Challenges 1 - Chat Shows

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“Katolički školski centar” English language Ljubica Zadrić February 1st 2019

SCHOOL YEAR 2018/2019

RECENT WORK Students have acquired basic vocabulary regarding countries and nationality, family members, classroom objects, school
subjects, the verb to be, subject and object pronouns, possessive adjectives, prepositions of place, plural of the nouns,
imperative, articles, demonstrative pronouns, can/can’t, Present Simple Tense, adverbs of frequency, vocabulary related to
appearance, clothes, food, drinks, sports, jobs, routines, places, giving directions, the weather, seasons, expeditions,
immigrants, TV programmes; countable and uncountable nouns, Present Continuous Tense, Past Simple Tense – “was/were”.
SOURCES M. Harris, D. Mower, A. Mešić: Challenges – Students’ Book; Workbook, CD; Pearson Longman; 2009
TEACHING UNIT Chat Shows- Past Simple
TYPE OF LESSON Presentation
Educational: To practice Past Simple; To develop reading and speaking skills; To acquire vocabulary related to chat shows,
films and actors.
Pedagogical: To encourage students to give opinions about chat shows; To motivate students to work together.
Intercultural: To talk about chat shows which are popular in our country.
Educational: Practicing grammar structures; Practicing phrases related to film stars and chat shows.
Pedagogical: To encourage students to role act; To create amusing and hard-working atmosphere; To develop love for
English language learning.
METHODS Reading, speaking; Role play, Communicative Language Teaching
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Frontal, group, pair and individual work
TEACHING AIDS, MATERIALS Students’ Books, Workbooks, CD, CD player, computer, overhead projector, blackboard and chalk
PROCEDURE Introduction-Main part-Final part
TIME 45’

Aims and Class organization procedures and activities Teaching aids Interaction Possible problems and


objectives and materials solutions

To revise the Activity 1 – Revising the previous lessons and warming up Blackboard T-Ss Some students may have 10’

previous lesson The teacher greets the students upon entering the classroom. problems with
The teacher asks several questions about the previous lesson about TV Handouts Ss-T formulating the sentences
programmes they like. The teacher asks if they would like to be famous when answering
actors or maybe famous chat show hosts. The students who positively questions; the teacher
answer these questions are doing the role play. helps.
Activity 3 – Reading Students’ T-Ss Some students may have 15’
The teacher asks students to come to the blackboard and to prepare the Books problems with acquiring
scene for their chat show. The three volunteers pretend to be Jay Leno, Ss-T new vocabulary. The
Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom. The students say what they know CD teacher helps.
about the actors, which movies they starred etc. The teacher asks them Ss-Ss
to read the interview and to act as if it was real. After acting we discuss CD player
the unknown words and write them on the blackboard (snorkelling,
stunt, part, character). Other volunteer students act the same interview. Blackboard
Next, they do the exercise no. 3 in their books and write the names of
the actors to whom the sentences relate. Volunteers read their answers.
Activity 4 – Grammar and practice Students’ T-Ss Some students may have 15’
Next, the teacher asks students to look at the table on the next page and Books problems with forming
they discuss why it is incorrect to say: “Did you acted at school?” Ss-T the correct questions. The
Next, the teacher asks them to do the Fim Quiz and to complete the Notebooks teacher helps.
questions. The volunteers read their answers and explain them. Also, Ss-Ss
the teacher asks students to work in pairs and to write questions for
Main part

Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom. One student pretends to be the

host and the other the film star and they take turns. The teacher gives
them enough time to do the activity and the volunteers act in front of
the whole class.
To assign Activity 5 – Assigning the homework Workbooks T-Ss 5’

homework The teacher assigns the homework and explains the tasks (Workbook,
p. 67, 68).

TIME EXCESS: In case the teacher is left some time, she will ask the students to do some extra exercises.
TIME SHORTAGE: In case that the teacher is short of time, she will assign some activities for homework.
Chat Shows

snorkelling stunt part character

When was Orlando Bloom born? – He was born in 1977.

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