Thuy Luc Drd420
Thuy Luc Drd420
Thuy Luc Drd420
Group 70
Hydraulic system
Specifications .............................................................................2
Main hydraulics ..........................................................................3
Description ............................................................................3
Overview ..........................................................................3
Electro-hydraulic servo system, principles .......................3
Working hydraulics, feed..................................................4
Servo circuits..................................................................10
Lift ..................................................................................11
Boom extension .............................................................13
Service ................................................................................15
Hydraulic fluid.................................................................15
Hydraulic oil filter............................................................15
Breather filter..................................................................15
Hydraulic fluid filter for the servo hydraulics...................16
Hydraulic fluid filter for the brake cooling circuit.............16
Steering system........................................................................17
Description ..........................................................................17
Steering valve ................................................................18
Priority valve...................................................................20
Brake system............................................................................22
Description ..........................................................................22
Brake system ................................................................22
Cooling circuit.................................................................23
Main components of the brake system ..........................23
Brake system, feed ........................................................24
Hydraulic accumulators..................................................26
Accumulator charging valve ...........................................27
Hydraulic brake pedal ....................................................28
Parking brake .................................................................29
Parking brake valve........................................................29
Service ................................................................................30
Accumulators, checking the pre-charging pressure .......30
Hydraulic oil cooler.........................................................31
Adjusting the WDB brake system...................................33
Cab movement.........................................................................34
Tilt, attachment.........................................................................34
Hydraulic pumps.......................................................................35
Description ..........................................................................35
Variable axial piston pump .............................................35
Vane pump.....................................................................36
Service ................................................................................37
Setting the variable pumps.............................................37
Main valve ................................................................................39
Description ..........................................................................39
Service ................................................................................40
Hydraulic cylinders ...................................................................41
Service ................................................................................41
Repairs to leaking hydraulic cylinders............................41
Lifting cylinder ................................................................42
Telescoping cylinder, main boom...................................43
Damping cylinders, attachment......................................44
Hydraulic diagram, component list ......................................45
Hydraulic diagram, standard (H) ....................... A23056.0400
Hydraulic diagram, separate brake system tank (H)
..................................................................... A23056.0500
ContChamp DRD-S Specifications 02-03
Technical Handbook Group 70 P. 2
4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2
The numbers in the text preceded by an H, for example, H13, re-
fer to the hydraulic system diagram. The numbering in the differ-
ent illustrations is common with the hydraulic system diagram.
The hydraulic system consists of the following sub-systems:
Working hydraulics that include:
– Servo hydraulics that supply pressure to the electro-hy-
draulic servo system
– Extension and retraction of the boom
– Lift and lowering of the boom
Attachment hydraulics (see group 80)
– Rotation of the yoke (hydraulic motor)
– Length adjustment of top-lift (hydraulic motor)
– Side-shift of top-lift
– Locking/release of twist-locks
Foot brake system
– WDB system, hydraulically controlled, oil-cooled multiple
brake discs with external cooling
Parking brake system, disk brake on the drive axle's ingoing
axle, spring activated with hydraulic release.
Steering system
S2 S3
Numbering corresponds with the
hydraulic system diagram (H)
1. Hydraulic tank
14 15 2. Double variable hydraulic pump, LIFT,
3. Double variable hydraulic pump, LIFT,
13 16 47 5. Fixed hydraulic pump, BRAKE SYSTEM
6. Non-return valve
7. High pressure filter
8. Steering system
12 10. Priority valve, STEERING, residual flow
11. Filter, servo circuit
11 13. Main valve
8 25 14. Converter, EXTENSION
15. Converter, LIFT
7 7 7 16. Main valve
21. Accumulator charge valve
22. Accumulator
21 29 23. Accumulator discharge valve
6 6 6 6 25. Valve for servo pressure
27 (Emergency lowering)
26. Filter, cooling circuit, brake system
41 27. Oil cooled brake discs
3 5 23
2 29. Service brake valve
34. Parking brake valve
1 41. Hydraulic oil cooler
KL1336-D 47. Main valve, attachment
(Hydraulic diagram, attachment)
For the following items,
see Electro-servo system (S)
S2 ECU 2
S3 ECU 3
S7.1-2 Converter LIFT
S7.3-4 Converter EXTENSION
S32 Control lever Hydraulic system, standard system, principal
ContChamp DRD-S Main hydraulics 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 5
Numbering corresponds with the
S2 S3 hydraulic system diagram (H)
1. Hydraulic tank
2. Double variable hydraulic pump, LIFT,
14 15 SERVO
S7.3-4 S7.1-2 3. Double variable hydraulic pump, LIFT,
5. Fixed hydraulic pump, BRAKE SYS-
13 16 47 6. Non-return valve
7. High pressure filter
8. Steering system
10. Priority valve, STEERING, residual
22 34 flow to SERVO, MAIN VALVES
25 11. Filter, servo circuit
13. Main valve
11 14. Converter, EXTENSION
8 15. Converter, LIFT
10 41 29 16. Main valve
21. Accumulator charge valve
7 7 7 22. Accumulator
26 27
23. Accumulator discharge valve
25. Valve for servo pressure
45 (Emergency lowering)
6 6 6 6 26. Filter, cooling circuit, brake system
21 23
27. Oil cooled brake discs
29. Service brake valve
34. Parking brake valve
2 3 5 41. Hydraulic fluid cooler, brake system
43. Hydraulic fluid tank, brake system
1 43 44. Fixed hydraulic pump, cooling circuit
for working hydraulics
45. Hydraulic fluid cooler, working
For the following items, 47. Main valve, attachment
see Electro-servo system (S) (Hydraulic diagram, attachment)
S2 ECU 2
S3 ECU 3
S7.1-2 Converter LIFT
S7.3-4 Converter EXTENSION Hydraulic system, system with
S32 Control lever separate tank for brake system, principle
ContChamp DRD-S Main hydraulics 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 6
2a 2b
1. Hydraulic tank
2. Double, variable hydraulic pump, LIFT, EXTENSION, STEERING SYSTEM, SERVO
3. Double, variable hydraulic pump, LIFT, EXTENSION, TOP LIFT
4. -
5. Fixed hydraulic pump, BRAKE SYSTEM
The hydraulic fluid in the separate tank for the brake sys-
tem must never contain any additives.
43 2a
2b 3a
3a 3b
2a 2b
10 6
A 7
3a 3b
2a 2b
10 6
A 7
10a 15 22
1 16
1. Hydraulic tank
10a. Pressure regulator valve SERVO, 30-35 bar
11. Filter, servo circuit
13. Main valve
14. Converter, EXTENSION
15. Converter, LIFT
16. Main valve
22. Accumulator
25. Valve for reserve servo pressure
Servo circuit
ContChamp DRD-S Main hydraulics 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 11
Both lift cylinders are, on the piston side, provided with valve
blocks (H17) which contain blocking valves.
When the lift cylinder is in the bottom position and the lift lever is
768-11,13 not touched, the blocking piston is held in the closed position by
spring pressure as well as by blocking pressure through the
solenoid valve. When lifting, hydraulic fluid is fed to the inlet VA,
the piston opens and releases fluid through port C+ to the lift cyl-
inder. Opening pressure is 2.5 bar.
The valve holds the load by means of fluid pressure from the lift
cylinder to port C+. The pressure is choked as blocking pressure
and presses the piston towards the closed position.
(S14)H17d The blocking valves prevent communication between lift cylin-
ders, which, in turn, prevents any twisting of the boom with
uneven loads.
The lift cylinders are connected in parallel and are fed from both
main valves with the combined capacity from the hydraulic sys-
tems four variable pumps.
13 17
Numbering corresponds with the
hydraulic system diagram (H)
1. Hydraulic tank
13. Main valve
16. Main valve
17. Valve block, lift cylinders
18. Lift cylinders
Lift system
ContChamp DRD-S Main hydraulics 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 12
D Draining to tank
C+ Feed to lift cylinder
C- Return from lift cylinder
e T Tank return
f VA Feed from pumps
f a c
e d
a a
Hydraulic fluid
The hydraulic-fluid tank is located on the right-hand side of the
Check the fluid level on the fluid sight-glass, with all hydraulic pis-
tons in the bottom positions.
Top up the hydraulic fluid as necessary. See the Specification for
the oil grades.
If the truck has an oil-cooled wet disc brake system, any hydraulic
oil used for topping-up should contain 6% of Lubrizol additive
which is necessary for good performance of the brake system.
The additive is not consumed during normal operation and must
only be added at oil change and refill. Lubrizol may be ordered
from Kalmar Service department.
Systems with separate tank for the brake system:
The hydraulic fluid for the brake system must never
contain any additives.
1. Clean the outside of the filter and the area around it.
2. Place a vessel under the filter to collect any spillage.
3. Empty the filter bowl by unscrewing the drain plug.
4. Unscrew the filter bowl.
5. Slide off the filter cartridge.
6. Replace the two O-rings between the filter head and the filter
The O-rings are included with the filter cartridge.
Moisten the O-rings with hydraulic fluid prior to fitting.
7. Remove the filter cartridge from its packaging and immedia-
tely fit it.
1. Filter head 8. Clean the filter bowl carefully and half fill it with hydraulic fluid.
2. By-pass valve, 7 bar opening pressure
3. O-ring 9. Screw back the filter bowl in position.
4. O-ring 10.Start the engine to purge the system of air, and check that the
5. Filter cartridge filter does not leak.
6. Filter bowl
7. Drain plug
Breather filters
IMPORTANT! Two breather filters on top of the hydraulic tank protect the hy-
The filter has an arrow on it indicating draulic liquid from impurities as air needs to enter and leave the
the direction of the flow. The filter must tank. The filters are of spin-on type.
therefore be fitted so that the arrow
points in the direction of the flow.
ContChamp DRD-S Main hydraulics 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 16
Steering system
The steering system is fed from hydraulic pump 2.
A priority valve ensures that the steering valve always has suffi-
cient fluid. The residual flow goes to the working hydraulics.
From the ORB2 connection on the priority valve there is always a
certain signal pressure in communication with the steering
valve's pressure connection. As soon as the steering wheel is
moved, this, via the steering cylinder circuit, will give a load signal
LS back to the priority valve (LSO-connection), which shifts posi-
tion and feeds out sufficient pump capacity to the steering valve.
The pressure in the steering system is determined by a relief
valve in the priority valve (10d).
1. Hydraulic tank
8. Steering valve ORBITROL
9. Steering cylinder
10. Priority valve
Steering system
ContChamp DRD-S Steering system 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 18
Steering valve
The steering valve is of the closed-centre, non-reaction type with
a load signal connection to the priority valve. The load signal en-
sures load-dependent control of the flow from the priority valve to
the steering valve. The closed-centre feature means that the
valve shuts off the flow between the pump and the tank when the
valve is in the neutral position. This is necessary to enable a sig-
nal pressure to be connected to the steering valve.
The steering valve consists of a gear pump and a distribution
valve. When the steering valve is turned, fluid is supplied from the
steering pump across the gear pump to the distribution valve,
which ensures that the flow will be supplied to the port corre-
sponding to the direction in which the steering valve has been
turned. The gear pump ensures that the flow supplied to the cyl-
inder will be proportional to the angle through which the steering
wheel has been turned. If the flow from the steering pump should
cease, the steering valve will automatically perform as a manual
pump, i.e. some degree of emergency control will still be availa-
A valve block with built-in double shock and suction valves is con-
nected to the steering valve. The shock valves opening at 280
bar, prevent pressure surges caused by blows against the
steered wheels from being propagated to the steering valve. The
suction valves open to prevent vacuum on the opposite side of
the piston, which could lead to cavitation.
1. Steering valve
2. Valve block
3. Double shock valve with suction valve
4. Check valve
Steering valve
ContChamp DRD-S Steering system 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 20
Priority valve
The priority valve apportions the flow of fluid from the pump H2
so that a sufficient flow always goes to the steering valve.
The priority valve is built into a valve block that also contains the
pressure regulator valve for the servo system.
Steering valve H8-LS is fed with a dynamic load signal, a flow of
2-3 l/min. continually circulates from the priority valve connection
H10-LSO to the control valve. When the steering wheel is turned
this flow is shut off and pressure builds up. The pressure acti-
vates pump H2 and resets priority valve H10c for feeding of the
steering valve H8 (P).
When the steering wheel is not turned, all the flow from the pump
goes to main valve of the working hydraulics, H13, with the ex-
ception of a minor flow that feeds the servo system via pressure
reduction valve H10a.
The pressure reduction valve H10d is adjustable and determines
the steering pressure.
Priority valve
ContChamp DRD-S Steering system 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 21
g h b
H10.Priority valve
a. Pressure regulator valve SERVO, 30-35 bar
b. Valve, feed for working hydraulics
10 c. Priority valve, feed for steering system
d. Overflow valve, setting of steering pressure
e. Non-return valve
b f. Restriction
g. Restriction
h. Non-return valve
i. Shuttle valve
a h e BR ACC Connection, reserve servo pressure from
c P1 Feed, working hydraulics
ORB 1 Feed, steering valve, with lever steering
ORB 2 Feed, steering valve, with normal steering
LSO Connection, load signal from steering valve
f i LSP Connection, load signal cab movement valve
P Connection, pump pressure
d T Tank connection
P2 Feed, servo system, 30 bar
60CC Connection, load signal, pumps
80CC Connection, load signal main valves and pumps
Cooling circuit
When the accumulators are charged, oil is fed to the cooling oil
cavities in the drive axle. A by-pass valve between the supply and
return lines ensures that the cooling oil pressure will not exceed
1,5 bar, in order to protect the drive axle.
The feed is carefully cleaned through filters. The hydraulic fluid is
cooled by means of a fluid cooler. Machines with a separate tank
for the brake system have one hydraulic fluid cooler for the wor-
king hydraulics and one for the brake system.
1. Hydraulic tank
Alternative 43 for system with separate tank
5. Hydraulic pump, BRAKE SYSTEM
21. Accumulator charging valve
22. Accumulators
23. Accumulator evacuation valve
24. Safety valve
26. Cooling circuit filter
The hydraulic system is connected to membrane type accumula-
tors which are pre-charged with nitrogen (100 bar). The mem-
brane is forced upward causing the pressure of the nitrogen in
increase as the accumulator becomes charged with hydraulic flu-
id. When the hydraulic system requires power from the accumu-
lator, the membrane presses fluid back into the system.
The accumulator is fitted at the top with a connection for testing
22 the pressure of the nitrogen, and for refilling nitrogen with the aid
of special filling equipment. Contact KALMAR spare parts.
Part. No. 923120–0542.
The pressurized fluid from the accumulator is utilized to power
the driving brake and parking brake systems.
A special valve (25) can be used to provide reserve servo pres-
sure to the working hydraulics.
An evacuating valve 23 is fitted between the accumulator and res-
KL591 ervoir. This valve shall be used to relieve the accumulator of pres-
sure before carrying out any work on the hydraulic syste m.
At the same time, the valve for reserve servo pressure (25)
25 24 23 should be opened.
22. Accumulator
23. Accumulator evacuation valve
24. Safety valve
25. Valve for reserve servo pressure
1. Connection
2. Seal
3. Membrane
4. Safety plate
5. Steel bottle
ContChamp DRD-S Brake system 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 27
1. To brake system
2. Accumulator
3. Charging pressure adjusting
4. Pilot valve
5. Main valve
6. Check valve
7. To cooling circuit
8. Tank connection
9. Accumulator connection
10. Pump connection
1. Brake line
2. Neutral position adjustment
3. To tank
4. From accumulator
Brake pedal
ContChamp DRD-S Brake system 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 29
Parking brake
The parking brake consists of a disc brake with a brake cylinder
on the drive axle input shaft. The brake is applied by a heavy
spring in the brake cylinder.
The parking brake can also be used as an EMERGENCY
BRAKE. During emergency braking, the brake linings are sub-
jected to very heavy wear. The linings should therefore be
changed after any emergency braking operation.
The parking brake is released by hydraulic pressure being sup-
plied to the cylinder to counteract the spring force. All supply is
controlled by a manual valve which is open when the parking
brake is released.
When the parking brake is applied, the flow of oil to the brake cyl-
inder is interrupted and the oil in the cylinder is discharged to the
tank. The brake is then applied by the spring.
If the accumulator pressure should drop below 115 bar, the warn-
ing lamp low BRAKE PRESSURE will light up on the instrument
Parking brake valve
The parking brake valve is a direct-acting, three-way pressure-re-
ducing valve. The pressure output is continuously variable, al-
though for practical use in the parking brake system, the valve
can be regarded as an ON/OFF valve.
To prevent inadvertent application of the parking brake, the lever
is provided with a latch which must be raised before the lever can
be moved.
1. Hydraulic tank
21. Accumulator charge valve
29. Foot brake valve
30. Foot brake cylinder
32. Parking brake cylinder
Parking brake system
ContChamp DRD-S Brake system 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 30
25 24 23
22. Accumulator
23. Accumulator evacuation valve
24. Safety valve
25. Valve for reserve servo pressure
ContChamp DRD-S Brake system 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 31
Machines with a separate tank for braking system have one hy-
draulic fluid cooler for the braking system and one for the working
hydraulics, see illustration below and hydraulics diagram..
ContChamp DRD-S Brake system 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 33
Cab movement
Cab movement is a hydraulic system that uses the flow from hy-
draulic pump 2. The start and stop of the cab's movement are
dampened, which is controlled by the ECS system. For further in-
formation see description in group 20.
The principle hydraulic system component is a variable control
valve (37) that feeds a hydraulic motor (38). The rotation of the
motor is transmitted to the cab via a chain.
Tilt, attachment (optional extra)
Trucks equipped with forward tilt are fitted with an additional sec-
tion to the cab movement control valve. The same feed as for cab
movement is used. For further information see the description in
group 20.
1 T
1. Hydraulic tank
2. Variable hydraulic pump
10. Valve block (priority valve)
13. Main valve
37. Control valve, cab movement
38. Hydraulic motor
T = Tilt cylinder
ContChamp DRD-S Hydraulic pumps 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 35
14 7 1 6 13 3 2 5 8 16 4 6
11 12 15
18 19
17 17
18 18
19 19
2 2
Vane pump
The pumps for ATTACHMENT (H4) and BRAKE SYSTEM (H5)
are of the vane type and driven from take-offs on the variable
pumps (H2 and H3).
These pumps consist of a pump casing and a pump unit, and are
1. Replaceable cartridge assembly, includes cam of simple design. A rotor in the pump unit comprises a number of
ring, rotor, vanes, pins and sideplates vanes fitted in radial slots. The rotor is driven by a shaft and ro-
2. Front and rear sideplates tates in a cam ring. The rotor vanes follow the profile of the cam
3. Ball bearing ring, and each vane performs two cycles – each comprising one
4. Front sideplate, is lamped axially by discharge suction stroke and one delivery stroke – per revolution. The fluid
pressure to reduce internal leakage flows radially through the pump unit.
5. Double shaft seal
6. Drain hole The vanes are forced outwards towards the cam ring by centrifu-
7. Vane, is urged outward at suction ramp by pin gal force and by thrust pins which are subjected to the same pres-
force and centrifugal force sure as the pump delivery pressure. This ensures that the vanes
8. Cam ring will always be in contact with the cam profile. An fluid film pre-
9. Suction ramp where unloaded ramp moves out vents the vanes from coming into metallic contact with the cam
10. Working vane on in or arc seals discharge pres- profile. In the same way, an fluid film prevents metallic contact
sure from the suction port with the side plates.
12. Discharge ramp where unloaded vane
moves in Since the vanes, ports and pressures are balanced diametrically,
13. Pin cavity is at a steady pressure slightly higher the net load on the rotor is pure torque caused by the pumping
than at discharge port action. Sturdy shaft bearings carry the forces caused by the
14. Lub side holes, lubricate the sideplate surfaces pump drive.
15. Pressure pins, force the vanes outward
16. Vanes
Vane pump
ContChamp DRD-S Hydraulic pumps 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 37
Main valve
The main valve is a load-sensing, pressure-compensated direc-
tional control valve of modular type. In the hydraulic system there
are two units, each one comprising:
Inlet section
5 Control section
Combined control and outlet section
The inlet section is provided with a shunt valve and a main pres-
9 sure limiting valve.
The main pressure limiting valve is pilot-controlled and opens the
connection to the tank by moving the spool when the preset pres-
3 sure is reached.
2 The outlet section has a tank connection and connection for the
7 load-sensing signal.
The valve spools are spring-centered and controlled by hydraulic
servo pressure.
5 6
1. Shunt valve
2. Main pressure limiting valve
3. Control spool
4. Load signal valve
5. Tank connection
6. Supply from pump
7. Inlet section
8. Control section
9. Control/outlet section
10. Check valve
ContChamp DRD-S Main valve 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 40
Main valve
The main valves are of precision type and must be handled with
great care to safeguard their good performance. The following
rules apply to service work: