03.05.19 - Cal.p2 - Well Cap

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Material property :
Unit wt. of concrete = 25.00 KN/m3
Unit wt. of sand fill of well = 15.00 KN/m3
Unit wt. of water = 10.00 KN/m3
Unit wt. of wearing coarse = 24.00 KN/m3
Ultimate tensile strength of 12 t 13 strand = 2200 KN
Weight of railing = 0.300 T/m per side
Reduced Level :
RL of FRL at centre of pier = 12.293 m
RL of FRL of suspended span (right) = 12.537 m
RL of FRL of suspended span (left) = 11.722 m
RL of top of pier = 8.228 m
RL of top of well cap = -1.080 m
RL of bottom of well = -27.08 m
RL of H.H.T.L. = 4.800 m
RL of H.T.L. = 4.070 m
RL of L.W.L. = -1.080 m
RL of L.L.W.L. = -1.950 m
RL of non seismic scour depth = -12.930 m
RL of seismic scour depth = -11.230 m
Bridge component :
Superstructure :
Cantilever span (CL pier to CL of bearing)) = 30.000 m
Clear Cantilever arm (upto CL of bearing ) = 28.250 m
length of box girder arm = 27.760 m
Total Cantilever arm = 28.700 m
Suspended span = 15.000 m
Superstructure width = 11.230 m
Width of roadway = 7.500 m
Nos. of footpath = 2 nos.
Width of footpath = 1.500 m.
C/s area of footpath = 0.493 m2
Height of railing = 1.150 m
Thk. of wearing coarse = 0.065 m
Depth of Box girder at pier = 4.000 m
Depth of Box girder at free end = 2.500 m
Depth of suspended span = 1.250 m
Substructure :
No. of pedestal = 4.000
Height of pedestal = 0.150 m
width of pedestal = 0.700 m
Length of pedestal = 0.700 m
Area in elevation = 0.105 m2
Vol. of each pedestal = 0.074 m3
Thickness of Bearing = 0.250 m
Width of bearing in elevation = 0.400 m
Dia of pier = 3.500 m
Height of pier = 9.308 m
Vol. of pier = 89.549 m3
Foundation :

Dia of well = 8.000 m

Length of well = 26.000 m
i) Well cap :
Dia of well cap = 8.000 m
Thickness of well cap = 2.000 m
Vol. of well cap = 100.531 m3

ii) Well curb :

Total height of well curb = 2.400 m
Volume calculation
Top rectangular portion
Central dia = 6.525 m
Thickness = 0.300 m
Width = 1.625 m
Vol = 9.993 m3
Side rectangular portion
Central dia = 8.000 m
Height = 2.100 m
Width = 0.150 m
Vol = 7.917 m3
Triangular portion
Central dia = 6.867 m
Base = 1.475 m
Height = 2.100 m
Volume = 33.412 m3
Total Volume = 51.322 m3
iii) Well steining :
Thickness of well steining = 1.550 m
Centre line dia of well steining = 6.450 m
Height of well steining = 21.600 m
Ht. of well steinig upto non-seismic scour = 9.850 m
Ht. of well steinig upto seismic scour = 8.150 m
Plan area of steining = 31.408 m2
Vol. of total steining = 678.414 m3
Vol. of steining upto seismic scour level = 255.976 m3
Vol. of steining upto non seismic scour level = 309.370 m3
iv) Top plug :
Outer Dia of top plug = 4.900 m
Thickness = 0.500 m
Vol. = 9.429 m3
v) Bottom plug :
Circular portion :
Dia = 4.900 m
Thickness = 0.600 m
Vol. = 11.314 m3
Frustum of cone portion
R = 3.925 m
r = 2.450 m
h = 2.100 m
Volume = πℎ/3(R2+Rr+ = 68.23 m3
Spherical cap portion
R = 4.075 m
h = 1.000 m

Volume = πℎ/6(3R2 = 26.61 m3


Total Volume of Bottom plug = 106.148 m3

Sand filling
Innerr dia. Of well = 4.900
Total height = 20.800 m
Height upto non-seismic scour = 9.350 m
Height upto seismic scour = 7.650 m
Plan area of steining = 18.857 m2
Vol. of sand filling = 392.234 m3
Vol. down to non seismic scour level = 176.317 m3
Vol. down to seismic scour level = 144.259 m3
Waterway Input
Mean velocity of waterway (v) = 2.24 m/s
Bearing Capacity
7 m Well 8 m Well
T/m2 T/m2
Ultimate Bearing capacity 524.54 542.11
Safe Bearing capacity 174.85 180.70
A) Dead Load :
Superstructure Dead load :
Self weight.
1. Cantilever portion :

3 4

Refer to Staad model


P1 P2 P3 A2

of the Ordinate at
Section from Area diff. sec.
free end at Section for Dead
(m) load
0 4.824375 120.61
2.78 4.871175 121.78
5.55 4.919175 122.98
8.33 4.971975 124.30
11.10 5.027175 125.68
13.88 5.087775 127.19
16.66 5.154975 128.87
19.43 5.231175 130.78
22.21 5.321775 133.04
24.98 7.17785 179.45
Y 7.65185 191.30
Dead load of section 1 = 3348.116 KN
Dead load of section 2 = 399.880 KN [From A.CAD]
Dead load of section 3 = 669.537 KN
Self weight of portion supporting pedestal (Sec. 4) = 448.64 KN
Total Dead load of 60 m span = 9062.81 KN
Self weight of pedestal for suspended span = 7.35 KN
2. Suspended span :
C/s area of suspended span = 6.898 m2 [From A.CAD]
Dead load/m suspended span = 172.44 KN/m

0.38 m 15 m 0.45 m

Reaction at B , RB = 1371.21 KN
Reaction at A , RA = 1358.47 KN
Load on pier for both span = 2742.42 KN
S.I.D.L. :
1.Cantilever portion
i) Weight of footpath = (area x unit weight) = 12.332 KN/m [each side]
ii). Weight of railing = 3.000 KN/m [each side]
Total S.I.D.L. = 17.632 KN/m [each side]
Reaction of SIDL (footpath on both side) = 2081.264 KN
2. Suspended span
17.63 KN/m

0.38 m 15 m 0.45 m

Reaction at B, RB (footpath on either side) = 140.21 KN

Reaction at A, RA (footpath on either side) = 138.90 KN
Load on pier for both span = 280.41 KN
Reaction at B, RB (footpath both side) = 280.41 KN
Reaction at A, RA (footpath both side) = 277.81 KN
Load on pier for both span = 560.83 KN
Surfacing :
1.Cantilever portion
Weight of 65mm wearing Coarse = 11.700 KN/m
Total Weight of 65mm wearing Coarse = 690.534 KN
2. Suspended span
11.70 KN/m

0.38 m 15 m 0.45 m

Reaction at B, RB = 93.04 KN
Reaction at A, RA = 92.17 KN
Load on pier for both span = 186.08 KN
Substructure Dead load :
Dead load of pier = 2238.7 KN
Dead load of foundation :
i) Dead Load of Well cap = 2513.27 KN
ii) Total DL of Well curb = 1283.04 KN
iii)DL of Well steining
Total well steinig = 16960.36 KN
DL of well steinig upto seismic scour = 6399.39 KN
DL of well steinig upto non-seismic scour = 7734.24 KN
iv) Total DL of Top plug = 235.72 KN
v) Total DL of bottom plug = 2653.71 KN
vi) DL of sand filling
Total DL of sand filling = 5883.51 KN
DL of sand filling upto non-seismic scour = 2644.75 KN
DL of sand filling upto seismic scour = 2163.89 KN
Total weight of foundation = 29529.6 KN
Foundation weight upto non-seismic scour depth = 13128.0 KN
Foundation weight upto seismic scour depth = 11312.3 KN

B. Buoyant Force :
For Pier
Height of pier below HHTL = 5.880 m
Height of pier below LLWL = 0.000 m
Hence upward force for HHTL = 565.72 KN ↑
Hence upward force for LLWL = 0.00 KN ↑
For Well
For HHTL condition
Total vol. of well fdn. Including sand filling = 1338.08 m3
Hence upward force = 13380.78 KN ↑
Vol. of well fdn.upto non-seismic scour depth = 595.65 m3
Hence upward force = 5956.46 KN ↑
For LLWL condition
Total vol. of well fdn. Including sand filling = 1294.35 m3
Hence upward force = 12943.47 KN ↑
Vol. of well fdn.upto non-seismic scour depth = 551.91 m3
Hence upward force = 5519.15 KN ↑
C) Live Load : [ As per IRC 06-2016]
Vehicular live load :
Refer to Staad model


P1 P2 P3 A2

Wheel and Track Loads considered

1. 70R Wheel Load (L/G - 1-1120 ) Moving towards A Type - 1
2. 70R Wheel Load (L/G - 1121 - 2240 ) Moving from A Type - 2
3. 2-Class A Load (L/G - 2241 - 3360 ) Moving from A Type - 3
4. 2-Class A Load (L/G - 3361 - 4480 ) Moving towards A Type - 4
5. 70R Track Load (L/G - 4481 - 5330 ) Moving from both dir. Type - 5

1. Maximum reaction condition :

Load Type Load Case Max Corres. Moving Moving
Reaction Moment at from A towards A
on B B
Type - 1 376 2000 4832.4
Type - 2 1488 2000 4672.4
Type - 3 2616 2216 3343.0
Type - 4 3724 2216 3343.0
Type - 5 4856 700 19560.5

2. Maximum moment condition :
X Load Case Corres. Max Moving Moving
Reaction Moment at from A towards A
at B B

Type - 1 105 913.4 25426.2

Type - 2 1256 983.8 25546.9
Type - 3 2380 1026.4 25458.6
Type - 4 3503 1056.4 26826.4
Type - 5 4570 688.02 19940.3

Max. reaction = 2216 KN (Class A)

Corresponding longitudinal. moment = 3343 KN-m
Eccentricity to transverse direction = 0.7 m
Transverse. moment = 1551.2 KN-m
In this case %of load present on cantilever = 100.00% KN
And % of load present on suspended span = 0.00% KN
Max. Moment = 26826.4 KN-m (Class A)
Corresponding Reaction = 1056.4 KN
Eccentricity to transverse direction = 0.7 m
Transverse. moment = 739.48 KN-m
In this case %of load present on cantilever = 69.68% KN
And % of load present on suspended span = 30.32% KN
Impact factor : [Ref : Page 30 of IRC-6, 2016]
1. Cantilever portion
For Class A = 4.5 (6+L) = 13.14%
For 70 R (Wheel ) = 13.00%
For 70 R (Track) = 10.00%
2. Suspended span :
For Class A = 4.5 (6+L) = 21.43%
For 70 R (Wheel ) = 21.50%
For 70 R (Track) = 10.00%
Crowd load (CL) :
(As per clause 206.3 of IRC :6-2016)
1. Cantilever portion
Basic Crowd on each footpath = 500 Kg/m2
Effective span = 37.50 mm
Design Crowd on each footpath = 368.00 Kg/m2
Crowd load per m span (one sides loaded) = 5.52 KN/m
Crowd load per m span (both side loaded) = 11.04 KN/m
Total CL when one side loaded = 325.79 KN
Total CL when both side loaded = 651.58 KN

2. Suspended span
5.52 KN/m

0.38 m 15 m 0.45 m

Reaction at B, RB (crowd on either side) = 43.89 KN

Reaction at A, RA (crowd on either side) = 43.49 KN
Load on pier for both span = 87.79 KN
Reaction at B, RB (crowd both side) = 87.79 KN
Reaction at A, RA (crowd both side) = 86.97 KN
Load on pier for both span = 175.58 KN
When single side loaded, Trans. Eccentricity = 4.5 m
Transverse moment = 1861.1 KN-m
When arm is loaded, Long. Eccentricity for cant. = 14.755 m
When arm is loaded, Long. Eccentricity for susp. = 29.51 m
Longitudinal moment = 7397.7 KN-m

D. Longitudinal force :

Free Fixed Fixed Free

1. Max. Reaction condition :

Load on cantilever portion due to 1st train (single lane) Class A = 554 KN
Load on cantilever portion due to 2nd train (single lane) Class A = 554 KN
Total Long. force on cantilever portion = 166.2 KN
Total Load on suspended span due to single lane class A = 0 KN
Total Long. force on suspended span = 0 KN
Total dead load reaction of suspended span,Rg = 1744.66 KN
Total live load reation on suspended span,Rq = 0.00 KN
μ= 0.05
μ= 0.03
166.2 KN

Fixed Fixed
87.23 52.34

201.1 KN
2. Max. Moment condition :
Load on cantilever portion due to single lane Class A = 368.02 KN
Total Long. force on cantilever portion = 73.60 KN
Total Load on suspended span due to single lane class A = 160.18 KN
Total Long. force on suspended span = 32.04 KN
Total dead load reaction on suspended span,Rg = 1744.66 KN
Total live load reation on suspended span,Rq = 320.35 KN
μ= 0.05
μ= 0.03
73.6 KN 32.0 KN

Fixed Fixed
103.25 61.95

146.9 KN
Direction of span movement.
Direction due to action of μ(Rg+Rq).
Direction of live load.
Direction of net longitudinal force.

E. Wind load : [Ref: Clause 209, Page-32 , IRC-6:2017]

Case 1
On Superstructure :
(As per clause 209 of IRC:6-2014)
Basic wind speed = 50 m/s
Height of Road surface from LLWL = 14.243 m
Hourly mean wind speed = 42.12 m/s
Hourly mean wind pressure for a basic wind speed of
33 m/s = 505.107 N/m2 [T-5, IRC:6-2016]
Hourly mean wind pressure at site (P Z) = 1.16 KN/m2
1. Cantilever portion
Gust factor (G) = 2 [Clause 209.3.3 of IRC 6]
Drag coefficient (CD) = 1.38
Lift coefficient (CL) = 0.75
Solid Area Now, Point of Long. wind Point of Now,
in Elevation transverse Action (RL) force (FL) Action Vertical
(Sqm) wind force (m) =25%FT (RL) wind force
(FT) (KN) (KN) (m) (FV) (KN)
Box Girder 193.655 620.9 10.6 155.2 10.6 336.83
Railing (60%) 67.873 217.6 12.87 54.4 12.87
2. Suspended span
Drag coefficient (CD) = 1.50
Girder (Left) 39.58 137.7 11.03 34.4 11.03 68.83
Girder (Mid) 39.58 137.7 11.85 34.4 11.85 68.83
Railing (Left) 18.205 63.3 12.3 15.8 12.3
Railing (Mid) 18.205 63.3 13.1 15.8 13.1
Bearing (Left) 0.1 0.3 11.10 0.1 11.10
Bearing (Mid) 0.1 0.3 10.28 0.1 10.28
Pedestal (Left) 0.105 0.4 11.02 0.1 11.02
Pedestal (Mid) 0.105 0.4 10.21 0.1 10.21
On Substructure :
Gust factor (G) = 2
Height to Dia ratio of pier = 2.66
Drag coefficient (CD) = 0.50 [T-13, Page 38, IRC-6:2017]
Pier 32.58 37.8 3.57 9.4 3.57
Case 2
On Superstructure :
(As per clause 209 of IRC:6-2014)
Basic wind speed = 42.734 m/s
Height of Road surface from LLWL = 14.243 m
Hourly mean wind speed = 36.00 m/s
Hence LL is present on the carraigeway.
Hourly mean wind pressure for a basic wind speed of
33 m/s = 505.107 N/m2 [T-5, IRC:6-2016]
Hourly mean wind pressure at site (P Z) = 0.85 KN/m2
1. Cantilever portion
Gust factor (G) = 2 [Clause 209.3.3 of IRC 6]
Drag coefficient (CD) = 1.38
Drag coefficient for LL (CD) = 1.20
Lift coefficient (CL) = 0.75
Exposed height of LL = (3 - 0.2) m = 2.80
Solid Area Now, Point of Long. wind Point of Now,
in Elevation transverse Action (RL) force (FL) Action Vertical
(Sqm) wind force (m) =25%FT (RL) wind force
(FT) (KN) (KN) (m) (FV) (KN)
Box Girder 193.655 453.5 10.6 113.4 10.6 246.05
Railing (60%) 67.873 159.0 12.87 39.7 12.87
Live load 165.256 335.9 13.79 84.0 13.79
2. Suspended span
Drag coefficient (CD) = 1.50
Girder (Left) 39.575 100.6 11.03 25.1 11.03 50.28
Girder (Mid) 39.575 100.6 11.85 25.1 11.85 50.28
Railing (Left) 18.205 46.3 12.30 11.6 12.30
Railing (Mid) 18.205 46.3 13.10 11.6 13.10
Live load (left) 44.324 90.1 13.22 22.5 13.22
Live load (mid) 44.324 90.1 14.04 22.5 14.04
Bearing (Left) 0.1 0.25 11.10 0.06 11.10
Bearing (Mid) 0.1 0.25 10.28 0.06 10.28
Pedestal (Left) 0.105 0.27 11.02 0.07 11.02
Pedestal (Mid) 0.105 0.27 10.21 0.07 10.21
On Substructure :
Gust factor (G) = 2
Height to Dia ratio of pier = 2.66
Drag coefficient (CD) = 0.50 [T-13, Page 38, IRC-6:2017]
Pier 32.58 27.59 3.57 6.9 3.57

F. Water current forces :

(Ref: Clause 210 of IRC:6-2014)
HTL A B RL =4.07 m


5.15 m
Top of well
C D -RL(-) 1.1m

11.85 m

Scour level
-RL(-) 12.930m
Scour depth (H) = 17.0 m
Mean velocity (v) = 2.24 m/s
Max. velocity at F.S.L. V= (2)1/2xv = 3.17 m/s
Pier shape factor (K) = 0.66
Pressure intensity at top water surface, P = 52KV 2 = 344.41 kg/m2
= 3.44 KN/m2
Dist. Betwn. top of well and deepest scour level (X) = 11.85 m
Square of velocity at top of well (U2) = 2v2X/H = 7.00 m/s
Velocity at top of well (U) = 2.64 m/s
Pressure intensity at top of well (P = 52KU2 ) = 240.07 kg/m2
= 2.36 KN/m2
A 3.44 B

5.15 m

11.85 m
Pressure Diagram
For pier :
Pressure per m. width of pier = area of ABCD = 14.93 KN/m
Total Force on pier, F = 52.27 KN
C.G. of trapezium ABCD from CD = 2.74 m
C.G. of trapezium ABCD from Scour level = 14.59 m
Long. Force Trans. Force Point of
(KN) (KN) action (RL)
Fsin20 Fcos20 (m)
17.88 49.11 1.656

For Well
Pressure per m. width of well = area CDE = 13.95 KN/m
Force (F) = Pressure x Dia of well = 111.63 KN
C.G of the triangle from top of well = 3.95 m
Long. Force Trans. Force Point of
(KN) (KN) action (RL)
Fsin20 Fcos20 (m)
38.18 104.90 -5.03

G. Earth Pressure : [As per IRC: 6-2017]

Scour lev. -RL =12.93 m

H = 14.15 m

4.72 m

Fdn. Lev. -RL =27.08 m

From soil test report (Bh. No- 04)
Layer depth φ ϒ (T/m3)
2.00 28 1.83
1.50 7 1.84
1.50 31 1.85
1.50 33 1.86
3.00 35 1.87
1.50 34 1.88
1.50 35 1.89
1.50 36 1.88
2.00 36 1.87

Weighted avg. of submerge density = 8.63 kN/m3

Weighted avg. of angle of friction, φ = 31.1 O
Let take avg. φ equal to = 31 O
α = 0 O
β = 0 O
δ = 20.6666667 O
Shape factor for earth pressure = 0.9
Projected width for earth pressure = 7.2 m
Active earth pressure coefficient, Ka = 0.286
Passive earth pressure coefficient, KP = 6.679
Active earth pressure, Pa = 1/2KahϒH2 = 247.10 KN/m
Active earth force = 1779.12 KN
Moment at fdn. Lev. Due to Pa = 8391.53 kN-m
Passive earth pressure, Pp = 1/2KphϒH2 = 5771.09 KN/m
Passive earth force = 41551.84 KN
Moment at fdn. Lev. Due to Pp = 195986.2 kN-m

Force (kN) Lever arm

Active pressure 1779.12 4.72 m
Passive increment 41551.84 4.72 m

H. TILT AND SHIFT: [As per IRC 78-2014, Clause 708.5]

Max allowable shift = 150 mm
Shift of upto substr.load due to tilt = 325.0 mm [As per 1 in 80 allowable shift]
Shift of fdn. load due to tilt = 162.5 mm

Seismic Condition :
Importance factor, I = 1.2
Zone-IV, Z = 0.24
Sa/g = 1.75
Response reduction factor
1.Super-Structure R
i) Cantilever portion = 2
ii) Suspended span = 1
2.Pier = 3
3.Well = 3
4. Earth = 1
Transverse Seismic Longitudinal Seismic Vertical Seismic
coefficient,Ah coefficient,Ah coefficient,Av

i) Cantilever portion 0.126 0.126 0.084

ii) Suspended span 0.252 0.252 0.168
iii) Pier 0.084 0.084 0.056
iv) Well 0.084 0.084 0.056
v) Earth pressure 0.252 0.252 0.168
A) Seismic force :
Superstructure SF
a) Self weight
i) Cantilever portion
Total weight = 9070.16 KN
HT = 1142.84 KN
HL = 1142.84 KN
HV = 761.89 KN
ii) Suspended span (Left)
Reaction at B = 1371.21 KN
Reaction at A = 1358.47 KN
At B
HT = 345.55 KN
HL = 345.55 KN
HV = 230.36 KN
At A
HT = 342.34 KN
HL = 342.34 KN
HV = 228.22 KN
iii) Suspended span (Mid.)
Reaction at B = 1371.21 KN
Reaction at A = 1358.47 KN
At B
HT = 345.55 KN
HL = 345.55 KN
HV = 230.36 KN
At A
HT = 342.34 KN
HL = 342.34 KN
HV = 228.22 KN
b) S.I.D.L.
i) Cantilever portion
Total weight = 2081.26 KN
HT = 262.24 KN
HL = 262.24 KN
HV = 174.83 KN
ii) Suspended span (Left)
Reaction at B = 280.41 KN
Reaction at A 277.81 KN
At B
HT = 70.66 KN
HL = 70.66 KN
HV = 47.11 KN
At A
HT = 70.01 KN
HL = 70.01 KN
HV = 46.67 KN
iii) Suspended span (Mid.)
Reaction at B = 280.41 KN
Reaction at A = 277.81 KN
At B
HT = 70.66 KN
HL = 70.66 KN
HV = 47.11 KN
At A
HT = 70.01 KN
HL = 70.01 KN
HV = 46.67 KN
c) Surfacing :
i) Cantilever portion
Total weight = 690.53 KN
HT = 87.01 KN
HL = 87.01 KN
HV = 58.00 KN
ii) Suspended span (Left)
Reaction at B = 93.04 KN
Reaction at A = 92.17 KN
At B
HT = 23.45 KN
HL = 23.45 KN
HV = 15.63 KN
At A
HT = 23.23 KN
HL = 23.23 KN
HV = 15.49 KN
iii) Suspended span (Mid.)
Reaction at B = 93.04 KN
Reaction at A = 92.17 KN
At B
HT = 23.45 KN
HL = 23.45 KN
HV = 15.63 KN
At A
HT = 23.23 KN
HL = 23.23 KN
HV = 15.49 KN
Total weight = 2238.72 KN
HT = 188.05 KN
HL = 188.05 KN
HV = 125.37 KN
Well SF:
i) Well Cap
Total weight = 2513.27 KN
HT = 211.12 KN
HL = 211.12 KN
HV = 140.74 KN
ii) Well stening
Total weight = 6399.39 KN
HT = 537.55 KN
HL = 537.55 KN
HV = 358.37 KN
iii) Top plug
Total weight = 235.72 KN
HT = 19.80 KN
HL = 19.80 KN
HV = 13.20 KN
iv) Sand fill
Total weight = 2163.89 KN
HT = 181.77 KN
HL = 181.77 KN
HV = 121.18 KN
B. Buoyant Force :
For Pier
Height of pier below HHTL = 5.880 m
Height of pier below LLWL = 0.000 m
Hence upward force for HHTL = 565.72 KN ↑
Hence upward force for LLWL = 0.00 KN ↑
For Well
For HHTL condition
Total vol. of well fdn. Including sand filling = 1338.08 m3
Hence upward force = 13380.78 KN ↑
Vol. of well fdn. upto seismic scour depth = 510.19 m3
Hence upward force = 5101.95 KN ↑
For LLWL condition
Total vol. of well fdn. Including sand filling = 1294.35 m3
Hence upward force = 12943.47 KN ↑
Vol. of well fdn. upto seismic scour depth = 466.46 m3
Hence upward force = 4664.64 KN ↑

C) Live Load SF :
Vehiculat Live Load :
1. Maximum reaction condition :
Max. LL in normal case = 2216 KN
LL in seismic case = 443.2 KN
HT = 55.84 KN
HL = 0.00 KN
HV = 37.23 KN
Corresponding long. moment
When, HV is +ve = 343.08 KN-m [From STAAD model]
HV is -ve = 269.56 KN-m
Corresponding trans moment
Eccentricity = 0.7
Moment HV is +ve = 349.33 KN-m
HV is -ve = 271.15 KN-m
2. Maximum moment condition :
LL in cantilever portion = 147.21 KN
LL in suspended span = 64.07 KN
HT = 34.69 KN
HL = 0.00 KN
HV = 23.13 KN
Corresponding moment
When, HV is +ve = 6009.114 KN-m [From STAAD model]
HV is -ve = 4721.447 KN-m
Corresponding trans moment
Eccentricity = 0.7
Moment HV is +ve = 172.18 KN-m
HV is -ve = 123.61 KN-m
Crowd load (CL) :
In Cantilever portion = 65.16 KN
In suspended span = 17.56 KN
HT = 12.63 KN
HL = 12.63 KN
HV = 8.42 KN
Long. Moment due to + ver. Load = 1654.32 KNm
Long. Moment due to - ver. Load = 1178.42 KNm
D. Longitudinal force :
1. Max. Reaction condition :
Total Load on cantilever portion due to single lane Class A = 110.8 KN
Total Long. force on cantilever portion = 22.16 KN
Total Load on suspended span due to single lane class A = 0 KN
Total Long. force on suspended span = 0 KN
Total dead load reaction on suspended span,Rg = 1744.66 KN
Total live load reation on suspended span,Rq = 0.00 KN
Total DL seismic force = 2371.40 KN
μ= 0.05
μ= 0.03
22.16 KN

Fixed Fixed
87.23 52.34

57.1 KN

2. Max. Moment condition :

Total Load on cantilever portion due to single lane Class A = 73.60 KN
Total Long. force on cantilever portion = 14.72 KN
Total Load on suspended span due to single lane class A = 32.04 KN
Total Long. force on suspended span = 6.41 KN
Total dead load reaction of suspended span,Rg = 1744.66 KN
Total live load reation of suspended span,Rq = 64.07 KN
Total DL seismic force = 2371.40 KN
μ= 0.05
μ= 0.03
14.7 KN 6.4 KN

Fixed Fixed
90.44 54.26

57.3 KN

Direction of span movement.

Direction due to action of μ(Rg+Rq).
Direction of live load.
Direction of net longitudinal force.
F. Water current forces :
HTL A B RL =4.07 m


5.15 m
Top of well
C D -RL(-) 1.1m

10.15 m

Scour level
-RL(-) 11.230m
Scour depth (H) = 15.3 m
Mean velocity (v) = 2.24 m/s
Max. velocity at F.S.L. V= (2)1/2xv = 3.17 m/s 10.0352
Pier shape factor (K) = 0.66
Pressure intensity at top water surface, P = 52KV 2 = 344.41 kg/m2
= 3.44 KN/m2
Dist. Betwn. top of well and deepest scour level (X) = 10.15 m
Square of velocity at top of well (U2) = 2v2X/H = 6.66 m/s
Velocity at top of well (U) = 2.58 m/s
Pressure intensity at top of well (P = 52KU2 ) = 228.48 kg/m2
= 2.24 KN/m2
A 3.44 B

5.15 m

10.15 m
Pressure Diagram
For pier :
Pressure per m. width of pier = area of ABCD = 14.64 KN/m
Total Force on pier, F = 51.24 KN
C.G. of trapezium ABCD from CD = 2.76 m
C.G. of trapezium ABCD from Scour level = 12.91 m
Long. Force Trans. Force Point of
(KN) (KN) action (RL)
Fsin20 Fcos20 (m)
17.53 48.15 1.677
For Well
Pressure per m. width of well = area CDE = 11.38 KN/m
Force (F) = Pressure x Dia of well = 91.00 KN
C.G of the triangle from top of well = 3.38 m
Long. Force Trans. Force Point of
(KN) (KN) action (RL)
Fsin20 Fcos20 (m)
31.12 85.51 -4.46
G. Earth Pressure : [As per IRC: 6-2017]
Scour lev. -RL =11.23 m

Dyn. F H = 15.85 m

Static Force

5.28 m

Fdn. Lev. -RL =27.08 m

From soil test report (BH. No.- 04)

Layer depth φ ϒ (T/m3)
2.00 28 1.83
1.50 7 1.84
1.50 31 1.85
1.50 33 1.86
3.00 35 1.87
1.50 34 1.88
1.50 35 1.89
1.50 36 1.88

Weighted avg. of submerge density = 8.62 kN/m3

Weighted avg. of angle of friction, φ = 30.4 O
Let take avg. φ equal to = 30 O
α = 0 O
β = 0 O
δ = 20 O
Projected width for earth pressure = 7.2 m
Horizontal seismic coefficient, Ah = 0.252
Vertical seismic coefficient, AV = 0.168
λ = tan-1 ( Ah/1 + Av ) = 0.212
λ = tan-1 ( Ah/1 - Av ) = 0.294
Coefficient of dyn. active earth pressure,Cah+ = 0.549
Coefficient of dyn. active earth pressure,Cah- = 0.479
We take the value of Ca+ = 0.549
Now, coefficient of Dynamic increment = 0.263
Coefficient of dyn. passive earth pressure,CPh+ = 5.703
Coefficient of dyn. passive earth pressure,CPh- = 3.622
We take the value of Ca+ = 3.622.
Now, coefficient of Dynamic decrement = 3.057

Force (kN) Lever arm

Static pressure 1779.12 5.28 m
Dynamic increment 2050.92 7.93 m
passive pressure 41551.84 5.28 m
Dynamic decrement 23834.89 7.93 m

H. TILT AND SHIFT: [As per IRC 78-2014, Clause 708.5]

Max allowable shift = 150 mm
Shift of upto substr.load due to tilt = 325.0 mm [As per 1 in 80 allowable shift]
Shift of fdn. load due to tilt = 162.5 mm
1. Non seismic forces at well cap top level :
S.L No Item Vertical Horizontal Force Lever Arm Moment at C.G of Pier
Load base
Cant. 9070.16
Susp. 2742.42
Ped. Left 3.675
Ped. Mid. 3.675
Pier 2238.7
Cant. 2081.26
Susp. 560.83
3 SUR.
Cant. 690.53
Susp. 186.08
4 Buoyant F.
HHTL 565.7
LLWL 0.0
5 LL (max R) 2216 201.1 14.817 6322.53042 1551.2
6 LL (max M) 1056.40 146.9 14.817 29003.5953 739.48
7. C.L (Both arm) 827.16
8. C.L (Single arm) 413.58 7397.7
9. C.L(single side) 413.58 1861.11
10 WL 1
i) Girder 336.83 155.2 620.9 11.68 11.68 1813.00203 7252.0081
ii) Railing 54.4 217.6 13.95 13.95 758.92 3035.69
Suspended (left)
i) Girder 68.83 34.4 137.7 12.110 12.110 416.794372 1667.1775
ii) Railing 15.8 63.3 13.380 13.380 211.83 847.33
Suspended (mid)
i) Girder 68.83 34.4 137.7 12.93 12.93 445.02 1780.07
ii) Railing 15.8 63.3 14.18 14.18 224.50 897.99
pedestal (left) 0.18 0.71 12.18 12.18 2.17 8.68
pedestal (mid.) 0.18 0.71 11.36 11.36 2.03 8.10
pier 9.44 37.8 4.65 4.65 43.95 175.79
11 WL 2
i) Girder 246.05 113.4 453.5 11.680 11.680 1324.35792 5297.4317
ii) Railing 39.7 159.0 13.950 13.950 554.38 2217.51
iii) LL 84.0 335.9 14.873 14.873 1249.09 4996.38
Suspended (left)
i) Girder 50.28 25.1 100.6 12.110 12.110 304.459079 1217.8363
ii) Railing 11.6 46.3 13.38 13.38 154.74 618.95
iii) LL 22.5 90.1 14.30 14.30 322.18 1288.73
Suspended (mid)
i) Girder 50.28 25.1 100.6 12.93 12.93 325.07 1300.30
ii) Railing 11.6 46.3 14.18 14.18 163.99 655.96
iii) LL 22.5 90.1 15.12 15.12 340.53 1362.12
pedestal (left) 0.07 0.27 11.02 11.02 0.74 2.94
pedestal (mid.) 0.07 0.27 10.21 10.21 0.68 2.72
pier 6.9 27.59 3.57 3.57 24.65 98.61

11 W.C 17.88 49.11 2.736 2.736 48.91 134.38

2. Non seismic forces at Scour level :
S.L No Item Vertical Horizontal Force Lever Arm Moment at C.G of Pier
Load base
Cant. 9070.16
Susp. 2742.42
Ped. Left 3.68
Ped. Mid. 3.68
Pier 2238.7
well 13128.0
Cant. 2081.26
Susp. 560.83
3 SUR.
Cant. 690.53
Susp. 186.08
4 Buoyant F.
HHTL 6522.2
LLWL 5519.1
5 LL (max R) 2216 201.1 26.667 8705.44692 1551.2
6 LL (max M) 1056.4 146.9 26.667 30744.8343 739.48
7. C.L (Both arm) 827.16
8. C.L (Single arm) 413.58 7397.7
9. C.L(single side) 413.58 1861.1
10 WL 1
i) Girder 336.83 155.22 620.89 23.53 23.53 3652.39194 14609.568
ii) Railing 54.40 217.61 25.80 25.80 1403.60 5614.40
Suspended (left)
i) Girder 68.83 34.42 137.67 23.96 23.96 824.640228 3298.5609
ii) Railing 15.83 63.33 25.23 25.23 399.44 1597.76
Suspended (mid)
i) Girder 68.83 34.42 137.67 24.78 24.78 852.86 3411.45
ii) Railing 15.83 63.33 26.03 26.03 412.11 1648.43
pedestal (left) 0.18 0.71 24.03 24.03 4.28 17.13
pedestal (mid.) 0.18 0.71 23.21 23.21 4.14 16.55
pier 9.44 37.8 16.50 16.50 155.85 623.42
11 WL 2
i) Girder 246.05 113.39 453.55 23.53 23.53 2667.9916 10671.966
ii) Railing 39.74 158.96 25.80 25.80 1025.30 4101.20
iii) LL 84.0 335.9 26.72 26.72 2244.34 8977.35
Suspended (left)
i) Girder 50.28 25.14 100.56 23.96 23.96 602.381464 2409.5259
ii) Railing 11.56 46.26 25.23 25.23 291.78 1167.13
iii) LL 22.5 90.1 26.15 26.15 589.12 2356.48
Suspended (mid)
i) Girder 50.28 25.14 100.56 24.78 24.78 623.00 2491.99
ii) Railing 11.56 46.26 26.03 26.03 301.03 1204.14
iii) LL 22.5 90.1 26.97 26.97 607.47 2429.87
pedestal (left) 0.07 0.27 24.03 24.03 1.60 6.41
pedestal (mid.) 0.07 0.27 23.21 23.21 1.55 6.19
pier 6.90 27.59 16.50 16.50 113.85 455.39
11 W.C
Pier 17.88 49.11 14.59 14.59 260.74 716.37

Well 38.18 104.90 7.90 7.90 301.63 828.71

3. Non seismic forces at Founding level :
S.L No Item Vertical Horizontal Force Lever Arm Moment at C.G of Pier
Load base
1 DL
Cant. 9070.16
Susp. 2742.42
Ped. Left 3.68
Ped. Mid. 3.68
Pier 2238.72
well 29529.6
Cant. 2081.26
Susp. 560.83
3 SUR.
Cant. 690.53
Susp. 186.08
4 Buoyant F.
HHTL 13946.5
LLWL 12943.5
5 LL (max R) 2216.0 201.1 40.817 11550.8704 1551.2
6 LL (max M) 1056.4 146.9 40.817 32824.0353 739.48
7. C.L (Both arm) 827.16
8. C.L (Single arm) 413.58 7397.7
9. C.L(single side) 413.58 1861.1
10 WL 1
i) Girder 336.83 155.22 620.89 37.68 37.68 5848.79423 23395.177
ii) Railing 54.40 217.61 39.95 39.95 2173.40 8693.62
Suspended (left)
i) Girder 68.83 34.42 137.67 38.11 38.11 1311.64604 5246.5842
ii) Railing 15.83 63.33 39.38 39.38 623.46 2493.86
Suspended (mid)
i) Girder 68.83 34.42 137.67 38.93 38.93 1339.87 5359.47
ii) Railing 15.83 63.33 40.18 40.18 636.13 2544.52
pedestal (left) 0.18 0.71 38.18 38.18 6.81 27.23
pedestal (mid.) 0.18 0.71 37.36 37.36 6.66 26.64
pier 9.44 37.8 30.65 30.65 289.48 1157.92
11 WL 2
i) Girder 246.05 113.39 453.55 37.68 37.68 4272.41494 17089.66
ii) Railing 39.74 158.96 39.95 39.95 1587.62 6350.50
iii) LL 83.99 335.95 40.87 40.87 3432.75 13731.00
Suspended (left)
i) Girder 50.28 25.14 100.56 38.11 38.11 958.128447 3832.5138
ii) Railing 11.56 46.26 39.38 39.38 455.43 1821.71
iii) LL 22.53 90.11 40.30 40.30 907.87 3631.48
Suspended (mid)
i) Girder 50.28 25.14 100.56 38.93 38.93 978.74 3914.98
ii) Railing 11.56 46.26 40.18 40.18 464.68 1858.71
iii) LL 22.53 90.11 41.12 41.12 926.22 3704.87
pedestal (left) 0.07 0.27 38.18 38.18 2.55 10.19
pedestal (mid.) 0.07 0.27 37.36 37.36 2.49 9.97
pier 6.90 27.59 30.65 30.65 211.46 845.84
11 W.C
Pier 17.88 49.11 28.74 28.74 513.68 1411.33
Well 38.18 104.90 22.05 22.05 841.88 2313.05
12. Earth Pressure
Active 1779.12 1779.12 4.72 4.72 8391.53 8391.53
Passive 41551.84 41551.84 4.72 4.72 195986.2 195986.2
1. Seismic forces at well cap top level :
S.L No Item Vertical Horizontal Force Lever Arm Moment at C.G of Pier
Load base
Cant. +ve 9832.05 1142.84 1142.84 11.68 11.68 13348.37 13348.37
Cant. -ve 8308.26 1142.84 1142.84 11.68 11.68 13348.37 13348.37
Susp. (left) +ve 1601.58 345.55 345.55 12.11 12.11 4184.56 4184.56
Susp.(left) -ve 1140.85 345.55 345.55 12.11 12.11 4184.56 4184.56
Susp. (mid) +ve 1601.58 345.55 345.55 12.93 12.93 4467.90 4467.90
Susp.(mid.) -ve 1140.85 345.55 345.55 12.93 12.93 4467.90 4467.90
Pier +ve 2364.1 188.05 188.05 4.65 4.65 875.15 875.15
Pier -ve 2113.3 188.05 188.05 4.65 4.65 875.15 875.15
Cant. +ve 2256.09 262.24 262.24 13.95 13.95 3658.24 3658.24
Cant. -ve 1906.44 262.24 262.24 13.95 13.95 3658.24 3658.24
Susp. (left) +ve 327.52 70.66 70.66 13.38 13.38 945.49 945.49
Susp.(left) -ve 233.31 70.66 70.66 13.38 13.38 945.49 945.49
Susp. (mid) +ve 327.52 70.66 70.66 14.18 14.18 1002.02 1002.02
Susp.(mid.) -ve 233.31 70.66 70.66 14.18 14.18 1002.02 1002.02
3 SUR.
Cant. +ve 748.54 87.01 87.01 13.37 13.37 1163.50 1163.50
Cant. -ve 632.53 87.01 87.01 13.37 13.37 1163.50 1163.50
Susp. (left) +ve 108.67 23.45 23.45 12.80 12.80 300.16 300.16
Susp.(left) -ve 77.41 23.45 23.45 12.80 12.80 300.16 300.16
Susp. (mid) +ve 108.67 23.45 23.45 13.62 13.62 319.25 319.25
Susp.(mid.) -ve 77.41 23.45 23.45 13.62 13.62 319.25 319.25
4 Buoyant F.
HHTL 565.7
LLWL 0.0
5. LL (max R) +ve 480.43 57.1 55.84 14.57 14.87 1174.44 1179.86
LL (max R) -ve 405.97 57.1 55.8 14.57 14.87 1100.92 1101.68
6. LL (max M) +ve 234.41 57.3 34.69 14.82 15.12 6858.24 696.65
LL (max M) -ve 188.15 57.3 34.7 14.82 15.12 5570.57 648.08
7. C.L (Single arm)
+ve 91.14 12.63 12.63 14.37 14.37 181.52 181.52
-ve 74.29 12.63 12.63 14.37 14.37 181.52 181.52

8 W.C 17.53 48.15 2.76 2.76 48.31 132.73

2. Seismic forces at scour level :

S.L No Item Vertical Horizontal Force Lever Arm Moment at C.G of Pier
Load base
Cant. +ve 9832.05 1142.84 1142.84 21.83 21.83 24948.19 24948.19
Cant. -ve 8308.26 1142.84 1142.84 21.83 21.83 24948.19 24948.19
Susp. (left) +ve 1601.58 345.55 345.55 22.26 22.26 7691.84 7691.84
Susp.(left) -ve 1140.85 345.55 345.55 22.26 22.26 7691.84 7691.84
Susp. (mid) +ve 1601.58 345.55 345.55 23.08 23.08 7975.19 7975.19
Susp.(mid.) -ve 1140.85 345.55 345.55 23.08 23.08 7975.19 7975.19
Pier +ve 2364.08 188.05 188.05 14.80 14.80 2783.88 2783.88
Pier -ve 2113.35 188.05 188.05 14.80 14.80 2783.88 2783.88
cap +ve 2654.0 211.12 211.12 9.15 9.15 1931.70 1931.70
cap -ve 2372.5 211.12 211.12 9.15 9.15 1931.70 1931.70
Stening +ve 6757.8 537.55 537.55 4.08 4.08 2190.51 2190.51
Stening -ve 6041.0 537.55 537.55 4.08 4.08 2190.51 2190.51
Top plug +ve 248.9 19.80 19.80 7.90 7.90 156.42 156.42
Top plug -ve 222.5 19.80 19.80 7.90 7.90 156.42 156.42
Sandfill +ve 2285.1 181.77 181.77 3.83 3.83 695.26 695.26
Sandfill -ve 2042.7 181.77 181.77 3.83 3.83 695.26 695.26
Cant. +ve 2256.09 262.24 262.24 24.10 24.10 6319.97 6319.97
Cant. -ve 1906.44 262.24 262.24 24.10 24.10 6319.97 6319.97
Susp. (left) +ve 327.52 70.66 70.66 23.53 23.53 1662.74 1662.74
Susp.(left) -ve 233.31 70.66 70.66 23.53 23.53 1662.74 1662.74
Susp. (mid) +ve 327.52 70.66 70.66 24.33 24.33 1719.27 1719.27
Susp.(mid.) -ve 233.31 70.66 70.66 24.33 24.33 1719.27 1719.27
3 SUR.
Cant. +ve 748.54 87.01 87.01 23.52 23.52 2046.63 2046.63
Cant. -ve 632.53 87.01 87.01 23.52 23.52 2046.63 2046.63
Susp. (left) +ve 108.67 23.45 23.45 22.95 22.95 538.13 538.13
Susp.(left) -ve 77.41 23.45 23.45 22.95 22.95 538.13 538.13
Susp. (mid) +ve 108.67 23.45 23.45 23.77 23.77 557.23 557.23
Susp.(mid.) -ve 77.41 23.45 23.45 23.77 23.77 557.23 557.23
4 Buoyant F.
HHTL 5667.7
LLWL 4664.6
5. LL (max R) +ve 480.43 57.05 55.84 25.02 25.02 1770.61 1746.67
LL (max R) -ve 405.97 57.05 55.84 25.02 25.02 1697.10 1668.49
6. LL (max M) +ve 234.41 57.31 34.69 25.27 25.27 7457.11 1048.80
LL (max M) -ve 188.15 57.31 34.69 25.27 25.27 6169.44 1000.22
7. C.L (Single arm)
+ve 91.14 12.63 12.63 24.52 24.52 1964.08 309.76
-ve 74.29 12.63 12.63 24.52 24.52 1488.18 309.76
8 W.C
pier 17.53 48.15 12.91 12.91 226.19 621.45
well 31.12 85.51 6.77 6.77 210.61 578.63
3. Seismic forces at founding level :
S.L No Item Vertical Horizontal Force Lever Arm Moment at C.G of Pier
Load base
Cant. +ve 9832.05 1142.84 1142.84 37.68 37.68 43062.20 43062.20
Cant. -ve 8308.26 1142.84 1142.84 37.68 37.68 43062.20 43062.20
Susp. (left) +ve 1601.58 345.55 345.55 38.11 38.11 13168.74 13168.74
Susp.(left) -ve 1140.85 345.55 345.55 38.11 38.11 13168.74 13168.74
Susp. (mid) +ve 1601.58 345.55 345.55 38.93 38.93 13452.08 13452.08
Susp.(mid.) -ve 1140.85 345.55 345.55 38.93 38.93 13452.08 13452.08
Pier +ve 2364.08 188.05 188.05 30.65 30.65 5764.50 5764.50
Pier -ve 2113.35 188.05 188.05 30.65 30.65 5764.50 5764.50
cap +ve 2654.0 211.1 211.1 25.00 25.00 5277.88 5277.88
cap -ve 2372.5 211.1 211.1 25.00 25.00 5277.88 5277.88
Stening +ve 17318.7 537.5 537.5 19.93 19.93 10710.67 10710.67
Stening -ve 16602.0 537.5 537.5 19.93 19.93 10710.67 10710.67
Top plug +ve 248.9 19.8 19.8 23.75 23.75 470.26 470.26
Top plug -ve 222.5 19.8 19.8 23.75 23.75 470.26 470.26
Sandfill +ve 6004.7 181.8 181.8 19.68 19.68 3576.26 3576.26
Sandfill -ve 5762.3 181.8 181.8 19.68 19.68 3576.26 3576.26
well curb 1283.0
Bottom plug 2653.7
Cant. +ve 2256.09 262.24 262.24 39.95 39.95 10476.46 10476.46
Cant. -ve 1906.44 262.24 262.24 39.95 39.95 10476.46 10476.46
Susp. (left) +ve 327.52 70.66 70.66 39.38 39.38 2782.77 2782.77
Susp.(left) -ve 233.31 70.66 70.66 39.38 39.38 2782.77 2782.77
Susp. (mid) +ve 327.52 70.66 70.66 40.18 40.18 2839.30 2839.30
Susp.(mid.) -ve 233.31 70.66 70.66 40.18 40.18 2839.30 2839.30
3 SUR.
Cant. +ve 748.54 87.01 87.01 39.37 39.37 3425.69 3425.69
Cant. -ve 632.53 87.01 87.01 39.37 39.37 3425.69 3425.69
Susp. (left) +ve 108.67 23.45 23.45 38.80 38.80 909.74 909.74
Susp.(left) -ve 77.41 23.45 23.45 38.80 38.80 909.74 909.74
Susp. (mid) +ve 108.67 23.45 23.45 39.62 39.62 928.84 928.84
Susp.(mid.) -ve 77.41 23.45 23.45 39.62 39.62 928.84 928.84
4 Buoyant F.
HHTL 13946.5
LLWL 12943.5
5. LL (max R) +ve 480.43 57.05 55.84 40.87 40.87 2674.85 2631.78
LL (max R) -ve 405.97 57.05 55.84 40.87 40.87 2601.34 2553.60
6. LL (max M) +ve 234.41 57.31 34.69 41.12 41.12 8365.44 1598.70
LL (max M) -ve 188.15 57.31 34.69 41.12 41.12 7077.77 1550.13
7. C.L (Single arm)
+ve 91.14 12.63 12.63 40.37 40.37 2164.33 510.02
-ve 74.29 12.63 12.63 40.37 40.37 1688.43 510.02
8 W.C
pier 17.53 48.15 28.76 28.76 503.96 1384.63
well 31.12 85.51 22.62 22.62 703.92 1934.00
12. Earth Pressure
Active 1779.12 1779.12 5.28 5.28 9399.70 9399.70
Dyn. Increment 2050.92 2050.92 7.93 7.93 16253.57 16253.57
Passive 41551.84 41551.84 5.28 5.28 219532.2 219532.2
Dyn. decrement -23834.89 -23834.89 7.93 7.93 -188891.5 -188891.5
Load Combination for Elastic theory of Equilibrium check :
Non Seismic Combination

Non Seismic Combination

Load tyoe Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at
Load C.G of foundation level PSF for
Dead Load 43588.26 1
SIDL 2642.09 1
Surfacing 876.61 1
Buoyant Force -13946.50 -1
Live Load 2216.00 201.09 11550.87 1551.20 1
Crowd Load 413.58 7397.70 1
Water current force 56.06 154.01 1355.56 3724.37 1
SUM 35790.04 257.15 154.01 20304 5276

Tilt of well 9007.6 9008

Shift of well 5368.5 5369

Load tyoe Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at
Load C.G of foundation level PSF for
Dead Load 43588.3 1.0
SIDL 2642.1 1.0
Surfacing 876.6 1.0
Buoyant Force -13946.5 -1.0
Live Load 1056.4 146.9 32824.0 739.5 1.0
Crowd Load 413.6 7397.7 1.0
Water current force 56.1 154.0 1355.6 3724.4 1.0
SUM 34630.44 203.00 154.01 41577 4464

Tilt of well 8630.7 8630.7

Shift of well 5194.6 5195


Load tyoe Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at
Load C.G of foundation level PSF for
Dead Load 43588.26 1.00
SIDL 2642.09 1.00
Surfacing 876.61 1.00
Buoyant Force -13946.50 -1.00
Live Load 2216.00 201.09 11550.9 1551.2 1.00
Crowd Load 413.58 7397.7 1.00
Water current force 56.06 154.01 1355.6 3724.4 1.00
Wind Load -346.61 362.61 1450.44 14200.4 56801.4 1
SUM 35443 620 1604 34504 62077
Tilt of well 9007.6 9008
Shift of well 5368.5 5369

4. DL+LL(R )& LF+ CL(S.A)+WC+BUOYANCY(HHTL)+WL2 (Leading)

Load tyoe Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at
Load C.G of foundation level PSF for
Dead Load 43588.26 1.00
SIDL 2642.09 1.00
Surfacing 876.61 1.00
Buoyant Force -13946.50 -1.00
Live Load 2216.00 201.09 11550.87 1551.20 1.00
Crowd Load 413.58 7397.70 1.00
Water current force 56.06 154.01 1355.56 3724.37 1.00
Wind Load -346.61 362.61 1450.44 14200.4 56801.41 1.00
SUM 35443 620 1604 34504 62077

Tilt of well 9007.6 9008

Shift of well 5368.5 5369

5. DL+LL(M)+ CL(S.A)+WC+LF+BUOYANCY(HHTL)+WL2 (Accompanying)

Load tyoe Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at
Load C.G of foundation level PSF for
Dead Load 43588.26 1.00
SIDL 2642.09 1.00
Surfacing 876.61 1.00
Buoyant Force -13946.50 -1.00
Live Load 1056.40 146.94 32824.04 739.48 1.00
Crowd Load 413.58 7397.70 1.00
Water current force 56.06 154.01 1355.56 3724.37 1.00
Wind Load -346.61 362.61 1450.44 14200.4 56801.4 1.00
SUM 34283.82 565.61 1604.46 55778 61265

Tilt of well 8630.7 8631

Shift of well 5194.6 5195


Load tyoe Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at
Load C.G of foundation level PSF for
Dead Load 43588.3 1.0
SIDL 2642.1 1.0
Surfacing 876.6 1.0
Buoyant Force -13946.5 -1.0
Live Load 1056.4 146.9 32824.0 739.5 1.0
Crowd Load 413.6 7397.7 0.0 1.0
Water current force 56.1 154.0 1355.6 3724.4 1.0
Wind Load -346.6 362.6 1450.4 14200.4 56801.4 1.0
SUM 34283.8 565.6 1604.5 55777.7 61265.3

Tilt of well 8630.7 8631

Shift of well 5194.6 5195
Seismic Combination

Load tyoe Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at PSF for PSF for
Load C.G of foundation level overturning Restoring
Dead Load 45562.4 2972.2 2972.2 95482.6 0.0 1.0 1.0
SIDL 2911.1 403.6 403.6 16098.5 0.0 1.0 1.0
Surfacing 965.9 133.9 133.9 5264.3 0.0 1.0 1.0
Buoyant Force -13946.5 -1.0
LL Moment & L. Force 57.1 55.8 2674.9 349.3 1.0
Crowd Load 12.6 12.6 2164.3 0.0 1.0
Water current force 48.6 133.7 1207.9 3318.6 1.0
SUM 35492.9 3628.0 3711.8 122892.5 3668.0

Tilt of well 8808 8808.1

Shift of well 2806.6 2806.6

Load tyoe Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at PSF for PSF for
Load C.G of foundation level overturning Restoring
Dead Load 41599.4 2972.2 2972.2 0.0 95482.6 1.00 1.00
SIDL 2373.0 403.6 403.6 0.0 16098.5 1.00 1.00
Surfacing 787.3 133.9 133.9 0.0 5264.3 1.00 1.00
Buoyant Force -13946.5 -1.00
LL Moment & L. Force 57.1 55.8 343.1 2631.8 1.00
Crowd Load 12.6 12.6 1178.4 510.0 1.00
Water current force 48.6 133.7 1207.9 3318.6 1.00
SUM 30813.3 3628.0 3711.8 2729.4 123305.8

Tilt of well 7493 7493.1

Shift of well 2294.7 2294.7

Load tyoe Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at PSF for PSF for
Load C.G of foundation level overturning Restoring
Dead Load 45562.4 2972.2 2972.2 95482.6 0.0 1.0 1.0
SIDL 2911.1 403.6 403.6 16098.5 0.0 1.0 1.0
Surfacing 965.9 133.9 133.9 5264.3 0.0 1.0 1.0
Buoyant Force -13946.5 -1.0
LL Moment & L. Force 57.3 34.7 8365.4 172.2 1.0
Crowd Load 12.6 12.6 2164.3 0.0 1.0
Water current force 48.6 133.7 1207.9 3318.6 1.0
SUM 35492.9 3628.3 3690.7 128583.0 3490.8

Tilt of well 8808 8808.1

Shift of well 2806.6 2806.6
Load tyoe Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at PSF for PSF for
Load C.G of foundation level overturning Restoring
Dead Load 41599.4 2972.2 2972.2 95482.6 0.0 1.0 1.0
SIDL 2373.0 403.6 403.6 16098.5 0.0 1.0 1.0
Surfacing 787.3 133.9 133.9 5264.3 0.0 1.0 1.0
Buoyant Force -13946.5 -1.0
LL Moment & L. Force 57.3 34.7 8365.4 172.2 1.0
Crowd Load 12.6 12.6 1688.4 0.0 1.0
Water current force 48.6 133.7 1207.9 3318.6 1.0
SUM 30813 3628 3691 128107 3491

Tilt of well 7493.1 7493.1

Shift of well 2294.7 2294.7

Load Combination for Ultimate Resistance Theory of Equilibrium check :

Non Seismic Combination
1 1.1 DL
3 1.1DL+1.6[LL(R)+CL+LF
4 1.1DL+1.6[LL(M)+CL+LF

Non Seismic Combination

1. 1.1DL
Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at
Load type Load C.G of foundation level PSF for
Dead Load 47947.08 1.1
SIDL 2906.30 1.1
Surfacing 964.27 1.1
SUM 51817.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0

Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at
Load type Load C.G of foundation level PSF for
Dead Load 47947.1 1.1
SIDL 2906.3 1.1
Surfacing 964.3 1.1
Buoyant Force -13946.5 -1.0
Wind Load -485.3 507.7 2030.6 19880.5 79522.0 1.4
Water current force 78.5 215.6 1897.8 5214.1 1.4
SUM 37385.89 586.13 2246.24 21778.28 84736.10

Tilt of well 8267.3 8267.3

Shift of well 2604.5 2604.5
3. 1.1DL+1.6[LL(R)+CL+LF
Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at
Load type Load C.G of foundation level PSF for
Dead Load 47947.08 1.10
SIDL 2906.30 1.10
Surfacing 964.27 1.10
Live Load 3545.60 321.74 18481.4 2481.9 1.60
Crowd Load 661.73 11836.3 1.60
SUM 56024.99 321.74 0.00 30317.72 2481.92

Tilt of well 11992.9 11992.9

Shift of well 3320.5 3320.5

4. 1.1DL+1.6[LL(M)+CL+LF]
Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at
Load type Load C.G of foundation level PSF for
Dead Load 47947.08 1.10
SIDL 2906.30 1.10
Surfacing 964.27 1.10
Live Load 1690.24 235.10 52518.46 1183.17 1.60
Crowd Load 661.73 11836.32 1.60
SUM 54169.63 235.10 0.00 64354.78 1183.17

Tilt of well 11389.9 11389.9

Shift of well 3042.2 3042.2

Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at
Load type Load C.G of foundation level PSF for
Dead Load 47947.08 1.10
SIDL 2906.30 1.10
Surfacing 964.27 1.10
Buoyant Force -13946.50 -1.00
Live Load 3102.40 281.53 16171.22 2171.68 1.40
Crowd Load 579.01 10356.78 1.40
Water current force 78.48 215.62 1897.79 5214.12 1.40
SUM 41552.57 360.00 215.62 28425.79 7385.80

Tilt of well 9463.8 9463.8

Shift of well 3156.7 3156.7

Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at
Load type Load C.G of foundation level PSF for
Dead Load 47947.1 1.1
SIDL 2906.3 1.1
Surfacing 964.3 1.1
Buoyant Force -13946.5 -1.0
Live Load 1479.0 205.7 45953.6 1035.3 1.4
Crowd Load 579.0 10356.8 1.4
Water current force 78.5 215.6 1897.8 5214.1 1.4
SUM 39929.1 284.2 215.6 58208.2 6249.4
Tilt of well 8936.2 8936
Shift of well 2913.2 2913

Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at
Load type Load C.G of foundation level PSF for
Dead Load 47947.1 1.1
SIDL 2906.3 1.1
Surfacing 964.3 1.1
Buoyant Force -13946.5 -1.0
Live Load 2770.0 251.4 14438.6 1939.0 1.25
Crowd Load 517.0 9247.1 1.25
Wind load -433.3 453.3 1813.1 17750.4 71001.8 1.25
Water current force 70.1 192.5 1694.5 4655.5 1.25
SUM 40724.9 774.7 2005.6 43130.6 77596.2

Tilt of well 9335.6 9336

Shift of well 3097.6 3098

Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at
Load type Load C.G of foundation level PSF for
Dead Load 47947.1 1.1
SIDL 2906.3 1.1
Surfacing 964.3 1.1
Buoyant Force -13946.5 -1.0
Live Load 1320.5 183.7 41030.0 924.4 1.25
Crowd Load 517.0 9247.1 1.25
Wind load -433.3 453.3 1813.1 17750.4 71001.8 1.25
Water current force 70.1 192.5 1694.5 4655.5 1.25
SUM 39275.4 707.0 2005.6 69722.1 76581.6

Tilt of well 8864.5 8864.5

Shift of well 2880.1 2880.1

Seismic Combination

Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at
Load type Load C.G of foundation level PSF for
Dead Load 50118.6 0.0 105030.8 1.1
SIDL 3202.3 0.0 17708.4 1.1
Surfacing 1062.5 0.0 5790.7 1.1
Buoyant Force -13946.5 -1.0
Live Load 600.5 71.3 69.8 428.8 3289.7 1.25
Crowd Load 113.9 15.8 15.8 2067.9 637.5 1.25
Water current force 60.8 167.1 1509.9 4148.3 1.25
SUM 41151.3 147.9 252.7 4006.6 136605.5
Tilt of well 9166.3 9166.3
Shift of well 2971.9 2971.9


Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at
Load type Load C.G of foundation level PSF for
Dead Load 45759.4 0.0 105030.8 1.1
SIDL 2610.4 0.0 17708.4 1.1
Surfacing 866.1 0.0 5790.7 1.1
Buoyant Force -13946.5 -1.0
Live Load 507.5 71.3 69.8 337.0 3192.0 1.25
Crowd Load 92.9 15.8 15.8 1473.0 637.5 1.25
Water current force 60.8 167.1 1509.9 4148.3 1.25
SUM 35889.6 147.9 252.7 3319.8 136507.7

Tilt of well 7790.9 7790.9

Shift of well 2432.2 2432.2


Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at
Load type Load C.G of foundation level PSF for
Dead Load 50118.6 105030.8 0.0 1.1
SIDL 3202.3 17708.4 0.0 1.1
Surfacing 1062.5 5790.7 0.0 1.1
Buoyant Force -13946.5 -1.0
Live Load 293.0 71.6 43.4 10456.8 215.2 1.25
Crowd Load 113.9 15.8 15.8 2705.4 0.0 1.25
Water current force 60.8 167.1 1509.9 4148.3 1.25
SUM 40843.8 148.2 226.2 143202.0 4363.5

Tilt of well 9066.3 9066.3

Shift of well 2925.8 2925.8


Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at
Load type Load C.G of foundation level PSF for
Dead Load 45759.4 105030.8 0.0 1.1
SIDL 2610.4 17708.4 0.0 1.1
Surfacing 866.1 5790.7 0.0 1.1
Buoyant Force -13946.5 -1.0
Live Load 235.2 71.6 43.4 8847.2 154.5 1.25
Crowd Load 92.9 15.8 15.8 1473.0 0.0 1.25
Water current force 60.8 167.1 1509.9 4148.3 1.25
SUM 35617.4 148.2 226.2 140360.0 4302.8

Tilt of well 7702.4 7702.4

Shift of well 2391.3 2391.3
Well cap design as per nptel :
Design Parameters :
Grade of concrete, fck = M 35
Grade of reinforcement, fyk = Fe 500
Mean value of axial tensile strength of conc., f ctm = 2.7 N/mm2
Allowable comp. stress of cocn. For SLS verification = 0.36f ck = 12.6 N/mm2
Allowable tensile stress of cocn. For SLS verification = 0.8f y = 400 N/mm2
Coefficient for concrete strength, α = 0.67
Clear cover to the reinforcement = 75 mm
Permissible crack width = 0.2 mm
Design Data :
Total Vertical Load, W = 24917.31 KN
Total long. Moment = 20629 kN-m
Total trans. Moment = 2461 kN-m
Resultant moment, M = 20775.557 kN-m
Direction of resultant moment = 6.80 o
with long. Direction
Eccentricity, e = M/W = 0.834 m
Outer dia of steining/ dia of well cap, D = 8.000 m
Inner dia of steining, d = 4.900 m
Thickness of well cap, t = 2.000 m
Outer radius of steining, R = 4.000 m
Inner radius of steining, r = 2.450 m
Area of c/s of steining, A = 31.41 m2
Area of well cap, Acap = 50.27 m2
Weight of well cap, Wcap = 2513.27 kN
P1 = W/A [ 1 + {16eD/(D +d )}]
2 2
= 1755.3726 m
P2 = W/A [ 1 + {16ed/(D +d )}]
2 2
= 1382.5853 m
P4 = 1/2(P1 + P2) = 1568.979 m
Let us take a section a-a at a distance, (BP) = 0.834 m from centre
Length of chord DE, C = 3.912 m
Length of chord AB, c = 2.304 m
Hence , θ1 = 2 sin-1(C/2R) = 1.022 rad
Hence , θ2 = 2 sin-1(c/2r) = 0.979 rad
Area of DEF, A1 = 1/2[R2(θ1-sinθ1)] = 1.350437 m2
Area of ABC, A2 = 1/2[r (θ2-sinθ2)]
= 0.447229 m2
C.g. of DEF, X1 = ((4Rsin (θ1/2))/(3(θ1-sinθ1))
= 3.694628 m
C.g. of ABC, X2 = ((4rsin3(θ2/2))/(3(θ2-sinθ2)) = 2.27801 m
Moment about section a-a,
P4A1(X1 - BP/2) - P4A2(X2 - BP/2) - Wcap/Acap(X1 - BP/2) = 5474.9 kN-m

The design of well cap is presented in the following pages. The various loads and moments on the
top of well cap are taken from well foundation design notes. We are presenting the governing load cases only.

Grade of concrete = M 35
Reinforcement = Torsteel
Permissible tensile stress in steel = 230 N/mm2
Permissible shear stress in conc.= 2.45 N/mm2
Permissible shear stress in concrete
without shear reinfoecement = 0.25 N/mm2
Design constants :
Permissible stress in conc.= 11.5 N/mm2
Modular ratio m = 8.12
k = 0.289 j = 0.904
Moment of resistance factor = 1.50 N/mm2
= 150 t/mm2


Non seismic condition
Vertical load = 1434.99 t
Long seismic condition
Vertical load = 1254.39 t

Well & Pier dimensions

Pier length = 4.50 m Pier Width = 2.20 m Steining Thk. = 1.20 m
Well Dia (Outer) = 7.00 m Well Dia (Inner) = 4.60 m
Cap Thickness = 2.50 m Cover to reinf. = 0.05 m

Area of pier at bottom of well cap after 45 o dispersion 7.00 m

Width = 4.65 m 0.88 m 0.88 m

Length = 6.95 m
Dispersion along length is more than well dia . So the dispersion will be 2.33 m
restricted to well dia. Length = 6.95 m
2.33 m
Area after dispersion = 29.66 m2

Intensity of load due to self of well cap w1 = 6.25 t/m2

Intensity of load due to load coming from pier :

Non seismic condition w2 = 48.4 t/m2
Long. Seismic condition w2' = 42.3 t/m2

Total load intensity of load on well cap :

Case 1 Non Seismic condition = 54.63921 t/m2 This load is assumed to be acting over
the entire well cap area.
Case 2 Long. Seismic condition = 48.54927 t/m2

Moment at pier base :

( Transverse moments are not considered since it goes directly into well steining )
Longitudinal moment =
Case 1 condition = 285.20 tm
Case 2 condition = 2688.89 tm
From the above two cases it is obvious that the maximum live load condition will govern.

Considering the well cap as simply supported slab, Effective span = 5.80 m
Considering partial restraint at support
Average maximum + ve bending moment due to vertical load at centre = w D 2 / 30
= 54.4 tm / m width
Average maximum - ve bending moment due to vertical load at support = w D 2 / 60
= 27.2 tm / m width

Bending moment due to longitudinal moment at pier base

1.1 1.1
Average (+) ve bending moment at face of pier
= 99.91 tm/m 99.91 672.223
Average ( - ) ve bending moment at support 1344.45
= 115.90 tm/m 672.2 1344.446
Total design moment at centre = 154.4 tm/m
Total design moment at support = 143.1 tm/m 99.91
Overall depth provided = 2.50 m Clear cover = 0.05 m
Effective depth available = 2.43 m assuming 32 # bar Area = 8.04 Cm2
Effective depth required = 0.83 m 2.43 m O.K
Area of steel required = 23.4 Sq cm / m in longitudinal direction
Provide 32 # @ 340 c/c in longitudinal dirn. at centre
In transverse direction Area of steel required = 23.70 Sq cm / m
Provide 32 # @ 335 c/c in longitudinal dirn. at centre
At support
Area of steel required in longitudinal direction = 21.7 Sq cm / m
Provide 32 # @ 370 c/c in longitudinal dirn. at centre
Area of steel required in transverse direction = 21.98 Sq cm / m
Provide 32 # @ 365 c/c in longitudinal dirn. at centre
Due to vertical = wD/4 = 70.4 t/ m

Due to Longitudinal Moment M L

= 2688.89 tm
Moment of inertia of steining = 95.88 m 4

1.20 m
Stress in outer edge = ML / I x Yo = 98.2 t/m2
Stress in inner edge = ML / I x Yi = 64.5 t/m2 1.314286 1

Maximum shear force at inner edge = 116.1 t

Total design shear force = 186.5 t

Shear stress developed = 76.62 t/m2 > 37.5 t/m2

Hence shear reinforcement necessary.

As per clause no. 304.7.4.2 of IRC : 21-1987

Asw / S = V/ ss d = 25.541 sq.cm /m2
Provide 12# stirrups of width 150 mm in longitudinal direction and @ 150c/c in transverse direction
upto the face of pier.
Area provided = 50.22 sq.cm /m2 > 25.54 sq.cm /m2
Hence o.k
ad cases only.

Grade σcbc
M 20 7
M 25 8.5
M 30 10
M 35 11.5
M 40 13

Non-seismic condition
S.L No Item Vertical Horizontal Force Lever Arm Moment at C.G of Pier
Load base
Cant. 9070.16
Susp. 2742.42
Ped. Left 3.68
Ped. Mid. 3.68
Pier 2238.72
Cant. 2081.26
Susp. 560.83
3 SUR.
Cant. 690.53
Susp. 186.08
4 Buoyant F.
HHTL -565.72
LLWL 0.00
5 LL (max R) 2216.00 201.09 14.82 6322.5304 1551.2
6 LL (max M) 1056.40 146.94 14.82 29003.595 739.48
7. C.L (Both arm) 827.16
8. C.L (Single arm) 413.58 7397.702
9. C.L(single side) 413.58 1861.109
10 WL 1 0.00
Cantilever 0.00
i) Girder 336.83 155.22 620.89 11.68 11.68 1813.002 7252.0081
ii) Railing 54.40 217.61 13.95 13.95 758.92 3035.69
Suspended (left)
i) Girder 68.83 34.42 137.67 12.11 12.11 416.79437 1667.1775
ii) Railing 15.83 63.33 13.38 13.38 211.83 847.33
Suspended (mid)
i) Girder 68.83 34.42 137.67 12.93 12.93 445.02 1780.07
ii) Railing 15.83 63.33 14.18 14.18 224.50 897.99
pedestal (left) 0.18 0.71 12.18 12.18 2.17 8.68
pedestal (mid.) 0.18 0.71 11.36 11.36 2.03 8.10
pier 9.44 37.77 4.65 4.65 43.95 175.79
11 WL 2
i) Girder 246.05 113.39 453.55 11.68 11.68 1324.3579 5297.4317
ii) Railing 39.74 158.96 13.95 13.95 554.38 2217.51
iii) LL 83.99 335.95 14.87 14.87 1249.09 4996.38
Suspended (left)
i) Girder 50.28 25.14 100.56 12.11 12.11 304.45908 1217.8363
ii) Railing 11.56 46.26 13.38 13.38 154.74 618.95
iii) LL 22.53 90.11 14.30 14.30 322.18 1288.73
Suspended (mid)
i) Girder 50.28 25.14 100.56 12.93 12.93 325.07 1300.30
ii) Railing 11.56 46.26 14.18 14.18 163.99 655.96
iii) LL 22.53 90.11 15.12 15.12 340.53 1362.12
pedestal (left) 0.07 0.27 11.02 11.02 0.74 2.94
pedestal (mid.) 0.07 0.27 10.21 10.21 0.68 2.72
pier 6.90 27.59 3.57 3.57 24.65 98.61
11 W.C 0.00 17.88 49.11 2.74 2.74 48.91 134.38


1. Static-forces at well cap top level :

S.L No Item Vertical Horizontal Force Lever Arm Moment at C.G of Pier
Load base
Cant. 9070.16 11.68 11.68 0.00 0.00
Susp. (left) 1371.21 12.11 12.11 0.00 0.00
Susp. (mid) 1371.21 12.93 12.93 0.00 0.00
Pier 2238.72 4.65 4.65 0.00 0.00
Cant. 2081.26 13.95 13.95 0.00 0.00
Susp. (left) 280.41 13.38 13.38 0.00 0.00
Susp. (mid) 280.41 14.18 14.18 0.00 0.00
3 SUR.
Cant 690.53 13.37 13.37 0.00 0.00
Susp. (left) 93.04 12.80 12.80 0.00 0.00
Susp. (mid) 93.04 13.62 13.62 0.00 0.00
4 Buoyant F.
HHTL -565.72
LLWL 0.00
5. LL (max R) +ve 443.20 57.05 14.57 14.87 1174.44 349.33
6. LL (max M) +ve 211.28 57.31 14.82 15.12 6858.24 172.18
7. C.L (Single arm) 82.72 14.37 14.37 181.52 181.52
8 W.C 17.53 48.15 2.76 2.76 48.31 132.73

2. Seismic forces at well cap top level :

S.L No Item Vertical Horizontal Force Lever Arm Moment at C.G of Pier
Load base
Cant. +ve 761.89 1142.84 1142.84 11.68 11.68 13348.37 13348.37
Susp. (left) +ve 230.36 345.55 345.55 12.11 12.11 4184.56 4184.56
Susp. (mid) +ve 230.36 345.55 345.55 12.93 12.93 4467.90 4467.90
Pier +ve 125.37 188.05 188.05 4.65 4.65 875.15 875.15
Cant. +ve 174.83 262.24 262.24 13.95 13.95 3658.24 3658.24
Susp. (left) +ve 47.11 70.66 70.66 13.38 13.38 945.49 945.49
Susp. (mid) +ve 47.11 70.66 70.66 14.18 14.18 1002.02 1002.02
3 SUR.
Cant. +ve 58.00 87.01 87.01 13.37 13.37 1163.50 1163.50
Susp. (left) +ve 15.63 23.45 23.45 12.80 12.80 300.16 300.16
Susp. (mid) +ve 15.63 23.45 23.45 13.62 13.62 319.25 319.25
4. LL (max R) +ve 37.23 55.84 14.57 14.57 0.00 813.78
5. LL (max M) +ve 23.13 34.69 14.82 14.82 0.00 514.06
6. C.L (Single arm) 8.42 12.63 12.63 14.37 14.37 181.52 181.52

Non Seismic Load combination for well cap design :



Load tyoe Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment
Load at C.G of foundation PSF
Dead Load 15956.91 1.35
SIDL 3566.83 1.35
Surfacing 1534.07 1.75
Buoyant Force -84.86 0.15
Live Load 3324.00 301.64 9483.80 2326.80 1.5
Crowd Load 620.37 11096.55 1.5
Water current force 17.88 49.11 48.91 134.38 1
SUM 24917.31 319.51 49.11 20629 2461

Load tyoe Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment
Load at C.G of foundation PSF
Dead Load 15956.9 1.35
SIDL 3566.8 1.35
Surfacing 1534.1 1.75
Buoyant Force -84.9 0.15
Live Load 1584.6 220.4 43505.4 1109.2 1.5
Crowd Load 620.4 11096.6 1.5
Water current force 17.9 49.1 48.9 134.4 1
SUM 23177.91 238.29 49.11 54651 1244

Load tyoe Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment
Load at C.G of foundation PSF
Dead Load 18979.17 1.35
SIDL 3566.83 1.35
Surfacing 1534.07 1.75
Buoyant Force -84.86 0.15
Live Load 3324.00 301.64 9483.80 2326.80 1.5
Crowd Load 620.37 11096.55 1.5
Water current force 17.88 49.11 48.91 134.38 1
Wind Load -311.95 326.35 1305.40 4288.39 17153.54 0.90
SUM 27628 646 1355 24918 19615

Load tyoe Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment
Load at C.G of foundation PSF
Dead Load 18979.17 1.35
SIDL 3566.83 1.35
Surfacing 1534.07 1.75
Buoyant Force -84.86 0.15
Live Load 3324.00 301.64 9483.80 2326.80 1.15
Crowd Load 620.37 11096.55 1.15
Water current force 17.88 49.11 48.91 134.38 1
Wind Load -519.92 543.92 2175.66 7147.31 28589.24 1.50
SUM 27420 863 2225 27777 31050

Load tyoe Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment
Load at C.G of foundation PSF
Dead Load 18979.17 1.35
SIDL 3566.83 1.35
Surfacing 1534.07 1.75
Buoyant Force -84.86 0.15
Live Load 1584.60 220.41 43505.39 1109.22 1.5
Crowd Load 620.37 11096.55 1.5
Water current force 17.88 49.11 48.91 134.38 1
Wind Load -311.95 326.35 1305.40 4288.39 17153.54 0.90
SUM 25888 565 1355 58939 18397

Load tyoe Vertical Horizontal Force Overturning Moment
Load at C.G of foundation PSF
Dead Load 18979.17 1.35
SIDL 3566.83 1.35
Surfacing 1534.07 1.75
Buoyant Force -84.86 0.15
Live Load 1584.60 301.64 9483.80 2326.80 1.15
Crowd Load 620.37 11096.55 1.15
Water current force 0.00 17.88 49.11 48.91 134.38 1
Wind Load -519.92 543.92 2175.66 7147.31 28589.24 1.50
SUM 25680 863 2225 27777 31050

Seismic Combination

Vertical Load Long. Moment Trans. Moment
Load tyoe Non seismic Non seismic Non seismic PSF
seismic seismic seismic
Dead Load 18969.3 1819.8 0.0 30882.6 0.0 30882.6 1.35
SIDL 3566.8 363.2 0.0 7567.8 0.0 7567.8 1.35
Surfacing 1534.1 156.2 0.0 3120.1 0.0 3120.1 1.75
Buoyant Force -565.7 1.00
LL Moment & L. Force 443.2 37.2 1174.4 0.0 349.3 813.8 1.00
Crowd Load 82.7 8.4 181.5 181.5 181.5 181.5 1.00
Water current force 48.3 132.7 1.00
SUM 26415.2 43156.2 43229.3

Vertical Load Long. Moment Trans. Moment
Load tyoe Non seismic Non seismic Non seismic PSF
seismic seismic seismic
Dead Load 18969.3 1819.8 0.0 30882.6 0.0 30882.6 1.35
SIDL 3566.8 363.2 0.0 7567.8 0.0 7567.8 1.35
Surfacing 1534.1 156.2 0.0 3120.1 0.0 3120.1 1.75
Buoyant Force -565.7 1.00
LL Moment & L. Force 443.2 37.2 1174.4 0.0 349.3 813.8 1.00
Crowd Load 82.7 8.4 181.5 181.5 181.5 181.5 1.00
Water current force 48.3 132.7 1.00
SUM 21645.5 43156.2 43229.3

Vertical Load Long. Moment Trans. Moment
Load tyoe Non seismic Non seismic Non seismic PSF
seismic seismic seismic
Dead Load 18969.3 1819.8 0.0 30882.6 0.0 30882.6 1.35
SIDL 3566.8 363.2 0.0 7567.8 0.0 7567.8 1.35
Surfacing 1534.1 156.2 0.0 3120.1 0.0 3120.1 1.75
Buoyant Force -565.7 1.00
LL Moment & L. Force 211.3 23.1 6858.2 0.0 172.2 514.1 1.00
Crowd Load 82.7 8.4 181.5 181.5 181.5 181.5 1.00
Water current force 48.3 132.7 1.00
SUM 26169.2 48840.0 42752.4


Vertical Load Long. Moment Trans. Moment
Load tyoe Non seismic Non seismic Non seismic PSF
seismic seismic seismic
Dead Load 18969.3 1819.8 0.0 30882.6 0.0 30882.6 1.35
SIDL 3566.8 363.2 0.0 7567.8 0.0 7567.8 1.35
Surfacing 1534.1 156.2 0.0 3120.1 0.0 3120.1 1.75
Buoyant Force -565.7 1.00
LL Moment & L. Force 211.3 23.1 6858.2 0.0 172.2 514.1 1.00
Crowd Load 82.7 8.4 181.5 181.5 181.5 181.5 1.00
Water current force 48.3 132.7 1.00
SUM 21427.7 48840.0 42752.4
Well cap design as per ROARK"S formula (LC 01) :

Total Vertical Load, W = 24917.31 KN

Total long. Moment = 20629 kN-m
Total trans. Moment = 2461 kN-m
Resultant moment, M = 20775.557 kN-m
Direction of resultant moment = 6.80 o
with long. Direction
Eccentricity, e = M/W = 0.834 m

Case 1 : Considering simply supported edge [Ref : Table 11.2 - Case No. 18 ]

a p r0



Poisson's ratio, ν = 0.15

Outer radius of well cap, a = 4m
Thickness of well cap, t = 2m
Radius of pier, r0 = 1.75 m > 0.5tm
So, r'0 = r0 = 1.75 m

Maximum Radial & tangential Bending moment at the load,

(Mr)max = (Mt)max = W/4π [ 1 + (1+ν)ln{(a-e)/r'0} - {((1-ν)r'02)/4(a-e)2} ]
= 3206.2 kN-m

Maximum Radial Bending moment at centre of well,

a1 = 4.834 m r1 = 0.834 m
Mr = (Mr)max{(1+ν) ln(a1/r1)} / {(1 + (1+ν) ln(a1/r'0)}
= 2988.2446 kN-m

Maximum tangential Bending moment at centre of well,

Mt = (Mt)max{(1+ν) ln(a1/r1) + 1 - ν} / {(1 + (1+ν ) ln(a1/r'0)}
= 4245.0356 kN-m
Maximum Radial Bending moment at edge of well,
a1 = 4.834 m r1 = 4.834 m
(Mr)max = {(1+ν) ln(a1/r1)} / {(1 + (1+ν) ln(a1/r'0)}
= 0 kN-m

Maximum tangential Bending moment at edge of well,

(Mt)max = {(1+ν) ln(a1/r1) + 1 - ν} / {(1 + (1+ν ) ln(a1/r'0)}
= 1256.791 kN-m

Case 2 : Considering edge is fixed [Ref : Table 11.2 - Case No. 19 ]

a p r0

S r2


Maximum Radial Bending moment at the load,

(Mr)max = W(1 + ν) /16π [ {4 ln((a-e)/r'0)} + {(r'0/(a-e))2} ]
= 1526.2 kN-m

Maximum Radial Bending moment at the near edge,

(Mr)max = - W / 8π [ 2 - (r'0/(a-e))2 ]
= 1680.0 kN-m

Considering the well cap is partially supported :

Maximum radial moment = 2366.1761 kN-m

Long. Coefficient 2349.514 kN-m
Trans. Coefficient 280.30976 kN-m

Maximum tangential moment = 3206.2 kN-m

Long. Coefficient 379.81986 kN-m
Trans. Coefficient 3183.5926 kN-m
Total long. Moment = 2729.3338 kN-m
Total trans. Moment = 3463.9023 kN-m

i) Diameter of well = 8m
ii) H.F.L. = + 4.800 m
iii) Bed level at Well position = -1.905 m
iv) Max. scour level = -12.930 m
v) Stratum considered = Sand Layer - III
vi) Founding level = -27.080 m
vii) Effective length of well(L') = 14.150

H.F.L. : 4.800

-Exsisting Bed Level : -12.930

Safe bearing capacity of well in sand = Max. Scour Lev. Well -12.930 m
Qa = (L' x ϒ' x Nq + 0.4 x ϒ x D x Nϒ x W' ) / SF "D"
Where, 8m

i) 'ϒ'avg of sand layer- III = 1.86 T/m3

ii) 'φ'avg of sand layer- III = 33 o
unding lev. -27.080 m
iii) Nq = 33 & Nϒ = 37.778
v) factor of safety = 3 [ To control settlement as per Bowels]
vi) Water table correction (W') = 0.5
Ultimate Bearing capacity,
Qa = {(14.15 x 0.86 x 33)+(0.5 x 1.86 x 8 x 37.778 x 0.5)} / S.F.
= 542.11 /3 T/m2
= 180.7037 T/m2

Grade of concrete for steining = M 25

Transverse force at Scour depth = 3711.82 kN
Longitudinal force at scour depth = 3628.27 kN
Resultant lateral force at scour depth = 4618.89 kN
Let Assume at a depth X = 7.912 mm The shear force on the well is zero.
Depth of well upto zero shear = 18.06 m

Scour lev. -RL =11.23 m

X = 7.91 m

2.64 m

Lev. -RL =19.14 m


Layer depth φ ϒ (T/m3)

2.00 28 1.83
1.50 7 1.84
1.50 31 1.85
2.00 35 1.87

Weighted avg. of submerge density = 8.48 kN/m3

Weighted avg. of angle of friction, φ = 26.1 O
Let take avg. φ equal to = 26 O

α = 0 O

β = 0 O

δ = 17.333333 O
Shape factor for earth pressure = 0.9
Projected width for earth pressure = 7.2 m
Active earth pressure coefficient, Ka = 0.347
Horizontal Active earth pressure coeff. ,Kah = 0.331
Passive earth pressure coefficient, KP = 4.399
Horizontal Active earth pressure coeff. ,KPh = 4.199
Active earth pressure, Pa = 1/2KahϒH2 = 87.94 KN/m
Active earth force = 633.19 KN
Passive earth pressure, Pp = 1/2KphϒH2 = -1114.36 KN/m
Passive earth force = -8023.41 KN

Sum of forces at a depth "X" from non seismic scour = 0.0 KN

B. Buoyant Force :
For Pier
Height of pier below HHTL = 5.880 m
Height of pier below LLWL = 0.000 m
Hence upward force for HHTL = 565.722 KN ↑
Hence upward force for LLWL = 0.000 KN ↑

For Well
Ht. of well steinig upto -RL =19.14 m = 16.062 m
Plan area of steining = 31.408 m2
Vol. of well steinig upto -RL =19.14 m = 504.486 m3
Innerr dia. Of well = 4.900
Ht. of sandfill upto -RL =19.14 m = 15.562 m
Vol. of sandfill upto -RL =19.14 m = 293.464 m3

For HHTL condition

Total vol. of well fdn. Including sand filling = 907.91 m3
Hence upward force = 9079.10 KN ↑
For LLWL condition
Total vol. of well fdn. Including sand filling = 864.18 m3
Hence upward force = 8641.79 KN ↑

Weight of well upto RL -19.14 m

For Well steining
Ht. of well steinig upto -RL =19.14 m = 16.060 m
Plan area of steining = 31.408 m2
Vol. of total steining = 504.414 m3
Total weight = 12610.34 KN
HT = 1059.27 KN
HL = 1059.27 KN
HV = 706.18 KN
For Sand fill :
Ht. of sand fill upto -RL =19.14 m = 15.560 m
Plan area of steining = 18.857 m2
Vol. of total steining = 293.421 m3
Total weight = 3678.59 KN
HT = 309.00 KN
HL = 309.00 KN
HV = 206.00 KN

Tilt & Shift :

Max. Allowable shift = 150.00 mm
Shift of upto substr.load due to tilt = = 0.226 m
Shift of fdn. load due to tilt = = 0.113 m

Summary of non seismic forces at -19.14 m RL

S.L No Item Vertical Load Horizontal Force Lever Arm Moment at C.G of Pier base

Cant. 9070.16
Susp. (left) 1371.21
Susp. (mid) 1371.21
Pier 2238.72
cap 2513.27
Stening 12610.34
Top plug 235.72
Sandfill 3678.59
Cant. 2081.26
Susp. (left) 280.41
Susp. (mid) 280.41
3 SUR.
Cant. 690.53
Susp. (left) 93.04
Susp. (mid) 93.04
4 Buoyant F.
HHTL -9644.82
LLWL -8641.79
5. LL (max R) 443.20 57.05 32.93 32.93 2222.01 349.33
6. LL (max M) 211.28 57.31 33.18 33.18 7910.55 172.18
7. C.L (Single arm) 82.72 1654.32
8 W.C
pier 17.53 48.15 20.82 20.82 364.85 1002.43
well 31.12 85.51 14.68 14.68 456.87 1255.23
12. Earth Pressure
Active pressure 633.19 633.19 2.64 2.64 1670.00 1670.00
Passive pressure -8023.41 -8023.41 2.64 2.64 -21161.19 -21161.19

Summary of seismic forces at -19.14 m RL

S.L No Item Vertical Load Horizontal Force Lever Arm Moment at C.G of Pier base

Cant. 761.89 1142.84 1142.84 29.74 29.74 33990.67 33990.67
Susp. (left) 230.36 345.55 345.55 30.17 30.17 10425.90 10425.90
Susp. (mid) 230.36 345.55 345.55 30.99 30.99 10709.24 10709.24
Pier 125.37 188.05 188.05 22.72 22.72 4271.80 4271.80
cap 140.74 211.12 211.12 17.06 17.06 3602.11 3602.11
Stening 706.18 1059.27 1059.27 8.03 8.03 8505.93 8505.93
Top plug 13.20 19.80 19.80 15.81 15.81 313.09 313.09
Sandfill 206.00 309.00 309.00 7.78 7.78 2404.03 2404.03
Cant. 174.83 262.24 262.24 32.01 32.01 8394.88 8394.88
Susp. (left) 47.11 70.66 70.66 31.44 31.44 2221.85 2221.85
Susp. (mid) 47.11 70.66 70.66 32.24 32.24 2278.39 2278.39
3 SUR.
Cant. 58.00 87.01 87.01 31.43 31.43 2735.06 2735.06
Susp. (left) 15.49 23.23 23.23 30.86 30.86 716.92 716.92
Susp. (mid) 15.49 23.23 23.23 31.68 31.68 735.83 735.83
5. LL (max R) 37.23 55.84 32.93 32.93 0.00 1839.18
6. LL (max M) 23.13 34.69 33.18 33.18 0.00 1205.38
7. C.L (Single arm) 8.42 12.63 12.63 32.43 32.43 409.73 409.73
Asper IRC 6- 2017, Clause 219.8 seismic force is taken 1.35 times
Summary of seismic forces after applying FOS at -19.14 m RL

S.L No Item Vertical Load Horizontal Force Lever Arm Moment at C.G of Pier base

Cant. 1028.56 1542.83 1542.83 40.15 40.15 45887.40 45887.40
Susp. (left) 310.99 466.49 466.49 40.73 40.73 14074.96 14074.96
Susp. (mid) 310.99 466.49 466.49 41.84 41.84 14457.48 14457.48
Pier 169.25 253.87 253.87 30.67 30.67 5766.93 5766.93
cap 190.00 285.01 285.01 23.03 23.03 4862.84 4862.84
Stening 953.34 1430.01 1430.01 10.84 10.84 11483.00 11483.00
Top plug 17.82 26.73 26.73 21.35 21.35 422.67 422.67
Sandfill 278.10 417.15 417.15 10.50 10.50 3245.45 3245.45
Cant. 236.02 354.02 354.02 43.22 43.22 11333.09 11333.09
Susp. (left) 63.60 95.40 95.40 42.45 42.45 2999.50 2999.50
Susp. (mid) 63.60 95.40 95.40 43.53 43.53 3075.82 3075.82
3 SUR.
Cant. 78.31 117.46 117.46 42.44 42.44 3692.32 3692.32
Susp. (left) 20.90 31.36 31.36 41.67 41.67 967.84 967.84
Susp. (mid) 20.90 31.36 31.36 42.77 42.77 993.38 993.38
5. LL (max R) 50.26 0.00 75.39 44.46 44.46 0.00 2482.90
6. LL (max M) 31.22 0.00 46.84 44.79 44.79 0.00 1627.27
7. C.L (Single arm) 11.37 17.06 17.06 43.78 43.78 553.13 553.13

Vertical Load Horizontal Force Overturning Moment
Load type at C.G of foundation PSF for
Dead Load 49070.2 6599.6 6599.6 0.0 135271.0 1.35
SIDL 4057.2 735.5 735.5 0.0 17408.4 1.35
Surfacing 1689.8 233.6 233.6 0.0 7328.7 1.75
Buoyant Force -1296.3 0.15
Live Load 493.5 57.1 75.4 2222.0 2832.2 1.00
Crowd Load 94.1 17.1 17.1 2207.4 553.1 1.00
Water current force 48.6 133.7 821.7 2257.7 1.00
SUM 54108.4 7691.4 7794.8 5251.2 165651.1
Resultant moment = 165734.3 kN-m

Active pressure 633.2 633.2 1670.0 1670.0 1.00

Passive pressure -8023.4 -8023.4 -21161.2 -21161.2 1.00
Tilt of well 6186.4 6186.4
Shift of well 3330.8 3330.8

Total vertical force = 54108384.123049 N

Total moment = 155760308082.82 N-m
Stress in the steining
Outer dia of steinig = 8.0 m
Inner dia of stening = 4.9 m
C/s area of steining = 31408072.6 mm2
Section modulus = 43191007273.4 mm3
Tensile strength of M 25 concret, fctm = 2.2 N/mm2 [Table 6.5 of IRC 112- 2011]
In sesimic condition fctm = 3.3 N/mm 3
(Increased by 50 %)
Stress under combined axial force bending moment -
(P / A) + (M / Z) = 5.33 N/mm2 < 25 OK
(P / A) - (M / Z) = -1.88 N/mm2 < 3.3 OK

Vertical Load Horizontal Force Overturning Moment
Load type at C.G of foundation PSF for
Dead Load 49070.2 6599.6 6599.6 0.0 135271.0 1.35
SIDL 4057.2 735.5 735.5 0.0 17408.4 1.35
Surfacing 1689.8 233.6 233.6 0.0 7328.7 1.75
Buoyant Force -1446.7 0.15
Live Load 242.5 57.3 46.8 7910.5 1799.5 1.00
Crowd Load 94.1 17.1 17.1 2207.4 553.1 1.00
Water current force 0.0 48.6 133.7 821.7 2257.7 1.00
SUM 53707.0 7691.7 7766.2 10939.7 164618.3
Resultant moment = 164981.4 kN-m

Active pressure 633.2 633.2 1670.0 1670.0 1.00

Passive pressure -8023.4 -8023.4 -21161.2 -21161.2 1.00
Tilt of well 5145.6 5145.6
Shift of well 2747.3 2747.3

Total vertical force = 53706975.187098 N

Total moment = 153383096914.52 N-m
Stress in the steining
Outer dia of steinig = 8.0 m
Inner dia of stening = 4.9 m
C/s area of steining = 31408072.6 mm2
Section modulus = 43191007273.4 mm3
Tensile strength of M 25 concret, fctm = 2.2 N/mm2 [Table 6.5 of IRC 112- 2011]
In sesimic condition fctm = 3.3 N/mm 3
(Increased by 50 %)
Stress under combined axial force bending moment -
(P / A) + (M / Z) = 5.26 N/mm2 < 25 OK
(P / A) - (M / Z) = -1.84 N/mm 2
< 3.3 OK

As max tensile stress of concrete is within the limit hence we provide a minium reinf. @ 0.12 % of the cross section.
Required area of reinf. = 37690 mm2
Dia of reinf. Provided = 16
No. of reinf. Provided = 200
Area of reinf. Provided = 40212 mm2 > Required (Ok)


Grade of concrete for steining = M 25

Transverse force at Scour depth = 1576.86 kN
Longitudinal force at scour depth = 612.86 kN
Resultant lateral force at scour depth = 1730.08 kN
Let Assume at a depth X = 5.893 mm The shear force on the well is zero.
Depth of well upto zero shear = 17.74 m

Scour lev. -RL =12.93 m

X = 5.893 m

1.96 m

Lev. -RL =18.82 m


Layer depth φ ϒ (T/m3)

2.00 28 1.83
1.50 7 1.84
1.50 31 1.85
1.00 33 1.86

Weighted avg. of submerge density = 8.43 kN/m3

Weighted avg. of angle of friction, φ = 24.3 O
Let take avg. φ equal to = 24 O

α = 0 O

β = 0 O

δ = 16.00 O

Shape factor for earth pressure = 0.9

Projected width for earth pressure = 7.2 m
Active earth pressure coefficient, Ka = 0.375
Horizontal Active earth pressure coeff. ,Kah = 0.361
Passive earth pressure coefficient, KP = 3.792
Horizontal Active earth pressure coeff. ,KPh = 3.645
Active earth pressure, Pa = 1/2KahϒH2 = 52.74 KN/m
Active earth force = 379.75 KN
Passive earth pressure, Pp = 1/2KphϒH2 = -533.32 KN/m
Passive earth force = -3839.90 KN

Sum of forces at a depth "X" from non seismic scour = 0.0 KN

B. Buoyant Force :
For Pier
Height of pier below HHTL = 5.880 m
Height of pier below LLWL = 0.000 m
Hence upward force for HHTL = 565.722 KN ↑
Hence upward force for LLWL = 0.000 KN ↑

For Well
Ht. of well steinig upto -RL =18.82 m = 15.743 m
Plan area of steining = 31.408 m2
Vol. of well steinig upto -RL =18.82 m = 494.457 m3
Innerr dia. Of well = 4.900
Ht. of sandfill upto -RL =18.82 m = 15.243 m
Vol. of sandfill upto -RL =18.82 m = 287.443 m3

For HHTL condition

Total vol. of well fdn. Including sand filling = 891.86 m3
Hence upward force = 8918.60 KN ↑
For LLWL condition
Total vol. of well fdn. Including sand filling = 848.13 m3
Hence upward force = 8481.29 KN ↑
Weight of well upto RL -18.82 m
For Well steining
Ht. of well steinig upto seismic scour = 15.740 m
Plan area of steining = 31.408 m2
Vol. of total steining = 494.363 m3
Total weight = 12359.08 KN
For Sand fill :
Ht. of sand fill upto seismic scour = 15.240 m
Plan area of steining = 18.857 m2
Vol. of total steining = 287.387 m3
Total weight = 4310.80 KN
Well cap
Dead Load of Well cap = 2513.27 KN
Top plug
DL of Top plug = 235.72 KN
Tilt & Shift :
Max. Allowable shift = 150.00 mm
Shift of upto substr.load due to tilt = = 0.222 m
Shift of fdn. load due to tilt = = 0.111 m

Summary of Non seismic forces at -18.82 m RL

S.L No Item Vertical Load Horizontal Force Lever Arm Moment at C.G of Pier base
1 DL
Cant. 9070.16
Susp. 2742.42
Ped. Left 3.68
Ped. Mid. 3.68
Pier 2238.72
well 19418.87
Cant. 2081.26
Susp. 560.83
3 SUR.
Cant. 690.53
Susp. 186.08
4 Buoyant F.
HHTL -9484.33
LLWL -8481.29
5 LL (max R) 2216.00 201.09 32.56 9890.532 1551.20
6 LL (max M) 1056.40 146.94 32.56 31610.797 739.48
7. C.L (Both arm) 827.16
8. C.L (Single arm) 413.58 7397.70
9. C.L(single side) 413.58 1861.11
10 WL 1
i) Girder 336.83 155.22 620.89 29.42 29.42 4567.17 18268.67
ii) Railing 54.40 217.61 31.69 31.69 1724.21 6896.86
Suspended (left)
i) Girder 68.83 34.42 137.67 29.85 29.85 1027.47 4109.89
ii) Railing 15.83 63.33 31.12 31.12 492.74 1970.98
Suspended (mid)
i) Girder 68.83 34.42 137.67 30.67 30.67 1055.69 4222.78
ii) Railing 15.83 63.33 31.92 31.92 505.41 2021.64
pedestal (left) 0.00 0.18 0.71 29.92 29.92 5.33 21.34
pedestal (mid.) 0.18 0.71 29.11 29.11 5.19 20.76
pier 9.44 37.77 22.40 22.40 211.51 846.03
11 WL 2
i) Girder 246.05 113.39 453.55 29.42 29.42 3336.22 13344.86
ii) Railing 39.74 158.96 31.69 31.69 1259.50 5038.00
iii) LL 83.99 335.95 32.62 32.62 2739.30 10957.19
Suspended (left)
i) Girder 50.28 25.14 100.56 29.85 29.85 750.55 3002.18
ii) Railing 11.56 46.26 31.12 31.12 359.94 1439.75
iii) LL 22.53 90.11 32.05 32.05 721.88 2887.50
Suspended (mid)
i) Girder 50.28 25.14 100.56 30.67 30.67 771.16 3084.65
ii) Railing 11.56 46.26 31.92 31.92 369.19 1476.76
iii) LL 22.53 90.11 32.86 32.86 740.22 2960.90
pedestal (left) 0.07 0.27 29.92 29.92 2.00 7.98
pedestal (mid.) 0.07 0.27 29.11 29.11 1.94 7.77
pier 6.90 27.59 22.40 22.40 154.50 618.01
11 W.C
Pier 17.88 49.11 20.48 20.48 366.09 1005.81
Well 38.18 104.90 13.79 13.79 526.64 1446.92
12. Earth Pressure
Active 379.75 379.75 1.96 1.96 745.99 745.99
Passive -3839.90 -3839.90 1.96 1.96 -7543.25 -7543.25

Load type Vertical Load Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at PSF for
C.G of foundation level
Dead Load 33477.5 1.0
SIDL 2642.1 1.0
Surfacing 876.6 1.0
Buoyant Force -1272.2 0.15
Live Load 2216.0 201.1 9890.5 1551.2 1.00
Crowd Load 413.6 7397.7 1.00
Wind load -450.6 471.4 1885.6 14568.3 58273.2 1.30
Water current force 56.1 154.0 892.7 2452.7 1.00
SUM 37903.0 728.5 2039.6 32749.3 62277.2
Resultant moment = 70363.049 kN-m

Active pressure 493.7 493.7 969.8 969.8 1.30

Passive pressure -3263.9 -3263.9 -6411.8 -6411.8 0.85
Tilt of well 5693.6 5694
Shift of well 3031.0 3031

Total vertical force = 37903009.53892 N

Total moment = 73645709999.71 N-m
Stress in the steining
Outer dia of steinig = 8.0 m
Inner dia of stening = 4.9 m
C/s area of steining = 31408072.6 mm2
Section modulus = 43191007273.4 mm3
Tensile strength of M 25 concret, fctm = 2.2 N/mm2 [Table 6.5 of IRC 112- 2011]
Stress under combined axial force bending moment -
(P / A) + (M / Z) = 2.91 N/mm2 < 25 OK
(P / A) - (M / Z) = -0.50 N/mm2 < 2.2 OK

Load type Vertical Load Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at PSF for
C.G of foundation level
Dead Load 33477.5 1.0
SIDL 2642.1 1.0
Surfacing 876.6 1.0
Buoyant Force -1272.2 0.15
Live Load 1056.4 146.9 31610.8 739.5 1.00
Crowd Load 413.6 7397.7 1.00
Wind load -450.6 471.4 1885.6 14568.3 58273.2 1.30
Water current force 56.1 154.0 892.7 2452.7 1.00
SUM 36743.4 674.4 2039.6 54469.5 61465.4
Resultant moment = 82127.52 kN-m

Active pressure 493.7 493.7 969.8 969.8 1.30

Passive pressure -3263.9 -3263.9 -6411.8 -6411.8 0.85
Tilt of well 5262.5 5263
Shift of well 2772.2 2772

Total vertical force = 36743409.53892 N

Total moment = 84720305593.7 N-m
Stress in the steining
Outer dia of steinig = 8.0 m
Inner dia of stening = 4.9 m
C/s area of steining = 31408072.6 mm2
Section modulus = 43191007273.4 mm3
Tensile strength of M 25 concret, fctm = 2.2 N/mm2 [Table 6.5 of IRC 112- 2011]
Stress under combined axial force bending moment -
(P / A) + (M / Z) = 3.13 N/mm2 < 25 OK
(P / A) - (M / Z) = -0.79 N/mm 2
< 2.2 OK
Load type Vertical Load Horizontal Force Overturning Moment at PSF for
C.G of foundation level
Dead Load 33477.5 1.0
SIDL 2642.1 1.0
Surfacing 876.6 1.0
Buoyant Force -1272.2 0.15
Live Load 1056.4 146.9 31610.8 739.5 1.00
Crowd Load 413.6 1861.1 1.00
Wind load -450.6 471.4 1885.6 14568.3 58273.2 1.30
Water current force 56.1 154.0 892.7 2452.7 1.00
SUM 36743.4 674.4 2039.6 47071.8 63326.5
Resultant moment = 78905.059 kN-m

Active pressure 493.7 493.7 969.8 969.8 1.30

Passive pressure -3263.9 -3263.9 -6411.8 -6411.8 0.85
Tilt of well 5262.5 5263
Shift of well 2772.2 2772

Total vertical force = 36743409.53892 N

Total moment = 81497844803.43 N-m
Stress in the steining
Outer dia of steinig = 8.0 m
Inner dia of stening = 4.9 m
C/s area of steining = 31408072.6 mm2
Section modulus = 43191007273.4 mm3
Tensile strength of M 25 concret, fctm = 2.2 N/mm2 [Table 6.5 of IRC 112- 2011]
Stress under combined axial force bending moment -
(P / A) + (M / Z) = 3.06 N/mm2 < 25 OK
(P / A) - (M / Z) = -0.72 N/mm2 < 2.2 OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-01:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 5181.77 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 0.00 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 0.00 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 0.00 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 99.3 m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 99.33 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 15225.108 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 14.15 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 11255.68 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 2848.9177 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 20530.793 T-m > M, OK
Design of Well Curb :
Grade of concrete = M 25
Grade of steel = Fe 500
D = Mean dia of curb.
N = Weight of steining per m run.
θ = Angle of beveling face with the horizontal.
μ = Coefficinet of friction between soil and conc. Of curb.
P = Force per m run of curb acting normal to the level surface.
Q = Pμ = Force per m run of curb acting tangentially to the level surface
H = Horizontal resultant force per m run.
Case 1 - For Sinking :



θ Q Q
H Curb

D = 6.525 m θ = 36 o

N = 18243.40 kN μ = 0.4
H = N [(sinθ - μPcosθ) / (μsinθ+cosθ)]
= 4615.813 kN/m
Toal hoop tension = 0.75*HD = 22588.63 kN
Hoop tension per m run = 1101.94 kN
Tensile capacity of reinf. = 0.87fy = 435 MPa
Dia of reinforcement used = 20 mm
Tension taken by single bar = 136.66 KN
Nos. of bar required = 9 nos.

Case 2 - Resting on the Bottom Plug :

q = Per sqm. weight on the base of plug
r = Vertical height of imaginary inverted arch
P1 = Active earth pressure at depth Df
P2 = Active earth pressure at depth (Df-b)
ϒ = Submerged unit weight of soil
b = Height of well curb
d = Mean dia of curb
D = Outer dia of well
Df = Depth of foundation from scour level
Kah = Active earth pressure coefficient
Scour level



D = 8m A = 50.27 m2
q = 712.02 kN/m2 d = 6.525 m
r = 1m y = -10 kN/m3
φ = 36 O
β = 0 O

α = 0 O
δ = 22.5 O

b = 2.2 m Df = 14.15 m
Kah = 0.217
P1 = 0.5 ka ϒ Df = -15.36 kN/m2
P2 = 0.5 ka ϒ (Df - b) = -12.97 kN/m2
Hoop tension, H =(qd2/8r)d/2 = 12363 kN
Hoop compression, C =1/2(P1+P2)bd/2 = -102 kN
Net Hoop tension = (H - C) = 12464 kN
Net Hoop tension per m run = 608.1 kN
Tensile capacity of reinf. = 0.87fy = 435 MPa
Dia of reinforcement used = 16 mm
Tension taken by single bar = 87.46 KN
Nos. of bar required = 7 nos. < 9 OK

However, as required reinf. is less we have provided a minimum reinforcement of min 72 kg/cum
as per clause 708.7.3 of IRC 78 - 2014.
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-01:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 5181.77 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 0.00 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 0.00 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 0.00 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 0.00 T-m
Moment due to shift = 0.00 T-m
Total moment = 0.00 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 99.3 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 99.33 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 15225.108 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 14.15 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 11255.68 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 2848.9177 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 20530.793 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-02:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3738.59 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 2177.83 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 8473.61 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 8749.00 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 826.73 T-m
Moment due to shift = 260.45 T-m
Total moment = 9836.19 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 71.7 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 71.66 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 10984.755 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 14.15 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 11255.68 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 2848.9177 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 17562.546 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-03:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 5602.50 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 3031.77 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 248.19 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 3041.91 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 1199.29 T-m
Moment due to shift = 332.05 T-m
Total moment = 4573.26 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 107.4 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 107.39 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 16461.309 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 14.15 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 11255.68 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 2848.9177 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 21396.133 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-04:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 5416.96 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 6435.48 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 118.32 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 6436.57 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 1138.99 T-m
Moment due to shift = 304.22 T-m
Total moment = 7879.78 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 103.8 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 103.84 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 15916.165 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 14.15 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 11255.68 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 2848.9177 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 21014.533 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-05:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 4155.26 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 2842.58 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 738.58 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 2936.96 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 946.38 T-m
Moment due to shift = 315.67 T-m
Total moment = 4199.02 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 79.7 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 79.65 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 12209.01 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 14.15 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 11255.68 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 2848.9177 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 18419.524 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-06:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3992.91 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 5820.82 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 624.94 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 5854.27 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 893.62 T-m
Moment due to shift = 291.32 T-m
Total moment = 7039.21 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 76.5 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 76.54 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 11732.01 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 14.15 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 11255.68 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 2848.9177 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 18085.624 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-07:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 4072.49 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 4313.06 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 7759.62 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 8877.74 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 933.56 T-m
Moment due to shift = 309.76 T-m
Total moment = 10121.06 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 78.1 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 78.06 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 11965.813 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 14.15 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 11255.68 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 2848.9177 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 18249.286 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-08:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3927.54 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 6972.21 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 7658.16 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 10356.59 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 886.45 T-m
Moment due to shift = 288.01 T-m
Total moment = 11531.06 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 75.3 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 75.29 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 11539.92 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 14.15 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 11255.68 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 2848.9177 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 17951.161 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-09:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 4115.13 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 400.66 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 13660.55 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 13666.42 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 916.63 T-m
Moment due to shift = 297.19 T-m
Total moment = 14880.24 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 78.9 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 78.88 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 12091.108 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 15.85 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 15819.41 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 3574.5845 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 22039.568 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-10:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3588.96 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 331.98 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 13650.77 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 13654.81 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 779.09 T-m
Moment due to shift = 243.22 T-m
Total moment = 14677.12 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 68.8 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 68.8 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 10545.123 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 15.85 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 15819.41 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 3574.5845 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 20957.379 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-11:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 4084.38 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 14320.20 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 436.35 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 14326.85 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 906.63 T-m
Moment due to shift = 292.58 T-m
Total moment = 15526.06 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 78.3 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 78.29 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 12000.751 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 15.85 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 15819.41 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 3574.5845 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 21976.319 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-12:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3561.74 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 14036.00 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 430.28 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 14042.60 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 770.24 T-m
Moment due to shift = 239.13 T-m
Total moment = 15051.97 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 68.3 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 68.27 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 10465.122 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 15.85 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 15819.41 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 3574.5845 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 20901.378 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-02:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3738.59 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 2177.83 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 8473.61 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 8749.00 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 71.7 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 71.66 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 10984.755 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 14.15 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 11255.68 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 2848.9177 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 17562.546 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-03:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 5602.50 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 3031.77 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 248.19 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 3041.91 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 107.4 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 107.39 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 16461.309 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 14.15 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 11255.68 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 2848.9177 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 21396.133 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-04:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 5416.96 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 6435.48 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 118.32 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 6436.57 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 103.8 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 103.84 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 15916.165 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 14.15 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 11255.68 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 2848.9177 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 21014.533 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-05:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 4155.26 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 2842.58 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 738.58 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 2936.96 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 79.7 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 79.65 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 12209.01 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 14.15 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 11255.68 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 2848.9177 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 18419.524 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-06:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3992.91 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 5820.82 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 624.94 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 5854.27 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 76.5 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 76.54 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 11732.01 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 14.15 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 11255.68 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 2848.9177 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 18085.624 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-07:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 4072.49 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 4313.06 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 7759.62 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 8877.74 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 78.1 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 78.06 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 11965.813 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 14.15 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 11255.68 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 2848.9177 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 18249.286 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-08:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3927.54 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 6972.21 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 7658.16 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 10356.59 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 75.3 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 75.29 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 11539.92 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 14.15 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 11255.68 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 2848.9177 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 17951.161 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-09:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 4115.13 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 400.66 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 13660.55 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 13666.42 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 78.9 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 78.88 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 12091.108 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 15.85 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 15819.41 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 3574.5845 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 22039.568 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-10:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3588.96 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 331.98 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 13650.77 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 13654.81 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 68.8 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 68.8 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 10545.123 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 15.85 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 15819.41 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 3574.5845 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 20957.379 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-11:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 4084.38 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 14320.20 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 436.35 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 14326.85 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 78.3 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 78.29 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 12000.751 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 15.85 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 15819.41 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 3574.5845 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 21976.319 T-m > M, OK
B. Ultimate Resistance for LC-12:

Dia of well = 8 m
Dia of base of well = 8.15 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3561.74 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 14036.00 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 430.28 T-m
Resultant moment, M = 14042.60 T-m
Step 1
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil , σU = 542.11 T/m2
Area of base of well, A = 52.17 m2
Now, W/A = 68.3 T/m2
σU /2 = 271.055 T/m2 > 68.27 OK
Step 2
Angle of internal friction, φ = 31 O
Shape factor, Q = 0.6
Dia of base of wall, B = 8.15 m
Base resistance moment, Mb = QWB tan φ = 10465.122 T-m
Step 3
Density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Depth of grip below scour level. D = 15.85 m
Projected width of the soil resistance, L = 7.20 m
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.68
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.29
Side resistance moment-
MS = 0.10 ϒ D3 (KP - KA) L = 15819.41 T-m
Step 4
Angle of wall friction, δ = 20.666667 O

Resisting moment due to friction-

Mf = 0.11 ϒ B2D2 (KP - KA) sinδ = 3574.5845 T-m
Step 5
Total resistance moment, Mt = 0.7 ( Mb + MS + Mf ) = 20901.378 T-m > M, OK
Equilibrium check for LC-01 :
[As per IRC 45 : 1972 ]
A. Elastic theory :
Step 1
Dia of well base = 8.15 m
Dia of well = 8 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3579.00 T
Longitudinal Lateral force at scour level, HL = 25.71 T
Transverse Lateral force at scour level, HT = 15.40 T
Resultant horizontal force, H = 29.97 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, ML = 2030.41 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, MT = 527.56 T-m
Resultant moment = 2097.83 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 900.76 T-m
Moment due to shift = 536.85 T-m
Total moment, M = 3535.44 T-m
Shape factor for circular well = 0.9
L = projected width of soil mass x shape factor = 7.2 m
Depth of well below scour level, D = 14.15 m
Horizontal subgrade reacrion, KH = 1
Vertical subgrade reacrion, K = 1
Angle of resistance, φ = 31 o

Angle of wall friction between sides and the well, δ = 20.6666667 o

Coefficient of friction between base & soil, μ = 0.60

Coefficient of friction between sides & soil, μ' = 0.38
Moment of inertia of base, IB = 216.57 m4
Moment of inertia of projected area, IV = 1699.89 m4
m = KH / K = 1.00
α = Diameter / πD = 0.18
I = IB + mIV (1 + 2μα) = 2147.25 m4
Step 2
r = D/2 (I/mIV) = 8.94 m
M/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -1665.22 T OK
M/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2148.84 T OK
MT/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -2078.07 T OK
MT/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2196.13 T OK
Step 3
now, mM/I > ϒ (KP - KA)
Submerge density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.679
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.286
mM / I = 1.646
ϒ (KP - KA) = 5.518 > mM/I, Hence OK
Step 4
Allowable bearing capacity of soil = 180.70 T/m2
P=M/r = 395.60 T
Area of the base of well, A = 52.17 m2
σ1 = ( W- μ'P)/A + M.B/2I = 72.33 T/m2 < 180.7, Hence OK
σ2 = ( W- μ'P)/A - M.B/2I = 59.16 T/m 2
> 0 , No tension
Equilibrium check for LC-02 :
[As per IRC 45 : 1972 ]
A. Elastic theory :
Step 1
Dia of well base = 8.15 m
Dia of well = 8 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3463.04 T
Longitudinal Lateral force at scour level, HL = 20.30 T
Transverse Lateral force at scour level, HT = 15.40 T
Resultant horizontal force, H = 25.48 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 4157.73 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 446.39 T-m
Resultant moment = 4181.62 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 863.07 T-m
Moment due to shift = 519.46 T-m
Total moment, M = 5564.15 T-m
Shape factor for circular well = 0.9
L = projected width of soil mass x shape factor = 7.2 m
Depth of well below scour level, D = 14.15 m
Horizontal subgrade reacrion, KH = 1
Vertical subgrade reacrion, K = 1
Angle of resistance, φ = 31 o

Angle of wall friction between sides and the well, δ = 20.6666667 o

Coefficient of friction between base & soil, μ = 0.60

Coefficient of friction between sides & soil, μ' = 0.38
Moment of inertia of base, IB = 216.57 m4
Moment of inertia of projected area, IV = 1699.89 m4
m = KH / K = 1.00
α = Diameter / πD = 0.18
I = IB + mIV (1 + 2μα) = 2147.25 m4
Step 2
r = D/2 (I/mIV) = 8.94 m
M/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -1317.09 T OK
M/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2077.54 T OK
MT/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -2019.54 T OK
MT/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2119.43 T OK
Step 3
now, mM/I > ϒ (KP - KA)
Submerge density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.679
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.286
mM / I = 2.591
ϒ (KP - KA) = 5.518 > mM/I, Hence OK
Step 4
Allowable bearing capacity of soil = 180.70 T/m2
P=M/r = 622.60 T
Area of the base of well, A = 52.17 m2
σ1 = ( W- μ'P)/A + M.B/2I = 72.25 T/m2 < 180.7, Hence OK
σ2 = ( W- μ'P)/A - M.B/2I = 51.52 T/m2 > 0 , No tension
Equilibrium check for LC-03 :
[As per IRC 45 : 1972 ]
A. Elastic theory :
Step 1
Dia of well base = 8.15 m
Dia of well = 8 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3544.34 T
Longitudinal Lateral force at scour level, HL = 61.98 T
Transverse Lateral force at scour level, HT = 160.45 T
Resultant horizontal force, H = 172.00 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 3450.45 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, MT = 6207.70 T-m
Resultant moment = 7102.19 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 900.76 T-m
Moment due to shift = 536.85 T-m
Total moment, M = 8539.80 T-m
Shape factor for circular well = 0.9
L = projected width of soil mass x shape factor = 7.2 m
Depth of well below scour level, D = 14.15 m
Horizontal subgrade reacrion, KH = 1
Vertical subgrade reacrion, K = 1
Angle of resistance, φ = 31 o

Angle of wall friction between sides and the well, δ = 20.6666667 o

Coefficient of friction between base & soil, μ = 0.60

Coefficient of friction between sides & soil, μ' = 0.38
Moment of inertia of base, IB = 216.57 m4
Moment of inertia of projected area, IV = 1699.89 m4
m = KH / K = 1.00
α = Diameter / πD = 0.18
I = IB + mIV (1 + 2μα) = 2147.25 m4
Step 2
r = D/2 (I/mIV) = 8.94 m
M/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -957.52 T OK
M/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2122.76 T OK
MT/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -1277.61 T OK
MT/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2666.84 T OK
Step 3
now, mM/I > ϒ (KP - KA)
Submerge density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.679
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.286
mM / I = 3.977
ϒ (KP - KA) = 5.518 > mM/I, Hence OK
Step 4
Allowable bearing capacity of soil = 180.70 T/m2
P=M/r = 955.56 T
Area of the base of well, A = 52.17 m2
σ1 = ( W- μ'P)/A + M.B/2I = 76.94 T/m2 < 180.7, Hence OK
σ2 = ( W- μ'P)/A - M.B/2I = 45.12 T/m 2
> 0 , No tension
Equilibrium check for LC-04 :
[As per IRC 45 : 1972 ]
A. Elastic theory :
Step 1
Dia of well base = 8.15 m
Dia of well = 8 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3544.34 T
Longitudinal Lateral force at scour level, HL = 61.98 T
Transverse Lateral force at scour level, HT = 160.45 T
Resultant horizontal force, H = 172.00 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 3450.45 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 6207.70 T-m
Resultant moment = 7102.19 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 900.76 T-m
Moment due to shift = 536.85 T-m
Total moment, M = 8539.80 T-m
Shape factor for circular well = 0.9
L = projected width of soil mass x shape factor = 7.2 m
Depth of well below scour level, D = 14.15 m
Horizontal subgrade reacrion, KH = 1
Vertical subgrade reacrion, K = 1
Angle of resistance, φ = 31 o

Angle of wall friction between sides and the well, δ = 20.6666667 o

Coefficient of friction between base & soil, μ = 0.60

Coefficient of friction between sides & soil, μ' = 0.38
Moment of inertia of base, IB = 216.57 m4
Moment of inertia of projected area, IV = 1699.89 m4
m = KH / K = 1.00
α = Diameter / πD = 0.18
I = IB + mIV (1 + 2μα) = 2147.25 m4
Step 2
r = D/2 (I/mIV) = 8.94 m
M/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -957.52 T OK
M/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2122.76 T OK
MT/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -1277.61 T OK
MT/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2666.84 T OK
Step 3
now, mM/I > ϒ (KP - KA)
Submerge density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.679
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.286
mM / I = 3.977
ϒ (KP - KA) = 5.518 > mM/I, Hence OK
Step 4
Allowable bearing capacity of soil = 180.70 T/m2
P=M/r = 955.56 T
Area of the base of well, A = 52.17 m2
σ1 = ( W- μ'P)/A + M.B/2I = 76.94 T/m2 < 180.7, Hence OK
σ2 = ( W- μ'P)/A - M.B/2I = 45.12 T/m2 > 0 , No tension
Equilibrium check for LC-05 :
[As per IRC 45 : 1972 ]
A. Elastic theory :
Step 1
Dia of well base = 8.15 m
Dia of well = 8 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3428.38 T
Longitudinal Lateral force at scour level, HL = 56.56 T
Transverse Lateral force at scour level, HT = 160.45 T
Resultant horizontal force, H = 170.12 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 5577.77 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 6126.53 T-m
Resultant moment = 8285.28 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 863.07 T-m
Moment due to shift = 519.46 T-m
Total moment, M = 9667.80 T-m
Shape factor for circular well = 0.9
L = projected width of soil mass x shape factor = 7.2 m
Depth of well below scour level, D = 14.15 m
Horizontal subgrade reacrion, KH = 1
Vertical subgrade reacrion, K = 1
Angle of resistance, φ = 31 o

Angle of wall friction between sides and the well, δ = 20.6666667 o

Coefficient of friction between base & soil, μ = 0.60

Coefficient of friction between sides & soil, μ' = 0.38
Moment of inertia of base, IB = 216.57 m4
Moment of inertia of projected area, IV = 1699.89 m4
m = KH / K = 1.00
α = Diameter / πD = 0.18
I = IB + mIV (1 + 2μα) = 2147.25 m4
Step 2
r = D/2 (I/mIV) = 8.94 m
M/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -733.01 T OK
M/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2049.78 T OK
MT/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -1219.08 T OK
MT/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2590.14 T OK
Step 3
now, mM/I > ϒ (KP - KA)
Submerge density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.679
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.286
mM / I = 4.502
ϒ (KP - KA) = 5.518 > mM/I, Hence OK
Step 4
Allowable bearing capacity of soil = 180.70 T/m2
P=M/r = 1081.78 T
Area of the base of well, A = 52.17 m2
σ1 = ( W- μ'P)/A + M.B/2I = 75.91 T/m2 < 180.7, Hence OK
σ2 = ( W- μ'P)/A - M.B/2I = 39.89 T/m2 > 0 , No tension
Equilibrium check for LC-06 :
[As per IRC 45 : 1972 ]
A. Elastic theory :
Step 1
Dia of well base = 8.15 m
Dia of well = 8 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3428.38 T
Longitudinal Lateral force at scour level, HL = 56.56 T
Transverse Lateral force at scour level, HT = 160.45 T
Resultant horizontal force, H = 170.12 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, M L = 5577.77 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 6126.53 T-m
Resultant moment = 8285.28 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 863.07 T-m
Moment due to shift = 519.46 T-m
Total moment, M = 9667.80 T-m
Shape factor for circular well = 0.9
L = projected width of soil mass x shape factor = 7.2 m
Depth of well below scour level, D = 14.15 m
Horizontal subgrade reacrion, KH = 1
Vertical subgrade reacrion, K = 1
Angle of resistance, φ = 31 o

Angle of wall friction between sides and the well, δ = 20.6666667 o

Coefficient of friction between base & soil, μ = 0.60

Coefficient of friction between sides & soil, μ' = 0.38
Moment of inertia of base, IB = 216.57 m4
Moment of inertia of projected area, IV = 1699.89 m4
m = KH / K = 1.00
α = Diameter / πD = 0.18
I = IB + mIV (1 + 2μα) = 2147.25 m4
Step 2
r = D/2 (I/mIV) = 8.94 m
M/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -733.01 T OK
M/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2049.78 T OK
MT/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -1219.08 T OK
MT/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2590.14 T OK
Step 3
now, mM/I > ϒ (KP - KA)
Submerge density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.679
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.286
mM / I = 4.502
ϒ (KP - KA) = 5.518 > mM/I, Hence OK
Step 4
Allowable bearing capacity of soil = 180.70 T/m2
P=M/r = 1081.78 T
Area of the base of well, A = 52.17 m2
σ1 = ( W- μ'P)/A + M.B/2I = 75.91 T/m2 < 180.7, Hence OK
σ2 = ( W- μ'P)/A - M.B/2I = 39.89 T/m2 > 0 , No tension
Equilibrium check for LC-07 :
[As per IRC 45 : 1972 ]
A. Elastic theory :
Step 1
Dia of well base = 8.15 m
Dia of well = 8 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3549.29 T
Longitudinal Lateral force at scour level, HL = 362.80 T
Transverse Lateral force at scour level, HT = 371.18 T
Resultant horizontal force, H = 519.04 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, ML = 12289.25 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 366.80 T-m
Resultant moment = 12294.72 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 880.81 T-m
Moment due to shift = 280.66 T-m
Total moment, M = 13456.18 T-m
Shape factor for circular well = 0.9
L = projected width of soil mass x shape factor = 7.2 m
Depth of well below scour level, D = 15.85 m
Horizontal subgrade reacrion, KH = 1
Vertical subgrade reacrion, K = 1
Angle of resistance, φ = 31 o

Angle of wall friction between sides and the well, δ = 20.6666667 o

Coefficient of friction between base & soil, μ = 0.60

Coefficient of friction between sides & soil, μ' = 0.38
Moment of inertia of base, IB = 216.57 m4
Moment of inertia of projected area, IV = 2389.13 m4
m = KH / K = 1.00
α = Diameter / πD = 0.16
I = IB + mIV (1 + 2μα) = 2895.27 m4
Step 2
r = D/2 (I/mIV) = 9.60 m
M/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -413.96 T OK
M/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2107.49 T OK
MT/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -2085.78 T OK
MT/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2162.16 T OK
Step 3
now, mM/I > ϒ (KP - KA)
Submerge density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.679
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.286
mM / I = 4.648
ϒ (KP - KA) = 5.518 > mM/I, Hence OK
Step 4
Allowable bearing capacity of soil = 180.70 T/m2
P=M/r = 1401.11 T
Area of the base of well, A = 52.17 m2
σ1 = ( W- μ'P)/A + M.B/2I = 76.50 T/m2 < 180.7, Hence OK
σ2 = ( W- μ'P)/A - M.B/2I = 39.31 T/m 2
> 0 , No tension
Equilibrium check for LC-08 :
[As per IRC 45 : 1972 ]
A. Elastic theory :
Step 1
Dia of well base = 8.15 m
Dia of well = 8 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3081.33 T
Longitudinal Lateral force at scour level, HL = 362.80 T
Transverse Lateral force at scour level, HT = 371.18 T
Resultant horizontal force, H = 519.04 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, ML = 272.94 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 12330.58 T-m
Resultant moment = 12333.60 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 749.31 T-m
Moment due to shift = 229.47 T-m
Total moment, M = 13312.38 T-m
Shape factor for circular well = 0.9
L = projected width of soil mass x shape factor = 7.2 m
Depth of well below scour level, D = 15.85 m
Horizontal subgrade reacrion, KH = 1
Vertical subgrade reacrion, K = 1
Angle of resistance, φ = 31 o

Angle of wall friction between sides and the well, δ = 20.6666667 o

Coefficient of friction between base & soil, μ = 0.60

Coefficient of friction between sides & soil, μ' = 0.38
Moment of inertia of base, IB = 216.57 m4
Moment of inertia of projected area, IV = 2389.13 m4
m = KH / K = 1.00
α = Diameter / πD = 0.16
I = IB + mIV (1 + 2μα) = 2895.27 m4
Step 2
r = D/2 (I/mIV) = 9.60 m
M/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -151.15 T OK
M/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 1783.34 T OK
MT/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -276.55 T OK
MT/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2844.37 T OK
Step 3
now, mM/I > ϒ (KP - KA)
Submerge density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.679
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.286
mM / I = 4.598
ϒ (KP - KA) = 5.518 > mM/I, Hence OK
Step 4
Allowable bearing capacity of soil = 180.70 T/m2
P=M/r = 1386.14 T
Area of the base of well, A = 52.17 m2
σ1 = ( W- μ'P)/A + M.B/2I = 67.43 T/m2 < 180.7, Hence OK
σ2 = ( W- μ'P)/A - M.B/2I = 30.65 T/m 2
> 0 , No tension
Equilibrium check for LC-09 :
[As per IRC 45 : 1972 ]
A. Elastic theory :
Step 1
Dia of well base = 8.15 m
Dia of well = 8 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3549.29 T
Longitudinal Lateral force at scour level, HL = 362.83 T
Transverse Lateral force at scour level, HT = 369.07 T
Resultant horizontal force, H = 517.55 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, ML = 12858.30 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 349.08 T-m
Resultant moment = 12863.04 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 880.81 T-m
Moment due to shift = 280.66 T-m
Total moment, M = 14024.51 T-m
Shape factor for circular well = 0.9
L = projected width of soil mass x shape factor = 7.2 m
Depth of well below scour level, D = 15.85 m
Horizontal subgrade reacrion, KH = 1
Vertical subgrade reacrion, K = 1
Angle of resistance, φ = 31 o

Angle of wall friction between sides and the well, δ = 20.6666667 o

Coefficient of friction between base & soil, μ = 0.60

Coefficient of friction between sides & soil, μ' = 0.38
Moment of inertia of base, IB = 216.57 m4
Moment of inertia of projected area, IV = 2389.13 m4
m = KH / K = 1.00
α = Diameter / πD = 0.16
I = IB + mIV (1 + 2μα) = 2895.27 m4
Step 2
r = D/2 (I/mIV) = 9.60 m
M/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -341.37 T OK
M/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2100.86 T OK
MT/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -2088.04 T OK
MT/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2160.74 T OK
Step 3
now, mM/I > ϒ (KP - KA)
Submerge density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.679
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.286
mM / I = 4.844
ϒ (KP - KA) = 5.518 > mM/I, Hence OK
Step 4
Allowable bearing capacity of soil = 180.70 T/m2
P=M/r = 1460.29 T
Area of the base of well, A = 52.17 m2
σ1 = ( W- μ'P)/A + M.B/2I = 76.85 T/m2 < 180.7, Hence OK
σ2 = ( W- μ'P)/A - M.B/2I = 38.10 T/m 2
> 0 , No tension
Equilibrium check for LC-10 :
[As per IRC 45 : 1972 ]
A. Elastic theory :
Step 1
Dia of well base = 8.15 m
Dia of well = 8 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3081.33 T
Longitudinal Lateral force at scour level, HL = 362.83 T
Transverse Lateral force at scour level, HT = 369.07 T
Resultant horizontal force, H = 517.55 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, ML = 12810.71 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 349.08 T-m
Resultant moment = 12815.47 T-m
Momeent due to tilt = 749.31 T-m
Moment due to shift = 229.47 T-m
Total moment, M = 13794.25 T-m
Shape factor for circular well = 0.9
L = projected width of soil mass x shape factor = 7.2 m
Depth of well below scour level, D = 15.85 m
Horizontal subgrade reacrion, KH = 1
Vertical subgrade reacrion, K = 1
Angle of resistance, φ = 31 o

Angle of wall friction between sides and the well, δ = 20.6666667 o

Coefficient of friction between base & soil, μ = 0.60

Coefficient of friction between sides & soil, μ' = 0.38
Moment of inertia of base, IB = 216.57 m4
Moment of inertia of projected area, IV = 2389.13 m4
m = KH / K = 1.00
α = Diameter / πD = 0.16
I = IB + mIV (1 + 2μα) = 2895.27 m4
Step 2
r = D/2 (I/mIV) = 9.60 m
M/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -89.60 T OK
M/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 1732.39 T OK
MT/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -1806.87 T OK
MT/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 1879.56 T OK
Step 3
now, mM/I > ϒ (KP - KA)
Submerge density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.679
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.286
mM / I = 4.764
ϒ (KP - KA) = 5.518 > mM/I, Hence OK
Step 4
Allowable bearing capacity of soil = 180.70 T/m2
P=M/r = 1436.31 T
Area of the base of well, A = 52.17 m2
σ1 = ( W- μ'P)/A + M.B/2I = 67.74 T/m2 < 180.7, Hence OK
σ2 = ( W- μ'P)/A - M.B/2I = 29.62 T/m 2
> 0 , No tension
Equilibrium check for LC-01 :
[As per IRC 45 : 1972 ]
A. Elastic theory :
Step 1
Dia of well base = 8.15 m
Dia of well = 8 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3579.00 T
Longitudinal Lateral force at scour level, HL = 25.71 T
Transverse Lateral force at scour level, HT = 15.40 T
Resultant horizontal force, H = 29.97 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, ML = 2030.41 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 527.56 T-m
Resultant Moment, M = 2097.83 T-m
Shape factor for circular well = 0.9
L = projected width of soil mass x shape factor = 7.2 m
Depth of well below scour level, D = 14.15 m
Horizontal subgrade reacrion, KH = 1
Vertical subgrade reacrion, K = 1
Angle of resistance, φ = 31 o

Angle of wall friction between sides and the well, δ = 20.6666667 o

Coefficient of friction between base & soil, μ = 0.60

Coefficient of friction between sides & soil, μ' = 0.38
Moment of inertia of base, IB = 216.57 m4
Moment of inertia of projected area, IV = 1699.89 m4
m = KH / K = 1.00
α = Diameter / πD = 0.18
I = IB + mIV (1 + 2μα) = 2147.25 m4
Step 2
r = D/2 (I/mIV) = 8.94 m
M/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -1862.54 T OK
M/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2149.61 T OK
Step 3
now, mM/I > ϒ (KP - KA)
Submerge density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.679
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.286
mM / I = 0.977
ϒ (KP - KA) = 5.518 > mM/I, Hence OK
Step 4
Allowable bearing capacity of soil = 180.7 T/m2
P=M/r = 234.74 T
Area of the base of well, A = 52.17 m2
σ1 = ( W- μ'P)/A + M.B/2I = 70.82 T/m2 < 180.7, Hence OK
σ2 = ( W- μ'P)/A - M.B/2I = 63.00 T/m 2
> 0 , No tension
Equilibrium check for LC-02 :
[As per IRC 45 : 1972 ]
Elastic theory
Step 1
Dia of well base = 8.15 m
Dia of well = 8 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3463.04 T
Longitudinal Lateral force at scour level, HL = 20.30 T
Transverse Lateral force at scour level, HT = 15.40 T
Resultant horizontal force, H = 25.48 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, ML = 4157.73 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 446.39 T-m
Resultant Moment, M = 4181.62 T-m
Shape factor for circular well = 0.9
L = projected width of soil mass x shape factor = 7.2 m
Depth of well below scour level, D = 14.15 m
Horizontal subgrade reacrion, KH = 1
Vertical subgrade reacrion, K = 1
Angle of resistance, φ = 31 o

Angle of wall friction between sides and the well, δ = 20.6666667 o

Coefficient of friction between base & soil, μ = 0.60

Coefficient of friction between sides & soil, μ' = 0.38
Moment of inertia of base, IB = 216.57 m4
Moment of inertia of projected area, IV = 1699.89 m4
m = KH / K = 1.00
α = Diameter / πD = 0.18
I = IB + mIV (1 + 2μα) = 2147.25 m4
Step 2
r = D/2 (I/mIV) = 8.94 m
M/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -1506.85 T OK
M/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2078.66 T OK
Step 3
now, mM/I > ϒ (KP - KA)
Submerge density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.679
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.286
mM / I = 1.947
ϒ (KP - KA) = 5.518 > mM/I, Hence OK
Step 4
Allowable bearing capacity of soil = 180.7 T/m2
P=M/r = 467.90 T
Area of the base of well, A = 52.17 m2
σ1 = ( W- μ'P)/A + M.B/2I = 70.79 T/m2 < 180.7, Hence OK
σ2 = ( W- μ'P)/A - M.B/2I = 55.21 T/m 2
> 0 , No tension
Equilibrium check for LC-03 :
[As per IRC 45 : 1972 ]
Elastic theory
Step 1
Dia of well base = 8.15 m
Dia of well = 8 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3544.34 T
Longitudinal Lateral force at scour level, HL = 61.98 T
Transverse Lateral force at scour level, HT = 160.45 T
Resultant horizontal force, H = 172.00 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, ML = 3450.45 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 6207.70 T-m
Resultant Moment, M = 7102.19 T-m
Shape factor for circular well = 0.9
L = projected width of soil mass x shape factor = 7.2 m
Depth of well below scour level, D = 14.15 m
Horizontal subgrade reacrion, KH = 1
Vertical subgrade reacrion, K = 1
Angle of resistance, φ = 31 o

Angle of wall friction between sides and the well, δ = 20.6666667 o

Coefficient of friction between base & soil, μ = 0.60

Coefficient of friction between sides & soil, μ' = 0.38
Moment of inertia of base, IB = 216.57 m4
Moment of inertia of projected area, IV = 1699.89 m4
m = KH / K = 1.00
α = Diameter / πD = 0.18
I = IB + mIV (1 + 2μα) = 2147.25 m4
Step 2
r = D/2 (I/mIV) = 8.94 m
M/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -1154.84 T OK
M/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2124.90 T OK
Step 3
now, mM/I > ϒ (KP - KA)
Submerge density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.679
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.286
mM / I = 3.308
ϒ (KP - KA) = 5.518 > mM/I, Hence OK
Step 4
Allowable bearing capacity of soil = 180.7 T/m2
P=M/r = 794.70 T
Area of the base of well, A = 52.17 m2
σ1 = ( W- μ'P)/A + M.B/2I = 75.42 T/m2 < 180.7, Hence OK
σ2 = ( W- μ'P)/A - M.B/2I = 48.96 T/m 2
> 0 , No tension
Equilibrium check for LC-04 :
[As per IRC 45 : 1972 ]
Elastic theory
Step 1
Dia of well base = 8.15 m
Dia of well = 8 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3544.34 T
Longitudinal Lateral force at scour level, HL = 61.98 T
Transverse Lateral force at scour level, HT = 160.45 T
Resultant horizontal force, H = 172.00 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, ML = 3450.45 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 6207.70 T-m
Resultant Moment, M = 7102.19 T-m
Shape factor for circular well = 0.9
L = projected width of soil mass x shape factor = 7.2 m
Depth of well below scour level, D = 14.15 m
Horizontal subgrade reacrion, KH = 1
Vertical subgrade reacrion, K = 1
Angle of resistance, φ = 31 o

Angle of wall friction between sides and the well, δ = 20.6666667 o

Coefficient of friction between base & soil, μ = 0.60

Coefficient of friction between sides & soil, μ' = 0.38
Moment of inertia of base, IB = 216.57 m4
Moment of inertia of projected area, IV = 1699.89 m4
m = KH / K = 1.00
α = Diameter / πD = 0.18
I = IB + mIV (1 + 2μα) = 2147.25 m4
Step 2
r = D/2 (I/mIV) = 8.94 m
M/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -1154.84 T OK
M/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2124.90 T OK
Step 3
now, mM/I > ϒ (KP - KA)
Submerge density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.679
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.286
mM / I = 3.308
ϒ (KP - KA) = 5.518 > mM/I, Hence OK
Step 4
Allowable bearing capacity of soil = 180.7 T/m2
P=M/r = 794.70 T/m2
Area of the base of well, A = 52.17 m2
σ1 = ( W- μ'P)/A + M.B/2I = 75.42 T/m2 < 180.7, Hence OK
σ2 = ( W- μ'P)/A - M.B/2I = 48.96 T/m 2
> 0 , No tension
Equilibrium check for LC-05 :
[As per IRC 45 : 1972 ]
Elastic theory
Step 1
Dia of well base = 8.15 m
Dia of well = 8 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3428.38 T
Longitudinal Lateral force at scour level, HL = 56.56 T
Transverse Lateral force at scour level, HT = 160.45 T
Resultant horizontal force, H = 170.12 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, ML = 5577.77 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 6126.53 T-m
Resultant Moment, M = 8285.28 T-m
Shape factor for circular well = 0.9
L = projected width of soil mass x shape factor = 7.2 m
Depth of well below scour level, D = 14.15 m
Horizontal subgrade reacrion, KH = 1
Vertical subgrade reacrion, K = 1
Angle of resistance, φ = 31 o

Angle of wall friction between sides and the well, δ = 20.6666667 o

Coefficient of friction between base & soil, μ = 0.60

Coefficient of friction between sides & soil, μ' = 0.38
Moment of inertia of base, IB = 216.57 m4
Moment of inertia of projected area, IV = 1699.89 m4
m = KH / K = 1.00
α = Diameter / πD = 0.18
I = IB + mIV (1 + 2μα) = 2147.25 m4
Step 2
r = D/2 (I/mIV) = 8.94 m
M/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -922.77 T OK
M/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2053.04 T OK
Step 3
now, mM/I > ϒ (KP - KA)
Submerge density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.679
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.286
mM / I = 3.859
ϒ (KP - KA) = 5.518 > mM/I, Hence OK
Step 4
Allowable bearing capacity of soil = 180.7 T/m2
P=M/r = 927.08 T
Area of the base of well, A = 52.17 m2
σ1 = ( W- μ'P)/A + M.B/2I = 74.45 T/m2 < 180.7, Hence OK
σ2 = ( W- μ'P)/A - M.B/2I = 43.58 T/m 2
> 0 , No tension
Equilibrium check for LC-06 :
[As per IRC 45 : 1972 ]
Elastic theory
Step 1
Dia of well base = 8.15 m
Dia of well = 8 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3428.38 T
Longitudinal Lateral force at scour level, HL = 56.56 T
Transverse Lateral force at scour level, HT = 160.45 T
Resultant horizontal force, H = 170.12 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, ML = 5577.77 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 6126.53 T-m
Resultant Moment, M = 8285.28 T-m
Shape factor for circular well = 0.9
L = projected width of soil mass x shape factor = 7.2 m
Depth of well below scour level, D = 14.15 m
Horizontal subgrade reacrion, KH = 1
Vertical subgrade reacrion, K = 1
Angle of resistance, φ = 31 o

Angle of wall friction between sides and the well, δ = 20.6666667 o

Coefficient of friction between base & soil, μ = 0.60

Coefficient of friction between sides & soil, μ' = 0.38
Moment of inertia of base, IB = 216.57 m4
Moment of inertia of projected area, IV = 1699.89 m4
m = KH / K = 1.00
α = Diameter / πD = 0.18
I = IB + mIV (1 + 2μα) = 2147.25 m4
Step 2
r = D/2 (I/mIV) = 8.94 m
M/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -922.77 T OK
M/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2053.04 T OK
Step 3
now, mM/I > ϒ (KP - KA)
Submerge density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.679
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.286
mM / I = 3.859
ϒ (KP - KA) = 5.518 > mM/I, Hence OK
Step 4
Allowable bearing capacity of soil = 180.7 T/m2
P=M/r = 927.08 T
Area of the base of well, A = 52.17 m2
σ1 = ( W- μ'P)/A + M.B/2I = 74.45 T/m2 < 180.7, Hence OK
σ2 = ( W- μ'P)/A - M.B/2I = 43.58 T/m 2
> 0 , No tension
Equilibrium check for LC-07 :
[As per IRC 45 : 1972 ]
Elastic theory
Step 1
Dia of well base = 8.15 m
Dia of well = 8 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3549.29 T
Longitudinal Lateral force at scour level, HL = 362.80 T
Transverse Lateral force at scour level, HT = 371.18 T
Resultant horizontal force, H = 480.0 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, ML = 12289.25 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 366.80 T-m
Resultant Moment, M = 4053.6 T-m
Shape factor for circular well = 0.9
L = projected width of soil mass x shape factor = 7.2 m
Depth of well below scour level, D = 15.85 m
Horizontal subgrade reacrion, KH = 1
Vertical subgrade reacrion, K = 1
Angle of resistance, φ = 31 o

Angle of wall friction between sides and the well, δ = 20.6666667 o

Coefficient of friction between base & soil, μ = 0.60

Coefficient of friction between sides & soil, μ' = 0.38
Moment of inertia of base, IB = 216.57 m4
Moment of inertia of projected area, IV = 2389.13 m4
m = KH / K = 1.00
α = Diameter / πD = 0.16
I = IB + mIV (1 + 2μα) = 2895.27 m4
Step 2
r = D/2 (I/mIV) = 9.60 m
M/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -1614.89 T OK
M/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2130.69 T OK
Step 3
now, mM/I > ϒ (KP - KA)
Submerge density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.679
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.286
mM / I = 1.400
ϒ (KP - KA) = 5.518 > mM/I, Hence OK
Step 4
Allowable bearing capacity of soil = 180.7 T/m2
P=M/r = 422.07 T
Area of the base of well, A = 52.17 m2
σ1 = ( W- μ'P)/A + M.B/2I = 70.58 T/m2 < 180.7, Hence OK
σ2 = ( W- μ'P)/A - M.B/2I = 59.38 T/m 2
> 0 , No tension
Equilibrium check for LC-08 :
[As per IRC 45 : 1972 ]
Elastic theory
Step 1
Dia of well base = 8.15 m
Dia of well = 8 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3081.33 T
Longitudinal Lateral force at scour level, HL = 362.80 T
Transverse Lateral force at scour level, HT = 371.18 T
Resultant horizontal force, H = 411.09 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, ML = 272.94 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 12330.58 T-m
Resultant Moment, M = 12360.61 T-m 11%
Shape factor for circular well = 0.9
L = projected width of soil mass x shape factor = 7.2 m
Depth of well below scour level, D = 15.85 m
Horizontal subgrade reacrion, KH = 1
Vertical subgrade reacrion, K = 1
Angle of resistance, φ = 31 o

Angle of wall friction between sides and the well, δ = 20.6666667 o

Coefficient of friction between base & soil, μ = 0.60

Coefficient of friction between sides & soil, μ' = 0.38
Moment of inertia of base, IB = 216.57 m4
Moment of inertia of projected area, IV = 2389.13 m4
m = KH / K = 1.00
α = Diameter / πD = 0.16
I = IB + mIV (1 + 2μα) = 2895.27 m4
Step 2
r = D/2 (I/mIV) = 9.60 m
M/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -272.71 T OK
M/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 1816.40 T OK
Step 3
now, mM/I > ϒ (KP - KA)
Submerge density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.679
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.286
mM / I = 4.269
ϒ (KP - KA) = 5.518 > mM/I, Hence OK
Step 4
Allowable bearing capacity of soil = 180.7 T/m2
P=M/r = 1287.04 T
Area of the base of well, A = 52.17 m2
σ1 = ( W- μ'P)/A + M.B/2I = 66.84 T/m2 < 180.7, Hence OK
σ2 = ( W- μ'P)/A - M.B/2I = 32.68 T/m 2
> 0 , No tension
Equilibrium check for LC-09 :
[As per IRC 45 : 1972 ]
Elastic theory
Step 1
Dia of well base = 8.15 m
Dia of well = 8 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3549.29 T
Longitudinal Lateral force at scour level, HL = 362.83 T
Transverse Lateral force at scour level, HT = 369.07 T
Resultant horizontal force, H = 477.92 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, ML = 12858.30 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 349.08 T-m
Resultant Moment, M = 4206.57 T-m
Shape factor for circular well = 0.9
L = projected width of soil mass x shape factor = 7.2 m
Depth of well below scour level, D = 15.85 m
Horizontal subgrade reacrion, KH = 1
Vertical subgrade reacrion, K = 1
Angle of resistance, φ = 31 o

Angle of wall friction between sides and the well, δ = 20.6666667 o

Coefficient of friction between base & soil, μ = 0.60

Coefficient of friction between sides & soil, μ' = 0.38
Moment of inertia of base, IB = 216.57 m4
Moment of inertia of projected area, IV = 2389.13 m4
m = KH / K = 1.00
α = Diameter / πD = 0.16
I = IB + mIV (1 + 2μα) = 2895.27 m4
Step 2
r = D/2 (I/mIV) = 9.60 m
M/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -1595.35 T OK
M/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 2130.59 T OK
Step 3
now, mM/I > ϒ (KP - KA)
Submerge density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.679
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.286
mM / I = 1.453
ϒ (KP - KA) = 5.518 > mM/I, Hence OK
Step 4
Allowable bearing capacity of soil = 180.7 T/m2
P=M/r = 438.01 T
Area of the base of well, A = 52.17 m2
σ1 = ( W- μ'P)/A + M.B/2I = 70.68 T/m2 < 180.7, Hence OK
σ2 = ( W- μ'P)/A - M.B/2I = 59.06 T/m 2
> 0 , No tension
Equilibrium check for LC-10 :
[As per IRC 45 : 1972 ]
Elastic theory
Step 1
Dia of well base = 8.15 m
Dia of well = 8 m
Total Downward load at base of well, W = 3081.33 T
Longitudinal Lateral force at scour level, HL = 362.83 T
Transverse Lateral force at scour level, HT = 369.07 T
Resultant horizontal force, H = 399.73 T
Longitudinal Moment at base of well, ML = 12810.71 T-m
Transverse Moment at base of well, M T = 349.08 T-m
Resultant Moment, M = 12845.62 T-m 10%
Shape factor for circular well = 0.9
L = projected width of soil mass x shape factor = 7.2 m
Depth of well below scour level, D = 15.85 m
Horizontal subgrade reacrion, KH = 1
Vertical subgrade reacrion, K = 1
Angle of resistance, φ = 31 o

Angle of wall friction between sides and the well, δ = 20.6666667 o

Coefficient of friction between base & soil, μ = 0.60

Coefficient of friction between sides & soil, μ' = 0.38
Moment of inertia of base, IB = 216.57 m4
Moment of inertia of projected area, IV = 2389.13 m4
m = KH / K = 1.00
α = Diameter / πD = 0.16
I = IB + mIV (1 + 2μα) = 2895.27 m4
Step 2
r = D/2 (I/mIV) = 9.60 m
M/r (1 + μμ')-μW = -210.76 T OK
M/r (1 - μμ')+μW = 1804.32 T OK
Step 3
now, mM/I > ϒ (KP - KA)
Submerge density of soil, ϒ = 0.86 T/m3
Coefficient of paasive pressure, KP = 6.679
Coefficient of active pressure, KA = 0.286
mM / I = 4.437
ϒ (KP - KA) = 5.518 > mM/I, Hence OK
Step 4
Allowable bearing capacity of soil = 180.7 T/m2
P=M/r = 1337.54 T
Area of the base of well, A = 52.17 m2
σ1 = ( W- μ'P)/A + M.B/2I = 67.14 T/m2 < 180.7, Hence OK
σ2 = ( W- μ'P)/A - M.B/2I = 31.65 T/m 2
> 0 , No tension

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