(Applicable From The Academic Session 2018-2019) : Syllabus For B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering

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Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal

(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)

Syllabus for B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)


Analog & Digital Electronics

Code: ESC-301
Contact: 3L

Name of the Course: Analog & Digital Electronics

Course Code: ESC-301 Semester: III

Duration:6 months Maximum Marks:100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory:3 hrs./week Mid Semester exam: 15

Tutorial: NIL Assignment and Quiz: 10 marks
Attendance: 5 marks
Practical: End Semester Exam :70 Marks
Credit Points: 3
1 To acquire the basic knowledge of different analog components and their
2 To acquire the basic knowledge of digital logic levels and application of knowledge
to understand digital electronics circuits.
3 To prepare students to perform the analysis and design of various digital
electronic circuits
1 Basic Electronics Parts I & II learned in the First year, semesters 1 & 2. Basic BJTs,.
2 Basic concept of the working of P-N diodes, Schottky diodes,
3 Basic FETs and OPAMP as a basic circuit component. Concept of Feedback

Unit Content Hrs/Unit Marks/Unit

Different Classes of Amplifiers - (Class-A, B, AB
1 and C - basic concepts, power, efficiency; 9
Recapitulation of basic concepts of Feedback and
Oscillation, Phase Shift, Wein Bridge oscillators
A stable &Mono stable Multi vibrators; Schimtt
Trigger circuits, 555 Timer.
Binary Number System & Boolean Algebra
2 (recapitulation); BCD, ASCII, EBDIC, Gray codes 11
and their conversions; Signed binary number
representation with 1’s and 2’s complement
methods, Binary arithmetic, Venn diagram,
Boolean algebra (recapitulation); Representation
in SOP and POS forms; Minimization of logic
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
expressions by algebraic method.
Combinational circuits - Adder and Subtractor
circuits (half & full adder & subtractor); Encoder,
Decoder, Comparator, Multiplexer, De-
Multiplexer and Parity Generator
Sequential Circuits - Basic Flip-flop & Latch,
3 Flip-flops -SR, JK, D, T and JK Master-slave Flip 10
Flops, Registers (SISO, SIPO, PIPO, PISO) Ring
counter, Johnson counter
Basic concept of Synchronous and Asynchronous
counters (detail design of circuits excluded),
Design of Mod N Counter
A/D and D/A conversion techniques – Basic
4. concepts (D/A :R-2-R only [2L] 6
A/D: successive approximation [2L])

Logic families- TTL, ECL, MOS and CMOS - basic

concepts. (2L)

Text book and Reference books:

1. Microelectronics Engineering –Sedra& Smith-Oxford.

2. Principles of Electronic Devices & circuits—B L Thereja&Sedha—S Chand
3. Digital Electronics – Kharate – Oxford
4. Digital Electronics – Logic & Systems by J.Bigmell&R.Donovan; Cambridge Learning.
5. Digital Logic and State Machine Design (3rd Edition) – D.J.Comer, OUP
6. Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory – Boyelstad&Nashelsky - PHI
7. Bell-Linear IC & OP AMP—Oxford
8. P.Raja- Digital Electronics- Scitech Publications
9. Morries Mano- Digital Logic Design- PHI
10. R.P.Jain—Modern Digital Electronics, 2/e ,McGraw Hill
11. H.Taub&D.Shilling, Digital Integrated Electronics- McGraw Hill.
12. D.RayChaudhuri- Digital Circuits-Vol-I & II, 2/e- Platinum Publishers
13. Tocci, Widmer, Moss- Digital Systems,9/e- Pearson
14. J.Bignell&R.Donovan-Digital Electronics-5/e- Cenage Learning.
15. Leach &Malvino—Digital Principles & Application, 5/e, McGraw Hill
16. Floyed& Jain- Digital Fundamentals-Pearson.

Course Outcomes:

On completion of the course students will be able to

ESC-301.1 Realize the basic operations of different analog components.
ESC-301.2 Realize basic gate operations and laws Boolean algebra.
ESC-301.3 Understand basic structure of digital computer, stored program concept and
different arithmetic and control unit operations.

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)

Data Structure & Algorithm

Code: PCC-CS301
Contacts: 3L

Name of the Course: Data Structure & Algorithm

Course Code: PCC-CS301 Semester: III

Duration: 6 months Maximum Marks:100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory:3 hrs./week Mid Semester exam: 15

Tutorial: NIL Assignment and Quiz: 10 marks
Attendance : 5 marks
Practical: End Semester Exam :70 Marks
Credit Points: 3
1 To learn the basics of abstract data types.
2 To learn the principles of linear and nonlinear data structures.
3 To build an application using sorting and searching
1 CS 201 (Basic Computation and Principles of C
2 M101 & M201 (Mathematics), basics of set theory

Unit Content Hrs/Unit Marks/Unit

Introduction: Basic Terminologies: Elementary
1 Data Organizations, Data Structure Operations: 10
insertion, deletion, traversal etc.; Analysis of an
Algorithm, Asymptotic Notations, Time-Space trade
off. Searching: Linear Search and Binary Search
Technique sand their complexity analysis.
Stacks and Queues: ADT Stack and its operations:
2 Algorithms and their complexity analysis, 9
Applications of Stacks: Expression Conversion and
evaluation – corresponding algorithms and
complexity analysis. ADT queue, Types of Queue:
Simple Queue, Circular Queue, Priority Queue;
Operations on each types of Queues: Algorithms
and their analysis.
Linked Lists: Singly linked lists: Representation in
3 memory, Algorithms of several operations: 10
Traversing, Searching, Insertion into, Deletion from
linked list; Linked representation of Stack and
Queue, Header nodes, Doubly linked list:
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
operations on it and algorithmic analysis; Circular
Linked Lists: all operations their algorithms and
the complexity analysis.

Trees: Basic Tree Terminologies, Different types of

Trees: Binary Tree, Threaded Binary Tree, Binary
Search Tree, AVL Tree; Tree operations on each of
the trees and their algorithms with complexity
analysis. Applications of Binary Trees. B Tree, B+
Tree: definitions, algorithms and analysis
Sorting and Hashing: Objective and properties of
4. different sorting algorithms: Selection Sort, Bubble 9
Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap
Sort; Performance and Comparison among all the
methods, Hashing. Graph: BasicTerminologies and
Representations, Graph search and traversal
algorithms and complexity analysis.

Text book and Reference books:

1. “Data Structures and Program Design In C”, 2/E by Robert L. Kruse, Bruce P. Leung.
2. “Fundamentals of Data Structures of C” by Ellis Horowitz, SartajSahni, Susan Anderson-
3. “Data Structures in C” by Aaron M. Tenenbaum.
4. “Data Structures” by S. Lipschutz.
5. “Data Structures Using C” by ReemaThareja.
6. “Data Structure Using C”, 2/e by A.K. Rath, A. K. Jagadev.
7. “Introduction to Algorithms” by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L.
Rivest, Clifford Stein

Course Outcomes:

On completion of the course students will be able to

PCC-CS301.1 Differentiate how the choices of data structure & algorithm methods
impact the performance of program.
PCC-CS301.2Solve problems based upon different data structure & also write programs.
PCC-CS301.3Identify appropriate data structure & algorithmic methods in solving
PCC-CS301.4Discuss the computational efficiency of the principal algorithms for sorting,
searching, and hashing
PCC-CS301.5Compare and contrast the benefits of dynamic and static data structures

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)

Computer Organization
Code: PCC-CS302
Contacts: 3L

Name of the Course: Computer Organization

Course Code: PCC-CS302 Semester: III

Duration:6 months Maximum Marks:100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory:3 hrs./week Mid Semester exam: 15

Tutorial: NIL Assignment and Quiz : 10 marks
Attendance: 5 marks
Practical: End Semester Exam:70 Marks
Credit Points: 3
1 To prepare students to perform the analysis and design of various digital
electronic circuits.
2 To know how Computer Systems work & its basic principles
3 To know how I/O devices are being accessed and its principles etc.
1 Concept of basic components of a digital computer, Basic concept of Fundamentals
& Programme structures. Boolean Algebra
2 Basic number systems, Binary numbers, representation of signed and unsigned
numbers, Binary Arithmetic as covered in Basic Computation & Principles of
Computer Programming
3 Boolean Algebra

Unit Content Hrs/Unit Marks/Unit

Basic organization of the stored program computer
1 and operation sequence for execution of a program. 8
Role of operating systems and compiler/assembler.
Fetch, decode and execute cycle, Concept of
operator, operand, registers and storage,
Instruction format. Instruction sets and addressing
modes. [7L]
Commonly used number systems. Fixed and
floating point representation of numbers.[1L]
Overflow and underflow. Design of adders - ripple
2 carry and carry look ahead principles. [3L] 8
Design of ALU. [1L]
Fixed point multiplication -Booth's algorithm. [1L]
Fixed point division - Restoring and non-restoring
algorithms. [2L]
Floating point - IEEE 754 standard. [1L]
Memory unit design with special emphasis on
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
3 implementation of CPU-memory interfacing. [2L] 10
Memory organization, static and dynamic memory,
memory hierarchy, associative memory. [3L]
Cache memory, Virtual memory. Data path design
for read/write access. [5L]
Design of control unit - hardwired and
4. microprogrammed control. [3L] 10
Introduction to instruction pipelining. [2L]
Introduction to RISC architectures. RISC vs CISC
architectures. [2L]
I/O operations - Concept of handshaking, Polled
I/O, interrupt and DMA. [3L]

Text book and Reference books:

1. Mano, M.M., “Computer System Architecture”, PHI.

2. BehroozParhami“ComputerArchitecture”, Oxford University Press
3. Hayes J. P., “Computer Architecture & Organisation”, McGraw Hill,
4. Hamacher, “Computer Organisation”, McGraw Hill,
5. N. senthil Kumar, M. Saravanan, S. Jeevananthan, “Microprocessors and
Microcontrollers” OUP
6. Chaudhuri P. Pal, “Computer Organisation & Design”, PHI,
7. P N Basu- “Computer Organization & Architecture” ,Vikas Pub

Course Outcomes:

On completion of the course students will be able to

PCC-CS302.1 Understand basic structure of digital computer, stored program concept
and different arithmetic and control unit operations.
PCC-CS302.2 Understand basic structure of different combinational circuits-
multiplexer, decoder, encoder etc.
PCC-CS302.3 Perform different operations with sequential circuits.
PCC-CS302.4 Understand memory and I/O operations.

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)

Mathematics-III (Differential Calculus)

Code: BSC-301
Contacts: 2L

Name of the Course: Mathematics-III (Differential Calculus)

Course Code: BSC-301 Semester: III

Duration:6 months Maximum Marks:100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory:2 hrs./week Mid Semester exam: 15

Tutorial: NIL Assignment and Quiz: 10 marks
Attendance: 5 marks
Practical: NIL End Semester Exam:70 Marks
Credit Points: 2
1 To know Convergence of sequence and series
2 To know Limit, continuity and partial derivatives, Chain rule, Implicit function
3 To know First Order Differential Equation, Exact, Linear and Bernoulli’s
equations, Basic Concept of graph, Walk, Path Circuit, Euler and Hamiltonian
graph, diagraph
1 Concept Linear Algebra Determinant and its properties (up to third order)
2 Minor and cofactors, Matrices, addition, multiplication and transpose of a matrix,
Symmetric and skew-symmetric

Unit Content Hrs/Unit Marks/Unit

Convergence of sequence and series, tests for
1 convergence, power series, Taylor’s series. Series for 8
exponential, trigonometric and logarithmic
Limit, continuity and partial derivatives, Chain rule,
2 Implicit function, Jacobian, Directional derivatives, 7
Total derivative; Maxima, minima and saddle points;
Gradient, curl and divergence and related problems.
Double and triple integrals (Cartesian and polar),
3 change of order of integration in double integrals, 8
Change of variables (Cartesian to polar). Theorems
of Green, Gauss and Stokes (Statement only) and
related problems.
First Order Differential Equation, Exact, Linear and
4. Bernoulli’s equations, Equations of first order but 9
not of first degree: equations solvable for p,
equations solvable for y, equations solvable for x
and Clairaut’s form, general & singular solution.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
Second order linear differential equations with
constant coefficients, D-operator method, method of
variation of parameters, Cauchy-Euler equation. [4L]
5 Basic Concept of graph, Walk, Path Circuit, Euler and 8
Hamiltonian graph, diagraph.
Matrix Representation: Incidence & Adjacency
Tree: Basic Concept of tree, Binary tree, Spanning
Tree, KrusKal and Prim’s algorithm for finding the
minimal spanning tree.

Text book and Reference books:

1. Higher Algebra, S. K. Mapa, Levant Books.

2. Advanced Higher Algebra, Chakravorty and Ghosh, U N Dhar Pvt. Ltd.
3. Co-ordinate Geometry, S. L. Loney
4. Integral Calculus, Das and Mukherjee, U N Dhar Pvt. Ltd.
5. Differential Calculus, Das and Mukherjee, U N Dhar Pvt. Ltd.
6. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, E Kreyszig,

Course Outcomes:

On completion of the course students will be able to

BSC-301.1 Express a logic sentence in terms of predicates, quantifiers, and logical
BSC-301.2 Apply the rules of inference and methods of proof including direct and
indirect proof forms, proof by contradiction, and mathematical induction.
BSC-301.3 Use tree and graph algorithms to solve problems
BSC-301.4 Evaluate Boolean functions and simplify expressions using the properties of
Boolean algebra.

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)

Economics for Engineers (Humanities-II)

Code: HSMC-301
Contacts: 3L

Name of the Course: Economics for Engineers (Humanities-II)

Course Code: HSMC-301 Semester: III

Duration:6 months Maximum Marks:100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory:3 hrs./week Mid Semester exam: 15

Tutorial: NIL Assignment and Quiz: 10 marks
Attendance: 5 marks
Practical: NIL End Semester Exam:70 Marks
Credit Points: 3
1 Understand the role and scope of Engineering Economics and the process of economic
decision making
2 Understand the different concepts of cost and different cost estimation techniques
3 Familiarization with the concepts of cash flow, time value of money and different
interest formulas
4 Appreciation of the role of uncertainty in future events and using different concepts
from probability to deal with uncertainty
5 Understand the concepts of Depreciation and Replacement analysis along with their
methods of calculation
6 Familiarization with the phenomenon of inflation and the use of price indices in
engineering Economics
7 Introduction to basic concepts of Accounting and Financial Management
1 Mathematics

Unit Content Hrs/Unit Marks/Unit

1. Economic Decisions Making – Overview,
1 Problems, Role, Decision making process. 9
2. Engineering Costs & Estimation – Fixed, Variable,
Marginal & Average Costs, Sunk Costs, Opportunity
Costs, Recurring And
Nonrecurring Costs, Incremental Costs, Cash Costs
vs Book Costs, Life-Cycle Costs; Types Of Estimate,
Estimating Models - Per-
Unit Model, Segmenting Model, Cost Indexes,
Power-Sizing Model, Improvement & Learning
Curve, Benefits.
3. Cash Flow, Interest and Equivalence: Cash Flow –
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
2 Diagrams, Categories & Computation, Time Value of 9
Money, Debt repayment, Nominal& Effective
4. Cash Flow & Rate of Return Analysis –
Calculations, Treatment of Salvage Value, Annual
Cash Flow Analysis, Analysis Periods;
Internal Rate of Return, Calculating Rate of Return,
Incremental Analysis; Best Alternative Choosing an
Analysis Method, Future
Worth Analysis, Benefit-Cost Ratio Analysis,
Sensitivity and Breakeven Analysis. Economic
Analysis In The Public Sector -Quantifying And
Valuing Benefits & drawbacks.
5. Inflation and Price Change – Definition, Effects,
3 Causes, Price Change with Indexes, Types of Index, 9
Composite vs Commodity
Indexes, Use of Price Indexes In Engineering
Economic Analysis, Cash Flows that inflate at
different Rates.
6. Present Worth Analysis: End-Of-Year Convention,
Viewpoint Of Economic Analysis Studies, Borrowed
Money Viewpoint, Effect
Of Inflation & Deflation, Taxes, Economic Criteria,
Applying Present Worth Techniques, Multiple
7. Uncertainty In Future Events - Estimates and
Their Use in Economic Analysis, Range Of Estimates,
Probability, Joint Probability
Distributions, Expected Value, Economic Decision
Trees, Risk, Risk vs Return, Simulation, Real
8. Depreciation - Basic Aspects, Deterioration &
4. Obsolescence, Depreciation And Expenses, Types Of 9
Property, Depreciation Calculation Fundamentals,
Depreciation And Capital Allowance Methods,
Straight-Line Depreciation Declining Balance
Depreciation, Common Elements Of Tax Regulations
For Depreciation And Capital Allowances.
9. Replacement Analysis - Replacement Analysis
Decision Map, Minimum Cost Life of a New Asset,
Marginal Cost, Minimum Cost Life Problems.
10. Accounting – Function, Balance Sheet, Income
Statement, Financial Ratios Capital Transactions,
Cost Accounting, Direct and Indirect Costs, Indirect
Cost Allocation.

Text book and Reference books:

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)

1. James L.Riggs,David D. Bedworth, Sabah U. Randhawa : Economics for Engineers 4e ,

Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Donald Newnan, Ted Eschembach, Jerome Lavelle: Engineering Economics Analysis,
3. John A. White, Kenneth E.Case,DavidB.Pratt : Principle of Engineering Economic
Analysis, John Wiley
4. Sullivan and Wicks: Engineering Economy, Pearson
5. R.PaneerSeelvan: Engineering Economics, PHI
6. Michael R Lindeburg : Engineering Economics Analysis, Professional Pub

Course Outcome:

On completion of the course students will be able to

HSMC-301.1 Make different economic decisions and estimate engineering costs by
applying different cost estimation models.
HSMC-301.2 Create cash flow diagrams for different situations and use different interest
formulae to solve associated problems.
HSMC-301.3 Take decisions regarding different engineering projects by using various
criteria like rate of return analysis, present worth analysis, cost-benefit analysis etc.
HSMC-301.4 Incorporate the effect of uncertainty in economic analysis by using various
concepts like expected value, estimates and simulation.
HSMC-301.5 Understand the concepts of depreciation and replacement analysis and
solve associated problems.
HSMC-301.6 Understand the process of inflation and use different price indices to
adjust for its effect.
HSMC-301.7 Apply the various concepts of Accounting like balance sheet and ratio
HSMC-301.8 Understand the scope of Finance and the role of financial planning and

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)

Semester III

Analog & Digital Electronics Lab

Code: ESC-391
Contacts: 4P

Name of the Course: Analog & Digital Electronics Lab

Course Code: ESC-391 Semester: III

Duration:6 months Maximum Marks:100
Teaching Scheme:
Theory: Continuous Internal Assessment
Tutorial: NIL External Assesement:60
Practical: 4 hrs./week Distribution of marks:40
Credit Points: 2
Course Outcomes:
1 ESC-301.1
2 ESC-301.2
3 ESC-301.3
Pre-requisites as in ESC-301

Laboratory Experiments:
Analog Electronics
1 Design a Class A amplifier
2 Design a Phase-Shift Oscillator
3 Design of a Schmitt Trigger using 555 timer
Digital Electronics
4 Design a Full Adder using basic gates and verify its output / Design a Full
Subtractor circuit using basic gates and verify its output.
5 Construction of simple Decoder & Multiplexer circuits using logic gates.
6 Realization of RS / JK / D flip flops using logic gates
7 Design of Shift Register using J-K / D Flip Flop
8 Realization of Synchronous Up/Down counter
9 Design of MOD- N Counter
10 Study of DAC

Any experiment specially designed by the college

(Detailed instructions for Laboratory Manual to be followed for further guidance)

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)

Data Structure & Algorithm Lab

Code: PCC-CS391
Contacts: 4P

Name of the Course: Data Structure & Algorithm Lab

Course Code: PCC-CS391 Semester: III

Duration: 6 months Maximum Marks:100
Teaching Scheme:
Theory: Continuous Internal Assessment
Tutorial: NIL External Assesement:60
Practical: 4 hrs./week Distribution of marks:40
Credit Points: 2
Course Outcomes:
1 PCC-CS301.1
2 PCC-CS301.2
3 PCC-CS301.3
4 PCC-CS301.4
5 PCC-CS301.5
Pre-requisites as in PCC-CS301

Laboratory Experiments:
Linear Data Structure
1 Implementation of array operations
2 Stacks and Queues: adding, deleting elements Circular Queue: Adding & deleting
3 Merging Problem: Evaluation of expressions operations on Multiple stacks
4 Implementation of linked lists: inserting, deleting, inverting a linked list.
Implementation of stacks & queuesusing linked lists
5 Polynomial addition, Polynomial multiplication
Non Linear Data Structure
6 Recursive and Non-recursive traversal of Trees
7 Threaded binary tree traversal. AVL tree implementation
8 Application of Trees. Application of sorting and searching algorithms
9 Hash tables implementation: searching, inserting and deleting, searching &
sorting techniques.

Any experiment specially designed by the college

(Detailed instructions for Laboratory Manual to be followed for further guidance)

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)

Computer Organization Lab

Code: PCC-CS392
Contacts: 4P

Name of the Course: Computer Organization Lab

Course Code: PCC-CS392 Semester: III

Duration:6 months Maximum Marks:100
Teaching Scheme:
Theory: Continuous Internal Assessment
Tutorial: NIL External Assesement:60
Practical: 4 hrs./week Distribution of marks:40
Credit Points: 2
Course Outcomes:
1 PCC-CS302.1
2 PCC-CS302.2
3 PCC-CS302.3
4 PCC-CS302.4
Pre-requisites as in PCC-CS302

Laboratory Experiments:
1 Familiarity with IC-chips:a) Multiplexer, b) Decoder, c) Encoder b) Comparator
Truth Table verification and clarification from Data-book.
2 Design an Adder/Subtractor composite unit.
3 Design a BCD adder.
4 Design of a ‘Carry-Look-Ahead’ Adder circuit.
5 Use a multiplexer unit to design a composite ALU
6 Use ALU chip for multibit arithmetic operation
7 Implement read write operation using RAM IC
8 8. (a) & (b) Cascade two RAM ICs for vertical and horizontal expansion.

Any experiment specially designed by the college

(Detailed instructions for Laboratory Manual to be followed for further guidance)

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)

IT Workshop (Sci Lab/MATLAB/Python/R)

Code: PCC-CS393
Contacts: 4P

Name of the Course: IT Workshop

Course Code: PCC-CS392 Semester: III

Duration:6 months Maximum Marks:100
Teaching Scheme:
Theory: NIL Continuous Internal Assessment
Tutorial: NIL External Assesement:60
Practical: 4 hrs./week Distribution of marks:40
Credit Points: 2
Course Outcomes:
1 To master an understanding of scripting & the contributions of scripting
2 Design real life problems and think creatively about solutions
3 Apply a solution in a program using R/Matlab/Python.
4 To be exposed to advanced applications of mathematics, engineering and natural
sciences to program real life problems.
1. Knowledge of Programming Logic
2. Experience with a high level language (C/C++,) is suggested.
3. Prior knowledge of a scripting language and Object-Oriented concepts is helpful
but not mandatory.

Practical Syllabus

Programming in R

1.Introduction to mechanism for statistics, data analysis, and machine learning;

Introduction of R Programming, How to install and run R, Use of R help files, R Sessions, R
Objects – Vectors, Attributes, Matrices, Array, Class, List, Data Frames etc.Operators in R.

2. R Programming Structures, Control Statements, Loops, Repeat and Break, R-Function, R-

Vector Function, Recursive Function in R.

3.R Packages (Install and Use), Input/Output Features in R, Reading or Writing in File. Data
Manipulation in R.Rearranging data, Random Number and Simulation, Statistical methods
like min, max, median, mean, length, Linear Regression, Normal Distribution, Decision tree

4.Graphics, Creating Graphs, The Workhorse of R Base Graphics, Graphical Functions –

Customizing Graphs, Saving Graphs to Files, Pie chart, Bar Chart, Histogram.

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)

Programming in Matlab

Why MATLAB?, History, Its strengths, Competitors, Starting MATLAB, Using MATLAB as a
calculator, Quitting MATLAB

Familiar with MATLAB windows, Basic Operations, MATLAB-Data types, Rules about
variable names, Predefined variables

Vector, Matrix, Array Addressing, Built-in functions, Mathematical Operations, Dealing with
strings (Array of characters), Array of array (cell) concept

Script file, Input commands, Output commands, Structure of function file, Inline functions,
Feval command, Comparison between script file and function file

Conditional statements and Loop

Relational and Logical Operators, If-else statements, Switch-case statements, Forloop,
While loop, Special commands (Break and continue), Import data from large database,
Export data to own file or database

2D Plotting
In-built functions for plotting, Multiple plotting with special graphics, Curve fitting,
Interpolation, Basic fitting interface

3D Plotting
Use of meshgrid function, Mesh plot, Surface plot, Plots with special graphics

Programming with Python

History, Features, Setting up path, Working with Python, Basic Syntax, Variable and Data
Types, Operator

Conditional Statements
If, If- else, Nested if-else, Looping, For, While, Nested loops

Control Statements
Break, Continue, Pass

String Manipulation
Accessing Strings, Basic Operations, String slices, Function and Methods


Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
Introduction, Accessing list, Operations, Working with lists, Function and Methods

Introduction, Accessing tuples, Operations, Working, Functions and Methods

Introduction, Accessing values in dictionaries, Working with dictionaries, Properties

Defining a function, Calling a function, Types of functions, Function Arguments,
Anonymous functions, Global and local variables

Importing module, Math module, Random module, Packages, Composition, Input-Output
Printing on screen, Reading data from keyboard, Opening and closing file, Reading and
writing files, Functions

Exception Handling
Exception, Exception Handling, Except clause, Try? finally clause, User Defined Exceptions.

Laboratory Experiments:
1 Practical Assignments related with implementation of PCC-CS393


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