Complete: Physics

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The key takeaways are Newton's three laws of motion which describe the relationship between forces and motion of objects. Balanced and unbalanced forces can be identified by whether an object is accelerating, decelerating or moving at a constant speed. The size of force needed to accelerate an object depends on the mass of the object and the desired acceleration.

Newton's first law states that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. Newton's second law states that the acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. Newton's third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Examples of balanced forces include two forces of equal size acting in opposite directions causing no acceleration. Examples of unbalanced forces include a net force causing acceleration or deceleration.



Physics for
Secondary 1
Helen Reynolds

Oxford excellence for Cambridge Secondary 1


Stage 7 Stage 8 Stage 9 10.10 Renewable energy sources – wind, wave, tidal,
hydroelectricity 222
1 Forces and motion 4 Forces and motion 8 Forces and motion 10.11 Energy for the future 224
1.1 Introduction to forces 8 4.1 Speed 80 8.1 Pressure, and how it is caused 150 10.12 Review: Checkpoint-style questions 226
1.2 Balanced forces 10 4.2 Enquiry: Taking accurate measurements 82 8.2 Pressure and its applications 152
1.3 Friction 12 4.3 Distance-time graphs (including interpretting data 8.3 Pressure in liquids 154 Stage 9 Review 228
1.4 Gravity 14 from secondary sources) 84 8.4 Using pressure in liquids 156
1.5 Enquiry: Questions, evidence and explanations 16 4.4 Extension: Acceleration and speed-time graphs 86 8.5 Pressure in gases 158 Reference pages 230
1.6 Air resistance 18 4.6 Enquiry: Presenting results in tables and graphs 88 8.6 Extension: Pressure and temperature in gases 160 Glossary 240
1.7 Enquiry: Planning investigations 20 4.7 Enquiry: Asking scientific questions 90 8.7 Enquiry: Preliminary work 162 Answer 246
1.8 Tension and upthrust 22 4.8 Review: Checkpoint-style questions 92 8.8 Density and how to measure it 164 Index 250
1.9 Enquiry: Presenting results – tables and line graphs 24 8.9 Explaining density 166
1.10 Extension: A journey into space 26 5 Sound 8.10 Enquiry: Questions, evidence and explanations 168 Key: Enquiry / Extension / Review
1.11 Review: Checkpoint-style questions 28 5.1 Sound, vibrations and energy transfer 94 8.11 Turning forces 170 BOLD PAGE NO. = in this booklet
5.2 Extension: Detecting sounds 96 8.12 Enquiry: Planning investigations 172
A dashed line to the left of the text indicates
2 Energy 5.3 Loudness and the decibel scale 98 8.13 Calculating moments 174
extension material.
2.1 What is energy? 30 5.4 Loudness, amplitude and oscilloscopes 100 8.14 Extension: Centripetal forces 176
2.2 Energy from the Sun 32 5.5 Pitch and frequency 102 8.15 Review: Checkpoint-style questions 178
2.3 Energy types 34 5.6 Enquiry: Making simple calculations 104
2.4 Energy transfer 36 5.7 Extension: Echoes 106 9 Electricity
2.5 Conservation of energy 38 5.8 Review: Checkpoint-style questions 108 9.1 Electrostatic phenomena 180
2.6 Storing energy – potential energy and GPE 40 9.2 Explaining electrostatics 182
2.7 Storing energy – elastic potential energy 42 6 Light 9.3 Digital sensors 184
2.8 Enquiry: Suggesting ideas and collecting evidence 44 6.1 What is light? 110 9.4 Electric circuits – what can you remember? 186
2.9 Extension: Energy calculations and Sankey 6.2 How do we see things? 112 9.5 Current – what is it and how can we measure it? 188
diagrams 48 6.3 Extension: The speed of light 114 9.6 Parallel circuits 190
2.10 Review: Checkpoint-style questions 50 6.4 Reflection at plane surfaces 116 9.7 Explaining parallel circuits 192
6.5 The law of reflection 118 9.8 How components affect current 194
3 The Earth and beyond 6.6 Refraction at boundary between air and water 120 9.9 Voltage 196
3.1 How do we see the Sun, stars and planets? 52 6.7 Refraction at boundary between air and glass 122 9.10 Enquiry: Choosing ideas and making plans 198
3.2 Day and night 54 6.8 Dispersion of white light 124 9.11 Extension: Electrical energy and power 200
3.3 What causes seasons? 56 6.9 Colour 126 9.12 Review: Checkpoint-style questions 202
3.4 Why do the stars seem to move? 58 6.10 More on colour 128
3.5 Our solar system 60 6.11 Enquiry: Asking scientific questions 130 10 Energy
3.6 Extension: The Moon 62 6.12 Extension: Lasers 132 10.1 Hot and cold 204
3.7 Enquiry: Questions, evidence and explanations 64 6.13 Review: Checkpoint-style questions 134 10.2 Energy transfer – conduction 206
3.8 Extension: Beyond our Solar System 70 10.3 Energy transfer – convection 208
3.9 Enquiry: Using secondary sources 72 7 Magnetism 10.4 Energy transfer – radiation 210
3.11 Extension: The Origin of the Universe 74 7.1 The properties of magnets 136 10.5 Cooling by evaporation 212
3.12 Review: Checkpoint-style questions 76 7.2 The magnetic field of a bar magnet 138 10.6 The world’s energy needs 214
7.3 Electromagnets 140 10.7 Fossil fuels 216
Stage 7 Review 78 7.4 Enquiry: Identifying and controlling variables 142 10.8 Generating electricity – introduction 218
7.5 Extension: Using electromagnets 144 10.9 Renewable energy sources – solar and
7.6 Review: Checkpoint-style questions 147 geothermal 220

Stage 8 Review 148

Forces and motion
When an object slides across a

1.1 Introduction to forces

The effect of forces
surface it will experience a force of
friction. It is friction that will try to
stop something moving.
Air resistance is a force that acts
on any object moving through the
air, and an object moving through
Q Describe different types of
the water will experience water
resistance. Both air resistance and
Q Describe the effects of forces water resistance are types of drag.
on moving objects The object collides with the particles
Q Describe how to measure in the air or the water and that is why
forces it slows it down.
A floating object experiences
upthrust because the water is
pushing up. Balloons also experience
You cannot see forces but we can see what they do. Forces are pushes or pulls upthrust because the air below the
that can change the shape of objects, make things start to move, or stop them balloon pushes up.
if they are moving. Forces can speed things up, slow them down or change the When you pull something with a rope
direction of motion. there is a tension in the rope.
In cars, aircraft and other things with
Forces arrows engines there is a thrust that pushes
You can show the forces acting on the car forwards.
an object by drawing arrows. The
length of the arrow shows the size of Measuring forces
the force. The direction of the arrow
You can use a force meter, such as a spring balance, to measure the size of
shows the direction of the force.
a force. The spring inside a spring balance is elastic, which means that it
Forces act on objects, so the arrow
goes back to its original length when the force is removed. This is one of the
always starts on the object.
reasons that force meters contain springs. Another reason for using a spring is
that it will stretch evenly. Forces are measured in newtons (N).

Different types of force

The gravitational force, or gravity, is the force that attracts you to the Earth,
and it is also the force that attracts the Earth to you! The force of gravity 1 Copy and complete the table. Tick the column that you think applies to each situation: O Weight, electrostatic force,
acts between any objects that have mass. On Earth, the force of gravity on an magnetic force, friction, air
Changes the Changes both
speed of the the speed and resistance, water resistance,
object is called its weight and acts towards
object direction upthrust, tension and thrust
the centre of the Earth. This explains why
The force of gravity acting on a falling apple are all types of force.
you are always pulled ‘down’, wherever you
The force of gravity acting on a basketball O Forces can change the
are on the Earth.
thrown towards the basket direction of a moving object,
There is an electrostatic force between or make it speed up or slow
A car braking in a straight line
objects that are charged. When objects down.
are charged with static electricity they can 2 Why don’t people on the other side of the world fall off?
O Forces are measured in
attract or repel other charged objects. 3 Why are springs often used to measure forces? Newtons with a spring
Magnets attract or repel other magnets. 4 A force can be a push or a pull. Which of the types of force described above can be balance.
Magnets attract magnetic materials like iron, both?
steel or nickel. There is a magnetic force 5 Draw a picture of a boat with a motor. Draw arrows to show thrust, air resistance,
between them. Like gravitational forces and upthrust and weight and label the arrows.
electrostatic forces, objects do not need to be
in contact to experience the force.

2 3
Forces and motion

1.2 Balanced forces Lots of forces

Sometimes more than one pair of forces is acting on an object.

The force of gravity, or weight, is acting on the diver in all the pictures below. The thrust of the engine and the air and water resistance are balanced.
The boat moves forwards with a steady speed.

Objectives The weight and the upthrust are balanced. The boat does not move up or
Q Explain the difference upthrust
between balanced and
unbalanced forces
Q Describe the effect of water
balanced forces and air thrust
Q Describe the effect of
unbalanced forces

Resultant forces
Two forces can be added together to find the resultant. If the arrows are in
Why is the diver moving in only one of the pictures? the same direction the forces are added together. If the arrows are in opposite
directions one force is taken away from the other.
Balanced and unbalanced forces
If the forces on an object are the same size but in opposite directions they 2N 6N 10N 2N 2N 2N
cancel each other out. They are balanced. The object behaves as if there is no
air resistance
force acting on it in either direction.
If the forces acting on an object are balanced then its motion will not change:
O it will stay still
- The resultant force is 4N to the right. - The resultant force is 8N to the left. - The resultant force is zero.
O it will keep moving at a steady speed.
If the forces on an object do not cancel each other out then they are
If the resultant force is zero the forces are balanced.
weight If the resultant force is not zero the forces are unbalanced.
If the forces are unbalanced then the motion of the object will change:
O it will start moving (if it wasn’t moving before)
- The weight of the leaf and the air
O it will accelerate (speed up) or decelerate (slow down)
resistance are balanced. The leaf
falls with a steady speed. O it will change the direction it is moving in. O Forces are balanced if they
1 A boy pushes a toy car along the floor at a steady speed. Sketch a picture of the car
and draw arrows to show the forces acting on it. Label the forces. cancel each other out and
2 Complete the final two columns in the table. Look at the size of the forces and decide unbalanced if they do not.
if the forces are balanced or unbalanced. The car is currently moving with a steady O Unbalanced forces change
friction and air resistance thrust
speed. What will it do? the speed or direction of
Thrust of car Friction Air resistance Balanced or Speed up/
unbalanced slow down/ O Objects stay still or move at a
forces? steady speed steady speed if the forces on
1500N 700N 800N it are balanced.
3000N 500N 100N
1000N 600N 500N
2500N 900N 400N

3 Extension: Vil and Alom are arguing about the forces on a car. Vil says that if the car is
- The forces acting on a cyclist. moving there must be a resultant force acting on it. Alom says there doesn’t need to be
a resultant force acting on it. Who do you agree with, and why?

4 5
Forces and motion

1.6 Air resistance When an aeroplane lands the pilot uses the flaps on the wings to increase the
air resistance. This reduces the speed so that he can take the aeroplane from
the runway to the airport building.
What is air resistance?
— The flaps on the wings of an
When any object moves through aeroplane help to slow it down
Objectives air there is a force on it called air after it has landed.
Q Explain what affects air resistance.
resistance It is easy to demonstrate the effect
Q Explain how and why of air resistance. Take two pieces of
parachutes are used to slow paper and screw one piece up into a
down cars or skydivers ball. If you drop the ball of paper and
the sheet of paper, the ball reaches
the ground first because there is less
air resistance.
Any object moving through the air
will collide with the particles in the air. It is the collisions with these particles Reducing air resistance
that provide the resistance. The sheet of paper has a bigger area in contact Air resistance can be a problem. It is a form of friction that slows things
with the air, so there are more collisions with air particles. That means that it down. Air resistance is reduced when the area in contact with the air is
experiences more air resistance than the ball of paper. reduced. Streamlining reduces air resistance changing the flow of air over
Air resistance is also affected by the speed of the object moving through the a car or plane. Scientists use wind tunnels to experiment with the shape of
air. Objects moving with a higher speed will experience more air resistance. vehicles and find the best shape.

Using air resistance

Air resistance can be very useful for slowing things down.
A parachute increases the area that is in contact with the air, and therefore
increases the air resistance. When a parachute is opened by a skydiver the air
resistance increases and so the speed of the skydiver is reduced. The skydiver
will slow down enough to land safely.

Cyclists pull in their arms and crouch forward to reduce the area in contact
with the air. They make themselves more streamlined by using special

1 Draw a diagram showing the forces acting on the piece of paper being dropped on O Air resistance depends on the
Earth and on the Moon. speed of the object and the
2 Explain in terms of air particles why air resistance depends on the speed of an object. area in contact with the air.
O A parachute increases air
3 Copy and complete these sentences about the forces on a skydiver jumping out of a
plane using the words balanced or unbalanced. resistance and reduces the
speed of an object.
When the skydiver jumps out of the plane the forces are __________________. When
the skydiver reaches a speed of about 200km/hour the forces are _________________.
The parachute opens and this makes the forces _____________________. The skydiver
has landed and is standing on the ground. The forces are ______________________.
_ Rocket cars use parachutes for

6 7
Enquiry Forces and motion

1.7 Planning investigations Making a plan and choosing equipment

This is what Kasini wrote down for her plan:

Kasini was watching a film about dolphins. Dolphins have to swim fast I am going to investigate how This is a list of my equipment:
Objectives to catch fish. She wondered what factors affect how fast things can move long it takes different shapes * A large cylinder
through water. of clay to reach the bottom of
Q Understand how to plan an * Modelling clay
the cylinder of water.
investigation to test an idea
* A stopwatch
in science Suggesting ideas to test I will make different shapes
from the same amount of clay. * A balance
Kasini decided to drop objects into a cylinder of water and see how long they took
to hit the bottom. These are some of the ideas that she thought about testing: These are the shapes I have * A measuring jug
chosen: I will put my results in a table.
cone shape, cube, sphere,
cylinder, rectangular
How does the shape How does the mass I will time how long it takes
affect the time to hit affect the time to hit
the bottom? the bottom? for the shape to hit the
bottom with a stopwatch.

Investigations are ways of obtaining evidence to answer a question. Before

Kasini could write down a plan for her investigation she had to decide exactly
which question she wanted to answer. This is what she wrote: Shape Time
Making improvements
Cone 0.58
Kasini completed her investigation and wrote down her results.
I have decided to investigate how the shape of an object affects Cube 0.65
She discussed her investigation with her friend Nadia. Nadia asked if there
how long it takes to fall through water Sphere 0.61
were any problems with the investigation. Kasini said that it was difficult
Cylinder 0.75
to see when to start and stop the stopwatch because all the shapes moved
Rectangle 0.68
In an investigation the things that can be changed are called variables. Here through the water quickly.
is a list of the variables that Kasini thought of for her investigation:
O the shape of the object
O the mass of the object 1 Copy and complete this table to explain why Kasini needs each of the pieces of O An idea can be tested by
equipment. carrying out an investigation.
O the volume of water in the cylinder
O Variables are things that can
O the temperature of the water. Equipment Why Kasini needs it
be controlled, changed or
A large cylinder
The one variable that she decided to change was the shape of the object. It observed.
Modelling clay
is very important to change only one variable at a time. She decided that she O Scientific knowledge can be
would use the same mass of clay each time and the same volume of water at A stopwatch
used to make predictions.
the same temperature each time. A balance
A measuring jug
Making a prediction 2 Why is it important to change only one variable at a time?
In school Kasini had learned that engineers design cars and airplanes to be 3 Sometimes it is hard to see when to start and stop the stopwatch. How can the plan be
as streamlined as possible to reduce drag. She knew that air resistance was a improved to get better results?
form of drag, and so was water resistance. She used this information to make
4 What has Kasini missed out of her results table?
a prediction.
5 What type of graph will Kasini be able to plot with her results?

I predict that a cone shape will reach the bottom in the shortest
time. This is because there will be less water resistance as a cone
is a streamlined shape.

8 9
Extension Forces and motion

1.10 A journey into space The friction heats up the outside

of the capsule which can reach a
temperature of over 1000°C. The
On 29th June 2012 the first Chinese woman to go into space, Liu Jang, scientists have to design the capsule
returned safely to Earth in the Shenzhou-9 space craft, called a capsule. She so that the astronauts are safe.
Objectives had spent 13 days in space together with two other astronauts in Tiangong 1, When the capsule is about ten
Q Describe how rockets take off the first Chinese space station. The space station contains an exercise station, kilometres above the ground the
work area and two beds and the astronauts say that it is very comfortable. parachute is released and the capsule
Q Know Newton’s Laws of
Motion will reach terminal velocity. Finally,
Getting to the space station when the capsule is about one metre
Q Apply ideas about forces to
objects returning to Earth It takes a large force to move three people from the surface of the Earth to off the ground very small rockets are
a space station. The astronauts sit inside a capsule which is attached to a used to slow it down so that it is safe
rocket. The fuel inside the rocket is burnt to produce hot gases. These gases to land.
rush out the back of the rocket and this pushes the rocket upwards. The journey into space and back
This is an example of one of Newton’s Laws of Motion. Newton’s Third Law contains lots of examples of
says that forces come in pairs. The force of the rocket on the hot gases is equal Newton’s Second Law, which says that a resultant force will change the
to the force of the gas on the rocket. The force of the gas on the rocket is big speed or direction of motion of an object. How quickly the speed changes
enough to make the rocket accelerate away from the Earth towards the space (acceleration) depends on the size of the force and the mass of the object.
station. It takes a bigger force to produce the same acceleration of a bigger mass.
A bigger force produces a bigger acceleration if the mass is the same.
Living in space
While astronauts work on a space station, like the Chinese Tiangong 1 space
station, the Russian Mir space station or the International Space Station, 1 When a rocket is taking off there are two forces acting on it, its weight and the force O Rockets are pushed up
they are orbiting the Earth at a steady speed. The force of gravity is acting of the air on the rocket. The weight of the rocket, including the fuel, is 5 million when hot gases are pushed
on the space station all the time, but the space station does not accelerate newtons. downwards.
or decelerate. The force of gravity is changing the direction of motion of the O
a Is the force of the air on the rocket bigger, smaller or equal to 5 million newtons as Newton’s Laws describe the
space station keeping it in orbit. If you could turn off the Earth’s gravitational it takes off? links between forces and how
field then the space station would travel in a straight line. This is another objects move.
b Eventually the fuel will run out. Is the weight now bigger, smaller or equal to 5
of Newton’s Laws. Newton’s First Law says that an object will travel in a {
million newtons? Newton’s First Law: an
straight line at a steady speed unless a resultant force acts on it. object will stay at rest or
c How many forces are acting on the rocket now when the fuel has run out?
travel in a straight line at
Getting back to Earth d What will happen to the speed of the rocket when the fuel has run out?
a steady speed unless an
The force of gravity will bring the 2 Copy this diagram of the capsule when it is about to land. external force acts upon it.
capsule back to Earth. As the capsule { Newton’s Second Law:
re-enters the atmosphere there will the acceleration of an
a large amount of friction, or air object is dependent on
resistance, due to the collision of the size of the force and the
air particles with the outside of the mass of the object.
capsule. This is a good thing because { Newton’s Third Law:
it slows the capsule down. forces come in pairs –
Add arrows to show the forces on the capsule when the small rocket motors are fired. when two objects exert
Label the arrows. forces on each other they
will produce reaction
3 In ten seconds a car will reach a bigger speed (accelerate more) than a cyclist. This is an
forces that are equal in
example of which of Newton’s Laws?
size but acting in opposite
4 Steep mountain roads often have run-off tracks in case cars lose control. This is an directions.
example of which of Newton’s Laws?
5 An octopus or a squid pushes out water backwards so that they move forwards. This is
an example of which of Newton’s Laws?

10 11
Review Forces and motion

1.11 a In which diagram are the forces incorrectly

b In which diagram are all the forces balanced? [1]

c In which diagram is the moving object

1 What is the difference between balanced and
decelerating? [1]
unbalanced forces? Copy out the table below and
put a tick in the correct column for each statement:
3 The Tour de France bicycle race takes place every
Forces are Forces are
balanced unbalanced year. It is a road race and in some places the road
The object is not moving is flat, but sometimes racers cycle uphill and then
There is only one force acting
on the object All of the sentences below are wrong. Change one
The object is accelerating word in each sentence to make it correct.
The two forces are the a When the racer is decelerating uphill the forces
same size but in opposite
acting on him are balanced. [1]
The object is slowing down b Air resistance acts in the direction of motion of

The two forces are different

the cyclist. [1]
sizes but in opposite c When friction and upthrust are equal to thrust
the racer is accelerating. [1]
The object is moving with a
steady speed 4 A streamlined car uses less fuel than if it was not
a What effect does streamlining have on the air
2 In the diagrams below the forces acting on the resistance acting on a car? Explain why this
objects are shown by arrows. happens. [2]
friction and b Why does this reduce the amount of fuel that
air resistance thrust
the car needs? Use the words force and thrust in
A. your answer. [2]

upthrust 1 a Newton’s Second Law says that the acceleration
B. C. upthrust of an object depends on the resultant force and
the mass of the object. Explain what is meant by
friction and a ‘resultant’ force. [1]
air resistance thrust
b Put these vehicles in order of the size of force,
from small to large, required to produce the
Mass of Top speed Time to reach
weight vehicle top speed
weight A Large 50km/s 20 seconds
D. tension
B Small 50km/s 20 seconds
C Small 100km/s 10 seconds
D Small 100km/s 20 seconds



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