerns the thinking. He is not through, however
learned knowledge bound to rigid rules and experiences and looks
Therefore, looks beyond existing thinking content. Uranus procures
Insights and insights into areas that are no longer personal
Consciousness Room (Soul Garden) belong. Uranus is not on experience or
Assigned associations and is not from ideas, the new
Could contradict findings obstructed. Uranus is unbiased,
open and opens up new intellectual ground. Uranus recognizes because he
Empty or obstructive skips, and gets to truths even where
do not lead thought trails. Uranus really brings something new
Bewußseinsfeld. Uranus is intuition, so it causes "ideas", apparently
is entered (unlike the inspirations of Neptune)
actively involved in it. He does not use it like Mercury
Sensory impressions or memory content, but gets through his interest,
through the targeted attention in a certain direction, impressions, or
missing insights, as enlightening answers to open questions in
Awareness. The direction of view actively determines what flashes and is
recognized. He
captures the whole context at once, because he already has one
greater distance than others look at it. Good astrologers, technicians,
Researchers and inventors usually have a Uranus-Mercury aspect. Neptune
is similar, but still different. He too is an organ that over the
personal horizon of consciousness leads and lets see what
hidden from the normal mind. But this organ works
feeling, feeling, passive like Venus, it opens to the outside, gives itself
unites, merges and expands and its experiences on this
Way out. What Uranus sees and sees, feels and experiences Neptune knows
because he believes it (even if it should be wrong). Neptune dissolves, comes in
in delusions, goes up in an ideal, loses himself in a dream, or lets
Fantasies, illusions, thoughts and inspiration. Neptune captured
everything from within, be it because it dissolves and enters the other, or because
it lets itself inwardly, unifies itself on the other. Media seers,
Artists, especially composers, mostly have a Neptune-Venus aspect.
Thus we have ten basic functions of personal consciousness that are in
In their interaction the strivings and abilities of the whole personality

Sun, "I am" (self-consciousness) .- Moon, "I feel" (emotional depth) .- Mercury,
"I think" (mind) .- Venus, "I love" (harmoniempfinden) .- Mars, "I want"
(Power) - Jupiter, "I complete" (judgment) .- Saturn, "I hold"
(Conscience) .- Uranus, "I change" (intuition) .- Neptune, "I dissolve
(Inspiration) .- Pluto, "I have to" (transformation).
For a better understanding, the descriptions of the
Soul Organs from the 4th book of the Masters:

The sun. The life-creating principle. The organ of vitality and

Self-assessment capability. From it springs the first manifestation of the
I AM. The solar beings cells radiate all others. They form the
subtle basis of the spiritual sphere of experience in the form of the inner
Light for alertness, realization and self-realization, in which the
I can reflect and become aware. In the spiritual it is everything
enlightening faith (in something or in itself), a very important one
Ability to make up the respective views, opinions and opinions
Beliefs of the personality manifest. In the spiritual it is the
Interests as a basis for the "to" inclinations, which are the first impulses for
every drive, in the form of enthusiasm or love, is necessary. in the
Organic, it is the life-creating principle that
Vitality in the form of vitality calls to consciousness.
The Moon: The mellow principle. The organ of feeling and
Reflectivity. Out of it unfold the essential cells, the foundation
of feeling and feeling are. The whole emotional mood,
beginning with the instinctive reflexes, over the unconscious complexes
fear, down to moody fantasies and expectations,
are governed by the soul organ Moon. The lunar beings
determine their direction and intensity, and leave over the lunar organ
they capture, control and shape themselves. The moon determines the special one
Integrity in the personal inner or outer world, what as
Introversion or extroversion expresses. Namely the ability with which
one is captivated by impressions and perceptions, how one feels
turn to them and get away from them again.

Mercury: The intelligence principle, the organ of awareness and evaluation ability.
This Geistorgan determines the flexibility with which
manages his thoughts and ideas. It is up to him how one
perceives something, understands and reacts to it and how to do that
Mentally processed perceptions, assigns them purpose-based or
ignored. The mental horizon and the intellectual abilities
depend largely on the quality of this soul organ.

Venus: The aesthetic principle, the organ of adaptation and

Absorbing capacity. With the Venussinn one loves, one feels something as
harmonious or repulsive and regulates the need for
Security, peace and happiness. The Venus cells determine the
Quality and content of yearning, feeling and affections,
as well as the state of inner harmony.

Mars: The urgent principle, the organ of drive and assertiveness. With the
"Marsmuskelzellen" one brings his will to
Expression and restraints on the other hand, the free impulsive impulses of the
untransformed energies of its affects, desires and passions.
It depends on the quality of the inner Mars, how far you succeed,
to command over his inner energies, these as willpower
use, or their instinctual forms is delivered

Jupiter: the ethical principle. The organ of the judgment and

Sense-ability, which through assimilation and order the
Progress and the growth of spiritual development governs. It
determines the quality of ideal values and personal morality. The
Jupiter cells give the level of the goals, with which one its
personal perfection, but also aspires to his earthly life success,
in front. On them rests the sense of justice, the sense of social
Order and everything in thinking, feeling, willing and acting as
Wisdom reflects. Jupiter brings the state of development of the personal
Mature expression.
The Saturn: The principle of bounding. The organ of the concentration and
Steady capability. These essential cells are on preservation, crystallization
and hedging, provide the inner support and through the
Memory the experience time. The quality of the necessary inhibiting
and holding structures and energies, one in the form of fear or
be wary of experience that hinders one's conscience
to do something, or conversely, out of a sense of duty and a sense of
responsibility to urge to do something specific (and persevere
let), is effected by the saturnal essential cells. Every act of
Self-overcoming, abandonment and restraint are on her
With the essential cells of the Saturn principle we reach the limit of the
personal consciousness space. They dress him like a subtle skin,
from which impressions like soap bubbles form into ideas, and they
go through the interior like a stable skeleton, from the rock of
Experiences has grown and consciousness gives hold and content. All
Ideas and thought-forms are formed out of this living Saturn-crystallized spirit-
The organ of the Saturn principle is not the last, but is still of
superimposed and penetrated by three other sensory centers. These are not just
responsible for the personal content of consciousness, but reach beyond the
your own limits. Who has trained them and their energies,
(Genius and insanity are alike of these three supernatural
Giving them sensory centers), they provide insights into a "beyond" in the
Worlds and levels beyond his personal consciousness:

The Uranus. The liberating principle. The organ of intuitions grasping

Recording and conversion ability. The uranium essential cells
skip as "flashes of inspiration" logical or lawfully grown
Thought-networking and structures. They also speak up
Entrepreneurial restructuring and exploring new territory or
Impact-inducing impulses and give them to the personal
Essential cells continue.
In the world of the gross body, where knowledge only in the form of
Memory contents are accessible, and unsaved contents of consciousness
at most unconsciously appear by the saturnine conscience, connect
the essence cells of Uranus, skipping logical sequences of thought,
directly with targeted goals. That gives a bigger overview and
lets contexts flash like enlightenments. Genius
Findings that go beyond the limits of understanding
can become conscious.
The Neptune. The cross-border principle. The organ of sensitive
Inspiration ability. Also this Geistorgan connects the personal
Consciousness with content from other spheres. But while the
Uranus cells skip personal boundaries, they open
Neptune cells gently and unconditionally (in good faith), dissolve and spread like
mist, loosening even the firm protective ones
Saturn layers on.
Neptune cells are the finest, the most volatile, the most sensitive, and the purest
Essential cells of the mind. They give themselves to everything, reach over that
personal beings out like the finest feelers, living antennae alike, and
receive, carry into the consciousness of what is "married" with them, too
the evil or the wrong. They expand in the infinite, are open to everything.
The consequence of this "mediality" is not just inspiration, hunch, and to see
Visions, but also deception, aberration, dissolution of the I Am.
In fact, one finds in the chart of drug addicts, of mental
Sick and criminals use Neptune as often as significant
Essential factor as in the birth picture of great mystics, artists and media seers.
Pluto: The shape-changing and energy-transforming principle. The
Organ of the transpersonal power of influence. The essence cells of Pluto
are always an expression of power and violence. Massive, compulsive
destroying through them all personal, but also superpersonal
Powers of fate. In those Wesel cells of Pluto, which does not consciously control
and mastered, the super-valued energies then gather together
on the occasion, ignited by "demonic forces", destructive
discharged. Conversely, with controlled Pluto cells everyone can
Fate power stops and its own essence is negative
Free structures. This form-changing principle also transforms this
I am the foundation of a new personality. Without Pluto would become
in each incarnation the same personal Saturn condensed again and again
and incarnate beings cells ordered by Jupiter. You can use Uranus
to refashion, refine with Neptune, alienate or meaningless
but only Pluto is able to do it from the inside (like the nuclear energy of the
Matter). That one uses the released energy as violent
Breaking into his existing order, as a stroke of fate, as evil power
experienced, is understandable.
With the Pluto cells you are at the limits of your creative abilities
arrives. This organ, indispensable in magic, is only a few
People fully trained.


The "planetary organs" as personal entities, organs and members are
but only the one basis of astrology. Besides, you have to do that too
Present essence of his soul organs and into his astrological world view
The soul organs are also soul beings and part personalities
the total person. Just as the elemental beings cells are small
are essential spirits, even more act the organs formed from them
like independent entities.
Every subtle organ is a living energy center and can be transformed into
its function as an essential element under certain circumstances as a split off
To make partial personality noticeable.
Every soul organ wants something and fulfills its function because it is its own
own pursuit follows and acts accordingly. Its quality is due to the
Urqualities that make up its essential cells and those into a particular one
Pushing direction, determined:
• The personal nature of the inner sun wants to be recognized, recognized, that is
be "viewed". It consists of solar cells that shine,
warm and radiate, making them their own center in the
Focus on the environment.
• The cells of the inner moon are out of the water element, cold and moist,
so still and movable. The moon wants to feel therefore and rather passively
can be influenced, is receptive, is mind, and fluctuates, as well as the
Whims and moods are just, with the events and experiences
only in these fantasies themselves.
• Mercury's essential cells are curious about information and take it
that of course also from the other essential cells. They do not want to
just see and know, but also communicate.
• The Venus cells want peace, beauty, harmony and enjoyment. you
seek contact, try to adapt and balance out where tensions
are. They want to unite, love and spread joy.
The Martian cells are an expression of the fire element, hot and dry. The Mars
feels as a force, is therefore active, wants to do something, acts and moves,
both yourself and others. Even his passive static cells
Do not want dry, but cause the active desire.

The Jupiter cells arrange themselves, so that other things can integrate
Expansion through assimilation and perfection through just
The Saturn cells also have the earthy element as their basic substance. The
personal Saturn beings want to secure, preserve, and become, and with it
the whole being, cramping and hardening and excluding, if not
other essential organs would counteract this.
The Uranus cells want freedom, and therefore strive to break new ground
open up, boundaries are skipped or blasted.
The Neptunzellen dissolve themselves and thus borders on and want, by
so they swarm out and flee with others
merge to experience new levels directly.
Transform, transform and let the plutonic essential cells
disappear. They want to overcome old levels to new levels
create. Pluto cells know no boundaries. Neither the disabled nor
the protective ones. To add spirit and energy to new things
win, they solve (just like the nuclear power), not only the borders and old ones
Structures, but also the structure-forming, shaping elements
completely up in their Urenergies.
Every soul organ is both in its vital essential function
Energy source and sense organ for the special planetary power and quality,
which expresses it, as well as essence for its special effect. The
special way, as doing the property of each energy
is realized, however, by the sign in which the planet
because only the essential cells of the signs of the zodiac belong to the essential
give special structure.

In addition to the essential cells of planetary forces, the energetic planetaries

Therefore, there are also the essential cells of the signs of the zodiac, the
structuring ones
Zodiacal. Some can do without the others, at least in the consciousness space
of people, do not appear. Just like the elementary ones
Essential cells, ie the feelings, the desire and the body impulses,
largely from the personal ideas, the elemental essentials,
triggered, predetermined, channeled and directed, the
Properties of planetary energies in their impact on the
Characteristics of the zodiac signs.
The zodiac signs also have a function, and their essential cells
want something. However, you can do so only with the help of a planetary force
realize. The different cells of the twelve zoo eggs are
as real as the cells of the planetary energies and also aiming specifically
something on. In the field of consciousness they thus fulfill the function which
causes character-typical behavior and confers certain abilities that
in the qualities of the primal qualities of the four elements.
Aries cells push on, heat up, what passes through their grid becomes fiery
hot, spontaneous, direct and fast. Aries cells represent the principle for
want to be the first and are. What connects with them, can
so act independently. Aries cells are therefore the basis for everyone
Properties based on spontaneous energy.
Taurus cells represent the opposite principle, are the material real,
Earthbound, in which the matter is grounded. They want to get
preserve, accumulate and rest. Energies that are affected by the properties
of the bullfighting, act accordingly and become leisurely
Pay attention to real basics, or they create this, so that others rest on it.
Gemini cells form the analytical principle that is alert,
compares, judges and reacts. The basis is not energy nor matter, which
"Twins stuff1 is the airy light information, the word, the meaning, the what
is perceived and passed on uninvolved. Properties of
Ambience and versatility are the result.
Cancer cells are feeling. The watery substance that makes up the essential cells of
There are reflexes, moods, feelings and fantasies.
Cancer structures shape the emotional realm of feeling.
Perceptions, opinions, experiences become emotions
clothed and thus win at the level of fantasies, from
original image lifted, independent inventory. The past becomes so
incorporated and present

Lion cells are crystallized power. These glowing, always too

Activity and movement-pointing entities overshadow everything else and
cause thereby self-confidence, pride and dominance. Properties off
Lion cells form the natural basis for activity, superiority and
Virgo cells have the concrete detail in mind through the earth element. Of the
View is not on big connections, but on the single element
directed. Instead of foresight, care and attention are the result. That causes
Properties that demand accuracy and factual testing. Horizontal cells
Do not want anything, do not strive for anything, just want the balance
receive. They therefore constantly fluctuate and avoid any confrontation.
Energies that interact with these airy, resonant entities
Therefore, qualities, balance and beauty are combined
Achieve harmony, let it develop.
Scorpion cells are watery-clear, therefore easily vulnerable and reactive
especially violent and direct. They do not take anything. The clear view of
Scorpion cells penetrate into the darkest depths and want to question everything.
is clouded or veiled, is ruthlessly revealed.
Clashes are thus inevitable.
Sagittarius cells are fiery, wanting to go up and up. They are aiming
most remote areas and form the basis for the spontaneous,
enthusiastic, uninhibited life drive. An impulse that lifts everyone up
also leads down again.
Capricorn cells have earthy properties. They do not save, however
how the cells of the bull create material foundations for growth,
but give support for the bracing and structures of the necessary
Scaffolding that endures what they create. Aquarius cells
Trace those airy features that are able to bind all
Skip structures. The absolute dispassion of the Aquarian cells is aimed at renewing
the old, freeing the bound
and to point the way to the future.
Fish cells again have a watery-passive character and are the stuff off
the dreams are. Essential cells of this character form the moist
Basis for dissolution, silence and surrender, all Wesenzellen for
Characteristics such as sacrifice, selflessness and good faith

The powers of the signs of the zodiac can be seen, as well as the
Planets Genes, as entities imagine. Also the essential cells of the signs
experience themselves in the consciousness of the people and thus bind them into
their sphere
However, the fixed essential cells of the signs need to be in the
Consciousness of man to manifest, the energetic essentials
the planet, and vice versa. Just like no elemental without elemental
Structure, so there is no feeling without imagination, is every planetary entity
connected with zodical Wesenzellen. Planetary power and signs are in it
Interaction and influence each other.
With the planet cells different tendencies flow into the life in the
gross body. Arranged by the function of the planetary organs, it awakens
with the cells also the consciousness and is able to do something
to perceive, to think, to feel and to want. But only in conjunction with
The cells of the signs of the zodiac are the ones for realization and action
necessary skills of the acting members. That one thinks, feels, wants and
Knowing that one is, one owes one's personal planetary organs. But how
you think, feel, want and act, how you love and hate, how you perceive and
thinks how one wants and acts, results from the quality of the cells of the
Zodiac signs representing the structures for the energies of the planetary organs
You have to get an exact picture of it: Every human being has in himself
all ten planetary organs and an inner environment of twelve
different zodiac qualities. A planetary force always takes that
Qualities of the sign from which it acts. Conversely, the
Zodiac qualities particularly obvious and in the sense of the planetary force in
Appear when they enter the field of consciousness via a planetary organ
were incorporated.
For example, every human being has the structure of the sign of the Virgin and can
do so
Develop ability for diligence and accuracy; However, the sun is in
In this sign, the person becomes these attributes
make personal concerns. Is the moon in the maiden, so is the
free flow of fancy inhibited by sober control. Is it the
Mercury, every little thing is recognized and also noted, incorruptible
Review and meaningful criticism, also pettiness, is to be expected. Is Venus
In this sign, the affection (love) becomes the caution, for providence in the
social sphere can be exploited, a sexual acting out against it becomes
sobered by the attention to detail. If Mars acts through the Virgin, it will
his energy is braked by the caution, but he will have the ability for accurate
and exact finishing work, as a dentist or toolmaker needs,
can develop. Acts Jupiter, the value- and meaning-giving organ of the
Virgo sign, will be used to prevent even the least.
With Saturn in the Jungfauzeichen can conscientiousness in pedantry degenerate,

Or, to put it another way, everyone has a Mars that he gets through with and
acts. The essential cells of Mars say: "I want". But without attachment to the
Structures of the essential cells out of the signs would be only a blind drive to
and urge.
When Mars is in Aries, the person becomes very fast
decide and act without hesitation as he wishes, because the nature of
Aries Cells is a particularly good leader for the essential cells of the primordial
warm and dry. The ram cells catapult the Martian cells unchecked into
desired goal. Is the Marskraft on the other hand, the heavy-handed
Tied to bull cells, it will set much slower in motion
be. If it works through twin cells, the person can have different goals
to aim at the same time. With cancer cells, the Marsenergien can only about
will be realized. The fiery lion cells fit perfectly with the active ones
Mars cells and cause enormous self-assertion and creativity. The
In contrast, virgin cells narrow the field of action of the Martian cells and
concentrate them
Power for the detail of the small work. Libra cells do not want to do anything for
therefore vibrate with impulses indecisive and equal at most.
The truly clear of scorpion cells reaches deep into the depths and offers the
Mars cells an unimagined realm for the fight against any form of the darkness.
The wide arc spanned by the Sagittarius cells gives the Mars energies
additional exuberance. If the Marskraft on stable Capricorn cells
It is particularly enduring and purposeful in appearance
can kick. The liberating Aquarian cells release the Martian forces
original way to fulfill new sublime tasks, sometimes for
Ideas that do not belong to reality vanish. In the yielding watery
Fish cells find the fiery Martian forces little support for their work, the
Wanting remains limp and becomes at best selfless
Resolution efforts carried.
You can visualize everything. Every constitution of a sign causes
another effect of the aspiration and another line of sight:
Aries cells are like little springboards, they're all there for them
Provide momentum. Aries reflexes ignite and accelerate and resolve each
Form of inhibition and resistance. Her eyes are turned to the front.
Bull cells are thought of as pebbles. What they change is going to be difficult
takes shape and becomes a solid breeding ground for further growth
and shapes. Only what is reality, look at it.
Gemini cells have three eyes, which allows them to look through without looking at
even to align it, uninvolved to recognize two sides of the same situation.
The look is attracted by everything that reappears. cancer cells
are soft, delicate and impressive. Only that which demands feeling is with
Cancer cells well equipped. The look is directed inwards to already experienced
Done and also involves feelings of others. Lion cells form
always at the top, take the middle and tower above the others
Essence cells. The energy that relies on them therefore becomes all the powers
outshine. In the field of vision, the ego is at the center of all happenings.
Virgo cells are like tiny microscopes and direct attention to detail.
They test and provide the opportunity to supply what else overlooked
becomes. Virgo cells curb any imprudence as a precaution to manageable
Scale cells can be thought of as a small wavering balance beam.
Without a second support, they find no support, but they are like mediating
from where otherwise one-sidedness would arise. You take the whole
Field of view.
Scorpion cells form the clear, incorruptible mirror that the
mysterious waters of darkness covered. A look in this magic mirror
mercilessly brings every cloudiness in the depths of consciousness to light
Truth or, conversely, lets it disappear forever in its wake.
Sagittarius cells are like telescopes, with the view into the vastness of the
Viewer gives the momentum of flying arrows. The spontaneous enthusiasm
connects with distant destinations, but often lifts off prematurely. Ibex cells
form the solid of any strut of a structure. You secure the future with it
and preserve the past and are the foundation of every foundation. your
Blick is focused on past experiences.
Aquarius cells do not bind and carry everything that happens
through its structures, into the liberating worlds of the ideals of
Spirit. Aquarian cells look exclusively to the future.
Pisces cells are the stuff dreams are made of. Drop in the sea
Fate waves or hazy fog veils that go over it. What about them
exists, gives itself in good faith, dissolves or floats like the Tang in the
Whoever memorizes these basic characteristics of the signs of the zodiac becomes
Immediately recognize what property a planetary force in a character respectively
can unfold. Planetary energies that are related to the structure of the sign
which they work, cover, of course, will develop much better than if
They are aiming in a different direction. The properties of the Aries structure
coincide completely with the properties of the Mar principle, the moon finds its
Correspondence in cancer, the sun in the lion, etc. Compare it to the
Information of classical astrology, with classification of properties
the primordial qualities, according to the Hermetic tradition, in the first book of


If we summarize, we repeat:
For those readers who are not yet so detailed about astrology
below have once again the astrological foundations in
Short form and a few tips on how to learn the basics for the practice.
The BEAUTIFUL of the Astrological Powers and Forces
Not only on the subtle levels are the pictures of the ideas and
Imaginations, as spiritual forms, the basis of every reality. Also in
a physical image acts as a trigger of thoughts and feelings,
and already, before the consciousness of this as perception or
Concept captured. There are no repressed feelings in the "subconscious"
but they are always first the pictures that have ever been
Feelings that awaken and give shape to such emotions
to lend. This became scientifically clear by brainwave measurements
Therefore, one must also enter the astrological powers and forces
make a clear picture. Only with this one can grasp the astrology and
understand and correctly assess the essential forces.
The Gnostic Hermetics uses the "ghost model" for description
all subtle realities and thus explains the phenomenon of
Astrology. Even the astrological powers are beings, um
inner complexes of consciousness consisting of essential cells, and around outer
Planet genes and intelligences of the signs of the zodiac, not blind
RULE 1: Therefore, always engage in the design of a horoscope
vivid picture of these cosmological powers and forces.
Personalize them, both the energies and the spiritual structures of the
Planetary forces and zodiacal signs, as well as the analogous inner ones
personal forces and powers that are the essential soul organs
Bear awareness.
Distinguish thereby the outer cosmic intelligences, which seemingly over the
Planets and zodiac signs interact with you, from the inner personal ones
Powers and powers of your soul organs, the entities of yours
personal nature are.
Divine Providence works and manages

Divine Providence works, and manifests, over a cosmic one

Organism. Their members are the intelligences of the Hierarchy. These occur as
Powers of the zodiac signs and planetary forces over their elemental and
elemental beings in appearance. The divine anatomy settles
therefore explain in analogy to the astrological principles and the divine
Reading from the astrological tides.
Even the subtle body that carries the consciousness of man,
consists of living beings cells (which as thoughts and feelings in
Appearance), and of organs and limbs, over which the
Realize personal skills and characteristics. This
The organism of consciousness is an exact copy of the cosmic organism which
in the moment of birth has impacted on the birthplace, and therefore consists of
analogue essential cells. Thus, every human being carries the cosmic powers as well
in itself and remains over these Wesenzellen with the divine organism
connected. The quality of the personal soul organs corresponds to the
Quality of the cosmic-divine organs that were at the birth godfather. The
The personal nature of the born can therefore be derived from the cosmic
State that prevailed at birth, recognize.
• The connection between connected entities remains
consist. This is the basis of the science of transits.
Just as the divine members act as self-conscious intelligences, they act
also the personal members of being such as entities, which at times as
idiosyncratic strivings, like partial personalities, in the consciousness of man
appear. Through the connection of personal beings, with
the essential cells of the cosmic intelligences, the cosmic transmits itself
(astrological) state of the hierarchy, on the inner state of mind
personal soul organs.
With the spatial change of the sun, the earth and the planets
The state of the spiritual powers and their influence is also changing
the earthly event and the condition of the individual. The planets
move on and excite others at their transitions
Selenium organs.
If one knows the prevailing genii and their properties, then
can one already know in advance, when and how a soul impulse, or
a particular feature in the personal consciousness space especially in
Appearance or can be particularly easily awakened. Thereon
based the astrological prognosis.
So there are both the outer cosmic forces, the planetary genes and
Powers of the zodiac intelligences on the one hand, as well as the personal ones
Essential forces and powers of the soul organs, the individual consciousness
wear, on the other hand. The cosmic powers are above the analog
Essential cells connected with the consciousness-bearing soul organs and
can, in certain circumstances, the so-called transits, on their
Change the function.


RULE 2: Concentrate on the essentials. Note only the strong,
At first glance recognizable constellations and aspects. There is only
four factors that really matter:
Astrology uses four cosmological, astronomically calculable ones
Correspondences from the gross world and can thus the subtle
Spiritual and spiritual, both of men and of gods and
Intelligences, describe and capture.
1. The ten planetary factors.
2. The twelve sky fields of the ecliptic, the so-called zodiac signs.
3. The interaction of the planets based on their aspects.
4. The ascendant with his twelve earth fields, the so-called houses.
It is important to distinguish between forces and powers. The one pushes
turn out in the certain quality of a planetary energy that is different
the realizing power of the elementary structures of the signs of the zodiac.
The planets (and their interaction with aspects) always mean one
certain power that wants to effect something; the sun wants to be, the moon wants
Mercury wants to know, Venus wants harmony, Mars wants movement,
Jupiter wants to take up, Saturn wants to stop, Uranus wants something new, the
Neptune wants to dream, Pluto wants violence.
• The planetary forces therefore always press a special energy complex
off, each planet has a different one in a specific direction
urges and fulfills a specific task in the subtle organism.
Because, as well as the emotions, they liven up the consciousness and the
To make those concerned wish and do something very specific,
you could see the planetary organs as the centers of the psychic energies.
However, they are not only energy, but consist of essential cells, the
so-called planetaries that have their particular quality, so drive (Mars), or
To express hope (Jupiter), or love (Venus), etc.
The qualities of the signs of the zodiac, on the other hand, characterize the
expression and the
Direction of these forces.
Everyone has e.g. a Mars, and this causes the drive for all people
and the militant element. But what does someone fight for and the way he does
Defending his concerns differs and will be different for everyone. ever
Everyone will react differently to the sign in which Mars is located
and act. Everyone has a Venus and thus sensations, preferences and
Affections. But what and how someone loves is largely dependent on the sign
determines, through which the energy of the Venus gains its form. Same thing for
Planetary forces, they only determine the content of energy, the form of expression
results from the structure of the sign.
• The effect of the signs determines the nature and possibility of how the
respective energy, which is represented by a planetary principle realized,
that is, how and in what way its inherent intention is realized
and realized.

The signs thus correspond to the spiritual structures of the subtle

Essence, which, like the images of the mind, the emotions, the planetary energies
shape and direct their way. They are the cells that make up a planetary organ,
that in the organic context of the higher complex unity of a
human being.
Conversely, the quality of the subtle structure of the
The signs of the zodiac are first transferred into the earthly via the planetary
forces. Everyone
Human beings have the original qualities of all 12 signs of the zodiac and could
pass them through
realize conscious training in itself. In general, however, only evolve
those qualities that are stimulated by a planetary force. Like yourself
the mind can only incarnate through the soul, in the life of the organic,
The powers of the signs of the zodiac are first realized through the powers of the
Everyone has the essential cells of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc. in
therefore, could be active, patient and versatile. But only when the sun, the
Moon or another planet in a sign, these become
Properties, according to the planetary energy, with or without intention of
Concerned mobilized.
• First the presence of a planet (or the ascendant) in one
Character activates the properties of this character, as well as
conversely, the properties of a sign the possibilities and the
Determine the expression of the energy of the present planet.
• The planetary energies are pushing in certain directions. The structure of
Character determines how the respective energy is realized.
An example may clarify this:
For example, the energies of the inner Jupiter, revive the expectations, the moral,
Trust, effect growth and success. Like the energies that
is achieved by the quality of the sign through which the essentials of the
Planets work, determined: Careful, methodical, attention to details, and
economical in the use of the funds (as well as residues are used and installed)
by the virgin sign. Spontaneously the next, or else
Unreachable poignancy (exuberance of expectations) by the
Sagittarius. Conscientious, sober on experiences building (what the
created values) by the Capricorn sign. Ideally, the
grasping big contexts, new ways, new goals, new ones
opening up liberating values, through the Aquarius sign. Compassionate,
willing to sacrifice, respecting the well-being and hopes of others, or
resonating dreamlike, the inner Jupiter acts, if it is made of beings cells
of the fish sign, etc.
There are the cosmic planetary forces that are conscious of the
Soul organs, as your aspirations essentially appear in appearance. And it
gives the powers of the signs of the zodiac, the personal structures of the
and opinions that give shape to these energies and individual ones
to express and thus your possibilities, determine the energies
RULE 3: Always distinguish between the planetary energies that are in
to push a direction and make a difference, and the powers of the
Zodiac signs that shape these forces and their way
let it work. Get an idea of the qualities of one
Planetary force and the properties due to the signs of the zodiac, in
where the planet is located, are given.
To illustrate this, one can compare the functioning of his total personality with
the government of a state. There are too
the various tasks distributed to several ministers.
The Inner State: The Inner Mars would be the Secretary of Defense, the Moon
or the Venus of a minister of culture or of culture, the Saturn the justice, the
Mercury Teaching, Jupiter Social or Economic Minister, etc.
correspond, the Prime Minister would be with the sun, and the TRUE
ICHSELBST (which we do not see in the chart) with the Federal President
Now, in some countries, you have a multi-party government,
in which the individual ministers do not always use the same methods or interests
follow each other and only if they belong to the same faction
support and work together. Astrologically, that is through the
expressed four elements; Fire element radical, water element social,
Air element liberal, and earth element conservative.
If you look at the personal planetary organs that actually like
independently acting powers act as the minister would imagine
the signs of the zodiac in which the planets (ministers) are located, the
Office space of the government building. The secretaries working in
These offices are located at the desks and, as everyone knows, the real work
are the essential cells, which are considered as properties of the zodiac in
Appearance. Without this executive work of its secretaries and
Secretaries, a minister could do nothing, and everything he causes contributes in
Basically always the signature of his employees. (As you know
exchanged a minister without consequences, we would not have the television,
no one would notice).
The minister, the planetary power, determines according to his department the
Direction and the goal, for example Venus the love, Saturn the justice, Mars the
Activity, Jupiter's success, etc.
The power of the signs of the zodiac, the secretaries, determine how things work
to reach the target, for example, Aries purposeful, Taurus leisurely, Gemini
flexible, cancer sensitive, lion determining, virgin careful, libra
Diplomatic, Scorpio incorruptible, Sagittarius enthusiastic, Capricorn traditional,
Aquarius unconventional, fish dreamy.

Every place in the horoscope is linked to every other place. Like the limbs
and organs of an organism, each degree stands in with every other degree
constant contact. A planet on 1 ° Aries is the same on all other 359s
Degrees present.
However, because the connecting fields of the electromagnetic fluid, the
subtle neural pathways, have different qualities
transmit different properties between the signs of the zodiac.
As you know, the fluid changes with every sign, so every 30 degrees
Direction; Aries is electric, so moving, bull magnetic,
So calmingly lasting, twins electric, cancer magnetic, and so on
The four primal qualities also form warm, cold, moist, dry, and the four
Elements of fire, water, air, earth, subtle quantum packets, the
stand together in a certain connection and form their own levels.
By mixing the fluids on the three levels in the consciousness space
arise the different aspects:
Stand planets at a certain distance from each other, so mix
The original qualities of their energies in each case in a different way. Depending
on the planet
So the quality and direction of the force, and depending on the aspect, that is,
with each other,
apart or against each other, this will either be conducive or obstructive
felt. One differentiates therefore aspects of tension and aspects, which
can relax.
At a distance of 6o or 120o, those properties are more likely to be in
Appearance that can work together harmoniously, the
Energy flow between the connected planets is positively reinforcing,
flowing together, felt, a distance of 90 ° and 180 °, however,
rather seems to release the opposite properties and
challenge or inhibit.
In all aspects, however, want the involved planetary organs
act simultaneously. The connection causes it in their energy fields
Changes. Each planet, one with another planet
Aspect is related, in this calls other properties and responds
vice versa, depending on the planet to which it is connected, respectively
other characteristics emerges. Every force promotes energy in the other
certain properties or challenges them in response. Thereby occur
Shifts in the voltage balance of the inclinations and in the value of
Interests and concerns.
• Through aspects, new properties are created, which, alone through the
Presence of a planet in a sign, otherwise unfolded
would have awakened.
• Aspects therefore always represent an extension of the possibilities
Chances, Challenges, Tasks and Exams.
The following aspects are distinguished:

The conjunction: The unified planetary forces work together. That can as
be felt beneficial or stressful, because the energies are connected
with each other, even if they do not want to do the same. Through this
Coupling, they can strengthen each other, support each other, but also
In the case of incompatibility of qualities (for example, Saturn conjunction Mars),
they must
therefore be disconnected. It is necessary to separate each planetary function
Pay attention to.
The opposition: The planetary forces strive in opposite directions and
ignore the quality of the other. It's like going in one direction
but want to look into the other. That splinters; Tension, paralysis,
Degeneration or exaggeration of a page is the consequence, if one the
Aspirations, the organs involved in the opposition, unified and
matches each other.
Relaxation is achieved by opposing forces
Although certain areas, but common, the whole organism serving
Assigning goals, or timing their dominance and through these
Interaction equally promotes and directs both concerns.
The squares: Definitely a tension aspect, but not as easy as
the opposition can be compensated. It's like developing between the two
involved forces an enmity. They exercise a constant charm on each other
out. Not only do you want something different, you also go completely different
in front. Sometimes they achieve that, but at the expense of the others, in the
integrated planet. A permanent state of war is the result.
Nevertheless, this incompatibility must not be detrimental to the person concerned.
Straight squares can be a challenge through the constant confrontation
be the mutually oppressive or challenging energies too
master and tame. Through this mental fitness training can
Services provided and properties are developed that are not otherwise
would have unfolded.
The Trigone: are perceived as harmonious and unproblematic. The
The forces involved are friends. they work together
and support each other, even if they have different goals. Promote it
they, even if they represent different qualities, are mutually exclusive
positive aspects of their being. Properties and abilities by Trigone
can be expressed, you playfully mastered.
The tensionless coexistence can, however, due to lack of motivation
by charms, to seduce convenience and the facilities offered,
Ability and possibilities to lie idle.

The sextiles: Similar to trigones, they work only considerably weaker and effect
not much by itself. They merely indicate a connection option,
which one can and should use. In addition, however, sextiles fulfill another very
important function; they contribute to the relaxation of other aspects. For
in a sextile between two planets, an opposition to one of the two
Places, automatically balanced by one trine on the other and thus
this planetary function fits harmoniously into the overall structure of the
incorporated. This will be very helpful especially during transits and at
Partner comparisons Demonstrate options for harmonizing the relationship.
Quincunx: Also this aspect is only weak and subliminally effective. He
Although, like the sextile, makes a noticeable connection between the two places
but without developing a certain quality. Thomas Ring
calls this aspect the Tantalus or longing aspect. It seems
actually as if planets spaced at five characters
are not connected, but also
can not solve each other. The topic becomes, without it, to
a life theme, as if one never removed the involved soul organs from the
Lose your eyes. A feeling of longing, but also of a bad conscience
(the homework is not done, the cupboard can not be cleaned up)
subliminally related to the affected area of life and the
Keep people concerned about dealing with it. Note
for a way out usually offers the planet, the two places by a
connects to another aspect and through a creative sublimation to
Transformation of the clamped energies leads.
One and a half square, half square, half-silk and other fine aspects will be
rarely have an effect and can therefore be neglected.

To understand the function of the earth fields (houses) correctly, you go
just like the zodiac signs. The fields also form a structure
according to which the energy of a planetary force aligns. But there is one
• The signs determine how the particular energy of a personal
Can express planetary organ.
• The fields determine the area of life, followed by the use
this energy will predominantly judge.
To memorize the quality of the fields, you only need the quality
to recall the signs of the zodiac. The fields are built, how
the signs of the ecliptic, after the same self-contained circular
System and therefore have analogous properties; the first field corresponds
the principle of the ram, the second the bull, the third the twins
The fields answer two questions:
FIRST: What area of life is through the presence of a planet
is particularly emphasized and will, in the sense of function and quality of the
present planets, appear in a special way and ins
Consciousness moved?
SECOND: From what area of life will the ten personal ones become
Soul organs in each case feel particularly addressed and because of their
Presence in the field, according to their function, to effect something there
The first field shows how to assess yourself, what meaning you have
attaches himself to how one's own personality is felt, how one experiences oneself
and appears. Sun in the first field gives a lot of confidence and
Reliance. Jupiter makes generous or in need of validation, Saturn rather
careful, strict and reserved, Venus lovable or vain, etc.
second field describes the meaning of material values, possessions and
Having reserves for security or luxury needs, for one. Procurement and
Handling money is determined by this field. Jupiter becomes money success
Neptune means danger of deception and losses, Saturn thriftiness out
Afraid to lose his money

The third field characterizes thinking and learning, perception and perception
intellectual ability, including communication; Make visits,
Writing, talking to understanding what someone else means. Sun in the third
Field is interested and awakened, Uranus destroys and gives versatile
Interests and original ideas.
In the fourth field are the inherited roots, the spirit of the family and
one comes from, anchors and determines the depths of the sensations and
Feelings that, as is well known, without being noticed, think and strive
pretend, as well as the inner space in which one withdraws, the
can be dreams, but also the real living space. Venus and Jupiter
cause therefore a beautiful, beloved, neat home, with Saturn in the fourth
Feld feels the subject often more comfortable in the coffee house next door than in
their own
four walls.
The fifth field focuses attention on the creative, spontaneous,
cheerful principle, to the pleasure and joy, the ability to hope and something to
create. That is why the attitude to love and to love develops there
Pleasure as well as children, and what meaning children and
To have love in life.
The sixth field is directed inwards again, how does the organism work?
that is, health, illness, how to use oneself, which ones
Working methods are preferred, which tools are used. Saturn
e.g. can be difficult, but also responsible, conscientious
Work mean.

In the seventh field you reach your limits or overcome them. One experiences
the meaning and power that other people exert on you. Marriage,
Partnership, the society in which one must exist, but also the way in which one
must exist
you influence other people. With Jupiter, one hopes too much of the
Partner, with the Moon, one aligns his feelings too much with him, with Pluto wants
you change him or the whole world.
With the eighth field one transcends the real world and experiences the fact
the dissolution, the loss, the transience, the death. Topics that are in it
Related such. Magic and mysticism, but also inheritance, sacrifice
and criminal underworld, come to the fore.
The ninth field opens new expanses and worlds, either through study,
in the form of knowledge in science, philosophy and religion, or as
Expansion of the personal horizon through concrete trips abroad and
Relationships with distant countries and foreign cultures. Mercury, Jupiter, but
Also Neptune can be very helpful and the pursuit of wisdom and
The tenth field, astronomically the highest place in the chart,
also denotes the highest ascent in life and the relationship to
Public. Occupation and vocation, power, success, ascent, but also case,
are determined by this field and the planets present there. Sun,
Jupiter, also the moon bring ambition for recognition and popularity, too
Saturn, but it also sets limits, and if these are exceeded, it brings the
Fall from above, as many politicians experience it.
In the eleventh field one experiences the Zeitgeist, ideals, hopes, his willingness
to help, but also help that one can expect from friends. Jupiter can
Tolerance to others and protection by influential friends
mean, Venus lets friendship and love merge, Saturn means often
faithful friends who are older.
The twelfth field, in contrast, causes isolation, one is on oneself
posed. The hidden, the excluded, the departed thrive all the more
better and mature to secret values that do not require recognition to
satisfy, or have to remain secret for other reasons. Venus is often with
secret relations, Jupiter or Mercury with hidden power
or secret research or occult research.

The field is always the topic. The presence of a planet in one

Field is the personal vitality with which this area of life then
is particularly clearly updated and called to consciousness.
• A planet is always the personal essential force. The field in which he
is located, determines the individual area of interest, on the
the respective properties of the planetary essential functions
mainly (but not exclusively) judge and especially strong
The sun in a field indicates where you can find your own personality
Expressing yourself and making you feel self-affirmed.
The moon, on which one focuses his feelings and what one
especially touched and moved.
Mercury in a field reveals the focus of interest. What the
Thoughts and ideas are involved, which stimulates one mentally busy
and especially interested, is determined by this field.
The Venus determines the area of life that makes you special
attracted, because you can relax, and what you love
(1st field yourself, 2nd field money, etc.) and what you enjoy.
Mars shows what motivates, excites and what one fights for. On this
Life area is and should be its main activities, for this
Life area one should get involved.
Jupiter points to what one values, where one trusts and success
aspires and is mostly successful, where one has luck and also by
other people and the powers of fate can expect help.
The Saturn in his field pretends where you are afraid, vulnerable and therefore
Careful is where fate can hit you, with disabilities, or
Lessons for probation, where to put his diligence, and himself
especially hard work and learning to deal with the topic.
Uranus marks the area of life where one is particularly conspicuous and
behave idiosyncratically and also have to expect surprises. Neptune
indicates where you can lose yourself, what seduces you, where you are the thinnest
Consciousness stratification and you get inspired or dropped. The Pluto
determined by his field, what one wants or has to transform completely, and
where and by what one should transform oneself, something as one's own or another's
overpowering violence and what to identify with and
what you rely on destroyed.

• The twelve fields thus determine the very personal interests, where
and for what, in each incarnation, the energies are used.
As an example Jupiter in the fields:
Jupiter in the first field leaves the highest value in one's personality
seeking, esteem by others is sought, be it by putting oneself
always generously gives jovial or size only pretends and dazzles. Jupiter in the
second field, the optimal in material fundamentals, such as Money,
Possession, and wanting to achieve certainty. In the third field is knowledge and
Exchange of ideas in every possible form, including writing. In the fourth
Field a cozy home, family and a refuge. With Jupiter in the sixth
Field can be found by responsible conscientious work its fulfillment.
In the seventh field Jupiter shifts the hopes for the environment, the
Life partner, fellowship with others. In the eighth field you look for the
Values in the occult, in the mysterious hidden spheres of life, or
you have something to hide yourself. With Jupiter in the ninth field one wants over
Given outlooks and widens its horizon through studies, traveling
and far-reaching philosophical insights. In the tenth field procures
Jupiter recognition of his work and position, public success in the form of
Honor, power and influence are sought because one acknowledges his achievements
want to see. In the eleventh field, one cherishes friends and becomes influential
Encouraged friends. In the twelfth field, you retreat and find yours
Fulfillment and greatness in secret, one researches or exercises power out of the
It is the most personal and important factor in one
Horoscope. One will only correctly capture a birth picture if one uses the
Function of the ascendant understands.
All the powers and powers contained in the chart can first be transferred
realize the Ascendant and are in their expression of the
Characteristics that determine its structure are shaped.
The ascendant is not an energetic force like the planetary energies,
but possesses the power of a formative structure, like the signs of the zodiac. He
corresponds to the quality of the character from which he acts. Should, however
Being a planet in its vicinity, it works according to the nature and purpose of
planetary energy.

he ascendant is the opening from which all the powers contained in the chart,
Forces, facilities, properties and abilities stand out. Every property
must pass through this gate and is filtered in the manner of the ascendant.
This is like the mouthpiece of a garden hose; a small opening can
cause a strong jet even at low water pressure and vice versa.
An exuberant and enthusiastic Sagittarius Ascendant can be one
Dreamy fish sun give enormous life swing, while vice versa
a careful virgin ascendant of a dynamic Aries sun quite nicely
will censor the momentum.
Even more decisive than the sign on the ascendant is a planet in his
Nearby. Because this becomes its properties through the immediate proximity to
"Opening" particularly clear on the expression of the total personality
transfer. If e.g. the Uranus at the Ascendant, so will the
Concerned, even if it is a conservative Capricorn Ascendant, after the eccentric
unconventional kind one
otherwise only encountered by Aquarians, behave, no matter where its sun
That's why you do not feel the nature of a human being after his
Sun, but as his ascendant is, as he gives himself experienced.
• The ascendant is the real birth-lander
The ascendant symbolizes the body in the chart and actually shapes it
the appearance, the physical condition and affects all others
resulting body functions and emotions. It is
scientifically proven that also have thoughts and feelings, at least as long as
one experiences oneself and its environment in its body, by biochemical
Processes are governed and determined by molecules. Considering,
that one of the bodies not only lets experience the gross environment, but also
his thoughts and feelings will also be of special importance to you
Ascendant exerts on the consciousness, immediately conscious.
The astrological tradition has recognized this and measures the sign at
Ascendants, and even more so on the planet, if one is in immediate
Near the Ascendant is the most important. One designates
this planet as a birthplace.

The ascendant is only in his two-dimensional representation in the chart

a dash, in the subtle body it is the formative material element,
which fills the entire soul space and every essential cell. His
Texture also determines the nature of each cell of the other
personal planetary organs. No matter in which sign the
personal ascendant, the ascendant is influenced by the quality
its substance to a large extent also the quality and function of all
other planetary organs and thus fulfills the whole being.
This becomes especially clear when a planet is at the ascendant.
The ascendant takes the quality of this planet and gives it to the
entire subtle organism on. Is a planet at the
Ascendant, it is as if all the spiritual soul members of the
Personality, no matter where the other planets are, from the
mental substance of this planet.
Two examples, Neptune and then Saturn at the Ascendant, like that
clarify. In Saturn and Neptune the two subtle substances are expressed
Fluids of the universe. Saturn clears the room and compacts the room
Borders of the gross world, and Neptune dissolves, shines through and
freed. Both powers, the cross-border and cross-border principle,
must be controlled, you do not want to harden or lose yourself.
When Neptune is at the Ascendant, it is as if all spiritually spiritual
Entities of personality consist of Neptunzellen. With Neptune am
Ascendant will therefore be all boundaries and holding
Structures perforated and softened. Fixed reference points for orientation
can not be fixed anymore, not even your own identity. The
Neptune molecules are like fleeting nebulae, and even the strongest
Essential cells in this body of consciousness resemble smooth little globules,
that are unbelievable. These volatile ghost particles are the basis for that
cross-border principle.
Therefore, Neptune gives the Ascendant a high degree of mediality,
Empathy and dedication, to total self-abandonment, but also
the seductiveness, simply because there's nothing hard, solid, binding,
holds back or serves as a fixed point of orientation.

If the person does not succeed, the function of the ascendant

(Imprintability and Realization ability) of the function of Neptune
(Softener and feeler) to separate (he needs only more Urqualitäten
of the earth element), his spirit and soul will always be
again in thoughts and feelings that are not to his being and willing
belong, lose. The demarcation of the personal essential cells, which the
To filter impressions and check is softened and lets much through. The
same applies to the structures of expression for the realization of the personal
Intentions, in thinking, feeling, willing and existence.
This affects all the essential organs. The sun, the personality,
gets the desire to work in other personalities. The self
will give up his independence and identity like discarded clothes and himself
into each and every one of them, without noticing that it always has its own
Individuality loses. The moon, the imagination, is in feelings (mostly
Compassion), and dream worlds (not infrequently drug worlds) sink. Mercury,
the mind loses objective control and becomes unreal
Ideas or lies get lost. Venus, the affection, will be in
Devotion, be it out of love or sacrifice, dissolve. Mars, the
Urge and urge, seduced by every emotion. Jupiter, the
A sense of value, loses the sense of order and law and follows everyone in good
dazzling shade. The Saturn, its border is missing, also the backing, and
what he should protect and support will be difficult to sustain and
lose again and again.
On the other hand, if Saturn is at the Ascendant, every structure becomes a little
as necessary. The personal sun, no matter where it is, will be in the
whole being more reserved and therefore in their personal charisma
be less noticeable. The personality can hardly get rid of the accustomed,
can not get out of her skin. The moon becomes more careful, sometimes
Fear, tend. Personal Mercury is more marked by mistrust
Thinking slows down. Venus does not lean towards everything she loves. Of the
personal Mars acts modestly. Jupiter will be shy,
instead of exuberance, preserve. And the Saturn as Birth Areaer judges the
other functions according to his strict

And the Saturn as Birth Areaer judges the

other functions according to its strict nature.
NOTE: Not only in the birth chart, also in Transiten align
during the direct transition of a planet over the ascendant the
other soul organs according to the properties of the transiting planet
out. Transits e.g. Saturn over the ascendant becomes the whole being
(Sun and moon) more serious, the thought processes (Mercury) become more
the desire for love (Venus) lowered, etc.
• The essential cells of the planetary forces represent an energy that is in
a direction is pushing.
• The essence cells of the signs of the zodiac set this energy in their own way
and into action.
• The essential cells of the earth fields (houses) determine the
personal area of interest for the realization.
• The Ascendant's structure summarizes all aspirations and expressions
A planetary force is changed by two factors. First, through the
Sign, in which the planet is located, and second, through the planets, with
which he is connected by aspects. But this has different causes,
and the consequences, although they seem similar, are not the same
be the same.
Each planetary force will appear differently in each sign. there
plays the consonance of the mixture of the primordial qualities of the planet and
the character an additional role. Also the properties of the
Signs of the zodiac are known to go from the original qualities of the four
A Saturn in the Pisces will no longer be the same stable,
it can offer, for example, Capricorn or Capricorn
Would show bulls. The solid dry of its essential cells is from
weakened and wet
softened; Uncertainty, but also flexibility can be the result. Also a
Neptune in Capricorn apparently changes its typical characteristics
disillusioned by the solid essential cells there and hardly prone to fantasize
and if, then draw only concrete, "logical" hunches and visions

Similar effects have the interaction of planetary forces, when through

an aspect are interconnected. Once planetary energies together
flow, mix their essential cells and thus also change their
Even if Saturn forms an aspect with Neptune, it becomes taut
limp. At the same time the fluid neptune cells are compressed and
curious and can no longer so far as antennas for inspirations
expand or dissipate, in order to gain information as it is
would correspond to their nature. Doubts will arise in forebodings
also afraid, depending on the aspect, if there are more tensions in this
Constellation are involved.
But these consequences can be corrected. The original intention, the behind
the planetary forces and relies on the elementals of the sign remains
and can, if the person tries and wants it, face
enforce the distorting strivings of the aspects.
So there is a serious difference between the qualities that are
arising from a planet in a sign, and the properties that are
from a mixture of the same primordial qualities in planets in one aspect

RULE 4: Distinguish between the quality of a planetary force, the

resulting from the sign in which the planet is located, and the
Planetary force, as it is changed by one aspect.

• Properties that have a planetary energy due to the primordial qualities of the
The sign from which it works, unfolds, is real, is spiritually incorporated.
You can get into this skin, you can not get out of this skin. you
determine more the spiritual of his being. A planetary force is through the
Entity cells of a sign fully clothed. The essential cells of the
Planets and the sign merge together to form a new one
spiritual alloy with very specific personal characteristics.

• Different in the properties that result from one aspect. There are
the different entities did not merge, but instead
just coupled together or mixed with each other. This has the consequence that
You can also solve them easier from each other. These properties in themselves
you can change. The energy of these qualities can be transformed.
These emphases push themselves obtrusively into the foreground, are
but not life - defining compelling as the qualities arising from the
revealed zodiacal structures.
The Venus in the ram e.g. will love passionately and without much thought
come to the point; but not because, as with a Venus-Mars connection, the
Passion necessarily compels, but because they see no meaning in it
would hesitate for a long time, and of course she dares to love what she loves.
Venus in Capricorn, on the other hand, is reserved with expressions of emotion
be. But not because they, such as the Venus with Saturn in the aspect, afraid of
Love has, is inhibited, or would be suspicious due to bad experiences,
but because she is self-controlled, thoughtful and careful, and loves her
Sensations controlled first, balances the consequences and only then to love
The sun e.g. in Aquarius the whole being becomes with a confident inner
To fulfill freedom. The person concerned will also be appropriately unconventional,
independent of prevailing opinions and customs.
The sun in aspect with Uranus is indeed just as eccentric and
but it is not the inner freedom itself that
expresses itself, but only their detachment, looking for new
holding aspiration. The personal being will not always be so
Identify and sometimes be completely different. It's not always that
but aware of the person concerned, an important clue to psychotherapy,
who would never recognize this with their means.
• The mixing with another energy that occurs as soon as planets
connecting through one aspect adds something new to the being. That will,
because it seems to be pressing, often very intense and intense. But
you can experiment with these emotions, energies and properties,
which one can use or overcome, which one can change, and with
You can also change yourself.

• Properties, on the other hand, that are a planetary force in one sign
are surrendered, that is one, at least in the
respective incarnation.
• With a planetary force of one sign, the whole planetary energy always becomes
act in the sense of the zodiacal properties of the sign.
• In one aspect, against it, depending on the cooperating
Planets, always addressed only specific sides of the energies involved
and themed. Each planet stretches the other only certain feelers or
Limbs and is touched by each planet in a different place
and excited.
Note the keywords from the table of contents of Thomas Rings
Combination theory, third volume of "Astrological anthropology".
For the understanding of a horoscope it is necessary to get one
most vivid picture of the forces and powers represented, the
standing behind the symbols and forming the essence of the born makes. With
abstract terms alone can be this lively subtle background
do not capture. Only concrete pictorial ideas, no matter how
makeshift as they may be, the spiritually real becomes real
to understand.
There are astrologers who have tremendous expertise and yet are not
able to interpret a horoscope correctly; the individual factors stand for them
incompatible side by side and close to an interpretation. Only who is
an idea of the forces and powers that work and the subtle one
It will also be understood by the bodies on which they act. The
Essence of the Gnostic Hermetic Tradition with its "ghost model"
and the living essential cells of the soul organism with the
Planet organs also make the nature of astrology easier to understand.
Astrology is the royal art, is a magical instrument that you like a
Artist needs to learn.
But before you engage with her practically, a horoscope indicates, or
the cosmic powers and forces are useful for hermetic purposes, one must
also master the elementary astrological foundations

STEP ONE: Obtain a comprehensive astrological vocabulary

only then will you understand the language of the intelligences.
The more properties you have a planet or a zodiac sign
The better you will succeed, the overall picture of the
Essence that results from understanding in its context.
I would particularly recommend three authors, because they are the cosmic language
translated most clearly and accurately. These standard works of astrology
Anyone who deals with this science in practice should first
to study.
1. "Astrologie sonnenklar" by Linda Goodman. Nobody describes the
Characteristics of the twelve zodiac signs more alive than they. The beginner
playfully gets a comprehensive impression of the nature of
Zodiac signs and the effects in the nature of humans.
2. "Astrological anthropology", four volumes, by Thomas Ring. In the first and
the second volume, the author explains the depth psychology of the
Planetary forces and signs of the zodiac in the consciousness of man. In the third
Band will add to the properties of the planets and their interaction
Aspects described. Alone the keywords in the table of contents already deliver
most valuable knowledge for understanding the shift of forces through
the mixing of the elements.
3. For the correct handling of astrology in practice, especially for
the art of prediction, the first three works by Stephen Arroyo provide the
best basics: "astrology, karma and transformation", "astrology,
Psychology and the Four Elements, and Astrology and Partnership.
4. The most important textbook, however, writes its own practice. Read as much as
possible, of course there are a lot of other excellent works about
the topic of astrology, which is worth reading, but neglect
not the practice. Put your own booklet or an index in the form
from memory cards. But only write down what you understand and think logically.
Only what you can identify with will also serve you in practice:

Characteristics of the zodiac signs

• Properties of the planetary forces
• Properties of planetary forces in the characters
• Properties of planetary forces in different aspects to each other
• Properties of the fields
• Properties of the planets in the fields
This memory stick and learning aid complement continuously with own findings.
Draw and calculate at least one horoscope daily, if possible from
People you know and can observe and write yours
STEP TWO: Systematically and step-by-step in learning. learn
1. The names and symbols of the 12 zodiac signs. The twelve characters
are the building blocks of astrology, the foundation of the powers of the spiritual
Structures expressing the psychic energies of the planetary powers
to lend.
2. Their order, their position in the zodiac and their position to each other.
If you e.g. thinking of Aries, one must simultaneously, as a mental reflex,
opposite the Libra, on a side in square to the Cancer and on the
On the other hand the Capricorn sign know, and in the Trigon aspect the
Draw the sign of Sagittarius and Leo into consciousness. Every sign must be
also be captured in its relationship to the other characters. You have to do that
Always see zodiac as a whole and experience it in yourself.
3. The symbols of the planets and their meaning. Behind everyone
Planet symbol represents a force that has a very specific effect. each
Planet symbol is a magical glyph that represents the subject and the goal of the
Aspiration of this energy expresses. You have to have all the features of each one
Know planet energy and use it in meditations as long as you have
Connect planetary symbol until you see it as soon as you see the symbol or
draws, automatically feels. Once you have e.g. see the Venus symbol,
you automatically have to love, harmony, joy and friends, pleasure,
Enjoyment and beauty think.
4. The basic qualities of the twelve zodiac signs. Every character
has the primal qualities for very specific qualities and differs
so fundamentally different from the others. You will notice that some
Zodiac signs because of their original qualities similar properties
Express planetary energies. For example, the primal qualities of Capricorn,
also correspond to the essence of Saturn, characteristics that the ram
can be assigned, we find in Mars, etc. However, there is still one
fundamental difference: For the properties of the signs compel it
Planetary energies pick up their style and change their effect. A
Matching the original qualities will also better express them.
, The impact of the planets in a sign. The more properties
You can assign a character and a planet, the better
to succeed in interpreting the combination of a planet in one sign.
It is obvious that a planet in a sign that the original qualities of his
Energy equals, its properties can develop better than when
they would contradict. For example, a Saturn, its properties through the
Capricorn's essential cells can express better than through
Aries of the Aries, in which Mars can develop better again.
6. The combination of planetary forces through aspects. Again, decide
the primal qualities of the properties and elements, both the sign and the
Planets, beyond the compatibility and thus determine the impact of
Connection and the resulting properties.
7. The two fluids, the four elements and the primordial qualities, as the basis of
Signs, the planets and the quality of the aspects. Use while learning
the given statements from textbooks not mechanically, like a
unintelligent computer program, but combine the individual elements
always self. Each character is due to its elementary nature
provide the best foundation or falsification for another planetary energy.
Each planet, because of its original qualities, will become good with one another
or work together badly. Stress aspects are more likely to be negative
Sides of a planet, while harmonic aspects bring out the good ones
Revive properties.
STEP THREE: Pay attention first to the eye-catching foci. go
in the interpretation always systematically before and start with the
1. How is the ascendant? Always start with the question as experienced
the born his environment and how does he react? The answer is the
Even experienced astrologers are often the true and paramount importance
unconscious of the ascendant. Be careful, no matter what in the chart
expressed, it can not be realized without the ascendant. each
prominent quality, every expression of feeling, every moment of soul shown,
Any expressed opinion, action or personal reaction must be the filter
of the ascendant happen and is dyed by him according to his qualities.
At the same time the ascendant becomes of planets in his immediate
Proximity more marked than by his sign. A Saturn at the Ascendant, whole
in whatever sign, the person's behavior becomes serious and
to keep aloof, as if it were a Capricorn Ascendant that Venus does
the person concerned sociable and sympathetic, as if he had one
Waageaszent, the sun is self-conscious in appearance, as one
Löweaszendent, etc. But that only applies to exact conjunctions, especially
if the planet is in the first house and not on Trigone or
Squares, these aspects do not appear so strongly.
NOTE: If a planet is on the Ascendant, it becomes one of the
most significant factors in the chart.
2. Which aspects dominate the horoscope? What moves the born?
What touches him, what drives him or paralyzes his strength? What dynamics
is in the horoscope, which tensions, which energies shape that
Life theme? Squares: Which soul forces are enemies and each other
constantly challenge him? Opposition: Which are different from each other
alienated, pushing in different directions and splintering it?
Conjunctions: What soul forces appear together, how
do they fit together, do they promote each other or does one strangle the other?
Which forces are friends with each other, which is easy and relaxed
What are the strengths and where are the weaknesses of the born? On what
can he support himself, what challenges him? Voltage aspects, especially too
the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) always work
stronger than the harmonic and form the leitmotif in life.
Aspects of the sun, the moon and Venus are felt extremely
"up close" and in person. Aspects of Pluto, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn are
especially compelling. Aspects of Mercury, Mars and Jupiter
concern more the intellectual and moral values. Aspects between
Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter are so-called generation aspects
and, if not emphasized by other constellations,
only secondary importance.
NOTE: The more exact an aspect is, the stronger the participants become
Planet associated with it and the more powerful is the corresponding effect
appear. Conjunctions are usually the strongest.
3. In which sign is the sun, with which planets does it have
Aspects? Which sun brightens and radiates the horoscope? Which
is behind the strivings shown in the chart? How does it look and feel?
the born itself? Is there a contradiction between sun and ascendant?
Is there a contradiction between the sun and the moon? With which planet is
the sun is directly connected and in which aspect?
4. In which sign is the moon, with which planets does he have
Aspects? How does the born person feel? What is his mental mood?
Which planet affects him in the aspect? Melancholy or optimism,
Balance or irritability? Waking experience or indifference
largely from the state of the moon and the planets with which it is connected
is, shaped.
NOTE: A moon without aspects is like a TV without a screen. moon
and Mercury need connections to other soul organs with these
be stimulated.
5. What are the signs of the planets? How are the soul members of the
Born grown? What possibilities do the characters offer in them?
they stand to fulfill their tasks and fulfill their functions?
Do the primordial qualities of the planetary forces agree with the primordial
qualities of the signs,
by which they act, do they coincide or contradict each other?
6. In which fields are the planets? On which areas of interest
are the centers of consciousness aligned?
The 360 degrees of the ecliptic constitute the soul-skin of consciousness. there
every degree behind which a planet stands, and the aspect points to it,
to a gate into the personal consciousness space

A horoscope describes the circuit diagram over which the subtle forces use the
respective functions of the personal soul structure.
Likewise, a mage gains access to knowledge through a horoscope
another person, because he has these "gates" in his soul structure
can intervene. As well as the gross genes, proteins, viruses, etc., just about
certain messenger substances that fit on a docking point or in an opening, in
a cell can invade, is an effect on other beings only over the
astrologically recognizable and cosmically regulated receptors and synapses
(Degrees of the ecliptic) and messengers (zodiacal and planetary beings cells)
If e.g. if someone has Jupiter on 10 ° fish, then that will not only be
Soul organ for ethics, morals and personal maturity by type of fish qualities
but this degree and its aspect points will also give access to
his judgment, his generosity, his hopes and
To grant expectations. About these degrees are all personal Jupiter
To reach and influence the qualities of the person concerned.
• In the mechanism of the aspects lies the secret of the whole
Hidden course of fate. Every aspect point in the horoscope is a place
the foreign powers can penetrate into the consciousness space.
Even the powers of fate can only through these vacancies of yours
Being on you. Both the helpful inspirations of the positive
Intelligences, as well as the confusing, seductive whisperings of the
destructive powers, you can only on the aspect of your horoscope
to reach. That goes for the whole life. Fatalities will make you in the
Usually only meet if appropriate constellations on open goals in
Your nature will come, and a happy turn will only come when one
corresponding planetary power through one of your gates into your consciousness
can penetrate.
The powers of fate use these sensitive places, but also those
other genii and demons are moving with the tides of power.
In the same way, one can also set the gates and the tides for his own
Use project. Transformation of certain essential cells, development
certain qualities, conscious life, magical works, each
The project will be easier and more successful if you do it
in accordance with the cosmological conditions on each
attuned to prevailing astrological qualities.

The genetic code of the cosmic hierarchy

The movement of the earth around its axis and around the sun shifts
the spheres of influence, over which the cosmic powers on the subtle
Environment of the earth. This constantly changes the possibility
for the passage of the corresponding elementals and elementals, the
Cosmic beings that circulate between the planes.
As well as from a moving train on a changing landscape
If you look, you can at any time other "astrological" spirit and
Soul landscapes, which in the case of an incarnation (in which one
getting off the train) as a starting point for further life.
As well as in a cell division and the DNA strand with the genetic
Code shares, but the missing page replaces itself and in the new one
Cell is present as well, divides each at a birth
existing cosmic situation; the most effective locally and at the moment
Elementals and elementals of the respective acting cosmic intelligences
tie off, divide and determine as an individual essence
the concept for the emergence of the vital essential cells in the growing
Life of the embryo.
By birth in a gross body, that's just going to happen
predominant spirit-spiritual cosmic mixture as a consciousness carrier
accepted. From the cosmic pot becomes a portion of essential cells in the
filled personal consciousness vessel. Modern terms; on the way
the gross body becomes when passing through the Erdgürtelzone the
Software adopted the currently prevailing program. It is
to assume that this so branded personal
It is no coincidence that the structure of the being corresponds to the incarnating
spirit, but
Conversely, a birth takes place only when the individual
Consciousness identified with the cosmic landscape or otherwise
attracted to it.
Nevertheless, a horoscope does not show the true ICHSELBST, which does not
but only its parts of being, or parts thereof, which are in
of each incarnation, and the relationship in which they appear
to stand by each other. Genius, Adeptschaft and holiness are from one
Horoscope not to be seen.
What can be seen in the totality is again just a "body" with
his limbs, a lively structure, subtle indeed, but in this
particular form as changeable and transitory as the gross
Body. It is both the psychic energy complexes and the currents of the shoots,
Stirrings and feelings, which are the mental forms of the consciousness, the
Ideas, ideals, opinions and thoughts enliven and change, as
also the spiritual light structure, which in the form of the presented pictures the
Souls forces direction and holds them together

As well as quality and quantity, ie power and force, or energy and

Matter and spirit are not part of the horoscope
separated, but always be considered only in their unity. Neither the sun,
or Mercury, nor the so-called air signs, describe the spirit, and
the moon, or the watermarks, do not explain the soul. Even if you are
Soul, equated with feeling, and mind with intellectual ability, and out
a horoscope of the mind and the temperament, so emotional
Egagement, or distanced considered behavior is evident, that describes
not mind and soul but only the respective bases for the expression
of the spiritual and spiritual. The overemphasized single astrological
Factors or elements always have an effect on the spiritual, mental and spiritual
Organic alike.
The horoscope shows a subtle framework of cells, limbs and
Organs, describes the mechanisms that serve the consciousness of wanting
to feel, to be and to experience oneself. It presents, like an x-ray,
The spiritual-spiritual structure of a human being and also shows the subtle
Blood circulation, the mental pressure and the special pervasion of the
individual soul organs, but not the consciousness itself.
A horoscope is the symbolic representation of a given
Time to a particular place just prevailing and to one
conscious unit connected powers and forces. It thus describes the
Basics for the characteristics of a human being at this time
This place was born, but not its true I Am.
From a horoscope you can not recognize the true ICHSELST
like a car the driver. But you will see on a car which
Chauffeur's opportunities to move forward and out of it
Draw conclusions about the owner; a Porsche driver gets in his car
not only faster than the owner of a Polo but is
probably actually faster driving. So does a person who is
incarnated with Mars at Aries Ascendant, not just more energies to
Available as someone born with a Venus on Pisces Ascendant
but will also fully benefit the momentum. He is not just of the
energetic elementals are pushed to more activity than someone who does
Venus has the Ascendant, but will also express it
The aspects as sensitive places
But it's not Jupiter or Saturn or any other planet that's anywhere
stands and causes something, but it is always the soul organs that
living essential cells of the analogue energy centers, the personal self,
which ultimately make a difference. And it is not the cosmic zodiac (the
you are really tight around the earth and not with the fixed stars
thinks), which works, but the inner zodiac, as a whole, as
subtle organism, and not just the degree, by the presence
of a planet is activated. Because even if a planet seems of one
it is at the same time on all other angles, from
which one aspect becomes effective, "present" and responds accordingly when
this other location is activated. Has someone e.g. his Mars at 10 ° Aries, so
he is also addressed his inner energies and his power
feel when a planet is on 10 ° Libra, Capricorn, Cancer or on others
Aspects stands, or when a planet over one of these aspects
The planetary organs are increased by the inner circumference of the 36o degrees
an organic unit. As well as the sense organs over
the nerve cells and the brain are networked with each other
Planetary organs about the primal qualities of the zodiacals together.
Every degree is connected to every other degree. Certain degrees
(Aspect points) become due to the presence of a planet
this place, or a certain distance to this place, especially
Strictly speaking, it is not a circle, but a sphere
out of time and space; formed from the sun arcs of the daily sunrises
on the one hand - they result from the rotation of the earth around its axis and
mark between the winter and summer solstice the one dimension
the breadth of the belt of the earth - and the movement of the earth around the sun
on the other hand, these arches, each day is about a degree, as places circular
projected onto the ecliptic and demarcated to an apparent extent.

Every human being has the entire zodiacal scheme of order in himself. With everyone
Birth creates a new mental micro-cosmos. Every human being is one
living image of the spiritual qualities and powers that are precisely on the
Consciousness space of his birthplace. This is the, at a
Birth, prevailing cosmic state that we describe in the chart,
to a new reality, which is also independent, and compared to
other horoscopes, different to other cosmic influences
Every human being has a 360 degree consciousness horizon, which is based on the
Ecliptic is projected. Everyone has the twelve different qualities of
Zodiac sign, has a Jupiter, a Venus, a Mars, etc., and twelve
trend-setting fields, which result from the heavenly circle of his place.
But every factor has a different meaning and quality for everyone
have and on further cosmic effects by the locomotion of the
react differently to the current planet.
Just as each entity cell hides an independent elemental, each one
Soul organ also as an entity that corresponds to a planetary principle,
are also the twelve zodiacal properties of the intelligences behind
of the earth's zone, exist as total complexes in every human being.
And as the spirits of the elements, the planets and the zodiac transcend
experiencing their essential cells in the nature of man, they experience themselves
cosmic powers as Urintelligenzen, of course also outside the
People's space of consciousness, on their own levels. And they work
also from the outside on their analogue essential cells in humans and thus on
to the people.

The 360 degrees of the ecliptic are the gates, both in the soul gardens of the
People as well as in the particular level of an intelligence of the hierarchy. But
every horoscope hides because of the different planetary positions
at birth, behind every grade another property. And there everyone
Property, beyond the primal qualities, with any other property either in
is harmonious or in tense connection, every degree depends on everyone
others together.
Spirit and soul are in themselves and in relation to other spirit and spirit
Soul beings are delimited and only through certain docking points that are like
Synapses work for certain qualities. It is one in itself
closed circular system in which each element on the whole one
Influence and itself, according to its quality, reacts to impulses.
If I know the property of the places, then I can use that, because through the
Movement of the earth and the planet changed the property of time and
constantly other places (soul organs) are addressed. The properties
The personal individual places can be seen from the horoscope, they yield
by imprinting at birth. The properties of time can be recognized
from the state of the planets in connection with the ecliptic. For calculating
you use the ephemeris.
The movement of the earth around its axis and around the sun changes
constantly the relationship of the personal qualities to the respective ones
cosmic energies. As soon as you change from a moving train to a changing one
Landscape views, but not every traveler looks out the same window
and therefore perceives something else, you will, depending on your personal
experience at any time other "astrological" spirit and soul landscapes.
On this knowledge are based the so-called astrological prognoses, the
due to the transit charge.
With this we are already entering the field of magic. Because both the
Effect of planetary intelligence on the consciousness of man, with
all the consequences that result from this, as well as vice versa the knowledge of
how to
to adjust to, protect from, or use the currents means
a creative intervention; you can not just do what in such a way
predictable, but sometimes also what is intended to change.


If the question arises, how do you get now to his essential cells, the yes the
The cause is that you experience something one way or the other, and so on and not
Responding? What was it, the one just at the time, in which this
special equipment with which one could identify, develop, in
pushing a body or striving for life in a body? A
Answer would also illuminate the issue of reincarnation.
In the past, philosophers were more concerned with the unsolvable question of free
or destiny compulsion. Today, in the age of liberalism and ambivalence,
you know, everything has two sides; Energy and matter, wave and particle, mind
and soul, gross and subtle, good and evil, it is
always around the two sides of a whole that can not be shared.
The uncertainty principle of atoms affects not only physics, but also
the nature of life, of consciousness and of the subtle
Events. We know that genes are the emotions, the character, the
determine the whole nature of man, but what the essence of genes
we do not know.

For this, it has been recognized that chemistry, which ultimately governs the
processes of consciousness, is just as much dependent on mental and emotional
such as. the imagination, the faith and the emotional
Attitude and expectation is affected as by the gross
Mechanisms of the molecular world.
Today, the thinker accepts that the viewpoint is not just the view,
but also changed the reality. Karma and free will contradict
not. If you know of two levels, the design of a page is for the
others no compulsion. Just as thinking is a trial in the spirit is
conversely every incarnation has a chance for a try in the
gross world.
The Gnostic Hermetic does not ask where and why
but: how can I relate what I have as a character to me to my future
Use development? How should I handle it?
He is aware of his freedom to say yes and no, to the emotions, too
decide whether to follow them or not. He knows the power of his thinking, too
he forms his ideas and opinions that make him decide
and use them too. So Dante says in his Divine Comedy:
The impulse of your impulse is heaven,
not everyone, I say, but he gave everyone, like that
you have the light for good and evil,
have free will, but only with difficulty
the first fight with the stars endures,
but then with good care always wins.
In every moment you have the freedom to say yes and no. Why those
Most fail nevertheless, is not only due to the problem of wanting or
You also have to know what the right thing to do is.
The conscience alone is not enough as a compass, but remains in doubt as
Soul light is the highest authority.
In addition, alertness is just as important. Stirs that are against reason
and want to push, seduce and try to emerge slowly. you
grow unnoticed, until then, at the crucial moment, as powerful
Complex can not be overcome anymore.
It has often been pointed out in the master books as dating
form powerful schemes for the many yielded little temptations,
which are then difficult to resolve, and what significant role
doing the thought structures that are just as slow and unnoticed
To make habits, to be fair. Only constant mind control
prevents new germs from nesting. With vigilance such can be
Avoid accumulations. With perseverance and willpower you will become existing ones
Resolve schemas.
But with astrology you can understand the basics of the properties
Urqualities, from which the essential cells swell, and the time, when they
especially to find out.

With astrology you can already see in advance which one

Thought structures one is inclined and when which emotions stir
become. And when you look at the properties that are made up of the aspects
surrendered, seeing something added to his personal being, then
From this you gain insight into how to properly use your assets
to circumvent, first, to make more of it, and second, the
To fully exploit opportunities for transformation. Straight from the
Overcoming his negative investments one wins the
Perfection necessary mental power.
Even if, as we have already stated, the mind and soul of a human being
from his horoscope are not fully visible, spiritual and
Spiritual is expressed in it. The essential cells of the planets are always

moving energies and thus correspond to the emotional impulses, and
the essential cells of the signs form the basis of the fixed structures, which
modifying, channeling, coloring these energies in a certain way
and filter what corresponds to the spiritual principle. The planetary forces want
To have a definite effect, to push in one direction, are the impulses that are like
Urges desire and emotions invigorate and move, while the power of
Give these energies expression and form by using them, as well as the
Thought images the feelings, in their structures and shapes and thus constraints

thus the planetary forces correspond to the mental and the signs to the
spiritual principle. One could not make sense without the other
to step. One could also call the planetary forces as the soul organs and the
Compare the structures of the signs with the function of soul members.
This does not mean, however, that with a birth picture the whole being of a
People is captured. What is visible are the essential cells, organs and
Limbs for each incarnation, but not the whole true ICHSELBST,
that is not defined and therefore can not be described or recorded.
It's like the tip of an iceberg; out of the sea garden the
crystallized, incarnated beings cells into the existence of time.
It is safe to assume that this is incarnated with the essential cells
individual consciousness in his soul garden also other Wesenzellen to
Available, with which it could have changed, but that
due to the astrological conditions at the time of birth not
was possible.
And it is not certain that all the essential cells with which one is born,
indeed to the personal nature
belong or, for whatever reason, by the
Birth moment to be burdened with.
The generation aspects also raise questions. If you go from it
that one does not believe in one's character with which one is born
can choose, and not in every life other properties and
Abilities in his incarnation, but this is the consequence of his
is past life, then certain qualities would be out
slow-moving planets result in certain characters, just by one
Birth at certain periods possible. The technical-mathematical
For example, giftedness represented by Saturn's essential cells in the Gemini
can only be started in those years in which Saturn
in the twins, that's about every 29 years for about 30 months the case, too
other times, it has to be worked out more laboriously.

So if you want to have certain abilities in a life, so will

you have to forgo other, astrologically conditioned, properties
or to accept external investments.
Whether the consciousness, due to particularly intensely cultivated affections,
a one-sided development with certain aspirations and interests
went through and from these entities again to an incarnation, this
Offers opportunities, is urged, or, on the contrary, the educated
Overhang to balance essential cells of opposite nature into consciousness
calls and thus incarnate is not known.
What we know for sure is that one-sidedness, even the positive,
balance, because otherwise one is forced out of his midst and the
Loses control over himself. And experience shows that then, through
this conscious work in itself and its properties, new ones
Attained qualities and abilities. It is up to you, the magic of
to use cosmic powers.
Everyone is constantly exposed to the cosmic influences. Most inner
If they are not deliberately countered, they will be followed by impulses
astrological impulses. Strictly speaking, all properties, abilities,
Intentions and opinions entered by them or consequence of their actions. The
Human beings are made up of "astral" elements and are created by
excited by astral energies. Everyone is in it because of his constitution
embedded in cosmic action, interacts with the powers and
responds accordingly to the changes in their balance of power. The
Tides of cosmic power are also the tides of the personal soul.
You are always involved in your conflict.

This tension can be used: The tension energy of the aspects is the
Basis of every transformation. It does not matter if you have the constellations,
which are anchored in the birth chart as a "permanent power plant" uses, or the
Suggestions that form through the aspects of the ongoing transits and
to act on the personal aspirations from the outside; without these
There would be no mixing of the energies due to the planetary compounds
Transformation of life force into soul energies, no character
Development would be mental progress through the restructuring of mental elements
not possible.
The electrical and magnetic fluid moves serpentine through the
twelve zodiac signs, Aries electric, bull magnetically u.s.f., and from the
Three aspects of four - poleity crystallize
Elements. The personal qualities that derive from the original qualities
are, strictly speaking, properties of the cosmological powers,
their mind molecules, which are about the elements in the consciousness of the
People condense and manifest. In interaction with the gods
man grows.
For most people, this is the way they use their equipment and the
can not properly use acting comic influences, not consciously. in the
Opposite. They feel victims of their tension aspects, and the
they do not evaluate adapted constellations. At best, they fight,
like Don Quixotte, lingering around with their properties for a lifetime or trying
to dodge past tension aspects, with adapted ones
Constellations rest on their laurels. You can find in the
Shelves of the cosmic supermarket daily new features, emotions
and original qualities that you bring into your own consciousness budget
can, if you know the offers and uses.
There are no good or bad aspects. Every planetary force has one
important function for the consciousness. In conflict with each other remains the
Deciding to vote yes and no always to man. The voltage
one aspect is not imposed on anyone. Bad is always just too much or
Too little. A good aspect can make you feel comfortable
The tension aspect can inspire, challenge and master something
help develop new features, new skills.

Transiting becomes the soul organism for the duration of the impact
something added. This can have positive benefits or negative ones
Have consequences.
Positive aspects strengthen the addressed soul organ and support
his function. From the acting level can additional qualities
inflow, thereby expanding the expressive possibilities of the stimulated
Organ. New insights, abilities and possibilities develop,
Existing systems are activated and existing voltages in the system
Soul structure relaxed.
Negative aspects always cause too much or too little. The
acting qualities challenge and lead to exaggerations of the
addressed soul organ, or it will, by those with the transit
inflowing essential cells, obstructed and suppressed in its function.
• The hierarchy is in constant dialogue with you. It is up to you, whether you
Listen to the genii talking about transits to you.
Also stress aspects mean well-intentioned hints and offer chances for
new insights and development opportunities. It is your own
Attitude that, due to the alignment of your Entities on the Ecliptic,
is in contradiction to the incoming properties and stands out from it
challenged or suppressed. The same Saturn that depressed you because
He is transiting over your moon, giving at the same time to another
People whose moon has the structure of another sign, confidence
and tolerance. Therefore do not consider a transit as negative, but try
to learn something from every situation in life, if only that
do not be confused.
If e.g. Saturn transits through your Uranus, your door appears to you
closed to freedom, wishes for change are suppressed or
hindered what your need for independence and renewal even more so
challenges. Bad is always only too much or too little. It is up to
You, if you can keep your balance even in this time of tension and
from Saturn the principle of patience, duty, reason, qualities, in
to be demanded of you, accept and with yours
Renewal, to a meaningful procedure at a later date,
can connect.

Transits want to be used.

Each life cycle offers different views and insights. If you
as if prepared for a journey or trial and aware of what was offered
as an opportunity to act, or to gain knowledge, one benefits
to learn something from every situation. Who only get excited about it and
lets move, loses valuable life force.
• Each transit has two options: sowing and harvesting
First, you experience the consequences of what you caused in the last period
or secondly, goals and opportunities are formed
for future events. So one is constantly in the process of being new foundations
to create another life. Inspiration and impulse to it may come from strangers,
as well as from own, by the transit stimulated essential cells come.
However, the planning, assessment and the obligation to act are always with you
• Transits are messages. Transits are calls. transits
cause insights if you consciously listen to them.
Mind control is not enough to decide. A short
However, daily awareness can provide clarity. Ask yourself: what
urges me to wish or to fear this or that? Is it one
Mood, an opinion or a need? What is the basis of the impulse that
presses me to think, to wish, to do this or that?
If you then work on yourself and its future on the quality of
It will be much easier for you to do this, as will the transits
to draw appropriate conclusions. One becomes consciously determined
To reduce aspirations, dissolve ideas or replace them with others, and
do what is to be done so that the experiences made and the ones offered
Possibilities also be availed.
• Transits are encounters with a cosmic being.
In a transit one is always with the plane of the transiting planet
connected. Out of this sphere, essential cells stream into the personal
Consciousness space. The respective planetary genes are talking about that
Organ that they touch, and want to move you to something. Vice versa
You, about the organ excited by the transit, connected with its plane, and it
Cosmic Rivers are returning from you to this level.
Modern telephone sets have a display on which one can read who
one just called. The cosmic display is located on the ecliptic. You
you only need to calculate the respective transits and know immediately which ones
Cosmic intelligence speaks to you and which of your essential cells on it
to be answered.

Personalization means portioning.

If hermetic astrology is the weird powers of the hierarchy, and the
own essential cells of the personal self, personified, so that has two
Reasons. On the one hand it corresponds to the reality, each subdivision also
shares that
Consciousness that fills the whole universe but means to the other
every personification always includes portioning. This division facilitates
both the control over one's own essential powers as well as the overview and
thus understanding the individual genii of the hierarchy.
A sponge in the ocean is soaked in the same water, the vastness
of the sea, but still forms its own world. The personal
Akasha is the same as the divine, but is characterized by the structure of
personal essential cells that limit the contents of consciousness to an environment
and thereby stands out as the I of the individual. Complex entities more personal
Essential cells are Ike's of personality and personified in form
Soul organs easier to control and master than nebulum
Shadow of the unconscious (gestalt therapy makes use of this). And
the cosmic powers, the planetary geniuses, are like I do of providence and as
Personalized intelligences easier to address than indefinable, unbelievable
Urenergies, of which they undoubtedly also exist, as well as the
human consciousness, in the brain, relies on electromagnetic frequencies.
• Being aware of the incoming people during a transit
Essential cells and looks at the planetary power behind it
as an individual intelligence, this is equivalent to embracing and
spiritual fertilization, from which both benefit equally.
It takes, therefore, in order to come in contact with the genii, neither one
perform magical evocation, yet you have to go to their level
offset. One is almost constantly in contact with any planetary intelligence.
With the Transits, the beings of the planetary hierarchy gain decisive
Influence on life, and vice versa, everyone has the opportunity, the times
to use a corresponding constellation in order to focus on the
To set properties of the respective intelligences. You can go to this
Communicate comfortably with entities, using their essential cells
and also bring in personal concerns.
This technique of invocation requires much less effort
but far more successful than magical astrological work
meaningless times.
If one believes in a meaning of existence and gives meaning to one's existence,
By working consciously on oneself and the world, one becomes the possibilities that
Especially appreciate the tides of the transits.

Just as tumors, if their growth is not stopped, like parasites on

Costs of the whole organism thrive, the growths of the
subtle body worthy of life and mental power. That then
This energy is lacking in consciousness, you realize at the latest when you are
his impulses, emotions and emotions can not cope because they are one
have grown over your head.
The Gnostic Hermetics has various transformation techniques, with
in which one purifies one's essence, one refines and forms schemas and complexes
dissolve to transform the bound energy into mental power. In the fourth
and fifth master book, they have been sufficiently described.
With astrology you have an additional opportunity. You can already
in advance a picture of the prosperity of certain qualities and essential cells
in his consciousness room. The sooner you meet a scheme
occurs, so easy is it to dissolve again. And if you add the cosmic,
helpful or opposing properties that are additional in transit
flow in, benefit, one will do easier in his self-perfection.
Every planetary link in the birth chart forms, according to the
Planetary force and the quality of the connecting aspect, the structure for
certain properties. The tendency to develop outgrowths is
therefore astrologically predetermined.
A tension aspect between Uranus, Pluto, Neptune or Mars, with the
personal Venus, will favor the growth of Erosschemen, and in
the times when this aspect is stimulated by an appropriate transit,
These excesses of sexual inclinations can be intensified.
Stress aspects of Saturn, Uranus or Pluto to Mars can do that
Emergence of schemes that cause impatience, anger and violence cause.
Aspects of tension from Saturn to the Moon, or to the Sun, form the
Structures and germs for all inhibiting schemes and complexes of anxiety
and inferiority.
The doctrine of Transiten now offers two possibilities. You can in
Times when the schemes are stimulated due to appropriate constellations
be and become noticeable, be especially disciplined and vigilant
and consciously isolate them. And you can target his personal outgrowths
transform, considering the times of power, the unpleasant ones
Balance properties, selects.
Everything has it's time. If Jupiter is above the ascendant, the sun, or
When Venus transits, feeding patterns will thrive especially well
appropriate predisposition is to be expected during this time with weight gain.
In a transit from the inhibitory Saturn on the other hand succeed diets and
Fasting cures especially easy. Erosschemen are increasingly growing among all
Aspects of Uranus, Mars or Neptune, to Venus, but can be during
Saturn transits to Venus, sun or moon easier to dissolve.
Emotionsschemen of impatience and anger arise mainly under the
Influence of tension aspects between Pluto, Mars, Uranus or Saturn,
especially when the personal sun or moon is involved,
On the other hand, aspects of Venus and Jupiter calm and relax
you. Also inferiority complexes and anxiety schemes are solved on
light during Jupiter Transit.
One can therefore its predisposition to certain Schemenbildungen from the
Recognize aspects in his horoscope, and even the times in which they are
due to appropriate transits grow, foresee. Same thing
you can also recognize the appropriate transits to their resolution and
and use the periods in which desirable investments and
Properties are stimulated by transits.
The astrological tides of the soul guide you in the course of life
certain places in the soul garden and confront each other with others
Essential cells to be processed. Who without consciousness for it by his
Soulscape trudges, is not changed much at the end of his life
to have. However, who targeted, the Soul Weather situation, properties
sows and reaps, has grasped the meaning of existence and fully benefited his life.
Not everyone who is born with the same or similar facilities is in the
Able to do the same. Like a good cook made of few ingredients
The most delicious dish can be prepared while another with the most precious
Ingredients nothing tasty, it does not get so much
the parts of being with which one incarnates, but the intention for
the goal of life and the strength and endurance with which you can
Fulfillment aspires and realizes.
• Be clear and ask yourself: what is my goal? What do I want to achieve and
Why? How do I want to reach my destination? What moves me to this? An ideal
or a passion? If you have no goal, then ask yourself: what have
I already reached? What am I doing now? And then set a goal,
even if it is only purposeful idleness, it should happen consciously.
Due to the time and space principle, depending on age and the
made life experiences, different focus. Not
only in terms of the subject, but also the level - the spiritual, the
mental, or the gross - which is in the foreground of attention,
will change. But always it's about
• Gather knowledge
• experience feelings
• process experiences
• develop skills
• Perform services (on all three levels)

From the horoscope are both the personal strengths that help one
to follow the prescribed path, as well as existing weaknesses, the
to distract or divert one from his purpose, and
also the times, when these become more prominent, one can
due to the transits detect. However, the strengths must be consciously grasped
and the weaknesses are deliberately resolved.
Only what is maintained can unfold. That goes for the positive ones
Features as well as bad habits. The
Problem is, you hardly notice their movements at the beginning. And the
Negative, which is known to always be too much or too little, developed
itself more easily and above a certain size by itself. The positive therefore
mostly in the background, while the negative nature cells are moving faster in the
Crowd in the foreground. Be it because they cost less effort, more pleasant
are and enjoyment, or simply frightened and emotionally charged
are stronger.
• The tool of consciousness is in any case the power of thought.
Little evil grows as soon as it is cared for and slowly grow
Strengths, if you clothe them in your mind and thus on the mental level
exemplifies what should develop. Both the ascent and the descent
starts with the smallest steps.
It is certain that, in spite of many possibilities and attachments, in every life,
it is
out of affection or convenience, to one-sided developments of opinions,
Aspirations or preferences comes. That must be prevented or through transformation
the negative emotions are compensated in a timely manner. In the
Masterbooks became, in connection with the different techniques of the
Transformation, already mentioned in detail. You do not limit it
only the loss of soul energy, but wins in this way
additional mental power.
The astrological Trasformation results in an additional possibility of
conscious co-creation of its essence and the life path, which one follows.
By analyzing its planetary connections, one can clarify the truth
better understand and channel his hidden impulses and impulses
and recognizes due to the transits in advance when and what strivings
be particularly prominent.


CONJUNCTION: The interconnected planetary energies are
carried by the same zodiacal beings. That would be like having to
two ministers share an office and the same secretaries. Is it, for example, around
The Education and Culture Ministers (Jupiter and Venus) will benefit
they can and will coordinate their goals very well
even benefit from it. But is it, for example, the Minister of Justice and
the Family Minister (Saturn and Moon), there are problems. The employees
have to be split. Agendas that demand compassion must be of
other secretaries are drafted, as concerns, the strict law
require. Astrologically thought, the person must have his feelings (moon) of
severely (duty fulfillment) separate, otherwise his feelings stagnate.
• If your horoscope has conjunctions, energies flow together to
to act together. If they do not match, try them
to separate. Make clear what each planetary organ wants and should do, and
Make sure (as president of your state) that the one minister of the
do not distract, confuse or oppress others or the two
make common cause at the expense of the other members of the government.
For example, can at a conjunction of Venus (love lust) and Mars (drive), the
attracting all the attention of both energies, causing the
Concerned is enticed, more and more corresponding elementals, ie
Thoughts of love desire and passion to tolerate in oneself. These connect
become too powerful schemes, thus increasing the desire for sexual pleasure
and, of course, the willingness to fulfill them is growing. Of the
Those concerned will fall in love at every opportunity.
It is therefore necessary to give the secretaries of these ministers
Corresponding to their department, allocate, divide them and each one of his
give own desk. One concentrates with a Mars Venus conjunction
then, on the one hand, his Martian energies, quite deliberately, only to that one
Project that you are planning, and if you have nothing planned, then you do
just something that brings you to other thoughts than sex. And secondly
you control the energies of your Venus, who are constantly wishing and
to yearn for something by giving them their own, from instinct and urge
independent direction points.
The psychologists call this sublimating, and of course it does not work
as they say. You will not let go of your instincts if you sport until the
Run over, run into the opera or artistically paint silk scarves. So
Of course that is not easy. You transfer love to them
Physical exercise or creativity on the art, the two
Soul functions remain united and become you at the next opportunity
press together again. You can use this tactic with one
Opposition, there are the powers involved to connect.

In a conjunction of Mars and Venus is the too close link of

Drive and desire to solve. For this you have to Mars, so your energies on
to judge something that will give you pleasure, for example, a duty on Saturn,
or Jupiter, seeking other values, new goals, or something valuable for others
do. The same, but different, applies to your Venus, so yours
affections; not by seeking new preferences, you release them from the instinct of
Mars, but here it is about them from all of the energies that they carry
separate. On the contrary, you have to restrict all preferences and so the
Release Venus energies from the urgent Mars energies. Then you can the f
See wishes and needs emotionless and sober and in between
Targeted nourishment or satisfy the needs of others and |
Help the needy. |
In contrast, if e.g. Saturn, instead of Mars, in conjunction with your Venus
would, you would do the opposite. The desire should then be consciously maintained
become. Because Saturn would be with his need for any pleasure
in the bud with doubts whether it is quite so, and with thoughts of the
stall. A terrible watchdog in the same room for love and lust.
Incidentally, it is not uncommon to find Saturn in f in the horoscope of
Aspect with Venus, that makes you want to work.
But also in conjunctions between so-called benefactors is for one
clear separation of the forces involved, so that one power the
others are not superimposed and impaired.
For example, there is in a Sun-Venus conjunction the danger that the
Need for harmony is greater than the desire for self-assertion, and the
Concerned for convenience, or to avoid conflicts, give in to
For the sake of peace, he prefers to renounce his right, to withdraw, where he is
should actually occur more consciously. The ability of adaptation and the
valuable talent, with what is possible to be satisfied, can then be in
Necessity, but with the motto: "The grapes are too sour for me",
degenerate. On the other hand, because of the sign or other aspects, the
Sun stronger through, self-love and vanity may be too much in the ICH
Center of attention, instead of looking for beautiful things and to enjoy oneself
be beautiful and no longer lean towards the other beautiful things in life
but loves to love himself.

Conjunctions in Transit: These are always experienced as a Vemählung with the

planetary force, especially if the personal sun, the
Moon or the ascendant is affected. For the time of conjunctions one has
the feeling that you have an additional element of being. Strictly speaking
that is also the case, because one becomes directly from the respective one
Planet intelligence touched and involved in their sphere. That's why it's at
Transits in transit are particularly important, pay attention to how far you go
you give yourself over to the spiritual force, or you are better off against it
delimits the influence and the affected organ by making it special
vigilantly controlled, isolated from the compound. The direct planetary transitions
become, at least for the duration of the constellation, the whole personal being
change, not just the respective soul organ.

OPPOSITION: Different with the opposition. The secretaries are not sitting there
same office, but should still work together. They belong to the same
Government, but serve another party. They ignore the others,
and each side wants to reach the goal by other means. Everyone wants more
Competencies, there are unilateral exaggerations in the demands.
Astrologically, however, the oposition is not against each other, but in the
On the contrary, every force goes in a different direction and does not think that
it is
related to the other. This leads to tensions and to a
Polarization, in which the positive characteristics of one side on the
other side missing.
Jupiter Oposition Venus e.g. causes luxury needs and wastefulness.
Why? Because Venus surrenders, seeks pleasure, she always does,
but in opposition to Jupiter, that is, without Jupiter, she loses the sense of
and the order, properties governed by Jupiter. The two
Forces would have to be attuned to each other, then could be special
sophisticated comfort and maximum enjoyment gained from this opposition
Or Mars (the instinctual) in opposition to Venus (affection). This is
Desire without love, a rapid inflaming of passion, however
Mostly extinguished as a straw fire very soon.
Another example, Mars opposition Jupiter: Mars (the drive) and
Jupiter (the measure and goal). If these forces do not work together, everyone will
Impulse to exaggeration, and pointless, fruitless acting or comfortable
Doing nothing and better knowledge is the result. Cue, the classic anarchist who
Protester, the presumptuous showman. But if you bring the two forces
Together, just this cockiness and carelessness can be crucial
Overcome momentous reservations and making bold bold decisions
bring above-average results.
For example, those who have Uranus (freedom) and Venus (compound) in opposition
find it difficult to choose a permanent relationship. The person in question
Person usually becomes partnerships that feel the independence
persist, prefer a marriage or send out signals conveying:
"I do not really need you", which is extremely frustrating for the partner
can. Again and again, the question arises: lonely or together? Is a
Found a life partner, this is soon as a limitation of personal
Freedom is felt, and when the relationship is resolved, longing comes up. On
overall connecting sense of relationship, same interests,
common children or a compromise must be sought, the best one
Partner with a settled Venus, but still, due to others
Costellationen, understanding of the freedom that the person needs has.

If Uranus is in opposition to the personal sun, it may

due to a strong individuality and a corresponding
independent eccentric behavior in some areas of life (not in
all, as would be the case with a conjunction), increase the free space that Uranus-
stressed people need. Rarely, however, will that be the case
Concerned conscious. Freedom (Uranus) and personality (Sun) are due
Separate the opposition, not coordinate, and go their own way, if they
not consciously coordinated. Of course this also applies to the
Recognizing the freedom of a partner who is in the experience of their own
personal freedom is completely overlooked. Also the grants, the
a partner desires are easily overlooked because of their own need for it
not very pronounced. Uranus (freedom) Opposition Sun (ego-consciousness) is often
unaware of personal independence. This
I am self-sufficient and take this automatically from other people
• Does your being structure have oppositions of planetary forces, you must
either bring them to a common denominator, that can be
be a superior ideal or assign a task to each and every one of them
Act on time.
One can imagine the state of an opposition also with the
To illustrate hot water supply in a detached house. When in the
Someone showered in the attic, and then in the bathroom on the lower floor as well
the shower is used, then the pressure and the temperature will rise
In principle applies to all oppositions, they are problematic, but not bad
and can even cause above-average results when acting unilaterally
the forces are recognized and the goals are set in common.
A consciously experienced and transformed opposition makes you TRUE
I'm conscious. This requires objectivity. You are neither the one
nor the other power, but that power that over both essentials
can command. Even if the sun is involved in an opposition, will
one as soon as one frees oneself from the field of tension and their two poles
Granting rights, it is clear that in the personal
Self-esteem focused, but this only a partial aspect of SELF and
not the TRUE ICHSELBST represented.
Oppositions in Transit: These periods must be particularly well observed
otherwise it breaks what was previously built with helpful constellations,
apart. The affected soul organ is located in opposition
Power addressed, but reacts unilaterally, without all its possibilities
for a synthesis. This causes only the energies of both energies
opposite qualities, which becomes negative in each case
challenged, paralysis or exaggeration will be the result. The offered
Chances of realizing how incompatible could be linked
not used. At that time, decisions should, if anything, only then
be taken after careful consideration and without emotion. New
Foundations rarely last

ON HANDLING SQUADS: These tensions are usually not

easy to master and harder to incorporate in his life than
Conjunctions or oppositions. A square is like toothache, like a
unpleasant roommate in the house, or a contentious neighbor, with the
you can not live in peace; you keep getting in the way,
because one person always bothers the other. Using the example explained with the
government would
a square means that two ministers of opposing factions say
we from the conservative and the socialist party, the office floor and the
Staff must share, and that these two moreover
are personally enemies of each other.
Only one thing helps, one has to arrange oneself, one must try
get along with each other. You have to try it again and again. As soon as you
consciously endeavoring to do so also turns this tension into something positive
be won; namely insight and experience. You gain insights into
Areas that one, because the interest was missing, or because one was due to
of prejudice resisted, otherwise would never have been accessible. By
The imposed connection can be one energy from the other
to learn something. Because of the constantly necessary overcoming you win
Distance to disabilities, anchored in oneself, and attained in
Over time skills that may be the beginning of life as an opportunity to
Unfolding, but not as a facility, were present. In the next life could
to become abilities.
• For squares in your horoscope, always consider what you learn from it
can. Do not get rid of the tensions in your being
Balance, but accept it and build it consciously, by you
always counting on it, in your being. By working with it purposefully
and you get to know them better, you change the same time yourself
Basics of your being, even if you do not perfect these energies
Squares are the ideal mental fitness equipment. Both for personal
Self-perfection as well as gaining mental power. As soon as it does
One succeeds in becoming aware of his point of view as TRUE ITSELF
make one and thereby strained from the strivings of his
Liberated members, they will also vote for each other and for his
Use purposes.
You have to live with squares, so you have to learn to live with them. The
only succeeds if you deliberately and purposefully deal with them.
The subject of his squares must be dealt with. Do you do that?
not, then, conversely, they will keep busy themselves.
In no aspect is the overarching view that the common good over the
own goals, as important as in the transformation of squares. If
Today is so often talked about self-discovery and self-development and that
perverse goal of any psychotheraphy strengthening and consolidating the
self-centered egocentric, has a one-sided self-assertion
about properties that are in tension with each other in the square, would only
create quite new problems.
Two examples may explain that

aturn Square Moon: Saturn wants to demarcate and secure, the moon wants to
Open emotions. A state of constant dissatisfaction will result
develop, worry and anxiety and insecurity will be the result. The fear,
Saturn, must not be condemned, but must be a necessary factor
accepted and consciously incorporated as a safety mechanism into life,
and the inhibited feelings, moon, may not be suppressed, but should be considered
Emotional depth and increased Lebensernst for appropriate tasks, these
Require adjustment, e.g. psychosocial services.
Uranus (new territory) Square Venus (sensory stimulus): The problem is similar
as with the opposition, but must be resolved differently. This aspect needs
not freedom, but liberation from the familiar, which quickly becomes boring.
Unbindedness, which is often sought after, is less the result of the need
Independence, but an unmitigated boredom and the desire to be free
be for new stimuli. Often one is too free-spirited, looking for something unusual
or demanding
out the partner to create new stimuli in this way. Succeeds
within a relationship, to provide for change, can be rash
Avoid separations. It is an advantage, you look for one
Outlandish personality, which provides again and again for new surprises.
Squares have another important function in their personal life
Essence structure. They not only give the necessary tension for dynamics, but
Other planetary compounds, e.g. linked conjunctions
to disperse, divide divergence opposition or boring
Integrate and activate trigones in their topic. Of course they do not do that
by itself, but only if you use them as a tool and yourself
to deal with it.
• Squares challenge and strain. But you can not get away from them
challenge or discourage. Do you find a tension
unbearable, you have to change your attitude to the problem. Do not say,
I can not stand it anymore, but take note that it is so, admit
Unfortunately, these energies in me are in dispute, but I let it go
do not tear.
Squares in transit: This also applies to squares in transit. They come one
in the way, but can also be cause, something that has been around for a long time
is in the way of finally cleaning up. Certain situations come to a head and
want to be solved. Do not let the emotions take you by surprise, but
use the momentum. Think about the causes of tension and the
Possibilities to resolve them fairly and reasonably, or release you definitively
the entire field of tension.

HOW TO USE TRIGON: Trigones combine harmoniously. The parties

Energies are compatible, but this can lead to laziness. Without
Stress aspects bring them just as much as a lazy day on the beach,
namely recreation. If, on the other hand, they are involved in conflicting aspects,
they are activated and at the same time can relax the problem
and offer solutions.
Explained by the example of the internal state, the ministers are together
come, not only from the same party, but also with each other
friends. They understand and trust each other, they know that they are the same
Have one goal in mind, and one will support the other. You have to get them
However, they transfer a common project as a task, they do it on their own
Attention: Trigones of Pluto, Uranus and Neptune may be affected
also adversely affect. Not everyone is capable of these unusual
To handle energies properly.
Trigone in Transit: The fruitive effect of trigones becomes special
clearly in transit. But where nothing has been sown, there is nothing to reap. And
After the harvest must be sown again immediately, also to the period with
Trigons particularly suitable. One must therefore very consciously actually on
think ahead of the future and act accordingly.
SEXTILE: The same goes for sextiles. They too require special
Attention and care so that they become effective. Sextiles can
However, if they are involved in an opposition aspect, much to
Contribute to relaxation. Otherwise, they develop only through conscious activation
or are animated by transits.
Sextile In Transit: Even in transit Sextile unfold no great effect. It was
because, the transiting planet is simultaneously in opposition to another.
Because then this connection becomes simultaneously through a trine on the other
Relaxed place, creating a highly fruitful creative tension between
arises from the three integrated energies that are used for successful work
can be. For this reason, sextiles can also be used in partner comparisons
play a bigger role.
MIXED ASPECTS: Not infrequently, several planets are over
different aspects interconnected. Usually that will work
the balance of power of the soul energies have a positive effect. Tensions are
relaxed or balanced, and unused features
get dynamic momentum. Life does not become happier,
but more eventful and fulfilling, because it offers more opportunities than one
Aspectless horoscope. A closed square formed by four planets,
which automatically results in two oppositions can even be more successful
mean, as if only one-sided voltages are present.

Mixed aspects in transit: A transit rarely comes alone. It can

either a planetary organ simultaneously from two different planets
be addressed, or there will be two or more planetary organs of
activated by different aspects of the same transiting planet. The
Interpretation of these constellations is not only difficult for beginners.
As a rule, the so-called "personal" planetary centers with which
one identifies oneself more, so sun, moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars, as well
the ascendant, will feel more addressed and clearer
Transits react as the planetary organs Jupiter and Saturn, the outer ones
Planet senses, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, when passing through a transit
usually only for long-term shifts (at
personal views and prospects) meaning.
In assessing the transiting planets, it is just the opposite. ever
The more distant the planet that produces the effect, the more sustainable it
be the impact and possibly drown out other aspects. A stressful
The aspect of Uranus on a personal planet becomes clearer
notice as a simultaneously positive transit of Jupiter. A harmonious
Jupiter transit will be more effective than a more effective one at the same time
unfavorable Merkurtransit. Transits of sun and moon are at all
Unlike the assessment in the birth chart, every accumulation means
of squares and oppositions in transit always an additional burden.
Both in the birth chart and in mixed aspects in transit,
The stress aspects usually have a stronger impact than the
harmonious. These are aspects of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and Saturn
more noticeable than aspects of Jupiter, Mars, Venus or Mercury.

Transit means nothing else than transition; Transition of a planet over

the place, or via an aspect to this place, where a planet is in
Horokop is located. These places are sensitive places, mental synapses of the
Soul organs, nerve endings of the planet present there, the quality
his energy according to the quality of the place where he is.
With birth, an exact, living image of the cosmic arises
Hierarchy, a microcosm. This microcosm is displayed in the horoscope.
But the planets continue to migrate. So it happens that in the course of time
the time pass places where there was a planet at the time of birth.
This planet, or rather this planetary organ, is being transited
stimulated, according to the quality of the transiting planet and after the
Kind of the formed aspect. The essential cells of the addressed
Soul organs connect with the essential cells of the acting ones
Planetary force of the hierarchy and act accordingly.
With the help of the astrological transits you get another possibility
his life, and his nature, to shape himself and consciously. You can do that
Quality of the time in which certain essential cells mature, recognize and use.
The science of transits offers two insights:
First, one already knows in advance when a particular cosmic power
can affect the consciousness, and whether that is beneficial or disadvantageous
is felt.
And secondly, one recognizes when a particular soul function becomes stronger in
Appearance occurs, and how the corresponding soul organ in each case
is working.
• Transits always mean touches with a cosmic power. White
When one touches what kind of power, one can disregard these things
Use powers like his own.
While the birth picture reveals how the personal being shapes
is, and what facilities and possibilities can develop from it leaves
calculate due to the transits, when and how the existing facilities
can work and be used at certain times and when
certain moods, aspirations or intentions come to the fore
pushing, which rather bring disadvantages.

In addition, the transits provide insights into the governance of the

Destiny powers and let recognize, when possible with one
Fate blow or with fateful help is to be expected. The influence of
Intelligence on man is twofold. For one thing, they give over
the aspects of transits the quality and direction in which particular
However, personal members can be encouraged, but they can
in addition to confronting events that are not "home-made", due
own acting, but actually from the outside to one
without being able to defend against it. Part of it will become
nevertheless, on closer scrutiny can be declared as self-inflicted, man
has only the sowing of the germ, whose fruit one harvests, already
to forget. But another part seems really fateful.
This includes both the letter with the disappointing cancellation, the exact on
Day arrives with the unfavorable Merkurtransit, as well as the bereavement in the
Family, just in the year when Saturn transits via Venus or the Moon. The
concerns the unexpected termination of the job, while the Uranus about the sun
went to the fridge and the washing machine, both exactly with the
Jupiter square to give up Uranus' spirit, the tooth associated with Mars at
Saturn begins to hurt, the common burglary in the apartment, the exact
took place with the plutotransit. But also positive events, hoped
Destiny aid, often turns out to be astrological, despite the most zealous effort
favorable periods. The new job, the one with Jupiter on the sun
is offered, the long-awaited lover, you finally with the
cheap transit to Venus meets, etc.
But not with every constellation do fate angels appear.
Even the elemental demonic powers use the tides of power and power
the open gates of a garden of the soul, giving them access to the personal
To provide the essential structure of the person concerned. Who knows the quality
of the times,
will be able to provide, at least against the influences from the underworlds.
By watching the transits you can get a big chunk of their
Remove effects.
And like the intelligences, one can of course also do the cosmological ones
Use energies of the constellations. You can better your destiny
help shape and plan your life properly, considering the different ones
Respect the states of his soul organs. You will be in times of optimal
Functioning of his abilities through purposeful and well prepared use
his powers to be particularly successful, and in critical periods, through
Caution and restraint, losses and wrong decisions largely
can avoid.
One will not enter into a marriage with Uranus to Venus, but rather
wait until a favorable Saturn sight deepens the feelings and makes them safer.
One will not change the profession and not order the shares if the Neptune
with a square to Jupiter the judgment clouded. You will do that
new car or the new apartment better with a cheap Jupiter transit
buy, because then you correctly assess your options and know what you are
wants, and because then fate comes to meet, while the
negative powers can not find attack surfaces.

In the same way you will be able to assess your fellow human beings better, if you
whose horoscopes know, and above all, they will get along with them more easily,
when you know when they have their good and bad times. This
Knowledge is power. The reason why the priests of the ancient tradition the
Astrology was kept secret because it was their own
Secure power position against the rulers. Who the times of
Weaknesses of his opponent knows and the periods of his personal strengths
courageously availing, will always be in the advantage.
It does not have to be a ruling ruler. Who the soul state of his
Chefs, his colleagues, his spouse knows, if he can
Considered mood, avoiding much frustration and senseless guerrilla warfare.
We distinguish the tides of power and the tides of the soul. The
Astrology describes both the cosmological state of Hierachie, as well as
they are each viewed at a specific time, from a specific location
can be and appears, as well as the personal spiritually spiritual
Condition, the mental level of every single person, due to the
changing cosmic circumstances constantly changing.
If you imagine a perfect being, denoting religions
this universal consciousness as God, then the planetary genes would be the
Organs and members of this intelligence with which it is capable, at all
Levels, and at all times, being present and acting simultaneously.
Therefore always distinguish between the influence of a cosmic one
Intelligence and the analogous effect of a soul organ called the
personal entity complex under your power.
With the incarnation, an impression of the cosmic realities arises, and
this remains as a personal universe of its own. Everybody has
a separate space of consciousness with a horizon of 360 °, in the same
large sections expressing twelve different qualities. And
each has ten different planetary organs and one ascendant as
Starting point for the personal orientation of his 12 fields of interest.
Everyone has the characteristics of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc.,
and everyone has a sun, a moon, a Mercury, a Venus, but for everyone
the individual degrees of his hosokop and his planets become different
Meaning, quality and direction of their pursuit.
There is therefore a difference between personal Jupiter
(Venus, Mars, Saturn, etc.) in their own chart and Jupiter (and
other planets), which as "transits" daily their position in space and
thus changing its quality.
One is the personal members and soul organs, and that
others are the "organs and members" of Divine Providence, the
as essentials of the hierarchy (chiefs, intelligences and
Planet genes) and on the personal
Soul organs can interact and change.
If e.g. someone his Jupiter, the soul organ for his optimum, for
Expansion, expectation, hope, and judgment, at 10 ° Fishes, and one
Planet goes over this site or forms an aspect, then the
Those in his hopes, expectations and personal
Values. Depending on the planet and aspect, this place
This can have a positive or negative effect on his condition
and have his behavior. Is it e.g. running Mercury, the cosmic organ
for transmission, can get good news on this day, one
successful meeting, or you have a good idea
later realized successfully. Transits Venus, the cosmic organ
for affection, harmony and pleasant sensation, about Jupiter
(personal values), you will feel good on this day, be sociable,
maybe love, afford something nice or just with given
Feel satisfaction. Transits Mars, the cosmic organ for
Power, over the personal Jupiter, one is challenged
feel, enforce or defend his rights (Jupiter). Transits the
cosmic Jupiter (evaluation and completion) on the place of personal
Jupiter (value for luck and success), you will succeed and
Recognition and appreciation of his work from the past twelve years.
On the other hand goes Saturn, the cosmic organ for borderline, over this place,
Thus, the personal hopes and expectations for success are met with resistance
bump; Disappointments, disabilities, delays and doubts about
Success is to be expected for this period.
Conversely, the personal Saturn, the soul organ for concentration,
Ambition and diligence (primal qualities, which are the roots and foundations for
To succeed) on 10 ° fish and the cosmic Jupiter, so the
Essentials that fulfill, complete, mature and reap, this place
happen, then that would promote the set aspirations and the
Helping people to properly assess their situation and circumstances makes sense
to act, and the set enterprises of this time would become
later prove to be valuable foundations.
Every degree of personal consciousness space is like a gate through which
Cosmic powers can go in and out, and they do as soon as they
pass a degree that gives them access to a personal soul organ
offers. In that way the elementals of the comical forces of being are involved
To connect with the personal beings, this means, depending on the planet, signs
and aspect that they are either helpful or disturbing to the life of the person
the person concerned. The affected soul organ is thereby
either positively stimulated, or it feels challenged or suppressed
and responds appropriately tense or violent.
It should not be forgotten that the primary qualities are the
subtle entities, both humans and all others
Beings and intelligences, act. It was already at the beginning of the master books
made aware of it, and you study thoroughly again there
listed tables of the original qualities. Because these spirits have their own life
lead, interact with each other constantly and, depending on the
Alignment of their quality, striving in the same direction and getting along
and complement, or interfere with each other, is also born in
pulled this inner conflict into it. It's up to him to compensate
to care. Power of his capacity for concentration, imagination and transformation
he has the ability, to a certain extent, to his own cells
to have a changing effect.

If you understand that correctly, you will be in the interpretation of

have no problems and the consequences of mixing the personal and
correctly assess foreign alien cells.
One only has to differentiate, soft function has the respective personal
Soul organ exposed to touch with a cosmic power
is, and what qualities does the respective, on the soul organ
acting, cosmic power. This then always results in the condition
his personal mental, emotional and physical condition,
his moods, intentions and abilities.
You can calculate when a particular personal vitality
is stimulated by a cosmic power and in what way it influences
becomes. Therefore, it can be seen in advance, whether it is a beneficial
or disadvantageous connection and what the consequences are
On the one hand, due to astrological influences, the personal ones change
Essential cells, so that, according to the respective constellation, each others
personal aspirations and characteristics are more strongly expressed and
Acting right or wrong, and secondly, it seems like
you would, not as a result of it, but also from the outside, with
analogous events initiated by the powers of fate
be confronted. But life events are symbolically the spiritual soul
Express (see chapter question of fate) and usually the consequence of
past thinking, desires, fears and desires, effects, too
if you are not always aware of the seemingly outer "fateful"
Influence usually only the release of the already by their own
Imaginations and imaginations prepared elementals.
One can never know with certainty whether an elemental, that is, a thought of
one comes and leads to an intended or unwanted action, one
"fateful" inspiration was or as a result of own thinking and nauseating
became aware. Just like him from Schiscksalsengel or from the big one
Tempter can be aroused, it can be from personal impulses and
Feelings of the emotional realm have been animated, caused or attracted
be. As a rule, he will come from his own space of consciousness and in the
Over time, at first unnoticed, but later in the fantasies of
Daydreams playfully maintained, growing larger and more powerful.
Such a wishful thinking then no longer needs strong impulses from
outside, in order, for a given occasion or a corresponding constellation, to
Acting compelling to make an appearance.
This explains why, e.g. most marriages in the workplace (if not before
at college) ignited, but also broken. You see yourself daily,
Fantasies are awakened, flirtation becomes love, and at the next
according to "fateful" constellations one decides to marry.
The fate angel was in reality a simple Eroschemen, and until the
both notice, it is usually already too late.
Therefore, it is not enough to calculate the cosmological tides of power,
one must also take into account his inner responsiveness. Who to be
Horoscope knows and knows that he, e.g. due to a Mars Venus constellation
in his picture of birth, inflamed very quickly, or constantly reveling in love-
fantasies because of a Neptune-Venus connection, he is said to live in times when
this constellation is even more activated by a transit, not a hasty one
Make love decisions and be especially vigilant
so that new patterns do not form during this period.
The various transformation techniques not only cause the release
the soul force of the overcome schemes, but also the one with it
connected mind particles, which form the emotion energy figuratively,
change clothes and give them shape.
In most cases, the loss of energy and mental power is much more
Attention devoted to the waste of mental matter. each
Imagination, that is, every elemental, is drawn from light matter, and it stands
just as little as the invigorating elemental energy, not unlimited
to disposal. Light is only with the impressions that one perceives,
added. With the growth of schemes he is lost again.
Only through the exercises of transformation, in addition to the transfer of the
Spirit, even the spirit of their complex union and solved
again subject to personal imagination. So you are either up
the spirit of the elementals, the one through the impressions of the sensory organs
flow and which, if you do not concentrate through his
Keeping attention or affection in view for too long, let it knead,
or by itself fade, instructed, or you get the light matter, as well
the mental power, through targeted transformation back.
Indulging in fantasies, indulging in his reveries, situations
or pleasure sensations, consumed next to soul energy and
Spirit also much of the material of light, the maintenance of the
Consciousness is needed.

When the writings of onanism are mentioned, it is not just that

meant sexual masturbation, or pleasure gain without fertilization,
but the devotion to schemas and the formation of elementals, which for the
personal beings (or the god one believes in and serves, because
you are fertilized by him and follow his ideals) are not necessary.
The ejaculation does not bring much loss of vitality, as some
Tantrics think, and for those who believe, there are techniques with which he
can catch them again immediately. Also the flowing into pleasure pleasure
Soul power means, as long as it is not nourished addiction schemes, no
big loss.
What is lost and wasted is the material of light and that with it
Connected mental power with which the seductive elementals are drawn
become. This would have, as well as the Geistschmarotzer, just as well
Essential cells, for qualities and abilities that help one
To realize projects, to build up.
In alchemy, there is the very revealing portrayal of a king who
sits on his throne and devours his children. It will be different
interpret, but is an interpretation; the elementals that one thinks through
you have to reintegrate yourself, otherwise you eat yourself, or
it eats another person and thus deprives one of energy and substance.
Even if you do not notice it in the normal course of the day, at the latest in
Dream life and the soul garden shows that even the most meaningless
Thoughts of thought continue to exist as part of consciousness and no matter
after which they align themselves and where they flow, connected with themselves

This is the cause of the loss of mental tissue through targeted seduction
from other intelligences. When intelligences unite with people
and "pairing", elementals are begotten. The "fertilization" is indeed through
an inspiration of the entity causes, that can be a picture or a movement,
but what comes out of it usually comes at the expense of the human
Energy and light matter reserves. The begotten essence cells are namely,
because of the original qualities, even with the analogous cosmic intelligences
connect and bind one into the level of these entities.
The traffic with the genii takes place constantly, even if the fewest
of which are aware. Moods, emotions, ideas and opinions,
All the interests that one attributes to oneself are, in truth, most of the time
Result of fertilization by a subtle entity. Quality and
Spheres of influence depend largely on the prevailing ones
astrological constellations.
Who observes the astrological constellations, therefore, knows exactly when him
which intelligences will fertilize with their spiritual seeds. And he
already knows in advance when which personal schemes will be in his
Beings become rain, and can shield themselves against it. Only if the
Consciously and deliberately stopping them becomes a controlled one
mutual fertilization with other entities and a purposeful exchange
take place by beings cells. Otherwise, it always means a loss
personal energy and light matter reserves.
Entities can be especially stimulated by transits
stand out and superimpose the others. The agitated soul member then has
the endeavor to use all mental power for his concerns. a
stretched muscle is known to automatically more power. This also applies to
the mental muscles, which then usually at the expense of others
Spiritually functions goes and pushes them into the background.
After all, every person is a multiple personality
different emphases of his interests and inclinations, with which
Once more, once less, you identify yourself. Whichever
Soul organ is stimulated just by a transit and thereby particularly in
Appearance occurs, the center of attention and the shift shifts
Meaning of the concerns that you pursue.
Three factors are effective and should be noted:
1. The addressed personal soul organ.
2. The cosmic planetary force acting on the soul organ.
3. The elementary quality of the aspect due to the angle.
First, examine which personal soul organ, which
Planet in the horoscope, is addressed by a transit, so what
Soul function is stimulated, irritated or suppressed:

For example, the body sensation (ascendant), the total personality (sun), the
Emotional life (moon), the thought processes (Mercury), the feeling of love
the creative urge (Mars), the goals and values (Jupiter), the
Precautionary aspiration (Saturn), the willingness to change (Uranus), the
Dreamworlds (Neptune) or the Underworlds (Pluto).
Transits to the sun and the moon will be felt most clearly.
Second, clarify which cosmological energy is the transiting one
Planet represents, so what quality and aspiration the impacting
Planet Intelligence represents and on the addressed soul organ
The genii of the Plutosphere are always something powerful, fateful
Imparting compelling. The essential cells of Neptungenia are softer, loose
Structures or obscure and cause aberrations of the function of the
affected organ. Become from the beings of the Uranussphere
Entities that cause change and unexpected behavior
entered. Acting genii of Saturn, is due to the stable Saturn cells
rather with a slowdown and obstruction of the projects and
To calculate life processes. The astral germs come out of the plane of the
Jupiter genes, is an increase or outgrowth of the concerns of the concerned
To expect soul function. Martian intelligences become the affected one
Providing the essential organ with extreme power and activities
stimulate, which can lead to exaggeration. Venus beings agree in the
Usually peaceful and fit the affected soul function harmoniously
Conditions. Mercury nerves loosen, alert where they are
work harmoniously, but can also shatter and attract attention
Third, the influence that arises from the aspect is to be considered:
The addressed soul function can be through a transit either
be harmoniously stimulated and respond to this positive stimulus with a
meaningful action adapted to the situation. It can also be suppressed
or be challenged, the consequence is then a thrill of this
Soul organ with an unadjusted, violent, exaggerated or strained
Reaction. Transits of sun and moon usually have no significant
Impact, but sometimes make the affected soul organ conscious.


The illustration of the "Cosmobiological structure of the psychophysical
Forcefields "likes the mechanism of cosmological metabolism, which is the
Consciousness keeps alive, illustrate. Top left kicking, from the ascendant
filtered, a sensory impression in the consciousness. In the normal case, if no
Soul organ due to a transit (or own effort by
existing aspects) is particularly activated, the perception that yes the
Energy quantum corresponds to a spiritual food, in turn, all
Soul organs pass in descending and ascending order and by the
processed according to its quality corresponding organ. What not of consciousness
completely absorbed and transformed, in the form of an idea,
Intention, aspiration or action over the ascendant, top right, again
However, if an organ is stimulated by a transit, then there occurs one
Distraction, over-stimulation or blockage. The function of the affected
Soul organ stands out and determines, according to the quality of the transit,
for the duration of the action the life theme.
In the case of transits, the personal nature of the structure that exists in the
existing one
Birth picture is shown, something new added. Not only that by the
Transit excited soul organ comes into action, but also from the
Planetsphere inflowing beings cells act as if they were personal
Essential cells of the own soul organ would be. Thus, e.g. a
restrained, cautious ibex Venus, when the running Uranus their place
touched, ignited in unusually violent passion, or one
Exuberant Sagittarius for the time when Saturn about their position
transited, get a serious damper.


The reverse representation of the psychophysical force fields describes the
Circular connection of the soul organs, as it is structured in the ideal case.
At the top is the ascendant. In descending and again
ascending direction - left for the impressions and right for the expression - the
Sequence of the personal planet organs, again with the ascendant
As a rule, however, the weighting of the soul functions does not correspond
this representation. Individual emphases due to an imbalance in the
Circulation of the elements, or because certain organs by aspects of tension
interconnected, changing the meaning of each
Essentials and leave them more or less clearly in appearance
to step. From the individual structures and connections of individual soul organs
arise the personal attachments to the temperament and character of the
individual as well as his respective condition.
A temporary shift in the meaning of the soul organs will also
caused by the transits.
In any case, the first and last place is the ascendant. He is
the soul organ for the opening of the being into the gross world. Of the
Ascendant is the most significant and sensitive point in the nature of the
Personality and thus in the horoscope. All impressions must happen to him
and are filtered by it. But also the personal expression, all
personal reactions and utterances carry the ductus of the ascendant.
He is also the opening to the outside. The ascendant, as an antenna, determines how
one receives impressions on which one is aligned, and (as "mouthpiece of the
Garden hose of the soul water "), in which way the soul excitations
finally appear.
A bull ascendant, e.g. not only is it always, no matter where the sun, the
Moon or the other planets stand, always seem patient and, no matter,
what happens, reacting calmly to it, but also everything on it
penetrates, with a serenity record to him a Skopionaszendent
only can envy. On the other hand, a scorpion-scavenger will be everything
dramatic, personally personal experience and accordingly personal
hurt even if he has a bull sun. This also applies to
Reactions to transits.

No matter which soul organ, because it is stimulated by a transit,

becomes stronger, first the impression of the ascendant is filtered,
and finally, the expression of the reaction is determined by the ascendant.
The cybernetics of consciousness, based on the elements of the planets,
works ideally so that an impression of the outside, after the
Perception has passed the ascendant, in turn, all
undergoes other selenium organs. As a rule, it is the case that, depending on the
Planetary aspects in the personal horoscope, thus depending on the individual
Connections between the soul organs, the individual organs stronger or
less responsive to it. Tensions in the structure guide a large part of the
Impulses to itself. Has e.g. someone a square between Saturn, the organ for
Restraint, and Mars the organ for propulsion, so every impression becomes this
Increase tension and often irritated and displeased people
to let.
The soul organs react even more strongly when they transit through a direct
be addressed.
Goes e.g. Mars, which is known to mediate the driving energy, via a
Aspect of the sun, the organ of self-esteem, becomes the person concerned
feel more power and the need for self-assertion. is
It is the moon, the emotions are stimulated, it is Mercury, the increase
mental activity, in a transit to Venus, the organ for harmony and
Enjoyment, the love and pleasure feeling is turned on, and days sexual
Passion can be the result. Much more intense and eccentric
the reaction of Venus to be a transit of Uranus. The desire for love
is then exaggerated what previously pleased loses its appeal.
In addition, the dissonant emergence of a soul organ is common
the function of the other organs is switched off or impaired. Cybernetics
of consciousness is disturbed. This means the example of the excited Venus; the
Lust is then no longer of mind (Mercury), reason (Jupiter), and
Responsibility (Saturn) regulated. Feeling derailments, exaggerations or
Love adventures and partner problems are for this lifetime
Saturn, on the other hand, touches the cosmological power of limitation and
Negation, as transiting the aspect locations of the personal Venus, it will
cause exactly the opposite. The desire for contact is inhibited, the
Hope and the belief in love, harmony and happiness are called into question
or seemingly fatefully handicapped, a period of loneliness, or
Abstinence, can be the result.
EIGHTEEN: Become aspects of a planetary place in your personal horoscope
not only the addressed soul organ in the sense of the aspect and the
Affect the quality of the planet, but at the same time stimulate that of the planet
impacting planet powers analog soul organ. A transit from
Cosmic Mercury for personal sun, for example, will also be personal
Mercury stimulate a transit from cosmic Venus to personal
Sun also stimulates the personal Venus, etc. Of course, those are also
Planets that form an aspect with the organ in the chart
and are in the realm of the aspect, are involved in the constellation.
Since the regulating switching function of the non-addressed soul organs is
can stress aspects in the horoscope when activated by transits
will emerge even stronger than usual.
The planetary positions in the horoscope do not provide abstract switching points
of a
hidden soul mechanism dar. There are very concrete touch points of the
Consciousness, realities that you constantly close up, in the form of his mind and
Soul functions, experienced. They are the members and organs of your own
Beings that are touched, irritated, disabled or stimulated by transits.
You feel that very well, in yourself, in yourself and around you, and not
somewhere out there in the cosmos or on the horoscope drawing on paper.
Every soul organ is and will become a living member of the personal self
it seizes upon a transit from a cosmic power, then this becomes
Essential function in the sense of this being changed, fertilized and you yourself
reprogrammed to his whole being.
• It therefore makes a difference on which organ you touch a being.

If the personal sun is touched by a transit, one feels directly in the

Center of his personality addressed. The spiritual, spiritual and spiritual
physical condition and the condition of all areas of life becomes one
very clearly aware. One feels directly from the events
affected. The self-esteem and self-confidence will, depending on the planet and
Aspect, strengthened or suppressed. At all transits to the sun it is as though
for the duration of the transit an additional soul organ with the function
of the transiting planet.
In a transit that touches the personal moon, that changes
whole mind, and the moods and feelings are based on the
impacting planetary power: (Relaxed at Venus, irritated at Mars,
optimistic about Jupiter, melancholy for Saturn, nervous, hysterical for Uranus,).
A transit over Mercury speaks the mind, the planning, the
Insights and views as well as communication with other people.
A transit over the Venus stimulates the need for harmony and that
Feeling of love. The personal well-being, the health, the
State of inner peace and partnership in which one is involved,
and with it the happiness of the people who are dear to you, as well as the
Ownership relationships that ensure the comfort of living can be affected.
If the personal Mars is stimulated by a transit, one feels, ever
by planet and aspect, activated or irritated.
A transit to the personal Jupiter encourages the soul function, which hope
leaves confidence and faith in success or, depending on transit,
suppressed. In the time when personal Jupiter is more visible,
the desire for enlargement is awakened, plans for the future are made, and
Efforts for a better quality of life and improvement in the center
of life

When the personal Saturn is touched, the inner responds

Security need on this influence. The work, the livelihood
assures, the sense of duty and the precautionary efforts are directed
Attention of the consciousness on itself.
If the personal Uranus feels addressed, it becomes that
Striving for freedom and change activated. The desire for something new
Willingness to venture, all the nervous energy wants to discharge and
Overcome disabilities and old situations.
Transits to personal Neptune and Pluto are usually only available from
People perceived in whose constitution these organs already
are formed. It will then become an impulse for the expansion of consciousness and
Transformation acting only in the context of the whole horoscope
can be interpreted.
• But it also makes a difference which being is touching you.
Also, the cosmic forces acting on consciousness during a transit
are not numinous energies, but consciously acting entities that
through the touched essential organ specifically the personal nature of the
Affect affected.
If Mercury transits over a personal being, then connect
become Elementals of Genii of Mercury with you and become them
Soul function to encourage more flexibility, alertness and attention.
If a Venus response affects one of your soul functions, it will
Living area harmonized and relaxed and open to contacts.
With a Marstransit flows the propelling energy of the Mars genius
Engage and activate the entity in question to action or teases it
and causes tense reactions and exaggerations.
The Jupiter geniuses always bring growth, they fulfill the mentioned
Essential function with optimism, encourage more daring and his
Increase the area of influence, increase the hope for success of the
Planned and create opportunities for healthy growth to the outgrowth.
(For example, when the sun is touched by Jupiter, self-confidence increases
personal Mercury receives more ideas and insights from Jupiter. The personal
Venus feels more affection and desire as a result of the Jupiter influence
Love, but also more willingness to indulge and enjoy. The Mars
developed under the influence of Jupitergenien even more dynamics and
Penetrating power. The personal Jupiter, of Jupiter genes in its function
supports, motivates even more confidence and thus leads to success. The
Function of Saturn strives under Jupiter influence even more basic
Safety for health, occupation or ownership. The personal
Uranus becomes even more ambitious with a Jupiter transit
Developing independence, freedom and fancy behavior. The
personal Neptune organ experiences fantastic insights under the influence of
from visions of other worlds, mystical experiences, to religious delusion.
Personal Pluto can become more personal through Jupiter's influence
Exceed power claims).
The influence of Saturn genes is quite different. These beings limit the
Function of the organ on which they act during a transit. That means
always a certain paralysis of the affected soul function and one
Delay and obstruction of all related matters,
especially when it comes to changes, extensions and renewals.
The influence of Uranus intelligence will do the opposite. you want to
to move the addressed entity to renew itself as soon as possible
align. Uranus genes want to change, renew and liberate. you
urge to look for something new, or confront directly with
new situations by doing everything in the last few years in the
affected area of life has started to move.
Neptungenien dissolve, refine and make the organ they do
affect, sensitive and hypersensitive. Thus they undermine the
stable basis of the addressed soul function, but they also free
of backbonds, raise, open up new prospects and let (often unreal)
Wide forebodings that were previously inaccessible. In any case it will
Change the corresponding area of life, confuse and make uncertain

Pluto powers energize the organ they touch with overpowering

Energies. The uncontrolled function often takes compulsive forms.
Situations in the affected area of life are dramatically increasing. The
promotes repressed deficiencies from their own underworlds to the surface and
confronted with mistakes made in connection with the topic
The power and power of transit is based on three causes:
First, we distinguish the acting planetary power, secondly the respective
from this cosmic power addressed personal selenium organ, and
third, the nature of the connection through the aspect.
• The personal planet in the chart always means an organ with which you can
perceives something and wants to effect.
• The transiting planet always means a cosmic power that points to the
wants to interact with personal beings.
• The essential cells of the acting act through a transit
Planets with the essential cells of the personal soul organ.
• This will change the ability of the organ, and depending on the aspect
other aspirations and reactions evoked.
• It's like having your own personal birth chart
Constellation, and for the duration of the transit is the personal being
actually changed in the given way.
It is therefore very important that in the interpretation of the transits always
clarifies three causes:
First, which organ is addressed, what is its task? Which
Spirit and soul function is changed, disturbed or highlighted?
Second, which planetary power interferes with this function? Which
Characteristics, qualities and aspirations flow to you?
THIRD, what reaction is expected from the aspect? promoting,
obstructive or challenging?
Below are some predictions that can be made due to transits.
They describe tendencies from the mental and emotional
Mood and the resulting reactions. In the
Connection with situations and events described are often the
natural consequence of the appropriate behavior, but can also
have fatal significance.
The daily tendencies are usually felt for one to three days. You can
however, trigger the event of an annual or monthly trend, if one
effective during the same period.
The monthly trends usually affect everyone during their time of effectiveness
But sometimes they can also be the subject of a whole
Shape the year.

The annual trends, however, can not be exactly to a specific

narrower period, but are, usually subtle, one to two
Effective for years. You do not notice them constantly, because they usually
first internal changes, new views and insights (at your own or the
involved persons), and only then, with the changed attitudes or
Situations, life changes too. In general, that will be in the weeks in
where the transit is exactly, be. Also the fateful events
usually evolve slowly and unnoticed and have to comply with the law
of cause and effect follow.
As a result, the orb does not always work for the effect of a transit
can be determined exactly. For aspects of Mercury and Venus that are at most
For two days, the orb is one degree. Mars transits
According to experience, already one week, ie about two to four degrees ago
the actual transition. You can notice conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn
subliminal, not uncommon already at the entrance to the sign in which the
Planet with which they connect is located. Your orbis for events is about
to assume three degrees. Uranus acts against it (both when it is spoken
as well as in transit) almost always amazingly accurate. This usually applies to
Effects from the sphere of Pluto, though especially in pluto transits
Preparation time of about two years are not rare. Neptune transits
on the other hand, they always affect a longer period of time. All your impact
because of the obscuring unclear situations involved
often months later, when the triggering moment seems already forgotten.
Pluto and Neptuntransite can therefore be effective for several years.
Of course, not all of the possible events listed below will
a destiny tendency, but only those areas of life
addressed, for which one is just vulnerable. It is also rarely a whole year
characterized by a single constellation. The basic tendency is but
be predetermined and the mood and ability to act accordingly
influence. In the time of the retrograde nature of the transiting planet can
a delaying or preparatory effect in the concerns of the
make the prevailing life theme noticeable. The more exact the aspect
then forms, the sooner his release is expected. simultaneously
existing other aspects, depending on whether their qualities in the
same direction or are of opposite nature, to trigger
Reinforcing or mitigating the impact. Do you live in one?
Partnership or a family association, one must, if several
Family members are touched by an event, with a bigger orbis
the corresponding constellations in the horoscopes of the people of it
are concerned, count.
NOTE: Life is a constantly evolving experience and
Learning process. Rarely a stroke of fate really breaks unpredictably into that
Live. As a rule, it is you yourself who brings about the events; the
Thoughts, the daydreams and the fears with which one in his
Conceptions situations and already on the mental level
realizes the desires that one feeds with his soul force and thus the
Images fertilized. It is only a matter of time before the preformed person too
realized on the gross level.
In most cases you will get correct insights in periods with beneficial transits,
Have ideas and aspirations, and set initiatives that later,
with other positive constellations, successfully realize. And in periods
with tension aspects one will rather plan the wrong, hope and
longing for something to bring to life with his fears.

Therefore, do not pay attention only to what you plan during certain transits
and do, but much more to what you think and feel.
Mercury conjunct or trine to the personal sun.
Evaluation capability, in adapted, meaningful action.
Tagestendenz: Intellect and sense of purpose work smoothly. real
Surveying the situation through increased capacity for judgment, rapid appraisal of
Situation and regular course of thought processes. Therefore favorable for
Written, visits and short trips. Purchases and sales and important
business meetings lead to success. Planned can be smoothly
realize expected visits and messages. Good for new ideas
and contacts.
Mercury in opposition or square to the personal sun.
Evaluation capability, in a tense, uncontrolled reaction.
Day Tendency: The opposite of the foregoing; Perception and
Reasoning skills are blocked and over-stimulated. This delays,
Dispersion and ambiguity. Tendency for nervousness and distraction leads to
disturbed environmental contact. Unfavorable for Written, Financial,
Meetings or Visits. No sales and purchases, risk of loss.
Confusion and disadvantages due to disappointing news, excesses and
unnecessary expenses.


Venus conjunct or trine to the personal sun.
VENUS, THE AESTHETIC PRINCIPLE. The organ of the adaptation and
Compensation, in an adapted, meaningful action.
Tagestendenz: Increased empathy and readiness to adapt. Thereby
Liberation from tensions and harmonious overall constitution. Sympathy and
Entegenkommen by inner balance. Receptive to art, erotic
and enjoyment. Favorable for love, friendly contacts and sociable
Gathering. Smaller financial benefits or gifts are possible
fashionable purchases will suit the taste and long time
Make someone happy.
Venus in opposition or square to the personal sun.
VENUS, THE AESTHETIC PRINCIPLE. The organ of the adaptation and
Compensation, in a tense, uncontrolled reaction.
Day Tendency: The opposite of the foregoing; Sensation and
Compensation ability are disturbed. This creates moods and disappointments
Love and friendly relationships. Unsatisfied desire for
Enjoyment, eroticism and sociability leads to exaggeration and leaves inner
Unfulfillment. Unnecessary expenses or waste. Differences with
Friends. You are vulnerable and moody or bored
social events.
Mars in trine to the personal sun.
Assertiveness, in an adapted, meaningful action.
Tagestendenz: Increased activity and control over impulses and
Goals of the strivings. Increased energy and enterprise
let obstacles overcome with verve. By increased creativity and
more power you can tackle new tasks and existing ones
Doing tasks safely and quickly. Good for sports activities


Mars in conjunction, opposition or square to the personal sun.
MARS, THE PRECIOUS PRINCIPLE. The organ of drive-through capability, in a tense,
uncontrolled reaction.
Day Tendency: The opposite of the foregoing, the energies are not
controlled. Uncontrolled urgent striving and uncontrolled pushing off
of the undesirable lead to escalation of problems and violence.
Excitement, quarrels and conflicts due to irritability, and
aggressive reaction in resistance are the result. overconfidence
Self-assertion needs to lead to premature, ill-considered,
reckless acts and cause conflicts and collisions.
Risk of accidents and injuries due to cockiness and carelessness. On
Eighth health, since the entire organism excited, spontaneously on
Stimuli react with inflammatory diseases, tensions or cramps.
(Infections, colds, teeth, nerves, intestines, joints). Increased stress and
Pressure to perform.
Jupiter conjunct or trine to the personal sun.
JUPITER, THE SENSORY PRINCIPLE. The organ of judgment and ability to progress, in
an adapted, sensible action.
Monthly tendency: Through objective self-assessment and correct assessment of the
Location, meaningful utilization of existing resources, benefits of all given
Possibilities and purposeful pursuit. Therefore professional and financial
Successes. Satisfaction with achievements makes the being self-conscious and jovial
and causes recognition and acceptance by the environment. These
Protection allows an expansion of personal influence and
optimal progress. Harvest time, wish fulfillment and reaching aspired
Goals, but also Aussat new hope germs and meaningful planning
promising projects. An enjoyable optimistic life.
Jupiter in opposition or square to the personal sun.
JUPITER, THE SENSORY PRINCIPLE. The organ of judgment and ability to progress in a
tense, uncontrolled reaction.
Monthly Tendency: The opposite of the foregoing, but not always
is recognized. Distorted sense of value and inappropriate optimism lead
to misjudgment of the possibilities and untimely
Expansion attempts. By overestimating the retention loan and
Legal difficulties or professional misalignments. Arrogance becomes too
Anfeindungen and disadvantages by coworkers, superiors or
Lead competitors. Official and judicial
Conflicts. Uncompromising insistence on his right, the tips
Location still too. The defense of his position against false accusations
and intrigues that are often experienced in this transit bring no success. On
Pay attention to health. False expectations, disappointed hopes, failures,
Payments, losses. New ventures bring no success.
increase in weight


Saturn in trine to the personal sun.
SATURN, THE LIMITING PRINCIPLE. The organ of concentration and persistence, in
adapted, meaningful action.
Year Tendency: Restrictions are not perceived as compulsion, but
recognized as a necessary construction law and voluntarily controlled and dutiful
taken on. This will result in concentrated, persevering work
concrete goals and objective planning in the long term possible. Good for study,
House building or housing matters. Now closed contracts or
Bindings have their existence, foundations for life emerge. Experiences will be
recycled and projected into the future as a cornerstone with restrained vitality.
Serious life and inner maturity process. Responsibility becomes
taken over, associated with professional consolidation.
Saturn in conjunction, opposition or square to the personal sun.
SATURN, THE LIMITING PRINCIPLE. Organ of the concentration and
Persistence, in a tense, uncontrolled reaction.
Yearly Tendency: Feeling of Limiting Limitation by the Untouchables,
leads to pessimism and slowing down compulsory resolutions. stagnation
despite increased efforts. Mental suffering, resignation and affection too
Depression by recognizing necessary wishfulness. health
Disorders usually affect chronic complaints or mental areas.
Alienation of emotionally close people. Separations, mourning,
Worried by family members. Problems with building a house or with an apartment.
Increased workload with reduced efficiency. Financial and
professional difficulties. Delays in new projects. serious
Mood, you withdraw. Esoteric studies are thereby
Uranus in trine to the personal sun.
Mapping and conversion ability, in adapted, meaningful action.
Yearly Tendency: Increased intuition and detection ability increases the
Responsiveness to the new and through ingenuity promotes the
Tendency to spontaneous, original change of life. Lightning changing
Brightening of partial aspects gives insights into higher contexts
and new possibilities. Surprisingly offered opportunities are recognized and
used immediately. Unconventional thinking brings about the conversion of the old
Field of vision, creates urge for variety and leads to rejoining of
Contacts, often foreign relations. Courage to change.
Significant, advantageous career or residential change possible. restructuring
of interests, with changes in partner relationships and lifestyle.
Independence is sought and achieved in the desired framework.
Uranus in conjunction, opposition or square to the personal sun.
Ability to understand and adapt, in a strained, uncontrolled reaction.
Yearly trend: Nervously heightened susceptibility to unconventional ideas
and shifts. Delimited bright brightening of new target fields puts these in
seemingly tangible proximity and tempted to skip legitimate
Mature processes. Imprudent changes with disadvantages are the result.
Suddenly, as compulsion perceived urge for radical change leads to
mental over-stimulation with suddenly changing wishes and premature ones
Decisions. Excitement and ambiguity in professional and
Love affairs. Jealousy, separation, but also premature intervention
of new connections. Restlessness, confusion of emotions, nervous
Overloading is the cause of unpredictable reactions, even from the side
frustrated relatives, which can even lead to crises. On health
Pay attention, because the organism and psyche are exceptionally convulsive and
respond to what psychotherapeutic or surgical procedures require
could. Risk of injury and accident. Disadvantages and losses associated with
professional changes or change of residence. Unexpected, confusing, not
foreseeable events.
Neptune in trine to the personal sun.
sensitive inspiring ability, in an adapted, meaningful action.
Yearly trend: Of no importance for everyday events. Only who that
Soul organ Neptune has well trained and used, it also speaks
positive. Conjuctions and trigons can also have negative effects.
Hermetic, mystic and religious people, but also artists, especially
Musicians, painters and writers, can last in this one to two years
Experience creative phases and the breakthrough into new creative dimensions.
Occasionally even among laymen amateurish, artistic
Attempts as a hobby, or religious experience, mystical experiences,
Dreams and visions in the untrained. Turning to the occult and
Conviction in matters of faith. Increased compassion, increased
Selflessness, feeling of being embedded in higher powers of fate, to whom
you turn to trusting. Advent of animal and nature love. ideal
take shape and change the life.
All aspects of the Neptune, including the tense ones, are connected with insights
that came before
were not accessible. Some cognitions even confront truths
the sober and disillusioned; faith is directed to new realities,
which one would not have believed to be true in the past, but which in fact was
at least one is convinced of it. Mostly, however
they are illusions and fantasies.
Neptune in conjunction, opposition or square to the personal sun.
sensitive inspirational ability, in tense, uncontrolled reaction.
Yearly trend: Creeping crisis and inexplicable failures. illusions
are considered feasible. Deceptive feelings, misdirections, intrigues
and cheating are possible. Disadvantages due to misunderstandings or good faith.
Unclear matters, confusions and aberrations in perverted
Fantasies. Pay attention to health, infections and mental disorders
possible. Disorientation, seducibility and good faith can come in contact
to bring with criminal persons or dependence on a guru or
lead a sect. Obsessions and other mental disorders
are mistaken for occult mystical experiences. Now committed
Mistakes are rarely recognized immediately and often do not take effect until years
Pluto in trine to the personal sun.
supra personal ability to act, in adapted, meaningful action.
Year Tendency: The theme of this time is power. Fainting or
Overpowering. Supports positive effects from the plutosphere
only someone who seeks power and influence obtains. For the
Average people, therefore, this transit is usually meaningless, it was
because, he is called to higher things. In this case, if the person concerned
Exceptional, be it in politics, science, business or sports,
The Trigon of Pluto can give the necessary energy and fateful
Setting the course for the breakthrough. Everyone, the world, the
Opinions or people changed, is under the special care of
Pluto power. For the Hermetic, this aspect means development
certain abilities, first practical achievements of his magical power or
Publishing his works. In normal everyday life Plutoenergien become more
Achieve performance, laid-back work can finally attack
be taken. One sticks out over its immediate environment, by doing more
Takes responsibility and acts at the crucial moment, in
Appearance occurs and something reshapes.


Pluto in conjunction, opposition or square to the personal sun.
overpowering, in a tense, uncontrolled manner
Yearly trend: Breakthrough of new dimensions with violence. shocks
through seemingly fateful, apparently unavoidable events
such as. Accident, illness or death of a close person. It is as
whether higher powers in the form of natural or state power, or by criminal
Cause elements, losses and defeats. These interventions can
shatter created foundations, endanger the existence and one
Forcing change or change in the previous life situation.
The recognition of one's own powerlessness against fatalities,
Enemies, or obstacles is often called personal humiliation and
Feel the challenge and urges even more fanatical target pursuit.
Anger and exaggerated stubbornness then lead to unreasonable action and
let ruthless violence be considered a means of self-assertion.
Strong tensions and self-destructive tendencies are possible.
A confrontation of archetypal elements from the underworld has to be mastered
become. Demonic traits, e.g. Recklessness, excessive anger or
paralyzing emotions such as fear of death, gain the upper hand in the short term.
Not everyone experiences Pluto so negatively, and not all conflicts to be
must end with a defeat. With disciplined mastery of tension,
if it succeeds in transforming the supernumerary energies, if others can
astrological constellations support this, with new, fulfilling ones
Life content can be expected. In any case, old structures are becoming new
This transit no longer has the same meaning as before, it has
a lot of things have changed. Life has changed. Live content,
Opinions and values are no longer the same. What affected
was, disappeared, transformed, or transformed into another
Shape. This can be the job, the family, the ownership, the health or
Have been questions of faith. What remains are at most empty shells.
Sometimes something specific from life disappears, the dog, the
Clock, a close person. Sometimes only the car changes due
a dent his form or the good reputation will be struck.
The energy of Pluto is comparable to nuclear power. Where she works or
not only are the structure-carrying structures breaking apart,
but it also disintegrate the structure-forming mind molecules. Shape and content
dissolve, but life goes on. Therefore, Pluto causes one
Rebirth without having to die for it. A unique opportunity
in life. Energy becomes free and can be collected or used for other areas of life
to be transformed for spiritual interests. That's why you do not need any in front
of Pluto
Be scared. Out of chaos, something new can emerge.


Uranus in conjunction, opposition or square to personal Mars.
Yearly trend: period with sudden, strongly felt tensions
and nervous crises. Due to increased irritability and impatience threaten
Malformations and conflicts, complications and problems caused by hasty
Decisions and premature response to unexpected events.
Exaggerated uncontrolled impulses and feelings cause confusion in love and emotions
Marriage matters. Conflicts, even in friendly or professional
Relationships. Exaggerated independence and freedom aspirations
existing commitments and obligations as an intolerable impediment
feel. This often leads to premature ill-considered separations or
Life changes. Eccentric behavior, intransigence and defiance can
cause serious life crises. Tendency to sudden diseases that
may also require surgical intervention, as well as risk of
Accidents, robberies and injuries.
Uranus in conjunction, opposition or square to personal Venus.
LOVE AND WRONG = love problems.
Jahrestendenz: Suspenseful and unpredictable exaggeration of the
Emotions lead to misconduct in love and partner affairs.
Romantically exaggerated feelings and unclear desires in
Connection with dubious unconventional relationships. These strivings,
but also corresponding wish refusals, solve violent emotional outbursts
out. Infidelity, even the life partner, jealousy and separations are
possible. Unclear situations and conflicts in the love life. mental
Dizziness and the sudden appearance of strong emotional impulses lead to confusion
premature entering into or dissolving love relationships as
sentimental emergency programs.
Saturn in conjunction, opposition or square to personal Venus.
Yearly tendency: tendency to loneliness and alienation. Resignation and
Victim in connection with loved ones. Jealousy,
Separation, or, on the contrary, the feeling of burdening one's obligation
existing indissoluble bond. Cooling the emotions despite increased
Need for love. Therefore, deep and heartfelt, but ultimately
unsatisfied and unfulfilled love relationships nevertheless possible; one
maybe the great love, but fate says no. disappointments
Pessimism, worry, grief. Serious life. Health disorders


Saturn transit in conjunction, opposition or square to personal Mars.
Year Tendency: Danger of conflict and excitement. ventures
encounter resistance and hostility. Irritated mood, impatience and
Tendency to forcibly solve upcoming problems or bad situations.
Clashes and strife through uncompromising insistence on
preconceived opinions or decisions. Reckless and undiplomatic
Behavior as well as intransigence and defiance lead to separations and defiance
unreflected resolutions of existing bindings. health
Disorders, surgical interventions, accident and injury.
Jupiter in conjunction, or trine to personal Venus
Monthly trend: satisfied life span. Cheap for love, sociability,
Holidays or purchases, and good ways to improve
Quality of life in private and professional life. Increased need for
Harmony leads to readiness for new friendships and beneficial ones
Links. Inner harmony, sympathetic charisma and increased
Helpfulness improves and deepens existing bonds and provides them
professional benefits and protection. Clarity about existing relationships and
open questions in love and marriage matters.
Saturn in conjunction, opposition or square to the personal moon.
Year Tendency: Serious, seemingly hopeless period of life. Moody
Mood, constriction of the emotional world, fear, hopelessness, depression.
Sadness, grief and concern for loved ones as well as loneliness through
Alienation or separation from loved ones darkens that
Vision of the future. Internal inhibitions, insults or exaggerated pessimism
lead to distrust of the environment and voluntary isolation.
Disappointments and delays affect happiness expectations and
Prevent a positive new beginning by paralyzing the vital momentum.
Mental disorders can now seriously burden the organism as well
affect the body through chronic diseases.
These transits occur approximately every twenty-nine years.
Yearly trend: events and situations are considered fateful
Learning processes experience and urge to increased self-reflection as well as to
Change or revision of old value scales and settings. After
Coping with the tasks to be mastered and problems, often the character
of trials of conscientiousness, tolerance, and the ability to
Abandonment, the completion of a period of internal maturation, and the
Liberation of obstacles. Be developed skills and insights
conscious and pushing for realization. The changed personality succeeds
it to create new orders and clear life goals, in the sense of
individual self-realization, to put. One recognizes its purpose.
By taking stock and finally overcoming and dropping the past, will
targeted a new phase of life initiated.
These transits occur approximately every twelve years.
Monthly Tendency: happiness and contentment. Similar to Jupiter's transit to the
however, noticeably more noticeable. What has been hoped, expected and expected in
recent years
was aspired to, as far as it was not about daydreaming,
realize. One has accomplished something and is at a goal of his aspirations
reached. (Wishes that are not realized now will be shown later,
would have brought more disadvantages than joy.) One reaps success, gets more
Power and influence and attains honors, dignities and recognition. satisfaction
with yourself and what you have achieved creates confidence and confidence
for new promising projects. Proper assessment of the situation and
Evaluation of all possibilities form the basis for further successes. New
Values and objectives for the next twelve years of
Meaning will be.
A favorable Jupiter transit will only be fully effective if
At this time you also risk more than usual and do something from
which you can expect success. Only then can the powers of fate, of the
subtle level, with appropriate inspirations you and yours
Promote projects.

For all transits applies; just as you do not constantly watch the clock,
Just because you have one on your wrist, you do not get every day
align with the astrological constellations. Once you have yourself
an overview of the next section of the upcoming
Life is made, you can plan properly and will only in the following
more before important decisions, at life turning points, or for
magical works to consult the ephemeris.
In order to fully grasp the effect of a transit, one must, in addition to the pure
personal, essential changes also the many others
symbolic assignments due to the cosmological analogies to the
Include, interpret and include topic.
The symbols of astrology not only describe the functions of
Hierarchy and the limbs, organs and emotions of the subtle
Organism of humans, they also describe the work of the
different beings who govern the course of nature and uphold life
hold, and the inanimate objects and mechanisms of the gross
The signs of the zodiac, the planets, and the fields next to the
mental and mental functions of consciousness, even the most banal ones
Matters and things of everyday life
The sun symbolizes the ego, the consciousness, the self-esteem as well
like the heart, the sunday, the boss, the father, the light and the gold,
Appreciation, clarity, fame, powerhouse and a whole lot more.
The moon not only regulates the function of feeling, symbolizes not only the
Imagination, the reflexes and the fertile topsoil of these energies that
give birth to wishes and actions, the moon is also related to the mother, is
Symbol for children, the daughter, the silver, the lymph, the people as well as for
the mirror, the water, the change and the change in the room or the
Rhythmic in time.
A Mercury Transit affects not only your thinking, but also your appointments,
Letters, faxes, messages, meetings, conversations, contracts, books, travel
and everything related to communication.
Venus symbolizes not only love, but also what one loves
the beautiful, pleasant, the art, flowers, flowers, wealth, possessions, and money
Comfort, health and well-being, peace, tranquility.
Mars as a symbol of energy and power also expresses itself in the form of
Fire, Heat, Strife, Knife, Acid, Stinging nettle, Onion, Weapon, Fever, Wound,
Inflammation, soldier, etc.
Jupiter can be in the priest, in law, in the boss as well as in the
Apricot and mango as growth or ripening process as well as
Judicial process, expressed as monetary gain or weight gain.
Saturn can act as fate, as judge, as death, as disease, as
Concern, suffering or duty, as well as in the form of supporting bones,
the surrounding skin, the protective conscience, the preserving time,
Clock, age, death, as ordering law, as rock, as mountain, as stone (also in the
Bladder, bile, kidney).
The Uranus not only causes eccentricity, freedom and ingenuity, but
also the development of technology and symbolizes all invented technical
Devices, from computers, cell phones, cars to lawnmowers and refrigerators,
as well as he abroad, airfields, space travel, geniuses and nerds
The Neptune becomes beside mediality, deception and dissolution also the
Deceiving deceiver, the seduced, the medium, the mentally disturbed, the
nebulizing alcohol, the mind-disintegrating drug, the poison, the lie,
symbolize the fog, the dream, etc. A transit from Neptune will not be yours
only ideals or delusions from one's own mind and soul depths
Leading eyes and connecting you with visions from other spheres, but
can also engage you with experiences overseas, with the world of drugs
Perversions, dazzling inscrutable persons, swindlers or
Priests, with poison, alcohol, medicines, narcosis, dreams, lies, fog,
Sea or a flood in the cellar confront.
Pluto not only symbolizes the powers of his own underworlds
Soul depths, but also the criminal underworlds of society and the
bound forces in nuclear energy, gravitation, and their erupting
Follow. Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, avalanches and other disasters
Forces of nature.

Equally the properties of the structures of the

Zodiac signs in the everyday life.
The powers of the ram-sign do not only act as courage and
Decisiveness, mainly to soldiers, athletes, metal workers or
Firefighters, but also symbolize barracks and wars, fires
and all that with the driving momentum of this sign
related; Drivers, winners, people who act and are the first.
The bull power is experienced in man in the form of patience and serenity,
but also in cattle, in garden soil, in garden centers, in the reality of one
Land, in value of money, in rosehip, as well as in copper, in
Farmers, in agriculture or in comfortable armchairs.
The versatility and transmission capacity of the Gemini quality is expressed
also in the word, book, newspaper, speeches, writing, traveling, fingers, limbs,
Joints, thinking out.
The cancer sign also hangs with the mother, the breast, with milk and
Dairies, with the place of birth, the family, the parental home, restaurants,
Hotels, cucumbers and melons together.
The quality of the lion sign is experienced in the sun, in the power, in the
Powerful and ruler, in gold, and in the glory and in the center of the body
the heart.
The structure of the Virgo sign does not only cause the care and the
Diligence, but every job, the workplace, the functioning of each work and
the tool, the work of the body and therefore the health,
especially the work of the intestine.
The alignment of the balance for beauty and harmony will be especially in
fashion expressed, clothing, fabrics, art, theater, concert halls,
Registry offices, brothels are just as much part of it as are the lips and skin.
Scorpio acts on butcher, surgeons, symbolizes everything cutting
Sharp, penetrating, but also spiders, caves, the walk-in
Underworlds of the canlizations or the hidden worlds of magic.
Sagittarius not only influences the exuberance, but also the running,
Mountaineering, tennis, horse riding.
Capricorn the dryness and cold, the bone system, houses,
Big cities, barren floors and poor areas.
Aquarius the electricity, the liberalism, the ankles, neuroses, the
Friends, inventors, psychoanalysts and astrologers, aluminum, flying.
The fish sign regulates dreams, water, swamps,
Drugs, everything soft, cold feet, tears, victims, nurses and whores
are under the influence of this cosmological power.
The cosmological powers, the subtle with the gross
connect, affect the four elements, the original qualities and the two
Fluids, analogous to their properties, down to the mundane things of everyday life
also regulate the earthly events. Anyone who is able to track them will become
can also work with them. A Hermetic who is capable of one
Situation, an object or a function astrologically correct,
will be able to control the powers behind it better.
If e.g. the moon symbolizes the change, and Saturn the work, and
someone is unemployed or looking for a new job, and wonders when he gets one
new job, it could be with a transit from Saturn to his
Moon be the case. With a Neptuntransit you can get drunk, drown
or have a flood in the basement after heavy rains.
Jupiter Transits on Uranus (Growth and Freedom), can be an interesting
Travel, a gain of money or power. A Saturntrasite over Mercury
(Mourning and Message), bring the death message of a friend.
It is worthwhile, as a meditation exercise, all perceptions, all
Natural phenomena, plants, animals, minerals, metals, objects and
Arrange situations astrologically. As with the assignment of
Properties to the elemental qualities of the elements, it comes less to the
Correctness of the classification, but on the development of the ability to
Differentiation of planetary and zodiacal properties.

In connection with magic comes the phenomenon of the merger of two

Horoscopes have special significance. Like the powers of fate, too
astrologically possible times, appropriate intervention in the life of one
People can do it, and how to do it yourself when you open the gates of one
Knowing people and using the tides of power, with the cosmological
Magic of the essence cells deliberately intervene in the consciousness of another
can, the essential cells connect between people, each other
to encounter,. automatically at the places (in the horoscope) where they unite
Just as with transits the essential cells of the hierarchies, according to the
prevailing constellations, through the gates opened for them
Soul gardens flow into the consciousness of people and these into their spiritual
Incorporate levels, the human beings' cells flow together
together and connect those concerned. You then notice very aptly
between some people the chemistry is right.
But not always. There are also aspects which are disadvantageous,
challenging or stressful.
Just as with transits the personal horoscope around the acting force
is extended, results from a partnership an expansion of their own
Possibilities. The two horoscopes fuse together.
However, you can see tension constellations in your own chart during the course
to master, to transform and thus to switch off one's life, one has
they do not influence the tensions of a partner horoscope; they remain
always exist. You can not change the other, just yourself
The rules that make it work are very simple and follow the rules
known astrological measures of aspects. Meet two people
to each other, the invisible spiritual and spiritual also see themselves
Essential cells and dock against each other. Not all, but only those who
because of the open gates (the aspect points), also come together
Has e.g. someone his Venus


It is already part of the tradition of the master books that they, just like that
Life, not be completed. The work is never finished you can do it
at most interrupt. Completion is only to be found in progression. That's why
The Egyptian gods were always depicted walking.
If Divine Providence approves, it will be a seventh book, with more
Instructions for practical work with the cosmological powers and forces,
Emil Stejnar Vienna, Midsummer 2000

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