WBUT 3rd Semester CSE Syllabus.

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Analog & Digital Electronics Code: CS301 Contact: 3L Cr: 3 Pre-requisite of Analog Electronics: Basic Electronics Parts I &

II learned in the First year, semesters 1 & 2. Basic concept of the working of P-N diodes, Schottky diodes, Basic BJTs, Basic FETs and OPAMP as a basic circuit component. Concept of Feedback. Module -1: [9L] 1. Different Classes of Amplifiers - (Class-A, B, AB and C - basic concepts, power, efficiency [2L]; Recapitulation of basic concepts of Feedback and Oscillation [1L], Phase Shift, Wein Bridge oscillators [2L]. (5L) 2. Astable & Monostable Multivibrators [1L]; Schimtt Trigger circuits [1L], 555 Timer [2L]. (4L) [Learning Outcome: The learner will be trained to compare the merits and demerits of the different amplifiers and must be able to bias the transistors accordingly; the student must be able to design multivibrator circuits using 555 timers] Pre-requisite of Digital Electronics: Binary numbers & Basic Boolean algebra already covered in First year; Logic gates, Truth Tables and function realization already covered in First year upto minimisation of Logic expressions by algebraic method, K-map, Module 2: [11 L] a) Binary Number System & Boolean Algebra (recapitulation ) [1L]; BCD, ASCII, EBDIC, Gray codes and their conversions [1L]; Signed binary number representation with 1s and 2s complement methods [1L], Binary arithmetic, Venn diagram, Boolean algebra (recapitulation) [1L]; Representation in SOP and POS forms [1L]; Minimization of logic expressions by algebraic method. [2L] (7L) b) Combinational circuits - Adder and Subtractor circuits (half & full adder & subtractor) [2L]; Encoder, Decoder, Comparator, Multiplexer, De-Multiplexer and Parity Generator [2L]. (4L) Module - 3: [10L] 1. Sequential Circuits - Basic Flip-flop & Latch [1L], Flip-flops -SR, JK, D, T and JK Master-slave Flip Flops [3L], (4L) 2. Registers (SISO,SIPO,PIPO,PISO) [2L], Ring counter, Johnson counter [1L], Basic concept of Synchronous and Asynchronous counters (detail design of circuits excluded), [2L], Design of Mod N Counter [2L] (6L) Module 4: [6L] 1. A/D and D/A conversion techniques Basic concepts (D/A :R-2-R only [2L] A/D: successive approximation [2L]) (4L) 2. Logic families- TTL, ECL, MOS and CMOS - basic concepts. (2L) [Learning Outcome: The student must be able to convert from one number system to another, work out problems related to Boolean algebra, minimisation problems etc. The student must also learn to differentiate between the combinational and sequential circuits and design simple circuits) Data Structure & Algorithm Code: CS302 Contacts: 3L +1T Credits: 4 Pre-requisites: CS 201 (Basic Computation and Principles of C), M101 & M201 (Mathematics), basics of set theory Module -I. [8L] Linear Data Structure Introduction (2L): Why we need data structure? Concepts of data structures: a) Data and data structure b) Abstract Data Type and Data Type. Algorithms and programs, basic idea of pseudo-code. Algorithm efficiency and analysis, time and space analysis of algorithms order notations. Array (2L): Different representations row major, column major. Sparse matrix - its implementation and usage. Array representation of polynomials. Linked List (4L): Singly linked list, circular linked list, doubly linked list, linked list representation of polynomial and applications. Module -II: [7L] Linear Data Structure [Stack and Queue (5L): Stack and its implementations (using array, using linked list), applications. Queue, circular queue, dequeue. Implementation of queue- both linear and circular (using array, using linked list), applications. Recursion (2L): Principles of recursion use of stack, differences between recursion and iteration, tail recursion. Applications - The Tower of Hanoi, Eight Queens Puzzle. Module -III. [15L] Nonlinear Data structures Trees (9L): Basic terminologies, forest, tree representation (using array, using linked list). Binary trees - binary tree traversal (pre-, in-, post- order), threaded binary tree (left, right, full) - non-recursive traversal algorithms using threaded binary tree, expression tree. Binary search tree- operations (creation, insertion, deletion, searching).

Height balanced binary tree AVL tree (insertion, deletion with examples only). B- Trees operations (insertion, deletion with examples only). Graphs (6L): Graph definitions and concepts (directed/undirected graph, weighted/un-weighted edges, sub-graph, degree, cutvertex/ articulation point, pendant node, clique, complete graph, connected components strongly connected component, weakly connected component, path, shortest path, isomorphism). Graph representations/storage implementations adjacency matrix, adjacency list, adjacency multi-list. Graph traversal and connectivity Depth-first search (DFS), Breadth-first search (BFS) concepts of edges used in DFS and BFS (tree-edge, back-edge, cross-edge, forward-edge), applications. Minimal spanning tree Prims algorithm (basic idea of greedy methods). Module - IV. Searching, Sorting (10L): Sorting Algorithms (5L): Bubble sort and its optimizations, insertion sort, shell sort, selection sort, merge sort, quick sort, heap sort (concept of max heap, application priority queue), radix sort. Searching (2L): Sequential search, binary search, interpolation search. Hashing (3L): Hashing functions, collision resolution techniques. Learning outcome: Ideally this course should act as a primer/pre-requisite for CS 503 (Design and Analysis of Algorithms). On completion of this course, students are expected to be capable of understanding the data structures, their advantages and drawbacks, how to implement them in C , how their drawbacks can be overcome and what the applications are and where they can be used. Students should be able to learn about the data structures/ methods/algorithms mentioned in the course with a comparative perspective so as to make use of the most appropriate data structure/ method/algorithm in a program to enhance the efficiency (i.e. reduce the run-time) or for better memory utilization, based on the priority of the implementation. Detailed time analysis of the graph algorithms and sorting methods are expected to be covered in CS 503 but it is expected that the students will be able to understand at least the efficiency aspects of the graph and sorting algorithms covered in this course. The students should be able to convert an inefficient program into an efficient one using the knowledge gathered from this course. Computer organization Code: CS303 Contacts: 3L +1T Credits: 4 Pre-requisite: Concept of basic components of a digital computer, Basic concept of Fundamentals & Programme structures. Basic number systems, Binary numbers, representation of signed and unsigned numbers, Binary Arithmetic as covered in Basic Computation & Principles of Computer Programming Second semester, first year. Boolean Algebra, Karnaugh Maps, Logic Gates covered in Basic Electronics in First year Module 1: [8L] Basic organization of the stored program computer and operation sequence for execution of a program. Role of operating systems and compiler/assembler. Fetch, decode and execute cycle, Concept of operator, operand, registers and storage, Instruction format. Instruction sets and addressing modes. [7L] Commonly used number systems. Fixed and floating point representation of numbers. [1L] Module 2: [8L] Overflow and underflow. Design of adders - ripple carry and carry look ahead principles. [3L] Design of ALU. [1L] Fixed point multiplication -Booth's algorithm. [1L] Fixed point division - Restoring and non-restoring algorithms. [2L] Floating point - IEEE 754 standard. [1L] Module 3: [10L] Memory unit design with special emphasis on implementation of CPU-memory interfacing. [2L] Memory organization, static and dynamic memory, memory hierarchy, associative memory. [3L] Cache memory, Virtual memory. Data path design for read/write access. [5L] Module 4: [10L] Design of control unit - hardwired and microprogrammed control. [3L] Introduction to instruction pipelining. [2L] Introduction to RISC architectures. RISC vs CISC architectures. [2L] I/O operations - Concept of handshaking, Polled I/O, interrupt and DMA. [3L] Learning Outcome: Additional Tutorial Hours will be planned to meet the following learning outcome. Through this course, the students will be exposed to extensive development and use of computer organization based concepts for the future knowledge outcome of Advanced Computer Architecture offered in subsequent semester. The students will be able to understand different instruction formats, instruction sets, I/O mechanism. Hardware details, memory technology, interfacing between the CPU and peripherals will be transparent to the students. Students will be able to design hypothetical arithmetic logic unit. HU-301 Contracts:3L Credits- 3 Science, Technology and Engineering as knowledge and as Social and Professional Activities Effects of Technological Growth: Rapid Technological growth and depletion of resources, Reports of the Club of Rome. Limits of growth: sustainable development

Energy Crisis: Renewable Energy Resources Environmental degradation and pollution. Eco-friendly Technologies. Environmental Regulations, Environmental Ethics Appropriate Technology Movement of Schumacher; later developments Technology and developing notions. Problems of Technology transfer, Technology assessment impact analysis. Human Operator in Engineering projects and industries. Problems of man, machine, interaction, Impact of assembly line and automation. Human centered Technology. Ethics of Profession: Engineering profession: Ethical issues in Engineering practice, Conflicts between business demands and professional ideals. Social and ethical responsibilities of Technologists. Codes of professional ethics. Whistle blowing and beyond, Case studies. Profession and Human Values: Values Crisis in contemporary society Nature of values: Value Spectrum of a good life Psychological values: Integrated personality; mental health Societal values: The modern search for a good society, justice, democracy, secularism, rule of law, values in Indian Constitution. Aesthetic values: Perception and enjoyment of beauty, simplicity, clarity Moral and ethical values: Nature of moral judgements; canons of ethics; ethics of virtue; ethics of duty; ethics of responsibility. Code: PH-301 Contacts: 4L Credit: 3+1 Module 1: Vector Calculus: 1.1 Physical significances of grad, div, curl. Line integral, surface integral, volume integral- physical examples in the context of electricity and magnetism and statements of Stokes theorem and Gauss theorem [No Proof]. Expression of grad, div, curl and Laplacian in Spherical and Cylindrical co-ordinates. 2L Module 2 : Electricity 2.1 Coulumbs law in vector form. Electrostatic field and its curl. Gausss law in integral form and conversion to differential form . Electrostatic potential and field, Poissons Eqn. Laplaces eqn (Application to Cartesian, Spherically and Cylindrically symmetric systems effective 1D problems) Electric current, drift velocity, current density, continuity equation, steady current. 5L 2.2 Dielectrics-concept of polarization, the relation D= 0E+P, Polarizability. Electronic polarization and polarization in monoatomic and polyatomic gases. 3L Module 3: Magnetostatics & Time Varying Field: 3. Lorentz force, force on a small current element placed in a magnetic field. Biot-Savart law and its applications, divergence of magnetic field, vector potential, Amperes law in integral form and conversion to differential form. Faradays law of electro-magnetic induction in integral form and conversion to differential form. 3L Module 4: Electromagnetic Theory: 4.1 Concept of displacement current Maxwells field equations, Maxwells wave equation and its solution for free space. E.M. wave in a charge free conducting media, Skin depth, physical significance of Skin Depth, E.M. energy flow, & Poynting Vector. 6L Module 5: Quantum Mechanics: 5.1 Generalised coordinates, Lagranges Equation of motion and Lagrangian, generalised force potentia l, momenta and energy. Hamiltons Equation of motion and Hamiltonian. Properties of Hamilton and Hamiltons equation of motion. 4L Course should be discussed along with physical problems of 1-D motion 5.2 Concept of probability and probability density, operators, commutator. Formulation of quantum mechanics and Basic postulates, Operator correspondence, Time dependent Schrdingers equation, formulation of time independent Schrdingers equation by method of separation of variables, Physical interpretation of wave function (normalization and probability interpretation), Expectation values, Application of Schrdinger equation Particle in an infinite square well potential (1-D and 3-D potential well), Discussion on degenerate levels. 9L Module 6: Statistical Mechanics: 3.1 Concept of energy levels and energy states. Microstates, macrostates and thermodynamic probability, equilibrium macrostate. MB, FD, BE statistics (No deduction necessary), fermions, bosons (definitions in terms of spin, examples), physical significance and application, classical limits of quantum statistics Fermi distribution at zero & non-zero temperature, Calculation of Fermi level in metals, also total energy at absolute zero of temperature and total number of particles, Bose-Einstein statistics Plancks law of blackbody radiation..

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