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The report discusses gasification of waste for energy production and reviews waste gasification technologies.

Waste fuels have heterogeneous characteristics depending on their composition. Key properties discussed are moisture content, calorific value, ash content and composition.

Standards for waste fuels include CEN/TC292 for waste characterization and CEN/TC 343 for Solid Recovered Fuels (SRF). ISO also has standards through ISO/TC 300.

Gasification of waste for

energy carriers
A review

IEA Bioenergy: Task 33: 2018. 12.

Gasification of waste for energy carriers

A review

Lars Waldheim, Waldheim Consulting

Acknowledgement: the author expresses his gratitude to Aranda Guadelope Almansa of ECN, part of TNO, the Netherlands, for her
comments and suggestions in preparing this report

IEA Bioenergy, also known as the Technology Collaboration Programme (TCP) for a Programme of Research, Development and
Demonstration on Bioenergy, functions within a Framework created by the International Energy Agency (IEA). Views, findings and
publications of IEA Bioenergy do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or of its individual Member

Copyright © 2018 IEA Bioenergy. All rights Reserved

ISBN 978-1-910154-56-4.

Published by IEA Bioenergy

Cover photo: Courtesy of Enerkem Inc.

IEA Bioenergy, also known as the Technology Collaboration Programme (TCP) for a Programme of Research, Development and Demonstration
on Bioenergy, functions within a Framework created by the International Energy Agency (IEA). Views, findings and publications of IEA Bioenergy
do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or of its individual Member countries.

Abbreviations ........................................................................................ 5

Executive Summary............................................................................... 8

1. The scope and objective of this work ......................................... 15

1.1. BACKGROUND......................................................................... 15

1.2. MOTIVATION .......................................................................... 15

1.3. THE SCOPE OF THE STUDY ...................................................... 18

1.4. METHODOLOGY ...................................................................... 18

2. Wastes as a gasifier fuel ............................................................. 19

2.1. WASTE FUEL CHARACTERISTICS ............................................. 19

2.2. WASTE FUEL STANDARDS ....................................................... 23

2.2.1. CEN/TC292 -Waste characterization ..................................................... 23
2.2.2. RDF standards ....................................................................................... 23
2.2.3. CEN/TC 343 - SRF standards ................................................................. 24
2.2.4. ISO/TC 300 ........................................................................................... 28

3. Waste quantities and disposal costs ........................................... 28

3.1. WASTE SITUATION IN THE EU ................................................ 28

3.2. WASTE AND WASTE TREATMENT IN JAPAN ............................. 33

3.3. WASTE SITUATION IN THE USA .............................................. 37

3.4. OTHER ASIAN STATES ............................................................ 40

4. Waste policies and regulatory considerations ............................ 41


CIRCULAR ECONOMY) ....................................................................... 41

4.2. INTERNATIONAL POLICIES..................................................... 43

4.2.1. Policies .................................................................................................. 43

4.2.2. Conventions .......................................................................................... 44

4.3. EU POLICY AND REGULATIONS ............................................... 46

4.3.1. Directives .............................................................................................. 48

4.4. POLICIES IN JAPAN ................................................................ 59

4.4.1. Regulations ........................................................................................... 64

4.5. POLICY IN THE USA ................................................................ 67

4.5.1. US Regulations ...................................................................................... 72

5. Gasification technologies applied to waste ................................ 75

5.1. PRINCIPLES OF GASIFICATION PROCESSES ........................... 76

5.1.1. Autothermal and allothermal gasifiers .................................................. 78

5.1.2. Operating conditions for waste gasifiers and other gasifiers ................. 80
5.1.3. Typical bulk gas compositions ............................................................... 81

5.2. GASIFICATION REACTORS ...................................................... 81

5.2.1. Co-current (downdraft) moving bed gasifiers ....................................... 85
5.2.2. Co-current (updraft) moving bed gasifiers ............................................ 85
5.2.3. Other forms of moving bed gasifier ....................................................... 87
5.2.4. Fluidized bed gasifiers ........................................................................... 87
5.2.5. Entrained flow gasifiers ......................................................................... 92
5.2.6. Other types of gasifiers ......................................................................... 93

6. Gas cleaning and the use of the product gas .............................. 93

6.1. CONTAMINANTS AND EMISSION PRECURSORS ....................... 93

6.2. GAS CLEANING TECHNOLOGIES .............................................. 95

6.2.1. Particulate removal ............................................................................. 100
6.2.2. Tar removal ......................................................................................... 104 Catalytic tar conversion .............................................................................. 106 Thermal cracking of tars / plasma tar removal ........................................... 107 Physical tar removal ................................................................................... 109 Temperature control ................................................................................... 111

6.2.3. Halides (chloride, fluoride and bromine) ............................................. 111

6.2.4. NOx precursors .................................................................................... 113
6.2.5. Sulphur species ................................................................................... 114
6.2.6. Heavy metals, mercury ........................................................................ 120

6.2.7. TOC, dioxins and furans, CO ................................................................ 120
6.2.8. Conclusions on gas cleaning processes ............................................... 122


7. Gasifier technologies................................................................. 127

7.1. INDUSTRIAL GASIFIERS ....................................................... 127

7.1.1. CEMEX Rüdersdorf, Germany ............................................................... 127
7.1.2. Anhui Conch Kawasaki Engineering Co., Ltd., China ............................ 130
7.1.3. Vicat, Crechy, France ........................................................................... 131
7.1.4. ESKA, the Netherlands......................................................................... 132
7.1.5. Innovative Environmental Solutions, UK ............................................. 135
7.1.6. Stora Enso (fka Corenso United), Finland ............................................ 137

7.2. CO-FIRING FOR POWER AND HEAT ....................................... 138

7.2.1. Essent/RWE AMERGAS, The Netherlands ............................................ 138
7.2.2. Lahti I (Kymijärvi I), Finland ............................................................... 143

7.3. COMBINED POWER AND HEAT .............................................. 148

7.3.1. Two-stage incinerators ........................................................................ 149 An example of a grate gasification process; Energos .................................. 151 An example of a fixed bed; Nippon Steel Direct Melting Process ................. 153 An example of a fluidized bed gasification process, Outotec. ...................... 155

7.3.2. Waste gasification with gas cleaning, “true gasification” .................... 158 Air Products, Teesside, UK .......................................................................... 159 CHO Power, Morcenx, France ...................................................................... 164 Concord Blue (fka Blauer Turm aka Blue Tower) ........................................ 171 Lahti II (Kymijärvi II) ................................................................................ 174 Plasco, Ottawa, Canada .............................................................................. 183 Schwarze Pumpe, Germany ........................................................................ 188 Syngas Products (fka NEAT) ....................................................................... 190 Synnov Déchets, Villers-sous-Montrond...................................................... 193 SynTech Bioenergy/KEW Technology, UK ................................................... 194 Taylor Biomass Energy, LLC, Montgomery, NY, USA ................................... 196 Thermoselect and licensee JFE294, 295........................................................... 198 Other processes.......................................................................................... 202

7.4. CHEMICALS AND FUELS ........................................................ 203

7.4.1. CHEMICALS ........................................................................ 203 EBARA UBE Process EUP ............................................................................. 203

7.4.2. FUELS ................................................................................ 206 APP (Advanced Plasma Power Ltd.) ............................................................ 206 Enerkem ..................................................................................................... 210 Ineos Bio .................................................................................................... 216 Fulcrum Bioenergy and Thermochemical Recovery Inc. (TRI) .................... 222 Synova, ECN, Dahlman and Ambigo ............................................................ 228 Other processes .......................................................................................... 235

8. Discussion ................................................................................. 235

8.1. R&D NEEDS .......................................................................... 236

8.2. WASTE GASIFICATION PERFORMANCE ................................. 239





9. Conclusions ............................................................................... 252

Appendix 1 – Waste and SRF standards .................................................i

Appendix 2 – Limiting Emission Values 2016 ....................................... iv

EU EMISSION LIMITS (EID, MCP DIRECTIVES) ...................................IV

JAPANESE EMISSION LIMITS .............................................................. V

US EPA EMISSION LIMITS ..................................................................VI

COMPARISON OF EU, JAPANESE AND US LEV’S................................. VII

Appendix 3 Waste Gasification developers ......................................... viii

Appendix 4 Waste Gasification Plants and Projects ...........................xix

aka also known as
ar as received
BAT Best available technology
B.C. Before Christ
BREF Best available technology (BAT) reference document (EU)
BACT Best available control technology (USA)
BATC Best available technology (BAT) conclusions (EU)
BOCM Bilateral Offset Crediting Mechanism (Japan)
CO2e CO2-equivalents
CAA Clean Air Act (USA)
CAA Clean Air Act Amended (USA)
CADDET Centre for the Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies
CCS Carbon Sequestration and Storage
CCU Carbon Sequestration and Utilisation
CDW Construction and demolition wastes
CEN European committee for standardisation
CFB Circulating fluidized bed
CFC Chlorofluorocarbon
CFD Computational fluid dynamics
CFR Code of Federal Regulations (USA)
CHP Combined heat and power (co-generation)
CLRTAP Convention on long-range transboundary air pollution
CNG Compressed natural gas
CW Commercial wastes
Daf Dry and ash-free
d.s. Dry substance
DEFRA Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (UK)
DOE Department of Energy (USA)
EA Environmental Agency (EU)
DG Directorate general (EU)
EAP Environmental Action Plans (EU)
ECJ European Court of Justice
ECN Energy Research Center Netherlands
ECCP European Climate Change Programme
EDP Energy Demonstration Program, see EIB
EEA European Economic Area agreement
EIB European Investment bank
EIPPCB European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau
EFTA European free trade association
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
ELV End-life of Vehicles Directive
EMEP European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme
EPA Environmental Protection Agency (USA)
EPR Extended Product Responsibility
ESP Electrostatic precipitator
ETS Emission Trading System (EU)
EU European Union
EWC European Waste Catalogue (EU WFD)
FB Fluidized bed
FIT, FiT Feed-in tariff
Fka Formerly known as
FSU Former Soviet Union
GACT Generally Available Control Technologies or Management Practices (CAAA USA)
GDP Gross Domestic Product

GHG Greenhouse gases
HFC Hydrofluorocarbons
HCFC Hydrochlorofluorocarbons
HSWA Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (RCRA USA))
HTW High-temperature Winkler (gasification process)
HW Hazardous wastes
IEA International Energy Agency
IW Industrial wastes
IED Industrial Emissions Directive (EU)
IGCC Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control, (EU)
ISO International standardisation organisation
IW Industrial wastes
JCM Joint Crediting Mechanism (Japan)
JPY Japanese Yen
JVETS Japanese Voluntary Emission Trading Systems
J-VER Japanese Verified Emissions Certificate system
LAER Lowest Achievable Emission Rate (CAAA USA).
LCP Large combustion plant (EU)
LCV Lower calorific value
LEV Limiting emission values
LFD Landfill directive (EU)
LOI Loss of ignition
LOX Liquid oxidation scrubbing process (for sulphur removal)
MACT Maximum available control technology (USA)
MBM Meat and bone meal
MBT Mechanical and biological treatment
MCP Medium combustion plant (EU)
MDG Millennium development goals (UN)
METI Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry (Japan)
MoE Ministry of Environment (Japan)
MRF Material recovery facility
MSR Market stability reserve (EU ETS)
MSW Municipal solid wastes
n.a. not applicable
NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards (USA)
NDC Nationally Determined Contributions (UNFCC Paris agreement)
NER New Entrant Registry (EU ETS)
NESHAP New Emission Source Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutant (CAAA USA)
NIB Nordic Investment Bank
n.l. not limited
NSPS New Source Performance Standards (CAA USA)
OFGEM Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (UK regulator)
O&M Operations and maintenance
PAC Pulverized activated carbon
PAH Polyaromatic hydrocarbons
PCB Polychlorinated biphenyls
PFC Perfluoro hydrocarbons
PFOS Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid
PM Particulate matter, number indicates cut-off size in microns
POP Persistent organic pollutants
PPA Power purchase agreement
PPP Polluter Pays Principle
PPW Paper and Packaging Waste Directive (EU)
PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration (CAA USA)

PV Photovoltaic
RACM Reasonably Available Control Measures (CAA USA)
RACT Reasonably Available Control Technology (CAA USA)
RCRA The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (USA)
RDF Refuse derived fuel
RE Renewable Energy
RED Renewable Energy Directive (EU)
RFP Reasonable Further Progress (CAA USA)
RFS Renewable fuel standard (USA)
RME Rape oil methyl ester, bio-diesel
ROC Renewable order certificate (UK)
RPS Renewable Portfolio Standard (USA)
RVO Netherlands Enterprise Agency
SCR Selective catalytic reduction (of NOx)
SDG Sustainable development goals (UN)
SIP State Implementation Plans (CAA USA)
SLF Shredder light fraction
SNCR Selective non-catalytic reduction (of NOx)
SPV Special purpose vehicle (e.g. project company, at arm’s length from mother)
SPK Synthetic paraffinic kerosene (ASTM D7566)
SRF Solid recovered fuel
SWIP Small waste incinerator plant (UK)
t, tonnes metric tons (1 000 kg)
TC Technical committee
TNAC Total number of allowances in circulation (EU ETS)
tpd tonnes per day
tpa tonnes per year (annum)
UNCED 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
UNFCC The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change 1992
UNEP United Nations Environmental program
VOC Volatile organic compounds
WESP Wet electrostatic precipitator
WFD Waste Framework Directive (EU)
WID Waste Incinerator Directive (EU)
WHO World Health Organisation
WMO World Meteorological Organisation
WtE Waste to energy (installation)
WtF Waste to fuel (installation)
WtL Waste to liquids
WW I World War I (1914-18)
WW II World War II (1939-45)

Executive Summary
The primary scope and focus of IEA Bioenergy Task 33, “Thermal Gasification of Biomass”, is to
follow the developments in the area of biomass gasification with the purpose of providing a
comprehensive source of information on activities in this field in the participating countries. A
dedicated web site is publicly available (

Although the main focus of the task is material of biomass origin, also waste feedstocks are of
interest as materials normally considered as “wastes” are to a large extent composed of biomass
materials and the fuel characteristics (high volatile matter content, low fixed carbon content etc.)
and product gas characteristics (e.g. tar contamination) are similar, and therefore similar gas
cleaning techniques is used. For this reason, waste gasification is always to some extent included in
the Task activities and from time to time, have been more in focus, e.g. as topic for a special
project in the period 2016-2018, which this report represents. The methodology used in this study
has mainly been to collect information from public sources. In addition, in some cases direct
contacts were also taken to obtain more information. The work has also involved some contacts with
mainly IEA Bioenergy Task 36, “Integrating Energy Recovery into Solid Waste Management”.

The report initially describes wastes in a broad sense, but excluding hazardous wastes, as a fuel for
thermal treatment process. The report continues by giving a brief overview of the waste and waste
treatment situation in the EU, Japan and the USA and also summarises the policy and regulatory
framework for waste treatment in the above jurisdictions. This is done from a perspective of the
impact of the policies and regulations on the thermal treatment of waste in general, and in
particular on the impact on waste gasification technologies.

On the technical side, the report describes the gasification and gas cleaning technologies used for
waste. The focus of the report is on waste gasification in combination with pre-combustion gas
cleaning, i.e. advanced waste gasification technologies, as this combination is key to the main
advantage of waste gasification technologies that motivates many of the developments in this field.
Furthermore, the state-of-the-art in waste gasification is presented by descriptions of a number of
projects for different applications and the associated developers. The technical scope of these
applications ranges from direct use of the raw fuel gas in furnaces and boilers to advanced
technologies where cleaned gas is used in more efficient steam cycle boilers, engines and gas
turbines, as well as for the production of chemicals and liquid energy carriers.

Finally, the competitive position of advanced waste gasification technologies relative to the
conventional technology (thermal treatment by one or two-stage incineration with heat recovery),
the barriers for introducing the technology on the market, R&D needs and the results of a simplistic
economic evaluation are discussed.

The information collected from public sources has also been used to compile a list, included as
Appendix 3 and 4 of this report, of technology developers/suppliers and waste gasification projects
in various stages ranging from historical projects, operational projects and projects in planning.
However, this listing does not pretend to be complete and the data will change over time.

Waste as an energy resource

Waste treatment is of high importance to all societies as it is linked to other issues such as health,
pollution of land, air and water as well as climate change and unsustainable resource utilization.
Despite policy actions to curb waste generation, the waste quantity generated is still growing due to
population increase and life-style changes. The global quantities of wastes that could be treated by
thermal methods amounts to the order of 3 billion tonnes annually. Some of this is already
processed in incinerators but still a dominant fraction is disposed of in landfills. Even so, in terms of

the energy content and also the GHG emissions, waste overall contributes a small fraction (3-4 %)
of the global energy usage and GHG emissions. Nevertheless, is it still a significant energy potential
to valorise and the management of this quantity in itself is a challenge.

The disposal methods used of old such as of dumping waste on some marginal land or in rivers or
oceans have proven to generate a number of problems (methane emissions, soil and groundwater
contamination, plastic soup in the oceans etc.). Even if controlled and engineered landfills are used,
both the material disposed of and its energy content are lost. In the waste hierarchy, which is a
principle guiding policy in this area, the preferred order of waste management is prevention of
waste generation, reuse, recycling and recovery of wastes, while disposal in landfills or by other
means is at the bottom. Apart from prevention, reuse and recycling, thermal treatment by
incineration with energy recovery is the main alternative to disposal, as in addition to the energy
recovery, it sanitizes the waste and reduces its volume. Nevertheless, in the absence of policy
interventions to reduce landfilling, improve landfill management procedures or to enforce waste
recycling and treatment practices, disposal by landfilling is still a widely used waste management
method in many parts of the world as the cost has been, and still is, relatively low. Under such
circumstances, thermal treatment has not been feasible, but as landfill space becomes more limited,
management within the legal perimeter becomes costlier and societal acceptance decreases,
thermal treatment is gradually gaining a stronger position. In many places such as in Japan and
Northern Europe thermal treatment is the dominating waste management method and the capacity
is also being expanded very rapidly in e.g. China.

The state-of-the-art thermal treatment technology is waste incineration with energy recovery to
mainly power, i.e. a thermal power cycle composed of combustion of the waste to generate steam
used to drive a steam turbine generator (often denoted waste-to-energy, WtE). There are on the
order of some two thousand such installations world-wide of which maybe one hundred are using
various gasification technologies. However, to avoid corrosion issues caused by the presence of
contaminants in wastes, notably chlorine, the steam superheater temperatures are lower than for
conventional thermal power plants, only 400-470 °C compared to from 500 °C up to almost 600 °C.
This causes the conversion efficiency of waste incinerators to be significantly lower, only 20-25 %,
compared to the efficiency of other thermal power plants using conventional fuels, 35-45 % for solid
fuels and up to even 60 % in large gas turbine combined cycles. In the past, operational
requirements and emission control of waste incinerators were also less regulated than today. This is
still reflected in a low public acceptance of incinerators, despite that stringent regulatory
requirements for efficient emission control monitoring have gradually been mandated.

But even if more stringent air pollution control and ash disposal methods have improved the
emission footprint and more or less sophisticated energy recovery is used, the products of waste
incineration are limited to power, generated at far lower efficiencies than other thermal power
plants, and possibly heat. As the economy of an incinerator is based largely on revenue from
receiving waste for treatment, the drivers are weak for increasing the efficiency beyond regulatory
standards, e.g. to qualify as energy recovery (R1) rather than disposal (D10) in the EU.

In this perspective waste gasification has advantages. However, sometimes the term waste
gasification is used for a technology where none or a very limited part of the improvement potential
of gasification technologies is realized, i.e. the waste is converted into a combustible gas in a
gasifier only to be directly combusted in a close-coupled furnace with heat recovery by steam
generation, and the exhaust flue gas is then treated in conventional waste incinerator emission
control equipment. Such gasifiers without pre-combustion gas cleaning can be designated as two-
stage incinerators, (or sometimes “incinerators in disguise” by anti-incinerator NGOs), as opposed
to “true gasification” in which more or less extensive gas cleaning takes place before the product
gas is used. The performance of such two-stage gasification incineration technologies can, at best,

be similar to a comparable incinerator as the presence of contaminants in the furnace and heat
recovery section limits the steam temperature, and hence the efficiency, in the same way as for
conventional incinerators.

Waste gasification technology

The focus of the report is therefore on the “true gasification” systems, i.e. where the use of gas
cleaning is an enabling technology to not only achieving a higher conversion efficiency to power, but
also to produce a synthesis gas that can be catalytically converted to chemicals and fuels by well-
established commercial processes (waste-to-liquids, WtL). The figure below illustrates the
differences between a conventional waste incinerator (left leg), gasifiers being two-stage
incinerators (second left leg) and true gasification systems with partial and complete gas cleaning,
respectively (the right-most legs).

WASTE Syngas/
Fuel gas (PYROLYSIS)
Char solids
(Tar decomposition)
Fuel gas (optional)


TREATMENT alkalis, chloride) (filters, sorbents)


HEAT BOILERS OR BOILERS OR RECOVERY (particulates, tars, alkalis,
Flue Gas
Flue gas Flue gas

Vitrified FIRING OR CO-

(optional) BOILERS,
Flue gas Flue gas



There has been a wide variety of gasification and gas cleaning technologies used. This is in itself a
sign that the technology is not mature and that the selection of alternative processing routes has
not been narrowed down to a more limited number of varieties that have proven to be more cost-
efficient and reliable than other options tried. The gasifiers are typically fixed beds or fluidized beds
of similar designs as in incineration (grates, kiln, fluid beds etc.). Due to the fuel characteristics,
entrained flow gasifiers are not in use other than for pumpable, liquid wastes (contaminated oils,

For gasification technologies, the presence of so-called tars (a mixture of heavy hydrocarbons
formed during fuel devolatilization) in the concentrations typical of most gasifiers makes tar removal
the primary target for gas cleaning, as tars interfere with heat recovery via gas cooling and also
additional gas cleaning addressing other contaminants. The primary method for removal of tars in
waste gasification systems is by thermal decomposition downstream of the gasifier operating at
elevated temperatures relative to the gasifier temperature. Another less common way to remove
tars used is by scrubbing with a suitable organic liquid to absorb tar hydrocarbons. Other
gasification-specific issues are that sulphur compounds are present in a different chemical form than
in an incinerator and the formation of ammonia and predominantly NH3 from fuel bound nitrogen.

In the case of sulphur present in the waste fuel, it is present predominantly as H2S. Pre-combustion
gas cleaning technologies therefore rely on the adoption and adaption of technologies used in other

industries e.g. chemical, oil and gas industries. This is an area where in particular research could
assist in improving the outlook for waste gasification by providing suitable and cost-efficient
cleaning methods suited for the scale of operation of thermal treatment of waste.

Ammonia, which is largely oxidised to NO when the gas is combusted or is undesirable when the gas
is used for synthesis of other fuels, can be removed by scrubbing but then affects the water
cleaning. Alternatively, if a combustion process is used, there is also the opportunity to use
established post-combustion de-NOx technologies.

Other contaminants are removed by cleaning technologies that are similar to what is used in
incineration processes and other industries (cyclones and filters for particulate removal, sorbents
and scrubbers to remove acid gases and mercury, etc.), and therefore the adaption of these to suit
gasification conditions does not constitute a technical barrier as significant as tars and sulphur

However, in terms of environmental performance, legislation in the EU and elsewhere for

incinerators implies that the regulated contaminants must be removed to an extent of 90-95 %, or
even more, relative to their presence in typical waste fuels. For the use of the gas generated from
waste for the purpose of chemical synthesis, the gas cleaning requirements are even higher than
this. Therefore, gasification systems, where the exhaust gas is subject to the same regulations,
cannot be expected to drastically reduce the emissions, compared to conventional incinerators. But
as pre-combustion cleaning is performed on a smaller gas volume then post-combustion cleaning, it
may result in less secondary wastes than the conventional incinerator system, giving some cost

In addition to the potentially higher efficiency, also other interactions between policy and technology
have promoted waste gasification. In Japan, the lack of space for landfills made waste incineration a
preferred technology as early as in the 1970’s. In 1998, one decisive policy intervention mandated
that new waste incineration plants have ash melting facilities in order to reduce dioxin in fly ash and
leaching from landfills. This triggered several developments making Japan the primary market for
two-stage waste gasification technologies because such gasification systems could vitrify the ash as
an integrated part of the process and without consuming external energy (electricity or fossil fuels),
but this required also sacrificing part of the efficiency to energy exported. Although the vitrification
was made less of an absolute requirement ten years later, in 2008, there are still some one hundred
gasifiers in operation in Japan today. However, the technologies employed in Japan had difficulties
to penetrate the market in Europe and USA. Another example is the UK, where the use of
“advanced thermal treatment” of waste has been promoted for over a decade and has spurred
project developments and some dozen installations using various forms of gasification, mainly in
two-stage incineration configurations, but also in a number of cases with extensive gas cleaning.

Already with partial gas cleaning, i.e. removing chlorine using sorbents and the particulates in the
gas, such a gas can be used in a downstream boiler at improved steam conditions and energy. Since
2012 a CHP plant at 50 MWe output has been in operation in Lahti, Finland on SRF and
contaminated wood. This CHP plant has above 30 % conversion efficiency to electricity and if
designed as power only, would reach 35 %.

There are also some examples of installations at a scale of 1.5 to 10 MWe in France, the UK and
elsewhere (e.g. Morcenx, Tyseley, Fort Hunter Ligget, etc.) using cleaned gas in internal combustion
engines (sometimes also including a bottoming steam cycle) and reaching efficiencies in the range
25-35 %. Furthermore, there are developers that are targeting the use of the gas in gas turbine
combined cycles (e.g. Synova, Taylor Bioenergy, etc.) to reach even higher conversion efficiencies,
even if a notable twin-plant project a few years back (Tees Valley 1 and 2) never succeeded to

come into operation.

Using gasification and gas cleaning to generate a synthesis gas has been less in focus until recently,
even if the efficiency for producing fuels and chemicals is higher than for production of electrical
energy, of the order of 50 % or more. There is one plant using plastic waste to produce ammonia
that has been in operation in the Tokyo area in Japan for more than a decade. Another plant is in
early operation in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada to produce methanol or ethanol from RDF. Yet
another industrial scale plant is in construction in the Tahoe-Reno area of Nevada, USA, where RDF
will be converted to FT fuels, and there is also a smaller demonstration installation in construction at
Swindon, UK, where RDF will be converted to synthesis gas for further conversion to bio-methane.
Fuels from waste has come more in focus in the recent years due to the interest for substituting
fossil fuels in the transport sector, and both the US RFS2 system and the EU RED recognises in
principle such fuels as biofuels, with some caveats regarding the fossil part of the waste.

The examples of plants highlighted above, and others, are described in more detail in the report.

Market penetration
Despite the efficiency advantages of waste gasification, there have been difficulties in introducing
the technology on the market. In many locations, the economic incentives for any form of waste-to-
energy (WtE) plant have not been attractive compared to landfilling. Furthermore, conservatism
combined with strict emission regulations and market conditions have not favoured the introduction
of innovative but less proven technologies. Within the EU, all thermal treatment of wastes, including
gasification and any downstream combustion equipment consuming the gas, is defined as
incineration and subjected to incinerator legislations. However, if the gas is sufficiently cleaned prior
to its combustion (end-of-waste in the figure above), the gas becomes a product in its own right
and downstream equipment is not a part of an incinerator. The status of a waste gasifier is less
clear in the USA and subject to interpretation of federal legislation at the state level. In Japan, the
emissions accepted by the client and local authorities is more determining than the nature of the
conversion equipment.

Nevertheless, and as is described in the report, there have not been many plants in which waste
gasification in combination with a more extensive gas cleaning have been used, and some of these
have been associated with more or less severe teething problems. Problems have been associated
with the heterogeneity of the feed wastes, in particular when directly gasifying MSW. There have
also been issues caused by the quality of the RDF resulting from pre-treatment of MSW and also
with achieving the gas cleaning intended.

This means that the accumulated experience from such installations is not sufficient to validate to
what extent, and under which circumstances, the performance and environmental advantages of
advanced gasification technologies can be realised. However, at present there are a number of new
installations being built or in planning for the production of both power and fuels that are hopefully
successful and can contribute to clarifying the position of waste gasification.

Economic considerations
A simplistic economic evaluation, using what are considered average market conditions, gives some
indicative results on the feasibility of gasification technologies. When the fuel cost is changed to
become a gate fee revenue, the investment-related capital costs becomes the major cost driver.

The data indicates that for both conventional incinerators and gasification plants, the magnitude of
the specific investment is around 10 000 €/kWe, i.e. significantly higher than for conventional power
and CHP plants. For fuel production the specific investment relating to the output energy is lower,
4 000- 6 000 €/kW fuel, as the conversion efficiency is significantly higher than for the production of

electric energy. This may seem surprising, but if the specific investment instead is related to the
energy input, both applications are fairly similar in terms of specific investment.

Furthermore, and unlike other energy installations, the drivers to increase the efficiency of waste
incineration installations per se are less strong. For both conventional and gasification-based
systems, the gate-fee is the dominant revenue stream for power-only plants, and together with
heat sales a very significant part of the revenues for CHP systems. Based on the numbers of the
simplistic economic estimates, even conventional incinerators do not show good economic results if
only seen as a mere power plant project that only receives the average market revenues for power
and heat and using an opportunity fuel. Break-even is relying on combinations of supports and for
monetarization of additional societal services in waste treatment such as e.g. investments subsidies
and financing assistance, as in Japan, landfill taxation increasing the gate fees and incentive pricing
for the electric power products produced.

So, even if gasification technologies are more efficient, the specific investment must also at least be
comparable or lower to conventional incinerators to really be attractive. Investment costs for most
installations are at this stage in the development in line with conventional incinerators, with the
exception of the CHP plant in Finland referred to above that had a specific investment cost that is
closer to a biomass CHP. However, because these gasification plants also represent first-of-a-kind
installations, and there is less operating experience, the data is not quite comparable to technically
and commercially mature incineration technology.

In contrary to the power and heat generation, the economy of producing renewable fuels looks very
interesting, even if it requires the most extensive gas cleaning. The efficiency is high compared to
incinerators that produce only power, which reduces the specific investments and generates a high
output stream, and the value of this stream is higher than for power or heat on an energy basis.
Furthermore, there is no other established waste value chain that competes for this type of product.

Policy issues
There are also some policy issues that can change the outlook for gasification systems. Policy
interventions to decrease disposal of waste directly such as landfill bans, restrictions, or taxation
promote recycling and treatment of residual wastes by e.g. thermal treatment in general. However,
the competitive situation between well-established waste incineration technologies and the
emerging gasification technology means that such measures on their own may not be sufficient to
make gasification installations feasible.

Another and stronger form of policy driver, and in line with circular economy principles, is by setting
ambitious efficiency performance targets for new installations and using these as a driver for
technology development. Although this would be technology neutral and stimulate innovations also
in the state-of-the-art commercial technologies, this would also require developments and
associated costs for these established technologies, thereby reducing the distance to gasification-
based technologies where the potential for higher efficiency would then be more appreciated.

Outside the conventional thermal conversion of wastes, the policies for decarbonization of the
transport sector have, among other pathways, recognized the potential for utilizing wastes for the
production of transport fuels, waste-to-liquids (WtL). Promotional policies and incentives can directly
stimulate developments in this field. This area has already attracted some interest recently, as
noted above. For this application, gasification is a key technology both for biomass and wastes and
there is no other well-established conversion technology to compete with.

Key messages
• Waste gasification technologies integrated with more or less extensive gas cleaning (“true
gasification”) enable a higher conversion efficiency to power than in conventional
incinerators at similar capacity, i.e. making better use of the energy potential of wastes.
When cleaned, the gas can be used in boilers at higher steam temperatures than in
incinerators, or in internal combustion engines and gas turbine combined cycles.

• Waste gasification systems not applying gas cleaning before the combustion of the gas (two
stage incineration) suffers from the same corrosion-related limitations in steam superheat
temperature as conventional incinerators and can, at best, achieve efficiency similar to
these. This efficiency of a conventional waste incinerator is also significantly lower than in
other thermal power plants.

• However, incinerator economics are more relying on the revenue generated by accepting
waste for treatment, i.e. the gate fee, than from selling energy. Therefore, in the absence
of regulatory interventions setting more ambitious minimum efficiency targets, the drivers
to increase the efficiency, even if present, are less pronounced than for conventional
thermal power plants.

• Waste gasification technologies integrated with extensive gas cleaning can also produce
synthesis gas for the production of fuels that can assist in the decarbonisation of the
transport sector. This is an interesting application which also appears economically
attractive compared to using waste to generate electric energy, and where there is no
established technology to compete with.

• Conventional incineration technologies and waste gasification technologies alike must

achieve a high level of contaminant removal to meet ever-more stringent statutory limiting
emission values. Therefore, gasification technologies cannot be said to deliver major
environmental benefits in terms of emissions compared to conventional technologies, even
if there may be some cost advantages.

• The overall status of the gasification and gas cleaning technology is that it is still in
development and entails both technical and non-technical risks. This also means that data
regarding performance, availability, maintenance, investment and operating costs refers to
first-of-a-kind installations representing a variety of gasification and gas cleaning
technologies. The data is therefore limited and more difficult to generalise in comparison to
data for conventional incineration technologies.

• Despite the technical and economic challenges for waste gasification technologies, a
number of first-of-a-kind installations using different power cycles and fuel synthesis
pathways are in early operation, commissioning, construction or in later stages of planning
that together with others yet to come can assist in providing data to fill the knowledge gap.

• Policy interventions such as landfill bans or taxes are in general promoting the use of
thermal treatment technologies, including gasification technologies, by increasing the
availability of waste for thermal treatment, whereas waste prevention and recycling can
reduce the waste quantities available, and therefore reduce the interest for innovative
technologies. Setting high policy targets for the conversion efficiency or promoting the use
of biofuels in transport would favour gasification technologies, due to their inherent high
conversion efficiency and the possibility to produce fuels instead of just power and heat.

1. The scope and objective of this work

The primary scope and focus of IEA Biomass Agreement Task 33, “Thermal Gasification of Biomass”,
is to follow the developments in the area of biomass gasification with the purpose of providing a
comprehensive source of information on activities in this field in the participating countries, but also
outside of this group. To disseminate this information, apart from in meetings and workshops
arranged by the Task, a dedicated web site is publicly available (

Although the main focus, in terms of gasifier feedstocks, is material of biomass origin, also waste
feedstocks are of interest. The reason for this is that some material normally considered as “wastes”
are in fact biomass materials (e.g. forest industry process residues, sludges, food industry solid
wastes, etc.), while other types of industrial and household wastes is to a large fraction composed
of unprocessed or processed biomass materials. In addition, the combustible part of the non-
biomass waste such as plastics, etc. have fuel characteristics (high volatile matter content, low fixed
carbon content) and product gas characteristics (e.g. tar contamination) resembling the
characteristics of biomass-derived gas, so that similar processing conditions and gas cleaning
techniques can be used for waste gasification as is used for biomass gasification. However, despite
these similarities with biomass, there are also some significant differences (e.g. a generally higher
ash content and higher content of other contaminants) that generate some specific challenges when
using wastes as a gasifier fuel.

For this reason, waste gasification is always to some extent included in the Task activities and from
time to time, there have been more focused activities on this theme. Since in the recent years there
has been a renewed interest in waste gasification to convert wastes into other energy carriers,
including developments up to commercial scale in Canada, China, Europe, Japan and the USA, the
Task has decided to include waste gasification as topic for a special project in the period 2016-2018.

As there are also other Tasks within the IEA Biomass Agreement that are addressing subjects and
processes that are applied for wastes, the project has also involved contacts with mainly Task 36
“Integrating Energy Recovery into Solid Waste Management1”.


Waste treatment is of high importance to all societies as it is linked to many other issues such as
health, pollution of land, air and water as well as climate change and unsustainable resource
utilization. The world’s population is growing and as a consequence more wastes are generated from
this alone, and changes in the life-style of this increasing population further adds to the waste
generation while at the same time the composition and characteristics of the waste has changed
through the introduction of plastics of various kind, largely being produced from fossil raw

The disposal methods used of old such as of dumping it on some marginal land or in rivers or
oceans that have been used for centuries have proven to generate a number of problems (methane
emissions, soil and groundwater contamination, plastic soup in the oceans etc.). However, even if
modern, controlled and engineered landfills is used, neither the material disposed of nor its energy
content is recovered. Incineration has been seen as advantageous as it sanitizes the waste and
greatly reduces the volume. But, even if more stringent air pollution control and ash disposal
methods have improved the emission footprint and more or less sophisticated energy recovery is


used, the products are limited to power and heat. As renewable energy is expanding these two
products will increasingly be generated from other renewable sources at lower and lower. In this
perspective waste gasification has some advantages, the efficiency to power can potentially be
increased compared to conventional technologies and there is also the potential to produce
chemicals and fuels that directly substitute fossil equivalents by producing an intermediate synthesis
gas. Since society is striving towards sustainability, a “circular economy”, where more extensive
recycling and recovery of materials already within the societal ecology is promoted in order to
reduce the need for replenishment from virgin resources, waste gasification has a special role. It is
the only waste management technology that can process all organic material in wastes, both fossil
and biogenic, into fuels and chemicals. Despite of being a problem involving of the order of 3 000
million tonnes annually in 2012 (and expected to double to 2025)2, and the energy potential is
significant, however, this only amounts in energy terms to a few percent of the global energy
balance and to 3 % of the GHG emissions3.

Gasification of waste has aroused considerable interest for at least the last forty years. In a review4
made by Task 33 covering material up to 1996, more than forty developments were found. Many of
these developments are no longer pursued. Some are still available on the market or are still
subject to developments while several new developments have been added.

Over the years, the driving factors for using gasification technology have changed. Historically, the
cited report concludes that the main drivers for thermal treatment of waste by incineration or
gasification were the sanitization of waste and reduction of its volume prior to landfilling. Later,
melting of the ash to reduce its leachability was seen to be of importance since conventional
incinerators/combustors were not suitable to meet such requirements.

It has also been acknowledged for some time that if the gas produced was properly cleaned, there
was and added value in that a cleaned gas is suitable for power generation with higher efficiency
than for conventional incineration or, as mentioned above, for conversion to a synthesis gas for
production of e.g. transport fuels.

Despite of these advantages, there have been difficulties in introducing waste gasification
technologies into the market. Many processes used untreated municipal solid wastes (MSW) and
suffered because of the heterogeneity of the feed material. Others had difficulties with the cleaning
of the gas produced. To this should be added that until recently, and in most locations, the
economic incentives for any form of waste-to-energy plant (WtE) have not been attractive
compared to landfilling. Furthermore, conservatism combined with strict emission regulations and
market conditions have not favoured the introduction of novel technologies.

Already in 1998, CADDET/IEA Bioenergy Task XIV concluded5 that waste gasification technologies
could give better efficiency to power and potentially also better environmental performance than
combustion–based systems (waste incinerators), while also being very compatible with recycling
operations. However, it was also concluded that at that time the drivers for any thermal treatment
of wastes were weak and that documented data on reliability strongly favoured conventional
technologies. The conclusion was that stronger statutory regulations to promote the introduction of
novel and more efficient technologies were needed to drive the technology forward.

World Energy Resources. Waste to Energy| 2016. World Energy Council, 2016.
Mitigation of global greenhouse gas emissions from waste: conclusions and strategies from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC). Fourth Assessment Report. Working Group III (Mitigation). Jean Bogner et al. Waste Management & Research 2008:
26: 11–32,
Gasification of Waste. Summary and Conclusions of Twenty-five Years of Development”. Rensfelt E., TPS Termiska Processer AB, and
Östman A., Kemiinformation AB. TPS Report 96/19
Advanced Thermal Conversion Technologies for Solid Wastes”. IEA CADDET, IEA Bioenergy Task XIV. 1998

Recent legal and policy actions, such as more stringent requirements on waste separation and
recycling techniques, emission limits, targets for efficiency as well as economics, have to some
extent provided such drivers for the introduction of gasification technologies based on the potential
step-up in performance relative to the state-of-the-art of incineration technology. Incineration
technologies are commercial in terms of their technical maturity and therefore expected
improvements are only incremental relative to the state-of-the-art, whereas the gasification
technologies, when more established, still have significant headspace to projected performances.

The interaction between policy and technology has also influenced the choice of waste treatment
technologies. In Japan, the lack of space for landfills made waste incineration a preferred
technology as early as in the 1970’s. In 1998, one decisive policy intervention required new waste
incineration plants to have ash melting facilities in order to reduce dioxin in fly ash and leaching
from landfills. This triggered several developments making it the primary market for waste
gasification technologies. However, the technologies employed in Japan had difficulties to penetrate
the market in countries in Europe and USA. One reason for this was that energy production, i.e. a
combination of efficiency and availability, has been much more important in these latter countries
than in Japan. Another difference is the cost of landfilling that has historically been low elsewhere,
at least compared to Japan. Furthermore, in some countries with high share of incineration relative
to landfilling, conventional incinerators that co-generate district heating are common and the
difference in the value between heat and power has been insufficient to drive developments towards
an increase in the power output.

In the EU, stronger policy drivers are being introduced such as the ban on landfilling organic waste,
the increased regulatory requirement for both energy and materials recovery efficiency as well as
the promotion of efficient WtE plants. In some countries specific economic promotion schemes are
in force. In the UK, waste gasification was included in the Renewable Obligation Certificate System
and received two Renewable Order Certificates (ROCs) per MWh for units started until 2017, while
conventional incineration technologies were not eligible for ROCs. In Norway, waste
incineration/gasification is also included in the renewable certificate system.

Outside the conventional thermal conversion of wastes, the policies for decarbonization of the
transport sector have recognized the potential for utilizing wastes for the production of transport
fuels, waste-to-liquids (WtL), and this area has attracted some interest in the last decade. For this
application, gasification is a key technology. In addition, and unlike WtE, for WtL there is no well-
established competing conversion technology for gasification of wastes and biomass, such that the
market introduction proceeds via waste and biomass gasification. WtL plants have been built in
Canada and the USA, and still more are planned in the USA, utilizing government support in the
form of loan guarantees and revenues based on the RFS (Renewable Fuel Standard) system.

Through regulatory interventions as exemplified above, sometimes also combined with other policy
measures to divert wastes from landfills, the interest in waste gasification technologies is increased
resulting in project plans that in some cases also materialize into installations. This includes both
examples of technologies developed in the past that are now used for new applications and/or at a
capacity scale not considered in the past and new developments.

Since there is no recent overview of the activities in this field and since the last overview by IEA
Task 33 was made almost two decades ago, the Task has identified such a study to define the
State-of-the-Art in this field as an activity of interest for several target groups including
technologists, policy-makers and the interested public in general.


The scope of the study is to give an overview of the use of waste gasification technologies, both
from regulatory aspects and the applications. In the context of this study, “waste” has a broad
definition that basically includes all types of combustible materials termed wastes or residues that
are not defined as non-waste biomass, but with the exclusion of hazardous wastes. The reason for
this exclusion is that the rationale for the process selection for hazardous waste processing is very
different to the boundary conditions for treatment of municipal or industrial wastes, and that as an
economic activity, products are less important than the reliable treatment of this type of waste.

To accept waste for treatment as a commercial activity is subjected to various legal and technical
requirements. Within the scope of the study such regulations are highlighted in some settings (e.g.
EU, Japan, USA) and the impact of these regulations for process design is discussed.

The market setting considered for the use of waste gasification is the diversion of waste from
disposal in landfills while recovering the energy in the waste to other energy carriers (power, heat,
gaseous fuel, synthesis gas to produce synthetic natural gas and liquid fuels, etc.) in various
industrial applications. Also, other objectives are considered such as improving the overall energy
efficiency and environmental performance relative to conventional incineration technologies,
substitution of fossil fuels and improving the properties of secondary residues (ash, slag).

The processing of waste by various gasification procedures and the gas cleaning required for various
applications are described and discussed. This relates to the generic gasification technologies used,
their fuel requirements and performance.

Sometimes the term gasifier is used for a technology where none or a very limited part of the
improvement potential of gasification technologies is realized, e.g. where no pre-combustion gas
clean-up is applied. The relation between the use of partial or complete pre-combustion gas
cleaning, and requirements for post-combustion flue gas cleaning, is discussed including the
implications on the process performance as well as how these relate to the potential applications of
the technology.

The report describes the State-of-the-Art in waste gasification, mainly for processes where pre-
combustion cleaning is applied in some detail. This includes the description of specific process
developments and their technology status, a listing of active developers in the field and their
references. Furthermore, some recent projects taken into operation, or in construction, are
highlighted to give an indication of the status and performance on emerging technologies for
industrial deployment.


The methodology used for this study has mainly been to collect information from public sources. The
data from such sources have been analysed to come to technical and other conclusions and have
also been used to arrive at a list of technology developers/suppliers and waste gasification projects
in various stages ranging from operational to planned. The changing nature of this market however
also means that such a listing will never be complete, even when made, and also, over time,
projects on the list will be completed or abandoned while new ones will emerge. This information is
included as Appendix 3 and 4 in this report.

In addition, in the case of developers/suppliers that were judged to be more technically mature in
terms of being involved in full scale gasification plants or projects, direct contacts were taken to
obtain more information on the status of their respective technologies.

2. Wastes as a gasifier fuel
There are several ways of defining wastes. One way is to define the waste based on its origin;
untreated wastes collected from households is typically referred to as municipal solid wastes, MSW.
There are also industrial wastes (IW), commercial wastes (CW), construction and demolition wastes
(CDW), and shredder light fraction (SRF). Another way is to base the classification on the
properties, e.g. inert wastes, organic wastes, combustible wastes, and non-hazardous wastes and
hazardous wastes (HW, the treatment of which is outside of the scope of this report).

IW and CDW are typically composed of inert materials (soil, ore refining sand, concrete, bricks etc.),
or metallic and liquid wastes, and only a fraction is combustible.

From a fuel perspective, unsorted fuels like e.g. MSW can be used in waste incinerators, and then
typically in grate firing systems. By letting unsorted waste pass a mechanical and biological
treatment (MBT) installation, recyclable materials are recovered, inerts separated and wet organic
waste removed for separate treatment by composting or anaerobic digestion. The remaining wastes,
the reject fraction, has an increased energy content, lower moisture and less non-combustibles and
is typically termed RDF, refuse derived fuel. However, there is typically no specific quality
requirements on RDF (for exceptions see below). However, if the sourcing of the feedstock and the
treatment is done to provide a validated and stable set of quality parameters, RDF can be classified
as SRF, solid recovered fuel. This does not mean that the SRF has met end-of-waste criteria, it only
means that the material fulfils certain descriptive quality criteria in a number of classes, see also
Section 2.2.


The main characteristics of waste fuels is the variability. This variability stems from many factors,
including seasonal variations, socio-economics of the waste uptake area, collection practices and the
waste treatment by mechanical and other treatment methods prior to its use as fuel. Since all these
factors also change over time (e.g. as the income goes up the waste tend to have less organic
content and more packaging materials), the increased use of source separation and recycling
provides a fuel with less inerts and less moisture, etc. Although there are many examples of
published data on the analysis of wastes, these are typically applied to characterize wastes for a
specific purpose such as e.g. laboratory tests, etc., or to characterize wastes over a certain period
of time in a specific area. The data may in the latter case be in terms of the physical constituents
such as organic material, paper, plastics, etc. and not associated with a chemical analysis.
Furthermore, even when performing analyses, the full panoply of analyses is often not included.
Therefore, it is difficult to generalize on the properties of wastes.

Nevertheless, in Table 1 and Table 2 some published data of the chemical composition of a more
general nature are found, but unfortunately not with the same scope of analyses. These stem from
the 2006 EC WID BREF data for Germany 2001-20026., surveys in Sweden 2011-20127 on the
locally used MSW/RDF and RDF imported from the UK as well as the data available in the Phyllis28
database of ECN part of TNO. In the latter case, the nature and origin of the samples analysed are
not defined.

As can be seen, there is a wide range in the content of non-combustibles (moisture and ash

Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control. Reference Document on the Best Available Techniques for Waste Incineration. European
Commission. August 2006
Bränslekvalitet. - Sammansättning och egenskaper för avfallsbränsle till energiåtervinning. Mattias Bisaillon, Inge Johansson, Frida
Jones, Jenny Sahlin. Projektnummer WR-57, 2013. WASTE REFINERY. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut. Borås, Sweden

content) but also in other properties. When it comes to the trace components, unfortunately these
have often not been analysed, or only very few of these components were analysed, such that
variability in trace components cannot be relevantly addressed using this data.

Table 1 Compiled analyses of MSW and RDF

MSW, Average MSW/RDF RDF imported to

Germany, fuel, Sweden, 20117. Sweden from the
2001-20026 (42 samples, 6 each UK, 2011-20127.
from 7 WtE plants in (34 samples from 6
different regions) WtE plants)
Average (Min-Max) Average (Min-Max)
Gross Calorific value (MJ/kg) 7–15 n.a. n.a.
Net Calorific value (MJ/kg) 6-14.6 est. 11 (8.3-15) 13 (9.7-17)
Water % 15-40 38 (22-48) 32 (17-46)
Ash 20-35 21 (13-40) (10 4.8-19)
Carbon (% d.s.) 18-40 n.a. n.a.
Hydrogen (% d.s.) 1-5 n.a. n.a.
Nitrogen (% d.s.) 0.2-1.5 n.a. n.a.
Oxygen (% d.s.) by bal. 15-22 n.a. n.a.
Sulphur (% d.s.) 0.1-0.5 0.37 (0.09-0.86) 0.13 (0.04-0.80)
Fluorine (% d.s.) 0.035-0.1 n.a. n.a.
Chlorine (% d.s.) 0.1-1 0.78 (0.03-1.4) 0.38 (0.04-2.6)
Bromine (% d.s.) n.a. n.a. n.a.
Iodine (% d.s.) n.a. n.a. n.a.
Potassium (mg/kg d.s.) n.a. 0.36 (0.17-0.59) 0.25 (0.22-0.29)
Lead (mg/kg d.s.) 100-2 000 n.a. n.a.
Cadmium (mg/kg d.s.) 1-15 2.3 (0.2-16.0) 0.30 (0.07-0.98)
Copper (mg/kg d.s.) 200-700 n.a. n.a.
Zinc (mg/kg d.s.) 400-1400 800 (250-1900) 98 (17-480)
Mercury (mg/kg d.s.) 1-5 0.50 (0.12-0.95) 0.14 (0.05-0.50)
Thallium (mg/kg d.s.) < 0.1 n.a. n.a.
Manganese (mg/kg d.s.) 250 n.a. n.a.
Vanadium (mg/kg d.s.) 4-11 n.a. n.a.
Nickel (mg/kg d.s.) 30-50 n.a. n.a.
Cobalt (mg/kg d.s.) 3-10 n.a. n.a.
Arsenic (mg/kg d.s.) 2-5 n.a. n.a.
Chrome (mg/kg d.s.) 40-200 n.a. n.a.
Selenium (mg/kg d.s.) 0.2-15 n.a. n.a.
PCB (mg/kg d.s.) 0.2-0.4 n.a. n.a.
PCDD/PCDF (ng I-TE/kg) 50-250 n.a. n.a.

Table 2 RDF and SRF analyses from Phyllis2

Phyllis 2 Database8 RDF, 16 samples in total SRF, 17 samples in total

Mean Min. Max. N Mean Min. Max. N
N denotes number of
Net CV MJ/kg (daf) 21.54 16.13 27.80 16 25.33 18.96 32.46 17
Gross CV MJ/kg (daf) 22.72 17.40 26.57 15 27.10 20.28 34.75 17
Moisture cont. wt.% 13.12 2.82 38.70 10 28.46 1.90 59.00 13
Ash cont. wt.% (dry) 17.47 9.30 27.72 14 8.27 4.90 10.90 7
C wt.% (daf) 52.11 42.50 61.62 16 61.74 51.49 75.56 12
H wt.% (daf) 7.40 5.84 8.91 16 8.42 6.08 10.73 13
N wt.% (daf) 0.85 0.31 1.49 15 0.52 0.10 2.18 17
S wt.% (daf) 0.46 0.12 0.98 14 0.14 0.02 0.42 17
O wt.% (daf) 37.06 24.60 43.73 16 32.47 30.60 35.02 4
Cl mg/kg (daf) 7 265 55.0 14 341 14 0.5 0.5 0.5 1
Br mg/kg (daf) 50.1 50.1 50.1 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
F mg/kg (daf) 88.2 88.0 88.5 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Al mg/kg (dry) 5 201 1 600 7 300 3 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
K mg/kg (dry) 1 593 1 364 1 823 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Na mg/kg (dry) 2 772 2 590 2 955 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Ca mg/kg (dry) 23 915 21 936 25 895 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Si mg/kg (dry) 18 272 9 641 26 903 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Mg mg/kg (dry) 1 688 1 410 1 966 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Fe mg/kg (dry) 2 477 768 4 689 3 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
P mg/kg (dry) 379 279 480 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Ti mg/kg (dry) 1 359 1 063 1 654 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
As mg/kg (dry) 6.4 5.0 9.0 3 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Cd mg/kg (dry) 1.9 0.8 3.0 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Co mg/kg (dry) 5.6 4.2 7.0 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Cr mg/kg (dry) 168.4 8.0 429.0 3 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Cu mg/kg (dry) 386.0 35.0 610.0 3 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Mn mg/kg (dry) 83.2 57.0 126.0 3 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Ni mg/kg (dry) 100.3 2.0 266.0 3 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Pb mg/kg (dry) 134.4 50.0 260.0 3 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
V mg/kg (dry) 4.7 3.1 7.0 3 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Zn mg/kg (dry) 232.1 85.0 393.0 3 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Ba mg/kg (dry) 341.7 142.4 541.0 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Mo mg/kg (dry) 9.2 1.4 17.0 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Se mg/kg (dry) 0.3 0.3 0.3 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Hg mg/kg (dry) 0.2 0.2 0.2 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Sn mg/kg (dry) 20.1 17.0 23.1 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Sr mg/kg (dry) 103.3 63.5 143.0 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
B mg/kg (dry) 63.1 44.2 82.0 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0
Sb mg/kg (dry) 45.0 29.0 61.0 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0

There are also wide variations in the net calorific value of the fuels actually fired, Figure 1 and
Figure 2. The basis of the data is 314 plants in the EU in the period 2007-2010. The as-fired fuels
range from just above 6 to 17 MJ/kg, with an average of 10.4 MJ/kg. The lower and upper quartile
of the number of plants range from 8.8 MJ/kg to 11.8 MJ/kg. In Figure 2, it can be seen that the
variation between plants of different types (power, heat only and CHP) and plant capacity is not so
large, but that fuels used in northern Europe has a higher energy content than is the case in central
and southern Europe.

Figure 1 The NCV of waste fired in 2007-2010 in 314 WtE plants in the EU9

Figure 2 The NCV of waste fired in 2007-2010 in 314 WtE plants in the EU, grouped
according to type of plant, capacity and location, respectively9.

CEWEP Energy Report III (Status 2007-2010). D. O. Reiman. CEWEP December 2013


Over the years there have been a number of attempts to classify wastes according to some
standards. Below is an overview of the these and also on the current on-going work in defining
standards for SRF.

2.2.1. CEN/TC292 -Waste characterization

The scope of CEN/TC 292 is the standardization of procedures to sample and determine the
characteristics of waste and waste behaviour, especially leaching properties and standardization of
subsequent terminology. In Appendix 1, Table A1.1 some outputs from this technical committee are

2.2.2. RDF standards

As was explained above, RDF is the reject fraction of a mechanical and biological treatment (MBT)
facility, and which is intended for use as a fuel. This, however, does not mean that RDF has specific
defined characteristics. To suit the needs of the waste industry, and prior to other forms of
classifications and the introduction of the SRF definition and standards, there have been several
attempts to define and standardize RDF on a national basis in Austria, Table 3, as well as in
Germany, Finland and Italy, see Table 4 as a fuel for incineration or co-incineration. However, such
standards often preceded other standardisation efforts and are now subordinated to common EU
legislation, i.e. cannot be interpreted as e.g. end-of-waste criteria.

Table 3 Legal requirements for end-of-waste use of RDF in Austria10

Metal Limiting value mg/MJ

Cement kilns Co-firing Co-combustion
≤ 10% of total energy ≤ 15% of total energy

Median 80:th Median 80:th Median 80:th Median 80:th

percentile percentile percentile percentile

Sb 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10
As 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 1,5
Pb 20 36 23 41 15 27 15 27
Cd 0,23 0,46 0,27 0,54 0,17 0,34 0,17 0,34
Cr 25 37 31 46 19 28 19 28
Co 1,5 2,7 1,4 2,5 0,9 1,6 0,9 1,6
Ni 10 18 11 19 7 12 7 12
Hg 0,075 0,15 0,075 0,15 0,075 0,15 0,075 0,15

In England, Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) and the environmental
agency (EA) had in 2014 the intention of introducing a standard for the treatment required to
qualify as RDF to ensure that waste pre-treatment was sufficiently efficient to meet the needs of the
incinerator industry, and also to ensure that export of RDF was not done to lesser standards than
would otherwise be required11. However, after public and industrial consultations, proving that there
were a number of treatment options used that would make it impractical to prescribe technical
treatment requirements of RDF characteristics, instead a definition for RDF was introduced:

BMLFUW – Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft (ed.) (2010) Verordnung über die
Verbrennung von Abfällen – Abfallverbrennungsverordnung – AVV
Refuse derived fuel market in England Defra response to the call for evidence. Defra, December 2014

“Refuse derived fuel (RDF) consists of residual waste that complies with the specifications in a
written contract between the producer of the RDF and a permitted end-user for the thermal
treatment of the waste in an energy from waste facility or a facility undertaking co-incineration such
as cement and lime kilns. The written contract must include the end user’s technical specifications
relating as a minimum to the calorific value, the moisture content, the form and quantity of the

Table 4 Overview of limit values for existing European RDF quality standards13

2.2.3. CEN/TC 343 - SRF standards

The scope of CEN/TC 343 is Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF), a “solid fuel prepared from non-hazardous
waste to be utilised for energy recovery in incineration or co-incineration plants and meeting the
classification and the specification requirements laid down in EN15359”. The SRF is produced from

Refuse Derived Fuel Code of Practice for the UK, RDF Industry Group, October 2017,
Production and quality assurance of solid recovered fuels using mechanical biological treatment (MBT) of waste: a comprehensive
assessment, C.A. Velis et al. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 40, 12, 2010, Pages 979-1105.

non-hazardous waste according to a quality management system defined by EN15358. After the
production process it fulfils certain criteria at the producer/user interface, Figure 3.

Figure 3 Solid recovered fuel chain. The classification and specification apply at the
point of delivery

The classification is based on the calorific value, the chlorine content and the mercury content,
Table 5. This leads to a characterisation code such as e.g. NCV 2 Cl 3 Hg1 or 2,3,1.

Table 5 SRF classification according to EN15359

Parameter Statistical Unit Class

entity 1 2 3 4 5
NCV Mean MJ/kg (ar) ≥ 25 ≥ 20 ≥ 15 ≥ 10 ≥3
Cl Mean % dry basis ≤ 0,2 ≤ 0,6 ≤ 1,0 ≤ 1,5 ≤ 3,0
Hg Median mg/MJ (ar) ≤ 0,02 ≤ 0,03 ≤ 0,08 ≤ 0,15 ≤ 0,50
80 percentile mg/MJ (ar) ≤ 0,04 ≤ 0,06 ≤ 0,16 ≤ 0,30 ≤ 1,00

In addition, also other characteristics of the fuel should be reported on a specification data sheet
both on a compulsory and voluntary basis, Table 6.

One extremely important feature of this standard is the sampling and analytical procedure. This
starts by defining a sample “lot”, which is seen as the annual production over 12 months divided by
ten, or 1 500 tons, whichever is the smaller quantity. From each lot, a minimum of 24 samples
should be taken and combined to a gross sample, and from which a general sample is extracted that
is further reduced into 4 samples, of which one is analysed for the three classes and two other
samples for mercury only, while the fourth sample is stored. To determine the classification, at least
10 analyses, or 10 analyses per year, are required, depending on the situation. At the start of
processing and when changes are made in the processing or feed material, additional gross samples
can be taken from the same lot to determine the classification at an early stage. The sampling
process is illustrated in Figure 4.

The procedure for the sampling of this highly heterogeneous material is an important aspect of
determining the classification. A standard, EN 15442, details how the sampling and sample
reduction procedure should be performed.

Table 6 Specification template EN15359

Figure 4 Illustration of sampling and sample procedures according to EN15359.

The gross sample is defined as a mathematical function of the largest particle size (d95), shape and
particle and bulk density, plus the variability in the presence of contaminants content in certain
particles, etc., but can also be defined by the production capacity, Figure 5.

Figure 5 The relation between minimum gross sample size and particle size or plant
capacity. (Adapted from14)

Sampling and preparation of waste fuels. Evelina Wikström et al. SP. World Bioenergy 2006 Conference and Exhibition on Biomass
for Energy Jönköping, Sweden, 30 May – 1 June, 2006. IEA Bioenergy Task 32 organised workshop: Fuel flexibility in biomass
combustion. The key to low bio-energy costs?

As can be seen, different shapes generate different minimum samples, but for larger installations,
the capacity will determine the sample size per lot. In the case that the SRF material contains large
particles, the gross sample size is also quite significant, several hundreds of kgs, meaning that the
24 individual samples are of the order of tens of kgs. CEN/TC 343 has also elaborated a number of
recommendations, specifications and standards relevant to the use and the analysis of SRF, see
Appendix 1, Table A1.2.

2.2.4. ISO/TC 300

The work of CEN TC 343 has also led to the initiation of the development of a similar international
standard with ISO TC 300, see Appendix 1, Table A1.3.

3. Waste quantities and disposal costs


The EU has just over 500 million inhabitants (unevenly) spread over 4 million km2. The total amount
of waste generated in 2014, was some 2 500 million tonnes15, including major mineral wastes. Most
of this was of mineral origin, and was landfilled, recycled or used for backfilling. However, when
excluding major mineral wastes some 900 million tonnes remained as waste water, construction and
demolition wastes, manufacturing wastes and MSW, etc. Of all this waste, only a fraction is
combustible. In total, some 138 million tonnes of were incinerated, of which 102 million tonnes
were incinerated with energy recovery. This includes sludges and combustible wastes, including
MSW, used in waste to energy plants, cement kilns and as co-firing fuels.

The MSW generation per capita in the EU and some other European (EEA) countries is shown in
Figure 6. The EU average is below 470 kg MSW per capita and year after peaking above 500 kg per
capita and year in 2008, just before the financial crisis. The MSW generation is however not even
across the Union. The countries in the northwest tend to be at the EU average or above it, and with
a fairly stable or decreasing waste generation. Countries in eastern and southern Europe tend to be
below average but also, due to the living conditions gradually approaching the situation in the
northwest, tend to increase the waste generated per capita over time.

In Figure 7, the development of the MSW treatment in the EU is shown. The MSW generated peaked
at 250 million tonnes in 2005 and has now been reduced to around 240 million tonnes. A decade
ago, some 50 % of the wastes were disposed of by landfilling, incineration for volume reduction only
(without heat recovery or unaccounted for in the statistics). In 2014, only 30 % of the MSW was
sent to disposal or was unaccounted for. The overall recycling rate is 28 %, 16 % of the MSW is
composted or digested while 24 % is incinerated with energy recovery.

Nevertheless, despite this general development away from disposal, the variation among the EU
countries is still large, Figure 8. Again, in general terms the northern and western EU countries have
a very low or low fraction of their MSW going into disposals by combining a high rate of recycling,
composting and incineration with energy recovery. The eastern and southern EU countries are still
using landfilling as their main disposal method for MSW, and also have significantly lower rates of
recycling and other treatment methods.

Eurostat data

MSW generated
kg/capita, year 2010 2014







Figure 6 Per capita MSW generation in EU and EEA countries in 2010 and 2014. Data from16.

EU 28 MSW Unaccounted Incineration / disposal (D10)
million tonnes/year Landfill / disposal (D1-D7, D12) Incineration / energy recovery (R1)
Composting and digestion Materials recycling





2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Figure 7 The MSW treatment and disposal in EU2816.

Eurostat data


90% Landfill / disposal (D1-D7, D10 and D12)

80% Incineration / energy recovery (R1)

Composting and digestion









Figure 8 The relative MSW treatment and disposal methods in the EU 16

The uneven share of thermal treatment of MSW shown in Figure 8 is also reflected in the number of
incinerators in the different member states, and their treatment capacity, Figure 9. There were 435
incinerators in the EU in 2014, plus 30 and 17 in Switzerland and Norway, respectively. Although
some of these, in particular in the UK, are referred to as “gasifiers”, in reality only a handful
installations have post-treatment of the gas produced and the characteristics that are different from
conventional incinerators.

In total 83 million tonnes were incinerated in these units within the EU and another 5 tonnes in the
two non-EU states included in the graph. This is a higher number than the 58 million tonnes of MSW
incinerated in the overall EU statistics above (24 % of 240 million tonnes), i.e. also other waste
streams that have not been included in the MSW category of the EU statistics have been used as a
fuel, e.g. some construction and demolition and manufacturing wastes, as well as shredder
residues. France and Germany have by far the highest number of incinerators and also the highest
thermal treatment capacity in weight terms. It is also evident that many countries have no or only
1or 2 incineration plants.

The average capacity usage per plant was in the range of 0.10-0.25 million tonnes per year, but
with a significant deviation for the Netherlands, where the average capacity was 0.60 million tonnes
per plant. Overall, the electricity generation is approximately 30 TWh or 360 kWh/ton, but also 80
TWh of heat is recovered (in addition, around 50 TWh of process heat is used in cement and lime

Figure 9 Number of R1 waste incineration plants in the EU, Norway and Switzerland
and the treatment capacity in each country in 201417.

In most countries in the EU, the cost of treatment by incineration does not reflect the cost of
landfilling as an alternative. Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Sweden
but also Norway and Switzerland have banned more or less all organic waste or MSW from
landfilling. Bans for landfilling of untreated MSW are in place in Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary,
Italy, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and the UK. Bulgaria, Czechia (until 2023),
Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Ireland, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal and Spain have not yet introduced some
form of ban for landfilling in 201718. In addition, most countries, with the exception of Cyprus,
Germany, Hungary, and Malta also have a landfill tax ranging from 10 to 90 €/tonne, irrespective if
a ban is in place or not.

Instead, gate fees for incineration plants typically reflect the balance between the energy sales
revenues available and the variable and fixed operating costs of the plant. Furthermore, the
collection and disposal of household wastes is a responsibility of the local communities in most
countries, the citizen pays for the collection and treatment cost, and communities can then perform
this service or sub-contract it to licensed private contractors. However, in some countries
commercial and industrial waste collection is the responsibility of the generator of the waste. The
treatment of these types of wastes is based on market pricing for both community and licensed
private contractors, and there is also a market for secondary fuels for use in e.g. cement kilns or as
co-firing fuel in coal-fired power plants. In addition, there is also trade in treated wastes suitable for
incineration between different countries with shortage or excess incineration capacity.

This means that the situation is a combination of local monopolies and open market situation, and
price fluctuations can occur relating to capacity available, etc. Below are some examples of the gate

For detailed information see

fee levels seen for RDF, for SRF slightly lower gate fees are typically use due to the better quality.
Most data below are from the period 2014-2016, since less public data is available for more recent

In the UK, where landfilling is still allowed, a landfill tax of 86 £/tonne 2017 (just over 90 €/tonne)
supplemented with the actual landfill cost, median 19, range 8-62 £/tonne (22€ range 9- 70
€/tonne) is a strong deterrent for landfilling materials that can be recycled or treated in other ways.
There is also an export of RDF, amounting to somewhere in the range of 2.5 to 3.3 million tonnes in
2015 or about 10 % of the total RDF generated, going to predominantly the Netherlands, Germany
and Sweden. The reported gate fees for WtE plants in the UK in 2017 were 56 £/tonnes range 26-90
(64, range 29-100 €/tonne) and 95 range 50-144 £/tonnes (105, range 75-160 €/tonne) for plants
licensed and with contracts before and after the year 2000, respectively19. The difference in the age
reflects the more favourable situation some decades back regarding power prices and the value of
long-term contracts entered at the time, whereas the more recent plants reflects the current market
situation. The spread in the gate fee reflects a large number of factors relating to the individual
plant and its ownership and financing, the local situation in terms of capacity shortage or excess as
well as opportunities for export.

In Germany, there has been a large build-up of incineration capacity in the first decade of this
century. Combined with less combustible wastes generated and a trend of higher calorific value of
the wastes, this caused a significant excess capacity, in particular in the East and Northeast of the
country20. The excess capacity for waste treatment facilities in wide parts of Germany has led to
that gate fees for MSW mostly is below 60 €/tonne delivered to the plant. Tendering in the eastern
federal states show prices between 30 and 40 €/tonne net, while long-term contracts concluded
with a start year in 2005 or self-cost pricing are often in a range between 70 and 140 €/tonne net21.
Another source22 cites gate fees in the east at 40 €/tonne for MSW and spot gate fees for
commercial waste in the range of 30-50 €/tonne, while in the rest of Germany prices are 20-30 %
higher. This has caused a flow of commercial waste from the south to the east.

A similar situation is also at hand in the Netherlands, where an incineration tax of 13 €/tonne has
led to that gate fees are above 50 €/tonne23. More generous gate fees are offered for imports from
the UK, which have resulted in a spill-over of wastes from the Netherlands to Germany. RDF from
Great Britain is however only of a medium calorific value and is therefore typically used without
further treatment in MSW incinerators with gate fees in the range of between 50 and 65 €/tonne23.
This causes worries for German RDF producers. In the past high-quality, high calorific value RDF
was providing a revenue of 20 €/tonne for some MBT operators, while other qualities could be
disposed of at a gate fee of 30 €/tonne to RDF-burning facilities. However, in later years the RDF
gate fee has risen to 40-60 €/tonne, this having negative impact on the economics of waste
recycling and treatment facilities.

However, the most recent published information found regarding Germany, is that the excess
capacity in combustion facilities has been reduced, and to close to 100 percent capacity usage was
logged in 2016. This change results from both from an increase in the wastes generated and from

WRAP (2017) Gate fees summary report 2017.
Marktumfeld für die Abfallverbrennung in Deutschland. Hansjörg Roll und Philipp Chartschenko. CD Energie aus Abfall, Band 11 und
Planung und Umweltrecht, Band 8. TK Verlag Karl Thomé-Kozmiensky. 2014
Restabfallentsorgung in Deutschland –Gibt es eine Zukunft für die MBA? Mathias Morgernstern. 16. Dialog Abfallwirtschaft
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Rostock, 3. April 2014
Bedarf an Restabfallbehandlungskapazitäten in Deutschland. Peter Kurth, Sandra Giern, Annette Ochs. Strategie Planung
Umweltrecht, Band 9. TK Verlag Karl Thomé-Kozmiensky. 2015
German plants under pressure from UK exports of RDF - 3 June 2015

the impact of the imports, causing increases in the gate fees demanded on the spot market24.

In Sweden the gate fee for MSW was 35-45 €/tonne in 2014, while cost of RDF was in the range of
0-20 €/tonne, this price range reflecting the internal cost of the treatment and recovery operation of
the MSW or other primary waste25. Unlike many other countries, the primary product produced is
heat for district heating, such that very high overall efficiency from waste to power and heat is
achieved, which has an impact on the economics. This also causes the Swedish facilities to offer
lower gate fees than in other European countries, and there is an excess capacity of thermal
treatment, in addition to the 5.2 million tonnes of indigenously wastes generated and treated in
2017, amounting to the magnitude of 1.4 million tonnes based on imports of waste from Norway,
UK, Ireland and elsewhere26. The excess capacity for 2022 is expected to be of the same
magnitude, depending if elderly plants are replaced or not. The gate fee was in the past27 below 30
€/tonne but in 2016 it rose28 to 43 €/tonne, following trends elsewhere. However, this is partially
off-set by the higher transport costs associated with exports to Sweden relative to the Netherlands
or Germany.


Japan is a populous nation with 120 million inhabitants, and with a land area of 0.36 million km2
(similar to the UK) but where the topography of the country results in that only some 10 % of the
land area is suitable as residential area. The development in the waste generated in Japan is shown
in Figure 10. From 1950 and up to the turn of the century, the generation of MSW has risen almost
one order of magnitude and also industrial waste have had a similar trend. However, from the turn
of the century, both MSW and industrial waste generation have started to decrease.

There have been rather strong policy measures, see Section 4.4, to reduce both the rate of waste
generation and the rate of landfilling in Japan, as the limited available land makes it difficult to find
suitable areas for landfilling, and these are associated with high disposal costs. Therefore,
incineration has for a long time been an important part of waste treatment. Figure 11 shows that
already in 1980, incineration was the dominant treatment method for MSW, followed by landfilling,
and with little recycling. Of the MSW landfilled in 1990, some 60 % was landfilled directly and the
remainder was residues from recycling and treatment, e.g. incinerator ashes. Since then, landfilling
has actively been decreased despite an increased generation of MSW, while incineration has
increased, and direct and post-treatment recycling has been become a significant activity.

In 2014, 44.4 million tonnes of MSW were generated in Japan29, equivalent of 350 kg per capita and
year. Only approximately 4.3 million tonnes were landfilled, and of this quantity only some 10 %
constitutes direct disposal in landfills. At the same time, approximately 1/3 of the landfill capacity
available at the turn of the century has since been phased out. Nevertheless, the reduction in direct
and post-treatment has been more dominant such that the remaining landfill capacity for MSW has
risen from 13 to 20 years in this period30. The recycling was 9.1 million tonnes, i.e. some 34.8
million tonnes underwent some form of treatment, and then predominantly incineration.

There were as many as 1 162 MSW incinerators in operation in 2014. The average capacity of these
was 158 tonnes/d, or 0.05 million tonnes per year, i.e. considerably smaller than in the EU and US.

Capacity and legal steering of Waste-to-Energy in Germany. Carsten Spohn. 9th Beacon Conference Waste-to-Energy, State of
the Art and Latest News November 18–19 2015 in Malmö, Sweden
El från nya anläggningar 2014. Elforsk rapport 2014:40
Kapacitetsutredning 2017. Tillgång och efterfrågan på avfallsbehandling till år 2022.Avfall Sverige, Rapport F2017:16
Municipal Waste Policy in Japan. Shusaku Yamaya, Toyo University, Japan. ACT Government, 19 March 2015

Figure 10 Waste generation statistics in Japan31 (note the different scales for
industrial waste and MSW, respectively).

Figure 11 MSW waste treatment in Japan32

History and Current State of Waste Management in Japan. Ministry of Environment, Japan, February 2014
Waste Management and Recycling in Japan. Opportunities for EU SMEs. Christine Yolin. EU-Japan Centre for Industrial
Cooperation. Tokyo, September2015

In 2014, 250 incinerators were below 30 tonnes/day, some 600 were below 100 tonnes/day, and
only 200 were above 300 tonnes/day33.Comparing this with the waste 35 million tonnes undergoing
treatment, the installed capacity, if fully used, would correspond to 60 million tonnes, i.e. there is a
considerable overcapacity. Of the total numbers of incineration plants, 338 plants had power
generation with an installed capacity of 1.9 GW, while 764 plants used the heat generated (some of
which presumably CHP installations). In 2013, 6.2 TWh34 was generated from MSW, an average of
only around 200 kWh/tonne waste, a relatively low utilization factor. In 2014 the generation had
risen to almost 8 TWh35.

In terms of gasification installations, where Japan is the leading nation in the world, there were 109
installations in Japan in 2011 (50 shaft furnaces, 39 fluid beds and 12 rotary kilns for gasification
ash melting as well as 7 units for gas reforming), while another 3 units were added in 201236.

At the turn of the century, when gasification and ash melting procedures were introduced on the
market as a direct consequence of the strong anti-dioxin measures promoting landfilling of vitrified
ash, the market share was high until 2005, when the regulations no longer made it a requirement.
The development of the market positions for different technologies on the Japanese market up to
2012 is shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12 The development on the Japanese waste thermal treatment market.

(adapted from37)

Governmental action of waste management and briefing of waste treatments in Japan. Yukihisa SAKATA. JASE-world. Waste to
Energy WG. November 2014
IEA Statistics Report, Japan
Annual Report on Environmental Statistics 2017. Ministry of Environment, Japan, 2017.
Latest Results of Bottom Ash Handling in Japan. Nobuhiro Tanigaki. 16/4/2015 Japan Environmental Facilities Manufacturers
Sachstand zu den alternativen Verfahren für die thermische Entsorgung von Abfällen − Schlussbericht. P. Quicker, F. Neuerburg,
Y Noël, A. Huras, R. G. Eyssen, H. Seifert, J Vehlow, K Thomé-Kozmiensky. 1. September 2014. Bundesministerium für Umwelt,
Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit. Vorhaben Z 6 –30 345/18 Projektnummer 29217.

There are also other ash melting technologies, electric melting and using the energy in the fuel to
have direct melting, of which there were 56 and 52 installations, respectively, in 2012.

The new technologies introduced around 2000 had a strong share of the (relatively small) market
up to 2008, and then it has lost out for incinerators. The impression from press releases after 2012
and resulting from the regulations promoting higher efficiency to power and heat (where ash
melting is an internal heat load of significance reducing the net output) in combination with the
Feed-In Tariff (FiT) system, is that conventional technologies are now even more dominating, but no
later source of data to confirm this have been found. Still, in some areas landfilling is still costly and
capacity scarce, such that the gasification-ash melting technologies still can hold some ground on
the market.

There are fewer figures available for industrial wastes. The overall generation of industrial wastes
and the treatment routes are shown in Figure 13.

Million tons Final disposal after treatment
Treatment for volume reduction
400 Recycled IW








1990 2000 2005 2010 2013

Figure 13 Industrial waste generation and treatment in Japan 38

The amount of waste generated peaked at 420 million tonnes around the turn of the century.
Treatment in this case includes incineration, drying and milling/compaction. The final disposal after
treatment also includes a significant fraction of direct disposal without treatment, which in 2014
amounted to 6 million tonnes, i.e. more than half of the disposal quantity.

The number of industrial incinerators is difficult to find in the statistics and also include e.g. black
liquor boilers as this is seen as waste39, and often involves autogeneration within industries. The
installed capacity in 2012 was estimated to some 1.2 GW generating 2.4 TWh34.

Statistical Handbook of Japan 2016. Statistics Bureau. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Japan, 2016
Energy Technology Roadmaps of Japan: Future Energy Systems Based on Feasible Technologies Beyond 2030. Yukitaka Kato,
Michihisa Koyama, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Takao Nakagaki. Springer, 30 maj 2016

The situation regarding disposal sites for industrial wastes is worse than for MSW, on an average in
2012, there were only 14 years left of remaining capacity, and in e.g. the Tokyo area only 5 years
left39. In total, the disposal to landfills already meets the target of 17 million tons set for 202040.

The situation with strong policy measures to reduce the landfill volume and the general shortage of
landfill volume also means that, in general, the cost for landfilling wastes is very high in Japan, and
landfilling of wastes that can be treated by other methods is discouraged. This also means that the
accepted cost of treatment is very high compared to the EU and USA, reported to be of the order of
300-400 €/ton waste37.


USA has a population over 320 million people, but also a relatively large land area of 9 million km2.
In the United States, 234 million (metric tons) tonnes of MSW were generated in 2014, up by 4
million tonnes from 2013. This translates to over 700 kg per capita and year, Figure 14, which is far
higher than the Japan at 350 kg and the EU28 average of 470 kg. The per capita generation of MSW
rose very rapidly from 1960 to 2000, to level off for some years before a decline in 2009. If this
decline relates to changes in the waste generation or is an effect of the financial crisis remains to be

kg/capita, year








1960 1970 1980 1990 2 000 2 001 2 002 2 003 2 004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Figure 14 Per capita generation of MSW in the USA (based on data from 41

Figure 15 shows the trends in the treatment of MSW. About 60 million tonnes of MSW (26 %) were
recycled, 21 million tonnes (9 %) were composted and 30 million tonnes (13 %) were incinerated in
2014. The remainder, 114 million tonnes or 52 %, went to landfills. Historically, landfills have had
an even more dominating role. But there is a wide difference between the individual states in both
the recycling rate, and in the use of landfills and incineration, Figure 16.

Comprehensive 3R Policy Framework towards a Sound Material Cycle Society in Japan. Masahito Fukami, Minister’s Secretariat.
Ministry of the Environment, Japan

Figure 15 Development of MSW generation and treatment in the USA (based on data from41)

Figure 16 The management of waste methods in the US states in 2011 42

Survey of MSW Generation and Disposition in the US. N. J. Themelis and D Shin. MSW management Nov-Dec 2015.

Figure 17 States with one or more WtE plant43.

In 2014, there was almost 800 Material Recovery Facilities (MRF) with a capacity of close to 50
million tonnes and 1 900 landfills44. There were 77 Waste-to-Energy incinerator facilities in
operation, Figure 17. Half of these are owned by private and half owned by public entities, with in
total close to 200 incineration units. None of these units use gasification. The most common type
burned MSW directly, only 13 units used RDF. The most common energy recovery was by electricity
alone, 59 units, followed by CHP, 15 units, and steam only in 3 units. The installed electric capacity
was 2.5 GW. The units used 26 million tonnes in 2014 to produce 14 TWh of electricity, i.e. an
average of 538 kWh/tonne. This also means that the average incinerator site annual capacity was
0.34 million tonnes per year.

The average cost of landfilling in the USA is shown in Figure 18 (note that the graph is based on
short tons, 0.91 ton/tonne (metric ton). The cost is considerably lower than in most countries in the
EU or in Japan.

A survey45 made in 2013, showing high, low and average gate fee values for all states indicate that
overall the average gate fee in the different states is in line with the values in Figure 18, whereas
there is a considerable spread in the state averages, from 25 $US/ton in Montana and Nevada to
over 90 $US/ton in Maine, and over 80 $US/ton in Vermont and Washington. There is also a
considerable spread between the highest and lowest tipping fees within the individual states, in
some cases the deviation from the average is as high as 50 % of this figure.

2016 Directory of waste-to-energy facilities. Energy recovery council, USA, 2016
Advancing Sustainable Materials Management: 2014 Tables and Figures. EPA, November 2016.

Figure 18 The average landfill tipping fee in USA, nominal 2014 $US per short ton 44.


In China, the estimate is that some 225 million ton of MSW is generated, but statistics are
uncertain46. In 2010, 16 % of MSW was combusted while more than 80 % went into landfills. The
waste quality is low, even if some separation of glass and incombustibles takes place. The energy
content is in the range of 5-7 MJ/kg, making even incineration difficult and low in efficiency47.

However, at the same time, China is the fastest growing market for thermal waste treatment plants.
Since 2008, 78 new waste incineration plants have started operation. A Chinese State Council
decree of 2010 named 600 other cities where waste to energy should be installed at a rate of 40
million tons per year capacity each year. The domestic contractors have a strong position, as their
cost levels is only one third of e.g. European cost level48, and these are also expanding their market
abroad. However, alternative thermal processes have not yet come into the wider discussion in
China37, but certain initiatives have led to the use of waste gasification in more than twenty cements
plants in the last decade.

South Korea is also active in the field of thermal waste treatment. Between 2008 and 2012 an
overall gasification capacity of 325 000 tons/year was installed in seven installations built, of which
four used Japanese technologies (Ebara 2, Nippon Steel 2). In other states, e.g. India and Vietnam,
WtE projects are being installed and planned, however wastes are largely unsorted and have a low
calorific value while landfill costs are still very low, conditions that are not favouring gasification

Status and Perspectives of Waste Incineration in China. M. Nelles, T. Dorn, K. Wu, J. Cai. Proceedings of the International Conference
on Solid Waste 2011- Moving Towards Sustainable Resource Management,
Hong Kong SAR, P.R. China, 2 – 6 May 2011
Status and Perspectives ff Waste Incineration in China. M. Nelles, T. Dorn, K. Wu, J. Cai. International Conference on Solid
Waste 2011- Moving Towards Sustainable Resource Management, Hong Kong SAR, P.R. China, 2 – 6 May 2011
150 €/ton, year vs. 450 €/ton, year in the EU.

4. Waste policies and regulatory considerations

Wastes can be defined as less desirable residues from production, use or post-use of desirable
materials such as edible substances, materials, components and aggregates for use by individuals,
households or businesses, in constructions or generated by industrial processes, including such
materials no longer desired, possible or fit for use.

Wastes have obviously been generated from the dawn of human history, and the study of waste
dumps in various forms are also from archaeological studies an important source of knowledge on
pre-historic cultures and their socio-economics. Early settlements typically dumped waste in their
immediate vicinity and once in a while resettled on the top of the debris. When such population
centres grew and affluence, disposal of the wastes generated was required and such dumps became
organized and eventually covered after use, i.e. primitive landfills. There is evidence for such
activities in various parts of the world including in the Minoic culture, Egypt, biblical Middle East,
China, Japan and South America49, 50
, 51
, 52
. Eventually, such dumps also were burned, intentionally
or accidentally. It has been alleged, but also disputed, that one such site was located at Sheoal in
the valley of Gehenna outside Jerusalem where fires were burning day and night, and in the Bible
used as a contrast to heaven, i.e. connotations to a “hellish” site.

The first documented waste regulation was adopted in Athens in Greece 500 B.C, then a city of
some 300 000 inhabitants. It prohibited dumping of waste into the streets; instead specialized
workers (“scavengers”, presumably slaves) removed wastes to an open dump located 1.5 km
outside of the city. The same type of regulations was introduced in most major cities in the classic
antique period. Also, under other settings this service has been viewed as shameful and impure,
whereby slaves or certain defined groups were performing such services (dalit caste in India, hinin
in Japan, non-muslims in the Arabic world). Still today, garbage collector is probably not a career
choice approved by most parents, despite more appealing titles (recycler, environmental technician,
etc.), although there is a wide consensus on the necessity of having the task performed diligently.

For the centuries to come, wastes were either dumped in the streets unless prohibited by local
ordinances in combination with a more or less organized removal to be dumped at specific sites or
into rivers, lakes or the sea, although associated with smell, water pollution and vermin that caused
health problems and outbreak or epidemic diseases.

The industrial revolution had two effects regarding wastes; urbanization concentrated the
generation of organic waste to the increased populations in towns and cities and also added new
types of industrial and energy wastes. The waste quantities, and the population affected by it, rose
simultaneously, and led to stronger regulation, starting in the cities of UK in the mid-19th century.
The focus was on sanitation, i.e. limiting health impacts. By 1875, waste management was encoded
at UK national level by the Public Health Act. Similar developments followed in Europe, in the USA
and elsewhere, starting locally to later have state and national coverage.

Since heating was inevitably provided by fireplaces and stoves, combustible waste had always been
used as a source of energy. However, in 1872, the first dedicated incinerator, named the

The World's Scavengers: Salvaging for Sustainable Consumption and Production. Martin Medina. Altamira Press, UK, 2007.
Waste Treatment and Disposal, Paul T. Williams, 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2005
Kenneth Barbalace. The History of Waste. Aug. 2003. Accessed August 2016.
Development drivers for waste management. David C. Wilson. Waste Manage Res 2007: 25: 198–207

“Destructor” was built in the UK. It was soon followed by other units and at the time of WW I, there
were several hundreds of incinerators in operation in the UK, USA and elsewhere. These were small
and rather primitive units with the main purpose of reducing waste volumes and avoid biological
activity, and mostly did not had energy recovery. However, landfilling remained as the main
disposal method and due to its relatively high cost, incineration became less and less used in the
post-war period. To reduce the nuisance of landfilling, site planning and management methods
including covering of filled cells were developed, but open landfills were still common. Up to the
1960’ there were no new regulatory trends and the concern from the policy makers was more to
enforce the regulations already adopted as illegal dumping was common.

However, in the 1960’ and 70’s, there was a growing concern regarding the impact of pollution on
the environment, also affecting waste management beyond sanitization. The concern emanated
from the realization of bio-accumulation of toxic materials, and the low rate of bio-decomposition of
certain manufactured chemicals e.g. DDT. The concerns were further fuelled by a number of
scandals involving illegal dumping, leakages from dump sites and industrial accidents in many
countries (e.g. at Seveso, an accident that put the focus on dioxins53) that demonstrated the
inadequacy of regulation and control.

Waste combustion, from incinerators and even more so from spontaneous or planned fires on
landfills, were identified as a major source of dioxins, a toxic and extremely stable group of
compounds, which had a direct effect on waste management. In general, emissions were seen as
predominantly an effect of production and transformation processes, so policy measures
(“Command-Control” policies) resulted in new regulations regarding limiting emission values to air
and water. It also led to the control of the sources of pollution and related stakeholders, in
particular in waste and hazardous waste generation and management. This developed further to
also trying to define the state-of-the art technologies to be used for pollution control (“Technical fix“
policies) leading to establishing Best Available Technology, BAT, and Maximum Available Control
Technology, MACT as guidelines. These policies also tried to establish the responsibility for
addressing environmental issues (Precautionary Principle, Proximity Principle, Extended Producer
Responsibility, Polluter Pays Principle54).

The environmentalism eventually led into a different discussion on population growth, depletion of
natural resources and the limits of economic growth and of an increased production of goods for
consumption55. There was also the realization that many materials extracted or produced, with the
exception of fuels and construction materials, would potentially end up as wastes after a short
period of time56 (climate change effect of fuel usage was yet not debated).

In the wake of this debate, also less resource-intensive consumption patterns and more resource-
effective production methods came into focus, also including the possibility for re-using resources.
Eventually the term sustainability came into use57. But, up to this time, the quantities of wastes and
the composition of wastes had not been questioned. By the beginning of the 1980’s, although the
actual origin is unclear58, also the so-called “3Rs” (reduce, re-use, re-cycle) or the “Waste
Hierarchy” was formulated, Figure 19. This was soon taken aboard by policy makers and used as a
framework for waste policies and regulation.

Seveso accident: release of dioxins into the atmosphere in a chemical plant 10 July 1976. French Ministry of Environment - DPPR /
SEI / BARPI N° 5620. February 2008.
Environmental Principles and Concepts. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). Paris 1995
Limits of Growth. D. H. Meadows, D. L. Meadows, J. Randers, and William W. Behrens III. Universe Books 1972
Production, consumption and externalities. R.U. Ayres, A. V. Kneese. Am. Econ. Rev., June 1969.
World Conservation Strategy: Living Resource Conservation for Sustainable Development. International Union for Conservation of
Nature and Natural Resources. 1980
Limitations of the waste hierarchy for achieving absolute reductions in material throughput. S. Van Ewijk, J.A. Stegemann





Figure 19 The Waste Hierarchy59

In addition, although predicted to some extent already at the turn of the 19th/20th century and
discussed since among some scientists, a review60 from 1972 made the concept of the “Greenhouse
Effect” reach a wider audience. From the late 1970’s the impact of the use of fossil resources on the
climate came increasingly also into the public debate. As a fraction of the wastes had fossil origins,
while organic residues in landfills were decomposed anaerobically to release GHG-potent methane to
the atmosphere, this linked the discussion on waste and sustainability to climate change. As a
consequence, further control measures in waste management were introduced, in particular
regarding landfills and landfill gas recovery.

The discussions on resource usage and depletion, an increasing global population, degradation of
the environment by pollution as well as the risk of climate change created another concept, the
“Circular Economy”61. This concept was formulated as a mean to develop society, both in practice
and in thinking, towards re-using available resources and renewable energy to minimize the impact
of production, as opposed to the prevailing “linear economy” characterized by “take, make,
dispose”. In terms of waste management, the ideals of the circular economy are very much in line
with the waste hierarchy and also put emphasis on that both internal and external costs should be
considered for goods and services. This approach prescribes that already in the design phase,
products and services are planned and manufactured to cause minimal burdens in terms of
environmental impacts by being resource-effective and facilitating their re-use or re-cycle.


At the international (UN) level, there are few policy documents and regulations that directly focus on
wastes. However, since the 1970’s, environmental issues have been on the agenda of the UN.

4.2.1. Policies
The environmental concerns led to the first international policy conference on the topic, the UN
Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden in 1972. The result was a resolution,
the formulation of 26 guiding principles concerning the environment and development and 109

There are many variations in the graph, the divisions and also the wording. The top represents the “highest”, most desirable level in
the hierarchy. The graph is sometimes shown upside-down to the one depicted here.
"Man-made Carbon Dioxide and the "Greenhouse" Effect". J. S. Sawyer. Nature. 239: 23–26, 1972
David W. Pearce, R. Kerry Turner. Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989

recommendations62, and also resulted in the formation of United Nations Environmental program,
UNEP. A next step was the report63 in 1987 from World Commission on Environment and
Development: Our Common Future, aka “Brundtland commission” that formulated a widely used
definition of sustainable development64.

The IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change65, was formed on the initiative of some UN
member states by World Metrological Organisation (WMO) and UNEP in 1988 to provide scientific
data on the mechanisms, effects and mitigation policies concerning climate change, and its reviews
and forecasts has been debated but also used as background material for the UNFCC convention
and its protocols, see below.

In 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)66,(aka Rio de

Janeiro Earth Summit or Rio Conference) led to the formation of a Commission on Sustainable
Development and adopted three major agreements aimed at changing the traditional approach to
• Agenda 21 — a program for global action in all areas of sustainable development;
• The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development defining the rights and responsibilities
of States;
• The Statement of Forest Principles — a set of principles to underlie the sustainable
management of forests worldwide.

Another conference, the World Summit on Sustainable Development (aka ONG Earth Summit or
Rio+10) was held in 2002 in Johannesburg, South Africa, and there was also a series of follow-up
meetings in Rio de Janeiro, Rio+5 and Rio+20, but these where more follow-ups on the actions
already taken.

The Millennium Summit67 of the UN in 2000 established in the United Nations Millennium Declaration
and defined the 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for the year 2015. One of these was to
ensure environmental sustainability, one indicator being CO2 emissions per capita and per $ of
Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The reported data by 2012 indicate an increase by 50 % up to
201268, whereas in many other areas, improvements are reported and many of the original goals
were reached. In 2015, a post-2015 Development Agenda was formulated, “Transforming our
world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development69”, setting goals (SDG) for e.g. sustainable
resource usage for production and consumption and climate change.

4.2.2. Conventions
The original Stockholm conference and other activities have resulted in a number of conventions in
the international field covering environmental issues, and where some have direct impact on waste

The 1979 Geneva Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP)70

World Commission on Environment and Development (1987). Our Common Future. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their own needs. It contains within it two key concepts:
• the concept of 'needs', in particular the essential needs of the world's poor, to which overriding priority should be given; and
• the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment's ability to meet
present and future needs.
The Millennium Development Goals Report 2015. UN 2015
Resolution adopted by the UN General Council on September25, 2015.

The Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution was the first international legally binding
instrument to deal with problems of air pollution with the intent to gradually reduce and prevent air
pollution, including long-range transboundary air pollution. The convention entered into force in
1983 and has at present 51 parties in the northern hemisphere, including the EU member states,
EFTA states, Balkan states, Turkey, the states of the FSU as well as USA and Canada. The
convention calls for the set-up of an inventory of emission point sources and associated emission
reporting. It has later been extended by eight specific protocols. These protocols contain binding
commitments on:
• applying as a minimum defined limiting emission levels (LEV) for a variety of point emission
• implementing of specified improved techniques (BAT).
• national emission ceilings for SO2, NOX, NH3, VOC to be attained by 2010.

Protocols has since been amended to set targets for 2020, and to also include particulate matter
(PM2.5) that affects both health and the climate.

The 1989 Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous

Wastes and their Disposal71 The main purposes are the reduction of hazardous waste generation
and to establish environmentally sound management of wastes arising and to restrict movement of
such wastes across borders unless sufficient regulatory controls are available. It also calls for an
overall reduction of waste generation.

The 1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change 199272. UNFCC was adopted at the
Rio Earth Summit 1992 as a part of Agenda 21 and came into force 1994. It is supported by IPCC,
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. This is done by, among other things, preparing so-
called Assessment Reports, the latest version73 of which covering waste management was published
in 2014. The convention is supported by separate agreements that calls for actions to reduce GHG
emissions to stabilize the temperature rise such as the Kyoto protocol of 1997 coming into force in
2005 and the Paris Agreement74 of 2015, entered into force in November 2016 after being ratified
by 55 countries (USA not being one of these).

The 2001 Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants75 (POPs)

The convention came into force 2004 to protect human health and the environment from POPs by
the elimination or restriction of production and use of all intentionally produced POPs (i.e. industrial
chemicals and pesticides, later also PCB and PFOS have been added) as well as minimization of the
releases by preventive measures to reduce emissions etc. and from unintentionally produced POPs
such as dioxins and furans.

Other conventions that are connected to more general environmental practices with implications for
waste management include:

The Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer 1985 76 led to the Montreal
Protocol in 1987 to protect the ozone layer by a phase-out of CFC and HCFC compounds and the
Kigali amendment of 2016 dealt with the phase-out of the substitute HFC compounds, which are
not detrimental to the ozone layer but are very potent GHG gases.

Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change, IPCC.

The 1991 EIA Espoo Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment77
The convention defines the obligations to assess the environmental impact of certain activities and a
general obligation of states to notify and consult each other on all major projects that have a
significant adverse cross-boundary environmental impact, including waste management installation
treating more than 100 ton/day.

The 1998 Aarhus Convention on Access to Environmental Information, Public

Participation in Environmental Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental
Matters78 that covers the relationship and interactions between people and governments in the
area of environmental protection in terms of accountability, transparency and responsiveness.


The current EU traces its roots to the Treaty of Rome in 1957, prior to that environmental issues
and sustainability became a part of the public debate or policy-making and were not included in the
European Community common responsibilities79, 80, 81. The rise in environmental awareness and in
the wake of the UN Stockholm conference led to policy initiatives from the EC, but limited to specific
issues (radiation, vehicle emissions, etc.), where it could be legally argued that the EC objective of a
common internal market could benefit from supranational regulations. However, it was not until
1987 by the Single European Act, and via the formation of the EU in the Maastricht Treaty in 1992
gave the EC stronger powers in this area. This latter treaty established a legal basis for
environmental policy initiatives and legislation by the European Commission, including entering into
binding international agreements, but environment was only one of the policy objectives. This role
of the Commission in relation to the subsidiary principle was challenged by some member states in
the years to come. However, in the Amsterdam Treaty in 1997, it was agreed that environmental
protection should strengthened to be integrated into all other community policies and sustainable
development was made an objective.

From the 1970’s and onwards, initially more based on intergovernmental agreements than on
initiatives by the commission itself, an Environment and Consumer Protection Service organization
was founded, and in 1981 DG IX, the predecessor to DG Environment. Environmental policies were
adopted in a series Environmental Action Plans (EAP) from the first one in 1973 up to the 7th EAP,
2013-2020. The initial action plans contained a broad set of principles and objectives and focused
on maintaining certain standards for air and water quality. These plans have gradually developed to
specific policies to prevent and reduce emissions by limits, requirements for EIA and to apply an
integrated approach for permitting based on BAT and the benefits of a multi-stakeholder approach.
The later plans also include issues like climate change, introduced in the 5th EAP 1993-2001, and
define sustainable development as the policy objectives. In this respect, waste has shifted from
being a mere source of emissions, requiring directions on its management and preventing illegal
(transboundary) trade, in the earlier EAPs, later EAP waste policies explicitly refer to the Waste
Hierarchy and in the 7th EAP, the waste is seen as a resource82. The policies have also been
translated into a number of legal acts, see section 4.3.1.

In parallel to these environmental policies, there are also horizontal policy initiatives with
implications for waste e.g. in the climate policies and regarding developing circular economy.

D.C. Smith. EU Environmental Law: From Absence (1957) to Sustainable Development (1992) to Corporate Social Responsibility
(2004). Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol.5 No. 4, February 2005
Emanuela Orlando. The Evolution of EU Policy and Law in the Environmental Field: Achievements and Current Challenges.
TransWorld Working Paper 21, April 2013
EU Environmental Handbook, European Environmental Bureau 2005.
on a General Union Environment Action Programme to 2020 ‘Living well, within the limits of our planet’

In the EU, the climate change policies83, 84
were first discussed by the European Council in Dublin
1990, after IPCC had published its first Assessment Report, as a preparation for the UNFCC
negotiations. The aim was to achieve the 1990 GHG emission levels again in 2000, but not giving
policy directions. This lack of policy guidance led to a debate from which came three themes:
reduction of GHG emissions, promotion of renewable energy and of energy efficiency. An initial
effort to impose CO2 taxation failed due to resistance from some member states. A program, later
supported by a directive, Specific Actions for Vigorous Energy Efficiency, (SAVE) was initiated in
1991, but other polices were not emerging until the end of the 1990’s, while the Kyoto Protocol was
only agreed in 1997. A voluntary agreement with the automotive industry on limiting emissions was
entered in 1998, whereas an action to reduce emissions from waste disposal, the Landfill Directive,
see below, was adopted 1999 while a directive on the promotion of electricity from renewable
sources was prepared and adopted in 2001. To prepare for the Kyoto protocol coming into force the
commissions established the European Climate Change Programme (ECCP)85 in 2000. This was a
mean to, via a multi-stakeholder consultative process, identify the most effective policies to reduce
the EU GHG emissions to ensure that the committed 8 % reduction to 2012 under the Kyoto
Protocol was met. By the time the Kyoto Protocol came into force in 2005, numerous policy
initiatives had been undertaken in this direction. The most important ones were the EU Emission
Trading Scheme86, the Directive on promotion of Combined Heat and Power, the Directive on energy
performance of buildings and the Directive on Promotion of Transport Biofuels87. ECCP II was
launched in 2005 with the goal of identifying other means to reduce GHG emissions such as in
agriculture, from carbon capture and geological storage, from light-duty vehicles and aviation CO2
emissions, as well as adaptation to the effects of climate change. One of the key outcomes was the
potential of, and need for measures to promote, renewable heating and cooling.

In response to the second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol, the 2020 package was
launched in 2008. The package sets three key targets to be achieved by the EU in 2020:
• 20 % cut in greenhouse gas emissions (from 1990 levels)
• 20 % of EU energy from renewables
• 20 % improvement in energy efficiency

It also included corresponding but differentiated national targets. The measures include the third
phase of the ETS system88, promotion of Renewable energy (RED89) and the CCS directive90. The
ETS system91 is a cap and trade system trading in emission rights for CO2, the number of which are
gradually decreased over time to drive developments in GHG reducing processes and industries.
Emission rights are either obtained for fee in proportion to the activities or are purchased by
auctioning, see also below in this section. The ETS sector covers 13 000 fixed installations involved
in power and energy generation above 20 MW aggregated input, and manufacturing industries
which are significant users of energy, plus the aviation sector since 2012. However, as the general
rule it does not apply to waste incinerators, unless integrated into an industry but applies to waste
co-combustion plants. The details of the fourth phase of the ETS system, covering 2021 to 2030
was agreed in the beginning of 2018.

‘The EU and Climate Change Policy: Law, Politics and Prominence at Different Levels’, Damro, C., Hardie, I and MacKenzie, D.
Journal of Contemporary European Research, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp.179-192, 2008.
European Climate Policy - History and State of Play. A. Prahl, E. Hofmann. Climate Policy Info Hub, 14 November 2014.
Consolidated 2003/87/EC including 2004/101/EC, 2008/101/EC, Regulation (EC) No 219/2009, 2009/29/EC, Regulation (EU) No

The Europe 2020 Strategy92 presented in 2010, in addition to giving targets for climate emissions
and energy, also gives targets for wastes, such as e.g. to reduce the per-capita waste generation by
2020, to virtually eliminate landfilling and to only apply energy recovery to non-recyclable materials.
In 2011 a strategy93 for resource efficiency and a road-map94 to 2020 was published.

The most recent policy decision is the 2030 Climate and Energy Framework95 adopted by EU leaders
in October 2014. It sets three key targets for the year 203096:
• At least 40% cuts in greenhouse gas emissions (from 1990 levels)
• At least 27% share for renewable energy (increased to 32 % in 2018 as part of the end
negotiations on the renewable energy directive RED II directive)

The reductions in GHG is to be achieved by 43 % in the ETS sector, 30 % in other sectors, including
waste management, and the balance by increasing renewable energy and by means of increasing
the energy efficiency. The policy statements and targets for 2030 have been formalized as
legislation for the period 2021-2030, e.g. the 4th phase of ETS97, RED II98and other directives.

The longer term perspective is also included by the Roadmap for moving to a competitive low
carbon economy in 205099, the Energy Roadmap 2050100 and the Transport White Paper101.

Also, on the waste and resource efficiency there are initiatives with a longer time horizon than 2020.
In 2016, the commission adopted a Circular Economy Package102, which includes revised legislative
proposals on waste management and targets for recycling.

4.3.1. Directives
The EU common policies discussed above have been translated into a number of legal acts
(Regulations that are to be applied as written by all member states, Directives that contains
objectives, modalities and quantified elements (goals, limits etc.) that requires incorporation into
the member state laws and legal system, Decisions that are binding on the receivers, which could
be from an individual legal entity to one or more member states, Recommendations that are non-
binding opinions, and interpretations and Communications that states policy intentions). The overall
legal and regulatory system of waste management and recovery in the European Union is shown in
Figure 20. The regulatory considerations for waste treatment installations in general, but also
including waste-fuelled gasification plants, are mainly controlled by a first tier of EC directives that
are imposed into member state law and by-laws in second and third tiers. Below, the most
important directives of relevance for this report are discussed.

EUROPE 2020. A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. COM(2010) 2020 final
A resource-efficient Europe – Flagship initiative under the Europe 2020 Strategy. COM(2011) 21, 2010
Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe. COM(2011) 571. 2011
However, all the targets above have not yet been fully formalized legally, and changes have been or will be made due to the ongoing
trilogue (EC, EP and MS) negotiations.
Directive (EU) 2018/410 amending Directive 2003/87/EC to enhance cost-effective emission reductions and low-carbon investments,
and Decision (EU) 2015/1814
RED II directive, as agreed June 2018 Interinstitutional File: 2016/0382 (COD)
COM (2011) 112: A Roadmap for moving to a competitive low carbon economy in 2050
Energy Roadmap 2050 [COM/2011/885
WHITE PAPER Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system.
COM/2011/0144 final
Closing the loop - An EU action plan for the Circular Economy. COM/2015/0614 final

Figure 20 Overview of EU legislation discussed (Adapted from103)

1991/31/EC Landfill Directive104 (LFD)

The objective of this directive is to prevent or reduce as far as possible negative effects on the
environment from the landfilling of waste by introducing stringent technical requirements for waste
and landfills. Permits, based on specified information requirements listed for different classes of
landfills, are required. It defines the categories municipal waste, hazardous waste, non-hazardous
waste and inert waste and the respective requirements for prior pre-treatment as well as
acceptance for pre-treated waste into the different classes of landfills.

In quantitative terms, the directive required that national strategies should be developed by 2003 to
include measures and pre-treatment technologies to reduce biodegradable municipal waste going to
landfill to 35 % of 1995 levels by 2016 but with a caveat for member states landfilling more than 80
% in 1995 to delay goal attainment by up to four years. A follow-up in 2014105, relating to the
Circular Economy Package102, indicated that 23 member states were on track, while in 5 member
states, additional efforts were required. Some member states like Austria, Germany, Netherlands
and Sweden have in their national legislation gone further by banning landfilling of recoverable,
combustible or even organic wastes.

New targets are being proposed as part of the amendment106 to ensure that by 2030 the amount of
municipal waste landfilled is reduced to 10% of the total amount of municipal waste generated.

EuRIC: EU laws.
SWD(2014) 207 final
2015/0274 (COD)

There is also some ancillary legislation relating to landfilling of waste and where in particular the
acceptance criteria for wastes to landfills107 has implications for waste incineration and gasification
as this would apply to ashes or other solid by-products from such facilities, and with potential cost
implications for the disposal of such materials.

2010/75/EC - Industrial Emissions Directive (IED)

The history of this directive, which became fully in force in 2015, is that it is a revised amalgamation
of a series of earlier directives, notably the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC)
directive, dealing with the permitting of industrial installations and the application of BAT as the
leading principle to set the requirements, the Waste Incinerator Directive108 (WID) and Large
Combustion Plant Directive109 (LCP) as well as four other sectorial directives110 not relevant for this
study. These directives define the operating conditions and limiting emission values of different
pollutants to air and water for these specific industries. The list of installations covers many
industrial and agroindustrial activities and represents a total of some 50 000 installations within the
EU. In addition, it is also the main EU instrument regulating pollutant emissions from some specific
industrial installations.

The definitions distinguish between wastes that are “biomass” and other wastes, the former being
exempt from the provisions for incinerators in this directive, ‘biomass’ means any of the following:
(a) products consisting of any vegetable matter from agriculture or forestry which can be used as a
fuel for the purpose of recovering its energy content;
(b) the following waste:
(i) vegetable waste from agriculture and forestry;
(ii) vegetable waste from the food processing industry, if the heat generated is recovered;
(iii) fibrous vegetable waste from virgin pulp production and from production of paper from
pulp, if it is co-incinerated at the place of production and the heat generated is recovered;
(iv) cork waste;
(v) wood waste with the exception of wood waste which may contain halogenated organic
compounds or heavy metals as a result of treatment with wood preservatives or coating and
which includes, in particular, such wood waste originating from construction and demolition

In Chapters I and II of the consolidated directive, and its associated annexes, the IED lists the
general principles for the permitting, start-up, operation, disturbed operation, shut-down,
monitoring control and inspections of industrial installations based on an integrated approach and
the application of best available techniques (BAT) as leading principle. It also states that guidance
documents (BREFs and BATCs, see below) will be developed to assist industries and authorities. It
also sets out the principles of the interactions between installation owners, public bodies and the
public itself. Relating to wastes, in Article 4, it is stated that combustion, incineration and co-
incineration plants must hold a permit from the competent authority in the member state. It also
lists types of biomass wastes, for which the Chapter IV on waste incinerators does not apply111.

In Chapter III and associated annexes, the permitting, operating and minimum limiting emission
levels for large combustion plants (LCP, > 50 MW thermal, typically various forms of power and

COUNCIL DECISION of 19 December 2002 Criteria and procedures for the acceptance of waste at landfills pursuant to Article 16 of,
and Annex II, to Directive 1999/31/EC (Council Decision 2003/33/EC)
1999/13/EC on activities using organic solvents, 78/176/EEC, 82/883/EEC and 92/112/EEC, concerning titanium dioxide production.
i.e. vegetable waste from agriculture and forestry; vegetable waste from the food processing industry if the heat generated is
recovered; fibrous vegetable waste from virgin pulp production and from production of paper from pulp if it is co-incinerated at the
place of production and the heat generated is recovered; cork waste; wood waste with the exception of wood waste which may contain
halogenated organic compounds or heavy metals as a result of treatment with wood preservatives or coating and which includes, in
particular, such wood waste originating from construction and demolition waste

CHP plants but excluding waste incineration and some other specific production installations which
are regulated separately), are set out. It also covers gasification of coal and other fuels (except oil
gasification within a refinery) in installations with a total rated thermal input of 20 MW or more, but
only when this activity is directly associated to a combustion process including gas turbine combined
cycles. For solid biomass and for a general, unspecified gaseous fuel such as derived from a
gasification plant, the limiting emission values for LCPs are given in Appendix 2, Tables A2.1.

Chapter IV is devoted to waste incineration and co-incineration plants. The main applicability of the
conditions is for plants using more than 3 tons/h of waste (approximately 10-20 MW thermal
depending on the waste), but it excludes R&D units up to a capacity of 50 tons/year, i.e. pilot plants
consuming more than the above quantity are seen as incinerators and needs permits, even if the
full conditions of the EID would not necessarily apply.

The term incinerator112 or co-incinerator113 in this context also covers other forms of thermal
treatment than combustion (oxidation) such as gasification and pyrolysis units or plasma treatment,
but only “if the substances resulting from the treatment are subsequently incinerated”, i.e. if the
thermal treatment is linked to a downstream incineration or co-incineration unit (i.e. boiler, gas
turbine, gas engine or furnace), which is then also included within the boundaries of the incinerator
or co-incinerator. The IED clearly limits its applicability to the conditions that the gas, the substance
generated, is “incinerated”, and if this is related to energy recovery or to produce materials (e.g.
cement). If other fuels are involved as the main or a minor fuel in parallel to the gasification gas, it
distinguishes between incineration and co-incineration.

A waste gasifier or co-gasifier making a material product, e.g. a synthesis fuel from waste such as is
the case in e.g. the Enerkem plant does not fall within the scope of this directive (flaring or use of
some fuel gas for e.g. steam generation could be a situation where such a plant, at least partially,
again falls into the EID).

However, if the gases resulting from this thermal treatment of waste in gasification or pyrolysis
plants are purified prior to the incineration to such an extent that “cannot give emissions higher
than those resulting from the burning of natural gas”, the gases are no longer a waste, i.e. the
provisions of the waste incinerator chapter are not applicable for any subsequent use of the gas in a
combustion process. But, the gasification system up to achieving the “end-of-waste” cleanliness of
the product gas is still an incinerator (or co-incinerator).

The permit conditions, apart from that the installation is made according to the other provisions in
the directive, require that energy should be recovered as far as practically possible. Regarding the
operation, there are several conditions on the control and record-keeping of the waste used, as well
as on the need for inspections and permit reviews.

There are also some more detailed operational requirements;

• For missions to the air and water are capped by limiting emission values (LEVs).
• On measurement of emissions and for record-keeping of such measurements and other
operational data.
• That an incinerator must have a residence time for the gases generated of 2 s at least 850

‘waste incineration plant’ means any stationary or mobile technical unit and equipment dedicated to the thermal treatment of waste,
with or without recovery of the combustion heat generated, through the incineration by oxidation of waste as well as other thermal
treatment processes, such as pyrolysis, gasification or plasma process, if the substances resulting from the treatment are subsequently
‘waste co-incineration plant’ means any stationary or mobile technical unit whose main purpose is the generation of energy or
production of material products and which uses waste as a regular or additional fuel or in which waste is thermally treated for the
purpose of disposal through the incineration by oxidation of waste as well as other thermal treatment processes, such as pyrolysis,
gasification or plasma process if the substances resulting from the treatment are subsequently incinerated.

°C after the final injection of air.
• To have support burners to keep the above temperature, as necessary.
• That the control system should automatically stop feeding wastes if the temperature drops
below this level or if the emission control fails to meet the emission limits.
• That the bottom ash residues should not have more than 3 % by weight of organic carbon
or a LOI (Loss of Ignition) below 5 %.
• That the waste incineration plant or waste co-incineration plant or individual furnaces being
part thereof shall under no circumstances continue to incinerate waste for a period of more
than 4 hours uninterrupted where emission limit values are exceeded.
• That the cumulative duration of operation in such conditions over 1 year shall not exceed
60 hours.
• That, in the case of a breakdown, the operator shall reduce or closedown operations as
soon as practicable until normal operations can be restored.

In terms of gasification of waste, the IED Chapter IV requirements have impact on the design of a
gasification system for waste, relative to e.g. clean biomass, with regard to e.g. start-up and flaring.

The data for flue gas emission limit requirements for waste incinerators are given in Appendix 2,
Table A.2.2. There are also emission limits for water effluents from incinerators. Furthermore,
emissions to the air from the flue gas and also selected operating parameters should be
continuously monitored by an automated and accredited system, with the exception of heavy
metals, dioxins and furans, which require 2-4 samples per year. Overall, this emission monitoring is
quite demanding and comes with an appreciable annual cost. This requirement is the same for all
incinerators independently of their capacity, therefore the associated cost weighs more heavily on
smaller capacity installations than for larger ones.

The introduction of an end-of-waste definition for gasification units relating to the contaminants and
emission potential of the gas eliminates a non-technical barrier that has been the cause for debate
in the past. The original WID108 did not contain the last by-sentence of the co-incineration definition
or defined any the end-of-waste condition whatsoever. This led to two cases in the European Court
of Justice referring to the gasification co-firing and CHP installations at Lahti Finland, see Section
7.2.2. In the first case114 in 2008, relating to the gasification of waste, the purification of the gas
generated as a product and the subsequent use of the product in a combustion unit, the ruling
stated that a gaseous substance could not be considered a waste based on the definition in the
WID, that the gasification unit should be seen as co-incineration unit as the installation had the
purpose of producing a product (the fuel gas), and that the downstream combustion unit using the
product then was not an incinerator.

On receiving this ruling, Lahti Energia then went further to have the court decide115 if the use of a
waste gasifier, but in this case producing non-purified gas as a co-firing fuel into a mainly fossil-
fired boiler, would mean that the boiler would not be a co-incinerator as defined in the WID. The
basis was that the previous ruling concluded that a gaseous substance was not a waste, as meant in
the WID, and that, nevertheless, the gas did not constitute the major energy input to the
combustion boiler. Hence, the combustion boiler could not be seen as a waste incinerator. The ECJ
did not accept the argument and stated that there is a link between the waste gasifier and the
combustion boiler that makes the entire complex a co-incinerator with respect to the WID definition,
and furthermore, justifies this by referring to a recital of the WID stating that “the co‑incineration of
waste in plants not primarily intended to incinerate waste should not be allowed to cause higher
emissions of polluting substances in that part of the exhaust gas volume resulting from such co-

ECJ Case C-317/07
ECJ Case C-209/09

incineration than those permitted for dedicated incineration plants” and notes “ that the harmful
substances produced by the thermal treatment, commenced in the gas plant, to which the waste
has been subjected are released and are discharged, at least in part, only when the crude gas has
been transferred to the power plant.”

In practice, a gasification plant providing a gaseous energy carrier that has been cleaned to a
quality that with regard to emissions are equal to natural gas most likely eliminates the need for
any post-combustion cleaning completely. The Lathi CHP plant is therefore also a co-incinerator, as
only part of the gas cleaning (halogens, dust heavy metals etc.) is upstream of the combustion
boiler while other control measures are made on the flue gas (SOx, NOx).

Ancillary instructions and legislation.

The IED defines that permits for industrial activities should be based of BAT (Best Available
Technology). To define and inform of the state-of-the-art, the European Integrated Pollution
Prevention and Control (EIPPC) Bureau116 produces Best Available Techniques Reference Documents
(BREFs) for a large number of industries and industrial procedures covered by the directive (in 2017
there are 32 BREFs available). These BREFs contains a description of the state-of-the art of the
technology and the pollution control in use, performance and cost data. It also concludes on what
the best available control technology and practices and their performance are. The BREFs are to be
updated every 8 years, and existing installations should adapt to a new BREF within 4 years after its
adoption. When a BREF has been adopted, the BAT conclusions are further reinforced by a
Commission Decision on these conclusions, BATC, i.e. makes these binding for e.g. the member

At present both the Large Combustion Plants and the Waste Incinerator are covered by BREFs, but
both these documents are undergoing revisions. For the LCP BREF a final draft117 was issued in June
2016. Regarding gasifiers, it has a BAT general provision of the energy utilization of 98 % of the
fuel energy for gasification and boiler units without gas pre-treatment and 91 % for units with gas
pre-treatment, including IGCC plants. The WID BREF work is on-going118 and a first draft was
available in May 2017 and a final draft is expected during 2018. The current status of the reference
to waste gasification is not known, the text in the first draft seemed to only be marginally updated
relative to the 2006 BREF.

2008/98/EC Waste Framework Directive (WFD)119

This directive was part of an over-haul on previous waste legislation and superseded the original
waste directive120 from 1975 and the latter 2006 version with consolidated amendments121, the
hazardous waste directive122 from 1991 and the 1975 waste oils directive123. Even if not directly
dealing with the thermal conversion, this directive is important as it places energy recovery (R1)
and material recovery (R3) into the order of the Waste Hierarchy, and in the case of energy
recovery to heat and power it also gives a criterion to be achieved to meet R1 status. In addition, it
defines end-of-waste as an option for recovered and recycled materials that is applicable also to a
gasifier product gas, if certain technical criteria are met (as e.g. defined for cleaned gas in the EID
discussed above).

Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for Large Combustion Plants. Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU
(Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control). Final Draft (June 2016). JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE Institute for Prospective
Technological Studies Sustainable Production and Consumption Unit. European IPPC Bureau
INCINERATION SEVILLE, 19 – 22 January 2015. JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE Institute for Prospective Technological Studies Sustainable
Production and Consumption Unit. European IPPC Bureau. Ares(2015)1827228 - 29/04/2015

It defines the basic principles of waste management, i.e. that it should not cause danger or
nuisances for the surrounding environment and society. This directive also in legislation defines the
waste hierarchy, see Figure 19, as the guiding principle for policy and permitting with the objective
of, primarily, reducing the quantity of waste in society in general terms by prevention, and following
this but less desirable, reuse and recycling, as well as lower in the hierarchy, recovery, thereby
reducing the quantity of waste going to final disposal. Disposal is then associated with various
restrictions such as e.g. the Landfill Directive or the ELV directive. In the annexes, there are also
definitions of a number of different types of disposal and recovery operations (D1-D15 and R1-R13,

The directive also defines in general terms the conditions for when a waste that has undergone
some recovery or recycling operation ceases to be a waste (end-of-waste criteria)124.However, the
criteria need to be verified by for each particular type of by-product by a methodology developed by
the EC125).

Regarding the energy use of municipal solid wastes (i.e. is not related to e.g. industrial and other
forms of wastes, and also limited to power and heat applications and not considering e.g. waste-to-
fuels), incineration without any, or insufficient, energy recovery is seen as D1 “disposal”, i.e. at the
same level as landfilling in the waste hierarchy. The directive also defines a numeric key (Figure
21), the minimum “Energy efficiency”, for a waste-to-energy (WtE) incinerator (or similar process
including gasification and pyrolysis, see IED) to classify as “energy recovery”, R1. The threshold
minimum of this key is 0.60 for plants permitted before 2009 and raised to 0.65 for plants
permitted thereafter.

Figure 21 Energy recovery efficiency formula of WFD

Legend (figures on an annual basis): GWhe = electric production, gross;
GWhth = heat production, gross; GWhf+I = consumption of conventional fuels and
imported energy (e.g. waste heat from other sources); GWhw = annual
consumption of waste fuel; GWhf: annual consumption of conventional fuel

The formula is designed to give a relation between the incinerator and an assumed average
European coal-fired power and heat generation, seen as the alternative to generate the
corresponding output of power and heat as the WtE installation. Note that it is the output, i.e. gross
generation that is used for the key, so that a plant with high internal consumption may still qualify
as R1.

The formula has its main impact on MSW incinerators only producing electrical energy, whereas
state-of-the-art CHP and heat only incinerators pass the threshold efficiency more easily. This is
exemplified by using more conventionally energy efficiency numbers (in this estimate, the special
case of use of a conventional fuel and import of energy has been disregarded) as shown in Table 7.

The substance or object is commonly used for specific purpose); there is an existing market or demand for the substance or object;
the use is lawful (substance or object fulfils the technical requirements for the specific purposes and meets the existing legislation and
standards applicable to products); and the use will not lead to overall adverse environmental or human health impacts.

Table 7 “Energy Efficiency” factor for some waste incinerator types

Gross heat
El. power "Energy
Waste CHP Technology produced Efficiency"
(% of input
(% of input factor
26 0 0.65
Limiting waste incinerator, power only
(24) (0) (0.60)
Limiting waste incinerator, heat only 0 57 0.65
Typical waste incinerator CHP, w/o flue gas condens. 25 60 1.35
Typical waste incinerator CHP, w. flue gas condens. 25 65 1.41
Lahti-type waste gasification CHP 31 56 1.47

A new incinerator producing only power or only heat, according to the formula, must have energy
efficiencies greater than 26 % and 57 %, respectively. State of the art, typical, waste CHP plants as
operated e.g. in Sweden or Denmark will meet the criteria with considerable margin. Using
gasification such as is done in e.g. the Kymijärvi II plant (see Section would, due to the
higher efficiency in the power cycle, also meet the R1 criteria, both as a power only unit and as a
CHP plant. Also, for small scale gasification plants, an efficiency of 26 % can be within reach using
engines, whereas small steam turbine plants, using a boiler or using a close-coupled gasification-
boiler combination would have difficulty in meeting this criterion unless some element of useful heat
generation is included.

The directive also defines R3, “Recycling/reclamation of organic substances which are not used as
solvents (including composting and other biological transformation processes). In a footnote it is
stated that includes gasification and pyrolysis using the components as chemicals. However, this is
not associated with any criteria to define the requirements to become an R3 operation.

There is also some ancillary legislation relating to the WFD. The European Waste Catalogue
(EWC)126 and Hazardous Waste List127, in 1994 established coded listings of all wastes to be used for
classification and reporting. These were later merged in 2002 into Commission Decision
2000/532/EC and has since undergone a series of further amendments. A new version of this list,
Commission Decision (EU) No 2014/955/EU came into force in 2015. Also, Commission Regulation
(EU) No 1357/2014 replaced Annex III of the directive where characteristics of hazardous wastes
are defined.

A Waste Package was provisionally agreed between the EP, the Council and the Commission in
agreed in late 2017 and endorsed by the EU ambassadors in early 2018128. This provisional WFD
amends six pieces of legislation:
• Waste Framework Directive (considered the umbrella legislative act of the package)
• Packaging waste directive
• Landfill directive
• Directives on electrical and electronic waste
• Directives on end-of-life vehicles
• Directives on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators.

Commission Decision 94/3/EC


Council Decision 94/904/EC



The waste package aims at increasing recycling of waste and contribute to the creation of a circular
economy as well as to improve the way waste is managed and encourage the re-use of valuable
material embedded in waste. It establishes legally binding targets for waste recycling and the
reduction of landfilling with fixed deadlines. Member states shall endeavour to ensure that as of
2030, all waste suitable for recycling or other recovery, in particular in municipal waste, shall not be
accepted in a landfill. The only exception concerns waste for which landfilling delivers the best
environmental outcome.

In addition, member states will ensure that by 2035 the amount of municipal waste landfilled is
reduced to 10% or less of the total amount of municipal waste generated. These targets will
increase the share of municipal waste and packaging waste which is recycled, with specific targets
for the recycling of materials used in packaging. The Member States agreed to the following targets
for the preparing for reuse and recycling of municipal waste: by 2025 55 %; by 2030 60 %; by
2035 65 %. Furthermore, the Member States will have to ensure that bio-waste is either collected
separately or recycled at source (e.g. home composting) by 2023 and arrange separate collection
for textiles and for hazardous waste from households in 2025. This is in addition to the separate
collection which already exists for paper and cardboard, glass, metals and plastic. For these
recyclables, more ambitious recycling targets are defined for 2025 and 2030.

The package also establishes minimum requirements for extended producer responsibility schemes.
Producers under these schemes are responsible for the collection of used goods, sorting and
treatment for their recycling. Producers will be required to pay a financial contribution for that
purpose calculated on the basis of the treatment costs.

ETS directive 2003/87/EC Consolidated with revisions97, 129.

The Emission Trading system for the EU defines a cap and trade system that was introduced in
2005. The total number of emission allowances in the system is pre-defined, and each emitter will
have to provide the number of emission certificates that relates to their annually reported
emissions, by a combination of free allowances, saved allowances from previous years or allowances
bought in auctions or on the market. Those not fulfilling this obligation have to pay a fine for the
missing allowances. There is a European Union Registry for Emission Allowances to keep track of the
owner and number of allowances, with an authority in each country that administrates the system
on the national level. Based on historic production data provided by the industries, the distribution
of free emission allowances is made by assigned national government bodies in NAPs (national
allocation plans) and these authorities are also receiving the certified, annual reports of the
industries. Since November 2014, the Union registry also implements the rules related to the Effort
Sharing Decision establishing binding annual greenhouse gas emission targets for the Member
States for the period 2013–2020. The Effort Sharing Decision concerns emissions from sectors not
included in the EU ETS, such as transport (except aviation outside the EU and international maritime
shipping), buildings, agriculture and waste.

The ETS directive covers all combustion installations above an aggregated value of 20 MW thermal
and many other industries (oil refineries, coke ovens, iron and steel plants and factories making
cement, glass, lime, bricks, ceramics, pulp, paper and board), once the capacity goes above a
threshold limit of typically 20-50 ton/h. It also includes waste co-incineration but not waste
incinerators130, unless these are integrated into an industry. Such installations are obliged to have a
CO2 emission permit. As of 2012, aviation has also been included in the EU ETS for flights within the

Differences in the interpretation what constitutes co-incineration between Member States has effectively led to differences in the
coverage of the EU ETS between Member States. In Sweden, however, all waste incinerators were classified as co-incinerators by
Naturvårdsverket (Swedish EPA) and thus are included.

Although originally only covering CO2 from 2013, the scope of the ETS was extended to also include
other sectors and greenhouse gases. CO2 emissions from petrochemicals, ammonia and aluminium
were included, as were N2O emissions from nitric, adipic and glyocalic acid production and
perfluorocarbons from the aluminium sector as well as the capture, transport and geological storage
of all greenhouse gas emissions were also included. In total 11 000 installations are included, and it
also covers Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

In the third ETS trading period, 2013-2020, the system covers in total some 40 % of the
greenhouse gas emissions in the EC. The power sector essentially obtains emission rights by
auctioning or buying them on the market as of 2012. Industries outside of the power industry and
some other sectors with specific competition issues with non-EU industry, are receiving free
allocation of up to 80 % of the emission allowances, this value being related to an established
bench-marking value that is established based on the production characteristics of the 10 % best
performing installations (in terms of GHG emissions per unit output) within each industry. The
remaining allowances have to be bought or emission reduction measures need to be adopted.
Furthermore, the free allowances obtained are also reduced by 3% per year. This reduction is
intended to reduce overall emissions by the target set for the third period, 1.7 % per year, but also
to have a phase-out of free allowances, such that by 2027, the industry will only receive 30 % of
the benchmark value as free allowances.

It is noteworthy that installations that are solely using biomass, or waste incinerators to produce
power or energy are not included, and that when the threshold limit for aggregate units has been
exceeded, any incineration installation using municipal waste or hazardous waste is not included in
the aggregation, i.e. the GHG emissions from waste incinerators owned by that legal entity are
under such circumstances not included. However, if the incinerator is integrated in an industrial
facility that uses the power and heat, the fossil part of the emissions from waste are included in the
emissions. This means that, since free allowances are distributed relative to the benchmark
production for an industry, the emissions reported are reduced relative to the use of fossil fuels, and
the allowances received for free will cover a larger fraction of the total allowances required.

For the fourth trading period (2021-2030) an agreement was reached in late 2017131 and formalised
in 201897. To achieve the at least 40% CO2 reduction EU target in 2030, the sectors covered by the
ETS have to reduce their emissions by 43% compared to 2005. Therefore, the overall number of
emission allowances will decline at an annual rate of 2.2% from 2021 onwards, compared to 1.74%
currently; this difference accumulates to 556 million tonnes over the decade. Of the total number of
allowances, 43 % will be set aside as free allowances, new entrants and other purposes while 57 %
of the allowances will auctioned. For ordinary industries (not belonging to the 50 industrial sectors
where carbon leakage, i.e. relocation of EU industrial production to non-EU countries, can occur and
which therefore receive free allowances to maintain competitivity), 30 % of the benchmark
allowances will be obtained for free up to 2026, when it will be linearly decreased to 0 % 2030. The
benchmark will be decreased, depending on the industry by 0.2-1.6 % per year, and the
benchmarks will be updated relative to the 2008 values to account for technical developments.
Some 50 industrial sectors where carbon leakage, i.e. relocation of EU industrial production to non-
EU countries, will receive a higher share of free allowances.

To avoid the issues of oversupply of allowances that has been a problem in phase 3, a Market
Stability Reserve (MRS) will be implemented as of 2019.

There will also be a modernization fund, directed to the 10 poorest EU countries for upgrading the

Grand compromise on ETS reform set to tighten market. Thomson Reuters, 10 November 2017

power generation and supply system, based on 2 % of the auctioning revenues, and an Innovation
Fund, based on the sales of 400 + 50 million allowances plus any surplus from the second call of the
NER 300 program that will finance support to innovation to decarbonize energy-intensive industries
in addition to the innovative energy technologies and CCS covered in the NER300 program.

Renewable Energy Directive RED (2009/28/EC) introduced as a part of the 2020 energy and
climate package in the EU sets a target for 10 % RE fuels in transport (RE-T) in the member states
2020. In the context of the directive “biofuels” means liquid or gaseous fuel for transport produced
from biomass and were “biomass” also include the biodegradable fraction of industrial and municipal
waste. Biofuels are also subject to another criterion to be counted towards the RE-T target, that
GHG saving shall be at least 35 %, from 2017, at least 50 % and from 2018 at least 60 % in
installations in which production started after 1 January 2017. Wastes are included in the group of
materials that have zero GHG starting value up to the collection point. Biofuels made from the
biodegradable fraction of industrial and municipal waste counts for double its energy content
towards the RE-T target.

Following the debate on food and fodder vs. biofuels and other Indirect land use Change (iLUC
directive) (2015/1513/EU) amended the RED directive in order to mitigate some of the
perceived risk with an increased use of biofuels. The definition of waste was referred to the WFD
(Directive 2008/98/EC) and Annex IX A and B was introduced listing waste and residue feedstocks
for “advanced biofuels” that are eligible for double-counting of their energy content towards the
2020 target and also sets at target of 0.5 % in 2020 for these fuels. This listing includes:

• Biomass fraction of mixed municipal waste, but not separated household waste subject to
recycling targets in 2008/98/EC.
• Bio-waste as defined in 2008/98/EC from private households, subject to separate collection
as defined in that Directive.
• Biomass fraction of industrial waste not fit for use in the food or feed chain, including
material from retail and wholesale and the agro-food and fish and aquaculture industry,
excl. feedstocks listed in part B of this Annex.

The directive also states that when setting policies for the promotion of fuels from Annex IX
feedstocks, Member States shall have due regard to the waste hierarchy as established in the WFD,
including life-cycle thinking on the impacts of the generation and management of different waste

In the RED II directive98, as agreed June, among other things, defines the targets for RE-T in the
period 2021 to 2030.The waste hierarchy and circular economy principles are stressed even further
than in the iLUC directive, and replacement effects are also discussed but not causing limitations.

It sets a target for RE-T of 14 % and also a target of 3.5 % (double-counted) for advanced biofuels
(Annex IXA feedstocks)2030 And a trajectory for the period 2021-2030. The waste definition
remains as in the iLUC directive and wastes are part of Annex IXA and can be double-counted. GHG
emissions savings criteria at least 65 % for biofuels from 2021.

It also introduces 'recycled carbon fuels’, liquid and gaseous fuels that are produced from liquid or
solid waste streams of non-renewable origin which are not suited for material recovery as per the
WFD. Member states may or may not include these (from e.g. the fossil fraction of MSW) in the
national targets. Since the fossil part of mixed wastes was not advanced biofuels, this recognition of
recycled carbons fuels and the possibility to include these in the RE-T target is positive from the
perspective of biofuels, as this may be a possibility to valorise also the fossil fraction beyond being a
mere fossil fuel.

This directive also introduces GHG saving criteria biomass power and CHP plants 70 % for
electricity, heating and cooling production from biomass fuels in in installations starting 2021 and 80
% for installations starting operation after 2026. However, this does not apply to waste incineration.

Medium Combustion Plant (MCP) Directive (EU) 2015/2193 covers combustion units in the
range of 1-20 MW thermal using gaseous, liquid or solid fuels. It gives LEVs for such installations,
see Appendix 2, Tables A2.3 and A2.4.


The regulation31, 132 in the waste area in Japan began with the Waste Cleaning Act/Sewage Disposal
Law in 1900, as in many other nations triggered by health concerns. The act made the
municipalities responsible for the waste management and recommended that waste should be
incinerated, if possible. But waste incineration facilities were not common, so waste materials were
burned in the open.

After WWII, due to a combination of population growth and rapid urbanization, waste generation
increased while the collection and disposal of wastes were inadequate. As a consequence, the earlier
law was replaced by the Public Cleansing Law in 1954, which strengthened the role of the
municipalities. Municipal mayors were in charge of the municipal waste management but could also
order proper disposal of other wastes. In practice, however, (industrial) waste generators typically
did this with little oversight from the local authorities. The law also gave the national authorities and
the prefectures a role of giving the municipalities financial and technical support133. Furthermore, in
the Act on Emergency Measures concerning the Development of Living Environment Facilities in
1963, the government formulated the Five-Year Plan for the Development of Living Environment
Facilities in order to establish policies for the development of adequate and more economic waste
collection and logistic systems as well as for the development of waste treatment facilities, including
incineration facilities. Industrial wastes were also treated together with MSW for lack of any other
means. The responsibility of the municipalities resulted in numerous (thousands) small incinerators.

The population development continued in the 1960´s and 1970’s and both the industrial production
and the economy grew rapidly, which in combination with urban and infrastructural developments,
social changes as well as changes in consumption patterns, caused further increases in waste
generation and in pollution to air and water, which was seen as serious problem in many locations
by both the local authorities and the citizens. Scandals involving poisoning-induced health issues in
certain locations due to heavy metal containing waste water released from industries and illegal
dumping further increased the pressure on politicians134. The municipalities also had increased
problems with the increasing waste quantities, and in particular the construction and industrial

To prevent pollution, the Basic Law for Environmental Pollution Control came into force in 1967 and
clarified the responsibilities of the government, the local authorities, the industries releasing
pollutants and the citizens. The increasing pressure from the population regarding environmental
issues, resulted in that the Japanese bicameral parliament, Kokkai, (referred to as the “National
Diet” in English), passed fourteen anti-pollution laws in one session in 1970 (“the pollution Diet”),
including a thoroughly revised Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act (Waste Management
Act) whereby different types of wastes were classified.

The Japanese industrial waste experience: Lessons for rapidly industrializing countries. Yuko Sakita, et al. UNEP 2013
Somewhat simplified, Japan was in 2014 administratively divided into 47 prefectures (or equivalent) and the prefectures are further
divided into 1718 municipalities (or equivalent).
The Evolution of Official Lessons: The Japanese Experience of the “Big Four” Pollution Diseases through the Lens of International
Aid. Oscar A. Gómez Salgado Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences (2008) Vol 1, No 1, 81-100

The Air Pollution Control Act (1968) and the Water Pollution Control Act (1970) codified limiting
emission values for particulates, acid gases, heavy metals and water pollutants, respectively. The
Environment Agency was instituted in 1971 to create a centralized system for environmental
administration to implement pollution-related laws. Furthermore, the government established
standards for municipal waste management facilities in 1971, which were associated with a financial
support system for new installations complying with these regulations. In 1973, the regulation for
the Waste Management Act established assessment standards for hazardous waste. Another
regulation in 1977 established construction and maintenance standards for three types of final
landfill sites for industrial waste: closed landfills, controlled landfills, and open landfills.

Whereas the legislation of the 1970’s had a good result in the area of pollution control, the amount
of wastes generated still increased throughout the 1980’s and 1990’s, and the development in
general and the increasing wealth resulted in new types of wastes such as electronics, scrapped
cars, home appliances, plastic packaging and containers, etc. This caused a rapid filling up of
existing landfills and increasing difficulties in maintaining the operational standards. Increased
dumping and use of illegal landfills led to scandals and public spending to remove waste and to
restore the areas damaged. The shortage of landfills also caused more or less severe controversies,
on the one hand between municipalities, and on the other hand, between the public and
municipalities and other authorities, regarding establishment of landfills and incinerators in one or
the other municipality, or regarding treatment of pre-treated wastes transported from another
municipality (untreated wastes is not allowed be transported outside the municipality).

To improve the situation, the 1970 law was revised in both 1991 and 1997 regarding licensing of
treatment facilities and in the stricter controls of industrial and special wastes, while raising the
penalties for non-compliance. The 1991 amendment included an additional purpose of the law, to
reduce the amount of waste generated and also recycling waste.

In the 1990s, it became more apparent that more fundamental structural changes in environmental
policies were required to cope with the domestic waste problem. In addition, global environmental
issues were increasingly present in the international agenda, following the various UN conferences
and other initiatives from 1972 and onwards. The Act on the Promotion of Effective Utilization of
Resources, 1991, established that environmental considerations should influence product design and
manufacturing as well as defining systems for independent waste collection and recycling by
business operators. The act also was basis for giving support to the development of recycling
technologies. In addition, the government established a variety of recycling acts to further promote
waste recycling, such as the Law for Promotion of Selective Collection and Recycling of Containers
and Packaging (1995), or the Law for the Recycling of Specified Kinds of Home Appliances (1998).

This restructuring led to the 1993 Basic Environment Act135 that states the basic principles of
environment conservation, the responsibilities of various entities, fundamental policies for
environment conservation, emphasis on cooperation between various parties in society-wide efforts
for the protection of the global environment. The act emphasizes the four key concepts of “material
cycles”, “symbiosis”, “participation” and “international efforts”. Concretely, it repealed the 1968 Air
Pollution Control Act, and gave new LEVs for some of the main pollutants and it is still, by
regulations and bylaws the main element of air pollution control. A major revision of the waste
incinerator air pollution regulations was on-going in 2014136.

A plan for the modernization of incinerators was also carried out complemented by a financial
support scheme initiated in 1996 for constructing new large-scale incinerators. Furthermore, to


prevent leaching and dioxin emissions in landfills, a guideline prescribing ash melting was issued in
1996, and this was made a condition for accessing the financial support in 1998137. This had a
profound effect on the technology used, and waste gasification was becoming increasingly common.
However, in 2003, a new guideline acknowledged that exceptions to ash melting could be accepted
and by 2005 the compulsory use of ash melting was lifted.

The Basic Environment Act also established the Basic Environment Plan as a policy tool containing
concepts and long-term (mid 21th century) objectives for continued work, the policies to be
implemented in the earlier part of the century for achieving these objectives. The plan is updated
approximately every five years and the 4th plan is now in force. The progress of the Basic
Environment Plan is monitored annually by the Central Environment Council that reports to the
national government. In the First Basic Environment Plan in 1994, the four long-term objectives
• Environmentally Sound Material Cycle
• Harmonious Coexistence
• Participation
• International Efforts

In 1993 Japan ratified the Basel convention and enacted the Law for the Control of Export, Import
and Others of Specified Hazardous Wastes and Other Wastes to strictly control export and import of
hazardous wastes specified in the Convention.

In the late 1990s, dioxin emissions from waste incineration facilities became a major issue. In 1999,
the Law Concerning Special Measures against Dioxins was enacted. This led to the introduction of
comprehensive measures, including tightened regulations on flue gases from incineration plants,
government support systems for technological development by business operators, and support for
the improvement of incineration plants by local governments. The actions were successful, and the
dioxin emissions were reduced by 98 % from the 5 kg emitted in 1997 within less than a decade.
The ministerial council responsible for the dioxin issue also looked more broadly to the waste
disposal and recycling and recommended reducing the amount of waste generated, promoting
recycling, and setting waste reduction targets. A policy agreement was reached that resulted in the
Basic Act on Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society in 2000, which legally defined the Japanese
version of the waste hierarchy, the “3 Rs”, reduce, re-use, recycle (and where incineration, even if
integrating energy recovery, is seen as a disposal method, albeit better than landfilling), Figure 22.
Following on this policy and previous recycling laws, several new recycling laws were enacted, the
Law on Recycling of Construction-Related Materials, the Law for Promotion of Recycling and Related
Activities for the Treatment of Cyclical Food Resources in 2000, and later also the Law for the
Recycling of End-of-life Vehicles in 2002 (defining that, in addition to a 80 % recycling, also
shredder residues should be recycled to 70 %, i.e. 6 % to disposal, in 2015, and where the industry
already in 2015 achieved over 90 % recycling of this material) and the Law on Promotion of
Recycling of Small Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment in 2012. In other areas, the Law
Concerning the Promotion of Procurement of Eco-Friendly Goods and Services by the State and
Other Entities was also adopted in 2000 while revisions were made to the Waste Management Law
and the Law for the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources.

Latest Results of Bottom Ash Handling in Japan Nobuhiro Tanigaki. 16/4/2015 Japan Environmental Facilities Manufacturers

Figure 22 The Japanese 3R logotype31

Furthermore, in 2001 the Ministry of Environment, MoE, was established as a separate ministry by
merger of other organizations and ministerial departments with responsibilities in the area.

The government also developed the Fundamental Plan for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle
Society in 2003 as a policy support to the act, and the plan was updated in 2008 where low-carbon
measures were more highly profiled. This also led to support measures from 2010 to maintain and
upgrade incinerator in service to avoid landfills and to increase the efficiency in new installations by
setting a target for the installed capacity of 2.5 GW in 2012; however only 1.7 GW was reached138.
A promotion program was initiated in 2010, so that a performance rate reflecting an energy
efficiency was introduced to be eligible for the general investment subsidy of 33 % and for the high
energy efficiency subsidy of 50 %, respectively139. Also, the direct use of heat, and CHP is
promoted, as there are still many incinerators without energy recovery.

The third, updated plan was established in 2013, i.e. occurring after the earthquake and nuclear
accidents in 2011. It is noted in the plan that these events have generated severe strains on the
society to manage the debris and wastes generated by these events. The third plan focuses on
reducing and reusing waste, which tend to lag behind initiatives for recycling and also international
activities. The plans create material flow diagrams representing material entrances, circulation and
exits, as well as setting goals regarding resource productivity, the recycling rate, waste generation
and the final disposal (reduce per capita household waste generation by 25 % in 2020, relative to
2000, final disposal of 17 million ton in 2020, etc.). Several of these goals for 2015, including final
disposal quantities were reached even before this year.

In the area of climate policies140, already in 1990, the Japanese government developed the Action
Program to Arrest Global Warming to achieve the 1990 levels level of CO2 per capita emissions by
2020. Japan was one of the signatories of the Kyoto protocol agreement in 1997, and in Japan the
Act on the Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures was enacted in 1998. In 2005, a Kyoto
Protocol Target Achievement Plan was made to identify the policy interventions needed to meet the
Japanese commitments, which were set to a reduction of 6 % CO2 emissions relative to 1990. One
action was an amendment in 2005 of the 1998 law to include an RPS modality, e.g. requiring a
certain fraction of renewable electricity in the overall electric energy balance, JVETS (Japanese
Voluntary Emission Trading System), where voluntary participants would themselves set a cap on
their own future emissions as basis for issuing tradable emission certificates (based on 1 ton of
CO2eq) to be counted against actual emission performance. The scope of the JVETS covered CO2
emissions from industrial processes (production and energy consumption), offices (energy
consumption) and waste management (waste incineration, waste combustion, and waste recycling).
In 2008, further amendments were applied to transform the JVETS into the Experimental Integrated

Waste to Energy – Heat recovery from waste 1. Hitachi Zosen Corporation. February 25, 2015
Environmental Economic Growth Japanese Initiatives. T FUJITSUKA. The Ministry of the Environment Japan, 25 November 2011
Japan. The World’s Carbon Markets: A Case Study Guide to Emissions Trading. May 2015 (this document also holds references to
the legal enactments discussed)

ETS, which was a mean to integrate various types of emission reductions into one ETS system
(CDM, use of renewable energy, voluntary emission reductions, energy efficiency measures) via the
introduction of J-VER, Japanese Verified Emissions Certificate system into the law, as a mean to
develop a permanent and compulsory system. Since 2009, a grant of 33 % of investments in GHG
emission reductions became available (repayable for underperforming relative to the defined

Further changes to the law were made in 2010. These included a mid-term target to reduce GHG
emissions with 25 % by 2020, compared to 1990 levels, a long-term target to reduce GHG
emissions to 80% below 1990 levels by 2050, a target for renewable energy to 10 % of the primary
energy by 2020 to be supported by a feed-in tariff program, a commitment to establish a domestic
emission trading system (ETS), and the introduction of a carbon tax. The carbon tax was levied on
coal, LPG, natural gas, crude and other oil products from 2012 and has gradually been raised up to
2016 to achieve a consistent level of 289 JPY/ton of CO2 (2.5 €/ton) for all fuels141. Furthermore,
based on the amended act, Guidelines for Controlling Greenhouse Gas Emissions142 have been
formulated for some industrial sectors, including waste incineration143, to encourage business
operators to voluntarily implement environmentally-friendly business actions on a voluntary basis.
The guidelines, which at present have no impact for compliance or non-compliance, can possibly be
the starting point for the development for a BAT regulation.

However, Japan did not sign-up for a second commitment period under the Kyoto protocol in 2010.
The 2011 earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident made Japan reduce its 6 %
target for the first commitment period from 6 % to 3.8 % in 2013. Also, the ETS system was
abandoned in 2012. At the end, the system had grown to almost 400 industrial participants who had
managed to reduce emissions by over 2 million tons since 2006, exceeding the self-imposed
consolidated target of 1.2 million tons made by the participants. The emission certificates that had
initially traded for over 1 200 JPY were now reduced to around 200 JPY (2€). Other complementing
measures were introduced in 2013 such as the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM, fka Bilateral Offset
Crediting Mechanism (BOCM)) and the Japan greenhouse gas emission reduction certification
scheme (J-Credit Scheme).

In addition to the climate change policies there are also supporting policies. The Rational Use of
Energy Act was introduced after the oil crisis in 1979 and was amended in 2012. The amendment on
the one hand focused in the short-term on reducing the peaks in electric consumption after the
2011 events, but on the other hand had a more long-term goal by also targeting the household
appliances and home electronic devices that consume some 70 % of the household electricity,
vehicle efficiency and set criteria for energy savings on other energy- or transport-consuming
products and goods.

In the area of renewable energy, the Act on the Promotion of New Energy Usage of 1997 provided
financial support and loan guarantees to private companies and financial support to local authorities
when establishing new energy projects. As of 2003, this support was replaced by the RPS system,
where utilities were obliged to buy a certain quota of renewable electricity at a negotiated price. The
Act on Special Measures concerning the Procurement of Renewable Electric Energy by Operators of
Electric Utilities (Renewable Energy Act)144 came into force in 2012. The law makes it a requirement

Details on the Carbon Tax (Tax for Climate Change Mitigation). Ministry of the Environment 2012
Japan's Climate Change Policies. Ministry of the Environment, March 18, 2014.
JEFMA, Japan Environmental Facilities Manufacturers Association. The guidelines published have the form
kgCO2/ton waste incinerated = -240*log(ton/day waste incinerated +A. A varies between new and old plants and technologies. New
plants have A=500, new gasification ash melting plants A=560, incinerators with external ash melting A=600. This formula is however
difficult to interpret as an absolute emission, as for large installations above 100 ton/day the emission would become negative, and
waste would generate the same CO2 emission based on its fossil carbon content, irrespective of size and age.
Feed-in Tariff Scheme for Renewable Energy. Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry. 2015

for electric utilities to give grid access to, and to purchase all electricity generated from renewable
energy installations (solar, onshore wind, geothermal, biomass, waste and small hydropower) at a
fixed price (Feed-in Tariff) relating to the technology and capacity of the installation. To compensate
for the cost difference relative to non-renewable power, the utilities can transfer this cost as a pro-
rata surcharge when billing its customers (with some exemptions). The scheme has led to a rapid
increase in the projects adopted145, in particular for non-residential PV installations that have
constituted 2/3 of the RE capacity added since 2012, 80 GW. However, since there is no end date
when an installation has to deliver to the grid, there has been a run to have a good FIT price
contract, but only less than a third of the PV installations have materialized, as costs for the
installations are falling and a late entry may involve a less costly and better performing system. The
surcharge cost has now also risen to 9 % on the electric bill which has aroused protest from
industry (who only pays 20 % of the surcharge), businesses and consumers. As of 2017, the non-
residential PV installations will be contracted via an auctioning scheme. Wind and residential PV will
receive a FIT, but which is reduced over time. Biomass and wastes will benefit from having the FIT
announced 2-5 years in advance and not be subject to a time-reduction. Furthermore, a project lead
time will be applicable in future decision and also a follow up on the compliance with other
conditions of the FIT system.

In addition to the policies of the government, also other stakeholders are active. Keidanren146, the
Japan Business Federation is an organization comprised of 1 300 companies, 121 manufacturing
industries associations, service industries and other major industries and 47 regional economic
organizations. In the environmental and climate areas, the organization has assumed voluntary
commitments in e.g. reducing industrial wastes, energy use and intensity as well as carbon footprint
and carbon intensity through the Keidanren Voluntary Action Plan on the Environment.

4.4.1. Regulations
The main Japanese regulations covering solid wastes and thermal treatment are highlighted below.

Basic Act for Environmental Pollution Control 1967.

It defined the protection of the health of the people and the living environment as the responsibility
of the government at the national level, while local governments were responsible for the pollution
prevention within their jurisdiction with due consideration for the local natural and social conditions.
Residents (physical and legal) should cooperate with the local authorities to implement pollution
control measures. It also made business operators responsible for the prevention of pollution by the
proper treatment of gases, wastewater, and waste.

Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law (Waste Management Law) 1970
It legally defines waste. Waste is furthermore classified as “industrial waste” (further divided into 20
sub-categories) or “municipal solid waste”, and “specially controlled industrial waste” or “specially
controlled municipal solid wastes”, the latter being hazardous in nature. There are separate
regulations and systems stipulated for the four categories in order to ensure appropriate treatment
for each.

It states the Polluter Pays Principle (PPP) for the waste management and introduced standards for
the collection, transport and disposal of industrial waste as well as introduced a licensing system for
industrial waste disposers. Waste other than industrial waste and specially controlled wastes are
defined as “municipal solid waste” which by law must be treated by municipal governments. The
generator of “commercial municipal solid waste” is still responsible for its treatment, but it is

Changes to Japan's Existing Renewable Energy Feed-in-Tariff System. White & Case. June 8 2016.

accepted in the municipal system against a gate fee. The entity generating “industrial waste” has
the legal responsibility for treating it, either in-house or by outsourcing it to a licensed waste
treatment contractor.

1993 Basic Environment Act147

The first chapter sets out three basic principles for environmental conservation; for the sake of
present and future generations, that a society can be formulated where the environment is
conserved, and sustainable development is ensured, promotion of the global environmental
conservation in cooperation with other countries.

The second chapter gives a list of basic policies for environmental conservation considerations in
policy formulation including the establishment of the Basic Environment Plan to give the long-term
policy goals, use of environmental impact assessments when developing projects, economic
measures to encourage environmental activities, policy and measures to deal with global
environmental problems as well as the promotion of education, science and technology, of
environmental activities by corporations, citizens and NGOs. It requires businesses to ensure proper
disposal of waste, to make efforts to reduce the environmental burden from use and post-use of
products and to facilitate recycling.

It also defines the responsibilities of each sector of the society (national and local governments,
corporations, and citizens) in living up to these principles. The third chapter stipulates that the
policies listed in chapter two should be formulated starting with the central government bodies and
going down to the regional and local level.

A bylaw of this act also prescribes more stringent air pollution measures than in the previous Air
Pollution Act. The LEVs in use in Japan are summarized in Appendix 2 Tables A2.5 and A2.6.
However, a major revision of the waste incinerator air pollution regulations was on-going in 2014136,
so the data may soon be changed.

A plan for the modernization of incinerators initiated in 1996, complemented by a financial support
scheme for constructing new incinerators148 above 100 ton/day. The support had the local
authorities as beneficiaries and provided these a support of 33-50 % of the cost for the construction
of modern incinerators. In addition to this direct subsidy, there are also means of bond financing
assisted by tax allocations etc., that significantly reduce the financing cost of waste incinerators for
the municipalities149.

Furthermore, to prevent leaching and dioxin in landfills, a guideline prescribing ash melting was
issued by the Ministry of Welfare and Health in 1996, and an additional guideline made this a
condition for accessing the financial support in 1998137, 150. This had a profound effect on the
technology used, and waste gasification was becoming increasingly common. However, in 2003, a
new guideline acknowledges that exceptions to ash melting could be accepted and by 2005, when
also changing the grant system to a subsidy system, the compulsory use of ash melting was lifted.
However, to receive the 50 % subsidy level, it could still be a requirement. The municipalities can

Incineration of Municipal Waste and Measures against Dioxin in Japan. Tofu Sanbongi et al. Ministry of Welfare and Health NAWTEC
Waste Management for Smart City: Waste-to-Energy Practices in Japan and the Efforts to Implement WtE Projects in Asian
Countries. Shiko Hayashi. International Conference Renewable Energy Asia 2017: Moving Towards ASEAN’s Smart Cities. June 7th,
Bottom ash from incinerators is seen as a waste in Japan, whereby it cannot be re-used, nor be disposed of as “general waste”
unless leaching tests and dioxin analysis results are acceptable. Bottom ash not passing such criteria and fly ash are seen as “specially
controlled wastes” and require a treatment prior to re-use.

however choose a less costly solution, if the disposal of the ash fractions can be arranged but will
receive less support in this case.

Basic Act on Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society

The 2010 amendment of this act included a performance requirement for incinerators to be eligible
for the subsidy of a “General energy recovery system” at 33 % of the investment, or of a “High rate
energy recovery system” at 50 %, respectively. The performance indicator is dependent on the
capacity of the incinerator and is estimated as a notional power efficiency based on the energy in
the power and heat produced relative to the energy in the waste incinerated.

The Act on Special Measures concerning the Procurement of Renewable Electric Energy by
Operators of Electric Utilities144,151,152
This law defines a FIT system that was initiated as of 2012, which is operated by METI. The system
covers electricity generated from renewable energy installations (solar, onshore wind, geothermal,
biomass, waste and hydropower below 30 MW). The FIT for each technology, and capacity when
applicable, is based on the cost of generating electricity by the technology, technical life-time and
the need to ensure that the return to the investor, in particular in the first three years. Installations
that have been approved according to the regulations can then sell the electricity at the FIT price
applicable for the installation for a period of from 10 to 20 years. The technologies and the 2014 FIT
are shown in Figure 23. (Please note changes proposed for 2017 as discussed above). New power
generation from waste receives 18.36 JPY (0.15 €) per kWh produced.

Figure 23 2014 Feed-in Tariffs for Renewable Electricity in Japan

(Adapted from152, data from151).

Renewable Energy Projections Through 2030 and Strategy. Takao Ikeda, November 12th, 2014 APEC EGNRET43, Chiang Mai,
FIT in Japan. Kazuhiro Ueta, Kyoto University, 7 January 2015, IGES‑TERI Policy Research Workshop, India Habitat Centre On
the road to Paris: The readiness of key countries for COP21 and beyond


The policy section focuses on federal polices and legislation. It should be noted that the history of
state legislation and its implementation can differ widely between the states, and where states have
due to the local circumstances been introducing regulations earlier or later, or with a broader scope
than the federal government. However, detailing the development in each state goes beyond the
scope of this section in relation to the main topic of the report.

The early colonial settlers in the new cities in America were using the same methods as they were
accustomed to from Europe for disposing of waste, i.e. dumping in the street153. In the early United
States, initiatives were taken (by e.g. Benjamin Franklin in Pittsburgh, PA) to instead organize
dumping outside the cities or in convenient waterways or requiring citizens to burn combustible
wastes. After the Civil War, cities grew, and immigration increased so that the waste quantities
grew, causing health and sanitation issues in many growing cities. From that period, a similar
development was seen in the US as elsewhere, the cities took more and more interest and control of
the waste management, motivated by the need to safeguard the health of the public. In the late
19th century and early 20th century, the major cities in the east had already organized waste
collection as part of the public works. However, the wastes collected were still dumped or openly
incinerated within what was considered cheap land at a safe distance from the city or dumped at
sea or in waterways. The 1899 Refuse Act, a section of the Rivers and Harbors Act, prohibited
dumping of refuse into navigable waters; however, it related to the risks and difficulties caused for
navigation than on other aspects of waste dumping.

Most states dealt with the waste issue by making it the responsibility of local authorities and by
prohibiting waste dumping on public property and littering.

Landfills was for these local authorities the main mean for waste disposal. These were often
purposefully set afire. In addition, incinerators came into more widespread use. These were often
located in central areas to minimize waste transports and enable heat recovery as mainly steam but
also added to the local air pollution. Another practice was to feed wastes to swine, but in the 1950’s
outbreaks of epizooties caused this to be banned unless the wastes had been cooked before feeding.

In the decades following WWII, the affluence increased, and the composition of solid waste
changed. The waste had up to this time contained ash and food residues, but now paper and plastic
packaging materials and disposable products were found in the waste, and less ash as gas and oil
replaced solid fuels. Also, the waste quantities grew, and waste disposal became an increasingly
pressing issue for local communities, while littering became a general problem, in particular along
highways and roads.

The population also expanded in this period while many Americans moved from rural areas to the
cities. Many of the new city-dwellers came to live in the suburbs where there was yet no organized
trash collection. This led to the emergence of private waste contractors that removed wastes.
Initially, these were local and had small resources for managing the disposal of the wastes.
Gradually the market for these services was consolidated into larger entities that could compete for
contracts based on economy of scale, and also finance the investments needed. However, sanitary
conditions in smaller towns did not improve as soon as they did in cities. As late as in the mid-
1960s, less than half of U.S. towns with populations above 2 500 inhabitants had solid waste
disposal programs in addition to dumping the garbage on cheap land with minor considerations for

Managing America’s Solid Waste. J.A. Phillips. NREL/SR-570-25035. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1998

long-term consequences.

However, and similarly to the situation other continents, in the 1960s and 1970s the effects of
pollution and littering became more noticeable, and scandals aroused the public awareness on
environmental issues. In particular in the 1980s, when compliance with federal and local regulations
forced the public sector to invest in new facilities or the revamping of existing treatment units,
many communities favoured contracting services to private companies instead of organizing waste
collection and disposal as a public operation. In the late 1980s, less than half of the local
communities operated waste services as part of the public works, and less than a third conducted it
in a dedicated commercial entity.

Due to the particular difficult air pollution problems in the Los Angeles area, California enacted a
state air pollution act154. During the 1950s, the Congress enacted the Public Health Service Act,
which authorized the Surgeon General to collect information and develop in relation to the spread
diseases but with an inadequate budget to reach conclusive results.

Also, the Air Pollution Control Act (APCA) of 1955 was the first federal legislation on air pollution and
provided funds to the Public Health Service, 3 million $/year for five years, for research in
monitoring and control of air pollution, and it was prolonged for another four years at 5 million $ in
1959, including a program on health effects vehicle emissions. The act was amended in 1960 and
1962. However, the act did not involve any regulations and control measures, as this was seen as
the responsibility of the states155.

The Clean Air Act (CAA) in 1963, in the wake of strong public pressures, was the first attempt to
actually control air pollution in the USA by allocating 95 million $ to air pollution control by activities
similar as in the APCA. The CAA involved the federal government in inter-state pollution issues and
in addition urged the development of state control agencies153.

Up to the 1960s, there were not any substantial federal involvement in waste management
regulations, but the waste situations and the need for national policies made President Johnson take
the initiative that led to the Solid Waste Disposal Act, passed by the Congress as Title 2 of the 1965
amendments to the 1963 Clean Air Act, i.e. in direct relation to the CAA. This introduced
environmental protection as a second objective to that of safeguarding public health. It recognized
refuse disposal as a national issue, launched a federal research and development program and set
up grants to states and municipalities for new disposal programs. The U.S. Public Health Service and
the Bureau of Mines were implementing authorities. The Bureau of Solid Waste Management
provided funding for states to develop solid waste management plans. At the time, no state had a
solid waste agency, and only five states even had employees in the area. By 1975 all 50 states had
adopted solid waste regulations153.

The Air Quality Act of 1967 enabled the federal government to increase its activities to investigate
enforcing interstate air pollution transport, and for the first time, to perform far-reaching ambient
monitoring studies, emission inventories and stationary source inspections153. The law required
publication of Air Quality Criteria (AQC) reports. The country was divided into Air Quality Regions,
and for the first time in this area included obligations on the states.

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 founded the Council of Environmental Quality,
with responsibility for national policy on solid waste generation and disposal. It also introduced a

Clean Air Act Implementation in Houston: An Historical Perspective 1970-2005. C. D. Forswall and K. E. Higgins. Environmental
and Energy Systems Institute. Rice University. February 2005
Air Pollution Control Technology Handbook. K. B. Schnelle, Jr., C. A. Brown. CRC Press, 19 Apr. 2016

requirement for environmental assessments and environmental impact statements as part of the
planning of federal projects.

In 1970, the federal government enforced stronger regulations on waste management and air
pollution. The 1970 amendment to the Clean Air Act gave the federal government broad regulatory
powers to protect air quality, defining limiting emission values and clearly indicated that polluting
industries would have to close or meet emission standards. This legislation authorized the
development of federal and state regulations to limit emissions from both stationary and mobile
sources. Furthermore, the federal enforcement authority relative to the states, was substantially

Incineration was a common disposal method until the 1960s when the Clean Air Act and its
amendments gradually forced many polluting incinerators to close. There were about 300 solid
waste incinerators in 1968. By about 1975, only some 20-30 newer plants from the 1970s remained
which were using similar pollution control technology that was starting to be used on power plants.

The 1970 Resource Recovery Act (RCA) amended the Solid Waste Disposal Act, reaffirmed a federal
role in solid waste management, shifted emphasis in the federal program from disposal to recycling,
materials recovery, and waste-to-energy conversion and gave federal jurisdiction over hazardous
waste. It authorized a federal grant program for the development and implementation of new waste
technologies and mandated the creation of guidelines for solid waste collection, transport,
separation, recovery, and disposal. The intention was also to improve landfill practices, but without
regulatory authority over solid waste management this was not effective, neither did it provide
significant funding for the development of better landfilling practices. But on the success side, the
federal assistance led to the creation of solid waste management programs in all states by 1975 and
three-quarters of the states had also developed resource recovery programs, including plans for
developing waste-to-energy facilities.

Also, the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, was instituted in 1970 to be responsible for
executing the environmental laws. EPA was organized from the environmental divisions of the
Departments of Agriculture, Interior, and Health, Education and Welfare, as well as from other
federal agencies. A major part of the EPA’s mission is to prevent, reduce, and control pollution
through research, monitoring, regulation, and enforcement. The agency also was responsible for
efforts to stop open dumping.

In other environmental areas, new laws were passed with impact on waste management. The
Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act 1972 attempted to curtail ocean dumping but with
limited success. The Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 had the objective of protecting and
restoring the ground and surface waters.

An outfall of the oil crisis was the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, which mandated the formation
of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Energy Research and Development Administration
(ERDA), which were merged into the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1977, whose mission is to
develop domestic energy resources, including energy recovery from waste, while the Non-Nuclear
Research and Development Act from the same year initiates federal research on, among other
things, the productive use of waste. DOE had the mission to broaden federal control over energy,
including energy from waste. DOE delegated the management of MSW programs to Argonne
National Laboratory until 1986, and then to NREL. In its 1991 National Energy Strategy also
recognized waste combustion as a source of renewable energy.

Following issues with hazardous wastes in landfills, in 1976 the Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act (RCRA) replaced the 1970 RCA. It established a comprehensive federal involvement in

solid waste management that included regulatory authority for the first time. A broad definition of
waste, sub-divided into two categories: hazardous and non-hazardous, gave the federal government
jurisdiction over almost all waste but retained the responsibility of states for regulating solid waste
with one exception, prohibiting interstate movement of waste. The intent of the RCRA legislation
was to improve solid waste management by discouraging open dumping and encouraging the
development of technologies to recover materials and energy from solid waste and included
technical and financial aid to states and municipalities for solid waste management planning.

The law was primarily designed to improve solid waste management practices, but it did not
address closed or abandoned dumps. Due to public pressures in the wake of several cases of
mismanagement of hazardous wastes, instead the regulation of hazardous waste became the
primary concern for the federal government and EPA causing less attention to the other issues
intended. Nevertheless, the practice of open dumping was gradually abandoned for managed
landfills and energy recovery, starting with the bigger cities and gradually spreading out to more
rural areas. In less than a decade, nearly two-thirds of the landfills closed. During the same period,
materials and energy recovery were introduced as important solid waste management options.

The act itself does not refer to the waste hierarchy, but the concept has been widely used both in
state regulations starting with California in the 1980s as well as in national policy and is also
integrated into the EPA guidelines and regulations since the EPA strategy document 1989 Agenda
for Action, which endorsed the concept of integrated waste management.

The 1977 Amendments of the CAA primarily concerned provisions for the Prevention of Significant
Deterioration (PSD) of air quality in areas attaining the National Ambient Air Quality Standards
(NAAQS) and also contained requirements pertaining to sources in non-attainment areas for NAAQS
(i.e. an area is a geographic area not meeting one or more of the federal air quality standards). It
established major permit review requirements to ensure attainment and maintenance of the NAAQS.

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), aka Superfund,
was enacted in 1980 in response to the discovery, in the late 1970s, of a large number of
abandoned, leaking, hazardous waste dumps that were a threat to human health and the
environment. The primary objectives of the Superfund program included identification of potential
release sites, remedy actions and to identify and potentially responsible parties for such sites who
would be liable for the costs for the remedies. The “Super Fund” was established primarily by tax
assessments on oil and designated chemicals, and it created a 1.6 billion $ trust fund to pay for
federal response actions. The problem of abandoned hazardous waste sites proved to be extensive.
By the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986 the program was prolonged
five years, but it also increased the fund to 8.5 billion $.

In 1984, the RCRA was amended by the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA), created
largely in response to citizen concerns that existing methods of hazardous waste disposal,
particularly land disposal, were not safe. The amendments were significant and with differences in
the authority of implementation of this amendment relative to the original RCRA.

The Ocean Dumping Ban Act of 1988 made it illegal to dump, or transport for the purpose of
dumping, sewage sludge or industrial waste into ocean waters after the end of 1991 unless a permit
was obtained from EPA, while the Shore Protection Act from the same year prohibited the
transportation of municipal or commercial waste within coastal waters by a vessel without a permit
and number or other marking from the federal Department of Transportation, but who must deny a
permit if so requested by EPA.

The Pollution Prevention act 1990 made it a national policy that pollution should be prevented and

reduced at the source, and if not feasible recycled if possible and otherwise as a last resort released
or disposed of in a safe and environmentally sound manner. The law concluded that the USA
annually produces millions of tons of pollution and spends tens of billions of dollars per year
controlling this pollution while there are significant opportunities for industry to reduce or prevent
pollution at the source through cost-effective changes in production, operation, and raw materials
use. The view was that opportunities for source reduction were often not realized because existing
regulations, and the industrial resources they require for compliance, focus upon treatment and
disposal, rather than source reduction. The EPA was assigned with the task of establishing a source
reduction program based on information collection, financial assistance to States, other activities to
prevent pollution at the source, promote the use of greener substances, and conserve natural

The Clean Air Act was amended by the 1990 CAAA whereby the authority and responsibility of the
federal government was increased. New regulatory programs were authorized for control of acid rain
and for the issuance of stationary source operating permits. It expanded the National Emission
Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) program for controlling a specified 190 toxic air
pollutants. The provisions for attainment and maintenance of NAAQS were modified and expanded.
Other revisions included provisions regarding stratospheric ozone protection, increased enforcement
authority, and expanded research programs. By amendments in 1996 an even more stringent
regulatory program was enacted. The amendments required EPA to regulate emissions from
facilities producing 10 short tons or more of any one pollutant in a year or 35 short tons per year of
any combination of pollutants. Separate emission guidelines and new source performance standards
were issued for waste treatment facilities such as landfills and small and large municipal waste
combustors. The basis for the emissions standards reflects the maximum achievable control
technology (MACT) meaning that new facilities must control emissions at the level of the best
currently available technology. EPA issued final regulations in November 1995 that include limits on
specific emissions of a number of pollutants, requirements on emission monitoring, performance
standards for pollution control technology, and requirements for training and certifying operators.
States have 1 to 3 years to bring waste-to-energy facilities into compliance with the new

In 1992, the RCRA was amended by The Federal Facilities Compliance Act, which strengthened the
authority to enforce RCRA at federal facilities that up to this time had managed wastes based on
different legal acts and with less involvement of the EPA. A further amendment to the RCRA was
made in 1996 by the Land Disposal Program Flexibility Act of which was designed to provide
regulatory flexibility for the land disposal of certain wastes.

USA signed the Kyoto protocol under President Clinton but could not ratify it under his term. His
successor, President Bush Jr., the father of whom also had resisted international actions at the
Earth Summit in 1992, was opposed to the agreement and in spite of pressures never presented it
to the for ratification in the Senate. Instead, he argued for a national GHG emission reduction
policy, but to the disappointment of many organizations never took the initiative to formulate such a
proposal. However, in later part of his term, he opened up for discussions on the role of USA in the
post-Kyoto negotiations.

In 2002, EPA published “Beyond RCRA: Prospects for Waste and Materials Management in the Year
2020 (2020 Vision)”, where the direction of waste and materials management in the United States
over the next twenty years was discussed. It identified three overarching goals:
• Reduce waste and increase the efficient and sustainable use of resources.
• Prevent exposures to humans and ecosystems from the use of hazardous chemicals.
• Manage wastes and clean up chemical releases in a safe, environmentally sound manner.

The Clear Skies Act156 proposed by President Bush Jr. in 2003 was designed to alleviate air
pollution-related health and environmental problems and targeted fossil-fired power plants above 25
MW electrical. By a cap-and-trade system the sulphur dioxide emissions were expected to be
reduced by 73 %, nitrogen oxides by 67 % and mercury emissions by 69 % in 2018, relative to the
emissions in the year 2000. However, the cap-and-trade system, although generating emission
reductions would be less restrictive on the individual plant emission permitting than the 1990 CAAA
and those opposed to the law saw it as a means to water down the CAAA, it got stuck in a Senate
committee in 2005 and was never enacted.

The CAA was amended in 2007 to also include GHG emissions in the NAAQS and by setting new
performance standards also for such emissions for specific industries.

In June 2009, the EPA published “Sustainable Materials Management: The Road Ahead”157. This
report suggests a roadmap for the future based on materials management—fulfilling human needs
and prospering, while using fewer materials, reducing toxics and recovering more of the materials
used. This strategy would be an important shift of emphasis from waste management to materials
management. Shifting to a materials management approach will refocus the way our economy uses
and manages materials and products. Furthermore, the EPA developed a Pollution Prevention (P2)
Vision158 in 2010 to provide strategic focus and identify current P2 priorities. The P2 Vision
highlights three broad strategic categories: “greening” supply and demand, pollution prevention
integration into other procedures, and the delivery of P2 services.

In the area of climate change, President Obama took an active part in the post-Kyoto negotiations
that led to the Paris Agreement in 2015, and in 2016 together with the Chinese leadership stated
that both countries will ratify the agreement. However, the Trump administration has since decided
to leave the Paris agreement.

4.5.1. US Regulations
The most important regulations are highlighted below with special emphasis on the requirements for
waste handling facilities and thermal treatment.

1976 The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)153, 159, 160 (as amended later) is
the primary law governing the disposal of solid and hazardous waste with the intent to improve solid
waste management. It sets clear national objectives:

• Protection of human health and the environment from the potential hazards of waste disposal.
• Conservation of energy and natural resources.
• Reduction of the amount of waste generated.
• Assurance that wastes are managed in an environmentally-sound manner.

Later, also two other objectives were added:

• Prevention of future problems caused by irresponsible waste management
• Clean up releases of hazardous waste in a timely, flexible, and protective manner.

The act, and the broad definition of wastes, for the first time established federal involvement
including regulation authority in solid waste management, but it did not pre-empt the responsibility
of states for regulating solid waste, with the single exception that states were not allowed to impose

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2010-2014 Pollution Prevention (P2) Program Strategic Plan. EPA February 2010
RCRA Orientation Manual 2014.Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. EPA 2014

bans on importing or exporting waste for storage, treatment, or disposal. Furthermore, it divided
waste into two categories: hazardous and non-hazardous. The latter type of waste was both defined
as per a list and per characteristics.

RCRA encouraged states to develop solid waste management plans and offered them technical and
financial assistance to implement the plans. Forty-eight states have had their plans and procedures
authorized as fulfilling at least the minimum requirements of the RCRA by EPA (Alaska and Iowa are
lagging). EPA can delegate certain parts of the implementation to the states if there is a state plan,
while the absence of a plan makes the individual waste operators fully responsible for fulfilling RCRA
requirements. The Act includes a Congressional mandate for EPA to implement the law. This is done
by EPA regulations providing explicit, legally enforceable requirements for waste management
collected in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Parts 239 through 282. EPA guidance
documents provides direction for implementing and complying with regulations while EPA policy
statements specify operating procedures that should generally be followed.

In addition, RCRA charged EPA with gathering information about how to reduce the amount of solid
waste generated, about markets for materials and energy recovered from waste, and about solid
waste management methods and costs. Although the act itself does not refer to the waste
hierarchy, the concept is integrated into the EPA guidelines and regulations.

The present-day act commonly known as RCRA is a combination of the first act in 1970 and all
subsequent amendments;
1984 The Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA). It responded to citizen concerns that
of hazardous waste disposal, particularly land disposal, was not safe and focused phasing out land
disposal of hazardous waste and expanded EPA’s corrective action authority.
1992 The Federal Facilities Compliance Act, which strengthened the authority to enforce RCRA at
federal facilities.
1996 The Land Disposal Program Flexibility Act of 1996 to provide regulatory flexibility for the
land disposal of certain wastes.

The law is organized in sub-titles A-J. Of particular relevance is the solid waste program, RCRA
Subtitle D, encourages states to develop comprehensive plans to manage non-hazardous industrial
solid waste and municipal solid waste, sets criteria for municipal solid waste landfills and other solid
waste disposal facilities, and prohibits the open dumping of solid waste. States play a lead role in
implementing these regulations and may set more stringent requirements. Title 40 of the CFR parts
239 -259 contain the regulations for solid waste. The most relevant parts for thermal treatment are:

Part 240 – Guidelines for the Thermal Processing of Solid Wastes gives broad recommendation on
the design, operation, monitoring practices, etc. for incineration at large facilities (50 tons per day
or more). Among these regulations it can be highlighted that recovery of energy generated should
be considered but is not an obligation, emissions should be compliant with the CAA stipulations,
otherwise operation must be changed (fuel type capacity reduction) until they are in line with these,
more intense monitoring 12-18 month after construction or major changes, solid processing
residues must be disposed of in an environmentally acceptable manner.

Part 241 - Solid Wastes Used as Fuels or Ingredients in Combustion Units. This section defines
materials that are not seen as wastes when used for combustion purposes. This includes various
forms of clean or cleanly processed biomass as well as some wastes and secondary materials, e.g.
used tires.

Clean Air Act (CAA)153, 161, 162
The objective of the CAA is to protect public health and welfare from different types of air pollution a
variety of pollution sources. The basic structure was made in 1970 and later amended in 1977 and
in 1990.

The Act requires EPA to set, and every five-year revise as found necessary, the national ambient air
quality standards (NAAQS) to, without regard to costs, protect public health with an adequate
margin of safety for certain “criteria pollutants”. At present, these are: sulphur dioxide, carbon
monoxide, particles, nitrogen dioxide, ozone and lead. Secondary standards are set to protect from
adverse effects on soil, water, crops, buildings, etc. EPA will, based on a network of air quality
monitoring data and after considering state recommendations, determine whether areas do
(“attainment areas”) or do not (“non-attainment areas”) meet the air quality standards for each of
the criteria pollutants, or for lack of data are “unclassifiable”, then managed as an “attainment

Implementing the air quality standards is a joint responsibility of states and EPA with due regard to
the economic impacts. In this partnership, states are responsible for developing enforceable state
implementation plans (SIPs) to maintain air quality that meets national standards and limit
emissions that cause air quality problems in a downwind state. SIPs also contain emission limits and
compliance schedules for stationary pollution sources and can also address measures against vehicle
emissions. If the implementation is inadequate, the EPA is required to issue a federal
implementation plan. In non-attainment areas, a SIP must be developed and accepted within 3
years and show attainment within typically 5-10 years. The plan must address existing stationary
sources by establishing reasonably available control measures (RACM) including reasonably
available control technology (RACT) and must achieve annual emissions reductions that represent
“reasonable further progress” (RFP) toward meeting the standard on time. New major stationary
sources require a preconstruction permit. This entails emission controls meeting the “lowest
achievable emission rate” (LAER) defined by the best installations of the same kind. Furthermore,
under this permit program, new plants cannot be built in nonattainment areas unless the added
emissions are offset by reductions in pollution from existing facilities in the area.

In attainment areas, the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) program was added in 1977
requiring SIPs to include measures to prevent existing air quality from deteriorating from pollutants
increasing above a maximum allowable concentration. This also includes a preconstruction PSD
permit program. The permit requires that the added emissions from a new installation, designed
with consideration for cost and other factors, that are shown not to contribute to an increase in
excess of the allowable increment or any national ambient air quality standard, or that the added
emissions will not have an adverse impact on in “Class I” area such as national parks, etc.

To give regulatory guidance for permitting, the EPA sets emissions standards for new and modified
stationary pollution sources for industrial installations relevant for the pollution emission and
control. These “new source performance standards” (NSPS) typically apply to industrial facilities
such as power plants and manufacturing facilities, but also in cases for smaller equipment e.g. wood
stoves. NSPS often limit criteria pollutants or precursors, but also since 2007 can apply to other
pollutants, including greenhouse gases. EPA defines the level of emissions performance achievable
through the best demonstrated control system of emission reduction “best available control
technology” (BACT), considering cost and other factors, but does not specify the technology to be
used. Updating of standards is required at least every eight years.

The Clean Air Act in a Nutshell: How It Works. EPA March 22, 2013

Already in 1970, the CAA had required EPA to regulate hazardous air pollutants on a pollutant‑by‑
pollutant basis, based on risk. In 1990, EPA had only managed to regulate some sources regarding
seven pollutants. In the 1990 CAAA Congress listed nearly 190 hazardous air pollutants (but gave
EPA authority to modify the list if warranted) and obliged EPA to issue “maximum achievable control
technology” (MACT) emissions standards for new and existing major industrial sources of these
pollutants within 10 years. These NESHAP (New Emission Source Standards for Hazardous
Pollutants) standards require existing higher‑emitting sources to reduce their emissions to at least
the level already achieved by the average of the top‑performing 12 % of existing emitters in an 8-
year review cycle of the standards. When EPA issued its acid rain rule under the 1990 Clean Air Act
amendments, it included waste-to-energy plants in a list of renewable energy generation facilities.

With regard to specific industries, EPA was required to regulate hazardous air pollutant emissions
from electric utilities, resulting in that final standards were issued in 2012. The US Congress also set
a goal of reducing the annual SO2 emissions by 10 million tons below the 1980 level by means of a
market‑based emissions capping and trading approach. The initial phase, starting in 1995, applied
to over 100 large coal‑fired power plants. The second phase, starting in 2000, brought smaller
plants and cleaner plants (coal‑, gas‑, and oil‑fired) into the program.

Also, to control emissions from solid waste incinerators burning municipal, hospital, medical, and
other commercial and industrial wastes standards similar to MACT were introduced for various
categories of incinerators for specified criteria and hazardous air pollutants. Furthermore, EPA was
also required to issue guidelines for states to control emissions from existing installations. EPA
initially issued emissions guidelines for large municipal waste combustors (with capacities of 225
tons or more per day) in February 1991, but in 1996 the regulations became even more stringent.

The amendments required EPA to regulate emissions from facilities producing 10 short tons or more
of any one pollutant in a year or 35 short tons per year of any combination of pollutants. Separate
emission guidelines and new source performance standards (where states had the responsibility to
ensure operator compliance within three years) were issued for waste treatment facilities such as
landfills and in 1995 for large municipal waste combustors163 (processing 225 tons per day or more)
and in 1993 for small waste combustors164 (processing 36 to 225 tons per day or less), see
Appendix 2, Tables A2.7 and A2.8. The basis for the emissions standards reflects the maximum
achievable control technology (MACT). The new regulations covered particulate matter, acid gases
(sulphur dioxide and hydrogen chloride), nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, metals (lead, cadmium,
and mercury), dioxin, and dibenzofurans. The standards include limits on specific emissions,
requirements on monitoring emissions, performance standards for pollution control technology, and
requirements for training and certifying operators. To which extent these regulations also apply to
other forms of thermal treatment of wastes such as e.g. gasification and pyrolysis is not clear, in
particular if the gas is cleaned165.

5. Gasification technologies applied to waste

Gasification is by definition the conversion of a solid or liquid fuel, but also e.g. various waste
fractions in the context of this report, to a gaseous energy carrier with a useable heating value that
can be used for a number of purposes. Gasification can allow fuel contaminants to be isolated from
the gas, e.g. as an ash separation method, or to allow other fuel contaminants to become available
for cleaning, prior to the use of the energy value of the gas.

40 CFR Part 60
40 CFR Part 62
Environmental Advantages of Gasification: Public and Agency Awareness. Steve Jenkins. Gasification Technologies Conference 2015.
October 13, 2015

One of the main advantages of gasification with respect to conventional combustion refers to the
versatility of applications of the product gas. The gas produced by gasification can find use as a fuel
in kilns or furnaces to substitute other conventional and mostly fossil fuels. Another use of the
product gas is in a prime mover, where an unconverted solid fuel could not be used, thereby
allowing a higher conversion of fuel energy to electrical energy than could otherwise be achieved by
e.g. combustion to generate steam to power a steam turbine. Finally, the purpose may be to
transform the solid fuel in such a way that specific chemical compounds can be isolated, e.g. CO and
hydrogen, for use as a basis for the synthesis of chemical compounds such as e.g. methanol. Most
of the above applications require gas cleaning to some extent. Gasification systems and applications
using gas cleaning is in the focus of the report, as such systems can utilize the potential of
gasification technologies to its full extent.

Over the last twenty years, significant advances have been made in the field of gasification of
biomass and wastes and the associated gas cleaning, even if it for biomass and wastes is still not a
fully industrial technology. There have been some recent reviews providing details on the


The conversion of a solid fuel to a raw product gas encompasses several stages, Figure 24:
• drying of the residual moisture in the fuel
• the pyrolytic decomposition of the fuel to;
o additional water vapor emanating from the decomposition,
o light gases such as CO, CO2, H2, CH4, C2 and C3 hydrocarbons,
o light aromatics benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX),
o heavier hydrocarbons from naphthalene (C10) and higher including PAH
compounds generally referred to as tars, most commonly in the vapor phase at
gasification temperatures and
o solid carbonaceous residue generally referred to as char.
• The conversion of the char by direct oxidation with oxygen to mainly CO2 or by gasification
reaction involving water vapor and CO2 to CO and H2, or CO, respectively.
• Secondary gas phase reactions such as the water gas shift, steam/CO2 reforming of
hydrocarbons and other less defined reactions of hydrocarbons etc.

Process and technological aspects of municipal solid waste gasification. A review. U. Arena. Waste Management 32 (2012) 625–639.
Waste Gasification by Thermal Plasma: A Review Waste and Biomass Valorization. September 2013, Volume 4, Issue 3, pp 421–439

+ O2 CO+CO2+ heat
+ H2O +heat
Solid or CO + H2
BIOMASS +heat (+heat) + CO2
gas-solid STEAM
reactions Drying Pyrolysis Soot carbon
+heat CO
+ H2O CO2
Gas phase H2
or catalytic CH4 + H2O CO + 3H2
reactions GASES CO + H2O CO2 + H2 + heat

+ O2 H2O +CO2+ heat

Primary reactions Secondary reactions

Figure 24 Gasification reaction scheme

In addition to the reactions of the combustible part of the waste fuel, there are also reactions
involving the inorganic ash constituents and bed materials present. Figure 25 schematically depicts
the changes occurring in the ash during gasification/combustion.

The ash is both contained in the fuel matrix and as excluded minerals e.g. earth and sand. During
the pyrolysis stage, and under the locally reducing conditions in the fuel particle, certain elements
can volatilize to the gas phase and further devolatilization of inorganics can occur as temperature
increases and the chemical environment changes during char oxidation. In the gas phase, certain
elements may precipitate from the gas homogeneously and form very fine particles, in particular
during gas cooling. More commonly, other particles present, e.g. from ash or bed material serve as
condensation nuclei. Having condensed, many inorganics, but in particular alkalis can interact
chemically with the condensation nuclei on the surface and form a layer of e.g. sticky or low
melting, “glassy” material that the causes agglomeration of the particles, particle fouling of surfaces
and even sintering or melting. These phenomena have impacts on operation of the gasifier, from
generation of pressure drop, channelling of gas and oxidant, temperature deviations, defluidization,
corrosion of metals and refractories as well as of fouling and plugging of gas coolers.

Figure 25 Schematic description of ash behaviour during gasification. 168

Most of the main gasification reactions are endothermic. The main exception is oxidation of char (or
combustible gases) by oxygen, but also the water gas shift towards hydrogen and the pyrolysis in
certain temperature windows, which are also exothermic. Therefore, there is a need to supply to, or
generate energy within the gasifier to balance the overall conversion. There are two main principles
used for the supply of energy to the gasification process: autothermal and allothermal gasifiers,

5.1.1. Autothermal and allothermal gasifiers

Autothermal gasifiers (also referred to as direct gasifiers) provide the necessary heat of conversion
by adding an oxidant to achieve partial oxidation of the fuel within the gasification reactor. This
releases energy directly in the reactor where it is consumed. Autothermal conditions are easy to
achieve using air or oxygen. Overall the complexity of the gasification process is reduced compared
to allothermal gasifiers. However, the heat release occurs in the zone of contact between the
oxidant and a combustible, and either requires a good internal heat transfer to even out the
temperature or causes a temperature gradient inside the gasifier.

The choice of oxidant (air or oxygen) has a large impact on the gas quality. If air is used, the
product gas also contains the nitrogen associated with the air. This reduces the heating value of the
product gas, (LHV is about 4‑6 MJ/Nm3); if a mixture of oxygen and steam is used, the LHV of the
resulting product gas is about 10‑12 MJ/Nm3. In addition, the high nitrogen content in the product
from an air blown gasifier also makes the gas unsuitable as a synthesis gas to produce liquid energy
carriers or chemicals, so mixtures of oxygen and steam are used as gasification agent exclusively
used for such products. The air separation unit then also adds to the overall cost of the plant, in
addition to the gasifier, and this also pushes the gasifier to a larger scale for economic reasons.

Ash-forming elements and their chemical forms in woody biomass fuels. J. Werkelin. Åbo Akademi Tekniska Fakulteten,
Processkemiska centret. REPORT 08–06

Allothermal (or indirect) gasifiers are characterized by the fact that heat is provided from a
separate heat source outside of the gasifier reactor, i.e. the processes of heat production and heat
consumption are physically separated. The fuel is fed to, and gasified, in the gasification reactor to
which the necessary heat is transferred. There are two main types of allothermal reactor. One uses
a solid heat carrier (sand or larger aggregates) that is circulated between the gasification and
combustion reactors, respectively. The hot energy carrier coming into the gasification reactor
releases heat to drive the gasifier reactions, and when leaving to the combustion reactor also
withdraws a major part of the remaining solid residue (char). In the combustion reactor, which is
operated at a higher temperature than the gasifier, the remaining solid char from the gasification
reactor is combusted, and the energy carrier is thereby reheated before being returned to the
gasifier. By the use of suitable seals between the reactors, e.g. loop seals in fluidized beds, the
contact between the product gas and the air, and between the oxygen containing flue gas and the
product gas, respectively, is minimized. However, depending of the characteristics of the bed
material there is always some transport of surface-bound oxygen together with the circulating bed
material, which can range from negligible for most low porous sands to very significant for materials
undergoing an oxidation-reduction cycle when being moved from the combustor to the gasifier, and

The second type is the heat-integrated gasifier, where part of the product gas, or char residues, are
separated from the product gas and are burnt, and via some form of indirect heat exchanger the
energy in the hot flue gas is transferred to the gasifier by a combination of radiation and convective
heat transport.

In contrast to autothermal gasifiers where only one product gas stream is produced, allothermal
gasifiers generally produce two separate gas streams: a medium calorific product gas stream having
a low content of nitrogen from the gasification reactor, and a flue gas stream from the combustion
reactor. Both streams need to be cleaned to the standard required for the gas end user (product
gas), or for release to the stack (flue gas), respectively. The production of an almost N2‑free gas
without the need for pure oxygen is one of the advantages of allothermal over autothermal
gasification processes. The LHV of the product gas is about 12‑14 MJ/Nm3 if steam is used as
gasifying agent.

One additional advantage of the allothermal system is that all carbon containing residual streams
from the product gas cleaning (such as carbon-containing fly ash or tar liquids separated) can be
recycled to the combustion reactor and incinerated. Thereby the energy content of the initial solid
fuel is efficiently recovered in the process (complete carbon conversion) which also make secondary
waste by-products more acceptable.

A disadvantage is that two gaseous product streams need to be cleaned, instead of just one product
gas stream in the case of an authothermal reactor. For waste processing this has some implications,
unless only a fully cleaned gas is used as a heat source. Since there is a combustor firing waste,
from the EU definition, such a gasification system using waste will always be an incinerator
irrespective of the use of the gas, which may not be the case for an authothermal gasifier if the
product gas is not used for power and heat.

Hybrid gasifiers contains elements of both the autothermal and allothermal type of gasifiers.
Indirect plasma gasifiers transfers heat from electricity via an injection of a plasma gas (most often
air) as a heat carrier to the gasifier, most often air. Direct plasma gasifiers use a plasma arc to
transfer heat to a melt within the gasifier reactor. But plasma gasifiers also use air or oxygen as in
an autothermal reactor to limit the electric energy consumption for the plasma from becoming

Other examples of a hybrid gasifier are when an external regenerative pre-heating of the gasifier air
or steam to very high temperatures is used to supply a large fraction of the energy to the gasifier as
sensible heat, thereby reducing the oxidant flow.

5.1.2. Operating conditions for waste gasifiers and other gasifiers

Due to the fuel properties of most wastes, gasifiers designed for coal are typically not well-suited for
wastes. Instead, waste gasifiers are for the same reason, i.e. fuel properties, better suited for to
biomass gasification systems. However, there are two main differences between waste gasifiers and
the design used for biomass gasifiers. First, due to the fact that waste as a fuel, and in particular
unsorted waste, has a large variability in size and composition and contains both heavy and light as
well as combustible and non-combustible material, both the feed system and the gasifier must be
able to handle both coarse and fine materials and a varying degree of fuel quality.

Secondly, even when using high grade pre-treatment by separation, the non-combustible, “ash”
content of waste fuels is still higher than for a typical biomass fuel, therefore the ability to extract
ash and to control ash inventory is important.

To manage a very variable fuel composition and appearance tunnels, kilns, grates and shaft
furnaces are well suited in much the same way as for similar incineration plants using combustion.
But, as is also the case for incinerators: fluidized beds can cope with waste when shredding ensures
that the remaining fuel particles are not too coarse to fluidize and when most non-combustible
material is already separated out, in particular metals and glass that can cause bed-related

For most conventional fuels, the gasifier operating temperature is defined to achieve a good carbon
burn-out and in some cases to reduce tars. The char conversion is often the rate limiting step for
carbon conversion, and there are benefits from higher operating temperatures through the
combined action of the steam and CO2 gasification kinetics and the fast reaction with the
additionally oxidants used to reach the temperature. The ash mainly constitutes of mineral oxides
and is half-way inert during these reactions. If molten ash gasifiers are used, then also the viscosity
of the slag is guiding the operating temperature.

However, in comparison with woody biomass, waste materials have a high content of paper,
plastics, etc. and a lower content of wood. The loss of weight during the pyrolysis is therefore higher
and the formation of char is reduced. Many so-called gasifiers for waste operate at 400-600 °C, as
opposed to 800-900 °C for biomass gasifiers, to avoid partial or complete oxidation of metals. This
allows the recovery of the metal and avoids operational issues related to the melting of glass
particles contained in the fuel. If the carbon content is an issue, the char can be separated and
recycled. Gasifier operating in the normal temperature range, 800-900 °C causes metals to be
oxidized and thereby reduce their value, even if some energy is released in the gasifier, and the ash
becomes more inert.

Low temperature operation obviously has a negative impact on tar formation, see Section 6.2.2, but
since most so-called gasifiers have a close-coupled combustion stage or high-temperature gas
treatment stage immediately downstream of the gasifier (and thereby also meeting the IED
requirement for2 s residence time above 850 °C), this has limited impact on the final gas quality.

The other aspect is that various hazardous inorganic materials are present in the ash, such that
there is a desire to melt the ash to form vitrified slag to reduce the leaching of the ash. In the case
that there is a high metal content in the ash, this can be combined such that by adding coke
reduced metals can be recovered from the gasifier bottom.

5.1.3. Typical bulk gas compositions
The typical composition of a dry gas produced during the biomass gasification process is shown in
Table 8. As can be seen, the gas components from oxygen and steam gasification differ significantly
in their respective concentration. During air or oxygen gasification, combustion products (CO2, but
also H2O) are present in the product gas to dilute the combustible compounds and take part in the
chemical reactions, mainly in char gasification and water gas shift reaction but also for reforming of
hydrocarbons. Steam gasification results in a higher concentration of hydrogen in the product gas.

For allothermal steam gasifier where part of the fuel is converted in the combustor and therefore
does not contribute to the gasifier gas volume the specific gas yield is lower than for autothermal
reactors as the gas is diluted with more H2O and CO2 combustion products, and also from N2, if air is
used as an oxidant.

Also, methane and also other hydrocarbons (including tars), which exclusively emanate from the
fuel devolatilization, are higher in concentration in the indirect gasifier, both due to the lower
dilution of other species, but also because the (peak) operating temperature is lower than in other
gasifiers, and in particular for entrained flow and downdraft fixed bed gasifiers where the very high
operating temperature results in the decomposition of hydrocarbons.

Table 8 Typical bulk gas compositions for three different gasification systems 169

Gas composition Air gasification Oxygen gasification Steam gasification

vol.% (Fixed bed) (Entrained flow) (Fluidized bed)
CO 13–18 45–55 25–30
CO2 12–16 10–15 20–25
H2 11–16 23–28 35–40
CH4 2–6 0–1 9–11
N2 45–60 0–1 0–5
LHV MJ/Nm3 4–6 10–12 12–14


There are several configurations of gasification reactors, Figure 26 to Figure 29. The gasifiers are
typically grouped based on their flow pattern and gas-solid contact into moving beds (often referred
to as fixed beds and divided by the flow pattern into co-current or downdraft types and
countercurrent or updraft types, respectively), fluidized beds and entrained flow gasifiers. To these
generic gasifier types, also other gasifiers can be incorporated on the basis of their functions, i.e.
grate and kiln gasifiers are typically classified as moving bed gasifiers, as is some of the indirect
heat carrier gasifiers. Indirect gasifiers are also often based on fluidized beds, and heat integrated
processes have different combinations of moving bed and entrained flow reactor types.

In addition, there is the entrained flow or suspension gasifier, where fine particles (pulverized fuel)
are injected with the oxidant in a very dilute stream in a burner, and which is commonly used at
large scale (several hundred MW thermal in terms of fuel feeding) for coal and oil in pressurized
operation. However, this gasifier type is not suitable for wastes in general. Entrained flow gasifiers
require a pumpable and atomisable liquid, or fine (< 0.1 mm) homogenous solid fuel particles.
These are constraints that restrict waste gasification in most circumstances, unless only special
qualities of fuel, (e.g. liquid oil wastes, dried sludges) are considered.

Status report on thermal biomass gasification in countries participating in IEA Bioenergy Task 332016. J. Hrbek.
IEA Bioenergy Task 33. April 2016.

The remaining gasifier types, i.e. updraft moving bed (or the equivalent of grate gasifier), indirect
double bed gasifiers and stationary (bubbling) and circulating fluidized beds have all been used for
waste. So-called plasma gasifiers are in many cases also mainly of the updraft moving bed type, or
in one case a fluidized bed, and in a few cases molten bath gasifiers.

Figure 26 Different authothermal (direct) gasification reactor types169

Figure 27 Different authothermal gasifiers

Figure 28 Different allothermal gasifiers

Figure 29 Different allothermal gasifiers

Table 9 highlights some of the characteristics of different gasifier types in terms of the fuel particle
size that can be accepted and the operating conditions. One key parameter is the superficial
velocity. Since the specific gas production does not vary too much between different gasifiers, for a
specific fuel using the same oxidant or type of indirect heating, the superficial velocity is more or
less directly related to the gasifier capacity in kg/s, m2, or W/m2. Since vessels larger than 3-4 m in

diameter are difficult to produce in ordinary workshops, this also sets the limits for the possible
gasifier capacity per unit, and where pressurization can be used to increase the throughput. On the
other hand, a high velocity and the requirement for a minimum reaction time or particle
disengagement time defines the height of the gasifier. Therefore, moving beds, irrespective if down-
or updraft, with low gas velocity, are only used for small scale applications.

Another key parameter is the operating temperature: high-temperature potentially causes ash
agglomeration issues, so most gasifiers (fluidized beds and moving beds) operate below 900-950
°C, or lower due to ash issues. Entrained flow gasifiers operate at distinctly higher temperatures as
these relies on melting the ash and to remove it as a free-flowing slag. At these high-temperatures,
the additional benefit is the thermal decomposition of tars and hydrocarbons. To reach very high-
temperature requires oxygen rather than air and the oxidation consumes more of the fuel energy,
thereby reducing the gas heating value and the cold gas efficiency. Furthermore, the short reaction
time and high demands on feeding stability requires a high level of fuel pre-treatment that entails

In an updraft gasifier, the hot gases generated from the oxidation at the bottom passes through the
bed of fuels undergoing pyrolysis and drying, so that the sensible energy of the product gas can be
used for preheating of reactant gases, and the outlet temperature at the top is distinctly lower than
the bottom temperature. This leads to a high efficiency, but the tar-laden pyrolysis gases never
pass through a high temperature zone, and hence the tar content in the outlet becomes extremely
high and becomes a limiting factor for the applicability of the technology.

The internal mixing in the gasifier relates to the capability for suppressing local overtemperatures
but also the contact between the gas and the bed materials, which is of importance for catalytic
reactions for tar decomposition. So, when selecting the gasifier type there is a number of
parameters to consider and relate to the fuel properties, the application and its commercial

Table 9 Typical gasification reactor characteristics

Gasifier type Moving bed Stationary Circulating Entrained

fluidized bed fluidized bed flow

Capacity range MW Thermal Downdraft < 1 10-50 20-150 100-400

(Typical op. pressure) Updraft < 10 (atmospheric) (atmospheric) (1-3 MPa)
(atmospheric) < 200 (< 3 MPa)
Bed material, particle size, mm none 0.1-0.5 0.1-0.4 none
Particle size, fuel, mm 10-100 1-100 1-100 < 1 mm
Operating temperature, °C 800 800, bottom, 800-950 1 400-1 500
200-300, top
Gas superficial velocity, m/s 0.1-0.5 0.5-1,5 4-8 15-25
Ugas/Uterminal <<1 <1 >1 >>1
Gas mixing Near plug flow Complex Dispersed plug Near plug flow
Solids mixing Very low High, complex High,flow
complex Low
Voidage, % 0.4–0.5 0.5–0.85 (0.5) 0.85–0.98 0.98–0.998
Temperature gradients High Low Low High
Tar content in gas, g/Nm3 Downdraft < 1 > 10 > 10 <<1
Updraft >>10
Particles in gas g/Nm3 0.1-0.2 0.1-1 2-20 1

5.2.1. Co-current (downdraft) moving bed gasifiers
Down-draft moving bed gasifiers, see Figure 26, have fuel feeding from the top and the bed formed
moves slowly downward while the fuel forming the bed undergoes drying and pyrolysis in fairly well-
defined zones as it gradually approaches the lower and hotter parts of the gasifier. The moisture
evaporated pyrolysis gases generated also flow downwards co-currently with the moving bed, this
being the root of the generic name. In the lower part of the gasifier, there is typically a section with
smaller diameter than in the top of the gasifier, the throat. The oxidant, almost exclusively air, is
injected around the circumference of the gasifier just above, or in the throat. The air reacts with
char and gases present to create an incandescent char bed glow zone at approximately 1 000°C.
The tar-laden pyrolysis gases pass through the pores of this glowing bed and the temperature and
contact with the char causes decomposition of the tars. This oxidation zone can for well-designed
units operating on a suitable fuel give tar contents as low as below 1 g/Nm3. In addition, steam and
CO2 in the gas react with the char producing additional hydrogen and carbon monoxide. The product
gas continues further downward and leaves the gasifier just above the grate at the bottom of the
vessel at approximately 800°C, this being controlled by the air injection. Ash and unreacted char fall
through the grate and are removed. In some cases, the product gases pass upwards in an annulus
outside the gasifier such that heat is transferred indirectly through the wall to assist in the pre-
heating and pyrolysis of the fuel bed above the throat.

The fuel material in the bed must have sufficient mechanical strength so as not to collapse by the
weight of the material on top of it to maintain a bed porosity and voidage to allow stable flow fields
for the gas in order to maintain a reasonable pressure drop. Bed fines or friable material that can be
entrained by the gas flow can cause blockage of pores and flow maldistribution in the throat section
leading to degraded performance and tar slip. This favours fuels of a well-defined size not containing
too much fines, and for which ash properties (melting, sintering) are not too difficult.

Downdraft fixed beds is the gasifier of choice at the smallest capacity, below 1 MW. The limit is in
this case the throat section. Experience shows that the uniform flow through the char bed in the
throat section is essential for sufficient tar decomposition to be achieved. Since capacity scaling
means increasing both the gasifier and throat diameter, at some point the air injection is not
sufficiently mixed into the gas over the entire cross section, such that the porosity and the
movement of the fixed bed become less uniform causing channelling and tar by-pass in the throat

Using waste materials with a very variable composition and shape and size of the fuel particles as a
fuel is therefore quite challenging in this design. This sensitivity to the fuel characteristics combined
with the low capacity per gasifier inherent to this design means that it is rarely used for e.g. MSW or
other wastes, but may be used for industry-specific, suitable materials. Inorganics in waste
materials, both metallic or compounds, that have a high enough vapor pressure will tend to vaporize
into the gas at the high temperature in the throat zone.

5.2.2. Co-current (updraft) moving bed gasifiers

In moving bed updraft gasifiers, see Figure 26, the oxidant, most often air, is injected at the bottom
of the gasifier and the product gas flows upward and exits at the top of the gasifier, this upward
flow giving this type its generic name. In such gasifiers well-defined temperature zones are
established, from the fuel drying section at the fuel inlet, the pyrolysis zone beneath the drying zone
and the reduction zone where the combustion gases react with the char from pyrolysis and finally
the combustion or glow zone at the bottom where the oxidant (air or oxygen combined with steam)
is injected. The final burn-out of the char occurs on a moving grate through which the ash falls
through into the ash outlet. The oxidant is injected at a rate such that the heat release from partial
oxidation of the fuel balances the gasifier heat demand to a desired exit temperature. The hot

product gas from the glow zone going upwards is the heat carrier that heats up the fuel to reach the
temperature to achieve pyrolysis and the drying prior to extracting the cooler gases at the top at a
temperature where excessive tar condensation does not occur, typically at 200-400 °C. The gas
from an updraft gasifier has very high tar content, 40-100 g/Nm3 since the fuel is pyrolyzed slowly
and the tar formed goes away with the gas towards the top, such that it is never exposed to high
temperature. In the case of waste, where the organic structure can contain nitrogen, fluorine,
chlorine, bromine, sulphur, etc., the tar composition is also more complex than from pure
lignocellulosic sources.

For this type of gasifier, the far higher content of tars contained in the product gas and the low
gasifier exit temperature results in that the tars are partially in the gas phase and partially present
as condensed aerosols already at the exit of the gasifier. For this type of gasifier, more than for
other types, tars not only constitute a gas cleaning problem, but also a waste problem and an
energy balance issue.

As already explained in Section 5.2.1, the fuel material in the bed must have sufficient mechanical
strength so as not to collapse by the weight of the material on top to maintain a bed porosity and
void to allow stable flow fields and reasonable pressure drop for the gas, but also to avoid
entrainment of bed fines or friable material that can be carried away by the gas flow. This favours
fuels of a well-defined size not containing too much fines, and for which ash properties (melting,
sintering) are not too difficult. As wastes in most circumstances do not fulfil all of these criteria and
moreover have difficulties in establishing a good and stable bed, co-feeding of coke is often used.
The coke provides a bed of sufficient strength and void space for gas and melts to pass through the
bed. The slow-reacting coke can also provide the fuel required in the bottom of the gasifier to melt
the ashes, which is desirable for wastes, while maintaining a reducing atmosphere. For dry
operation, the bottom temperature typically does not exceed 800-900 °C while for slagging
operation where ash is removed as a melt, the temperature is considerably higher, 1 500 °C or
more. Also, in this type of reactor, inorganic compounds of sufficient vapor pressure will tend to
vaporize, but as the gas is cooled in contact with fresh fuel, these can re-condense and be returned
to the glow zone, such that there is an internal accumulation effect, ultimately resulting in that such
materials leave the reactor as aerosol particles or with the bottom ash. This can be an advantage
over other gasifiers if such materials can be preferentially recovered e.g. in bottom ash slag.

Updraft fixed beds have traditionally been rather small in capacity, typically 10 MW thermal or less,
being constrained by the low gas velocity necessary to avoid excessive entrainment of fuel particles
with the gas and the practicalities of a limited vessel diameter for manufacturing reasons. However,
for some applications, e.g. coal gasifiers operating at elevated pressure and plasma gasifiers, fixed
beds have been scaled up to over 100 MW thermal in capacity.

For historical reasons (as updraft gasifiers have been widely used in the past in various industries as
they can meet capacity requirements better than downdraft gasifiers and since also before the
domination of petroleum, the tar was seen as an asset rather than a problem), updraft fixed beds
have been deployed also for gasification of MSW and RDF, and for co-gasification of wastes with
coal. Such developments are described in reference4. The authors conclude that the experience in
the past seem to indicate that the updraft gasifiers have suffered more operational issues than kilns
and other types of moving beds, but that high-temperature operation in the glow zone to achieve
ash melting appears advantageous for wastes relative to dry ash handling, even if it may require
additives like coke, etc.

5.2.3. Other forms of moving bed gasifier
In addition to downdraft and updraft moving bed gasifiers, there are also rotating kilns or tunnel
gasifiers, see Figure 27, where the fuel is fed co-currently with the oxidant (typically air), being
heated and pyrolyzed while moving through the reactor. The difference to the co-current downdraft
reactor is that in this case the movement in the kiln or channel generates more or less mixing in the
bed of solids than in the moving bed.

There are also grate type gasifiers that resemble updraft moving bed gasifiers, i.e. the fuel is moved
as a bed on an inclined or moving grate, or on a belt in a furnace tunnel while the oxidant is added
from below, such that drying and pyrolysis occurs close to the feed point and burn-out of the char at
the ash exit point. This is a kind of cross-flow arrangement where the product gases from all
sections in an updraft gasifier is generated separately and then mixed, unlike the countercurrent
passage of the gas from one section through the next in an updraft gasifier.

There are hybrid moving bed gasifier designs that combine elements of the updraft and downdraft
gasifiers. Through the use of baffles, staged points of air introduction and ejectors, the gas flow is
directed to hotter zones, several combustion zones are created, or the most tar-laden gas is
extracted as formed and re-entered to a high temperature zone to promote tar reduction.

For non-uniform materials such as wastes, one of the advantages of kiln, grate or tunnel gasifiers,
relative to the updraft and downdraft moving bed gasifiers is that the movement of the bed is
ensured by mechanical means and not only by gravity, which improves the internal mixing of the

As a summary of Sections 5.2.1-5.2.3, Table 10 gives an overview of developers/suppliers of waste

moving bed pyrolysis and gasification units.

5.2.4. Fluidized bed gasifiers

In fluidized bed gasifiers, see Figure 26 and Figure 28, the reaction space contains a sand-like bed
material (particle size in the range of 0.1 and 1 mm) that is fluidized or entrained by the oxidant
gas (air or oxygen), steam or mixtures thereof being added in the bottom. Autothermal or direct
gasifiers use an oxidant, and allothermal or indirect gasifiers use steam without an oxidant being
fed to the gasifier section.

In the case of a stationary (or bubbling) fluidized bed the bed material is kept suspended by the gas
in a defined bed volume through which gas in the form of interstitial gas and bubbles pass. Above
the bed there is a freeboard section used for disengagement of particles mainly ejected by bubbles
erupting on the bed surface. This gives a density profile in the reactor of high and uniform density
from the fluidizing gas injection level to the top of the bed, and a low density close to the gas
density in the freeboard section from the upper bed level to the gas exit.

In a circulating fluidized bed, the gas velocity is higher than for a stationary (bubbling) bed and the
bed material or loose clusters of bed material are carried up in the gasifier shaft. By a radial
transport some of this material is moved to the wall and transported back to the bottom by gravity
as part of the wall layer sliding down (the flow in a large diameter bed establishes a core-annulus
type of flow, with the gas-solid suspension flowing upwards and the wall layer moving sand bed
moving downwards). The remainder of the solid suspension is carried out by the gas to an external
primary particulate separator, typically a cyclone, from which it is returned to the bottom of the
gasifier by means of a recycle line with a moving bed of solids. The effect is huge net circulation
rate between the bottom and the top of the reactor.

Table 10 Developers of moving bed waste pyrolysers and gasifiers

Moving bed waste gasifiers

Developer Type Oxidant Tar Gas cleaning Use of gas Comments
AlterNRG Updraft (shaft) Air or O2 Thermal plasma Various Fka Westinghouse
Ansac Indirect kiln Air CHP
Biomass Power Grate Air Total oxidation CHP
Chinook Indirect batch Air Total oxidation CHP
Grate (later Air Thermal plasma Fka CHO
changed to
PRME gasifier)
Citorn Holding Kiln
ConcordeBlue Updraft Indirect Thermal Various Fka Blaue Turme
ConTherm Indirect drum Air Total oxidation CHP Burgau plant
pyrolysis closed in 2015
Covanta Grate Air Total oxidation
Energos Grate Air Total oxidation CHP
Entrade Downdraft? ? CHP
Envitec Updraft shaft Air Plasma CHP
Greene Indirect kiln Air Thermal CHP
Hitachi Metals Updraft Air Total oxidation
Hoskinson Group Tunnel Air Total oxidation CHP
ICM Auger kiln Air Total oxidation CHP
IES Auger kiln Air Total oxidation CHP Defunct in 2017
InEnTEC Updraft Air or O2 Total oxidation
Ineos Bio Grate O2 Thermal Synthesis
JFE Updraft Air Total oxidation
JFE Tunnel, Thermal Fka Thermoselect
indirect/direct process
Kawazaki Shaft Air or O2 Total oxidation
Mitsubishi Kiln Total oxidation Fka Siemens
Mitsui Kiln Air Total oxidation CHP
Neat See Syngas Products
Nexterra Updraft Air Thermal CHP
Total oxidation
Nippon steel Updraft Air Total oxidation
PHG Energy Downdraft Air Total oxidation CHP MaxWest
Plasco Grate Air Thermal plasma CHP Systems
Premier Green Indirect kiln Air CHP
PRME Updraft Air
Scanarc Updraft Air or O2 Thermal plasma
Sierra Energy Shaft updraft O2 FT, H2
Solena Updraft (shaft) O2 Thermal plasma Synthesis Fka Westinghouse
Syngas Products Indirect drum Steam/O2 Filter, scrubbing ICE Fka NEAT
pyrolysis (NaOH NaClO)
Takuma Kiln Air Total oxidation
Fixed bed
W2E Kiln
gasifier Air CHP

In a circulating fluidized bed, the density is high at the bottom where the bed material from both
internal and external circulation flows in, approaching the bed density of a stationary fluidized bed
using the same bed material. However, due to the transport to the wall the density continuously
decreases with bed height as solids are transported to the wall, establishing a density profile which
depends on the material inventory in the system and the gas velocity. Despite that the density
decreases towards the gasifier outlet, even at the outlet, the suspension density is typically an order
of magnitude larger than the gas density due to the solids remaining in the gas at the outlet.

The vigorous movement of the bed material in direct gasifiers, and in combination with the large
circulation of bed materials in an indirect gasifier, gives a high internal heat transfer rate that
assists in maintaining an even temperature in the entire bed, or in the entire reactor in the case of a
circulating bed, to avoid hot spots, thereby avoiding or restricting agglomeration.

This movement, however, causes abrasion of friable material such that together with fuel fines,
carbon-containing particles are carried out of the reactor with the gas; as a consequence, the
carbon content of the fly ash is typically significant.

Even if the fuel is fed to a hotter environment than is the case for a fixed bed, the temperature is
not enough to completely decompose tars. The raw product gas typically contains tar in a
magnitude of 5-20 g/Nm3. Also, in this case, the tar content is higher, and the composition of the
tar is more complex when waste fuels are fed, compared to when pure lignocellulosic material is
used as a fuel. Inorganics that are volatile will go out with the gas and have to be separated as fly
ash or in separate cleaning steps.

Material that is aerodynamically too large to be suspended in this way sinks to the bottom and can
accumulate on the oxidant distributor, causing overheating and flow maldistribution that ultimately
causes defluidisation and shut-down. The same phenomena can also occur if inorganic constituents
of the fuel interact with the bed to make the bed material particles become sticky and glue together
to form agglomerates. For this reason, fluidized bed gasifiers are operated at temperatures not
higher than 850-950 °C, at most and the highest temperature also applies to the combustion
section of indirect gasifiers.

It is also important that the bottom ash is drained at a rate that any such larger particles or
agglomerates are removed before any accumulation occurs. By sieving, bed material of the right
size fraction can be recovered and recycled. Since volatile inorganic components (sodium,
potassium, zinc, mercury, cadmium, etc.) are evaporated in the gasifier and leave the gasifier with
the gas produced, the bottom ash typically contains fewer problematic components and is similar to
waste incinerator ash in properties and handling.

Direct fluidized beds can be built at large scale. The largest biomass CFB gasifier in operation at
atmospheric pressure, at Vaskiluodon Voima in Vaasa, Finland, has a capacity of 140 MW
thermal170, but CFB boilers are available at even higher thermal capacities. They can also be
pressurized up to 1-3 MPa to increase the single vessel capacity further.

Allothermal, or indirect, fluidized beds (i.e. that use a gasifier-combustor combination, e.g. Milena,
FICFB and Batelle designs) can have different combinations of fluidization types in the two beds,
such as two stationary fluidized bed reactors, one stationary fluidized bed gasifier and circulating
bed combustor, one circulating fluidized bed gasifier and one stationary bed combustor or two
circulating fluidized beds. Indirect double fluidized beds function in the same way as a fluidized bed,
the difference being that there is no oxidant, instead typically steam is added to the gasifier, since


the energy required is instead provided by hot sand bed material being transferred at high rate from
the second, combustor bed.

After releasing heat in the gasifier, the sand is returned to the combustor from the bottom of the
gasifier and where entrained carbonaceous char material from the gasifier and other fuels are
combusted with air to generate the temperature required to re-heat the massive flow of sand. The
sand circulation rate (i.e. sand circulation mass/fuel feeding) is defined by the energy balance of the
gasifier/combustor system (the gasifier energy requirement resulting from the operating
temperature and fuel energy content, moisture, fixed carbon content setting the gasifier energy
requirement and the combustor operating temperature which together with the heat capacity of the
bed material and the gasifier temperature defines the heat transferred per mass unit of bed
material), the magnitude being in the range 20-80 kg of sand per kg of fuel. Since the combustor is
subjected to the same limitations on operating temperature as other fluidized beds to avoid
agglomeration, the gasifier is operated at slightly lower temperature, compared to when air or
oxygen is used directly, to have a temperature difference that matches the sand flow. The heated
sand is the returned to the gasifier via a bed overflow in the case of a stationary fluidized bed
combustor, or via the primary separator for circulating fluidized beds.

The sand circulation loops are also arranged such that beds of sand provide sealing between the
gasifier and the combustor to avoid air or gas intrusion into the gasifier and combustor section,
respectively. The need for a close-coupled circulation loop in practice restricts the capacity of such
reactors from layout limitations to somewhere above 50 MW thermal (as an example, the GoBiGas
gasifier has 30 MW thermal capacity). Due to that these seals operate with relatively small pressure
differentials, pressurizing such units become very challenging. The main advantage of these
systems is that a medium calorific value (MCV) gas can be produced without the recourse to the use
of oxygen.

Other forms of indirect fluidized bed gasifiers use indirect heat transfer into the bed via heat
exchanger tube bundles immersed in the bed using flue gases from combustion of part of the
product gas outside of the gasifier section, or so-called heat pipes immersed in the bed that work as
an intermediate heat transfer unit (based on the evaporation and condensation of a liquid, e.g.
molten sodium, inside the inclined heat pipe such that liquids are returned to the evaporation
section without the use of a pump) in the form of closed heat pipes between the combustor or the

The advantages of indirect gasifiers relate to that for synthesis gas the use of oxygen can be
avoided, that for some designs total conversion of the fuel can be achieved and by-products
disposed of in the combustion section and in the production of a (nearly) N2-free, higher heating
value gas. There are also drawbacks of indirect gasifiers: the content of tar is higher than for a
normal fluidized bed, both because of the lower operating temperature and because the gas is not
diluted by the oxidation products and nitrogen. Also, for a synthesis gas to be used for other
products than methane, the high content of other hydrocarbons is a disadvantage. When operating
an indirect gasifier on waste fuels, the generation of two different gas streams (product gas and flue
gas) adds to the system complexity as both the fuel gas and the combustor off-gas must be cleaned
to meet user and emission criteria, respectively. Nevertheless, there are some developments based
on indirect dual bed gasifiers in the waste area.

The feedstock fuel for fluidized bed gasifiers of all kinds must have properties i.e. particle size and
density such that is kept floating in the dense bed formed by the sand-gas mixture, i.e. the entire
bed in the case of stationary fluidized beds, or in the denser, bottom section in the case of
circulating fluidized beds. Fines present in the fuel are entrained in the gas and leaves the bed but
can to some degree be recovered and recycled in the cyclones typically being used as primary

separators for fluidized beds. For use with waste fuels, the limitations on the physical and chemicals
(ash) properties of the feedstock for use in fluidized beds requires pre-treatment of the wastes to at
least some RDF quality by as removal of glass, metals and other large inorganic objects, and
crushing to a suitable size.

The bottom ash is more similar to the bottom ash of an incinerator and can be recycled as e.g.
construction material, whereas the gasification section fly ash will, apart from its content of carbon,
also have adsorbed PAH compounds from the tar and devolatilized metals from the bed, thus
requiring some form of post-treatment prior to disposal171. The double-bed indirect gasifiers and
plasma gasifiers integrate this post-treatment as a part of the process whereas other types of
gasifiers need to address this by other means.

Waste gasification systems based on fluidized bed reactors are summarized in Table 11.

Table 11 Developers of fluidized bed gasifiers

Fluidized bed waste gasifiers

Developer Type Oxidant Gas cleaning Use of gas Comments
Sumitomo Foster CFB Air Total oxidation Fuel gas

EBARA Internal Air Total oxidation CHP

CFB O2 Thermal Synthesis EUP Kobe
ECN part of TNO Indirect Indirect OLGA tar removal Royal Dahlman
CFB/BFB (product gas) licensee
Enerkem Stationary Air Thermal+ other Synthesis
Envirotherm CFB Air None Fuel gas, fka Lurgi CFB gasifier
Frontline Bioenergy Stationary Air/O2 Thermal CHP
GREG Indirect Indirect TU Vienna
BFB/CFB technology
HOST CFB Air Total oxidation CHP
OLGA tar removal
Kaidi Indirect Indirect Fka Batelle process
CFB/CFB or SilvaGas process
Kobelco Stationary Air or O2 Total oxidation CHP Cooperation w.
Thermal (Plasma) CHOPEX/Europlasma
LLT CFB Air Total oxidation Fuel gas Fka TPS process
Thermal CHP
Mitsubishi Stationary Air Total oxidation CHP
Outotec Stationary Air or O2 Thermal (plasma) CHP Cooperation with APP
Aichernig Engineering Indirect Indirect TU Vienna
fka Repotec BFB/CFB technology
Taylor Bioenergy Indirect Indirect Thermal/Catalytic CHP/GT Fka Batelle process
TKK Stationary O2 Thermal HTW process
Torftech Special Indirect
TRI Indirect Steam Thermal Synthesis
Valmet CFB Air None Fuel gas
filter CHP

Thermal treatment of solid residues from WtE units: A review. D. Lindberg, C. Molin and M. Hupa. Waste Management
Volume 37, March 2015, Pages 82-94

5.2.5. Entrained flow gasifiers
Most entrained flow gasifiers, see Figure 26, are analogous to the combustion of a solid or liquid fuel
or slurry in a burner firing into a combustion chamber. For this reason, the fuel must either be a
pumpable liquid that can be dispersed to droplets in the burner nozzle or small particles (< 1 mm)
that can be consistently fed by means of dense phase transport to the fuel register of the burner.

Entrained flow gasifier also typically operates in an ash melting mode, i.e. the ash is removed as
slag in the bottom of the reactor. This requires operation at very high temperature, e.g. 1 500 °C,
to reduce the slag viscosity and make it free-flowing to avoid build-up of slag in the reactor. The
refractory lining of the gasifier should however not be exposed to molten slag. Instead, a protecting
layer of solid slag should be formed at the slightly lower temperatures of the wall. This is sometimes
assisted by cooling the reactor or parts of it. To reach such high temperatures with low energy
content fuels and still retain a significant heating value in the product gas is not possible with air, it
requires the use of oxygen mixed with steam.

At these high temperatures, the conversion of the small fuel particles or droplets occurs within a
matter of seconds, while tars and other hydrocarbons are more or less completely decomposed by
various reactions.

Entrained flow gasifiers are typically pressurized up to 1-3 MPa for solids or even more for some
high-energy liquids. The high gas velocity and short reaction time at pressure makes it possible to
scale this type of technology to large capacities, up to 400 MW or more. However, the complexity of
fuel preparation in the case of solids, and the requirement of using oxygen typically does not make
small installations feasible, as evidenced by Table 12 and Section, where there is only one
supplier of entrained-flow gasification processes applied to wastes, and in this case only used for a
relatively high energy content liquid wastes.

When using waste materials, there is a strict requirement on the feedstocks, such that the use of
high or moderate energy content liquids is feasible (waste oils), while the fuel preparation for solid
wastes is feasible for e.g. plastic wastes but not wastes in general.

One advantage of this gasifier type is the ash melting which yields a dense slag by-product with less
leaching rate. Since many lighter inorganic species and heavy metals are evaporated at the high
temperatures in the gasifier, such dense slag may even be recycled as construction material.

There are also other forms of entrained flow gasifiers where fuel is injected into a gasifier or
pyrolizer and the resulting gas and char solids are blown as a suspension through several heated
tubes, Figure 29 top left, where tars etc. are decomposed, which can be seen as a post-treatment of
a gas from a pyrolizer or some other gasifier type. The tubes are then indirectly heated by firing
product gas and/or char to heat the tubes by radiation and convection.

From the process descriptions in Sections 6 and 7 one can note that also a type of “entrained flow”
post-treatment of the gasifier raw product gas is quite common as a mean to reduce the tar content
from the gasifier itself. Such devices can be air- or oxygen-blown and sometimes are assisted by a
plasma generator.

Table 12 Developers of entrained flow waste gasifiers

Entrained flow waste gasifiers

Developer Type Oxidant Gas cleaning Use of gas
Envirotherm Liquid feed O2 Synthesis+ fka Lurgi process

5.2.6. Other types of gasifiers
There are also other forms of gasifiers that have or are still being developed. One type is the molten
bath gasifier, see Figure 27, where the gasification takes place in a molten salt or metal bath that
serves as a heat transfer fluid but can also absorb inorganics and separate out ash into the bath or
as a separate slag. The bath uses an air or oxygen “blast” as in a blast furnace for steel making.
The energy can also partially come from a plasma generator or from electrodes to partially assist in
reaching the temperatures required.

Plasma gasifiers are often mentioned in conjunction with waste gasification. A plasma gasifier is not
a generic gasifier type in itself. The plasma generator is instead a mean of providing energy at high
temperature (several thousands of °C) to the gasifier, or a post-treatment reactor. The plasma is
generated by ionizing a carrier gas (typically gases associated with gasification such as air, nitrogen,
argon, carbon dioxide, and steam) to a plasma in an electric arc. The grounding of the arc can be a
conducting molten bath (“direct plasma” or “transferred plasma”) within the gasifier reactor or a
counter-electrode within the plasma generator itself (“indirect plasma” or “non-transferred
plasma”). Plasma gasifiers, where the actual plasma is applied in the gasifier, are moving beds or
molten bath gasifiers. There are also several examples where the plasma has been or is applied for
post-treatment of the gasifier product gas.

Another application of plasma generators in thermal waste treatment is stand-alone units for
melting ash (both from incinerators and gasifiers as well as from other sources) and other inorganic
wastes and by-products (e.g. asbestos wastes) to a vitrified slag. This is frequently used in e.g.
Japan, and also to process different forms of hazardous wastes. This is however a separate sub-
process and not linked to the process of waste gasification process per se.

Table 13 gives an overview of commercial developments of molten bath gasifiers.

Table 13 Developers of other types of waste gasifiers

Other waste gasifiers

Developer Type Oxidant Gas cleaning Use of gas Process
Diversified Energy Dual molten bath O2+steam Synthesis, H2 Hydromax
InEnTech Direct plasma O2 Thermal Synthesis, H2 PEM
molten bath
Pyrogenesis Direct plasma Air or O2 Thermal, plasma CHP, Synthesis PRRS
molten bath
Ze-Gen (Defunct) Molten bath O2 CHP, Synthesis

6. Gas cleaning and the use of the product gas


To give an example of the extent of gas cleaning that is require from regulatory consideration for a
waste incinerator, the IED LEV values, see Appendix 2 Table A2.1, are used as an example (as can
be seen from Appendix 2, Table A2.9, LEV values in USA and the typical client demand in Japan
does not differ significantly from the IED values). Since the IED defines combustion, gasification and
pyrolysis installations for waste as “incinerators”, the same emission restrictions apply.

Table 14 indicates the level of clean-up required to meet the by limiting emission values (LEVs) in
the stack flue gas. The substances defined by the IED as harmful to the environment and hence
regulated by limiting emission values (LEVs) in the stack flue gas are defined by the first column in
Table 14. An approximate estimate to an air-blown gasifier fuel gas conditions gives the acceptable
content in the second column (indirect and oxygen blown gasifiers will typically have less gas yield

by avoiding the nitrogen dilution from air, and hence the concentrations can be somewhat higher).
The third column translates the second column into the acceptable content in the fuel which would
not require any gas clean-up. The fourth column summarizes the typical contaminant content of
waste fuels from Table 1 and Table 2, which in the last column is translated to an approximate
clean-up fraction required. Typically, clean-up requirements are of the order of >90 %.

Table 14 IED emission levels and associated cleaning requirements for wastes

IED LEV IED LEV IED LEV Typical Indicative

(basis dry Approx. Approx. contaminant magnitude of
flue gas @ equivalent equivalent level in separation or
11% O2) in fuel gas content in MSW/RDF, cleaning
mg/Nm³ mg/Nm³ waste fuel Table 1 required, %
&Table 2
Particulates 10 60 n.a. n.a. n.a.
N (NOx, HCN + NH3) 200 (NO2) 400 (NH3) < 0.08 % N 0.1-2.2 % > 90
S (SO2, H2S + COS) 50 (SO2) 150 (H2S) <0.03 % S 0.1-1 % > 90
Cl (HCl) 10 60 0.02 % Cl 0.03-2.6 > 95
HF 1 6 12 mg/kg F 35-100 mg/kg > 95
Hg 0.05 0.3 0.6 mg/kg 0.05-5 mg/kg > 50
Cd+ Tl ∑ 0.05 ∑ 0.3 ∑ 0.6 mg/kg ∑ 0.3-16 > 90
Sb, As, Pb, Cr, Co, ∑ 300-1000
∑ 0.5 ∑3 ∑ 6 mg/kg > 99
Cu, Mn, Ni and V mg/kg
TOC 10 60 n.a. n.a. n.a.
CO 50 300 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Dioxin, furans 0.0001 0.0006 n.a. n.a. n.a.

Also, for other applications, the required contaminant removal prior to the use of the gas in prime
movers, fuels cells and for synthesis is also high, see Table 15. In fact, when comparing the second
column in Table 14 with the data in Table 15, it is clear that at least for sulphur halides and in many
cases also for fixed nitrogen species, the gas cleaning requirements are even stricter than for an
waste incinerator.

Table 15 Selection of data on gas cleaning requirements178, 172, 173, 174, 175

Applications Gas Gas Fuel cell FT Methanol

engine turbine synthesis synthesis

Particles (mg/Nm3) < 50 < 10 < 0.1 < 0-0.1 <1
Tar (mg/Nm3) < 50 < 10 n.a. 0.1-1 <1
Sulphur species (ppmv) < 20-50 < 20 <1 < 1-0.01 < 1-0.1
SOFC < 0.06-10
PAFC < 50
MC < 0.5
Nitrogen species (ppmv) < 80 < 50** Not limited <1- 0.02 < 0.1-10
Alkali species (ppmv) < < 0.025- < 0.01 n.a.
0.025- 0.1
Halides (Cl+F+Br) (ppmv) < 100 <1 <1 < 0.01 < 0.01-0.1
* In vapor phase, and below dew point in process.
** Emission limited

An overview of advances in biomass gasification. Vineet Singh Sikar et al. Energy Environ. Sci.,2016, 9, 2939
Fuel Gas Technology for Biomass and Waste. Environmental and Techno-Economic Assessments. Fabrizio Di Gregorio, Dissertation.
Department of Environmental Sciences. Second University of Naples, Italy, 2012
On the gasification of biomass in a steam-oxygen blown CFB gasifier with the focus on gas quality upgrading: technology
background, experiments and mathematical modelling. Marcin Siedlecki. Dissertation TU Delft, the Netherlands, 2011.
In bed and downstream hot gas desulphurization during solid fuel gasification: A review. Meng, X., De Jong, W., Pal, R., Verkooijen,
A.H.M. Fuel Processing Technology, 91(8), 964-981.


The intention of this section is to give some insight into this subject and not to cover it in a
comprehensive way, as this can be found in several sources, such as reports, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182,
and other publications and books184, 185. The gas cleaning technology and equipment used does
not differ in many cases from what is used in waste incinerators or other industries e.g. refineries
and fossil gasification plants.

By comparison, in a conventional waste incineration plant, the contaminants contained in the fuel
are transferred to the flue gas and have to be eliminated by the post-combustion flue gas cleaning
system. The treatment processes have evolved over time to a limited number of more or less
common configurations, the three most common being shown in Figure 30. This is an entirely
commercial cleaning technology for which there is industrial experience among suppliers from many
installations over extended periods.

Report on Gas Cleaning for Synthesis Applications. Work Package 2E: “Gas treatment”. Intelligent Energy for Europe project
ThermalNet. Deliverable: 2E-3. H. Hofbauer, R. Rauch and K. Ripfel-Nitsche. October 2007
Near zero emission advanced fluidised bed gasification (Flexgas). Research Fund for Coal and Steel. Contract No RFCR-CT-2007-
00005. Final Report. DG RTD 2012.
Gasification of Non-woody Biomass Economic and Technical Perspectives of Chlorine and Sulphur Removal from Product Gas (Non-
confidential version). S.V.B. van Paasen, M.K. Cieplik, N.P. Phokawat. ECN-C-06-032. ECN, the Netherlands, 2006.
Waste-to-clean-syngas by avoiding tar problems. A. Bosmans, S. Wasan and L Helsen. 2nd International Enhanced Landfill Mining
Symposium, Houthalen-Helchteren, October 14-16, 2013
Waste Gasification by Thermal Plasma: A Review. F. Fabry, C. Rehmet, V-J. Rohani, L. Fulcheri. Waste and Biomass Valorization,
2013, 4 (3), pp.421-439.
Gas cleaning downstream biomass gasification. Status Report 2009. R.W.R. Zwart. ECN-E--08-078. ECN, the Netherlands, June
A review of cleaning technologies for biomass-derived syngas. Patrick J. Woolcock, Robert C. Brown. Biomass and Bioenergy 52
(2013) 54-84
Stevens, D.J., Hot Gas conditioning: Recent Progress with Larger-Scale Biomass Gasification Systems, 2001, Report by IEA Biomass
Task 33 Thermal Gasification of Biomass
Handbook biomass gasification. Ed. H.A.M. Knoef. BTG World. 1 ed. 2005, 2nd ed. 2009.
Gas Production, 3. Gas Treating. Boll, W., Hochgesand, G., Higman, C., Supp, E., Kalteier, P., Müller, W.-D., Kriebel, M., Schlichting,
Tanz, H. In Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany, 2011.

Figure 30 Common configurations for incinerator flue gas cleaning186

For a gasification or pyrolysis plant utilizing wastes, depending of the use of the gas and the ease of
cleaning, there is a choice of pre-combustion cleaning and post-combustion cleaning or
combinations of these, that meet both the application and the emission requirements, see Figure

The gas cleaning after waste gasifiers and pyrolysers, with the exception of post-combustion
cleaning, is less developed than for the flue gas resulting from an incinerator and there has been
relatively few commercial installations.

Instead, the overwhelming majority of the more than one hundred waste gasification plants in
operation or in construction/planning is therefore relying on total oxidation, i.e. close-coupled
burning the gas directly after the gasifier, and prior to any cleaning of the fuel gas generated in the
gasifier. Such installations recover energy from the flue gases after the combustion and relies
entirely on conventional post-combustion cleaning as used after incinerators, as was exemplified in
Figure 30.

Although such installations are called gasifiers, since a gaseous intermediate with a measurable
heating value is produced in the first stage under sub-stochiometric conditions, these could equally
well (and maybe preferably) be named two-stage incinerators. Even in conventional incinerators,
sub-stochiometric combustion, even if at higher air/fuel ratios than in a gasifier, is often used at the
grate level to reduce NOx formation even if additional air is then added higher up in the furnace.

In addition, the heat recovery from such a gasifier shares the same limitation in the feasible steam
superheat temperature to approximately 450 °C as all particulates and gaseous contaminants are

Gasification Technologies Review – Technology, Resources and Implementation Scenarios. Final Revised Report. Prepared for the
City of Sydney’s Advanced Waste Treatment Master Plan. Talent with Energy (TwE) August 2014.

present in the flue gas in the same concentrations as after an incinerator. Therefore, due to the
steam superheat limitation, also the performance is similar, or slightly inferior, compared to an
incinerator, see Section 7.3.1.

There are also gasifiers that are more or less close-coupled with a kiln or furnace where the gas is
combusted, and where there is no gas cleaning with maybe the exception of removal of coarse dust
in a cyclone. In such installations, post-combustion flue gas cleaning to the same extent, and
similarly to a waste incinerator is required, with the possible exception of cement and lime kilns,
respectively, where alkalis, halides and sulphur oxides are trapped in the kiln charge. Even so, there
is a limit on how much alkalis and halides that can be tolerated, and hence on the fuel used and/or
the share of the overall fuel since both alkalis and halides affect the water resistance of the

Furthermore, for indirect gasifiers, irrespective of the cleaning processes for the gasifier product
gas, such post-combustion cleaning processes are also required for the treatment of the flue gas
generated in the combustion section of the gasification installation, if a fuel classified as waste is fed
to the gasifier section.

There are only a handful plants, see Section 7.3.2 and 7.4 that utilize some sort of pre-combustion
cleaning to an extent that the post-combustion cleaning can be partially or completely eliminated.
But the pre-combustion cleaning enables the use of cleaned gas for the purpose of generating
electric power at higher efficiency than by incineration or two-stage incineration, respectively, or for
producing material products.

State-of-the art report: Key parameters influencing the alkali aggregate reaction. B.J. Wigum, L. t. Pedersen, B. Grelk, J. Lindgård.

PARTNER-project-GRD1-CT-2001-40103. SINTEF Building and Infrastructure, Norway, 2006.

WASTE Syngas/

Relation between pre-combustion and post-combustion gas cleaning.

Fuel gas (PYROLYSIS)
Char solids
(Tar decomposition)
Fuel gas (optional)
TREATMENT alkalis, chloride) (filters, sorbents)

HEAT BOILERS OR BOILERS OR RECOVERY (particulates, tars, alkalis,
Flue Gas
Flue gas Flue gas
Vitrified FIRING OR CO-
(optional) BOILERS,
Flue gas Flue gas

Figure 31
Gas cleaning for waste gasification applications is a complex set of technologies to meet end-use
requirements or limiting emission values. Such treatment can be “dry” or “wet”, i.e. respectively
above or below the water dew point of the gas, or also combinations of dry and wet gas cleaning.
Dry cleaning avoids formation of tar liquor or process water condensate. However, even if a number
of contaminants can be efficiently eliminated from the gas by dry cleaning, currently there is no
technically or economically feasible method yet to achieve sufficient gas quality to completely avoid
the use of post-combustion cleaning under dry conditions.

By means of wet cleaning or combinations of dry and wet cleaning, the gas can be purified to a
quality where emissions are “similar to those of natural gas”, see section 4.3.1, i.e. the gas is no
longer a waste (i.e. implying that when the gas is burnt, this installation is not an incinerator even if
the gasifier is an incinerator from legal definitions), and furthermore such cleaned product gas can
be used for synthesis processes.

It is difficult to make a general description of such a flowsheet, as there are several alternatives for
performing the gasification step (each resulting in somewhat different gas characteristics), and
there are also many alternatives for each of the cleaning steps used. Furthermore, the process
conditions at the inlet and outlet of each such process to some extent defines the upstream and
downstream cleaning steps into viable process sequences.

The first steps of product gas cleaning are most often the elimination of the particulates and tar,
which is also heavily linked to the possibility for efficient heat recovery from the hot gas. Tars
(generic name of the group of hydrocarbons larger than benzene, which are condensable at ambient
temperature), which are present in the hot product gas as vapours and/or aerosols, can condense
during the cooling of the gas, thus causing heat exchanger fouling, blockage of filters,
contamination of scrubber liquids, etc. It may also interfere with other clean-up procedures by
“hiding” e.g. nitrogen, chloride or sulphur in the organic structure, thereby making them non-
accessible to other gas cleaning procedures. Therefore, the management of tars is an important
aspect for all gas cleaning, and in particular for wet cleaning.

Tars can almost be completely decomposed to mainly gaseous species and often also some soot if
the gasifier is operated at sufficiently high temperatures (> 1 200 °C), or if a post-treatment at high
temperature (> 1 000 °C) directly after the gasifier is used, only traces of stable aromatic
compounds will remain.

For direct fuel gas applications, the gas temperature can be maintained above the tar dew point,
typically 200- 400 °C, up to the burner. Thereby condensation of tars can largely be avoided so that
the tars can be managed, even if, overall, this limits the possibility for more extensive gas cleaning.
Below the tar condensation point, tar scrubbing combined with other methods to remove aerosols
(for example, electrostatic precipitators) can be a possible approach.

Depending on the tar concentration after the gasifier or after any post-treatment of the gas for tar
removal, particulates can be removed at high, intermediate or ambient temperature. The removal of
halides can be achieved as solids by reaction with alkalis present in the gas or from sorbents added
to the gas at intermediate temperatures upstream of particulate removal even in the presence of
tar, as long as the gas temperature is above the tar dew point.

A cleaned product gas where particulates, alkalis and halides have been removed can be used
without corrosion-related restrictions in steam temperatures that are present in ordinary waste
incineration conditions. The gas therefore is compatible with co-firing or for higher efficiency to
power (as in e.g. the Kymijärvi II plants, see section If tar scrubbing processes at low
temperature are used, these can be combined with particulate removal by direct quenching from

gasifier to ambient temperature or be preceded by particulate removal at intermediate

However, and apart from burning the product gas as a fuel in a boiler or kiln, if prime movers, fuel
cells and synthesis gas applications are considered, also purification from residual tar, sulphur,
nitrogen species, mercury and other heavy metals are required, using sorbents, wash systems and
catalysts, and where a prerequisite is that cleaning from tars and particulates has already been

From an overall process integration point of view there are trade-offs between such alternatives. A
thermal treatment to remove tar typically uses additional energy in a plasma and/or oxygen
injection to raise the temperature to have sufficient tar conversion, i.e. transfers electric or latent
combustion energy to sensible heat, thereby reducing the cold gas efficiency. However, such
treatment may on the other hand, facilitate a more efficient heat recovery of this sensible heat,
whereas direct quenching means that it is only possible to recover the sensible heat in the gas,
typically some 15 % of the fuel energy, as low-level heat. Another option is to accept the tar during
gas cooling. Downstream, the tars, that may constitute several % of the input fuel energy, if
separated from the gas can be recycled to the gasifier and this energy recovered, but also of the
dispose of a difficult and hazardous waste product.

6.2.1. Particulate removal

The particle concentration in a gasifier product gas, and the particle morphology, depend on the
gasifier type and the fuel characteristics. However, in general, the particle concentration from the
gasifier, but after a recycling separator in the case of fluidized beds, can amount from 1 to over 20
g/Nm3. Fluidized beds, in particular circulating fluidized beds, are at the upper part of this range.
The particulate concentration is to some extent temperature-dependent, since some inorganic and
heavy tar species may be in the vapor phase at gasifier conditions but condense as the gas
temperature is reduced.

In the case of updraft gasifiers, and also from various forms of pyrolysers, particulates at the outlet
are mainly composed of fuel particle fines, such that the carbon content is high and there may still
be volatiles present in this dust. At the low exit temperatures of updraft gasifiers, these particles
serve as condensation nuclei for the tar aerosols (“tar mist”), such that there is no real distinction
between solids and liquid particulates.

In the case of fluidized beds, particles are typically well below 0.2 mm and are composed of small
particles of devolatilized fuel, ash particles from fully converted fuel particles, fines emanating from
bed material or char attrition in the bed, as well as soot formed by tar cracking. Also, in this case,
the carbon content is high (50 wt.% or more). This organic material has a high surface area and can
easily ignite in air after being separated from the gas and transferred to a fly ash storage.

Entrained flow gasifiers typically operate above the ash melting point, such that there is a
separation of viscous slag at the bottom of the gasifier. The rapid heat up of the fuel also causes
some soot formation and the high operating temperature in the gasifier causes devolatilization of
some inorganic constituents. However, there is typically a partial or full quench (i.e. reducing the
temperature to a more manageable level, above or below the water dew point, respectively) at the
gasifier bottom or outlet such that any inorganic material entrained by the gas is solid, and
vaporized inorganics return to the solid state. Overall the carbon content in the particles is typically
low, and the particulates are mainly composed of solids of a small size, < 0.1 mm.

Table 16 summarizes the available technologies for the dry removal of particulates from product
gas. The most common, and also the simplest particulate removal device under “dry” conditions, is

the well-known cyclone, where the gas is tangentially injected into a cylindrical body. The
centrifugal forces move particles to the wall, where the particle layer formed slides downwards into
a collector or recycle leg, and the gas exits by an axial pipe at the top. Due to limitations in the
tangential to 15-25 m/s inlet velocity from pressure drop and erosion considerations, cyclones are
efficient in removing relatively coarse particles, and more efficient for heavy particles (bed material,
ash) than for light particles (soot, fuel fines). As the cyclone curvature is reduced with volume flow,
the efficiency is decreased at higher throughput, and also at hot, relative to cold conditions for the
same inlet velocity, since the gas density is reduced, and viscosity increased. In practice, single
cyclones can separate particles above 0.01-0.05 mm with high efficiency but have low efficiency for
fines below this size. Using multiple parallel small cyclones at hot conditions adds complexity and is
rarely used. The characteristics of cyclones make them suitable as a primary separator for fixed
beds, and in particular for fluidized beds.

The other means of separating particles under “dry” conditions is to use filters. The most common
filters used are the barrier filters (baghouse or candle filters), which are also commonly used in
boilers and other applications. These can only be used above the water and tar dew point, as
otherwise the condensation on the filter cake interferes with the filter cleaning. These filters are
sized based on a so-called face velocity (or flow/filter area), which is in the range of a few cm/s. The
filter is composed of several bags or candles that are contained in one or more housings (Figure
32). These are surface filters, i.e. dust is deposited on the filter material as a support for a thin filter
cake that gradually increase in thickness. This causes an increase in the pressure drop over the
filter, and a cleaning sequence is triggered by a pressure drop limit or timer.

The cleaning of the filter is often accomplished by pulse jet cleaning, i.e. a short pulse of high
velocity gas (usually, N2 or some other inert, oxygen-depleted gas) is injected in the filter bag or
candle causing flow reversal through the filter cake, and for cloth filters also a mechanical shaking
effect, Figure 32.

Figure 32 The principle of pulse jet cleaning188

Advanced solutions for Energy from Waste. Frank Ligthart, Valmet, 11 June, 2014

This causes the filter cake to break-up and fall from the filter bag or candle. Pulse jet cleaning can
be performed in sections such that pulses are directed to a part of the filters in the housing only,
which are cleaned while the other filters are still passing gas in the normal flow direction, thereby
allowing cleaning on line.

Another method for filter regeneration is reverse flow, whereby a continuous flow is sent in the
reverse direction of flow to all filter units in a filter housing, and by rapping, i.e. a mechanical
shaking effect. Reverse flow and rapping are typically performed off-line, which requires at least one
additional filter housing to allow continuous operation. In gasifiers, and unlike in boilers, the
cleaning gas used cannot be air or oxygen-containing flue gas as the carbon content of a typical fly
ash from a gasifier is high and also has a high surface area such that it can ignite in the presence of
oxygen and damage the filter.

Filters have in general very high efficiency, close to 100 %, and since the filter cake on the exterior
of the filter elements provides additional bed filtration, the efficiency is also very high for small
particles, even for particles smaller than the nominal pore size of the filter elements.

Rigid filter candles with a thickness of 2-10 mm are manufactured by sintering shapes made of
ceramic or metallic powders in the micron range. The cost of such filter candles is high, and they are
therefore mostly used under pressurized conditions, as these conditions allows a higher throughput
on a weight basis for the same face velocity and also higher pressure drop (of the order of 5-15
kPa) can be accepted. Depending on the material, such filters could be used at the temperature of
the gasifier exit, if materials compatible with the atmosphere are available, but it would also require
that process operability (start-up, pre-heating, etc.) and mechanical challenges of the ancillary
components (candle-tube sheet seals, tube sheet, cleaning injectors, etc.) in the filter can be
overcome. They are commonly used in entrained flow coal gasifiers around 400 °C, and commercial
readiness is up to approximately 600 °C at present.

There are also lightweight fibre filters that can tolerate temperatures up to 500 °C and where the
costs are much lower than the sintered candles such that these can be used at atmospheric
conditions. One notable example is the Kymijärvi II plant, see Section However, long-term
experience is still lacking, and the cleaning and maintenance are still issues to address.

The conventional kind of fabric filters used in combustion boilers and made of various natural or
polymeric fibres made into cloth or needle-felts, can also be used below the temperature limit for
materials such as Nomex (250 °C). As long as the gas is above the tar dew point or other effects
are present (e.g. hygroscopic filter cake), such filters are relatively cheap and also very efficient.

Another type of filter that has been studied is granular bed filters, which are depth filters. The
contaminated gas flows in counter-current or cross-current through a bed of filter particles made
from e.g. sand of a suitable particle size, which move downwards by gravity. The gas moves
through the pores of the bed and the particulates get trapped in the particle interstices of the
moving bed. The bed is then moved out of the filter zone and regenerated by e.g. sieving to allow
collection of the ash and soot particles. Such filters can be used at high temperatures and are
relatively efficient, but the low gas velocities used to reduce the pressure drop for small filter
granules and the large amount of filter bed material required for filtration has not made them come
into commercial use for gas filtration for waste gasification applications. However, one gasification
gas cleaning supplier, Dahlman, offers a combined tar conversion and filter combination for
gasification purposes189.Otherwise, granular bed filters are common in water filtration, and also in
nuclear reactors as once-only safety filter for gas releases.


Dry electrostatic precipitators, which are common in e.g. boilers, and which can also be designed for
elevated temperatures, are not used in gasifiers since the carbon content in the particulates causes
charge transfer between particles, which results in a deterioration of the efficiency.

The energy consumption in dry particulate removal is related to the pressure loss in the gas
cleaning device. Assuming that this is low in relation to the absolute pressures such that the gas
compressibility can be disregarded, 1 kPa pressure drop corresponds ideally to approximately 0.3
kWh/1 000 m3, not considering any fan efficiency.

Table 16 Dry particle removal systems (adapted from182)

Device Collection Pressure drop Flow capacity

efficiency (%) (kPa) (m3/m2, s)

Cyclone Part. size, density

Conventional >90 % Low to mod. (2.5-7.5) Very high
Enhanced > 90–95 % Mod. to high (7.5-27.5) Very high
Granular filters
Fixed >99 % Moderate (6–10) High (0.15-0.2)
Moving >99 % Moderate High
Electrostatic >99 % Very low (0.3–0.6) Low to mod. (0.01-0.03)
precipitator (ESP)
Ceramic bags >99.5 % Low (1–3.5) Low to mod. (0.01-0.03)

Rigid barriers filters >99.5 %

Ceramic candle Moderate to high (5-25) Mod. to high (0.02-0.07)
Cross-flow Low to moderate (2.5-7.5) Mod. to high (0.03-0.07)
Ceramic tube Moderate (8–12.5) Mod. to high (0.03-0.05)
Metallic candle Moderate to high (5–25) Mod. to high (0.02-0.05)
Bag-house filters >99.5 % Low (1–3.5) Low to mod. (0.01-0.03)

At lower temperature and for “wet” cleaning systems, various forms of scrubbers can be used for
particulate removal, as shown in Table 17, e.g. tower scrubbers and Venturi scrubbers.

Table 17 Wet particle removal systems (adapted from176)

(note that pressure drop is given in mbar= 0.1 kPa)

Scrubbers can both be the main particle separator or be used as a complement to upstream particle
separators and can be designed to capture very small particles.

However, when scrubbers are used for particulate removal, they typically are also designed to
remove tar aerosol and/or to absorb of water-soluble contaminants such as HCl and NH3. The design
principles under gasification conditions are similar to the design principles for other applications.

The energy consumption in a wet scrubber includes both the gas pressure loss (estimated as above)
and the washing liquid pumping. The liquid circulation is typically 1 m3 /1 000 m3 gas or more at a
pressure rise of at least 0.2 MPa, such that typically at least 0.1 kWh/ 1 000 m3 of gas should be
supplied for the pumping in addition to the gas pressure loss energy consumption. However, the
grade efficiency for removing small particles (Figure 33) is very dependent on the pressure drop and
water usage, such that the energy consumption can be considerably higher, as evidenced in Table

In many cases, the scrubbed gas passes a wet electrostatic precipitator (WESP), which can remove
both liquid and solid aerosols to low levels (~ 10 mg/Nm3). Since the collector electrodes are
flushed with circulating water, even tar aerosols can be managed. WESPs are used in e.g. coke oven

Figure 33 Particulate removal devices grade efficiency190

6.2.2. Tar removal

Tar is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons containing a wide range of aromatic and polyaromatic
substances (PAHs). Tars are formed as the fuel organic structure is decomposed during the pyrolysis
step and then undergo secondary and tertiary reactions in the vapor phase such that the originally

Tar reduction in biomass producer gas via mechanical, catalytic and thermal methods: A review. Samsudin Anis, Z.A.Zainal.

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 2355–2377.

formed, oxygenated compounds, are gradually with time and temperature deoxygenated to an
increasingly aromatic composition, see Figure 34. Tar is typically a hazardous material due to its
content of PAH and lighter aromatics such as benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX), all of them
carcinogenic compounds. Tars generated by waste gasifiers where chlorinated and other halide
aromatics can be present to a larger extent than for other fuels due to plastics of various
compositions in the feed material is further adds to the hazardous characteristic.

BTX and tars can be present as vapours in total quantities from below 1 up to 10 % by weight or
more in the gas exiting the gasifier, depending on the gasifier design, see Section 5.2. Tars
condense when the gas is cooled to form a liquid/semisolid substance that fouls the system and
contaminates process condensate (if tar and water are jointly removed). Figure 35 schematically
shows the development of the tar dew point.

Figure 34 Tar yields (wt.% dry ash-free (daf)) and main component types for a lignin-
plastic mixture in a generic gasification process, as representative for waste
material as a function of temperature.191

Initially, and coinciding with a high level of tar formation, the tar dew point is low. As temperature
increases, the tar dew point firstly decreases as the total amount of tar decreases. However, there
is typically a maximum in the tar dew point, as at higher temperatures, despite a lower total
amount of tars, these are mainly composed of heavy PAHs, which dramatically influence the tar dew
point. There is a web-site model developed by ECN, part of TNO, available to estimate the tar dew

To manage the presence of tars in the product gas from waste gasification in the gasifier itself or in
downstream process stages, four methods have been applied or are being developed: catalytic

Clean Energy from Waste Fundamental Investigations on Ashes and Tar Behaviours in a Two Stage Fluid Bed-Plasma Process for
Waste Gasification. Massimiliano Materazzi. Thesis, University College London, UK. Springer International Publishing AG 2017

decomposition, thermal decomposition physical separation of the tar, and temperature control to
keep the tar in the gas phase up to the gas end-use point in a burner. There are a number of
reviews190, 193 on this subject covering biomass gasification in addition to the general gas cleaning
literature already referred to above.

Figure 35 The relation between tar formation for wood and the tar dew point
(Adapted from194). Catalytic tar conversion

The first method tries to convert tar into lower molecular weight gases by catalytic conversion at
high temperature, more or less directly inside, or in a separate stage downstream of the gasifier.

The use of catalysts integrated into the gasification zone of a reactor, fed separately or fed mixed in
with the fuel, is only readily applicable to fluidized beds due to the good mixing conditions. In a
fixed bed the zoning of the reactions and temperatures and the limited solids and gas mixing would
make the use of catalysts inefficient, while for entrained flow gasifiers the residence time of the gas
is low temperature is so high that other limitations for the use of a tar decomposition catalyst are
present. The catalyst particle size and, very importantly, its attrition resistance must then be
compatible with this type of system. However, since devolatilization of the fuel is occurring in large
parts of the reactor volume while the solids are concentrated in the bottom of the bed, the contact
between tar and catalyst is a limiting factor. Furthermore, the temperature within the gasifier may
not be optimal for tar conversion, as also other aspects such as e.g. bed agglomeration must be
considered in selecting the operating temperature. Such catalysts are eventually in the end mixed
with the bottom or fly ash, depending on their particle size, so it should be recoverable for re-use if
it is expensive. In addition, the active catalyst component should be acceptable from an ash

The reduction and control technology of tar during biomass gasification/pyrolysis: An overview. Jun Han, Heejoon Kim. Renewable
and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 12 (2008) 397–416
Tar removal from low-temperature gasifiers. Robin Zwart et al. ERA-NET Bioenergy project “Tar removal from low-temperature
gasifiers”. Report ECN-E--10-008. ECN 2010

disposal point of view, i.e. not adding e.g. toxic metals to an already problematic waste product.

For biomass gasification, see references in the introduction to Section 6, and to a lesser degree
there has been an active search for such materials that have a significant catalytic effect on tars,
but no such material that simultaneously has a major impact on tars while also meeting other
boundary conditions have been found and is in use. Nevertheless, catalytically active material that
has a marginal impact on the global tar concentration but reduces e.g. the heavy tar fraction may
still have a significant impact for the entire plant. In the area of biomass gasification, the GoBiGas
plant195 initially suffered from tar issues but the operational team learned to control the heavy tar
by using alkali addition to activate the bed material and reduce the heavy tar. This procedure
opened up for more continuous operation.

In principle, it could be possible to include catalyst as a separate stage inside a gasifier, but this
approach does not seem to have been explored for waste gasification. If a separate reactor is used
downstream of the gasifier, this adds to cost and complexity but the contact between the catalyst
and the gas is improved and both the operating conditions and the form of the catalyst (fluidized
bed, fixed bed, monolith) can be chosen more freely.

Even if catalytic cleaning is being developed and piloted for biomass gasification in numerous
projects and in at least one commercial plant, in the case of waste gasification, the use of
manufactured tar reforming catalysts based on e.g. nickel is extremely challenging, in view of the
presence of tars, particulates and a number of other gaseous contaminants. Sulphur, halides, alkalis
and other metal compounds in the vapor phase are known to interact chemically or physically with
catalysts and such contaminants are typically present in higher concentrations in the gas from waste
gasification than from biomass gasification. At best, it can be seen as a very long-term possibility
and as far as has been found in this study there is no ongoing development in this direction for
waste gasification at an industrial scale.

Another approach involves the use of natural, relatively cheap minerals such as dolomite and
olivine, materials which exhibit some catalytic properties for tar decomposition. This has been
widely explored196 both as an in-bed catalyst for fluidized beds and as secondary tar removal system
in biomass gasification processes but this approach has not been used for waste gasification at large
scale. Taylor Biomass Energy, see Section, uses a catalyst in this way in a secondary
reactor. However, when using lime-based minerals, typically carbonates, these are significantly
more active if calcined to CaO. However, the combination of CaO with high-chloride fuels such as
waste materials, there is an interaction between the lime and halides to form e.g. calcium chloride
which has a melting point of 772 °C, that reduces the tar conversion efficiency. Thermal cracking of tars / plasma tar removal

Thermal treatment to reduce tar, on the other hand, is easier to achieve compared to catalytic tar
conversion. There are many examples of thermal post-treatment of the product gas as the main
method of addressing tars. Available data from laboratory research for biomass has been compiled
by e.g. ECN197.

Thermal treatment is the main mechanism for the tar reduction in entrained flow gasifiers that leads
to the low content of hydrocarbons in the product gas from this type of gasifier (even if these are
rarely used with waste materials). It is also an integrated part of molten bath gasifiers.

Advanced biofuel production via gasification – lessons learned from 200 man-years of research activity with Chalmers’ research
gasifier and the GoBiGas demonstration plant. Henrik Thunman et al. Energy Science and Engineering 2018; 6(1): 6–34
Reactive bed materials for improved biomass gasification in a circulating fluidised bed reactor. J. Pecho, T.J. Schildhauer, M.
Sturzenegger, S. Biollaz, A. Wokaun. Chem. Eng. Sci., 63 (2008) (2008), pp. 2465–2476.
Tar formation in pyrolysis and gasification. B.J. Vreugdenhil, R.W.R. Zwart. ECN-E--08-087. June 2009. ECN The Netherlands

In the case of fluidized bed reactors, this method is applied in the freeboard zone of the both the
Rheinbraun HTW process and the Enerkem processes, see Sections and Since there
are solids present in the freeboard, again the temperature used must be moderated to avoid ash
issues, as sticky ash may accumulate at the gasifier wall or outlet, or agglomerate and fall into the
fluidized bed below causing operational problems.

Plasma gasifiers like AlterNRG and Solena, see Sections and, respectively, where
plasma is applied mainly to ash melting at the bottom of the moving bed, apply a high operating
temperature in the upper part of the gasifier bed. In addition, these gasifiers have a gas cupola, see
Figure 64, the equivalent to a freeboard in a bubbling fluidized bed, on top of the moving bed to
increase the residence time of the gas at high temperature (+ 1 000 °C), and thereby claim to be
able to completely eliminate the tar. To avoid accumulation of sticky ash at the outlet, AlterNRG
uses partial quenching at the gas outlet of the cupola. However, plasma gasifiers cannot use solely
plasma energy to obtain a high enough operating temperature, since the electric power
consumption would be too high. The plasma is therefore typically supplemented by partial oxidation
of the fuel or gas using oxygen or air.

Other plasma gasification developers (e.g. CHO, Plasco and APP, see Sections, and do not use the plasma torches in the gasifier itself, but these are instead used for high-
temperature treatment of the gas in a separate vessel downstream of the gasifier to achieve tar
decomposition. Even if the reaction energy is not so high for conversion of only the tars in the gas
without any gasification reactions at the same time, oxygen is sometimes also used to limit the
electrical consumption.

Studies on thermal methods indicate that relatively high temperatures are required. The data
indicate that temperatures well above 1 100-1 300 °C are required for an efficient thermal
decomposition of tars with a reasonable residence time182. At a residence time of 0.5-1 second
magnitude, cracking temperatures of 1200°C or higher are required to thermally crack 95-99.5% of
biomass tars197. There are also differences between systems where gas is heated from an external
source under laboratory conditions (when oxygen is added to generate a partial oxidation reaction
to raise the temperature), or if energy is added by means of a plasma. This relates to the formation
of radicals that initiate the tar cracking, since the oxidation reactions and the intensity of the plasma
give different results and follow different mechanisms. However, since most studies are performed
under laboratory conditions using model compounds197 where the mixing, etc. can be optimized,
when scaling up the same performance may not be reached. However, studies198,199, 200 made in the
APP pilot plant indicated that the plasma is effective in reducing the tars without a decrease in the
gas heating value which occurs from adding oxygen to reach a similar temperature, due to that
oxidation reactions consume some of the combustible gas components. However, the data generally
available in literature are not reported in a form where such alternatives can really be compared on
a similar basis.

There are also examples of thermal post-treatment for tar reduction using air or oxygen to reach
sufficient temperature, e.g. in the Thermoselect process (see section, which uses197
temperatures of 1 200 °C and above, with gas residence times of about 5 s, and also in the
technologies used by EUP, Fulcum Bioenergy, Ineos, EUP, Syntech/KEW Technology system201, see
Sections 7.3.2 and 7.4, in which systems temperatures between 1 050 and 1 200 °C are being used.

Performance analysis of RDF gasification in a two stage fluidized bed–plasma process. M. Materazzi et al. Waste Management 47
(2016) 256–266
Tar evolution in a two stage fluid bed–plasma gasification process for waste valorization. M. Materazzi et al. Fuel Processing
Technology. Volume 128, December 2014, P. 146–157
Reforming of tars and organic sulphur compounds in a plasma-assisted process for waste gasification. Massimiliano Materazzi et al.
Fuel Processing Technology, Volume 137, September 2015, P. 259–268
Wednesbury Advanced Conversion Plant Permit number EPR/WP3730EP. Environment Agency UK 2014.

The scale-up thermal removal of tar requires a good understanding of the various chemical and mixing
phenomena occurring simultaneously in and between different reactor zones to allow changing to the
geometry of larger reactors while retaining the same decomposition effect as in pilot or laboratory
scale. Here, CFD tools are very valuable in predicting the performance of larger systems. Physical tar removal

Another group of methods involves removing tar by condensation and scrubbing, using scrubber
types discussed in Section 6.2.1. If there is no high-efficiency particulate removal upstream the
quench and scrubbing section, this unit can also be used to remove particulates in parallel to the

Although easier to implement than catalytic or plasma processes, there are several drawbacks
associated with scrubbing. The presence of tars reduces the possibilities for heat recovery from the
gas. At some temperature below, say, 400 °C tars start to condense and causes fouling of heat
exchanger surfaces and in gas cleaning equipment, and if particles are still present, fouling becomes
even worse.

To avoid this, quenching by water injection from a fairly high temperature, even directly from the
gasifier temperature at over 800 °C, is used. Such quenching reduces the recoverable heat at high
temperature. The sensible heat in the gas at the gasifier outlet can amount to 10-20 % of the fuel
energy content. By condensation of water, an organic fraction and a contaminated wastewater
stream containing particulates also including heavy metals, water-soluble organics such as e.g.
phenols and inorganics such as ammonia, hydrogen sulphides, also carrying particulates and a
number of inorganic contaminants are produced. The organic tar fraction needs to be recirculated
and decomposed in the gasifier or disposed of by other means. However, since tars are essentially
very hydrophobic, rapid quenching tend to form aerosols that can be entrained by the gas into
downstream units. The quenching and scrubbing are therefore often complemented by a wet
electrostatic precipitator to remove solid or liquid aerosols.

A wet electrostatic precipitator (WESP) operates with an inlet gas at water saturation conditions.
The discharge electrode charges aerosol and water droplets which travel in the electric field to the
collector electrodes, where they coalesce to larger aggregates. The collector electrodes are flushed
with water to remove these aggregates and may also be cooled to enhance the collection process by
condensing additional water using the aerosols as condensation nuclei. Such devices have been
used in similar applications, e.g. for coke oven gas cleaning and for biomass gasifiers.

In addition, even if heavy tars (i.e. naphthalene and >C10 compounds) are mostly removed, the gas
still contain benzene, toluene and xylene, as these have neither such a low vapor pressure to allow
condensation at ambient temperature in the concentrations present in typical gasification gases, nor
sufficient solubility in water to be removed by absorption. If the gas will be combusted in an engine
or gas turbine normally this does not require additional measures, but for synthesis gas additional
clean-up by e.g. scrubbing or by activated carbon is often necessary. However, there is also an
opportunity in recovering BTX as the market value for non-fossil BTX as a chemical is higher than
the energy value.

The FICFB202 gasification system for primarily biomass developed by TU Wien and commercialised
by Aerchernig Engineering (fka Repotec) uses RME as a scrubbing liquid for tar removal of the
product gas, after gas cooling and removal of particulates in a filter. In the scrubber both tars and
water are condensed, and the tar fraction is removed by absorption. The RME fraction is separated

Six Years Experience with the FICFB-Gasification Process. Hofbauer, Hermann & Rauch, Reinhard & Loeffler, G & Kaiser, Sebastian &
Fercher, E & Tremmel, H. 10th Eur. Conf. Technol. Exhib. Wurzburg, Germany, January 2002.

from the water by gravity and a purge stream is sent to the combustion section in the gasifier. The
condensed water is used to generate steam for the gasifier and the final amount where organics are
concentrated is also injected into the combustor. The experience from GoBiGas is that the energy
use in terms of consumption of RME amounts to some 0.5 MW in relation to 30 MW fuel input, i.e.
somewhat above 1.5 % of the biomass fuel input energy, and the main separation effect on tars is
condensation and the absorption of tars by dissolution in the RME is very limited195.

It is also possible to use other washing liquids for scrubbing besides water. The tar removal system
of OLGA194, 203,developed by ECN (currently ECN part of TNO) in the Netherlands and licensed to
Dahlman, see Section, is based on a multi-stage scrubber in which gas is cleaned by
proprietary scrubbing oil, see Figure 36.

Figure 36 The OLGA process203

Before entering the OLGA tar removal system, the product gas is cooled to around 400- 500 °C, i.e.
above the tar dew point, and the coarse particles are removed by a cyclone. In the first stage
scrubbing of OLGA (called collector), the gas is further cooled down to above the water dew point by
scrubbing oil. Heavy tars condense and are collected in the oil, from which heavy tar is separated in
an oil recovery system and recycled to the gasifier system. To avoid carry-over of tar aerosol and
scrubbing oil to the second stage, a WESP is located between the first and the second stage.

In the second stage (absorber column), lighter tars (e.g. phenol, naphthalene, etc.) are absorbed by
scrubbing oil above the water dew point (~80°C). The scrubbing oil is thus saturated by these light
tars. This saturated oil is then regenerated in a stripper by hot air or steam which is then routed

OLGA Tar Removal. Royal Dahlman B.V. May 2013,

back to the gasification system. For indirect gasifiers, the heavy tar and the stripper gas can be
routed to the combustion section, thereby both decomposing the tar components as well as
recovering the energy contained in the tar. The main advantage of operating above the water dew
point is that tars are removed from the product gas, while water is still present in the gas. This
avoids the formation of a troublesome water/tar mixture typical of water scrubbers, which is very
challenging to treat in wastewater systems. The OLGA technology has been commercially upscaled
and used for mainly biomass gasification plants. The OLGA process was being considered204 for a
planned waste gasification project in the UK and is planned for use in Synova projects in Thailand
and the Netherlands, see Section Since tars are removed, the gas can then be subjected to
further cooling below the water dew point and additional wet cleaning.

Other washing liquids that have been widely applied is tar liquor, i.e. a pumpable fraction of the
condensed tar, or another organic liquid e.g. RME as a solvent for the tar and recirculate a purge
stream to the gasifier or dispose of the excess by other means. Using tar liquor is not so costly,
whereas the use of RME or other bought-in solvents can easily lead to excessive costs if the tar
quantity is high. Temperature control

Another method to deal with tars consists of maintaining the lines downstream the gasifier at a
sufficiently high temperature, e.g. 400 °C to keep the tars remaining in the vapor phase and be
consumed when combusting the gas in a combustion chamber or a burner. This measure is applied
in many waste gasification plants in Japan and after CFB gasifiers such as in the CEMEX and ESKA
plants, respectively, but also at the Metso gasifier at Kymijärvi II, see Section 7.1 and,
respectively. However, this also means that the gas cleaning for other contaminants becomes
limited to, at best, particulates, alkalis and halides, if used at all. Remaining contaminants then
have to be eliminated by post-combustion flue gas cleaning.

6.2.3. Halides (chloride, fluoride and bromine)

The release of halides to the gas phase during gasification is a complex situation, as halides may be
retained in the ash and never released, react directly within the fuel to be contained in the ash or
released to the gas phase and then react with the ash. At present, there are only formal regulations,
e.g. IED, regarding chloride and fluoride, but bromine is increasingly being discussed. Typically, it is
the calcium but also the aluminium content of the ash that affects the release of halides, mostly
occurring at high temperature, whereas below 700 °C, halides can also be contained as alkali salts.
Typically, 50 % or more of the halide content is released to the gas205 ,206.

Main halide components in the gas phase are HCl and (HF and HBr), but halides may also be
present as chlorides, mainly NaCl and KCl above the respective melting points of the salts at 801 °C
and 770 °C, respectively. There are also some chlorinated hydrocarbons in the tar, depending on
the time-temperature history. However, such compounds will decompose to HCl and HF in
conjunction with tar decomposition at high temperatures. Bromine can possibly also appear as Br2.

The distribution of chloride species in an air-blown waste gasifier is exemplified by Figure 37,
resulting from thermodynamic calculations. As indicated in Table 14, the level of removal required
for a typical waste can be above 95 % in order to keep below emission limits (in gas combustion

Grimsby Renewable Power. Permit number EPR/DP3132EY. Environment Agency UK 22/12/2014
Release of Chlorine from Biomass at Pyrolysis and Gasification Conditions. E. Björkman, and B. Strömberg. Energy Fuels, 1997, 11
(5), pp 1026–1032.
Experimental Investigation of the Transformation and Release to Gas Phase of Potassium and Chlorine during Straw Pyrolysis. A.
Jensen, F. J. Frandsen, K. Dam-Johansen and B. Sander. Energy Fuels, 2000, 14 (6), pp 1280–1285

For the gas application for chemical synthesis, the cleaning requirements are even more stringent than
for use as a fuel gas in e.g. boilers/gas engines, as halides are well-known catalyst inhibitors and can
also form volatile species with some metal compounds used in catalysts at higher temperature.

If alkalis are present in excess relative to the halides, cooling the gas to below 300-400 °C causes
condensation as alkali halide salts, the condensation being initiated below 700 °C, cf. Figure 37.
Such solids can then be removed by an efficient dry particulate removal system. The affinity for
alkali increases in the order of: F < Cl < Br.

Figure 37 Theoretical distribution of chlorine species in RDF gasification207

As in the case of tar removal, for removal of halides from product gas there are dry methods and
wet cleaning methods. HCl and HF can react with calcium in the fuel ash or injected as a sorbent
into the gas as oxide, hydroxide and carbonate at intermediate temperatures to remove the
majority of the chlorides and fluorides, but it is less active for bromine (if available in sufficient
quantity, as the cation affinity for calcium increases in the order of Br, Cl, F due to the decreasing
ionic radius). Going further than what can be achieved by lime injection, where the relatively high
stability of CaCO3 is a limiting factor, sodium bicarbonate or other sodium carbonate salts can also
be used to achieve a very high pick-up, sufficient to meet emission requirements208. This reactant
and the associated cleaning process also appear in the descriptions of the APP process, see Section

When sorbents are used, this is combined with high-temperature filtration in ceramic filters to
separate ash particulates and the loaded sorbents at above 350 °C. The reason for this temperature
is in most cases to avoid tar condensation in the filter, but when both HCl and ammonia are present
below 300 °C, ammonium chloride (salmiak) is formed as an aerosol. This material tends to
accumulate at colder points in the system, and it can also cause pressure drop increase in fixed
beds. Since ammonium chloride is very hygroscopic, such accumulations can absorb water and be

S-Cl-Na-K Chemistry During MSW Gasification: a Thermodynamic Study. Michael Becidan. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING
This process, sometimes called the Solvay or Trona process is used in waste incinerators e.g. in Japan but also e.g. in the Kymijärvi
II plant

dissolved when the plant is off-line, and the gas system is colder than normal. Such accumulations
are one factor that causes standstill corrosion in incinerators using SCR and SNCR. The largest, but
also this far the only, gasifier installation using such filters is the Kymijärvi II plant. However also
other plants are using or planning this type of halide removal.

Both HF and HCl are strong acids that are easily dissolved in water, and even more easily dissolved
if the water is made alkaline. However, the presence of CO2 in the gas that also forms an acid, can
cause an increased consumption of chemicals to maintain the pH on the basic side. An intense
scrubbing process followed by separation of droplets e.g. in an electrostatic precipitator (WESP) is
another feasible mean to achieve the very high cleaning requirement defined for waste incinerators.

For cleaning to very pure gas, e.g. for use as synthesis gas, scrubbing may not be sufficient and
would require additional cleaning by sorbents in fixed beds, bi-metallic oxide sorbents, alkali
bicarbonate pellets, activated carbon, activated alumina, etc., where experience exists from
refineries and chemical plants. Since synthesis gas applications are mostly utilizing pressurized gas,
a reasonable space velocity can be applied in the contact with catalysts and sorbents, but in the
case of a gas close to atmospheric pressure, due to pressure drop restriction, large volumes of
sorbents in multiple vessels may be required.

6.2.4. NOx precursors

There are several sources of formation of NOx in combustion applications, some of which are related
to thermal formation of NO from the reaction of the main constituents of air or the prompt
formation from hydrocarbon radicals in the flame reacting with nitrogen in the air, but also from
oxidation of nitrogen compounds in the fuel itself. For the latter reaction, the conversion to NO is
very high. Depending on gas composition and operating conditions, typically 50-90 % of the
gaseous nitrogen-containing precursors (NH3, HCN and nitrogen containing organics originating from
the fuel-bound nitrogen) are converted to NOx (the lower the content of the precursors, the higher
the conversion by oxidation), and this source of NOx is the only one that can be effectively
addressed by gas cleaning before the combustion of the gas.

Waste fuels typically have a relatively high nitrogen content, see Table 1 and Table 2 while,
depending on the gasifier technology, 25-95 % of fuel-bound nitrogen is converted to emission
precursors during gasification that can subsequently be oxidized when the gas is combusted, as
described above. This means that typically 20-50 % of the fuel nitrogen can end up as NOx, so there
is a need for far-reaching gas cleaning to meet limiting emission levels. From Table 14 it can be
concluded that a magnitude of less than 10 % of the fuel nitrogen is acceptable in the final fuel gas
product from emissions standards, if post-combustion clean-up should be avoided or limited.

Most of the fuel-bound nitrogen ends up as ammonia during the gasification process. The HCN
content is typically a few percent of the fuel-bound nitrogen, but under certain conditions, mainly
relating to very high temperature operation or when polymers containing cyano-groups (e.g.
polyurethanes, nitrile rubbers) constitute an unusually high fraction of the feedstock, HCN can be at
a higher share of the fixed nitrogen components, 10 % or more. It can then be present to an extent
that it is not sufficient to only decompose tar and remove ammonia, also HCN needs to be removed
to meet emission requirements. In addition, the presence of HCN in wastewater would also be a

In the case of ammonia, there are no dry processes in use under the conditions prevailing in a
gasifier and in the gas cooling/cleaning section down to the steam dew point. Catalytic methane and
tar steam reforming by nickel catalysts would also decompose ammonia, but as noted in Section

113, for waste gasification catalyst are not in use. However, there have been efforts to develop
catalytic systems for the decomposition of ammonia209 and there are developments to achieve dry
removal of ammonia using e.g. regenerable acidic zeolites210. The most common approach for
ammonia removal, however, is to use wet scrubbing. Ammonia, being a strong base, can typically
be removed in water, in particular if strong acids are present in the gas, such that there is a
synergy between ammonia removal and HCl removal, but where one or the other of these
components are then limiting the balance. Therefore, a water scrubbing section can be designed to
remove most of the ammonia, but this requires that a relatively low pH is used, contrary to the
optimum requirements for removal of acids. Using only neutral water would result in a very dilute
solution. Since a wastewater system would in many cases also be required to treat ammonia prior
to discharge to a recipient, the gas cleaning and water cleaning are in practice closely connected.

HCN, on the other hand, in spite of being an acid, is more difficult to dissolve in water than strong
acids. Here, and as a part of the final gas purification, a catalytic hydrolysis reactor at 150 to 200 °C
can be used to hydrogenate HCN to ammonia in parallel to the conversion of COS to H2S, to be
removed by water upstream of the sulphur removal. Again, for a pressurized gas this can be done
more easily, whereas pressure drop restriction can raise the volume of catalyst required, and hence
the cost.

6.2.5. Sulphur species

The main sulphur-containing species in the gasification gas are H2S and COS, typically representing
more than 90% of the sulphur in the fuel. Overall COS may be 3-10 % of the total sulphur. If these
components are present in the gas during combustion, they oxidize to SO2 (and to some extent to
SO3). Other sulphur components are organic species such as mercaptans/thiols (R-SH) and hetero-
rings like thiophene that can be present in the ppm range, and therefore of importance to synthesis
gas systems. There are a number of publications summarizing various aspects of sulphur removal
from various gases211, 212, 213

Dry high temperature processes

Since the introduction of coal-based town gas in the late 19th century, there has been a continuous
search for materials for the economic dry removal of sulphur from gases, further triggered in the
1980’s and 1990’s due to the interest in coal- and biomass-based IGCC power plants.

There are no established dry processes to remove sulphur economically from a gasification product
gas. Without an upstream tar removal, the presence of tars in a dry process sets a minimum
operating temperature to avoid their condensation, and tars can also interact with high surface
sorbents in an undesirable way. In addition, also the chemical kinetics of the generic reaction shown
in the forward direction in the first formula below can be a limitation at lower temperatures, even if
from thermodynamics, the residual H2S contents (sulphur slip) decreases with a decreasing

An exception to this is lime, which can be used to form calcium sulphide, but this reaction can only
be efficiently performed at high temperature, 900°C, due to competition with CO2 being present at
higher concentrations and that readily forms calcite (CaCO3). However, even under optimum

Catalytic conversion of nitrogen compounds in gasification gas. Fuel Processing Technology. Jukka Leppälahti, Pekka Simell, Esa
Kurkela. Fuel Processing Technology. Volume 29, Issues 1–2, November 1991, Pages 43-56.
RTI Warm Syngas Cleanup Technology Demonstration. Raghubir Gupta. Gasification India 2016. New Delhi, India, 11-12 February
Synthesis Gas Purification. D. Chiche, C. Diverchy, A.-C. Lucquin, F. Porcheron and F. Defoort. Oil & Gas Science and Technology –
Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles, Vol. 68 (2013), No. 4, pp. 707-724
Biogas upgrading technologies –developments and innovations. A. Petersson, A. Wellinger. IEA Bioenergy, Task 37 - Energy from
biogas and landfill gas, 2009
Tail gas treatment of sour-SEWGS CO2 product. H.A.J. van Dijk. Juni 2012. ECN-E--12-025, ECN, the Netherlands

conditions the cleaning effect is limited thermodynamically to residual H2S contents (sulphur slip)
that are higher than allowed for emission control214. Also, the presence of CaS in ash streams
causes some issues, as the H2S can be released again in contact with water, and the sulphide can
also be oxidized to sulphate in contact with oxygen, a reaction which is exothermic.

There are also non-regenerable solid sorbents such as molecular sieves or zinc oxide that are used
for natural gas treatment and in the chemical industry for removing smaller quantities of sulphur
from a gas, typically at ppm levels and often preceded by other bulk sulphur removal processes
such as wet scrubbing absorption processes, see below. However, these throw-away materials are
far too costly for bulk removal of sulphur above, say, 10 ppm.

One aspect of fulfilling the economic criteria is that the sorbent consumption is reasonable from a
cost perspective. For once-through systems, this criterion can be met by calcium minerals such as
lime and dolomite, but, as noted above, even if the removal efficiency (i.e. sulphur removed/sulphur
at inlet) can be high in the case of high sulphur coal, the residual sulphur content in the gas is still
too high to meet environmental requirements or, alternatively, the approximate 10 ppm level,
where the commercially available sorbents like zinc oxide could be considered as cost effective for

Therefore, there has also been a development of regenerative systems based on metal oxides
corresponding to the reactions exemplified below:

MeO +H2S ⇄ MeS+ H2O Absorption in the forward direction,

Regeneration by desorption in the reverse direction
MeS +1.5O2 → MeO+SO2 Regeneration with air

Some of the candidate materials as regenerative metal-based sorbents are shown in Table 18.

Table 18 Examples of regenerative sorbents tested for dry sulphur removal215.

Sorbent material Sulfidation Regeneration Sorbent utilisation, H2S slip,

temperature, temperature, % of theoretical ppmv
°C °C
Tin oxide 350-500 400-500 85 < 100
Copper oxide 350-550 650 70 < 20
Manganese oxide 350-870 900 50 < 10
Iron oxide 360-500 500-650 25-45 < 100
Zinc oxide 480-540 500-700 50-70 <1
Zinc ferrite 450-600 600 20-80 < 20
Zinc titanate 450-750 600-750 40-60 < 10
Copper chromite 650-850 750 40-80 < 10
Cerium oxide 750-1000 6000 90 < 100

The table indicates operating temperature, regeneration temperature, typical sorbent utilization as
percent of the theoretical sulphur uptake (for most oxides, typically the theoretical uptake of
sulphur is 15-25 % by weight) and the residual H2S in the gas. For the first reaction, a gas with high

A thermodynamic study of dolomite as a hydrogen sulfide adsorbent when pyrolyzing of partially gasifying coal. K. Sjöström, T.
Liliedal. Fuel, 71 (1992), p. 797
Optimisation of Experimental Conditions for Ex-Bed Desulfurization. J. M. Sánchez et al. 2010. FLEXGAS Project, D6.3 Informes
Técnicos Ciemat 1216, Octubre, 2010, CIEMAT, Spain.

steam content results in an increased sulphur slip from equilibrium effects. On the other hand, and
unfortunately, a high sorbent affinity for sulphur, such as is the case for ZnO, is in practice off-set
by difficulties in reversing the reaction, requiring higher temperatures and/or large quantities of
steam. Achieving high regeneration temperatures costs energy and has chemical impacts on the
sorbent and practical operational limitations. In addition, since the typical concentration for H2S in
the regeneration stream in practice is of the order of one to three magnitudes higher than the
residual H2S content in the gas, say 1-10 ppm, arriving at a sufficiently enriched regeneration
stream for further treatment of the H2S can also be a limitation.

The H2S gas released can be sent to a boiler equipped with flue gas desulfurization processes and
burned, oxidized with air or hydrogen peroxide to produce sulfuric acid processes suitable for
smaller gas flows and sulphur quantities, or fixed by liquid oxidation processes, see below. The
common Claus process (oxidation of 1/3 of the H2S to SO2, H2S +1.5 O2⇄ SO2+ H2O, followed by a
catalytic multi-stage reaction between this SO2 and the remaining H2S to elemental sulphur, SO2
+2H2S ⇄ S2+ 2H2O, net reaction H2S +0.5O2 ⇄ 0.5S2+ H2O) is typically not used for biomass and
waste gasification systems, although it is used for coal and oil gasification, since the quantity of
sulphur to recover is too low to make the process feasible and/or the H2S stream is too dilute to
allow the efficient use of this process.

By using mixed oxides containing zinc and another more regenerable oxide, the latter can remove
the bulk of the sulphur, whereas the zinc achieves the polishing 216. However, the activity of the zinc
is reduced by dilution, such that the sulphur slip is higher than for pure materials. To facilitate the
regeneration, the second, oxidation reaction above is being developed. The oxidation is exothermic,
such that the oxygen content of the regeneration gas needs to be controlled to low concentrations
to avoid too high temperatures that could cause sintering or other deterioration of the sorbent. For
many of the sorbent candidates, there is also a side-reaction of forming a small fraction of metal
sulphate. Therefore, after an accomplished oxidative regeneration, to complete the full cycle, any
metal sulphates need to be reduced to H2S to avoid slip of H2S in the next absorption next cycle.
This is done in a second regeneration step where a reducing process gas is used to fully restore the
sorbent before it can be returned to service. This reduction gas is then recycled to the
desulfurization feed gas. Also, the SO2 gas formed during the combustion of the product gas needs
to be treated prior to release. It can be fed to some auxiliary boiler on site equipped with a flue gas
sulphur removal system. Another method is to oxidize the SO2 to SO3 which can be absorbed in
water to form a sulfuric acid by-product. A third method is to reduce SO2 to elemental sulphur by
consuming some of the upgraded product gas and recycle the tail gas containing also some H2S
formed during the reduction, or by using wet oxidation methods, see below.

However, apart from the ZnO throw-away system used between 250 and 400 °C, only one of these
sorbents210, 216, 217 based on ZnO supported on zinc aluminate has reached a state where it has have
tested extensively in coal gasification gas and commercial opportunities are now sought. The
applicability to the somewhat more complex waste gasification gas and the feasibility of its
application in smaller gas streams than present in coal gasification remains to be demonstrated.

Wet processes
In the absence of established hot gas, dry, cleaning methods for gasification gases in general and
the added complexity if tars are present, the processes for sulphur removal are typically carried out
after removal of tar and after water scrubbing. Processes used are mainly by scrubbing in an

Status of RTI/Eastman Warm Gas Clean-up Technology and Commercialization Plans. Raghubir Gupta et al. Gasification
Technologies Conference. October 8, 2008
High-Temperature Sulfur Removal in Gasification Applications. Raghubir Gupta.

absorption system or by regenerable sorbents at ambient temperatures.

Unlike SO2, which is a reasonably strong acid (pKa= 1.81), H2S is a weak acid (pKa= 6.9) like CO2
(pKa= 6.3) that requires high alkalinity to be dissolved in water, whereas COS is not readily
dissolved in water solution at any pH.

To ensure that sufficient sulphur is removed to meet end-use requirements (for example, if the gas
is applied for synthesis applications), the treatment first catalytically hydrolyse COS to H2S, as
discussed in relation to HCN in Section 6.2.4, and then remove the bulk H2S by a scrubbing process,
followed a non-regenerable guard bed polishing.

In many applications involving chemical synthesis, it is required or desirable to also remove the
other weak acid present, CO2, simultaneously with the H2S. There are many processes available for
this purpose at large scale applied in chemical industry and refining, separated into chemical washes
using bases such as amine alcohols (MEA, DEA, MDEA) or basic chemicals like potassium carbonate
(Benfield), and physical washes using water, methanol (Rectisol®), or more complex organic
compounds (Sepasolv®, Molysorb® etc.), alone or as water solutions. There are also processes that
apply both principles in parallel. These processes are based on an absorption-desorption cycle.
These processes are with some variation not so specific for the removal of sulphur, depending on
the reactant or solvent used. However, as CO2 is typically present in the gas at least one or two
magnitudes higher concentration than sulphur species, there is in most cases a very significant co-
absorption of CO2. Despite this, some of these processes can be arranged by staging and split
regeneration to have a quite concentrated H2S stream for further treatment.

The chemical wash systems are based on the absorption and hydrolysis of the acid gas component
to react with the base component, i.e. the solvent capacity is related to the concentration of the
active base component. The chemical reaction enhances the absorption and can therefore be applied
also at atmospheric pressure but requires a high amount of energy for the regeneration as the
chemical reactions are associated with reaction heat (typical values are 1-2.5 MJ/kg acid gas
removed). The simplest form of chemical wash is to use alkaline scrubbing using caustic (NaOH). In
this case, regeneration is not applied; instead, the sulphide captured is oxidized to sulphate and
rejected to the sewage system. The cost of sodium hydroxide is below 1€/kg and for sodium
hypochlorite of the order of 2-3 €/kg, but the latter is used on a molar ratio of 4, such that the cost
amounts to 20-30€/kg S, which may still be acceptable for small plants. This is difficult to compare
with other methods for removing sulphur, as these involves both significant capital and operating
costs that are dependent on the process used, the scale and other conditions.

Physical wash systems use the solubility in the absorption medium without chemical reactions, i.e.
the energy requirements are lower than chemical wash systems, since generally, absorption heats
are lower than reaction heat (typically < 0.5 MJ/kg acid gas removed). However, since the
absorption capacity is related to the partial pressure of the solute, pressurized operation at typically
2.5 MPa or more is required, and also since a partial desorption is accomplished by pressure let-
down as a first regeneration step to save energy, followed by a thermal regeneration. Since
solubility typically increases with decreasing temperature, some processes also use sub-ambient
temperatures, e.g. Rectisol. There are many descriptions of such processes218, a good discussion
can be found in e.g. a report from NREL219. However, for reasons of economy of scale, waste

For example; Gas Purification (Fifth Edition), Arthur Kohl, Richard Nielsen. Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas, USA, 1997.
Survey and Down-Selection of Acid Gas Removal Systems for the Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass to Ethanol with a Detailed
Analysis of an MDEA System
Task 1: Acid Gas Removal Technology Survey and Screening for Thermochemical Ethanol Synthesis March 2009
Task 2: Detailed MDEA Process Analysis September 2009.
Nexant Inc. San Francisco, California. Subcontract Report NREL/SR-5100-50482, NREL, USA, May 2011

gasification plants are mostly small and the use of such established processes very costly.

For fuel gas application, although the removal of CO2 improves the heating value of the gas, which
may be important for some critical applications, the practice is to not actively remove CO2 in
addition to the quantity co-absorbed when removing sulphur species. The removal of CO2 is costly
both in investment and operating costs (energy), in particular at atmospheric pressure, while the
increased heating value could lead to thermal NOx formation when burning the fuel gas.

To have an even higher selectivity to remove H2S down to levels below 10 ppm, there are a number
of so-called liquid oxidation processes (LOX) (e.g. Lo-Cat®220, Sulferox®221, Thiopaq®222, and
Crystasulf®223) available that can operate both at atmospheric and elevated pressure using
chemicals or even microorganisms to oxidize the hydrogen sulphide to elemental sulphur, which is
recovered as solids or sludge. Typically, without posttreatment, the sulphur sludge can be disposed
of by landfilling, but if re-melting is used, a sellable sulphur product can be obtained.

Figure 38 The Lo-Cat process220

One type of process typically uses a short-time contact scrubber, see Figure 38, where an alkaline
water solution absorbs the hydrogen sulphide as its ion form (H2S can dissolve and hydrolyse to HS-
whereas CO2 first has to react with water to H2CO3 to only thereafter hydrolyse to HCO3-, which
kinetically favours sulphur absorption). In the LO-Cat and Sulferox processes, the liquid also
contains a chelated224 iron as Fe(III) that rapidly oxidizes the hydrogen sulphide ions to elemental
sulphur, which further enhances the absorption of H2S over CO2, while returning the iron to Fe(II).
The solution is then brought to a sparger vessel where air bubbling is used to re-oxidize the iron to
the trivalent state, but also to separate the sulphur formed by flotation as sulphur froth on the
surface of the liquid. The sulphur froth can then be skimmed off for further enrichment, and possibly
purification by melting and re-crystallization. In the Thiopaq process, the loaded solution contains

SULFEROX® Converting hydrogen sulphide to elemental sulphur. Shell Global Solutions B.V. 2011

specialized and harmless bacteria instead of iron oxide that under the influence of air in a sparger
tank oxidizes the sulphide to sulphur.

Despite the staging and use of intermediates such as chelated iron ions, the overall reaction formula
is the same as the overall formula for the well-known Claus process even if this process proceeds in
several stages:

H2S+0.5O2 → 0.5S2(s)+ H2O

Absorption H2S(g)+H2O(l) → H2S(aq) (slow)
Dissociation H2S(aq) → H++HS–
Sulphide Oxidation HS–+2Fe+++ → S°+2Fe+++H+ (fast)
Absorption of Oxygen 1/2O2(g) + H2O(l) → 1/2O2(aq) (slow)
Iron re-oxidation 1/2O2(aq)+H2O+2Fe++ → 2OH– + 2Fe+++ (fast)

The drawbacks of these processes are that they are known to have a certain chemical consumption,
they are maintenance–intensive and that some by-products (sulphates, thiosulphates) are produced
that require purging. Using such methods implies some limitations on the feed gas. Hydrocarbons
present in the product gas may cause foaming and other disturbances. During aeration, volatile
hydrocarbons, if still present in the gas after cleaning, like benzene or naphthalene, are released to
the air, such that untreated venting may not be allowed. Also, the pH in such systems must be kept
under control by buffering such that any addition of HCl or ammonia that drives pH causes can
increase in chemical consumption and from purging to maintain avoid accumulation of undesirable
ions. However, in spite of this they are in frequent use in various industries such as natural gas
upgrading, refining, biogas production, chemical industries, rayon manufacture.

The Crystasulf® process uses a high-boiling organic liquid in which both H2S and elemental sulphur
is soluble into which gaseous or liquid SO2 is dosed and is contacted with the gas. The H2S is
absorbed in the hydrocarbon liquid, which has no affinity for CO2, and proceeds via the second sub-
reaction of the Claus process:

2H2S+SO2 → 1½S2(s)+2H2O

The solid product containing dissolved elemental sulphur is cooled down and the sulphur is
crystallized and separated from the solution by a filter. This process is rather novel and operating
experiences are more limited although it is claimed that it is in use for waste gasification systems225.

Low temperature adsorbents211, 213, 218, 226, 227

Hydrogen sulphide and other sulphur species can be captured by adsorbents such as zeolites and
activated carbons or by reactions with iron oxide at low temperatures, both for removal service and
as guard beds. This requires other forms of upstream cleaning to remove tars, particulates, acids,
etc., that would otherwise co-absorb or block adsorption beds. Since gasification gas typically
contains water vapor, co-absorption of water is limiting the use of zeolites in addition to cost.
Adsorbents are typically applied in fixed bed arrangements, where two or more vessels are used to
ensure continuous desulfurization.

For activated carbon, instead the gas needs to have a certain level of humidity, 30-90 %. The
relative humidity causes a liquid phase to form in the pores where H2S can dissolve and dissociate
prior to be adsorbed on the carbon. Activated carbons in themselves do not have a very high

Using SEWGS and CrystaSulf® to manage CO2 and H2S from coal gasification at high-pressure. Bryan Petrinec, Bill Steen, Carl
Richardson. URS Corporation
Biogas desulfurization with doped activated carbon. S. Rossow et al. Landtechnik 64 (2009), no. 3, pp. 202 - 205
Trade literature from e.g. Norit, Cabbot, Donau Carbon, General Carbon, Desotec and others.

sulphur capacity. To enhance the adsorption, impregnation with alkaline salts (NaOH, NaHCO3, etc.)
is also used, whereby the adsorption capacity is more or less related to amount of impregnation by
the stoichiometry. Activated carbon can also be used to catalytically oxidize hydrogen sulphide to
elementary sulphur and water at ambient temperatures and sulfuric acid at higher temperatures. To
some extent, oxygen in the activated carbon matrix remaining from its activation process can do
this to a limited extent but for a higher conversion oxygen needs to be added to the process,
typically 2-4 times the H2S content. To enhance this reaction, impregnation by e.g. KI is used.

The sulphur-containing activated carbon can either be regenerated or replaced with fresh carbon
when it is saturated. Regeneration can be accomplished by steaming to release H2S on non-
impregnated carbons, by washing and reimpregnation for alkaline-impregnated carbons or by
evaporation, dissolution or melting in the case of a sulphur product. However, regeneration is not
complete, therefore after a number of cycles, the carbon losses its adsorption capacity and needs to
be replaced.

Actual data for the use of activated carbon for sulphur removal at industrial conditions are difficult
to find in the literature. However, based on some of the literature, the performance can be
summarized as below. Activated carbon can be used to achieve a hydrogen sulphide slip of 1 ppm.
The various types of carbons used, differences in the process conditions such as inlet H2S
concentration, outlet H2S concentration, relative humidity, etc. also means that the resulting sulphur
loading can vary over a large range from a few % to tens of % by weight. Data on effective
consumption is difficult to find.

When used as a guard bed, i.e. to remove sulphur from an inlet of a magnitude 1 ppm and/or to act
as a redundancy device for upsets in any upstream sulphur removal system, activated carbon
impregnated with metal oxides with high affinity for sulphur, e.g. CuO is used.

Although there are very apparent advantages for hot gas sulphur removal, it has not been part of
the conceptual design of gas cleaning installations for waste gasifiers. In Table 19, the actual
sulphur removal methods used or planned for use in different waste gasification installations, as far
as it is possible to identify this from public documents, are listed.

6.2.6. Heavy metals, mercury

In the chemical environment and temperature of the gasifier, several species can vaporize as metals
(Zn, Hg), or as chlorides or sulphides (Cd, Zn, Hg) and leave the gasifier in the gas phase, in
addition to alkalis already discussed. In Table 20 the predominant form of some of the metals of
concern at different temperatures is shown. However, and as can be seen in Table 20, as the gas
temperature is progressively decreased in the gas cleaning system, these vapours condense either
on the surface of other particles present or as very small particles formed on condensation nuclei.
Therefore, the particulate cleaning methods described in Section 6.2.1 are effective for the removal
of such metals.

The main exception to this is mercury, where the metal and also some other species, notably the
mercury chloride, have a high enough vapor pressure to be retained in the gas in significant
concentrations after cooling and dust removal. To limit the emission of mercury, adsorption on
special impregnated activated carbons is used where mercury is bound as sulphides, thereby
depressing the vapor pressure of mercury metal in the gas. This method is also used on flue gases
in incinerators and also elsewhere where mercury can occur.

6.2.7. TOC, dioxins and furans, CO

Although in form of hydrocarbons in the gas in the gasifier, also including traces of chlorinated
compounds emanating from e.g. plastics, the reducing conditions at high temperature makes

oxygenated compounds such as furans and dioxins less likely to be formed or survive at gasifier
conditions while the absence of oxygen prevents de novo formation228. Still, at gasifier conditions, in
particular for high-ash, high-chlorine fuels and at low temperature gasification, some limited
amounts of dioxins can be formed229. The fate of these dioxins will depend on the gas cleaning, e.g.
thermal treatment for tar removal, scrubbing processes for tar and particulates, use of activated
carbons, etc.

However, since the most common use of the gas is combustion at high temperatures, dioxins and
other combustible gas components present in the fuel gas are likely to decompose, while dioxins
observed in the flue gas after combustion may be formed during the combustion step.

In addition, the effective removal of chloride in the gas cleaning prior to the combustion, if used as
is the case in the Kymijärvi II plant,, is a factor that prevents the occurrence of conditions of
so-called de novo formation of dioxins in the gas furnace and furnace exhaust.

Even if the CO content in the product gas is high, tens of vol.%, any remaining CO in the flue gas is
more related to the combustion efficiency and control than the presence in the fuel gas.

Table 19 Applied sulphur cleaning technologies in waste gasification projects

(For further details see Sections 7.3.2 and 7.4)

Project, technology Gas use Upstream S Sulphur removal


Air Products, Teesside, UK GT-CC COS hydrolysis Liquid oxidation (LO-Cat)

APP, Tyseley, UK Synthesis NaHCO3 Alkaline scrubbing* + guard bed
CHO Power, Morcenx, FR ICE PAC

Dahlman, Grimsby, UK GT-CC Post-combustion

Enerkem, Alberta Biofuels, CA Synthesis (n.a. proprietary)

INEOS, Vero Beach, FL, USA Synthesis Post-combustion
(Liquid ox. planned)

Fulcrum, ND, USA Synthesis COS hydrolysis Amine wash + liquid oxidation
JFE Thermoselect ICE Liquid oxidation (LO-Cat)
Chiba, Izumi, Nagasaki, Fukuyama,
Osaka. Kurashiki, Isahaya,
Tokushima, Yorii, JP
MHI (Thermoselect). Mutsu JP ? Liquid oxidation (Takahax)
Plasco, Trails Road, Ottawa, CA ICE Thiopaq,
changed to MACT liquid oxidation
SynTech Bioenergy, Wednesbury, ICE NaHCO3 Alkaline scrubbing, PAC
Thermoselect, Fondotoce IT ICE Lo-Cat
Thermoselect, Karlsruhe, DE ICE Sulferox
Thermoselect, Malagrotta, IT ICE LO-Cat?
UBE, JP Synthesis LO-Cat+ guard

Formation of dioxins and furans during municipal solid waste gasification. E. J. Lopes et al. Braz. J. Chem. Eng. vol.32 no.1 São Paulo
Jan./Mar. 2015.
Dioxins in gasification The Northwest Florida Renewable Energy Center plant evaluation. Mariusz Cieplik et al. ECN-L--09-126, ECN,
the Netherlands, October 2009

*hypochlorite oxidation in process water
Gt-CC: gas turbine combined cycle ICE: internal combustion engine.

Table 20 Gaseous trace element species in gasification gas217

Element >1000°C 400° to 800°C 100° to 400°C <100°C

As AsO, AsS, As AsO, As, As2S3 Condensed Species Condensed

Condensed Species
Be Be(OH)2 Cond. species Cond. species Cond. species
Hg Hg HgS, HgO, Hg Hg, HgCl2 Hg, HgCl2
V VO2 Cond. species Cond. species Cond. species
Se H2Se, Se, SeO H2Se H2Se H2Se
Ni NiCl Condensed species Ni(CO)4 (high pCO) Ni(CO)4 (high pCO)
Co CoCl2, CoCl Cond. species Cond. species Cond. species
Sb SbO SbO Sb2S3 Sb4S3
Cd Cd Cd CdCl2 Cond. species
Pb PbS, Pb, PbCl2 PbS, Pb, PbCl2 Cond. species Cond. species
Zn Zn Zn, ZnCl2 Cond. species Cond. species

6.2.8. Conclusions on gas cleaning processes

In a combustion plant, or a gasification or pyrolysis plant with direct combustion of the gas and
other products, the contaminants, mainly contained in the waste fuel itself, are transferred to the
flue gas from the combustion of the product gas and is eliminated by the commercially and
industrially available flue gas cleaning systems. In the case of a gasification process, but excluding
direct combustion of the gas, the extent of cleaning required for different applications means that
the entire gas cleaning train contains from a few to several process steps, schematically shown in
Figure 39.

The IED (and similar regulations outside the EU), which defines combustion, gasification and
pyrolysis installations for waste as “incinerators”, regulates substances by limiting emission values
(LEVs) that are considered harmful to the environment, see Table 14. Other application than just
combustion of the gas has other limitations, see Table 15.

The main treatment for tar, other than by cooling and scrubbing, is by some form of thermal
treatment using partial oxidation with air or oxygen and/or plasma energy.

During cooling, tars if still present, and inorganic material evaporated in the gasifier, e.g. alkali
chlorides, can condense, and the inorganic species are converted via reactions, e.g. re-carbonisation
of CaO. The gas is therefore likely to interfere with indirect heat exchange surfaces by sticking and
fouling, so that the design and operating conditions should be selected to avoid major operational
problems, such as direct quenching but at the expense of the energy efficiency and heat recovery.

If dry cleaning is preferred, this would be performed at 400 °C by the use of ceramic filters. Sodium
bicarbonate injected into the gas at this temperature reacts with HCl and HF which are then
separated in the filter as dry sodium salts. This would correspond to some extent of partial form of
gas cleaning, where additional flue gas cleaning would be required after gas combustion.

For additional gas clean-up the quenched or filtered gas is then scrubbed to remove strong acids
and ammonia in one step or in several steps with varying pH, depending on the balance of acids and
bases present in the product gas.

Since many of the heavy metals evaporated in the gasifier would have condensed at these low

temperatures as fine particles or onto other particles present, dry or wet particulate removal is also
the main contributor to removal of heavy metals. The cooling and scrubbing also condenses water
from the gas to increase the heating value. To further remove liquid and solid aerosols, a wet
electrostatic precipitator (WESP) is often proposed. The process condensate separated needs to
undergo treatment prior to its discharge. For an application with pressurized gas, the gas would
then be compressed. The use of fixed beds of activated carbons and catalysts in the gas cleaning is
also favourable for the gas treatment at higher pressure.

Gas Cleaning Gas Purification

Oxygen, steam,
(coke, lime, plasma)


TREATMENT Oxygen, plasma
(Tar decomposition)

(benzene, aromatics,
tar traces)


(optional) (Hg)


(All particulates, alkalis, Sorbents (200 C)
chloride, fluoride


DIRECT QUENCH Gas user (optional)


(removal of particulates, HCl, base and/or acid (COS; HCN)
HF and ammonia)


Gas user
(removal of solid and liquid
steam, air
To gas purification



Gas user

Figure 39 Gas cleaning process train for waste gasification to clean gas

The next step would be to apply activated carbon to remove vapor-phase mercury. Traces of
hydrocarbons such as benzene, etc. that interfere with the sulphur treatment or other downstream

processes could also be removed by another activated carbon stage.

For sulphur removal, the gas is heated to 200 °C and passes a hydrolysis catalyst. The main effect
of this catalyst is to convert COS to H2S if the COS content of the gas combined with the H2S slip
from the sulphur removal is higher than tolerable. The catalyst also hydrogenates HCN, a precursor
to the formation of NO. The final treatment is for the removal of H2S by scrubbing methods or by
sorbents, either selective removal, or for synthesis gas and other applications in combination with
CO2 removal. Such processes are well-known in the chemical industry but have been used to a far
lesser degree for waste gasification. The most usually applied technologies for S removal in waste
gasification plants include liquid oxidation processes.

From the above, it is evident that the gas treatment is quite costly and adds significantly to the
plant investment and operating costs. Nevertheless, cleaning the gas facilitates its use such that
other prime movers such as engines and gas turbines can be used to improve the performance over
normal incinerators, or instead of energy recovery material recovery by the synthesis of new
products can be achieved. In addition, in many industries, e.g. in steel mills, a gaseous fuel is
distributed and used at various points in the process. Using a dirty gas with tars which would need
control and monitoring of emissions at each of these usage points would not be practical.


A JRC review of the state-of-the-art in waste energy conversion by incineration and other methods
for energy-generation from wastes230 notes that the current average efficiency of a waste
incinerator to electricity is 22 % (with a potential for reaching 33 %), whereas CHP waste
incinerators had an average of 17 % efficiency to power and 68 % overall efficiency (with optimized
values of27 % and 92 %, respectively). At the same time, combustion plants for solids fuels other
than wastes reach above 40 % electrical efficiency at larger capacities.

The reason for this relative low efficiency is that the temperature of the superheated steam in a
waste incinerator is lower than the 500- 600° C, or even more, that is used for fired boilers using
other, cleaner fuels. In Figure 40, the superheated steam temperature in European grate waste
incinerators in the period from 1960 to 2010 is shown. The majority of all grate incinerators have
steam temperatures in the 390 to 450 °C range, while very few are at higher superheat
temperatures, and these are also not very recent installations. At the same time, the steam
pressure is most often in the range 4-5 MPa but has recently increased slightly, up to 7 MPa for CFB
plants. The reason for this relatively low superheating pressure compared to other power plants, is
that the contaminants in waste, and in particular chlorides causes rapid corrosion when these
temperatures are exceeded. In CFB boilers, the temperature can go somewhat higher, say 20-30 °C
higher, by letting the final superheater be heated in the bed material recirculation loop where no
flue gases are present.

The consequences of the low superheat temperature on the electric efficiency for a waste incinerator
operating as a condensing plant is indicated in Figure 41. The conservative steam conditions mean
that for small plants, the efficiency is only 18 % and can later asymptotically approach 24 % at very
high capacities. If instead 7 MPa steam pressure is used, the efficiency ranges from 22 % to 29 %.
The red dotted line exemplifies the optimization of the efficiency as larger plants will tend to
increase the steam pressure and also sometimes the superheat temperature231.

Towards a better exploitation of the technical potential of waste-to-energy. Hans Saveyn et al. JRC104013
EUR 28230 EN, 2016-12-12
Some examples: Amager DK, CHP, 440 °C, 7 MPa grate, 2*105 MWth, 57 MWe gross. Händelö, SE, CHP 450 °C, 6.6 MPa 85 MWth.
CFB. Västerås, SE, CHP 476 °C, 7.7 MPa, 167 MWth, 46-51 MWe gross, CFB

However, in the upper right corner, the same estimate is done but using steam pressures and
reheat cycles that are typically used for larger power plants, and without raising the superheat
temperature from 450 °C, where large power plants would have at least yet another 100 °C higher
temperature. The result is that efficiencies of 32 to 35 % are reached and raising the steam
superheat temperature would increase the efficiency even further. Some developments strive to
accomplish this such as the use of high-alloy clad superheater, positioning of the final superheater
in a separate fluidized bed in a CFB return where combustion gases are not present (e.g. Sumitomo
Foster Wheeler INTREX superheater, externally heated superheater using fossil gas or a cleaned
gasification gas from a small side-stream gasifier (hybrid incinerator) etc.

Figure 40 Steam temperature in European grate fired incinerators232

Since removal of chlorine before combustion is not possible in a waste incinerator, this limitation of
the superheat temperature is difficult to overcome, and other improvements are marginal. Thus,
gasification with gas cleaning to remove chlorine prior to combustion can remove this limit in the
steam temperature. The only example this far, the Kymijärvi II plant, see Section, operates
at 540 °C, 12 MPa and has a net efficiency of 31 % for CHP operation.

If the gas is cleaned further and cooled, see several examples in Section 7.3.2, it can be used in a
gas engine or gas turbine. The cold gas efficiency (i.e. the chemical energy content in the product
gas as fed to the prime mover, relative to the energy contained in the solid fuel fed to the gasifier)
of gasifiers are typically 75 %, and the gas engine electrical efficiency 35-38 %, such that 26-29 %
of the inlet fuel energy is converted to gross power in relatively small plants, say around 10 MW

A preliminary comparative performance evaluation of highly efficient Waste-to-Energy plants


W. Bogale, F. Viganò. Energy Procedia 45 (2014) 1315 – 1324

thermal. If a bottoming cycle is added to utilize heat recovered from product gas and exhaust gas
cooling, another 5-6 % efficiency points can be gained.

Figure 41 The performance of WtE plants in relation to design parameters and scale
(adapted from233)

For a gas turbine, the efficiency is typically 35 %, so that overall 26 % gross efficiency (net
electricity relative to the inlet fuel energy) could result. However, gas turbine plants would only be
used with a bottoming cycle, i.e. integrated gasification gas turbine combined cycle, and here more
heat can be recovered from the gas turbine exhaust gas and at a higher temperature such that
combined with heat recovered from gas cooling, another 15 % efficiency points can be raised from
the steam cycle, raising the gross generation efficiency to above 40 %.

Thus, gas cleaning is not only a means to avoid operational problems and to meet emission
limitations but is also an enabler for using higher steam conditions and prime movers like engines
and gas turbines, and thereby raising the overall efficiency far beyond what is possible with a
conventional incinerator.

Ultimate energy performances of grate combustor WTE plants. Consonni, S., Viganò, F. & Eremed, W. B. 5th International

Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng 2014), Rio de Janeiro, 25-28 August, 2014.

7. Gasifier technologies
In this section, some specific examples of waste gasification technologies and applications are
highlighted. The focal points are on industrial use and on installations where gas cleaning is applied.
Since there is quite a number of installations, not all have been included, either for lack of
information, or due to the fact that some facilities are very similar with each other.

From a technology perspective, this section is organised mainly in the type of applications indicated
in Figure 31. From a plant and supplier perspective, Appendix 3 and 4 contain a list of waste
gasification plants and projects as well as a list of technology developers and suppliers, respectively.
Additional information can be found on technologies and projects, and which can also be used for
searching additional information from other sources.


In analogy with the gasification of other fuels, gasification of waste has been used to generate fuel
gas for industrial purposes.

The main industrial branch using waste gasification is the cement industry. Already the TPS gasifiers
built in Greve-in-Chianti, Italy, in the late 1980s were planned to provide a fraction of the fuel gas
for a nearby cement plant, in addition to the use of the main part of the fuel gas to gas boilers used
to generate electric power.

In the EU, the pioneering Lurgi plant at Rüdersdorf, which was installed in 1996, is still in use, but
there have been few followers in the western world. However, the last few years the technology has
made large inroads in China as a result of cooperation with Kawasaki of Japan. Apart from the
energy recovery, the inorganic, ash, part of the feed can be added as ballast in the cement and thus
also this material is recovered and reused for building materials.

In the paper and pulp industry, there are examples of energy recovery by gasification from recycling
rejects: the recent ESKA plant in the Netherlands (start of operation in 2016), and the Corenso
plant in Finland (in operation since 2001). This latter plant was also specifically designed for metals
recycling as aluminium was recovered for reuse. Metals recycling has also been in focus of the ERM
plant in the UK, in this case from end-of-life-vehicles shredder residues.

7.1.1. CEMEX Rüdersdorf, Germany

The quarry at Rüdersdorf has hundreds of years of history, and manufacturing of lime and cement
also has a long history on the site. Following the unification of Germany, the run-down cement
factory was taken over by Readymix AG in the year 1990, and a major modernization project of all
parts in the production chain was started. This included the replacement of seven kilns by one kiln
that was taken into operation in 1995 to produce 5 000 tonnes/day clinker. As one part of the
modernized design, the use of so-called secondary fuels (RDF and other solid and liquid waste
fractions) and coal-rich lignite ash was implemented to substitute a significant part of the main fuel,

The process, shown in Figure 42, starts with the preparation of the cement meal, i.e. the milling of a
mixture of lime and ballast inerts to a low particle size (right side of Figure 42). The meal is fed to
the pre-calciner tower (in the middle of the tower) where the meal is preheated by five cyclone
stages in countercurrent flow with the flue gas coming from the kiln and auxiliary burners. This
preheats the meal up to 880 °C and also pre-calcines it, thereby reducing the heat load of the kiln

to approximately 40 % of the overall energy load. The meal is then fed into the kiln and is subjected
a temperature increase up to 1400- 1500 °C at the kiln outlet, whereby clinkers are formed. These
leave the kiln into the clinker cooler (right hand side of the figure). The energy is provided by the
auxiliary burners, where also the LCV gas from the gasifier is used, located at the solid inlet of the
kiln, whereas the main burner is located at the kiln outlet. Flue gases coming from the first cyclone
stage are cooled by heat recovery and cleaned from particulates and other emissions before being
sent to the stack.

Figure 42 The CEMEX Rüdersdorf process flow sheet. Adapted from234.

(the gasifier is highlighted by the blue rectangle)
Some of the secondary fuels, e.g. waste oil, high energy value fluff (SLF) and meat and bone meal
(MBM), are fed to the main burner at the hot, outlet, end of the kiln, where also coal is used. Some
are also fed to auxiliary burners at the cold, inlet, end of the kiln and provides preheat in the pre-
calcination tower, e.g. fluff (SLF), MBM, sewage sludge and the gasifier LCV gas. However, the main
fraction of secondary fuels is fed to a CFB gasifier together with lignite ash and the product gas goes
to the auxiliary burner. Overall, the energy cement plant consumption amounts to approximately
200 MW, whereas the design thermal capacity of the gasifier is 100 MW.

The CFB gasifier was installed in 1996 by Lurgi and has throughput up to 30 tonnes/h of fuels and
25 tonnes of carbon-containing ash material to reach 100 MW, depending on the energy content of
the feedstocks. The feedstock, a variety of RDF materials such as SLF, paper waste, RDF, plastic
waste, dried sludges, etc., and lignite ash with a high carbon content, must meet certain
requirements, see Table 21, in terms of particle size, and other properties. However, as can be seen
from the table, the range in properties can be rather wide for individual feeds, and by mixing
sufficient heating value and output is achieved.

The gasifier input material is fed by several silos that can hold different materials (e.g. RDF, mineral
residues, dry ash, etc.) to be fed to the gasifier in various ratios, depending on the fuel heating
value and other parameters. The RDF is fed to the gasifier via a screw located about 2 m above the
nozzle grid. The lignite ash is fed to the loop seal in the cyclone return leg. Initially there was also a

Nutzung von industrieller Abwärme im Zementwerk Rüdersdorf . Michael Müller-Pfeiffer. 6. Brandenburger Wirtschaftstag, IHK
Potsdam, Juni 13, 2012.

pneumatic feeding directly into the gasifier235.

The gasifier is air-blown using preheated air, primary air is routed via the nozzle grate and
secondary air is fed in separate nozzles. The air is delivered by Root’s blowers and secondary air is
preheated directly in contact with the ash while the primary, which due to the nozzle grate must be
free from dust is indirectly heated in the ash cooling.

Table 21 Main data of the gasification process at CEMEX Rüdersdorf236,237

Gasification Reactor Process Data

Diameter 3.5 m Gasification agent Air
Total height 23.5 m Thermal capacity 100 MW
Grate area 2.3 m2 Feed flow 20–30 tonnes/h
Gas pipe length 50 m Gasifier 900–960 °C
Properties Input Material Gas flow 62,000 m³N/h
RDF Lignite ash Gas LHV 3–5 MJ/m³
SLF, plastic and paper waste, RDF, High carbon ash Temperature gas 900–950 °C
tar sludges, roofing paper etc. free residues Residence time, gas
from oversize and metal pieces etc. 4s
Particles < 100 mm, 30 * 10 * 5 Particles < Mass flow residue < 12 tonnes/h
mm, max. side 50 length mm, 6mm, Fines <
Fines < 0.5 mm limited 0.5 mm limited
Moisture content < 50 %, C in ash residue < 1.5 %
limitation by energy balance
Ash limited by energy balance
LHV 1–35, typically 14 MJ/kg LHV < 6 MJ/kg
Bulk density > 300 kg/m³ desired

In the circulating fluidized bed gasifier, the organic fraction of the input material is converted to an
LCV product gas and is thus separated from the bulk of the inorganic fraction of the input materials.

The solids-gas suspension leaving the gasifier at the top passes the recycle cyclone and the
separated solids are returned to the gasifier bottom via a seal pot, into which also input materials
can be fed. The gas leaves the hot gas cyclone and is transferred to the cement kiln calciner
through an unheated hot gas pipe of 50 m length. One effect of shifting the energy input from coal
in the main burner to LCV gas in the pre-calciner is that the NOx emissions were reduced

After the reactions in the gasifier, the ash/inorganic residues hold less than 1.5 % carbon and are
removed via a rotary valve at the gasifier bottom into a fluidized bed ash cooler, where secondary
air is preheated directly and primary air via a heat exchanger. Any coarse particles in the ash cooler
which may hamper the fluidization of the ash can be discharged through a cooling screw. The cooled
solid residues are sent to the raw meal mill for use as ballast in the cement.

The development in the overall use of secondary fuels in the plant is shown in Figure 43. At present,

Operational Results from Gasification of Waste Material and Biomass in Fixed Bed and Circulating Fluidised Bed Gasifiers. C. Greil et
al. The Clean Choice for Carbon Management, Noordwijk, NL, 2002
Einsatzmöglichkeiten für gefährliche Abfälle im Zementwerk Rüdersdorf. Uta Tietze. Thermische Verfahren der Abfallentsorgung im
Spannungsfeld zwischen Entsorgungssicherheit und Klimaschutz. SBB und der IHK Potsdam. 20. Januar 2010.
Status of Alternative Techniques for Thermal Waste Treatment. Peter Quicker Project No. Z 6 –30 345/18. Report No. 29217.
The Federal Environmental Agency (Germany). June 2015

the overall use of secondary fuels constitutes 70 % of the energy requirements. The use of
secondary fuels in the gasifier is approximately 180 000 tonnes/year, and an additional 20 000
tonnes per year of ash residues are treated in the gasifier (i.e. 200 000 tonnes out of a total of
260 000 tonnes of secondary fuels and materials used per year in all firing points). This constitutes
around 70 % of the secondary fuel usage both in mass and energy terms. In the first few years,
during the commissioning, wood fuel was used as the main fuel, but secondary fuels have since
completely taken over for economic reasons.

The gasifier plant has also been modernized to increase the waste fraction and the reliability. In
2011 the air injection system and grate were modified by Outotec238 to improve ash flow, and work
is ongoing to enhance metal recovery from the gasifier ash.

Figure 43 The share of secondary fuel energy at CEMEX Rüdersdorf (Adapted from239)

7.1.2. Anhui Conch Kawasaki Engineering Co., Ltd., China

A similar technology is based on the Kawasaki fluidized bed gasification technology developed for
waste gasification-direct ash melting240, which is not described in this report but listed in Annex 4.

Unsorted waste or RDF is “gasified” at low temperature (less than 600 °C) in a fluidized bed
furnace. The gas, unburned substances and fly ash from the gasification furnace, instead of being
sent to a melting furnace and burned at high temperature as in the case of waste gasification-direct
ash melting, are routed to the pre-calciner of a cement plant, as seen in Figure 44. In this case the
bottom ash is typically not suitable for use in the cement kiln due to its high content of metals,
unless the waste has been pre-treated sufficiently well.

Based on the joint research with Chinese partners, a verification test facility (300 tonnes/day) was
constructed in Tongling Conch Cement Co., Ltd. and operated from March 2010 onward using
municipal waste. The results were good, the cost of fuel was reduced while the quality of the

Plant Portrait. CEMEX – Rüdersdorf. Outotec GmbH.
Aktualisierte Umwelterklärung. CEMEX Zement GmbH November 2017

cement was maintained, and waste disposal was achieved for the local community.

Since 2010 over 20 fluidized bed waste gasification plants have been installed in cement plants in
China in the capacity ranges of 200-400 tonnes/day (approximately 30-80 MWth)241.

Figure 44 Anhui Conch Kawasaki Engineering gasification process242

7.1.3. Vicat, Crechy, France

The French cement supplier Vicat (a family-owned company named after Louis Vicat, who invented
artificial cement in 1817) is number seven among the consolidated cement manufacturers
worldwide, and number three in France. Based on developments over seven years, leading to a
patent243, the company has developed a gasifier, Figure 45, for the purpose of expanding the use of
secondary fuels in the cement calcination furnaces.

A 3 ton/h gasifier has been installed during 2017 as a pilot project at Vicat’s Crechy cement plant in
France, and after testing it will come into regular operation in 2018, thereby reducing the fossil
demand by 6-10 %, and where the plant has already substituted up to 80 % of the fossil fuels by
tyres, wood residues, sludges, etc. The cost of the gasifier is 4.5 million €, a part of which is
through support from the French agency Ademe244,245.

The gasifier will use wood residues and RDF to generate a gas at 800 °C for use in the pre-calciner.
The gasifier ash will be used as ballast in the cement meal. The patent description is very general,
so the details of the process are not known, neither whether it includes some form of gas cleaning
for removal of sulphur or chlorine. Since the cited articles refers to an advantage of the gasifier in
being able to take larger size of feedstock, 2-20 cm, while the direct injection into the kiln is limited
to below 30 mm, one could infer that this is probably a fixed bed.

Press releases at
Waste Treatment Systems Using Cement Kiln. F-25.
EP 2 633 004 B1

Figure 45 Vicat gasifier installation246

7.1.4. ESKA, the Netherlands

Eska Graphic Board B.V. is a producer of high-quality solid board, sold to over 90 countries. 100%
recycled paper is used to produce over 250 000 tonnes per year of graphic board in its two state-of-
the-art plants in Hoogezand and Sappemeer, both located in the Groningen province of the

During the pulping process of the recycled paper non-digested residues composed of mainly waste
paper and plastics are produced, known as rejects that have been disposed of at a third-party
incinerator247, 248
.Simultaneously, the heat for the manufacturing process is provided by saturated
steam produced by gas-fired steam generators. At the turn of the century, the ESKA started to
develop ideas of using the rejects to replace the natural gas for the production of the process
steam, and thereby reduce the cost for natural gas and for waste disposal, as well as reduce the
carbon footprint. Over the years, several studies of different options were made for the Hoogezand
plant. In 2010, the plans had been developed to a state where a grant had been approved by RVO
(Netherlands Enterprise Agency) and in 2011 a permit application was made. Although the province
gave the permit in 2013, there were several appeals that prolonged the permitting process to
2014249. Meanwhile, ESKA had structured the project and contacted potential EPC suppliers. When
the final permit was granted by the State Council in the beginning of 2014, negotiations were
started resulting in that ESKA signed a contract for the plant construction with Leroux Lotz

ESKA GRAPHIC BOARD B.V., HOOGEZAND [NL]. 12 MWth Waste Paper Rejects Gasification System. LLT project review
Vergassing rejects. Jan-Willem Hoogerdijk, Internationaal Innovatie-Evenement Papier- En Kartonketen. KCPK. Doorwerth 3
Februari 2016

Technologies (LLT) of France of a value of 14.5 million € in early 2015250.

LLT is a thermal engineering company supplying boilers, incinerators, etc., which had procured the
IPR of TPS of Sweden in 2010. This meant that the plant was modelled251 on the 2*15 MWth TPS
plant at Greve-in-Chianti252, Italy, which was operated until 2004.

The reason for the lengthy permitting process was that the ESKA plant site, Figure 46, is locked in
with littles space available for new installations, and with restrictions on building height, traffic and
noise, within a mainly residential area and also neighbouring railway. The handling of rejects and
the gasifier processing being a novelty, was met with some resistance in the surrounding area.

Figure 46 The ESKA site249

This also resulted in that the permit conditions, Table 22, are significantly stricter than what the
IED253 stipulations for an incinerator, see Table 14 and Annex 3.

The plant, Figure 47, consists of the following sections:

• Fuel preparation (crane, shredder, magnetic + non-magnetic separator)
• Storage & dosing (reclaim system, conveyors and surge bin)
• Gasifier (3.5 ton/h, equivalent to 12 MWth CFB, air-blown)
• Syngas combustion system (LCV gas, natural gas)
• Heat recovery steam generator (1.6 MPa saturated steam)
• Flue gas treatment system

ESKA and LLT press release, 2015-02-11.
CFB Gasification of Biomass and Waste at Pilot and Commercial Scale. Timothée Nocquet, Tudor Florea, Charlotte Marty, Mazen Al
Haddad. 69TH IEA – FBC Meeting, 26th of September 2014
Case Study on Waste-Fuelled Gasification Project Greve in Chianti, Italy. IEA Bioenergy Agreement—Task 36. D.L. Granatstein,
Natural Resources Canada/CANMET Energy Technology Centre (CETC). June 2003.
Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU

The plant processes 25 000 tonnes of reject per year (3.5 tonnes/hr) or the equivalent of nominal
capacity of 12 MW thermal. The gas is directly used in a steam boiler to produce 16 bar saturated
steam. The overall efficiency is 85 % and the rejects replaces 18 000 Nm3 of natural gas per year
(equivalent of 11 000 household consumers).

Table 22 ESKA plant limiting emissions values in the permit249

(note: reference is 6 % O2, not 11 % as in the IED)

Component Maximum stack emission mg/Nm3

(at 6 % O2. 24 h average)

NOx 150
SO2 33.3
Total dust 5
CO 45
CxHy 12
HCl 10
HF 1
Sum heavy metal 0.15
Cd+Tl 0.015
Hg 0.02
NH3 5

Figure 47 The ESKA gasification facility installed by LLT (Adapted from249)

The installation was completed by mid-2016 Some of the experiences during the commissioning was
dusting from the shredders, that the bulk density of the shredded fuel was lower than anticipated
and this caused feed capacity limitations, and that also ash handling needed improvements to cope
with the fly ash quantities experienced. Following adjustments, the plant passed the acceptance test

in June 2017. Some more recent operational data were presented in 2018254.

7.1.5. Innovative Environmental Solutions, UK

Chinook Sciences, Cranford, New Jersey, USA, was founded in 1998, and has developed the
RODECS® gasification system which is said to be in its ninth design generation. The RODECS system
is claimed to be capable of processing a wide range of waste streams. In particular, it appears to be
used to recover metals from mixed wastes such as e.g. ASR (auto-shredder residues) and
aluminium-containing wastes. The company claims that the process has been installed at 17 sites
worldwide, but it has not been possible to identify more than a site in Pennsylvania, a scrap de-
lacquering plant in Congleton255, Cheshire and the IES site in Oldbury, see below256.

In the UK, Chinook Sciences and European Metal Recycling (EMR), the largest metal recycler in the
UK formed a JV, Innovative Environmental Solutions UK, Ltd. in 2009 to develop recovery plants for
ASR. The first plant is located at Oldbury, West Midlands, UK in the vicinity of an ERM autoshredder
plant. The Oldbury plant has a capacity to treat 350 000 tonnes per year257, of which some 190 000
tonnes per year of SRF (shredder residues fines) will be treated in two parallel Rodecs lines with two
100 m3 RODECS gasifiers per line in the gasification system258. The plant, which went into operation
in 2015 produces 40 gross and 32 net MWe259.

The process260, see Figure 48, consists of two RODECS® batch gasifiers, each holding a volume
depending on capacity of 2 to 100 m3 and capable of processing approximately 0.1 tonne/m3, hr.
The RODECS® system will have a natural gas fired thermal reactor to supply the primary heat for
the gasification process.

Reject gasifier ESKA. BTX co-production (ESKA-ECN ESKAGAS project). A.J. Grootjes. IEA Bioenergy Task 33 –Workshop on Waste
gasification. ECN, part of TNO, Petten May 8th, 2018.
The company refers to installation in the USA etc. but without giving a reference list. One plant is at Hollidaysburg, PA. There
are press releases on two contracts for aluminum recovery plants in Turkey, but if these were completed is not clear. There is also
press release regarding a contract in UAE, but this project has apparently been discontinued by the UAE client.
Draft Permit. Innovative Environmental Solutions UK Limited, IES – Oldbury. Permit number EPR/GP3739VR. Environment Agency (UK)

Figure 48 The RODECS gasification system260
The waste feedstock, which has already been subject to recycling, is fed, using a grabber system,
into one of the two RODECS® gasifier bins. The bin will be positioned in the filling area using an
automated trolley car system with two bin location stands. The waste will be loaded into the bin and
be compressed regularly during the filling to allow more waste to be added to the bin. This process
will continue until the bin reaches its target weight and loading stops. Then, the trolley will move
the filled feed bin to the RODECS® to the adjacent position of the processed bin. The processed bin
is then unlatched from the RODECS®, and the trolley moved into a position such that the fresh feed
bin is in place to be latched to it. After the fresh bin has been attached, the RODECS® will then
rotate 180 degrees so that the bin will be inverted at the top, starting the process cycle. Changing
bins will be accomplished in approximately three minutes.

The syngas is generated in the RODECS® processing chamber through a combined action of
pyrolysis and gasification. The rate of reaction is controlled by an array of controlled parameters
(flow, temperature, oxygen-level, etc.). The temperature inside the gasifier (550 – 600°C) is
maintained below the melting temperatures of metals enabling them to be recovered. The rate at
which the bin content is heated is determined by the process chamber movement, volume of gases
and temperature of the recycled hot gases sent to the RODECS® from the thermal reactor chamber.
The preheated gases provide sensible heat required for heating and are also used to fluidise the
feed to enhance the rate of production of the syngas.

The remaining material, metal, glass, dirt and sand, is mechanically retained inside the RODECS®
processing chamber. At the end of the batch processing, the RODECS® will be rotated such that the
bin is back at the bottom with the inert materials falling back into the bin for removal. The bin will
be unlatched, and the remaining contents is taken to the process material separation area and sent
for further reprocessing/recycling.

The total cycle time is approximately 120 minutes for a 100 m3 bin. The time required reaching

Proposed energy generation facility at London Sustainable Industries Park, Choats Road, Dagenham, Essex, RM9 6LF.
Environmental Statement. Thames Gateway Waste to Energy Ltd. December 2013

threshold syngas production is expected to be in the region of 25 minutes. The cool down time
before unlatching the bin, from the time when the average syngas production rate has declined
below a threshold value to the complete depletion of syngas, is expected to take 10 to 15 minutes.
The bin will only unlatch after full depletion of the syngas.

The syngas produced in the gasifier passes to a dedicated natural gas fired combustion chamber
where it is combusted, and the exhaust gases held at a temperature above 850 °C for longer than 2
seconds. For NOx control, a Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) system is employed utilising
ammonia solution. The exhaust gases from the combustion chamber are passed through a waste
heat boiler to generate steam for the steam turbine generator.

Exhaust gases exit the waste heat boiler at 200 °C and are drawn through an air pollution control
system which consists of a bag particulate filter that utilises bag filters where sodium bicarbonate
sorbent and PAC are injected to reduce acid gases. The flue gases are sucked through the system
by an induced draft fan and discharged via a stack.

The technology is also being considered for an ASR application outside of Liverpool and for a WtE
facility at Dagenham, London with one line of RODECS gasifiers where is will be fuelled by RDF to
generate power.

7.1.6. Stora Enso (fka Corenso United), Finland

The gasifier at Corenso United Oy261,.262, see Figure 49, was originally linked to a recycling process
for used liquid cartons (e.g. juice containers).The fibre from the used liquid packages was recycled
into coreboard production. The gasifier plant utilises plastics and aluminium-containing reject
material as feed material. The combustible material, mainly fibres and PE plastic coating, is gasified
at relatively low temperature with air at 600 °C- 700 °C in in a stationary fluidized bed gasifier. The
relatively low temperature in combination with the reducing character of the product gas avoids the
oxidation of the aluminium foil in the gasifier. Instead, the aluminium is separated from the gas
together with other solids in a cyclone and recycled for secondary aluminium production. The
product gas is combusted in a steam boiler thereby replacing fuel oil consumption in the power
plants of Stora Enso in Varkaus.

Review of Finnish biomass gasification technologies. E Kurkela. OPET Report 4. OPET Finland. VTT 2002
Status report on thermal biomass gasification in countries participating
in IEA Bioenergy Task 33 2016. Jitka Hrbek, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, April 2016

Figure 49 The Stora Enso Ecogas plant at Varkaus, Finland261, 262.

The 50 MWth ECOGAS gasifier plant, generating a product gas input to the boiler of 40 MWth, was
developed by VTT and SHI FW (fka Foster Wheeler Energia Oy). It was taken into operation in 2001
and was reported263 to cost 20 million €. The ECOGAS plant has been operated commercially by
Corenso (a JV between Stora Enso and UPM) until 2010, when the recycling process was moved to
Pori, and since then by Stora Enso Varkaus mill264.


7.2.1. Essent/RWE AMERGAS, The Netherlands
Essent/RWE owns and operates the Amercentrale in Geertruidenberg, the Netherlands. The plant
has two coal-fired main facilities, Amer 8 of 645 MWe and 250 MWth and Amer 9 of 600 MWe and
300 MWth. To reduce the CO2 emissions while also benefitting from the MEP support (Subsidy for
environmental quality of electricity production), and apart from the gasification plant described
below, the Amer 8 and 9 units use up to 300 000 and 600 000 tonnes/year, respectively, of biomass
by direct co-firing. Thus, this direct co-firing provides 17 %/100 MWe and 27 %/166 MWe of the

263 2002-02-01.
Country report Finland. Juhani Isaksson, Valmet. IEA Task 33 meeting, May 2018 Alkmaar, NL

nominal electrical output of the two stations265. These installations have been installed over the
period 2003-2005.

Before the direct co-firing was initiated, indirect-co-firing was installed in 1999-2000 by means of a
waste wood gasifier which was built to be connected to Amer 9266. The Amer 9 unit is of a forced
once-through supercritical type with 4 burners per layer, 6 burner layers for pulverized fuel (coal or
biomass), 1 burner layer for fuel gas from the waste wood gasification. The unit produces 600 MWe
at 42 % efficiency.

The gasifier was designed to use 150 000 tonnes/year of non-recyclable, low quality demolition
wood, denominated waste wood category B in the Netherlands. Category B reflects that it contains
painted wood, MDF, plywood as well as glass, metal and other inorganic materials267.The fuel has a
moisture content below 20 wt.% and is pre-treated by size reduction to < 50 mm. The specific
cost266 of the installation was 1 300€/kWe and the equivalent output 34 MWe, i.e. a total cost of 44
million € and 5 % of the boiler output.

The prepared waste fuel is then processed in a circulating fluidized bed (CFB) of a capacity of 85
MWth and at near-atmospheric pressure based on the Lurgi technology268, 269, 270, 271., i.e. the same
supplier as for the Cemex plant, see Section 7.1.1. The gasifier fluidizing medium is preheated air
and steam which is fed as primary and secondary air with a 1:1 split. and the operating
temperature is approximately 850°C.

After the bed material recovery cyclone at the gasifier exit, the gas is cooled in a water-tube type
cooler producing 310°C superheated steam and having evaporator, superheater, evaporator and
economizer sections in the flow direction of the gas.

In the original design, Figure 50, the fuel gas was cooled to approximately 200 °C, and then cleaned
at low temperature by particulate removal in a bag filter and by several stages of scrubbing to
remove halogens, tars and ammonia, after which the clean fuel gas (5 –6 MJ/Nm3) was to be routed
to the specially designed low calorific gas burners of the boiler at 95 °C. An advantage of this
concept is that the not only coarser particulates but also the main part of the fuel-based
contaminants are separated from the fuel gas before entering the coal-fired boiler. Thereby alkali-
induced fouling, chloride-induced corrosion and NOx formation from ammonia in the gas can be
avoided and the fuel specification can be broader.

During commissioning of the gasifier in 2000, several operational issues were identified such as fuel
quality issues, bottom ash blockages, agglomeration tendencies in the gasifier, rapid gas cooler
fouling, ignition of high carbon content fly ash in the gas cooler and the bag filter during start-up
and wear in the wet scrubbing section from solids, which in combination limited the operational
hours of the plant.

Essent’s Biomass Activities – Drivers. Roger Miesen, Essent Biomass Conference 2009, Geertruidenberg November 4 -5, 2009
Amer #9, Essent, Geertruidenberg, the Netherlands.
Biomass gasification in the Netherlands. Bram van der Drift. ECN-E--13-032, ECN, July 2013.
Amer Gasifier: Process redesign, operational results and developments for alternative fuels. Wim Willeboer. SGC International
Gasification Seminar, Malmö 2014.
Consequences of the coal convenant for Essent: co-firing and co-gasification. A. van Dissjeldonk, M. Spanjers. VBG Powertech 9,
Essent‘s wood gasifier project and process re-design. Wim Willerboer. Essent Biomass Conference 2009, Geertruidenberg November
4 -5, 2009
Wood gasifier AC 9 Operational experience 2007-2009. Fred Hooijmaijers Essent Biomass Conference 2009, Geertruidenberg
November 4 -5, 2009

Figure 50 The Amergas original flowsheet266.

Finally, in 2002 it was decided to drastically change the process configuration, see Figure 51.

Figure 51 The modified Amergas flowsheet and a photo of AMER 9 boiler with the gasifier in

In this new design the gas cooler was modified such that the gas is only cooled to 450 °C, and the
pipes were replaced by panels which were fitted with knockers. Also, the baghouse filters and the
scrubbers were replaced two parallel cyclones and the partially dedusted gas is directed to the main

Essent‘s wood gasifier project and process re-design. Wim Willerboer. Essent Biomass Conference 2009, Geertruidenberg November
4 -5, 2009

coal boiler at 400-450 °C. These modifications improved some of the problems encountered e.g.
fouling somewhat but the start-up issues and agglomeration tendencies remained such that the
situation overall remained unsatisfactory.

At this point the supplier Lurgi left the project and Essent continued with an improvement program
up to 2005. To avoid some of the fuel quality and feeding problems a metal trap to remove larger
pieces of metal that caused feeding and ash removal issues was installed but did not really solve the
problems (metals such as nails, screws, hinges and slide bars, etc. were fastened to pieces of
demolition wood).The tendency for bed agglomeration was addressed in several ways: by the metal
separator to avoid aluminium-induced large agglomerates, during start-up by replacing the start-up
burners inside the gasifier vessel to start-up burners exterior to the gasifier to avoid flame hot spot,
by changing the bed material to a slightly coarser quality to reduce bed losses and thereby improve
the gasifier operation, improve the bottom ash removal to avoid accumulation of coarse particles
and agglomerates, and replacing air with steam as drive gas in the recycle loop seal. Furthermore,
the double-cyclones had very high inlet velocities to achieve a high separation efficiency. The high
velocity caused erosion, but the redesign was made to decrease this velocity while still maintain a
high efficiency, while the use of coarser bed material meant that less fines came to these cyclones.

The start-up fire issues were addressed by changing the entire operational sequence so that at no
point in time, the oxygen content should exceed 1 %, and add a laser-based measurement system
for monitoring of oxygen. This required that the start-up burners were operated at sub-
stochiometric combustion conditions, that the fluidizing air was replaced by steam during the start-
up, and that the combustion of wood in the bed as a means to heat the plant once the ignition
temperature was reached, had to be abolished. Instead, external start-up burners are used to
provide heat to the gasifier until the gasification temperature is reached, using steam flow for
temperature moderation.

Also, the automation and safety system were modified, since they had originally been designed with
too high complexity and with different automation programmes, which in itself caused nuisance
trips. This program was carried out to 2005 eliminated the risk for fly ash fires and reduced the
problems with agglomeration and the number of control system nuisance trips, Figure 52.

However, the metal removal and hence the availability of the feed system was not improved to the
same extent. In addition, the issues with ash and tar fouling of the gas cooler largely remained even
if the off-line cleaning interval could be raised from 2 to 4 months from the combined effect of
reducing the number of trips, and a small decrease of the gasifier temperature.

In 2006, and as the WID was implemented in the Netherlands, the plant had to stop operation for
some time, as by the strict interpretation of the WID by Dutch authorities, the entire Amer 9
complex would become a waste co-incinerator. This interpretation was later in the same year
rejected by EU authorities, as the condensation of most heavy metals in the gas and removal as
part of the fly ash in the cyclones made the gas less contaminated than if the fuel had been used
directly, and operation was resumed.

Figure 52 Grouped trip loss of operating hours271

Figure 53 Amergas gas cooler271.

Since 2006, the gasification plant was operated up to 2013, when the MEP support period ended,
and the plant was shut-down. From 2006, the plant has typically operated 5 000 hours per year.
The main limitations are feed system trips and the need for off-line cleaning of the gas cooler within
regular intervals, as visualised by Figure 53. A typical gas composition is shown in Table 23.

During the later operational part, there were plans to gasify RDF instead of the demolition wood, as
the gate fee would compensate for the loss of MEP support and allow the plant to continue
operation. Test were made in early 2014 with up to 40 % RDF in the fuel268.

Table 23 Typical gas composition from the Amergas gasifier273

Component Vol% dry basis

H2 11.1
CO 13.4
CO2 14.9
CH4 4.4
C2H6 0.27
C2H2+C2H4 Slight increase in some elements, base level low

C6H6 No change

H2S 1.2
N2 51.4
O2+Ar 0.6

H2O 26 vol.%, wet basis

Dust 10.5 g/Nm3

LHV 5.55 MJ/Nm3

In general, these tests were successful in demonstrating that such a mixture could be fed and
gasified. However, RDF also means an increased fly-ash load and also additional fouling problems,
such that it was found that the gasifier temperature had to be reduced to 750 °C in order to avoid
very rapid fouling, even if there was still more excessive fouling than with demolition wood alone.
Fouling was mainly located at the higher inlet section of the gas cooler and it was concluded that
the cooling panel spacing needed to be increased.

Essent applied for SDE+ (Stimulering van Duurzame Energie, stimulation for sustainable energy)
program support in 2014 but the application was not successful274. A new application in 2016 was
more successful and three SDE+ subsidies were granted in 2016 for a total of 1.7 billion € for 8
years. It was reported that Essent/RWE is currently evaluating options to develop the site275.

7.2.2. Lahti I (Kymijärvi I), Finland

Lahti is a town in Finland with high ambitions regarding environmental and climate performance,
whereby it had an interest in both replacing coal by indigenous fuels in its CHP plant to reduce
emissions and also to reduce the disposal of waste in landfill.

Gasifier modifications and Commissioning. Martin Spanjers. Essent Biomass Conference 2009, Geertruidenberg November 4 -5,
The Netherlands country report. Berend Vreugdenhil. IEA Bioenergy Task 33 meeting. Berlin, Germany. 29th of October 2015
The Netherlands country report. B.J. Vreugdenhil, G. Aranda Almansa. IEA Bioenergy Task 33 meeting. Innsbruck, Austria. 2nd May

The Kymijärvi I 167 MWe /250 MWth co-generation plant is owned by Lathi Energia Oy (fka Lahden
Lämpövoima). The plant was installed in 1976 and was originally oil-fired boiler but was modified for
coal-firing in 1982. The coal burners use flue gas circulation and a staged combustion approach is
used to reduce NOx-emissions. The boiler is of a Benson type with live steam conditions of 540 °C
and 17 MPa with reheat at 540 °C and 4 MPa. In 1986, the plant also had a 49 MWe gas turbine
connected to the heat exchanger used to pre-heat the boiler feedwater, which is used mainly for
peaking operation in the wintertime. When in use the maximum electric output in condensing mode
is 200 MWe276 277 278
. When the plant operates with full load on the heat, the output is 175 MWe, of
which 130 MWe is form the steam turbine. The plant is operated in parallel to the Kymijärvi II plant,
see section The plant is due to be phased out in 2019, when a new biomass CFB heat-only
boiler of 158 MWth will be taken into operation279.

In 1998, indirect co-firing of biomass into the main boiler was initiated after that SHI FW (fka
Ahlström Pyropower and Foster Wheeler Finland) had installed a CFB gasifier, Figure 54.

Figure 54 Lahti Energy Oy Kymijärvi I plant280

The background to the installation was that Lahti Energia wanted to reduce emissions from the coal
boiler by partially replacing the coal with a fuel with less sulphur and also reduce NOx, as well as
reduce the emissions of CO2 from fossil fuels. A second motive was to reduce the disposal of waste
in landfills after the introduction of a source separation and collection system in the area. However,
the use of waste in the gasifier and then co-firing the gas led to a lengthy procedure for the
environmental permitting, made further complicated when the WID came into force, see Section

The full load energy input to the gasifier is 40MWth to 70MWth, the span being related to the

Case Study on Lahden Lampovoima Gasification Project Kymijarvi Power Station, Lahti, Finland. D.L. Granatstein. IEA Bioenergy
Agreement—Task 36. November 2002
Communication with H. Takala, Lahti Energia Oy.
Thermal gasification for Power and Fuels – VTT Gasification Team. Esa Kurkela. VTT 2010

moisture content of the as-fed fuels, which can vary between 20 wt.% to 50 wt.%. The total
installed cost of the gasification plant was about 12 M€, including fuel preparation, civil works, the
gasifier, instrumentation and control, electrification as well as modifications to the main boiler, and
of which 25 % was received as a grant from the EU THERMIE program. However, the supplier may
have seen this project as a valuable reference and charged less than the commercial value278. The
cost split between the fuel handling and the gasifier sections was 4 and 8 million Euro,

Fuels are transported to the plant by trucks to the plant feed reception station, Figure 55, which is
managed by the fuel company and can accept trucks up to 16 hours per day281. There are two
receiving halls, for waste type fuels and for biomass fuels, respectively. The typical moisture content
of the fuels is 45-55 % for the saw dust and wood residues, 10-20 % for the dry wood residues
from refining and 10-30 % for the RDF waste. The high moisture content means that some
winterization of the storage and feed system was required. The energy density of fuels varies in the
range of 2.9 – 4.5 GJ/m3 (0.8 - 1.25 MWh/m3).

Figure 55 The Lahti I waste handling system281

The waste fuel hall is equipped with a receiving pit having a lamella feeder to control the flow of fuel
to a slow-rotating crusher (Figure 55). Coarse bio fuel from the wood refining industry is also fed
through this system. The trucks dump the fuel into a receiving pit or on the floor of the hall. There
is an underground conveyor that transports the fuels from the crusher.

The other receiving bunker is for the fine material, like saw dust and milled peat that arrives to the
plant by trucks equipped with chain unloading system. The truck drives “through” the receiving
tunnel. The discharging takes place on a flat chain conveyor, which drops the fuels on the screen.
The accepted fraction falls onto the chain conveyor at the bottom of bunker while material retained
on the screen is routed to the waste hall for pre-crushing.

The underground conveyors lift the fuels to a belt conveyor which has a magnetic separator. The
belt feeds a disk screen. The overflow falls into the final crusher, while the accepted fuel fraction
and crushed material is transported into the intermediate storage by a chain conveyor. The 3 000
m3 fuel storage silo is rectangular with a concrete floor and has walls and roof made of steel. The
fuels are distributed along the length of the storage by stacking chain conveyor to provide some
mixing and homogenization before the feeding it to the gasifier. The storage is unloaded by a screw
reclaimer onto a chain conveyor that brings the fuel up into the gasifier structure where it is fed into
two 10 m3 feeding silos on either side of gasifier. Each silo is equipped with adjustable speed screw
dischargers which dose the fuel falling through double rotary feeders for sealing into a feed screw

THE ANALYSIS REPORT OF PLANT NO. 19. Cofiring of biomass - evaluation of fuel procurement
and handling in selected existing plants and exchange of information (COFIRING) - Part 2. Kymijärvi - Lahden Lämpövoima Oy, Finland.
Timo Järvinen. EUBIONET II 2001. (

leading into the gasifier. Bed material and limestone can be added into the fuel flow. The entire fuel
system is fitted with appropriate fire detection and extinguishing equipment.

The gasifier, Figure 56, consists of a cylindrical refractory-lined steel vessel, where the fuel is
gasified in a hot gas-solid particle suspension at atmospheric pressure at the temperature of about
850 °C. The hot gas flowing through the uniflow cyclone is cooled down in an air preheater before
feeding to the main boiler. Bed material make-up, like sand and limestone, approximately amount
to 200–300 kg/h.

Figure 56 The Foster Wheeler gasifier used at the Lahti plant 282

The major differences to the design of lime kiln gasifiers supplied in the 1980s is that the fuel is not
dried and has a variable moisture content and that mainly the waste will contain metal pieces, which
is reflected in the design of the air grid and the bottom ash extraction.

The hot gas is directly routed to two burners located below the coal burners in the main boiler.
When the fuel is wet, the heating value of the gas is very low. Typically, when the fuel moisture is
about 50 % the calorific value is only approximately 2.2 MJ/kg, but with a high amount of plastics
and a dry fuel it can go as high as 4.5 MJ/Nm3. The typical gas composition is shown in Table 24.

The design of the product gas burners is unique and heavily based on both the pilot scale
combustion tests and CFD modelling work.

The effects of gasification on the main boiler were studied with comprehensive measurements
during a one-year monitoring program in 1998. The product gas combustion has been stable even
though the moisture content of solid fuel has been mostly high and the heating value of the gas
very low. Furthermore, the stability of the main boiler steam cycle has been excellent. The large

Foster Wheeler biomass gasifier experiences from Lahti & Ruien and further cases for difficult biomass & RDF gasification. Timo

Anttikoski, Juha Palonen, Timo Eriksson. IEA Bioenergy ExCo 55, Copenhagen, Denmark, 25 May 2005.

opening that were made for the LCV gas burners have not caused any disturbance in the
water/steam circulation system stability or for the main boiler coal burners, despite placing LCV gas
burners very close to the lowest level coal burners.

Table 24 Gas composition of product gas from Lahti plant278, 280, 282, 281

Average bulk gas composition Minor components in the gas

Component Vol % Component Concentration
CO 10 NH3 800-1 000 mg/Nm3

CO2 12 HCN 25-45 mg/Nm3

CH4 3 HCl 30-90 ppmv
H2 7 H2S 50-80 ppmv

H2O 35 Benzene 7-12 g/Nm3

N2 Ballance Tar 7-12 g/Nm3
Alkalis < 0.1 ppmw

LHV MJ/Nm3 2.5-4.5 Particulates 6-12 g/Nm3

Despite using fuels with alkalis and chlorine, the plant does not apparently suffer from unusual
amounts of fuel deposits or high-temperature corrosion. The availability has in general been 96-99
%, and the overall availability of the boiler has not been affected by the use of the gasifier and its

The use of LCV gas in the boiler had only a small impact on the emissions, as seen in Table 25. The
changes in the boiler emissions were such that NOx decreased by 10 mg/MJ or 10-20 % relative to
the base level; SOx decreased by 20 - 25 mg/MJ from substitution of coal for a fuel lower in sulphur,
while HCl increased by 5 mg/MJ due to that the RDF has higher chlorine content than the coal, and
also particulates were reduced by 15 mg/Nm3. For CO and organics there were no changes while for
heavy metals there were both increase and decreases relating to the individual metals. The gasifier
bottom ash is disposed of in a local landfill.

Table 25 Emission impact of the indirect co-firing278, 280, 282, 281

Emission Change caused by gasifier co-firing

mg/MJ fuel input or mg/Nm3

NOx Decrease by 10 mg/MJ (5 - 10 % of the base level)

SOx Decrease by 20 – 25 mg/MJ

HCl Increase by 5 mg/MJ

CO No change
Particulates Decrease by 15 mg/Nm3

Heavy metals Slight increase in some elements, base level low

Dioxins, Furans, PAH, Benzenes and Phenols No change

The O&M cost were estimated to 0.5 million € in 2001 (i.e. just over 0.4 % of the investment/year)
broken down into the main expenses, maintenance of the fuel handling 0.2 million, cost of bed

History of Gasification Technology in Lathi-How We Have Come to This Point. Matti Kivelä. Advanced WtE Technologies Seminar. May
8-9, 2012. Lathi, Finland.

material 0.1 million, gasifier maintenance 0.03 million, and fuel quality control 0.03 million281. The
entire plant was then served by four persons per shift.

The fuel mixture used up to 2010 is shown in Figure 57. Until April 2012, the approximate fuel blend
was 20 % wood, 40 % SRF and 40 % recycled wood/demolition wood.

In autumn of 2012, when Kymijärvi II plant started, the plant has been regularly in operation about
5000 hours/year using biomass and recycled wood279.

Figure 57 Relative usage of different types of fuels in Kymijärvi I 1998-2010284

As was noted in the introduction, the entire plant will be decommissioned in 2019 when Kymijärvi
III, a biomass-fired CFB heat-only boiler285, is being taking into operation.


The generation of combined power and heat (CHP) by gasification is typically accomplished in
systems with a close-coupled combustion of the gas without any or minimal preceding gas cleaning,
two-stage incinerators, and so called “true“ gasification systems, where the gas is subjected to a
more or less rigorous gas cleaning, going beyond removal of the coarser particulates by cyclones.
The gas can then be subjected to one or more cleaning operations such that in the EU, finally the
WFD end-of-waste criterion is met. If the ultimate aim is to burn the gas to generate heat and
power, also gasifiers are as mentioned previously covered by the waste incinerator part of the IED.

In the past, it was seen that gasifiers using e.g. fluidized beds would require pre-treated waste
whereas incinerators could use waste directly as a generated. However, over time, also incinerators
require more pre-treated waste fuel to have better performance and availability while also from a
policy perspective, there are strong drivers to achieve source separation or mechanical separation to
increase the recycling of wastes prior to combustion ranging from formal bans to softer

Kokemuksia termisestä kaasutuksesta. Matti Kivelä Lahti Energia. 22.04.2010


In the context of this report, the focus is true gasification systems in relation to two-stage
incinerator systems. The reason for this is the fact that overall, the performance of such systems in
terms of the energy efficiency to power is at best similar, but mostly inferior to conventional state-
of-the art incineration286, 287
and in many cases the basic technologies (conversion reactor type,
heat recovery system flue gas cleaning) are also more or less similar to such incinerators.
Furthermore, these have been in commercial use for quite some time and therefore there is already
a lot of information on technologies, performance and experiences publicly available.

Instead the focus is to be more forward-looking and describe the potential of waste gasification
systems with some more elaborated gas clean-up. The use of waste treatment by means of
gasification and gas cleaning gives an added value in terms of performance compared to one- or
two-stage incinerators for both an enhanced energy recovery by steam cycles or other prime
movers, or for material recovery by utilizing the clean gas for chemical conversion to fuels and

7.3.1. Two-stage incinerators

As noted above, the so-called two stage incinerators are dealt with only briefly in this report as the
performance is close to conventional incinerators, that such systems have been in commercial use
for quite some time and therefore there are already detailed overview publications available.286, 287,
288 289, 290, 291 292, 293
. In particular, a report by the consultancy WSP294 and a recent German report295
covers many of these technologies in some detail.

Most so-called waste gasification installations do not process the gas by any gas cleaning other than
maybe cyclone separation in between the generation of the gas in the gasifier and the final
combustion (oxidation) of the combustible components in the gas. In some cases, the gasification
process itself or the final oxidation of the gas is associated with melting of the ash to vitrify it, and
thereby render it less leachable. Following the combustion of the gas, heat recovery is achieved by
steam generation, or more unusually by an ORC cycle, that drives a turbine to generate or co-
generate power or power and heat, respectively.

Therefore, such a process can be seen as a two-stage incinerator (or as some “environmentalists”
phrase it, “an incinerator in disguise”296, 297). This also means that the environmental performance
and the energy efficiency to power at best is comparable to a conventional incinerator of the same
capacity. However, due to the additional heat losses from the combined gasifier-combustion unit,
and in particular from the energy consumed if ash melting is included, the efficiency to power is
lower than for a comparable incinerator. Furthermore, the use of the same types of post-combustion

Waste gasification vs. conventional Waste-to-Energy: a comparative evaluation of two commercial technologies. Consonni S, Viganò
F. Waste Management. 2012 Apr;32(4):653-66.
Advanced Thermal Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste. Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), UK. February
Pyrolysis and gasification of waste. A worldwide technology and business review. Juniper (2001).
Alternative Waste Conversion Technologies. ISWA (International Solid Waste Association), January 2013
Process and technological aspects of municipal solid waste gasification. A review. Umberto Arena. Waste Management 32 (2012)
Advanced Thermal Treatment Technologies for Waste. – Present State of the Art. Frans Lamers, Robert van Kessel. Waste
Management, Volume 2. Ed. Karl J. Thomé-Kozmiensky, Stephanie Thiel, TK Verlag Vivis. Published: 2011.
Pyrolysis and Gasification – State of the Art. Peter Quicker. Waste Management, Volume 5. Ed. Karl J. Thomé-Kozmiensky,
Stephanie Thiel, TK Verlag Vivis. Published: 2015
Waste gasification vs. conventional Waste-to-Energy: a comparative evaluation of two commercial technologies, S. Consonni, F.
Viganò. Waste Management, 32(4),201, p. 653-66
Review of State-of-the-Art Waste-To-Energy Technologies. Stage Two – Case Studies. K. Whiting, WSP. January 2013
Status of Alternative Techniques for Thermal Waste Treatment Expert Report. Final Report. P. Quicker, F. Neurburg, Y Noël, A.
Huras, R. G. Eyssen, H. Seifert, J Veblow and K. Thomé-Kozmiensky. Expert report for the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature
Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety. Project No. Z 6 –30 345/18 Report No. 29217. June 2015

flue gas cleaning as state-of-the-art incinerators use means that the same low emissions of
regulated contaminants can be reached. Since the capacity of gasification systems in many cases is
lower than for a typical incinerator, the scale of the installation can result in that the performance is
somewhat inferior as losses are higher in small capacity units and optimized designs may use less
sophisticated steam cycles are used. An overview of some of the most common technologies, kilns,
shaft furnaces and grates, respectively, are described below. In Table 26, some
suppliers/developers are listed. Please also refer to Section 5.2 for more descriptions of the various
basic technologies.

Table 26 Waste gasification system suppliers

Developer/ Gasifier Oxidant Gas cleaning Gas Notes

supplier type use

Ansac Indirect kiln Air CHP
Citorn Holding Kiln
ConTherm Indirect drum Air Total oxidation CHP Burgau plant closed in
pyrolysis 2015
Greene Indirect kiln Air Thermal CHP
ICM Auger kiln Air Total oxidation Syng
Updraft (Fuel gas) as
IES Auger kiln Air Total. oxidation CHP
(Fuel gas)
IHI Kiln Air Total oxidation
Mitsui Kiln Total oxidation Fka Siemens
Schwellbrenn process,
see Section
Mitsui Kiln Air Total oxidation CHP
Premier green Indirect kiln Air CHP
Takuma Kiln Total oxidation Fka Siemens
Schwellbrenn process,
see Section
W2E Kiln Air CHP
Hoskinson Group Tunnel Air Total oxidation CHP
JFE Tunnel, Thermal Fka Thermoselect, see
indirect/direct Section

Fixed beds
Biomass Power Ltd Grate Air Total oxidation CHP
Covanta Grate Air Cleergas
EER/Envitec Updraft shaft Air Total oxidation CHP
Energos Grate Air Total oxidation CHP
Entrade Downdraft? ? CHP Bought Agnion
Hitachi Metals Updraft Air Total oxidation
InEnTEC Downdraft Air or O2 Plasma,
JFE Updraft/ fluid Air thermal
Total oxidation
Kawazaki Shaft Air/O2 Total oxidation
Nexterra Updraft Air Total oxidation CHP

Nippon steel Updraft Air Total oxidation
PHG Energy Downdraft Air Total oxidation CHP MaxWest
PRME Updraft Air See CHO Power,
Table 27 Gasification system suppliers, continued

Developer/ Gasifier Oxidant Gas cleaning Gas use Notes

supplier type

Fluidized beds
AMEC Foster CFB Air Total oxidation Fuel gas See Sections
Wheeler 7.1.6 and 7.2.2

EBARA Internal CFB Air Total oxidation CHP See also EUP
Kobe, Section
O2 Thermal Synthesis
Envirotherm CFB Air Various Fuel gas, fka Lurgi CFB
CHP gasifier, see
Section 7.1.1
Eqtec Stationary Air Total oxidation CHP

Kawasaki Stationary Air Total oxidation Fuel gas See section 7.1.2

Kobelco Stationary Air or O2 Total oxidation CHP Cooperation w.

CHO Power see
LLT CFB Air Total oxidation Fuel gas Fka TPS process,
thermal see also Section
Outotec Stationary Air or O2 Total oxidation CHP Cooperation with
APP, see Section
Mitsubishi Stationary Air Total oxidation CHP
TKK Stationary O2 Thermal HTW technology.
Chinook Indirect batch Air Thermal CHP
oven An example of a grate gasification process; Energos 298

The Energos technology was developed in Norway during the 1990s to address the market for small
scale energy from waste plants in Norway and elsewhere, while the technology was still flexible in
terms of the waste feed characteristics, was cost-efficient and met high emission standards.

This resulted in a two-stage combustion approach with a primary grate gasification furnace with the
oxidation chamber directly above the primary chamber, which was later changed to a concept with a
separate downstream oxidation or secondary chamber, see the upper part of Figure 58. Following
the oxidation chamber there is a heat recovery section followed by the flue gas cleaning, see the
lower part of Figure 58.

The waste needs to be pre-treated by shredding and by magnetic separation of ferrous materials,


either integrated on site or at an off-site location prior to shipping the waste to the plant300, 299. After
pre-treatment, the waste is stored in a bunker from which an automatic crane drops it into a fuel
hopper. From the fuel hopper the waste is fed into the gasification feeding chamber by means of a
stoker via a guillotine valve to maintain a consistent fuel layer on the horizontal, fixed grate. The
grate is oil-cooled and is separated into different sections, each with an individual air supply. Bottom
ash is discharged from the primary chamber at the end of the grate and holds less than 3 %
combustible components.

Figure 58 The Energos process300

The gasifier chamber is fed with air at a total of 50-80 % of stochiometric air at approximately 900
°C. The gases produced are mixed with secondary air and recirculated flue gas in a controlled way
at the inlet of the oxidation chamber in such a way that the combustion is homogenous at around
1000 °C, and therefore reduces CO and hydrocarbon emissions and also limits NOx formation.

Hot flue gas from the secondary chamber is recovered in the heat recovery steam generator

Small Scale Waste-to-Energy Technologies. Claudine Ellyin. MS Thesis. Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering,
Columbia University, USA. September 2012
ENERGOS Gasification Technology. Energy Recovery from Residual MSW and Commercial Waste. All-Energy 2014 Conference, May
21-22, 2014, Glasgow, UK.

consisting of a water-tube boiler, a fire-tube boiler and an economiser. A shot-ball system for is
available for cleaning the heat transfer surfaces during operation.

Downstream the economiser, there is a simple dry flue-gas cleaning system using injection of lime
and activated carbon. Fly ash and spent lime and activated carbon are separated from the flue-gas
in a baghouse filter. The two-stage concept in combination with the controlled combustion can be
successful in reducing NOx emission to such a low level that any additional clean-up is necessary.
However, additional conventional control measures can be installed if so required.

The gasification chamber, high temperature oxidation chamber, water-tube boiler, smoke- tube
boiler and the control system are patented proprietary designs. Other elements of the plant are
standard components purchased from third- party suppliers.

In total 11 plants have been built since 1997 or are in construction /commissioning at present. Of
these plants, three early plants in Norway have already been closed, while one plant in the UK is or
will be closed shortly, and three plants, also in the UK are in construction or commissioning phases.
These plants have been applied for power generation CHP and for generation of process steam only.

Energos has offered two standard gasifier modules of nominally 5 and 6 tonnes/hr, respectively, and
heat recovery steam generators with a thermal capacity of 13.5 MW and 16.4 MW, respectively.
This allows four combinations of gasifiers and heat recovery modules, thus a certain adaption for
e.g. fuel quality parameters such as energy content. For larger waste capacities, several lines can
be operated in parallel. The company has a history of pursuing both an own-operate and EPC

The Norwegian company Energos ASA was taken over by the UK company ENER-G in 2004 after
suffering from economic difficulties. In 2016, the company went into administration due to cash flow
issues301. Some additional operation data is available in previously cited reports294, 295. An example of a fixed bed; Nippon Steel Direct Melting Process

The Nippon Steel Direct Melting Process (DMS) is one of the most widely used waste gasification
processes mainly in Japan with over 40 installations in operation or construction since 1979302.

The gasification principle is and updraft moving bed or a shaft furnace303. A full plant is composed of
the waste charging system, the gasifier, the combustion chamber, the boiler and a flue gas cleaning
system as well as the power generation section, see Figure 59.

Direct Melting System Brochure.

Waste Gasification and Melting Technology. - Direct Melting System. Nobuhiro Tanigaki Waste to Energy 22th November 2017, AVG,

Cologne, Germany

Figure 59 The Nippon Steel & Sumikin Engineering shaft furnace process (adapted from303).

The process has operated with a wide variety of wastes such as MSW and RDF, but also construction
wastes, industrial wastes, sewage sludge, incombustible and combustible residues, clinical waste,
asbestos, automobile shredder residues (ASR), and landfill excavation waste can be processed. It is
claimed that the process does not need any pre-treatment of the waste and that it can accept waste
up to a dimension of 800 mm and also fuels with quite low energy content as a result of inerts and
moisture in the waste. The waste material, typically MSW, is fed at the gasifier top via a double-
valve sluice system together with coke at a rate of 5-10 % of the waste weight. Also, limestone is
added. These additives provide mechanical stability in the bed and the coke is also a reducing agent
while the limestone is a fluxing agent.

The shaft furnace, a refractory lined cylinder, has three distinct zones, for drying and preheating at
the top, for thermal decomposition in the middle part and for combustion and melting in the bottom
part. In the bottom part, oxygen-enriched air, at approximately 35 % oxygen content, is fed into
the shaft via tuyeres to reach a high enough temperature, approximately 1800 °C, to achieve a
good burnout but also melting of the ash. The melt is discharged intermittently via a water-
granulation system and a magnetic metals/inert slag separation. The inert slag can be used as
building material and the metals recycled.

The hot gases generated at the bottom go up in the shaft into the decomposition zone and the
drying preheating zone at 600- 800 °C and 500-400 °C, respectively before leaving the gasifier at
the top. The gas has a heating value of 4- 6 MJ/Nm3 and is directly routed to a combustion
chamber, and then goes to the stack via a heat recovery steam generator and the flue gas cleaning
section before being exhausted in the stack. The steam generated is used to generate electrical
power in a steam turbine. Additional data are available in previously cited reports294, 295. An example of a kiln process; Mitsui R21

The Mitsui R21 process has been taken as an example of a kiln process. The Mitsui R21 process304
has its origins in the Siemens Schwel-Brenn-process which was licensed in from 1991 and then
further developed by Mitsui, Figure 60. The company built and operated two 1 ton/hr demonstration
plants in Japan from 1994 to 2000. The first commercial installation, Yame Seibu Clean Center,
came in 2000 with two lines of 110 tonnes/day each. Another eight identified plants have been built

Mitsui Recycling 21 Pyrolysis Gasification & Melting Process. Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. Aug. 2004

since with capacities of 2 to 8 tonnes/hr per line, the two most recent of which began operation in
2009. However, ISWA states that up to 25 installations have been installed world-wide305 but that
the process is no longer marketed. Also, Takuma licensed the Siemens process and have built a
handful of plants using this concept. The process is well-explained in Figure 60 which shows the 2 x
8 tonnes/hr Toyohashi plant.

The waste, shredded to below 200 mm, is fed to the pyrolysis kiln which can be over 20 m long and
in this plant with a diameter of 3 m and where the feed is pyrolyzed at 450 °C for 1-2 hours. The
drum is heated indirectly by means of an internal pipe system where hot air at 520 °C coming from
a preheater in the boiler is circulated. The air is heated in the first boiler pass after the burning

Solid residue from the pyrolyser passes a magnetic and a fluidized bed separator for metal recovery.
The coke is transferred to the combustion chamber in parallel to the pyrolysis gas. Combustion
takes place at 1350 °C, this temperature being selected to ensure slagging of the inorganic material
in the coke and the gas. The hot flue gas exits via a heat recovery steam generator, followed by
conventional flue gas cleaning. Additional data can be found in the cited references294, 295.

Figure 60 The Mitsui R21 process306 An example of a fluidized bed gasification process, Outotec307.

The fluidized bed combustion and gasification systems of the Finnish company Outotec, formed from
the technology part of the Finish steel and metallurgical company Outokumpu, trace its roots to the
1970s and the US company Energy Products of Idaho, one of the pioneers in the utilization of the
fluidized bed technology. This company was acquired by Outotec in 2011 and had at that point
some 100 fluidized bed references (mainly boilers but also gasifiers)308. The company markets two

ISWA White Paper on Alternative Waste Conversion Technologies. F. Lamers, E. Fleck, L. Pelloni, B. Kamuk ISWA 2013
Mitsui Recycling 21 Pyrolysis Gasification & Melting Process. Hiroaki Harada. Workshop on Operating Experience and Techno-
economic Benefits and Environmental Benefits of Energy Recovery from Renewable Waste Materials. Joint meeting of IEA Bioenergy
Task 32, 33 and 36. Tokyo, Japan, 28 October 2003
Outotec Energy Products Brochure. Outotec Oy. 2012.

type of gasifiers, the so-called “gasifier” and “advanced staged gasifier”, respectively, see Figure 61.
A complete installation of a typical advanced staged gasifier is shown in Figure 62.

In both cases the design is based on stationary fluidized bed systems fitted with proprietary open
bottom design to allow the extraction of ash and oversize material. These gasifiers have typically
been used for mostly for clean biomass residues and in some cases waste fuel when air-blown309,
but in a cooperation with APP, an oxygen-steam blown gasifier has been developed for use with
plasma gas cleaning, see Section

The advanced staged gasifier310 is composed of a stationary fluidized bed gasifier at the bottom and
an integrated thermal oxidizer on top of the gasification zone into which additional combustion air is
injected. Other proprietary features are a fully refractory lined combustion chamber in a steel casing,
the use of partly coated in bed/vapor space tubes for avoiding hot spots in the bed area, a bed
extraction, sieving and reinjection system to remove agglomerations, and membrane walls in the flue
gas path to reduce temperatures and therefore protect superheaters from chlorine corrosion.

Outotec Energy Products Installation List 2017
Status of Planning and Construction of Gasification Plants in the United Kingdom. Timothy Kast, Jim Starkey, Matthew Pierson and
Michael L. Murphy. Waste Management, Volume 7. 367-378. Waste-to -energy. Editors: Karl J. Thomé-Kozmiensky et al. TK Verlag,
Nietwerder, Germany2017

Figure 61 Outotec “gasifier” and “advanced staged gasifier” (adapted from308, 310)

Figure 62 A typical Outotec complete advanced staged gasifier installation 310

Fuel preparation to a size below 100 mm in any direction and removal of rocks, metals, etc., is
required. Processed fuel is delivered to a dual-screw metering bin located adjacent to and elevated
above the gasifier. At the gasification stage, solid fuel is fed to an atmospheric bubbling fluidized
bed by means of a specially designed fuel feed auger that introduces the fuel directly into the bed,
whereby the fuel is retained in the bed longer and reduces the need for secondary air in the gasifier.
Bed material is continuously withdrawn through the bottom, a horizontal open grid in a uniform way
and is cleaned from non-combustible and non-fluidizable material, and the accepted fraction is
reinjected back into the bed. There are no moving parts within this gasification zone, thus it is
claimed to be very reliable.

Fluidizing gas is fed from below the grid. The fluidizing air as well as the secondary and tertiary air
streams are also mixed with recycled flue gas to control temperatures and oxygen content in the
flue gas. The heat generated by partial oxidation with air results in the volatilization and gasification
of the remainder of the fuel to produce a combustible “product” gas. The reduced air flow to the
bottom of the fluidized bed, requiring higher pressure than secondary or tertiary air, reduces the
parasitic power load.

As the combustible gas leaves the bed and flows upward into the combustion zone, secondary and
tertiary combustion air is added via successive horizontal rows of overfire air (OFA) nozzles.
Through this staged combustion approach, the oxygen equivalency in the bulk gas stream increases
in a controlled fashion up to the final excess air level in order to manage the gas temperature profile
and reduce the production of NOx. NOx emissions are controlled at the upper region of the
combustion chamber by a SNCR system where a series of lances inject aqueous ammonia or a urea-
water solution into the flue gas, and the reaction proceeds in the furnace, the boiler inlet duct and
first boiler pass. Combustion of the syngas, condensable hydrocarbons and any remaining or
entrained solid fuel takes place in this region and provides additional heat energy, raising the
temperature of the flue gas. The controlled, final flue gas temperature is selected to optimize SNCR
performance, boiler performance and ash fouling and slagging behaviour.

Within the gasifier and oxidizer reactor, steam-generating water tubes are typically installed to
extract heat from the bed, the furnace, or both to improve overall boiler efficiency. In this way the
fuel specification (low or high energy content, etc.) of a project can be compensated and the air
flows adjusted for a reasonable excess air (in the UK projects, typically in-bed tubes are not
installed, and the freeboard is extended somewhat in order to allow the measurement of, and to
improve the gas heating value in the in the freeboard to meet gasifier definitions).

The flue gas from the reactor furnace flows to a modular, steam-generating, waste heat boiler
through a transition duct. The boiler is of a water-tube type and is arranged in successive
evaporative or superheat tube bundles to produce the final superheated steam. The design steam
conditions are typically limited to 4.5 MPa and 400 °C. An evaporative screen section is placed first
in the flue gas path to reduce the flue gas temperatures into the superheater, and parallel flow is
typically used in the superheater and soot blowers are used.

A multicyclone unit is located immediately after the boiler exit at 290 to 370 °C to collect a
significant portion of the total entrained fly ash. This design facilitates the sue of an SCR, if needed.
But the disposal cost of such fly ash, relative to the disposal cost of flue gas cleaning solids
residues, motivates the additional cost for separate removal of this fly ash.

The flue gas cleaning typically includes a wet-dry or dry scrubber reaction tower for acid gas
removal, using lime or hydrated lime as a reagent, followed by a fabric filter for dust control.
Pulverized activated carbon (PAC) can also be injected upstream of the filter.

Outotec has installed over a dozen advanced staged gasifier installations, of which half of the
projects are from recent years in the UK that are in construction, commissioning and early
operation, See Appendix 4.

7.3.2. Waste gasification with gas cleaning, “true gasification”

In this section, different forms of waste gasification plants for the production of power or power and
heat where partial and full gas cleaning has been or is used.

158 Air Products, Teesside, UK
In 2009, Air Products and AlterNRG signed a joint development agreement giving Air Product rights
to license AlterNRG’s gasification technology311 for energy projects. In July 2010, Air Products
announced312 its intention to build a plant to convert pre-processed waste to 49 MW (gross) electric
power at a location at Tees Valley close to Billingham using gasification technology provided by
AlterNRG, benefiting from the UK RO (Renewable Obligation Order) system313. The power would be
sold under a long-term contract with a third party. In February 2011, a planning application was
made to the Stockton Council that was approved later that year314. The Environmental agency
permit was received in April 2012315. However, due to an oversight of the Renewable Obligation
system with potential implication on the future number of ROCs received per MWh, the outcome of
which was not made public until July 2012316 317
, the final investment decision318 only came in
August 2012. This plant was said to have a cost of 500 million $US and would start operation in
2014319. In late 2012, the company announced its intentions to build a second, identical facility on a
plot adjacent to the first plant320 and a planning permission was received in the first half of 2013321
and also an Environmental Agency permit322. At the end of 2013, Air Products entered a 20-year
power purchase agreement with the UK government to sell the plant output, 37 MWe, as of 2016 for
use by government bodies at fixed, undisclosed rate323 as part of the government’s Energy for
Growth project.

The construction of this second plant, Tees Valley 2 (TV2) started in April 2014. The commissioning
of the first plant TV 1 started with some delay in the first part of 2015324. In the beginning of
November, Air Products decided to suspend the on-going construction works on the TV2 plant and
dismissing the work force “certain design issues of the first project are understood, remediated, and
can be efficiently integrated into the design of the second project”. The start-up had then been
postponed to mid-2016325.

Eventually, in April 2016, Air Products announced326 its intentions to leave the energy from waste
business and would suffer from a write-down in the range of 900 million to 1 000 million $US. It
was noted in the press release that the company had communicated the challenges with the
projects and that testing and analysis indicated that “additional design and operational challenges
would require significant time and cost to rectify“. Consequently, the board of directors decided that
“it is no longer in the best interest of the Company and its shareholders to continue the Tees Valley
projects”. All work on the site was halted and attempts were and are being made to sell the
facilities, so far to no avail. Very little is known about the causes of this decision, and the little
information available is related further below after the technology description.

Air Products partnered327 with Impetus Waste Management (IWM), who bought the North Tees site
in 2005. It operates and owns both non-hazardous and hazardous landfills. The company manages
approximately 900,000 tonnes waste per year at the Bran Sands and Cowpen landfill sites. The

Air Products Press Release 4 February 2009.
Air Products Press Release 20 July 2010.
Stockton on Tees Planning Permission references 11/0359/EIS
Environmental Agency Permit Number EPR/JP3331HK. 20.04.2012
Facility to convert energy from landfill waste may not go ahead. The Guardian 11 August 2011.
ROC and ROll: Shaking Up UK Renewables. Waste Management World. 01.11.2012
Air Products Press Release 7 August 2010.
Strategy for Success Innovation, Integration and Improvement. Onsite Model Innovation: Energy from Waste. Investor Call Slides.
07 August 2012
Air Products Press Release 23 October 2012
Stockton on Tess Planning Permission reference 13/0780/EIS
Environmental Agency Permit Number EPR/XP3336NN
New energy deal to save £84m from government bill. UK Government Cabinet Office. 10 April 2013
World’s largest’ gasification plant nears completion. Let’s recycle. May 19, 2015
Up in the air. Matt Clay. Recycling & Waste World 27 May 2016
Air Products Press Release 4 April 2016
Air Products Proposed Renewable Energy Facility in Tees Valley. Roger Dewing, Air Products 28th February 2011

company would provide the RDF from pre-treated household, commercial and industrial waste
currently sourced in the North East and destined for landfill in Teesside. Most for this will come from
the region but up to a quarter could also come from other landfills outside of the region.

Each of the TV facilities, see Figure 63, was planned to convert 350 000 tonnes of pre-sorted wastes
per year and produce 49 MWe gross, 37 MWe net of electric power via two Solar Titan 150 gas
turbines, see Figure 63. The plant definition was defined by the scope of supply of AlterNRG,
gasification island design, engineering and equipment supply and the FEED design of AMEC Foster

In addition to RDF, the gasifier operation314, 321, 328 requires limestone as a fluxing agent and
metallurgical coke as a support for the fixed bed and energy source at a rate of approximately 14 %
and 4 %, respectively. Since the coke has a higher energy content than the RDF, it contributes to
around 10 % of the energy input. The material handling and storage systems receive and process
these materials at the facility. The system will include RDF unloading facilities from trucks, receiving
pits, day bins, conveying and waste shredding to below 300 mm as well as metallurgical coke and
limestone truck unloading, storage silos, and coarse crushing, respectively.

The RDF, at a rate of approximately 950 tonnes/day, coke and lime are metered onto a common
charge conveyor which transports the feedstock to the gasifier, and where it is charged into the
gasifier, Figure 64, from the side. The gasifier is a refractory lined vessel, 9 m in diameter and 25 m
high operating at close to atmospheric pressure.

The materials will move downward in the gasifier and undergo pyrolysis and gasification reactions as
it reacts with controlled amounts of oxygen introduced immediately above the plasma torches.
Oxygen and nitrogen are supplied from an off-site installation. At the bottom the material is heated
by plasma torches to temperatures over 3000 °C. The power consumption of the plasma torches
corresponds to 2% - 5% of the total energy input to the plant.

This high temperature converts any remaining organic component while the metallic and inorganic
content of the feed material forms molten slag, which flows out at 1650 °C through the tap holes at
the bottom of the gasifier. The slag is then quenched and granulated upon exiting the gasifier. The
resulting vitreous granules, that can be up to 25 % of the weight of the RDF feed, depending on ash
content and lime addition, are conveyed and loaded onto trucks for export for use as various forms
of construction material and additive.

The raw product gas goes upwards in the gasifier shaft counter-currently to the solids and enters
the dome that gives additional residence time at high temperature to completely destroy tars. The
high temperature inside the plasma gasifier is claimed to result in the complete destruction of tars.
The product gas exits the gasifier at 950 °C and is partially quenched with atomized water at the
top of the gasifier prior to exiting the gasifier through two nozzles. It is further quenched and cooled
at ambient temperatures through a caustic Venturi quench and scrubber system. Besides
particulates, also chlorides and some ammonia will be removed at this stage.

The claimed advantages of the plasma gasifier include327, 328;

• Ability to gasify blended feedstock including waste
• High temperatures with a higher degree of temperature control
• Ability to control syngas H2/CO ratio through adjustment of O2 addition and torch power

Summary of Qualifications. Alter NRG Plasma Gasification Solution. AlterNRG. April 2018

Plasma Gasification: Lessons Learned at Ecovalley WtE Facility. Ken P. Willis, Shinichi Osada, Kevin L. Willerton. Proceedings of the

18th Annual North American Waste-to-Energy Conference NAWTEC18 May 11-13, 2010, Orlando, Florida, USA. NAWTEC18-3515

• Complete reduction of tar in the gas
• Controllability
• Low cost of installation
• Ash is vitrified

Figure 63 Process schematic for the Air Products TV1 and TV2 plants327

AlterNRG and Westinghouse plasma technology have been developed over a period of over 30
years328. The technology was initially developed by Westinghouse in collaboration with NASA as part
of the Apollo space program as NASA wanted to simulate high temperatures space vehicle re-entry
in to the earth atmosphere. Later, Westinghouse and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
developed a reactor using plasma for reclaiming fragmented scrap metal from 1983 to 1990. During
this period Westinghouse extended the for the treatment of hazardous waste. In the mid-1990s
Westinghouse cooperated with Hitachi Metals on an R&D program and pilot testing program that
eventually led to the first commercial gasifiers in Japan at the turn of the century. By mean of a
management buy-out Westinghouse Plasma Corporation was founded in 1999.

In 2007, AlterNRG, itself founded in 2006, bought the company and continued in the development
and commercialization process. In 2015, a Sunshine Kaidi New Energy Group Co subsidiary in the
USA, Harvest International New Energy Co Ltd took over AlterNRG.

Alter NRG Plasma Gasification has been and is used commercially in a handful of installations in
addition to the Tees Valley plant. A report329 from 2008 gives further information on the process and
performance data (e.g. typical M&E balance) and on installations available up to 2008.

The AlterNRG/ Westinghouse Plasma Gasification Process. Juniper Consultancy Service Ltd. November 2008

Figure 64 The AlterNRG plasma gasifier328.

From 1983 to the end of 2014, Westinghouse Plasma Corporation and its successor AlterNRG owned
and operated a 2 tonnes/h demonstration facility at Madison, PA, USA. This flexible plant with three
feeding systems, gasification reactor and downstream gas cleaning equipment as well as gas
analysis equipment has been important for developing the process, for testing of large number of
fuels and optimization of operating conditions and to provide data on emissions and by-products for
permitting purposes, including tests for the Air Products Tees Valley project.

Together with Hitachi, a 24 tonnes/day external non-transferred torch "pilot" plant was built in
Yoshii, Japan and operated for a demonstration period in 1999-2000 in which the product gas was
sent to a waste heat boiler. This plant gave the basis for a Japanese approval of the technology for
waste to energy and was the basis for two additional plants in Japan.

The Mihama-Mikata plant processes since 2002 20 tonnes per day of local MSW and 4 tonnes per
day of sewage sludge. The product gas is used to produce heat which is then used to dry the
sewage sludge as a pre-treatment to the gasification process. The slag by-product is used as
aggregate added to construction materials.

The EcoValley plant, at Utashinai on the island of Hokkaido, Japan, had two gasifier trains each
capable of processing 100 tonnes per day. Originally it processed ASR and MSW but later only
process MSW. The operation started in 2003 and was continued to 2013, when the waste supply
contract ended. The scale-up from pilot plant (a factor of 1:2 from Madison and 1:4 from Yoshii,
respectively) to Utashinai was not smooth and the plant’s design and equipment had to undergo
significant re-engineering and modifications in order to achieve its intended function328, 330. This
involved optimization of the diameter of the bottom section to improve the temperature distribution,
changing the refractory materials in the melt zone to have a life-time of several years and to avoid

Early Evolution of the Westinghouse Plasma Gasifier – Lessons Learned from Eco Valley, Japan. Shinichi Osada. Alter NRG Open

House, June, 2015

short-cut direct carry-over of particulates from the feed point to the gas exit in the cupola section.
This led to changes that were implemented in the TV plant design, such as moving the feeding point
to a lower position and feeding from the side instead of top feeding in the cupola to decrease the
particle content in the raw product gas at the outlet and, by partial quenching at the gas outlet,
solidify any molten or sticky particles to prevent any build-up of material on the wall of the exit

The Maharashtra Enviro Power Ltd. plant processes hazardous wastes 70 tonnes per day from over
30 industries in India since 2009. The owner of the plant, SMSIL, is a partner of Alter NRG and
together the companies offer plasma gasification into the Indian market. WPC has access to the
operational data and the operating staff at the plant. SMSIL also makes the plant available to
certain Alter NRG customers for pilot tests and optimization tests.

In 2013, Wuhan Kaidi, a large Chinese energy company in Wuhan, Hubei China, began operating a
140 tonnes per day biomass gasification facility to produce power and liquid fuels.

The latest installation, that started operation in 2014 GTS in Shanghai, China is processing
incinerator and industrial and medical wastes to convert it into a fuel gas and a vitrified slag.

There is also reference to a plant in construction by Uthong, the UTPE Waste to Energy Facility, to
process 600 tonnes/day of pre-sorted MSW in 2 lines and produce 20 MWe net electricity through a
steam cycle power island configuration. The plant is expected to start up in 2019, but no additional
information has been found.

All of the above plants can be classified as more or less two-stage incinerators or have partial gas
cleaning to remove particulates and HCl, but not fitted with the same gas cleaning as was planned
for the TV plants to meet primarily IED requirements and secondly to meet gas turbine contaminant

Following the quenching and removal of particulates in the AlterNRG scrubbing system, the gas will
be further cooled in a direct contact syngas cooler to condense additional water followed by a wet
electrostatic precipitator (WESP) to remove droplets and any particulates remaining in the gas, such
that the gas is suitable for compression to an intermediate pressure, followed by final pressurization
in a four-stage compressor to the gas turbine inlet pressure. Following pressurisation, the gas is
reheated and passes a COS hydrolysis reactor, in which a catalyst is used to convert COS to H2S to
facilitate the downstream sulphur removal unit, given the fact that COS is far more difficult to
remove by comparison. The catalytical hydrolysis unit also hydrogenates olefins and HCN to NH3.
The gas is then again cooled and further water is condensed. After reheating to move away from the
dew point, mercury is removed in a bed of activated carbon. Finally, the gas is cleaned from H2S in
a Lo-Cat liquid scrubbing process (see Section 6.2.5) where H2S is removed by an alkaline solution
containing ferric ions oxidizers to convert it to elemental sulphur. In an aeration vessel, the ferrous
ions are regenerated while the sulphur particles are separated by flotation. The cleaned gas
produced327 has an energy content of < 8 MJ/m3.

The clean syngas then proceeds downstream to a common delivery header joining an existing asset,
which is a common boiler used as an auxiliary boiler and two Solar Titan 130 GTs of 17 MWe power
output each. The gas turbine exhaust gases are routed to a common heat recovery steam generator
for heat recovery as superheated high-pressure steam that is used in a condensing turbine
generating the balance of power up to the 50 MW gross output. The major parasitic loads on the site
are the gas compressor, the plasma burners as well as pump power in the cooling water and gas
cleaning sections, whereas the consumption for the air separation unit is an off-site.

In the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG), there is an SCR system for NOx reduction, as the low
calorific value of the gas does not allow the use of the conventional lean firing gas turbine burner
technique for NOx reduction. With the combination of scrubbing, hydrolysis and sulphur removal as
well as SCR, the WID/EID limiting emission values can be met. Process condensate is pre-treated on
site prior to being discharged to the sanitary sewer for treatment in a waste water treatment plant

The plant has a flare for combustion of excess gas under upset conditions and start-up/shut-down
and a cooling tower system for the cooling of the gas processing section and steam turbine

As for the details of the technical issues that led to the project failure, little is officially known. As for
concrete causes, a construction worker’s union representative has revealed that the plasma
gasification system in the TV1 facility eroded the gasifier walls through the combined action of heat
and acids, that tests had been "blowing big holes" in the ceramic lining of the gasifier and that parts
were taken from TV2, TV1’s sister plant, in order to try to fix TV1, but to no avail331. Another
contributing factor mentioned is the mechanical handling systems332. Then there is some more
general attribution of causes in the cited reference, such that the scale-up factor for the AlterNRG
system ”from experiences at demonstrators at 10 000 tonnes/year to Tees Valley at 350 000
tonnes/year” was higher than the normally experience recommendation of a factor of 10 maximum
(however, the Utashinai plant was upscaled from 8 000 tonnes/year in Yoshii to around 35 000
tonnes a year, and the TV1 plant is 350 000 tonnes/year so scale-up factor was 4 and 10
respectively, author’s comment). Another very obvious contributor to the economic losses was that
the construction on TV2 began before the technology of TV1 had even been finished and proven,
such that any engineering or procedural flaws were iterated, with no chance for lessons learned and
experience improvements325. One factor of quite some importance to not pursue the work which has
not been mentioned by others is that under the RO obligation, which was basis for receiving
revenues from ROCs, the TV1 plant was contracted required that the power generation must start
before March 31, 2017 to obtain ROCs. After this date, the CfD auctioning system would be
applicable. So, if the “additional design and operational challenges would require significant time
and cost to rectify326”, to the extent that TV1 was judged to bring the start of generation beyond
March 2017, the ROC revenue stream was no longer available and bankable, which most certainly
was valued into the process. CHO Power333, Morcenx, France

CHO Power is a wholly owned subsidiary of Europlasma334. Europlasma was formed in 1992335 as a
spin-off from the aeronautics company EADS (fka Aérospatiale) where plasma technologies were
developed as a tool to achieve very high temperatures for space applications and for melting of
certain materials. Europlasma was formed to exploit the development of industrial applications of
the plasma torch technology. One application identified was vitrifying the waste incineration ashes
resulting from the incineration of waste that was developed in a pilot plant. In 1997 the company
built a continuous ash vitrification plant of 10 tonnes/day for the city of Bordeaux, France at Cenon.

Based on this reference installation, the company became licensor to the Japanese companies
Kobelco Eco-Solutions and Hitachi Zosen for four ash vitrification installations in Japan. In 2001, and
following an IPO, Europlasma was listed on the Paris stock exchange (Alternex and since 2009
Euronext) and used part of the funds to buy into Inertam, an asbestos waste treatment operator at

ENDS Waste & Bioenergy, April 6, 2016.
Energy-from-waste – A troubled technology. Rob Cockerill: Gas World 29 April 2016
Europlasma. Document de référence 2017

Morcenx, Landes, France. In 2005, Europlasma raised over 25 million € from European private
investors to expand in the cleantech business and to take-over Inertam, which expanded the
asbestos treatment capacity with a new processing line. Furthermore, in October 2006, Europlasma
bought Europe Environnement, a company specialized in gas treatment and odour abatement.

In 2007, CHO Power was formed to develop renewable energy projects, and to finance such
developments Credit Suisse interests becomes a major stake holder in Europlasma. A new licensee,
Kolon of South Korea, signed up for the ash vitrification technology.

In 2010, and after Europlasma raised additional financing the company, the construction of the CHO
Power 11 MWe gross demonstration plant at Morcenx was initiated, the investment cost at the time
being more than 45 million €. CHO Power also initiated an R&D cooperation with Kolbelco, named
KIWI (also see below), to develop waste gasification technologies at the Morcenx site for three
years. Also, in other business areas there was activity, a low-level radioactive waste vitrification unit
was sold to Bulgaria. In 2012, the commissioning of the Morcenx plant began; however, it was
aborted as some equipment, including the gasifier, did not meet expectations. A major
reengineering program was initiated, see below. At the same time, the Group and its Japanese
partner were conducting the first test campaigns with the KIWI pilot.

In 2013, and under the financial strains of the Morcenx reconstruction project, the company went
into administration in February to undergo an internal reconstruction and where a debt composition
settlement and refinancing was reached in July336 and its board and management were restructured.
Europlasma refocuses on its proprietary technologies by selling Europe Environnement and
establishing three business areas: treatment of non-recyclable wastes (Inertam), plasma torch
industrial applications (Europlasma Industries), and renewable power (CHO Power). The CHO Power
emerges as the holder of IPR and project development resources independently of the CHO Morcenx
plant special purpose vehicle company, and CHOPEX is formed as a daughter to CHO Power to
become the O&M contractor for the CHO Power Morcenx and future plants.

In February 2014, the operations at CHO Power Morcenx were resumed and a preliminary take-over
milestone was achieved in June after a 4 days availability test337. However, various re-engineering
and bottleneck items were identified requiring further changes in the plant. The vitrification business
received its first order from China. In addition, a major financial injection, 40 million €, was made.

In November 2015 the “delivery with reservations” milestone of CHO Morcenx was achieved after
testing showing that the gasifier capacity sufficient to generate the nameplate power was reached
(but not all engines have been installed, the power output was not demonstrated). In December,
CHO Morcenx ordered338 2*2 MWe GE Jenbacher (GEJ) engines to supplement the 2*1 MW Caterpillar
engines and 6 MW steam turbine installed in the plant already in 2012. The financing of the engines
was achieved by an issue of convertible bonds. However, due to manufacturing time and installation
time the engines were not installed on site and commissioned until the end of 2016, and the motor
acceptance tests were made in early 2017. The engines did however only reach 1.5 MW due to a
lower LCV of the gas than in the basis of design339. In June 2017, the final acceptance milestone
was reached340. In parallel also other project of similar capacity have been developed in France, and
where the final acceptance milestone in Morcenx was also a milestone in the development of such
future projects.

Europlasma Communiqué de presse: Reprise de cotation. September 26, 2013
Europlasma Communiqué de presse 24.06.2014
Europlasma Communiqué de presse 25 janvier 2016
Europlasma Communiqué de presse 20 fevrier 2017
Europlasma Communiqué de presse 25 juin 2017

A process schematic of the present configuration of the plant at Morcenx is shown in Figure 65.

Figure 65 Process flow schematic for the CHO Power process333.

The CHO Power process is claimed to accept a wide range of fuels, from non-hazardous ordinary
industrial, commercial or domestic waste as well as refusal of ground vehicles to the most prepared
biomass. The Morcenx plant uses construction and industrial non-hazardous waste and recycle
wood, 52 000 tonnes per year. The waste is crushed, the heavy inert parts and metals are taken
away, and the remainder is mixed in order to obtain a more homogeneous RDF fuel. The RDF is
stored in a buffer storage.

The prepared SRF is introduced in the gasifier via a lock system to be transformed into gas.
Originally the gasifier was the design of CHO Power and contained an integrated dryer and a sloping
grate design, see right side of Figure 66. The air is fed through the grate and generates the heat for
the gasification at 850 °C. This design proved early on in 2012 not to be feasible, and a decision
was taken to replace it for a PRM Energy341 KC-24 gasifier, which was effectuated in 2014. The
reason for deciding on this particular technology has not been motivated but PRME and Europlasma
had both been involved in the Eneria’s, the French Caterpillar representative, gasification project in
Moisanne in the beginning of the century by supplying a gasifier341 and doing tests with the
Turboplasma technology342, so there was already a connection.

The PRME® gasification technology341 is a fixed grate, up-draft, sub-stoichiometric and multi-zoned
gasification system that is available in a range of sizes to gasify 20 – 2 000 tons per day. Several
installations for processing mainly various biomasses, wood wastes and agricultural residues are
available for industrial application since 1982. The gasifier system, i.e. the supply to CHO Power,
includes a fuel metering bin, fuel feed control, multi-zoned gasification air, the KC gasifier, water
cooled ash discharge conveyors, utility piping and instrumentation/electronic controls to provide
automated operation. A complete system also includes syngas cleaning process or staged
combustion chamber. The gas can then be used as fuel gas or be in an ICE to generate power.

Succès des premiers essais de la technologie de gazéification de biomasse Turboplasma. Europlasma Communiqué de presse 9

septembre 2009

Figure 66 The original CHO Power gasifier343, left, and the PRME replacement gasifier,
right (adapted from344)

The fuel is metered to the reactor from the metering bin. This bin is equipped with an infeed
levelling conveyor, level switches and a variable outfeed conveyor. The speed of the outfeed
conveyor is automatically adjusted by the control system to maintain a predetermined temperature
in the reactor. Metered biomass feed is transported into the reactor by a water-cooled screw
conveyor, discharging into the lower portion of the gasifier reactor. The gasifier operates under a
slightly negative pressure, eliminating fugitive emission of hot gases. The reactor is a vertical,
cylindrical steel vessel that is lined with castable refractory. The proprietary shape of the reactor
produces negligible entrained particulate matter and promotes mixing of volatilized combustibles,
thus giving a means to control the residence time of the fuel within the reactor. Sub-stoichiometric
air is admitted into the reactor via one or more zones and is controlled to volatilize the biomass
while partially combusting the solids. When changing the gasifier in Morcenx, the quality of the gas
deteriorated, which was compensated by the use of an oxygen addition to the air, as a measure for
this plant and circumstances345. Ash exiting the reactor is discharged by a series of water-jacketed
screw conveyors. Ash and other solid residues were planned to be vitrified in a plasma vitrification
reactor. However, it appears that at present at least the fly ash is sent for disposal335.

The gas is afterwards brought to high temperature to be refined by tar cracking at 1200 °C or more
in the Turboplasma reactor, a proprietary feature of the Europlasma/CHO Power technology. The
gas is then cooled down and heat recovered to the steam cycle. As a cleaning measure, lime is
injected into the gas to absorb HCl. The gas is then cooled down and filtrated in a bag filter to
remove any particulates. Afterwards, the gas is the quenched and steam is condensed. Following
this the gas is slightly compressed and passes a bed of activated carbon for removal of H2S at 50
°C. At the end of this stage, a clean product gas is obtained, which is routed to the engines or an
auxiliary boiler. In Morcenx, as noted above, there was originally 2*1 MW Caterpillar engines
installed, and only in 2016 was the full set of engines installed when also 2*2 MW GEJ engines were
operative on the site. The auxiliary boiler produces steam from the combustion of any gas not
consumed by the engines. Also, there is heat recovery to the steam system on the exhaust gas
system. There is no SCR system installed on the engines.

CHO-Power: Production d’électricité par gazéification. EUROPLASMA, Nov 2008.
Gortadroma Waste to Energy Gasification Facility Briefing. Cadence Enviropower. July 2015
Réponse de question de la publique. CHO Tiper, 8 juillet 2015

The steam is passed through a steam turbine to produce an additional 6 MW of electric power. To
boost the efficiency, also heat from the turbine condenser, the engines and from other coolers,
amounting to 17-18 MW, is collected and exported to a neighbouring industry for use in a wood
dryer. A photo of the plant is shown in Figure 67.

Power is sold to EDF under a 20-year guaranteed-price contract346 at base tariff of 125 €/MWh plus
an efficiency bonus of 1 €/MWh for each additional percentage point of output above a total
(electrical + thermal efficiency) of 50%. Hence, the sales of heat not only generate a direct
revenue, it also indirectly augments the power sales price. So, for a nominal 75 % efficiency, the
actual power sales value becomes 150 €/MWh.

Figure 67 The CHO Power Morcenx plant347

Despite of the positive press release, when looking at the actual production (see Table 28), it is
clear that the plant is still in campaign operation and also very far from producing the expected

Table 28 Reported production figures of the CHO Morcenx plant.

Production 2014348 2015349 2016351 2017335 2018 to June

MWh electric 2 222 1 975 4 632 5 196 21
MWh heat 16 866 14 153 21 089 22 052 n.a.

Assuming a gross generation of 8 MW for 7 500 hours up to 2015, and 12 MW thereafter when the
new engines are installed, this would amount to 60 000 MWh power and 90 000 MWh, respectively.
It also appears that the Caterpillar engines are not in operation at present. These were supplied by

Europlasma. Alphavalue Corporate Services. August 8 2018
Courtesy of CHO Power
Europlasma. Document de référence 2014
Europlasma. Document de référence 2015
Europlasma. Communiqué de presse, le 21 juin 2018

Eneria based on a rental agreement lasting until 2019351. It also appears that the plant has
undergone a derating from the original 12 MWe352 gross to first 11 MWe351 and now 10 MWe334
gross. The derating of the GEJ engines, in total 0.5 MW per engine, can be one reason for this, but
also the Caterpillar units would suffer from a lower gas LCV, and, as noted above, may actually no
longer be in use.

As for the balance of gross power generated and the internal consumption of the plant, these values
have not been found for Morcenx, and the records show that over the years the plant has consumed
more energy than produced, which is also a sign that the operational time has been limited.
However, for the Tiper and Locminé projects, that are very similar in capacity to Morcenx but with
somewhat evolved technology such data are available, see below.

Regarding emissions, the annual reports cited in the table above indicates that the limiting emission
conditions of the WID/EID can be contained without any special issues. Unlike e.g. the Air Products
plant, there is no SCR used to control NOx. The thermal plasma treatment may also reduce the fixed
nitrogen compounds in the products gas, which together with allow heating value of the gas.

The Tiper353 (Thouars, Deux-Sèvres) and the Locminé354 (Locminé, Morbihan) projects are both in
development but have reached further than another handful of projects both inside and outside
France. Both are nominally 11 MWe gross and the process is similar to what is described above.
There is interesting technical data in the permit applications355, 356 submitted by CHO Power.

The fuel fed to the gasifier has an LHV of 16 MJ/kg at 20 % moisture and 10-15 % ash. The gasifier
nominal throughput is 8 tonnes per hour or 36 MW. The gas produced has the nominal composition
as shown in Table 29.

Table 29 CHO Power average bulk gas composition, dry basis355, 356.

Average bulk gas composition

Component Vol %, dry basis
CO 11
CO2 10
CH4 0
H2 8.5
C2H2 2.6
N2 53

LHV MJ/Nm3 3.9 MJ/Nm3 (estimated based on composition above)

Both plants use a combination of engines, typically generating 6.7 MW electricity altogether, and
auxiliary boiler as the gas consumer, and have steam turbine bottoming cycles generating 2.5 MW.
The steam conditions for the steam turbine are not mentioned. In both cases, there is no natural
heat consumer at hand, instead, the heat produced will be used for drying of wood material for later
use as a fuel in the plant or externally. The quantity of heat seems to be in mismatch in relation to
the dryer throughputs of 50 000 tonnes per year. When it comes to the overall data on generation
and efficiency etc., these are collected in Table 30 and Table 31.

Europlasma. Document de référence 2016
Europlasma. Communiqué de presse, le 9 juillet 2012

Although the efficiency reported is high, 29 % and 34 % respectively, these are based on gross
generation. But, as the plants own parasitic consumption is high, 35-40 % of the gross generation,
the net generation efficiency comes down to more modest numbers, 17-22 %, and comparable to
an ordinary incinerator at small scale. The internal power load is 90 % related to the gasification
process. The main power consumers that can be identified are the Turboplasma torches, the gas
compressor and pumps.

Table 30 Energy balance for Tiper355 and Locminé356, GWh/a

GWh/a Production Consumption Net Heat

Unit Gas Steam Total Fuel Gasification Total Net Heat

engines turbine handling process generation produced

Tiper 60 18 78 2 26 28 50 86
Locminé 50 19 69 2 26 28 41 123

Table 31 Energy balance for Tiper355 and Locminé356, GWh/a

Fuel Efficiency, gross %. Efficiency, net %

(kWh/tonne) (kWh/tonne)
To site To plant To Power Heat Total Power Heat
ktonnes ktonne plant
Tiper 57 51 227 34 38 72 22 38
(1 530) (980)

Locminé 61 55 244 29 51 80 17 51
(1245) (745)

Regarding the status of the project development, permits appear to have been secured for both
projects, after some local opposition and debate. There has also been some criticism of the
Europlasma group in stock market follower’s chat fora. An uncertainty that affects both projects is
that the former obligation of EDF to buy renewable electricity, as was the case of CHO Morcenx, is
undergoing a revision and that a new system based on a market plus premium will be introduced,
the details of which are not clear at the moment. This has stalled decisions in wait for clarifications.

The investment in the plants has been cited to 60 million € and to 48 million € for the Tiper plant353
and for the Locminé plant354, respectively. The Tiper project seems more advanced than the
Locminé project, as substantial parts of the financing already seem to be in place357 358
. The French
environment and energy management agency Ademe has committed 12 million € to the project and
further support has been granted by the Conseil Régional of Nouvelle Aquitaine 2 million €.
Furthermore, in early 2018 an agreement was signed with the EIB for 30 million € in debt financing,
and in addition also a non-quantified support from InnovFin – Energy Demonstration Projects (EDP),
a part of the Horizon 2020 program also managed by EIB. In conjunction with these external
financing activities, there has also been a restructuring of the financial situation of CHO Power and
CHO Morcenx in relation to one of the main financiers that reduces the loan service cost of CHO

CHO TIPER Gazéification Dossier de demande d’autorisation d’exploiter une usine de gazéification. Impact et Environnement.
Chapitre II – Etude d’impact
CHO Locminé Dossier de demande d’autorisation d’exploiter une unite de production d’energie par gazeification
Europlasma. Communiqué de presse, le 20 décembre 2017
Europlasma. Communiqué de presse, le 28 mars 2018

Morcenx and financially strengthens CHO Power359.

Regarding the cooperation with Kobelco, KIWI (Kobelco Industrial CHO-PoWer GasIfication) that
was announced in 2010, the purpose was to validate a new process for gasification of waste based
on the Kobelco fluidized bed technology and the Turboplasma technology, respectively. The KIWI
program had a duration of 3 years and 6 million € in financing360, part of which was from public and
regional sources. An 800 kg/h pilot plant, Figure 68, was constructed at Morcenx and tests of fuel
gasification and tar reduction were successfully made361 from 2012 to 2015. However, it is not clear
whether these tests went into the second phase, a proof-of-concept testing on one of the 1 MW
Caterpillar engines on the Morcenx site. The project closed in 2015349, and neither are there any
status changes nor follow-up activities mentioned later annual reports335, 350, 362.

Figure 68 The KIWI test facility361 Concord Blue363 (fka Blauer Turm aka Blue Tower)

The “Blauer Turm” or “Blue Tower” technology goes back to 1999 when the company D.M.2
Verwertungstechnologien Dr. Mühlen GmbH & Co. KG was formed by Dr. Heinz-Jürgen Mühlen and
associates to develop a thermochemical process, “staged reforming”, for the conversion of biomass
and other fuels to a gas that could be upgraded to hydrogen. The name Blauer Turm/Blue Tower
comes from the architectural feature of the combination of the height and the blue exterior cladding
of this tower, see Figure 69. In 2001, a 1 MW thermal (200kg/h) pilot plant was taken into
operation in Herten, Germany, and was operated until 2006364. The inventors formed the company
H2Herten GmbH in 2002 to develop the technology into a prototype stage and Blue Tower GmbH is
responsible for the marketing of the Blue Tower technology. Already in 2002, a license agreement
was signed365 with Japan Blue Energy Co., Ltd. (fka Japan Planning Organization Co., Ltd.), who
builds two plants in Japan, one at Izumo-shi, Shimane. The company appears to have further

Europlasma. Communiqué de presse, le 22 mars 2018
Europlasma. Document de référence 2010
Le Turboplasma. Outil thermique efficace au service de la gazéification. Bioenergie sud. Nîmes 26-11-13
Europlasma. Document de référence 2016
Blauer Turm in Herten. Antwort der Landesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage 4501 vom 25. Februar 2016. Drucksache 16/11256.
Landtag Nordrhein-Westfalen Drucksache 16/11662. 07.04.2016

developed the technology and made parts of it proprietary, following up the previous experiences
with new cooperation’s366 and a third plant.

In 2007, Blue Tower GmbH forms a JV363 with the Rochem Group in India, resulting in that three
plants are built in India from 2008 to 2012, see below.

To realize the German prototype project, an investor, Solar Millennium Group, became the main
shareholder in H2Herten GmbH, and in 2009 the construction of a 13 MW thermal prototype at a
cost of 39 million €, of which a 7 million € grant. This plant was not completed when Solar
Millennium filed for bankruptcy in 2011. As a result, the project company H2Herten also had to go
bankrupt in early 2012.

Figure 69 The Blaue Turm in Herten and flowsheet for the Pune plant (Adapted from367)

In parallel, the Concorde Blue company was formed in 2002 by a close friend to Dr. Mühlen and his
son. In 2012, Concorde Blue had secured the rights to the Blauer Turm process368. Concorde Blue
also engages in a project in Arizona and forms a strategic partnership with the US defence group
Lockheed Martin in 2013 where the latter is the preferred integrator and EPC contractor for the
Blauer Turm technology363, the first installation being a 250 kW plant369 at the Lockheed Martin
facilities in Owego, NY that opened in 2016. In February 2014, the Concord Blue group of companies
also acquired the Herten prototype plant from the administrator. The intention is to complete the
plant at a scale of 5 MW in collaboration with the US group Lockheed Martin ass an EPC
contractor370. Also, in 2016, it was announced371 that Lockheed Martin would build a 10 MWe waste
to energy plant in Wales for Cogen Ltd, a UK waste to energy plant developer, using the Blauer
Turm technology.

The technology is designed for modules from 250 kW thermal up to 5 MW thermal. The processing,

Concord Blue – Thermal Based Waste to Energy Presentation. Environmentally Friendly W2E Solution Unsegregated MSW for
Municipal Corporation. Rochem 2011.
Käufer für Blue Tower GmbH gefunden. Der Westen. Medien NRW, 17.03.2012
369 September 21,
370 March 16,
371 11 Oct. 2016

Figure 69, starts with preparation of the waste in a recycling plant where inerts and metals are
recovered, and the waste is shredded and dried, using waste heat from the plant. The prepared
waste is conveyed in enclosed conveyors to the gasification system and is fed to the first of
thermolysis chambers. In the thermolysis chambers, the waste is contacted and mixed with hot
alumina heat carrier beads such that the waste is pyrolyzed up to 400 °C in the second chamber
and 600 °C in the first chamber. At the bottom the heating beads is separated from the char and

The char residue from the pyrolyser can be separated as a bio-char if clean biomass is used, in
which case a part of the product gas is used, or it can be combusted with less fraction of product
gas to generate heat for the reheat of the heat carriers. The hot combustion gases are routed to the
heat carrier bunker and the reformer as direct and indirect heating medium.

The heat carrier beads are transported by an elevator conveyor to the heat carrier bunker. In the
heat carrier bunker, the heat carriers are reheated to 1 000 °C or higher. The heat carrier, after
being reheated, is then returned by gravity to the pyrolyser via a lock system (in previous, older
descriptions, the hot heat carriers are first used inside the reformer and then transferred by gravity
to the pyrolyser located directly beneath the reformer).

The product gas is, together with steam, fed to the reformer where the gas mixture is heated to 950
°C, whereby the tars are reformed, and the water gas shift is performed. The product gas is then
cooled and is further cleaned by scrubbing with no further details given. The gas analysis varies with
the feed and operating conditions, and no consistent data have been found in open literature. It is
noted that the hydrogen content is high. Power is generated in a gas engine which can be fitted with
oxidation and SCR catalysts as required.

The status of Blauer Turm plants is somewhat difficult to find but Table 32 contains a list of plants
and projects. It has not been possible to find much data on these plants. The Pune plant was
expected to use 13.5 tonnes/h of prepared RDF with an energy content of 10 MJ/ton, or 38 MW
thermal to produce 11 MWe gross and export 10 MWe367. This gives a net efficiency of 26 %. The
Pune plant has not been completed and there are questions on the operation of the plant372. The
author of an article373 from 2014 related to the Eagar plant development in Arizona tried to find out
more background information on these plants and was not impressed with the results; some of the
plants in India and Japan were no longer in operation due to technical issues, and the authorities in
Herten had little information on any re-start of the Herten plant. The plans were to obtain permits in
2015 to start construction in 2016, but according to the local authorities364, no activity had been
noted at least up to 2016.

Neither the Soperton nor the Cardiff plant are included in the project list on the Concorde Blue web
page363. A UK lobby organisation that closely follows activities on waste incineration plants in the UK
notes that there has been no additional information or official activity regarding the Cardiff press
release in 2016374.

Waste-to-power plant turns into dumping yard. Vijay Chavan, Pune Mirror, Aug 4, 2017
Lost in the woods. How the Forest Service is botching its biggest restoration project.
Claudine LoMonaco. High Country News, Sept. 1, 2014

Table 32 Blauer Turm plants and projects363, 364, 365, 367, 375

Plant location Year Capacity Feed Comments

Herten, DE 2001–2006 1 MW Various Dismantled

Anun-Shi, tokushima JP 2004-
Izumo-shi, Shimane, JP 2006- Biomass
2010 Sludge
Herten, DE 2009–2012 13 MW Biomass Never completed
2014 5 MW Construction announced
but not started yet
Vasai, Mumbai IN 2009 30 kWe RDF
Mahad, IN 2011 3 MW RDF Fuel gas for steam
Sikar, IN ? 1 MWe RDF 25 % of feed as biochar
Pune, IN 2012- ~3 MWe RDF Expansion to total 10
~2*3 MWe MWe net planned but not
Omuta, Fukooka, JP aka 2013 7 200 Nm3/h H2 Biomass In operation
Shibukawa-shi, Gunma
Owego, NY, USA 2016 0.25 MW Biomass In operation
Soperton, GA, USA Biomass Lanzatech ethanol by gas
Abuja, NI 3 MWe RDF
Eagar, AZ, USA 1 MW Biomass
Cardiff, UK 10 MWe RDF
Chennai, IN 15 MWe RDF Lahti II (Kymijärvi II)376

As was described in Section 7.2.2, the initial plan was to use gasification of solid wastes as a means
reduce the coal firing in the Lahti I coal fired boiler, see Section 7.2.2,. To avoid negative impacts
on the boiler, such as corrosion and fouling, gas cleaning for the gasifier was also planned. The
cleaning would proceed by injection of sorbents, cooling of the gas to a temperature where tars
would be maintained in the vapor phase and the subsequent removal of solids in a hot gas filter,
whereby alkalis and chloride would be removed as solids before the combustion. However, other
contaminants such as sulphur, NOx precursors and Hg were not subject to cleaning measures before
combustion of the gas.

This gas cleaning concept, i.e. to absorb chlorides and condense alkalis by cooling the gas and then
remove particulates at 300-400 °C in a filter, in combination with co-firing into an existing boiler
was not new. As early as before the year 2000, SHI FW (fka AMEC Foster Wheeler, Foster Wheeler
Finland and Ahlström Pyropower), the supplier of the Lahti I gasifier and the Danish utility DONG
(fka Energi E2 or Elkraft) had studied the same concept but applied to straw, which also holds a
significant content of chloride and alkalis, to possibly be used for a co-firing application for a coal-
fired boiler in Denmark. This development was partially conducted as a FP5 project377, involving
tests of straw gasification and gas cleaning at ta pilot installation in Karhula and a process design

Concord Blue and Lanzatech to Produce Fuels from Waste Biomass Resources in Georgia. Press release Dec. 4, 2013

Straw Gasification for Co-Combustion in Large CHP-Plants. Acronym: Strawgas. Contract No: ERK5 – CT – 1999 – 0004. Project No:

1999/C77/13 AND 1999/C77/15. ENERGI E2. 31. MAY 2001

and case study for Amager 3 and Avedöre 1 power/CHP plants in Copenhagen. The conclusions were
that the concept had been validated and that the co-combustion at 100 MWth gasifier capacity was
technically feasible, whereas the economic feasibility was marginal under the prevailing conditions in
Denmark at the time.

Nevertheless, SHI FW and partners pursued the development of the concept by e.g. doing slip-
stream tests with a gas cooler and a filter at the Lahti I plant for over 3 300 hours in 2003-2004378
and by considering methods for cost reduction and re-use of gasifier ashes in the FP5 project
GASASH379. In addition, a FP6 demonstration project, Lahtistreams380381, was also initiated in 2006
to develop the technology for gas cleaning and also to provide some co-financing for the realization
of the plant.

The project for the Lahti II or Kymijärvi II plant was initiated in 2005 as it became gradually clear
that the interpretation of the WID, see Section 7.2.2, would no longer allow the use of waste in the
Kymijärvi I gasifier as the gasifier and coal boiler ensemble would be seen as a co-incinerator. The
consequence was that the old coal plant would have required investments in flue gas cleaning to
meet the co-incinerator limiting emission values that would not otherwise be required under the LCP
directive. Furthermore, it was seen as a risk that since the plant would be defined as a co-
incinerator, the EU-ETS emission rights would be costly, whereas if a stand-alone waste incinerator
was built, it would not be part of the ETS system. Therefore, there was a decision to prioritize the
stand-alone design rather than a co-firing installation using the existing coal boiler. An
environmental permit for the Lahti II plant was obtained in 2007, and the building permit in 2009.
However, partially due to the lengthy permitting process for Lahti I and partially due to that SHI FW
prioritized biofuels gasification activities in 2007, the company decided to not pursue the Lahti II
project381. Instead Lahti Energia contacted Valmet (aka Mesto Power) in 2008 to explore the
interest. Valmet had a gasifier background from Götaverken and Tampella Power and was
considering the technology, e.g. by conduction slipstream filter test in a lime kiln gasifier at Värö,
Sweden, originally supplied by Götaverken382.

Eventually, the discussions with Valmet led to a contract to build the Kymijärvi II plant at the end of
2009. In parallel to the technical development, Lahti Energia had been active in securing financing
for the plant. The total project cost was 160 million €, of which the European Union contributed 7
million € as part of the Lahtistream project, and the Ministry of Employment and the Economy
(TEKES) contributed 15 million € as development support in the form of grants. In addition, Lahti
Energia took loans from the European Investment Bank (EIB), 70 million € and the Nordic
Investment Bank (NIB) 50 million €383, 384, 385. The plant was constructed in two years and was ready
for operation in 2012.

The plant is composed of the fuel storage and feeding section and two parallel lines of gasification,
gas cooling and gas cleaning, before the produced gas from both lines is fired into a common boiler

Foster Wheeler biomass gasifier experiences from Lahti & Ruien and further cases for difficult biomass & RDF gasification. Timo
Anttikoski, Juha Palonen, Timo Eriksson. IEA Bioenergy ExCo55 Workshop: Co-utilisation of Biomass. Copenhagen, Denmark on 25-26
May 2005
Improvement of the economics of biomass/waste gasification by higher carbon conversion and advanced ash management. Final
Technical Report. GASASH ENK5-CT-2002-00635, PROJECT N°: NNE5-2001-00598. VTT, Finland. 2005
D51 Proceedings of the first internal workshop on Waste Management and WtE Technologies. LAHTISTREAMS,
TREN/S07.54003/518338. M. Nieminen, VTT, Finland. 22.8.2007
D54 Proceedings of the Advanced WtE Technologies -seminar. LAHTISTREAMS, TREN/S07.54003/518338. M. Nieminen, VTT,
Finland. 20.6.2012
Development and experience of Biomass Gasification in Metso Power. Pekka Saarivirta. SGC International seminar on Gasification,
9-10 October 2008, Malmö, Sweden

fitted with flue gas cleaning to meet WID/IED requirements376. The steam produced is sent to a
turbine to generate power and heat for the city is extracted from the turbine condenser, see Figure
70 and Figure 71. The main technical data of the plant are:
• Total waste processed: 250 000 tonnes per year.
• Gasifier thermal input: 2*80 MW SRF and other fuels
• Boiler steam conditions: 120 bar, 540 °C.
• Nominal CHP output: 50 MWe, 90 MWth
• Annual production: 280-300 GWh of electricity and 680-700 GWh of heat.
• Efficiency to power and total efficiency: 31 % and 88 % respectively.

Compared to the conventional waste incinerator at pressures of 40-70 bars and superheat temperatures
of 420-500 °C that are limited by mainly chloride corrosion and allowing 20-25 % efficiency, see Section
6.3, the higher steam conditions are feasible because the gas cleaning removes both particulates and
alkali and chlorides that cause corrosion and fouling. This leads to this significant increase in the
efficiency and if the plant had been designed for power production only and had adopted a re-heat steam
cycle, it is estimated that an efficiency as high as 35 % could have been reached. But, in this case as for
any fluidized application of waste, the potential for higher efficiency and other benefits of fluidized beds
are offset by the need for a higher level of fuel pre-treatment than for a grate-fired incinerator, which
has cost implications.

Figure 70 Kymijärvi II plant, schematic flowsheet of the fuel/gas path (Adapted from386)

The plant is fed with SRF, a quality-secured form of RDF, and recycle waste wood. The preparation
of the fuels is made off-site by waste management and recycling companies in southern Finland.
This include shredding to 20- 40 mm and mechanical treatment to remove unsuitable fractions such
as inert, bio-waste, glass and metals. The SRF fuel is typically around 20 % from source-separated
household waste from the region and construction and demolition waste. The fuel is typically within
the following ranges: moisture 15‑25 wt.%, ash 10 wt.% on a dry basis, LHV 13‑20 MJ/kg as
fired376. The fuel is transported by truck from the waste treatment installations to the plant and fed
into the fuel storage silos.

The fuel is discharged from the large fuel silos by means of screw feeders at the bottom of the silos
to a central discharge into the screw feeder below which brings the fuel to the apron conveyor. This

Commercial CFB Gasification of waste and biofuels - Operational experiences on a large scale. Juhani Isaksson. 2015 Gasification

Technologies Conference, 11-14 October 2015, Colorado Springs, USA.

240‑metre long conveyor takes the fuel as a bed of a defined height from the feeder and transports
it to the gasifier structure. At the other end of the conveyor there is a 200 m³ silo. Fuel is fed from
the silo to the gasification reactor via two Feedmaster dosing and seal system per line, Figure 72.
Bed material and additives such as lime are also fed to the horizontal conveyor upstream of the seal

Figure 71 Kymijärvi II, schematic plant flowsheet incl. steam and power sections387

Kymijärvi II has two parallel atmospheric pressure circulating fluidised bed (CFB) gasifiers, each 5 m
in outer diameter and 25 m height. Each gasifier has a bed of sand and lime particles which heats
the fuel arriving in the reactor and acts as a heat accumulator stabilizing operation. The fluidized
bed is blown with sub-stochiometric amounts of air injected via distributor at the bottom which
reacts with the fuel at 850‑900 °C. The main components of the product gas are carbon monoxide,
methane, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, steam, and nitrogen originating from the gasifying air. The
gasifiers are started up with natural gas. The gas is separated from solids in the outlet cyclone
where the sand, lime and ash are recovered and recycled to the gasifier bed, while the gas flows to
the gas cooler. Ash, low in carbon and inert, is extracted from the gasifier bottom and was originally
disposed of in a landfill. This system has now been improved by bed material recirculation and also
allowing bottom ash to be used as a construction material.

The product gas is then cooled from 900 °C to about 400 °C. The heat recovered is used in a
pressurised watercooling loop that in its turn preheats the boiler feed water going to the boiler. The
gas cooling is a multi-pass proprietary design with membrane panels in the hot pass, Figure 73.

As an effect of the cooling to 400 °C, the temperature is low enough for contaminants causing
corrosion, such as alkalis and chlorides, to condense on the ash particles in the gas or to react with
lime, respectively, and can then be separated out in the downstream filter, the temperature is still

State of art fluid bed gasifiers and boilers for biomass and wastes. Juhani Isaksson. IEA Bioenergy / Task 33

IEA Fluidized bed conversion of biomass and waste workshop. Skive, Denmark. October 24th, 2017

high enough to maintain the tars in the gas in the vapour phase and such that they do not interfere
with the filter operation.

Figure 72 The FeedMaster feed system388

Figure 73 A photo of the gas cooler in the Kymijärvi II plant 389

After cooling, the product gas is cleaned from particulates, including the condensed alkalis and
chloride absorbed by lime, by hot gas filtration, Figure 74. Each of the two gasification lines has 6
filter vessels that each holds 300 candle filter elements. The candles are made of porous ceramic
fibres and are closed in one end located on the dirty side of the filter, and open in the other, outlet
end on the clean side above the tube sheet. The candles are 0.2 m in diameter, 2.5 m long and
weigh 10 kg each. The gas coming from the gas coolers passes through the porous filter elements

Feeding Systems for Demanding Fuels. FeedMaster. Brochure. Valmet Corporation, HPGB_R_2300_093-02 1609. and Gasification as
pretreatment of solid fuel for combustion in PC and gas fired boilers. Metso November 2, 2010 February 8, 2010
Metso Waste Gasification. Juhani Isaksson. Valtakunnalliset jätteen hyötykäyttöpäivät. 19.11.2013 Lappeenranta

and the particles form a filter cake on the exterior surface of the candles while the gas on the inside
flows axially to the clean side.

When the thickness of the filter cake generates a pressure drop that exceeds a certain limit, a
section of the filter is cleaned by a pressurized nitrogen pulse from the clean side that momentarily
reverses the flow and breaks up and detaches the filter cake which fall into the bottom cone of the
filter, from where it is removed into the ash system. The fly ash particle size is small, it has a high
carbon content and also contains inorganic contaminants and adsorbed tar species. This material is
sent for post-processing to an external contractor.

Figure 74 Hot gas filters in the Kymijärvi II plant. Vessel tops, overall arrangement,
candles from the dirty side, the tube sheet. (Adapted from381, 390, 391)

The gas is burned in four burners (two per line of gasification), that fire downwards from the ceiling
of the boiler. The burners are designed for a capacity of 40 MW thermal each for both low calorific
gas and natural gas and were supplied with natural gas armatures and cooling air fans392. The
design range in heating value of the gasification gas is 4.6-5.8 MJ/Nm3 and maximum gasification
gas flow per burner 25000 Nm3/h. The burners are ignited with natural gas and once ignited,
switches to the gasifier product gas, which is used as the primary fuel of the boiler. A nominal total
of 24 m3/s of gas is fed to the burners during operation376. The principles of the dual fuel natural
gas and LCV gas burner is shown in Figure 75. If the burners are not available for operation, there
is also a flare stack to which gas can be routed temporarily.

Large Scale CFB Gasification of Waste and Biomass. Joonas Kaasalainen, Melina Kallio-Könnö, Juhani Isaksson. 12th International
Conference on Fluidized Bed Technology
Progress in commercial scale CFB gasification for waste and biomass. Juhani Isaksson. IEA Task 33, Univ. of Sevilla joint Symposium
on Renewable Energy and Products from Biomass and Waste. CIUDEN (Cubillos de Sil, León, Spain),12-13 May 2015

Figure 75 Schematic and principal design of a natural gas/ low calorific value gas
burner as used in Kymijärvi II393

The boiler is a natural‑circulation steam boiler with a water tube structure, producing superheated
steam at 12.1 MPa and 540 °C. Burning of clean gas produces a temperature of at least 850 °C.
Since the boiler is designed for a gaseous fuel without solids present, it can be designed more
compactly due to the higher flame intensity and that less tube-to-tube spacing can be used than it
would for a solid fired incinerator, which saves on the cost for the boiler. The superheated steam is
fed to a tandem extraction/backpressure steam turbine with a 60 MVA generator with a nominal
output of 50 MWe. Extraction and backpressure steam heats the district heating water in the hot and
cold condenser, respectively. 90 MW of heat can be transferred to the district heating grid. There is
also a turbine by-pass to the hot condenser.

Since the plant only has partial pre-combustion gas cleaning, the flue gases emerging from the
boiler need additional treatment to meet the EID waste incinerator limiting emission levels. To
reduce NOx an SCR system is used, after which additives (sodium bicarbonate and activated carbon)
are injected into the gas to remove sulphur and other acid gases as well as heavy metals and
dioxins/furan. Finally, a bag filter removes particulates present, including the spent additives.

The plant was commissioned in the beginning of 2012 and has since the second half of 2012 been in
commercial operation394. Up to and including 2016, the plant has been in operation for more than
30 000 hours, see Table 33. However, the estimated nominal annual production of 280-300 GWh of
electricity and 680-700 GWh of heat has not been reached in any year. However, the plant is
operated on a commercial basis without any subsidies for either electricity or heat. This means that
the balance between power and heat over the year can follow the demand and value of each
product. What is noticeable is that the waste wood fraction in the fuel has increased over the years
from ¼ in 2013 and in 2016 was roughly 2/3 of the total fuel. This has been done partially to
optimize the availability but also to reduce the operating costs, as less quantities of secondary
wastes are produced395. The data for 2017 are more or less similar to the 2016 figures396.

Functional Principle of SSB Swirl burner with LCG Throat. Saacke GmbH, and Thermal Use of Low Calorific Gases in
Chemical Industry. Norbert Schop. ACHEMA 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
Valmet CFB gasifier. Juhani Isaksson. IEA Bioenergy Task 33. Workshop on Waste Gasification. ECN, Petten, The Netherlands,

Table 33 Operational data for Kymijärvi II 2012-2016396

The fuel feeding is reported to in principle have worked well. However, the fuel supplied occasionally
also includes tramp/metals/oversize particles that cause wear and blockages, etc. and some
improvements have also been made to the rotary feeders. Experience-based improvements have
also been undertaken such as adding additional service openings and improving working methods.

Figure 76 The Kymijärvi II plant at night. Conveyors to the gasifier building, the coal
plant at its roof- located stack at the rear397.

The composition of the fuel compared to the design fuel is shown in Table 34. Despite the
variability, which can be in the short-term higher than indicated for the monthly samples, the plant
has been to reach its design capacity and support fuel has not been required even when the fuel
moisture content has reached 40 %.

Personal communication, J. Isaksson, Valmet.
Courtesy of Valmet Power

Table 34 Fuel composition, monthly combined samples, for Kymijärvi II 2012-2016396

The gas cooling has worked as planned and this far no corrosion has been observed. There have
been some mechanical problems with soot blowing equipment.

The gas filter was a main source of unavailability in the first year. This is not entirely surprising as
this is one of the key novel features of this plant and there is little experience for this type of filter
for similar service at this scale, while also being a key component differentiating this technology
from two-stage incinerator-gasifiers. Premature filter failures were common in the beginning398. This
was caused by carbon-containing ash that was retained in and on the filter over time, despite of the
pulse cleaning, which during start-ups and shut-downs was oxidized and caused local overheating of
the filter element. This has been addressed by changes in the operational procedures and as part of
the regular maintenance since 2013 to also have periodic off-line cleaning of the filters. The filter
element lifetime is said to now be 3-4 years, or more.

The gas burners have required some small adjustment of the flame detection system but have
otherwise performed well. There has been no evidence of corrosion in the boiler showing that the
concept works. With regard to emissions the plant has fulfilled the IED requirements, Table 34.

The plant is complex and has to operate in a stable way towards the electric and district heating grid
using a fuel with high variability. This requires an extensive automation system that supervises the
plant from the front-end fuel reception to the back-ends grid connections and the stack. There are
almost a thousand metering points and about 200 controlled motors and actuators. Of the total
investment of 160 million €, the EIC system costed almost 10 million €381. The complexity of this
system and the way it was set-up was initially a major contributor to unavailability. However, the
experience and learning have resulted in the operating routines and control procedures having been
modified such that the complexity of the process and its control is now manageable.

As was noted earlier in Section 7.2.2, the next plant to come into operation at Lahti is Kymijärvi III,
which is a woody biomass fired heat only CFB of 160 MW thermal input and which can optionally be
converted to a CHP plant. This plant will replace the Kymijärvi I coal fired boiler and the associated
co-firing gasifier in 2019.

The Lathi plant has shown, despite of being quite successful in proving the concept, that a high
efficiency can be obtained, that corrosion in the main boiler is negligible despite of the elevated
steam conditions, that emissions can be controlled within the regulatory limits and at relatively low

High efficiency electricity production from SRF/REF through gasification. Vesa Helanti. Energiforsk International Seminar on

Gasification, 19-20.10.2016, Malmö Sweden.

Table 35 Kymijärvi II emissions record, 2013-2016396

Despite the promising results, this reference installation has not led to any similar plants elsewhere
although operation has been on-going for five years. However, there has been an interest in e.g.
the UK for this technology. The company Bioessence Ltd was developing two projects, 25 MWe in the
London area and 50 MWe in the Liverpool area, respectively, based on the Valmet technology. The
ELSEF project in London in particular was far advanced in that it had planning permission 2011 and
OFGEM approval two receive 2 ROCs/MWh381. However, the company could not reach financial
closure on the project and has since ceased operation. Plasco, Ottawa, Canada399

The development of the Plasco waste gasification process began400 in 1974 in Canada, when the
predecessor Resorption Canada Ltd., Plasco Plasma and partners started to develop plasma
treatment for hazardous waste and in the 1980s also plasma gasification of waste. The plasma torch
technology was provided by the Phoenix Solutions Co401. For this purpose, a 5 tonnes/day pilot plant
was constructed in Canada. In the late 1990s, RCL started to cooperate with the Spanish waste
management company Hera Grupo, and a joint venture was formed in 2003402. As a result, the pilot
plant was relocated to Castellgalí, Spain in the same year. The upgraded pilot plant was used as a
technology validation unit for the Plasco process and by 2006 a basis of design for a larger facility
was obtained. To market the technology, Plasco Energy Group was founded in 2005 after a
consolidation of RCL and its majority-owned sister company, Plasco Energy Corporation.

After reaching an agreement with Ottawa city council in 2005403, Plasco constructed a pilot facility at
the City of Ottawa’s Trail Road landfill site at a cost of 60 million $CA404. The pilot facility was

Plasco Energy Group’s advanced technologies turn waste into an opportunity. Chris Terajewicz. The New Economy. December 18th,
402 Waste management World, 2006-11-01
SUBJECT: Plasco Long-term Waste PROCESSING Agreements Report to Ottawa Environment Committee and Council, 5 December
2011 Ref N°: ACS2011-ICS-ESD-0039
Clean. Economical. Practical. Rod Bryden. Plasco Presentation, undated.

designed to process 85 tonnes per day of MSW to produce 4 MWe via six 1 MW nominal GE
Jenbacher engines, derated to 0.75 MWe for use with the gas produced. The plant was
commissioned in 2007 and was ready for operation in 2008. The plant was permitted for campaign
operation until the beginning of 2011405. From 2008, when operation was initiated, and the permit
changed to continuous demonstration, subject to meeting defined emission requirements, and up to
2011, the process was validated. In 2011, the permit for continued operation was granted and the
technology was modified into an Integrated Conversion and Refining System (ICARS) and the plant
capacity was expanded to 135 tonnes/day. In parallel to the pilot plant, Plasco and the city of
Ottawa in 2012 agreed to pursue a commercial plant project406, with three state-of-the art ICARS
lines to process approximately 300 tonnes/day or 110 000 tonnes/year of MSW to electricity. Plasco
would build, own and operate the plant, and the city would pay a gate fee of 83 $CA per tonne, or
approximately 9 million $CA annually, for a period of 20 years. The plant was expected to start
operation in 2016, but on the condition that the financing to initiate constructions should have been
secured by Plasco in 2013.

From 2012 to January 2015 the modified ICARS plant was operated, but by then economic
conditions had deteriorated407. However, other sources also infer limited availability as a cause of
economic problems295, 408, 409,, 410, 411, 412. Furthermore, Plasco met with difficulties in the financing of
the scaled-up commercial plant, the financing milestone date was moved twice, management
rearrangements occurred in 2014 and finally Plasco had to declare itself insolvent413 in 2015. This
led to that the pilot ICARS plant was dismantled. The insolvency also caused the city to cancel the
20-year contract for waste deliveries. Following this, one director of old who was forced to step
down in 2014 took over the company and the IPR from the liquidator in 2015 as Plasco Conversion
Technologies and maintains it a going concern414.

The process lay-out is shown in Figure 77. Waste-carrying trucks are directed to the enclosed MSW
receiving area of the Plasco plant, where the MSW was deposited399, 415, 416. From a feed hopper,
MSW is loaded into a pre-shredder to provide initial sizing of raw MSW to between 125-200 mm.
Once shredded, the material passes an electromagnetic ferrous separation unit and a vibrating
screen-type classifier that separates the material into below 50 mm and above 50 mm fractions,
respectively. The fine fraction passes an eddy current metal separator before being routed to the
shredded material storage. The coarser fraction also passes an eddy current separator, before being
re-shredded and again classified, with the accepted fraction being sent to the storage and the
oversize material being recycled once more.

The shredded material is fed into the converter or conversion chamber at negative pressure by dual
feeder airlocks that deliver the shredded waste while compressing the waste seals against air
entering the converter. The material is fed to the inlet of a proprietary designed horizontal moving
grate to which preheated sub-stoichiometric air at 300 °C is delivered to each grate section in a
controlled flow with flow controlled based on the syngas analysis, see Figure 78.

An Evaluation of Waste-to-energy Options for Monongalia County, West Virginia. E. Hansen et al. Downstream Strategies,
Morgantown, WV 26505. August 29, 2016.
Technical, environmental and economic assessment of Plasco Energy Group gasification process using plasma torches. Abstract.
André KUNEGEL, ADEME, France, October 2009
Plasco's Ottawa plan wasn't yet 'economically viable. Vito Pilieci, Ottawa Citizen, February 12, 2015
Plasco offers lesson in sobering reality J Chianello. Ottawa Citizen February 12, 2015 T
Advanced Technology: Disparities Between Vision and Reality. Peter Chromec. HZI Client Event, Nottwil, 4 March 2016
Rod Bryden buys back Plasco from creditors for $1. Vito Pilieci . Ottawa Citizen, September 28, 2015
PLASCO SALINAS VALLEY. Notice of Preparation/Initial Study, Prepared for Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority. ESA, February 2012
Personal notes, Task 33 site visit in October 2008

Figure 77 The Plasco process lay-out399

Figure 78 The Plasco gasification system

The temperature on the grate, approximately 600 °C, is sufficient for drying and pyrolysis of the
waste. Volatile elements in the waste, including hydrocarbons, hydrogen and CO and limited
amounts of CO2 are released form the pyrolysis and partial oxidation reactions. These gases flow to
the refining chamber. The remaining waste solids at the outlet end of the grate are pushed into the
carbon refining chamber. The undergrate ash is collected and is, together with cyclone ash and filter
ash, also fed to the carbon recovery vessel.

The carbon recovery vessel, CRV, converts the fixed carbon from the residual material into
additional product gas and hence improves the efficiency. The gas generated in the carbon recovery

vessel, after passing cyclones, rises into the conversion vessel, where it mixes with the gases from
this vessel before all gases go to the refining chamber. The original process, as built at Trails Road,
would use a 300-kW plasma torch in the carbon recovery vessel to achieve vitrification to create
molten slag416. By water quenching the material rapidly cools to produce an inert, stable and non-
hazardous aggregate. The recycling of fly ash to the carbon recovery vessel means that no fly ash
residue is generated in addition to the agglomerates.

In the process described on the web page399, the carbon recovery vessel converts fixed carbon to
syngas additional combustible gas while heating inorganics to melting point by flue gases coming
from a bottom section, the solid residue melter, SRM, separated from the carbon recovery section
by a grate. Below the grate, preheated air enriched with oxygen is used to drive a gas burner to
deliver heat while two oxy-gas burners maintain slag in liquid phase. Natural gas or propane
provides < 5% of the total energy entering of the overall system. The melt is withdrawn from the
bottom of the solid residue melter to from agglomerates. Gases are transferred to the refining

The refining mixer at the inlet of the refining chamber provides turbulent mixing of raw product gas
and preheated air or oxygen, and then exposes syngas to plasma plumes. Two 300 kW plasma
torches416 are used for refining and catalysis to crack tars, not as a primary heat source. The
product gas leaving the mixer is held for 5 seconds at approximately 1000 °C in the refining
chamber to complete cracking reactions, then moves on to a recuperator heat exchanger. As the
gas passes through the plasma cloud, the long-chain molecules are “cracked” into their elemental
components such as H2, CO and other simple molecules, and where the H2 and CO carries most of
the gas fuel value.

The recuperator heats process air, while cooling the syngas. Some process air is used in the
gasification process, but most can be used to e.g. produce steam or to dry waste. The syngas is
further cooled in a process quench vessel, this was the original design in 2006417. In 2011, a
recuperator to pre-heat the air was installed, which cooled the gas to 750 °C upstream of the
quench418. Re-formation of dioxins and furans is prevented by ensuring there is no oxygen in the
syngas rapid cooling in the recuperator and subsequent water quench before passing on to the gas
cleaning system.

Particulate and other contaminants would be removed from the gas stream. In the original pilot
plant, this was done by conventional baghouse filter and where a mixture of activated carbon and
feldspar was injected into the gas416, 417. The current description of the process includes instead a
variable throat Venturi scrubber399, 415. The water droplets would be separated from the gas in a
cyclone separator with the main liquid stream recirculating back to the Venturi scrubber and a
particulate slurry flowing to the on-site recovered water treatment system415. However, in the flow
sheet above, taken from the web page399, WESPs are used for this service. In an intermediate
design418, the bag-house was relocated to a position downstream the hydrogen sulphide scrubber,
see below.

After the baghouse filter, or the wet scrubbing system, the syngas passes through a HCl scrubber, a
spray tower using sodium hydroxide as scrubbing fluid. Apart from removing HCl, it condenses
moisture from the syngas to improve the heating value of the gas. The effluent that is sent to the
water treatment system for treatment and recycling.

Ontario Ministry of the Environment. Certificate of Approval Air. Number 6925-6REN9E. December 1, 2006
Ontario Ministry of the Environment. Certificate of Approval Air. Number 4315-8JVP3K. October 24, 2011

Originally, a packed bed of sulphur-impregnated carbon was installed after the HCl scrubber to
eliminate contaminants remaining, mainly absorbing Hg416, 417. This was later relocated to after the
syngas blower, see below.

To remove sulphur in the form of H2S, an absorption liquid oxidation system is used. The original
pilot plant used the Shell Paques process419, whereby a mild alkaline solution absorbs the H2S in a
packed tower and the bisulphide-rich solution is routed a bioreactor to which a controlled amount of
air. Naturally occurring bacteria (Thiobacillus spp.) oxidises the bisulphide ions to elemental sulphur,
which is separated from the solution. The oxidation process produces hydroxide ions that effectively
regenerate the alkaline solution used in the absorption step. This appears to later have been
replaced by the Sulfcat process, a liquid oxidation process using an alkaline suspension of metal iron
on an activated carbon carrier420, 418.

The cleaned gas passes a syngas blower that maintains the system at negative pressure and raises
the pressure before sending the gas to the gas holder at low pressure. From the gas holder, the gas
is fed to the gas engines. The gas engines are fitted with oxidation and SCR catalysts as required.

Figure 79 A photo of the Trail Road pilot plant with process units indicated421

The Trail Road facility was simplified, Figure 79, in particular with regard to energy optimisation, so
the energy recovery from the engine for a full-scale commercial plant, excess heat from the process
and the engines would be recovered to drive a steam bottoming cycle to increase the power
production further.

THIOPAQ O&G. Technology for the removal and conversion of hydrogen sulphide (H2S). Shell Global Solutions, 2011
Innovative H2S Gas Treatment Technology. Peter Ristevski. 2016 Gasification and Syngas Technologies Conference.
Plasco Energy Group. Public Meeting June 2008

In energy terms, the data for the Trail Road facility are not very clear. The net generation according
to the air permits417, 418 and the site visit416 indicate a gross generation of round 4.5 MW. Some
data, albeit from 2008, indicate that the gross generation was 5.2 MW internal load was 1 MW422. A
previously cited report295 from 2016 gives the operating time to > 3 000 hours and indicate that the
plant output was 4.2 MW from 12 MW input, whereas in another part of the same report, higher
numbers are cited. However, since the Plasco presentations are not quite clear on what is the
output of the pilot plant and what would be the output of an optimised commercial unit of the same
size, the numbers may have been confused. The site visit notes416 had a figure for gross efficiency
of 27 % for the pilot facility and 31 % for a plant with a bottoming cycle.

As noted above, there is little information on the actual operating record of the Trail Road facility. It
appears that the emission and environmental permit conditions were met. Plasco Energy published a
summary report for the period 2008-2011423 that shows an increasing trend in terms of waste
processed and power generated. Nevertheless, the plant was only operated for around 100 days in
any year, and it is claimed that most of the operating time the syngas was of “engine quality”. Even
so, the power production in 2010 only amounts to 100 kWh/tonne of waste, indicating that engine
operation time was far less than the gasification system operating time. In 2010, there was also an
“availability test” of 21 days nominal in late 2010. The actual operating time was 15 days of which
the engine was operated 10.5 days. The recorded waste processed however indicates that in
average only approximately 60 % of the nominal capacity was reached during the operating period,
and regarding power generated (presumably gross), the average power production per tonne of
waste weighted on runtime would only be double the figure above. The report, however, concludes
that “this 21‑day availability test also demonstrated that the conversion efficiency of the system
matched the Plasco financial model”, so a far higher conversion efficiency may have been
demonstrated for a shorter period but with data not disclosed in the above report. Schwarze Pumpe, Germany

The former East-Germany, or German Democratic Republic, GDR, government initiated large-scale
open pit mining and use of lignite, the only significant indigenous energy resource in the GDR, in the
Schwarze Pumpe area in the mid-1950s424. Initially, the activities were mainly in preparing
briquettes for use elsewhere but gradually it also included coke manufacturing, power plants and
finally, in the mid-1960s also generation of town gas. The Gaskombinate Schwarze Pumpe had by
then grown to a large complex with overall 40 000 employees in several locations in the GDR and
15 000 employees in Schwarze Pumpe.

The town gas plant at Schwarze Pumpe started production in 1964 with 24 Lurgi-type fixed bed
gasifiers425. In 1969, also several entrained flow gasifiers were added to gasify lignite dust and
some tar fractions from the fixed bed gasifiers426. Schwarze Pumpe, via a national pipeline
distribution system, finally supplied about 75 % of the total town gas consumption of the GDR,
distributed all over GDR, before the start of gas imports from the Soviet Union in 1973, which were
routed to and distributed via the complex. At the peak, it produced 6 million Nm3 of town gas per

After the German unification, the Gaskombinate came in the hands of the Treuhandanstalt427 and in
1995 the gas generation part was taken over by the local water utility of Berlin, BWB, partially as a

Aitkin County Plasma Gasification Study. Does it make sense to move forward with a full feasibility analysis? Northspan Group, Inc.,
April 2008
Summary of Operation of Plasco Trail Road – Demonstration Period. (2008 to 2011). Plasco energy group
Operational Results from Gasification of Waste Material and Biomass in Fixed Bed and Circulating Fluidised Bed Gasifiers. C. Greil et
al. IChemE Conference, “Gasification: The Clean Choice for Carbon Management.” Noordwijk, the Netherlands, April 2002.
Gasification. Chris Higman and Maarten van der Burgt, Elsevier, 2003.
Braunkohleveredelung im Niederlausitzer Revier. 50 Jahre Schwarze Pumpe. Ed. Günter Bayerl. Vaxman Verlag GmbH, 2009

precautionary measure as the Gaskombinate complex with open pits and polluting industries was
located in the Spree valley upstream of the city428429. In the years to come, and after making major
investments, the town gas production plants were converted in 1992 to a recycling plant where
various forms of wastes (sludges, plastics, contaminated oils, etc.) were gasified and used to
produce electric power and methanol under the name of Sekundärrohstoff-Verwertungszentrum
Schwarze Pumpe GmbH (SVZ).

In addition to the seven fixed bed gasifiers and two entrained flow gasifiers from the GDR days that
were retained in operation after revamping, the first industrial application of the British Gas Lurgi
Slagging Gasifier (BGL) was installed in 2000 and was in regular operation as of 2003, while two
more gasifiers were planned to be installed by 2005. However, the company could not get into black
numbers and BWB sold it to a group of German investors in 2002. However, these were not more
successful than the previous owner, and went into insolvency in 2004430. The company was then
bought by the Swiss company Sustec Holdings, but the economic problems continued and its
withdrawal from the waste business in 2007, and the plant operation was discontinued. The overall
plant flowsheet is shown in Figure 80.

Figure 80 Block flow diagram of the SVZ Schwarze Pumpe plant295.

The fixed bed gasifiers and the BGL gasifier were fed with lignite briquettes and various waste that
were pre-treated in the plant to pellets and briquettes. The feed included RDF pellets, compacted
plastic waste, recycle and contaminated wood as chips, sewage sludge briquettes, tar sludge pellets
and shredder light fraction. Only four gasifiers and the BGL gasifier were permitted to operate on
waste at any time. The fixed bed gasifiers had a nominal capacity of 15.5 tonnes/h each and were

Schwarze Pumpe saniert Teer-Seen. Die Welt, 29.06.1999
Biometanolproduktion i Schwarze Pumpe i Tyskland. Tomas Ekbom, Nykomb Synergetics, 2001-10-01
Millionenpleite in Schwarze Pumpe. Der Tagesspiegel 27.04.2004

operated with steam and oxygen at 2.7 MPa. Overall 444 000 tonnes of feedstock were allowed
annually. The BGL gasifier operated with oxygen and steam at 2.5 MPa and had a capacity of 39
tonnes/h and was permitted to process 312 000 tonnes of wastes per year, in addition to lignite and
hard coal. The fixed bed gasifiers had a typical initial gas cleaning to remove tars and solids by
quenching and scrubbing. The plant had since 1969 also two oxygen-blown entrained flow gasifiers
operating at 2.5 MPa with a capacity of 15 tonnes/h each. The feedstock was primarily waste tars
produced in the fixed bed gasifiers, but also other oil fractions and sludges that could be dewatered
to a slurry. These gasifiers had been developed in the GDR by Noell and were known as GSP
gasifiers. After the German unification, the technology formed the basis for both the Lurgi multi-
purpose gasifier (MPG) and also, via Babcock and Future Energy, of the current Siemens coal
gasification technology. The gas from the gasifiers were quenched and scrubbed prior to a partial
shift to adjust the H2/CO ratio. The combined gas flows from fixed bed, slagging and entrained flow
gasifiers, respectively, were then treated in a Rectisol unit for the removal of sulphur compounds
and CO2. Part of the cleaned gas, 50000 Nm3/h at an LCV of 12 - 16 MJ/Nm3 was routed directly to
the combined cycle plant to provide a net electric output, while also purge gases from the methanol
loop, 20 000 Nm3/h at an LCV of 17 MJ/Nm3, was used in the gas turbine429. The combined cycle
plant that was taken into operation in 1998 produced in total 75 MW electric, of which 45 MW from
a GE PG 6551 B gas turbine, and also generated steam for the gasifiers and as utility steam for the

The methanol plant operated at 4.0 MPa and the productivity ramped up from an initial 35 000
tonnes per year to over 100 000 tonnes/year in later years.

Gasification of solid waste materials as well as lignite and hard coal in variable mixing ratios was
only allowed in four of the seven existing fixed bed gasifiers at a time, in the BGL gasifier and in the
entrained flow gasifiers with a maximum share of 85 % waste in the feedstock.

The plant processed 300 000 tonnes in 2001 of which 75 % was wastes. The annual capacity of the
methanol plant that came into operation in 1998 was later expanded to 120 000 tonnes/year. In
addition, 340 GWh of power was produced429. Since most of the feedstock was converted to gas,
including tar oil, dust and soot, the overall efficiency of the installation to power and methanol was

Since the plant is no longer in operation and since a cited report295 has an excellent description of
the plant with photos and graphics, interest readers are referee to this reference for further
information. Syngas Products (fka NEAT)432

New Earth Solutions was formed in 2002. Its core business is recycling of waste. New Earth
Solutions has developed sustainable waste management facilities, including at Avonmouth, UK,
where also a waste to energy plant was developed. The mechanical and biological treatment plant at
Avonmouth has been operational since April 2011 and can process up to 250 000 tonnes of waste
per year433. In 2008 New Earth Technology was formed to engage in waste-to-energy projects. In
2009, investors injected 15 million GBP434, of which 4 million GBP from the UK Carbon Trust to
finance the expansion435. In 2010 the company received the permit436 for a waste to energy facility
that was later expanded. In the end, the plant was expanded to process 120 000 tonnes per year of

Operating Results of the BGL Gasifier at Schwarze Pumpe Hans-Joachim Sander, Georg Daradimos, Hansjobst Hirschfelder. San
Francisco, California October 12-15, 2003
New Earth Solutions Avonmouth Facility. New Earth Solution, undated
Waste Management, 12.11.2010

RDF from the New Earth Solutions recycling plant in 16 parallel processing units. The power output
was 13 MWe437, of which 1 MWe was used internally and another 1 MWe was sold directly to the
waste recycling facility.

The first phase came into operation in 2013 and the second phase the year after. The flow
schematic of the process is shown in Figure 81. The process is described more in detail below.
However, the Avonmouth plant did not use engines to generate power, instead the gas from the 16
units, 1 tonnes/h each, was combusted in two boilers and the energy recovered as steam to drive a
steam turbine438. The business idea was to process RDF that would otherwise be exported outside
the UK at cost, and to have the revenue of ROCs from selling power.

Figure 81 The NEAT Avonmouth schematic flowsheet438

However, the plant operation did not meet expectations partially blamed on the RDF quality and
partially for other reasons, and in 2015, New Energy Solutions decided to divest the plant439. The
New Earth group was broken up, and the ownership and financing of the plant and energy business
transferred in July 2015 to Aurium Capital Markets and Macquarie Bank, alongside Syngas Products
Group Ltd, which provided the technology for the plant. The transferred companies, after a financial
injection, was renamed to Avonmouth Bio Power440. However, the move did not improve the
operations and the plant operation was suspended in 2016 and planned to be resumed in 2018.
However, the annual report of Avonmouth Biopower in 2017 postpones the re-opening to 2020441.

Gasification technology supplier NEAT Technology within Avonmouth Biopower Energy was
demerged in 2015 and has renamed itself as Syngas Systems442. The company has installed its own
demonstration facility at the Canford Energy Recovery Facility, Dorset, claimed to use a second-
generation technology relative to the Avonmouth plant. The pre-production modular demonstration
unit has a nominal capacity of 10 000 tonnes per year input and 0.8 MWe output and is used for

13 MW RDF Pyrolysis & Gasification Plant Starts Up in Avonmouth. Waste Management, 18.06.2013
New Earth Energy Ltd. Avonmouth Low Carbon Energy Facility. Environmental Statement. Non-Technical Summary, June 2010
UK company’s energy-from-waste plans stall out. Waste Today, October 16, 2015
Troubled gasification plant to stay closed until 2018. Edward Perchard. Resource, 5 January 2017
Avonmouth Biopower Energy P Ltd. Annual report and financial statements for year ending 31 August 2017
NEAT Technology rebrands as Syngas Systems. Gareth Simkins. ENDS Waste & Bioenergy 26 February 2015 by

development activities. The R&D activities began in 2013 at Avonmouth to prove the production of
clean product and initially involved three independent test rigs were relocated to Canford in 2016
and incorporated into a fully integrated system including a spark ignition gas engine for electricity
generation. There is also a planning permission and the grid connection are in place to expand the
facility up to 100 000 tonnes per year to generate 8 MWe, however a final investment decision has
not yet been taken.

The second-generation process443, see Figure 82, is composed of feedstock pre-treatment and
storage, pyrolysis chamber, gasifier, pyrogas clean up system and syngas combustor. The feedstock
for the facility will be primarily derived from residual waste treated waste recycling facility.

Figure 82 The second-generation Syngas Products “NEAT” technology443

The raw feedstock will undergo further processing within a fully enclosed building through a
combination of blending, shredding, polishing and drying down to 20 % moisture. All feedstock will
be held within a buffer store. Internal conveyors will then distribute the feedstock to a number of
pyrolysis units, each processing 1 tonne/h. Each pyrolysis unit is fed via an enclosed auger screw
conveyor that by means of a piston against a closed gate valve compress the incoming material to
create a plug seal and to remove any intrinsic air in the feedstock and it is delivered directly into the
pyrolysis chamber, a rotating drum retort, where the fuel is heated to a temperature of 850 – 1
000°C. The retention time is variable, but typically the feedstock remains in the chamber for 40
minutes. Within the pyrolysis chamber, the feedstock will be heated to a high temperature in the
absence of oxygen, where it will break down into a pyrolysis gas and a solid carbon char. The
pyrolysis gas produced in the pyrolysis chamber is a mixture of light gases, heavier gases and
condensable organics. The light gases, which comprise the main fraction, include hydrogen, carbon
monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane and ethane and similar short chain hydrocarbons as well as
contaminant compounds (chlorine, sulphur etc).

The pyrolysis gas from the pyrolysis process is drawn, under negative pressure, through a heated
ceramic filter to remove particulates and collect the char from pyrolysis. After the filter, the hot

EPR SWIP Permit Application Support Document. Canford Low Carbon Energy Facility. Syngas Products Ltd. Sol Environment Ltd.
October 2015. Small Waste Incineration Plant

gases pass through a wet quench, to rapidly reduce temperature to condense out the tars and oils
and prevent de novo dioxin formation. This quench is pH dosed with chemicals, NaOH and NaClO, to
remove acid gases such as HCl, HF and H2S, respectively. This stage also removes any moisture
present within the gas.

The cleaned gas LCV is 18 – 22 MJ/Nm3 (or greater) and the gas is clean enough to meet End-of-
Waste conditions. The clean synthesis gas can be used in a multitude of industrial applications the
most applicable being electrical generation using gas engines.

The cleaned pyrolysis gas is stored within a buffer tank before being fed into a common header for
one or more gas engines that generate electricity. Exhaust gases will be released to atmosphere via
a dedicated flue stack. Heat will be recovered from the engine cooling jacket and exhaust.

The char and particulate collected in the ceramic filter has a residual chemical energy which is used
to heat the pyrolysis drum. This energy is liberated in the gasifier to produce a low-grade
gasification gas. The gasification of the pyrolysis char is achieved by injecting a controlled ratio of
steam and air through a bed of char in a gasification chamber at approximately 900°C. This
chamber is continually filled by the char feed system. The resultant gasifier gas is then directly
combusted within a dedicated combustion chamber to provide the heat for the pyrolysis drum,
which is transferred indirectly form an annular space on the outside surface off the pyrolysis
chamber. The use of heat recovered from the char ensures that a high level of thermal efficiency is
achieved by the primary process.

The flue gases from all pyrolysis lines are then collected to one duct, cooled and cleaned by
conventional flue gas cleaning methods. The flue gas cleaning consists of dry in-stack scrubbing
using sodium bicarbonate to remove residual acid gases, followed by separately dosed powdered
activated carbon (PAC) to remove volatile heavy metals, organic compounds and residual dioxins
and furans by adsorption, and, finally, there is a downstream fabric filter to capture the dry
scrubbing chemicals containing the adsorbed pollutants prior to exhaust. The fly ash from the
gasifier that is collected in the bag filter will be disposed of at a suitably permitted facility.

From the data in the application, one line of processing with a capacity of 1 tonnes/hr with an LCV
of 12.6 MJ could produce 1.4 MWe gross, i.e. and efficiency of 28 %. However, the source does not
contain any data to elucidate the net efficiency. Synnov Déchets, Villers-sous-Montrond

In addition to the ESKA plant, see Section 7.1.4, which is from many aspects a replication of the
TPS gasification technology installed in the Greve-in Chianti plant in the late 1980s, LLT has an on-
going development of the circulating fluidized bed technology to also include hot gas cleaning. For
this purpose, the company has invested in a pilot plant in Nantes, France, that became operational
in 2017. This plant can be used as a CFB combustor at 1 MW thermal capacity or as a gasifier with 2
MW thermal capacity444. For the later application the plant also has a thermal tar cleaning gas
treatment downstream of the gasifier.

The first commercial use of this technology will be for Synnov Déchets in Villers-sous-Montrond in
France445, 446, 447 (Figure 83). Synnov Déchets is a joint venture with participation of the Bonnefoy

INNOV’ENERGY, NANTES [F]. 2 MWth Multifuel Fired Fluidized Bed Boiler—R&D Pilot Facility. PROJECT REVIEW. LEROUX & LOTZ
Lancement de la première centrale de gazéification des déchets du bâtiment en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. Bonnefoy Groupe.
Communique de Presse. Jeudi 27 Octobre 2016
Multifuel gasification plant revealed. Luke Wals. ENDS Waste & Bioenergy. 4 November 2016.
Personal communication. Jan Hoogerdijk. LLT

Group, a waste management company and other interests, including LLT. The plant, which has a
capacity of over 7 MWe and 12 MWth will process 45 000 tonnes per year of SRF and recycle wood to
produce 52 GWh of electricity and 90 GWh of heat. The published cost is 34 million €. The start-up
is planned for 2018.

Figure 83 The Synnov Déchets Viller-sur-Montrond plant448

The plant will gasify449 the waste at 750-850 °C and uses thermal treatment of the raw product gas
in a vertical vessel operated at 1050-1100 °C with a residence time above 2 s. The gas is dedusted
in a cyclone before being cooled in a series of heat exchangers: gas-gas, gas-air, gas-steam
evaporator, gas-economizer, gas-water preheater and gas-air to 175 °C. This is followed by a dry
cleaning system using hydrated lime and activated carbon, followed by cooling and condensing of
steam. The final cleaning is done in a bag filter and by sulphur removal using activated carbon. The
gas is slightly pressurized and sent to gas engines generating 5.3 MWe and a steam bottoming cycle
of 1.6 MWe. In addition, 12 MW heat is recovered for use in adjacent third-party industrial
installations. SynTech Bioenergy/KEW Technology, UK

SynTech Bioenergy LLC, of Denver, CO, USA completed an agreement in December 2016 to build a
‘first of its kind’ commercial scale advanced thermochemical waste to energy facility in the UK in
partnership with the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI). ETI will invest 5 million GBP in the project
with a matching investment from SynTech Bioenergy LLC450. The total investment in the projects is
10.5 million GBP451. The Project was initially led by SynTech Bioenergy UK but has recently been
taken over by KEW Technology Ltd452 (on ETI’s web page the investment is currently indicated to 8
million GBP). The project was the winning contender in a project competition which also involved
APP and Synova (fka Royal Dahlman453), see Sections and, respectively.

The plant, also known as SynTech Energy Centre, is located at Portway Road, Wednesbury, West
Midlands. The plant will complete commissioning in December 2017 and be fully operational by
March 2018454. An extensive demonstration campaign over 8000 operating hours will follow, with
involvement from Lender’s Technical Advisors.

The plant will have a capacity of about 40 tonnes/day of RDF produced locally into a clean product
gas. The gas will be used in a modified high-efficiency gas engine to generate 1.5 MWe, while the

Courtesy of LLT
Arrete 25-2017-08-22-007. Le prefet de Doubs.
Targeting New and Cleaner Uses for Wastes and Biomass Using Gasification. Energy Technologies Institute, 2017
How waste gasification can clean up its ACT. James Varley. Modern Power Systems April 5, 2018.
SynTech Energy Centre. High Efficiency ACT Commercial Demonstrator Plant. Kamal Kalsi
“Case Studies of Innovation in ACT”. 22-24 May 2017

waste heat generated from the engine will supply heat to a local swimming pool. It will also
incorporate a test facility to test new engines, turbines and processes which chemically converts the
cleaned product gas syngas into products, including a proprietary methanol production process455.

The gasification technology, FluiMax, is being provided by the US company Frontline Bioenergy, a
subsidiary to Synthech Bioenergy LLC456. Frontline is a developer of air and oxygen-blown,
pressurized, bubbling fluid bed gasifiers, proprietary hot gas filtration and other gas conditioning
technologies457, see Figure 84. However, the gas cleaning part of the plant, starting from a high
temperature thermal tar converter and going down to ambient temperature458 is provided by KEW
Technologies Ltd459.

No specific process description has been found for the project. However, the project with ETI was
initiated with the company Broadcrown as the main developer for a 3.3 MWe plant based on the
same technology, which was later changed for the current stakeholders451. The following description
is taken from the permit460 ”Pre-treated received wastes Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) and Solid
Recovered Fuel (SRF) (RDF/SRF to CEN/ISO 15359) will be stored in a reception hall. The hall will
be kept under negative pressure with air being drawn through combustion units. The waste will be
shredded, dried and cubed to prepare the material for the gasification process.

The waste will then be fed into the gasifier which will be a bubbling fluidized bed system that will
operate at 740-900 °C. The bed material will be kaolinite-based fired clay. The fluidising agent will
be a mixture of oxygen and steam. A cyclone will remove 80-90% of entrained particulate matter
from the syngas with the remainder removed in later clean up stages.

The syngas will also contain tars which will be reformed in a thermal cracking stage where the
syngas will be heated to 1050-1200 °C through injection of oxygen. The syngas will then be cooled
with energy recovery and steam generation to feed back into the gasifier. After cooling to ~160 °C,
activated carbon and sodium bicarbonate will be injected before passing through a ceramic filtration
plant. The syngas will then be quenched and scrubbed to remove any remaining acid and ammonia
and then finally through an activated carbon column to remove remaining hydrogen sulphide.

The clean syngas will then be burned in low NOx gas engines to generate electricity. The syngas will
be classed as a non-waste at this point in that when burned it will be not cause emissions higher
than those resulting from the burning of natural gas. Emissions will be abated using SCR with urea”.

To what extent the above description has changed in any material way is not known.

It is also noted in the ETI report cited above that the technology developed as part of the
Broadcrown project met the end-of-waste criterion of the EID451.

The project participants are also engaged in an ERA-NET BESTF project, Phoenix, with the purpose
to validate a new concept for the gasification unit-gas engine interface to raise efficiency of the

Personal communication, Hans Månsson, KEW Technologies Ltd.
Wednesbury Advanced Conversion Plant Permit number EPR/WP3730EP. The Environment Agency, UK. 2 April 2014.

Figure 84 General process scheme for the gasification system of Syntech Bioenergy UK 452 Taylor Biomass Energy, LLC, Montgomery, NY, USA461

The Taylor Bioenergy gasification process has its origin in the Batelle gasification process that in
1992 was licensed to and further exploited by Future Energy Resources Corporation, FERCO462 as
the Silvagas process. FERCO filed for bankruptcy463 in 2002 after failing in a project in Burlington,
VT. However, the company survived under the FERCO name to 2006 when it changed its name to
Silvagas464. Silvagas was later taken over by Rentech in 2009465 that in turn, sold its gasification
and Fischer-Tropsch activities to the Chinese Kaidi group in 2014466, see Section The
development of the Taylor Bioenergy process started in 2005 and where an ex-
Battelle/Ferco/Silvagas was instrumental467.

The Taylor company operates the Taylor Recycling Facility, LLC (TRF) in Montgomery, NY, and this is
also where it plans to install the gasification plant. The process has this far been stretched out from
2006, and as far as known the construction has yet not been initiated. The project received the
state and town permits in 2011 and 2012, respectively, and was also selected for a 100 million $
loan guarantee from DOE468, and the latest news on the project was that in mid-2017 the CEO
stated that financial closure could soon be reached469 and that all permits were available, with the
exception of building permit that has to be renewed beforehand. The project investment cost is
estimated to 275 million $US.

The project will be located at the current location of Taylor Recycling Facility (TRF) and will expand
the Taylor sorting and separating process form 350 tonnes per day capacity to 900 tonnes per day
of which half will be MSW, in addition to wood waste, and construction and demolition waste that is
currently being processed in the recycling facility. The RDF fuel is to be used as feedstock to the

Verification of the Performance of Future Energy Resources’ SilvaGas® Biomass Gasifier - Operating Experience in the Vermont
Gasifier. Paisley, M. and Overend, R. Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, September 22-24, 2002.
Rentech closes on sale of alternative energy technologies. Erin Voegele. Biomass Magazine, November 06, 2014
Full Steam Ahead. Anna Austin. Biomass Magazine, June 22, 2011
Taylor Biomass Energy /Taylor Recycling Facility press release May 10, 2012

gasification process, producing a medium calorific value product gas that will be used to generate
net 20 MWe in a gas turbine combined cycle.

The design of the Taylor gasification process, Figure 85, uses three fluidized-bed reactors: a
gasification reactor, a gas conditioning reactor, and a combustion reactor, respectively, all of them
operating at close to atmospheric pressure. The gasification and combustion reactors are circulating
fluidized beds, while the gas conditioning reactor is of the bubbling fluidized bed type. The fuel is fed
to the gasifier reactor where it is devolatilized and partially gasified in steam at 750- 850 °C, and
where a circulation of bed material from the combustor, at a weight rate of 15-30 times the biomass
feed, flows via the conditioner reactors, respectively maintains the temperature. The solids are
typically olivine or sand, depending on the fuel ash properties. The gas passes via a cyclone to the
conditioner fluidized reactor where the contact at high temperature, 1000 °C, with bed material
reduces the tar in the gas and also adjust the water gas shift reaction to come close to the

The cooled solids from the gasification reactor together with unreacted fuel char is drawn to the
combustion reactor and is burned with air at 1000 °C, and thereby reheats the circulating bed
solids, which are separated in a cyclone and returned to the conditioner reactor and thereafter to
the gasifier reactor.

The product gas is the cooled to ambient and compressed to 2.4 MPa, but no additional cleaning
measures are detailed. TBE expects to use a Solar Titan 130 gas turbine of 17 MWe and an 8 MWe
steam turbine bottoming cycle.

Figure 85 The Taylor Biomass Energy gasification process schematics470

Advanced Biomass Gasification for the Production of Biopower,


Fuels, and Chemicals. Mark A. Paisley. AIChe Annual Meeting, November 5 - 9, 2007

197 Thermoselect and licensee JFE294, 295
The Thermoselect process was developed by the Swiss company Thermoselect since the 1980s and
has been installed in 10 installations worldwide, see Table 36. This includes a demonstration plant at
Fondotoce, Italy. Following Seveso and the realisation of dioxin emissions due to insufficient flue gas
cleaning and also the discovery of the de novo synthesis in the flue gas system, the interest for
different new thermal treatment technologies rose.

The commercial plant using the Thermoselect process was built in Karlsruhe, Germany in 1999 at a
cost of 167 million €471. By that time, irregularities in the operation of the Fondotoce plant had been
discovered and legal actions were taken by the Italian authorities leading to the closure and
dismantling of the demonstration plant.

The Karlsruhe plant had a throughput of 225 000 tonnes/year or 3*10 tonnes/h. With a nominal
heating value of the fuel of 12 MJ/kg this corresponds to 100 MW thermal input in total. The gas
was burned in two boilers feeding into a commons steam turbine. The output was 12.7 MWe gross
and 10 MWe net plus 50 MWth as district heating. The plant had severe operating difficulties also
affecting the economics and was closed in 2004. Orders were cancelled and a second plant at
Ansbach, Germany that had been constructed was never taken into operation. The closure of the
Karlsruhe plant was followed by damage claims and court procedures. This eventually led to the
bankruptcy of the Thermoselect S.A company in 2010, but the IPR is now held by Thermoselect AG
and technology is still available via Vivera Corporation, both registered in Lichtenstein.

In the 1990s, JFE (merged from fka Kawasaki Steel Corporation and NKK Corporation 2001, the
former company licensing the technology in 1997) of Japan became interested in the Thermoselect
process and, in 1999, started up the first Thermoselect plant in Japan at Chiba to Tokyo. The overall
cost of the Chiba facility was reported to be 80 million $US, with 13 million $US of annual operating

Eventually, the company built another six plants, five of which used Jenbacher engines, and in one
case also a steam bottoming cycle (Yorii), one used a steam cycle (Izumi) and one produced fuel
gas (Okayama), which was also partially the case at Chiba. However, after the experiences of these
plants and the economic fallout the company stopped marketing the technology473 and instead put
efforts into the shaft gasification and melting technology.

However, in the mid-2000, a project was initiated in Italy, targeting the ill-reputed waste
management and landfill site of Malagrotta, Lazio, outside Rome, to reduce the volume of waste
going to landfilling. The development of the project is not very clear, but it appears that a company
called 7-Hills, in which staff of the former Thermoselect company took prominent roles, built and
later operated the plant474 for the waste management company Colari475, which held the regional
waste management contract. The plant was planned to have three lines (two duty and one stand-
by) to produce 48 MWe of which over 30 MW would emanate from the gasification plant and the
remainder from a co-located anaerobic digestion plant, using a common steam bottoming cycle.
However, only one of the gasification lines were installed as a first stage in 2008. However, the
plant did not come into regular operation and there were public complaints and issues with the
permit compliances such that the plant was temporarily closed after a few months. After restarting
in late 2009, the plant was re-started, and commissioning operation was continued until to October

Thermoselect Karlsruhe. Ein Rückbau ist nicht in Sicht. Stefan Jehle Stuttgarter-Zeitung 20. Mai 2015
Gasification Technologies Review – Technology, Resources and Implementation. Scenarios. Prepared for the City of Sydney. Talent
with Energy-TwE 2014. August 2014.
Advanced Technology: Disparities Between Vision and Reality. HZI Client Event, Nottwil, 4 March 2016, Peter Chromec
Malagrotta: sveliamo i misteri di gassificatore ed inceneritore chiusi. Simona Mazza. Notizie, 27 agosto 2012

2011 when the plant was closed due to operational and other issues, ending in several court cases
regarding damages and non-compliances issues. In view of the difficult waste management situation
in Rome there was a move476 in 2016 to restart the gasifier and build the remaining gasifiers, and
the public and political debate is still on-going477.

Yet another Thermoselect licensee, Interstate Waste Technologies478 is marketing the Thermoselect
process in North America and the Caribbean but has this far not built any plants.

The Thermoselect HTR process consists of an initial pyrolysis stage followed by oxygen-blown high-
temperature gasification in a fixed bed reactor where also melting of the inorganics and metals
takes place to form a vitrified slag295, 472, 481, 482, 479. The gas is then upgraded in several stages
before use as a fuel gas, for power generation in boilers or engines, alternatively as synthesis gas,
Figure 86.The Thermoselect technology is claimed to accept mixed MSW and industrial waste with
no material separation and minimal pre-processing requirements.

The untreated, as-received municipal solid waste is discharged directly into a storage bunker with a
hold-up of several days. It is reclaimed from the waste storage by a grapple crane and dropped into
feed chute of the compactor, in which the loose waste material can be pressed hydraulically to go
from typically 200 kg/m³ to approximately 1200 kg/m³ in density by extrusion through a gate. The
compaction serves as a crusher for large objects, to even out the water content, to reduce air in the
waste and seal towards the process. The waste plugs formed of about 500 kg each are every 3
minutes fed one after the other into the degassing channel of the reactor, which operates at
approximately 30 kPa above atmospheric pressure maintained via a water lock releasing gas to the
flare if the pressure rises.

Table 36 Waste gasifier based on the Thermoselect process472, 480, 481

Plant Feedstock Year Capacity Capacity

(tpd, line * # lines) (tpa)
Fondotoce, IT 1992-1999 110*1 35 000
Karlsruhe, DE MSW 1999-2005 240*3 225 000
Ansbach, DE MSW Never 75 000
JFE (all operated
plants in Japan)
Chiba MSW 1999 150*2 100 000
Mutsu MSW 2003 70*2 45 000
Isahaya, Nagasaki MSW 2005 100*3 100 000
Okayama, MSW, landfill 2005 185*3 180 000
Kurashiki Yorii
Sainokuni, minings
MSW, landfill 2005 225*2 150 000
Yoshino, minings
MSW, industrial 2005 60*2 43 500
Izumi, Osaka waste landfill
MSW, 2005 95*1 24 000

WGM480 or 7-Hills474Thermoselect
Malagrotta, IT RDF 2008-2012 1*240 (planned 75 000
3*240) (185 000)
Inceneritori, quarto impianto nel Lazio e potenziamento per San Vittore. L'Inchiesta Quotidiano. 11 ottobre 2016
Rifiuti, Robilotta (EpI): "Imbarazzante rissa tra Campidoglio e Regione" Il Quotidiano del Lazio. 08-01-2018
Thermoselect - An Advanced Field Proven High Temperature Recycling Process.H. K. Mucha, U. Drost. 6 th World Congress on
Integrated Resource Management, Geneva, Switzerland, February 12-15m, 2002.
ISWA WGER Report on Advanced Thermal Treatment Processes. Status of work. 20.11.2009
Integrated Solid Waste Management Engineering. JFE Engineering Brochure. Undated

Figure 86 The Thermoselect gasification process482

The rectangular degassing channel is designed as a pusher kiln with slightly increasing flow area
towards the high-temperature reactor. Here, drying, heating and pyrolysis of the waste bales takes
place as the bales are heated on the outside, indirectly via the channel walls, and directly by the
radiant heat flowing back from the high-temperature gasification chamber. The indirect heating
through the channel walls is accomplished by burning part of the gas (or natural gas) and pass this
in a space surrounding the gasification channel. The temperature at the end of the degassing
channel is maintained at 800° C. k. The raw, wet product gas is conveyed from the degassing
channel is led via a collection system to the upper sections of the high-temperature gasification
chamber which is maintained at 1200 °C.

After the passage of the degassing chamber, taking typically 2 hours, the waste bales have shrunk
from the loss of volatile components. The remaining solid matrix is composed of the fixed carbon, of
the organic components and the inorganic portion of the waste, metals and ash, that has more or
less stayed intact. When the bales have reached the end of the degassing chamber the matrix
breaks apart in the transition piece to the high-temperature gasification chamber and falls into the
lower section of this chamber to form a fixed bed, where oxygen is introduced. This brings the local
temperature up to 2000 °C and provides the necessary conditions to melt the inorganic fraction,
composed primarily of glass and various metals. The melt flows into a homogenization duct, which
is heated with natural gas and oxygen and the melt separates by gravity into slag and metal before
the removal of the melt into a water bath to form a mixture of a mix of mineral granulates and
metal alloy pellets.

Gases released from the lower sections of the high-temperature gasification chamber flow upwards
to combine with the pyrolysis gases extracted from the degassing channel. The temperature in the
upper sections of the high-temperature gasification chamber is maintained at 1200 °C by oxygen
addition. It is claimed that the combined action of mixing, temperature and a residence time of
close to 4 s converts the most complex organic compounds and yield a high hydrogen content. The
post-treatment of the gas is shown in more detail in Figure 87.

THERMOSELECT – An Advanced Field Proven High Temperature Recycling Process. Gasification Technologies Council, Switzerland,
October 12-15, 2003

Figure 87 The Thermoselect gas and water processing482

The raw product gas at 1200 °C is water quenched to below 70 °C in a spray chamber and where
also particulates, including heavy metals, and water-soluble acid gases such as HCl and HF are
removed. Following the quench, the synthesis gas flows through an acidic scrubber where further
HCl and HF acids are removed at pH~3 which also dissolve metal ions and ammonia. Downstream,
an alkaline scrubber is further used to remove any slip from the acidic wash followed by a glycerine
scrubber for fine dust removal. The water/glycerine/solids solution is transferred to a filter press
were the solids are separated out and recycled into the high temperature reactor. Finally, H2S is
removed in a liquid oxidation process, see Section 6.2.5, and rends up as elemental sulphur.

Following desulphurisation, the product gas is conditioned: the dew point of the gas is lowered by
direct contact with by further cooling the gaseous stream down to 5 °C to and passing it through a
wet electro-static precipitator (WESP). The gas is warmed to ambient temperature before use. The
typical range of gas compositions can be found in Table 37.

Table 37 Gas composition (dry basis) from Thermoselect plants294, 472

Component CH4 H2 CO CO2 N2 Other Energy content

Vol % <0.1 32-35 34-39 22-27 3-4 1 7-9

The process water originates from the water in the waste and from the reaction products of the
gasification process. The water treatment process occurs in batches. The water from the quench
circuit is settled, solids are removed and recycled to the high temperature reactor.

The water from the alkaline scrubber, which has traces of dissolved hydrogen sulphide, is fed into
vessels and oxidized using hydrogen peroxide to sulphate, while ferric iron is oxidized to ferrous iron
ions. Following this, precipitation is performed at two pH levels to precipitate iron and aluminium
and heavy metals, respectively, the precipitation and flocculation being enhanced by additives. The
sludges are dewatered in a filter press and solids from the first stage are returned to the high
temperature reactor and form the second stage processed off-site by smelters. The treated water is

neutralized and passed through ion exchanges before deionisation and can then be used as make-
up water for the process or cooling towers, and since there is an excess of water it can be exported.

There is not much data from the operation of Thermoselect plants. The Karlsruhe plant had a
number of process and operating problems, but also had issues with the permit, in particular
regarding the use of the flare. The first plant in Japan at Chiba was tested for 15000 hours in
producing fuel gas but also in a side stream gas engine validation. The technology won approval of
the Japanese authorities with regard to the operating characteristics, emissions and by-products483.
The plants in Japan appear to be still in operation and seems to have suffered from less technical
problems. The plant in Italy appears to have suffered from similar process issues as the Karlsruhe
plant, but also from mismanagement as a director of the waste company was sentenced to jail as a
result of activities related to the gasifier484.

Regarding the emissions, these should in principle be able to control at the level of WID/EID as
evidence by the Japanese experience and experiences from Karlsruhe485 during operational periods.
The drive to have low emissions and acceptable or recyclable secondary wastes and by-products
however comes with a penalty in efficiency. The combination of high-temperature operation, use of
oxygen, the direct quench inhibiting energy recovery from the sensible heat in the gas, pumping
energy etc. all contribute to this rather low efficiency. The oxygen usage could be up to 50 % of the
waste on a weight basis472, the oxygen plant contributing to the cost and to the internal power
consumption. There is also a continuous support fuel consumption amounting to several percent of
energy turn-over295, 472. For the Karlsruhe plant that used a backpressure steam cycle, the internal
power consumption was around 20 % of the gross generation of 12.7 MW, i.e. corresponding to
approximately 10 % net efficiency or some 330 kWh/ton waste. As a magnitude estimate for a case
using an engine with a bottoming cycle having, say, 40 % gross efficiency, 25 MW gross could be
generated form the same waste input, which would double the net efficiency and specific power
generated, but still would be in line with incinerators. Other processes

There is also a number of other developers that have developed, or are developing, waste
gasification procedures that includes partial or complete gas cleaning. For some, there are no
references, and the information is limited to a web page with few details.

Others have developed such solutions for “biomass” applications and where the delimitation
between biomass wastes and mixed wastes are not always so clear and if the gas cleaning is also
applied for projects with a waste profile. Examples of such developers is Nexterra486 of Canada that
have supplied some plants of presumably close-coupled combustion type in the UK, and Eqteq487 of
Spain and now also active in the UK488 with a clear waste profile, that have references for biomass
using gas engines, but were mixed waste projects in the UK also seem to use the two-stage
incinerator approach.

Then, there are also companies that are developing gas cleaning for both power and synthesis gas
applications and were there has lately been more opportunities on the synthesis gas side than for
power generation. Two such companies are discussed under the next heading, APP, in Section and Synova, see Section

Thermoselect Waste Gasification and Reforming Process. S. Yamada, M. Shimizu, F Miyoshi. JFE Technical Report No. 3 (July 2004)
Rifiuti, irregolarità al gassificatore di Malagrotta: Cerroni condannato a un anno. Pena di otto mesi anche al suo collaboratore
Francesco Rando. Roma 23 aprile 2014
High Temperature Gasification- the Thermoselect Process. W. Kaiser, M. Shimuzu. Waste Management World November-December
2004, pp. 79-86.


In this section, waste gasification technologies used to predominantly produce chemicals and fuel,
respectively, are described. The separation between chemicals and fuels is somewhat misleading, as
the same product, e.g. methanol can be used as both a chemical and a fuel. Also, when used as a
chemical it can end up as a fuel component. Nevertheless, the motivations and economics are
different and therefore it is still worthwhile to separate these applications under two headings, even
if not being a strict difference in applications. In addition to what is described in the sections below,
also the Schwarze Pumpe installation, see Section, was producing methanol apart from

7.4.1. Chemicals EBARA UBE Process EUP

Ebara Corporation and Ube Industries, an ammonia producer with experience of operating a GE (fka
Texaco) coal gasification synthesis gas plant, in collaboration with the Plastic Waste Management
Institute initiated a development on plastic waste gasification in 1998, including tests in a pilot
plant489. The development was sponsored by NEDO because of its relation to the Container and
Packaging Recycling Law coming into force in Japan in 1997. After conducting successful trials in a
10000 tonnes/year demonstration plant in 2000 and the two companies established a 50/50 joint
venture, EUP Co. Ltd. in Ube to exploit the technology. The plant went into commercial operation in
year 2001 generating synthesis gas which is sold to Ube Ammonia Industry Ltd. for use as in
ammonia production. At the same site, an additional plant of 20000 tonnes/year started operation
in 2003490. The construction of an additional installation with 2 x 98 tonnes/day capacity or 60 000
tonnes/year was also announced.

In 2004, Showa Denko K.K. (SDK) announced that the company had started commercial production
of ammonia in its plant in Kawasaki using waste plastic (used containers and wrapping for consumer
products, and industrial wastes). The ammonia is sold as a liquid under a newly registered product
brand name, ECOANN, and is primarily used for de-NOx applications in power plants. The plant has
a total capacity to process 195 tons per day, 60 000 tonnes/year, of collected waste plastic produce
175 tons, 55 000 tonnes/year, of liquid ammonia and other chemical products. The cost of the
project was 8.4 billion ¥ (80 million $US in 2004) of which 44 % was covered by subsidies from the
Government and Kawasaki City491. In 2012, the volume of ammonia produced at the recycling plant
accounts for about one third of the total annual output of 100 000-120 000 tonnes at the Kawasaki
Plant492, see Figure 88. (These numbers may refer to the ECOANN production only as the total
ammonia capacity from the Kawasaki plant is 1 500 000 tonnes per year or some 500 tonnes per

Ube Industries bought the shares of Ebara Corporation in 2007 and later consolidated it into the
mother company. However, due to a scarcity of waste plastics due to market changes favouring
pelletizing of waste for usage as a co-firing fuel, this led to the closure of the EUP facilities at UBE
2008 and completely withdraw from the waste plastics gasification business in 2010494.

Ube Industries and Ebara Corporation's Two-Stage Pressure Gasification System Wins Leading Science and Technology Award from
Japanese Government. UBE News, April 20, 2005
EBARA’s Fluidized Bed Gasification: Atmospheric 2 x 225 t/d for Shredding Residues Recycling and Two-stage Pressurized 30 t/d for
Ammonia Synthesis from Waste Plastics. Christian Steiner, O. Kameda, T. Oshita, T. Sato. The 2nd International Symposium on
Feedstock Recycling of Plastics Oostende, Belgium, 9. Sept. 2002
SDK Starts Commercial Production of Ammonia Using Waste Plastic. SDK News release May 7, 2004
Spotlight on Kawasaki. Published in Nature, September 20, 2012
Showa Denko Boosts High-purity Ammonia Production in Taiwan. Showa Denko News release December 22, 2015
Ube Withdraws from Ebara-Ube Process Recycling Business UBE News, May 7, 2010

In 2015, Showa Denko announced that it had expanded the plant to process more plastic waste,
reaching up to 65 % of the ammonia output in the plant, and that the expansion was partially
financed by a loan from the Japanese government495. No absolute capacity numbers have been
found, but it is likely that it effectively means that the capacity has doubled.

Figure 88 The Showa Denko waste plastics plant496

The EUP two-stage pressure gasification system489, 490, 497, see Figure 89, converts unsorted waste
plastic, being baled at the recycling facility and then further prepared by shredding and pelletisation,
into a synthesis gas. A typical composition of the waste plastics feed is shown in Table 38

Table 38 Typical composition of plastic waste feed to the Show Denko plant497.
(LHV estimated by the author)

Constituent C H O N Cl S Metal Ash/ Est. LHV

Slag MJ/kg

% by weight 74.2 10.7 6.3 0.4 2.5 0.1 2.9 2.9 36

The process takes place in a two-stage gasifier comprised of a low temperature gasifier and a high
temperature gasifier, both operating under a pressure of 1 MPa. The low temperature gasifier is a
fluidized bed using the Ebara Twin-Rec gasifier as a model for its design. It is operated at 600-800
°C using oxygen and steam as fluidizing media. The bottom design allows the separation of any
remaining metal in the waste plastic, which is removed at the bottom of the gasifier and sent for
recycling. The gas generated goes to the high temperature gasifier, an entrained flow, slagging,
reactor where the gas undergoes thermal decomposition and partial oxidation at 1300- 1500 °C by
injection of additional steam and oxygen. The reactor has an internal cooling and a slag bath at the
bottom. This high temperature causes melting of solids carried over from the low temperature
gasifier, and which are separated and solidified as the gas passes through the slag bath before
leaving the reactor and are recovered as granulated slag for use as a raw material in cement and

Showa Denko Expands Utilization of Used Plastic to Produce Ammonia. SDK News release July 1, 2015

Experience of Incinerator Development in Japan. Katsuya Kawamoto. Seminar on thermal treatment of MSW in Hong Kong.

Environmental Department of Hong Kong, March 7, 2008.

other construction materials. It is claimed that the gas after the high temperature gasifier has
almost no trace of hydrocarbons.

Figure 89 THE EUP process490

The gas is then washed in a scrubber where remaining solids, HCl and ammonia are removed
(Figure 90).

Figure 90 Material stream from the Showa Denko plant (before expansion in 2015) 497

The Best Practice on the Reduction of Plastic Waste. Development of New Recycling System

for Used Plastics. Kazuyuki Hirabayashi. Showa Denko K.K. 2005.

Following the scrubbing, the gas passes a water gas shift CO conversion step to increase the
hydrogen yield. Following this step, and not shown in the figure, is sulphur removal by an alkaline
solution prior to compression and separation of hydrogen in a PSA unit. The hydrogen, 346 000
Nm3/day (14 400 Nm3/h) is fed to the ammonia plant but can also be sold as merchant hydrogen.
Also, other materials are recovered from the by-product streams, Figure 90. Apart from metals and
granulates, the chloride is used to produce caustic soda, sulphur removed is used to produce
sodium bisulphite and CO2 is recovered and used for dry ice production. Tail gases are burned.

7.4.2. Fuels APP (Advanced Plasma Power Ltd.)498

Tetronics499 (derived from tetra+ionics) was established 1964 in the UK to exploit the potential of
DC plasma arc technology in various industries. The company was acquired by InvestSelect in 2004,
which triggered significant investment and development of the strategy to new areas of
applications. Today, Tetronics supplies DC plasma arc systems for applications such as waste
recovery, hazardous waste treatment, industrial waste treatment, metal recovery, production
processes and nano-materials. The company has developed and maintains an extensive patent
portfolio and has built more than 80 plasma installations worldwide500.

In November 2005, InvestSelect’s principal investors set up Advanced Plasma Power Limited ("APP")
to commercialise the Gasplasma® energy-from-waste process, now with patent coverage in some
fifty countries, originally developed by Tetronics. The process treats various forms of wastes to an
energy-rich product gas (syngas) and a solid, vitrified product form the non-combustible
components. APP is developing its own projects (on a design, build, finance and operate basis) as
the exclusive licensee of Tetronics’ Gasplasma technology. The company has also secured significant
investment from US private equity fund Leveraged Green Energy in 2009 and 2011501.

As of 2005 APP operated a pilot plant of unknown capacity to validate the Plasmagas concept. In
2008 a demonstration plant with a capacity of 100 kg/h, 600 kW fuel feed, and also including a gas
engine, was taken into operation. This plant has been operated for over 2500 hours up to 2017502
and has generated a number of publications on this experience503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508. For commercial
installations, APP has a relationship with Outotec, see Section, as a preferred supplier of the
fluidized bed gasifier component.

In 2013, APP was together with Syntech Bioenergy, see Section, and Synova (Royal
Dahlman), see Section, respectively, selected509 in a competition arranged by the Energy
Technology Institute510 to lead a consortium to design cost-effective, economically viable and

BioSNG Demonstration Plant. Summary of Plant Design. GoGreenGas, 31 March 2017
Two stage fluid bed-plasma gasification process for solid waste valorisation: Technical review and preliminary thermodynamic
modelling of sulphur emissions. S. Morrin, P. Lettieri, C. Chapman, L. Mazzei, Waste Management 32 (2012), pp. 676–684
Technical Aspects and Thermodynamic Evaluation of a Two Stage Fluid Bed-Plasma Process for Solid Waste Gasification. M.
Materazzi, P. Lettieri, L. Mazzei, R. Taylor, C. Chapman. The 14th International Conference on Fluidization – From Fundamentals to
Products. Delft University of Technology N.G. Deen, Eindhoven University of Technology Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2013).
Thermodynamic modelling and evaluation of a two-stage thermal process for waste gasification. M. Materazzi, P. Lettieri, L, Mazzei,
R. Taylor, C. Chapman. Fuel 108 (2013), pp. 356–369
Transformations of Syngas Derived from Landfilled Wastes Using the Gasplasma® Process. Richard Taylor, Chris Chapman, Ahmad
Faraz. 2nd International Academic Symposium on Enhanced Landfill Mining, Houthalen-Helchteren, Belgium, 14-16 October 2013
The fate of ashes and inorganics in a two-stage fluid particle system for waste valorization. M. Materazzi, P. Lettieri, R. Taylor, C.
Chapman. The 7th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT7). Procedia Engineering 102 (2015), pp. 936 – 944
Performance analysis of RDF gasification in a two-stage fluidized bed–plasma process. M. Materazzi, P. Lettieri, R. Taylor, C.
Chapman. Waste Management, Volume 47, Part B, January 2016, pp 256-266
APP shortlisted by the ETI in competition to design most efficient energy from waste demonstrator plant. APP press Release, April
8th, 2013

efficient commercial energy from waste demonstrator plant. The criteria were to target a
commercial scale of between 5 to 20 MWe output and to have a net electrical efficiency of at least
25%. The winning plant, to be selected in 2014, could be designed, built, tested and in operation by
2015 or 2016.

The consortium led by APP was funded by 2.8 million GBP to design a demonstration facility with an
electrical output of 6MWe using the Gasplasma® technology in a so-called CP20 module. The site for
this project was Tyseley, Birmingham, where land was leased for a first phase of 60000 tonnes per
year, 7 MWe facility, with expansion possibilities to 130000 tonnes per year. The plant had received
planning permission, environmental permit and ROC pre-accreditation511. The permit decision
document512 describes the planned installation as a 50000 tonnes/year facility that after a recycling
operation produces 35 000 tonnes/year RDF, equivalent of a 20 MW thermal input to the gasification
plant. The plant was designed to produce 6.6 MWe gross from two 3 MWe output engines and a 0.6
MWe ORC unit. The net output to the grid was 4.2 MWe, translating into 900 kWe/tonne of RDF. Of
the internal consumption of 2.4 MWe, the gasification process would use 0.7 MWe while the recycling
facility, and utilities use the remainder. This project was not completed, and the permit was
surrendered in 2015.

In 2014, APP announced that it signed a contract as the technology provider for a new waste to
energy plant in the Port of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, at a value of nearly £20 million. The plant, a
so-called GP 60 module, would process 170000 tonnes of waste annually while delivering 20 MWe to
the grid513. However, the project was subject to approval of the permit and has since also come
across local opposition and is no longer active514.

In 2012, a waste to bio-methane project was announced as a cooperation between Cadence (fka
National Grid), Advanced Plasma Power and Progressive Energy515, later to be named
GoGreenGas516. The objective was to demonstrate the use of waste by means of plasma gasification
to produce bio-methane. The project budget was 4.2 million GBP received funding from the Ofgem
Innovation Funding Incentive517. The project518 would use the existing Gasplasma demonstration
plant in Swindon and extend it to use the synthesis gas to produce SNG (Synthetic Natural Gas) at a
capacity of approximately 50 kW thermal and meeting the specification for injecting it into the gas
network. The synthesis gas would be produced and, after compression stored and used for SNG
production using the AMEC Foster Wheeler once-through VESTA process519. The project was
completed in 2017.

Already in 2015, it was decided to go further into a first commercial plant520. The facility is an
integrated end to end process, with a capacity of 10000 tonnes/year, 22 GWh/year (or 4.4 MW) bio-
methane output, constructed at Advanced Plasma Power’s premises in Swindon. Refuse derived fuel
will be supplied from local wastes and the gas produced will be injected into the Wales and West
Utilities’ gas network for use in local homes and in an existing CNG filling station. APP and its
partners Cadence, Progressive Energy and CNG Services received 11 million GBP in funding from
Department for Transport as part of a program to develop and commercialize the technologies

Converting waste into valuable resources with the Gasplasma® Process. Chris Chapman, IEA Bioenergy Task 36 Workshop, 29th
October 2014
Permit number EPR/UP3231NQ. Tyseley Urban Waste Resource Centre Ltd. Decision Document. Environment Agency, 24 April 2014
APP news release, 9th June 2014.
Port authority cuts ties with Port Fuels, proposed gasification plant is dead. Kelly Bennett. CBC News Jun 23, 2017
National Grid, Advanced Plasma Power and Progressive Energy announce new project to transform waste into Bio Substitute Natural
Gas. APP Press Release. Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012
BioSNG Demonstration Plant. Project Close-Down Report. GoGreenGas 2017
The Novel VESTA Process for Substitute Natural Gas Production. Fabio Ruggeri. Gasification Technologies Conference 2012
Washington, DC, USA
Government Grant Awarded to Fuel UK Towards Sustainable Future. APP Press Release, September 7th, 201

required to decarbonize the transport sector, the Transport Advanced Biofuels Competition.
Additional funding towards the adjusted project budget of 27 million GBP (up from 25 million GBP)
is provided by 5 million GBP is provided by Ofgem’s Network Innovation Competition and the
partners, of which Cadent is the largest contributor with 8.6 million GBP521. The plant is in the final
stages of mechanical completion and is expected to be commissioned in late 2018.

In 2018, APP was selected by Velocys522 as the preferred gasification technology provider for a
project to produce sustainable aviation fuel from waste. Velocys and its partners are currently
developing the engineering and business case for the project and it is expected that a final
investment decision will be reached in the first half of 2020523. The project, is being developed with
the support of industry partners, including BA and Shell Aviation, and the Department for Transport
which have together provided 4.9 million GBP of funding524.

The Gasplasma process504, 512, Figure 91, can accept a wide variety of feedstocks such as biomass
and wastes. The typical feed considered is RDF, prepared off-site or on-site. The typical pre-
treatment is removal of fines, removal of ferrous and other metals and shredding to <50 mm size.
From the RDF storage, the RDF is retrieved and dried in a belt drier with steam/air batteries
providing the energy. The steam uses energy recovered from the Gasplasma process. The wet
exhaust air is treated in a bag filter and a thermal oxidizer to remove odours before its release to
the atmosphere.

Figure 91 The Gasplasma process and associated gas cleaning (adapted from518)

The RDF plus any fines removed in the RDF preparation stage (on-site preparation case) are fed
with the dried RDF stream into the stationary fluidized bed gasifier (as noted above, Outotec is the
preferred supplier of this component) together with steam and oxygen fluidizing gas. This process
provides sufficient heat to maintain the fluidised bed between 700 and 850 °C and produces a
“crude” product gas.

The crude syngas contains significant quantities of long-chain hydrocarbons and tars. The ash in the
RDF is automatically removed from the base of the gasifier through the bed screening process and
conveyed to a hopper where it is metered into the plasma converter, and bed material separated is

Cadent-backed trailblazing trash-gas project wins 2017 Energy-Institute award. GoGreenGas Press Release 10 November 2017.
Advanced Plasma Power’s Gasplasma® technology selected for pioneering UK waste-to-jet-fuel project. APP, June 20, 2018
Development funding secured for next stage of UK project. Velocys news release, June 18, 2018.

recycled to the gasifier such that there is no bottom ash secondary material removed at this stage
of the process.

The crude product gas is transferred from the gasifier to the plasma converter where it enters on
the side of the converter chamber above the slag level in such a way that the gas flows in
circulating motion around the periphery of the chamber. In in the centre of the plasma converter
there is a graphite electrode that can be moved and even replaced during operation. A plasma arc is
generated between the tip of the electrode and the molten slag bath contained in the converter
hearth. To reduce the power consumption for the plasma, also oxygen is introduced to the
converter. The gas increases in temperature and is exposed to an intense ultra violet which results
in that hydrocarbons are cracked and reformed that residual char is converted.

The converter is also designed to capture the particulate materials entrained in the gas flow from
the gasifier and convert these into slag which builds up in a “pool” at the bottom of the plasma
converter. This molten material is continuously removed from the plasma converter via an overflow
weir and cooled for use as a vitrified and stable material. This material has been accepted as a
product following an End of Waste Submission and is trademarked under the name “Plasmarok®” for
use as aggregate in construction525.

The processed product gas is then drawn to the inlet of the gas cooling system, a heat recovery
boiler that reduces the gas temperatures from the outlet temperature of the converter of
approximately 1200 °C to 160 °C while generating saturated steam, typically at 1 MPa for use in the
RDF dyer.

The dry gas cleaning system, operating at 150°C to 180°C, consists of a ceramic particulate filter
into which the sodium bicarbonate and activated carbon are injected into the product gas to capture
acidic components, any traces of heavy hydrocarbons and volatile metals. The filter cake is
periodically removed using a nitrogen reverse pulse system. After the dry gas cleaning, there is a
wet gas cleaning train. For power generation application512 (and slightly different compared to the
synthesis gas application shown in Figure 91), the gas is cooled to about 35 °C in a condenser
scrubber at a low pH such that it absorbs ammonia. This is followed by a second, alkaline, scrubber
to absorb acid gases, in particular sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide. The effluent from this
scrubber and the condensate from the condenser scrubber are discharged from the system for
treatment as an effluent. NaClO is used to oxidise sulphides in the condensate.

The syngas leaving the wet cleaning system is clean syngas ready for use in power generation by
means of gas engines. The exhaust gases from the engines pass through a system of emissions
control catalysts to ensure that the emissions comply with the IED. Heat can also be recovered from
the engine exhaust system by an ORC cycle to generate electricity.

For the application of making SNG by the VESTA process526, there is a COS hydrolysis reactor added
downstream the filter518 to reduce the COS in the gas, as shown in Figure 91. This is followed by the
wet cleaning as described above. The gas is then compressed to 1.3 MPa, before a further carbon
bed removes residual condensable hydrocarbons and heavy metals, and a zinc oxide guard bed
provides final removal of sulphur compounds. After further polishing of the syngas to remove
catalyst poisons, a water gas shift reactor with a by-pass is used to obtain the correct ratio of
hydrogen to carbon monoxide. Four sequential adiabatic methanation reactors in series converts the
synthesis gas to bio-methane, followed by cooling and steam condensation. An activated carbonate
wash methane purification stage is used for the removal of CO2 to ensure that the bio-methane

Explained: Plasmarok®. Generated from Waste Recovery. Tectronics International Ltd., 2015.
Decision document. Permit Number: EPR/JP3336RM. Go Green Fuels Limited. Environmental Agency, 25/07/2016

complies with the specifications for use in transport, as well as for grid export. The removed CO2 is
compressed and stored in tanks for transport off site and use as an industrial gas. For direct supply
as bio-CNG transport fuel the bio-methane is compressed to 25 MPa and stored in a tube trailer. For
export to the local grid, the gas is spiked with propane as required to meet the LCV and Wobbe
Index requirements of the grid.

The GoGreenGas consortium has also made several studies of future commercial plants for
production of bio-methane and hydrogen. Two bio-methane facilities were assessed527528 converting
136 000 tonnes of waste per year (66 MW thermal) into 42 MW, 315 GWh/year and a plant
converting 289 000 tonnes of waste per year (132 MW thermal) to 84 MW, 665GWh of bio-
methane. The investment costs and annual operating costs were estimated to 108 and 11 million
GBP and 151 and million GBP for the small and large case, respectively.

In a separate but linked study529, conceptual engineering and cost estimation for a 100000 tonnes
waste per year, 62 MW thermal (HHV), that produces 45 MW (HHV) hydrogen has been developed.
The processing is similar to the one described for methane with the exception that several shift
rectors are used in series to convert all CO, and that the remaining CO is removed by methanation.
Following the CO2 wash, the hydrogen reaches the desired purity using a PSA unit. The plant capital
cost and annual operating cost was estimated to 99 million GBP and 19 million GBP/year,
respectively. Further pertinent details on these studies can be found in the cited references. Enerkem530
The development of the process commercialized by Enerkem Inc. goes back to the 1980s531, when
BIOSYN Inc., a subsidiary of Nouveler Inc., a division of Hydro-Quebec (Montréal, Quebec)
developed an air- or oxygen-blown bubbling fluidised bed gasifier in a bench-scale unit 50 kg/h and
between 1984 and 1988 in a 10 tonnes/hr plant at St-Juste de Bretennieres, Québec, Canada,
operating up to 1.6 MPa to produce synthesis gas for methanol production. In 1988 the
development was stopped due to market conditions. Professor E. Chornet at the University of
Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada was involved in this development in the early 1980s532 and the
experience led to the development of a core technology which links a fluid bed reactor with
advanced gas conditioning s to provide a clean synthetic gas. The spin-off company Enerkem was
founded in the year 2000. The Chornet family is still a major stakeholder and some members also
have operative positions in the company.

In 2003, a 4.8 tonnes/day pilot plant gasifier was built in Sherbrooke, which served as a basis for a
scale-up to a complete demonstration facility at Westbury in 2007. The plant has a capacity of 48
tonnes/day of feed input. It can produce 11 tonnes/day methanol since 2011, and by further
reactions between methanol and synthesis gas, ethanol since 2012. The plant had almost 13000
logged operating hours in 2016533.

Enerkem also built a 25 000 tonnes/year full-scale plant in Castellon, Spain. Since 2003 the plant
has converted mixed industrial plastic waste into gas which is combusted in reciprocating engines534

BioSNG Demonstration Plant. Summary of Commercial Results. GoGreenGas, 2017
BioSNG Demonstration Plant. Summary of Plant Design. GoGreenGas, 2017
Biohydrogen: Production of hydrogen by gasification of waste. Progressive Energy and Advanced Plasma Power, July 2017.
Biomass Gasification for Hydrogen Production – Process Description and Research Needs. IEA Bioenergy Update. S. Babu. Biomass &
Bioenergy, undated.
Gasification of Residual Biomass via the Biosyn Fluidized Bed Technology. Czernik, S & G. Koeberle, P & Jollez, Paul & Bilodeau,
Jean-François & Chornet, Esteban. (1993). Advances in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion, ed. Anthony Bridgwater, 2004
Building Up the Future. Technology status and reliability of the value chains
Sub Group on Advanced Biofuels Sustainable Transport Forum. Edited by: Kyriakos Maniatis, Ingvar Landälv, Lars Waldheim, Eric van
den Heuvel, Stamatis Kalligeros. March – 2017
Gasification I Cogeneration Using MSW Residuals and Biomass, Jim Schubert, Konrad Fichtner. 13th North American Waste to
Energy Conference, May 23-25, 2005, Orlando, Florida USA. NAWTEC13-3154

to give a total of 7 MWe. However, the plant owner/operator, Poligas Ambiente SL went into
receivership in 2004535, but appear to have been revived and to have tried to operate the plant until
2009 when the permit was withdrawn followed by a bankruptcy536.

In 2009, as the demonstration plant was in commissioning, an SPV, Alberta Enerkem Greenfield
Biofuels, was developing a commercial prototype project in Edmonton, Alberta, to a stage where a
permit was received by the province authorities537. The project company was composed of Enerkem
and Greenfield Ethanol, an established ethanol producer. The project planned to convert 100 000
tonnes per year of RDF into 38 million litres of ethanol. In parallel, a project of double the Edmonton
capacity based on two Edmonton modules was being developed in Pontotoc, Mississippi, USA, at a
cost of 250 million $US538. Eventually, a smaller project equal in capacity to the Edmonton plant,
received a grant support to the US Enerkem daughter from DOE of 50 million $US539. The cost for
this plant, including initial operation, was 140 million $US540

In 2010, both the city of Edmonton and the Alberta province provided grant funding of a total of 23
million $CA541 and the construction of the plant started. The city of Edmonton was also constructing
a waste recycling facility to supply the RDF to the plant. The same year, Waste Management made
an investment of 54 million $CA in Enerkem. Also, the Pontotoc project advanced by receiving the
permits required.

In 2011, this was followed by 60 million $CA invested by the refiner Valero to a total of 90 million
$CA for the mother company, while also 15 million $CA was raised for as project equity financing for
the Edmonton plant542. The same year, the Pontotoc project in the USA was awarded an 80 million
$US loan guarantee for the project539.

In 2012, a new project was announced543, a project of similar capacity as the Edmonton project at
Varennes, Quebec. The project is developed by a SPV, Vanerco, composed of Enerkem and
Greenfield Ethanol, the latter already operates a corn-based ethanol plant at Varennes. The project
received a grant of 18 million $CA and loan of 9 million $CA, respectively, from the provincial
government and a reimbursable support of 40 million $CA from the NextGen Biofuels Fund of
Sustainable Development Technology Canada544. The same year, Enerkem announced a 125 million
$US Initial Public Offering (IPO) to finance project plans, but the IPO was withdrawn545, motivated
by the fact that the company could raise funds directly from investors and was not mature for the
stock market. In the SEC F-1 filing546, it is stated that the Edmonton project at the time was
estimated an initial construction costs to build the plant for methanol production of approximately
80 million $CA, plus finance costs. The second stage, to go from methanol to ethanol was estimated
to approximately 25 million $CA, plus finance costs. It was also noted that the Enerkem ownership
of the facility was reduced to approximately 70 % as a result of equity capital injections of Waste
Management and EB Investments ULC. The installation cost of the Pontotoc project in the USA was

Status of Gasification in countries participating in the IEA and GasNet activity. K. Kwant, H. Knoef. IEA Bioenergy /GasNet, August
20070925152257.html,, www.levante-, Boletín Oficial del Registro
Mercantil, Núm. 151, Pág. 27981. Lunes 9 de agosto de 2010
Enerkem Planning Biofuel Project in Mississippi. Renewable Energy World March 20, 2009
Enerkem News release, January 20, 2011
US Department of Energy Pontotoc, MS Project. Final Scientific Report. Enerkem Inc. 15/03/2015
Enerkem biofuel plant, backed by City of Edmonton, mired in legal controversy. Sylvain Bascaron, CBC News Mar 28, 2016.
Enerkem News release July 28, 2011
Enerkem News release, February 6, 2012.
2017 Interim Evaluation of the NextGen Biofuels Fund Sustainable Development Technology Canada. Kelly Sears Consulting Group,
November 30, 2017
Enerkem IPO comes up short. Shawn McCarthy. The Globe and Mail. Published May 2, 2012

estimated to 90-100 million $CA, a cost that did not include the waste recycling centre to be built by
third parties.

In 2013, an additional 37 million $CA in equity for the Edmonton plant project was received and
later the mother company raised another 50 million $CA for the mother company financing from
Investissement Québec and others. The commissioning of the plant was started in 2013.

In 2014, a new SPV, Enerkem Alberta Biofuels, was set up as the owner and operator of the plant,
which was officially inaugurated in June. The NextGen Biofuels Fund of Sustainable Development
Technology Canada provided complementary reimbursable funding of 64 million $CA to the
Edmonton project, which at this point is prioritized by Enerkem over the Vanerco project544.
Discussions are initiated for follow up projects in Europe.

In 2015 the Edmonton plant started to produce methanol. Yet another 150 million $ CA is raised in
financing for Enerkem, partially as debt and partially as private placement547. The production of
ethanol was initiated in 2017 after the plant had been complemented with the methanol-to-ethanol
production step in 2016. This second stage was supported by 3.5 million $CA from Western
Innovation548 while it was noted that the support from the NextGen Biofuels Fund was instrumental
in realizing the second step, i.e. the methanol to ethanol conversion step, without further delays544.
During the period from 2015 to 2017, the plant outputs had been certified as advanced biofuels in
Europe and as “cellulosic ethanol” within the RFS2 system in the USA.

In the period 2015 to 2017, the Pontotoc and Vanerco projects lost the loan guarantee and the
support from NextGen Biofuels Fund, respectively, as in neither case the construction has been
initiated within the due allocation period for the funds. However, the Vanerco projects is still being
pursued by the partners while the Pontotoc project fades out from the flow of biofuel news.

In 2018, Enerkem Inc. has signed an agreement with Chinese Sinobioway Group worth over 125
million $ CA in the form of equity investment in the company and future revenues from license,
equipment as well as form a joint venture with the prospects of constructing over 100 Enerkem-
based plants in China by 2035549, raised yet another 155 million $ CA from existing investors and
from the asset management company Black Rock.

The activities in Europe also became more concrete. A project development was initiated for
Rotterdam by a consortium of companies comprising Air Liquide, AkzoNobel Specialty Chemicals,
Enerkem and the Port of Rotterdam. This 250 million € plant would process 360 000 tonnes of waste
per year and produce 220 000 tonnes of methanol per year550. A second development was
announced in Tarragona, Spain551 in cooperation with Suez. The plant, estimated to a cost of 250
million €, is expected to process 375 000 tonnes of waste per year and produce 265 000 tonnes of
methanol When comparing yield of methanol per ton of waste and recalculating the 38000 m3/year
ethanol yield of the Edmonton plant to methanol, this would be approximately 42 000 tonnes/year
or 0.42 tonnes/tonne of RDF. The cited projects in the EU have a yield of 0.6 and 0.7 tonnes
methanol/tonne waste, respectively. This difference would indicate that either the feedstock is
significantly different than the RDF used in Edmonton, notably has a far higher energy content, or
that there is some other element in addition to the gasification facility that contributes to the
methanol production.

Enerkem News release, September 9, 2015.
Enerkem Alberta receives C$3.5 million federal grant for Edmonton plant. Biofuels Digest November 21, 2017.
Enerkem News release, January 22, 2018.
Enerkem News release, February 16, 2018.
Advanced biofuel plant planned to open in 2022. Catalan News, May 9, 2018

The Enerkem process process530, 552, 553, see Figure 92, is comprised of four stages: feed
preparation, gasification, gas cleaning and the synthesis of biofuels (or use of the gas for e.g. power
production). The integrated process has been developed by Enerkem and is seen as proprietary
know-how, so in-depth details of the process are not generally publicly available.

Figure 92 The Enerkem technology530

The waste material is pre-treated in order to obtain a feedstock with a characteristic particle size of
about 50 mm as a typical dimension and a bulk density of at least 150 kg/m3 and in most cases it is
dried using residual process heat. The feedstock, prepared to the specification, is fed to the gasifier
via a feeding system that pressurize the feed to the gasification pressure of below 0.2-0.4 MPa533
and controls the rate of material extracted to a water-cooled transfer screw, that injects the
material into the fluidized bed section of the gasifier where an appropriate fluidizing media is

The fluidized bed contains a not specified bed material, and fluidizing gas (air, O2 enriched air,
steam/O2 or steam/O2/CO2), is injected through a distributor grid located at the bottom of the fluid
bed at a rate to maintain the bed temperature. The fluidized bed has high mixing and heat transfer
rates which facilitate the reactions taking place during gasification. The temperature in the fluid bed
part of the reactor is kept at about 700°C. The feedstock thermally decomposes producing volatiles,
gases and char particles. The latter stay in the fluidized bed and is reacted by partial oxidation and
gasification until they are small enough to be entrained from the bed by the fluidizing gases to the
freeboard. In the Enerkem process, the temperature is increased in the freeboard (and possibly also
in a separate vessel downstream of the gasifier although this is not shown above) by staged

From biomass-rich residues into fuels and green chemicals via gasification and catalytic synthesis. S. C. Marie-Rose, E. Chornet, D.
Lynch & J.-M. Lavoie. WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 83, 2014 WIT Press 2014, pp..91-100
US 2010/0051875 A1

addition of controlled amounts of oxidant. This exposes the volatiles and the entrained particles to
partial oxidation, thermal cracking and steam- as well as CO2-driven reactions. The gasifier is
designed as a steel shell with internal refractory insulation. In the Edmonton plant, the gasifier shaft
has an internal diameter of 3.1 m546 and holds 20 tonnes of sand bed material554.

After separation of the larger solid particulates using cyclones, which are extracted out of the
process the and gas cooling by heat recovery, the gas cleaning follows. A two-stage scrubbing
system with pH-adjustment is used that recovers the tar and re-injects it into the gasifier for
additional syngas production. The condensate formed from cooling the gas is separated from tar in
settlers, stripped from ammonia, which is also reinjected into the gasifier, and treated by
conventional means before being discarded. A main part of the sulphur is dissolved as H2S in the
process condensate and is discharged as sulphate in the treated effluent555. Adsorbents such as lime
and ZnO can also be used to remove remaining traces of chloride and sulphur.

The cleaned gas is then compressed to an intermediate pressure and subjected to additional
conditioning. The clean syngas will still contain low molecular weight hydrocarbons whose
concentration depends on the nature of the feedstock which may require and additional reforming
step. Also, the H2/CO-ratio may require adjustment by a water gas shift reactor to come just above
2, which is suitable for the methanol synthesis. The gas is then treated by chilled methanol to
remove CO2 in a proprietary design scrubbing process556. After CO2 removal, the gas is compressed
to the synthesis pressure and methanol is synthesized in a proprietary three-phase process557. The
chemical synthesis reaction, CO + 2H2 → CH3OH, is carried out in a bubble-column slurry reactor
using a Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst at temperature ranging from 230 to 260 °C and 1 to 5 MPa. The
commercial reactor operates with fine catalyst particles that are slurried in an inert high-boiling oil,
typically white mineral oil. The gaseous reactants dissolve in the oil and react on the catalyst
particle surfaces. The methanol and water formed are separated from the oil and distilled to arrive
at high-purity methanol product.

However, in the Edmonton plant, Enerkem uses the methanol as an intermediate to produce ethanol
by carbonylation to methyl acetate, also in a proprietary process558. This is carried out using a fixed
bed packed with a rhodium-based catalyst. To the methanol methyl iodide is added as a co-catalyst
at a molar ratio between 1 and 5 wt.%. The mixture is vaporized under pressure and mixed with a
CO-rich fraction of synthesis gas prior to flowing through the reactor. The operating conditions are
170 to 300°C and total pressures from 1 to 5 MPa.


The methyl acetate produced is separated as a liquid at 20 °C. It is pumped to a pressure ranging
from 1 to 5 MPa through a heat exchanger that vaporizes it at temperatures ranging from 150 to
225 °C and mixed with preheated hydrogen before the mixture passes through a catalytic bed
containing a CuO/Cr2O3 or CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst and is converted to ethanol and methanol. The
ethanol product is separated from the methanol and the latter is recycled back to the carbonylation


Five minutes from trash to ethanol: Edmonton's long-delayed Enerkem plant explained. Elise Stolte. Edmonton Journal, February 19,
Personal communication, Michel Chornet, Enerkem, 2017.
Authors note: this being somewhat similar to the Rectisol process
Conversion of Non-Homogeneous Biomass to Ultraclean Syngas and Catalytic Conversion to Ethanol. Stéphane C. Marie-Rose, Alexis
Lemieux Perinet and Jean-Michel Lavoie. Biofuel's Engineering Process Technology. Ed. Marco Aurelio Dos Santos Bernardes. InTech
Open, 2011 Pp. 334-352.
US 8,080,693 B2

The Edmonton plant559, Figure 93, located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, represents the result of
the city’s development for over a decade to improve the waste management based on the
knowledge that the landfill would be closing, and the alternative would to be hauling waste out of
the city at higher costs. The city had also already established recycling and composting programs
that had succeeded in diverting 60 % of the waste from landfills. The city had formulated specific
targets to increase Edmonton’s landfill diversion rate from 60 % to 90 % and also reduce the need
for landfilling without the use of conventional incinerator technologies. In 2003 the city examined
the options which led to establishing a cooperation with Enerkem, which at the time was making
pilot plant tests. The cooperation led to R&D projects funded by Alberta Energy Research Institute
that validated the performance at pilot scale with pelletized RDF and later an RDF fluff feeding
system was designed and tests continued. In 2006, a grant from Alberta Innovates allowed further
project development, and the project was then also officially announced.

Figure 93 The Enerkem Alberta Biofuels plant560 in Edmonton, Alberta

In 2007 and 2008 the contractual framework was developed, and environmental permitting was
initiated. The permit was received in 2019. The project, at the time estimated to cost 70 million $CA
planned to convert 100 000 tonnes per year of RDF (daily consumption of 300 tonnes dry, or 350
tonnes wet RDF561) into 38 million litres of ethanol537 went into construction in 2010. In parallel the
city of Edmonton was building a waste recycling facility, integrated processing and transfer facility
at a cost of 90 million $CA, of which the section for the supply the RDF to the Enerkem plant was
included at an estimated cost of 40 million $CA. The city would provide the RDF for the plant against
a gate fee for a contract period of 25 years541. In 2012, and as was noted above the initial
construction costs to build the plant for methanol production was estimated to a total of 105 million
$CA, plus finance costs, to go to methanol first, and then secondly go all the way to ethanol546, 559.

The Edmonton Waste-to-Biofuels Project. From Research to Reality. Jim Schubert. RCA Conference, October 2, 2014

Courtesy of Enerkem.
Enerkem filling orders in Alberta. Edmonton Waste-to-biofuels facility in full operation Andrew Snook. Canadian Biomass, November
22, 2016

The initial plan was to be operational in 2012554, but due to various delays the commissioning did
not start until 2013 and the inauguration took place in mid-2014. In late 2016, it was reported that
the plant had accumulated some 2600 hours of operation533.There was a second delay, since the
installation of the methanol-to-ethanol step was not installed until 2017. According to Enerkem, the
reason for this was that as a support to the development of the projects in Europe, this time was
used to demonstrate methanol production in the facility. However, there may also be other reasons
for the delay, as contractors were making claims on Enerkem at the time562. There were also
changes being made to the process system and inquiries were made for a combustion system to
convert the tars removed from the syngas412. An RDF drier was installed in the recycling facility in
2017 to increase heating value of RDF supplied to Enerkem563. There were also inquiries for a
combustion system to convert the tars removed from the syngas412. It is also known that the plant
has not come up to full capacity564, which is at least partially related to the RDF quality565. The
target for 2018 is to ramp up the operations to reach to the nameplate ethanol capacity by the end
of the year566.

The total cost of the plant up to 2016 has not been disclosed by Enerkem but it has been publicly
quoted by a non-Enerkem source to amount to 120 million $CA567 in 2016. Public reporting from
NextGen Biofuels Fund of Sustainable Development Technology Canada568 states that the “total
project value” is 175 million $CA; however, it is not clear if this only represents the accumulated
plant installation overnight costs or if financing and e.g. commissioning and initial operation costs
are also included.

In addition to the Integrated Processing and Transfer Facility, the overall plan of the city also
includes a 12.5 million $CA Advanced Energy Research Facility to develop and demonstrate
innovative technologies converting residual biomass or waste feedstock into clean energy and
products, based on primarily Enerkem technologies, which was inaugurated in 2013. The facility
holds a 300 kg/h pilot gasification facility and can also support R&D in various bench and laboratory
scale gas cleaning and related technologies559. Ineos Bio

INEOS569 is a 20-year old global manufacturer of petrochemicals, speciality chemicals and oil
products that has been formed from thirty-four different established chemical companies. The turn-
over is 60 billion $US. In the early years of this century it was large producer of technical ethanol.
Through its refining activities the company also gradually become engaged in biofuels production,
primarily FAME biodiesel but also ethanol.

In 2008, INEOS Bio was formed and acquired the IPR of Bioengineering Resources Inc. (BRI) in
Fayetteville, AR, USA570 with the intent of also moving into cellulosic ethanol to deploy the
technology globally as an owner-operator and partnerships combined with licensing. To further
leverage on the company strength, the technology could be extended to chemicals and polymers571.

BRI, which was founded in 1984, had since 1989 developed gasification and fermentation
technologies for production of ethanol or acetic acid from solid wastes572. The synthesis gas

Enerkem biofuel plant, backed by City of Edmonton, mired in legal controversy. Sylvain Bascaron. CBC News Mar 28, 2016
Edmonton’s broken-down Cadillac waste management system. Graham Hick. Edmonton Sun, March 16, 2018
Edmonton Councillor Michael Ward. Blog post February 9, 2018.
Personal communication Marie-Hélène Labrie, Enerkem, June 2018
Atwell R.: “Task force’s work on waste management left out of plan”, 27-09-2016, Saanich News and Black Press Group Ltd,
SDTC Success Story. Company Name: Enerkem Alberta Biofuels LP. Project Name: Enerkem Alberta Biofuels Project
INEOS Bio Commercialization of Cellulosic Biofuels from Waste. Mark Dietzen. FEW Conference, St. Louis, MO, June 11, 2013

fermentation to ethanol had been developed since 1991. The ethanol pilot plant was started in
based on bottled gas and in 2003 a 1.3 tonnes/day gasifier was added to provide the synthesis
gas573, 574, 575. The development has been partially funded via DOE support of 4.8 million $US576. The
gasifier selected, CONSUMAT, and integrated into the pilot plant was designed by Consutech
Systems, LLC, Richmond, VA, USA577. After the acquisition of the assets, BRI changed name to
Bioethanol Holdings, Inc. which in 2014 was closed and Bioenergy Resources, LLC was re-initiated.

To demonstrate the gasification- syngas fermentation route to ethanol (“cellulosic ethanol” under
the RFS2 system in the USA), INEOS Bio and New Planet Energy Florida578, whose main
responsibility lies in the front-end waste handling, formed a joint venture company called INEOS
New Planet BioEnergy (INPB) in 2009 for the purpose to construct and operate the first industrial
installation using the BRI technology at Vero Beach, FL, USA579. The facility was designed to
consume 90 000 tonnes/year of waste (270 dry tonnes/day), consisting of MSW and yard waste.
The plant output was 30 000 m3/year of fuel-grade bioethanol and 6MW of electrical power, with
some 2MW exported to the electrical grid.

The estimated cost was 121 million $US. INPB applied for and was awarded a 50 million $US
Department of Energy (“DOE”) grant in 2009 to for the construction of the demonstration plant,
commissioning and initial operation into 2014 at a budget of 132 million $ US. In addition, INBP
received a USDA loan guarantee of 75 million $US, a grant from the state of Florida 2.5 million $US
plus reductions on property taxes worth 0.8 million $US580.

The construction of the Indian River BioEnergy Center in Vero Beach, FL, see Figure 94, started in
February 2011 and mechanical completion was reached in June 2012 at budget, the RFS II
registration was finalized in August 2011 while the first power was generated in the third quarter of
2012. The cellulosic ethanol production while the first ethanol was produced in the second quarter of
2013571 and the first RINs581 (14 000) were registered in January 2014582.

However, the commissioning was prolonged due to issues which are further discussed below, and
operations were suspended in December 2013. In particular, there was an issue with HCN in the gas
that affected the microorganisms producing ethanol. In September 2014, a major turn-around had
been completed that included upgrades to the technology also involving additional testing in the
pilot plant, including cyanide mitigation measures and the annual safety inspections and that
operations would be resumed. However, again in December 2014, the plant operation was
suspended583. In 2016, INEOS announced its intent to sell its cellulosic ethanol business, including
the plant in Vero Beach, FL, and the R&D in Fayetteville, AR, via a bid process after spending more
than eight years and 300 million $US in development costs. The reason for the divestment was
stated to be that the U.S. market for ethanol had changed and that the economic drivers for the
technology were no longer aligned with the company’s strategic objectives584.

Advanced bioethanol production from ligno-cellulose, residues and waste materials. Graham Rice. Energy Institute. London, 18th
April 2011.
Recovery Act- INP Bioenergy Indian River County Facility. Final Scientific Report. Grant DE-EE0002882.001 Mark Niederschulte.
Renewable Identification Number, i.e. an identification number for a biofuel that can be used to show compliance with the RFS2
quota obligation and as such also is a tradeable asset supporting the production of different types of biofuels.
INEOS Bio: Biofuels Digest’s 2015 5-Minute Guide. Jim Lane, February 17, 2015
INEOS New Planet BioEnergy. Indian River BioEnergy Center. Kelly Russell. 2015 DOE IBR Platform Peer Review, March 24, 2015
INEOS Bio to sell ethanol business, including Vero Beach plant. Erin Voegele. Biomass Magazine September 07, 2016

Following this decision, the technology was sold to a Chinese company, Jungpeng Bio in June
2017585, and the site was sold in September 2018 to an unrelated company from Texas586.

A second project was planned at Seal Sands, Teesside, UK with a capacity of 24 000 tonnes per
year and 7 MWe gross that had received 7.3 million GBP in support from UK government sources.
The planning consent had been given and the project could be initiated when a financial closure
could be reached573, however, the developments in the Vero Beach plant were not conducive to such
a development.

Figure 94 The INEOS Bio New Planet Indian River BioEnergy Center 587

A simplified flowsheet is shown in Figure 95. The waste and biomass come to the plant, are dried
and gasified. The gas is cooled and cleaned prior to passing the syngas fermentation unit where the
CO and H2 is converted to ethanol. The ethanol is concentrated by distillation and dehydrated
before being shipped. The heat recovered, and any surplus gases are combusted and drives a steam
turbine generating power.

Taking a closer look, Figure 96, there plant is more complicated588, 589, 590. Trucks will deliver woody
waste and clean woody construction debris to the tipping floor of the materials handling area. The
materials handling area will include equipment for storage, handling, grinding and screening of the
feedstock. The facility will store all MSW in the enclosed feedstock building holding a maximum of
two days storage.

585 2017
Former INEOS Bio site purchased for conversion into eco-district. Erin Voegele. Biomass Magazine, February 21, 2018
INEOS New Planet BioEnergy Indian River BioEnergy Center. Kelly Russell. 2015 DOE IBR Platform Peer Review, March 24, 2015
Technical Evaluation & Preliminary Determination Indian River County Bioenergy Facility. Arms Facility Id No. 0610096 Draft Permit
No. 0610096-001-Ac Permitting Authority. Florida Department of Environmental Protection Division of Air Resource Management.
Tallahassee, Florida, July 30, 2010
Technical Evaluation & Preliminary Determination Indian River County Bioenergy Facility. Arms Facility Id No. 0610096 Draft Permit
No. 0610096-002-Ac Permitting Authority. Florida Department of Environmental Protection Division of Air Resource Management.
Tallahassee, Florida, August 31, 2011
INEOS Bio Process Technology Brochure. Undated.

Figure 95 The INEOS Bio process simplified flowsheet591

The two feedstock dryers will receive shredded feedstock from the storage piles and use low-
pressure steam, provided by the boiler and heat recovery systems, to reduce the feedstock
moisture to around 15 %.

Two gasifiers will convert the shredded input feedstock to syngas through a two-stage process.
First, a dedicated ram feeder pushes dried feedstock into the lower gasification zone. During start-
up, natural gas will be introduced into the lower zone burner to bring the system up to speed, but
once steady operation is achieved, only additional oxygen will need to be supplied. There will be no
vent from the gasifier, other than emergency pressure relief through diversion to the gasifier flare.

The CONSUMAT® modular controlled air incinerator/gasifier, Figure 97, utilizes two chambers for the
incineration process, the primary, lower, refractory‑lined combustion chamber, which is loaded with
the fuel feedstock. Sub‑stoichiometric air or oxygen/steam is supplied to the combustion chamber
form beneath. The fuel undergoes pyrolysis and generates volatiles and gases. Non‑combustible
materials such as metal, glass and carbonaceous residue remain on the bottom of the lower
chamber where the pushing action of the feeder transfer solids in the step-formed bottom of the
primary chamber towards the ash outlet meeting the oxidant. The result is a sterile, oxidized ash

The primary chamber gas and vapor products pass into a secondary chamber, which is mounted
immediately above the main combustion chamber. Additional oxidant is injected into this chamber
where the tars and other hydrocarbons are thermally decomposed at high temperatures, above
1100 °C574 to synthesis gas (CO and H2). The operation of each chamber is controlled
independently. The gasifier operates at a slight underpressure to avoid fugitive emissions.

Following gasification, the product gas is cleaned and cooled through several steps. First, two
parallel heat recovery systems cool the syngas while preheating the boiler feed water. The two
streams of cooled product gas then pass through dry gas clean-up, where sodium bicarbonate
(originally lime but changed in 2011) and activated carbon injection will remove halogens, metals,
tars and ammonia. Fabric filters will recover the spent lime and carbon, and the filtered gas is
routed to a quench tower for additional cooling. The cool, dry, clean syngas will then be ready for
introduction to the fermentation system.

Biomass Gasification in the United States. Country Report for IEA Bioenergy Task 33. Kevin Whitty, Elena Shanin, Spencer Owen.

The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 30 September 2015

Figure 96 The INBP plant block diagram (Adapted from589)

The syngas is introduced into the patented fermentation process, which takes place at low
temperature and pressure using naturally occurring anaerobic bacteria with tolerance to variations
in syngas composition and to common poisons. In the fermenter, which is agitated to enhance gas-
liquid transfer, dissolved gases are consumed to selectively produce bioethanol within a few minutes

of residence time. Also, nutrients are added to provide for cell growth and automatic regeneration of
the biocatalyst. The bioethanol is synthesized according to the following principal reactions:

6CO + 3H2O → CH3CH2OH + 4CO2 and

6H2 + 2CO2 → CH3CH2OH + 3H2O

Figure 97 The Comsumat gasifier577 and the 1.5 tpd pilot unit573

Most of the syngas is converted to bioethanol. The unconverted syngas (vent gas) is cleaned in a
scrubber and is together with other gaseous streams combusted in a 15 MW thermal boiler to
generate steam. The steam will be used in the gasifiers, the feedstock dryers, and a steam turbine
to produce electricity. The electricity will power the plant, with some additional generation to be
commercially sold on the electric grid. Originally, a LOX sulphur removal system was foreseen prior
to combustion, but this was later replaced by a post-combustion system using sodium bicarbonate
and another filter. There are two flares, for the gasifier and for synthesis gas as emergency backup
during malfunctions of shorter duration.

The fermenter broth and vent gas scrubber bottoms are continuously extracted, filtered to remove
the bacteria and nutrients and distilled. The distillation tower will receive the broth (a mixture of
water, ethanol, acetic acid and heavy alcohols) from the distillation feed tank, and overhead vapor
leaving the distillation tower will be collected in a reflux drum and pumped back into the tower.
Water from the distillation column is recycled back to the fermenter. Water purge from distillation is
treated in a waste water treatment facility. The hydrous ethanol is then purified by molecular sieve
to anhydrous bio-ethanol that are sent to a set of tanks prior to loading on tanker trucks.

Operational issues encountered579 have been “more than expected grid failures” that required the
plant to shut-down, and then enter into a lengthy restart process. A back-up generation system with
automatic start was installed. Also, the fuel moisture content of the fuel was higher than design.

The gasifier has suffered from some mechanical failures. In the gasification system ingress of air
increased the nitrogen content of the gas, and additional measures for sealing of equipment was
required. Also, slag formation has been experienced in the gasifier. Furthermore, the gasifiers did
not reach full capacity due to an overpressure problem solved with additional fans to transfer gas to
the gas cleaning section.

There has also been corrosion in the gas cleaning section requiring changes in material. The humid
climate of Florida has also impacted on the feeding of gas cleaning agents.

In the fermenter, the operating pressure was reduced to increase the productivity. However, the
biggest issue has been the HCN content of the gas, about 15 ppm582, which has poisonous effects on

the microbiology. To solve this, a set of three towers were installed, to absorb HCN from the gas
down to below 1 ppm, to strip the HCN with air, and to capture the HCN from the air into water,
respectively. Finally, sodium hypochlorite is used to oxidize the HCN prior to discharge of the water.

The revised permit in 2011589 allowed the use of MSW in trial runs up to 365 ton/day, and thereafter
regular use up to 110 % of the feed rate where compliance testing had been approved. However,
RDF trials were scheduled for 2016, so it appears that the plant never operated on RDF579.

Despite the corrective actions, it appears that the operations were not overly successful, and INEOS
Bio has now sold this business. However, both before the take-over of BRI and afterwards, there
was an ambition to build-up an IPR portfolio, evidenced by a number of patents filed on the various
parts of the system. Fulcrum Bioenergy592 and Thermochemical Recovery Inc. (TRI)593

Fulcrum Bioenergy was founded in 2007 in Delaware by capital firms US Renewables Group and
Rustic Canyon Partners, but has its offices in Pleasanton, California594. The purpose was to develop a
reliable and efficient process for the conversion of MSW into a renewable transportation fuel based
on a proprietary thermochemical process. The founders injected 39 million $US up to 2008.

In 2008595, the development rights were acquired for the Sierra project from InEnTec LLC and a
Master Purchase and License Agreement was agreed with InEnTec of Richland, Washington, for the
gasification system technology. Also, a Development Agreement was signed with Nipawin Biomass
Ethanol New Generation Co-operative Ltd. and Saskatchewan Research Council to access a catalyst
for incorporation into a proprietary process for converting syngas into ethanol. The Nipawin/SRC
catalyst is very similar to a hydrotreating catalyst used in almost every refinery in the world. The
catalyst contains no precious or rare earth metals and can be recycled by the catalyst manufacturer.
Since 2009 this process was validated at Turning Point Ethanol Demonstration Plant utilizing a full-
scale reactor tube identical to those that will be used at Sierra. Until 2011, the demonstration plant
has logged more than 8000 hours. The technology is claimed to allow production of 0.27 m3 of
ethanol per ton of MSW.

The same year Fulcrum Sierra Biofuels LLC was formed as an SPV for a biorefinery project in Storey
County, Nevada, and with Fulcrum as a 90 % owner. In the period up to 2011, there was also a
focus on securing long-term, zero-cost MSW feedstock agreements with solid waste companies to
provide a reliable stream of MSW for Sierra Biofuels. In addition, also MSW agreements for future
projects in 19 states for up to 20 years to produce had been negotiated, enough to produce 2.5
million m3 per year.

The Sierra plant is located on its own land at the Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center (often referred to as
TRI, but not to be confused with the gasifier developer TRI) in the City of McCarran, Storey County,
approximately 20 miles east of Reno, Nevada. The plant was originally designed to produce
approximately 48 000 m3 of ethanol per year and 16 MWe using 81 000 tonnes of zero-cost MSW
feedstock. Permits had been obtained and the construction was expected to start by the end of
2011 and to begin production in the second half of 2013. The construction costs for Sierra were
estimated to be $180 million, to be financed primarily through existing equity capital and an IPO,
see below. Fulcrum was also pursuing a loan guarantee from the U.S. DOE, to fund a portion of the
construction costs.


In 2011 the founders injected 78 million $US and 10 million $US Barrick Goldstrike Mines Inc., and
also Waste Management invested 70 million $US in equity596. Nevertheless, the burn rate was high,
and a 115 million $US IPO595 was filed in 2011, but later withdrawn in 2012, as the company
declared that it had secured 175 million $US from other sources.597. In addition, the same year
Fulcrum was successful in obtaining a 105 million $ loan guarantee for the project598.

In May 2013, it was announced that in addition to the MSW-to-ethanol project, the company had
also validated an MSW-to-jet fuel concept in the company’s demonstration facilities in Durham, NC
(incidentally the seat of pilot facilities of the gasifier supplier TRI) and received a Department of
Defence (DoD) grant of 4.7 million $US supplementing an equal own financing for developing a
project. It was stated that it would not affect the ethanol project as a different site would host the
MSW-to-jet facility599, and in an interview on this topic, a slide shows a picture of a TRI gasifier, and
there was also a vague reference to Brighton Colorado as the plausible site600.However, at this in
time it appears that the tables have turned and the ethanol projects losses all momentum.

In August 2014, a strategic relationship with Cathay Pacific was announced with the airline taking
an equity stake not disclosed, and also obtained a 1.4 million m3 off-take agreement over 10
years601. In September, a loan guarantee was received from the US Department of Agriculture
(USDA) for the same 105 million, but this time for a bio-jet fuel project in McCarran, the first bio-jet
project being awarded a loan guarantee from USDA602. Two weeks later, it was announced that
Fulcrum would receive a grant from DoD of 70 million $US for the bio-jet project in Nevada under
the Defence Procurement Act603. The plant cost was then estimated to 266 million $US604 for an
output of 48000 m3 of neat SPK bio-jet.

In 2015, United Airlines joined Cathay Pacific and invested 30 million $US in the company and also
signed a take-off agreement for 5.6 million m3 of bio-jet over ten years. The same year the
construction was initiated on the Phase 1 of the Sierra project, the feedstock processing facility605,
which became operative in 2016. In 2016, also AIR BP invested 30 million and also signed a take-off
agreement for 1.9 million m3 of bio-jet over ten years606.

In late 2017, the company had met financial closure on the Fulcrum Sierra Biofuels project. After
years of utilizing the USDA loan guarantee as the backbone for the financing, instead the Director of
the State of Nevada Department of Business and Industry issued tax-exempt municipal green bonds
and the proceeds of which, 150 million $US with an option for another later issue of 25 million US$,
are loaned to Fulcrum Sierra Biofuels, which was successful607, 608, 609. Finally, in May 2018, the
company could initiate Phase 2 of the Sierra project, the construction of the biorefinery610.

Fulcrum Bioenergy Secures Commitments for $175 Million Of Financing for Commercialization of MSW to Renewable Fuels Project.
Fulcrum News Release, November 30, 2012 –
Fulcrum lands Phase 1 defense grant for MSW-to-jet fuel plant. Susanne Retka Schill. Ethanol Producers Magazine, May 31, 2013
Fulcrum BioEnergy: The Digest Interview. Biofuels Digest, May 30, 2013
Cathay Pacific invests in sustainable biojet fuel developer. Press Release, August 7, 2014
DOD awards 3 biofuel contracts under Defense Production Act. Anna Simet. Biomass Magazine September 19, 2014
Vecoplan to build feedstock processing system for Fulcrum Vecoplan LLC. Biomass Magazine, July 08, 2015
Fulcrum Sierra Biofuels, LLC Green Bond Revised Framework Overview and Second Party Opinion. Ankita Shukla, Charlotte Peyraud.
SUSTAINALYTICS November 29, 2017
Fulcrum BioEnergy Breaks Ground on Sierra BioFuels Plant. Press release, May 16, 2018

Already in 2017 Fulcrum was announcing plants for several sister plants to be constructed the near
future, the second one to be sited in the Chicago area611.

The gasifier technology supplier ThermoChem Recovery Inc. (TRI) has its roots in Manufacturing
and Technology Conversion International Inc. that in 1984 started to develop the technology using
various waste and biomass feedstocks, including black liquor and RDF, with funding from
DOE/NREL. The development initially was done from 1992 by tests in a 12 tpd pilot-scale reactor in
Santa Fe Springs, CA and later in a 50 tpd capacity facility in Curtis Bay, Baltimore, MD, made by
StoneChem, Inc., a subsidiary of MTCI’s affiliate ThermoChem Recovery International, Inc. (TRI)
and Stone & Webster612. TRI was founded in 1996 and today, the Abell Foundation, Inc., a Maryland
foundation that invests in breakthrough clean energy technology, is the main investor. For reasons
unknown to the author, what used to be referred to as the MTCI process has been gradually been
attributed to both MTCI and TRI, but as of the last decade or so, solely referred to as the TRI

Based on the tests mentioned above, a 50 ton/day capacity black liquor gasification demonstration
unit was built in 1996 at Weyerhaeuser’s New Bern facility613. Commercial projects for black liquor
gasification followed at Norampac's Trenton, Ontario, Canada (100 ton/day black liquor solids) with
a start-up in 2003 and in 2004 the start-up of the Georgia Pacific, Big Island Virginia mill gasifiers
(2*100 tonnes/day black liquor solids). The Norampac project went through a number of technical
challenges related to scale‑up issues of the deep fluidized bed (pressure, bed particle size growth,
low carbon conversion, and fluid bed circulation issues). The plant was operated for many years but
appears to have been closed some years back614. The Big Island project had issues with higher than
expected tar yields, and was closed in 2007, after the mill had been sold.

The TRI gasification technology had funding from the DOE Integrated Biorefinery Program in 2008,
30 million $US each, for the Flambeau River project615 at the Park Falls Mill, Park Falls, Wisconsin to
diesel, waxes, and heat and power that from woody biomass at a scale of 900 tonnes/day and also
for the New Page616 integrated into the Wisconsin Rapids Mill, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin to
replace at a scale of 450 tonnes/day617. However, neither of these projects materialized.

To support these projects, TRI has built an integrated PDU pilot plant located at the Southern
Research Institute in Durham, North Carolina. The system has a woody biomass feed capacity of 4
tonnes/day. The FT technology utilized for this project is provided by EFT, see below, with TRI being
the overall project integrator. The FT system utilizes a 10% syngas slip stream from the gasifier to
produce 80 litres/day of liquids and wax. The gasifier became operative in early 2009, the gas
clean-up system by mid-year and the FT system at the end of 2009.

As shown above, TRI has been cooperating with Fulcrum as of at least 2013 on the MSW-Fischer
Tropsch development, also involving EFT as the supplier of the synthesis technology. Interesting
enough, Velocys618, another emerging FT technology supplier (engaged in the Red Rock Biofuels619
project where a different gasifier technology will be used) announced that TRI was the preferred

Novel and innovative pyrolysis and gasification technologies for energy efficient and environmentally sound MSW disposal. Thomas
Malkow. Waste Management 24 (2004) 53–79
United States Country Report. IEA Bioenergy, Task 33. R. Bain. NREL, Task No. WW3E.1000
August 20, 2011
Personal communication. K. Whitty, University of Utah, 2018.
Flambeau River Biofuels Demonstration-Scale Biorefinery. US DOE, July 2011
New Page Biofuels Demonstration-Scale Biorefinery. US DOE, July 2011
The Thermochemical Biorefinery. Burciaga. Biomass 2010 Track 3-Hydrocarbon Fuels Near Term Opportunities.

supplier of gasification technology620. This “infidelity” among the gasifier and FT developers is
further enhanced when Velocys in 2018 announces a partnership with gasifier supplier APP for a UK
project, see Section The latest development during the final drafting of this report
September 2018 is however, that Fulcrum Bioenergy has selected the Johnson Matthey/BP as the
licensor for the Sierra facility621.

The Fulcrum Sierra Biofuels plant is composed of the feedstock processing facility and the
biorefinery622. The feedstock processing facility, which is located adjacent to Lockwood regional
landfill with both road and rail access, has the capacity to process approximately 360000 tonnes per
year of inbound MSW into approximately 180000 tonnes of baled RDF feedstock for the biorefinery
as presently designed.

The primary material processed is MSW but also secondary materials, e.g. recovered materials can
be part of the feed. Other recovered materials, including ferrous and nonferrous metals, and at
various times corrugated cardboard and plastics sorted out from the MSW are stored, handled, used
and disposed or recycled, as appropriate. The MSW is delivered by truck and uses a trailer tipper to
unload onto a tipping floor, located in an enclosed processing building. A front-end loader pushes
the MSW into an in-feed conveyor. The loader operators screen all MSW loads when tipped from the
transfer trailer onto the tipping floor to identify and separate any items not suitable or prohibited for
processing, due to their nature or size, prior to pushing the MSW onto the in-feed conveyor to the
processing lines for shredding, screening, and separation.

The MSW processing begins with an elevated manual sort station to remove any remaining large or
unsuitable items from the inbound MSW, and which by chutes are drop into bunkers below.

The sorted MSW is shredded and screened to remove the fines. Sized MSW is then conveyed
through separation equipment to separate the heavier inert materials from the lighter organic
materials, is baled and wrapped and is used as feedstock. At various times, plastics may be subject
to recovery to maintain the feed specification and would then be baled for shipment to market.
Magnetic separators and eddy current separators are used to remove the ferrous and non-ferrous
materials, respectively, for recycling. Residual material not used as feedstock or recovered for
recycling is transported to the landfill.

The feedstock bales are wrapped with a polyethylene film for storage of the feedstock. The baled
feedstock, weighing approximately 1.4 tonnes per bale, would then be loaded onto flatbed trailers
for transport to the biorefinery.

The “biorefinery” converts the RDF feedstock into SPK bio-jet fuel using a four-step process:
feedstock preparation, steam reforming gasification, Fischer Tropsch liquids synthesis and
hydroprocessing/fractionation upgrading. The plant is designed to convert nearly 180000 tonnes of
feedstock per year into a permitted maximum of 48000 m3 of neat SPK (synthetic paraffinic
kerosene) bio-jet fuel meeting the ASTM D7566 standards.

The baled feedstock arrives to the biorefinery plant on flatbed trucks with approximately 26 bales
per truckload. Approximately 700 tonnes of RDF feedstock would be delivered daily, 5 days per
week. At the plant, the feedstock bales are unloaded by fork lifters and stored outside on a concrete
pad sized to accommodate approximately 4 days of feed to the plant.

Establishment of a strategic alliance with TRI. Velocys and TRI press release, 26 Jan 2017

Johnson Matthey Press Release September 25, 2018


Final Environmental Assessment. Fulcrum Sierra Biofuels LLC, Waste to Fuel Facilities in McCarran, Storey County Nevada. Jointly

Executed For: Department of Defense Title Iii Program, Wright-Patterson Afb Oh 45433 and USDA - Rural Development, Washington,
DC 20250. August 2014

RDF bales are fed to the steam reforming gasifier feeding system using a system of conveyors and
shredders. The shredders are designed to shred the bales to a one-cubic-inch and smaller size to
meet the requirements of the gasification process. A magnet removes any ferrous metal from the
feedstock as it drops into the feedstock receiving hopper. The design rate for the gasifier is 500
tonnes of feedstock per day.

The shredded feedstock is introduced into the TRI steam reformer, see below, through four
independent plug screw feeders that increase the biomass pressure/density and provide a gas tight
seal. The steam reformer is an indirectly heated, deep, stationary fluidized bed design operating
close to atmospheric pressure (0.1-0.2 MPa613) and utilizes superheated steam as the fluidizing
medium. Heat input to the gasifier is provided by tubular heat exchangers immersed in the bubbling
fluidized bed. Proprietary pulse combustion heaters outside of the vessel and the heat exchanger
tubes provides resonance tubes that shoot pulses of hot flue gases at a rate of 60 Hz through the
heat exchangers. The use of pulsation in the heat exchanger increases the tube‑side heat transfer
coefficient, thus increasing the overall heat transfer coefficient and facilitates in providing the
endothermic energy required for the gasification process and to maintain the bed temperature at
typically613 600-700 °C or more, the lowest temperatures reflecting black liquor gasification. The
pulse combustors use tail gas from the downstream processes as fuel, and flue gas would be sent to
a utility boiler, see below, to recover the waste heat by generating high pressure steam.

Figure 98 The TRI’s steam reforming gasifier, and pulsed combustion system623, 624, 625

During the gasification process the feedstock rapidly heats up upon entry into the reformer vessel
and almost immediately undergoes drying and pyrolysis while the remaining char reacts with the
superheated steam. The pyrolysis products would undergo water-gas reactions and, together with
simultaneous steam reforming and gasification of the char, result in a product gas primarily made
up of H2 and CO, with some hydrocarbons.

The product gas is fed into a partial oxidation reactor (POX) together with oxygen operating at
higher temperatures unit to maximize the synthesis gas yield by converting any remaining
hydrocarbons to syngas. In addition, several process streams from the Fischer Tropsch process and

TRI Integrated Biorefinery Demonstration Plant. Bioenergy Deployment Consortium, April 7, 2010

TRI Technology Update & IDL R&D Needs. D. Burciaga Biomass Indirect Liquefaction Strategy Workshop. DOE, March 20, 2014

Black Liquor Gasification at Norampac. Bob Rowbottom, Dave Newport, Eric Connor. Black Liquor Gasification at Norampac. TAPPI

2005 Engineering, Pulping & Environmental Conference

hydroprocessing/fractionation upgrading unit that contain light hydrocarbons are recycled to the
POX unit for reconversion to syngas. The hot product gas exiting the POX unit is routed to a gas
cooler to which recovers the sensible heat as high-pressure steam.

The set-up described above is different to what has been described for the integrated biorefinery
projects, Flambeau River and New Page623, 624. The product gas steam leaving the fluid bed reactor
is sent to cyclones to remove char, which is sent to a carbon trim cell gasifier, an oxygen/steam
blown fluidized bed for completing the burn-out, and the gas is after cyclone particulate removal fed
back to the main product gas line. A different primary gas cleaning train is also described than
above. A gas cooler reduces the gas temperature down to 260 ºC for steam generation followed by
a Venturi scrubber for removal of particulate, with a direct condensation gas cooler on top of the
sump. In a second scrubber, using a proprietary solvent, tars are absorbed, and then there is a
scrubber for sulphur removal. This gas cleaning trains appears to have been trademarked by TRI as

The oxygen used in the plant is generated by a Vacuum Swing Adsorption (VSA) unit on site, with a
liquid back-up system, and the enriched off-gas would via a Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA)
system generate nitrogen for use as inert gas in the plant.

The ash that would be produced in the gasification and POX units is recovered and cooled down. It
is anticipated that the ash could be a sellable co-product for construction purposes or, otherwise,
disposed of a non-hazardous classified landfill.

The cooled product gas is then compressed and sent to the gas cleaning to remove contaminants.
First, a Venturi scrubber captures and removes any particulates before an amine system to capture
and remove sulphur and CO2. Finally, layered guard beds to polish sulphur to ppb levels and to
remove mercury, mercaptans and arsine contaminants. Included in the syngas clean-up system
there is a water gas shift reactor to adjust the syngas H2/CO to the ratio required for the synthesis
process and a H2 recovery membrane unit to extract the H2 required for the
hydroprocessing/fractionating upgrading unit. After gas cooling, the gas is till presumably above
ambient and with a steam gasifier, loaded with steam it would make sense to cool and condense the
steam before the compressor to achieve the cleaning effect on particulates and acid gases, notably
HCl while also saving on compression energy. Alternatively, this is a first stage compression,
followed by a second stage compressor after parts of the gas cleaning, e.g. after the amine wash.
There is a reference to a dry filter downstream the Venturi in another section of the document,
which may be linked to the two-stage compressor alternative. COS hydrolysis catalysts appear in
the list of materials. And it is said that sulphur ultimately is removed as a solid, implicating that the
amine-wash stripper gases are treated in a LOX process before CO2 is vented.

The treated product gas from the gas clean-up section would now be at the required purity and
composition for the Fischer Tropsch (FT) process. The FT process and the product upgrading were
planned to be designed by Emerging Fuel Technologies626 (EFT), a company which was established
in 2007 but has its roots in the FT developer Syntroleum. EFT has worked together with TRI for
other projects. In the FT process, the H2 and CO in the syngas react to form long chain paraffinic
liquid hydrocarbons as it passes through the catalyst filled tubular FT reactors. Steam jackets on the
FT reactors provide cooling to the exothermic FT reactions by generating steam for use within the
biorefinery. However, as was noted above621, in September it was announced that the JM/BP
system, also this a tubular FT reactor design would be installed instead.

The liquid fraction formed directly in the reactor, the high-boiling liquid product, is separated from


the gas and vapours, filtered and sent to the high-boiling liquid intermediate storage tank. The
remaining vapor-gas fraction goes through two additional condenser and separation stages to
separate medium-boiling liquid product and low-boiling liquid product, respectively. The former
fraction is transferred to an intermediate product storage tanks, and the low-boiling liquid product is
recycled back to the POX unit. Additionally, any syngas that would not be converted in the FT
reactor (or the C1 to C4 by-product formed) may be used as tail gas in the pulse combustion
heaters, utility boiler or recycled to the POX Unit.

The high- and medium-boiling liquid product streams are pumped to a hydrocracker unit, a high
temperature/high pressure catalytic process and fractionator to convert the FT liquids to SPK bio-jet
fuel. The hydroprocessing reactions include saturation of the alcohols and olefins,
isomerization/hydrocracking of the alkanes and long paraffinic hydrocarbon chains. Purified
hydrogen extracted in the gas cleaning process provides the necessary hydrogen. The product
stream is sent to a fractionator for separation and recovery of SPK bio-jet product. The fractionator
light ends, naphtha, and non-condensable off-gas formed by the hydroprocessing reactions are
recycled back to the POX unit to be re-gasified to synthesis gas. The fractionator heavy fraction is
recycled back to the hydrocracker inlet for additional processing. The fractionator SPK product is
routed to storage for final testing and distribution to the three product tanks, from where it is
pumped to a truck filling station.

A portion of the purge gas would be used as fuel gas in a utility boiler to produce steam to be used
in the biorefinery, indirectly offsetting a portion of electric power requirements.

A boiler is installed to provide process steam and be fired on both a process purge gas and natural
gas to produce steam to be used in the biorefinery, indirectly offsetting a portion of electric power
requirements by means of a turbine. The plant also holds conventional utility units for such a plant,
flare, emergency power unit, waste water treatment facilities etc. Synova627, ECN628, Dahlman629 and Ambigo630

The Energy research Centre of the Netherlands ECN (since April 2018 integrated in TNO, thus now
called ECN part of TNO), located in Petten, North Holland, the Netherlands, was formed as the
Reactor Center Netherlands in 1978 reflecting that the activities had been broadened also into other
forms of energy. This broadening also included the use and processing of biomass. ECN is well-
known for its work on biomass gasification and torrefaction. Of particular significance in the context
of this report are the activities in gasification, gas cleaning and synthesis gas conversion.

In 1998, ECN invented the OLGA process for tar removal from gasification gases which is described
in more detail in Section In the year 2000, the Milena indirect gasification system was
invented and in 2008 this development reached a pilot plant scale (800 kWth). In 2010 the ECN
System for MEthanation (ESME) process was developed .. These inventions are covered by
patents. Both these systems are described below.

In 2001 Royal Dahlman was invited to participate in the development of the OLGA tar removal
technology and also licensed it in 2006. The company also licensed the Milena technology. In 2017,
a joint venture was launched by ECN and Dahlman Renewable Technologies, called MOJI BV, for the
commercialization of MILENA and OLGA technologies632.

Ambigo: De noodzaak van partnerships. M.H.F. Overwijk, R.M. de Vries. Biobased Industries, April 2017. ECN-L--17-007

Dahlman’s origins go back to an old family business founded in 1886. Since then, Dahlman has
grown to be a major supplier to the oil, gas and petrochemicals industry as well as to power and
renewable energy industries, supplying gas cleaning and gas filtration equipment, power and
renewable energy markets. In 2011 Dahlman received the honourable name of Royal Dahlman by
designation from former Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. In 2007 Royal Dahlman started
its renewable business, Dahlman Renewable Technologies, DRT. Apart from selling products, Royal
Dahlman has had an increasing ambition to act as an integrator to provide turn-key solutions for
biomass or waste to power projects. A few OLGA projects have been sold for gasification plants in
France (2006), Portugal (2009), and the most recent in India (2014).

From 2008, ECN together with Royal Dahlman and HVC Alkmaar (originally a local waste
incineration company) developed plans to demonstrate MILENA gasification and OLGA tar removal
technology at 12 MW scale. The idea was to produce power and heat initially and SNG eventually
from clean wood633. This project was pursued for a number of years and eventually was refocused
with a slightly different composition of the consortium and named AMBIGO. The AMBIGO project is
further described below.

In 2012, the US company Synova LLC took a minority stake in Royal Dahlman634 in line with a
mutual interest in developing waste to energy projects. The same year, Royal Dahlman also
responded to the to the ETI’s April 2012 waste gasification project request for proposals635 and was
one of the three contenders selected for the second phase, the other two being Syntech Bioenergy,
see Section, and APP, see Section The second phase of the project included
presenting the design and a business plan package to demonstrate a 5–20 MWe waste -to-energy
technology in a demonstrator at least facility at the 0.5-3 MWe scale range, and where ETI would be
a major investor in the third phase, the realization of the project. Royal Dahlman636 started to
develop a project of 7 MWe in Grimsby, UK, see below. However, following the ETI’s selection of
Syntech Bioenergy in 2014, this project was not pursued. The estimated cost for this installation is
not public.

In 2013, the company received an order for the first commercial integrated plant incorporating both
MILENA and OLGA with a capacity of 4 MWth with the clean product gas utilized in a 1 MWe gas
engine637. The project is in co-operation with the Indian firm Thermax, which was responsible for the
construction of the plant. The fuel is biomass waste from soy bean harvest for use in one of Ruchi
Soya Industries soy bean processing factories. The plant became operative in 2015.

In 2014, the Portuguese plant at Tondela was refurbished to demonstrate the OLGA concept for
RDF. The site was operated since 2009 by the Portuguese company Iberfer to demonstrate the
gasification of chicken manure (4 MWth) in a CFB gasifier installed by the Dutch company HoST,
OLGA gas cleaning and a 1 MWe Caterpillar gas engine. RDF gasification was successfully
demonstrated in an 18-month test period638.

In 2017, ECN and Dahlman Renewable Technology (DRT) launched a new 50/50 joint venture MOJI
(Milena Olga Joint Innovation B.V.) to fast track the commercialisation of their gasification
technology639 by adding IPR of both sides to the JV, which is managed by Synova640. One month

The Alkmaar 4 MW bio-SNG demo project. Luc P.L.M. Rabou, Mark H.F. Overwijk. 3rd International Conference on Renewable
Energy Gas Technology Malmö, Sweden 2016. ECN-M--16-032. ECN March 2016
Synova invests in Royal Dahlman. Press release 21-09-2012
Targeting New and Cleaner Uses for Wastes and Biomass Using Gasification. Geraint Evans Energy Technologies Institute, 2017
Renewable Energy Plant Could Come to Grimsby. Grimsby Telegraph. January 31, 2014
MILENA Gasifier under Construction. Press release 19-12-2014
Successful WTE demonstration completed in Portugal. Press release 02-07-2015
New joint venture MOJI to fast track Dutch gasification technology commercialization. Press release April 19, 2017

later, it was announced that Synova bought out DRT from Royal Dahlman641. So, there is a strong
cooperation between these three entities, further reinforced by that some former ECN staff have
moved to these two companies during the period from their first collaboration.

The third party in this group of companies, Synova LLC, is an American project developer
specializing in waste-to-energy projects, with a special focus on integrated gasification combined
cycle (IGCC) plants, planned in North America, Europe and Asia. Synova is headquartered in Los
Angeles with operations in the Netherlands and active projects focused in Southeast Asia, Europe,
and the USA. The antecedents of this company, such as date of foundation, major stakeholders and
activities before surfacing in the Netherlands in 2012 have not been possible to establish from open
sources. On their web page627, Synova names Ecosystem Integrity Fund642 as an early investor, and
that FullCycle Energy Fund643, founded in 2013, is Synova’s project finance affiliate. Caterpillar
Ventures and FullCycle Energy participated in the first closing of a bridge financing644 for the DRT
take-over in 2017.

The Synova project portfolio, apart from AMBIGO, is based on modules at three nominal capacities,
M6, M30 and M70, the numbers roughly referring to the module nominal thermal input on MW.
Synova focuses on Thailand now as policy interventions are being made to improve the waste
management situation in the country645. An M6 plant using engines is planned to be built north of
Bangkok Thailand, the final investment decision is expected in second half of 2018. An M30 project,
also North of Bangkok next to landfill, is in the pipe with FEED system completed but waiting for a
PPA expected in 2019. PPA. The M70 module, using a gas turbine, is to be designed, but is seen
sees as an important Synova product646.

Regarding the AMBIGO project, this project traces back its roots to the project initiated by ECN,
Dahlman and HVC in 2008. In 2012, the HVC project had attracted government support.
Nevertheless, in 2014, market developments forced HVC to withdraw. Instead, Gasunie, the Dutch
gas grid company, stepped in as the lead partner, together with other and the support from local
and regional government. This however changed the project focus towards bio-methane rather than
heat and power production. In 2015, PDENH, the development fund of the province of North Holland
became a project partner, and in 2016 also Engie (former Gas de France) joined the consortium. By
then the basic engineering for a 4 MW bio-methane plant in Alkmaar had been completed and all
permits required were secured. In 2017 a government subsidy for the project was obtained647, while
DRT has now been taken over by Synova. The project development is ongoing, albeit with some
delays, and by mid-2018, a final investment decision was expected shortly. The overall budget is
estimated to 25 M€ of which 6.5 million € total are grants from the government and the province
supplemented by a 4 million € loan from the government648, 649.

Below is a short description of the design proposed by DRT for the Grimsby plant650. The expected
throughput of the facility was 53 600 tonnes per year. The energy within this fuel, approximately 24
MW thermal, will be used to generate 8.8 MWe via an integrated gas turbine combined cycle, 5.7

Synova to acquire Dahlman Renewable Technology. Press release May 2, 2017
Caterpillar Venture Capital Invests in Synova Power to Advance Next Generation Waste to Energy Technology. Synova press release,
July 19, 2017
Municipal solid waste management in Thailand and disposal emission inventory. C. Chiemchaisri & J. P. Juanga & C. Visvanathan.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. January 2008
Personal communication, Bram van der Drift, Synova, 2018
Towards the commercialization of the ESME technology for bio-SNG production – The AMBIGO project
M.H.F. Overwijk, L.P.L.M. Rabou, B.J. Vreugdenhil, C.M. van der Meijden, G. Aranda Almansa ECN-L-17-025
Betreft: Verlenen subsidie Project: Ambigo (voorheen Milena, Olga, Esme). Letter from Provincie Noord-Holland to Royal
Dahlman, July 27, 2017.
Subsidiebeschikking Ambigo. Verplichtingennummer. Ministerie van Ekonomische Zaken en Klimaat. 21 december 2017
Decision document. Permit Number: EPR/DP3132EY/A001. Dahlman Renewable Technology B. V. Grimsby Renewable Power.
Environmental Agency, 23/12/2014

MWe of electricity via a gas turbine (Solar Taurus-60) and 3.1 MWe of electricity via the steam
turbine. After deduction of the plants parasitic load,1.8 MWe, a net of 7 MWe net electricity would
have been exported to the grid.

The fuel, RDF or SRF, are delivered to the site by lorries as ready prepared bales and discharged via
an automated offloading system to allocated storage areas. Clean wood biomass is used for start-up
is also unloaded automatically and stored separately in a silo.

Fuels are transported from the storage area via a shredder to reduce the size to below 100 mm and
is then transported by a conveyor to a feed collector/mixer. When correctly mixed, it is transported
from the mixer to one of four dosing bunkers of approximately 1-hour hold-up to ensure
redundancy, two being dedicated to wood and two for RDF or SRF. From the dosing bunkers the fuel
is transported in two parallel systems by rotary valves and two (pressure equalization) valves, to
maintain pressure control and avoid gas leakages, at the fuel input to a weighing screw conveyor
that feeds into the MILENA gasifier.

The MILENA gasification technology633, see Figure 99, was developed to convert biomass into
product gas with low N2 content without the need for an O2 separation plant. This is achieved by
indirect gasification in a circulating fluidized bed, and combustion of remaining char with air in a
separate bubbling fluidized bed. Heat is transported from the combustion reactor to the gasification
reactor, and char from the gasification reactor to the combustion reactor, by bed material such as
sand or olivine. Olivine/sand is continually replenished into the process.

Figure 99 The Milena gasification reactor651

MILENA and OLGA get together for high efficiency and low tar. Modern Power Systems, 1 January 2015

The gasification and combustion reactors are integrated within a single vessel, with the combustion
reactor in an annulus surrounding the gasification reactor. This configuration is claimed to facilitate
the reduction of heat losses, and in the future to have the possibility to raise the operating pressure
from atmospheric to about 0.6 MPa. Char and bed material are separated from product gas in a
freeboard and flow to the combustion reactor through a downcomer.

The circulating fluidized bed (riser) of the gasification reactor requires little steam or other gas for
its initial fluidization. This reduces the heat demand of the process and results in product gas with
relatively low steam content, approximately 35 vol.%. This reduces the cooling loads to cool and dry
the gas to ambient temperature for further cleaning and compression, as required.

The conversion of fuel into product gas is approximately 80-90 % carbon conversion within the
pyrolysis zone. The riser temperature is 850 C for woody biomass and lower for waste fuels652.
However, unlike conventional direct gasifiers, the remaining 10-20% carbon, together with ash and
bed material is sent to the combustion section directly via the internal downcomer.

The combustor operates typically at 925 °C with woody biomass. Auxiliary gas burners will be
installed to ensure the temperature does not fall below 850°C and this will be controlled by the
system automation. Residence time for the CFB combustor is at least 2 seconds. Ash and tar
captured by the cyclones as part of the cleaning of the product gas in the OLGA system, see below,
are also sent to the combustion section of the MILENA. In this combustion section the char and tars
are fully combusted. As such, the overall carbon conversion is stated by the operator to be 100%
and both fly ash from the combustion section, as well as bottom ashes from the gasification section
are carbon free and non-pyrophoric.

The flue gases from the gasifier will first be cooled and then pass through a bag filter, to which lime
and activated carbon is injected. The solids are then taken from this filter for off-site waste disposal.

The MILENA product gas, see Table 39, is essentially a pyrolysis gas mixed with products of
reactions with steam. It contains considerable amounts of hydrocarbons, which contribute more
than 50% of the gas heating value. The gas also contains about 40 g/Nm3 tar, i.e. hydrocarbons
heavier than toluene.

Table 39 Typical Milena gas composition for wood gasification633

Example gas CO H2 CO2 CH4 C2H4 N2 BTX Other CxHy, Typical LHV
composition NH3, H2S MJ/Nm3

% vol. 34 24 17 15 5 3 1 1 17-23

The raw product gas is cooled to approximately 500 °C, safely above tar dew point, in a gas cooler
generating steam. The bulk of the remaining dust is captured by a cyclone at 500 °C before feeding
the gas to the OLGA process, see Section 6.2.2 and Figure 100. OLGA is a tar removal system which
consists of the staged removal of heavy and light tars using oil scrubbing columns. The first
recirculation loop of OLGA (collector) cools the gas to approximately 90 °C, i.e. above the water
dew point, capturing the condensed heavy tars. This first loop contains an oil wetted ESP capturing
fine particulate and entrained tar aerosols. Most of the metals are captured in this wet scrubbing /
ESP line. The heavy tar fraction is separated from the oil and recirculated to the combustor side of
the MILENA gasifier. The second recirculation loop in the OLGA system (absorber) absorbs the light
tars without further cooling of the product gas.

Personal communication 2018 Guadalupe Aranda Almansa, ECN part of TNO

Tar dew point downstream OLGA is well below 20 °C. Key components for light tar removal are
phenol and naphthalene. The light tars will be removed from the oil by stripping with air. The tar-
laden air is then recirculated to the MILENA combustion section, thus an recovering the energy
contained in the tars.

A first water scrubber after OLGA cools the product gas to 30‑40°C (depending on ambient
conditions) to decrease the steam content by condensation from 30-35 vol. % to approximately 6
vol.%. The water scrubber also removes HCl, and some NH3 and HCN. A second water scrubber, not
shown below in Figure 100, includes pH control and an acid dosing system to optimize the
absorption of NH3.

Finally, the multi-stage compressor raises the product gas pressure to slightly above the
requirements for the gas turbine (gas application in the Grimsby project). Further water removal will
take place in the inter-stage coolers.

Figure 100 The OLGA gas cleaning process653

The gas is routed to the gas turbine via a small volume buffer and is combusted with the gas
turbine air and the resulting hot flue gases are expanded to generate the drive shaft power for the
gas turbine compressor and a generator. The turbine exhaust gas is still at high temperature. This
sensible heat, and also the heat recovered from the gasifier gas cooling and combustor flue gas
cooling, respectively, are transferred to superheated steam in a heat recovery steam generator,
HRSG. The steam is used to generate more power by means of a steam turbine.

To reduce the NOx level of the gas, the HRSG contains a selective catalytic reduction stage. Since
the Grimsby plant was not planned to contain a pre-combustion gas clean-up, a post-combustion
clean-up system using a dry clean-up using lime was considered for this installation.

The AMBIGO project (to be located in Alkmaar, The Netherlands), which is permitted for the use of
both biomass and RDF, has the same basic set-up as above, although the capacity is smaller, 4
MWth input and 300 Nm3/h bio-methane output i.e. approximately 70 % efficiency. Based on the

Gasification. OLGA Tar Removal. Dahlman INFO May 2013

budgeted economy and the financing described above, the minimum sales price of the gas is
expected to be 60-80 €/MWh649. Up to the inlet off the compressor654, the process is basically the
same. For the ESME (ECN System for Methanation) process, see Figure 101, the gas is only
compressed to 0.6 MPa before passing a hydrodesulphurization (HDS) catalyst.

Figure 101 The AMBIGO project block diagram highlighting the ESME process647

The HDS unit consists of a fixed-bed reactor filled with a commercial CoMo catalyst at 280°C. The
HDS catalyst converts the organic sulphur compounds (e.g. thiophene, mercaptans) into H2S and
COS, and also hydrogenates alkanes and alkynes into alkanes (e.g. C2H4 and C2H2 into C2H6). The
WGS reaction also takes place in this reactor. The produced H2S and COS are removed from the gas
downstream in a conventional adsorption ZnO bed and a guard bed. The pre-reformer unit is a fixed
bed filled with a commercial Ni-based catalyst. Steam is added to the gas upstream the reactor at
340°C. which simultaneously reforms aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene) and produces
methane, i.e. unlike other methanation processes, separation of BTX is not necessary and BTX adds
to the methane yield, thus also reducing the heat load on the methanation stages. The pre-
reforming reactor is followed by the low-pressure methanation reactor, using nickel catalyst in an
adiabatic reactor. The gas is then cooled, and CO2 removed in an amine wash system. The
remaining gas is further compressed to 25-30 bar and then passes the high-pressure methanation
section. Following this reactor, the CO level has been reduced to below gas grid specification. The
gas is then cooled to condense steam prior to glycerol drying unit designed to meet pipeline dew
point requirements. Depending on circumstances, the gas may then be compressed to gas grid
pressure and spiked with LPG to meet the Wobbe Index specification. The advantage of ESME is
that, like the Vesta process, see Section, are once-through processes that distribute the
methanation reaction heat release over several steps without the use of extensive recirculation of
gas for temperature control. This simplifies the process making it less costly.

ECN System for MEthanation (ESME). G. Aranda Almansa, L.P.L.M. Rabou, C.M. van der Meijden, A. van der Drift. 23rd European
Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE 2015). 1–4 June 2015. Vienna, Austria. ECN-M--15-028, June 2015

234 Other processes
Ecoloop GmbH, Germany, is developing waste plastic gasification using a haft kiln and lime to
absorb impurities such as chloride.655. A first pilot plant of 50000 tonnes of wastes, or 32 MW
thermal, has been used for test operations with different waste materials.

New Planet Energy578 is cooperating with TRI, see Section, on gasification of MSW for a
Fischer Tropsch project in planning at Stony Point, NY, USA.

LanzaTech656, which develops fermentation of steel mill off-gases and synthesis gas, and SEKISUI
Chemical Co., Ltd., a Japanese diversified chemicals company have validated a waste to chemicals
platform for the conversion MSW to new products such as ethanol and chemicals657. At an existing
gasification plant at a landfill site outside of Tokyo a slipstream of the gas used in a 20 m3/year
fermentation system from LanzaTech after cleaning and upgrading to meet Lanzatech’s specification
in a system provided by SEKISUI. A demonstration program was operated between 2013 and 2017.
No details on what type of gasification or the gas cleaning is used at this site have been found.
SEKISUI is looking for partners to establish a facility in Japan targeted for 2019. As was noted
above375, Lanzatech and Concorde Blue announced a cooperation in 2012, but this does not appear
to have materialized. In the area of biomass gasification, Lanzatech is engaged in a project in
California that is developed by Aemetis, and where InEnTec658 plasma gasification system will be
used and were validation tests have been done recently659. The InEnTEc gasifier was the gasification
system previously considered for the Fulcrum plant, see Section

Solena660 was a company that originated from the same developments in Westinghouse as
AlterNRG, see Section The company was focusing on using a very similar gasification
technology as AlterNRG to produce fuels, in particular jet fuel, from waste via the Fischer Tropsch
process. The company had for a period of time a high profile and established numerous
cooperation’s with airlines. The most notable was the cooperation with British Airways aiming to
build a 600000 tonnes per year waste gasifier in London661 to produce jet fuel, diesel and naphtha.
However, the company had problems with reaching financial closure and went bankrupt in late

8. Discussion
The discussion in this section focuses solely on the use of waste gasification integrated with gas
cleaning to eliminate a number of contaminants, and two-stage incinerators are not considered
here. The reason for this is that the focus of this study is on waste gasification technologies utilizing
gas cleaning to gain performance advantages. Using gasification systems that from most important
aspects, such as energetic and environmental performance, are similar to conventional waste
incinerators adds little from a circular economy point of view, whereas use of gas cleaning allows
higher efficiency and potential for production of other energy carriers than electric power. The
status of such systems and the efforts to develop waste gasification and gas cleaning to a proven
technology is therefore more interesting in a mid- to long-term perspective.

Turning “Garbage” into Ethanol. Establishing a first-in-the-world innovative production technology. Press release. Sekisui Chemical,
December 6, 2017.
Aemetis Completes Operation of Cellulosic Ethanol Integrated Demonstration Unit. Aemetis Press Release, March 6, 2018
An Introduction to SOLENA FUELS CORPORATION. Brian Milikosky. World Waste to Energy City Summit London, UK, May 19-20,
Solena Fuels files for bankruptcy. Bioenergy International, Oct. 25, 2015.

8.1. R&D NEEDS

The heterogenous aspects of waste fuels means that improvement in the quality of handling and
mechanical transport, i.e. the quality of the pre-treatment in separating non-combustible and low-
melting material, and safe, reliable and controlled feeding of fluffy materials, are areas where
improvement would result in improved availability and performance.

Other improvements would be to supervise some key features of the as-fed fuel on-line, e.g.
moisture, chlorine content, etc., to allow feed-forward process optimisation in the gasifier and for
the gas cleaning. For waste separation and incineration plants, NIR techniques are being introduced
to monitor moisture and chlorine content by correlations and can also be used to estimate derived
properties such as fossil carbon content and energy content, etc662, 663, 664,665. XRF-technologies are
used measure troublesome metals, glass and halogenated compounds666, 667, 668.

The feeding and dosing of a heterogenous material with typically low bulk density is also an area
where developments of feed systems and components would be of use for waste treatment
developers alike, including gasifier developers. Feed system outages is a common cause of down-
time and loss of availability in gasifiers feeding biomass and wastes. The restart procedure, even
from hot start conditions, takes time. Even a short interruption of the actual feeding leading to a trip
causes down-time of typically hours before the plant is back to operating conditions, in particular for
plants with many downstream cleaning and upgrading process steps. Therefore, feed system
reliability also has an economic impact. There is also a safety aspect of the feed system, as it serves
as the barrier for escape of the combustible and toxic gases in the gasifier, in particular if
gasification at some level of pressure above atmospheric is used. This is therefore also an area
where gasification differs from incinerators which typically operates at a slight underpressure and
can accept that air enters the furnace as a means of reducing smell problems.

Regarding the gasification step itself, as can be seen from the above text, there are a number of
two-stage gasification systems, fixed beds, stationary and circulation fluidized beds, which operate
on wastes and RDF, such that the main R&D need is not in the gasification step itself, although
there is always room for improvements. In view of the many types of gasifiers being considered for
waste fuels, also the R&D issues vary between the gasifier types so that generalisation is difficult.
Since many types of gasifiers, e.g. grates, fluidized beds, kilns have more or less direct analogies
with incinerators designs, there are some common features that can be improved by R&D, issues
with e.g. grate blockages etc., optimisation of air distribution etc.

For fluidized beds, the choice of bed materials, both from cost and mechanical stability perspectives,
as well as from interactions with the fuel inorganic components is important. Even if this has been
extensively studied, both for gasification and incineration conditions, there is an improvement
potential in the understanding of such interactions. In addition, the effect of bed materials on the
contaminants, and in particular on the tar components is of interest. A bed material that apart from
being low-cost, chemically and mechanically stable etc. simultaneously also has a high activity for

Critical review of real-time methods for solid waste characterisation: informing material recovery and fuel production. C. Vrancken,
P.J. Longhurst, S.T. Wagland. Waste Management, Vol. 61, March 2017, pp. 40-57
Utilization of Near Infrared (NIR) Spectrometry for Detection of Glass in the Waste-based Fuel. Jan Skvaril et al. Energy Procedia 75
(2015) 734 – 741
Quality control of substitute fuels with UniSort online analysis. STEINERT Elektromagnetbau GmbH, undated
Shredder residues: Problematic substances in relation to resource recovery. Environmental Project No. 1568, 2014. Jiri Hyks, Anke
Oberender, Ole Hjelmar, Ciprian Cimpan, Henrik Wenzel, Guilin Hu, Jesper Cramer. Miljøstyrelsen (Environmental Board), Denmark,
XRF–New Applications in Sensor-Based-Sorting Using X-ray Fluorescence. Martin Weiss. Waste Management, vol3, pp.139-148. TK
Verlag, 2012.
Online sorting of recovered wood waste by automated XRF-technology: part I, detection of preservative-treated wood waste and
part II. Sorting efficiencies. Hasan A.R. et al. Waste Manag. 2011 Apr;31(4):688-694 and 695-704, respectively.
Applicability of portable XRF systems for screening waste loads on hazardous substances as incoming inspection at waste handling
plants. C. Vanhoof et al. X-Ray Spectrometry 42(4):224-231, July 2013

reducing tars already in the gasifier would have been ideal. However, the search for this catalytically
active bed material has at present not resulted in that any such a bed material has been identified,
at least not when considering also other boundary conditions. The conditions inside a gasifier may,
due to contact time limitations between hydrocarbons formed during devolatilization and a bed
material, limit the in situ effect even of a very active catalytic bed material. Nevertheless, even if a
bed material does not reduce tars significantly in relation to the total tar level, selective reduction of
e.g. the heaviest fractions already in the gasifier can have significant impact on the downstream gas
cooling and gas cleaning, as evidence form the GoBiGas experience195.

One of the main differences between incineration and gasification is the generation of significant
quantities of tars in the latter process. Methods for the conversion of tar or their removal are one of
the process development issues that has high priority, as the presence of tars also is interrelated to
other cleaning operations, to heat recovery and in some cases also to water treatment.

The main pathway followed for reducing tars in the gasifier raw product gas is by thermal treatment
downstream of the gasifier. Sufficiently good results have been obtained by various developers
using both an oxidant or an oxidant plasma combination in laboratory and pilot plant scale to
include this in the scale-up to the industrial prototype scale. When scaling-up such a gas cleaning
technique, it is important to have an understanding for what is the “chemical” effect of the
mixing/reaction zone in the flame volume, the hold time of the homogenous gas volume at
temperature, wall quenching effects etc., the mixing of oxidant and gas in the flame volume as well
as the mixing between the gas in these different volumes, respectively. There is also a need to
develop predictive CFD models to allow the use of such basic process data for the scale-up of
reactor system to ensure that the performance from pilot or demonstration units can be retained at
the increased capacity.

Scrubbing systems are also being used and but the number of scrubbing liquids in use has been
limited to RME and the proprietary OLGA scrubbing liquids. R&D to find other suitable scrubbing
liquids, using own-generated fluids or liquid products and by-products from other industries is of

Another area of importance is the heat recovery downstream the gasifier. The sensible heat of the
gas can comprise 10-20 % of the energy content of the fuel, which in a steam turbine could
potentially generate 2-5 % points of additional electrical energy a bottoming cycle, in addition to
what a prime mover could generate, and thus significantly increase the overall efficiency. Due to the
technical and operational challenges with gas cooling, many installations use a direct quench form
more or less gasifier outlet temperature down to more or less ambient temperature, e.g. AlterNRG /
Air Products at Teesside, whereby this potential is lost. On the other hand, the experience from e.g.
Amergas with fouling in the gas cooler indicates that this is an area where R&D, with emphasis on
the D, “development”, part could increase the potential. Optimising the gas cooling vs. fouling and
tar condensation and its integration into a steam could make a large fraction of this sensible energy
available for heat recovery.

What defines true gasification from incinerators, one- or two-stage, is the opportunity for pre-
combustion cleaning. In some cases, the same kind of filters and chemicals that are used also for
post-combustion cleaning can be used, assuming that other contaminants, notably tar, have been
reduced to a level where they do not interfere with e.g. filter operation. This can apply to particulate
removal in high-temperature filters at > 300 °C, in conventional filters at 200 °C or WESPs,
absorption of strong acids like HCl, HF and to removal of heavy metals including Hg. Under such
circumstances, there are technologies available that only need some adaption for the gasification

However, when it comes to sulphur and nitrogen compounds formed under gasification conditions,
there is no proven and cost-efficient method for the removal of such compounds using high-
temperature conversion or adsorbents. In the case of ammonia formed from fuel-bound nitrogen, its
often absorbed into acid water, and then have to be treated as a water treatment issue prior to
discharge of waste water, alternatively by stripping and recycling to a zone with suitable conditions,
e.g. high temperature in the gasifier. The other option also often used under gasification conditions
is post-combustion treatment by SNCR or SCR, which are both well-established methods but
somewhat reduce the benefits of gasification. For removal of HCN, also produced from fuel bound
nitrogen, if required from emission or process considerations, this can be done after the main gas
cleaning steps by catalytic hydrogenation simultaneously with COS hydrolysis.

When it comes to sulphur species, notable H2S bust also COS, as shown in Table 19, there is a
variety of methods being used. This also reflects that different methods are applicable at different
plant capacities and amounts of sulphur being treated. The use of sulphur sorbents for regenerative
systems has been a topic for research for many years mainly in coal gasification, but the technology
is not yet really applied industrially. Coal gasification is characterised by very large plant capacities,
more reducing gas conditions than for waste gasification, in particular in in dry feed coal gasifiers
and also typically higher sulphur content in the gas. Therefore, these developments cannot be
directly transferred to a waste gasification application without adaptation and cost impacts.

Once-through systems based on zinc oxide or activated carbon are costly and generates secondary
wastes that needs to be disposed of. The use of alkaline scrubbing is well-established in the coal, oil
and gas industries and both for more selective absorption of H2S and for simultaneous absorption of
H2S and CO2. However, since the selectivity for H2S over CO2 is limited and there is always a high
partial pressure of CO2 in the gas, the co-absorption of CO2 is in most cases undesirable due to the
unnecessary high chemicals consumption to maintain the pH or a high regeneration energy cost.
Even in LOX system, where the design of the gas-liquid contact and the reaction of H2S to elemental
sulphur enhances the sulphur selectivity, the co-absorption of CO2 occurs to some extent. LOX
systems have been used or considered for use but are costly at the scale of most waste gasification
systems. They are also consuming chemicals and generate other by-products in addition to solid
sulphur, in addition to be maintenance intensive and more suitable for larger plants.

The use of sodium hypochlorite (although also other oxidants are used) to oxidise sulphide in the
water to sulphate prior to the discharge of waste water, is an alternative at smaller capacities.
However, the theoretical dosing is over 9 kg/kg S and, furthermore, the presence of ammonia in the
water increases the chemicals consumption significantly and can generate undesired by-products.

Reducing the sulphur content more than what is possible by H2S removal implies the elimination of
COS and organic sulphur compounds. This can be done after the initial gas cleaning and after
compression by well-established catalytic methods as the product gas at that point is comparable to
other gas streams in refineries and chemical plants.

So, one area for R&D that could result in a huge improvement for waste gasification is a sulphur
removal technology that would suit the conditions in terms of the gas composition, sulphur
concentration and capacity scale of most waste gasifier. Even if such a method would not be
sufficient to remove all sulphur compounds to meet the requirements, bulk removal would make
polishing by sorbent or chemical methods already available far easier and less costly. This applies to
both power generation and to fuel applications.

Many gasifiers generate a carbon- rich fly-ash where also other contaminants are concentrated.
Some processes, such as indirect fluidized beds (e.g. Taylor and Milena) can recycle and oxidize
such ashes in the combustion section within the process. For other processes, such ashes are a

significant secondary waste that needs treatment and disposal. Methods for on-site treatment of
such ashes, inside the process, or as an add-on to the process could reduce the disposal cost of
such material and, overall make the gasification route more comparable to conventional

Overall, there is not only a need to identify methods that improves the gasifier operation or the
cleaning of the gas at laboratory scale, there is also a need to define complete processes and
validate gas cleaning concepts at scale that includes the removal of all regulated or end-use
process-limited contaminants to ensure that such systems meet the environmental requirements
and that any secondary wastes can be disposed of economically. This also includes the evaluation of
different methodologies developed to determine the balance between up-front costs for the cleaning
process and the O&M costs related to use of materials, utilities and cost of secondary waste


Thermal treatment, including gasification, in general has advantages over other forms of treatment
in that it can convert all combustible waste components. Other treatment methods such as
composting and anaerobic digestion are only effective in decomposing biodegradable components
such that a secondary residue still containing combustible material can result. However, thermal
treatment has limitations for very wet materials (e.g. sludges, etc., that may be easier to handle in
e.g. AD systems, unless these can be dried in an economic way). This applies in particular to
gasification, as evaporation of water consumes energy that would otherwise be contained as
chemical energy in the gas. The highest acceptable moisture content varies depending on the dry
fuel energy content and the gasification system and the intended end use of the gas. But, in general
terms, fuels with moisture content above 25-30%, reduce the efficiency to a point where drying of
the fuel should be considered.

The performance of waste gasification in terms of the conversion efficiency to power, relative to
conventional incineration, is clearly higher for “true” gasification systems, due to the steam
temperature limitations of incinerators. Likewise, gasifiers of the type two-stage incinerators, i.e.
with no or only rudimentary gas cleaning, is subject to the same limitations in terms of steam
superheat as incinerators, and hence also have (almost) the same efficiency, typically 20-25 %.

This is due to the fact that for a clean gas, higher steam conditions that are more optimal for power
generation are feasible, or due to the fact that other prime movers, ICE, gas turbines, in
combination with bottoming cycles can be adopted. This means that it is possible to reach a net
efficiency 20-25 % even without a bottoming cycle at a capacity were a comparable, normal
incinerator would have lower efficiency. At larger scale, firing clean gas or by introducing a
bottoming cycle in addition to the main prime movers, net efficiencies well in excess of 30 % are
possible, even if apart from the Kymijärvi II gasifier, no such installation has yet been constructed.

However as can be derived from the economic discussion in Section 8.4, this can be a mixed
blessing from an economic perspective unless policies requiring a certain level of efficiency are
adopted, or there is some form of incentive pricing for the power generation. Thus, the WFD R1
efficiency concept, and where the factor was raised from 0.60 to 0.65 in 2009, could be such a
driver, if raised beyond 0.65 in the future. As can be seen from Table 7, any further increase in the
R1 beyond the current 0.65 would make it very difficult for conventional incinerators only producing
power to meet such a criteria without raising the steam conditions and have higher costs for the
alloy materials and/or maintenance costs. This would favour more efficient technologies such as
gasification, but would also favour the use of CHP, and where also incinerators using conventional
steam conditions could meet an increase in the R1 factor.

When it comes to the environmental performance, the very stringent limiting emission values
required by regulation or adopted for other reasons for incineration technologies in general, and
including gasification for power generation, imply that gasification have to accomplish at least the
same environmental performance. But since the reduction required in most cases imply a removal
of the order of 90 % or more, see Table 14, and since for some contaminants similar type of
cleaning technology is used as for incinerators, the potential to go significantly beyond this at
reasonable costs is not very well-defined. Therefore, it cannot be said to be superior to incineration
in terms of emissions. Furthermore, some of the benefits in terms of air emissions that can be
achieved by gasification, in comparison to incineration using dry cleaning without liquid scrubbing,
come with the drawback that a process condensate is obtained that needs to undergo further

Instead, it is the cost of meeting the emission performance that is important, i.e. the equipment and
maintenance cost, the use of different material feeds and the possibility for recycling or the cost of
the disposal of any secondary residues. Such aspect favoured gasification-melting procedures in
Japan as far as the regulations set demands for ash melting.

Even if there dry or semi-dry cleaning using lime and PAC is the state-of-the-art method for gas
cleaning, it consumes a significant quantity of lime and generates a significant quantity of residues,
where the flue gas cleaning additives are also mixed with ashes from the wastes to which heavy
metals have been enriched. Some gasification procedures contribute to this secondary solid residue
by also adding unconverted char and soot to this stream, and thereby also adds another step before
the final disposal.

However, one could also consider a treatment sequence where high-temperature filtration is used in
both gasifiers and incinerators to remove the combustible residues and fly ash including most heavy
metals as a concentrated residue, and then do the additional cleaning with e.g. lime or other
sorbents for acid removal afterwards such that lime-based gas cleaning residues would not be
mixed with fly ash.

It can also be possible to do all cleaning as wet cleaning by scrubbing to remove acid gases,
ammonia and sulphur species, and then only use PAC to remove mercury. Even if such wet cleaning
would require essentially a tar-free gas to be feasible, LOX treatment to disposable sulphur or
oxidation to sulphate in combination with ammonia stripping and recycling would significantly
reduce the quantity of secondary residues. Although such schemes have been explored in the
projects described in Sections 7.3.2 and 7.4, the feasibility and overall impact in relation to
incinerator technologies have not yet been proven.

One performance aspect where gasification technologies are unique in relation to other conventional
thermal waste treatment methods is that the product of the treatment can be a chemical or fuel and
the treatment can be classified a material recovery and not as energy recovery only when power
and/or heat is the output. This has not been seen as very important in the past when reducing
volume and avoiding landfills have been the main drivers for thermal treatment. However, as there
is an increasing drive towards decarbonisation of the transport system and for biomaterials, this is
an area that can be expected to be more and more interesting in the future. The benefits of using
wastes have already been recognized in the US RFS2 system and in the recently agreed RED II
directive in the EU, the introduction of ”recycled carbon fuels” in parallel to “advanced biofuels”
means that both the fossil and biogenic part of fuels produced from mixed wastes can be
incentivised by the member states.


To adopt efficient thermal treatment methods including energy recovery, in the first instance
conventional incineration but also other methods, requires a certain development in overall societal
waste management system such that wastes are collected in an organised way. It would also
require some form of separation of unsuitable material prior to thermal treatment. In addition,
waste scavenging for material that is suitable as a fuel may reduce the energy content of the waste
considerably, in particular in economies where organic and maybe wet material is more predominant
than packaging materials. Unless suitable conditions are at hand, thermal conversion may be
challenging in parts of the world where such conditions are lacking, and hence gasification would not
be suitable as a means of implementing advanced technologies in waste treatment by frog-leaping
over other waste management development stages that are necessary prerequisites as a success
factor for advanced thermal treatment.

Another barrier in the shorter term is the development status of conventional incineration
technologies. These are proven and mature technologies in terms of performance; there are
financially strong suppliers with experience and reference installations that provide guarantees on
energy performance, availability and meeting emission and other requirements. This makes
incinerators more “bankable” and a safer option for the local decision-makers in e.g. a city council.
In the absence of such a track record, gasification and other not so established technologies must
prove, or at least make it very likely, that the performance and other conditions at least meet, and
preferably go beyond, the conventional technologies by a sufficient margin to motivate selection of
such a process, while not generating risks that come back to the decision-makers. There have also
been some rather spectacular failures for advanced technologies (Thermoselect projects, Teesside
etc.) that also stains advanced technologies in general. But there is also examples of successful use
of gasification in e.g. industrial applications such as the Cemex plant in Germany and the Kymijärvi
I and II plants (Sections 7.1.1, 7.2.2 and, respectively.), that however are lesser known by
the public.

However, the use of less well-known technologies can be at least partially off-set by the deep public
scepticism or resistance against incinerators, whereby other thermal treatment methods are actively
trying to be differentiated from the conventional technology to facilitate gaining public acceptance.
In a recent article669, the various public and commercial actors in the UK have used anchoring of
views and expectations associated with a specific technology to resist or promote different
technologies, e.g. by promoting so-called advanced technologies (“true” gasification with high
efficiency and improved performance287, 635), to generate an association between conventional
technologies with advanced technologies (similar performance, two-stage concepts being gasifiers,
the superior characteristics of true gasification insufficiently demonstrated412) in the case of the
established stakeholders, or in the opposite sense (all thermal treatments are more or less equal,
gasifiers are incinerators in disguise and the advanced technologies does not deliver on the
promises670) by those opposed to thermal waste treatment and incinerators in general.

To prove that novel thermal waste treatment technologies can meet and surpass the performance of
conventional technology other than on paper requires a reference installation of some reasonable
capacity, even if it is not at full commercial capacity. From the descriptions in Section 7 and in
particular in Sections 7.3 and 7.4, most developers have spent at least a decade in developing their
technologies and pursued many prospect projects to reach first a pilot stage and a then first,
prototype demonstrator. To establish such a prototype demonstrator is in itself a large project of

Socio-technical change linking expectations and representations: Innovating thermal treatment of municipal solid waste. Les
Levidow Paul Upham. Science and Public Policy, Volume 44, Issue 2, 1 April 2017, Pages 211–224

minimum several tens of million €. So, disregarding the technology, the developer of any concept
must be available to find the means to financing the development cost for a period of many years
and where the stakes are escalating rapidly as the market introduction approaches. Most investors
have little appetite for so long time-to-market developments in an area subjected to both technical
and regulatory risks. The financing of the development, and in particular in the latter stages is a
very significant market threshold to become commercial, even if novel technologies and their
improvement potential also give opportunities to attract various forms of development financing
(grants, loan guarantees, incentive tariffs) that would not become available for mature,
conventional technologies.

The drivers for advanced treatment are also important. As will be seen below, the driver of
improving efficiency is only a driver when there is a cost of fuel, which is typically not the case for
waste. Instead, regarding long-term barriers for adoption of waste gasification, these are related to
the policies on waste management and are in many aspects not differing from the impact of such
aspects on thermal treatment in general. Examples of policies that would constitute an opportunity
are landfill bans or substantial landfill taxes that would transfer waste from landfills to other
treatment methods, including thermal treatment.

Another barrier for introducing a new technology such as gasification would be more stringent waste
reduction polices and associated targets as well as recycling targets that would be efficient in
significantly reducing the combustible fraction in the residual wastes, i.e. the potential waste fuel
basis for thermal treatment. This is in particular a barrier in those regions where there is already a
surplus of existing incinerator capacity, or where a reduction in the waste fuel potential would shift
the balance in the direction of an excess incinerator capacity. An excess of incinerating capacity in
existing installations would mean that the economics of the existing plants would see investments
as more or less sunk cost and accept lower gate fees than otherwise. Excess capacity and the
associated drop in gate fees would therefore become a significant barrier for new investments in any
form of treatment technology, and hence an even higher barrier to introducing new technologies
such as e.g. gasification.

There are also a number of economic factors that influence the feasibility of a waste gasification
project. There has been a general decline in the grid power prices over the last years, partially
because of low fossil energy prices and partially due to a rapid increase in renewable power
generation (solar, wind, etc.) at low marginal costs. Lower power prices mean a higher need for
gate fee revenues and, furthermore, does not provide an incentive for investing in higher efficiency
on the basis of the power revenues. In the past, this has been compensated by incentive pricing by
e.g. feed-in tariffs, quota systems, etc. to promote the use of renewables and waste in power
production. However, there is a general drive within the EU towards more market-based price
mechanism also for renewables, and since the fossil part of wastes can be of the order of 30-50 %
of the total carbon content, any support for CO2-free generation would be reduced as a result. In
the EU, there is another cost driver for co-incineration plants, as these require the purchase of
emission rights.

In general, there is also a decline in the heat demand in district heating grids as a result of the
promotion of energy efficiency and rational use of energy in buildings, as well as from the growing
use of heat pumps as power costs are reduced. This could be both an advantage and a
disadvantage. In the case of a declining heat demand, technologies such as gasification, that has a
higher power/heat ratio could stand to gain. In most cases, the design for waste incinerator CHP
heat generation is related to the lower, summer, heat loads as there is a need to operate
incinerators even in summer time the impact will be less than from the changes in the electric
market. However, as heat revenues are important (see Section 8.4), the overall revenue-generation
could go down and affect the project return negatively.

Another strong form of promotional policy driver in line with circular economy principles, is by
setting ambitious performance targets for new installations beyond the current state-of-the-art
performance, in particularly as an efficiency target, and use these as a driver for technology
development. The WFD in the EU has initiated this approach by introducing the efficiency factor to
qualify as efficient energy recovery. Although this would be technology neutral and stimulate
innovations also in the state-of-the-art commercial technologies, this would also require
developments and associated costs for these technologies. This would reduce the difference
between such technologies and gasification-based technologies, while the potential for higher
efficiency in gasification systems would then be seen as more valuable.

Another clear opportunity in line with the circular economy principles is to produce chemicals and
fuels such that the reliance on power and heat revenues would be more or less eliminated. The WFD
foresees this possibility as a recovery operation under the R3 heading. However, and unlike the R1
criterion, there is no similar criterion that establish a recovery efficiency factor to distinguish
between R3 and D10. In addition, and as was noted above, both the RED and the RFS2 systems
include promotional aspects for fuels produced from waste via e.g. gasification.

Even so, there has even been a debate within the EU on whether even the biogenic fraction of
mixed fossil and biogenic wastes would be accepted as “advanced biofuels” in the RED II. This was
finally settled in June 2018 and the biogenic fraction of wastes, with some recycling-related
exceptions, is still part of Annex IXa. However, the status of the non-biogenic fraction of the fuel
produced, although the “recycled carbon fuel” was defined in RED II, the full requirements regarding
the GHG emission threshold required and the associated estimation methodology will only be fully
settled in 2021. Furthermore, whether such recycled carbon fuels will be included in the overall
member state RE-T target is left to each member state to decide. Therefore, a significant fraction,
30-50 %, of the fuel output may not be receive any benefits in some member states. By
comparison, Enerkem has received the US EPA approval to receive D3 (cellulosic ethanol) RINs for
their ethanol output if sold in the USA671.


There are few data available in the public domain regarding costs of waste gasification installations
with some element of gas cleaning before use of the gas, which is the focus of this report, and the
data are mostly reported as lump sums with little explanation as to what is included or not.
Furthermore, waste gasification projects are mostly one-off and not comparable to other project
with regard to the process and local conditions. This is contrary to waste incinerators, where there
are a limited number of proven technologies offered by different suppliers. If there is little detailed
information on investments costs, when it comes to O&M costs there is even less public information
and mostly based on projections, as long-term operating experience in cases are lacking. Therefore,
the discussion below on the economics of waste gasification is based on order of magnitude figures
and uses a very simplistic approach, i.e. back-of-envelope estimate level, to highlight the impact of
the major cost drivers and revenue streams.

When it comes to cost and performance data for waste incineration and CHP plants, such data can
be found in regularly updated reports made by different organisations672, 673, 674, 675. The numbers
contained in these reports can be generalized to a range of 8 000- 10 000 €/kWe net and 10 000-

Enerkem press release, Nov.7, 2017
Cost of Electricity Generation. DEFRA, UK, November 2016.
Technology Data for Energy Plants for Electricity and District heating generation. August 2016. Update 2017 and July 2018.
EnergiNet, Danish Energy Agency
El från nya och framtida anläggningar 2014 (Electricity generation from new and future plants). Elforsk rapport 14:40, 2014.
Cost and Performance Characteristics of New Generating Technologies, Annual Energy Outlook 2018. U.S. Energy Information
Administration, February 2018

12 000 €/kWe net as the installed cost of conventional incinerators for power generation and CHP,
respectively, for power outputs in the range of 10-50 MWe output capacity. This is far higher than
for conventional power generation using coal, biomass or natural gas, where the specific investment
is typically in the range 2 000-4 000 €/kWe. The difference in the cost for these two configurations
predominantly reflects the lower power output for CHP plants but there is also a certain economy of
scale effect in the investment. With regard to the O&M cost, most of these sources splits the O&M
cost on a fixed annual cost and a variable cost per unit of electricity produced, i.e. there is also an
economy of scale effect on the fixed annual cost. For the purpose of this report, this can be further
simplified as an annual cost in relation to the investment cost and such figures end up being of the
order of approximately 5 % of the investment per year.

When it comes to gasification-based power generation with some level of pre-combustion gas
cleaning, the numbers given for different projects in Section 7.3.2 can be equated to an investment
magnitude cost of 6 000- 12 000 €/kWe net, with one exception, the Lahti II plant that is in the
order of 4 000 €/kWe only. However, this is also one of the two largest plant, 50 MWe gross output,
and uses a fuel prepared off-site, such that costs for the fuel preparation is not included in the
above investment. It is also interesting to note that the numbers cited for the specific investment
for the smallest plant mentioned in Section 7.3.2, Syntech at 1.5 MWe, come out very close to the
second largest plant, the Teesside plant at 49 MWe gross. Furthermore, both plants are also first-of-
a kind installations, which has a cost impact. This is in itself, considering that in this span the
economy of scale should be reflected, an indication that there is a significant uncertainty in these
numbers when used as costs for a generic technology when fully industrially developed. There are
no O&M numbers publicly available for gasification plants, so for lack of better information the same
5 % is also assumed to be valid also for gasification plants.

Regarding the production of fuels and chemicals, the numbers cited in Section 7.4 can be equated a
magnitude of 4 000-7 000 €/kW fuel output, when also considering a front-end MBT facility. The
higher numbers relate to the small GoGreenGas and AMBIGO projects, each at 4 MW fuel input, and
both of them having a significant development and demonstration character. The announced
projects in Rotterdam and Tarragona involving Enerkem have not been included in judging the
above range. The specific investments mentioned for these projects fall far below the cited figures
above, but it is not clear if this involves a complete functional plant including fuel pre-treatment and
they also seem to have a very high yield, probably from some other element than gasification only,
and this high yield reduces the specific investment in a distorting way. The same uncertainty as
discussed above is also relevant for fuel production plants costs as very few of these have been built
and data available are not well-documented. Again, for lack of better data, the annual O&M cost has
been assumed to be 5 % of the investment.

It may seem strange that the more complex waste-to-fuels plants have a lower specific investment
cost per unit of output energy than the seemingly more straightforward power or CHP units.
However, the efficiency of the waste-to-fuels plants falls into the range of 50-60 %, i.e.
approximately twice the efficiency for waste-to power, or more. So, if the specific investment
numbers are instead based on the input of the waste fuels, i.e. €/kWth fuel input, depending on the
efficiency used, the waste-to-power plants come out more or less the same or slightly lower than
the waste-to-fuels plants in terms of specific investment. This also means that for a given size of
the input, say 200 000 tonnes per year of RDF at 4 MW/tonne energy content, the absolute
investment cost figure will not be very different if 25 MW electric power or if instead 50-60 MW fuel
is produced, i.e. 150-300 million € for the power plant and 200-420 million € for the fuels, using the
numbers above.

For the estimates to follow in Table 40 to Table 45, the lowest and highest specific investment costs
have been considered in order to limit the number of columns in the tables below, as any

intermediate can easily be linearly interpolated. But in some tables an intermediate case to facilitate

Other data used for the economic estimates are the sales value of the electricity. This has been set
to 45 €/MWhe, based on the day-ahead wholesale indexed “average” price for power in the EU676.
This represents the grid value without any incentives for the use of waste or production of RE

The value of fuel produced has been set to 90 €/MWh, being a sort of “average” between market
prices of the main biofuel competitors, first generation ethanol and biodiesel, and this would
presumably be a floor value for producing advanced biofuels.

The gate fee has been set to 50 €/tonne of waste feed, assumed to hold 4 MWh/tonne, i.e. 12.5
€/MWh. The magnitude of the gate fee is what can be found in many places in the EU and elsewhere
but does not represent the highest values noted, see also Section 3.1.

For CHP cases the heat credit is assumed to be 30 €/MWh thermal. The plants have been assumed
to operate for 8000 hrs per year for both power and CHP cases, as these would be seen as base-
load plants, the annual operation period being dictated more than anything else by the need for
getting rid of the wastes. For CHP plants a constant total efficiency of 85 % has been considered
assuming that the plant is used as base-load at more or less full capacity, for the reasons given
above. But, for base-load CHP plant the seasonal low heat load becomes a limitation for the
potential capacity of the plant as otherwise the utilization factor is reduced. As an observation,
overall efficiency of 85 % to power and heat is also conservative as many waste incinerators use
flue gas condensing systems that could bring the total efficiency close to or even above 100 % on
an LHV basis.

To translate the specific investment cost to an annual cost for this simplistic estimate, an interest of
8 % over a 20-year lifetime has been assumed, i.e. an annuity factor of 10 %. The economic
estimates based on such numbers are shown in Table 40 to Table 45. The tables are organised such
that other assumptions are at the top. Costs are counted as positive, i.e. all revenues are denoted
as negative, such that a negative total annual cost means that revenues are higher than costs. The
zero power and zero gate fee figures, respectively, are the specific sales prices of power per MWh,
or gate fee per tonne to achieve a zero-net cost, assuming that the other revenue stream price is

For the economic analysis, three limiting scenarios were considered, the first scenario being that the
plant is contracted for a certain production of electrical energy (or fuel) per year and can access
waste feedstock within reasonable quantities. The second, and probably most likely scenario, is that
the installation is either contracted to treat a specified annual amount of waste or have permitting
limitations on the treatment capacity. The third scenario only applies to CHP plants, and where the
minimum base-load heat output is limiting the design.

8.4.1. Power and CHP Back-of-an-envelope Economics

The results of the first scenario, i.e. the output of electric power (or fuels) is contractually limited or
capped for receiving support, are shown in Table 40 and Table 41. For an incinerator only producing
power, Table 40, shows the outcome of this estimate. Data representing conventional technology
are on the left-hand side and gasification technologies data, with the potential for higher efficiency,

Quarterly Report on European Electricity Markets. Volume 11, issue 1; first quarter of 2018. Directorate-General for Energy, Market

Observatory for Energy, 2018.

are shown on the right-hand side. It has also been assumed that that the marginal investment
required for an increased efficiency is balanced against the gains from economy-of scale related to
the increased plant output, so the specific investment costs used are the ones discussed above.

Table 40 Back-of-envelope power-only incinerator and gasifier economics, Scenario 1.

Input values Incinerator, power Gasifier, power only

Specific investment, 1000 €/kWe 8 10 only8 10 4 8 12 4 8 12
Efficiency, power 20% 20% 25% 25% 30% 30% 30% 35% 30% 35%
Efficiency, heat 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Calculated values
Capital-related, €/MWhe 100 125 100 125 50 100 150 50 100 150
O&M, €/MWhe 50 63 50 63 25 50 75 25 50 75
Total costs, €/MWhe 150 188 150 188 75 150 225 75 150 225

Gate fee, €/MWhe -63 -63 -50 -50 -42 -42 -42 -36 -36 -36
Power, €/MWhe -45 -45 -45 -45 -45 -45 -45 -45 -45 -45
Tot. revenues, €/MWhe -108 -108 -95 -95 -87 -87 -87 -81 -81 -81

Net cost, €/MWhe 43 80 55 93 -12 63 138 -6 69 144

Zero net power €/MWhe -88 -125 -100 -138 -33 -108 -183 -39 -114 -189
Zero net gate fee, €/tonne -84 -114 -105 -143 -36 -126 -216 -42 -147 -252
Annuity factor 10 %, O&M 5 % of investment/year, power revenue 45 €/MWh, gate fee 50 €/tonne,
heating value of waste 4 MWh/tonne, heat credit 30 €/MWh, 8 000 annual operating hours assumed.

The cost assumptions are not sufficient generous to generate a net revenue (i.e. a negative net
cost) in Table 40, apart if from a very low specific investment cost is at hand for a gasifier case
further discussed below. The gate fee is an important source of revenue for all cases, but if the
efficiency increases, the total revenues actually decrease, in particular for the gasification cases as
less waste is required to produce the same output.

The decrease in the total revenues can only be compensated by either a low investment cost or a
higher power sales or higher gate fees revenues, or a combination of all three. In Table 40, the
lowest investment case is based on data for the Kymijärvi II installation (and with the caveat that
the MBT facility was not included in this investment cost) and shows a negative net, i.e. the
revenues are higher than the costs. From the data it can also be estimated that a gasification-based
incinerator at higher efficiency needs to be 10-15 % lower in specific investment compared to the
range reported for conventional incinerators to compensate for the lower revenues.

Disregarding the lowest specific investment cost, the increase in the power costs required (for the
same 50 €/tonne gate fee) to break even ranges from a factor of 2 to 3. The increase in the gate
fee to reach break-even (at the 45 €/MWhe power price) in the last two rows of the table must also
increase by a factor 2-3.

If instead a CHP plant is considered, Table 41, yet another major product, heat, adds to the
revenues. The revenue from heat is by far larger than the value of power sales under the
assumptions in this calculation, and also exceeds the revenue from the gate fee. Again, increasing
the efficiency to power decreases the total revenue, and also increases the net cost.

In this estimate, both the lowest efficiency and specific investment cost incinerator case (first
column) and the case of a CHP gasifier at the lowest specific investment cost (5th and 8th column,

respectively) have negative net costs, i.e. lower gate fees or power prices could be accepted at
break even.

The lowest investment at 4000 €/kWhe, representing the Kymijärvi II case, shows an excellent net.
However, as noted above, in this case the MBT plant is outside of the investment, and it is not likely
that the internal city economics allocate a gate fee for the city-owned energy plant to be paid by the
city waste management organisation. Even so, if the gate fee is set to 0, there is still a net revenue
(negative net cost) showing that such conditions are robust when a heat revenue is available. This
also corroborates the statement by Valmet that the plant is commercial in the sense that it does not
require any incentive pricing or subsidy.

Table 41 Back-of-envelope CHP incinerator and gasifier economics, Scenario 1.

Input values Incinerator, CHP Gasifier, CHP

Specific investment, €/kWe 10 000 12 000 10 000 12 000 4 000 12 000 4 000 12 000
Efficiency, power 20% 20% 25% 25% 25% 25% 30% 30%
Efficiency, heat 65% 65% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60%
Calculated values
Capital-related, €/MWhe 125 150 125 150 50 150 50 150
O&M, €/MWhe 63 75 63 75 25 75 25 75
Total costs, €/MWhe 188 225 188 225 75 225 75 225

Gate fee, €/MWhe -63 -63 -50 -50 -50 -50 -42 -42
Power, €/MWhe -45 -45 -45 -45 -45 -45 -45 -45
Heat, €/MWhe -98 -98 -72 -72 -72 -72 -60 -60
Tot. revenues, €/MWhe -205 -205 -167 -167 -167 -167 -147 -147

Net cost, €/MWhe -17 20 21 58 -92 58 -72 78

Zero net power €/MWhe -28 -65 -66 -103 47 -103 27 -123
Zero net gate fee, €/tonne -36 -66 -71 -108 42 -108 36 -144
Annuity factor 10 %, O&M 5 % of investment/year, power revenue 45 €/MWh, gate fee 50 €/tonne,
heating value of waste 4 MWh/tonne, heat credit 30 €/MWh, 8 000 annual op. hours assumed.

A similar case utilizing co-firing into an already existing fossil boiler, would have an even lower
investment cost than assumed for the lowest case above, while also have a higher efficiency in the
boiler. Such a case could be also be a good application for waste gasification.

Below in Table 42 and Table 43, the corresponding cost-revenue schemes for the second limiting
scenario are presented, i.e. the scenario where the annual quantity of waste processed is limited by
contractual or permit conditions. In Table 42 the first two columns, at the lowest efficiency to
electric energy, remain the same as in Table 41. For comparison, the last row in italics, the net cost
row from Table 41, has been added.

Since the revenue from the gate fee is capped as a condition for Scenario 2 and therefore is the
same for all columns, increasing the revenue from this lowest case at 20 % means that additional
power can be produced and sold, such that an increase in the efficiency also reduce the net cost.
When comparing the net cost of Scenario 2 with the Scenario 1, where a higher efficiency increased
the net cost, the effect is instead a strong reduction of the net cost for Scenario 2.

When comparing the Scenarios and disregarding the case of the lowest specific investment cost of
4 000 €/kWe (the background of which was already discussed above), the net cost is still positive of
all other parameter combinations. However, the change required to the power revenue or the gate
fee, respectively, to come to break-even is now is only a factor ranging from 1.1 to 2.2 to have a,
compared to a factor of between 2 and 3 for Scenario 1.

If the values for a specific investment cost of 8 000 €/kWe are compared, the net cost goes down
from 43 €/MWhe over 31 €/MWhe and 20 €/MWhe to 9 €/MWhe as the efficiency is increased from 20
% to 35 % in steps of 5 %. Both the gasifier cases of 30 % and 35 % efficiency, respectively, only
require a marginal adjustment of the power sales revenue or the gate fee to break even. The
incinerator case at 25 % efficiency would require a gate fee of 75 €/tonne, a number that is in line
with actual gate fees in the UK.

Table 42 Back-of-envelope power-only incinerator and gasifier economics, Scenario 2.

Input values Incinerator, power only Gasifier, power only

Specific inv., 1000 €/kWe 8 10 8 10 4 8 12 4 8 12
Efficiency, power 20% 20% 25% 25% 30% 30% 30% 35% 30% 35%
Efficiency, heat 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Calculated values
Capital-related, €/MWhe 100 125 100 125 50 100 150 50 100 150
O&M, €/MWhe 50 63 50 63 25 50 75 25 50 75
Total costs, €/MWhe 150 188 150 188 75 150 225 75 150 225

Gate fee, €/MWhe -63 -63 -63 -63 -63 -63 -63 -63 -63 -63
Power, €/MWhe -45 -45 -56 -56 -68 -68 -68 -79 -79 -79
Tot. revenues €/MWhe -108 -108 -119 -119 -130 -130 -130 -141 -141 -141

Net cost, €/MWhe 43 80 31 69 -55 20 95 -66 9 84

Zero net power €/MWhe -88 -125 -70 -100 8 -58 -108 7 -50 -93
Zero net gate fee, -84 -114 -75 -105 -6 -66 -126 3 -57 -117
Annuity factor 10 %, O&M 5 % of investment/year, power revenue 45 €/MWh, gate fee 50 €/tonne,
heating value of waste 4 MWh/tonne, heat credit 30 €/MWh, 8 000 annual operating hours assumed.
Net cost, €/MWhe, 43 80 55 93 -12 63 138 -6 69 144
Scenario 1, Table 40

Looking at the investment cost instead, a power-only gasifier investment cost of around 7 000
€/kWe would reach break-even conditions under the cost assumptions made, and generally speaking
the higher efficiency would mean that gasifier systems are competitive with conventional
incinerators if the same specific investment cost can be realised.

Table 43 shows the result for Scenario 2 for a CHP installation, i.e. where the waste processing is
limited. The heat revenue contributes most to the sales revenues, but since power has a higher
value per energy unit than heat the net revenues increase with increasing efficiency. This results in
that higher revenues are obtained compared to the Scenario 1. It also decreases the gap between
the gasification-CHP cases and incineration-CHP at the same specific investment cost, compared to
Scenario 1, where the higher efficiency assumed for the former cases actually led to an increased
net cost. In Scenario 2, the higher efficiency is beneficial and reduces the cost of the gasifier cases.

Table 43 Back-of-envelope CHP incinerator and gasifier economics, Scenario 2.
Input values Incinerator, CHP Gasifier, CHP
Specific investment. €/kWe 10 000 12 000 10 000 12 000 4 000 12 000 4 000 12 000
Efficiency, power 20% 20% 25% 25% 25% 25% 30% 30%
Efficiency, heat 65% 65% 60% 60% 60% 60% 55% 55%
Calculated values
Capital-related, €/MWhe 125 150 125 150 50 150 50 150
O&M, €/MWhe 63 75 63 75 25 75 25 75
Total costs 188 225 188 225 75 225 75 225

Gate fee, €/MWhe -63 -63 -63 -63 -63 -63 -63 -63
Power, €/MWhe -45 -45 -56 -56 -56 -56 -68 -68
Heat, €/MWhe -98 -98 -90 -90 -90 -90 -83 -83
Total revenues -206 -206 -209 -209 -209 -209 -213 -213
Net cost, €/MWhe -18 20 -21 16 -134 16 -138 13

Zero net power €/MWhe -28 -65 -28 -58 -62 -58 47 -67
Zero net gate fee, €/tonne -36 -66 -33 -63 57 -63 60 -60
Annuity factor 10 %, O&M 5 % of inv./year, power revenue 45 €/MWh, gate fee 50 €/tonne, heating
value of waste 4 MWh/tonne, heat credit 30 €/MWh, 8000 op. hours assumed.
Net cost, €/MWhe, -17 20 21 58 -92 58 -72 78
Scenario 1, Table 41

Below in Table 44, the results for Scenario 3, i.e. when the CHP heat demand is setting the limit.

Table 44 Back-of-envelope CHP incinerator and gasifier economics, Scenario 3

Input values Incinerator, CHP Gasification incinerator, CHP
Specific investment, €/kWe 10 000 12 000 10 000 12 000 4 000 12 000 4 000 12 000
Efficiency, power 20% 20% 25% 25% 25% 25% 30% 30%
Efficiency, heat 65% 65% 60% 60% 60% 60% 55% 55%
Calculated values
Capital-related, €/MWhe 125 150 125 150 50 150 50 150
O&M, €/MWhe 63 75 63 75 25 75 25 75
Total costs, €/MWhe 188 225 188 225 75 225 75 225

Gate fee, €/MWhe -63 -63 -68 -68 -68 -68 -74 -74
Power, €/MWhe -45 -45 -61 -61 -61 -61 -80 -80
Heat, €/MWhe -98 -98 -98 -98 -98 -98 -98 -98
Tot. revenues, €/MWhe -205 -205 -226 -226 -226 -226 -251 -251

Net cost, €/MWhe -18 20 -39 -1 -151 -1 -176 -26

Zero net power €/MWhe -28 -65 -16 -44 67 -44 54 -30
Zero net gate fee, €/tonne -36 -66 -21 -49 62 -49 69 -32
Annuity factor 10 %, O&M 5 % of investment/year, power revenue 45 €/MWh, gate fee 50 €/tonne,
heating value of waste 4 MWh/tonne, heat credit 30 €/MWh, 8 000 annual op. hours assumed.

Net cost, €/MWhe, -18 20 -21 16 -134 16 -138 13

Scenario 2, Table 43

Again, the two right-most columns remain the same, and a row in italics with the net cost of
Scenario 2 has been added at the bottom. In this scenario, since the base-load heat demand is
limiting the output, the revenue from the sales of heat is the same for all cases.

As the sales of heat is the same for all cases in Table 44, an increase in the efficiency to power
while maintaining the total efficiency to power and heat, results in a higher power output, but also
that more energy input is required as the total output of energy increase, i.e. more wastes can be
processed and generate gate fee revenues. In this scenario, 7 out of the 8 cases shows a negative
net cost, i.e. the revenues are higher than the costs.

With reference to Scenario 1, where an increase in the efficiency results in that the economics come
out less favourable, a recent evaluation of the UK CfD system677 recognises that there is a trade-off
between gate fees and plant efficiency and denotes it as a “perverse incentive”, and the lessons
learned is that, since an overall good resource usage should be promoted, a minimum efficiency
eligibility requirement should be introduced in the CfD system in the future to counterbalance this

Furthermore, as can be seen above, in most cases for power-only or CHP incinerators, both
conventional and gasification-based, the assumptions on the cost elements used are not sufficient to
give revenues meeting the costs that are linked to the specific investments. Nevertheless, if the
efficiency increase possible via waste gasification technologies is valued, the investment cost of a
gasifier can be similar in magnitude to a conventional incinerator and still come out better in terms
of the simplified economics above. But, as discussed above, while the magnitude of the specific
investment cost of conventional waste incinerators are known, there is less data available for
gasifiers, and these mainly represent first-of-a-kind installations with limited operational track

However, the use of waste fuel to produce power and CHP power typically benefits from some form
of incentive or can charge higher gate fees, irrespective of the technology used. In Japan there is
both grant support of 25 % or more available in combination with financial support that effectively
reduce the plant owner investment, i.e. reduces the effective specific investment cost. In the UK,
and for plants coming into operation up to March 31, 2017, the Renewable Obligation Order
awarded waste gasification plants 2 ROCs/MWhe for waste gasification plants. ROCs have traded in
the 35-50 £/ROC range in recent years, i.e. a compensation making a lot of difference to the net
cost numbers in Table 40 or Table 41.

The current UK auctioning scheme for supporting technology developments in renewable energy,
including waste conversion by advanced technologies, uses a guarantee price (strike price) via a so-
called Contract for Differences (CfD). For advanced waste treatment, the first auction in 2015 gave
140 €/MWhe and 90 €/MWhe in 2017 (converted from a common 2017 GBP value)678, i.e. far higher
than the 45 €/MWh assumed in the above calculations.

For the Morcenx first-of-a-kind plant, See Section, the effective PPA value was 150 €/MWhe,
while the original investment was approximately 8 000 €/kWe net, which would result in feasible
conditions. The CHP situation is more favourable when applicable and in particular Scenario 3 is very
favourable, if the heat demand and the waste availability conditions are present.

Contracts for Difference Scheme for Renewable Electricity Generation. Government response to consultation on proposed
amendments to the scheme Part B & Follow-up consultation on implementation, contract changes, and a revised CHPQA standard.
Department for Business, Energy & Business Strategy, UK. August 2018.
UK unveils CfD winners. Ends Waste & Bioenergy, 11 September 2017

But, in any case, from a policy perspective, support schemes should always be combined with a
minimum efficiency requirement to foster good resource utilisation, in particular when support is
linked to a specified annual energy production or if the gate fees is the dominating revenue stream.

8.4.2. Fuel Production Back-of-an-envelope Economics

The production of fuels, under the assumption of a fixed output such as in Scenario 1, results in a
situation similar to the one in Table 40, i.e. there are two revenue streams and when efficiency goes
down, the revenue goes down, such that this case is not so interesting to analyse. Table 45,
represents the results for fuel production under Scenario 2, i.e. with a fixed annual waste quantity
by contract or by permit.

In this case, the relation between cost and revenues is more balanced compared to the power only
cases in Table 40 and Table 42. This balance can be ascribed to three factors, the lower investment
cost per output of fuel (although in absolute terms the plant can be similar in investment or even
higher than an incinerator processing the same waste quantity, as discussed above. A specific
investment of 4 000 €/kWfuel at an efficiency of 50 % corresponds to 8 000 €/kWe at 25 %
efficiency), the high efficiency that gives more sellable product per unit of waste feedstock and the
higher unit selling price of this product, relative to the power and heat prices used here.

Table 45 Back-of-envelope waste-to-fuel plant economics, Scenario 2

Input values Fuel

Specific investment €/kWfuel 4000 5500 7000 4000 5500 7000
Efficiency, fuel 50% 50% 50% 60% 60% 60%
Efficiency, heat 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Calculated values
Capital-related, €/MWhfuel 50 69 88 50 69 88
O&M, €/MWhfuel 25 34 44 25 34 44
Total costs 75 103 131 75 103 131
Gate fee, €/MWhfuel -25 -25 -25 -25 -25 -25
Fuel, €/MWhfuel -85 -85 -85 -102 -102 -102
Total revenues -110 -110 -110 -127 -127 -127

Net, €/MWhfuel -35 -7 21 -52 -24 4

Zero net fuel, €/MWhfuel -65 -99 -133 -42 -65 -89
Zero net gate fee, €/tonne -10 -78 -145 54 -2 -59
Annuity factor 10 %, O&M 5 % of inv./year, gate fee 50 €/tonne, heating value of waste
4MWh/tonne, fuel credit 85 €/MWh, 8 000 op. hours assumed.

At the high efficiency that can be expected, the contribution from fuel sales is by far the major
revenue generator and hence the dependency of the gate fee is not as large as for power
generation. For the lower investment cost, this estimate indicates feasible conditions, while even for
higher investment cost, the additional incentive or rise in the gate fee per tonne required to become
feasible is smaller than for e.g. the power only cases in Table 40 and Table 42.

As an example, the Fulcrum project, see Section, claims to have zero cost fuel, i.e. have no
gate fee. The operation of the waste pre-treatment facility is covered by the gate fee for the
untreated MSW received and the value of recyclables recovered and sold. From the publicised
numbers an investment cost in the region of 4 000- 4 500 €/kW fuel product can be concluded. At

this lower investment cost, a low gate fee would still make it possible to more or less be at break
even. So, from these simplistic economics, fuel production looks very attractive and there are a
number of companies pursuing this pathway at various stages in development.

9. Conclusions
The quantities of wastes that could be treated by thermal methods is huge and globally amounts to
many hundreds of millions of tonnes, if not over thousand million tonnes, annually, some of which is
already processed in incinerators but still a very considerable fraction is disposed of in landfills.

The state-of-the-art thermal treatment technology is waste incineration with energy recovery. There
are of the order of some two thousand such installation world-wide. However, due to the presence
of contaminants in wastes, notably chlorine, corrosion issues limit the feasible steam superheat
temperatures, while the scale of operation is smaller than for other solid-firing thermal power plants
with more sophisticated steam cycles. Therefore, the efficiency to power of waste incinerators are
significantly lower than in thermal power plants using other fuels.

The use of waste gasification technologies has the potential to increase the efficiency to power. In
addition, waste gasification can also be used not only for energy recovery but also to produce fuels,
i.e. material recovery. Both these options are however linked to that the product gas from the
gasifier is subjected to a more or less extensive cleaning in several stages before it is combusted or
used for synthesis of fuels.

Despite this potential for high efficiency or fuel production most applications for gasification in a
large number of plants, predominantly in Japan and the UK, utilize some form of close-coupled
downstream combustion equipment, a boiler or furnace, without any, or with only some
rudimentary gas cleaning. Such installations can use the gas as a fuel or supplementary fuel in
industrial kiln e.g. in the cement industry, there is a long-term experience at one such plant in
Germany, and several such plants are in operation in China using Japanese gasification technology.

However, when the gasification system is designed such that the gas generated is used for power
production by being combusted directly in a close-coupled boiler or furnace with a downstream heat
recovery steam generator, the efficiency to power has the same limitations of the steam conditions
as an incinerator. The efficiency of such installations is therefore similar or slightly inferior to a
comparable waste incinerator. There are around one hundred such installations in operation, mainly
in Japan but also in the UK. Although such conversion systems are often referred to as gasifiers,
such units can equally well be termed two-stage incinerators as the potential benefits of gasification
systems with gas cleaning are not exploited.

The driver for such systems in Japan was a legal requirement for a period of time for the vitrification
of the ashes from waste incineration. Using gasification systems with integrated ash vitrification,
this requirement can be fulfilled without external fuel or power consumption, which would not be the
case for a separate vitrification. Instead, some of the fuel energy is consumed to reach the
vitrification temperature and for the vitrification process, that could otherwise have been used for
raising steam and subsequently be result in more power generation. In most cases, the remaining
gas is combusted directly without any pre-combustion gas cleaning. These gasification technologies
are still being installed by some suppliers, but ash vitrification is since a decade no longer
mandated. The need for power from non-nuclear sources in Japan has instead shifted the focus from
this type of gasification installations towards promotion of higher electrical output and conventional
incineration. Although incinerator ash is a problematic secondary residue which could be addressed
by vitrification, it has not been a strict requirement for ashes from ordinary MSW or RDF

installations outside of Japan such that the use of these type of systems have been limited
elsewhere. However, developers of plasma gasification such as AlterNRG, APP and CHOPower
promotes this as an additional advantage of their gasification concepts.

In the UK, the driver has been the support system for renewable power and an ambition to support
improvements in the thermal treatment of waste. The support system gave specific incentives to
gasification technologies defined in such a way that the requirements were met already by an
installation with a physical separation between the gasifier and the combustor/boiler and where a
certain gas heating value could be measured in between these sections.

As for individual suppliers, the main suppliers in terms of their number of references for these kinds
of two-stage incinerators are Japanese companies such as Nippon Steel & Sumikin Engineering,
Ebara, JFE, Kawasaki and Kobelco etc., and then most often in conjunction with ash vitrification. In
Europe, and with far less references than the main Japanese suppliers, Norwegian Energos was
quite successful for a period of time and now companies like Biomass Engineering and Eqtec
appears to be strong on the UK market, but there are also others. In terms of companies from
North America, AlterNRG also has some references while, more recently, also Outotec and Nexterra
have been selected for the supply of plants mainly in the UK.

In parallel, there have for a long time been developments that includes cleaning of the waste
gasification product gas, “true gasification” systems, to enable its use in more efficient power cycles
than used in the conventional incineration technology, or for producing fuels. Several such
developments are described in the report, but these have not come to the technical maturity of
conventional incinerators or gasification system using the two-stage incineration approach. At
present, there are a few plants either using an efficient steam cycle (Valmet), or at lower capacity,
ICE engines (CHOPower, Sierra Energy and others). There are yet some other developers in various
stages of planning (LLT, Syntech and others), and where e.g. Synova and Taylor Bioenergy are also
developing its gasification system to feed the gas into gas turbine combined cycles. For fuel
products, there is at present only one such commercial plant in operation in Canada, using Enerkem
technology to produce ethanol. In addition, there is also one plant in early construction phase in the
USA, Fulcrum Sierra Biofuels where FT liquids will be produced, and yet another at a smaller
demonstration scale is in commissioning, the GoGreenGas bio-methane demonstration plant in the
UK. Appendices 3 and 4 includes a listing of some 80 waste gasification developers and some 300
plants and projects in planning/development identified during the course of this work, a listing that
may still be lacking several entries for developers and projects.

There is a wide variety of gasifier types in use; grates, shaft furnaces, fluidized beds etc. Many of
these generic equipment/reactor types are also being used for conventional incineration. There is no
real difference between the generic gasifier types used for two-stage incineration and concepts
involving gas cleaning, except that for the latter concepts involving gas cleaning, indirect gasifiers,
typically fluidized beds, are also used in addition to the direct gasification systems. This is explained
by the fact that the gas cleaning is mainly taking place downstream of the gasifier such that for the
gasification stage itself, there is limited differences between two-stage incineration and true
gasification systems for direct gasifiers. Indirect gasifiers, where the process is divided between a
gasification and combustion reactor, are less relevant when the gas is burned directly.

The gas cleaning requirements for waste gasification, which is the centrepiece in realising both the
efficiency and the flexibility potential of the technology, differs from conventional waste incineration
in the sense that for this latter technology the control technology needs to meet limits in a number
of regulated emissions at the exhaust stack. For advanced gasification systems, gas cleaning
operations are necessary to, first, meet the requirements to enable the use of the gas in engines,
gas turbines and efficient steam cycles as well as for the synthesis of material energy carriers:

Secondly, in the case of power production, where the cleaned gas is consumed in boilers, engines or
gas turbines, the exhaust gas from these are then also being subject to the same limiting stack
emission requirements as an incinerator.

When considering the gas cleaning before the gas is used, in particular hydrocarbons in the form
tars are present in the gasifier exit in high concentration, whereas in an incinerator such compounds
are efficiently combusted to meet the level of regulated emission. The presence of tars in the
concentrations at hand in most gasifiers makes it a primary target for cleaning, as tars interfere
with heat recovery via gas cooling and cleaning addressing other contaminants.

The primary method for removal of tars in waste gasification systems is by thermal decomposition
at elevated temperatures relative to the bulk of the gasifier. This can be accomplished in some
section inside of the gasifier itself, but more commonly is to have a separate unit for this purpose
downstream of the gasifier. The increase in the temperature above the gasifier temperature is
achieved by the use of additional oxidant, air or oxygen, and in some cases also in combination with
plasma torches. Another less common way to remove tars used is by scrubbing with a suitable liquid
to absorb tar hydrocarbons.

Other gasification specific issues are that sulphur compounds are present in a different chemical
form than in an incinerator and the formation of ammonia and predominantly NH3 from fuel bound
nitrogen. In the case of sulphur present in the waste fuel, it is not oxidized to primarily SO2 as in an
incinerator, and then captured by well-proven cleaning technologies for this species. In a raw
gasifier product gas sulphur is present predominantly as H2S but also COS and organic sulphur
compounds which are more difficult to remove. Pre-combustion gas cleaning technologies therefore
rely on the adoption and adaption of technologies used in other industries e.g. chemical, oil and gas
industries and a variety of technologies are being used to suit different conditions, e.g. plant
capacity and end use requirements. This is an area where in particular research could assist in
improving the outlook for waste gasification by providing suitable and cost-efficient cleaning
methods. Ammonia, which is largely converted NO when the gas is burnt or is undesirable when the
gas is used for synthesis of other fuels, can be removed by scrubbing and dealt with by water
cleaning. Alternatively, if a combustion process is used where ammonia is oxidized to NOx, there is
also the opportunity to use established post-combustion de-NOx technologies.

Other contaminants are removed by cleaning technologies that are similar to what is used in
incineration processes and other industries, and therefore the adaption of these to suit gasification
conditions does not constitute a similar technical barrier as tars and sulphur cleaning.

However, in terms of environmental performance, the EU and other legislation for incinerators imply
that the regulated contaminants must be removed to an extent of 90-95 %, or more, in relation to
their presence in typical waste fuels and other jurisdictions have similar official or unofficial
requirements. In the EU, a waste gasifier producing power and heat would also fall under the
definition of an incinerator, and the exhaust gas would be subject to the same regulations. At this
required high level of cleaning it is difficult to claim that gasification systems, where, can drastically
reduce the emissions. For the purpose of chemical synthesis, the gas cleaning requirements are
even higher in relative terms.

The benefit of waste gasification relative to incineration, in addition to the potential for higher
efficiency to power and the possibility to produce e.g. liquid fuels, could instead lie in that the gas
volume to be cleaned by pre-combustion cleaning is one only 30-50 % of the gas volume to be
subjected to post-combustion cleaning and therefore be lower in cost. Using pre-combustion
cleaning, secondary gas cleaning wastes could be reduced or more or less avoided by producing e.g.
sulphur instead of producing contaminated gypsum and other by-products. This could reduce the

cost of disposal of such materials and also reduce the material intensity of the waste processing

Nevertheless, and as is described in the report, there have not been many plants in which waste
gasification in combination with a more extensive gas cleaning have been used, and some of these
have not been very successful for various reasons, such that the accumulated experience from such
installations are not sufficient to validate if there are substantial performance and environmental
advantages of waste gasification systems over conventional incineration technologies.

There has been a wide variety of gasification and gas cleaning technologies used. This is in itself a
sign that the technology is not mature and concentrated to a smaller number of varieties that have
proven to be more cost-efficient and reliable than other options tried. When it comes to projects
including gas cleaning, Thermoselect has the longest list of actual projects but also associated with
various issues that limits the presence of this technology on the market in recent years. It is
noticeable that the plants built by the licensee JFE in Japan appears to have performed better than
plants elsewhere, possibly because the licensee could deploy more resources to overcome teething
problems than the original developers had. AlterNRG have also had a few plants but with mixed
results, and the withdrawal of Air Products from the Tees Valley projects in 2016 has cast some
shadows on this technology. Other developers have succeeded in establishing projects of some
significant capacity from a commercialisation perspective and are engaged in getting these plants
operational to be used as a reference when marketing their technology. Even a resourceful company
as Valmet with the Kymijärvi II plant in regular operation for 5 years have not been successful in
selling a second unit.

Considering the economics, waste incinerators and also waste gasification units have higher specific
investment cost and also lower conversion efficiencies to power than conventional thermal power
plants. For both conventional and gasification-based systems, a simplistic evaluation of economics
using the average market conditions without any incentives, the figures do not show good economic
results if only seen as a power plant project with an opportunity fuel. The revenues from selling
power to the grid, and also heat if in a CHP environment, at these conditions are not sufficient to
cover the capital-related and operating. To reach break-even the economy is relying on
combinations of monetized additional societal services in waste treatment gate fees and supports
such as e.g. investments subsidies and financing assistance, as in Japan, or an incentivized mark-up
of the power price (FiT, sellable certificates etc.). Under the assumptions made, the major cost
driver is the capital-related costs. The gate-fee is a large contributor to the revenue stream for
power-only plants and together with heat sales a very significant part of the revenues for CHP
systems. This also means that the link between efficiency to produce power, within the boundaries
of the total efficiency to heat and power in a CHP plant, is weaker than for other types of thermal
power plants.

The economic potential for advanced gasification for power or CHP plants lies in a combination of
similar or lower investments compared to conventional incineration at the capacity band targeted
and the higher efficiency compared to a conventional incinerator. Despite the uncertainty, the data
seem to indicate that there is such a window in investment cost. However, there are really too few
installations and too little operating experience to establish any more precise generic cost band. The
increased efficiency associated with advanced gasification and gas cleaning technologies in itself
does not necessarily results in that such developments are pursued, considering the high
development cost and the long time-to-market, and where high gate fees does not provide
incentives to increase the conversion efficiency by investing in more advanced technologies.
Therefore, policies that sets minimum demands for the conversion efficiency to power to have
permits or for obtaining economic incentives favour and promote higher efficiency processes. If such
policies are implemented, gasification and gas cleaning technologies would be a strong contender,

while the more established conventional incineration technology would also require development to
meet such demands.

The points above relate to the production of mainly power and to some degree also to power and
heat in CHP installation. By comparison, the economy of producing renewable fuels looks from this
perspective very favourable. There is no other waste technology that competes with this value chain
such that the gasification technology develops as a new value chain for this type of product, not as
a replacement of a well-established conventional technology. This is a result of several factors. The
energetic efficiency is high, which both reduces the specific investment cost related to the energetic
output of the product (even if the specific investment in terms of investment cost per input energy
unit is more or less the same as for a conventional incinerator) and results in an output of more
product per tonne of waste. Furthermore, the sales value of this fuel product is higher than for
power or heat on an energy basis. The back of the envelope estimates indicate that the level of
support and subsidies required to break-even for this case can be nil or in any case at least be
significantly lower than for most power generation and CHP cases.

Waste gasification with gas cleaning have been struggling for decades in the power and CHP
markets without really catching on with, a few exceptions in markets where regulatory or market
interventions by incentives have been introduced. The thermal conversion of waste to produce fuels
may well be the niche where the break-through for waste gasification technologies will come. Fuels
from the biogenic fraction of the carbon in the waste has been recognised as advanced biofuels for
quite some time but also so-called recycled carbon fuels meeting sustainability boundaries are now
also being acknowledged as replacement virgin fossil fuels.

So, what can be concluded on the outlook for waste gasification technologies, and then again
limiting the discussion to systems involving gas cleaning and to developers and concepts that have
been more actively pursued in recent years. It is clear that this is a technology still in development
and where a number of first-of-a-kind installations are in early operation, commissioning,
construction or in later stages of planning, so both performance and costs are still uncertain or
unproven. To move such projects to financial closure and to second or third installations, there
needs to be an incitement for the developers and investors to engage in a technically and non-
technically risky development that stretches over several years or even a decade before being
established on the market.

Policy interventions to limit or decrease the direct disposal of waste, such as landfill bans,
restrictions, and taxation, promote recycling and thermal treatment of residual wastes in general.
However, the competitive situation between well-established waste incineration technologies and
the emerging gasification technology, such measures on their own may not be sufficient to promote
gasification. In this case, subsidies, incentives and grants directed towards new technologies can to
some extent even out such a difference and steer developments.

Another strong form of policy driver is by, and in line with circular economy principles, setting
ambitious performance targets for new installations, in particularly as an efficiency target, and use
these as a driver for technology development. Although this would be technology neutral and
stimulate innovations also in the state-of-the-art commercial technologies, this would also require
developments and associated costs for conventional technologies, while the potential for higher
efficiency in gasification systems would then be seen as more valuable.

Similar to setting performance targets, promotion of renewable fuels production from waste would
side-step the main conventional incineration competitor and directly stimulate development of the
few technically feasible pathways, including gasification, that can utilize wastes to provide such
fuels. This may be the most interesting and feasible application for waste gasification in the future.


Appendix 1 – Waste and SRF standards

Table A1.1 CEN/TC292 standards and other outputs

CEN/TR 15310-1:2006 Characterization of waste-Sampling of waste materials-

Part 1: Guidance on selection and application of criteria for sampling
under various conditions
CEN/TR 15310-2:2006 Characterization of waste - Sampling of waste materials -
Part 2: Guidance on sampling techniques
CEN/TR 15310-3:2006 Characterization of waste - Sampling of waste materials -
Part 3: Guidance on procedures for sub-sampling in the field

CEN/TR 15310-4:2006 Characterization of waste - Sampling of waste materials -

Part 4: Guidance on procedures for sample packaging, storage,
preservation, transport and delivery
CEN/TR 15310-5:2006 Characterization of waste - Sampling of waste materials -
Part 5: Guidance on the process of defining the sampling plan
CEN/TR 16130:2011 Characterization of waste - On-site verification
EN 13965-2:2010 Characterization of waste - Terminology -
Part 2: Management related terms and definitions
EN 14899:2005 Characterization of waste - Sampling of waste materials - Framework
for the preparation and application of a Sampling Plan
EN 16457:2014 Characterization of waste - Framework for the preparation and
application of a testing programme - Objectives, planning and report

Table 2 CEN TC43 recommendations, specifications and standards679

CEN/TR 15404:2010 Solid recovered fuels - Methods for the determination of ash melting
behaviour by using characteristic temperatures
CEN/TR 15441:2006 Solid recovered fuels - Guidelines on occupational health aspects
CEN/TR 15508:2006 Key properties on solid recovered fuels to be used for establishing a
classification system
CEN/TR 15591:2007 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of the biomass content based
on the 14C method
CEN/TR 15716:2008 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of combustion behaviour
CEN/TS 15401:2010 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of bulk density
CEN/TS 15405:2010 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of density of pellets and
CEN/TS 15406:2010 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of bridging properties of bulk
CEN/TS 15412:2010) Solid recovered fuels - Methods for the determination of metallic
CEN/TS 15414-1:2010 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of moisture content using the
oven dry method - Part 1: Determination of total moisture by a
reference method


Table A1.2 CEN TC43 recommendations, specifications and standards, continued

CEN/TS 15414-2:2010 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of moisture content using the
oven dry method - Part 2: Determination of total moisture content
by a simplified method
CEN/TS 15639:2010 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of mechanical durability of
EN 15357:2011 Solid recovered fuels - Terminology, definitions and descriptions
EN 15358:2011 Solid recovered fuels - Quality management systems - Particular
requirements for their application to the production of solid
recovered fuels
EN 15359:2011 Solid recovered fuels - Specifications and classes
EN 15400:2011 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of calorific value
EN 15402:2011 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of the content of volatile
EN 15403:2011 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of ash content
EN 15407:2011 Solid recovered fuels - Methods for the determination of carbon (C),
hydrogen (H) and nitrogen (N) content
EN 15408:2011 Solid recovered fuels - Methods for the determination of sulphur (S),
chlorine (Cl), fluorine (F) and bromine (Br) content
EN 15410:2011 Solid recovered fuels - Methods for the determination of the content
of major elements (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, Si, Ti)
EN 15411:2011 Solid recovered fuels - Methods for the determination of the content
of trace elements (As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Mn, Ni, Pb,
Sb, Se, Tl, V and Zn)
EN 15413:2011 Solid recovered fuels - Methods for the preparation of the test
sample from the laboratory sample
EN 15414-3:2011 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of moisture content using the
oven dry method - Part 3: Moisture in general analysis sample
EN 15415-1:2011 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of particle size distribution -
Part 1: Screen method for small dimension particles
EN 15415-2:2012 ( Solid recovered fuels - Determination of particle size distribution -
Part 2: Maximum projected length method (manual) for large
dimension particles
EN 15415-3:2012 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of particle size distribution -
Part 3: Method by image analysis for large dimension particles
EN 15440:2011 Solid recovered fuels - Methods for the determination of biomass
EN 15440:2011/AC:2011 Solid recovered fuels - Methods for the determination of biomass

EN 15442:2011 Solid recovered fuels - Methods for sampling

EN 15443:2011 Solid recovered fuels - Methods for the preparation of the laboratory
EN 15590:2011 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of the current rate of aerobic
microbial activity using the real dynamic respiration index

Table A1.3 ISO TC 300 Solid recovered fuels standards under development

ISO/AWI 21637 Solid recovered fuels -- Terminology, definitions and descriptions

ISO/CD 21640 Solid recovered fuels -- Specifications and classes
ISO/AWI 21644 Solid recovered fuels -- Method for the determination of biomass
ISO/AWI 21645 Solid recovered fuels -- Methods for sampling
ISO/CD 21654 Solid recovered fuels -- Determination of calorific value
ISO/CD 21656 Solid recovered fuels -- Determination of ash content
ISO/CD 21660-3 Solid recovered fuels -- Determination of moisture content using the
oven dry method -- Part 3: Moisture in general analysis sample
ISO/AWI 21663 Solid recovered fuels -- Methods for the determination of carbon (C),
hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S) by the instrumental method

ISO/AWI 21911 Solid recovered fuels -- Determination of self-heating

ISO/AWI 21912 Solid recovered fuels -- Safe handling and storage of solid recovered
ISO/AWI TR 21916 Solid recovered fuels -- Guidance for specification of solid recovered
fuels (SRF) for selected uses
ISO/AWI 22105 Solid recovered fuels -- Determination of the total Sulphur content using
a high temperature tube furnace combustion method -- IR-detection
ISO/CD 22167 Solid recovered fuels -- Determination of content of volatile matter
ISO/AWI TS 22940 Solid recovered fuels -- Determination of elemental composition by X-
ray fluorescence

Appendix 2 – Limiting Emission Values 2016
The EID directive LEVs apply to plants above 50 MW thermal and waste incinerators above 3
tonnes/hr. The LCP directive LEVS applies or will apply to plants from 1 to 50 MW thermal.

Table A2.1 Emission limit values (mg/Nm³ dry gas) for biomass-fired LCPs

Limiting emission values for selected LCPs SO2 Dust NOx CO

Biomass @ dry gas 6 % O2 50-100 MW 200 20 250 100
100-300 MW, 200 20 200 100
> 300 MW 150 20 150 100
Combustion plants other than gas turbines and gas engines
35 5 100 100
at 3% O2
Gas turbines (including CCGT) above 70 % load at 15% O2, 501 100
Gas engines at 15% O2 75 100
(1) Increased by proportioning GTs with single cycle efficiency above 35 %

Table A2.2 Emission limit values for waste incinerators

Limiting emission values.

Half-hourly average,
All values are referred to dry gas
Daily average, (mg/Nm³ dry gas)
at 11% O2 to which any
(mg/Nm³ dry gas) are of all measurements
measurements should be
below indicated value
(100%) A (97%) B
Total dust 10 30 10
Total organic carbon (TOC) 10 20 10
Hydrogen chloride (HCl) 10 60 10
Hydrogen fluoride (HF) 1 4 2
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) 50 200 50
Nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen 200 400 20
dioxide (NO2), expressed as NO2 (400 below 6 ton/hr.)
Half-hourly 10-minute
Daily average
Emission limit values (mg/Nm³) average average
for CO: 50 100 150
(150 fluid beds)
Average emission limit values (mg/Nm³ dry gas) for the following heavy metals
over a sampling period of a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum of 8 hours
Cadmium and its compounds, expressed as cadmium (Cd)
Total = 0.05
Thallium and its compounds, expressed as thallium (Tl)
Mercury and its compounds, expressed as mercury (Hg) 0.05
Antimony and its compounds, expressed as antimony (Sb)
Arsenic and its compounds, expressed as arsenic (As)
Lead and its compounds, expressed as lead (Pb)
Chromium and its compounds, expressed as chromium (Cr)
Cobalt and its compounds, expressed as cobalt (Co) Total = 0.5
Copper and its compounds, expressed as copper (Cu)
Manganese and its compounds, expressed as manganese (Mn)
Nickel and its compounds, expressed as nickel (Ni)
Vanadium and its compounds, expressed as vanadium (V)
Average emission limit value (ng/Nm³) for dioxins and furans
over a sampling period of a min. of 6 h and a max. of 8 h

The MCP directive gives limiting emission values for combustion plants in the range 1 to 20 MW

Table A2.3 Emission limit values (mg/Nm³ dry gas) for biomass-fired MCPs
Pollutant in mg/Nm3 Solid biomass Gas fuels other than
@ 6 %O2 natural gas @ 3 % O2
SO2 200(1) 35**, 100
NOx 300 (500 < 5 MW) 200
Dust 20 50 < 5 MW, 30 5-20 MW)
* Does not apply for solid wood.
** (400 for coke oven gas and 200 for blast furnace gas in steel industries, 100 for biogas

Table A2.4 Emission limit values (mg/Nm³ dry gas) for gas-fired MCPs
Pollutant in mg/Nm3 Type of MCP Gas fuel other than natural
gas @ 15 % O2
SO2 Engines and gas turbines 15
NOx Engines 190
Gas turbines above 70 % load 200
Dust Engines and gas turbines


The limits below are based on the 1993 Environmental Act and the 1998 Law Concerning Special
Measures against Dioxins, including amendments. A revision of these was initiated in 2014.

Table A2.5 Japanese boiler LEVs680

mg/Nm³ dry gas Flue gas SOx Dust NOx
Type of installation capacity mg/Nm3 mg/Nm3 ppm
1 000 Nm3/h
Gas boiler < 10 Site and 100 (50) 150p
10 - 40- stack height 100(50) 130
40-500 emission in 50 (30) 100
> 500 Nm3/ 50 (30) 60
Solid fuel boiler < 40 300 (200) 300p
(other than coal) 40-700 300 (150) 250
> 700 300 (150) 200

Table A2.6 Japanese waste incinerator LEVs681

Dry gas, @ Cap. SOx Dust NOx HCl Dioxin CO Hg
12 % O2 ton/ mg/Nm3 mg/Nm3 ppm mg/Nm3 mg/Nm3 mg/Nm3 mg/Nm3
Incinerator type
(new facilities)
Waste material 2-4 80 450 1
height specific
Site and stack

Not regulated
emission in

incinerator >4 40 0.1


(vortex combust.)
700 38
Waste material -2 150 250 5
continuous 2-4 80 1
incinerator (other)
>4t 40 0.1
Typical client 143-157 10 <50 80-88 0.1 < 38 0.05

Waste Management and Recycling in Japan. Opportunities for European Companies (SMEs focus) Christine Yolin. EU-Japan Centre
for Industrial Cooperation. Tokyo September 2015


Table A2.7 US EPA emission limits for commercial and industrial waste incinerators
Subpart CCCC of 40 CFR Part 60—Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration
Units That Commenced Construction after June 4, 2010, or Reconstruction or Modification
after August 7, 2013
Pollutants Incinerators Energy Recovery Units Waste- Small,
@ 7% O2 in dry gas (Table 5) (Table 6) Burning remote
Gas/liquid Biomass kilns incinerators
(Table 7) (Table 8)
Cadmium, mg/Nm3 dry 0,0023 0.023 0.0014 0.0014 0.67
Carbon monoxide, ppm 17 35 240 90 long 13
Dioxins, furans (tot. mass) 0.58 0.52 kiln
0.51 1 800
ng/Nm 3
(toxic eq.) 0.13 0.076 0.093 0.075
190 pre- 31
Fugitive ash, visible in % <5 <5 calciner <5
within hourly period
Hydrogen chloride ppm 0,091 14 0.2 3 200
Lead, mg/Nm 3
0.015 0.096 0.014 0.014 2.0
Mercury, mg/Nm 3
0.0084 0.00056 0.0022 0.0037 0.0035
Oxides of nitrogen ppm 23 76 290 200 170
Particulate matter 18 110 5.1 4,9 270
(filterable) mg/Nm3
Sulphur dioxide, ppm vol. 11 720 7.3 28 1.2

Table A2.8 US EPA emission limits for waste incinerators

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart AAAA of
Subparts Cb and Eb - 40 CFR Part 60
71 FR 27324
Pollutants Large MSW Small MSW Other Solid
@ 7% O2 in dry gas Incinerators Incinerators Waste
> 250 s tons/day 40- 250 s tons/day Incinerator
Cadmium, mg/Nm3 0.010 0.020 0.018
Carbon monoxide, ppm 17 50-200* 40
volume furans
Dioxins, (tot. mass) 0.13 0.13 0.33
ng/Nm3 (toxic eq.)
Fugitive ash, visible in % 5
within hourly period
Opacity, % 10 10
Hydrogen chloride ppm vol. 25 or 25 or 15
95 % reduction 95 % reduction
Lead, mg/Nm3 0.14 0.20 0.226
Mercury, mg/Nm 3
0.05 or 0.08 or 0.074
85 % reduction 85 % reduction
Oxides of nitrogen ppm vol. 150 150, 500** 103
Particulate matter 20 24 30
(filterable) mg/Nm3
Sulphur dioxide, ppm vol. 30 or 30 or 3.1
80 % reduction 80 % reduction
* Technology dependant, mass burn 100, stoker 150, FB 150-200
** Aggregated units on site, aggregated capacity above or below 250 short tons per day,

Below in Table A2.9 the data on limiting emission values from Tables A2.1 to Tables A2.5 and
Tables A2.7 and A2.8 are shown after recalculation to a common reference condition, namely
mg/Nm3 dry gas @ 11 % O2 to allow a direct comparison of the limiting emission values.

Table A2.9 Comparison of EU, Japanese and US limiting emission values

mg/Nm3 EU Waste or USA Waste Incineration Japan

dry gas Biomass firing 40 CFR Part 60
@ (in brackets gas
11 % O2 boilers, ICE, GT)
IED Biomass Biomass Incinerators Bio- Air Typical
waste (Gas) LCP MCP mass Pollution Client
Large Small
>50 MW 1-50 MW Act** Criteria

Dust 10 13 13-33 14 17 4 44-90 11

(n.l.) (n.l.)

CO 50 66 n.l. 15 45-180* 215 42 < 42

(55, 166)

SO2 50 100-130 130 61 or 61 or 15 Site 160-175

(20, n.l.) (n.l.) 80 % red. 80 % red. specific

NOx 200 100-130 200-333 220 220 425 280-500 < 50

(55, (316-
83-125) 333)

HCl 10 29 or 29 or 0.2 780 90-100

95 % red. 95 % red.

* Technology dependent. Mass burn lowest, stoker intermediate, fluid. bed highest
** The order establishing LEVs is undergoing revision and an amended order is expected shortly

Appendix 3 Waste Gasification developers
Gasifier developers are listed in alphabetical order in Table A3.1.

Disclaimer: Making a compilation of waste gasification developers involves identifying which

entities are active in the field at present, i.e. 2018, and also of selecting those that have been
active but for various reason are no longer active or have decreased their activities in recent year
but where their past activities has still made an imprint on the technology area. The list below is a
compilation of waste gasification developers belonging to either of these three categories.

However, there are certainly still actively developers that were not identified, there are
commercial and name changes among the entities listed and the retrospect selection of developers
with more prominent activities in the past has been based on more or less subjective criteria.

So, this compilation does not have the pretence of being anywhere near complete; it reflects the
status of the waste gasification technology developers active in 2018 and also some decades
earlier, based on information found in the public domain, company information and also found by
the author to be of interest enough to be selected.

There are certainly a number of developers out there that are not included in the compilation.
Their absence is not reflecting on their development status or technical competence, it is more
reflecting that these entities have not showed up in circumstances where the author has been able
to find references to their activities.

Appendix 4 Waste Gasification Plants and Projects
Gasifier plants and projects are listed in alphabetical order based on their identified name or
location in Table A4.1.

Disclaimer: Making a compilation of waste gasification plants and projects involves identifying
which plants and planned projects that are active in the field at present, i.e. 2018, and also of
selecting those plants and projects that have been operated or actively pursued but for various
reason are no longer active or have decreased their activities in recent year but where their past
activities has still made an imprint on the technology area. The list below is a compilation of waste
gasification plants and project developments belonging to either of these three categories.

However, there are certainly still active developments in the field of waste gasification, or project
developments no longer pursued that were not identified, and there are commercial and name
changes among the entities listed that may result in the continuity of the developments have been
lost. Furthermore, the retrospect selection of plants project developments with more prominent
activities in the past has been based on more or less subjective criteria.

So, this compilation does not have the pretence of being anywhere near complete; it reflects the
status of the waste gasification technology plants and developments active in 2018 and also some
decades earlier based on information found in the public domain, company information and also
found by the author to be of interest enough to be selected.

There are certainly a number of developments out there that are not included in this compilation
as references were not found or because a selection based on interest at present was made.

Further Information
IEA Bioenergy Website

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