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Loosen and bind, all royal art is based on these two

Operations. Nature, life, every organism, but also the one
Technology works only because invisible powers solve and
tie. From the unconsciously running metabolism to the conscious
executed actions; if someone builds a house stone by stone,
baking a cake or making it a complicated one from certain parts
Machine, he has to grab something (tie himself) and himself
can solve it again.

• Every self-realization of a being, a person or a person

Cosmic intelligence, no matter at what level, settles on this
both primal aspirations and basic abilities of personal power and
Recapture force:

1. To solve oneself or something (to dissolve, to dissolve) and to move.

2. To bind, to condense, or to hold oneself or something (in itself).

The "dissolving" happens through the expansive form of energy, the "binding"
by the force of contraction, in the form of tension or rest as
Opposite pole gives each movement the necessary support.

The Hermeticists see in the two manifestations of the one energy

Power of the solar and the power of the lunar principle, the gold and silver of the
Alchemists - Bardon describes them as acting on all levels
electrical and magnetic fluid that needs to be controlled - the tradition
the Mason has the two pillars J and B in their temples

Depending on the intensity of the effect and the corresponding retention leave
From the two fluids derived four primary qualities, their different mixtures of the
four elements and the resulting
diverse characteristics character, abilities and
Skills arise. The list on page 11 gives a first
Overview from which of the two fluids a property springs. On
pages 12 to 15 are also the original qualities and the element to which the
Attributes are listed. Further explanations
are on pages 57 to 83

Active movement - can not stop. Active, fast, bright, vital, expansive, explosive,
moving, activating, pushing, vitalizing, accelerating, stimulating.


impulsive, powerful, fast, spontaneous,

extroverted, vital, courageous, eager, nimble,
stormy, lively, active,
urgent, sporty, enthusiastic,
energetic, dynamic, confident,
passionate, committed, pleasurable,
bold, inspiring, enterprising,
believing, creative, chivalrous,
dashing, ready to take risks
hasty, instinctual, restless, heated,
impatient, hectic, excitable, proud,
exaggerating, cocky, combative
wild, uncontrolled, impetuous,
demanding, rampant, excited, upset, reckless, irascible,
exuberant, challenging,
fierce, upset, vicious, adventurous, careless, addictive,


confident, hopeful, cheerful,

excited, interested, happy, lively, optimistic, joyful, sociable, fascinated,
bright, idealistic, cordial, euphoric, attentive, agile, liberal, open-minded,
open-hearted, generous,
liberating, intelligent, busy, easy-going, alert.

careless, easy going, good faith,

doted, talkative, vain,
moody,, scurry, indiscreet,
nervous, exalted, moody, inquisitive, unreliable, unpredictable,
reckless, hilarious, enthusiastic, euphoric.

Active persistence - can not relax. Tense, firm, hard,
strong, stiff, brittle, thick heavy, stable, relentless, sharp, pointed. - Firm,
crystallizes, fixes, tensions, hardens, bundles, limits, stabilizes,
concentrated, focused .


focused, egocentric, firm, restrained, controlled, attentive, disciplined, strong,
imperturbable, tenacious, purposeful, aware, correct,
solid, persistent, resilient, thorough, incorruptible, consistent,
strict, unyielding, inflexible,
fair, reliable, orderly,
practical, clever, resistant

tense, relentless, stubborn,

unteachable, stubborn, biased, stubborn, cramped,
stubborn, brittle, one-sided, dismissive, dogmatic, defiant, unfair.


Determined, Confident, Purposeful, Undeterred, Determinative, Self-willed,
Commandant, Ambitious, Persistent, Resolute, Hard-working, Vigorous, Robust,
Persistant, Compulsive,
dominant, powerful, independent,
self confident.

domineering, imperious, autocratic, reckless, brutal, fanatical, rude, cruel,

despotic, mean, vengeful,
unsentimental, brash, arrogant, arrogant, spiteful, hard-hearted, preposterous,
unscrupulous, hateful.
Passive inertia - can not move. Is quiet, quiet, unmoved,
passive, dark, receptive, calming, slowing, absorbing, collecting


quiet, gentle, calm, calm, peaceful,

wait-and-see, tactful, contemplative,
careful, introverted, patient,
soothing, heartfelt, satisfied,
self-sacrificing, comfortable, instinctive,
innocent, awesome

anxious, slow, discouraged, listless,

phlegmatic, lethargic, comfortable, ver
dreams, indifferent, listless,
small-minded, powerless, apathetic, timid
affectionate, shy, hesitant, fearful,
undecided, powerless,
doubtful, devoted, humble, powerless, sleepy.


prudent, serious, sober, containing

sam, habitual, realistic,
reserved, simple, conventional,
methodical, modest, need
go, loyal, serious, reasonable, discreet,
secretive, frugal, honest,
conscientious, experienced, moderate,
conservative, factual, traditional,
responsible, frugal,
dutiful, punctual, testing,
reliable, distant

hopeless, pessimistic, melan

cholic, depressed, lonely, joyful
go, melancholy, bitter, depressed,
worried, gloomy, sad,
suspicious, prudish, pedantic, insulted, cumbersome, resigned, vindictive,
reserved, disinterested, self-conscious, petty, materialistic, cumbersome.

Passive exercise - can not demarcate. Is easily solved, easy,
neutral, fluid, flexible, volatile, unfounded, flexible, resilient, soft,
unsteady, supple, passive, weak. -
Dissolves, frees, relieves, softens, moderates, relaxes, relaxes.


flexible, resilient, informal, carefree, outspoken, unattached,

carefree, unbiased,
tolerant, intuitive, relaxed, informal, natural, independent, versatile.

unfocused, distracted, unstable, thoughtless, naive, forgetful, superficial,

baseless, sloppy, volatile,
careless, weak, wavering, aimless, fickle


relaxed, soft, sensitive, medial,
impressionable, receptive, tender,
caring, loving, kind, good natured,
considerate, compassionate, empathetic,
adaptable, inspired,
balancing, cuddly, selfless, imaginative, romantic, tender, foreboding, forgiving,
responsive, helpful, compassionate, kind, devoted,

Moody, sentimental, mood-sensitive, sensitive, insecure, awkward.


The four elements of the Hermetic, fire, water, air and earth, are not
the last subtle essentials. Just like the building blocks of the
Matter, the atoms, even of even smaller quantities of different
Quality, there are also the four basic elements of mind and spirit
Soul life from simpler, smaller parts of being, the so-called
Primitive qualities. Only from the interaction of two of these
"Urqualities" results in the typical manifestations of the four elements.
Ancient philosophers called the primordial qualities warm, dry,
wet and cold.

• Weigh out warm and dry, fire occurs.

• Weigh out warm and humid air.
• Weigh out cold and wet, water is formed.
• Weigh out cold and dry, earth is created.

Warm and cold refer to the energetic part of a

Elements, the impulse generator for action and reaction, and expresses itself in
the movement. This can be fast, high frequency (is a lot of warm), or
slow (is little warm) low frequency/quiet (is cold), be.

Moist and dry, on the other hand, describes the nature of the
substantial support, the malleable, pictorial. This subtle is
either tight (dry) or loose (moist).

The four primal qualities are the very basis of all beings,
Intelligences and people. They determine the motivation and the style
from which the character develops.

• warm = a lot of energy (active) = fast

• cold = low energy (passive) = slow
• dry = much retention (solid) = strong
• damp = little support (loose) = weak
Each self expression as action and reaction in thinking, feeling, willing and
Acting happens quickly or slowly and is connected to a form of
Self-preservation (self-assertion) coupled, whose structure is firm (strong)
or loose (weak) can be.
Strong is not here in the qualitative sense of virtue, such as "Steadfast"
or "male", but stands for the strength of the tension. It can
also over-stressed, hard and brittle from it become. Weak can be "weak"
be just as yield, relax, loosen and free. The same applies
the quantity of the energetic part. Much released energy can out
"energetic" too hasty make, little momentum must not inertia, but
can be an expression of cautious restraint. It always depends on the controlled
Action and reaction, to conscious volitional tightening and easing.
Targeted control and dosage of the original qualities is only possible if
Expression and direction of an element at any time through its counter element into
Balance can be brought. Because the elements are beyond the primal qualities
They can be linked together via these, too
transform. (See illustration page 75).

In the four primal qualities, the basic impulses of life and the last manifest
Foundations of Consciousness. One can only trust the power of its elementals
withdraw and one can use the power of its elementals only, if one
is able to influence the original qualities. The alchemical process of
Transformation and purification of his personal being can only be done through the
Perform original qualities. Therefore it is necessary to have a concrete idea
It has what is meant by warm and cold, wet and dry. The more alive and
the more sensible is the sensation that one makes of the primordial qualities
you will succeed in becoming the elementals and elementals that make them up

The primordial qualities are subtle unicellular organisms that rely on impulses
react, but always with the endeavor to themselves, according to their quality, too
realize. They follow a single basic uranium:
• Warm the movement
• Cold of rest
• Dry the voltage
• Moisture of relaxation
Warm is the driving force of urgent explosive energy still
without the substantial retention of the dry, the fire elementals
makes it the basis of steerable willpower. Warm is the glowing
Plasma aimless sparks.

Cold is the opposite, the absolute silence and powerless immobility, the
let go of every swing. Cold is like the boundless universe, the void, in
he loses everything. Imagine small parts of it, like the
Cavities of a bath sponge any expression of energy in itself
absorb and disappear.

Dry is the unyielding, rigid, dense. Essence parts of dry

Imagine dropping a lightning fast curing glue
or like little check marks that have the tendency to interlock
clawing, tensing, creating hard, solid foundations for
Struts, points and sharp cutting,
which when with warm in Movement, entrainment and separation or,
with cold at rest, due to the density pressing heavy, but also to firm hold

Dry is not powdery, but an aspect of the limiting principle,

the streamlined orientation, be it the bundle of the laser, the what
the strength of the taut tendon, or the molecular strength
the bombshell, which allows the pressure necessary for the explosion.

Dry is the factor of active inertia, not to be confused with the

motionless, passive silence of cold

This explains why dry both the moving fire element as

also the unmoved earth is assigned. The two elements
Common tension does not have to be a pulsating outward activity
unloaded, it can also act as a heavy pressure inside.

Dry causes a collection due to inertia, which,

if heat is lacking, using cold as the "earth element" leads to heaviness. in the
Physical, inward cohesion, gravitation, concentration, and
outward as a force ("heavy" explosion). In the soul we experience the
Weightiness of feelings either as melancholy, it arises through
concentrated persistence of mental emphases when dry with cold
outweighs (melancholic), or in the quick impetuous bursting out

Violence of the emotions (of the choleric) when dry with warm
predominates and gives the fire element superior power.
In both elements, the striking, sharply profiled,
Definite meant his directionality or its structure, which we
both in the resistance hardness of the earth element and in the tip,
find sharp purposefulness of fiery expansion.
"Tension," says Goethe in his reflections on science, "is
the indifferent seeming state of an energetic being in complete
Willingness to manifest, to differentiate, to polarize.

"Wet is the opposite of dry. With wet is not moist, but rather
meant fluidly. Wet is the loosening, loosening, softening factor,
which relaxes the substantive of the "water" and the "air", lightly
makes it movable and yielding.

Wet with warm makes light, raises and frees of the burdening
Heaviness of the earth

Wet with cold calms, relaxes and is the basis of peaceful silence. Such as
Cold, the energy seems to disappear in the void, so wet dissolves each
Tension, softens the hard, makes the sting the feeler. If
If you think of dry as a solid, rigid hook, you may feel like wet
to imagine pliable clouds, which are any compression or
Withdraw limitation and no resistance or stop for bracing


When trying to assign four typical temperaments to the four elements,
unfortunately the elements fire, water, air and earth were with their
Urqualities warm, cold, wet and dry confused or equated.
From the fire element one has only the heated warm on the essence of the
Choleric transmitted. The motionless cold of the water element
compared to the apparent inactivity of the phlegmatist. With the
Heavy, resulting from the concentrated density of the dry earth
(Melanchthon: Greek "black earth") gives, one explained themselves the
"heavy" thought of the melancholic. Fluidic looseness of moisture
The air was taken as the basis for the cheerful, all-heavy
Essence of the sanguine.

But not all representatives of the fire element are effervescent choleric. The
Water element not only brings out comfortable phlegmatics. Who from the
Earth element is worn, does not have to be melancholic, and the air element
Not everyone agrees with the cheerful sanguine.

Each element consists of two primal qualities and only when the balance
between the two is disturbed, it comes to the one-sided primitive forms
energetic basic aspirations in the form of the mentioned typical

Even the sanguine "cheerfulness" arises on one side by the dissolving damp,
the non - adherence to the objective cause of factual distancing from
passionately insistent or profoundly sensitive.
The Entholensein from the material and emotional bounds are indeed the necessary
for irony and wit, the appearance of lightness, but not the emotion-borne
hearty humor, the hearty laughter of the zest for life and the real

Even the choleric does not have too much fire elemental, but his fire has too much
Warm or too little dry. He lacks the support for self-restraint.
Through conscious refinement and cultivation of elementals with a lot of dry
or cold as e.g. Consideration, patience, modesty, etc. (see list
Page 12 and 15), the choleric can balance his fire element
bring and the released transformed energy to his personal
To transform spirit structure.

That temperaments are only one of the two original qualities of their element
also leads to ambiguity about the correct assignment of the
Melancholic, whose two primary qualities dry and cold clearly the
Earth element spring. That with the phlegmatist common cold, that in
Form of rest or slowness can be expression of both temperaments,
led to the confusion of the elements earth and water, both what the
Direction or the tools of magical rituals as well
Allocation of elementary properties concerns; a serious mistake, though
Unfortunately, it can be found in many hermetic traditions. (Also in Bardons' way
to the true Adept "S.Auflage Bauerverlag, the exchange became page 37
not corrected, although the author on page 165 very well "the slow
assigning melancholy thoughts to the earth element).

Typical of the melancholy is the attachment, the fixation, the non-solve ability,
that comes from the dry of the earth and not from the damp or cold
of the water. The silence and calm of the water is not the same immobility
the taut, rigid attitude of dry earthiness. Phlegmatic inactivity
does not mean the stern, cold stare of conscious self-imposed
Restraint that the disciplined (or resigned) melancholic experiences or experiences
fatefulness takes upon itself.
The apparent inactivity of the aqueous phlegmatics is not only due to deficiency
to vitality (little warm), but also because of damp
relaxed tone. The passive of the water is moist, fluid, movable,
susceptible. The water element not only makes phlegmatic, but allows
an inner stillness, one is touched by something, one feels imaginative
Drama in pity, compassion. What is missing is the transition from the inner impulse
of the
Imagination to the external act, for which the moving warmth of the fire is
Also this introversion, occurring by a preponderance of coldness, is evident in
to find earthy melancholic as well as the watery phlegmatic. The
But motivation comes from different levels. The earthy is more
from his elementals, thoughts in the form of "obsessions"
tied up, often rationally sober purpose pessimism, the Aqueous looks against it
more to the elementals of his mood, his emotions.
The attention devoted to these essential cells leads to that
Elementals and elementals of the earth or water element more vitality
as the spontaneous more spirited essentials of the fire or
Air element. Therefore, the "unmoved" is stronger in both forms
through and must by properties that oppose the original quality cold,
be compensated.
This can only arouse the person, if he has the right arrangement
knowledge of the original qualities and elements, as well as his personal qualities
Elementehaushalt knows. And, above all, he must be his true nature, that
ICHSELBST, with whom he can regulate his elements, recognize. Only then is he
able to fully grasp itself as well.


If one wants to know oneself one must be conscious of oneself
do. You have to perceive yourself, observe yourself and above yourself
as well as about any other content of consciousness, that one can think about
is conscious. The ICH to be recorded becomes one as well
elemental entity, which carries the consciousness, like all others
Being parts. One therefore always only becomes aware of that idea
that you have from yourself and that you make of yourself.
In everyday life a mostly unconscious process in which the ICH
identified with his body being. One is thereby of his existence
present, but seldom conscious of his SELF.
The ritual described below will help this condition of the
Consciousness to lighten.

THE MORNING RITUAL (The Survey of Osiris)

Those who perform the ritual regularly gain the ability to

at any time to be able to call his spiritual being into consciousness.
One uses a Pentakel, on which one his personal
Ideas according to which ICHSELBST symbolically expresses.
This can e.g. a rose cross, a sun, an eye, a triangle of which
four bundles of rays go out, or everything can be together. The trailer is
best of all gold. The chain (leather strap), should be so long that the
Kleinod rests on the solar plexus.
The ritual starts in the morning just after leaving the bed,
You stand with your back to the east. The soon rising (or already
risen sun) one knows behind oneself. The arms make up in the pose
of Osiris a triangle in front of the breast, instead of crozier and whip (symbol
for the veldichtende principle, the "binding", and the expansive, radiant
Principle "solve") holds the chain in the hands. the eyes are
closed. Now one realizes his bodiless being, widens
out (the sun becomes a small point in its own being
enclosed) and feels free floating, identical to the
black-violet, all-encompassing infinity. Then you dissolve
Again, remember his body-life and breathe (himself
compacting) deeply.

At the same time, the sun, always brighter and widening, wanders in the past
Center of his being presented, the spine high in the head, from which
you now feel yourself as a radiant light. Then you lower your head,
opens his eyes, looks down at his body and hangs the chain with the
Pentacles around the neck. A blow to the chest calls you again
the body in memory.
With the thought: "I am a spirit, this is my body" makes one aware,
that one is a spirit being and is in a gross material body. Man happy
about this precious, perfect tool that gives you an existence in this
earthly world allows.
That's what awakens the ICH. One no longer identifies with just his body and one
its elementary impulses, but is also its spiritual essence, that
in the body, conscious.
Although one is not yet in full due to this self-realization
Recognizing perimeter itself is the first step to self-knowledge done.
Initially, the perception of the ICHSELBST will quickly disappear
To slip away from consciousness and even be completely forgotten. But the more
common one
The idea of "I am a spirit in my body" is evoked, all the clearer
this image of SELF will cling to consciousness and the easier it becomes
actually identify with this spirit in the body.
The pressure of the pentacle on the chest becomes one during the whole day
recall. Whenever you feel the pentacle dangle above your heart, you will
one from his unconscious twilight state (the many for the waking consciousness
keep awake). One should then stop in what one thinks or
does, and remembering oneself. In the idea "I am a spirit in mine
Body "you immediately become aware of your SELF.
Carried away by this idea, one dissociates himself from his before
unconscious being and still resting within itself at the same time beside itself.
If you look back from this point of view, you will be surprised how
zombiehaft unconsciously I just acted how much you through the automatic
his thinking of his wishes, ideas and habits
was caught and had forgotten himself. One recognizes that one not only
his body, but also something of his I the elemental and
Has left elementals.

Instead of self-consciously choosing one's conscious bearer

conversely, the ICH as carrier for its contents of consciousness
accepted. That could only happen, because of SICHSELBST
had no concrete idea to rely on.
So what is this ME?
One perceives that one is because one thinks, feels, feels and wants, and
says "I" to yourself. One identifies with oneself as one does oneself
experienced from within his body, as an independent personality with
determine abilities and character traits, thinks,
I am, I have, I can, I know, the one considers himself beautiful, for good,
for strong, for clever, the other for the opposite.
This I, based on a seemingly body-conditioned awareness of existence
is supported, because of its natural ego-centeredness as EGO something
judged pejoratively. Next to it is a "nobler", "higher", "spiritual"
I, the so-called superego, spirit self or self.
In reality, however, there is only one I, because it is aware of itself
able to say, "I AM". Whether it is
Really recognizes itself and not just with one of its essential elements, the
thinking, feeling, willing or observing, identified, hangs
from his point of view. This can namely more or less
Convey knowledge and thus actually "higher" or "lower"

At the same time, viewpoint also means a part of the being that just directs
wearing. We have only one AWARENESS, but many beings,
who carry the ICH and through which the ICH in a different way
can become aware.

The ICH always stays the same, only his

Entities that change consciousness contents. Even that of many
Mystics aspire to "superconsciousness" must of a settled
"I AM!" be borne, otherwise it loses in rapturous
Self-forgetfulness in the elementals of any imagined "deity,"
instead of merging with the conscious "ICHBIN" of this intelligence.

What distinguishes people and genii from each other is to

one their content of consciousness and on the other the way, how the
To deal with it individually. Likewise, every new one changes
Perception and experience seemingly also the essence of the ICH.

• Self-knowledge therefore has different levels. She starts at

To perceive that one is ("something") leads to the recognition of where and who and
how to be, to comprehend what you really are.
The very essence of the "I AM", which is what you really are,
Initially, every analysis seems to elude itself. There are three mistakes, the
be committed.

1. Since one experiences oneself as a unity, one is tempted, only with one of his
Identify essentials. One overlooks the fact that one is one
multi-layered, multi-membered being. The ICH is exactly the same
Organism as the gross body, only that instead of body cells
essential spirits form the structures. You can therefore only in
comprehend fully, knowing all its members and organs
and also mastered.

2. The second mistake is to believe that the I AM is an immortal

perfect being who is trapped in the body but in the hereafter
very quickly regained his divinity. That's not true.

One is neither an eternal spirit nor one has an immortal soul. The
Essence of the true I AM is in constant change and still
not completed.

It is not the Christ (Buddha - Hermes) but the naked one

Child in the straw, a needy creature that looks after the animals in the stable
not having food and caring by his parents
could survive. But first you have to look for the child like the 3 Kings
and find and give presents.

One finds it in connection with the first self - knowledge in the form of the
conscious awakening. The moment you think of yourself for the first time
Experiencing "mind in the body" and making oneself aware in the form of an idea,
The ICHSELBST also manifests itself and from then on it stands as well
Consciousness carrier available as the other elementals of thought,
Feeling, willing and being, which carry the I also in the unconscious state.

It is very important to understand that this is only part of the

ICHSELBST acts to be a part of the ICH to which one is
Can transmit consciousness, and not around the whole ITSELF. Indeed
it is that part of being, from which all other personal parts of being
can be surveyed and mastered as soon as one grasps them. It is
the self-aware BEING, the observing
Element to which the ICH can withdraw and from which it is
even as an observer recognizes. This last detectable essence of the
I therefore (we will come back to it later) as an eye

1. This explains the third error, namely the opinion that one has
a higher or lower ICH.
The I do not have one, but one is I. "I am who I am",
Christ said to himself when asked who he was. But to himself as
To become aware of "I", one has to become one in the form of an idea
Consciousness content and consciousness carrier make one another a new one
Point of view from which one can recognize oneself.
He who does not understand this will not be able to do that self-procreated
I, which is not a new ICH, but a remodeled, expanded ICH
is to capture and shape. But that's exactly what Hermetics is all about.

To the design of a subtle "light body", the one more

There are prospects and possibilities as the physical body that does nothing
other than the Athanor, in which the great work of Hermeticism, the
Re-creation of the ICHSELBST through self-knowledge,
Self-restraint, self-refinement and self-awareness are accomplished.
This work is also called royal art, because what you seek,
is just as unavailable at the beginning of his search as the sculpture in the
unhardened stone of a sculptor was present. The workshop is that
own interior, the work piece is one. Without incarnation in one
physical body would not be the beginning of a spiritual perfection
possible. The physical corporeality with all the consequences of the associated
Impressions, perceptions and sensations through the sense organs
is the first "mirror" in which the ICH can see that it is more than
that which is conscious in the thinking, feeling, willing, and existence of the I-
The monkey and the hidden treasure
I once saw a movie in which a monkey stood in front of a mirror and
Gradually he realized that it was he himself who emerged from the mirror
contrary looked. After he understood that, he stopped making faces
cut, and instead began his usually invisible for him
To touch and examine body parts. He pushed his eyes around as
whether he suspected that the secret of himself would be found there, and purified
then thoroughly with his fingernails his teeth. (He started to work on himself).
To perceive something, to recognize it, one has to look at it, you have to
face. In order to recognize oneself, it is therefore necessary to withdraw from
dissolves and looks from another point of view. Only then can you
to make a picture of themselves.
Since the outcome of our reflections is the gross material body in which the
Once I'm stuck, that means you have to either seek something in
that you can mirror yourself (not the body), or find a way that the ICH
leads to another level from which one can look at oneself.
There is an old Jewish teaching history that makes that clear.

Rabbi Eisik, son

Rabbi Jekel from Krakow, dreaming, he heard a voice saying, "Go to Prague,
On the shore under the bridge to the castle you will find a treasure. "After
repeated this dream, made the rabbi on the journey. But the shore
under the bridge was too steep and inaccessible and also constantly from one
Sentry occupied. When he noticed the rabbi's strange behavior, he asked
he told him what he was looking for, what Rabbi Eisik told him about his dream.
But the captain laughed at him and said, "You are a gullible person.
So I would have had to go looking for it, as I recently in the dream
a voice ordered to go to Krakow and in the house of the Jew Eisik, son of
Yekel, raising a treasure under the stove. What do you think, how many houses I
If there were half of the Jews over there, Eisik and the other
Yeah, yeah. "
The rabbi Eisik bowed, went immediately on the journey home and dug the
Sweetheart out.

Everybody has to interpret educational stories like this themselves. they have many
Expressive possibilities. One of them is that you have the big treasure (yourself)
find nowhere else but in his own house (in itself
itself), but nevertheless the indication for it must come from the outside. A
others would be the reference to the two levels on which the search
takes place; instead of getting lost in spiritual regions, dig in
the treasure in its earthly existence. The journey to Prague (Incarnation
in the world of matter) was necessary to realize that the treasure
spiritual nature is.
So we know that you can find yourself where you are, namely here
and now and in itself, and we know that this one I
is a multi-membered being of which it is itself a part of the being. One can
therefore do not grasp all at once, but must become member by member
learn to understand; and just as the environment is always in shape
One also becomes aware of the ideas that one makes of it
Himself only in his imagination, as thought-picture, as concept
recognize and understand.
The "brain-thinking" so maligned by some esoteric traditions,
"to be overcome" is in truth the most important tool of the
Spirit, which is available to man in the present state of development
stands. Also on the subtle levels is thought. The
Awareness of thoughts and their handling is then natural
no longer bound to brain activity. Thinking then depends on
the capacity of intuition with which one receives, of the power of belief, with
which one grasps, of the concentration, with which one "thought" in the
Field of view of attention and the imagination, with the
to change and create mental forms.

The "monkey" recognizes itself in the mirror. The spiritual being of the I
in thinking. Because who observes when thinking, who becomes
besides his thoughts and ideas at the same time himself as well
Recognize thinkers and observers. However, this realization is only achieved
in his gross body. The treasure is hidden in him.
The body is the kingdom in this world
It is therefore wrong to think that the spirit incarnates in the gross
World. In reality, the ICH becomes the world of a personal body
born. The atoms, the molecules, the cells of the physical body,
in which the life is kindled, that is the world, with which the ICH after the
Childbirth. The body with its limbs, organs and the
Structures of genetic plants that are only very specific
Give access to properties, abilities and emotions, this is the place
where the ICH finds itself after the birth, that is our kingdom in the
World over which one can rule like a king. This body corresponds
exactly the spirit-spiritual structure of the subtle body, which is only in
can incarnate the corresponding astrological time, where a body
those genetic plants developed which the corresponding elementals
and create elementals.
Therefore, you never take the gross environment, its objects and
Phenomena was direct. Perceptions are notions that you look at
from the impressions which makes the environmental stimuli on the sense organs
leave. These are always just reflections and interpretations
of sensory stimuli that take place in one's own body and of reality
completely detached are just more symbol of their cause.
Perceptions are elemental, subtle forms and not the
Reality that can often be very different from what one perceives. The physical
Organism works like a transformer. He enters
alchemical process, which through the metabolism in the
coarse-material food and oxygen-bound fine matter in the form
the vital life force releases again and thus a matrix for
Transfer of gross material sensory stimuli into mental perception
creates a subtle level. For the ICH can see only his
Perceptions, and they are subtle in nature. The becoming aware, of
Becoming aware until conceptual understanding is a process that is based on
the subtle plane takes place


No perception, no matter which level they come from
There seems to be no consciousness. Also no self-confidence, because that
I will only be aware of the perception in an idea
Conscious thought of "I AM" of the existence of its self. Therefore
every being, every intelligence, every spirit has the ability of the
Perception. Only in connection with the "viewed" does that awaken
(I-) Consciousness and becomes aware as an observer. The
Perceived (the sensory stimulus, the sensation, the feeling, the
Presentation) becomes temporarily a consciousness carrier and
Part of the observer, which causes the consciousness with
identifies the content of consciousness and thinks: "I feel, I feel, I
I want to. "Consciousness without perception is inconceivable
highest form of consciousness (whatever the individual is under
like to imagine great satori, samadhi, supreme identity or
Gottschmelzung etc.) is to the perception of one, just this
tied to the highest state of consciousness.
It can be, depending on the level, from the impressions to
Perceptions lead to different causes for different perceptions.
I. Perceptions caused by bodily sensory stimuli from "outside"
were caused, such as visual, taste, acoustic,
including the sensations of touch, warm, cold, light, heavy,
hard, soft, loose, firm.
2. Perceptions that are based on the body's sensations and through
to become aware of the meaning of life for the ICH. This includes vitality,
Vitality, fatigue, hunger, thirst and the sensations of
Wellbeing or pain and its consequence, the reflexes, addictions,
Desires and the habits evolving from them.
3. Perceptions based on feelings and emotional ones
to become aware of the "inner" movement and mood: e.g.
Pleasure and aversion, joy, sorrow, happiness, happiness, melancholy, pessimism,
Confidence, hope, affection, love, emptiness, dislike, anger, hate,
Compassion, longing, fear.
4. Perceptions based on ideas. These can be as

External impressions have been triggered via the body senses, such as e.g.
the idea of a tree in front of which one stands.
• or through the sensations, perceptions of sensations and
sensation-triggering objects e.g. Chocolate, pornographic
Pictures etc.
• or notions of feelings and emotional situations, e.g.
Longing for a loved one, fear of the dentist, etc.
• Perception of notions that seem to arise by themselves in
Reality but in the passive viewing of other ideas in their
Wake up and were previously ignored: the fantasies.
• perception of ideas whose cause is not always
can be understood: the intuition and inspiration. Their triggers are
either (as those of the fantasies) in the networking of own thoughts
and to search for terms in the brain or soul garden, or they will become
other levels outside the Soul Garden of alien intelligences
as a flash of inspiration, ideal, vision, thought, "simplicity" etc. entered.
5. Finally, we examine the perception of ideas that actually
presented perceptions are because they consciously and willingly through the
ICHSELBST be evoked; the thoughts and imaginations:
• Perceptions banned by the word in the form of a term and
were saved at any time as a template (the one for insights
to understand other ideas needs) retrievable, evocative and
are transferable.
• Perceptions intentionally removed from memory by "remembering"
be taken.
• Ideas that are selected during (reflection) thinking and new ones
Thought connections are strung together.
• Perceptions that are different from the feelings and feelings of others
People do that retroactively in the personal consciousness space though
can cause the same feelings, but as compassion and compassion
a purely mental and non-emotional process are due.
• Ideas in the form of good intentions, positive thinking, thoughtful
Planning or ideals following and deliberately in consciousness
being held.
• Perceptions of perceptions, sensations, sensory stimuli, images
and feelings that, by means of volitional imagination, become hermetic
Training the power of concentration formed or for magical purposes
be created creatively.
• The three levels:
If one now the different perceptions, the consciousness
wear, examined more closely, it will be easy to see that
arrange them into different categories and three
come from different levels.
1. Body sensations, triggered by the vital. This includes
Perceptions that include the gross material world including one's own
Body concern. They are either from the outer sensory stimuli,
Seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, causing keys, e.g.
Perceptions of a landscape, music, etc., or they are of the inner
Meaning of life aroused perceptions of the body needs and
their consequences, well-being, enjoyment and pain.
2. Soul sensations caused by the elementals. This is
Desires, impulses, desires and passions meant and those of
they caused feelings and moods including the
spirited self-preservation and self-esteem. Through her
if you get excited, moved, calmed down, you feel immediately touched.
That's probably why many of the very essence of the I in
to see the soul and not the mind. One actually says yes I "AM"
happy, happy, sad, hopeful, touched, etc., although in
Reality is something that moves, oppresses, or moves from the emotions
is inhibited and recognize these by observation and by targeted
Can change ideas. Therefore, the thoughts and
Ideas much closer to the I mean than the feelings. you are
the actual mental limbs. Because with his thoughts you can
show what you want and act on your feelings at will,
while conversely the feelings against his will press and
raise unwanted thoughts. We are at the
third form of our perceptions, the
3. Spirit sensations. These are made by elementals
This refers to the ideas, the images, the concepts and
Thought forms through which all other perceptions first take shape
receive and face the consciousness.
Idea, word and symbol are also means of communication for the three levels of the
Consciousness. These elemental entities can be shaped, uttered,
through them you can be thinking, feeling and wanting others
transferred, they are the actual members of the ICH. The elementals form the
spiritual body. With these mental limbs, the elemental ideas prevails
the ICH over his feelings and directs his body. Through it, the ICH can both
perceive its environment (no matter which level), and in it it also recognizes
self. Even the I can only self in the form of an idea (which it is
makes of itself) recognize.

I am who I am
The thoughts and ideas thus form the true members and organs of the ICH.
Through them you also feel without your body as a being of your own
Shape. The claim: "I think so I am" is still not quite true.
Only when one thinks about oneself, one "IS". Therefore, it should read "me
think that I am, therefore I am. "Thoughts are only the leg and that
living subtle flesh, not the whole being of the ME. This opens up
only when one examines the abilities with which the ICH examines the elements
to handle his spiritual members.
On the one hand, there is the passive receiving element that observes the
Perception, on which the consciousness rests, makes possible: The ability of the
Imprintability, waking, intuition, inspiration and
• And then the active framing element with which the ICH is out of itself
emerges and realizes with which it is beyond its perceptions,
who are at the same time also the bearers of his consciousness, commands: The
the concentration and the imagination.
In the conscious thinker, the active and the passive then unite
Essential foundations to a unity. The ICH is no longer just from
supported by his perceptions, but also by ideas that are themselves
consciously and willingly chooses. It can think of itself as a thinker
perceive and in this idea as an observer of his self
recognize. It looks back on itself, without giving it its point
to have to leave. The I AM becomes the "I AM the I AM".
In thinking, therefore, the ICH finds its greatest possible power and freedom.
It is capable of thinking of any attachment to its parts of being
liberate without losing yourself, and vice versa
Thinking to create those parts of the being, which his consciousness into the
Wear level and make active or passive contact with other beings

From the point of view of conscious thinking I do not want anything

more, but commands convulsive (reigns like a king) over his
Energy of the will to direct it where it is to make a difference
commemorates. Depending on your maturity and ability, it will be one
act creative-quabbalistic act, or to a magical impulse, or to take the so-called
Intent, which is just as much a first manifestation of conscious volition
and someday have to realize.
Feeling, too, is different from the point of view of conscious waking.
The ICH then not only feels, because it is moved by his feelings,
but can feel the same in their minds untouched by feelings. It's like watching a
movie where you're "feeling"
emotionally engaged, but not personally involved in the actions
can be.
Until one is able, however, to be conscious of this high one
Keeping spirit levels is a long way to self-perfection
to cover. And even then, from this point of view, that says
I am "I am" to myself.
Even the "SELF" is only a part of the being and consciousness carrier like all
other essentials. Even in this idealized by mystics
Consciousness state, the ICH would lose its "self-consciousness"
if it does not immediately identify itself as "I AM". Also in the true
ICHSELBST remains the ICH as a self-sustaining bearer of consciousness
Therefore, any doctrine that requires a task of the "I" is wrong. It applies
on the contrary, that one is so clearly aware of his spiritual being
Consciousness calls and makes it so strong that it under no circumstances
more can be displaced by other parts of the being.
That this being is no longer the same being
with which the ICH is in the normal semi-conscious
Identified everyday condition is clear. But it is no other ICH.
It is part of the I, which must grow, while the other, earthly
aligned, dwindles. A process that stretches for decades
and again and again must be deliberately set in motion.


The creation and perfection of this light body to which one can be
Consciousness, with which one will identify oneself, if
the "great work" is completed, it was also called royal art. Because
what you work out of yourself was not in this form before
• One begins the work by first becoming conscious of the I AM
makes. Just as the monkey recognizes itself in the mirror image, the ICH
experiences itself in
the perception of the idea that makes it of itself and as
Can capture thought image. The birth takes place the moment you
realizing for the first time that one is a spirit being in one
Body is stuck. This requires neither an "initiation" nor the experience
an out-of-body experience is needed, though both are very helpful
can. Read again the introduction to the retreat for
Masons ", (3.BUCH).
With the "morning ritual" one can call this daily in the consciousness.
One thus grasps both his gross body and sees into it
Tool, a kind of diving suit, in which one slips to himself in this
To find your way around the world, and you also seize yourself as soon as you
with the formula: "I am a spirit in the body" I am remembering
One holds on, as long as one succeeds, the conscious Wachsein
to maintain.
One has to focus his attention like a laser beam on
keep this idea of yourself. No other entity may
to push oneself into the invigorating light of his consciousness and one of
distract the thought of "I AM".
This is very important, because only in this condition does it grow and mature
weak, imperfect I Amber. Just like a baby only in the
Bodyguards gained experience - first you looked
uncomprehending in the world, even one's own limbs appeared to one
foreign and not belonging to one's self - that is how the I Am can
only in the awake state (the one with his pentacle at any time
bring about), grasp, master and master
At the same time, what one first conceives of oneself is not that
true I Am, but only its members, a shell, a
subtle body. Like the gross body of limbs,
Organs and Sensory organs is, also sets out the subtle body
Complex cells that are like limbs, organs and sensory organs
function. And just like the gross organs of their function
correspondingly consist of specific types of cells (the liver cells
differ from the skin cells that are impulse-mediating nerve cells
unlike the mobile oxygenating blood cells or the taut
among themselves tense holding bone cells), also have the
subtle cells, the vital, elemental and elemental, the structure of their
Building blocks according to the original qualities, different qualities.
Chemistry and physics of subtle levels
There is just as subtle chemistry as in the gross world, and who
must dominate and ennoble his subtle essence, must over the hermetic
Physiology and anatomy know. Even if it is at the
subtle cells around essential, living mind particles, around the smallest spirits
nevertheless, they follow very definite laws, according to which they cling to each
dock to larger, more complicated, mind-carrying geological organisms that
serve as geographic organs to form.
The simplest, still to be called building blocks and with the molecules
comparable parts of being are the four primal qualities in the known ones
Expressions of the elements fire, water, air and earth.
Just as the four components of DNA in their different arrangement, the diversity
the life forms and the material basis of the incarnating
Determine the content of consciousness, the elemental beings justify the diversity
of the
human spirit and also all other spirits and intelligences. would
e.g. The building blocks of the fire are missing, the being would be without any
drive. Missing the
Air elements, the intellect could not unfold. Without water, that would
compassionate principle of sympathy and without earth quiet element the summary
Consciousness is missing. Thinking is about the air element, feeling about it
Water element, the will over the fire element and the ego consciousness over the
Nourished earth element. These four mental functions are the four main members of
Consciousness. Spiritual perfection is always only simultaneous
Interaction of the four members possible. Analogous to the elementals that make up
As these members build up, the elements are aligned.
It can be clearly distinguish structures that always always
the basis for a next higher and more complicated form of consciousness
Offer. Roughly simplified, we recognize:

1. The original qualities. These are the "building blocks" light, heavy, warm
(light), cold
(dark) and their elementary expressions in expansion pressure or
Inertia principle, in the solution or Haftbestreben the elements. Out of them
2. The vital. They, too, belong to the gross level, but are considered as
Cells of life are the first foundations of life
Spirit. The Vitale let you include the gross environment
of one's own physical body. This includes all
Perceptions through the sense organs: the visual, the acoustic,
the taste, smell and tactile sensations as well as the part
bodily sensations triggered by them as vitality and vitality,
the urge to move of the awake perception and the
Need for rest, tiredness and sloth.
3. The elementals. These include both those from the vital life forms
adult and often not even conscious
energetic complexes and reflexes of inclinations, affects, drives and
Habits, as well as the consciously perceived mood
triggering impressions such as pleasure and aversion and the associated
or energy forms of feelings that connect with them. Depending on,
which element they spring from, they will either move or
inhibit, tension or relax: e.g. Fear, hope, confidence,
Doubt, happiness, worry, love, yearning, anger, serenity, joy,
Peace, sorrow.
4. The elementals. These are stable pictorial forms, the elementals
Specify higher-level structures and include them in themselves:
the thoughts, ideas, ideas and imaginations.
5. The planets and their zodiacal structures. They make up the specialized ones
Essential cells of the spiritual organs. They grasp the elementals and
Elementals related to the organic unity of the subtle body.
Although the planets are elemental and elemental
These are the other essential cells
superior. Through them acts in addition to the basic 4
Elements still a fifth element, be it the conscious "I AM the ME
BIN "or the deliberate input of an intelligence of the analog planetary
or zodiacal hierarchy. The planetary beings cells form the
actual organs of the ICHSELBST. From them the light body builds up, and he
is nourished and strengthened by the energy and the light matter of the transformed
Elementals and Elementals.

The term "planetary" was chosen because of the anatomy of the
subtle body most vividly with the symbols of astrology
let represent.
Just as one has eyes to see, ears to hear and hands to touch
also the subtle body with special organs of different functions
What separates people from each other is not just that
Consciousness content, but much more, what meaning this for the
Has individual. Depending on how one is capable, with its parts of being, the
Elementals and elementals that are called feelings, thoughts and emotions
experienced to deal with, they will have a different value. Depending on the
personal experiences that one has due to his personal behavior
makes, but also the other way around the personal behavior shape, can be
identify very specific characteristic features that are more accurate
Analysis due to the quality of the personal spiritual organs.
If e.g. If someone sees badly, he will constantly run without glasses. And if
someone loves bad, so does not feel good, who suits him, his "affections"
constantly tearing because he can not control her and he therefore
Constantly falling in love with the wrong man, he always returns with his feelings
of love
Suffer injuries. A consequence of the subtle organ of love,
Affection, adaptation and aesthetics would be attributable to astrologers
Venus in addition.
In the current state of development, most people are 7 - 1 0
Soul organs are so far developed that they as characteristics of the personality
Expressive means of the true ICHSELBST can be consciously handled. Your
Essential cells, the planetary ones, are also the essential cells of the
corresponding ones
cosmic intelligences. Therefore, they are also the links in the
analogous spheres of the intelligences to which they correspond.

m difference to the planet genius, which consists of only one

cosmic principle, the spiritual body of human beings is expanding
Essential cells of all 10 planetary principles. Every principle gives that
human mind a special organ with a very specific
Function for being conscious.
• The sun: The life-creating principle. The organ for the
and self-assessment ability. Out of it springs the first manifestation
of the ICHBIN. The solar elementals shine through everyone else. they form
the subtle basis of the spiritual sphere of experience in the form of the
inner light for alertness, realization and self-realization, in which
the ICH can reflect and become conscious. The "solar" compress
in the elementals to the rays of enlightening power of belief
something or yourself, a very important skill that then becomes the
respective views, opinions and beliefs of the personality
manifest. In the elementals, the "solar" causes the interests as
Basis for the "concessions", which are the first impulses for everyone
Drive, even of love, are needed. Finally, the solar to condense in
the vital as the life-creating principle the earth-bound
Urqualities warm and easy in the form of the life force into the spirit
transform. As a matrix between spirit and matter, they offer that
Consciousness also has a foundation in physical existence
Consciousness carrier. Its densest form is the electrical fluid.

• The Moon: the mellow principle. The organ of feeling and

Reflectivity. From him unfold the essential cells, the
Basis of feeling and feeling are. The whole spiritual
Mood range, starting from the instinctual reflexes of the vital
about the unconscious elemental complexes of anxiety all the way to the
mood-bearing fantasies and expectations, are the Geistorgan
Attributable to the moon. The lunar essential cells determine their direction
and intensity, and they can be grasped via the lunar organ,
control and shape. The moon determines the special one
Integrity into the personal inner or outer world, which is itself
as introversion or extroversion. Namely the ability to work with
which one can be captivated by impressions and perceptions, how one
to turn to them and to break away from them. The densest
Shape is the magnetic fluid.

• Mercury: The intelligence principle, the organ of awareness and evaluation

ability. This Geistorgan determines the flexibility with
one manages his thoughts and ideas. It is up to him how
you perceive, understand and respond to something. How one
Mentally processed perceptions, assigns them purpose-based or
ignored. It depends on the planetary essential cells of this organ
how one can deal with his elementals, like him
• The Venus: the aesthetic principle, the organ of adaptation and
Absorbing capacity. With the Venussinn one loves, one feels something as
harmonious or repulsive and regulates the need for
Security, peace and happiness. The Venus cells determine the
Quality and the content of yearning, feeling and the
Affections, as well as the state of inner harmony.
• Mars: The urgent principle, the organ of propulsion and transmission
reduction capability. With the "Marsmuskelzellen" one brings his will to
Expression and restraints on the other hand, the free impulsive impulses of the
untransformed energies of its elementals, affects and
Desire schemes. It depends on the quality of the Mars cells, how far
one succeeds in warming over the building blocks of his fire element
to use it in order to use it as willpower, or theirs
Shoot forms is delivered.
• Jupiter: the ethical principle. The organ of the judgment and
Sense-ability, which through assimilation and order the
Progress and the growth of spiritual development governs. It
determines the quality of ideal values and personal morality. The
Jupiter cells give the level of the goals, with which one its
personal perfection, but also aspires to his earthly life success,
in front. On them rests the sense of justice, the sense of social
Order and everything in thinking, feeling, willing and acting as
Wisdom reflects. Jupiter brings the state of development of the personal
Mature expression

The Saturn: the principle of bounding. The organ of concentration and persistence.
The essential cells of the preservation,
Crystallization and hedging oriented Geistorganes exist for
Most of the "earthy" building blocks cold and dry. The quality of
necessary inhibitory and holding structures and energies that
one in the form of fear or caution or conscience
prevent planning, or out of sense of duty and responsibility
urge to perform certain (and let persevere) will of
causes the saturnal essential cells. Every act of self-conquest,
of renunciation and self-restraint transform the necessary ones
Earth elements into the spiritual and offers in the form of the Saturn cells the
With the essential cells of the Saturn principle we reach the limit of the
Soul garden. They span the personal consciousness space like one
subtle skin, from which soap bubbles assume the elemental form,
and they go through the interior like a stable skeleton that comes out of the
The rock of experience has grown and gives the consciousness hold and content.
All elementals are made of this living Saturn-crystallized
Aether substance of the Akashas formed.
The organ of the principle of Saturn, however, is not the last, but will still be
superimposed and penetrated by three other sensory centers. These are
not only for the interior of the garden of the soul and the content of
but extend beyond the Saturnian borders. who she
has trained and mastered, they grant insights into the worlds
and levels beyond its own consciousness space:
• Uranus: the liberating principle. The organ of intuitions
recording and conversion ability. The uranian
Essential cells skip as "flashes of inspiration" logical or legitimate
grown elemental networks and structures (sequences of thoughts). you
speak also on alien foreign restructuring and new territory
opening up or revealing impulses and give them to the
personal essential cells continue.
In the world of the gross body, where the foothills of the Saturn cells
make the elementals accessible in the form of memory content and not
stored contents of consciousness at most by the Saturn-stamped
Consciously appear unconsciously, connect the Wesenzellen of the
Uranus, by skipping logical sequences of thoughts, directly with ideas and
Performances in the personal soul garden. It does not matter if these ideas
come from previous incarnations or from other beings
were entered

In the Soul Garden, the Uranus cells connect the consciousness to the
grown space and time qualities directly with the targeted
Objectives. That frees you from there to movement otherwise
necessary impulse energy of the emotions, gives a larger overview and lets
lightning-like how enlightenments capture contexts and spatial cuttings that
otherwise would not be recognized and even far beyond the (own) limits of
Soelengartens can reach out.

Neptune: the cross-border principle. The organ of sensitive

Inspiration ability. Also this Geistorgan connects the personal
Consciousness with content from other spheres. But while the
Uranus cells skip personal boundaries, they open
Neptune cells gently and unconditionally (in good faith), dissolve and spread
like fog and thereby loosen the firm, protective
Saturn layers on.
Neptune cells consist of the finest, most fluid components of moisture
a little cold and are the most fleeting, sensitive, purest, most receptive
Essential cells of the mind. They give themselves everything, reach over the
Soul Garden looks like the finest feelers, living antennae, and
receive, carry into the garden of the soul what "mates" with them, too
the evil or the wrong. They expand in the infinite, are open to everything.
The consequence of this "mediality" is not just inspiration, hunch, and to see
Visions, but also deception, aberration, dissolution of the I Am.
In fact one finds in the horoscope (image of the soul garden) of
Drug addicts, the mentally ill and criminals Neptune
just as often as a significant essential factor as in the birth picture great
Mystic, artist and media seer.

Pluto: The shape-changing and energy-transforming principle. The organ

the transpersonal power of influence. The essence cells of Pluto are
always an expression of power and violence. Massive, compulsive
destroying through them all personal, but also superpersonal
Powers of fate.
In those Wesel cells of Pluto, which does not consciously control and
are mastered, the supergiant energies then accumulate
on the occasion, ignited by demonic forces, destructive
discharged. Conversely, with controlled Pluto cells everyone can
Fate power stops and its own essence of all
liberate negative structures. This form-changing principle is changing
also the ICHSELBST to the basis of a new personality. Without
Pluto would always be the same personal in every incarnation
condensed by Saturn and ordered by Jupiter elementals and
Incarnate elementals. With Uranus you can indeed redress it, with
Refining, alienating or meaningless Neptune, but only
Pluto can do it from within (like the nuclear energy of matter)
break. That one stores the released energy of the
Elementals as a violent break in his existing order, as
Fateful blow, experienced as evil violence, is understandable.
With the Pluto cells one reaches the limits of his creative
Skills gets. This organ, which is indispensable in magic, is
Fully trained only by a few people.
For the incarnations in the gross body is still a soul organ
to note:
The ascendant: the realizing principle. The organ that the
Alignment of the spiritual destined to the earthly world; the astral
Matrix for the individual realization of all incarnating essential cells to the
character-typical form of the whole person and his special
in earthly oriented qualities, interests and inclinations.
The ascendant can use the mouthpiece of a garden hose
compared to the stream of water passing through
incarnating elementals and elementals) its individual
Gives expression. Thus, e.g. flaccid "Fish - Mars" - energies
through the "thin mouthpiece" of a ram's aztec much more
Maintaining pressure and acting dynamically, conversely, an active,
passionate scorpion sun through a e.g. Cancer, fish or
Virgo Ascendants lose much of their dynamic resilience.
The ascendant transmits not only the quality of a single
Section of the ecliptic (zodiac) on the Wesellen cells, but
continues in the so-called "houses". Determine these force fields
the earthly interests and inclinations of the individual planetary ones
Organs and cells and summarize the entire personal energies and
Qualities that incarnate together into a single "life-body",
which dissolves in death in this unique form.

The inner and outer world of the subtle levels

The hermetic anatomy distinguishes four according to the four elements
inner Geistorgane and four outer. The inner ones enable the consciousness in the
physical body and in the soul garden. The outer ones give beyond that
the opportunity to gain insights from others beyond personal boundaries
To gain and also to influence or penetrate levels.
Mercury air - I think (thinking). Venus - water
- I love (feeling). Mars - fire - I want
(Want). Jupiter - Earth - I arrange (Da-sein).
Saturn - Earth - I limit (conscience). Uranus -
Air - I free (intuition). Neptune - water - me
ahne (inspiration). Pluto - Fire - I have to
Sun and moon channel the electrical and magnetic fluid and are the
actual bearer of consciousness. The ascendant summarizes everyone
Organism together.
In the chapter "Tides of Power" (6th BOOK) I also go to the
astrological aspects of hermetic anatomy. I think it's very important
that everyone who takes the hermetic way, with the astrological
Science deals. There is enough good literature today with which to do it
it is possible to acquire the necessary knowledge within a few weeks.
To better understand the planetary structure of the soul organs
I recommend Thomas Ring "Astrological Studies, Volumes 1 - 3).
It was he who G.G. Jung brought up the astrology and the deep ones
understandable psychological mechanisms with astrological symbols
made. For the astrological practice one reads all works of
Arroyo. He offers the most accurate rules and interpretations, such as and
when to realize certain astrological constellations, how to
She experiences and how to use it sensibly to make a living
and consciously shaping his I AM


Even if the ICH uses different bodies (we distinguish the
Vital body, the astral body and the mental body), the personal
Planetary organs, which are to be transformed into the light body, remain as
immediate members always the same. As mental members they do not direct
only the ideas, that is, the elemental essentials of the mental body,
but also the feelings, the elementary cells of the astral body, and
determine the vital vitality, the quality of the ability to act in the
gross body.
What the real essence of the I, which uses these organs, is in it
explain as little as the nature of God. We can only do that
Grasp the essential foundations that the I needs to be as I AM the ME
AM to be aware.
To do this, one has to become aware of consciousness as well as an element of an
essential one
To imagine spirit as the subtle essence of the elementals of the
Thinking, feeling, feeling and willing. Consciousness is one
fifth element that permeates all others in which all others are embedded
like matter in space. (See also page 33 and page 114).
Just as there are room sections, there are consciousness cells. These are but then
no empty space anymore, but filled with the "I" and delimited.
"I am" and consciousness are the same. The content, that is, the being, with which
I identify, consists of what it thinks, and the resulting
Feelings and volitions.
That which one designates with consciousness is therefore at the same time also the
Personality in its entirety with all its facilities, characteristics
and skills. The I, the Consciousness, is the one identifying with it
this self-limiting core (the content summary shell), the
Surroundings filled with personal thoughts, feelings and drives.
Elements of consciousness
Although consciousness is an indivisible unity from the akashic principle, it
nevertheless (like every organism) relies on essential cells which
are analogous to the four elements and without which it would not be consciousness:
1. The content of consciousness. The "I", which is in the idea "ICHBIN"
and thereby acquires its self-consciousness. (Earth)
2. The reception and perception readiness. The passive, silent,
impressionable, observational element that perceives on that too
Feeling and feeling is based. (Water)
3. The thinking ability. The intellect with which the I, the thoughts and
Ideas that underlie the perceptions create and thus
bypasses. (Air)
4. The power of concentration and faith. The "light" of the waking
Attention, which animates the perceptions as a bundled ray
and makes visible and keeps in the field of consciousness. (Fire)
We repeat:
The I AM is consciousness. But without content it would not be aware
(existent). It therefore remains at the highest level of self-knowledge,
as an observer of the idea "I AM the I AM" on the
Consciousness content of this perception as its carrier instructed.
Irrespective of this, the ICH relies on the others constantly
emerging perceptions of his sensations, feelings,
Ideas and drives. It will not be his SELF, though
after all, conscious of existence.
With the planetary essential cells, the ICH has the opportunity to become organs
to form a subtle "light" -lib with which it is itself
recognize and actively, not only as an observer, about his contents of
to command. For this, however, it must first be the planetary beings cells
dominate his organs.
These mental beings, too, consist of elementals and elementals
and these over their building blocks, the primal qualities of the four elements,
can be steered, one can over those elements, which one dominates,
also directing and controlling his spiritual planetary members and organs.

How to design the light body

As mentioned elsewhere, the "creation" of the Lightbody is, though
this in the new form had not existed before, no re-creation. The
Work of the "Royal Art" is a refinement, a purification, a
Reorganization - both the structure of the entire subtle body as
also of his organs and limbs and their essential cells. It is about a
Perfection of the existing.
The material that makes up the light body to be built becomes the "rejected
At that time, as the guardians of the Hermetic
Sciences still worked in building guilds, one used oneself at that time
common symbolism, which corresponded to the existing knowledge. One knew
nothing of the living cells of the body and described the mental
Findings with those symbols that help people understand
corresponded. In architecture, the forestry step of spiritual development
best visible. Today mankind is experiencing its greatest successes in the direct
Intervention in the structures of life, in genetic engineering. It will therefore
everyone immediately
understandable, if we use the knowledge of the building blocks of life on the
Transferring building blocks and structures and replacing dead matter with a
Steins "the essential mental model of a living subtle cell of one
choose the smallest essential mind.
Unwanted (depraved) essential cells, the elementals, schemas and larvae, the
one in the form of bad habits, negative qualities, desires,
Fears or passions against your own will urge you to think something
to feel or to do, are excrescences of free essential cells that the spiritual
Do not obey organs. But they are the ones you need to get out of them
the energy and subtlety of the primordial qualities for his personal spiritual
To gain limbs and organs. Even if you have the subtle essence cells
as little ghosts, they differ fundamentally from
what hermetics refers to as being or intelligence. The
Essential cells are "unicellular" spirits and have, even in their largest
association in
Form of complexes, affects, schemes, larvae, etc., though a consciousness and
a self-preservation instinct, but no vital metabolism. They do not grow
organic like human spirits, genii or gods that are doing more and more
perfect, but much like crystals through formation and accumulation
of the same essential cells. The energy that they seem
^ 54
The energy that they seem
^ 54
Ingestion, when dissolved, becomes again in the form of the indwelling
elementary fluid of the corresponding original quality released and can
be supplied to other essential cells.
Each essence cell thus resolved becomes just like others
tamed elementals or transformed elementals to a building block of
Light body and henceforth subject to personal willpower.
The occult tradition knows different techniques for the transformation of the
Fluid power and redesign of the luminescent material to elementals of
personal organs of the light body. The Gnostic Hermetic uses
of all four methods, which I unencrypted below for the first time
1. The hermetic practice of transformation:
By self-control, the unwanted, parasitic
Larvae and schemes of addictions, desires and passions, the
Fears and bad habits are combated and dissolved. At this
Method is primarily about the recovery of the in the
Soul outgrowing bound energies. At the same time, the
Overcoming necessary fluids strengthened. It's a kind of soul muscle training.

2. The mystic practice of self-refinement:

Unwanted essential cells and excesses are ignored and
isolated and starved. In contrast, positive elementals of
Targeted properties and desired virtues targeted
Autosuggestion, sacrifice and renunciation formed and as often as possible in the
Called consciousness or through contemplative meditation and affection
dressed. The aim of the mystical practice is the refinement, that is the uplifting
of the
Quality of his essential cells.

3. The alchemical practice of solution and reorganization:

It also aims at a refinement of the elementals. For this purpose one uses the
Law of Polarity of Urqualities and Elements. Negative outgrowths
of an element arise when an element outweighs or when the element
Urqualities in an element are not in equilibrium (prevails, for example, in the
Fire element the warm, elementals of wrath, impatience,
the lack of control). The excess of warm but can into the air element
in which e.g. purposefully elementals of cheerfulness, the
Frankness or generosity are to be developed. The alchemical
Methode not only combats the negative, but transforms it
Element into another and thus causes a cleaning


The alchemical
Methode not only combats the negative, but transforms it
Element into another and thus causes a cleaning
of the element and harmonious rearrangement of the balance of the elements
among themselves.
4. The magical practice of the four-pole magnet:
The techniques of hermetic, mystical and alchemical practice will be
extended by special formulas, rituals and aids. The goal is through a
Refining the essential cells and strengthening the personal willpower
to create the entire balance of its elements. This automatically causes a
Perfection of the structures of the Geistorgane of the
Light body.

5. The quabbalistic practice of Franz Bardon: Who this difficult

Technology dominates, thus directly the planetary and zodiacal
Essential cells for the subtle limbs and organs of his
Design light body.

Depending on personal maturity and temperament, the one more to that,

others are more attracted to this technique. In the course of spiritual
Development can also be a temporary focus.
With increasing knowledge and growing magical abilities it becomes
then succeed in combining the individual methods.
• The practice of hermetic transformation, however, belongs to the foundation and
Starting point of every hermetic way.
All five techniques have a common goal: building a
Light body, which consists of ghost cells of refined properties and the
Consciousness gives unrestricted power, out of the middle of it
to maintain harmonious balance and ability to move to other levels
However, before applying one of the practices, it is a good idea to look again
to meditate on the construction and function of the body of life, soul, spirit and
light body and
to get a clear picture of the arrangement, task and quality of the
Essential cells of his being, which he has to work on.


On pages 11 - 15 are some typical characteristics of Vitale,
Elementals and elementals are listed, which in their interaction the
personal character of a human being.
The character of a human being, his nature, is nothing else than
Expression of the action of these essential cells that make up the subtle
Body composed. He is the consequence of their life expressions, which one in
Form of habits, sensations, affects and emotions, desires,
Desires and feelings and in the form of ideas,
Opinions, fantasies and ideals dictate the thought-paths, which
determine the affections and the way how to deal with these
(his) emotions bypasses.
Depending on the nature, you experience those coming from within you
Stirring as light and volatile or sustained heavy and responding
as on the impressions coming from outside, according to his
Temperaments either fast or slow, strong or weak. low
Adhere to the objective occasion, whether it be an external one
Situation or an inner emotion acts as a result of qualitative
Being light (extroversion) - strong sticking on the other hand leads to more
Heaviness and weight of thoughts and feelings (introversion).
The ability to solve and bind to structures of
Essential cells, which allow loosening and binding, therefore decide
just as much about the characteristics of the human being as the
Energy factor of his outward temperament.
Both the inner state of mind and the way it comes from
The resulting reaction depends on the mixing ratio of the original qualities.
Warm and cold let one the speed and intensity of the
Energetic, ie the moving, forming force of its essential cells
experience. Dry and damp, on the other handquiet , are an expression of density and
of the substantive, that is the carrying mass, for the support of the
Energetic. Of course, with substantial mass, it is not grossly material
Fabric, but the subtle light substance of the mind, the elemental
Share in the elemental power meant.
From the harmonic interaction between the four primal qualities that
cause the drive and support, it depends, which essential cells of the
four elements can form in the subtle body of a human.
The essence of a human being is made up of these essential cells
The alchemist speaks of "Prima materia" and means this
Starting material, the "stuff" he works to put him in the philosopher's stone
To transform (light body).
The Hermetic knows that the rocks are living stones, the
The essence of his being, which, as soon as he controls it, to
Essential cells of the limbs of his body of light. The instance that
regulate to intervene in the interplay of personal elements
capable and able to direct the subtle body quiet and
to transform, is the consciousness, the true I Am. It relies on it
those essential cells that deliberately planned, wanted and controlled
Imaginations follow. These then form the actual spiritual structure of the
planetary organs of the light body.
• One must therefore distinguish between the subtle bodies
(Life - Astral Body - Mental Body) and the Light Body.
The essential cells of the subtle bodies are the vital, elemental and
Elementals that are in the physical body as "temperament", individual
Characteristics and personal characteristics emerge and their
untamed outgrowths in the soul garden as essential spirits
can face. The light body, on the other hand, is the bearer of consciousness,
who serves as an immediate tool of consciousness, dominion over his
to exercise other consciousness bearers, which also gives access to levels
other beings outside the personal soul garden wins. He insists
Although just as elemental beings cells as the subtle body,
however, they became one of the essential cells through the targeted transformation
higher order. They were governed by the act of conscious control
purified, refined and newly classified, intquiet o essential cells of the
"planetary organs" of the higher, more complicated, spiritual organism, which we
Uchtlejb ^ call. Light body because its subtle "leg and flesh"
(the vital, elemental and elemental) no longer follow their own impulses,
but the immediate commandment of the ICHSELBST, which is modified in form
Light pulses manifest, obey. The limbs of the light body therefore press
directly the commanding imaginations of the personal will, but not
more, by acting on them (the consciousness), they move
The limbs of the light body therefore press
directly the commanding imaginations of the personal will, but not
more, by acting on them (the consciousness), they move
or changed (although that seems to be happening), but because they feel like
immediate expression of the true I AM the state and commandment of the
Change consciousness accordingly by itself.
The axis of consciousness
The possibility of the consciousness to reveal oneself depends on
which is ennobled and dominated by the essential cells on which it is based
were. For only these form the cells of the limbs and organs of the
Light body. Unlike the other essential cells, these are!
Essential cells are four-pole structures, which are defined by an immovable middle
in the
Be kept in balance. Therefore one must with the cleaning and
Refinement of its essence first of all the causes of its imbalance
search and eliminate. Only from this middle can be four-pole
To shape the essence of cells.
Bardon has designed the model of the "soul mirror". Here are the
Characteristics that one finds in itself (a horoscope analysis can
additionally very helpful), according to the underlying elements
ordered and juxtaposed. It's not like that in the beginning
important that one recognizes all his characteristics and assigns them correctly.
Because of the original qualities, which are known to always be in two elements
It is often difficult to find the right element
To determine property. The thing that matters is that you have one
Sensation, a feeling and an idea of what the
Primal forces acting behind the properties are. Only who is able to do that
can empathize with the elemental primordial primordial qualities
by activating the respective opposing forces to dominate his essential cells,
direct and transform.
As soon as (by enough transformed cells) the
Organs and limbs of the light body can have a certain stability
the inner balance (of the four elements) even without hermetic analysis
kept lighter and can be found quickly "in the loss of the middle".
The actual backbone of consciousness is one of the
Conscience element formed axis, which is beyond the essence of his self
extends and is aligned to the middle of a higher order, after
she is oriented.
The myths surrounding the mystery of the North testify
from that. The Rites of the Pole Star, which one z.T. still in the mysticism of
revolving) dervishes, in the Persian Sufi tradition and among the Taoists
can point to this center (the zodiac - ie a higher one)
Systems). At the pole, in the dormant center, they thought of the place of the
out of one as through a gate the earthboundness overcoming into the higher one
Order of the solar system. If the earth axis were not at an angle to
If the sun's orbit were inclined, the sun would be below that point
never go down. Just because that is not the case and the axis is not fixed
focused on one point, we experience day and night, the four
Seasons, light and darkness in changing sequence.
Just as the inclination of the Earth's axis to the ecliptic causes light and
the personal "affections" effect the tides of the soul
Darkness in the human being is experienced as happiness and care, hope and
Fear, power and powerlessness, knowledge and aberration, freedom and rigidity,
Consciousness and nonbeing. But if you have the axis of its middle once
tracked down, one can change out of her and her passion (his passions) and
avoids that one-sidedness of its essence, from the overview and
Power granting sublime center, back into the depths of the surging
Pull elementals. What kind of spatial planning of the "created world" are the four?
Directional directions mean that results in the subtle worlds
the ordered succession of the four elements.
The four elements are also facets of an indivisible unity. You can get yours
Imagine foundation like a spinning top turning. Because actually they are
four primordial qualities, which are the origin of the four elements, in constant
Move. As a result, the emergence of the elements is a constant
Change, and it gives the impression of having four
to do separate units. (Figure page 65)
On the subtle level, qualities are places. Like attracts like.
Therefore, the qualities are pushing to their place. But it does not come to one
Divorce, but to a vibrant interaction with the others
Elements that are first in the form of electrical and magnetic fluid,
and then in living organisms as the vital energy of life force
manifest. Depending on the direction (element quality) in which the currents are
flow, the corresponding elementals of this element are reinforced with the
Fluids supplied this life force.

generally known
automatically flows more energy into a stretched muscle than a muscle
relaxed, not activated. This also applies to the mind and soul muscles.
But as soon as one of the four primary qualities outweighs and not through
Elementals of opposite properties can be balanced
there is a disruption of elemental equilibrium; the "gyroscope" l
will tend in this direction, and the analogous essential cells
(Properties) degenerate. The backbone of the light body can be the
Axis of consciousness only as long as it is on elementals,
which are in balance, can support.
Because (as in any organic system) it is circular
Interaction acts and the Urqualitäten also in pairs in the form of the four
Elements may experience a disruption of their balance to two
Affect types (levels):
• Either one of the two primary qualities is stronger in one element
• or the properties of an element occur frequently.
In both cases, elements of negative traits develop
form. Because only out of the harmonic balance can
positive characteristics arise. As long as e.g. in the personal fire element
Warm and dry can be felt equally well
Develop elementals such as courage, confidence and energy.
However, when warm over dry, this causes a shift
Focusing on the light, loosening, "untenable" of the
Air element. There are more and more "negative" elementals, the hectic,
Carelessness and exuberance cause, form. In contrast, when dry predominates,
thus arise through the increased influence of the "ego" centered,
elemental of self-will, recklessness and brutality.
The axis of consciousness will also be too many positive
Elementals of an element tilt on one side in this direction.
Therefore, even "positive" essential cells can reach the elemental equilibrium in
Disturbing the consciousness field of a human being. As soon as they occur heaped
up and
thereby one-sidedly emerge the element from which they spring
that at the expense of the opposite element.
Positive features usually oppose the opposite
Effective force of the opposite element.

They are only then

really positive when in complementary consonance with the positive trait
of the other element. That is, however, in the predominance of an element
rarely the case.
• Outweigh the elementals of an element, even if these are positive
Expressing properties usually suppresses or weakens that
automatically the essential cells of the opposite element.
Who e.g. the air element has become more pronounced and in the capricious
Unpredictability of the air elementals feels comfortable, often has problems with
restrictive custody of the earth element, and who the energetic of
Fire element has developed strong, it often shows weaknesses in dealing with
Properties of the quiescent water element.
The energetic, courageous, powerful daredevil is often ruthless and
felt rude. With him outweigh the Feuerelementare, what at the expense of
Water elementals go so elementals of compassion, gentleness and
Patience is missing (power is known to spoil the powerful). And who always left
stays (a lot of water), is in danger
l become impassive if he does not specifically his enthusiasm
| Tried to increase (fire).
• The preponderance of a primary quality usually brings two elements,
namely the juxtaposed out of balance, the
Prevalence of an element on the other hand reduces the quality in the first place
of the opposite element.


For the hermetic good and evil is known to have other than the usual
moral meaning. There is nothing bad that does not look good either
pulls and vice versa: without fear as a brake, cockiness would be the most
to run into misfortune. Grief and worry direct the eye to others
Values and bring about important insights and learning processes - egocentricity
the ICH prevents it from losing itself - anger signals to the opponent that he is
Lustbegehren provides the drive, moves and leaves the
Overcoming laziness, stress keeps you awake. Doubt is the necessary counterweight
Good faith and encourage research.
But fear should not lead to cowardice. Care can not make you depressed and
Do not degenerate ego-centeredness into selfishness. Lustbegehren does not have in
Addictive behavior ends, and stress can stimulate, but does not need confusion
donate. Doubt should not be the basis for nihilism and anger is not
To lose self-control.
• Bad is always just the "too much" or the "too little".
The primordial powers, which cause evil in man, are therefore the same
their right to exist as well as the powers of the so-called good. The
does not mean, however, that one should indulge in negative emotions.
For as soon as they appear, that is a sure sign that they are
already too powerful and must be put in place.
There is no regular course, where it is not always an over or
Fall short of the targeted goal comes, and only the current
Correction of the actual values allows the setpoints to be reached. This is true in
for the room thermostat of the heater, for the countless steering corrections
Driving through a bend by car (the captain of a river steamer notices
in a current curve, the over- or understeer even more) - that is true
also for the circular system of controlling its essential energies to the
To keep consciousness on course in the stream of its emotions.
Thus, if "good" is the middle, that does not mean that
Perfection can be found on the middle ground. Perfection is not the middle
(on the cross) or the world (north), but stands over it (like the
Risen or the Polaris). Perfection is not a condition
but the ability to keep this state out of sight.

The too much and too little results from mistakes by the over- or
Understeer, but at the same time provides the extra energy and
Light substance. (Even the masters of aviation, the albatrosses, gain the energy
for their admirable sail art by plunging into the depths
to use the momentum). What to do in the modulation (Transformation
by self-conquest), then becomes as essential cells of the light body the
form the actual "shape" of the ICHSELBST.
The perfection of man has not been lost, no one has yet reached it.
(Even the prince who sought the pearl was not king of his land, and Christ
was born as a child in a stable. Even the Earth's axis as a visible symbol of
Center of spiritual connections does not remain aligned with the Polaris,
but fluctuates around it in 25,000 years) - what was lost and that
Consciousness always slips back, is the ability to perfection
recognize and target. This ability interacts with the
attempts to attain it, and only with it does the degree of
Perfection. It is therefore a long way and a way of small steps.
The many small steps always start with the formation of good intention. With
the aspiration grows in the ideals, and in the pursuit the abilities grow.
And the one who helps the individual on his way, the so often cited figure of light
(the angel of light, Christ, Hermes, or God) is not an old higher one
divine SELF, which one has lost, but one's own light body, one
first characterized in his ideals by means of imagination and then by
his conscious striving out of the already refined essence cells to his
has built up a higher consciousness bearer. Just like you first imagine this
and then to unite with it, one can later, carried by this image,
to unite with its analogous deity, to enter into its level.
The Christ, the God, the angel, they can only help as far as they are as a template
the model - which, however, everyone has to reproduce before he is aware of it
misplaced - serve.
It would be wrong, however, if one were to deny the existence of this hierarchical
Deny intelligence and consider it possible to do so only in the form of one's own
or she with the shadowy imagery of the personal beings in the
confuse own soul garden.

They exist just as center and

Surrounding a field of consciousness (its level), like every "I" conscious center,
content and environment of the personal
Soul garden is. And they consist of the same essential cells as the
People. The difference is just the quality and individual structure,
after which these cells become the special "mind" that then makes the intelligence
and by which it presides, are ordered. According to the law, that
on the subtle levels it seems to be the same space
and connected to each other, you're actually over his
Essential cells with other beings, the elementals and elementals more equal
Quality in itself, connected.
The sublime middle: the fifth element
Those elementals that not only let you experience existence, but also
due to their four-pronged spirit structure also enable his thinking,
Feeling, wanting, and consciously consciously perceiving from the middle
and to control, are the often described "Divine Sparks," the
allegedly stuck in every human being. From them then builds the
"Light body" on, but because of some such "sparks", which perhaps the perfection
suspect and trace it - for a long time
unable to express the actual perfection of a god.
(Perfection also has many levels).
With "out of the middle" is not "heart thinking" or out of the "belly"
meant. Different traditions try through exercises where you can do that
Consciousness in this (or other) body region, the sensation of the
Detachment from the usual body, emotion or imagination
to convey. Properly executed can be so indeed indeed a
achieve controlled body-dissolved state of consciousness (trance) (some
achieve only an emotionless rest and still think they were
in "Samadhi") - but only when the consciousness is in an upscale state
has enough many four-pole elementals as a prop, it is able of the
new point of view from his thinking, feeling, willing and (conscious) being
at the same time to survey and to coordinate - without being in one direction
inclined to lose one side. Thus the axis of the center, on which
can raise awareness about his bodily point of view,
stable enough, as many quadrupole elementals as possible must be worked out

Of course, it is a superstition, to say, this "divine

Essence Cells "fly you to meditate or
can through other one-sided practices, magic formulas, endless
Prayers, prostrations, meatless diet or other secret
Practices or rituals or ordinations are obtained. • The essential cells that the
Consciousness of the true I AM wear
need to be systematically involved in everyday life, even and consciously,
to be collected.
It rises above
What is the Sufi of Polaris and the Christian mystic Christ on the cross,
The Hermetic is the center of the four elements. It is not enough, this center too
hold, because as long as one directs the view in one direction only, the
Mind axis anyway. One must stand above his middle and (as well as
the consciousness in the body simultaneously grasps and feels its limbs)
subtle elements - to grasp and feel at the same time. The western one
Hermetics calls this fifth element, with which the four others simultaneously
grasp (because they are embedded in it the way things are embedded in space
are) Akasha. Precisely because Akasha is the absolute empty space, his closes
infinite infinity, and combines everything.
The exercises for shifting consciousness into this fifth element were by Bardon
described in detail. For practice in daily life I have in the chapter
"Exercises for Masons" (3 BOOK), a completely unmagical exercise plan
designed. You just have to make it a habit, above yours
personal standpoint. This usually rests on elementals that,
according to their element, always allow to capture only their own environment.
Excessive means, therefore, that you do not just look at the emotions
or ideas that carry and move you right now, but that one
with the necessary distance also the consequences of his feeling, feeling, thinking
Wills recognizes and only then acts and, if necessary, based on elementals of
contrary element, deliberately counteracts. You have to go beyond the level "time"
(which effects will result from my actions for the future) and "UmRaum" (which
consequences arise for my neighbor).

According to the four elements, consciousness is based on four

Partial personalities, which, like the ICHSELBST, are the center of the
Can see consciousness space. But since the true I Am and that
Consciousness are identical, you realize only then that you are not even the middle
if you stand above your four personalities and stand by yours
Act oriented. As soon as one recognizes then that these are nothing else than
Consciousness-bearing members of one's own being, they merge into one
subtle body, whose limbs one (as well as the limbs of the
gross body) and one at the same time "theirs"
To convey sensations and needs, (to) feel and to feel one
Obey, if you try. That's exactly what creates the solid foundation
the personal middle, which is composed of four-pole elementals.
If you tune your four strands reasonably, so be
Feeling, feeling, thinking and willing consciously and simultaneously grasped and
At the same time, one becomes the circumference of its essential elements (in which
they are
embedded and integrated), which embraces them.
In the retreats for Masons and the Logenvortrag "magic of the ritual" I have
described in detail and discussed the various possibilities that the
"Everyday life" offers spiritual perfection. It is completely irrelevant
which of the subsequently mentioned techniques for transformation then respectively
be applied. Important is the constant vigilance and willingness
the axis of consciousness, which is naturally always in one direction
will tilt, after the higher light (so that no shadow falls), the
Polarstern, the Christ as the center of the four crossbars (elements) his
align following.
For some, the phenomenon of the "middle" and the "axis" may be
more understandable when we consider the elementary outgrowths, the schemas and
which are the cause and consequence of a disturbed balance, as well as the
psychological tradition as a shadow, but as a shadow with the one fixed
is grown, see. For even the soul outgrowings point in like shadow
the direction in which the axis of consciousness slopes, because through
Attention and concerns shift the center. Be in that direction
to form more and more inclinations or fears, which then, if not through
opposing essential cells are provided for balance, the inner uniformity
even more disturbing.

Rightly, therefore, the "shadow" as something

Negative, which eludes one because one does not control it, considers
and the goal of every therapy is to become one
to oppose and dissolve it. For orientation (picking up the shadows)
In the first place the Hermetic uses the gentle impulse with which the conscience
reports, and regular introspection.
Let's briefly repeat what constitutes the four-pole nature of a being cell:
Due to the analogy laws, there is a connection between the elements
and the four basic essentials on which consciousness is based.
• The fire element comes in the drives and desires and in the
Willpower with which one is able to direct them.
• The water element creates with its essential cells the "feeler" and
allows the emergence of feelings.
• The air element forms all the basic essential cells necessary for the
Perceiving, recognizing, thinking and reacting, thinking and thinking
the intellect are necessary, and
• from the earth element form the essential cells that make it possible
to summarize all three members in the "I" -bin. It fixes with it
Position of the consciousness, which only in co-operation with the
can become aware of other entities SELF.
Each center creates a new element through the connection. This element
corresponds to the building block of a higher order, in which this incorporated
is - (like the atoms united to a molecule, or which united to a cell
Molecules, or the combined into an organ cell associations) and opens up a
new dimension.
Since we are accustomed to think two-dimensionally, neither a four-pole
Elemental still represent the four-pole nature of man vividly. you
always thinks to grasp what you are looking at, and always looks at it
only in one direction.
This also applies to perceptions from the personal inner worlds. The
Following an idea, reading a book, engaging with specific ones
Thoughts - (which activates the limbs of the air element) - leave one's feelings
(Water) or forget yourself (earth). Certain instincts, affects, emotions
(Fire) often supplant the best intentions. Some feelings (water) rob
one's mind (air).

Too much, so
unnaturally grown and thus not secured self-confidence
(Earth) degenerates into egoism at the expense of compassion.
That is why you not only experience the environment, but also yourself for the most
one-sided from a point of view and not fully out of his
First of all, you must have your three limbs, thinking, feeling, wanting to be
to reconcile the consciousness, and then also this body-bound one
Consciousness as an essential element and looking for a position from the
one's four limbs like the four directions of a map from above
at the same time.
One sees, strictly speaking, the three-dimensional space only in two
Dimensions because you have no eyes at the back. (We always only see what
approaching us, or what moves away from us, and therefore have
biggest problems, the position of the existing moment, the only one for us
real value in the flow of time to experience).
The human imperfection is reflected very clearly in the
Arrangement of the body senses. If we had 6 eyes and 6 ears and 6 noses and
Mouths with tongues, through which we see the environment from the front and the
back, from the right
and on the left, from the top and the bottom at the same time, see, hear, smell and
could, we would more easily have an idea of the true nature of
preserved subtle body. Only the sense of touch leaves you over the
Nerve pathways experience all his limbs simultaneously. In fact, the equivalent
Touch the earth element, on the subtle levels of those
The bearer of consciousness is, from which one gives one's other elements-members
can capture at the same time.
In the garden of the soul and on the subtle levels it is easier, the
To track manifestations of the elements simultaneously. On the physical
Level, this presents difficulties. They come in the form of
different physical states and can only one
appropriate sense organ are perceived. This will be the
Attention and consciousness splinters.

The fire element is perceived in the form of light over the eyes and
lets us perceive the environment in the form of pictorial impressions. The
Air element makes the acoustics possible and expresses itself in the emotion-
inducing music and in the conveying sense of the language. The
Water element brings us taste impressions (the sense of smell belongs
also to). And the earth element fills the entire body as a sense of touch
and sense of balance, including all sensations of the personal
Feeling of vitality and well-being.
Just as all sensations united by the body at the same time perceived
can all be collected in consciousness (which corresponds to the earth element)
Perceptions and thereby enable a coordination of the senses (elements)
and a connection of space and time (seen subtly between the two
Levels). A sea or hay smell awakens images of holiday experiences, one
certain music triggers feelings, pornographic pictures sex lust, etc.
Analogous to the physical elements are also the subtle elements in
Interaction with each other and must be coordinated. To
comes the already mentioned interaction, that between the outer and inner
Elements exists and about the part personalities or consciousness members
Thinking (air), feeling (water), wanting (fire) and earth (consciousness of being)
can be balanced with each other. Knowledge then becomes
Wisdom, from feeling harmony, from wanting the creative impulse, and in the
Unification through conscious control finds the ICH its true I AM.
• A perfect four-pole elemental of the Lightbody has four facets: Wisdom,
Beauty, strength and awareness.
The most comprehensive knowledge remains one-sided reflection (air), if not
(Earth), full of compassion and consideration (water), by actions (fire)
realized and implemented.
Forbearance, tolerance, sacrifice (water), must be of foresight (air) and
Strength (fire) be worn, otherwise it will not remain conscious (earth) controlled
of compassion and may even cause disadvantages for the person concerned.
Courage and decision (fire) will be without intelligence (air) and compassion
(Water) in bravado (disturbed fire) degenerate.
Concentration and disciplined self-restraint (earth) without the need for harmony
(Water) is at the expense of the joie de vivre in simple (air) asceticism
(disturbed earth),
It shows that even those elementals whose original qualities are balanced
and we therefore consider it to be positive, disturb the elemental balance, though
they are not consistent with the other three elements as well.

The quality of the elements results from the quantity of the original qualities
What the philosophy of antiquity has not handed down to us, makes us
hermetic psychology clearly: the four primary qualities are not just the
known compounds, e.g. Warm with dry results in fire, etc.,
but they also occur in different ways in the context of these connections
Mixing ratios. Get it, the respective one
Mixing ratio accordingly, the elements a different expression.
As can be seen on the color chart page 75 above, there are e.g. a fire that
evenly warm and dry, one whose warm already with the warm
the air is mixed, and a fire, the dry even in the dry
Earth share has.
Only from these threefold overlaps do the sliding ones form
Transitions from one element to another and from one plane to the other
next. Without them, the infinite variety of properties would not be

This results in three very specific forms of expression for each element, a total
of 12 directions that are in the specific mental cells,
which form the structures of the signs of the zodiac, find their expression. It
but beyond the scope of this book, I would go next to the
already described essential cells, the vitals, elementals, elementals
and planetary ones, even going into this zodiacal. Only so much
notes: Zodiacals behave like "Planetars" in the same way as the
Elementals to the elemental behavior; they change a force and
specify the structure of the energy pathways.
But even these "highest" essential cells remain on the primal qualities as
Basic building blocks instructed. That the elements are the different ones
Producing properties is only possible because of the
Linking the Urqualities also change this their property.
Damp, e.g. is not just the opposite of dry, so easy, relaxed or
limp, but shows, depending on whether it is associated with warm or cold,
also other qualities. When damp is combined with warm, it becomes easy
rises and dissolves itself dissipates the drive of the
fiery warm following in all directions. On the thought and
Feeling arise through this "humid" essentials of the air, the
as far as the balance of elements is not disturbed, qualities like cheerfulness,
Optimism, foresight, versatility - or in the case of bad faith,
Superficiality, distraction - can cause.

When damp is connected with cold, the essential cells of the

Water element. The movement is directed towards the earth, follows the gravity,
seeps into crevices, filling cavities, collecting, not spreading, since the
active drive of the warm is missing, flows smoothly against surfaces and
following existing foundations. (This apparent suction arises
by passive backflow and must not be confused with the active
tension of the dry!) The moisture of the water thus affects everyone
Characteristics that demand adaptation and suppleness, such as: empathy,
Compassion, gentleness, etc. -or disturbed relationship: sentimentality,
• Since there are always the original qualities that determine the quality of an
I do not have the properties in the pages 12 to 15
usual form according to the elements, but according to the inherent
Combined original qualities.
The list is not exhaustive and should be read by everyone
Readers themselves supplemented and rewritten according to their personal feelings
become. It is less important that each property is the right one
Element, but that one the cause, thus the direction, from which the
personal weaknesses and strengths get their impulses, knows, so that one
the occurrence of emphases by activating appropriate mostly
can counteract the opposite qualities.
For the one who has grasped the essence of an original quality, it does not matter
if he
to warm - cold - wet and dry says. These are terms that, although a
Allow orientation in the system ordered thereafter, but that which is e.g. in the
the water element only sees the solidified rigidity of an ice lump and not
recognizes that "ice" already has a share of dry and thus influence from the
Earth element conditionally, it will create problems, if he tries now, only with
and not with damp to counteract this.
Unfortunately, neither Aristotle nor Plato has a closer definition for the
primordial qualities
delivered. Perhaps conscious, because the "chemistry" and "physics" of the subtle

because the "chemistry" and "physics" of the subtle

Essential cells is no less complicated than the construction and the
Interaction between the physical building blocks of life, the
Molecules and molecular chains, which are the qualities of living cells

These findings from today's microbiology were missing at that time

Philosophers. As it is with the spiritually spiritual properties to do so
are life expressions of a kind of microbe that is constantly changing
to be in motion and by the touch of others
"Properties" their own "character" (original quality) seemingly
change, whereby these processes on different levels at the same time
hermetic microphysics is even more complicated


Intensity and duration of action of the prevailing primary qualities
vary. In harmonic ideal we experience a rhythmic change
between the elements. However, if the energy flow is not consciously controlled,
it always comes back to one-sided transgressions and excesses
elementary manifestations, and correspondingly violent counter reactions are the
Episode. Since this is a circular system, every change has an effect
not only on the opposite, but also on the connecting
Elements off. Therefore, more warm not only means less cold, but
At the same time, it also requires more drying for the necessary support:
A passionate, spirited person (a lot of warmth) needs more
Self-restraint (dry), so that his energy is not constantly out of his
Version brings. And an increase in concentration (more dry) does not mitigate
only the fugitive (damp) and inhibits the mobility, but also slows down
the energy of the warm - and vice versa.
Too much warmth is the elemental of the fire in the form of a heated temperament
and the elementals of air in the form of carelessness and unpredictability in
Appear appearance. There are more and more essential cells with the
Features: excitability, impatience, cockiness, as well as carelessness, hectic
Exuberance and nervousness.
• The energetic principle alternates between much and little expansion
penetrated, which expresses itself as fast or slow movement.
• The energy-bearing substantive principle alternates between stronger
and weak concentration (tension), which, as it always with the
Energetic is connected, also as condensation (bundling, Polari
sation) or relaxation (dispersion) of the energy.
• Very dry accumulates, becomes dense and heavy, slows down the energy,
it tenses or binds them and causes them to go out of their way (because it causes
Cold arises), or if the tension becomes too great, it will explode, depending on
the relation of the energetic to the substantive and the ability
to compensate for the tension caused by moisture.
• Very humid, on the other hand, offers little resistance and leaves the energy
volatilize or because, as with weak muscles, the tension lacks,

It can thus be two fundamentally different primal powers and

Analogous to this, tendencies and states of consciousness determine:
• The expansive and at the same time releasing force
unbraked fire element, the so-called electrical fluid. It is based
on the original qualities warm and humid and manifests itself over the
Fire and air element in all the properties of these two
Be assigned to elements.
• And the opposite inward power of the
Water element, whose need for rest in the present arrests the
maintain old state or by re-flowing again
wants to produce, the so-called magnetic fluid. It is based on the
Urqualities Cold and dry and manifests itself over the analog
Properties of the water and earth element.
It can be seen from this that one not only attributes one's properties to the four
Elements according to differ, but also the fluids accordingly
can define either as "electrical" or as "magnetic".
Just like the complicated life-regulating neurochemical
in the nerve and brain cells on only two basic functions, namely
Excitation and inhibition are based, can also be the many impulses
the mental - mental essentials on which the consciousness is based
on only two urergies: desire and fear, attributed.
The stimulating, the moving force, flows from the (lust) - honking
(or rebelling), and the inhibiting power necessary to regulate
condenses from anxiety - borne precautions. That goes for everyone
Level. Even the will is nothing but a purposeful, spiritually planned
and directed impulse of desire (for harmony, knowledge or
Justice), and the virtues such as Correctness, steadfastness,
Compassion etc. are based on mental restraint as a result of
Worrying and foresight, the feared discomfort for yourself or
to avoid others.

At the gross level, the (exciting) electrical fluid causes

the electricity, the heat and all related phenomena like fire,
Combustion, light, spread, expansion, etc. The inhibitory
Magnetic fluid manifests itself in the magnetic force, the cold, the
Darkness and everything else that is expansive, divisive, divisive,
counteracts moving principle such as Water, earth, mass and
At the sensation level, the electrical fluid determines the energy over that
Essential cells (Vitale), which are called vitality, vitality, urge to move,
Feels lightness and pleasure and in the form of passions, desires and
Passing affects into those emotions that excite, irritate and "move". The
Magnetic fluid is experienced as a sensation of heaviness, as a burden or
Reassurance, fatigue, slowing down, need of rest, sleep or relaxation,
Preservation, secure hold or deadly solidification.
On the emotional plane, the so-called astral sphere, the
Essential cells (elementals) of the fire and air element of the electrical fluid
invigorates and the water and earth elementals of the magnetic. That means everyone
Feelings that "move" and "release", such as Hope, confidence, affection,
Love, anger, happiness, anger, excitement, etc. - jumping out as "desire power"
the electrical fluid, while those feelings that are the expanding urge
inert, inhibiting or directing, e.g. the fear-born and
(self-preservation) precautionary efforts that hold together
merge, want to unite - also compassion, serenity, austerity
belong to - underlie the magnetic fluid.
On the mental image plane (the so-called mental sphere) are those
Essential cells that illuminate the mind and faith, hope, confidence,
To be awake and to cause freedom, to ignite willpower, ideals and interests
to awaken knowledge and awareness, the electric fluid of the mind
attributed. The malleable elementals that form the silent, receptive,
sensitive soil for the reception of inspirations, the subtle
Dark, the "stuff of dreams", on which are the fantasies
emerge and from which the experiences to be reminded pictures of the
Conscience can shape - are the other, the magnetic pole of the light material
the spiritual levels.
On page 2 you will find the properties sorted by elements, theirs in each case
Fluid corresponding to each other. This not only the
Recognizing dangers caused by one-sided preponderance, even of positive ones
Properties can arise, but you will also find the same
opposite qualities that one must develop to a disturbed one
Restore balance.
It is striking that the electrical fluid causes the "facts", the
magnetic fluid rather the "omission sins".
The structuring influence of these two fields of gravity can be
good. Because for the first rough control of his axis of consciousness
It is easier to balance the two fluids first and then the
To balance quadrupole. You can choose between the properties of two elements each.
The fine adjustment can
you can then make later on an item or an original quality. The
Fluid of a property is also easier to recognize than the elementary ones
Basis or the inherent qualities of the original
If someone is e.g. is phlegmatic and he despite the preceding
Explanation Doubts whether his inactivity now the earth or
Water element is to be assigned, he makes no mistake when he his
Energy deficiency attributed to the magnetic fluid and by conscious
Care of properties that are subject to the electrical fluid,
against controls.
Actually, there is only one energy of creative power and power
that permeates the universe and every being: the electromagnetic Fjula,
that manifests itself in the primordial qualities of the four elements and
depending on
Level appears in different forms.
At the gross level, the force acts as nuclear energy in the
Atoms, flows in the form of electrons as electric current and reaches
in heat energy the most dissolved stratification of its substantial
Nature. In the form of light, the power gains its
completely recreated ability and is about the
particular structures of the organisms as life force into the subtle
transformed back.
Even on the subtle levels, the spiritual energy is bound to different sheaths and,
depending on the matrix, achieves a different one
Expressiveness. It is as vitality and self-preservation instinct in the
"Vitalen", as emotional and emotional power in the "elementals" and as
Will and belief in the elemental cells of the mind.
In every living organism becomes through an alchemical process
first released the life force. This is not energy
which is like a fire caused by combustion, but the in
Gang set heat "breeds" as it were in the matter
included Vitale. Like a seed, gross material
Ingredients of nutrition and body cells and occupy organic
Energy, which consciousness perceives as vitality, free.
The life force appears as a golden light, invigorating, calming,
strengthening, warming, cooling - depending on the elementary direction in which
just flowing.
It follows the imaginations, ie spiritual pre-images, no matter if it is
this is already existing elementals that the life force
put on, or targeted ideas, positive thoughts with which one
she deliberately dresses and deliberately directs.
Just as electric current is formed from the flow of electrons, but
the electrons still represent energy particles, the
Life force, even if in its entirety as a flowing force or as
Energy field is felt, from essential cells, the so-called vital,

They form the densest forms of subtle

Energy and consist of the finest matter of the gross level.
Vitale are drops from the
"Water of Life", from which the spiritual worlds form and enliven.
The Vitale are the "force-substance1, from which the living stones, the true prima
Materia of alchemists constructed elementals. From them wins the
Spirit the power he needs for his self-improvement. That means, ever
The more energetic someone is, the more passions someone has, the more energy is
at his disposal, which, when he controls them, he transforms into the spiritual
The mystery of the Great Mysteries
Some people are fully vital and have a strong one
personal charisma and willpower. They go self-confident and
confident in life while others are anxious and impotent and
at most be moved by their moods. How come that one
have an energy reservoir, the other apparently closed
This knowledge is one of the great mysteries and so far has only been the highest
Initially made accessible to the initiated. Because the subtle forces, the
Strengthening and inspiring people also enlivens the gods and demons. who
Controlling these energies has power and influence on the whole invisible
On the subtle levels, there is nothing lifeless or unconscious, everything
is, floating in the light of consciousness and experiencing what it represents.
Even the smallest spiritual particle of subtle (not visible) light
is an elemental living entity cell.
But the structures of beings who become aware of their nature are
organically grown and include different levels of consciousness. Depending on
Size and complexity in composition include that of a being
bound consciousness content different qualities, and the more that
Being grasped and surveyed from the variety of possibilities, all the more
and he experiences himself more powerfully and his existence.
This applies both to the level of one's own being, the one to a soul garden
appears in which one's own feelings and ideas as one
confronting alien beings as well as the structures of these personal ones
Being parts.

A part of the wrath, the one in the soul garden as

Phantom figure or wild animal appears, is just as basic
energetic and elemental subtle light cells
such as. the wretched demons lurking outside the Sea Garden and
the superordinate intelligences of the higher spheres.
The handling of subtle energies is therefore never one
mechanical or biological process as in the gross world,
but rather corresponds to the work of a tamer or taming
a wild horse that is being prepared for riding. Only with the
Except that one is not on his "power animal" as shamans
call, it is, but is united with him as the Sphinx.
Body - Soul - Mind - Consciousness
Hermetic science teaches:
Man is a spirit being and would not be in his without his body
Able to live or operate in the physical world.
Without a soul, however, the mind could not (and would not) be with the body
Therefore the soul is the connecting link between body and mind.
It is the power of feelings united to a soul organism
both from sensations of the body as well as the idea of the
Can grow up spirit.
The soul energy is thus the power of all the faculties of the senses, and
it expresses the qualities of the mind in the character. How nice
repeatedly stressed that soul energy we should not be as blind force
as the gravity, electricity or nuclear energy imagine.
As the living body consists of living body cells, it becomes
also the soul (the so-called astral body) of soul essence cells
who are themselves beings and feel themselves in the feelings, desires,
To experience moods and desires which they express conscious. there
develop a life of their own and a self-preservation instinct.
Your job is to be the elemental, still physical-level
Life energy via the mental emotions in mental resilience
to make transformable.
The essential soul cells transform the life energy into soul impulses, but they
need these for their own impetus and let it go
Afflicted (everyone is affected) by their nature,
feel, wish, (think and act).
However, its drive is also the driving force of the mind and will, if this over
she can command, to willpower.
But other spirits such. Angels, gods and demons, help themselves
of this soul energy and are about those beings cells with those beings who
connected with the same essential cells. The wrath demon, e.g. is over
Zorneswesenszellen a human soul with this person in contact. Therefore
It is rare that someone is directly obsessed with a "bad spirit". Mostly will
the person affected by his own essential cells and overwhelmed by his own
Soul center displaced to the edge of its field of consciousness.
So far as the soul impulses are meaningful and with the mental considerations
They fulfill as subtle cells with the function of the drive
an important task. You can feel the subtle body like a
Imagine soap bubble of mental light substance in which by emotional stimuli
constantly small (ghost) bubbles arise and pass away.
The energy of the soul is subject to certain laws and passes through it
Switching points, the "soul organs" of the conscious spiritual influence
subject to. The hermetic anatomy describes these subtle organs
analogous to the known planetary principles, which the four basic forms of
Vitality, give the four temperaments, the quality. (See page 39
Hermetic anatomy).
Therefore ideals and virtues, such as Diligence, ambition, sense of justice
and compassion impulses of soul-being cells, without which the mind
would not turn to earthly events.
We distinguish between the so-called elementals, which we as
Perceive emotions, and the elementals, which take the form of
Push ideas into the field of vision of consciousness.
• The elementals form the energetic content, the soul, and the
Elementals are the pictorial, the spiritual forming element of all subtle ones
Elementals and elementals are the living building blocks of ours
Personality. They are in constant interaction with each other and unite
to so-called schemes These as specialized soul-essential parts
However, necessary cells of the subtle body can grow very quickly
powerful "complexes" that then increase the thought
form their way and as fear, addictions or passions the whole
Soul energy to attract.

See also page 122). The healthy ones

Soul beings cells then become energy mutants, as soon as they
to slip away from conscious control, in the form of these enjoyment, emotion or
Anxiety schemes the body with addictions and complexes, the soul with
Fears and affects and the mind with obsessions
dominate. They want to be thought, felt and experienced because they are
to keep alive in the field of consciousness of man.
Therefore, conversely, the instincts and feelings must go beyond thinking
controlled and controlled. Soul Force Vampires will become
Draft horses of the spirit. For the will, the expression and the last
Instance of the Spirit requires the soul energy as a force. The ghost
wins this power to use his will from the energy of
body-related instincts and can this force from the schemes
retrieve. The willpower is therefore no stronger than the soul energy,
but she directs these ideas in a different direction, forms them
and thus subordinates it to the control of reason.
Therefore, most people do not lack energy but control
about the energy flow between body, mind and soul. One does not have to
little willpower, but the energy that should follow the will follows
the patterns of emotions, the fantasies, fears and desires, the passions, emotions
and affects. Even laziness is not based on
Listlessness, but is the result of too powerful
Inertia schemes, which attract all energy, inflate
Costs of other interests and how a cancer may function
Hinder that they should serve. (From the braking,
the returning, calming influence of earth and water temperament
became paralysis in this case).
Spirit and soul food
A healthy incarnate man controls 4 bodies from his midst:
1. The members of the physical body (vital body of the vital.)
2. The emotions of the excited soul (astral body).
3. The thought ideas of the judgmental mind (mental body).
4. The consciousness members of the ICHSELBST (light body)
The body becomes through the life energy, the soul through the
Feeling of emotions, the mind through the power of thought and the I AM through
keep the consciousness alive. In addition to the physical body
Mind and soul are properly and sufficiently supplied with food. But
most forget that.
It is often said that one is "fed up" or "supersaturated with impressions," stuffs
But even at breakfast, mindlessly, with lying-misplaced spirit food
from the morning paper full, eats rage and worry during the day and opens
every evening, the mouth of the senses trudges the emotion schemes trivially
Television production. All this must be digested!
Therefore, it is not at all indifferent what mental impressions
you take in yourself. As well as the conscious positive thinking on the life
wonderful ways to change good, lead the indiscriminate, often unconscious
recorded suggestions and ideas about certain inclinations, which then
decisively influence one's own thinking, feeling and acting. Who can
remember what he ate two or five days ago, but it has changed
nevertheless, millions of body cells developed from it. This also applies to the
Food for the mind.
Healthy nutrition is generally well-informed, but on the mind and
Soul food respects the fewest. Some believe in spirit and soul energy
flow only from "above" from the hereafter or could be connected to so-called
Recharge your batteries. That is true in principle, because there are places of
power and
Tides of power. However, this is a qualitative influence that
It awakens forces, not, even if you feel it, to a quantitative one
Influx of energy. To achieve this one needs a sensitive one
Willingness to receive a trained imagination or a strong
Faith. So long as the mind and the soul with the gross body
united, they are also fed on this.
Through a wonderful alchemical process, people become healthy
from the food, in conjunction with the breath, constantly released Vitale, which in
Form of life force not only enliven the body, but as energetic
Basis of all emotions also the mental mood with
Power drive.
Likewise through the physical sense organs, the mind becomes through the
perceived impressions with those formed into images and images
Elemental constantly new mental tone and light matter
which determines the quality of the interests.

At this mysterious life process are beside those of the conscious

If independent impulses of the sensations also want that
conscious thinking, feeling and willing of the mind equally involved.
Therefore, everyone can determine their own energies as soon as they feel
Elemental (conceptions) creates, which the elementals undesirable
Control affects, fantasies, fears and desires.
He must first of all the elementary parts of the schemes of the
SOLVE elemental parts and then to other, consciously created
BINDING PERCEPTIONS. It is like bursting a soap bubble
Energy (elementals) and light matter (the elementals) free.
Through every act of restraint (sacrifice-renunciation)
schematical mental essence parts divided into their two basic elements. In
Elementals, the energetic part expressed in the emotional life
comes, and in elementals, which are considered mental building blocks of thought
To recognize, to form, to imagine and to remember. Here is the
Force of contraction free to deliver now desired elementals.
One can also illustrate the process differently: From friction
there is heat, and strength comes from the resistance. This is not only true in the
physical world, but also on the subtle levels. That's why
everyone, even the smallest victory, gains an increase over a scheme
the resilience of the will. You can almost make a sport of it
and fight his instincts to deal with this
Soul muscle training to stoke his fire spirits. The inner fire,
which the mystics report is nothing other than that transformed
Power that becomes free when you work on yourself and your soul essence
Let's summarize again: Like the body of living
is built up of small body cells, the mind consists of essential
little ghosts. They experience themselves in the thoughts, feelings and
Wishes they express and become conscious.
In doing so, they develop a life of their own and a self-preservation instinct and
can, as soon as they slip from conscious control, become powerful
Emotions and anxiety complexes grow. From healthy elemental
Soul essence parts then become shadowy energy parasites that are in
Form of passions, addictions, impulses and fears the whole
Soul energy and enormously weaken the person concerned.
For as soon as a complex of essential cells passes over to him
grows out, it is like a cancer tumor at the expense of
other soul parts. (See also page122).

Everyone is affected by this, because they develop slowly, often unnoticed

the inclinations that one cultivates. As soon as you feel weak at first
Teasing, they grow.
That's a vicious circle. Addictions create habits, habits
reinforce passions. These can then continue to the need and that
Need can grow into addiction. (See also page 117).
But no one is born as a smoker, drinker or snacking bag. And you can
conversely, deprive these schemes of energy by deliberately choosing others
Elemental maintains.
Power and self-confidence, vitality and willpower, these are spiritual
Skills, elemental beings of the personality, the one out
Self-restraint, discipline and conscious renunciation grow up, you have to
just try.
Therefore, the patterns of weakness and anxiety, impulses and desires
welcome opponents. Who she on the inner sports field at
Soul muscle training overcomes that gains mental resilience with each
Victory grows and he then according to his will (and not according to the wishes,
who press him) in daily life can use.
Who has ever experienced how wholesome and invigorating it is, if you have his
Schemenvampire overcomes, which soon finds more joy in this fight and
Fulfillment as by dubious enjoyment, the satisfaction of pleasure
would prepare. It becomes an exciting sport, that's what you do
mistaken for oneself, to put in the barriers and to
defeat. There is no other willpower than that energy of the mind that one
previously withdrawn the schemes.

Practice of Hermetic Transformation


First, one uses the hermetic transformation to the necessary one
Willpower for the "great work" to win, and second, to unpleasant
Energy parasites that deprive a life force, turn off.
A sweet, garrulous or vain magician is cosmic
Authority simply unthinkable. Even worse would be outgrowths of passions, neuroses
or addictive behaviors, because these in the course of
hermetical development at the slightest error.
Therefore, the main concern of every hermetic is that he should be as soon as
possible all his desires, passions and weaknesses under his
Control brings. For the first rough work is the technique of hermetic
Transformation most suitable
But before you decide to practice this practice, consider whether you
to dissolve a certain scheme or just want to put it in its place.
• Is it a complex, a passion or an addiction that
Body, mind and soul equally weakens, such as drugs,
Nicotine or alcohol addiction, they will be this until their complete
Fight overcoming. The scheme must be so far resolved that
its elemental image envelope no longer absorb elementary force currents
can. This fight usually takes 2 - 3 years and requires constant
Alertness. Since the subtle essential cells (like the fat cells of the
Body) never completely disappear, but only shrink, the
mental envelopes, by the unconscious attention that one gives their
Follow-up fantasies and performances are dedicated, traced,
To condense again so strongly that they again with energies of the
To fill the desire.
• Smaller excesses on the other hand, surpluses of essential cells that only the
Disturb element equilibrium, but otherwise no major "damage"
to serve, it is better to "tame" only. They are the very ones
ideal energy suppliers, whose resistance is always new
Can draw strength for his will.
In the beginning, mastery is difficult. Because as a rule the
Existing soul outgrowths attract the entire life energy remains
not much left for the actual willpower.
But we know that passions and desires are the schemas
aggregate power of many small "satisfied" desire and pleasure
elemental. You can therefore dissolve them again small. each
overcome, unsatisfied temptation means the destruction of one
elemental part of the eating, smoking, drinking or addiction drug scheme. The
restrained instinctual impulse transforms itself to the strength of the will, which
in the same
Extent grows as the power of the Schemens fades. But you can also
to serve a little trick. Who is too weak, the most powerful schemes,
So to eliminate his biggest personal weaknesses, it gets them
necessary strength, by first of all his less pronounced bad
Habits, emotions, and passions conquer.
• Abandonment and Overcoming: Get the willpower out of the little ones
Weaknesses that you can master. Overcome the gossip (make phone calls
reduce), NeuGIER (delete newspaper reading), criticism LUST (praise instead),
Collector PASSION (separate yourself from your favorite piece), TobSUCHT
(put yourself in the other), greed (give away the money with which you the
wanted to buy the next "joy"). Every renunciation, every slight self-conquest,
every conscious self-restraint is capable of strengthening your will. With the
The energy gained can then gradually become the more powerful schemes
successfully conquer.
The body is easier to control than mental complexes and mental ones
Stirrings. Therefore, it is easier in the beginning to get the power of mind
those vitals that are considered as elementary roots in the form of the
Inertia drives outgrowths. Overcoming laziness, fatigue
and comfort is a particularly productive source of power.
So get out of bed in the morning! Work, move! Already the slightest
Body activity overcomes parts of your inertial schemes and transforms them
paralyzing depressive soul gravity into the invigorating spirit of yours
Willing. Self-esteem arises only from the satisfaction that one provided
Performance brings. You do not have too little energy, you have that
Inertial schemes, the lazier one is, the more
become more powerful, attract the life force in itself. Get back the power,
by doing something.

Consciously enjoy: Many desires do not come from one

Need or desire, but are as a kind of "conditioned mental
Reflex "the sequence of sensations or special situations, such as
Cigarette for coffee or a glass of wine or after sex. The
Snacking after a meal (unless there is a pancreatic disease!), The drink for
comfort, the peanuts for watching TV, the beer for dinner, the coffee in the
morning (unless low blood pressure exists).
Break this power of habit! If already satisfaction,
then not automatically thoughtless, but deliberately wanted and too
a time that you choose beforehand. You do it yourself
subject the schemes to subtle their energy to your mind and not
your mind to the schemes.
Delay: smoke, eat, snack for ten, thirty, or sixty minutes
later, when it urges you. Already in this short endured
Time span you withdraw from the scheme enormously much power that the
Tension of your will flows.
Short withdrawal: Stay a day, a week, a month firmly against
the schemes. The limited abstinence is easier to endure because
the end is foreseeable. Nevertheless, you gain willpower and
make the happy experience that you can do it if you want.
Any further abstinence will be easier later. Reduction:
Determine in advance how much you want for a day, a week, a day
Month, allocate and stick to it. This consistent
Attitude proves that you are still master of your self, and creates
Elementals of self-confidence.
Replacement Action: Use the power of habit to get an unhealthy one
Habit (addiction or passion) into a less harmful one. You will be amazed how
quickly the regular enjoyment
a cup of tea with a piece of crispbread instead of the usual
Wine and the chips in the evening just as a daily need
be as before the alcohol and the fat nibbles. Also jogging
instead of the evening news on TV or in the morning a quiet
Meditation with an edifying book and coffee instead of the day
Sleepy, allow sensations as a basis for meaningful
Replacement schemes arise, which then eliminate bad habits or
transform their mental power.

The technique of hermetic transformation combats the inner opponents

your own weapons. "Defend the beginnings," it is rightly said. Schemes are
slowly growing soul parasites, who, as soon as one surrenders to them, grow larger
but, conversely, they lose their strength each time they resist them.
The practice of the Hermetic Transformation overcomes every addiction.
• Therefore, it is never too late to start the fight. The right time is
always, is today, is now.
• Never say: it does not matter now. On the contrary, the deeper you are in an
or passion, the more intelligence you will gain if
you manage to overcome them.
• In relapses, only see the natural relaxation of the overstressed
Resilience and not a weakness or personal defeat. begin
always new and never let it discourage you. There are no failures
only partial successes. \
• But commit your weakness without reservation. Never say you have her
firmly under control, as long as you have not completely overcome them. Such
are whisperings of the Schemens or a demon behind this
Schemen stands. But be sure that you will master everything
and try again and again.
• The genuine desire to have full affirmation of withdrawal
Basis for the good intention. This is the first elemental cell
for an inner helper who will grow as "guardian schemes" because
He also wants to keep himself alive (in your consciousness). Who only
halfheartedly wants to give up smoking, whose guard will be too
only half-heartedly can fulfill his task.
• Never mince the evil consequences of your addiction. Do not lie to anything,
with such thoughts, the demons that hide behind the
Schemes stand and enjoy.
• Schemes of addiction are addicts, stay in clothes, lurking in
Inns and discos, are from the loud, dissonant
Techno "music" awakened. Avoid these secondary hazards. investigated schemes
are contagious!
Constantly control your thoughts, because ideas arouse feelings
and desires. These again reinforce the ideas.

A cycle
but which can also be used for desirable positive elementals. (Please refer
Figure page 117).
So be aware of the joy you feel in every victory.
Instead of the body-related pleasure sensation by the relaxation at
The gratification of a need is the spirit-worn happiness
about strengthening the personality by overcoming the instinct
be awakened. Instead of the pleasure of enjoyment, the joy of the
gained willpower. Also the "elementals of joy"
connect to a scheme that wants to keep alive. This
he realizes that he is an invigorating one with every mastered renunciation
Energy boost receives, and soon even makes sure that he as often as possible
is called into consciousness. The confrontation with yours
Weaknesses then becomes a most enjoyable occupation for you,
to a satisfying mental sport. You know that everything is you
somehow harassed, can become a source of power for you.
Quantity and quality
When you dissolve a scheme or parts of it, its content
To transform, one always has to do with two factors:
1. With the energetic "soul" portion in the form of an elementary.
By this we mean the small quantity bound in a being-cell
a special elementary uranium energy: e.g. Lustbegehren, suffering
fear, fear, love, hatred, sluggishness, impatience, curiosity,
Idealism, fanaticism, joy, confidence, hope, sadness, etc.
2. With the substantial "spiritual" portion in the form of the elemental
connected elementals. This refers to those from mental light
Fabric pictorial structure and hull that gives the energy its special
Direction gives; e.g. the picture of a cigarette or the idea of a cigarette
certain sense of pleasure, the information that every true
perception, every thought, every idea underlies, they become conscious
leaves and makes transferable. The word conceivable in the word.
If one then dissolves, e.g. a nicotine scheme that happens as soon as you do
If you do not give in to smoking or ignore it, you will find that in the
Nicotine schemes stored and now released energy streams, the
Lust elementals, seeking to associate with other elementals, e.g. Pictures of
Candy and chocolate, to change clothes and in the affected person new ideas
enliven with desire for pleasure. The same goes for vanquished schemes of fear,
inertia, anger or self-preservation. Elementals are not blind
Energies, but the living essential parts of our subtle nature,
who want to keep themselves alive. Elementals and elementals therefore have
the desire to unite with each other.

Elementals only get through the elemental part into the

mental level. With the idea they enliven, they receive at the same time
From thought material a kind of light dress and thus have in the consciousness of
Concerning a place and a chance of survival.
• Elementals, on the other hand, need the mental structures of an imagination
again the invigorating power of the elementals and attract them. First
filled with their energy, they can express the quality that they express
Elementals and elementals thus form a unit such as e.g. Power and power or
Quality and quantity and strive for a separation again. Therefore must
the energy that is released as soon as possible, consciously, with willed
Performances connected to a new task can be fed or saved.
Where that does not happen, the elementals automatically reconnect
Elementals after the pattern of remaining remnants of Scheme or follow new ones
mental picture structures.
That is the reason why so often in diet and weaning cures relapses the success
nullify and explain the emergence of new needs in overcoming
an addiction, if e.g. turns a smoker into a "nibbler".
But it also explains the emergence of obsessions, religious delusion,
Fanaticism and the senseless exaggerations of the ascetics in the renunciation of
Joie de vivre and enjoyment.
Because not only earthly oriented elementals, so thoughts and ideas
of instinctual impulses, but also ideals and spiritual virtues, which the
ego-centered soul energies change, refine and in mental power
Once they have been transformed by the spiritual light of them, they can transform
clearly drawn attention
were to develop a life of their own. They are living, personal
Essence cells. So radiant, they look like one
Antenna for analogous elemental energies that infuse them with them
to fulfill their power. For a hermetic who ignores this, it can
have fatal consequences. I published about these dangers occultist
Practices already in the sixties in the "Other World" and 1988 in
"Anubis" an article that I give here in full:

Magic exercises are not a bauble!

In 1958 I had the following experience. It was in Vetlanda, one
Small town in Sweden. I just had a visitor from Vienna, a good friend,
with whom I felt very connected, since we have been together for years
researched. There was a lot of news to report and we went in the evening
Experiment with a pendulum rod, which I follow the instructions of an old
Sweden, which I often met in the forest. Then went
We went to bed and argued long before falling asleep.
Our beds were with their feet to each other and fit exactly
between the walls so that there was no space left. Suddenly I had
the feeling that I am insane in a whirlpool of red and black flames
rotate. A green, scary head approached me and wanted to enter me
penetration. I was scared like never before and believed to be uplifted
become. Somewhere I heard my name call and woke up. I found myself
Sitting at the far end of my bed and came slowly to me. in the
My friend sat opposite the bed, also straightened up, and was still shouting
my name.
My bed, as I noticed, was leaning diagonally against the wall. The
The headboard was stuck at 40 cm height with both feet on the wall,
and the next morning we were able to scratch marks on the wallpaper
realize that it must have risen about a meter. In the room was
a big mess. Books and records lay scattered on the floor.
On some books stood the table.
After we calmed down, my friend told me: he
had been woken up by a cold breeze and wanted to get up to
close the window. This was closed. Then he saw that I was
sat in the middle of the bed and stared in horror in front of me. It was around my
a strange green light that seemed to shine from my eyes.

Then the upper side of my bed began to lift. I should go with it

screamed terribly and moved up to the end of the bed
his. He shouted my name a few times and then turned on the light, and I went to it
came to me.
At that time we suspected that the experiments with the pendulum were the cause of
Had been spooks. It was a nine-thread spiral
Fine gold and silver wire with a magnetic iron tip. The whole thing was stuck
on an elderberry stick and should be especially suitable for incantations.
Today I know that the pendulum was quite innocent. The real cause
were the magic exercises that I have practiced unilaterally for months. Like
everyone else
Beginners I focused on exercises that I liked and
neglected others. I exaggerated asceticism and tried my will
to steel any way.
Through this I created a power reservoir whose stagnation had to be discharged
she has not been linked to a task. Every force through
Willing exercises is transformed, must consciously with a property, a name
or sense, when it is supposed to be under control. She connects
otherwise automatically with a part of the so-called subconscious (others
unobserved essential cells) and then acts independently, usually against us, or
can also be abused by beings.
This is an important law in practical magic. Derived from this results:
Every attribute, idea or goal we are working towards soon connects
with a power to realize himself. This power is taken from us, if
we do not consciously create them through voluntary exercises or control the idea.
Most beginners disregard this fact or do not know it yet.
Magical exercises are not a gimmick. Nobody will come up with that
Fingers on a power line to fumble. But believe in magic
many, just to be able to imagine and meditate, even though it is
far more dangerous powers that you come into contact with.
That's why many students give up after a few months
be forced to do so by fate. Divine Providence
prevents damage that sooner or later will occur to the mind and soul
The right way is therefore to evenly with mind, soul and body
practice and strive to establish the elemental balance at each level. The best
guidance can be found in the "way to the true Adept"
by Franz Bardon.
Who works on his occult perfection, must the law of the
Pay attention to the interaction between power and power. He should be those powers
and the forces that are automatically created and released during practice,
consciously banish in a gesture, a ritual or talisman or at the same time
a clearly defined property. He creates it at the same time
without any special effort magical tools that help him on his way
To render services. The usual side effects that every practitioner
experienced in his apprenticeship, will then fade away by itself.
Today, forty years after this experience, I have my then
Conclusions to add nothing. Bardon also refers in the XI.Stufe
his third textbook on the significant difference between a
Power and a force. I strongly recommend this to any hermetic
To study the chapter in detail and to heed it.
• The magical and alchemical techniques I have described
take into account automatically that the balance of the elements and
so that even between quality and quantity is preserved or
will be produced.
The mystical practice, on the other hand, aims to refine the qualities
and abilities, so only raises the quality of individual power.
In addition, will exercises should be made.
• The hermetic transformation is again primarily the energy
gaining and only increasing the quantity of personal power. These
must therefore be stored consciously or equal to a quality (ideal)
get connected.
Below is a technique dedicated to storing the released energy
has proven excellent.

IVAR - the intelligence of transformation

Depending on the level, the transformation of the energies is subject to another
The Archangel Michael is responsible for the cosmic hierarchies. He
fight with its beings on the plains of the geniuses against all
Intelligences who, as one-sidedly degenerating powers, behave like a "deity" in
pushing the center of creation.
Amongst people, it is St. George, the light-carrying energy
of courage and civil courage in those fellow campaigners who are chivalrous
to stand against the incarnated henchmen of darkness.

And in the personal soul garden IVAR is the ICHSELBST at the

Overcoming and transforming its unwanted essential cells. He
It was I who recognized the techniques of hermetic transformation
let me and showed me how to get the released in the transformation
Directs energies into a suitable reservoir. His seal on an amulet
or a magic weapon engraved, is therefore an ideal symbol in which
you can save the power gained until further use. To
the principle of "big and small Kylkhors" (see magical
Transformation), the thus dammed up energy will be through the help
This intelligence even strengthen, because you directly with the
"Energiefeld" can tap its level.
• The seal of the IVAR has been taken from the pentagram and is in one
Shining radiant golden shimmering color represent.

I have already described in detail the use of an IVAR amulet in the GUARDIAN
ANGELES, chapter "Addiction, Diet and Willpower".
The best choice for gold is gold. But you can also do another
Use metal or a mineral, only then must the seal with a solid
Gold needle to be tightened. Of the minerals, rock crystal has a lot
well proven.
Rock crystal is an apt symbol for the transformation of darkness
to the light. In his field of force the coarse,
opaque matter to white milk quartz to the pure, clear,
transparent crystal. Moreover, rock crystal is the best capacitor for
the magnetic fluid. The seal drawn with the gold needle collects
the electrical fluid. (You can also drill the crystal and one
Gold needle stuck in the hole). Thus one has an ideal accumulator for the
electromagnetic fluid, which in the form of the life force the
Basis for the aspired mental energy is.
According to the three possibilities of a subtle power
and strength IVAR has also entrusted me with his formula and magical gesture.
• The formula of the IVAR: "Ivar releases the power of pleasure (anxiety) and spans
Power of my will - I can do what I want! "This confirms his being
Project expresses unambiguously his will, with which one over
the involuntary movements of his larvae and schemas dictate, and
additionally assures the support of this intelligence.
• The magical gesture of the IVAR (Figure page 108). With this gesture
It is possible to give the energetic currents of a seal in hand and
mobilize according to his will in the vital body. I suppose
that the reader has learned from Bardon's works how to magical ones
Gestures works successfully.
The IVAR gesture is made with the right hand. Bale a fist. imagine that
the firm tension of the dry from the fire element. Then stretch that
Pointing finger and thumb out like the barrel of a gun or the point
Cut out a dagger and imagine, as if from the dynamic expansive
Heat the powerful golden beam of your will shoot out.
Just like with the formula and the seal you can also with the gesture of
IVAR arouse and banish the analogous power and power and thus
strengthen his own energies. But it is most effective when
you use all three methods.

Every time you succeed, the temptation of a larva or a Schemens

to resist, take the accumulator (amulet) in the hand, do with the
Fingers the gesture and draw imaginatively the released power into it
Conversely, if necessary, you can use the stored energy with the formula
and solve magical gesture again and bundled with the released
golden ray intensify your willpower.
The framework of this work does not allow it, in addition to the alchemical
Technique of transformation of the subtle also on the
corresponding substances and handles for the analogue
to enter into gross-chemical processes. That is not at all
necessary, because they are helpful for the path of self-perfection
Consciousness props can be much easier with the tools,
Build grips and rituals of magical transformation technology as
through the elaborate, complicated and time-consuming operations in
an alchemist laboratory. (Who of the readers on the earthly gold
if he does not want to do without the instructions, he will
in this way won spiritual gold, at any time in earthly gold -
Life success - can exchange.)

The laboratory work should be so in the first place, according to the hermetic
Law "as above so below", what you do on the subtle levels
wanted to effect, symbolically in the gross material. there
One could gain a better understanding of the mental processes.
The individual chemical processes correspond exactly to the cleaning,
Transformation and reorganization of personal elementals and should
the respective mental maturing process also on the gross level
make you aware and aware.
At the same time I do not believe that the adepts, with their difficult to
Instructions wanted to disguise something. But on the contrary. They tried,
by doing the process of spiritual purification with analogous chemical
physical processes connected the "way" in a very concrete way
brighten. For him, it is really about the extraction of spiritual gold
The work in the laboratory soon became a retreat, in which
depending on personal maturity, also the inner transformation of his nature
took place. But not every author of alchemical treatises was actually
an adept. And the greed for gold led many to the lab who did not do anything there
had to look for. So it is not surprising that the understanding of
the concepts and analogies of the alchemical tradition were lost.
Modern hermetic therefore prefers to use contemporary symbols,
such as. "Essential cells", for the explanatory model of anatomy and
Physiology of Consciousness.
Like today, science is not just chemical
from the outside, but thanks to the findings of molecular biology
with genetic engineering directly into the mechanism of life
quality changing
can also intervene, the Hermetic has the secret of the spiritual DNA, the
Molecular chains, which are formed from the original qualities and the properties
of the
pretend elemental essential cells of the light body, solved.

Undoubtedly, Evola was the first to get to the bottom of this arcane when he did
"The 'materia' first encountered is that with which the ordinary ego is the one
most immediate relationship maintains: The mental energies. They earn, they are
once freed from the conditioning of the body (and of the brain), one
ubiquitous and 'penetrating' force ... "..." ... all this is the consequence of
Divorce, purification and exposure of what ordinary people
in the double aspect of thought and feeling ... "(Julius Evola" Die
hermetic tradition ", Ansata Verlag 1989, pages 224 - 225) - a work that I,
although I do not agree with everything and also a different vocabulary than Evola
(Evola is still talking about energies while I'm talking about the
Essentials that see elementals, elementals and vitals, and the spiritual
the psychic place) to the alchemy interested in reading recommend.
As a "meditation template" below
alchemical treatises:
some excerpts
... "Divine fire set at the top, including the air of reason
the water of the soul rising at the bottom of the earth's body.
In the heat, fire and air reach out to the hand. In the moisture encounter
air and water. In the cold there is water and earth, and the dryness
is earth and fire in common.
Change soil to water (by removing dryness). Turn water into air
(by taking the cold). Do not turn air into fire (by removing the
Moist). Otherwise fire will re-emerge from earth (by taking the heat
Do not open the moon, otherwise the sun will burn you. "... (From a faithful to the
Handwritten and handprinted copy of a 9000 year old Indian
Stone pressure. Jati Verlag Munich 1922).

... "Separate the earth from the fire, the fine from the dense to the delicate
Way with great sense.
The fire is a single, weak and lind.Die operation consists in the
Divorce the earth from the fire and done under constant watering
and infusion of water.
The more often water is poured, the softer and finer it becomes, until
finally the separate soul connects the pure body again and again
the child of the sages will have emerged from it.
By ascending from earth to heaven and down to earth again
the son of wisdom is created. "...
(Heinrich Noll, physician and "spiritual father" of H. Tränker, the founder of the
Pansophic lodges. "Hermetic Natural Theory" 1619. Appendix l page
20, translated from Latin by "Kardia", religious manuscript).
... "The fire mixes with the water only through the air, with the air
the earth only through the water.
Thus, the soul connects with the body only through the life force, and
reason with the life force only through the soul.
Once nature has formed a human fetus, the mind becomes in
introduced the same. This spirit in body and soul is as it were
Tinder to absorb the mind of God. Similar to wood through
its dryness becomes susceptible to the penetration of the oil. The oil is
a lure for the fire, and the fire itself is the vehicle of the fire
Lichts. "... (Reuchlin, religious manuscript).
... "Four elements bring forth a fifth.
Each element has three states
two effects
and represents a unity "

Every attempt, mental processes, essential cells, consciousness members or
even to portray the ICHSELBST vividly in its overall structure fails
the different dimensions and conditions of both worlds. Even
venerable universal symbols that once gave access to truths -
(such as the quabbalistic tree of life or the images of the tarot) were added to
so often misinterpreted in recent decades that they mislead
To awaken ideas and therefore should rather not be used. Nevertheless
One must get a very concrete concept of his consciousness and what
one wants to work, because the quality of the consciousness depends on doing:
• Consciousness relies to be (conscious), conscious.
At the gross level on the primordial qualities of the elements and the vital, the
Forms of perceptions of sensations.
On the mental level (astral plane) on the elementals, the quantities
the energy flows in the form of the emotions.
On the mental level (mental level) on the quality-determining elementals,
the forms of perception of thought-images, ideas and imaginations.
On the level of consciousness (Akasha) on the dominated, refined, purified
and four-pole-oriented essential cells, which are the actual
Forming consciousness members of the light body.
• On the one hand consciousness is on the one hand due to its consciousness
limited, but on the other hand, just by them wins the opportunity itself
expand without limit. Depending on which essential cells it is
supports, it is able to penetrate into the analogue levels and deal with
to identify the "detected".
The "loosening" and "binding" (of his consciousness bearers) does appear
different levels, but at the same time always cross-border
The refinement of the feelings ("mystical practice") also causes a purge at the
same time
the body-related desires and passions of the vital plane. With increasing
Feeling of feeling, compassion and harmonious mood
Many primitive forms of impulses and affects also detach themselves. Vice versa
flows the energy of the dominated drives and held emotions
(hermetic practice) the tension of the mind too, and each one
Change of mental essential cells, thoughts, ideas
and opinions also create one with the new ideals and ideas
qualitative change of emotional flows.
Actually, the whole art of alchemical art is based on this fact
As soon as it is not about gross, but subtle processes
is always to distinguish between power (the substantial
Pictorial form) and force (the energy invigorating this form). Everything is alive
on the subtle levels, and as soon as something comes across,
it has to do with an entity. It does not have to be the same
to act powerful intelligences. Even the smallest of them
(Elementals) and discarded envelopes are still in the process of dissolution
an energetic part of these forms liveliness and a
Confers pseudo-consciousness. Of course that applies to the levels in the same way
own soul garden, except that the main part of the consciousness, which in
this "being" comes from personal I Consciousness.
• Consciousness is something very concrete and must not (as it does for some
Psychologists the "soul") can only be considered as a nebulous term.
Consciousness is the fundamental element of the idea of BEING
room-filling, golden light. Like oxygen and "gold" for that
Conscious life and survival is necessary, the consciousness is the finest
and most valuable substance on the subtle levels. You can
record or lose.
Those who practice hermetic exercises know that one can move parts of their
consciousness. Consciousness displacements in limbs and
Organs cause increased circulation in these areas. This is
also with Imaginationübungen the case, where by concentration on
certain ideas (colors, sounds, etc.) are detectable in the
each responsible brain regions a massive amount of blood is measurable.
Also at
An athlete focusing on the starting shot is the area for acoustics
better blooded, and someone who is giving a lecture, the
Language Center. Conversely, it was found that in meditations and in
certain occult practices, where you can get the consciousness out of the physical
the brain is much less perfused.

At the gross level, the oxygen-carrying red blood cells are the
Centers of vitality and thus the carriers of consciousness, on the finely-material
Levels are the essential cells that correspond to each level
Elementals, elementals, etc.
One has consciousness and can expand, displace, consolidate or lose it.
One "IS" only in connection with consciousness. Without consciousness, that reduces
I on those elementals in which it loses.
So the Hermetic is not like the mystical swarmers, that
I or the consciousness to dissolve, but the boundaries, by the
elemental envelopes of the consciousness-bearing earthly-oriented
Essential cells are to be created, are broken up and new, spiritual
Surrounding spanning cells are created.
Normally, the flow of the consciousness-bearing life force of the
Body-centered egocentric, striving for life and desire gain
Elementals used up. This stream must be redirected and to the
corresponding essential cells are broken up, one wants those in them
regain bound power and strength. This is done by others
Creates "container" (elementals) for the energy.
Essence cells always consist of an elemental dress and a
elementary energy quantum. They can be resolved, therefore, if you do that
Elemental (conception) of the invigorating elemental (feeling or
Desire power) separates.
Psychotherapy, without knowing it, takes advantage of this, for example when at
Fear of flying through education about the safety devices the Angstelementare
from the thought "crash" triggers and with ideas of the offered
Flight safety cases. It is not, as you might think, about the
Consciousness of a "complex", but about its handling and
Mastery, and that is only possible through a targeted presentation. In which
but with an idea always at the same time the associated energy
is brought to consciousness and placed under the Spirit. Had the
Psychotherapists a concrete idea of the construction and of
the function of mind and soul life, as the model of hermetic
Anatomy and Physiology offers, then they would be the mind and to be treated
Soul disorders easier to get a grip on.
3 diagrams here

The in chapter "life force" and "practice of hermetic transformation"

That means:
described techniques use this mental mechanism.
It also works unconsciously. The unhappy lover, his longing
aimed at the image of another lovable man, instead of hopeless
To shrivel, diverts as successfully as that which, instead of once again
fall in love, a new life content, a hobby, an ideal (rather than idol) than
Objective creates.
However, it must not be overlooked that the new elementals, as soon as they
occur frequently, gaining power, consciousness (which then becomes the I AM)
lacking) and can slip away from the conscious steering. A constant
Alertness over his thoughts, feelings and desires is therefore necessary, one wants
for the steady influx of consciousness-carrying light substance and
To provide soul energy.
And here, too, the hermetic law helps us: "As above so below".
• Just as every body cell carries the blueprint of the whole body,
Each subtle entity cell reflects the entire spiritually spiritual equilibrium
the being to which it belongs, and vice versa, the preservation of the
Equilibrium between the pulsating fluids and the circling ones
Elements with their qualitative emphases always also a harmonious one
adapted development of the individual delicate limbs, organs and
Cause essential cells.
This is exactly what the technique of alchemical transformation takes advantage of.
The alchemical method is not only aimed at generating energy for the
Spirit (through the Hermetic Transformation), and the refinement of the
Spiritual (through the mystical transformation) but unites the two
Possibilities: By organizing the elemental equilibrium and outgrowths
individual properties through conscious maintenance of properties
of opposite quality and, in addition, the elemental mental elements
of thinking - feeling - intentionally using, willingly
automatically cleaned the essential cells causing the imbalance
and tamed.
So if you balance the four elements and put them on it
Be careful that the axis of consciousness does not lean too low, none will
Forming shadows. This also has an influence on the individual essential cells; you
because of the inflow of the two fluids due to the existing
Equilibrium is regulated, not one-sided "inclinations"

This also has an influence on the individual essential cells; you

because of the inflow of the two fluids due to the existing
Equilibrium is regulated, not one-sided "inclinations"
and vice versa, with each mastered, ennobled,
At the same time, the balance of the purified cell harmonizes
between the elements and between the levels of thought,
Feeling, willing and conscious.
This is a four-dimensional cycle in which you think through everyone's thinking
Time can regulate intervene. The Masons call themselves the power of
Thoughts about the feelings, with the apprentice sign, the so-called
Throat Grip, this is the magical gesture of JENURI - (see magical
Transformation, 5.BUCH) - into consciousness. This separates the thoughts
from the feelings and temporarily regains his balance.
In order to keep his balance, you either, as needed
the rapidity (or lamentation) of his energetic household, that is his
Vitality (electric fluid), or its substantive backbone, which regulates
Concentration and tension (magnetic fluid) on the
Check the strength and the available energy potential
Adjust loosening or compacting. So the excitement of the one
Balance brings, suppress or the paralyzing, the one
holds back, overcome.
What disturbs the balance?
The more harmonious the two fluids are in harmony with each other
less often will negative essential cells arise, and all the more so
they have to keep themselves alive. You can do that in many cases
even stifling their birth in the bud.
To the Hermetic serves primarily the exercise of the "conscious
Wachseins "and the daily introspection, according to the principle of" small
Steps "uncovered one-sidedness already in the
Dissolve the development process. But you have to know how they are
can arise.
• The most common forms are probably the investment-related weaknesses. Everyone
brings with him at birth certain emphases that he has to work on
Has. "Evil" are not the "bad" ones (you win them from them)
Mental power), but the inability to control it is bad. The
Emphases that you have to pay attention to, are from the
Birth chart visible.

The tides of the hierarchies also cause, depending on the constellation,

temporary or massive shift of focus. They are from the
astrological transitions, and one can turn them into personal ones
Derive tides of the soul that can bring one out of balance.
By unilaterally nurturing his talents and positive qualities
simultaneous neglect of the opposite elements one withdraws
this part of their primal qualities, and there are degenerations
Lack of a fluid.
Then there are the shadow schemes. They are caused by frequent emotions
same occasion. As a friend of mine, a big industrialist, after one
Awoke surgery, he saw one in front of his bed
Dwarf goblin hopping around. This one screamed incessantly
"Final costing! Final costing"! My friend, a very correct and
conscientious businessman, was accustomed, after each completion of one
Plant with a so-called final costing the profitability of the done
Order to verify. He was often annoyed because his sons "old-fashioned"
Business management mostly neglected, but swallowed the trouble and fattened
with it the goblin. This was clearly an outgrowth of its earth element, the
followed him from the garden of the soul into the intermediate realm of
consciousness. Also
These schemes, which rarely come to consciousness, contribute to imbalance
elemental content. Shadow schemes also arise from repressed ones
Anxiety. The white mice of the alcoholics and the spiders, flies
and insects that many drug addicts see are also such
By the "power of habit", one-sided opinions, biases
etc. are formed more quickly than one thinks, preferences, ideas and
"Inclinations" that one feels to belong to oneself and often not at all
Detects outgrowths.
Conscious control
Once you have disturbing larvae, schemes and other negative outgrowths of it
Discovering essential cells, one can work on them. Either by giving them
dissolves and transforms, that is, the released original qualities into positive
Properties that create the inner balance, transferred,
or by consciously creating (binding) such elementals and
she faces the negative cells

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Je nach Situation und ihrer Komplexität wird man dabei auf verschiedene
Weise vorgehen:
1. Man kann sie schwächen, indem man sie ignoriert. Die Lichtsubstanz,
sie für ihre mentale Struktur und bildhafte Hülle brauchen, fließt ihnen nur
durch die Aufmerksamkeit, die man ihnen schenkt, zu. Werden sie nicht
beachtet (gedacht und dadurch nachgezeichnet), verlieren sie an
Deutlichkeit und schwinden aus dem Bewußtseinsfeld. Das ist kein Ver
drängungsvorgang, sondern eine Auflösung (aber keine Transformation).
2. Man kann sie durch "Selbstbeherrschung" bekämpfen und entzieht
mit jedem Sieg etwas von ihrer Lebenskraft (hermetische Transformation).
3. Man kann sie durch Autosuggestion, Glaubenskraft, Gebet, Meditation
bewußte Pflege von Idealen veredeln, neu einkleiden (mystische
4. Man kann, indem man systematisch durch die beschriebenen
sein elementares Gleichgewicht herstellt und wahrt, die Wesenszellen aus
ihrem inneren Kern heraus auflösen oder reinigen (alchimistische
5. Man kann alle vier Techniken verstärken indem man sich für die
Operationen über irdische Bewußtseinsstützen wie z.B. Rituale, Formeln,
Symbole usw. Elementale als Helferzellen erschafft, früher hätte man
Hilfsgeister gesagt, und diese in sein Wesen integriert (magische
Transformation und quabbalistische Technik des Franz Bardon).
121 Edit

Depending on the situation and its complexity, it will be different

Proceed as follows:
1. You can weaken them by ignoring them. The light substance,
they need them for their mental structure and pictorial shell only flows to them
through the attention you give them, too. They will not
heeded (thought and thereby traced), they lose
Clarity and dwindling from the field of consciousness. This is not a Ver
but a resolution (but no transformation).
2. You can fight it by "self-control" and withdraw
with each victory, something of their vitality (hermetic transformation).
3. You can do it by autosuggestion, faith, prayer, meditation
Refine conscious care of ideals, re-clothing (mystical
4. One can, by systematically through the described
its elemental equilibrium establishes and preserves the essential cells
dissolving or purifying their inner core (alchemical
5. You can reinforce all four techniques by looking for the
Operations on earthly consciousness supports such as Rituals, formulas,
Symbols, etc. Creating elementals as helper cells, you would have had earlier
Auxiliary spirits said, and these integrated into his being (magical
Transformation and quabbalistic technique of Franz Bardon).


Working on oneself requires not only self-control and self-knowledge, but also an
idea of the "stones and metals" that
one has to work (master and refine).
The astrology and its planet symbols (also the chakras or the
quabbalistic tree of life) convey as a symbol a picture of the
Structure and networking of subtle centers and their "organs", but for
the subtle essentials of which these organs are made, and theirs
complex outgrowths still lack a vivid model of thinking.
That's not surprising. Because with the elements to be transformed
These are mostly structures of multi-dimensional structures in which
In addition, the blocks are often interleaved with each other. They unite
with other cells and, depending on which elemental they give
dock, other great qualities. They change, divide and
At the same time, they also change the quality of the other cells. least
Shifts can affect the overall structure.
A single conscience pulse, e.g. can cause elementals for the
good intentions dock. A faint glimmer of hope can "make courage"
and reduce the anxiety. The memory of painful experiences against it
will resign, the brief flash of a particular image
Awaken desire pleasures and grow the appropriate addiction schemes.
That's what Pascal meant when he wrote: "There are vices we only have
as a result of other vices and that, as soon as one removes the trunk, like
Branches are carried away. "
The structure of a schema is not always as comprehensive as that on page 125
pictured anxiety complex. There are also simple larvae, e.g. only from a few
Anxiety or pleasure-triggering elementals and their corresponding
elementary energy quanta, a habit or the desire force
originating, exist.
However, the origin is always in the one-sided emergence of one of the two
Fluids and their effects:
The perception of the "inhibitions" or "inhibitions" formed by the original
"Arousal" in the forms of pleasure or aversion solve aversions or
desiring affections, emotions that are either elemental of the
Doubt to lead to resignation and fear and lame or over hope and
Providing confidence in the drive for an action.

If you know these subtle connections, you can also

without elaborate "psychoanalysis" the personal qualities to her
Tracing origin and into its elemental and elemental parts
You need the essential cells and their schemata, larvae
and complex adult growths which it is necessary to dissolve
not so complicated or abstract imagine. The more concrete the picture, the one
it is the easier it is for them to do it
to edit. And the more alive and essential you see it, the sooner
they will see through each other and the viewer as their master
accept and follow his imagination.
It should be emphasized once again that the schemes and larvae are around
those subtle structures that psychologists call the
Complex and shadows are called. You can not do it
confused with the demons, spirits and intelligences that
independent of the personal being over analog elementals (the
"Archetypes") influence consciousness
The difference is difficult to discern, so even experienced ones
Hermetics often their own schemes for good or evil spirits
hold. They give them even more power, because both forms
of subtle life can only be dominated by imaginary images
and be guided - and live the other way, which is why they are good
One of the most significant victories that the Shadow powers had over the
People, as their henchmen, was the Catholic Church
reformed and, as in Islam, all images and depictions of "God"
and banished the genii from the (Protestant) churches .... srrrt
srrt ... "they reject the sinful pomp and at the same time the fruitful one
Beauty of the Images of Gufen "(BOOK OF MASTERS 1ST BOOK)
they gave many people the opportunity to influence and power over images
to get over it. (How to use the technique of Kyilkhors
recovers, I describe in the chapter "Magical Transformation"
5.BUCH). Soon after that, the mind-darkening one actually set
"Enlightenment". Since then no longer the inspired light of the
Believe the spiritual widths but only what that
gross light is brightened, is believed.
But just as the microbiologist deliberately changes the cells of life,
by using certain enzymes certain sections of the DNA
"cuts out" (the enzymes do not have to work like this for this work)

But just as the microbiologist deliberately changes the cells of life,

by using certain enzymes certain sections of the DNA
"cuts out" (the enzymes do not have to work like this for this work)
Surgeon scalpel), so the Hermetic puts the power of
Pictures that he draws with his imagination.
In addition to his imagination but you also need an idea
from the schemas to be processed. The graph on page 125 shows
Similar to an x-ray only an imperfect picture of the
Four-dimensional structure of the essential cells. And although you more than
experienced close up in the form of his feelings and thoughts, also deliver the
such as. Complex, neurotic, emotional or obsessional not vivid
Picture of her real nature. The dream symbolism is already clearer.
For in fact, what one experiences as feeling or as appears
Considered thought, with all its consequences in the soul garden (the dream life
gives an idea of its fringes) clothed in symbolic forms,
which can correspond to the dream symbols.
While in the gross body of the feelings in those ideas
move, they follow, e.g. one experiences fear over the
Presentation of a visit to a dentist, etc., you can, in an out-of-body
Consciousness state as well as on the astral plane of the soul garden and the
Hierarchies, the same feelings also appear in other forms and that
Shape the subtle environment decisively. A feeling of fear occurs
then as a real spirit, maybe a witch, and a glimmer of hope as
helpful Lichtgestalt contrary, whereby the appearance of more and more
original model drawing occasion removed until last, by the
Seen from the mental plane, the essence in general only in symbolic form and
Can express color. Conversely, on the (and out of)
Mental planes, where the power of thought controls the emotional flows, symbols,
Colors and tones (as in the gross imaginary pictures or
Sense impressions) the associated energies and feelings and awaken the
To move consciousness to the corresponding places (levels). (See also 5.BOOK
Chapter "Quabbalistic Transformation", and those described in the 1st book
Adventure on the plains).
bunch of diagrams here
But no matter in which form of disguise and in which branched structure the schemas
of its essential cells oppose,
only from the gross body consciousness is the mind able to
to transform the power and power of their excesses into the spiritual.
A solution of the gross body, the most to the SELF
Burdens in the form of the negative consequences of the body needs and the
natural self-preservation instincts burden, is therefore not yet
he wishes. Because just from the so-called negative ("rejected")
In essence, the mind gains its power and power. Once you get it
mastered, one has their energy, which only from the gross material
Area and nowhere else can be melted out. And if
if you do not control it, it is not a voluntary solution of the body
possible. For as long as the mind adheres to what it attaches to the physical
binds, holds on, these are the cherished feelings and the feelings,
he will not be able to break away from him.
Therefore, the process of transformation is not a one-time process, but
requires constant attention and has to re-live all your life
be done.
The "Circles of Light", the alchemy of the Taoists
To be aware of these processes, meditate again
in detail about the alchemical texts:
"... By ascending from earth to heaven (carried by conceptions)
and back down to earth becomes the Son of Wisdom ("Light Body")
created ... "The heavy earth consists of the earthly-oriented
Essence cells. These are ego-centered, because they serve the body-bound I as
consciousness supports and must therefore from the consciousness
held together. A solution of these one-sided
Essential cells are only possible through their dissolution. Around it the
not to lose, have previously new elementals, four-pole essential cells
those based on spiritual values that carry over the body consciousness earthly
aligned elementals are formed.
The first operation is therefore the divorce of the earth from the fire
and is done with constant irrigation and addition of water ".
This means that the will and desire power (fire) of those centers
terrestrial earth elementals, (the body instincts and fears)
detached and then ... "by rising from the earth to the Himmer ... on
spiritual ideals (air) should be transmitted. "The more water (peace -
Relaxation -self-free compassion) is poured, the finer is the
Materia. "The earth elemental" stinginess ", for example, can be combined with a
Water elemental "Pity" solve and transform and over
suitable air elemental (idea of an ideal) on the mental plane
fix. This one wins a refined Edgedal for edible
his Saturn or Jupiter beings cells. But idealism (air) can through
Enthusiasm (too much warm from the fire) in fanaticism, whereby
then harden the ideals by excluding them from dry (obstinacy),
become weighty "significant" and because of the arising severity
sink back into the earth. (That's why it says, "Do not turn air in
"Salt dissolves completely in water, but if water is removed,
if it evaporates, the dissolved salt crystallizes again
Circulation (through the vision), the fire (the
Struts) must not go out and the water (the surrender to the
Factory) do not dry up.
The rise and fall of the original qualities, the "circle of light"
the Taoists (see "The Secret of the Golden Flower"
Diederichsverlag), may nowhere and at no time
to be interrupted. The essential cells need more than once
"ascend" and be purified. For it is in their nature that they
following the urges, condense and conquer the old ones
Trace structures.
Character traits can not be resolved with a single willpower
change. It is too much of the individual gross physical situation that the physical
body programmed over the gene
hormonal and endorphin-related quality of vital forces, depending.
However, it has already gained a lot, if one succeeds, with each one
new attempt (cycle) with ideals and good intentions the
strengthen desired intellectual networks. Because these
be sooner or later (maybe only in a next incarnation) as
mental structure also attract the corresponding elemental energies
and hold on. Like the personal forces of the individual
never completely defeated with the birth of the original urges
are, each recaptured
Like the personal forces of the individual
never completely defeated with the birth of the original urges
are, each recaptured
elemental networking of his will goals, even if not immediately so
it is strong that as a structure it is able to grasp the energies safely
and at the latest in a next incarnation, but then as innate
Ability to achieve the set goals more easily.
But even where one succeeds in maintaining order, one must
Care should be taken to ensure that each effort is an element (a primary quality or
a fluid), also affect the other elements
Has. It can create new congestion. Each "too much", even if it is
good properties are, therefore, one resembles immediately by properties of
complementary potency.
Like any job, you have to work somewhere for yourself
start and proceed in a planned manner.
• The first correction of elementary imbalance is made,
by equalizing the effects of the two fluids.
Outweighs the magnetic fluid, you can tell by the fact that one rather a
introverted type and the mistakes one has and makes, mostly
Sins of omission are, then one becomes through increased activities,
exercise, consciously taking more risk, promoting
Interests and enterprise, reading, traveling, connecting contacts
etc., in short, through the targeted maintenance of properties, mainly the
Understand electric fluid, countersteer. (See page 11, second column,
Fire and air).
In contrast, outweighs the electrical fluid, one is then extroverted, and the
Errors are more likely to result from facts that come from impatience, exuberance,
unrestrained temperament, then one equalizes by one
Properties and capabilities designed to be stronger the magnetic fluid
subordinate (page 11, column 3, water and earth element). The negative schemes
it removes part of their special energy stream or even before theirs
Rooted roots.
Of course, this also applies to temporary "balance disorders". The
Energy flow of the fluids not only feeds the elements but is reversed
by any shift of a primary quality from an element to a
other, even reversed.

This happens constantly independent of

personal temperament, e.g. due to the changing
astrological constellations or by violent thoughts or
emotional life situations. Also there will be the vigilant
Hermetics try not to lose their balance or so
restore as soon as possible.
• But not by "let off steam". The steam should work and must
be clamped to it.
If some therapists recommend excess "inner" energies
(no matter which fluid) to shout out as "primal scream" and every frustration so
unloading as quickly as possible is not a transformation. (You also do not
transform inertial schemes by going to bed lazily
sets). The scheming spiritually legalized by consciously roaring away becomes
only strengthened. Even if you seem to be freed from it,
one is not rid of him, but has him only on short notice of the mental on
transferred the gross level.
"Fire schemes" e.g. one transforms, by the exuberant one
Original quality Warm through dry binds and to essential cells with cold (calm)
affiliates, ie to Erdelementale (domination) or Wasserelementale
(Patience). For this, the schema must be dissected and its original qualities in
appropriate properties are transferred. Whether that is in the
Emotionsschemen stuck too much warm (transformed into the spiritual),
by mastering him, or (grossly), by giving one
Going round is a matter of taste. Also during exercise
you harness the (excess) energy (warm) by using it with
Dry (muscle tension) connects and thus they are through
spiritual will distracts. On the other hand, when you let go, you let yourself go.
The same is true when, e.g. a depression, that's an inhibition,
caused by the magnetic fluid, wants to balance. You will too
Do not let go by hanging your head (which is more convenient because it is
less effort), but by either paralyzing
Dry something moving warm adds and deliberately a meaningful work
done (with which one uses the dry), one "pulls oneself together",
tenses his mental muscle and transforms the blockage, or one
works with damp and dissolves from the heavy thoughts by
they are replaced by light ones or make life easier for others.

It is beneficial that a change in the fluids or the

Element equilibrium, e.g. on the personal vital level, also analog
Has effects on the emotional and thought level (and vice versa). "Every
Element has three states "L states that more fire is not just the life force
awaken and vitalize the energy, but also (elementals), feelings,
the courage, and (elementals), ideas that arouse confidence arise
to let. Conversely, hope will give courage, and courage will give strength.
Moist, for example, can do the same by loosening and relaxing the body muscle
to be won over by selflessness, kindness and devotion
(perhaps good powers or ideas inspiring hope) or one
honest, outspoken, natural, spiritual attitude. And you can dry
initiate by tensing all your muscles for a few seconds before you start
continues with a concentration exercise.
Therefore, on pages 11-15, I have the effects of fluids,
Primal qualities, elementals and elementals regardless of the level
only summarized according to the characteristics of the element direction.
In fact, you can not turn one element into another. The
Transformation is rather a cleansing by rearranging the original qualities.
You shift either the element heavyweight (the focus
his inclinations). This is done by targeting properties of the
maintains the opposite element. This automatically shifts the
Urqualitäten and harmonizes their disturbed relationship in the relevant
Element, whereupon the resulting negative properties disappear
Or you bring the two original qualities in an element directly to each other
into balance. This is done by passing too much or too little
Balances properties of adjacent elements. This harmonizes
then the balance between the elements.
• Either you shift the element heavyweight and move through it
the original qualities, or one shifts the original qualities and thereby shifts the
Elements of gravity.
The alchemical transformation, therefore, does not only seek to balance
to the elements, but also resembles that which exists in the essential cells
Imbalance between the primal qualities. (The color chart page 75 bottom picture
may make that clear)
It's not just too much fire with more water
(Recklessness through compassion), or too much of earth through more air
(for example, obstinacy through insightful tolerance), but the
Elementals are broken down into their original qualities and through the adjacent
Element balanced. You bring the elements into balance by doing
first balance each element. This one has better
Possibilities as one to compensate for each two items available
In one technique, e.g. Elementals of wrath that are considered outgrowths of the
Fire caused by too much warmth, by the development of properties of the
Water such as increased indulgence, compassion, patience, etc. in the barriers
with the other one brings the disturbed balance between the
Urqualities of the element in question by putting the "too much" or
"Too little" balances over the adjacent elements. You do not "walk" then
e.g. the too many fire in water, but check if the disturbed fire on too much
dry or too much warm can be recycled, and resembles
Properties of the air or earth element. You do not convert too much
(Excrescences) the earth in air, but checks if the imbalance on too much
Dry and too little damp, or too much cold and too little warm, and
compensates by appropriate properties.
Two examples may explain that again:
Too much warm one balances out by more dry from the braking earth
(Control) or by the cold of the water element, e.g. Quiet,
Serenity, etc. You can the too much warm Zornschemen either in the
transfer adjacent air and consciously distract oneself by using properties
as cheerfulness, interest, cordiality, etc. maintains, or one develops elementals
of drying the soil e.g. by cultivating properties like
Justice, toughness, thoroughness, etc. and wins with the increased thereby
Dry back the lack of restraint.

Too much dry is equalized with loosening and loosening. Either with more air
("Light-sense") - or with the humid of the water ("surrender"), whereby the
Solid of dry also dissolves in the direction of air. (Too much dry means
less damp and therefore makes brittle with the result of breakage, hardened and
tense until the explosion. Irritability (dry of fire) or resignation (earth)
are the result, if the flexibility for facilitating release and relaxation
Negative earth elementals such as e.g. Egotism, stinginess, melancholy,
can be wet, so "solve" from their own point of view and insight into the
Viewpoint of others (or viewpoint of reason and wisdom), ins
Transfer water element so that compassion and forbearance arises while the
negative outgrowths of the earth are dwindling. Stressful or frustrating
Living conditions (earth) are much easier to bear and lose their
Sting, when viewed from a different angle. The clear one
Knowledge (air) that a "necessary" but burdensome consideration,
an overtime, a renunciation that must be done, that helps others,
relaxed, relaxed and calm, the dry over cold (rest,
Tolerance, perseverance) into the cold of the water and sets the inner peace
ago. The old alchemical rules show exactly what to look for
and in which of the two possible directions one has shifts of one
Original quality should make.
Warmly moved, active. Cold calms, makes passive. Moist solves, makes easy.
Dry binds, makes hard. But:
Moist can also remove heat and make it cold. (Relaxation eases
Arousal and calm). Dry does not always have to stretch, but it can also
overshoot (explode) or completely choke off the energy of the warmth.
Cold not only makes passive, but condenses moisture, thus collecting substance
on for dry. (Slowing of thought leads to prudence). Warm
The moisture of the damp can burn to "ash", dehydrate and again
Cause seriousness. ... ("Do not give up the moon, or the sun will burn you ..."!)
To whom these explanations seem too complicated for the beginning, who can
proceed step by step and each time to a specific "operation"
Gnostic-Hermetic Transformation Techniques
• With the "Mystical Transformation" you create goals
and the receptivity to the positive helpful influences
the so-called higher hierarchies. This is the first "cleaning". you
is formed of ideals, carried by devout devotion, a pure one
Thoughts dress and cleans his soul garden from earthly
directed ego-centered elementals. With such a finish
"transfigured" essential cells give you the best conditions for
a helpful contact with the higher genii of the desired
analog properties and capabilities. It is understood that while the
earthly side of his being "ego" itself to a being
must be part. Trust, confidence, humility, modesty, sacrifice
willingness are the prerequisites for this, initially passive,
Contact with positive beings of higher worlds.
• The hermetic transformation removes the coarsest chunks
the "impurities", which take on a form of negative properties
or to put addictions in the way. You burn them out of the soul and
profits from the released energies.
• Using the techniques of the magical (and quabbalistic)
Transformation creates consciousness supports as bases for
positive entities, both quantitative and qualitative.
• With the alchemical practice, which indeed all other operations with
encloses, arranges, purifies. One refines and transforms the elements
as long as, up from their elementary networking and elemental
Structure out the clear all-blending diamantharte Light Body
crystallized. The Hermetician devotes the greatest attention to his
Earth element and the associated properties. Because about that
mastered earth element can be all the other elements much
easier to control.
So I start by describing the alchemical transformation
first with the earth and recommend, if enough original qualities cold and
Dry in balance, to the exercises of the other three elements


Before working on working with the earth element, remember
Once again, how are the two basic primal qualities of this element:
Dry and cold affect the three levels.
One assumes the "attitude of Osiris" or the "pharaoh position", or one
is in the "Attitude of Ptah" (see 5.BOOK). You can feel it very clearly
Cold and dry the earth when standing upright, legs together, and the
Arms with clenched fists pressed down pressed against the body. Important here
it is only that one tenses all the muscles, with which the dry manifests, and
immobile, calm, that calls the cold into consciousness. Only the breath
"goes" relaxed, as a symbol of the (untouched by everything) consciousness.
The simultaneity of immobility and tension is condensed in the
gross body to the heavy feeling of the earth element. On the mental
On the plain, you evoke the primordial qualities of the earth by addressing
yourself all
Moods, emotions and impulses with controlled, relaxed
Emotionslosigkeit contrasts.
On the spiritual level, one is aware of the dry of the earth,
by using his power of concentration, and the cold by making oneself
to the perceiving, observational element of his consciousness, namely
the unmoving, preserving basis of the fulfilled or the comprehensive
Space principle, as a condition of his existence supports.
Order and stop
• The aspirations of the controlled Earth Elementals are due to their
Primal qualities aimed at stopping to assure order.
Without the tense peace of the earth as a basis, nature could not
unfold, if no living organism could shape itself, would also be on the
subtle levels a perfection of the mind is not possible. Because
Collected experiences must be sorted, stored, linked and connected
can be surveyed. And this is the binding, holding obligation to adhere
the earth elementals necessary. Only these offer the condition for the firm
Support on which the consciousness can lean.
On the other hand, it is precisely the collecting, hardening centering of the
Earthy cause for self - preservation instinct, egoism, for
Melancholy, paralysis and death. Thus are just those Elementals, the
most seem to contradict a spiritual maturity, "the
so-called discarded stones ", the first essential cells, which it too
edit applies.
Even the forces of nature leave a seed only darker in firm grip
Earth germinate, and the powers of fate make use of it, to spiritual ones
Unfolding, usually lightless "heavy" life periods.
Since time immemorial, therefore, the beginning of an initiation into a dark one
has been postponed
Rock grotto, an earth cave or an unlit temple room. On
Hermetic, who takes his spiritual perfection into his own hands,
Therefore, the first thing he will do is seek to supply his earthly beings
master and refine. Because just from these oppressive,
bordering elementals he gains the necessary security and strength,
with which he then the other elements, fire, air and water, in the
Get a grip.
Everywhere where the energies of tension (dry) and the still
Calm (cold) consciously used for inner back - hold and order,
you win earth elementals for the design of his body of light. you
form the living building blocks ("genes") for the Jupiter and Saturn cells.
Without them there would be no growth, no order, just chaos.
• order in the room:
Keep order in the environment under your jurisdiction. Spaces for everyone
Place a place and bring it immediately after you take it
have used, back there again. It can not be prevented that
to cause waste and pollution. But you need the dirt
not leave, but can eliminate this immediately.
This affects both the living room, the kitchen, the workplace as well
Boxes, shops, cupboards and shelves, not to forget the car. The
Outer order will always reflect the ability to do the same
to maintain the inner order of its georgganic elements.
Any expenditure of energy consciously spent on restoring or maintaining order flows
directly to the personal
Earth element and forms (transformed) new essentials of cold and
Dry in the personal, spiritual sphere of influence.
A hermetic, who turns a roll, but the crumbs of his wife
plastered, maybe even an operator makes the bed and the dust
wipes from the desk, he lets himself escape the opportunity on a daily basis
easiest way to gain elementals for the structure of its internal order.
Essentials of conscientiousness, thoroughness, self-responsibility, purity,
Reliability, consideration, etc. must be in the smallest,
make meaningless area of life noticeable. Only if you keep them constantly
(consciously!), the conditioned reflexes of transient vitals become elemental
Energies of the planetary organs of the personal body of light have changed. (The
Alchemist knows that cleaning the metals is not a one-time process
can be performed).
• order in time:
This means that what should be done and done right away, is instant
made. And what can be brought to an end is completed. Something to
moving is like sweeping dirt under the carpet. Order in time means
Time sharing and consistent adherence to time-sharing, through planning,
Punctuality and stamina. It also means that you need the necessary work
Dedicated to Zeitmass, does not rockets or with his thoughts already where else is.
The elementals created in this way are among the most important
Struts of the light body. Without them, the consciousness would become
Soul garden as if lost in a nightmare and outside of the soul garden in the
Chaos be torn.
• Order owned:
Money is an expression of personal spiritual power. Therefore, every credit is one
mental disorder, a lie, a wrong shift of values. On
Hermetic will rarely borrow money and never
longer debt than absolutely necessary. Providence tells everyone that
to what he is entitled to, but not by a loan granted or a loan
Gambling profits. Rather, it ensures that everyone has the opportunity
to develop and use his talents to earn a living
earn, which is intended for him. Who wants more or prematurely his spiritual
Wertdepot in money and good ummünzt, must for it usually very expensive and with
other values (health or
Loan or one
Gambling profits. Rather, it ensures that everyone has the opportunity
to develop and use his talents to earn a living
earn, which is intended for him. Who wants more or prematurely his spiritual
Wertdepot in money and good ummünzt, must for it usually very expensive and with
other values (health or
Love happiness). In addition, it is the spiritually aspirant
also at the expense of its hermetic development.
It is well known that conversely the creation of elementals of the
Sacrifice, abandonment and inner needlessness
Progress of spiritual perfection can greatly promote.
Thriftiness, correctness, honesty, conscientiousness, charity,
Modesty, frugality, these are qualities that are not
require special prenatal gifts and of each
can be realized if he only wants. And nothing serves the earthly
and spiritual development more than just these earthy ones
Beings basics.
• Therefore, wherever possible, take care of them
Stir and follow them consciously and joyfully. Because just this
inconspicuous essential cells of the earth element, this living spiritual
is the "prima materia", which, purified, gives the light body its clarity,
and gives purity. You will make every effort in this direction like one
Refining and strengthening.
• Free yourself from all unnecessary luxury and limit yourself
Simple. Check everything you have for the meaning it has for you
Has. Ask each piece you own, what value you give it
attach and what it really serves you. A Hermetic has no status
symbols. Everything that expresses your earthly power (or what yours
Hide powerlessness, "disguise" should), exclude. What surrounds you, should
to be exclusively consciousness props for your spiritual path. And
Even these sacred symbols and magical tools are said to be in progress
reduced to life and instead as living beings cells in form
quabbalistic formulas are anchored in the spirit body, (see
"Quabbalistic Transformation" 5.BOOK).
The real needlessness that sets in very soon when one
consciously renouncing vain externalities and unnecessary luxury,
conveys the solid feeling of another wealth. This
arises from the consciousness of absolute personal freedom and
Independence, because he is no longer on earthly possessions or the
Recognition by others supports.

• Order in law and order:

Development is only possible in the interaction of different units.
Life and self-consciousness can only develop in higher organisms. In
An organism has many different protozoa into a higher unity
The cells follow a given plan in time and hold in space
a certain order. The place they occupy and their movements,
with which they interact are regulated and a higher order
serving meaningful coordinated.
Where a single cell or a cell structure only serves itself and on the whole
No longer takes account of the organism, there is a pathological excrescence
is either controlled by the other cells of the organism and dissolved,
or the organism perishes and with it also the one-sided degenerate or
egocentric single member. This applies to both the gross and the
subtle levels.
What is effective in the gross realm in the form of the laws of nature regulate
The subtle planes are accompanied by the earthy elementals of the jupitic beings
the ordering law of ethics and morality. The soul organ Jupiter determines the
personal mental maturity and the expansion of the true I Am. If
unhealthy outgrowth or power and glory, depends on the quality of
from inflowing earth elementals.
• That's why it's so important to have everything you want
and does, also checked on its value for the environment and the neighbor.
Never violate the rights of others, but respect them and seek
then to understand, approve and fulfill them.
When that becomes a habit, you automatically win in the simplest way
those important elementals of prudence and foresight that make up the
subtle levels form the foundations of true spiritual magnitudes. Because
although these earth elementals, transformed into jupitic beings, continue to exist
serve preserving principle, they no longer block with indurations or
Limits, but regulate the flow of energy and growth, by using
Wisdom form suitable structures that give the consciousness ever larger spaces
and open up views. The Hermetic had for this essential cells the
striking symbol of the bee-industrious, and though as a single being the whole
Serving bee colony,
she collects honey, builds the structure of honeycombs that are enlarged,
and serves with the fertilization of the flowers even a larger one
Context outside their own state. Collect the bees,
without getting into debt.

Whereby "guilt" is not just theft, bank loans or personal loans

are meant. You owe many more people than you think.
Not just loved ones. Even among the millions of unknowns, the
a pittance in the Far East on the assembly line or in scorching
Heat the goods or food we buy here at a ridiculous price
can produce, one is karmisch indebted.
This modern way of legalized stolen goods does not release you
Guilt arising from the consumption of these goods. Unintentionally is today
everyone an exploiter of the poor. Even if Providence is the bill
not immediately presented, who becomes a responsible Hermetic
seek to settle them immediately. He knows that the recording
Angel records every good deed, avoiding being karmic
Burdening powers in the next life.
• Therefore, be glad of every opportunity that presents itself to you for just
Compensate. Give consciously and from the heart, renounce without frustration. It
is e.g. not in order, on real wage increase or profit gains too
while mothers and children are prostituting in Thailand and
Fathers sell their kidneys because they do not have the family with their wages
can feed.
Even if you as an individual can not change this injustice, man
can be representative where you have the opportunity and offers
often enough if you just keep your eyes open. The Hermetic feels
not only responsible for what belongs to his immediate area of responsibility, but
he is also beyond where he can for law
and order. This visibly lifts him out of the crowd and gives him
• consideration:
From this perspective, constrictions and disabilities suddenly gain one
completely different meaning. Not just material renunciation, every conscious and
voluntarily self-imposed self-imposed transfers
Energy into the dry and strengthens the retention-giving tension of the grading
Mental muscle.

You can be aware of that at the next traffic light.

Instead of being irritated with red and impatient to give in to anger,
put your hands in your lap, make the magical gesture of the
FERMEBUS (see "magical transformation" book 5) and collect
aware of the crystallizing elementals of the earth. You can right
feel like those first unbalanced
Fire elements (they have become more urgent, dry
impatiently relocated) again held dry by the earth
transformed and from the "cold", that is, the dormant principle of the earth, in
Form of serenity and peace are collected.
The insight that through his consideration of the order of a larger one
Context serves (and thus also in the power and power of a higher form of
participates, thus can outgrow itself), converts any otherwise felt as compulsion
Disability in a conscious renunciation. The law that assures others their right and
Freedom of movement regulates, also grants you your safety and freedom - with
"green" you are it,
who can drive unhindered. The feeling of serving a higher unity is communicated
very soon
also a greater vision, more confidence and strengthens the sense of responsibility.
The ability to influence justly and judiciously does actually grow
the personal power sphere. Because the others feel your dignified, reliable
Radiation and give you voluntarily more rights.
• Order in thinking, feeling, willing and consciousness:
What applies to the outside, also applies to your interior. Each of your essential
cells has its own
Authority and is part of a Geistorgans. Also the so-called negative thoughts and
Emotions fulfill a function in the subtle organism. So you would without the
Doubts, which questions many things, accept everything in good faith and do not
test. Without pain
and sorrow would not rain the fear, but it is precisely that which is in time for
Preserved arrogance and cautioned you to be careful. A certain ego-centeredness is
needed for that
one is able to differentiate oneself from the others in order to be on one's
personal environment and
Task area. Even anger is none other than one
fierce defense reaction and a signal that yours the "undesirable"
Setting immediately clear

As stated elsewhere, "good" and "evil" are always one

Too much or too little. Once the balance between power and power is disturbed
becomes one-sided exaggerations and excesses. The two fluids, out
whose interaction the primal qualities and the four elements manifest,
must be able to flow smoothly, otherwise the order of the elements is disturbed.
Like a tiny stone or blade of grass in the desert, the stream of air
swirls and in a short time creates a mighty sand dune, or a
only slight breeze of a thermals the entire weather conditions
can collapse, a seemingly meaningless is sufficient
negative emotion that one tolerates, a lie, a negative thought, etc., around one
to grow mighty dune degenerate elementals. Luckily that is true
also for positive essential cells such. the silent movements of his
Conscience, the following good deed, the good purpose, the confession to the good.
For the quality of his essential cells, based on the existing
Everybody is responsible for their own individual order.
There are no rigid laws for truth, justice and charity
or rules that function like natural laws and are blindly understood
can be.
The Hermetic stands over the forces and powers because of his quadruple nature
and all forms of consciousness bound to these one-sided energies.
These follow their purpose and can, even if their goal is a positive one
was, unilaterally degenerate. One is much more common with such wild energies and
elementary outgrowths of his fellow humans or targeted demonic ones
Influences than you think.
Not everything you experience and what you encounter is karmically conditioned or
"God Wanted". The advanced hermetic must be in the course of his
Development of this consolatory, but unfortunately wrong idea, ready
be to take ownership of themselves and others, and correcting
intervene, even if it does not just affect its essential cells.
• The wisdom of man springs from the adapted action.
Decisions must correspond to the given circumstances and to the
following personal conscience without any prescription from above
can be. Laws apply only to the natural forces and people who are themselves
as Urenergies behave. The human spirit must be able to self
Creating laws, fulfilling them and lifting others. He will be there
at most against a human law (often only a club law) or that
Commandment of a superior, but never against the cosmic hierarchical order
have to break. Because this is for truth, justice and charity
created, also the law of austerity belongs to it.
This is not an invitation to anarchy, but to the realization of his
Self-responsibility. Everything you think, feel and do will be on your mind
respective level have "karmic" consequences. Also, what you do not do.
Who regularly shares his thoughts, feelings, desires - and the awareness with which
he perceives them, controls them and their right to exist, so
Checked meaningfulness, not only avoid in advance that too many unwanted
Elementals arise, but also develops the necessary for this control
Elementals of alertness and mindfulness. These are those ennobled ones
Essential cells that directly support consciousness in the light body. By the
Attentive observation of his inner emotions sharpens his
Perceptual sense, without which the ICH could not hold its consciousness.
A Hermetic will therefore always pursue only those thoughts that are just for the
respective activity is necessary. Maintain only that mood that is conducive. Just
allow those feelings that carry in the right direction. Only those wishes
nourish, their realization actually of reason and willing
arise from. And only do what he thinks right and before his conscience
can answer for.
Without support, order can not be maintained. Therefore one becomes the
It is a special feature of the Earth's elemental cells
Pay attention. Also, there are no hours of meditation or
cramped concentration exercises needed. Daily life also offers here
Hermetic enough opportunities, the ability the mind
to stop, to train. A very important exercise is the silence, or
rather, the conscious review of his speech.
• silence.
It is one of the most significant "concentration exercises" when you look at it
makes it a habit, everything that one says, to its value, which it for the
Listener has to check, and get used to, only the beneficial,
Pronounce fruiting.
Some people (many scorpion born) gain a majority of theirs
fascinating energy, because they can keep silent. This is not just the
Ability to keep a secret meant. The fewest people are
aware of how much of the sustaining energies they are squandering because they are
thoughtlessly everything that comes to mind or just urges them to
say, actually pronounce. Your message needs go through with them
like an intellectual emotion.
I consciously interrupt my instructions here in the middle of the text. Not only
because I'm convinced that no one who followed me so far has been a reader
Guide needs more, but also because it is time for a rest.
Before going on and working through the 5th BOOK is a review and
Location determination appropriate. I recommend the l.und 2.BUCH again
to study in detail and often hidden in the scenes housed
Understand findings and exercises or even better
out attribute. I consciously chose the emotion-triggering novel form,
so that images are drawn and the necessary elementals for the depicted
Findings are more easily recalled. It would be a shame
if the drama of the plot animates it and into the light
pushed spiritual foundations back into the background.
Also the 3.BUCH should be read again. Because in the short
Instruction of the "Free Mason Retreats" are basically the
main rules of hermetic school disclosed. It's even shorter
only the old monastic rule (which actually comes from the hermeticists), "Ora
et labora ".
he longer you follow a spiritual path, the more you become aware
that for the advanced hermetic in particular, everyday life is always a school
becomes more important. Of course I mean the awakening,
consciously experienced everyday life and not the dull, stunned by noise music and
endured daytime frustration. The exercise of conscious waking in connection with
Fulfilling daily duties is more "yoga" than hours
Meditate. Those who go through life in such a way consciously use theirs
earthly lifetime better than a hermit.
May it comfort all readers who are discouraged and have a guilty conscience
because they are unable to perform their exercises regularly. It
is part of the "way" that one occasionally leaves him, doubts, even that
Target loses sight of. Those who are really consistent over months and months
Years go through a given exercise program, usually follow
a very narrow one-sided path, driven by curiosity, ambition
.Fanatism or sect influence and only very rarely the personal
spiritual determination. We did not incarnate in this world, and then
spellbound to stare at the hereafter. Hermetic may neither enjoy the pleasures of
to forget the ground of reason.
Hermetic practice does not just mean that everything you read is understood
and you have to work out yourself to do the exercises and what you have learned
but rather demands that the fruits of striving be
as abilities and characteristics also in daily earthly life
especially in dealing with his fellow human beings. If not
the case is, one is either too fast and one-sided proceed, or one follows
a wrong way.
Honest self-examination should not discourage, but it does not hurt
if this is the result of occult training among many esotericists
mental arrogance is attributed to a sober self-assessment.
(Not everyone who considers himself an esoteric actually follows one
spiritual way. Just because someone believes in supernatural things is why he is
for a long time no Hermetic and certainly not better or cleverer than
There are many reasons why someone turns to Hermeticism
and usually differ fundamentally from the later ones
Motivations that one after many years of searching and trying, the
Follow the path further. In the beginning it is there, where not mere curiosity
or occult ambition (read Bulwer Lytton's novel
"Zanoni" as well as "The Red Lion" by Maria Szepes) into the adventure of magic and
Mysticism urged, either disappointment, resignation or powerlessness, the one
Turning away from the earthly and turning to spiritual worlds and beings
had effected; or the opposite, the desire to the earthly world too
control, desire for pleasure and striving for success, left mental means and ways
looking to reach the material goals.
Only who in practice, truth, justice and compassion, to his
Life content is Hermetic, and capable of the last great mysteries,
and its true I Am, to grasp in full.
• How does one recognize that one follows the correct signposts, what testifies of
mental maturity?
The true mastery does not show itself in miracles or
spectacular mystical experiences, but at the inner
Attitude with which one masters the life, and how one with his
Worries, problems and deals with his fellow man.
Modesty and contentment make the being happy and satisfied
harmoniously on the conditions. Desires disappear earlier
Meaning were.
Serenity in failure and patience uphold the distance
distressing events.
The need for seclusion grows while
Recognition by others always seem less important.
Absolute honesty, reliability, tolerance and understanding
Compassion to others characterize the character.
Making a sacrifice for others is perceived as an enrichment. waiver
does not require any special effort.
Expectations seem to be realized without any special intervention. One knows
his weaknesses and uses his strengths and preserves equanimity in happiness
and in pain.
A master of hermeticism is no longer looking for dusty ones
Manuscripts, venerable orders, secret formulas, rituals or
unknown instructions, he does not seek his master in a "guru",
but finds him in the sacred second-long eternities in which he
himself with his true self, which he himself in the course of his spiritual
Development has worked out, identified.

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