Concrete Tech. - Report 4

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JYOTHSNA POOLA- 1710110162
The variation of cement properties, concentrating on the porosity has been investigated
experimentally. Two factors were taken into consideration during the study. Namely, the
aggregate size distribution and the water/cement ratio. The change in the porosity reflected
in the compressive strength of the cement mortar. Grading and W/C ratio are two
important parameters that influence the porosity of a cement mortar. Moreover, there is a
good relationship in between porosity and permeability. The test results show that the
strength of the mortar decreases with the increase in porosity by either of the ways.
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Research Methodology
4. Conclusion
5. References

4.1 Introduction:

The strength is generally considered to be the most important property of concrete. It is not
strictly true that the strength of the concrete is governed only by the water/cement ratio
because the effects of aggregate quantity, maximum particle size and surface condition also
come into picture. Hence in this report we have experimentally studied the variation of
strength on both the factors. W/C occupy a larger volume fraction of the concrete, but the
aggregates majorly influence its mechanical properties.

4.2 Conceptual Data

4.2.1 Porosity of Mortar

Porosity, also termed as void fraction is a measure of the void (empty) spaces in a material,
and it is a fraction of the volume of voids over the total volume that usually measured for
various materials to study their properties. similarly, porosity is measured for cement,
mortar and concrete also. Usually, porosity of mortar affects the properties like strength,
permeability, water absorption, durability, etc.

4.2.2 Compressive Strength

It is the resistance against the compressive forces or the load bearing capacity of the
material. It is the most significant property of a material which is meant to be known to use
in any structure for its durability and to increase its life period. Compressive strength of
concrete is designated as 28 days cube compressive strength, also termed as characteristic
strength which is cast, cured and tested according to IS code 456. The cement with
respective strength is used for different design purposes.

4.2.3 Hydration of cement

The hydration of cement can be thought of as a two-step process. In the first step, called
dissolution, the cement dissolves, releasing ions into the mix water. The mix water is thus no
longer pure H2O, but an aqueous solution containing a variety of ionic species, called the
pore solution. The gypsum and the cement minerals C3S and C3A are all highly soluble,
meaning that they dissolve quickly. Therefore, the concentrations of ionic species in the
pore solution increase rapidly as soon as the cement and water are combined. Eventually
the concentrations increase to the point that the pore solution is supersaturated, meaning
that it is energetically favourable for some of the ions to combine into new solid phases
rather than remain dissolved. This second step of the hydration process is called
precipitation. A key point, of course, is that these new precipitated solid phases, called
hydration products, are different from the starting cement minerals. Precipitation relieves
the supersaturation of the pore solution and allows dissolution of the cement minerals to
continue. Thus, cement hydration is a continuous process by which the cement minerals are
replaced by new hydration products, with the pore solution acting as a necessary transition
zone between the two solid states. The reactions between Portland cement and water have
been studied for more than a hundred years, and the fact that hydration proceeds by a
dissolution-precipitation process was first elaborated by the famous chemist Le Chatelier

From Figure 4.1 the degree of hydration and the strength track together, particularly at
later times. This is because the strength of cement paste depends primarily on the amount
of capillary porosity, and the amount of capillary porosity decreases in proportion to the
amount of hydration that has taken place. This decrease occurs because the C-S-H gel phase
(including its internal gel pores) occupies significantly more volume than the cement
minerals it forms from.

Figure 4.1: Typical development of the degree of hydration and compressive strength of a
Type I Portland cement over time.

From Figure 4.1: the degree of hydration and the strength track together, particularly at
later times. This is because the strength of cement paste depends primarily on the amount
of capillary porosity, and the amount of capillary porosity decreases in proportion to the
amount of hydration that has taken place. This decrease occurs because the C-S-H gel phase
(including its internal gel pores) occupies significantly more volume than the cement
minerals it forms from.

4.2.4 The Pore System and Classification of Pores

A typical pore size distribution for hardened cement encompasses a large range,
extending from about 10 µm to as small as 0.5 nm or less in diameter. The larger pores,
ranging from 10 µm to 10 nm, are the residual unfilled spaces between cement grains,
earlier defined as capillary pores. The finest pores, ranging from approximately 10 nm to
0.5nm, are called gel pores since they constitute the internal porosity of the C-S-H gel phase.
While this is certainly a useful distinction, it should be kept in mind that the sizes of capillary
and gel pores overlap, and the spectrum of pore sizes in a cement paste is continuous.
Internal features with dimensions of 0.5 nm or smaller are formed by the interlayer spaces
of C-S-H gel. Water located in these features is not in the liquid, so these are not true pores
as defined for cement paste. Voids greater than 10 m often exist in concrete, either from
the unintentional entrapment of air during the mixing procedure, or from intentional air-
entrainment, which purposefully disperses air voids of approximately 50 m in diameter
throughout the paste to relieve pressures induced from the freezing of water in pores.

Table Classification of pores and features in concrete.

4.3 Research Objective

To study the one of the causes for the deterioration of strength of concrete structures and
increase the performance of the structure by resolving them.

4.4 Conclusion
The reasons for the strength variation of structures will be found through this paper that
will contribute is part in the damage of structure with time and measures will be taken care
eventually to increase the performance of structure by improving its properties.

5.1 introduction

To determine the objective of the project, porosity and its variation with different
properties of mortar are needed to be studied. The values of porosity, its determination and
effects on other properties are taken from the different research papers and references to
understand and make use of them in the current project.


 According to Xudong Chen, Shengxing Wu, Jikai Zhou (2012)

(1) Ryshkewithch’s exponential and Schiller’s logarithmic formulae for the porosity–strength
relationship of cement mortar are numerically indistinguishable except in the
neighbourhood of the extremes of 0% and 100% porosity. Simple linear relationship of
Hasselman model shows artificial intercept with the abscissa at porosity less than the initial
porosity and predicts negative strength at higher porosities. Although the initial porosity of
the material enters in the model of Schiller, the predicted strength increase with the
decrease in porosity is too high.

(2) Over the porosity ranges examined, the extend Zheng’s model are good representations
of the experimental data on the strength of cement mortar. This model requires two
parameters to define the strength characteristics of cement mortar and the parameters can
account the changes in loading regime (splitting tension, flexure or compression). Based on
the generality of the assumptions used in the derivation of the extended Zheng’s model, this
model for cement mortar can be applied for other cement-based materials.

(3) The experimental data also show that the ratio between compressive strength and
indirect tensile (split-tensile and flexural) strength of cement mortar is not constant but is
porosity dependent. The ratio decreases with increase porosity values of cement mortar.

 According to Yun-Yong Kim, Kwang-Myung Lee, Jin-Wook Bang, and Seung-Jun


For OPC mortar with constant cement content and additional water content, they
performed various durability tests, and their results are investigated with derivation of
pattern and relationship with porosity. The conclusions on effect of W/C ratio on durability
and porosity in cement mortar with constant cement amount are as follows.
(1) They prepared Cement mortar with constant W/C ratio of 0.45 and air amount 5.2% and
its durability performances are quantitatively investigated with adding mixing water to 0.60
of W/C ratio. The increasing W/C ratio causes increasing porosity to 150% compared with
control case (W/C 0.45). With increasing porosity, they evaluated interesting patterns with
porosity, which are linear relationships (W/C ratio, compressive strength, and chloride
diffusion coefficient), square root of porosity (water loss and air permeability), and square
of porosity (sorptivity and moisture diffusion coefficient) with high determinant coefficient
over 0.9.

(2) With increasing water content from 0.45 to 0.60 of W/C (133% increase), it is evaluated
that the increase ratios are 139% in water loss, 150% in porosity, 157% in chloride diffusion
coefficient, 192% in air permeability, 259% in moisture sorptivity, and 266% in moisture
diffusion coefficient. In the compressive strength, it decreases to 75.6% for control case
(W/C 0.45). This paper quantitatively presents how much and with what pattern the
durability performances are changed with increasing mix water in cement mortar.

 According to Haitao Zhao, Qi Xiao, Donghui Huang, and Shiping Zhang (2014)

(1) Porosity of manufactured sand mortar is higher than that of natural sand mortar, and the
compressive strength is higher than that of natural sand mortar, which demonstrates that
porosity is not the only influential factor on compressive strength of mortar. The probable
pore size and threshold radius of manufactured sand mortar are finer. Besides, the probable
pore size and threshold radius increase with increasing water to cement ratio and sand to
cement ratio.

(2) They have reviewed the existing models of pore size distribution of cement-based
materials and compared with test results of their investigation. A single lognormal
distribution may not be adequate if both fine and coarse pores are included in cement
mortar. Although too many parameters are included in the model, the compound lognormal
distribution is excellent to simulate the experimental pore size distributions. The Van
Breugel model has poor precision. Shimomura and Patil models are similar, and the
parameter is simple and particular with W/C and S/C and so on.

(3) They built the extended Bhattacharjee model to examine the relationship between
compressive strength and pore structure. Porosity, mean diameter, and hydration degree
were taken into consideration, which clearly explain the relationship between pore
structure and strength of cement mortar.

5.3 Research Objectives

1. There are various reasons due to which the damage occurs, or deterioration starts
early, in the structure. To reduce them, every possible cause must be investigated.
2. Porosity is one of the factors which causes the concrete or mortar to vary its
strength. Hence, porosity and its influence on various properties are to be studied.
3. The relation between the porosity and strength of mortar is found experimentally by
increasing porosity in each sample.
4. Two possible ways of increasing porosity of mortar is considered individually and
tested to obtain required outcomes of the experiment.
5. The outcomes of the experiment are to be considered in the further usage to reduce
deterioration of strength and make structure more resistant to compressive loads.

6.1 Introduction

Porosity is the number of pores in a material for instance pores in certain concrete. Porosity
is usually expelled in volume percent. The porosity of concrete has influence on the
properties in many aspects. Composition of concrete, casting in practice, maturing and
hardening, cement reactions and risks at freezing, all are influenced by porosity.

6.2 Proposed Methodology


Porosity of mortar varied by various factors. Where two important factors are considered
among them.

(A) Water cement ratio- The porosity of mortar varies with w/c ratio because of hydration
process of cement. The variation in the consistency of the cement causes variation in the
void size and amount of formation hydration products, which is explained in section 4.2.3.
Hence, compressive strength is tested for various w/c ratios.

(B) Particle size distribution of fine aggregate- Aggregates play a major role in the porosity of
both concrete and mortar. They also contribute to the strength component through silica
and alumina. Whereas, in case of mortar, particle size distribution plays a significant role in
the porosity of the mortar. In general, continuous grading of the fine aggregate is done and
used in the preparation of mortar. But gap grading causes the porosity to vary due to
increase in void ratio and decrease in bulk density of mortar. Hence, gap grading is done and
samples with size distribution are tested to determine the compressive strength.

Sieve analysis for continuous grading -

1. 4.75mm-2.36mm
2. 2.36mm-1.18mm
3. 1.18mm-600micron
4. 600-300 micron
5. 300-150 micron
6. 300micron -pan


Compressive strength testing of cement mortar is as per IS: 4031 (part 6)-1988


1. cement -OPC 43 grade

2. water
3. fine aggregate (The standard sand used in the test shall conform to IS: 650-1966)


1. Cube Mould of 70.6 mm size conforming to IS : 10080-1982

2. gauging trowel
3. IS test sieves
4. vibration machine
5. tray
6. weighing balance
7. stopwatch
8. compression testing machine


Volume of 1mould= 351.895

Density of Mortar= 2.162 g/
Mass of Mortar per mould= 760.78 gm
Sand: Cement Ratio= 3:1
Mass of Cement per mould =190.2 gm
Mass of Sand per mould =570.58 gm
Standard Consistency of Cement = 29%
Mass of Water= (P/4 +3) % of mass of mortar where P is consistency.

Factor (A) - W/C RATIO

Three consistencies are considered for testing and 3 samples are made for each
Porosity increases with increases with increase in w/c ratio hence, porosity increases from
sample 1 to 3.

a. 28%- mass of water= (28/4 +3) % of 760.78gm

= 76.078 gm
b. 30%- mass of water= (30/4+3) % of 760.78gm
= 79.88 gm
c. 32%- mass of water= (32/4+3) % of 760.78gm
= 83.68 gm


Three different distributions are considered by grading and 3 samples are made out of each
Porosity increases with increases with increase in the length of gap in the grading hence,
porosity increases from sample 1 to 3.
Standard consistency is maintained.
The following sieve sizes have been skipped in each sample set.

a. (2.36-1.18mm)
b. (2.36-1.18mm) +(1.18mm-600micron)
c. (2.36-1.18mm) +(1.18mm-600micron) +(300-150 micron)


For varying W/C ratio:

1. Take 9 cube moulds of dimension 70.6mm. clean and oil them inside.
2. Perform continuous grading of the fine aggregate using sieve analysis testing
3. For varying W/C ratio. Consider consistency for first 3 samples as 28%, next 3samples
as 30% and last 3 samples as 32%.
4. Mix the components and cast into the mould within 4min for the first sample set.
5. Repeat for next 2 sample sets.
6. Let them dry for 3 days and keep in water for curing for next 4 days
7. Dry the samples and test the compressive load of each sample.

For varying aggregate size distribution:

1. Take 9 cube moulds of dimension 70.6mm. clean and oil them inside.
2. Perform gap grading of the fine aggregate 3 times one after the other as mentioned
3. For all the sample sets consider standard consistency. i.e. 29%
4. Mix all the components according to sample set and cast into the moulds.
5. Let them dry for 3 days and keep in water for curing for next days
6. Dry the samples and test the compressive load of each sample.

Factor (A) - W/C RATIO


SAMPLE1 22.5 0.004984 4.514
SET 1 SAMPLE2 15.3 0.004984 3.069 4.473
SAMPLE3 29.1 0.004984 5.838

SAMPLE1 23.2 0.004984 4.654

SET2 SAMPLE2 30.1 0.004984 6.039 6.239
SAMPLE3 40 0.004984 8.025

SAMPLE1 36.2 0.004984 7.263

SET3 SAMPLE2 19 0.004984 3.812 5.122
SAMPLE3 21.4 0.004984 4.293



SAMPLE1 37 0.004984 7.423
SET 1 SAMPLE2 34 0.004984 6.821 7.088
SAMPLE3 35 0.004984 7.022

SAMPLE1 27 0.004984 5.417

SET2 SAMPLE2 31 0.004984 6.219 6.018
SAMPLE3 32 0.004984 6.420

SAMPLE1 19 0.004984 3.812

SET3 SAMPLE2 22 0.004984 4.414 4.414
SAMPLE3 25 0.004984 5.016

The average strength values are

W/C RATIO 28% 30% 32%

Average strength value 4.473 6.239 5.122
Average strength value 7.088 6.018 4.414
6.3 Summary

influence of porosity on compressive strength of mortar is studied and tested to show the
properties varies and their patterns by considering two factors on which porosity depends
and various causes for the patterns are also determined from the results.

Aggregates occupy maximum space in the composition, so we do particle size grading or

sieve analysis for the fine aggregate for study the variation of porosity. The sieves sizes used
to do grading are according to IS standards.

Water is often added to increase workability of the mortar. A lower ratio leads to higher
strength and durability but may make the mix difficult to work with and form.

In case study of aggregate size, the compressive strength is decreasing as gaping increases.

And in case study of W/C ratio the compressive strength actually increases with increase in
W/C ratio but a deviation occurred at 30%(more increase is observed).

Hence, compressive strength testing is done for 6 different types of samples under both the
factors (A) - w/c ratio and (B) - aggregate size distribution and results are found.

(A)- Porosity increases with increases with increase in w/c ratio hence, porosity increases
from sample 1 to 3 but the compressive strength is decreased. It can be concluded that
strength decreases with increase in w/c ratio, whereas the results of the experiment show
variation in the order. This is because, 28% consistency is less than standard consistency-
29% leading it to less amount of water in mortar causing incomplete hydration reaction and
brittleness lead to the losing of the strength. Hence, strength decreases with increase in w/c
ratio starting from standard consistency composition. Whereas this cannot be the all the
time but proves for this case.

(B)- Porosity increases with increases with increase in the length of gap grading hence,
porosity increases from sample 1 to 3 but the compressive strength is decreased from the
results shown above. The pattern in the variation cannot be shown as the type and amount
of each grade of aggregate used is not the in general. Hence, strength decreases with
increase in porosity.
 Further research can be done in depth on porosity by finding the pore size,
distribution and structure of it, to study its influence on strength of mortar.

1. Chen Xudong, Wu Shengxing, Zhou Jikai (2012), Influence of porosity on compressive
and tensile strength of cement mortar, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.40,
2. Kim Yun-Yong, Lee Kwang-Myung, Bang Jin-Wook, and Kwon Seung-Jun (2014),
Effect of W/C Ratio on Durability and Porosity in Cement Mortar with Constant
Cement Amount, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 2014,
Article ID 273460, 11 pages
3. Zhao Haitao, Xiao Qi, Huang Donghui and Zhang Shiping (2014), Influence of Pore
Structure on Compressive Strength of Cement Mortar, The Scientific World Journal,
Volume 2014, Article ID 247058, 12 pages

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