The Accountancy Profession
The Accountancy Profession
The Accountancy Profession
ASC: Accounting is a service activity.
AICPA: Accounting is the art of recording, classifying, and summarizing in a significant manner.
AAA: Accounting is a process of identifying, measuring, and communicating economic information.
1. Quantitative information
2. Financial in Nature
3. Useful in decision making
a. Identifying as analytical component
b. Measuring as technical component
c. Communicating as formal component
Identifying: The recognition or non-recognition of business activities, whether it is “accountable”.
Only event with an effect in asset, liabilities, and equity will be recognize.
Economic Activities: The transactions that can be classified into;
a. External Transaction: Involves an entity and another entity
b. Internal Transaction: Involves only an entity
Measuring: Assigning peso amounts to the accountable transactions.
Communicating: Process of preparing and distributing the accounting reports, and the reason why
accounting called “the universal language of business”.
Recording: Journalizing, and the process of systematically maintaining a record of all business
Classifying: Sorting of similar and interrelated transactions at their respective classes.
Summarizing: Preparation of Financial Statements
Republic Act. No. 9298: Law regulating practice of accountancy in the Philippines, “The Philippine
Accountancy Act. Of 2004”.
To practice the accountancy profession:
● Certificate of Registration is valid for 3 years and renewable every 3 years upon payment of
required fees.
Areas of the Profession
Public Accounting: Composed of individual practitioners, small accounting firms and large
multinational organizations that render independent and expert financial services to the public.
● Auditing: The primary service offered, examine the financial statements of CPA for the
purpose of expressing an opinion as to the fairness.
● Taxation Service: Includes the preparation of annual income tax and determination of tax.
● Management Advisory Service: It has no precise coverage, refers to the service to the clients
on matters of accounting, finance, organizations, etc.
Private Accounting: To assist management in planning and controlling the entity's operations.
Employed in various capacity as accounting staff, chief accountant, internal auditor, and controller
(the highest accounting officer).
Government Accounting: Involves in the government funds, property, and interpreting thereof.
Sectors of the Profession
Commerce and Industry: Area of private accounting.
● Every 3 years
● 15 CPD for the renewal of license
● 120 CPD for the renewal of accreditation
● Exemption: permanently exempted at the age of 65, but only the license not for the practice
of accountancy.
GAAP: represent the "rules, procedures, practice and standards followed in the preparation and
presentation of financial statements."
PFRS: The Financial Reporting Standards Council issues its standards in a series of Pronouncements
called "Philippine Financial Reporting Standards" or PFRS.
● Role: Prepared interpretations of PFRS for approval of FRSC and in the context of Conceptual
Framework, to provide timely guidance on financial reporting issues not specifically
addressed in the current PFRS.
● Intended to give "authoritative guidance". on issues that are likely to receive divergent or
unacceptable treatment because the standards do not provide specific and clearcut rules
and guidelines.
IASC: Independent private sector, with the objective of achieving uniformity in the accounting
principles for financial reporting around the world.