An Airline Handbook On Corsia: AUGUST 2019

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An Airline Handbook on


Table of Contents
Introduction........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Aviation’s climate strategy .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Four pillars .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Three goals ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
CORSIA ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Offsetting ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
International standards and recommended practices............................................................................................................................. 7
Review ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
International flights .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Definition................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Overseas territories .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Flight stages and diversions .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Design elements ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Phased implementation....................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Calculation of offsetting requirements ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
MRV ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Scope ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Monitoring ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Emissions Monitoring Plan................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Administration .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Monitoring of CO2 emissions .............................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Simplified monitoring ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Fuel use monitoring ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Data management .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
Material changes ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Reporting ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23
CO2 emissions .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Data gaps ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
CORSIA eligible fuels ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Publication of data .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Verification ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Internal pre-verification ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 26
Third-party verification ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Scope ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Objective ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27
Requirements ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Verification process........................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Verification body ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
State review............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31

2 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Offsetting ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 32
Offsetting requirements ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Compliance cycle ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
New entrants ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 33
CORSIA eligible fuels ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Eligible emissions units ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Emissions Units Criteria ................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Purchasing emissions units ............................................................................................................................................................................ 35
Cancelling emissions units .................................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Emissions unit cancellation report ............................................................................................................................................................... 36
Verification requirements ................................................................................................................................................................................ 37
Annex 1: ICAO Assembly Resolution A39-3 ........................................................................................................................................................... 39
Annex 2: ICAO Model Flight Plan Form (from ICAO Doc 4444)........................................................................................................................ 45
Annex 3: Examples of ICAO aircraft type designators ....................................................................................................................................... 46

3 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Aviation’s climate strategy
Air transport is a vital feature of our modern, replace. Sustainable aviation fuels have the potential
globalized world, connecting people and businesses to cut emissions by up to 80%.
across oceans and continents. The global aviation
industry supports over 63 million jobs and accounts Operational measures include identifying weight
for 3.5% of global GDP ($2.7 trillion – based on 2014 savings in the current fleet, allowing the aircraft to
data). burn less fuel. Airlines have been investing in
lightweight seats and cabin equipment and even
The benefits of air travel are clear, but global replacing heavy pilot manuals with tablet computers.
connectivity creates an environmental challenge. In Other operational measures include single-engine
2017, civil aviation, as a whole, emitted around 859 taxiing, idle reverse thrust, and ATC procedures such
million tonnes of CO2, which is roughly 2% of man- as continuous descents into airports and traffic flow
made carbon emissions. Our industry recognizes that management that prevent unnecessary airborne
our operations contribute to climate change and we holding.
are taking the responsibility to lessen this impact
extremely seriously. The infrastructure pillar of the strategy relates mainly
to navigational improvements, making better use of

Four pillars airspace and streamlining the routes taken by aircraft

to cut down on flight time, and optimizing airport
layout to improve throughput and prevent
Aviation is approaching the mitigation of CO2
unnecessary holding.
emissions through a four-pillar strategy: developing
new technology (including sustainable aviation fuel),
The industry remains confident that technology,
more efficient operations, better use of infrastructure
operational measures and better infrastructure will
and a global market-based measure.
provide long term solutions to ensure the sustainable
growth of the aviation industry through partnership
The development of new, more efficient aircraft and
between industry and government. However, we also
engines can substantially decrease CO2 emissions.
acknowledge that a global market-based measure is
New technology aircraft are, on average, around 15-
needed to fill any remaining emissions gap until those
20% more fuel-efficient than the models that they
other measures have taken full effect.

4 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Three goals These goals are ambitious, but they are achievable,
and the strategy that the industry has implemented is
bearing fruit. Our ability to achieve the goal of carbon-
On 6 October 2016, the 39th session of the ICAO
neutral growth has been enabled by the agreement of
Assembly concluded with the adoption of a global
the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for
market-based measure scheme to address CO2
International Aviation (CORSIA) at ICAO in October
emissions from international aviation. This historic
decision is the first time that a single industry sector
has agreed to a global market-based measure in the
The aviation sector is committed to technology,
climate change field. The agreement at ICAO
operational and infrastructure advances to continue
demonstrates that aviation is determined to live up to
to reduce the sector’s carbon emissions. Offsetting is
its climate change commitments and play its part in
not intended to replace these efforts. Nor would it
meeting international goals for greenhouse gas
make fuel efficiency any less of a day-to-day priority.
emission reduction.
Rather, offsetting can help the sector achieve its
climate targets in the short and medium term by
In 2009, the aviation industry set three global goals to
complementing emissions reduction initiatives within
address its climate impact:
the sector.
• An annual average fuel efficiency
Aviation’s third goal is the long-term challenge for the
improvement of 1.5% from 2009 to 2020. The
industry. Carbon-neutral growth is a holding measure,
industry is on track to meet this short-term
rather than a full solution in itself. Reducing overall
emissions by half is no easy task, but work is already
• Stabilize net CO2 emissions at 2020 levels underway to lay the foundations. This goal can only be
with carbon-neutral growth. A global market- achieved through technological development and
based measure is one of the elements that innovation, areas where the aviation industry has a
will enable aviation to meet the mid-term goal strong track record, and with appropriate
of carbon-neutral growth 2020, by government investment and support.
complementing technology, sustainable
aviation fuels, operational and infrastructure
• Reduce aviation’s net CO2 emissions to half of
what they were in 2005, by 2050.

5 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Offsetting is to be the MBM applying to CO2 emissions from
international aviation.2
The scheme established by ICAO is a global offsetting
In the context of addressing climate change
mechanism. Under CORSIA, aeroplane operators will
concerns, offsetting is an action by a company or
be required to purchase and cancel “emissions units”
individual to compensate for their emissions by
to offset the increase in CO2 emissions covered by
financing a reduction in emissions elsewhere. While
the scheme.
carbon offsetting does not require companies to
reduce their emissions “in-house”, it provides an
CORSIA aims to address any increase in total CO 2
environmentally effective option for sectors where
emissions from international civil aviation using the
the potential for further emissions reductions is
average annual emissions between 2019 and 2020 as
limited or the abatement costs are unduly high.
reference. With the exceptions of humanitarian,
medical and firefighting flights, all international civilian
Offsetting and carbon markets have been a
operations of aeroplanes are covered by CORSIA,
fundamental component of global, regional and
including for example scheduled and non-scheduled
national emissions reduction policies. They have
flights, passenger and cargo flights, training and
operated for decades for compliance purposes and
maintenance flights, as well as general aviation and
voluntary emissions reductions, and they continue to
private jets.
be an effective mechanism to underpin action against
climate change.
The term “aeroplane operator” is used by ICAO to
exclude helicopter operations from the scope of
There are many ways to achieve CO2 reductions that
applicability of CORSIA.1 For simplicity, “operator” will
can be used as offsets, many of which bring other
be used in this handbook.
social, environmental and/or economic benefits
relevant to sustainable development. Such offsets
ICAO Assembly Resolution A39-3, which establishes
can be sourced from diverse types of project
CORSIA, emphasizes that market-based measures
activities (e.g. renewable energy projects) and can be
(MBMs) should not be duplicative and CO2 emissions
purchased through specialized offset providers or
from international aviation should be accounted for
carbon brokers.
only once. The Resolution also stipulates that CORSIA

1 2
Annex 16, volume IV, Part I, Chapter 1. ICAO Assembly Resolution A39-3, preamble and paragraph 19.

6 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

International standards and
domestic regulations with the SARPs may apply
different requirements, provided they inform ICAO of
any such differences.
recommended practices
The requirements of Annex 16, volume IV, are detailed
On 27 June 2018, the ICAO Council adopted the in the next chapters. This handbook is based on the
international Standards and Recommended Practices SARPS adopted by ICAO and does cover any different
(SARPs) for the monitoring, reporting and verification requirements which may be imposed by some States.
(MRV), as the First Edition of Annex 16, Volume IV. The
SARPS of Annex 16, Volume IV, apply in all ICAO
member states since 1 January 2019. Review
Annex 16, Volume IV, contains detailed rules for the The ICAO Council will undertake a periodic review of
administration of CORSIA by states, for the CORSIA, for consideration by the Assembly, every
monitoring, reporting and verification of emissions, three years from 2022. The review should serve as a
and for the cancellation of emissions units. It is basis for the Council to consider whether any
complemented by the CORSIA Implementation adjustments are necessary and should assess the
elements, which include additional requirements for impact of the scheme on the growth of international
emissions units and CORSIA eligible fuels. aviation.

In accordance with the Chicago Convention and In addition, The ICAO Assembly agreed on a
Assembly Resolution A39-3, ICAO member states are safeguard clause under which the ICAO Council is
required to implement the SARPs in their national asked to decide on criteria for triggering action to
regulations and ensure that domestic requirements ensure the sustainable development of international
are fully aligned with the SARPs. Such uniformity is not aviation and protect it against any inappropriate
only key to prevent market distortions, but also to economic burden that may result from the application
preserve the environmental integrity of CORSIA. of CORSIA.
However, states which are not able to align their

7 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

International flights assimilated to small island developing states. For
example, flights to and from French Polynesia will be
treated in the same way as flights to and from any
Definition other aerodrome in France.

CORSIA only applies to international flights, which are The ICAO Manual on Location Indicators (Doc 7910)
defined as flights that take-off in a state and land in contains a list of aerodromes and the ICAO member
another state.3 Domestic flights, i.e. flights between state they located in.
two aerodromes located in the same state, are not
included in the scope of CORSIA.
Flight stages and
Under CORSIA, the categorization of a flight as
international does not take into account the diversions
nationality of the operator or the airspace which may
be used to operate the flight. A flight between two Under CORSIA, each individual “stage” of a flight with
aerodromes located in the same state would, intermediate stops is considered as a separate flight
therefore, be considered as domestic even if the and the applicability of CORSIA will be determined for
aircraft flew through foreign airspace or if the each flight stage individually. For example, if an
operator is administrated by another state. operator flies between Los Angeles and London with
a stop in New York, the (domestic) flight operation
between Los Angeles and New York will be
Overseas territories considered independently from the (international)
operation between New York and London.
For CORSIA, aerodromes located in overseas
territories are attributed to their respective ICAO This rule applies irrespective of the nature of the
member state. This is also the case for overseas intermediate landing, including in cases of unplanned
territories which may in some organizations be stops such as technical or medical diversions.

Annex 16, volume IV, Part II, 1.1.2.

8 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Design elements However, the CO2 emissions from all international
flights, including flights exempt from offsetting
requirements, will have to be monitored, verified and
The main design elements of CORSIA are a phased
reported on an annual basis.
implementation and the rules related to the
calculation of offsetting requirements.
Second phase
Phased implementation From 2027, offsetting requirements will apply to all
international flights (including those that did not
In order to address the concerns of developing states volunteer to be part of the first phases: B and F),
and to take into account the special circumstances except flights to or from states that meet one of the
and respective capabilities of states, CORSIA will be two following criteria (C):
implemented in phases.
• Least Developed Countries, Small Island
The phased implementation, however, only relates to Developing States, and Landlocked
offsetting requirements. All operators which emit Developing Countries; or
more than 10,000 tCO2 per year on international • States that represent a small share of
flights have to report emissions for all international international aviation activities (in RTKs):
flights since 1 January 2019, including flights to and these include the States that account for less
from exempted states.4 than 0.5% of total RTKs from international
aviation in 2018.6
Pilot phase (2021-2023) and first
phase (2024-2026)
From 2021 until 2026, offsetting requirements will
only apply to international flights between states that
volunteer to participate in the pilot phase and/or the
first phase (states A, E and D in this example). 5

Voluntary participation
Exempted states can decide to join the scheme at the
beginning of any year. The only requirement is that
they communicate their decision to ICAO before 30
June of the preceding year.

States who decide to participate in CORSIA on a

Any operator flying between volunteering states (⬌ voluntary basis may discontinue their voluntary
blue lines) will be subject to offsetting requirements, participation from the scheme from 1 January of any
even if the operator is based in a state which has not given year, provided they inform ICAO no later than 30
volunteered. All other international flights to and from June of the preceding year.
states that have not volunteered (B, F and C) will be
exempt from offsetting requirements (⬌ grey lines).

Annex 16, volume IV, Part II, 2.1.1. cumulative share in the list of States from the highest to the lowest amount
Annex 16, volume IV, Part II, 3.1.3. of RTKs reaches 90 per cent of total RTKs, except LDCs, SIDS and LLDCs
Annex 16, volume IV, Part II, 3.1.3. The Second phase applies to all flights unless they volunteer to participate in this phase. The RTK taken into
between States that have an individual share of international aviation account will be the aggregated RTK from international flights by all
activities in RTKs in 2018 above 0.5 per cent of total RTKs or whose operators registered in the State in question.

9 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Calculation of offsetting Calculation of an operator’s
sectoral component
requirements The sectoral component is obtained by multiplying an
operator’s total CO2 emissions covered by CORSIA
Principles by the “sector’s growth factor”.
The calculation of offsetting requirements will evolve
The sector’s growth factor is obtained by dividing the
over time from a “sectoral” approach to a
aggregated increase in total CO2 emissions above the
combination of a “sectoral” component and an
baseline from all operators by the total CO2 emissions
“individual” component.
from international civil aviation in a given year. Only
the emissions from state-pairs subject to offsetting
The sectoral component is based on the total CO2
requirements are taken into account in the
emissions of each operator. Each operator will have
determination of the sector’s growth factor. 8
to offset a given percentage of its CO2 emissions
from flights subject to offsetting requirements. This
For example, if the total CO2 emitted (by all operators)
percentage, the sector’s “growth factor”, will be
on state-pairs subject to offsetting requirements in
identical for all operators and determined on the basis
2030 is 750 million tonnes of CO2 and the 2019-2020
of the aggregated emissions from all operators. It will
average emissions for the same state-pairs are 500
be calculated by dividing the total increase in CO2
million tonnes of CO2, the sector’s growth factor in
emissions by the total CO2 emissions on state-pairs
2030 would be:
subject to offsetting requirements in a given year.
(750–500) ÷ 750 = 33.3%
In contrast, the individual component is based solely
on the increase in CO2 emissions of each operator. If an individual operator emits 150,000 tonnes of CO2
in 2030, its sectoral component would therefore be:
All CO2 emissions from flights exempt from CORSIA
or not subject to offsetting requirements, as a result 150,000 × 33.3% = 50,000 tonnes of CO2
of the phased-implementation or technical
exemptions, are excluded from the calculation of While by default, the sectoral component is
offsetting requirements. calculated by applying the sector’s growth rate to an
operator’s total emissions in a given year, during the
The weighting between the sectoral and individual pilot phase (2021-2023) states may opt to apply the
components will evolve over time as follows: sectoral rate to operators’ emissions in 2020
2021- 2024- 2027- 2030- 2033-
2023 2026 2029 2032 2035
Up to Up to
SECTORAL 100% 100% 100%
80% 30%

At least At least
20% 30%

The ICAO Assembly foresees that the weighting to be

applied in Phase 2 may be adjusted by the ICAO
Assembly in 2028, but it should include an individual
component of at least 20% from 2030, and at least
70% from 2033. The weighting will be identical for all

7 9
ICAO Assembly Resolution A39-3, para. 11. Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, 3.2.1.
Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, 3.2.

10 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Calculation of an operator’s Calculation of an operator’s
individual component offsetting requirements
The individual component corresponds to the Once an operator’s sectoral and individual
difference between an operator’s CO 2 emissions in a components are known, they should be multiplied by
given compliance year and its emissions in the the applicable weightings.
baseline (average of 2019-2020). 10 Only the
emissions from state-pairs subject to offsetting In compliance years where the approach is 100%
requirements are taken into account in the sectoral, an operator’s offsetting requirement will be
determination of the sector’s growth factor. its sectoral component. In compliance years where
offsetting requirements are a combination of the
For example, if the CO2 emitted by an operator on individual and sectoral components, the components
state-pairs subject to offsetting requirements in 2030 should be multiplied by the respective weightings.
is 1.2 million tonnes of CO2 and the operator’s 2019-
2020 baseline emissions for the same state-pairs are For example, if the weighting in a given year is 20%
800,000 tonnes of CO2, the operator’s individual individual and 80% sectoral, an operator’s offsetting
component would be 400,000 tonnes of CO2 for requirements will be:
0.2 × individual + 0.8 × sectoral = CO2 to offset
1,200,000 – 800,000 = 400,000 tonnes of CO2
The table below provides illustrative values:

Illustration of calculation of offsetting 2019/2020

2025 2030 2035
requirements for an operator average
tCO2, in
Total emissions 600 650 710 790
tCO2, in
Total emissions from 2025 380 400
state-pairs subject to tCO2, in
2030 430 500
offsetting thousands
requirements in: tCO2, in
2035 430 550
Sector’s growth factor N/A 20% 30% 40%
tCO2, in N/A 400 x 20% = 500 x 30% = 550 x 40% =
Sectoral component thousands 80 150 220
tCO2, in N/A 500-430 =
Individual component thousands Not applicable 550-430 = 120
tCO2, in N/A 80% x 150 + 30% x 220 +
thousands 100% x 80 =
Offsetting requirements 20% x 70 = 70% x 120 =
134 150

Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, 3.2.4.

11 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

flights may, for example, be operated by aircraft
which are normally used for civilian purposes.

State flights can, for example, be identified through

All operators, including operators administrated by the information in the flight plan. If Item 18 of the flight
states that have not volunteered for CORSIA, will have plan is marked “HEAD”, then the flight is considered to
to monitor, report and verify CO2 emissions from all be a flight with Head of State status. Other state
their international flights to their national authority flights, such as customs and police services, will use
(“administrating authority”) on an annual basis. As the the indicator “STATE” in Item 18. Military flights are
baseline of CORSIA will be set using the average usually recognizable if item 8 of the flight plan (flight
annual emissions between 2019 and 2020, the rules and type of flight) is marked with an “M”.
monitoring of CO2 emissions started on 1 January
2019. Subject to the approval of their administrating
authority, operators may use other means to
Exemptions demonstrate that a flight was operated as a state
CORSIA only applies to international civil aviation.
State flights are, therefore, excluded from the scope Exemption based on the maximum take-off
of the scheme. State flights include military, customs
and police flights.11
Emissions from operations with aeroplanes with a
Furthermore, several exemptions of a technical MTOM below or equal to 5,700 kg are exempt from
nature are provided for, namely: CORSIA.12

• Operations with aeroplanes with a Maximum Humanitarian, medical and firefighting

Take Off Mass (MTOM) below or equal to
5,700 kg;
Humanitarian, medical and firefighting operations are
• Humanitarian, medical and firefighting
also exempt from the scope of CORSIA. This
exemption extends to flights preceding or following a
• Operators whose total annual CO2 emissions humanitarian, medical or firefighting flights if they
from international aviation are below or equal were required to accomplish the humanitarian,
to 10,000 tonnes. medical or firefighting activities or to reposition the
aeroplane thereafter.13
These flight operations are exempt from CORSIA and
not subject to any of its MRV or offsetting
Humanitarian flights are typically flights operated for
humanitarian purposes which carry relief personnel
and relief supplies during or after an emergency
State flights and/or disaster and/or are used to evacuate persons
In accordance with Article 3(b) of the Chicago from a place where their life or health is threatened by
Convention, state flights include aircraft used in such emergency and/or disaster.
military, customs and police services. The status of a
flight is determined by the function the aircraft Medical flights include flights carrying sick or
performs at a given time, taking into account all the seriously injured person requiring urgent medical
circumstances surrounding a flight, rather than just attention and life critical medical emergency
the registration or ownership of the aircraft. State evacuation, as well as flights transporting medical
personnel, equipment, organ donors, organs or other
lifesaving medical material urgently required.

11 13
Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention), Article 3. Annex 16, Vol. IV, Part II, 2.1.1 and 2.1.3.
Annex 16, Vol. IV, Part II, 2.1.1.

12 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Operators will need to provide evidence that specific If an operator’s CO2 emissions increase above the
flights were operated for humanitarian, medical or 10,000 tonnes threshold, which may be as a result of
firefighting reasons. Such evidence may, for example, an increase in international operations or the start of
include the information contained in item 18 of the international operations, it will have to start
flight plan, which can contain a specific indicator: monitoring its emissions from the start of the year
after which its CO2 emissions pass the 10,000 tonnes
• “HUM” for humanitarian flights; threshold.15
• “HOSP” and “MEDEVAC” for medical flights;
For example, if an operator’s CO2 emissions increase
• “FFR” for fire-fighting flights. above 10,000 tonnes in 2023, it will have to start
complying with the MRV requirements of CORSIA
Subject to the approval of their administrating
from 1 January 2024.
authority, operators may use other means to
demonstrate that a flight was operated for
However, with the approval of its administrating
humanitarian, medical or firefighting reasons. This
authority, an operator may already start monitoring its
may, for example, include the contracts with the entity
emissions in the year during which it passes or
chartering the flight or diplomatic clearances.
expects to pass the 10,000 tonnes threshold.

Small emitters If an operator’s emissions decrease below 10,000

Operators whose total CO2 emissions from tonnes, the operator will fall outside of the scope of
international flights are below or equal to 10,000 applicability of CORSIA and will no longer have to
tonnes are exempt from CORSIA. Only flights which report its emissions. However, it is advised that
are within the scope of applicability of CORSIA must operators engage with their authority if they are in this
be included in an operator’s total emissions to situation.
determine if it emits more or less than 10,000 tonnes
of CO2. Emissions from exempt flight operations (see
above) must be excluded.14

14 15
Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, 2.1.1. Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, 2.1.4.

13 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Emissions Monitoring Plan
All operators with annual emissions greater than
10,000 tonnes of CO2 are required to report CO2
emissions on an annual basis, with monitoring starting
on 1 January 2019.

In order to prepare for the monitoring, reporting and

verification (MRV) of CO2 emissions, each operator
needs to develop an emissions monitoring plan.16 The
emissions monitoring plan shall include information
on the operator, its fleet and operations. The
emissions monitoring plan will also detail the methods
that will be used by the operator to monitor fuel use
and calculate emissions, and all associated data

The emissions monitoring plan is important for the

verification process. It helps the verifier to
understand the procedures chosen and approved by
the authority and check if they have been applied

The emissions monitoring plan must be approved by

the administrating authority, who should be satisfied
that the processes described by the operator are
appropriate and sufficient to comply with the
prescribed MRV requirements. There is no need for
the emissions monitoring plan to be reviewed or
approved by a verification body before or after the
approval by the administrating authority.

Before approving it, the administrating authority will

review the emissions monitoring plan to ensure it is
complete and consistent with the requirements of
Annex 16 vol. IV. It will notably assess if the
procedures in place are sufficient and if the operator
has a suitable data management plan in place.

The approval by the administrating authority will give

the operator the assurance that the processes
detailed in its emissions monitoring plan are

The key MRV requirements and information to be

included in the emissions monitoring plan are
explained in the following sections.

16 17
Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, 2.2.2. Annex 16, vol. IV, Appendix 4.

14 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Administration In order to associate individual flights with operators,
the aircraft identification information in item 7 of the
flight plan will be used.
Operators are liable for compliance with the MRV and
offsetting requirements under CORSIA, with each
operator reporting to a single national authority, their
“administrating authority”.

For most commercial operators, the identification of

the operator responsible for a flight and the
attribution of the operator to a state will be based on
the ICAO designator.18 The ICAO designator is a
three-letter code which is used to identify aircraft
operating agencies in aeronautical
telecommunications services. A list of ICAO
designators is published as ICAO Document 8585,
Designators for Aircraft Operating Agencies,
Aeronautical Authorities and Services.

For operators with an ICAO designator, the operator

that has been assigned the ICAO designator will be
the accountable entity and it will be administrated by
the state which has notified ICAO of the designator. If an ICAO designator is used to identify the aircraft in
item 7, the operator holding the ICAO designator will
Operators without an ICAO designator will be be responsible for the flight.
administered by the state that issued their air
operator certificate (AOC). In the absence of AOC, The same applies in cases of wet-leases; if a flight is
they will be administrated by the state where they are operated under the ICAO designator of the lessee,
incorporated. the obligations related to the emissions from the
flight are attributed to the lessee and not to the lessor.
Two operators may request to be treated as a single Similarly, emissions from a code-share flight
entity if one is a wholly owned subsidiary of the other marketed by different airlines will only be allocated to
and both are administrated by the same state. 19 The the operator whose ICAO designator is used in the
possibility to treat several operators as a single entity flight plan.
does not apply when they are wholly owned by a
holding group which is not an operator itself. If two If a registration mark is used in item 7 to identify an
operators decide to be treated as a single entity, their aircraft, the operator in whose AOC, or equivalent
emissions will be aggregated to calculate the pooled document, the aircraft registration mark is listed will
entity’s offsetting requirements. be responsible for the flight. In addition to registration
marks listed in the AOC (or equivalent), and subject to
the approval of the administrating authority,
registration marks listed in the emissions monitoring
plan may be used to attribute flights to an operator.

If a flight cannot be attributed to an operator on the

basis of an ICAO designator or registration mark
listed in the AOC or equivalent, the owner of the
aeroplane will be responsible for a flight.

18 19
Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, 1.1 and 1.2. Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, 1.2.6.

15 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Monitoring of CO2 From 2021, an operator may use the CERT:

• for flights not subject to offsetting

emissions requirements; and
CO2 emissions are, as a general rule, calculated on the • for flights subject to offsetting requirements,
basis of the actual fuel use on each individual if the total annual CO2 emissions from these
international flight. However, in certain flights is below 50,000 tonnes.22
circumstances, operators will be eligible to use
If an operator’s CO2 emissions increase above the
simplified monitoring.
50,000 tonnes threshold for two consecutive years, it
will no longer be eligible to use the CERT. The
Simplified monitoring operator will have to submit a revised emissions
monitoring plan by 30 September of the following
Operators eligible for simplified monitoring are not year and then start monitoring its actual fuel use from
required to monitor actual fuel use but have the the following 1 January. For example, if an operator’s
possibility to calculate their emissions using the ICAO CO2 emissions from flights subject to offsetting
CORSIA CO2 Estimation and Reporting Tool (CERT), requirements are greater than 50,000 tonnes in 2024
an estimation tool developed in ICAO. The CERT and 2025, a new emissions monitoring plan will need
applies CO2 Estimation Models (CEMs) to estimate to be submitted by 30 September 2026 and actual
the emissions of a flight on the basis of great circle fuel use will have to be monitored from 1 January
distance or block time for a given aircraft type. 20 2027.

Operators may implement the CERT’s CO2 Estimation If two operators have decided to be treated as a
Models (CEMs) in their IT systems to facilitate single entity, the eligibility for simplified monitoring is
compliance with CORSIA. They will however need to determined on the basis of their aggregated CO2
ensure the latest version of the CEMs is implemented emissions.
and that the results of implementing the CEMs in IT
systems are identical to those obtained with the same Similar to the baseline period, an operator may decide
input from the downloadable CERT version. Annex 16, to monitor actual fuel use instead of using the CERT
volume IV, does not provide for the use of any other to estimate its emissions.
estimation method for simplified monitoring.

During the baseline period (2019-2020), operators

with annual CO2 emissions (from all international
flights) below 500,000 tonnes are eligible for
simplified monitoring. 21

If the emissions of an operator using simplified

monitoring increase above 500,000 tonnes during
2019 or 2020, its administrating authority may
authorize it to continue using the CERT for the
baseline period.

Even if it is eligible to use the CERT, an operator can

choose to monitor actual fuel use for all its operations
or for a particular sub-fleet.

20 22
Annex 16, vol. IV, Appendix 3. Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II,
Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II,

16 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

An Airline Handbook on CORSIA
An operator with annual emissions greater than 50,000
tonnes per year can use the CERT to estimate its
emissions from flights which are not subject to
offsetting requirements. The obligation to monitor
actual fuel use only applies to flights subject to
offsetting requirements.
Fuel use monitoring
method it uses for its fleet or for a sub-fleet, but the
change must not occur in the middle of a 3-year
compliance cycle. The change can only become
Where operators monitor actual fuel use, they may effective from the start of the next compliance cycle.
select one of five fuel monitoring methods. 23
It is also important to note that while the different fuel
Different methods may be used for different use monitoring methods require the collection of
aeroplane types, but the same method must be used specific data points, the specific means through
for all aeroplanes of the same type. which the data is collected by the operator are not
prescribed. In its emissions monitoring plan, the
Two variants of an aeroplane which share the same
operator will need to describe how it plans to collect
ICAO aircraft type designators cannot be considered
the data for the application of a specific fuel
as different aeroplane types. For example, an Airbus
monitoring method, including the equipment,
A320 is assigned “A320” as ICAO aircraft type
procedures and documentation which will be used.
designator irrespective of whether it is an Airbus
A320-100 or -200 variant, or retrofitted with The operator shall identify primary data sources, but
sharklets. In contrast, an Airbus A320 and an Airbus also secondary data sources which will be available if
A320neo will constitute different types as the the primary source cannot be used. The operator will
A320neo is identified by the “A20N” ICAO aircraft also need to detail the exact points in time when the
type designator. A non-exhaustive list of ICAO aircraft measurements will be made.
type designators is provided in Annex 3.
Naturally, like the other elements of the emissions
Operators should use the same fuel use monitoring monitoring plan, the processes described in the
method in the baseline period as the one they will use emissions monitoring plan will need to be considered
from 2021. With the approval of its administrating as satisfactory and be approved by the administrating
authority, an operator may change the fuel monitoring authority.

Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, Appendix 2.

18 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

The five monitoring methods are: • Fuel uplift, which is based on the fuel uplift
before each flight; and
• Method A, which is based on measurements
• Fuel allocation with block-hours, which
after the completion of fuel uplifts (for the
applies the average fuel burn ratio by
flight under consideration and for the
aeroplane type and during the reporting year
subsequent flight) and the fuel uplift for the
in question to the block hours of each flight.
subsequent flight;
The chart below provides an overview of the data
• Method B, which is based on measurements
points and formulas for each method. The figures
at block-on times (preceding flight and flight
indicated in the chart are illustrative and are not
under consideration) and the fuel uplift for the
indicative of any quantitative differences which
flight considered;
would be observed using real-life measurements.
• Block-off / block-on, which is based on the
fuel consumed between block-off and block-

19 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Method A Similarly to method A, the application of method B
relies on data from another flight, which may be a
Method A is based on the following measurements: domestic flight. Therefore, to prevent data gaps it is
recommended that operators using method B
1. the fuel quantity in tanks after the completion systematically collect fuel quantity at block-on for all
of the fuel uplift for the flight under flights (domestic and international) operated by
consideration; aircraft which are used in international operations.
2. the fuel quantity in tanks after the completion
In cases where a flight is preceded by an activity other
of the fuel uplift for the subsequent flight; and
than a flight, such as maintenance, the operator may
3. the fuel uplift for the subsequent flight. substitute the quantity of fuel at block-on at the end
It must be underlined that the fuel quantity in tanks of the preceding flight with the amount of fuel
after the completion of the fuel uplift is a different remaining in aeroplane tanks at the end of the
measurement from the fuel in tanks at block-off. previous activity.

However, (only) in cases where no uplift takes place Finally, if an operator performs one or more flights for
for a flight, the amount of fuel contained in the tanks another operator on an ad hoc basis, such as a short
at block-off should be used as an alternative to the term wet-lease, the monitoring of fuel consumption
fuel contained in the tanks after the uplift is complete. shall be done in accordance with the block-off /
block-on method described below.
Similarly, in cases where a flight is followed by an
activity other than a flight, such as maintenance, the Block-off / block-on
operator may substitute the measurement of fuel in
Block-off / block-on is based on the following
tanks after the uplift for the subsequence flight with
the amount of fuel remaining in tanks at the start of
the subsequent activity or fuel in tanks at block-on.
1. the fuel quantity in tanks at block-off at the
start of the flight under consideration; and
It is important to note that method A relies on data
from the subsequent flight, which may be a domestic 2. the fuel quantity in tanks at block-on at the
flight. Therefore, to prevent data gaps it is end of the flight under consideration.
recommended that operators using method A
Commonly, block-off is understood as a point in time
systematically collect all fuel measurements used in
between the last door closed and first engine on, and
method A for all flights (domestic and international)
block-on as a point in time between the last engine off
operated by aircraft which are used in international
and first door open.
In its emissions monitoring plan, the operator will
Finally, if an operator performs one or more flights for
need to define the precise point of time at which the
another operator on an ad hoc basis, such as a short
measurements will be made. If an operator uses a
term wet-lease, the monitoring of fuel consumption
definition of block-off or block-on which is not within
shall be done in accordance with the block-off /
the common time windows defined above, such
block-on method.
deviation may be approved by the administrating
authority if it is in accordance with the operator’s
Method B existing practices.
Method B is based on the following measurements:

1. the fuel quantity in tanks at block-on at the

end of the preceding flight;
2. the fuel quantity in tanks at block-on at the
end of the flight under consideration; and
3. the fuel uplift for the flight under

20 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Fuel uplift Fuel density
Fuel uplift is based on: In instances where fuel measurements are in volume,
the operator shall use actual and/or standard density
1. the fuel uplift before each flight. in accordance with the procedures it already has in
Adjustments will be required to allocate fuel place for operational and safety purposes. This may
consumption between different flights when one or include a combination of standard and actual density,
more flights is not preceded by a fuel uplift, for for example where the operator’s procedures require
example in the case of fuel tankering. In such cases, actual density for weight critical flights, and standard
the allocation must be done in proportion to the block density for other flights. Nevertheless, in all cases
hours of the different flights covered by the same where standard density is applied, the value used
uplift. must be 0.8 kilogram per liter.

Operators are required to detail the procedures used

Fuel allocation with block hours to determine fuel density in the emissions monitoring
Fuel allocation with block-hours applies the average plan. They should provide references to the relevant
fuel burn ratio by aeroplane type to the block hours of documentation, such as operational manuals.
each flight. For each aeroplane type used by the
operator for international flights, it requires the Emission factor
collection of:
Once the quantity of fuel used has been identified, the
1. total fuel uplifts; and CO2 emissions are calculated using an emission
factor of 3.16 kilogram CO2 per kilogram of Jet-A/A1.
2. total block hours. The same emission factor should be applied to fuels
The average fuel burn ratio is calculated by dividing equivalent to Jet-A and Jet-A1 (e.g. TS-1 and China
the sum of fuel uplifts by the total block hours. The No 3 fuels).
operator will need to calculate the average fuel burn
The emission factor for Jet-B and AvGas is 3.10
ratio for each aeroplane type at the end of each
kilogram CO2 per kilogram of fuel.
reporting year. The average fuel burn ratios will not be
calculated using historic data and will only be valid for
the reporting year in question. For example, to
determine the average fuel burn ratios for 2022, an
operator will use the fuel uplift and block hours data
collected in 2022.

If the operator can clearly distinguish between fuel

uplifts for international flights and fuel uplifts for
domestic flights, the average fuel burn ratio shall be
calculated on the basis of fuel uplifts and block hours
for international flights only.

21 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Data management Material changes
As the monitoring and reporting of emissions will rely An operator will be required to resubmit its emissions
on the collection and handling of large sets of data, a monitoring plan if there are any significant changes to
key aspect of MRV is the procedures an operator has the information it contains (“material changes”). 25
in place to manage data.
Material changes include changes that would affect
In their emissions monitoring plans, operators will the status or eligibility of the aeroplane operator for
need to provide information on the roles, an option under the emissions monitoring
responsibilities and procedures for data requirements, or that would otherwise affect the
management. They will need to describe each step in decision by the state to which the aeroplane operator
the management of data, including sources of data, is attributed with regard to whether the aeroplane
systems used to store and process data, as well as operator’s approach to monitoring conforms with the
the controls in place to ensure the quality of data requirements of Annex 16, vol. IV.
processing and integrity of the data itself.
Changes to the information that affects the
Operators also need to assess the risks associated administration or identification of an operator (for
with the management of data and the measures they example the ICAO Designator), changes that affect
will implement to mitigate those risks. The risks may the eligibility to use simplified monitoring, changes to
be associated with potential deficiencies in the methodologies to monitor fuel use or determine fuel
systems used to collect data, but they may also be density, and changes to data management processes
related to the storage of records. are examples of material changes.

Operators shall put in place a plan for record keeping. In contrast, for example, changes in ownership
It is required that operators keep records relevant to structure that do not affect the accountable entity or
demonstrating compliance with the requirements of changes to the contact information, list of aeroplanes
CORSIA for a period of 10 years. 24 or state-pairs provided in the emissions monitoring
plan are not material and do not require the
submission and approval of an amended emissions
monitoring plan. Such changes should however be
notified to the administrating authority in the annual
Emissions Report.

24 25
Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, 1.4.1. Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II,

22 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

In cases where several operators report jointly, the
emissions data relating to each subsidiary will have to
be provided as appendices to the main emissions
After the end of each reporting year, operators will
have to compile the fuel data collected in an annual
emissions report. Annual reports may also include
Data gaps
information on CORSIA eligible fuels if they intend to Data gaps occur when an operator is missing data
claim emissions reductions from the use of CORSIA relevant for the determination of the fuel use of a
eligible fuels. flight in accordance with the approved fuel
The emissions reports will need to be verified by a monitoring method. Gaps in emissions-related data
verification body prior to their submission to the can occur due to various reasons, including irregular
administrating authority. The deadline for the operations, data feed issues or critical system
submission of the verified 2019 and 2020 emissions failures.
reports will be 31 May 2020 and 2021 respectively.
For the following emissions reports, the deadline will In cases where the operator can use a secondary data
be 30 April (for example, 30 April 2022 for the 2021 source to determine fuel use in accordance with the
emissions report).26 approved fuel monitoring method, this would not
constitute a data gap. For example, if an operator
CO2 emissions normally uses ACARS data and, due to a problem, is
missing data for a flight, it may be able to source
actual fuel data from fuel invoices or technical logs
Data requirements (the secondary sources).
In their emissions reports, operators will report the
consolidated CO2 emissions data collected during a If there is no primary or secondary data available and
given reporting year to their administrating authority. the approved fuel monitoring methodology cannot be
applied, then a data gap occurs and the operator will
By default, emissions data will need to be reported by have to use the CERT to fill the data gap.
state-pair, but an administrating authority can
request that the data be reported to them by It should be noted that data gaps may not affect more
aerodrome-pair.27 than 5% of international flights in the 2019-2020
Inbound and outbound flights must be treated as period and more than 5% of international flights
distinct pairs (for example, flights that depart from A subject to offsetting requirements in 2021-2035. The
and land in B are to be reported separately from 5% thresholds are assessed on the basis of the
flights that depart in B and land in A). number of flights, not in relation to fuel use or CO 2
emissions. If these thresholds are exceeded, the
Information which has to be included in the emissions operator will be required to take remedial action in
report includes operator identification, information on consultation with its administrating authority. 29
the reporting cycle, reference to the most recently
approved emissions monitoring plan, fleet and fuel
information, and data gaps.28

26 28
Annex 16, vol. IV, Appendix 1. Annex 16, vol. IV, Appendix 5.
27 29
Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II,

23 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

CORSIA eligible fuels include a declaration that they have not made claims
for the same batches of CORSIA eligible fuel under
any other schemes.33
Operators will be entitled to claim emissions
reductions from fuels which meet defined
The emissions reductions that an operator can claim
sustainability criteria and are certified by an approved
from CORSIA eligible fuels will be proportional to the
certification scheme. These “CORSIA eligible fuels”
life cycle emissions benefits of the fuels used,
include “sustainable aviation fuels”, which are
compared to a baseline life cycle emissions value of
renewable or waste-derived fuels, as well “lower
89 gCO2e/MJ for jet fuel. Life cycle emissions include
carbon aviation fuels”, which are fossil-based fuels.30
emissions from the full supply chain of production
and use (“core LCA”) and emissions from induced
To meet CORSIA’s sustainability criteria, a specific
land-use change (“ILUC”). The emissions reductions
CORSIA eligible fuel needs to achieve net greenhouse
will be deducted from the operator’s total offsetting
gas emission reductions of at least 10% compared to
requirements at the end of each 3-year compliance
conventional jet fuel on a life cycle basis.
Furthermore, a CORSIA eligible fuel must not be made
from biomass obtained from land with high carbon
stock.31 Additional sustainability criteria are being
developed in ICAO’s Committee on Aviation
Publication of data
Environmental Protection for future consideration by Requirements
the ICAO Council.
Some of the data reported to states will be disclosed
The accounting of CORSIA eligible fuels will be based to the public, after aggregation. The information
on purchasing and blending records, excluding fuels which will be published, by ICAO, includes:
sold to a third party or claimed under other
greenhouse gas emissions schemes. CORSIA eligible • the annual CO2 emissions on each state-pair,
fuels used on domestic flights may be claimed under aggregated for all operators.
CORSIA, provided they are not claimed under any It will also include, for each operator:
other greenhouse gas emissions schemes. 32
• the total annual CO2 emissions;
CORSIA eligible fuels should be reported during the
same compliance period as when the blending • the total annual CO2 emissions for state-pairs
occurs. It is recommended that operators make subject to offsetting requirements; and
CORSIA eligible fuel claims on an annual basis, but • the total annual CO2 emissions for state-pairs
operators may decide when to make a claim within a not subject to offsetting requirements.
given compliance period. For example, if a batch of
CORSIA eligible fuel is blended in 2021, it is The information will be made available through the
recommended that the batch be included in the 2021 CORSIA Central Registry, which will serve as a
emissions report. Nevertheless, the operator may database for the management and publication of
instead decide to report it with its 2022 or 2023 information related to CORSIA.
emissions. However, in all cases, the associated
Where an operator is concerned that the publication
emissions reductions can only be claimed in relation
of its data, including after aggregation, could result in
to offsetting requirements for the 2021-2023
the disclosure of commercially sensitive information,
compliance cycle.
it can submit a written and justified request to its
In addition to detailed information on the CORSIA national authority that the related data be treated as
eligible fuels claimed, operators will need to provide a confidential and not be disclosed to the public.
list of all other greenhouse gas schemes that they
participate in. Only schemes where emission
reductions from CORSIA eligible fuels may be claimed
need to be included in that list. They will also need to
30 33
Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, Chapter 1. Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, 2.3.3.
31 34
Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, 2.2.4. Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, 3.3.
Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, 2.2.4, note 1.

24 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Commercially sensitive information • An operator operates very few international
state-pairs (for example Operator A in table
Fuel is the most important cost item for commercial below)
operators. In 2018, fuel represented on average
• An operator operates very few state-pairs
23.5% of airlines’ costs globally. Therefore, CO2
subject to offsetting requirements or very
emissions data, which is derived directly from fuel
few state-pairs not subject to offsetting
use, provides a very good indication of an operator’s
requirements (for example Operator B in the
main cost item, even if the price paid for its fuel
table below)
remains undisclosed.
• An operator operates a state-pair that no or
Airline competition on some routes is fierce with very few other operators fly (for example
operators competing to keep and gain market share. Operator C in the table below).35
In such an environment, having the lowest fuel
It is important to note that commercially sensitive
consumption – or even a relatively low level – is a key
data will not automatically be treated as confidential.
advantage to sustain the competition. As a corollary,
The operators concerned will need to submit a written
intelligence on a competitor’s fuel use on a specific
and justified request to their national authority that
route can be used to inform pricing and other
the related data be treated as confidential and not be
commercial strategies, with the aim to reduce the
disclosed to the public. If the national authority
market shares of a competitor.
approves the operator’s request, it should ensure that
Therefore, annual CO2 emissions of an operator on a the data is identified as confidential when it reports
state-pair are considered as commercially sensitive if the data to ICAO to prevent its publication by ICAO.
they are determined on the basis of actual fuel use. When evaluating whether the level of aggregation
would be sufficient to prevent the disclosure of
This is why Annex 16, Volume IV only foresees the commercially sensitive data, potential corporate
disclosure of aggregated data. However, it also relationships between operators should be taken into
identifies a number of situations where aggregated account.
data may enable the determination of commercially
sensitive state-pair information.

Data published

CO2 for all flights CO2 for all flights

Operator subject to not subject to
operated Total CO2
offsetting offsetting
requirements requirements

A A <-> B A <-> B A <-> B n/a

A <-> B A <-> B A <-> B
A <-> C A <-> C A <-> C
B A <->E
A <-> D A <-> D A <-> D
A <-> E A <-> E

A <-> B A <-> B
A <-> B
A <-> C A <-> C
A <-> C A <-> E
C A <-> D A <-> D
A <-> D A <-> F
A <-> E A <-> E
A <-> F A <-> F

All 3 operators are administered by State A. There are no other operators administered by
State A.
All state-pairs are subject to offsetting requirements, except A< - >E and A <-> F.
Operator C is the only operator flying between State A and State F.

Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, and

25 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Annual emissions reports must be verified by an
external and independent body before being
submitted to the administrating authority. This also
applies to emissions reports of operators which are
eligible to use the CERT for simplified monitoring. 36

Verification requirements also apply to the reports

that operators will need to submit on the emissions
units cancelled to meet offsetting requirements. The
verification of the emissions units cancellation report
is covered separately in the next chapter.

Internal pre-verification
While it is not a mandatory requirement, it is
recommended that operators prepare for the third-
party verification process by selecting an internal
auditor to review the draft emissions report to check
the data, processes and resulting output. This will give
the opportunity to the operator to identify potential
irregularities and take corrective actions prior to
third-party involvement.

The internal auditor will, for example, check if the

responsibilities assigned to various staff have been
completed, how data compares to previous years, whether
it is complete and if measurements have been taken in
accordance with the agreed procedures.

Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, 2.4.

26 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Third-party verification emissions report, the operator will need to take
corrective actions.

Scope In accordance with Annex 16, volume IV, the objectives of

the verification of an emissions report are that:
The verification of the emissions report shall cover an
operator’s CO2 emissions from international flights • The emissions assertion is materially fair and an
and any CORSIA eligible fuels claims during the accurate representation of emissions and is
reporting period in question.37 supported by sufficient and appropriate
The CO2 emissions which are within the scope of the
• Emissions have been monitored, quantified and
verification are all those that fall within the scope of
reported over the period of the emissions report
CORSIA’s monitoring and reporting requirements,
in accordance with the applicable standards and
irrespective of whether they are subject to offsetting
the approved emissions monitoring plan;
requirements or not.
• The correct method of flight attribution has been
This implies that while the verifier will need to ensure applied;
that all international flights subject to monitoring
• The stated amount of emissions reductions from
requirements have been included, the emissions from
the use of CORSIA eligible fuels is materially fair
domestic flights, state flights, humanitarian flights,
and an accurate representation of emissions
firefighting flights, or flights with aeroplanes with an
reductions over the reporting period, and is
MTOM below 5,700 kg are not to be verified.
supported by sufficient and appropriate internal
and external evidence;
Objective • The claimed batches of CORSIA eligible fuels
have not been claimed under any other schemes
The verification body must check if the emissions it has participated in;
reported are accurate and supported by sufficient
evidence. • Emissions reductions associated with the use of
CORSIA eligible fuels have been monitored,
One of the main tasks of the verification body will be quantified and reported over the period of the
to ensure that the monitoring of CO2 emissions has emissions report in accordance with the
been undertaken in accordance with the emissions applicable standards.38
monitoring plan. The verification body will, for
example, check if the fuel use was calculated in line
with the selected methodology, if fuel density was
determined in accordance with the procedures
detailed in the emissions monitoring plan, etc.

The verification body will also check that the stated

amount of CORSIA eligible fuels is accurate and that
the claimed batches have not been claimed under any
other voluntary or mandatory schemes that the
operator has participated in.

If the accuracy of the report is satisfactory, the

verification body will issue a written declaration that
confirms that the CO2 emissions assertion is stated
within the defined level of assurance and materiality.
In cases where the verification body may find
misstatements and other irregularities in the

37 38
Annex 16, vol. IV, Appendix 6, 3.3. Annex 16, vol. IV, Appendix 6, 3.2.

27 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

However, materiality is not only assessed in a
quantitative way, but also on a qualitative basis. Non-
conformities or misstatements that may not lead to
Level of assurance the materiality threshold being exceeded could
influence the verification body’s conclusions. This
The objective of the verification process is to allow
may be the case of systematic underestimations of
the verifier to issue a verification statement on
emissions or an operator not applying the procedures
whether the emissions report is without material approved in its emissions monitoring plan.

An absolute level of assurance is neither attainable Verification process

nor required for CORSIA. For CORSIA, a “reasonable
level of assurance” is required, which means the
verifier must be able to conclude that the emissions
Verification plan
report is materially correct and a fair representation The verification body shall prepare a verification plan
of the operator’s emissions and information, and that which describes the responsibilities and activities for
the emissions report is prepared in accordance with each variable which may have a potential impact on
the applicable regulatory requirements.39 the reported emissions.41

The level of assurance required will influence the The verification plan shall be elaborated on the basis
approach taken by the verifier. For example, to attain of a strategic analysis of the scope and complexity of
a reasonable level of assurance, the verifier will need operator’s activities. The scope and complexity will
to test the CO2 data and information in the report. It depend on variables such as the type and size of
wouldn’t be sufficient for the verifier to simply operations, whether the operators has any parent
conclude that there is no evidence of material errors companies, whether any specific conditions have
or inconsistencies with regulatory requirements. been imposed by the administrating authority, etc.

Materiality On the basis of the strategic analysis, the verification

body will identify and quantity risks which are inherent
The concept of materiality is used to identify to the activity (for example, errors in the data
information that, if omitted or misstated, would collection process) and risks that control activities
significantly misrepresent the operator’s emissions (such as data validation processes) would not detect
assertion. errors and discrepancies. The verification body must
also assess the risk that discrepancies may not be
A certain margin of uncertainty in the emissions detected in the verification process. The risk analysis
report is tolerated (“materiality threshold”), but it may will be informed not only by the complexity of the
not exceed 2% of total emissions for operators with operator’s activities, but also by the maturity and
annual CO2 emissions from international flights robustness of the control and data flow activities the
greater than 500,000 tonnes. The materiality operator implements.
threshold for operators with annual CO2 emissions
from international flights equal to or less than 500,000
tonnes is 5%.40

The materiality threshold is assessed on the basis of

the discrepancy between (total) emissions declared
by the operator and the verification body’s estimation
of the total amount of emissions. Overstatements and
understatements in the operator’s emissions report
are allowed to balance out.

39 41
Annex 16, vol. IV, Appendix 6, 3.1. Annex 16, vol. IV, Appendix 6, 3.6.
Annex 16, vol. IV, Appendix 6, 3.4.

28 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Verification activities purchase agreements, delivery documentation and
sustainability certificate, as well as declarations made
During the verification process the verification body by the operator in other schemes will allow to cross-
will review the operator’s information systems and check the information.
controls to ensure that the control activities which
were identified in the emissions monitoring plan are During its activities, the verification body should carry
effectively implemented. This includes the out site visits to interview staff and check the
procedures to track changes in the fleet and to practical application of the procedures. The scope
ensure the completeness of all flights, the and number of site visits will be determined on the
procedures to determine which flights are exempt basis of the risk analysis and evidence obtained
from monitoring requirements or offsetting during the verification itself.
requirements, and the processes to validate data and
identify erroneous values. If data flow activities are Verification report
outsourced, the verification body will assess if
controls are in place to ensure the quality of the If the verification body finds any misstatements
outsourced activities. (erroneous or missing data) or non-conformities
(incorrect application of requirements), it will contact
The verification activities will naturally also include an the operator to identify potential corrective actions.
assessment of the emissions data. The assessment The information which is provided by the operator to
should include sampling to compare the data used to correct misstatements and non-conformities should
prepare the report with primary and secondary data be verifiable. If no corrective action can be taken, the
sources, for example flight plans and flight logs, fuel misstatements and non-conformities will be included
invoices.42 Data sources also include external in the verification report and taken into account in the
reference data such as ATC data and invoices, fleet materiality assessment.
databases or timetables.
If the verification body is satisfied that the emissions
The verification body should however not only rely on report contains no misstatements or non-
sampling but also apply analytical procedures to conformities the emissions report will be “verified as
check full datasets. Such checks can be based on satisfactory”.
indicators such as the average fuel burn of flights or
maximum tank capacity to identify data which may be If the emissions report contains misstatements or
erroneous. non-conformities, the verification body may still
conclude that the emissions report is satisfactory if
The verification body will also need to ensure that the the misstatements or non-conformities are not
operator has complied with the requirements of material. In such a case, the verification statement will
Annex 16, volume IV (as implemented in the be that the emissions report is “verified as
operator’s state) and the approved emissions satisfactory with comments”.
monitoring plan. The verification body must, among
others, check that the fuel use monitoring methods If the emissions report contains material
have been implemented correctly and, for example, misstatements or non-conformities, it will be “verified
that the appropriate measurements points have been as non-satisfactory”.

If the operator includes a claim for CORSIA eligible

fuels, the verification body will need to confirm that
the sustainability documentation is reliable and from
an approved Sustainability Certification Scheme. The
verification process should also confirm that the
reported batch volumes, mass and life cycle
emissions align with the supporting documentation
and that the CORSIA eligible fuels have not be sold to
a third party or claimed under another scheme. The
42 43
Annex 16, vol. IV, Appendix 6, 3.7. Annex 16, vol. IV, Appendix 6, 3.8.

29 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Verification body Annex 16, volume IV, provides that the following should be
specified in the contract:
A key principle of the verification process is that it • Scope of verification, verification objectives, level
should be undertaken by a body which is independent of assurance, materiality threshold and relevant
of the activity being verified, and free from bias and verification standards (ISO 14065; ISO 14064-3;
conflict of interest. Annex 16, vol. IV; the Environment Technical
Manual, vol. IV);
To minimize the potential for a conflict of interest, if
the leader of the verification team undertakes six • Amount of time allocated for verification;
annual verifications for CORSIA or any other
• Flexibility to change time allocation if this proves
greenhouse gas verification for one operator, then
necessary because of findings during the
the leader of the verification team shall take a break
of three consecutive years from providing verification
services to that same operator.44 • Conditions which have to be fulfilled to conduct
the verification such as access to all relevant
Furthermore, operators can only engage verification documentation, personnel and premises;
bodies which are accredited by a National
• Requirement of the aeroplane operator to accept
Accreditation Body (NAB) to ISO 14065:2013 and to
the audit as a potential witness audit by national
additional CORSIA-specific requirements. An
accreditation body’s assessors;
operator may engage a verification body accredited
by a national accreditation body from another state. 45 • Requirement of the aeroplane operator to
authorize the release of the emissions report, the
In addition to the ISO standards, the verification body emission unit cancellation report, where
will have to satisfy a number of personnel and team applicable, and the verification report by the
competency requirements. The verification team will, verification body to the state; and
for example, need to demonstrate knowledge in
• Liability coverage.46
general technical processes in the field of civil
aviation, in aviation fuels and related processes, in To perform verification activities, the operator will
fuel use monitoring and measurement devices and need to provide access to all relevant documents and
procedures, data management systems and controls, sources of data to the verification body. The operator
etc. and the verification body should identify the data
sources and access needs prior to the verification
Engaging a verifier exercise. Given the confidential nature of the
information the verification body will have access to,
The operator should exercise due diligence to make the operator and the verification body should make
sure the verification body is accredited for CORSIA sure to include appropriate confidentiality clauses in
and has the required personnel competency and their contract.
In addition, the operator and the verifier may wish to
When the operator engages a verifier, it should make include clauses on fees, dispute settlement, and force
sure that the contractual basis specifies the majeure situations.
conditions for the verification.

44 46
Annex 16, vol. IV, Appendix 6, 2.2. Annex 16, vol. IV, Appendix 6, 2.12.
Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, 2.4.2.

30 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

State review
The administrating authority will perform an order of
magnitude check of the emissions reports submitted
by operators.47

The administrating authority will not need to review

the emissions reports in detail but should perform
checks to ensure that the information in the report is
plausible and complete.

The administrating authority should, for example,

check if the information on the operator and its fleet
is accurate. It should make sure that the proper
template has been used for the emissions report, that
the emissions report was verified and by a verification
body accredited for CORSIA, that the approved fuel
monitoring method was used, that the reported CO2
emissions and number of flights are roughly plausible,

The administrating authority may for example

estimate the typical fuel consumption for a flight by
using the CERT and compare it with the data reported
by the operator. The order of magnitude review will
also ensure that the data has been aggregated at the
right level and that state-pairs have properly been
classified as subject or not subject to offsetting
requirements. The administrating authority will also
consider whether any data gaps existed during the
reporting year and whether potential comments from
the verification body have been taken into

Annex 16, vol. IV, Appendix 6,

31 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Offsetting requirements The deadline to complete the cancellation of the
required number of units will be 31 January following
the notification of the final offsetting requirements by
Compliance cycle the administrating authority. However, if the
administrating authority were to notify the final
While the reporting of emissions will take place on an offsetting requirements later than 30 November, the
annual basis, offsetting requirements will be operator will have 60 days to complete the
aggregated by 3-year compliance cycles. For every cancellation. Naturally, operators do not have to wait
compliance cycle, operators will need to offset and until they are notified of their final offsetting
cancel a quantity of eligible emissions units requirements to purchase and cancel emissions units
corresponding to their offsetting requirements. and may do so before. 49

Administrating authorities will notify operators of their Information on the emissions units cancelled will need
final offsetting requirements for each 3-year period to be compiled in an “emissions unit cancellation
by 30 November of the following year. Operators will, report” and submitted to the administrating authority,
however, also be informed on an annual basis (also by after verification.
30 November) of the provisional offsetting
requirements associated with each individual In the CORSIA Central Registry, ICAO will publish the
compliance year.48 following information, aggregated at state level:

The offsetting requirements of an operator will be • Total final offsetting requirements over each
determined by its administrating authority. The final compliance period;
offsetting requirements will however benefit from a • Total quantity of emissions units cancelled
reduction if an operator has used CORSIA eligible over the compliance period; and
fuels that meet the applicable sustainability criteria.
• Consolidated information on the cancelled
When an emissions unit is cancelled, it is taken out of emissions units (eligible emissions unit
circulation and becomes unavailable for any other program, unit type, host country,
uses. It is only if an emissions unit is cancelled for the methodology, and program registry name).
purpose of compliance with CORSIA that it can be
used to comply with offsetting requirements.

Submission of
Notification of final
Cancellation of verified emissions
Compliance cycle offsetting
emissions units unit cancellation

2021-2023 By 30 November 2024 By 31 January 2025* By 30 April 2025

2024-2026 By 30 November 2027 By 31 January 2028* By 30 April 2028

2027-2029 By 30 November 2030 By 31 January 2031* By 30 April 2031

2030-2032 By 30 November 2033 By 31 January 2034* By 30 April 2034

2033-2035 By 30 November 2036 By 31 January 2037* By 30 April 2037

* or, if the notification of final offsetting requirements occurs after 30 November, 60 days after the notification of the final
offsetting requirements.

48 49
Annex 16, vol. IV, Appendix 1. Annex 16, vol. IV, Appendix 1.

32 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

New entrants
value of 20 gCO2e/MJ, the corresponding emissions
reduction would be:

A “new entrant” is an operator that commences Emissions reduction = 3.16*1000*(1-20/89)

operating international flights falling within the scope
of CORSIA on or after 2019 and whose operations are where 3.16 (kg CO2/kg fuel) is the emissions factor for
not in whole or in part a continuation of operations jet fuel and 89 (gCO2e/MJ), the default life cycle
previously performed by another operator. emissions value for conventional aviation fuel.

To be considered a “new entrant”, the operations Default life cycle values for some CORSIA eligible
must not be, even partially, a continuation of the fuels will be published by ICAO. An operator may
operations of another operator. For example, if an however decide to use the actual life cycle emissions
airline creates a new AOC for its regional flights and if a fuel producer can demonstrate lower lifecycle
splits its network between the parent company and emissions than the default value, or if a fuel producer
the new AOC, the new AOC would not be considered is using a pathway that does not have a default value.
as a new entrant. Similarly, if an airline operating In order to do so, the operator will select an approved
domestic flights only takes over the international Sustainability Certification Scheme (SCS) from a list
flights of another airline it has merged with, this would that will be included in an ICAO document entitled,
likely not be a situation of a “new entrant”. “CORSIA Approved Sustainability Certification
Schemes”. The SCS will ensure that the methodology
New entrants are exempt from offsetting applied is approved for CORSIA. While ICAO will
requirements for 3 years. The 3-year “grace” period approve SCS, ICAO will not certify the CORSIA eligible
includes the year during which they started their fuels.
operations.50 For example, if an operator starts
operating international flights in 2024, it will be Landfill emission credits (LEC) and recycling emission
exempt from offsetting requirements in 2024, 2025 credits (REC) from municipal solid waste (MSW)
and 2026. It will be subject to offsetting requirements feedstock are also recognized under CORSIA on the
for its 2027 emissions onwards. condition that the analysis to calculate emission
credits values demonstrates that the emission
To be considered a “new entrant”, the operations credits claimed are permanent, directly attributable to
must not be, even partially, a continuation of the the production of sustainable aviation fuels, exceed
operations of another operator. For example, if an any emissions reductions required by law, regulation
airline creates a new AOC for its regional flights and or legally binding mandate; avoid double counting of
splits its network between the parent company and such credits, and exceed emissions reductions that
the new AOC, the new AOC would not be considered would otherwise occur in a business-as-usual
as a new entrant. Similarly, if an airline operating scenario. Furthermore, to address concerns related
domestic flights only takes over the international to double counting, during the pilot phase, the total
flights of another airline it has merged with, this would lifecycle emissions value, after subtraction of LEC
likely not be a situation of a “new entrant”. and REC, will not be allowed to be smaller than 0
CORSIA eligible fuels The emissions reductions will be deducted from the
operator’s total offsetting requirements at the end of
The emissions reductions that an operator can claim
each 3-year compliance period. The deduction can
from CORSIA eligible fuels will be proportional to the
however only be claimed for the compliance period
life cycle emissions benefits of the fuels used,
during which the CORSIA eligible fuel was blended.
compared to a reference value for jet fuel of 89

For example, if an operator used 1,000 tonnes of

sustainable aviation fuels with a life cycle emissions

50 51
Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, 3.1.2. Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, 3.3.

33 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Eligible emissions units Emissions Units Criteria
To meet their offsetting requirements, operators will The Emissions Units Eligibility Criteria guarantee that
have to purchase and cancel a quantity of “CORSIA eligible emissions units deliver the desired CO2
eligible emissions units” corresponding to their final reductions. The criteria are based on principles
offsetting requirements. The ICAO Council will commonly applied under existing trading
determine which emissions units are eligible for use mechanisms and certification schemes.
under CORSIA.52

The Council’s decision will be informed by a Additionality, permanence and

recommendation from the Technical Advisory Body leakage
and by eligibility criteria approved by the Council. The
list of eligible emissions units is available, on the ICAO A key requirement is that the CO2 reduction or
website, in an ICAO Document entitled “CORSIA removal used as an offset be ‘additional’ to business-
Eligible Emissions Units”. as-usual activity. Additionality addresses the
question: “would the activity have occurred, holding
Assembly Resolution A39-3 stipulates that emissions all else constant, were the activity not be
units generated from mechanisms established under implemented as an offset project?” Or, in simpler
the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement shall be eligible terms “would the project have happened anyway?”
for use in CORSIA, provided that they align with
decisions by the ICAO Council. Offsets must also represent a permanent reduction of
emissions that cannot be reversed. Similarly, an
In addition to UNFCCC and Paris Agreement units, activity that generates offsets should not result in
there are several offset standards which could offer unintended increases in emissions elsewhere.
high-quality offsets for international aviation and
could be considered for CORSIA, including voluntary Baseline and quantification
offset standards and REDD+.
To quantify the greenhouse gas reduction benefits
Several standards were developed to provide from an offsetting project, a baseline must be
companies and individuals wishing to offset their determined. The baseline corresponds to what would
emissions on a voluntary basis the certainty that the have happened if the project had not been
offsets that they purchase are environmentally implemented. The baseline being a hypothetical
effective. Provided these standards meet ICAO’s scenario, it is important that it be realistic and
criteria, they could make high quality offsets available credible. The emissions reductions calculated
to aviation, often with co-benefits for biodiversity, against the baseline be quantified using accurate
employment, health and more. measurements, valid protocols, and be externally
Examples of offset certified under voluntary
standards include those from wind energy, landfill No double-counting and
methane, and smaller community-focused energy
efficiency and clean cook stove projects.
Generally speaking, double counting occurs when an
Operators can purchase any eligible emissions unit emissions reduction is counted more than once
and can therefore choose to privilege emissions units towards attaining climate change mitigation.
from projects hosted in their home state, in states
they operate to or in developing countries. One type of double counting is double use. Double
use occurs if the same emissions unit is used twice by
the same operator to attain different mitigation
requirements or pledges.

Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, 4.2.

34 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

In contrast to double use, double selling (same
emissions unit is used by two entities) and double Purchasing emissions units
issuance (more than one unit is issued for the same
emission reduction) are within the control of Operators can purchase emissions units through
emissions unit programs. Double claiming would different ways, including from:
occur if a country which hosts emissions unit
• Project developers: an operator could
programs were to count the reductions associated
purchase emissions units directly from the
with units used for CORSIA towards its own mitigation
person or organization coordinating a carbon
offset project;
Emissions Units Programs will need to demonstrate • Brokers: as emissions units are intangible
that they have procedures in place to ensure commodities traded in a market exchange,
identification and tracking of units. They will also need one common way to purchase emissions
to provide information on how they address risks of units is through a market trader or broker.
double-counting and demonstrate that host Brokers will locate emissions units that
countries of emissions reduction activities do not respond to the operators’ quantitative and
include the respective reductions in their national qualitative requirements and introduce the
greenhouse gas accounting. The Verification Body buyer to the seller(s).
will need to make sure that the operator hasn’t used
• Aggregators: aggregators will develop a
the units cancelled for CORSIA to offset any other
carbon offset portfolio for their clients from a
variety of projects.

Environmental and social risks • Retailer/wholesale: some organizations sell

carbon offsets to the public in small or large
Emissions units programs will also need to have in quantities.
place safeguards to address environmental and
social risks and disclose how the sustainability criteria As tradeable commodities, the price of emissions
are satisfied. units can vary significantly depending on the
characteristics of the emissions units, notably the
type of project, the standard under which it is
certified, and on market dynamics.

35 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Cancelling emissions Emissions unit cancellation
units report
In order to meet their offsetting requirements, it is
The information on the emissions units cancelled by
important that operators “cancel” the required
an operator will need to be compiled in an emissions
quantity of emissions units. When an emissions unit is
unit cancellation report, for submission to the
cancelled, it is taken out of circulation and becomes
administrating authority after verification. 54
unavailable for any other uses. It is only if an
emissions unit is cancelled for the purpose of Operators will have until 30 April following the
compliance with CORSIA that it can be used to notification of its final offsetting requirements to
comply with offsetting requirements. submit the verified report.
The cancellation of an emissions unit will be reflected The emissions unit cancellation report will need to
in a registry. Registries are databases which allow to include information on the operator, the compliance
keep track of emissions units and related period years reported, the total final offsetting
transactions. Registries are notably important to requirements and the total quantity of emissions units
minimize the risk of double-counting. cancelled. Detailed information for each batch of
emissions units cancelled will also have to be
Operators will have to request that the registry in
provided: serial numbers; date of cancellation; eligible
which its emissions units are cancelled publishes
emissions unit program; unit type, host country,
detailed information on the units cancelled. The
methodology, demonstration of unit date eligibility;
information should include the quantity, serial
registry name; identifier for the registry account to
numbers, the date of cancellation, the program, the
which the batch was cancelled; the name of the
unit type, the host country, the methodology, the
operator in whose name the units were cancelled;
demonstration of unit date eligibility, and the name of
identifier for the registry account from which the
the operator in whose name the units were
cancellation was initiated.55

53 55
Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, 4.2.2. Annex 16, vol. IV, Appendix 5.
Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, 4.3.

36 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Verification requirements
An important difference between the verification of
the emissions report and emissions unit cancellation
report is the materiality threshold. Such a “tolerance
Like the annual emissions reports, the emissions unit margin” is not allowed for the verification of the
cancellation report will have to be verified by an emissions unit cancellation report and the verifier
independent verification body. 56 must verify that each reported cancelled emissions
unit is included in the report. This implies that the
The objective of the verification will be to ensure that verifier should not use sampling59 and that it needs to
the operator has accurately reported cancellations of verify that none of the units have been used by the
eligible emissions units and that the number of operator to offset any other emissions.
emissions units cancelled is sufficient to meet the
operator’s final offsetting requirements. The
verification will also aim to ensure that the emissions
Verification activities
units have not been used to offset any other The steps in the verification process for the
emissions. emissions unit cancellation report are the same as for
the emissions report. The verifier will need to conduct
The verification body engaged for the emissions unit a strategic analysis and a risk analysis to understand
cancellation report may be the same one as for the the scope and complexity of the verification as well as
emissions report, but the scope of its accreditation inherent and control risks. The strategic and risk
shall specifically include the verification of emissions analyses will inform the verification plan and guide the
unit cancellation reports. This requires that the verification activities.
verification body has demonstrated knowledge of
greenhouse gas information and data management The verification body will need to review and confirm
systems and controls, but also basic knowledge of that cancellations have been made in the name of the
greenhouse gas markets and emissions units aeroplane operator, that the emissions units are
programme registries. eligible for CORSIA, and that they have been
cancelled in a program registry in accordance with
Verification requirements CORSIA’s requirements. The review will be based on
the information published in the relevant program
Just like for the emissions report, the verification registry, the list of CORSIA eligible emissions units to
body will need to provide “reasonable assurance” that be published by ICAO and the emissions unit
the claimed volume of eligible emissions unit cancellation report.
cancellations is accurate and sufficient to meet the
operator’s offsetting requirements for the given The verification body will also confirm that the
compliance period. 57 number of cancelled eligible emissions units is
sufficient and ensure that the operator has the sole
In accordance with Annex 16, volume IV, the objectives of right of use to the cancelled eligible emissions units.
the verification of an emissions unit cancellation report are The sole right of use can, for example, be
that: demonstrated by the operator with contractual
evidence of acquisition/transfer of the units,
• The operator has accurately reported contractual evidence of instructions to a third party to
cancellations of its eligible emissions units; cancel the units on behalf of the operator, the terms
• The number of cancelled eligible emissions units and conditions of the program registry where the
is sufficient for meeting the operator’s total final units have been cancelled, and the information
offsetting requirements; published by the program registry.

• The operator can demonstrate sole right of use to The verifier will also seek to ensure that the operator
the cancelled eligible emissions units; and has not been used by the operator to offset any other
• The eligible emissions units cancelled have not emissions. This includes the use of the units under
been used to offset any other emissions.58 other regulatory schemes (domestic or international),
but also under any voluntary schemes. The operator

56 58
Annex 16, vol. IV, Part II, 4.4. Annex 16, vol. IV, Appendix 6, 3.2.
57 59
Annex 16, vol. IV, Appendix 6, 3.1. Annex 16, vol. IV, Appendix 6, 3.7.2.

37 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

will need to inform the verifier about any schemes it procedures put in place to mitigate the risk of double
has participated or is participating in. The verification use. Voluntary schemes may include programs under
body will review information regarding the scheme to which the operator offsets own emissions and carbon
determine whether the eligible emissions units may offsetting programs made available to customers. In
also be used under the other program(s) and, if so, addition to relevant registries, the verifier will review
review cancellation information under the other public reporting materials, such as CSR reports or
schemes. The verifier should also check the submissions made under reporting initiatives.
operator’s internal control and risk management

38 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Annex 1: ICAO Assembly Resolution
Consolidated statement of continuing ICAO policies and practices related to
environmental protection – Global Market-based Measure (MBM) scheme
Whereas Assembly Resolution A38-18 decided to develop a global market-based measure (GMBM) scheme for international
aviation, for decision by the 39th Session of the Assembly;

Recalling that Assembly Resolution A38-18 requested the Council, with the support of Member States, to finalize the work on
the technical aspects, environmental and economic impacts and modalities of the possible options for a GMBM scheme,
including on its feasibility and practicability, taking into account the need for development of international aviation, the
proposal of the aviation industry and other international developments, as appropriate, and without prejudice to the
negotiations under the UNFCCC;

Also recalling that Assembly Resolution A38-18 requested the Council, with the support of Member States, to identify the
major issues and problems, including for Member States, and make a recommendation on a GMBM scheme that appropriately
addresses them and key design elements, including a means to take into account special circumstances and respective
capabilities, and the mechanisms for the implementation of the scheme from 2020 as part of a basket of measures which
also include technologies, operational improvements and sustainable alternative fuels to achieve ICAO’s global aspirational

Recognizing that ICAO is the appropriate forum to address emissions from international aviation, and the significant amount
of work undertaken by the Council, its Environment Advisory Group (EAG) and its Committee on Aviation Environmental
Protection (CAEP) to develop a recommendation for a GMBM scheme and its design elements and implementation
mechanisms, including the analyses of various approaches for distribution of obligations;

Further recalling that Assembly Resolution A38-18 requested the Council, with the support of Member States, to organize
seminars, workshops on a GMBM scheme for international aviation participated by officials and experts of Member States as
well as relevant organizations;

Recognizing the convening of two rounds of Global Aviation Dialogues (GLADs) seminars held in 2015 and 2016 for all regions;

Noting the support of the aviation industry for a single global carbon offsetting scheme, as opposed to a patchwork of State
and regional MBMs, as a cost effective measure to complement a broader package of measures including technology,
operations and infrastructure measures;

Recognizing that MBMs should not be duplicative and international aviation CO2 emissions should be accounted for only

Emphasizing that the decision by the 38th Session of the Assembly to develop a global MBM scheme for international aviation
reflects the strong support of Member States for a global solution for the international aviation industry, as opposed to a
possible patchwork of State and regional MBMs;

Reaffirming the concern with the use of international civil aviation as a potential source for the mobilization of revenue for
climate finance to the other sectors, and that MBMs should ensure the fair treatment of the international aviation sector in
relation to other sectors;

Recalling the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement and acknowledging its principle of common but differentiated responsibilities
and respective capabilities, in light of different national circumstances;

Also acknowledging the principles of non-discrimination and equal and fair opportunities to develop international aviation set
forth in the Chicago Convention;

39 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Welcoming the adoption of the Paris Agreement under the UNFCCC and recognizing that the work related to a global MBM
scheme for international aviation and its implementation will contribute to the achievement of the goals set out in the
Paris Agreement;

Whereas the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement provide for mechanisms, such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
and a new market mechanism under the Paris Agreement, to contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions to support
sustainable development, which benefit developing States in particular;

Welcoming the cooperation between the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and
ICAO on the development of CDM methodologies for aviation;

Recognizing that this Resolution does not set a precedent for or prejudge the outcome of negotiations under the UNFCCC,
the Paris Agreement, or other international agreements, nor represent the position of the Parties to the UNFCCC, the Paris
Agreement, or other international agreements;

The Assembly:

1. Resolves that this Resolution, together with Resolution A39-1: Consolidated statement of continuing ICAO
policies and practices related to environmental protection - General provisions, noise and local air quality and Resolution
A39-2: Consolidated statement of continuing ICAO policies and practices related to environmental protection – Climate
change, supersede Resolutions A38-17 and A38-18 and constitute the consolidated statement of continuing ICAO policies
and practices related to environmental protection;

2. Acknowledges the progress achieved on all elements of the basket of measures available to address CO2 emissions
from international aviation, including aircraft technologies, operational improvements, sustainable alternative fuels and a
GMBM scheme and any other measures, and affirms the preference for the use of aircraft technologies, operational
improvements and sustainable alternative fuels that provide the environmental benefits within the aviation sector;

3. Also acknowledges that, despite this progress, the environmental benefits from aircraft technologies,
operational improvements and sustainable alternative fuels may not deliver sufficient CO2 emissions reductions to address
the growth of international air traffic, in time to achieve the global aspirational goal of keeping the global net CO2 emissions
from international aviation from 2020 at the same level;

4. Emphasizes the role of a GMBM scheme to complement a broader package of measures to achieve the global
aspirational goal, without imposing inappropriate economic burden on international aviation;

5. Decides to implement a GMBM scheme in the form of the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International
Aviation (CORSIA) to address any annual increase in total CO2 emissions from international civil aviation (i.e. civil aviation
flights that depart in one country and arrive in a different country) above the 2020 levels, taking into account special
circumstances and respective capabilities;

6. Requests the Council to continue to ensure all efforts to make further progress on aircraft technologies,
operational improvements and sustainable alternative fuels be taken by Member States and reflected in their action plans to
address CO2 emissions from international aviation, and to monitor and report the progress on implementation of action plans,
and that a methodology should be developed to ensure that an aircraft operator’s offsetting requirements under the scheme
in a given year can be reduced through the use of sustainable alternative fuels, so that all elements of the basket of measures
are reflected;

7. Request the Council to continuously monitor the implementation of all elements of the basket of measures, and
consider the necessary policies and actions to ensure that progress is achieved in all of the elements in a balanced way with
an increasing percentage of emissions reductions accruing from non-MBM measures over time;

8. Acknowledges special circumstances and respective capabilities of States, in particular developing States, in terms
of vulnerability to the impacts of climate change, economic development levels, and contributions to international aviation
emissions, among other things, while minimizing market distortion;

9. Decides the use of a phased implementation for the CORSIA to accommodate the special circumstances and
respective capabilities of States, in particular developing States, while minimizing market distortion, as follows:

40 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

a) Pilot phase applies from 2021 through 2023 to States that have volunteered to participate in the scheme.
States participating in this phase may determine the basis of their aircraft operator’s offsetting requirements from
paragraph 11 e) i) below;

b) First phase applies from 2024 through 2026 to States that voluntarily participate in the pilot phase, as well
as any other States that volunteer to participate in this phase, with the calculation of offsetting requirements in
paragraph 11 a) below;

c) All States are strongly encouraged to voluntarily participate in the pilot phase and the first phase, noting
that developed States, which have already volunteered, are taking the lead, and that several other States have also

d) The Secretariat will make public on the ICAO website updated information on the States that volunteered
to participate in the pilot phase and first phase;

e) Second phase applies from 2027 through 2035 to all States that have an individual share of international
aviation activities in RTKs in year 2018 above 0.5 per cent of total RTKs or whose cumulative share in the list of States
from the highest to the lowest amount of RTKs reaches 90 per cent of total RTKs, except Least Developed Countries
(LDCs), Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) unless they volunteer
to participate in this phase;

f) States that are exempted or have not yet participated are strongly encouraged to voluntarily participate in
the scheme as early as possible, in particular those States that are members of a regional economic integration
organization. States who decide to voluntarily participate in the scheme, or decide to discontinue the voluntary
participation from the scheme, may only do so from 1 January in any given year and they shall notify ICAO of their
decision by no later than 30 June of the preceding year;

g) Starting in 2022, the Council will conduct a review of the implementation of the CORSIA every three years,
including its impact on the growth of international aviation, which serves as an important basis for the Council to
consider whether it is necessary to make adjustments to the next phase or compliance cycle and, as appropriate, to
recommend such adjustments to the Assembly for its decision;

10. Decides that the CORSIA shall apply to all aircraft operators on the same routes between States with a view to
minimizing market distortion, as follows:

a) all international flights on the routes between States, both of which are included in the CORSIA by paragraph
9 above, are covered by the offsetting requirements of the CORSIA;

b) all international flights on the routes between a State that is included in the CORSIA and another State that
is not included in the CORSIA by paragraph 9 above are exempted from the offsetting requirements of the CORSIA,
while retaining simplified reporting requirements; and

c) all international flights on the routes between States, both of which are not included in the CORSIA by
paragraph 9 above, are exempted from the offsetting requirements of the CORSIA, while retaining simplified
reporting requirements;

11. Decides that the amount of CO2 emissions required to be offset by an aircraft operator in a given year from 2021 is
calculated every year as follows:

a) an aircraft operator’s offset requirement = [ % Sectoral × (an aircraft operator’s emissions covered by
CORSIA in a given year × the sector’s growth factor in the given year)] + [ % Individual × (an aircraft operator’s
emissions covered by CORSIA in a given year × that aircraft operator’s growth factor in the given year);

b) where the sector’s growth factor = (total emissions covered by CORSIA in the given year – average of total
emissions covered by CORSIA between 2019 and 2020) / total emissions covered by CORSIA in the given year;

c) where the aircraft operator’s growth factor = (the aircraft operator’s total emissions covered by CORSIA in
the given year – average of the aircraft operator’s emissions covered by CORSIA between 2019 and 2020 ) / the
aircraft operator’s total emissions covered by CORSIA in the given year;

41 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

d) where the % Sectoral = (100% – % Individual) and;

e) where the % Sectoral and % Individual will be applied as follows:

i) from 2021 through 2023, 100% sectoral and 0% individual, though each participating State may
choose during this pilot phase whether to apply this to:

a) an aircraft operator’s emissions covered by CORSIA in a given year, as stated above, or

b) an aircraft operator’s emissions covered by CORSIA in 2020;

ii) from 2024 through 2026, 100 % sectoral and 0% individual;

iii) from 2027 through 2029, 100 % sectoral and 0% individual;

iv) from 2030 through 2032, at least 20% individual, with the Council recommending to the Assembly
in 2028 whether and to what extent to adjust the individual percentage;

v) from 2033 through 2035, at least 70% individual, with the Council recommending to the Assembly
in 2028 whether and to what extent to adjust the individual percentage;

f) the aircraft operator’s emissions and the total emissions covered by CORSIA in the given year do not
include emissions exempted from the scheme in that year;

g) the scope of emissions in paragraphs 11 b) and 11 c) above will be recalculated at the start of each year to
take into account routes to and from all States that will be added due to their voluntary participation or the start of a
new phase or compliance cycle;

12. Decides that a new entrant is exempted from the application of the CORSIA for three years or until the year in which
its annual emissions exceed 0.1 per cent of total emissions in 2020, whichever occurs earlier. From the subsequent year, the
new entrant is included in the scheme and treated in the same way as the other aircraft operators.

13. Decides that, notwithstanding with the provisions above, the CORSIA does not apply to low levels of international
aviation activity with a view to avoiding administrative burden: aircraft operators emitting less than 10,000 metric tonnes of
CO2 emissions from international aviation per year; aircraft with less than 5,700 kg of Maximum Take Off Mass (MTOM); or
humanitarian, medical and firefighting operations;

14. Decides that the emissions that are not covered by the scheme, as the results of phased implementation
and exemptions, are not assigned as offsetting requirements of any aircraft operators included in the scheme;

15. Notes the work of the Council, with the technical contribution of CAEP, on: a) the monitoring, reporting and verification
(MRV) system; b) recommended criteria for emissions units to be purchased by aircraft operators that take into account
developments in the UNFCCC process; c) and registries under the CORSIA, and requests the Council, with the technical
contribution of CAEP, to complete its work as soon as possible including the provision of capacity building and assistance,
so as to enable the full implementation of the CORSIA from 2020;

16. Decides a three year compliance cycle, starting with the first cycle from 2021 to 2023, for aircraft operators to
reconcile their offsetting requirements under the scheme, while they report the required data to the authority designated by
the aircraft operator’s State of registry every year;

17. Decides on the need to provide for safeguards in the CORSIA to ensure the sustainable development of the
international aviation sector and against inappropriate economic burden on international aviation, and requests the Council
to decide the basis and criteria for triggering such action and identify possible means to address these issues;

18. Decides that a periodic review of the CORSIA is undertaken by the Council, for consideration by the Assembly, every
three years from 2022 for the purpose referred to in paragraph 9 g) above and to contribute to the sustainable development
of the international aviation sector and the effectiveness of the scheme. This will involve, inter alia:

42 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

a) assessment of: progress towards achieving the ICAO’s global aspirational goal; the scheme’s market and
cost impact on States and aircraft operators and on international aviation; and the functioning of the scheme’s
design elements;

b) consideration of the scheme’s improvements that would support the purpose of the Paris Agreement,
in particular its long-term temperature goals; and update the scheme’s design elements to improve implementation,
increase effectiveness, and minimize market distortion, taking into account the consequential impact of changing
the scheme’s design elements, e.g., to MRV requirements; and

c) a special review by the end of 2032 on termination of the scheme, its extension or any other improvements
of the scheme beyond 2035, including consideration of the contribution made by aircraft technologies, operational
improvements and sustainable alternative fuels towards achieving the ICAO’s environmental objectives;

19. Determines that the CORSIA or any other scheme decided by the Assembly is to be the market- based measure
applying to CO2 emissions from international aviation;

20. Requests the following actions be taken, with a view to establishing necessary mechanisms for implementation of the
CORSIA from 2020:

Regarding the implementation of the MRV system,

a) the Council to develop, with the technical contribution of CAEP, the SARPs and related guidance material
for the implementation of the MRV system under the CORSIA, including simplified MRV procedures, for adoption by
the Council by 2018;

b) all Member States whose aircraft operator undertakes international flights to develop the necessary
arrangements, in accordance with the MRV SARPs, for implementation from 1 January 2019;

Regarding the Emissions Unit Criteria (EUC),

c) the Council to develop, with the technical contribution of CAEP, the SARPs and related guidance material
for Emissions Unit Criteria (EUC) to support the purchase of appropriate emissions units by aircraft operators under
the scheme, taking into account relevant developments in the UNFCCC and Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, for
adoption by the Council as soon as possible but not later than 2018;

d) the Council to establish, with the technical contribution of CAEP, a standing technical advisory body on the
Emissions Unit Criteria (EUC) to make recommendations to the Council on the eligible emissions units for use by the

e) the Council, with the technical contribution of CAEP, to periodically review the EUC SARPs and related
guidance material, as appropriate, to promote compatibility with future relevant decisions under the Paris

Regarding the establishment of Registries,

f) the Council to develop, with the technical contribution of CAEP, policies and related guidance material
to support the establishment of registries under the scheme, for adoption by the Council by 2018;

g) the Council to establish a consolidated central registry under the auspices of ICAO, for operationalization
no later than 1 January 2021;

h) Member States to develop necessary arrangements for the establishment of their own registries or
group registries established by groups of States, or to arrange for participation in other registries, in accordance
with the ICAO guidance;

Regarding the governance of the CORSIA,

i) the Council to oversee the functioning of the CORSIA, with support provided by the standing technical
advisory body and CAEP as needed;

43 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Regarding the regulatory framework,

j) Member States to take necessary action to ensure that the necessary national policies and regulatory
framework be established for the compliance and enforcement of the scheme by 2020.

21. Decides that emissions units generated from mechanisms established under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement
are eligible for use in CORSIA, provided that they align with decisions by the Council, with the technical contribution of CAEP,
including on avoiding double counting and on eligible vintage and timeframe;

22. Decides that ICAO and Member States take all necessary actions in providing the capacity building and
assistance and building partnerships for implementation of the CORSIA from 2020, including:

Regarding the implementation of the MRV system,

a) the Council to take necessary action to expand the provision of capacity building and assistance for the
preparation and implementation on Member States’ action plans, in order to accommodate capacity building and
assistance for implementation of the MRV system by Member States from 1 January 2019, including organization
of seminars and training in all regions from 2017, and facilitation of financial support where needed, in particular for
those States that volunteer to participate in the pilot phase and require support to do so;

b) Member States to build partnerships among themselves to cooperate on the implementation of the MRV

Regarding the establishment of Registries,

c) the Council to take necessary action to expand the provision of capacity building and assistance for the
preparation and implementation on Member States’ action plans, in order to accommodate capacity building and
assistance for establishment of registries by States, including organization of seminars and training in all regions
from 2017, and facilitation of financial support where needed, in particular for those States that volunteer to
participate in the pilot phase and require support to do so;

d) Member States to build partnerships among themselves to cooperate on the establishment of their own
registries or group registries established by groups of States, and possible pilot implementation;

23. Decides that the CORSIA will use emissions units that meet the Emissions Unit Criteria (EUC) in paragraph 20 above;

24. Requests the Council to promote the use of emissions units generated that benefit developing States, and encourages
States to develop domestic aviation-related projects;

25. Requests the Council to explore further development of aviation-related methodologies for use in offsetting
programmes, including mechanisms or other programmes under the UNFCCC, and encourages States to use such
methodologies in taking actions to reduce aviation CO2 emissions, which could further enable the use of credits generated
from the implementation of such programmes by the CORSIA, without double-counting of emissions reduction;

44 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Annex 2: ICAO Model Flight Plan
Form (from ICAO Doc 4444)

45 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Annex 3: Examples of ICAO aircraft
type designators
Manufacturer Model ICAO Manufacturer Model ICAO
designator designator

Airbus A300-B2/B4- A30B Antonov An-26 AN26

Antonov An-28 AN28
Airbus A300-600 A306
Antonov An-32 AN32
Airbus A310-200/-300 A310
Antonov An-38 AN38
Airbus A318 A318
Antonov An-74-300 A743
Airbus A319 A319
ATR ATR-42-300 AT43
Airbus A320 A320
ATR ATR-42-400 AT44
Airbus A320 Neo A20N
ATR ATR-42-500 AT45
Airbus A321 A321
ATR ATR-42-600 AT46
Airbus A321 Neo A21N
ATR ATR-72-201 AT72
Airbus A330-200 A332
ATR ATR-72-211 AT73
Airbus A330-300 A333
ATR ATR-72-500 AT75
Airbus A340-200 A342
ATR ATR-72-600 AT76
Airbus A340-300 A343
Beech 1900/1900C/1900D B190
Airbus A340-500 A345
Boeing 717-200 B712
Airbus A340-600 A346
Boeing 727-200 B722
Airbus A350-1000 A35K
Boeing 737 Max 8 B38M
Airbus A350-900 A359
Boeing 737-200 B732
Airbus A380-800 A388
Boeing 737-300 B733
Antonov An-140 A140
Boeing 737-400 B734
Antonov An-148 A148
Boeing 737-500 B735
Antonov An-158 A158
Boeing 737-600 B736
Antonov An-24 AN24
Boeing 737-700 B737

46 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Manufacturer Model ICAO Manufacturer Model ICAO
designator designator

Boeing 737-800 B738 Boeing MD-90 MD90

Boeing 737-900 B739 Bombardier Cseries CS100 BCS1

Boeing 747-200 B742 Bombardier Cseries CS300 BCS3

Boeing 747-300 B743 British Advanced Turbo- ATP

Aerospace Prop
Boeing 747-400 B744
British Avro RJ100 RJ1H
Boeing 747-400 (domestic, B74D Aerospace
no winglets)
British Avro RJ70 RJ70
Boeing 747-8i B748 Aerospace

Boeing 747-8i Freighter B748 British Avro RJ85 RJ85

Boeing 757-200 B752
British BAe-146-100 B461
Boeing 757-300 B753 Aerospace

Boeing 767-200 B762 British BAe-146-200 B462

Boeing 767-300 B763
British BAe-146-300 B463
Boeing 767-400 B764 Aerospace

Boeing 777-200 B772 British BAe-3100 Jetstream JS31

Aerospace 31
Boeing 777-200LR B77L
British BAe-3200 Jetstream JS32
Boeing 777-300 B773 Aerospace Super 31

Boeing 777-300ER B77W British BAe-4100 Jetstream JS41

Aerospace 41
Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner B78X
Canadair CRJ 100 CRJ1
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner B788
Canadair CRJ 1000 CRJX
Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner B789
Canadair CRJ 200 CRJ2
Boeing DC-10 / MD-10 DC10
Canadair CRJ 700 CRJ7
Boeing MD-11 MD11
Canadair CRJ 900 CRJ9
Boeing MD-81 MD81
De Havilland CC-138 Twin Otter DHC6
Boeing MD-82 MD82
De Havilland CC-142 Dash 8 DH8A
Boeing MD-83 MD83
De Havilland Dash 7 DHC7
Boeing MD-87 MD87
De Havilland Dash 8-200 DH8B
Boeing MD-88 MD88

47 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

Manufacturer Model ICAO Manufacturer Model ICAO
designator designator

De Havilland Dash 8-300 DH8C Fokker 70 F70

De Havilland Dash 8-400 DH8D Fokker 100 F100

Dornier 328 Jet J328 Fokker 27 Frienship F27

Dornier 228 D228 Fokker 28 Feollowship F28

Dornier 328 D328 Hawker HS.748 A748

Douglas DC-9-10 DC91
Ilyushin Il-114 I114
Douglas DC-9-20 DC92
Ilyushin Il-62 IL62
Douglas DC-9-30 DC93
Ilyushin Il-86 IL86
Douglas DC-9-40 DC94
Ilyushin Il-96 IL96
Douglas DC-9-50 DC95
Let Let 410 L410
Embraer EMB 110 E110
Mitsubishi MRJ-90 MRJ9
Embraer EMB 120 Brasilia E120
Saab 340 SF34
Embraer EMB 170 E170
Saab 2000 SB20
Embraer EMB 175 (long wing) E75L
Short Short 330 SH33
Embraer EMB 175 (short wing) E75S
Short Short 360 SH36
Embraer EMB 190 E190
Sukhoi Superjet 95/100 SU95
Embraer EMB 195 E195
Tupolev Tu-134 T134
Embraer ERJ 135 E135
Tupolev Tu-154 T154
Embraer ERJ 145 E145
Tupolev Tu-204 / Tu-214 T204
Fairchild- Merlin SW2
Swearingen Yakovlev Yak-40 YK40

Fokker 50 F50 Yakovlev Yak-42 YK42

48 An Airline Handbook on CORSIA

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