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As Above, So Below

My Life as an Adept
An Autobiography
Seila Orienta
Cover design by Peter Windsheimer.

Original German Title: Das Leben und die

Erfahrungen eines wahren Hermetikers.
Translated into English by Peter Windsheimer.
Additional material by Peter Windsheimer.
The author, publisher and translator of this material
are not responsible for injury that might occur,
physically, emotionally or mentally, through misuse
of exercises and instructions contained within this
Copyright© 2015 by Peter Windsheimer,
Boca Raton, Florida; USA
ISBN-13: 978-1500613525
ISBN-10: 1500613525
All rights reserved. No part of this publication
may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system
or transmitted in any form, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying or recording in any form.
Table of Contents

Book I My Life
1. My Present Incarnation
2. A New beginning
3. My First Mago-Mystical God Experience
4. Parmasa
5. Chanting Mantrams
6. The Keeper of the Threshold
7. The Bardon-Circle League
8. The 28 Pupils of Master Arion
9. My Friend Kuluch
10. My Visit to the Moon Sphere
11. Involuntary Magical Homicide
12. Lodges, Societies and Peculiar People
13. The Order of the Templars
14. Dispersal of a New Age Group
15. Bekaro, My Strict Teacher
16. A Lesson in Humility
17. A letter from a Student
18. A Necessary Spa Visit
19. Previous Incarnations
BOOK II My Hermetic World
1. Demonology
The Realms of the Demons
2. The Beings of the Elements
Salamanders: The Beings of the Fire Element
Undines: The Beings of the Water Element
Sylphs: The Beings of the Air Element
Gnomes: The Beings of the Earth Element
3. The Extra-Cosmic Planets
4. The Peculiarities of the Higher Astral Planes
5. Shiva, the God of Destruction
6. The Godhead of Christ
7. The Personal and Universal God
8. The Guardian Spirit
9. Credence – Akasha
10. Force or Potency – Fire
11. Wisdom – Air
12. Love – Water
13. Consciousness – Earth
14. Introspection: Yes or no?
15. True Rune-Magick
16. Ufology
17. Time and Eternity
18. *Past, Present and Future
By Peter Windsheimer
Epilogue by Peter Windsheimer
Epilogue by Johannes H. von Hohenstätten

As the oldest son of Seila Orienta, I

wholeheartedly corroborate all that my father has
written in this book is based on true experience
and is the truth.

Often, a lack of recognition and

acknowledgement of the deeds of great spirits
seems to be a fate that these masters share. I am
certain that some readers will ridicule and
discredit all that my father had and still has to
offer. Even some of Seila Orienta's students lacked
the appreciation of the great accomplishments of
this great soul. I too, did not recognize the true
extend of my father's greatness until his passing
into the astral world, and I have matured as an
adult. Everything that my father has foretold me has
come to pass as predicted and to this day, I feel his
presence and hermetic guidance.

My father's solicitude has been

misinterpreted and pure egotism and pride of some
students sadden my father at times.

However, my father's main concern was the

hermetic development of his students. As a matter
of fact, he saw his students’ development as his
main mission in his life. To achieve his goal, my
father demonstrated superb patience and endurance
and his love and dedication for others and went so
far as overstepping karmic boundaries for his
“Hermetic League Circle”.
Moreover, I am filled with gratitude that I
may now continue Seila Orienta's mission to
publish his writings that will bear fruit and prove
indispensable in the future.

Seila Orienta's closest confidantes, to whom

I may count myself, continue Seila Orienta’s
mission under his guidance so that every
conscientious hermetic student may escape the
quagmire of the material world to find the strength
and resolution to successfully and confidently walk
the golden middle path.

Thus is my father's legacy.

Book I
My Life
My Present Incarnation
My extraordinary life on the earthly plane
began on January 14th, 1951. Before I was able to
form my own memories of my childhood, my
parents told me that I had been alert and awake
mainly during the night hours. During daylight
hours I had slept the day away soundly and
tranquil, but once the sun passed behind the
horizon, I arose rested and full of energy. Thus,
was my life’s structure until I turned six years of
At that time, my father fell ill and
convalesced more than a year in various hospitals
and spas. One day, as he was released from the
hospital, he raised his voice in anger at me.
Without hesitation, I threatened him with a rock in
my hand. My aim was correct and the projectile
soundly struck his head, which compounded his
anger as he sought to punish me. He and I wore
shorts as it was summertime and I ran through a
large patch of stinging nettles with my father close
at my heels. Not one of the stingers caused harm to
my legs, but my father ceased his pursuit in pain
and stinging agony.
I enjoyed a Catholic upbringing and at age
nine I met a devout and saintly pastor who
solidified my faith in the Divine. However,
churches and mass caused discomfort in my very
soul as I preferred to pray the Lord’s Prayer “Our
Father who art in heaven” in quietude surrounded
by nature, for I did not want to pray in crowded
churches. During the prayer, I imagined the Lord in
heaven figuratively, that I felt a personal
connection to God. Once I spoke the phrase “Give
us this day our daily bread” I held out both hands
for the Lord to place something in my hands. Only
what I received was not bread and the Lord, then
said in my mind, “one cannot live by bread alone,”
and I was content. With the words “forgive us our
trespasses,” I practiced introspection and
promised to give up a favorite toy for penance.
This way I lived a life in harmony with my
faith. The prayers enabled me to feel close to God
and felt blessed with intuition and inspiration. This
wonderful harmony lasted throughout my
During my adolescence I gave the
impression of being just like anyone else. Early on,
I discovered an undeniable ability to influence my
average peers, demonstrated a solid faith and a
well-balanced character. On the day I saw my
future wife for the first time, I said to her brother
that she would become my wife, even though I
didn’t know her. In the long run, all plans I hatched
came to fruition.
Somber days had cast a dark and heavy
shadow upon my spirit. Sometimes the heavy hand
of fate made it difficult to live on day by day. Fate
had cast my entire family down into a morass of
misfortune, leaving us with just the naked
necessities of life. Years of misfortune and malaise
forced me into the depth of despair, a condition
that I would wish upon no one.
Many trials in my life stayed to this day and
only my strong belief in my Godhead and my path
towards the light enabled me to walk confidently
through all encumbrances of my existence. Karma
unleashed a never-ending storm as I navigated
through my life, but in the long run, I learned to
master what fate has thrown at me and mastered to
stand firmly on my feet, despite the storm. After
all, I had caught a glimpse the light that shone as a
distant beacon in a far distance as I held on to my
life raft of faith in God and in the confidence of
soaring into comforting heights within the light
world that lie ahead. With Franz Bardon’s wise
guidance, I found the tool to realize and fulfill my
calling in this life.
Initially, I abused my gifts for nefarious
purposes in my younger days. For example: As a
young man, I was drafted into the army, and spend
some days in the stockade for various infractions.
One evening, when I smoldered in my cell once
again, I hypnotized the security personnel and
ordered each guard to hand over his weapon and I
had the key keeper unlock the cell before I had all
succumb to a deep slumber. Naturally, I repeated
this prank every night since none of the personnel
had any recall of the incident the night before. This
was, in fact, just the beginning!
After serving my term in the army, I lived in
Dortmund-Marten for some time, where I studied
“Practice of Magical Evocation” and decided to
evoke a being from the Venus sphere. Since I have
not worked with being of the lower spheres in the
first place, this evocation proved to be a difficult
undertaking. For this reason, I decided to work
with a medium. Soon I found a suitable person who
would serve as a medium. In a basement room, I
hypnotized my medium and after entering into a
state of trance, I ordered my medium to locate a
being called Hagiel.
Endowed with a great imagination, I
immersed myself into a universe of indescribable
vibrant green color, which cannot be found on our
earthly plane. Within this sea of green color I
petitioned my Godhead to stand by me. Once I felt
at ease with my surroundings, I called out Hagiel’s
name into this sea of green light. I imagined her
sigil in my mind until I sensed the approach of a
great queen. Suddenly, I realized that my mental
body was incapable of withstanding the
oscillations of such a great being. The imagined
sea of light began to fade. Hastily I loudly chanted
Hagiel’s name again and again. Once my
consciousness reached the material world again,
the medium opened his eyes and spoke with an
altered feminine voice: “What do you want from
me? Your actions pose an infraction of the
universal law!”
I retorted that my evocative abilities are
limited to using this process and that she may
forgive me for my actions. Hagiel scolded me over
the fact I used a male medium rather that a female
one, which would be only appropriate when
calling a female spirit.
“Are you really Hagiel?” I queried.
“If you need proof on my authenticity,” she
answered, “what do you desire?”
At this moment, someone knocked at the
basement window that faced the curb outside. I
opened the window and invited this nosey young
man to join me at my undertaking. Once the young
man faced the medium, which executed some
gesture with his hand, the young man fell into a
deep coma for 30 minutes. When he awoke, he fled
the basement room in panic and fright. From this
time forth, I was able to operate without any such
Over time, I found 12 people to practice
evocations around my medium. I spent the next two
years harmoniously, filled with wonderfully
strange experiences and one true evocation of a
spirit being. At this time I gradually gained psychic
power, just as my faith began to wither.
Our group of seven adults and five juveniles
founded a circle I called “Bardonkreis” (Bardon-
Circle League). The older members felt that honor
and authority ought to be bestowed on them, rather
than myself as the founder of the circle that caused
much friction and discord among the members.
Hagiel withdrew and a demonic being filled
her vacancy. Hagiel did not neglect to inform me of
her departure from our circle’s influential sphere.
At this time on, I rarely joined any meetings. I
began to undermine the circle by being in steady
contact with this demonic being. Soon after, my
contact with the demonic being began bear
unexpected fruits.
I participated in a circle meeting and
demanded to act as a medium. Immediately, chaos
wreaked havoc among the members. One member,
a 22-year old woman, ran hysterically through the
room and lifted a 600-pound wooden cabinet off
the floor at one end. The cabinet almost collapsed
due to its own weight. Another member left the
room panic-stricken by bursting through the closed
door, thus destroying it. Yet, another member lifted
the sofa together with four cowering occupants into
the air.
I ended these horrific activities and
informed the remaining members of the kind of
being the group has associated with. In the end, this
event broke our circle permanently. The medium
was still possessed by the demonic being, which I
exorcised only through great effort and the help of
a more elevated positive being under the condition
that the details of the exorcism shall not be
A New beginning
After I lost contact with Hagiel and some
other beings of the earth zone, I began to feel an
inner emptiness and discontentment. Due to karma,
my mental and astral awareness began to fade. To
improve my condition, I searched for recipes for
the creation of magick salves and fluid condensers
aiding the detachment of my mental matrix. This
way I invented an excellent elixir that enabled my
mental body to exit my physical body at a
moment’s notice. Needless to say, the use such
elixirs proved to be highly toxic as well as
detrimental to a decay of my health. All this
experimenting resulted in an extended hospital stay
and an elemental shift within my mental body
caused arbitrary separation of the matrix. Although
I learned much about the astral plane at this time of
my life, I found myself at risk of permanent
damaging my health. On the other hand, I
communicated with lower astral entities as well as
with diseased individuals and travelled the panes
at my own leisure.
As my body slowly began dying, I found
myself mentally thrust into the heights of the mental
sphere where I made the acquaintance of three
beings, which ultimately saved my physical life. At
my arrival, these beings led me into a triangular
room, whose left wall was covered with
unfamiliar symbols. One of the beings informed me
that this wall represents my past. The wall in front
of us was covered in symbols as well. Again, I
was unable to decipher the symbols of the central
wall. I noted that these symbols oscillated a
disquieting ambiance upon my psyche. The second
being, which appeared to be a magos of high
ranking, pointed to the central wall and said: “As
you can see, this center wall is only partially
covered with symbols. This wall represents your
present life. Your present lifestyle will sabotage
any future progress of walking your path.
Therefore, nothing more can be written on your
wall of present life. Needless to say, the right wall,
which represents your future, will remain blank, as
you would have wasted your opportunity. This
center wall, your present life, proves to be of
paramount importance since it may profit your
future. The right wall symbolizes your future. You
may not be aware of this, but the future will also
have some bearing on your present life. So I urge
you to weigh the karmic consequences of
squandering your life in such a manner.”
Understandably, I was shaken by these
harsh, but honest words. As I glanced quietly at my
unfinished life, symbolized by the right wall, the
third being broke the momentary silence: “ You
have accepted an important mission that best suits
your character. Awake from your stupor so that you
can see your true self! You have burdened yourself
with negative karma. Learn from your past
misdeeds and your mastery thereof, and teach
others who want to study the hermetic sciences.
Lead your students by example and illustrate how
fate will mercilessly penalize any missteps in
As soon as the last words faded, I found
myself alone in this triangular room. Sadness filled
my heart and an image of Master Arion slowly
materialized before my eyes as he instructed me to
set up a circle for true hermetic students. He
conferred abilities to me and called latent abilities
to my attention. From this moment onward, my
mission became apparent and I took an oath to
fulfill my destiny. Once the images faded from my
sight, I saw that the center wall was completely
inscribed by symbols that gradually flowed onto
the right-sided wall. I genuinely wanted to fulfill
my mission in this lifetime.
Once I returned to my physical body late at
night, I noticed my wife was awake and sitting
upright, staring at an apparition that unfolded
before her eyes. Master Arion stood at the foot of
the bed. He was dressed in the fashion of an Indian
holy man, wearing a white turban on his head,
silently fixing his eyes upon us.
This experience rang in a new phase of
development. I diligently practiced the first two
steps in “Initiation into Hermetics,” and gradually
worked through exercises step-by-step. Although
some exercises proved to be extremely difficult to
master. Through intense introspection and all the
willpower I was in the position to muster, I
successfully balanced my character and all
elemental disturbances that were caused by my
previous lifestyle.
In due time, I gathered some of Bardon’s
former students, sometimes under extraordinary
circumstances, while traveling to various
countries. The first of Bardon’s students with
whom I established contact, was Rah Omir
Quintscher’s son Ernst Quintscher. I also
encouraged my wife to seek correspondence with
Maria Pravica and after some correspondence, I
visited Irena Novakova in Prague, because she had
much of Bardon’s unpublished material in her
possession. I also visited a gentleman in Prague
who gave me the illustration of the 4th Tarot Card.
All these former students had fond memories of
Franz Bardon, his selfless service to mankind and
his great deeds from which his students profited
greatly. During my travels, I befriended Dr. Lumír
Bardon, Franz Bardon’s only son and also
Bardon’s purportedly favorite student, Dr. Milan
Kuman. This way I gathered much knowledge of
the work that Franz Bardon bequeathed upon
mankind. Since many manuscripts I found were
written in Czech, I had them translated into
German. All these activities solidified my resolve
to fulfill my mission to create a new study circle
that I called the “Bardonkreis des Bundes (Bardon-
Circle League).
Now, it was time to place advertisements
for our Bardon-Circle in various occult and
spiritual periodicals. As a result, I received
hundreds of queries and ultimately chose twelve
practicing students, who lived almost exclusively
within a narrow radius of the circle’s base in
North-Rhine-Westphalia. These members now
constitute the “Inner Bardon-Circle”. Throughout
this time, my wife turned out to be of invaluable
assistance in every phase of the creation of the
My First Mago-Mystical God
Once I successfully completed all steps of
Bardon’s Initiation into Hermetics, I made my
acquaintance with my guardian spirit. Much to my
surprise, I noticed that my guardian spirit was none
less than my former Tibetan guru from an
incarnation two lifetimes ago. During that
incarnation I often taunted my guru, ridiculed him
before my fellow students and by committing
misdeeds and exacerbated his daily life. Now that
I was able to see his radiant aura, I recognized his
advanced hermetical rank in the hierarchy. This
new insight caused me to be filled with remorse
for all misdeeds I committed in times past.
However, my new former mentor embraced me
forgivingly as he uttered the words: “You have
always been my favorite protégée.”
My guardian spirit supported me in the
creation of the Bardon-Circle League.
Furthermore, he revealed that Master Arion had
chosen 28 students, whom he personally instructed,
to guide and tutor others in hermetic principles.
Those 28 adepts live all around the globe. I was
called upon to instruct 14 students step-by-step to
the portals of initiation. During a lengthy meeting,
my guru urged me to choose a personal Godhead.
He disclosed exact instructions in meditation
techniques to realize that goal. While in
meditation, which lasted six hours, a wonderfully
bright golden light veiled my consciousness and I
experienced a tetra-polar ecstasy, a conscious
exposure to the four principal divine virtues. I am
truly at a loss for words to describe this wonderful
experience, which may have lasted mere moments,
or many hours, since all references of time faded
from my consciousness. During this ecstasy, I
experienced my personal Godhead and the God
from my childhood as one entity. The presence of
this wonderful cosmic Godhead, which took and
on an abstract form, filled my heart with humility;
all surrounding sceneries were of an abstract
nature that words couldn’t describe. Although, in
my mind I understood that there exists no higher
God aside this magnificent God, I instinctively
knew that Metatron may expand beyond that which
is beyond. Such concepts are truly
incomprehensible to the human mind. Alas, I am
not authorized to say any more about this.
This exceptional divine encounter brought
about a perfect equilibrium of virtues within my
very being and from this time forth, I never felt
alone. My Godhead was always present and I had
no need for prayer or petition before God.
Humility and reverence eliminated all my wishes
and desires due to a constant stream of the
reception of divine virtues. My Godhead and its
omniscience diminished all earthly needs and
Now I had the freedom to travel the astral
plane at my own leisure. These travels gave me the
opportunity to gather profound wisdom and mago-
mystical secrets. I also began to personally see the
students of the circle, an activity I indulge in to this
day. This way, I was able to take care of
imbalances within their character, and soon I began
to consider them my children. I am still at their
disposal and cater to their individual needs.
However, I detest being the subject of veneration
or devotion, a privilege reserved for Divine
Providence. God’s love shall fulfill all his
children’s wishes and give to his children what
they need. Since I partake in God’s love, I too shall
give where I can. The more an individual opens his
or her soul to me, the more I am willing and able to
do for them. I will always give my all to help
inexhaustibly. My love stands above karma and I
do what I can to minimize my children’s karmic
burden. Although, I have to suffer the karmic
consequences of eliminating or easing the weight
burdening my children in their lives, nothing shall
stop me from guiding my friends toward their
goals. Once I have permanently exited this world, I
will continue to guide the members of the circle
I clearly remember when I mentally visited
a principal called Parmasa from the zone girdling
the earth. My choice for selecting Parmasa was the
fact that he is sympathetic to humankind. After
preparing myself mentally, I called out his name
several times, but to no avail. So I kept calling his
name repeatedly, until suddenly I felt a tap on my
shoulder, and a voice said, “you can call my name
a hundred times, but you won't see me if you don't
turn around!”
Parmasa is quite cheerful and humorous and
he prefers to appear from behind. As I turned
around, I gazed into a friendly face that changed its
appearance every few moments. Some features
were quite bizarre like expressions from cartoons
that left me laughing out loudly.
“What can I do for you?” he asked me
I first asked him to be less cheerful, so that
my laughter won't distract me from my request.
“Your wish is my command,” he uttered as
his face disappeared and only a gigantic nose
appeared on his neck without a head.
I pulled myself together and spoke, “ A
member of our circle is contemplating suicide, and
I seek your help.” While I continued explaining my
wishes, Parmasa’s nostrils seemed to grow larger
and alternated its girth. Although I sought out this
being to help with a pressing matter, I began losing
confidence in this being’s ability to help.
“Well,” he said, as he pulled a crown from
underneath his cloak and placed in upon his
gigantic nose, “I will help your friend.” As he
faded away, he muttered his final words: “Have
we become the laughing stock of humankind,
I thanked him, and once I returned to the
physical world, I received some encouraging news
about my friend. Astonishingly, within a short time,
he became more cheerful and even met a lovely
girl. Altogether, his luck seemed to have changed
for the better.
Chanting Mantrams
The material about mantrams that I received
in Prague proved to be useful on many levels.
There are forty-nine mantrams, of which eight
were chanted without sigils. All mantrams
consisted of multiple sentences formed into one or
more paragraphs and required a sacrificial offering
to various Gods. The first one that I chanted
required cake without the use of animal fats in its
ingredients. The wording was quite poetic and in
unison with universality. More than six hours were
required to repeat this mantram in its entirety a
thousand times. Within a few days I mastered
certain fluidity in chanting this mantram and
managed reduce the time to four hours for each
session of a thousand repetitions, but all my efforts
seemed in vain at first and due to a lack of any
success, I deliberated abandoning this project. I
decided to abandon my experiment after the sixth
consecutive day of chanting. On the sixth day, after
about 300 repetitions of the mantram, I felt a slight
electrical current passing through my body, moving
down to the my Svadisthana region.
As this sensation intensified during
continuing chanting, I found myself struggling to
maintain consciousness and chanting became a
slur. I spend altogether eight hours in this state.
Intuitively I understood that I am dealing with
Shakti on a basic level since this particular
mantram is dedicated to Shakti, who is the great
Goddess Maha-Devi. Finally, I was certain: The
Goddess has taken notice of me!
The next day I decided to continue with the
chanting of the mantram, and to my surprise, after
only repeating the holy text twice, I felt a warming
tingling sensation that travelled towards my solar
plexus. Coming from a distance, I perceived a
muffled voice, without being able to understand
any spoken words. After chanting for days, the
words of the mantram automatically passed through
my lips. The memorization of the words enabled
me to direct my concentration on the voice, the
words spoken by Maha-Devi. Finally I understood
the words and I was granted to partake in many
great experiences, when a sensation of perfect
harmony expanded throughout my very being,
without ever fading completely in the times to

On the 12th and final day of chanting I was

privileged to experience something that was
reserved for very few practitioners. The silvery
light of a bright moon filled my room in and
polychrome dots of light danced before my
window. At first, I thought that my exhausted mind
deceived me until I saw the outlines of a female
being taking on solid forms. It was a Goddess in
person. Her head was adorned by a semicircle of
stars and her heavenly beautiful dress sparkled
brightly through the moonlit room. I sat silently
before this magnificent mother of all things and
smiled graciously as she weightlessly stood before
me. A whole spectrum of colors emanated from
this apparition of Maha-Devi. Some of the sparks
touched me and each spark evoked a different
sensation in my soul. In quietude, I lived through
this paradise-like experience of being in the
presence of a great Goddess, who carried some
Indian features in her appearance due to the nature
of the mantram. Being aware of the grace and
greatness of Maha-Devi that I would never be able
to achieve throughout my existence, I thanked the
universe for the privilege of being touched by the
grace of such a magnificent being.
At last, the Goddess began to speak and
with a lovely voice she explained to me the entire
act of creation. Every word, although powerful
enough to stir my entire being, oscillated divine
purity and universal omniscience that seemed
removed far beyond the capacity of my intellect.
Through this experience, I realized the limitations
and diminution of the human spirit. Maha-Devi’s
motherly love, an eternal unconditional divine love
that resides beyond human sentience, filled every
cell of my being. I literally bathed in the rays of
her grace and purity when she gradually faded
away into her majestic realm, not without leaving
my spirit full of heavenly delight. Her image was
firmly engraved in my minds eyes and I will recall
her grace for all days to come and I often repeat to
myself the words “I have seen her.”
Although, I chanted a few more of the forty-
nine mantrams and enjoyed great success, I
concluded that this form of magic, which demands
large amounts of time, a luxury not many possess in
our modern times.
The Keeper of the Threshold
On many occasions, I have been asked the
question how a person, who is privileged with
spiritual insights, adjusts to daily mundane life?
Mundane life diverts much of the energy that one
needs for spiritual endeavors. Everyday life is
ruled by ignorance, irregularities and struggles that
conflict with the harmony a hermetic practitioner
requires for his or her practices. A magus, with
spiritual experiences is confronted with the
profound quagmire of day-to-day squalor in a
coarse and abrasive material world. Whenever I
travel the throughout the heights of advanced
ethereal spheres, and in the end, find myself being
thrust back into the oppressive darkness of the
physical realm, I must develop an almost
superhuman level of adaptability to overcome the
daily evil that the negative principle doles out
especially to hermetics and students of hermetics.
It is the negative principle’s task and ultimate goal
to force the true seeker off the path or complicate
an established hermetic’s life. The task of the
negative principle consists of an important aspect
of evolution. Without this resistance and the
strength a hermetic musters to overcome obstacles,
builds a true character and willpower necessary to
grow and move on to a higher existence. Thus, it is
possible to develop properly in the physical
world. Furthermore, it is pertinent that the
hermetic, withstands all resistance from the
destructive principle and persists in moving ahead
on the path or accomplishes a mission given to the
hermetic by Divine Providence. A human being
such as the hermetic student consciously strives to
ennoble body, soul and spirit to be prepared for a
mission. The novice’s primary mission is that of
his or her own spiritual growth. By overcoming the
many obstacles of daily life, I successfully
executed all exercises required to advance
One day while practicing intense vacancy of
thought, I entered into the depth of infinity and
became oblivious of the body, mind and soul. What
remained was pure consciousness without thought
or sensation. In this depth of nothingness, space
and time ceased. I neither expanded nor contracted
and remained in complete stillness, which is
considered one preliminary step before
As I remained in a rapt of vacancy, I was
stirred by a sudden presence that billowed
termination and perdition. A being with eyes of
yellow lurked in this eternal darkness and held my
consciousness captive. Instinctively, I strove to
avert my spiritual death through the hands of this
“What frightens you?” an abhorrent voice
thundered through the darkness. “Do you wish do
delve deeper and further, my son?”
Something I have never seen before, a truly
horrid being revealed itself before my eyes. I
could not describe this being in mere words.
Although, some hermetic books give some
descriptions, nothing could have prepared me for
such a sight.
The presence of this being taxed my
consciousness to the point of loosing myself. I
wrestled myself to stay alert and asked, “You seem
familiar. What do you want from me?”
“I am saving you from yourself”, the voice
thundered. “You have approached me and I am
telling you now: I will never leave you. At times,
when you think that I am far away, I am near. I
force you to grow or die; the choice is yours. Once
you are able to look into my eyes without fear, you
may pass by me across the threshold. Think about
I was not going to argue with this being and
the image once again faded into the darkness.
Swiftly I gained my normal consciousness at the
spot I was sitting on a chair with thick drops of
sweat pouring down my face. I felt physically
weak and sick. To this day I believe that this
encounter almost terminated my life in this world.
The “Guardian of the Threshold” spoke the
truth and despite my inner equipoise, I regained my
strength only slowly. Although, despite the
physical maladies that resulted in the encounter
with this being, her warnings saved my live. To
this day I suffer from severe insomnia and I am
often forced to ingest sleep medication.
I mentioned this encounter as a warning to
everyone who thinks that he or she may skip some
exercises or even some steps in the process of
hermetic self-initiation. The Guardian of the
Threshold will make sure that no one who has not
reached the proper level of maturity shall pass into
higher planes. Although, most hermetic
practitioners will end in failure or self-delusion
(Lebenslüge), some will encounter this horrific
being personally. I have no advice for those
individuals, for they must act according to their
best knowledge, should they face this guardian. I
wish I could spare others an encounter of this
*I used the Latin term “magus” rather
than the anglicized magus to differentiate
between a magus of the hermetic sciences and
entertainment trick-magic (P.W.)
The Bardon-Circle League
At this point, I would like to divulge more
details about the Bardon-Circle League
(Bardonkreis des Bundes). As I mentioned before,
there existed an informal Bardon-Circle League
that was doomed to disbandment owing to the
chaotic conditions under which it operated.

Years later, I was allocated to create a new

Bardon-Circle League that is true to the teachings
of Franz Bardon and universal law. I was also
given a copy of a letter that Franz Bardon wrote to
a friend in the 1950’s:
“I would welcome the idea if the lot of my
students and devotees would create formal circles
of allegiance that represents the interests of true
initiation. However, its members should refrain
from discussions of personal affairs and matters
of the private lives of its members. Such circle
should be based on dealing with the hermetic
progress of its members and any distractions
could weaken the allegiance and may lead to the
dissolution of a circle. In a positive atmosphere,
things will progress accordingly and guarantee

I knew what had to be done. Essentially, our

Bardon-Circle League is a secret society, which,
opens to the public from time to time. Three years
of diligent practice of the exercises in Bardon’s
Initiation into Hermetics are a prerequisite for
membership admission into the Bardon-Circle
League. Aside from discreteness, there are no
prescribed rules and regulations. The names of the
members are secret to the outside for their safety.
Any attacks on our members are futile and I will
personally retaliate any animosity towards the
members of our league. I formulated the
“Instrument of Accession” to our league with the
following words:
The Bardon-Circle League
Founded on May 10, 1986
in Eschweiler,
Any individual, regardless of status or
esteem, who seeks the truth through theory and
practice in accordance to Franz Bardon’s
teachings, shall be welcomed as a full member of
our league. Although, league members are
adherents to the hermetic teachings of Franz
Bardon, no member shall be coerced to
participate in the league’s activities and members
are free to forgo membership to our league at any
time for any reason, in accordance to our creed
of complete freedom of the individual. Man and
women are of equal standing. The Bardon-Circle
has no established schedule for meetings and
members shall agree upon a time for a circle
meeting. The circle operates in an autodidactic
manner, where each member constitutes his or
her own teacher. Should any individual member
face insurmountable obstructions on the path, the
Bardon-Circle League will provide an
appropriate mentor to resolve certain issues. The
Bardon-Circle League has no headmaster and
each member has his or her rights but no
obligations. Practicing students with outstanding
abilities and maturity comprise the inner circle.
God shall provide complete initiation into
primeval religion and full support in their
magical endeavors shall be granted.
Name: ___________________
Signature _______________
The principal intelligence of circles, groups,
associations and leagues has been mandated to
arrange that all practicing members of the circle
live in close proximity of each other. I may use my
abilities to help. It is a great joy, helping someone
to shed some of the burden that life places upon a
hermetic student and granting wishes. At times,
however, it is necessary to admonish a student in a
least obtrusive manner to lead him or her back onto
the path. Since I am a more giving nature, I am
delighted to present my students with gifts of
hermetic nature. If it were up to me, all of my
students should be able to accomplish the first
Tarot Card in this lifetime. Some students are
introverts and do not open themselves easily. So I
have to gently ease myself into their hearts by
working unobtrusively, in order not to unsettle their
fragile nature. Instinctively, they perceive my
sincere sympathy toward them. All that is in my
mission. I have a lot of children, although they
don’t know that.
The 28 Pupils of Master Arion
Master Arion chose his students from within
the astral zone. Those chosen students were the
ones that most emphatically lamented about the
lack of opportunity to advance on a true hermetic
path in our physical world.
True initiation is not an effortless path to
master. We all know the laws: Something of great
value has its price. I was tasked to find 14 pupils.
The search was arduous and I applied my mental
faculties to find some of those individuals, and
used the same powers to keep the circle together.
It is my goal to lead all of my 14 students to
an advanced level and guide the most gifted ones
to Step VIII in Initiation into Hermetics. As long
as I will live, I will guide my children, stand at
their side in times of trouble, help the ones that
stumbled and fell, carry them and comfort any one
of my children, unlike the remaining 14 students of
my counterpart in Greece, who have a heavier
cross to bear. Their teacher does not guide and
comfort them. They are left to their own devices.
Once my students pass away into the astral
realm, the most gifted ones will be instructed
further in the astral world and some will reach
greater spiritual heights. Master Arion will admit
those adepts into his palace and teach personally.
Those adepts will reincarnate soon after their
training is completed and carry out a mission on
our planet, while others will remain in the astral
world for a greater duration and receive further
training. In the end, those adepts will also be
received at Master Arion’s palace. All 28 students
will become excellent teachers and each one of
those adepts will, in time, instruct 14 students of
their own.
In this way, the hermetic seed is carried to
fruition and many a magi will carry out a mission
to prevent an earthly catastrophe. Earth will enjoy
spiritual rejuvenation and shall be cleansed of the
remaining refuse. Naturally, the task to reach this
goal will be arduous and many adepts will
experience humiliation at the hands of the ignorant,
but will prevail in the end. Never once shall we
doubt victory. We shall stand before God in
humility, as he will guide us on our mission; his
will be done.
My Friend Kuluch
Eventually, while mentally travelling
through the astral plane, an adept’s may develop a
curiosity for visiting the lower spheres where the
mediocre individuals dwell. I once travelled
through very coarse reaches of the incorporeal
realm, where I noticed an orange-red landscape in
the far distant. Although its albedo was low, this
place sparked my curiosity. At once, I transposed
my consciousness, and I arrived in a barren land of
red mountain ranges, devoid of any plant or animal
life. Naturally, I surmised that this must be part of
an astral inferno. Later I found out that this entire
world was the realm of one lonely being. While
pondering about the purpose of this peculiar
world, a large shadow jolted my attention and I
gazed at a huge eagle soaring through the red sky.
Immediately, I sensed that there is more to this
eagle circling the blood red sky. In the astral
sphere, all animal forms are friendly, peaceful and
gentle creatures, so I called upon the bird to
approach. Promptly the eagle swooped down and
upon landing, it assumed human form.
Before me stood a being that radiated
dignity and might, as well as deep sorrow and
despair. I asked the being’s name.
“I am the great Kuluch,” the being
introduced itself after a long pause of silence.
“How is it then,” I asked while inspecting
our surroundings, “that this world is so peculiar
and desolate?”
Kuluch looked in my eyes and said: “How
right you are, human. This is my personal realm. I
am its sole inhabitant.
“Where are your servants and subjects, and
how did you get into this situation?”
“I am a prince without subjects,” he
interjected. “There is no being inferior or superior.
Loneliness is just my punishment for
insubordination. In vain I search for God, but
nowhere can I find my God for comfort and
support. That is my karma”
“You must know,” he continued with a bitter
face. I was banished to a realm that is not my true
home for I am a principal of the Mars realm. The
form of an eagle symbolizes my past virtues. No
creature ever visited in many hundreds of your
earthly years. You are my first guest.”
Magically, Kuluch was a very talented
principle. Through him, I developed the ability to
view past and future incarnations — although I
never gazed into the future. As a distinguished
advisor, Kuluch wisely guided me on the right
path. This spirit possessed great many powers. His
power enabled him to shield me from attacks by
spirits or fellow humans. I often imagined that
Kuluch’s wrath could spell devastation to anyone
that attempted to defy him. One of his many talents
was the ability to guard against fire through his
skilled use of the electric fluid.
For some time, I regularly visited Kuluch in
his realm. He was always compliant to receive me,
and in one conversation, he made it clear that he
would receive some of my friends as welcomed
guests to his world, as long as I would not bring
females. Once, however, he made an exception to
his rule. As part of our friendship, Kuluch stood by
my friends in times of need. Under the pledge of
secrecy, he gave me his personal seal to contact
him at any time and location, even without leaving
my physical body. Upon the completion of a ritual,
contact was established immediately. I heard his
spoken words coming from my solar plexus.
He instructed me of the dangers of the Mars
sphere by creating an artificial Martian force field
to simulate the altogether unpleasant oscillation of
that sphere. A visit to the Martian sphere evokes
strong feelings of aggression in the visitor’s mind
as well as a strong impulse for the lust for power.
Kuluch will not be marooned in his world
eternally. Eventually, he will be permitted to return
to the Mars sphere with full rank and honor and
upon full rehabilitation, Kuluch will resume his
missions once again.
After my contacts with Kuluch, I missed his
naturally aggressive character that is prominent
among the genii of the Mars sphere. However, the
close proximity of his temporary to our zone
girdling the earth has somewhat calmed his natural
I will always appreciate Kuluch’s
friendship and close bond that has developed over
My Visit to the Moon Sphere
After completing my extensive travels
through the zone girdling the earth, I naturally
became aware of the other planetary spheres. Alas,
I was not in the position to visualize these spheres
clearly. After all, the earth zone is infinite and
contains a myriad of degrees of density, beginning
at the coarsest — almost material — level and,
continuing eternally, it reaches higher and higher
into unknown subtlety. The subtleness of the
highest divine spheres cannot be described in
human terms and even at the divine level contain
infinite degrees of subtlety. Naturally, some levels,
especially the lower ones are heavily populated
whereas the finer levels are inhabited sparsely.
It is impossible to measure the earth zone in
material terms of measurement such Astronomical
Units (AU) or light years. It roughly could be
measured in billions of light years. The structure of
the earth sphere is dissimilar to the material
worlds structure, therefore the concept is hard to
understand in physical terms.
With the desire to explore further spheres, I
sought out an earth realm genius named Urael, who
explained the configuration of the lunar sphere.
The moon sphere happens to be analog to our
astral body, which explains the silver color of the
astral matrix (silver cord). Within the moon
sphere, one may recognize the negativity or
passivity of the physical sphere. Thus are the
physical influences of the moon.
While in the earth zone, I impregnated my
mental body to the best of my ability with lunar
oscillations, but could not match the exact color
combinations necessary for a visit to the lunar
sphere. Urael who holds the rank of a lord,
assisted me in achieving the proper color
Soon after, I was on the way to the moon
sphere by rotating around my axis and finally
ascending to the lunar realm. Lights that matched
my mental body’s oscillation began to flood around
me while the image of the physical moon faded
away. In his second volume, Franz Bardon
describes the moon sphere as opalescent.
However, when I entered the moon sphere, I
perceived the entire color spectrum, whereas the
magnetic or passive light colors demonstrated
Since the four elements and the Akasha
principle within the lunar sphere possess a
structure that does not relate well to the human
mental body, a temporary disability of processing
thoughts and mental movement in general
prohibited any action. Urael, who accompanied me
on my journey, elucidated that this temporary
process illustrates, to what extent the soul is bound
to the mental.
Finally, after what appeared to be an
eternity, I regained my thought faculties and the
ability to move about. After such experience, I
realized just how painful it must have been for the
proto-humans to move into an astral body. Due to
the astral body’s characteristics, the immortal
mental body has become a mere reflection within
the consciousness of the astral vessel.
Furthermore, I also felt that life and death cycles
on earth are strongly influenced by the moon
sphere. The lunar sphere stands in opposition to
the solar sphere, which maintains and enlivens the
mental matrix. Needless to say, I initially
considered this sphere quite depressing.
“We are only on the coarsest level of this
sphere,” my spirit companion responded to my
thoughts. “Just like within the earth sphere, there
are more subtle levels of this sphere as well. Also,
your consciousness is not yet functioning properly
and that still taxes your judgment.”
After conditioning myself, my mental eyes
began to adjust to the lunar conditions and I was in
the position to discern details within my
surroundings. For example, I noticed male and
female lunar beings. Their features are similar to
those of earthlings. There are female lunar beings,
such as Ilue, who are extraordinarily beautiful. No
earthly woman could compare with her beauty and
grace. “Oh magus”, I thought to myself, “beware of
such beauty. It could spell your doom.”
Much to my relief, Urael took the precaution
of cloaking our presence. Although, pictorial
language or imagery is universally the same on all
spheres, I would have been quite incapacitated to
converse, due to my diminished mental capabilities
because of this unaccustomed environment. This
way, our stealthy presence liberated me from the
predicament of striking a conversation.
While observing the lunar beings at their
activities, I noticed, much to my astonishment, a
wonderful being passed by and faded into the
subtler regions. My guide explained to me that this
being was a human magus who routinely visited the
higher regions of the lunar sphere. That which
appeared a routine for one being, seemed to be an
impossible feat to perform at this time.
Soon, unfamiliar oscillations depleted my
mental body and exhausted I descended back to the
earth sphere. Everything here radiated familiarity. I
truly felt at home in the earth zone and the elements
quickly revived my mental body.
I thanked my guide. Without the assistance of
Urael, I would have had to work for years to gain
access to the lunar sphere. This first visit to the
moon sphere showed me God’s magnitude.
I later realized that I could not have moved
to the higher lunar level owing to my mental body’s
constitution at that time, since I could not have
withstood the finer oscillations. However, after
repeated visits, my mind began to recover its
former strength. In order to communicate with a
higher lunar intelligence, one must visit the moon
sphere on at least 10 separate occasions to
condition the mental body to the oscillations of a
higher being.
Involuntary Magical Homicide
A gentleman, who was a member of our old
circle, visited my home on a regular basis. He
possessed a gift for magic and was considered a
master of imagination. Alas, this man kept contact
with the very demon that I utilized for destroying
the old circle. Whenever we met, this man feigned
friendship and expertly hid his secret attraction for
my wife from me. Within a short time, a spirit
being I had conjured brought this secret to my
attention. At his next visit, I confronted him openly
about his attraction and our supposed friendship
ended in a bitter conflict. From this day on, this
man attacked me with his supernatural powers and
the help of his demon companion. However, I
averted his attacks without retaliating, until I
realized that he intended to annihilate me.
Now, it was about time I had to act. I thought
it would suffice to create a volt that contains a
command that would diminish his desire for my
wife. This volt worked well for about two years
until his desire to possess my wife flared up even
stronger, despite the fact that he had a lovely wife.
Somehow he realized that I influenced him
hermetically through a volt. His knowledge of
being unable to terminate my life and the fact that I
am able to create powerful volts that would
frustrate is supernatural endeavors evoked great
hatred and anger in this man heart. He became most
determined to reach his goal. His urge grew
exponentially and he began stalking my wife while
I was off at work.
My wife confronted him and promptly
rejected his desire. Angrily he stomped off
threatening my wife: “If I can’t have you, no one
shall have you.” Undoubtedly, he revealed his plan
to use his powers to murder my wife.
Coincidentally, I became ill at this time and
in my weakened state of health, I was unable to
protect my wife hermetically. However, I
approached some friends in the astral sphere and
pleaded for support. Alas, not one of the beings
was inclined to help due to my present Karma that
I accrued because of a pact I had sealed some
centuries ago. My faculties were hampered by
frustration: my wife could be dead soon, had I not
found a solution, and promptly, the first symptoms
of magically induced ailments took hold of my
wife. Initially, I was able to divert some of the
worst symptoms.
In my state of despair, a demon prince came
to mind, with whom I had close contact a long time
ago. Although my past encounters with the demon
in the past, carried more selfish motives and the
story did not end well for me then. I had no choice
but to approach this prince and seek help. Once I
arrived in his realm, his subordinates led me into
his demonic palace and before the throne of the
demon prince. It became apparent that every being
here knew about my requests, by looking into their
Surrounded by a golden light, Samael the
demon prince received me from atop his throne.
For this occasion he appeared in human form and
donned a violet robe that was interlaced with
threads of pure gold. Upon his brow, he carried a
mighty crown.
“Come hither, little human”, Samael
condescendingly addressed me. “In times past, you
have served me well. Thus I will grant you a favor
and terminate a human life for you.”
“Oh Royal Highness”, I answered. “As
always, you are well informed. However, I do not
wish death upon anyone.”
Disappointed he glazed at me and said:
“Well, what do you want then? I followed this
whole ordeal you and your wife had to endure.
Wouldn’t death would be the only true option to
stop that man permanently?”
“Honorable prince”, I replied, “I am quite
aware of the cosmic laws of cause and
consequence. In the end, I would find myself in
your clutches if I agree to your solution to my
“So, what are you thinking about?” Samael
asked, feigning ignorance. I was well aware that he
knew exactly what I wanted. He stalled this
audience to gain more time to place his demonic
influence on me. Needless to say, I was eager to
leave this oppressive environment.
“Should Mr. D.B. continue his attacks on my
wife”, I dictated swiftly, the same afflictions that
he bestowed upon my wife should befall his wife.”
“This contract should come into effect, once
I cast it into flames”, I added demandingly.
Samael agreed and I returned to my physical
surroundings. I immediately prepared two
contracts, both for myself, because I never
intended to accept the demon’s service, otherwise I
would have been in Samael’s debt that would carry
karmic consequences. So I carefully planned my
steps for the next day. Overnight, Samael placed
his signature and seal on the prepared contracts.
On the following day, I paid a visit to my former
friend. I presented him the contract with seal and
signature. He smiled nervously, but in his excited
state, he did not recognize the signature of Samael
in its abbreviated form.
Within a week’s time, my former friend’s
wife suddenly died. Perturbed by the death and the
fact that Samael had not followed our agreement, I
visited him, with both agreement forms at hand, at
his palatial residence in his realm.
You have not kept your word”, I burst out
agitated, “ and violated our agreement which I hold
in my hand. That woman is dead. You have killed
that woman without my consent.
I am not responsible for what happened. You
are the one who murdered without decree.”
Samael laughed aloud and said: “Don’t be
such a wimp. The woman is dead and justice took
its course. Why all this commotion?”
Your version of justice took its course”, in
interjected swiftly.
“Now I am being reproached for doing
favors?”, Samael said. He glowered at me and
hissed sardonically: “ Take heed of those
contracts. They may burst into flames.” He knew
that he had no recourse against me.
Although I didn’t create any negative karma
for myself and escaped a pact with Samael, I felt
deep compassion for the dead woman and
effectuated hermetic methods to elevate the
woman’s existence in the astral sphere, because
she would have remained on earth for another 20
years, which were taken from her. I had no astral
contact with her since she remained in an
unconscious state. Such is the law of the astral
sphere. Similarly to suicide cases, she will awake,
once the 20 years have passed.
After his wife’s death, my former friend‘s
health and mental condition gradually worsened.
He spent his time in casinos and his children
turned bad. His life has become unbearably
miserable, but that was his cross to bear in this
world. I could not have intervened.
Only later I discovered that Samael not only
served me, but also simultaneously aided my
former friend though one of his subordinates.
Samael was the winner, any which way the case
may have turned out. This case demonstrated the
clear intellect and cunning strategy of this demon
prince. No matter how this incident may have
played out, Samael had his way.
Lodges, Societies and Peculiar
Due to their spiritual prowess, some
individuals find comfort in the presence high-
ranking demons. It is not just the negative principle
that draws these individuals close, but also the
bright divine emanation these demons cast upon
black magi, like a moth is drawn by the light of a
flame only to find certain death.
Over the years, quite a few of such black
magic individuals knocked at my door. However, I
refused no one.
The Saturni Lodge is in reality a Freemason
Lodge that has long passed its zenith. For this
reason, the Freemasonship views the members of
the Saturni lodge unsuitable for their purposes.
Sorting through my extensive collection of
lodge materials, I found that it was not complete.
To complete my collection, I sought a meeting with
a Freemason of the 33rd degree, to arrange an
exchange of writings. I was willing to pass on
some materials that were of interest to this
We met on a rainy Saturday in a quiet pub in
Bochum (Germany). To my surprise, Mr. W. turned
out to be a charming and agreeable person. Right
away, he explained his leaning to the left path,
although he did not wish to discuss details. We
exchanged materials and in our conversation that
followed the exchange, Mr. W. attempted to
convince me of the advantage of becoming a
member of his organization.
I, of course, negated his query, stating that I
have found my spiritual path and I see no reason to
leave my path. I was not certain, what this man
saw in me, but he offered me the opportunity to
pass over the lower ranks and become a member
of the 18° degree (Gradus Pentalpha — Practices
of “Sexual Magick”). However, I negated again,
and Mr. W pressed on: “Imagine you were a tree
and all other trees around you would protect you.”
“A solitary tree grows stronger and healthier
that its counterpart in a forest”, I retorted. “A
single standing tree defies storms and can develop
freely, whereas a tree in the forest does not
possess this opportunity.”
“Would you like to master the first two Tarot
cards in this lifetime?”
I gazed at him with astonishment when his
facial features began to change. It seemed that he
had a gleam in his eyes like I have never seen
“Would you like to join the Lodge of the
Golden Century (FOGC)?” he finally queried.
“I am on the path of the middle”, I
responded acerbically, “and I am not willing to
divert. I am honored by your confidence in my
abilities and I respect you as a person. I will
always remember you as a strong person who has
found his way. “
After we parted, we remained in contact for
some time, until the grand master under a threat of
death terminated all correspondence. I responded
by stating that I had no further interest in a contact
with any members of the lodge and expressed
mutual respect for each other’s affairs; thus ended
all contact to Mr. W., whose lodge name was
Frater Giovanni.
The Order of the Templars
One day, I received a telephone call from
someone in Bonn (former capital of West
Germany). A friendly voice asked, if I owned
materials from a secret book written by Rah Omir
Quintscher that I had received during a visit to
Quintscher’s son Ernst. I was quite confounded by
this caller’s knowledge of my visit, so I arranged a
meeting with this mysterious person.
Days later, my doorbell rang and as I
opened the front door, a well-dressed man,
donning a pointed goatee, the external sign of a
member of the Templar order whose members
revere Baphomet as their supreme Godhead,
greeted me politely. His outer physical appearance
and gestures did not reflect his inner emanations,
which I perceived as being quite unpleasant.
Nevertheless, I invited him inside. We spent
a few minutes with the usual pleasantries and
general talk about the Templars who originated
from the Maltese Order. Without further ado, my
visitor disclosed that he wanted the signatures I
possessed of all the negative genii of the mercurial
sphere as well their effects in relation to the
elements and the electromagnetic fluid.
“I know about your Godhead”, I responded
slightly piqued. “He is powerful and he could
reveal the information to you desire. So, why do
you ask me?
“Well”, he blurted out freely, “our Godhead
does not want to reveal this information at this
“Don’t you think that this circumstance has
something to do with karma? I smiled as I leaned
backwards. I could feel his hatred and aggression,
which he so carefully hid behind a gentle smile.
Suddenly a jolt of anger took control over
his composure. “We will terminate you with our
Tepaphone,” he hissed.
Taken aback, I considered throwing him out,
but I decided to employ a different strategy. As a
pretense I quietly assumed a pensive posture,
while I gradually withdrew my guest’s life force.
Dark rings formed under his eyes as he hunched his
back wearily.
“Do you know anything about life rhythm?” I
said, breaking the silence.
He began to shake as I just slightly disrupted
his life rhythm. I saw the fear of death in his
apprehensive eyes. My Templar friend literally
struggled for his life. Sweat poured down his face
and his breath labored as that of a dying man while
his heartbeat began to weaken.
“Let that be a warning to you and your
brethren”, I added firmly. “Where is your God
now? Has he forsaken you?”
I revived him by adding Prana to his matrix
to prevent a complete breakdown of his system,
ultimately resulting in his death. His heart
gradually became stronger and energy revived his
very being. As soon as he gathered enough
strength, my “friend” silently made a dash for the
Dispersal of a New Age Group
In a new-age magazine, called “Esotera”, I
noticed an advertisement for an open group
gathering of the “Association for Life Counseling
and Reiki” in the town of Gelsenkirchen. I was
curious and since the meeting took place nearby, I
went and signed up for the meeting.
The head of the group was a somewhat
plump woman, who also ran a business as a real
estate developer, and her male associate, who
worked as a district manager for some travel
agencies. The third of the group was another
woman who was a professor of electro-physics.
All other members present appeared to be less
flamboyant individuals. However, the aura of the
entire group was awash with self –praise and self-
No one in the group knew my name and
when asked, I declined politely. The group
discussed the opening Reiki centers for profit,
even though it seemed that all the members here
were well endowed financially.
As I listened to the discussions, I realized
that Divine Providence had sent me here to
uncover the pure avarice of a group that operated
under the guise of helping others in need.
I feigned chronic pain that inflicted my wrist
and the lady in charge asked one of the group’s
healers to tend to my affliction. Although I sensed
the aura of this healer, I felt no life energy coming
from this so-called him. Finally, after a few
minutes of Reiki, the healer asked: ”Does this
“You should know”, I replied, “you are
supposed to be the Reiki master, aren’t you?”
I was quite incensed by this group’s
pretentious attitude. “I am an advanced Reiki
master”, I blurted loudly. “Reiki is based on the
electromagnetic fluid.
“Why don’t you try using electricity?” the
woman in charge responded.
“Not a problem”, I said to her. I asked the
lady to stand while I rolled up my shirtsleeves.
Then, I held her hands, remarking that she should
pay close attention.
A sudden jolt of energy pulsed through the
lady’s body, followed by a second equally strong
jolt that threw her into her chair. Since my sleeves
were rolled up, anyone was able to see that I did
not manipulate the experiment through an external
source of electricity.
The entire group surrounded their superior
as she slowly and quietly recuperated from the two
electric jolts.
Once she had recuperated — only her
disheveled coiffure showed her brush with an
electric current —, the lady offered me a handsome
amount of money if I were to join this group, an
offer I politely declined. In the end, the entire
group sheepishly admitted to the fact that they have
never seen such a display of energy.
Once the lady restored her appearance, she
queried about other abilities I could demonstrate.
“I read minds”, I responded in a factual
The lady grinned and with a slight tone of
ridicule in her voice she said: “Well, read away!”
“My dear woman”, I said, “for quite some
time you are trying to coerce the manager from the
travel agency to sleep with you, while your
husband stayed home to tend your children. You
called this meeting for the mere purpose of
creating an alibi as a cover for a romantic
“Stop it!” she demanded while the entire
group glanced at her in disbelief.
“Now, let’s see”, I continued without the
intention to let her interrupt my reading. “I see that
you, Mister manager, have noticed this lady’s
advances. You see yourself in bed with her,
although you don’t find her attractive. Your
motives are purely financially. God help you,
should your jealous wife learn of your intent.”
The lady turned beet-red, while the man lost
all color to his face.
Relentlessly, I continued: “Although you
both know each other’s ulterior motive, you will
consummate your affair tonight.”
“And you”, I said as I turned to another
woman, “you did not see this coming, even though
your read cards? You must excuse me now. I
cannot join such an incompetent group. I bid you a
good night.”
In a last attempt, the lady wanted my
address, but I left without saying another word. My
conscience was clear as I fulfilled my mission
here. In the following weeks, I received news that
the group was disbanded soon after that night.
Once upon a while, I encounter people, to
whom I may demonstrate what hermetic magic can
do. It is quite a delight to demonstrate the existence
of magic to mature individuals since I usually keep
my abilities secret. Silence is a power, which
most individuals misunderstand.
Bekaro, My Strict Teacher
I had traveled through several levels of the
Zone Girdling the Earth, when I noticed a bright
red star in the distant void of the astral skies. Once
I trained my mind on the star. Immediately, I was
greeted by a graceful genius: “I awakened your
curiosity to visit this place because I have wished
to see you.”
I had to admit that this being had a sharp and
powerful mind to alter my initial travel plans. Up
to this point, I never diverged from my plans while
traveling the astral sphere. At first I had no idea
about the identity of this genius. Only later did I
learn that my wife, Ariane, arranged this meeting.
This genius, which introduced himself as
Bekaro, called me by my spiritual name and I
became immediately aware of the importance of
this meeting. Although Bekaro did not assume a
human form, his appearance emanated charm and
“You are a human who possesses a certain
fervor”, Bekaro said, “and that makes you the ideal
leader for your group. Your passions are well
balanced, actively as well as passively, and due to
your personality traits, there will not be any repose
for you until eternity.”
Disheartened by these icy words, a dark veil
of melancholy befell my soul. I asked myself:
“Will I ever find repose?”
“Take delight in all your traits”, Bekaro
comforted me while he had read my thoughts,
“Your abilities allow you to work efficiently in the
world. Ariane, your soul mate, shall consciously
represent the works of the great Master Arion.
Our next meeting will be in the physical
plane. Prepare yourself well for this evocation. I
won’t reprimand any mistakes on your part. Should
you have any difficulties, you may enlist the aid of
your soul mate Ariane.”
I was quite elated when all the preparations
for the forthcoming evocation of Bekaro were done
properly. Nevertheless, I checked and rechecked
my list and ensured that everything was properly
executed since this one was to be my first
evocation of a high principal genius.
Once I stood in the magic circle, dressed in
a silk robe and placed a crown on my head to
demonstrate my rank as an adept. I concentrated on
divine unity and proceeded by evoking Bekaro into
the magic triangle before me. At first, few flickers
of light danced above the triangle. Soon, thousands
of specks appeared and formed into polychrome
spectacles of astral light. Then, with a sudden
explosive burst, the lights vanished and Bekaro
stood before me in human form.
Bekaro’s aura emitted an immense quantity
of astral light that requires a magus to wear a robe
of pure silk for protection. He stood tall in a royal
robe of red and blue and a violet cape draped his
shoulders. Upon his brow, he wore a crown of
radiating gold that prominently displayed a large
ruby and other gems, the likes of which I had never
seen before on earth.
To my surprise, Bekaro bowed before me
and made a gesture of veneration when he said: “I
greet you and bow to you with all due respect. It is
an honor to be speaking with you.
Without further ado, let me come to the point
of this evocation. There lives a woman in Prague
who harbors many writings of Master Arion. Your
wife, Ariane, is aware of the existence of this
literature. Go to Prague, seek out this woman and
offer her a golden ring with three diamonds, which
is in your possession. However, she will not
accept the ring, but your gesture will soften her
heart. Pay her well and she will give you whatever
literature she has. I will leave you two of my
servants to assist you, stand by your side and
inspire you when necessary.”
As I thanked Bekaro, two spirits appeared at
his side. They were invisible to the untrained eye,
but would not escape my clairvoyant vision. These
assistants emanated oscillations of benevolence
and power, similar to that of Bekaro.
Bekaro went to a greater detail about my
mission to retrieve Master Arion’s writings.
During our conversation, he stressed that the virtue
of justice must be applied in my undertakings, lest I
wish to fail. At that time, Czechoslovakia was
ruled by a totalitarian regime and many dangers
lurked on the way to Prague. Bekaro’s spirit
servants proved to be invaluable and they guided
me past the border control without having to
endure the infamous baggage checks.
Once our meeting concluded, I thanked
Bekaro and with a release gesture. Bekaro
vanished in the reverse process of his appearance
at the beginning of the evocation.
After this evocation, I meet with Bekaro
many more times. He is kind and wise, but will be
strict and relentless, should an individual commit
injustice. In such cases, Bekaro demands
immediate rectification. He proves to be quite
adamant in his stance. Bekaro, endowed with sheer
limitless power, can be quite convincing in forcing
an adept to correct any wrongdoing, while his
concern involves the maintenance of the
equilibrium. Due to his rank and power, Bekaro’s
sphere of influence is vast and spreads widely
across the astral worlds.
A Lesson in Humility
There seems to be a law in human existence
that the more an individual knows, the more
questions will arise. I happen to be inflicted by
this trait. Once the question arose as to how
important and valuable my own life would be in
respect to the rest of the population. Since I was
not able to find a satisfying answer, I contacted my
guardian spirit who shamed me for asking such a
daft question. My dear guardian spirit had his ways
to help me along to find my own answer.
Within a moment, my guardian spirit and I
left earth until it appeared as a distant blue marble
before my eyes.
“Now ponder upon this vision”, said my
guardian spirit.
I sat before this beautiful blue gem and
pondered when I realized that I could not see any
humans. They were too small to be visible,
insignificant in relation to the grand scheme an
entire universe. What role did I play? I would be
insignificant and too small to see, just like our
forefathers, all of earth’s heroes, emperors.
Nothing! I heard no laughter, no cries. I saw no
artists creating masterpieces, composers writing
beautiful music, literary minds creating immortal
works or any other human achievements. All I saw
was this blue gem.
“What do you see?” my guardian spirit said,
interrupting my train of thoughts.
“I see nothing”, I replied.
“Exactly! Where are those supposedly
important things? Where are you and your
ambitions? Can you see yourself on this earth
before you? No human achievements, neither yours
nor the accomplishments of your fellow humankind
can be seen. Take a good look. This is how God
sees you: invisibly tiny and insignificant.”
His words shocked me deeply. Everything is
nothing, utter significance? I realized that my
thoughts were a manifestation of atheism.
“Indeed”, he continued. “Your questions
pose faithlessness to its core. You could have had
positive results, had you not placed yourself at the
center. Thus, your query was of a pure
materialistic nature.”
I had learned my lesson and I understood
that any egocentric deeds and attitudes are without
meaning. Egocentricity translated to a lack of faith,
a desecration of the Holy Spirit by tainting all that
is pure through the impurity of materialism.
Therein lies a universal law and I reformulated my
question: “How may I do justice towards God and
how can I serve Divine Providence as a lowly
Upon reformulating my question, the picture
before my eyes began to change. All planets
seemed to interconnect harmoniously. I saw people
existing in union with spirits. All the beings in the
cosmos were striving towards Divine Providence.
Then, I saw myself, small and insignificant,
wearing a sign upon my brow. At last, I saw my
true self.
My guardian spirit glanced at me
affectionately and said: “Did you finally
understand, what is important in an adept’s life?” I
finally understood spiritual maturity.
“I know that I make life difficult for you at
times”, he continued, “but that is my task to make
you understand. In the future, I advise that you hold
back your abilities to some extend; although use
them when necessary. That is my wish.”
I bowed before this loving, wise spirit and
thanked him for his true guidance. I would follow
his advice in acknowledgement my appreciation
for my guardian spirit. At all times, I had to watch
my thoughts carefully and keep my mind alert, thus
avoiding earthly pitfall. All adepts, whether
advanced or novice, must always be vigilant!
A letter from a Student
Dear Anion:
Although I haven’t written for some time, I
haven’t forgotten about you. I hope you and your
family is doing well.
In recent times I thought much about my
past visit in Castrop-Rauxel. It was and is
important to me, and likely any other visitors that
you do what you have to do.
I had long conversations with Kaya and
Sven and I experienced much in recent times.
Changes came about quickly. Last summer I took
a job as a nurse for five months in Heidelberg
and afterwards I travelled with my girlfriend to
In India I had a wonderful God encounter
that gave me much energy, courage and
motivation. You know, my dear Anion, that doing
the exercises and battling one’s vices is quite
difficult. It is easier to win a thousand battles in
war then it is to maser one’s thoughts. I am sure
that you don’t want to hear about my daily
battles, although I value your advice. Kaya, Sven
and I speak about you often.
At the moment I am preparing for my
naturopathic licensing test and will be taking my
public health officer test in the summer of 1995.
Something big has been guiding my life for
a while now. After my 5-month stint at a hospital,
I became disillusioned by the lack of humanity
found there and I couldn’t satisfy my need to help
others. I am shocked by the sheer avarice and
dehumanization within the health field. All this
negativity has caused stomach aches and
intestinal disharmony. I quit smoking and I am
avoiding any excesses.
My main concern at this time is
introspection and thought vacancy. That is an
adequate task and it keeps me occupied. I had
trouble doing the exercises in Heidelberg and I
lost control and physical ailments returned.
Didn’t you say that I would have a hard time? As
hobby philosopher and seeker I often ask myself
the question: WHY? Then, again I compare my
life with others, jealousy gets the best of me and
the feelings become hard to control. Maybe this
question will be answered, as I grow older.
Maybe it is good this way.
Often I wish Franz Bardon were here and
would give me advice or guide me in the right
direction. However, at times I even doubt that he
truly existed. Oh, those old doubts! I think that I
am having at least some control of my affairs at
this time.
However, thoughts about evocation,
charged mantrams and all advanced magic
unsettle my mind. Logic dictates my mind
otherwise. On the other hand, I noticed some
latent abilities that most individuals harbor
Trying to avoid the illusion of being
special turns into a daily balancing act. The
study of hermetics is a hobby and often it is
difficult for me to understand that I am
overlooking the simplest things. You know that I
found myself in a dark abyss.
How would I know if I don’t do the
exercises right? I absolutely despise the
mechanical nature of the exercises and that it
seems so forced upon, so authoritarian. How can
I do the exercises, if I haven’t fully grasped the
theory part of the hermetics? I noticed, how much
I have changed and I take delight in the changes
that are to come. However, it is frustrating when
my view of the world crumbles before my eyes.
The certainty to walk towards the light is based
on faith, I suppose.
I would really appreciate it, if you would
have some time to answer my letter.
With Best Wishes,
The above letter should serve as a typical
example of the many letters I received from people
who seek my advice. Usually, my answers are
strict and harsh to stimulate the mind of the seeker.
Thus, the following words were my answer to the
above letter:
Dear ___________:
I take delight in hearing about your
wonderful God encounter in India. I will not ask
you about any details about it.
However, I fail to see why the path would
seem difficult or that it seems easier to win a
thousand battles than conquering one single
thought after you had a God encounter?
However, I see it completely different: My
very own God encounter enabled me to complete
all my tasks effortlessly and face any
disagreeable events confidently. Without a doubt,
I find that it is easy to avoid negative thoughts
altogether. God gave us the spirit (mental body)
and it is our task to transform our human spirit
into a Holy Spirit*. That is our all-important task
on earth. We should not wait for opportunities to
fall into our lap, but rather seek opportunities.
You should be able to sense arising thoughts as
they announce themselves beforehand and
through the exercise of thought control, we
should become familiar with our thought
patterns, and to where our thoughts lead.
Diligent thought control is the prerequisite to
thought mastery.
Understand that you cannot battle
thoughts because you will always turn out to be
the loser. We simply allow negative thoughts to
pass through us and away, or we send them away
before they unfold in our minds, similar to a
lightning rod that averts lightning damages by
guiding a lightning strike down to the ground.
Indeed, a proficiently trained student does not
see thought mastery as a battle, but rather a
That is quite different than an individual,
who eagerly accepts and retains a destructive
thought and materialize those thoughts through
the matrices.
The problem is not to be found within the
spirit, but rather within one’s soul mirror. I have
the feeling you are running from something in
fear. Your problem is your character. As you can
see, I like to keep my answers short and to the
One is hard pressed to find human decency
in this world. It is best to become a decent human
first; otherwise one cannot work hermetically
later on the path.
By the way, inhumanity and avarice are
pure ideals within their own rights since they
enable us to counter humanely and generously.
You are an independent being and I urge
you to clean house first, before you remove the
rubbish before other people’s houses. You
mentioned that you are sick. Now you know the
source of your ailments.
Preliminary hermetic training consists of
introspection and thought vacancy, and if you
hope to develop, you must work harder on
yourself. A top athlete does not advance in
competition without long and hard training.
Without training, an athlete has already lost
before the race begins.
Some time ago, I told you that you would
experience a difficult period. Act accordingly and
pay attention. The indirect path does not lead to
success. Compare it to a book read through a
mirror, which is an unnecessarily difficult task.
Tread the direct path that leads to understanding;
understanding leads to exercising and exercising
leads to wisdom.
You are looking at your life through a
mirror and read your life mirror-inverted. You
wish that Bardon were here? That would not
make a difference and ease and shorten your
path. Again, you are deluded. Your development is
something precious and not something that can
be gained through trickery and shortcuts. You
must rely on God. Whatever he gives is a gift,
whether good or bad.
Please do not take Milan Kumar’s words
too seriously and call the hermetics a hobby. A
hobby does not lead to completeness. Please find
a better description.
It is not that you do not see the simplest
things; rather the simplest things do not see you.
Do things have ears and eyes or even
intelligence? Use your own senses and
The difference between a magus and an
ordinary individual is that the latter lives
consciously. Of course that is not a feat to be
mastered within weeks or months. All things
magical or mystical are of value. Material gold is
precious. Imagine then, how precious spiritual
gold might be?
You complain about the mechanical nature
of the exercises. Think about it. Mechanics stand
for order and control. There would be no life
without mechanics. You breathe mechanically and
your heart beats mechanically, even though you
do not think about it constantly. You place one
foot before the other automatically. The entire
universe is a mechanism. Life is a mechanism. So
what is your problem with mechanics?
Now a few words about your worldview:
You are self-destructive and you will destroy your
own philosophies as long as you ignore the
universality of things. Just look at the stars in the
night sky. See the harmony. Use this view of
harmony and your God encounter and nothing
can fall apart for you.
I hope you will master things, even if you
dislike them. However, their truths are
indisputable. Please read between the lines of
this letter, then the harsh words will become
loving advice. Read this letter with love because
this letter was written with love.
God’s blessings and success to you,
* See: Johannes von Hohenstätten, ”The First
Lesser Arcanum”
A Necessary Spa Visit
After I was diagnosed with a disease caused
by the bite of an infected tick, I had to visit a spa to
convalesce. The disease affected part of my brain,
especially my visual cortex and glandula pinealis,
which resulted in impaired vision, migraine
headaches and depression. The medical
professionals prescribed potent pharmaceuticals to
counter the effects. Despite all the pain and vision
effects, I maintained a normal appearance to the
outside world. Due to the disease’s effects of pain
and exhaustion, I had to quit work, although I used
my willpower to train unaffected regions of my
brain to substitute for lost regions.
Additionally, my wife was inflicted by a
debilitating life-threatening illness. Since
physicians were unable to improve her condition, I
used my last reserves of energy to aid in restoring
her health. It seemed that a social and financial
decline became eminent. Despite these dire times,
I never lost my trust in my Godhead, which led
friends to help out financially, for which I am very
I found myself at the bottom and my physical
life seemed to have lost meaning. However, I
maintained my position as an advisor and mentor
to some and offer stability and protection to others.
I always helped wherever I found that I was
When I arrived at the spa hospital, I was
given a single room. I feigned ill-tempered
characteristics. The staff would minimize any
contact with me, in order to avoid an outburst of
fury. This way, the staff would not barge into my
room unannounced or cause unnecessary
All this was necessary to find proper
tranquility to concentrate on a presage that hatched
the feeling of some grand occurrence to unfold. My
guardian spirit had demanded that I should leave
all my amulets and talismans at home. He
mentioned work with astral Akasha in order to
receive a grand initiation onto matters that will
exceed anything I had ever imagined.
One quiet evening I began to charge the
large closet mirror in my room at the spa in Bad
Salzuflen (a spa town in the German North-
Western state of North-Rhine Westphalia).
Afterwards, I retired to my bed to initiate the
separation of my mental body. Once I freed my
mental body, I swooped across the room to enter
the mirror. When I passed through the surface of
the mirror, I was surrounded by a familiar absolute
blackness of the astral ether. Any uninitiated
individual, who would visit this place, would find
the Lady Guardian of the Threshold.
The astral ether is absent of time and space.
It would not make a difference, whether a second,
a day, or even a millennium would pass. Time has
no authority. In this timeless and spaceless
continuum of nothingness, I formulated my wish to
know more about the Godhead of Christ. Once I
formulated my wish, I found myself atop a hillside.
In the darkness of the night-like ether, I
gazed upon the silhouette of a man as my ability to
visualize was becoming stronger. I saw a man,
who was a carpenter at one time, wearily sitting
upon a rock. His face was filled with fear. I asked
myself: Where was the Godhead? His twelve
disciples slept in a near distance. At once I noticed
why they did not keep watch at this weary hour.
The air was laden heavily with trepidation, fear
and depression. It seems that all the demonic
beings united to besiege the poor and lonely
carpenter with pain, scorn and ridicule. Since my
presence is purely mental, I barely felt any of the
emotions in the air.
I gazed into his gentle face, which was
framed by a beard and long hair that draped over
his shoulders and back. His deep eyes shone
beautifully blue. When he noticed me and I fell on
my knees in awe and love towards this great soul. I
realized the sacrifice that this divine being made
for humankind: He abandoned his union with God
during his worst time, so that he was able to fulfill
his mission as a mere human being, without the
means and power to help his own self. Thus, as a
man he was able to fulfill his mission to save
Deep compassion filled my spirit, when I
gently stroked his feet to comfort him. Then,
suddenly I felt a force thrusting my entire being
upwards into a sea of colors, colors that I have
never seen before. Gradually, these lights gave
way to a steadily expanding bright golden light
until it filled an infinite void without beginning or
A never-ending spectrum of rays of lights
burst forth from this golden light. It seemed as if
this light was connected to suns, planets and all
planes and spheres of existence. Every aspect of
the universe became united through this spectrum
of unimaginable wavelengths of light. Universal
laws began to fill my mind. A mighty voice broke
through this spectacle and said: “I am the Christ,
who cannot be found by human beings in their
respective spheres. I took on the form for the ones
who are mine, so that they may recognize and
perceive me through their minds. Alas, since
human perception is limited, they may only
perceive a tiny portion of what I am, as I serve the
grandest of the grand. Thus, I cannot be small. All
twelve venerable Ancient Ones are homologous
with my spirit. Henceforth, I exist on a different
level of existence.”
Soon after, I awoke in my physical body
again. Once I stretched my limbs, I realized that
dawn was near. This Christ experience, the
realization of Christ’s true force left a deep
impression in my mind and soul. I encountered
Christ while he experienced his worst moments on
this earth, at a moment when he was only a man, a
man as common as any in a moment of highest
despair and fright.
My compassion for this Godhead prompted
this giant among the spirits to initiate me in the
cosmic laws that have never been written in this
world. Blessed be this divine being. Ultimately, I
realized that there were similarities between
Christ’s life and the life of the great Master Arion.
In the morning I took a cold shower to
revive my spirit and when I dressed I noticed a
faint hum in the room. “Now what?” I said quietly
with an undertone of irritation. “Is one of my
students doing something foolish again?”
Clairvoyantly I inspected the aura of each student
and came to the conclusion that all was in order.
However, I could not shake off this
restlessness. I nervously looked around my room,
when I noticed Master Arion. For some reason
unbeknownst to me, he sat on a chair facing away. I
looked at his shining black hair as I grabbed a
stool and sat down. In the past 25 years, I
encountered the Master only twice.
“That is good”, Bardon said with a soothing
voice, “you should not face me directly today.”
Many thoughts entered my mind. I had to
actively concentrate on bringing order to my mind,
so I practiced thought vacancy to ban all thoughts
from the periphery of my consciousness. As a
result, I fell into a slight state of trance, but I once
more became the master of my thoughts.
“You are fulfilling your mission admirably”,
the Master continued. “In spite of all misery you
have encountered, you did not hesitate to support
your students in their times of need. You are aware
that individuals like yourself are not well-received
by the negative beings. Nevertheless, you paid
your respect, where it was due to the negative
I know that you have grown tired of all of
life’s struggles. On many occasions I protected you
and your students from extreme harm. Your wife,
Ariane, knows me well and I have visited her
many times. She is quite gifted and possesses many
talents. I have conveyed advice and warnings
through Ariane. Take heed of her advice and
counsel. She walks the path of the universal laws
and for this reason, she is part of the league. It is
not her mission to lead as a master, but rather stand
by your side.
Once your stay at the spa has ended, your
mission will change slightly. Teach my students,
who are under your guidance, more independence.
You will initiate the most promising of my students
in the Atlantean Rites. In this matter, I will rely on
your intuition.
Both, my earthly son and my student, Milan,
were once initiates. However, they were never
given a mission and in time they had walked off the
path. For that reason, you cannot rely on them for
guidance. Fortunately, you possess all necessary
skills to rely on yourself in the tasks ahead. Lastly,
tell all the students who have a certain degree of
maturity, where their place shall be, once they
arrive in the astral sphere. This will help them to
adhere to their given path.
So, my dear Anion, just like my brother
Joshua, I shall leave you with a gift as well!”
Once the master had finished, I felt an
upward thrust of my consciousness only to see the
true greatness of Master Arion in his full glory.
The cosmic void filled with blue gold. Colors and
sounds guided golden suns, spheres and planes of
existence to their proper places throughout an
infinite cosmos. Everything that existed became
interlaced with omnipresence, omnipotence,
omniscience and omnisentience and established a
rapport with Providence, an unpersonified Divine
Providence. At this moment, a thought jolted
through my mind, a thought that had no end: How
can the unmanifested manifest itself?
When I awoke in my physical body in the
middle of the night, I could feel my exhaustion
throughout all three bodies. Only a Quabbalistic
formula brought me back onto my feet quickly;
although a pain in my back gnawed relentlessly
throughout my torso.
This night I couldn’t think of sleep.
Excitement rushed through every cell of my being
and my spirit was filled with light. Myriad
thoughts dashed through my consciousness and
brought bliss to my consciousness.
Thinking back to my recent experience, I
concluded that these grand godly spirit beings are
having not much in common with ordinary human
beings. Compared to us humans, these giants
belong to a completely different evolutionary
level. They also underwent a developmental cycle
quite different from us.
Although once they incarnate on our earth,
they will adapt to all physical laws that rule the
physical earth. This way, these high beings appear
like ordinary humans.
However, from my perspective, they are
cosmic forces beyond our comprehension, since
they act exocosmic and heed only to Divine
Providence and are a direct part of it.
Through his mission, Christ has, aside from
other divine virtues, demonstrated omnipotence
followed by omnisentience (all-love). As a god-
like individual, each one of these giants is unique,
and that fact is one of the 864,000 cosmic laws that
were revealed to me. I did not have to memorize
all these laws since that would be humanly
impossible unless these laws were implanted in
my consciousness by one of these spiritual giants.
Some of these laws pertain to spheres that
are unknown to us and become apparent, once all
Tarot cards have been mastered. After
encountering all these laws, my mind is literally
filled with thoughts about the laws’ meaning and
interpretations. For some time I had difficulties
directing my mind to mundane affairs and I was
developing a general disinterest toward earthly
matters. However, through thought control and
thought discipline, I redirected my thought stream
to matters at hand.
All things considered, it is a great honor
having been granted an insight to these cosmic
matters, something I would consider quite unusual
and extraordinary. In the light of these experiences
I had to ponder the encounter of Chenresi — the
one looking with clear eyes.
Chenresi, the embodiment of cosmic love, is
depicted with one thousand arms that reach out to
give aid and comfort to all suffering creatures. It is
stated that Chenresi took an oath before the
Emperor of Saturn not to rest until the last being
has been saved.
Additionally, Chenresi, just like other
Godheads, operates exo-cosmically. For this
reason, the oath has also been made before Divine
The extraordinary dedication, sacrifice and
engagement Chenresi demonstrates toward human
evolution surpass human comprehension.
However, in the end, Chenresi will be the oldest
being located in the universe, one that has
experienced many solar births and deaths. Kama
Although I have spent about ten hours in the
realm of Chenresi, I have no words to describe my
experience. Human words are limited our earthly
existence. Ultimately, omnisentience — or all-love
– is just another word in our vocabulary. In
summary, the deeds of Chenresi are inconceivable.
In fact, all the great beings, such as Christ,
Buddha and Maitreya, that walked upon this earth,
predicted their return. Depending on legend, their
return should occur in the course over the next
30,000 years. However, these beings will return
within the span of the next 4000 years or less. At
that time, the hermetics will have become a world
religion and Akasha will have a stronger influence
upon the individual human beings in the material
world. In other words, humankind will be more
balanced in character. By then, a benevolent
emperor will rule the world and wars belong to the
past. Above all, much of humankind will have paid
off their karmic debts and whoever has not reached
astral equipoise, will find the opportunity to do so.
Advances in medicine will allow for human
life spans in excess of 400 years. For this reason,
individuals are granted more time on earth to seek
completion of spirit. Ultimately, humans need not
incarnate into the physical world anymore since
they have become immortal astral beings.
While gaining a better understanding of the
workings of positive divine beings, I developed an
interest in the negative principle in relation to the
cosmic laws. For this reason, I sought out a being
that I have known from previous encounters.
To achieve this, I settled into my preferred asana
and immediately found myself propelled into a
realm of a silky blackness. I noticed a shimmering
black light that appeared to be in direct connection
with Akasha. Polychrome emanations began
shooting off from this light source into the cosmos.
The colors appeared to be more saturated and pure
than I have experienced in prior encounters with
this being of destruction and annihilation. This
negative Elohim, together with its millions of
subordinates, is in charge of the destruction of
entire planets and even suns. Mysterious sounds
and vibrations accompanied the streams of lights.
Clearly, these vibrations represented destructive
Quabbalistic formulas. Nevertheless, purity and
wisdom, despite their negative nature, tightly ruled
this realm. Even a being of such high standing in
the hierarchy, only carries out orders given by
Divine Providence. The truth of Akasha being the
creating source of this highly destructive being,
weighed heavily upon my spirit. At the same time,
I had to accept the impeccable purity and divinity
of this absolute negative spirit. There are numerous
puzzles in this cosmos that may seem to contradict
human common sense.
By studying this being, I realized our cosmos’ need
for having a negative genius for every positive
principal genius. This fact presents to humankind
the great secret of a cosmic soul mirror (a soul
mirror of divine virtues that represent human traits.
See: The 1st Lesser Arcanum by J. Hohenstätten).
For this reason, every human being must have both,
a negative and a positive side of the soul.
However, an individual must be in full control of
each virtue or attribute, whether positive or
negative. The hermetic student will realize that it is
necessary to possess equal numbers of positive
and negative virtues and traits, just as there are
equal numbers of genii and counter genii in our
cosmos. This represents the crowning
accomplishment of genuine introspection. Through
the act of equipoise of all character traits, the truly
balanced hermetic imitates the grand
(marcrocosmos) within the human soul
As hermetic practitioners, we will become masters
over both, the negative and positive principles, in
the same way that the Brethren of Light, the masters
of both principles on a cosmic scale, decide over
development, wars and other catastrophes. We will
realize that the highest principle is the mastery of
ALL forces!
Again, I embarked on yet another very profound
journey to the highest of all spheres, the so-called
“God sphere”, while my physical body remained
in my room at the spa.
The astral sphere has myriads of degrees of
density. Every human being will take his or her
place in a plane with a certain degree of subtleness
that corresponds to the individual’s maturity.
These subtle planes are intensely bright and
due to the abstract nature and absence of darkness
in the higher planes, human language lacks the
complexity to properly describe these planes.
Those high planes contain the ideal forms of all
religions on earth that represent Akasha or the
highest form of God. The foremost Godhead of
each religious system dwells in these lofty planes.
These Godheads entreat highly evolved humans of
faith to incarnate on earth in the capacity of
superior initiates. Although, human spirits who
dwell in the God spheres, have no need to
incarnate. However, out of love and compassion
for humankind, these great souls incarnate on earth
with a mission.
Once I visited one of these higher planes
within the astral sphere and I initially found myself
standing in a meadow admits a circle of evergreen
oak trees. Immediately, I noticed my guardian spirit
standing behind me. He wore a robe that signified
the wisdom of a mentor in the astral sphere.
“Where is your God?” said my guardian
spirit as I turned towards him.
“My God is in my heart”, I replied. “For that
reason, he is not present here. My God’s realm is
in the astral sphere. The Guardian of the Gate
assured me that there is no God to be found here in
this place.
As you know, I have travelled to the godly
realms of Indra, Brahma, and God the Father,
Buddha, Allah and the beautiful Shakti and listened
to their sweet wisdom, all in search of God. In my
mind, I entertained the thought of staying here for
all eternity. You are aware of the fact that I may
stay, since I have passed the threshold into the lofty
planes of light long ago. Nevertheless, I’ll return to
the coarse physical world to fulfill my mission.”
“Yes my son”, said my guardian spirit, “and
that is the reason, why you are a candidate for
additional initiation, beyond the most advanced
planes of existence. Even the highest astral levels
are perceived coarse and dim relative to the
consciousness of supreme beings. Everything in
this universe is relative. Behold for what awaits
beyond this world of light, as it is much more than
you could ever imagine.”
My guardian spirit grabbed my right hand
while we spiraled upward in a counterclockwise
motion through a never-ending spectral burst of
polychrome lights, until we ultimately reached a
rather dim locale.
Upon my query about the darkness of this
place, my guardian explained that this condition of
darkness has been caused by my lack of perception
of intense light. However, once my consciousness
adjusts to the circumstances, I would be able to
utilize my mental visual sense to the fullest extent.
“Here we are neither in the astral nor the
mental sphere”, my guardian said. “You may have
noticed that time exists only in context with your
consciousness. It is relative to your present state of
mind in regard to the time phenomenon. Hence,
since time and space act in accordance, the same
principles apply to your sense of space.
This is the sphere, where your eternal self
dwells, while the “Brahma Nights” descend upon
our world and evolution. You may leave this
sphere at will at an instant, but know this: This
indescribable sphere holds the indestructible,
eternal existence.”
As foretold, my mental visual sense began to
adapt to the subtle wavelengths of this sphere and I
able to capture my surroundings. I began to take
notice of the incredible Godhead within my being
as the lights reached their zenith of brightness.
“How is it”, I asked at the moment the lights
began to brighten before my mental eyes, “that no
one on earth had ever been spoken of this sphere?”
“This sphere is the exact opposite to earth”,
my guardian replied. “It may be regarded as most
sacred, something beyond description. Behold,
Anion, once your mental vision has fully adjusted
to this sphere, you shall observe Godheads, who
exist in harmonious unity with Divine Providence,
while they create new universes and worlds.
Through the grace of exalted and illustrious beings,
you caught glimpses of such noble events in the
Although knowing the answer beforehand, I
asked my guardian spirit: “Please tell me, how is it
possible that Christ was able to teach his disciples
at the same instance as I observed him engaging in
“Well, that is explained by the phenomenon
of omnipresence. As a God, he may accomplish
anything at any instance. You too, Anion, will
possess this ability one day as well.”
I probed further: “My mental body
constitutes my existence, my being as an image of
God. How can I exist without it?”
“You will not be without a mental body, so
to speak, but your mind will exist without form as
a formless entity. Since you will attain
formlessness, then, in a sense, you will cease to
exist. However, you still are! As I stated before,
everything is relative. In this state, you have no
boundaries. You will have no limits, thus you are
omnipresent in every sphere and plane. Now, your
matrix, which you have received at the gate of
initiation, will demonstrate its true purpose of
conflating your spirit conflate with Godhead,
without losing your unique consciousness. In the
state of formlessness, the mental will adopt the
form of your Godhead.
Such cosmic conflation may last millennia.
Once concluding a conflation, your spirit will be
once more without form. You will become pure
Some religions commonly call this state of
existence Nirvana, which means extinction.
However, it is the extinction of form, desire, and
Samsara. Relative to a being outside this state of
existence and plane, the existence within this
sphere may be viewed as the discontinuance of all,
but this is, in reality, the sphere, where the ultimate
existence commences. Once a spirit has
established itself here, it will rarely return to the
other lower spheres of existence. Due to this, the
mistaken idea has evolved that all existence ceases
at this point.
The Brethren of Light call this sphere their
home. Since some of them incarnate on different
occasions, they maintain an astral body through
their matrix. A comparison can be found in astral
travels where the physical body is preserved
through the silver cord.
Human beings that enter this sphere are
highly evolved. And there is no requirement to
incarnate. No beings here are coerced by divine
will. Every spirit is free to do anything. It is the
sphere, where humans cease to be human and for
that reason, initiates call this sphere the divine
sphere. The divine sphere is and always will be
sparsely populated, since most human beings
decide to dissolve into the divine light after
concluding their paths.”
“Why are you showing me a world, from
which I am a long way removed”, I asked my
“See it as a blessing or a curse”, my
guardian responded. “You must not dissolve into
the divine light, and since you have become tired
of life, you shall be permitted a glimpse into the
future. There are good reasons, why you were
permitted to encounter some of the Godheads of the
godly spheres. You were unaware of the causes,
and you shall be enlightened. However, bear in
mind to rid yourself of all self-destructive
thoughts. You don’t want to anger Divine
Meanwhile, I was able to catch a glimpse
when my Godhead assumed forms that I had not
known previously. Here I humbly stood, outside
my mental form, before a God, when my guardian
spirit pulled me back into my mental body, a body
that would have been far too coarse to reach the
heights of this “God sphere”.
With a weary and perturbed mind, I retired
upon a rock in that initial meadow from whence I
started my journey, to gather my thoughts.
Thousands upon thousands of thoughts flashed and
bounced through my mind, while I was trying to
bring order to my thought processes.
Once I had returned to my physical body, I
decided to terminate my spa stay, partly due to the
news of my wife’s health condition and due to
depression over the fact that I would have to
proceed with my present incarnation. For some
time I entertained the thought of entering the astral
sphere permanently. Alas, now I have been tasked
to remain and continue life in the physical world a
while longer. Once more, the physical world held
me in her clutches.
At home, I meditated extensively over my
experiences in the spiritual realms and my
encounters with my guardian spirit. I raised the
question: Who was this godly spirit that guided me
through life? How did he acquire all his
knowledge and wisdom?
A guardian spirit is always watching over
his protégé and gives aid to spiritual and physical
matters. Usually, the guardian spirit operates from
the astral sphere, although it may happen that a
guardian spirit incarnates near his protégé. Such
incarnations are purely on a voluntary basis and
may occur, when a group of hermetic seekers
incarnates simultaneously, and should such a
guardian pass away, one of the guardian spirit’s
subordinates will take on the task.
There are high-ranking guardian spirits, who
have never been incarnated. Such spirits guide
advanced seekers on their path. Other guardian
spirits are advanced humans that passed over from
the physical realm upon death, who want to
eradicate some remaining karma by helping others
in life.
Since my last journey with my guardian
spirit, the God sphere enraptured my entire being.
Before this visit, I was studying the Mercury
sphere, but now, I have now come to the
realization that this God sphere had some
analogies to our earth. Only traces of all four
elements are present in the God sphere. However,
the electric and magnetic fluids are part of this
sphere’s make-up in a most subtle way. Space and
time only play a role relative to the perception of
an individual visiting this sphere, as there are no
space-time concepts in the overall structure of the
God sphere. I pondered many hours over all the
newly discovered laws and circumstances in the
God sphere. All this lead to a new thought that
gained prominence in my mind: How is a
macrocosm created?
“In all those centuries, your brazenness has
not subsided”, my guardian spirit sneered in my
mind’s ear. “However, I can understand your
desire to educate your students. Most of them will
reach this sphere, so they should know in
As instructed by my guardian spirit, I
assumed my asana and concentrated on my mental
body separation. Within a moment after the
separation, I stood before a great spiritual being,
whose name I am not permitted to reveal.
However, this being stands in direct contact with
Divine Providence.
I first noticed some fine, yet powerful
energy flowing into the being. Initially this energy
appeared barely noticeable, but soon a magic volt
with an electric inner and a magnetic outer charge
forcefully expanded from this being far into the
As the magnetic force seemed to increase,
the volt, which formed into a huge sphere, began to
oscillate and burst into the elements of fire and
water. Once a perfect sun had formed, a lightning
ray of Akasha burst into the sun’s center. Akasha
swiftly eclipsed this new sun and the sound
“ÄÄÄ“ reverberated from within its core.
Gradually, the sun began to shine with a beautiful
brightness that almost blinded my mental eyes.
Dust that formed into planets began to
separate from this Akashic sun and the sound
“MÖ-MÖ-MÖ” resonated through the entire

A supreme being, which stood in close

communion with Divine Providence, had become a
creator. Omniconsciousness permeated every
particle of his creation. Genii and counter-genii, an
entire hierarchy of principals sprang forth from the
supreme being’s Akashic principle, while they
received their duties and missions from
Providence. All ten Quabbalistic keys were
Now, this Supreme Being created mental,
astral and physical conditions by utilizing complex
Quabbalistic formulas. Much to my amazement, I
immediately began to feel the concepts of time and
space around me, as I gazed at the wonders of
Then, within an instant, Akasha obscured the
sun that has become Metatron. This occultation of
light demonstrated the might of Metatron, in whom
even light bows in reverence.
Gradually, the Light-Brother awoke from his
trance into an indescribable outpour of eternal joy
“How far are we removed from the earth in
physical terms?” I casually asked my guide.
“Not an easy question”, my guardian spirit
replied. He closed his eyes for a moment and then
said: “about 700 light years in physical terms.”
Gripped with fascination and awe, I
inspected this newly made macrocosm, whose light
will reach our earth in 700 years.
Previous Incarnations
Before I will recount some of my past
incarnations, I would want to illustrate some of my
experiences within the demonic realms that I had
gathered, due to a pact I sealed with a high-ranking
negative being.
Some hundreds of years in the past, I had
sealed a pact with a demonic being, and as a
result, I enjoyed many advantages in material life.
Alas, a dependence upon this being rapidly
increased until the end.
While dying, I convinced myself that even a
demon being is part and parcel of Divine
Providence, and a pact with such a being would
not violate any karmic laws. Although a negative
path may lead to Divine Providence, it is not a path
meant for human beings to tread, since humans are
by nature more divine that any demon of any rank
or standing.
Once I separated from my physical shell, I
awoke in the realm of this demon. This realm’s
surreal environment aroused the impression of a
genuinely horrific a nightmare. An ever-present
stench of burning sulfur, and jagged, sharp
pulsating lights that stirred my soul, underlined the
grotesque environment in which I now lived.
From this moment onward, I had become a
servant to a demon, whose responsibility included
the infliction of horrible and devastating human
“I am your God now”, said demon as I stood
before his throne, “I shall take your conscience
from you. Through my influence, you will soon
adjust to your surroundings and all ghastly tasks
beforehand. Your old identity shall be forgotten
and never mentioned under the threat of
punishment, as long as you shall serve my interests.
Your demonic name, henceforth, shall be
Once he spoke those words he vanished,
leaving two female subordinates, who initiated me
into their Gods properties.
“When the occasion arises that human
beings have to be taught by karma”, one of the
females said, “our master will burden such
individuals with certain diseases, and if necessary,
such burdens will linger until death and beyond.
We are given some liberty, as to what disease and
its degree of severity will serve the purpose.”
Soon I felt quite comfortable in my new
surroundings. My new master became my mentor
and I began enjoying my work. I became proficient
and conscientiously fulfilled my tasks. From time
to time, my master rewarded me with promotions
and further initiations into my master demon’s path.
After 70 earth years I, had become Lord Ganus and
counted more than 200 subordinates. Being an
enthusiastic student, I learned how various
diseases originated, and what karmic implications
they served.
However, there were instances, when my
conscience began to break through the hard shell
that surrounded my divine spark, to remind me of
my human nature. On many occasions, I silenced
any conscience by becoming convinced that I could
actually heal diseases by inverting the steps that
cause disease from within the demonic sphere.
One day, my master announced that I had
served all my time in his realm; my pact had
expired. Although, he wished that I stayed beyond
my pact’s span. He offered promotions to the rank
of a prince with a thousand subordinates at my
His offer was tempting, especially since I
could learn more practices. However, I knew that
if I had stayed, I would have lost all human traits.
The price of staying was too high.
Reluctantly, my master released me with the
words: “If you would stay, I would elevate you to
unimaginable heights with seemingly limitless
“I served you well”, I responded, “but now,
our contract has expired and just as you had
ordered me to your realm upon my bodily death,
my true God is calling me back. Therefore, my
decision is final.”
I respectfully bowed before my former
master one last time and soon after I rose upwards
to my rightful astral level, where I felt free and
light, a feeling that I had forgotten a long time ago.
My guardian spirit stood before me with
tears of joy in his eyes and welcomed me like a
long lost son. He did not say anything, uttered no
reproach. Just silence. In this savoring silence, I
enjoyed being human again and made a promise to
my guardian that I will heal whomever God will
allow me to heal.
“Please help me to find a new incarnation”,
I begged my guardian spirit, “so that I can continue
my development and strengthen my character.”
My guardian conceded and promised an
arduous incarnation in India, where I ought to
follow the path of yoga in order to relearn all
human values anew.
This incarnation in India gave me the
opportunity to utilize the skills I obtained in the
demonic sphere towards constructive purposes.
Through a strict yoga teacher, I had elevated my
spiritual understanding beyond the level of my life
in the demonic realm. Gradually, I began healing
many maladies. Although my former master, the
demonic principal, did not appreciate the use of
skills I obtained under his tutelage, for constructive
purposes., he had no jurisdiction over my life on
earth anymore. To this day, I honed the skills of
healing and I will heal and help wherever possible
until my dying days.
In another incarnation, two lifetimes ago, I
had been living in Tibet. My master and mentor at
a monastery there, is my guardian spirit to this day
He stands at my side at times of need and advise
me whenever necessary. By signing a pact with a
demon prince in a past lifetime, I had deeply
insulted and hurt my guardian.
Even though I displayed certain abilities, I
was not seen as a model pupil. My talents saved
me from dismissal from the monastery.
Furthermore, my guardian also took my
predicament of being placed under the influence of
a demon into account, which explained some of my
excessive behavior.
In any case, I had access to the universal
path up to what could be similar to Step III in
Bardon’s first book. Later in life, I vowed to
continue with magic, even if I would be
unsuccessful to advance.
Throughout my life in Tibet, fate tested the
metal of my vow on numerous occasions.
However, I found success and my vow became my
blessing. In the end, I understood the meaning and
implications of a pledge, promise or oath towards
God and the grave consequences of a broken
Eventually, I was initiated in the most
important part of hermetic training that a Magus
could wish to discover, namely true humanity. Such
a God-given gift is rare and few of the noblest and
virtuous human beings were bestowed with the
great honor to receive this gift. Many of these
noble individuals never practiced the hermetic
teachings and in spite of this lack of schooling,
they proved to be of a more noble character that
some hermetic practitioners, who had been
walking the path for many years. Above all,
individuals of such magnanimous humanity
instilled into their character, do not diverge from
their path, despite adversity.
On the negative side, there are many people
who act selfishly and covetous. Those poor
“devils” are held captive on the lowly spheres by
their own character traits. These wretched souls
deserve all our sympathies.
Once I lived out my life, I passed on to the
astral sphere, where I had the opportunity to
choose an incarnation with another mentor, who
also became my earthly father in Sweden.
In Sweden, my father and spiritual mentor
was the head of a secret Rosicrucian order. Both
parents initiated me in secret exercises,
meditations and rites. My mother was a kind and
strong woman who also taught me true humanity.
Upon my father’s death, it was my mother’s
wish that I took my father’s post as the head of the
Rosicrucian society. I remained in this position for
many years. Within this society of noble
Rosicrucians, I furthered my knowledge and
wisdom. Once I passed away at a ripe age, I
realized what absolute freedom was bestowed
upon me in the astral sphere. My father was a high-
ranking magus there. Eventually, I contacted some
of the Brethren of Light.
On one occasion, the coming of a cosmic
master was announced. Every being in this part of
the astral world had some knowledge of this
master, whose astral achievements were familiar
to all.
Master Arion’s invited us a gathering at a
round table. All of us rejoiced at the appearance of
the master and with great anticipation as we
glanced at a throne-like chair on with master began
to materialize astrally. Gradually, Master Arion
took form. His aura emanated a bright blue light as
he sat among us. Forthwith, Master Arion taught
profound spiritual truths that were obscured to us
before his arrival. After he spoke his final
concluding words to the group, and while I was in
the process to leave, the master gestured for me to
stay and spoke: “In the near future, I will reveal the
first three Tarot Cards to the material world,
regardless of the fact that they originally to be
issued at a later time in the 27th century. Naturally,
for this very reason, the books will be published
on earth prematurely at a precarious time. I am
engaging you for support to help guide chosen
neophytes on their path. The preoccupation with
the material world at this time will be against them
in their spiritual endeavors.
You may utilize your magical abilities
wherever necessary, and you may give the students
that open themselves to you even more than that.
Accordingly, one of my acolytes should incarnate
in Greece.”
Although, my Greek counterpart was of a
higher spiritual rank than I, Arion would stand by
my side, should I need assistance due to some
peculiar karma I had to work on.
I was instructed to incarnate in Germany,
where I was to master “Initiation into Hermetics”
within 9 months and once I turned 20 years of age,
I was told to be teaching others. In this incarnation,
I chose a difficult father to condition my will and
develop the strength I needed in order to teach
spiritual subtleties in the harsh realities of a
material world.
Diligently I supervised my students in this
present incarnation, while I was personally
working on evocations. I also began to write books
to supplement the hermetic writings of Master
Arion. One of my books included the 4th Tarot
I stretched my karma to the limit by writing
the 1 Lesser Arcanum. However, Providence did
not intervene in order to hinder the book’s
completion. In previous times, a master gave this
Lesser Arcanum to his student in the astral sphere.
This knowledge may become dangerous to the
practitioner, who abuses it for more egotistical
Throughout my life, I practiced magical
evocation. Consequently, my favorite student will
perceive my true depth of spirit once he had
matured. Above all, he will evoke spirits in the
end and wander through spheres that seem unreal
to the untrained mind.
One task I regarded as particularly difficult
to execute proved to be the interpretation of the 72
names of God. Alas, there are no detailed sources
in Western writings pertaining to these 72 names of
God. However, I found help through a mercurial
genius named Lehlahel. He also drew to my
attention that all 72 mercurial genii carry the
syllable “ah” and “el” in their names. “Ah” stands
for: “You have gained consciousness.” he “el”
stands for: “Virtue realized in the purest light.”
I was in the position to complete this little
book about the 72 names of God only with
Lehlahel’s assistance. The verses in the book
present much potential power since they are
considered mantrams that lead to a union of
diverse divine conceptions. The experienced
mantric practitioner can experience almost all
concepts of God through these verses that, when
combined, make up the longest name of God, the
Shemhamphorasch - ‫ש ם המפור ש‬.
Furthermore, I decided that the art of Rune
Magick did not deserve to be forgotten or be
falsely interpreted by many of today’s rune authors.
Since practitioners will realize that there is a close
relationship between Rune Magick and Quabbalah,
it is understandable that both practices share all the
same powers and efficaciousness. Judging from my
own experiences, I found Rune Magick quite
effective. However, there is one caveat: Rune
Magick may be quite dangerous if not practiced
diligently and without the slightest oversight. It
should be practiced only with the tutelage of an
experienced master druid.

Presently, I am working on the 5th Tarot

Card. Although, my enthusiasm for alchemy is
limited, I fulfilled my mission accordingly. The 4th
Card, the card of wisdom was written
compendiously, due to the tradition that the student
uses the words as a guide to spur the reader’s
imagination and intuition.
My counterpart in Greece once told me that
he does not write anything due to the nature of his
unique mission. He is well known as a healer far
beyond his village. I prefer my relative anonymity.
This way I have more time for my students and my
As mentioned before, I consider my students
as my mission, and it is my goal that at least seven
of the 14 reach the higher portals of development. I
will use my abilities and skills to guide them on
their way. Furthermore, I commissioned some genii
from different spheres to protect and guide my
protégées in the way of intuition and inspiration,
preventing them from harm and major diseases and
strengthen the bonds between my students and their
respective guardian spirits. However, the ones that
lead astray from the path must fend for themselves.
Albeit, I see my students quite infrequent to keep
my students from developing a dependency, a
situation that can karmically viewed as of a pact.
By the same token, I will be here when my
“children” need me.*[*]
Admittedly, there were disagreements with
demons of different ranks and positions about my
actions and interactions with my students. In the
end, however, all these genii had to accept my
approach. For this reason, I will never deny my
assistance. Only my physical death may hinder me
in some way, but never completely, since I will be
there astrally and guide my students toward the
light of realization
With this in mind, I possess abundant eternal
fervor, on which I shall delight myself.

*I can personally attest to that. S. Orienta was there

when I needed his advice and help. He lived a life of little
financial means, jet he never asked for anything in return, ever.
To this day, I profit from his guidance through a difficult period
in my life and on my path.

Peter Windsheimer
My Hermetic World
The Realms of the Demons
This chapter poses a brief introduction to
some arch-demons that rule the material world.
The neophyte should know that a direct contact
with any of the arch-demons will lead to certain
death, unless such a hermetic student has advanced
far enough to have achieved absolute union with
his Godhead. Besides the below described arch-
demons, there are many more within the hierarchy
of supra-genii.
Without the arch-demons that are the rightful
rulers of the material world, the existence of the
material plane would have not been possible. The
material plane can be regarded as the adversary of
the mental plane.
There is not any comfort in the idea that
according to the hierarchy, two of the below
mentioned arch-demons are Elohim, or in other
words, they are creative Godheads. These demon
Gods are tetra-polar, hence they are immortal.
Furthermore, they were created as beings of purity
that rule over the principles of obliteration or
destruction. All below mentioned demons are
supreme divine beings, whose minds are far
beyond the comprehension of ordinary humans.
Naturally, the principle of obliteration, destruction
and hardship must be viewed as a part of
evolution; hence the negative principle must be
considered a divine virtue. The student of
hermetics will now understand that the balanced
path of the golden means is the perfect universal
way to develop spiritually.
Once an individual becomes a sphere
magus, he must also contact the negative genii and
the principals of the negative cosmic hierarchy, or
face a one-sided development. The rhythm of all
life in all spheres depends on opposing poles of
positive and negative, active and passive, light and
dark. I experienced many ups and downs, and good
and evil, throughout my various incarnations and
have seen inconceivable abysmal chasms. Then
again, I have likewise seen lofty transcendental
heights that very few can imagine: to summarize,
my cognizance is my bliss.
Much could be added to the short
descriptions of these Elohim. However, a brief
account of the basic character and missions of
these arch-demons should suffice. In order to avoid
misuse, and for the sake of the safety for the reader,
I have omitted the sigils of these arch-demons.
In the beginning of creation, before our solar
system formed, this arch-demon demanded free
will, independence in judgment, free action and
responsibility. Satan is the master of the astral light
and all negative genii. The seven biblical deadly
sins were bestowed upon humankind by this
Godhead. While dipping his hands into chaos
(Akasha) and uttering Quabbalistic formulae, he
created the planet earth. Through the densification
of chaos our planet formed and took its place in
our solar system. Satan’s creation of earth was the
result of defiance, since he was to have his free
will denied. For this, he was marooned into the
material realm, a circumstance that limits his
activities. For this reason, earth is a peculiar
planet. Initially, earth should not have come here
into existence. The reason the planet exists,
remains a secret found within Divine.
Satan is simultaneously God and man, and
also the foremost prince ruler of earth. Once
marooned on earth, Satan remains as an
incorporeal spirit and he existed prior to
humankind’s creation. One of his peculiar traits is
that he is a hermaphrodite who came forth from
Akasha together with all other negative beings in
our cosmos. Human development made it
necessary for Satan being the snake in Paradise at
the same time, when the snake is also the bringer of
knowledge and in a world, where negative and
positive forces coexist, knowledge can be readily
This arch-demon embodies the spirit of
intellectual enlightenment and free thought.
Lucifer’s highest aspect of is that of an enlightened
Godhead, and the lower aspect is that of is that of a
nemesis. Both aspects are reflected in the human
spirit. Lucifer is the first brother of Satan and just
like all other arch-demons, his sphere of influence
is the material world and the material aspect of the
As the creator of the magnum opus (life) and
the astral light, the oldest form of light, Baphomet
embodies the one who has separated from God. On
earth, the astral light is known as the life force or
prana. Everything that exists came forth from
prana. Baphomet inspired early man to invent the
first weapons and the magic mirrors, which were
used in the annihilation of adversaries. Baphomet
attains his power by feeding on the higher and
lower realms and he acts as the ambassador of
God’s words of wisdom. However, he became the
scapegoat because he created women as a negative
principle. He and all other arch-demons act
macrocosmically in the material and lower astral
realms. All acts of the arch-demons and their
subordinates are a necessary part of evolution. If
the negative principle would seize, nothing that is
positive could flourish.
Samael is considered to be identical to
Jehovah. This arch-demon is a spirit of earth and
one of the seven Elohim. Symbolically, Samael
represents Saturn or Kronos (Κρόνος), the son of
Uranus. Jehovah and Saturn are identical in a
cryptic sense. Moreover, in Jewish Kabbalah,
Samael and Michael, the slayer of the dragon, are
considered indistinguishable. He was given the
task of misguidance of humankind and initiated the
biblical Fall of Man. However, Samael embodies
hidden wisdom, whereas Michael embodies higher
earthly wisdom, although both originated from the
same Divine Providence. Samael’s mission
includes the process of human development and
perfection. Owning to his distaste of nature,
Samael prefers lifeless deserts.
Baal, a Sun God and the Creator of deceit,
may awaken the dead, should he draw advantages
from such endeavors. He personifies and manifests
the primal concept of darkness. Although his reign
is limitless, he disguises himself as a lowly being
at times. In times immemorial, he split the
universal language into many individual tongues.
This arch-demon bears the mark of impurity. Baal,
as the all-devouring fire, destroys life force at his
whim. A sphere magus who contacts this arch-
demon may gain great wisdom, but lo and behold,
Baal also epitomizes amnesia. Naturally, within
his sphere of influence are all venoms and toxic
substances discovered in plants, mushrooms,
snakes and insects. He inspires humankind to
devise and create all sorts of poisonous formulae.
Any mistake carried out in the preparation of
conjuring this arch-demon or any omission of
precautions may prove deadly not only physically,
but mentally as well. Baal epitomizes devaluation.
The Beings of the Elements
Sexuality, like in the physical world, does
exist in all elemental realms, since all four
elements and their realms are closely related to the
physical world. However, in the astral sphere
proper, sexuality has no function or purpose. The
elemental realm, although being a part of the astral
sphere, its density relates to the physical planet
earth and its biological functions. For this reason,
one will encounter children of both sexes in all the
realms of the elements.
Salamanders: The Beings of the Fire
Despite that fact that I have seen and
experienced much while traveling the realms, my
first conscious encounter with a prince of the fire
element stirred much astonishment. A fire being, in
its primeval form, cannot even be categorized as a
being with proper forms and proportions, but
rather a light source with an enormous radiance
that affects one’s mental body. Despite the fact that
the mental body does not capture feelings and
emotions well — the astral body incorporates all
the feelings — I felt the charges of electricity
within my mental self. The onslaught of the fiery
fluids hindered my thought process, diminished my
will and my ability to take action. Needless to say,
it took several attempts to establish a successful
contact with this fiery prince. Of all elemental
beings, Salamanders, male and female, are
generally most unlike human beings in appearance.
Eventually, the source of light that embodied
the being I encountered, formed into a long, slender
ray that gradually lost its intensity. And the fire
prince took a faintly recognizable human form that
moved to and fro nervously and disquietingly,
assuming ever-changing shapes. The being’s face
was elongated with a strict and grave expression.
Its elongated neck had thrice the length of its human
counterpart. Overall, Salamanders of all ranks are
much taller than humans. In appearance,
Salamanders of higher ranks have more
similarities to humans that the lower fire spirits.
During my encounter, I had great difficulties to
emulate the Salamander’s shape mentally. While
communicating with beings of the fire element, the
hermetic practitioner must mobilize his utmost
powers of mental imagination to fixate a being that
constantly shifts its shape. The Salamander would
not have recognized and noticed me, had I failed to
emulate the appearance of a proper Salamander.
The being I encountered, never stood still and
constantly flickered like a flame in the wind.
Eventually, the fire being addressed me with a
shrill voice and asked what I desired. I stated my
wish to learn to control the electric fluid as the
reason for having entered his realm.
Eventually, the Salamander and I began
engaging in conversation. Being of a higher rank,
this Salamander prince revealed a nimble mind
and keen intelligence. Through his guidance, I
absorbed numerous secrets he divulged about his
element. I learned about various applications of
using the electric fluid and countless methods of
healing through the fire element.
Gradually, a relationship of mutual sympathy
developed and I did not sense the disturbing
radiance that I felt during our initial encounter. The
Salamander prince diligently explained the process
of fluid condensers and he promised that one of his
subservient spirits would assist me with the
process of charging condensers. Furthermore, I
was initiated into the dry and hot path of alchemy.
At numerous occasions, the Salamander
prince advised against the process of evocation as
a means of contact, I would have had to charge the
room with concentrated fire element during the
preparations. Such concentrated charges of the fire
element could ignite the evocation-magus’s
surroundings in an instant. Then he told me of
cases where entire families perished in instantly
combusting fires, while the entire house burned to
its foundation in an explosive sea of flames.
This particular Salamander has been
described in Franz Bardon’s book The Practice of
Magic Evocation as a being that has a difficult
disposition. However, after initial hurdles, a
friendship emerged and I am still visiting him from
time to time. At occasions, this Salamander even
visited me in my dreams, where he explained the
dream symbolism of the fire element.
The Salamanders, should they not appear in
abstract form, are clothed, but the sun-like
radiance of the beings makes details of dress
impossible to discern. Salamanders of noble rank,
such as emperors and princes, wear crowns that
symbolize their rank and standing.
During my visits to the realm of fire, I have
seen barren, rocky and mountainous landscapes
throughout this realm. Although, some stunted plant
growth, no taller than three feet (1m) in height,
sparsely dotted the environment.
Furthermore, I noticed some form of
buildings that only remotely resemble buildings
here in our world. Owning to their abstract nature,
I have difficulties describing them. Furthermore, I
saw animals. Again, they do not resemble anything
on earth. This fire plane also exhibits gigantic
storms that could cause harm to an individual’s
astral body. However, a magus’s mental body has
proven to be immune to injury from such storms.
For the common fire beings, these storms
pose some sort of nourishment. Otherwise, the
element itself nourishes the Salamanders with vital
life force. Just as it is common in all spiritual
realms, the beings here communicate
telepathically. Generally, the more subtle parts of
the fiery sphere are flooded by a glaring
brightness. The lower regions appear in a saturated
yellow light.
The mental body proves to be quite tolerant
of the oscillations of the fiery element. Only an
encounter with a Salamander may cause initial
mental discomfort.
Therefore, an adept is advised not to visit
this sphere in astral form until perfect equipoise is
achieved or the adept has shed the earthly shell
permanently. Although, visiting the fiery sphere
without seeking Salamanders, poses no danger to
the health of the adept.

Undines: The Beings of the Water Element

The oscillations of the water element have a
much more serene effect on an adept visiting this
realm, in comparison to visits to the realms of the
fire element. Generally, Undines are very
gregarious and a visiting adept may encounter
Undines after only one or two visits. The adept
will observe that Undines possess a human form,
unlike the mermaids in fairy tales, paintings and
illustrations who show the lower body of those
beings with a fish tail. Only during evocations do
the Undines manifest a fish tail as a symbol of their
element. It is up to the evoking adept’s discretion
whether the being appeared with a tail or human
The extraordinary power of attraction that
Undines of both sexes exhibit may easily
discombobulate a visiting adept’s consciousness.
This disturbance within one’s consciousness poses
a danger when consorting with Undines. Master
Arion has mentioned these dangers multiple times
in his works.
Once a water being acknowledged the
adept, he should request an audience with a higher-
ranking Undine in order to avoid disciplinary
actions taken against a lower ranking being by its
superiors for unauthorized contact.
Here in the water element plane, a higher the
rank of an Undine translates into a greater spiritual
beauty and force of attraction. At the first moment
of my encounter with a superior Undine, I realized
the danger of seduction, thus losing authority over
my own will power. Her radiance, due to her
mastery of the magnetic fluid, disrupted my
consciousness to the point of incapacitation. With a
voice, lovely and sensual, yet clear and eloquent,
she wondered how she might serve me. At this
instant, I became aware of my perilous situation.
Eventually, this lovely, most beautiful Undine
would ensnare my soul and my path would
conclude in this sphere. With all the willpower I
could muster, I requested a meeting with a male
Undine, although, even a male Undine is equipped
with such amount of magnetism that they arouse
homosexual desires even in heterosexual males.
Fortunately, no such feelings arose during my
encounter, but I must warn any future adept that
even the seductive male Undines may pose danger
male adepts.
This male being that I contacted was
friendly and respectful. Although we spoke about
general things concerning the water element, he
most importantly broached unknown and secret
aspects of his element. For example, he told me
that the sun influences all water beings and once
they reached the end of their life span, Undines
merge into the water principle aspect of Metatron.
Moreover, this male water being conveyed the fact
that without the sun sphere and the physical sun, the
water element could not exist. In addition, he
taught me healing methods for body, soul and spirit
and revealed how to use any water surface to
foretell the future and other secrets about the
constructive and destructive magnetic forces that I
am not at liberty to divulge.
The water sphere radiates an abundance of
fertility. There are lush tall trees and beautiful
meadows, luxuriant with flowers and other
greenery. High-ranking Undines live in castles that
are similar to the ones described in fairy tales.
Even common houses are ornate and adorned with
artistry of stunning beauty. Multiple times, I was a
guest at one of these houses. All rooms were
decorated with wonderful crystals that were
emitting light. Tables and chairs had a glassy
appearance and many walls are constructed of
mirrors that can be utilized to communicate with
the physical world.
The emperors and empresses are found in
the major oceans of the world. Princes and
princesses rule over large rivers and big lakes.
Lower ranking Undines care for small rivers,
lakes, brooks and ponds. Generally, positive
beings are found in clean and unpolluted water,
whereas sewer and highly polluted waters are part
of the realm of negative Undines (even polluted
parts of the oceans and seas). I was reproached by
Undines in many instances of extreme pollution of
water human hand; even the highest ranked Undines
were incapable of mending the waters’ conditions
with all their magical powers. In some instances,
the water element aspect of Divine Providence had
to intervene, in order to initiate harmony in such
Positive Undines are strangers to avarice
and greed. However, the negative Undines are
quite exultant to acquire new territories in polluted
waters. For example, the Ganges River presents a
sad example of a place where negative Undines
comfortably dwell.
In one instance, I had an Undine guide me to
the frontiers of the negative realm of the water
element, in order to enter into this realm. There, I
came upon unimaginably odious and foul bodies of
water. The ever-present stench in those ghastly
realms gnaws unceasingly upon one’s
consciousness. All the beings here are unsightly
and ugly and display a wily and wretched
character. I declined to visit any high ranking being
in this part of the water realm.
Once back in my physical body, I changed
my ways, stopped using toxic materials and
attempted to heal and nurse creeks and small lakes
nearby where I lived. All this caused friction and
resentment from people living in this area. These
individuals had no idea what they were doing. The
proverb “ignorance is bliss” is incorrect.
Ignorance does not save an individual from karma
accrued by misdeeds perpetrated in ignorance.
Sylphs: The Beings of the Air Element
The Sylphs are similar to humans in shape
and form, although their skin has a slightly blue
complexion. There are some highly attractive
female Sylphs in this realm. Generally, all Sylphs
are very reserved towards humans. With the event
of global air pollution, beginning with the
industrial revolution, these beings have become
even more reserved and resentful towards humans
and fancy no contact with us.
The adept does not have to change the
mental body’s shape before entering the realm of
the air element. Although I recommend a
concentration of air element within the mental
body, before visiting this realm, as it facilitates
contact with Sylphs. It took me 5 months worth of
routine visits, until a Sylph contacted me. This
particular Sylph was very unfriendly, but I detected
some sympathies toward humans in his heart. This
Sylph radiated dignity and grace, usually found in
higher-ranking Sylphs, regardless of the fact that he
was by no means an emperor or a prince. Similar
to Salamanders, the air beings are jittery and
restless just like the air is always in motion in our
earth’s atmosphere.
My contact had the rank of a lord with many
subordinates at his disposal. He appeared in a
white gown, woven of a material similar to silk.
This lord taught me about the passive process of
the electromagnetic fluid and its practical
application. When I say passive, I do not mean
negative, because air is the mediator element
between water and fire. It is a buffer zone between
the two poles. Fire reaches into air from one side
and water on the other side. My Sylph contact also
taught me the great mystery of the electromagnetic
fluid with respect to the air element. The passive
electromagnetic fluid is an especially superior
force that is generally unknown. Only initiates are
skilled in the way to apply the passive
electromagnetic fluid. Higher ranked Sylphs are
gifted alchemists. Unfortunately, they are very
reluctant to divulge their secrets and only after
some time, my Sylph friend willingly divulged
other mysteries. Through his mediation, I hope to
be able to contact an emperor of the air element in
the near future. Such a superior being is difficult to
control, because he possesses great powers, which
he utilizes to form storms, tornadoes and
hurricanes. One might interject that storms such as
hurricanes are negative, e.g. destructive, in nature.
From the anthropological aspect on earth, such
weather patterns may appear destructive and
negative, but examined holistically, and adept will
recognize the healing power of such weather
formations to our atmosphere.
The realm of the air element is variable and
ever changing and shifting. However there are
dwellings that vaguely resemble buildings with
ever-changing appearances. Emperors rule in
large, ever-changing palaces. During one of my
visits, I also noticed plant life, which I am unable
to describe due to their strictly abstract nature.
These plants manifest in our physical world in
plants that aid in the breathing process, such as the
peppermint, lungwort, oregano or the eucalyptus
tree, etc.
Gnomes: The Beings of the Earth Element
The earth element is the densest of all four
elemental realms in the astral sphere. The adept
will be able to assimilate to the shape of a Gnome
with ease. The visitor to this realm only needs to
shrink the mental body in size and cumulate the
earth element mentally. As always, the adept must
charge the mental body with the element specific to
the corresponding plane, before any visit.
Otherwise, he would be invisible to the beings of
the elemental planes.
The realm of the Gnomes is not so perilous
as the water and fire realms. Gnomes are friendly
and talkative creatures. Therefore, making contact
is relatively easy. Gnomes’ nature is amicable and
they are quite sympathetic towards humans. Their
character is opposite to that of the Sylphs. In this
realm, as in all the others, emperors live in palaces
— in this case underground palaces — and
subordinates of lower ranks dwell in smaller
structures. That is one of the universal laws, which
not only applies to the elemental realms and the
zone girdling the earth, but ultimately to all
Before entering the earth element realm, I
had chosen a Gnome emperor I wanted to visit.
The first contact had transpired quickly. This
particular emperor initially appeared somewhat
arrogant, but eventually, he turned out to be kind
and very generous. For example, he allocated two
of is subordinates as my aides. The Gnome king
temporarily transplanted his own faculties into
these two subordinates for the time that they were
to serve me. One of the subordinates was a real
comedian. He also gave me his permission to
photograph him in the magic mirror. I still have the
picture in my possession.
This emperor was somewhat smaller in
height, at about 1.5 meters (5 feet) in height. In the
Gnome empire, rank is directly proportional to a
being's height. Some subordinates may only reach
the height of 10 centimeters (4 inches). The adept
is recommended to adjust the size of the mental
body to be somewhat larger in comparison to the
Gnome emperor that the adept wishes to visit. It is
a universal law that sizes matters in this realm, as
it symbolizes rank and order.. The adept will
research the size of the respective Gnome empire
beforehand through transcendental sight to aid the
size adjustment.
The emperor and I discussed alchemy and
healing methods through the earth element. At that
time, he mentioned the fact that, should karma
permit it, I may be involved in the field of
healthcare. He was an accomplished mind reader.
It is apparent that the beings of the earth element
are the most accomplished mind readers of all the
beings of the other elements. During one of the
audiences with the Gnome king, I petitioned him to
evoke a small amount of the Red Lion into a
physical vessel. He concurred under the condition
that I shall never take advantage of the stone unless
most severe maladies necessitate its use. I was
present while the Gnome king created the stone.
The creation was accomplished by using water-
soluble salts and crystalline dust in an
unconventional distillery apparatus. To a casual
observer, the process may appear simple, but the
various oscillations of rays that emanated from the
Gnome king into the stone made it clear that a
degree of complexity and mental discipline was
involved in the creative process. During this
process, the material transformed semblance and
color at numerous occasions. I assumed that this
emperor was an accomplished quabbalist, a skill I
never expected from an elemental being.
Overall, the earth realm appears darker than
the other spheres I have visited. Strange small
trees and other growth of crystalline appearance
and texture flourish in a realm that is absent of
bright light. In general, sources of light contribute
to less radiance and luster, when compared to the
other three realms.
Of all the other three elemental realms, the
earth realm relates more directly to our physical
world, due to the density and character of the earth
element. For this reason, some children and
mediumistic individuals may encounter Gnomes
that have come to our world to collect plants or
other materials, which they utilize in alchemistic
processes. Since these harvester Gnomes are of
lower ranks, they may have neglected to maintain
their stealth owing to their lack of attentiveness
and intelligence.
Naturally, there are female Gnomes who are
quite beautiful, contrary to some illustrations
published in past times. Although they lack the
attraction of Undines, the beauty of female Gnomes
far surpasses the beauty of their human female
Describing the sphere of the earth element in
its entirety would pose a daunting task and would
fill two large volumes. Even such volumes would
just touch upon the basic description. There are so
many issues to consider such as chemical
reactions, organic and inorganic matter, and
crystallization, etc. that would be outside the scope
of this work. I hope that the reader has gained more
insights into the elemental realms through my brief
descriptions of my experiences in these realms.
The Extra-Cosmic Planets

As a planet, Uranus has 14.5 times the mass

of earth. It radiates 1.06 times the energy that it
receives from the sun, which is less than the energy
radiation of the other Jovian planets. However,
only the astral plane of the Uranus sphere is of
major interest to the adept.
There are 48 primal genii whose powers are
quite limitless and abstract in nature. Upon the
completion of creation, Metatron placed the entire
set of Quabbalistic keys into the hands of these
genii. Therefore, the Uranus sphere represents the
cosmic language.
The Uranus sphere is considered the higher
octave of the Mercury sphere’s oscillations.
Therefore, the adept who visits this sphere will
detect a relationship of Uranus’ oscillations and the
mental body. However, in the Uranus sphere, the
adept’s spirit will transform into an ultra-spirit and
work is performed predominantly on a
macrocosmic level, serving as a creative Godhead.
The difference between Metatron and the adept’s
spirit are miniscule once the Uranus sphere has
been mastered.


Bardon omitted this planet’s sphere

completely from his book for a good reason:
Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. One can
only speculate, what kind of attractive force
dominates the Neptune sphere. It is needless to say
that the female genii of this sphere are of
indescribable divine beauty that can paralyze the
senses of any adept, except those of the highest
ranks. This sphere can pose a real danger even to
far advanced adepts. The sheer unimaginable
beauty of beings, their attractive magnetism, and
their surroundings are outside the scope of even the
most gifted artistic imagery.
Neptune is the manifestation of perfect
seduction, to which Venus and its genii pale in
comparison. Sadly, some of the inhabitants of the
Neptune sphere are highly evolved magus, who
surrendered their development. Almost God-like,
these sad examples of adepts spiraled down from
their lofty spiritual position to mere sensuality.
However, an adept who has mastered and
overcome the seductive perils of the Neptune
sphere will receive theurgic powers and become a
master of divine love.
Although I am in possession of the sigils of
the Neptunian genii, I will not divulge any details
about their design. Anyone shall heed the image of
Neptune clutching his trident as a symbol of
mastery of the divine aspect of the water element.

At first I was reluctant to write about this

planet and its sphere, but the importance of the
subject matter outweighed my initial misgivings.
In Greek mythology, Pluto is the God of the
underworld. In earlier times, he was otherwise
known as Hades, the name of the underworld itself.
Although, mythology gave Pluto a more positive
image as a ruler of the underworld, his character is
generally negative in the hermetic sense.
Pluto is the annihilator of all life. In cosmic
hierarchy, Pluto is considered furthest from the sun.
Thus, Pluto represents the antagonist of the sun or
At this time, the Pluto sphere has no
influence in our evolutionary cycle, even though
Pluto crosses Neptune’s orbit.
Altogether, the Plutonian genii are of a quite
demonic nature. Even the supposedly positive
genii are a 1000-fold more dangerous that their
Martian counterparts, since Pluto represents the
higher octave of Mars.
Entering the Plutonian sphere would spell
immediate mental death to an unprepared adept,
who has not mastered the Uranus sphere and
utilized its protective formulae.
Once, in a distant future, a war shall be
conducted between the sun and Pluto. However,
the sun shall be victorious, not because it is
physically bigger, but due to the fact that Akasha
resides within the sun sphere and Metatron will
simply “swallow” his rival. However, as I
mentioned before, this knowledge is
inconsequential to present day humanity. I learned
about the facts of Pluto’s function by viewing it in
the mental sphere. I am not allowed to divulge
anything more at this point.
The Peculiarities of the Higher
Astral Planes
A student of the hermetic sciences knows
that each zone or sphere possesses its own
particular laws and ways. However, there are
some noteworthy peculiarities found in the more
subtle levels of the astral sphere that the
hermeticist should be aware of.
In the material world, some people are
affected by depression and other maladies that
weigh heavily upon the human spirit in many ways.
In the higher levels of the astral sphere, the
opposite conditions prevail, that is to say that all
individuals exist there in a state of constant elation.
As a result, only immortal astral beings are able to
abide on such higher planes of existence. The
prevailing powerful oscillations would destroy a
common or lesser astral being in an instant.
The higher astral world, also called “light-
world”, may be compared to the Mercury sphere,
because the mental body has achieved divine
elevations and all inhabitants of these lofty spheres
have attained an utmost brilliance and genius.
Astral physicians in this sphere frequently travel to
lower astral levels to work in places of healing.
Some astral beings, who have suffered difficult
deaths, and thus carry their traumas into the astral
sphere become patients in such places of healing in
the astral sphere. Heavily traumatized individuals
are people, who were murdered or died violently
and therefore relive their traumas in the astral
sphere due to the easy manifestation of imagination
in the astral sphere. This way, the unfortunate
victim will die the same way again and again.
Similarly, severe psychiatric diseases such
as bi-polar disorders, clinical depression,
compulsive-obsessive disorders, schizophrenia,
etc. are inflictions that do not end at the moment of
death, and specialists from the higher realms are
sought to help these groups of individuals to
overcome their obstacles and traumas.
Bodies of water are found in the higher
realms, which can be used like a medium to see the
most abstract occurrences of the universe, since no
one here is interested in earthly matters anymore.
Larger bodies of water, such as large lakes or
oceans, are made of pure concentrated life force,
in which the inhabitants may bathe. As a result, the
bather develops more sensibility towards the
elated life in this higher sphere.
On land, there are magnificent temple
systems that immediately evoke a feeling of divine
unity in the individual who visits these temples.
Naturally, due to the abstract nature of ideals, there
is an absence of diversity of confessions. Merely
individual preferences to certain Gods may
constitute of individuality of confessions.
Naturally, disease and disharmony do not
exist in the high regions of the astral sphere.
Surprisingly, animals and plant life are also found
in the higher reaches of the astral world. However,
these animals, trees and other plants consist of the
principal group-souls of all species of animal and
plant life forms. Therefore the animals here are
highly developed and have their rightful place in
the lofty regions of the astral sphere.
In addition to highly developed souls, there
are un-incarnated human beings that are suspended
in an unconscious dream-state. These humans need
the oscillations of the high sphere to develop
fertile ground for the divine seed to germinate
when they mature through their various
These sleepers are supervised by dream
genii, which imprint some form of consciousness
into the dreamer’s mind, since un-incarnated
humans lack an individual consciousness as they
are transported from the mental sphere to the astral
An animal group-soul development
progresses contradictory to the dreaming never-
incarnated sleeper humans. From their present
location, animal-group souls move in the mental
sphere, where they transform to a tetra-polar
magnet (human), only to return as non-incarnated
sleeper humans back to the astral realm.
Due to the subtle and high oscillations that
prevail in the high regions of the astral sphere,
evergreen trees and plants in the elevated astral
regions will be allowed to incarnate as new
animal species. However, these processes are part
of the preliminary spiritual preparation for the next
Brahma Day on earth. During the evolutionary
cycle of the next Brahma Day, humans, animas and
plants of an entirely different character, shape and
appearance will inhabit our earth.
Some of the main activities of the
inhabitants of these elevated regions consist of the
study of cosmic philosophy, Quabbalah and
working with lower regions to enhance quality of
oscillations in lower astral regions in accordance
with evolutionary guidelines. Every human being
here is acting creatively and hence attracts lofty
mental ideas to the astral level so that they may be
brought to fruition within the astral region.
Shiva, the God of Destruction
The Godhead Shiva may be evoked by some
of the ancient Indian mantrams. Some branches of
Hinduism all over India and other places where
this religion is practiced worship and venerate
Siva. As a superior genius, he does not have to
incarnate since he is not considered human.
As a patron of Yoga and Kundalini, Siva’s
true name is INDRA, the God of destruction. To be
precise, Indra does not destroy anything on earth,
or does he annihilate human beings; rather he
destroys maya, ignorance, imbalance and
disharmony. As a tetra-polar Godhead, Indra can
be subdivided into Shiva (Indra) and Shakti,
whereas Shakti represents the passive elements.
This glorious Godhead plays an important
role in Karma and evolution within the entire
macrocosmic creation. It is quite a task for even
the most creative, spiritual master to put the
attributes (id est, the Godhead in its entirety) into a
mantric formula. Only through the separation of the
Indra-Shakti entity are human minds capable of
getting a glimpse of the constitution of this great
primal being.
Spiritually, Indra’s rank rivals that of a
creator God (Elohim). As one of the Gods that
demonstrate great sympathy and compassion
towards humankind, his countenance radiates
might, love, omniscience and omnipresence.
Indra’s appearance symbolizes his royal rank in the
heavenly world, donning robes of gold and a
crown upon his brow. His body is well formed in
ideal proportions. His true signature is similar to
the AUM( ॐ) with some deviations.
Shiva displays a friendly and forthcoming
demeanor, although the intense radiance of his
divine aura may tax an ordinary human’s
consciousness. Hence, the sphere magus would be
well advised to use a proper mantram to adjust his
mental body to comfortably withstand Indra’s
radiance. Without the proper preparations, the
magus will fall into an almost dimensionless state
of relativity.
During my first encounter with this God,
space began to dilate and again contract. I found
myself in lofty heights in one instant only to hover
almost at ground level the next moment. Those
experiences and other peculiarities influenced my
mind and body long after this encounter. Thus are
the effects of Indra’s mind-bending oscillations.
They taught me just how relative existence can be.
Indra reigns supreme in all spheres as he
personifies one of the modifications of Akasha.
All three planes (material. Astral and
mental) are within his sphere of influence. Indra
can be regarded as the supreme authority of
Kundalini Yoga. However, only advanced yogis
are in a position to contact Indra in relation to this
yogic art.
Within the lower coarser spheres of
influence, Indra’s may grant wishes or impact
material endeavors favorably, which displays his
compassion towards mankind. However, in higher
aspects, his grandness and complexity may prove
incomprehensible even for a high initiate.
Indra resides in a constant state of motion.
Wherever he annihilates deceit, he immediately
fills the void with cosmic universal truth. Owing to
his nature, it is quite understandable, that through
Indra’s influence and guidance, Franz Bardon’s
hermetic works found their way to our material
world within our times and not, as planned, in 500-
600 years in the future.
Divine Providence considers Indra as a
visible counterpart to itself. In the cosmic
hierarchy, Indra is part of the mightiest and
grandest of Godheads. His rank places him well
above Brahma the creator God as well as Vishnu
the creator-conservator. Ultimately, all three are
Upon the conclusion of this Brahma day in
the far distant future, Indra will initiate the
destruction of matter.
There are myriad of aspects that constitute
this wonderful Godhead and no sphere magus
should omit a contact with Indra.
The Godhead of Christ
This is just not my place to make corrections
to the New Testament of the bible. However, I will
highlight other interesting aspects of this Godhead.
Christ was a fellow of the Brethren of Light,
among the twelve elders. He descended to earth
with the mission to teach a higher form of love that
would reach beyond pure sexuality and tribal
loyalty. Every individual on this planet will
acquire true love through a substance that the
Godhead of Christ bestowed upon the world and
humankind. Once this substance comes to full
fruition in humankind, no more major wars will
plague the world, and self-destructive human
tendencies will be substituted for a firm faith.
Due to Christ’s great sacrifice, more
individuals will develop tendencies toward the
hermetic sciences. We all should thank this great
Godhead for delivering us from self-destruction.
Upon his physical death on the cross, Christ
remained in his astral form on this planet by his
ability of densification of the earth element of in
his astral form to attain a physical appearance in
order to conclude his mission here on earth.
Once he left the physical realm behind, he
realized in the astral sphere that his mental
dissolution (into the divine light) became eminent.
However, since Christ, an absolute and supreme
being, who demonstrated his divine spirit through
saving humankind from annihilation, he recreated
his own self astrally and subjoined his unique self
to his recreated astral form through a strong mental
bond. In other words, he had cast his entire
essence and personality inside the astral vessel,
before he became one with Akasha or Nirvana.
With this act, Christ will once more be able to
descend to earth in time. Then he will have the
high mission to personally guide and educate all
those hermetic students, who have chosen Christ as
their Godhead.
For this reason, a hermeticist, who has
chosen the Godhead of Christ as his personal God,
shall eventually experience Christ in all his
grandeur, once the adept has learned the skill of
unification with a Godhead.
Before his last incarnation and mission,
Christ mastered all our known spheres in the
hierarchy as well as 40 exo-macrocosmic realms
that lay beyond our macrocosmos. Later, he visited
our sun’s sphere frequently to cast the Quabbalistic
ten-fold key, in order to gain influence onto the
entire micro and macrocosmos and all the spheres
contained within.
Christ often sought the company of Metatron,
who bestowed upon Christ many unfathomable
abilities. From within the sun sphere, Christ had
the opportunity to visit the suns of hundreds of
stellar systems. There he learned about different
laws that are not identical to our system. In finding
that Metatron is the source of all galactic solar
systems, Christ mastered all the diverse
modifications of Akasha and found enlightenment
in all the extra-solar spheres.
Christ must receive our awe and utmost
respect. He descended from the heights of
existence down to our grizzly earth planet to
experience disgrace, torture and execution on the
cross just for the love of humankind. It must be
stated that in Christ, a hermetic adept will see an
image of Metatron.
The Personal and Universal God
The supreme principle that we know is the
Metatron principle. This is the absolute being, the
conceptual “front face side” of God. Due to our
limited capacities, the “far side” of God is the lack
of being and existence; hence it is
incomprehensible. Only a Godhead may know this
nonbeing, non-existing Divine Providence. In
human cultures, past and present, this side of
Divine Providence has many names like God the
Father, Allah, Shiva or Nirvana-Buddha, just to
name a few. Although God may be worshipped
differently and with different names, all cultures
are basically worshipping one and the same
supreme being.
At this point, the question may arise justwhy
Christ said : “I am the right way, the truth, and
the life. No one can come to the Father except
through me.“ The same holds true in other faiths.
For example, a Buddhist will strive to become a
Buddha. Herein lies the secret of the personal
Godhead. Through a personal Godhead, the
practicing adept will advance towards as universal
God. Once the adept assumes conscious unification
with a personal Godhead, he or she will be
enabled to easily communicate with other divine
beings. In the Mercury sphere, all of its 144 genii
are divine beings and not only there. I mentioned
the Mercury sphere, because Quabbalah
corroborates this fact. Only the divine will
communicate with the divine and that is the law.
This may serve as an example: If the adept wants
to be noticed in the fire sphere, he must assume the
form of a salamander. The same principle applies
For the advancing adept, a personal God
constitutes the highest of all principles and nothing
shall stand above. This attitude supplies the adept
with the potency and wisdom to ascend to equal
standing with other divine beings and communicate
with them. An undeveloped spirit will not
comprehend the reason of this universal law and
its implications. Once chosen, the adept will not
change a personal Godhead throughout the entire
path of initiation. This Godhead embodies the
highest cosmic principle for the adept that will aid
the seeker to advance towards Metatron to the
point where this personal Godhead principle will
become one with the universal principle of God; it
is summed up by one of the Sanskrit Mahāvākyas:
तत◌् वम◌् असि◌ (Tat Tvam Asi [That art thou]).
From here onward, the adept evolves
gradually into a cosmic force that cannot be
fathomed by a common human mind. It would be an
illusory undertaking for a neophyte or general
devotee to directly worship Metatron without the
necessary steps, because neophytes have not
matured properly to comprehend the nature of the
God they worship.
An adept knows the universal laws and his
own limitations. However, he knows his personal
God and takes refuge in the knowledge that by
connecting to his ideal, his personal God, the adept
will be guided consciously towards his goal. In
religion, the path stops here, but for the magus, the
path begins in all earnest.
The Guardian Spirit
There are two categories of guardian spirits.
In the first category, there are genii, which have
never incarnated physically and the second
category consists of highly advanced human spirits.
Average human beings are guided by the genii —
or commonly called “guardian angels” — of the
former category. On the other hand, a single
advanced human spirit guides hermetic students
individually throughout their development. These
guardian spirits of the second category must
possess a high rank within the spiritual hierarchy.
The guardian spirit will always be alert to
his protégé’s actions and protect the neophyte
through intuition and inspiration. In certain life-
threatening instances, the guardian spirit may
intervene on a physical level, which requires the
guardian spirit to possess advanced skills.
The guardian spirit accompanies his protégé
throughout all incarnations. This constant
connection and interaction leads to a special
parent-child bond between protégé and guardian
spirit. The hermeticist will develop great sympathy
and love towards his guardian. Unfortunately, the
protégé will lose memory of this relationship at
Meeting the guardian spirit for the first time,
the protégé will at once recognize his guardian
spirit and mentor. Such encounter may be quite
emotional and right away, the budding hermetic
student will realize what his mentor-protector has
done for him in the past and will do in the future.
The protégé will never owe his mentor anything,
but obedience and respect.
During mental travels and during extreme
encounters, the guardian spirit may become his
protégé’s master mentor and perform further
initiations that are detrimental to the student’s
However, the protégé will not develop a
dependency on his guardian, because meetings and
encounters are sporadic and not constant.
Furthermore, the pace of progress of the student
will be at the guardian spirit’s discretion.
The guardian spirit will remain at his
protégé’s side, until the protégé will begin
exploring the sun sphere. This fact alone indicates
the advanced standing of our guardian spirits.
In the beginning, a guardian spirit’s
emphasis is the character equipoise of his protégé.
Sometimes it is necessary for the guardian to take
stern actions. On other occasions, he may
demonstrate clemency, love or humor and may
appease karma. It all depends on the protégé’s
actions in life. Should the student lack conviction
in introspective work, the guardian spirit may
evoke calamity to teach his protégé through
mishaps and misfortune. A guardian spirit’s task
does not only consist of protecting his protégé, but
also to expedite the student’s development. The
student may look at his or her character traits and
karma to develop an understanding of his or her
guardian spirit’s individuality.
Alas, there are occasions, where the
guardian spirit must abandon his protégé due to his
student’s lack of application and strive to move
ahead. In such case, the guardian will be called off
his post by Divine Providence and will be
compensated for his efforts. Naturally, the hermetic
progress of the former protégé will be halted
throughout that particular incarnation, since magic
progress is impossible without a guardian spirit,
just as cosmic laws dictate. Therefore, a true
hermetic student will always treat others kindly,
while practicing restraint and stringency in
reference to his or her own character.
Initially, most individuals do not appreciate
their guardian spirit, since they are ignorant of the
guardian’s importance. Sooner or later, due to the
guardian’s appeal, the protégé will develop an
instinctive desire to connect with his or her
Many hermetic lodges or spiritual societies
hold the preposterous notion that the guardian
spirit in a part of the higher SELF. The higher
SELF, as described in introspection, is the
condition of unification with the Divine.
Credence – Akasha
Nothing exists without Akasha, even
nothingness could not be maintained. Everything in
the universe carries the spark of Akasha deep
within. Ordinary humans carry the spark inside,
although they are ignorant of its existence. It so
happens, that some individuals lose their
orientation, because of lack of inner support. Some
are convinced that they are without faith,
regardless of the fact they clearly follow ideals
and seek to realize them. Others mechanically
perform a set of empty rituals of a particular
culture and/or religion, into which they were born.
However, with the beginning hermeticist, the
situation is quite different. Before the neophyte
takes the first step on the path of initiation, he takes
to a God that is all supreme. This God provides
support for the practitioner. Often, he will receive
inspiration and intuition from his divine source.
The hermeticist worships his God to the point,
where he emulates his God’s virtues. While
emulating his Godhead, the hermeticist feels the
process of cultivating his soul. The degree of
manifestation stands in direct proportion to the
degree of equipoise. Akasha is formless and
through the process of character refinement, it
takes on form.
Once the adept has achieved equipoise of
character, the Akasha principle within the elements
will guide the adept onto further endeavors. This
way, mistakes are avoided, since God is now the
hermeticist’s guide. However, such a state can be
achieved through deep and severe humility. Every
outbreak of egotism in word, deed and thought
would prove counterproductive in contacting God.
In general egotistic individuals place themselves
before God by relying on their own opinion and
values, which are relative and not constant as are
the universal laws. A personal (egotistical)
opinion is one-sided and imbalanced, if universal
laws do not support and accompany the deeds,
rituals or thoughts of an individual.
I have encountered such unfortunate people,
who in their pedantic opinion placed themselves
before God. They said to be wise beyond
reproach. Alas, those people just demonstrated
their ignorance and narcissistic character, since
they believed that they need no God for guidance. I
truly pity those fallen individuals. Universal law
prohibits interference, because they have to realize
their debacle of their own accord. Credence and
humility are the tools to escape this quagmire of
egotism; otherwise, they may fall into the abysmal
depths of darkness. In the end, they cannot blame
anyone but themselves.
Even in darkness, Akasha stands by those
fallen individuals, ready for them to rekindle the
divine spark within by showing signs of remorse,
humility and acknowledgement of guilt. Thus is the
process of finding a God that has never abandoned
the fallen individuals. Deep meditation and
contemplation are the tools of deliverance. “Know
thyself!” That is the way to the light where we all
desire to evolve onward to the higher regions of
existence. We will be victorious through humility.
Force or Potency – Fire
Omnipotence was the primary emanation of
God. Naturally, an ordinary human being subsists
in a state of perpetual impotence. On the other
hand, a practitioner, who practices the steps of the
First Tarot Card, cultivates an increasing amount of
fiery force that ultimately expresses itself in
formidable willpower. On the path of initiation, the
adept will need superhuman willpower to
successfully ascend into higher levels and become
the master of the elements and maintain absolute
Such augmented willpower also benefits the
adept in mundane life-situations. Force or
willpower is the best tool to master life and master
whatever fate holds in store for the adept. An
individual, provided with a prominent amount of
willpower will seemingly develop a stoic
immunity towards life’s many adverse situations.
Consequently, the fire element will always
accompany and guard the adept.
However, like everything else in our
cosmos, power or force has two sides. Any
individual, who uses his or her willpower for
egotistical purposes, will inevitably decline in the
end. In other words, Akasha will become the
ultimate judge such an individual and will pass
punishment accordingly. Throughout history, strong
willed individuals have misused their gift of
willpower and ultimately, power was used
negatively and destructively. Although, an adept
may utilize the fire element from time to time in a
destructive manner, when his mission dictates such
use to correct imbalance, he will not abuse his
authority for purely personal gain and will always
proceed responsibly.
In Franz Bardon’s step-by-step course in
Initiation into Hermetics, the student will first
learn to adequately master fire before moving on to
master the remaining three elements. The fire
principle’s character is subtleness and yet power
and force. The adept should always use caution:
fire is hot and inherently dangerous if handled
improperly. Simply put, wave your hand through
the air, or hold it under water or dig in the ground,
and chances are that no harm will come to you. But
hold your hand into the flames of a fire and the
consequences will be very unpleasant..
In essence, fire possesses the attributes of
expansiveness and the radiation of the electric
fluid. The adept will work with this fluid to heal
the severest of ailments. The fire element is
initially stored within Akasha and only upon
exiting Akasha, the fire element will acquire its
characteristics. Ultimately, fire the one element that
is closest to Akasha, hence the adept will utilize
this element to animate the other three elements.
Moreover, the spawning principle produces the
manifested faith. The neophyte is introduced to the
fire element for the first time in Step III of
Initiation into Hermetics. In this step, the
neophyte utilizes pure imagination. However, once
the student has reached Step V or VI, he or she will
have developed the ability to invoke as well as
evoke the fire element. As a matter of fact, it is this
level, where true manipulation of fire occurs,
without relying on imagination alone. The same
applies to working with the other elements,
whereby it should be noted that the air element
proves to be the most difficult one to evoke.
Simply put, imagination work will develop into a
measurable reality and this reality must
accordingly be in harmony with Akasha.
Due to its character of being the subtlest
element, fire can be evoked more easily, when
compared to the others. However, the difficulty to
control this element demands a well-developed
willpower, since fire’s character is expansive,
volatile, fleeting and etherical.
Owing to this elemental characteristic,
alchemist will place great importance in
controlling the fire element, which demands
willpower coupled with attention to detail. For
this reason, the basic tenet for the alchemist should
be: no success without fire.
The highest aspects concealed within the
fire element are the creator’s all-might and
omnipotence. God created the fire element by
utilizing the Quabbalistic formula “SCH” (Engl.
“sh” as in “she”) and “K”, hereby expressing fire’s
qualities and quantities on the highest level.
Macrocosmically, the two Quabbalistic letters
caused the so-called “big bang” and hence, the
expansion of our universe from nothingness to
existence of energy, matter space and the universal
A human being — the microcosmos — also
contains the all-might and omnipotence principle
hidden away inside his or her Akasha principle.
Ultimately, any individual holds the latent potential
to develop these highest abstract virtues,
commencing with simple will and gradually
ascending up to the highest virtues of the fire
element. All-might and omnipotence exist latently
within the microcosm until unification with
Godhead and thereby with Metatron. Only then, a
human being shall transform into a macrocosmic
being. Such a human Godhead has all the elemental
forces at his or her disposal.
Wisdom – Air
True wisdom may elude most present-day
human minds. Sadly, the majority of humankind
acts vacuously and dimwittedly. In addition, even
educated individuals, who nurture knowledge and
learned information alone, are schooled
unilaterally. Alas, these problems even take place
among the hermetic neophytes.
In the first place, air acts as a mediator. On
one side, it receives the heat of fire, and on the
other side air receives the coolness of water. In the
interface between these two forces, wisdom is
born. In other words, there were willpower and
sentience (feeling) intercept, wisdom will result
because the process of electric and magnetic
interaction. Due to the subtle nature of air, this
passive electromagnetic fluid can only exist within
the air element, and unlike the characteristically
bonding effect of the earth element, the fluids are
unattached in the air element.
For this reason, the ancient cultures of the
Hebrews and Egyptians deified the air element and
an entire major Arcanum, the Fourth Tarot Card,
was dedicated to the air principle. In this
Arcanum, a whole path of initiation hinges upon
this principle of wisdom. This fact emphasizes,
that wisdom is not a pure virtue of water alone.
The air principle alone does not epitomize
perfection. However, the fact that fire and water
reside within air latently, enables the air principle
(together with fire and water exchanging within
air) to be addressed by a major Arcanum.
Cosmically, the air element suggests the
harmonizing and balancing principle. Its role is
that of a mediator of water and fire. Only this
balancing act provides persistence to the universe.
As a matter of fact, the alchemist may create the
Red Lion through this balancing principle. God
utilized the Quabbalistic letter “A” (Engl. “aa” as
in “aardvark”) to create the air principle.
Moreover, wisdom does not manifest itself
inside the cranium (brain), but in the solar plexus.
Whenever wisdom manifests itself, the brain will
fall silent. Only in the case of the clarification —
explanation; communicating wisdom to others —
of abstract concepts of wisdom, the adept guides
the fluids into the head. During this process,
however, the adept should be very attentive not to
pollute wisdom with his or her own individual
thought processes, so that wisdom does not
degrade to mere knowledge. Only a well-balanced
adept, whose fire and water elements are in
equipoise, will be able to maintain pure wisdom.
Hence, only highly evolved individuals exhibit the
sign of genuine wisdom.
Every student of the hermetic path had been
given a portion of wisdom at birth. However, it is
the student’s responsibility to increase wisdom or
lose it altogether. A word of warning: the loss of
one’s innate wisdom may end the path into
During the Akashic act of creation, the
proto-elements first manifested themselves and out
of those, the four cosmic elements that constitute
our universe are generated. The process cannot be
explained, because creation is based upon the
Quabbalistic ten-fold key, a concept that is still
unfathomable at this time of our human evolution.
Love – Water
Only a few privileged individuals perceive
true love, experience its depth and are conscious
of his or her blessings.
Love is the one aspect, which favors the
alleviation of karma. Naturally, hate poses the
opposite aspect that results in accruement of
Karma. Once a hermeticist has reached divine
love, hate must be eradicated on all levels. Love is
patient, forgiving, respectful, eternal and tolerant.
It is the sympathy towards all humans and spirit
beings. Only adepts, who develop this level of
human love, will obtain hermetic love, a level of
love that allows an individual to endure any
negative karma.
Love is the second commandment of God.
Anyone ignorant of this truth should cast aside any
hermetic ambitions. God is eternally generous and
his leniency is without bounds. Only WILL stands
above love and influences this Divine aspect and
lends love greater value.
We commit our deepest love towards our
children. They are innocent before God and no one
ought to punish children harshly and with
malcontent or hatred. Child abuse is a crime
against God. A child stands under the care of God
and maltreatment of a child will evoke the ominous
dark clouds of karma.
Any human being that feels loved will
flourish through love, convalesce when sick and
heals emotional wounds quicker. Thus are the
lower levels of the laws of love that any common
individual should be aware of, in order to live
harmoniously among fellow human beings, lest he
or she wishes to sow sorrow and misery. An adept,
who ignores the laws of love, will be inflicted
with disease, the realization of the hermetic path
will be frustrated and Maya will cloud the adept’s
judgement. The consequences are as follows: No
more success with the exercises and introspection;
an attack upon faith, being overwhelmed and
profound self-dissatisfaction and hatred. All this
will ultimately lead towards hate towards certain
objects of affection, systems or persons.
The most profound variant of hate consists
of the withdrawal of love and affection. All
students of the hermetics should think twice about
the treatment of fellow humans. Every action
warrants a reaction. Divine Providence will
reward us accordingly. The fairy tale of Mother
Hulda (Frau Holle) and the kind and unkind girl
serves a good example.
The adept compares fellow humans to
children and will treat each one with respect and
love. Of course, an adept directs his or her highest
love to his Godhead. After all, love is the law. A
human being hates others, consequently only hates
his or her own self. Love is so pure, that a person
may not even take notice. They may be paid
passively in form of instructions and guidance.
These are the gifts that the adept may bestow upon
fellow humans, children and adults alike.
An adept wishes to imitate his or her own
Godhead and its eternal undying love. Such a
Godhead comes in many forms such as Christ,
Maha-Devi, Krishna or Indra. For all beings, love
is cherished as the highest treasure. Consequently,
God will turn away from anyone, whose actions
are inhumane.
Thus is the law of love.
Consciousness – Earth
The consciousness is retained by the
interactions of the three elements. Although all
human beings have a consciousness, the average
individual dwells in a semi-conscious state of
existence. Detrimental strokes of fate jolt the
consciousness of the afflicted individual. It is the
aim of karma’s to awaken all humankind into full
consciousness. Through the use of the faculty of
consciousness, our true EGO, an awakened
individual may control and evaluate all thoughts,
before they enter the mental matrix. This way the
adept will be able to make the decision, whether to
allow the thought to pass through or reject a
thought altogether (see Step I, Magic Mental
Training, Initiation into Hermetics).
The EGO is a tetragrammaton and our
mental body is therefore the image of God. In order
to realize consciousness of the mental body, a
neophyte adept schools all four astral elements.
Once the student reaches an equipoise of the soul
mirror, he or she will be able to influence the
mental body through the mental matrix and the
physical body through the astral matrix. The astral
component presents the mediator that reflects into
the mental as well as the physical. As a result, the
adept will also fortify Akasha, which results in the
refinement of the entire human being and its three
bodies through via its matrices.
On the material level, everything is tetra-
polar. The “four-poled” magnet gives matter
coherence. Without it, the universe would simply
fall apart.
Through the EGO, the practitioner will
perceive and guide the spiritual body in its
entirety. Additionally, the practitioner must be
perfecting the EGO. The Divine aspect of EGO is
omni-consciousness or omnipresence, a virtue that
the adept will realize through his or her step by
step, commencing with thought vacancy, as Franz
Bardon describes it. A practitioner who reaches a
certain depth of though vacancy will eventually
perceive omnipresence. For this reason, Bardon
advises the adept to keep practicing and deepening
thought vacancy throughout the course of Initiation
into Hermetics..
In Step X of Initiation into Hermetics, the
adept is mandated to imagine omnipresence.
Apparently, there is a relationship between thought
vacancy and this step. The nature of the untrained
human mind prohibits proper imagination of
something that has not previously been seen before.
Hence, the adept who is working the exercises of
this step will have achieved a certain depth of
thought vacancy and proficiently remains in the
state of vacancy successfully for one to two hours.
Through intense vacancy of thoughts over lengthy
periods of time, the adept will reach a certain
point, where this omnipresence will reveal itself.
The adept will reach omnipresence by exercising
the mind with a simple thought vacancy exercise in
the first step to ultimately reach the Godhead itself
in the last step.
I personally have perceived this
manifestation of Akasha in the form of pure
credence. At that time, I concluded that God
accompanied me on my path, although I was not in
a position to consciously perceive this God
initially. Once I achieved Divine unification, I fully
understood the concept of omnipresence. The adept
will learn to assume this form of consciousness at
will or abstain from it.. This experience will leave
a great impression that will properly guide the
adept, even while operating through the normal
Introspection: Yes or no?
It is a misconception that after years of
practicing introspection, an individual will
become virtuous and develop great attributes that
differentiate such an individual from the masses.
However, my observations show that this not the
case. The average person has a certain set of
attributes in accordance with his or her
evolutionary development and often one may find
an average individual with a virtuous radiance.
Some of these average individuals have even
achieved equipoise of character, although they may
have never heard anything about magic, hermetics
or mysticism. What place does the hermetic
practitioner take, whose aim is attain noble
character and seek advanced spiritual knowledge
and wisdom through the science of all sciences?
On the positive side, the hermeticist may have been
able to ennoble some aspects of his or her
character through hard work In the light of these
observations, I drew the following conclusion:
One must first become an ethical human, before
one considers becoming a hermeticist.
A neophyte practitioner is not at liberty
looking down on his or her fellow humans. In many
cases, a neophyte’s character is not any nobler than
that of others, with whom we interact daily. Every
action begins as a thought. Thought control and
thought composure and discipline are our first
steps towards adepthood. Those exercises enable
the practitioner to dispel any forthcoming thought
that is deemed incongruous to our training. At the
beginning of our training, we have constructed a
soul mirror to show us our positive and negative
attributes. Through diligent thought training, we
have an opportunity to stifle unwanted thoughts that
may lead to misdeeds or entice us to nurture
negative attribute in our character.
We should be looking into our souls daily,
so that we will not hurt others or ourselves. I dealt
with this subject in my little book, A Practice
Guide. Regardless of the fact that everyone can
read, only the few understand. Read between the
lines; take a closer look inside yourself! My spirit
recognizes destructive and constructive thought
forms and controls both through the superior
“element” of faith. For this reason, that all
practitioners should work this way, so that they
would see success in their exercises. This is how I
worked and succeeded, and I am convinced that no
one would lament the excessive difficulty of the
hermetic path anymore. Remember: upon your
death, you will be called upon what you did with
the gift that Divine Providence has bestowed upon
you at birth. Should you then answer that it was too
difficult to handle, or you did not understand what
to do? Indeed not. How foolish would we
“hermetic magi” appear at the threshold on the
astral plane? Our ultimate goal should be initiation
and not decadence or squander of life forces. It is
not my intention to insult or hurt the practitioner,
but rather nudge him or her in the right path and the
proper attitude. For this reason, the practitioner
should amass courage and faith along the way. The
one, who treads the path, is a chosen one, who
reaches far beyond the mediocrity of the masses.
God gave you dignity, so use it. Those harsh words
are meant to spark the inner divine fire.
True Rune-Magick
This field of magick sciences is considered
less demanding when compared to other systems
within this field and its lurking dangers are
unsurpassed as well. Although, rune-magick is
linked to Quabbalah, it is not identical to the
system of Franz Bardon’s work, The Key to True
Quabbalah. True to our cosmic system of duality,
every rune has an opposing negative rune aspect or
anti-rune, if you will.
The following example should emphasize
the true danger of this system: Should the rune-
magus speak a rune that symbolizes love through
the three senses (like Quabbalistic letters), he must
have evaluated his character that no traces of the
opposing trait to love, namely hate, still lingers
deep and unnoticed within his soul. He must be
convinced without doubt that no shadow, no matter
how miniscule, may cloud the pure virtue of love
within the magus. A key characteristic of a rune is
the fact that its power, once evoked by the rune-
magus lingers even after its magical use and while
the magus performs mundane tasks. Incidentally,
the guardian of the evoked rune resides near the
magus for some time after the evocation proper to
uphold the force that the rune contains, and for
demonstrative purposes, should a person of
misgivings cross the rune practitioner’s path and a
brief, almost unnoticed feeling of dislike (hate)
awakens within the magus, the rune’s polarity is
reversed instant and the guardian of hate
(everything in the universe has two sides) takes
control of the rune. Only a well-schooled rune-
magus acknowledges the change in its early stages
to take the opportunity to end the negative rune’s
However, a mediocre rune-magus will not
notice this exchange until the subject of dislike or
hatred has been afflicted by great misfortune,
emotional and physical maladies or even death.
The rune-magus will register a drastic elevation of
hate inside, which involuntarily projects against
the subject of hate and the point of reversing the
causes had long been surpassed. Now the magus is
involuntarily working and dealing with the anti-
rune and had become the pawn of the negative
forces. Considerable damage has been done. The
demon has found a victim. Since all the karmic
responsibilities of the results of demonic activities
are solely placed on account of the rune magus.
Sooner or later, a judge of the Saturn sphere
will evaluate the deeds of the rune-magus to see if
his conscious mind and willpower enable him to
halt his evil way. That way, the level of punishment
may become less severe. However, should the
magus ignore his consciousness and continue his
ways, the judge will hold court and mete out
severe punishment. The former magus – although
he cannot be called a magus henceforth – finds
himself struck gravely in a never-ending series of
misfortunes and the heaviest of karmic
implications. His guardian spirit abandons him in
time of dire needs, and this wretched soul is left to
his own devices. Ultimately, the former magus is
thrust into the depth of darkness, woe and
abasement, well beyond the scope of the average
This wretched subhuman creature that this
former rune-magus has become, has been cursed to
live below any basic dignity of even the lowest of
human existences. It may take 10 incarnations of
more to enjoy life again as an average human
being, let alone become a practicing magus once
again. His development had been frozen for
centuries to come and he may wish he never
dabbled in this form of magick in the beginning.
A true rune-magus, who is a hermetic
practitioner that has reached true equipoise, may
find rune-magick of great value in his
development, since it could ease the path of
adepthood. The true magus will apply the powers
of the runes for the greater good of humankind. He
may even help himself, if the need arises. A magus
of noble character, however, will not take
advantage of the powers due to his humility before
God, but devote his powers to the good of his
fellow humans. Just like our Master Bardon, who
did use his great powers for personal gains.
The above example should serve as a
warning to the casual dabbler of rune-magick. By
applying great caution, a truly balanced hermetic
practitioner, may proceed and harvest the fruits that
the practice of rune-magick may bear. In a previous
incarnation, I almost doomed myself through the
rune practice. Intuition and foresight prevented an
oncoming disaster. I paid restitution to avert a
personal catastrophe and aided the person
wronged by my use of rune-magick in any way
possible. In the end, I succeeded in the reversal of
the negative oscillations of the rune.
Presently, I am writing a book on the rune
knowledge I gathered in this previous life. In this
book, I plan to reveal knowledge that has been lost
over time. Alchemists will greatly profit from that
knowledge, since there are runes that can be
applied to alchemical processes.
Around the world, people are talking about
the existence or non-existence of UFOs. An adept
will know that there are intelligent life forms in the
physical universe aside our planet earth. There are
billions of possibilities of intelligent existence in
the billions of galaxies. However, a close look at
the physical universe and the great distances that
separate the objects in space, will make an
observer realize that space travel to distant stars or
galaxies is physically impossible. Even our closest
neighboring star system, Alpha Centauri is at a
distance of 4.3ly. It would take even an advanced
space ship thousands of years to reach this Alpha
Centauri. Light travels at 671 million mph or 1080
million km/h and mass cannot travel at this speed,
as it would require infinite energy to maintain this
Despite this limitation, there are UFO
sightings all over the world. About 90% are false
sightings. So there are 10% of real sightings. How
are UFOs able to travel to our earth? How do they
overcome the vast distances? Many exoplanets
harbor advanced civilizations. Most civilizations,
for example, in the Milky Way galaxy, are more
advanced than our own.
Among these civilizations, there are
advanced magi, who utilize their life force to
shield their mental bodies during intergalactic
travel. This way they mental travel outside the
space/time continuum and bridge many million
light years instantly. Sometimes, these aliens also
mental travel in groups.
Most of these alien adepts are invisible to
the naked eye. However, sometimes they may
become visible or rather their life force “space
ship” will be seen doing incredible feats that seem
physically impossible to the observer as their life
force hull may pick up some of the denser elements
of the lower parts of the astral sphere. These
“ships” are made of life force and travel without
physical restrictions. Therefore, travelling aliens
do not have to consider physical speed constraints,
nor limits due to gravitation or centrifugal forces.
For this reason, some UFOs are seen accelerating
at fantastic speeds, performing backbreaking
acrobatics across the skies or skip 10 miles or
more in an instant.
These alien beings also land on the surface
from time to time for the purpose of researching
our earth. However, contact is limited to earthling
adepts, due to the fact that these aliens are visiting
with their mental bodies and if they wish for
contacts they are required — similar to earth
adepts’ visits to element beings — to mimic our
mental shape to become visible to earth adepts.
Since the mental language is universal to all
spiritual beings, communication would be quite
possible. This way, they will learn about our
civilizations, past and present.
Indeed, initiates from many intelligent races,
from all corners of the universe, visited and are
visiting our planet. After all, the process is the
same for all beings. The virtues of morality and
immorality exist throughout the universe and, as
always, Akasha will keep checks and balances, so
that no chaos engulfs our evolution. The cosmic
travelers, who are of great moral standing, will
naturally adhere to the cosmic laws, so that no
harm will come to them or the earthlings.
On most planets that harbor life, evolution
stands at a much more advanced level, opposed to
to our planet. A conversation with an alien traveler
can be quite captivating, although the complexity of
their cultures and laws may appear quite abstract
for our minds to conceptualize. However, all life
in the universe is bound to the same divine laws.
Extraterrestrial beings only travel with their mental
body in a vessel of life force, while their physical
and astral bodies remain on their home planet.
Hence their bodies are invisible to the untrained
physical eye.
As noted above, light travels at 186282.39
mps (299792458 km/s). Light speed is the
oscillation, where all material dissolves. Objects
that have mass can approximate this limit, but
cannot travel at this speed or beyond, so that
prevents material matter becoming astral. That is a
universal cosmic law and all beings in the material
universe have to adhere to this law. For this
reason, material space travel over light year
distances would prove impossible.
This concise treatise should shed some light
on extraterrestrial visits and the UFO phenomena.
Among our human population, there are highly
advanced beings, such as Franz Bardon, who have
travelled to other solar systems and conversed
with initiates within extraterrestrial populations, in
order to gather useful wisdom.
Time and Eternity
We know time as past, present and future*.
Most individuals dwell in the past and revive old
events, whether they are positive or negative and
by the same token, these individuals also dwell
mentally in the future, extensively planning out
future events. The presence stands between past
and future. Present tense is the equivalence of
elimination of time. Living in the NOW, the adept
effectuates present tense. The past tense disappears
and the future blends together with the presence,
the NOW. Living in the NOW, is the same as being
immortal or eternal. Even when our body demises,
our NOW-consciousness lives on eternally.
Consciousness is mind or spirit and unites
all the elements. The spirit is the image of God and
therefore it is immortal. Nothing should inhibit us
to live in the NOW. Only an imbalanced soul
subjugates our consciousness to the time
phenomenon. Even a relatively balanced student
should be able to maintain the state of the NOW.
The adept will naturally draw on past experiences
and events to employ them as tools that are
necessary to aid in present time events. In
reference to the future, the adept will make
preliminary plans.
Through discipline and training, the student
will ease into this NOW-state-of-mind, which will
become second nature to the trained adept. This
state can be experienced, but not described. This is
a state of Akasha. An individual, who lives in the
NOW will make great strides, mystically and
magically, because the consciousness manifests
credence. Even the hardest exercises and problems
are then solved with comparative ease.
*Past, Present and Future
By Peter Windsheimer
“Neither is there a smallest part of what is small, but there is
always a smaller (for it is impossible that what is should cease to

be). Likewise there is always something larger than what is


Amaxagoras (500BC-428BC)

God made a universe that is able to make itself

Teilhard de Chardin

Traditionally, humankind separates time into

past, present and future. A future event that comes
into fruition is considered a present event and once
the event concludes, it becomes a past event.
However, upon close observation, we realize that
there is no present event in the time-space
continuum. The only conditions that can be
monitored by a rhythmic device are the past and
present events. Although we can materially only
know the existence of the past as reality does not
render the future non-existent. Since we are
physically bound to time and space continuance,
we have no conscious perception of future events
until they become a past event. However, that fact
does not make it less real than past events.
Basically past and future events do not physically
exist altogether, regardless of the fact that we have
memories of perceiving future events in becoming
past events through our consciousness, which only
exists in the present tense. One could argue that the
present tense is the only aspect of time and space
that is real.

Even though, the presence or NOW does not

exist physically, it is the one point that is perceived
as real, however without containing space or time.
The present tense does not contain time. Even a
nanosecond (10−9 seconds) has a beginning and an
end and while the nanosecond is passing, part of it
lies in the past and the other part in the future.
Therefore, the present tense is not within a time
range. Just like the center of a rotating sphere.
Mathematically, there is a center. However, this
point is conceptual and therefore occupies no
space. This point is the mere location of the center
and since it is not an object, it contains neither
space nor time. Hence it does not rotate with the
sphere itself.

The German physicist and Nobel Price

laureate, Max Planck, discovered what is called
Planck Time, Planck Length and Planck Mass, the
smallest units for anything physical to occur. Plank
length is 1.6 x 10-35 meters (the United States uses
a decimal point instead of a decimal comma).
That is the smallest physically measurable unit that
lends validity to time, space and gravity. Planck
Length coincides with Plank Time. Planck time,
5.39121 × 10−44 seconds, the smallest quantum that
gives causality in our universe validity.
Consequently, the cause and effect phenomenon
occupies time and space, however small those
quanta may be. We can see that we won’t be able
to tackle the phenomenon of present tense on a
physical level. In our physical universe, cause and
effect cannot take place simultaneously. Cause and
effect are separated by a time-like interval that
moves from the future to the past without a clear
separation of present tense. Technically, we cannot
determine, where the cause stops and the effect
takes place; they blend together like the colors of
the sky at sunset.

The cosmic speed limit is 299,792.458 meters per

second. This limit is reserved for phenomena that
are without mass (Photons are energy particles).
Anything beyond this speed would violate
causality, since no effect can happen before the
cause. A simple demonstration would be a signal
or a message sent through space at twice the speed
of light. The message would simply be received,
before it was transmitted. Special relativity does
not permit communication faster than the speed of
light, without violating causality. Everything that
exists is in motion and without a clear distinction
of the concept of a physically present tense.

This is the place, where the concept of the

NOW in the hermetic sense comes to play.
According to Bardon, the Now is related to the
Akasha principle. This principle exists, just like
the present (NOW), without time and space.
Akasha is basically “conceptless” or lacking any
concept, relative to our physical senses and
consciousness, our understanding and intellect. Its
state is beyond existence of anything created and
exists in our universe. As created beings, we
cannot conceptualize the moment, the universe
came into being (the big bang was not really a
“bang” in the sense of a burst), because only a
existing being could observe something existing or
in the process of being created. However, there
was nothing created, before creation to
acknowledge the first step of creation. In this case,
the cause that caused the first move in creation
does not exist. It lies within the uncreated Akasha.

Pondering upon a prime cause is futile for

our human minds. A created being cannot analyze
that which is not. There is no electric or magnetic
Akasha (positive and negative). Since the idea of
Akasha cannot be understood with our minds —
the created cannot understand the uncreated — our
language dictates to circumscribe Akasha with
familiar terms. Out of necessity, the first step of
creation is the point, the beginning, which is in our
case, present tense, a “moment” — so to speak —
that is timeless and spaceless. I point that occupies
no time and no space, but the concept of centrality.
If we could remain in the true present tense, we
would exist in a state of Akasha, without beginning
and without end. Once our universe ceases to exist,
including other spheres, it will be as if nothing
ever existed. Then, our universe will be irrelevant,
just as it was “before” existence. This is the
reason, why our path shall be the one that
embraces Akasha, become as the non-created.
Otherwise, existence as we know it physically and
spiritually, becomes without meaning.
Peter Windsheimer
Hopefully, the reader enjoyed the contents of
this book. The first part is based on biographic
material and the second part is a collection of
treatises that were gained through experience.
I have personally known Seila Orienta and I
can attest to his love for truth and his simple and
yet effective ways of dealing with his students’
problems along the path. I will always remember
his generosity and selfless engagement to the
Now, after his physical passing, it is up to
the individual student to utilize all the gifts that he
or she has received from Seila Orienta.
Peter H. Windsheimer
Johannes H. von Hohenstätten
It is a pleasure to be allowed to publish this
autobiography of my dear friend and mentor, who
dedicated it to his oldest son and student Daniel. I
was privileged to reading the manuscript over 17
years ago and I am astonished about its content,
every time I reread these pages.
The content of this work proves to be quite
different, when compared to some of the other
J.H. von Hohenstätten
Other Books Available at
Hermetic League Publishing

Seila Orienta:
The Golden Book of Wisdom
Alchemy — The Mysteries of the
Philosopher’s Stone
A Practice Guide
The Hermetic Genesis

Johannes von Hohenstätten

The First Lesser Arcanum

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