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A Vertical Jump Force Test for Assessing

Bilateral Strength Asymmetry in Athletes

Human Performance Lab, Mapei Sport Research Center, Castellanza, Varese, ITALY; 2Neuromuscular Research Laboratory,
Schulthess Clinic, Zurich, SWITZERLAND; and 3School of Sport, Health, and Exercise Sciences, University of Wales–Bangor,

IMPELLIZZERI, F. M., E. RAMPININI, N. MAFFIULETTI, and S. M. MARCORA. A Vertical Jump Force Test for Assessing
Bilateral Strength Asymmetry in Athletes. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 39, No. 11, pp. 2044–2050, 2007. Purpose: To establish the
validity and reliability of a new vertical jump force test (VJFT) for the assessment of bilateral strength asymmetry in a total of 451
athletes. Methods: The VJFT consists of countermovement jumps with both legs simultaneously: one on a single force platform, the
other on a leveled wooden platform. Jumps with the right or the left leg on the force platform were alternated. Bilateral strength
asymmetry was calculated as [(stronger leg j weaker leg)/stronger leg]  100. A positive sign indicates a stronger right leg; a negative
sign indicates a stronger left leg. Studies 1 (N = 59) and 2 (N = 41) examined the correlation between the VJFT and other tests of lower-
limb bilateral strength asymmetry in male athletes. In study 3, VJFT reliability was assessed in 60 male athletes. In study 4, the effect of
rehabilitation on bilateral strength asymmetry was examined in seven male and female athletes 8–12 wk after unilateral knee surgery. In
study 5, normative data were determined in 313 male soccer players. Results: Significant correlations were found between VJFT and
both the isokinetic leg extension test (r = 0.48; 95% confidence interval, 0.26–0.66) and the isometric leg press test (r = 0.83; 0.70–
0.91). VJFT test–retest intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.91 (0.85–0.94), and typical error was 2.4%. The change in mean
[j0.40% (j1.25 to 0.46%)] was not substantial. Rehabilitation decreased bilateral strength asymmetry (mean T SD) of the athletes
recovering from unilateral knee surgery from 23 T 3 to 10 T 4% (P G 0.01). The range of normal bilateral strength asymmetry (2.5th to
97.5th percentiles) was j15 to 15%. Conclusions: The assessment of bilateral strength asymmetry with the VJFT is valid and reliable,
and it may be useful in sports medicine. Key Words: STRENGTH IMBALANCE, ISOKINETIC, ISOMETRIC, VALIDITY,

n the assessment of lower-limb neuromuscular function, Several methods have been proposed to assess bilateral
bilateral strength asymmetry usually refers to the strength asymmetry of the lower limbs (5,6,9,10,24,26,30).
relative difference in maximal strength between the By far, the most common is isokinetic assessment, which
two legs (6,9,10,12,16,20,24,26,30). Bilateral strength quantifies bilateral strength asymmetry of specific muscle
asymmetry of the knee extensors and flexors is widely groups such as the knee extensors and flexors (10).
used in sports medicine to quantify the functional deficit However, it requires very expensive equipment, and its
consequent to knee injury and/or surgery, to monitor the nature (open-chain movement and isokinetic muscle action)
effectiveness of sport rehabilitation programs, and to decide is not specific to most sport activities, which are charac-
whether an athlete is ready to return to competition (9,28). terized by closed-chain movements and fast muscle actions
Furthermore, some studies suggest that bilateral strength involving the stretch-shortening cycle (1). For these
asymmetry can be a risk factor for musculoskeletal injuries reasons, functional tests such as the one-leg hop test have
(11–13,20,30). Therefore, its measurement also may be been developed (5,6,24). These tests consist of measuring
useful to identify athletes at increased risk of incurring the difference between the injured and uninjured legs in the
lower-limb injuries during training and competition. distance jumped horizontally. The advantages of these
functional tests are the lack of expensive equipment and
their specificity, because they require the stretch-shortening
Address for correspondence: Samuele M. Marcora, Ph.D., School of Sport, cycle and force production at relatively high speed.
Health and Exercise Sciences, University of Wales-Bangor, George
Building, Holyhead Road, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2BZ, United
However, force production is not directly measured, and
Kingdom; E-mail: [email protected]. performance is influenced by other factors such as balance
Submitted for publication March 2007. and the ability to coordinate a complex movement involv-
Accepted for publication July 2007. ing both lower and upper limbs. Furthermore, in our
0195-9131/07/3911-2044/0 experience, some athletes are reluctant to perform the one-
MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISEÒ leg hop test during the early phases of sport rehabilitation
Copyright Ó 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine for fear of reinjury. Therefore, psychological factors may
DOI: 10.1249/mss.0b013e31814fb55c also affect its performance. Indeed, this test is proposed for


Copyright @ 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
the assessment of bilateral strength asymmetry only in the body mass 79 T 6 kg) male athletes participating in different
final phases of sport rehabilitation (5,28). sports (soccer, track and field, basket, fencing, and alpine
In this study, we present a new vertical jump force test skiing) were recruited for this correlational study. Subjects
(VJFT) for the assessment of bilateral strength asymmetry suffering from acute musculoskeletal injury were excluded
developed in a large group of athletes (N = 451). This new from the study. Subjects visited the laboratory once in the
method consists of vertical countermovement jumping with morning. During this visit, subjects performed both the
both legs without any arm movement, and it overcomes VJFT and the isokinetic knee extension test with at least
some of the previously mentioned shortcomings of the one- 30 min of rest between the two tests. Testing order was
leg hop tests: no direct measurement of force production, randomly selected to avoid any order effect. Subjects were
the influence of balance, high mechanical load on the instructed to avoid strenuous exercise the day before
injured lower limb, and the influence of low- and upper- testing.
limb coordination. Furthermore, it requires only one force Study 2: correlation with isometric leg press
platform, thus halving the cost of equipment compared with test. Forty-one (age 25 T 4 yr, height 178 T 5 cm, body
a similar two-leg jump test recently proposed by Newton mass 78 T 5 kg) male athletes participating in different
et al. (23). sports (soccer, track and field, basket, fencing, and alpine
The aims of this study were to establish the reliability of skiing) were recruited for this correlational study. Subjects
the VJFT, to explore its correlation with other measures of suffering from acute musculoskeletal injury were excluded
bilateral strength asymmetry of the lower limbs, to examine from the study. Subjects visited the laboratory once in the
its sensitivity to changes induced by sport rehabilitation morning. During this visit, subjects performed both the
programs of knee-injured athletes, and to statistically define VJFT and the isometric leg press test with at least 30 min of
cutoff values for abnormal bilateral strength asymmetry of rest between the two tests. Testing order was randomly
the lower limbs in male soccer players. selected to avoid any order effect. Subjects were instructed
to avoid strenuous exercise the day before testing.
METHODS Study 3: test–retest reliability. Reliability of
bilateral strength asymmetry as measured by the VJFT
Subjects and Study Design
was determined in 60 male subjects (age 25 T 6 yr, height
The present investigation consisted of five separate 177 T 4 cm, body mass 76 T 6 kg) participating in different
studies. In the first study, we examined the correlation sports (soccer, track and field, basket, fencing, and alpine
between the VJFT and the isokinetic knee extension test, skiing). Subjects suffering from acute musculoskeletal
which is the most commonly used method for the assess- injury were excluded from the study. Repeated testing was
ment of bilateral strength asymmetry. However, this test is completed in a gym. Subjects visited the facility on two

open chain and isolates the knee extensor muscles. There- consecutive days in the morning, 2–4 h after a light
fore, we also examined the correlation between the VJFT breakfast.
and bilateral strength asymmetry calculated from an Study 4: effect of sport rehabilitation. Five male
isometric leg press test. This test, like the VJFT, is closed soccer players (age 23 T 2 yr, height 179 T 4 cm, body mass
chain and involves not only the knee extensors, but also the 76 T 5 kg), one female fencer (age 23 yr, height 168 cm,
hip extensors and plantar flexors. In the third study, test– body mass 53 kg), and one female volleyball player (age
retest reliability of the VJFT was determined for protocols 19 yr, height 175 cm, body mass 61 kg) participating in
with different numbers of jumps. A fourth study examined individualized rehabilitation programs after unilateral
the sensitivity of the VJFT to rehabilitation programs anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction were recruited for
designed to reduce bilateral strength asymmetry in athletes this study. Bilateral strength asymmetry of the lower limbs
recovering from unilateral knee surgery. The fifth study was was tested with the VJFT 8–12 wk after surgery (pretest).
conducted to provide preliminary normative data of bilateral This corresponded to the start of the advanced activity
strength asymmetry assessed with this new method by rehabilitation phase according to the Wilk et al. (28)
screening a large number of soccer players. classification. Posttests were performed 7–9 wk later during
Before participating in these studies, all subjects (N = the return to activity rehabilitation phase. The sport
451) gave their written informed consent. All studies were rehabilitation programs included open-chain isokinetic,
approved by the independent institutional review board of closed-chain isotonic, and plyometric exercises and were
MAPEI Sport Research Center, according to the Guidelines performed in different rehabilitation centers. Subjects were
and Recommendations for European Ethics Committees by tested at approximately the same time of the day, about 3 h
the European Forum for Good Clinical Practice. Data after a light meal.
collection started in 2002 and finished in 2006. All Study 5: normative data. The VJFT was administered
participants were already familiar with the countermove- to 313 male soccer players competing in Italy at pro-
ment jump test used in this investigation. fessional, semiprofessional, and amateur levels (age 25 T
Study 1: correlation with isokinetic leg exten- 4.1 yr, height 177 T 5 cm, body mass 74 T 7 kg) to provide
sion test. Fifty-nine (age 26 T 5 yr, height 180 T 5 cm, preliminary reference values for bilateral strength

STRENGTH ASYMMETRY DURING VERTICAL JUMPING Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 2045

Copyright @ 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
asymmetry of the lower limbs. Subjects suffering from each leg was used to calculate bilateral strength asymmetry.
acute musculoskeletal injury were excluded from the study. Before the VJFT, subjects performed a general warm-up
However, most of these subjects had a history of previous consisting of jogging on a treadmill or on the field for
mild to severe musculoskeletal injuries of the lower limbs. 10 min, and two or three submaximal jumps as specific
Participants were tested indoors at their usual training warm-up and practice. Verbal encouragement was provided
facility during the preseason training period (from July to during the test. The force platform was regularly checked
September) and were instructed to avoid strenuous exercise for accuracy, linearity, and consistency over time in the
for 24 h before testing. loaded condition (5 min), using certified weights ranging
from 20 to 200 kg, placed in the area of the force platform
Measurements in which the foot was placed during the VJFT.
Isokinetic knee extension test. Maximal concentric
Vertical jump force test. Vertical peak force (N)
strength of the knee extensor muscles was measured in open
produced by either the right or left leg during vertical
chain using an isokinetic dynamometer (Cybex Norm,
countermovement jumping performed with both legs and
Humac, CA) at angular velocities of 60 and 240-Isj1. After
without any arm movement was measured using a portable
10 min of warm-up cycling at 100 W, subjects were
force platform (QuattroJump, Kistler, Switzerland) at a
positioned on an adjustable chair and secured to the
sampling rate of 500 Hz (Fig. 1). Each participant started
equipment with straps across the trunk, hip, and thigh.
from a stationary, erect position, with knees fully extended.
The axis of the knee joint was aligned with the axis of the
The participant then squatted down to about 90- of knee
dynamometer arm. An antishear system (Humac, CA) was
flexion before starting the upward motion. Subjects were
also positioned on the tibia to limit shear stress to the knee.
instructed to keep hands on the hips to prevent the influence
Range of motion was set at 10–90-. Before each test, the
of arm movements. The position of the feet was
gravity-compensation procedure was done according to the
standardized during all tests at shoulder width. Subjects
manufacturer_s instructions. After five to six submaximal
performed these countermovement jumps while standing
contractions, the subjects were instructed to push as hard as
with the leg being tested on the force platform and the
possible against a shin pad secured to the distal tibia.
contralateral leg placed on a wooden platform leveled with
Subjects completed three maximal contractions at 60-Isj1
the force platform surface. The two platforms were
and then three maximal contractions at 240-Isj1 with either
positioned 1 cm apart to avoid contact, and the feet were
the left or right leg. The starting leg (left or right) was
placed at the same distance from this interplatform space
randomly selected to avoid any order effect. The average of
(Fig. 1). Participants were carefully observed before and
the peak torques (NIm) measured during the three maximal
during the jumps to ensure that the proper placement and
trials of each leg was used to calculate bilateral strength

jumping technique were used, and only correct trials were

asymmetry. To avoid artifacts, only peak torques in the load
accepted. Subjects performed a total of 10 maximal jumps,
range were considered (8). Verbal encouragement was
alternating the left and right legs (five jumps each), with
provided during the test.
60- to 90-s rest periods between jumps. The starting leg (left
Isometric leg press test. Similarly to Marcora and
or right) was randomly selected to avoid any order effect.
Miller (22), peak force (N) developed during closed-chain
The average of the three highest peak forces measured for
maximal isometric contractions was measured using a load
cell (AIP, Varese, Italy) connected to an A/D converter
(Muscle Lab, Rome, Italy) mounted on an horizontal leg
press (Technogym, Gambettola, Italy) at a sampling rate of
100 Hz. The load cell was positioned in series with the
sliding axis of the leg press so that the direct line of force
was registered. Before each trial, the two chains fixing the
load cell to the leg press were tensed to obtain a rigid
system. Then, the load cell was reset to zero to negate the
force produced on it by the two chains. The dynamometer
was routinely calibrated using ISO-certified weights. The
leg press back, on which the subjects were lying, was
inclined 30- from the horizontal plane. The knee angle was
set at about 100- and was controlled using an electronic
goniometer (Muscle Lab, Rome, Italy). Before the maximal
isometric contractions, subjects performed a general warm-
up consisting of jogging on a treadmill or on the field for
10 min, and two to three submaximal isometric contractions
FIGURE 1—Image of a subject standing on the force (right leg) and as specific warm-up and practice. The participants then
wooden (left leg) platforms during a vertical jump force test. performed three maximal isometric contractions, with 2–3

2046 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

Copyright @ 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
min of recovery in between, with either the left or right leg. for each leg, but also considering only the first one, two,
The starting leg (left or right) was randomly selected to three, and four. The magnitude of differences between
avoid any order effect. Subjects were asked to exert force as duplicate measurements was interpreted by reference to the
hard and fast as possible for 5 s. During isometric leg press within-group SD (differences greater than 0.2 SD are
test, participants were verbally encouraged. The average of considered substantial) (15). The effect of sport rehabilita-
the peak forces measured during the three maximal trials of tion on bilateral strength asymmetry of the lower limbs
each leg was used to calculate bilateral strength asymmetry. (study 4) was examined by Wilcoxon matched-pairs test
Verbal encouragement was provided during the test. (pretest versus posttest). For this statistical analysis,
negative values (i.e., left stronger) were converted into
Bilateral Strength Asymmetry Calculation positive values. A Wilcoxon test was also used to assess
pre–post changes in mean peak force during the VJFT in
In the literature (19,20,30), relative lower-limb strength
both the injured and uninjured legs. Normative data
asymmetry is calculated in different ways: 1) (injured –
collected in study 5 were checked for normality using the
noninjured)/injured  100; 2) (right j left)/left  100; 3)
Shapiro–Wilk W test and are graphically presented using a
(stronger j weaker)/stronger  100. The first method can
frequency-distribution histogram. Normal range was
be applied only to injured athletes and, therefore, was not
defined by the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles (2). The
used in the current study, which includes predominantly
probability of type I error (alpha) was set a priori at 0.05
healthy subjects. The second method has the disadvantage
in all statistical analyses.
of providing different values of relative asymmetry when
using the right limb as numerator irrespective of its
functional status (weaker or stronger). For example, an RESULTS
absolute strength asymmetry of 200 N in a subject with
Study 1: correlation with isokinetic knee exten-
stronger right leg (right leg = 1000 N; left leg = 800 N)
sion test. The mean peak torque of the stronger and
would correspond to +20%. If the same subject had a
weaker legs measured during the isokinetic knee extension
stronger left leg, the relative difference would be j25%.
test at 60-Isj1 was 242 T 59 and 222 T 56 NIm, respectively.
The third method does not suffer from the problem
The mean peak torque of the stronger and weaker legs
mentioned above, but it always gives positive values. This
measured during the isokinetic strength test at 240-Isj1 was
is a problem when calculating percentiles (skewed distribu-
153 T 37 and 143 T 35 NIm, respectively. The mean peak
tion) and reliability (there is the possibility that the strong
force measured during the VJFT was 1069 T 218 N for the
leg will become the weaker one in a subsequent assess-
stronger leg and 984 T 200 N for the weaker leg. The
ment). To overcome these shortcomings, in the present
correlations between bilateral strength asymmetry calcu-

study we decided to calculate bilateral strength asymmetry
lated with the isokinetic leg extension test and the VJFT
according to the third method, but a negative sign (j) was
were moderate but significant for both 60-Isj1 (r = 0.48;
arbitrarily assigned when the left leg was the stronger one,
95% confidence interval: 0.26–0.66; P G 0.001) and
and a positive sign (+) was used when the right leg was the
240-Isj1 (r = 0.48; 0.26–0.66; P G 0.001).
stronger one.
Study 2: correlation with isometric leg press
test. The mean peak force of the stronger and weaker leg
Statistical Analysis
measured during the isometric leg press test was 1318 T 383
Unless otherwise noted, all data are presented as mean T and 1214 T 363 N, respectively. The mean peak force
one standard deviation (SD). The relationship between measured during the VJFT was 1057 T 221 N for the
bilateral strength asymmetry measured by VJFT and stronger leg and 975 T 181 N for the weaker leg. A
bilateral strength asymmetry measured by isokinetic knee significant and very large correlation was found between
extension (study 1) and isometric leg press (study 2) was bilateral strength asymmetry calculated with the isometric
assessed by Pearson_s product–moment correlation. The leg press test and bilateral strength asymmetry calculated
following scale of magnitudes proposed by Hopkins with VJFT (r = 0.83; 0.70–0.91; P G 0.001).
( was used to interpret the correlation Study 3: test–retest reliability. The mean peak force
coefficients: G 0.1, trivial; 0.1–0.3, small; 0.3–0.5, moder- measured during the first trial of the VJFT was 951 T 114 N
ate; 0.5–0.7, large; 0.7–0.9, very large; > 0.9, nearly for the stronger leg and 887 T 107 N for the weaker leg. The
perfect. Test–retest reliability (study 3) was examined using mean peak force measured during the second trial of the
two-way, mixed-effects, single-measure models of intraclass VJFT was 929 T 128 N for the stronger leg and 869 T 120 N
correlation coefficient (ICC: 3, 1), and typical standard error for the weaker leg. Test–retest reliability of VJFT bilateral
of measurement (14). Bland–Altman limits of agreement strength asymmetry is presented in Table 1. All residuals in
were also calculated (7). To establish the most practical the Bland–Altman plots showed no evidence of significant
number of jumps for the calculation of bilateral strength heteroscedasticity (R = 0.02). Changes in the means
asymmetry, we assessed reliability on bilateral strength between test and retest were not substantial, because they
asymmetry, calculated not only considering all five jumps were all lower than T 1.52% (0.2  within-group SD),

STRENGTH ASYMMETRY DURING VERTICAL JUMPING Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 2047

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TABLE 1. Test–retest reliability of the vertical jump force test.
Number of Jumps Change in the Mean Limits of Agreement Typical Error ICC
First 1 j0.20 (j2.20 to 1.80) T 15.2% 5.5% (4.6 to 6.7%) 0.58 (0.38 to 0.72)
First 2 0.14 (j1.20 to 1.47) T 10.1% 3.7% (3.1 to 4.5%) 0.77 (0.64 to 0.85)
First 3 0.20 (j0.83 to 1.23) T 7.8% 2.8% (2.4 to 3.4%) 0.86 (0.77 to 0.91)
First 4 j0.13 (j1.10 to 0.83) T 7.3% 2.6% (2.2 to 3.2%) 0.88 (0.80 to 0.93)
First 5 j0.40 (j1.25 to 0.46) T 6.5% 2.4% (2.0 to 2.9%) 0.91 (0.85 to 0.94)
In parentheses are the 95% confidence intervals. ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient.

except for VJFT bilateral strength asymmetry calculated contribute to only 49% of the total positive work done
from only one jump for each leg. The best test–retest during maximal vertical jumps (18). Indeed, the correlation
reliability was obtained using the mean value of five jumps between the VJFT and the isometric leg press test, which
per leg. involves not only the knee extensors but also the muscles
Study 4: effect of sport rehabilitation. There was a acting at the hip and ankle joints, was much more
significant reduction in bilateral strength asymmetry of the substantial, with 69% of shared variance. This suggests
lower limbs between pretest (23 T 3%) and posttest (10 T that these two tests measure the same construct, that is,
4%) (P = 0.02). Whereas the mean peak force of the bilateral strength asymmetry of the entire lower limbs. The
uninjured leg did not change significantly between pretest remaining variance is likely to be explained by factors that
(938 T 165 N) and posttest (998 T 209 N) (P = 0.50), the influence vertical jump performance but not maximal
mean peak force of the injured leg increased significantly isometric strength, such as the ability to use the stretch-
from 725 T 117 to 980 T 145 N (P = 0.02). Despite being shortening cycle potentiation during a countermovement
tested only 8–12 wk after surgery, the VJFT was well jump (21), and rate of force development (22).
tolerated by these athletes, and no adverse events occurred Similarly to our results, Newton et al. (23) have found a
during testing. significant correlation between bilateral strength asymmetry
Study 5: normative data. The mean peak force of the calculated from their two-leg jump test and bilateral
stronger and weaker legs measured during the VJFT was strength asymmetry calculated from their parallel squat test
1036 T 153 and 972 T 141 N, respectively. The distribution (R = 0.73, P G 0.01). On the contrary, they did not find any
of the individual strength asymmetry values calculated with significant correlation with the isokinetic knee extension
the VJFT in 313 soccer players was normal (Shapiro–Wilk test at 60-Isj1 (R = 0.04) and 240-Isj1 (R = 0.55). The
W = 0.995, P = 0.47). The normal range (95% reference reason for such a low correlation at 60-Isj1 is not apparent.
interval) was j15.1% (2.5th percentile) and 15.0% (97.5th At 240-Isj1, however, the correlation coefficient found by

percentile). The average lower-limb strength asymmetry Newton et al. (23) is similar to the significant one found in
value was 0.8%. our study. Therefore, their lack of statistical significance
may be related to a small sample size (N = 14) and
consequent low statistical power. In conclusion, we suggest
that open-chain, isokinetic tests should be used when the
We have presented a new method for the assessment of purpose of the assessment is to quantify bilateral strength
bilateral strength asymmetry of the lower limbs in athletes. asymmetry of specific lower-limb muscles such as the knee
With the VJFT, it is possible to directly measure the force extensors and flexors. On the contrary, both the VJFT and
produced by each leg during vertical countermovement other closed-chain tests provide a global measure of
jumping. The characteristics of this movement (stretch- bilateral strength asymmetry, and they may be more
shortening cycle, closed chain, and relatively high speed) functionally relevant to daily life and sport activities,
are similar for most sport activities. Furthermore, the because these require the coordinated action of many
control of arm movement removes its influence on test lower-limb muscles.
results, which better reflect lower-limb function. These Because the best way to assess reproducibility of
features of the VJFT ensure its content validity. repeated measurements is a matter of debate, we assessed
The results of the first study demonstrate a statistically test–retest reliability using a variety of statistical methods.
significant correlation between the VJFT and the isokinetic Our ICC (1,3) analysis suggests that bilateral strength
leg extension test, the most common method used to asymmetry calculated from the VJFT is highly reliable
quantify bilateral strength asymmetry of the lower limbs (ICC = 0.91) (27). This value is similar to the ICC reported
in athletes. However, the moderate correlation coefficient for bilateral strength asymmetry indirectly inferred from
between these two tests (only 23% of variance in common) differences in one-leg hop test performance in healthy and
suggests that the VJFT and the isokinetic knee extension injured athletes (0.81 G R G 0.98) (4,16). Surprisingly, to the
test are not interchangeable when assessing bilateral best of our knowledge, there are no reliability studies of
strength asymmetry. This is not surprising, because the isokinetic tests of lower-limb bilateral strength asymmetry
isokinetic test isolates the knee extensors, and these, in turn, in healthy subjects. Therefore, it is not possible to make

2048 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

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meaningful comparisons. However, VJFT test–retest reli- define clinically relevant bilateral strength asymmetry with
ability compares well with the ICC shown by Hsu et al. (17) isokinetic and one-leg hop tests (5,6,12,25,29). Similar
for bilateral strength asymmetry of the knee extensors investigations need to be conducted in female subjects and
measured in stroke patients at 30-Isj1 (ICC = 0.42) and athletes competing in other sports, to increase the external
90-Isj1 (ICC = 0.81). validity of these normative data. Furthermore, the signifi-
Because the results of ICC analysis are influenced by cance of these VJFT cutoff values as a risk factor for sport-
sample heterogeneity (3), we have also assessed the agree- related injuries needs to be established with prospective
ment between repeated measures of bilateral strength epidemiological studies. In clinical practice, reducing the
asymmetry calculated from the VJFT. Using the Bland– length and intensity of the warm-up should not reduce the
Altman 95% limits of agreement method (7), we found a usefulness of the normative data obtained in this inves-
nonsignificant bias and a random error of T 6.5%. There- tigation. Indeed, the well-established positive effect of
fore, when using the VJFT for the assessment of bilateral muscle temperature on power production should affect
strength asymmetry in individual athletes, changes > 6.5% both legs, thus leaving bilateral strength asymmetry
would indicate a very high probability (97.5%) that a true unaltered.
change has occurred. Hopkins (14) argues that a limit of In conclusion, the results of the present investigation
agreement of 95% may be too conservative and suggests suggest that the assessment of bilateral strength asymmetry
that a change corresponding to 1.5 or 2 times the typical with the VJFT is valid and reliable. Because the VJFT is
error can be acceptable. Therefore, changes > 4.8% (twice performed with both legs, the mechanical load experienced
the typical error) may be a more realistic cutoff value to be by the injured leg is considerably reduced compared with
used in sport rehabilitation practice. Nevertheless, the the one-leg hop tests currently used for functional assess-
results of study 4 suggest that, even when using the most ment of injured athletes in the advanced phases of sport
stringent 95% limits of agreement, the VJFT may be useful rehabilitation. Indeed, the VJFT was well tolerated by our
for monitoring longitudinal changes in bilateral strength seven athletes tested only 8–12 wk after knee surgery, and it
asymmetry in individual athletes. Indeed, we measured may be useful for monitoring injured athletes during the
individual reductions ranging from 8 to 21% in response to early phases of sport rehabilitation. Further studies with a
sport rehabilitation programs lasting 7–9 wk. The average large number of athletes recovering from lower-limb
reduction in bilateral strength asymmetry (13 T 4%) is two injuries are needed to confirm this possibility and to
times the random error, which suggests a good sensitivity establish clinical guidelines for the assessment of bilateral
(i.e., a high signal-to-noise ratio) of the VJFT. Although we strength asymmetry using this new method. Epidemiolog-
used the mean value of five jumps for each leg to calculate ical studies are also necessary to explore whether abnormal
bilateral strength asymmetry in our studies, the data in VJFT asymmetry (> 15%) could predict future musculo-

Table 1 suggest that, in clinical practice, an acceptable skeletal injuries to the lower limbs in athletes.
reliability might be achievable with only three or four jumps
per leg.
The authors would like to thank Aldo Sassi, Piero Mognoni,
To establish preliminary normative data useful for the Andrea Morelli, Domenico Carlomagno, Duccio Ferrari Bravo, Paolo
diagnosis of abnormal bilateral strength asymmetry in Menaspa, and Maurizio Fanchini for their valuable support in data
athletes, we administered the VJFT to a large group of collection. Funding for these studies was provided by the MAPEI
Group. The authors have no conflicts of interest that are directly
competitive male soccer players. From these data, we relevant to the content of this study and no professional relation-
calculated a reference interval between j15.1% (left ships with companies or manufacturers that would benefit from the
stronger) and 15.0% (right stronger). Values falling outside results of the present investigation. Part of the data included in the
present study have been presented at the 9th Annual Congress of
this interval can be considered abnormal and, interestingly, the European College of Sport Science (Clermond Ferrand, France,
are very similar to the 15% cutoff value commonly used to July 2004).

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