The Real Story of Shiva and His Family

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Ancient Alternative History 

By : 
Nitnem Singh Sodhi 
(born on 22nd August) 

Currently at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. 
Today - Ganesh Chaturthi, 2 sept 2019 
Chapter 1 
Shiva and his family 
Millions and millions of years ago, from the outer space, far outside the Milky Way galaxy, 
two lovers; a couple, was planning to travel to different planets; and those lovers 
belonged to a highly advanced super intelligent alien life form - tall muscular beings 
surrounded by an aura of light. Equipped with highly advanced information, knowledge, 
technology and tools those ultra evolved beings - the two lovers travelled to earth, for a 
short visit or a short stay, or vacation - we can never know for sure… but what happened 
next is what that caused the future of humanity to be changed forever. 
The couple decided to arrive on earth secretly in silence, therefore they chose the darkest 
night of the year, the night which is now celebrated as Maha Shivratri, and the most solitary 
and untouched place in the highest of mountains - the Kailash mountain, to arrive at 
They arrived. They stayed here and explored Earth… people named the male in that couple as 
Shiva, meaning the "lively one" and the female as Sati, meaning the epitome of a wife. But 
just after they landed on earth, the father of Sati, the Prajapati Daksha, organized a great 
inter-galactic conference and spiritual ritual called "yagna", but did not invite Shiva 
and Sati, because Sati did not inform them about going with Shiva, because he, Prajapati 
Daksha, did not like Shiva. Ever after Shiva warned Sati to not attend this inter-galactic 
event because they are not invited, even if it's organized by her dad, but Sati still went 
there and the worst of all happened, she was humiliated and her love, Shiva, was insulted in 
front of all crowd. Out of disguise she took agni-samadhi , i.e. she let her body burn in 
fire and she, her soul, went on to take another rebirth on earth itself, in the same place 
where they landed, in Himalayas as , as the daughter of the king of "Parvat" - meaning 
mountains or Himalayas, his daughter named "Parvati". Majority of names given to her 
translates into the "daughter of Himalayas or mountains" and legends hold that Parvati 
was born with the 3rd eye, which was a feature only in the species to which Shiva and Sati 
But, at that time when Sati's body was burning in flames, others didn't know that she was 
re-incarnating, but all they saw was her burning in flames. As soon as Shiva came to 
know this… we all have already heard of the catastrophic tragedy that happened next. I 
won't repeat it here. It's heartbreaking. 
By the way, Shiva started smoking marijuana and hash and took psychedelics like bhaang, 
datura, etc to stable his mind and calm his grief, just like any man on earth would do, 
after separating from his love, Sati, because, about her reincarnation he didn't know of 
that time. 
Later on, Shiva eventually came together with Parvati, the daughter of Himalayas, at that 
very same first place they landed together on earth - after recognizing the soul of Sati 
inside Parvati, they came together and since then they stay together and will be till our 
infinity. Parvati had to do a lot of hard work to unite back with Shiva. 
Coming back to the time just after they first landed on earth, they sometimes helped 
humanity in drastic ways, like Shiva imparted the complete set of spiritual knowledge to 
some of the most advanced sages who found him in Himalayas, which made him the supreme 
teacher of spirituality and those sages, including the initial batch of 7 students known as 
the the Sapt-Rishis, which are the initiators of all vedic lineages (sampraday). This first 
batch of teaching by Shiva to the Sapt-Rishis was conducted on a night of full moon, which 
we now celebrate as Guru Purnima, which occurs approximately 4 months after the night of 
their arrival on Earth - the Maha Shivratri. 
One day, about 6 months after their day of arrival, on the fourth day of the waxing moon 
period (Chaturthi) in the Hindu month of Bhadrapada, Parvati, the divine figure whom the 
humans have already embraced as mother, because of her loving feminine nature and 
supreme powers, was preparing for taking a bath, somewhere in a cave in Himalayas, but 
Shiva was still teaching some sages the highest of spiritual knowledge, and parvati didn't 
want to disturb Shiva. She dug out and took some mud from Earth, moulded it into a boy 
and energized it and transmitted her consciousnesses in him; and gave him all the powers 
and knowledge she had, as spirituality she was his mother, and he was his son. She 
commanded him to guard the entrance if cave and don't let anyone come inside until she 
herself comes out. And he followed… 
Just after some time, Shiva finished his teaching and transmission to the sages and he 
returned. Seeing person outside the cave in which her wife bathes, and noticing that 
person having the 3rd eye which only the people of his species had, not on earth, but seeing 
this earthly boy with powers and energies of his own species, Shiva quickly stepped towards 
the entrance of cave to be around Parvati for her protection. But the boy stopped him. He 
introduced himself as the son of Parvati, which Shiva ignored, who was currently only 
focused to reach Parvati, but the boy stood at the entrance, stopping him.  
A fight happened between Shiva and the son of Parvati, which in which Shiva at last, cut off 
the head of that boy. 
Parvati came out of cave to find her son dead, she started crying, which Shiva was unable to 
see. He instantly called his attendees, the "shiv-gana" to bring the head of any first life 
form they come across, they went and quickly returned with the head of an elephant, and 
without wasting any more time as the pranic energy of body was dissolving in universe, 
shiva combined the head of that elephant to that boy and granted him consciousness and 
blessed him with even more powers, and accepted him as his son. He was named " Ganapati" 
or "Gajanan", he is the god of earth, made out of earth, and is the symbol of copulation of 
god with earth, that is why in eastern countries he is worshipped before starting any prayer, 
ritual or important work. 
The followers of Shiva are "Gana" and his son is GanaPati, the Lord of followers of shiva. 
He has the intelligence of Shiva and because he is made of earth, he is a hybrid of power and 
knowledge, and his intelligence is the foundational principle in which all human life's 
thoughts occur, therefore he is also called as God of Intelligence and wisdom.  
He represents earth in the inter-galactic space from the species of Shiva, as his son. 
Sati, later Parvati, was also known as Durga, because of the immense unreastic unbelievable 
powers females of her species had , her brother, Vishnu, who heartily loved Shiva and 
considered him much more that a mere brother in law, also decided come to Earth and stay 
with Shiva Parvati. 
To be continued in next chapter. 
Chapter 2 - 
" Vishnu and his family " 
Stay tuned. 
Author contact 
EMAIL : ​[email protected]  
WHATSAPP : +91 8318347644 

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