B. Tech. (CSE) 2 Year/ 3 Semester Course Structure and Syllabus For 2019 - 20

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B. Tech.

(CSE) 2nd Year/ 3rd Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

3rd SEM

01 BS(CS/IT)307 Mathematics- 3 0 0 3 3
02 ES(CS/IT)307 Digital 3 0 0 3 3
03 PC(CS/IT)301 Computer 3 1 0 4 4
04 PC(CS/IT)302 Data structure 3 0 0 3 3
05 HS(CS/IT)303 Economics for 3 0 0 3 3
01 ESL(CS/IT)308 Digital 0 0 3 3 1.5
Electronics Lab
02 PCL(CS/IT)303 Computer 0 0 3 3 1.5
03 PCL(CS/IT)304 Data structure 0 0 3 3 1.5
Algorithms Lab
04 PCL(CS/IT)305 IT Workshop 0 0 3 3 1.5
01 CLA(CS)-3 Comprehensive 0 0 0 0 1
TOTAL 15 1 12 28 23
B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 3rd Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

Paper Code: BS(CS/IT)307
Contacts: 40L
Credit: 3

Module 1:Sequences and series [8L]

Convergence of sequence and series, tests for convergence, power series, Taylor’s series. Series for
exponential, trigonometric and logarithmic functions.

Module 2:Multivariable Calculus (Differentiation) [7L]

Limit, continuity and partial derivatives, Chain rule, Implicit function, Jacobian, Directional
derivatives, Total derivative; Maxima, minima and saddle points; Gradient, curl and divergence and
related problems.

Module 3: Multivariable Calculus (Integration) [8L]

Double and triple integrals (Cartesian and polar), change of order of integration in double integrals,
Change of variables (Cartesian to polar).Theorems of Green, Gauss and Stokes (Statement only) and
related problems.

Module 4: Ordinary Differential Equation [9L]

First Order Differential Equation, Exact, Linear and Bernoulli’s equations, Equations of first order but
not of first degree: equations solvable for p, equations solvable for y, equations solvable for x and
Clairaut’s form, general & singular solution.
Second order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, D-operator method, method of
variation of parameters, Cauchy-Euler equation.

Module 5: Graph Theory [8L]

Basic Concept of graph, Walk, Path Circuit, Euler and Hamiltonian graph, diagraph.
Matrix Representation: Incidence & Adjacency matrix.
Tree: Basic Concept of tree, Binary tree, Spanning Tree, KrusKal and Prim’s algorithm for finding the
minimal spanning tree.

Learning Resources:

1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons.

2. Michael Greenberg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Pearson.
3. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers.
4. NarsinghDeo, Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science.
5. Derek Holton & John Clark, A First Look at Graph Theory
6. Veerarajan T., Engineering Mathematics for first year, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
7. E. L. Ince, Ordinary Differential Equations, Dover Publications.
B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 3rd Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

Course Outcomes

After completing the course the student will be able to

CO 1: use the tools of power series to analyze engineering problems and apply the concept of
convergence of infinite series in many approximation techniques in engineering disciplines.

CO 2: apply the knowledge for addressing the real life problems which comprises of several variables
or attributes and identify extremum points in different surfaces of higher dimensions.

CO 3: evaluate multiple integrals and apply the techniques to different physical problems.

CO 4: solve first and second order ordinary differential equations by applying different techniques
and also will be able to formulate differential equations for model systems and problems of
engineering sciences.

CO 5: apply the basic concepts of graph theory to network analysis, data analytics and many other
branches of computer science.

Digital Electronics
Code: ES(CS/IT)307
Contacts: 36L
Credit: 3

Module 1: Basic Electronic devices [8L]

PN junction diode, Application of diodes in rectification, Half wave Full wave rectifier and Factors
determining rectifier performance , Transistor, Transistor characteristics for CE, CB and CC mode,
current amplification factors and their relationship, Introduction to JFET, MOSFET and CMOS.

Module 2: Number system, Boolean algebra & logic gates [10L]

Binary numbers & Boolean algebra , Logic gates, Truth Tables and function minimization using
algebraic method, Karnaugh map, , Signed binary number representation with 1’s and 2’s complement
methods, Maxterm, Minterm, Representation in SOP and POS forms ; Realization of Boolean
functions using NAND/NOR gates

Module 3: Combinational circuits [10L]

Adder and Subtractor circuits (half & full adder & subtractor); Encoder, Decoder, Comparator,
Multiplexer, De-Multiplexer, Parity Generator and checker.

Module 4: Sequential Circuits [8L]

Flip-flops - SR, JK, Master slave JK, D and T. Register, counter

B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 3rd Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20


1. Morries Mano, Digital Logic Design, PHI

2. Kharate, Digital Electronics, Oxford
3. Leach & Malvino, Digital Principles & Application,Mc Graw Hill
4. D chattopadhyay & P.C.Rakshit. Electronics (Fundamentals and Applications), New Age
International Publishers
5. Malvino, Electronic Principle, McGraw Hill.
6. Millman & Halkias, Integrated Electronics, McGraw Hill
7. Boyelstad & Nashelsky, Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory,PHI
8. R.P.Jain, Modern Digital Electronics, McGraw Hill

Course Outcomes

After completing the course the student will be able to

CO 1: identify and understand the difference between analog and digital electronic systems.

CO 2: explain the operation of semiconductor devices from their characteristic curves.

CO 3: represent numbers in various number systems and successfully execute conversions between
different representations.

CO 4: implement various logical operations using combinational logic circuits.

CO 5: design various sequential circuits.

Computer Organization
Code: PC(CS/IT)301
Contacts: 40L (3L+1T)
Credits: 4

Module 1: Introduction [3 L]

History of computing, von Neumann machine, Instruction and data, fixed-point and floating point
numbers, errors, IEEE standards

Module 2: Processor design [7 L]

Instruction Set Architecture-Instruction format, opcode optimization; operand addressing; Instruction

implementation-data movement, branch control, logical, Input/output and debugging instructions;
arithmetic instruction implementation–addition and subtraction, multiplication-division, 2’s
complement multiplication; Booth’s algorithm–theory and examples; bit-pair algorithm; high
performance arithmetic

Module 3: Control unit design [ 8 L]

Hardwired control, micro-programmed control design – micro-instruction formats, control

B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 3rd Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

Module 4: Memory subsystem [9 L]

Registers, Memory technology, memory interfacing, Memory hierarchy–introduction to virtual

memory system; cache memory – performance, address mapping, content addressable memory

Module 5: Peripherals [7 L]

Basic properties, bus architectures, interfacing of I/O devices, data transfer schemes –programmed
I/O, DMA, mass storage, RAID

Module 6: Pipelining [6 L]

Pipelining, data path and instructions, speed up, CPI, latency; linear / non-linear pipeline–reservation
table, MAL; super-pipelined and super-scalar processors.

Text Book:

1. Mano, M.M., “Computer System Architecture”, PHI.

2. Behrooz Parhami“ Computer Architecture”, Oxford University Press

Reference Book:

1. Hayes J. P., Computer Architecture & Organisation, McGraw Hill,

2. Hamacher, Computer Organisation, McGraw Hill,
3. N. Senthil Kumar, M. Saravanan, S. Jeevananthan, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
4. Chaudhuri P. Pal, Computer Organisation & Design, PHI,
5. P N Basu- Computer Organization & Architecture ,Vikas Pub

Course Outcomes

After completing the course the student will be able to

CO 1: represent numbers in fixed-point and floating-point systems.

CO 2: clearly visualize machine's instruction set architecture (ISA) including basic instruction fetch
and execute cycles, instruction formats, control flow, and operand addressing modes.

CO 3: explain the design and functioning of a machines central processing unit (CPU), the data path
components (ALU, register file) and the control unit.

CO 4: explain organization of memory hierarchies including the basics of cache design and
performance of caches. Apply these ideas to solve numerical problems.

CO 5: explain basic input/output functioning including program controlled I/O and interrupt I/O.

CO 6: analyze processor performance improvement using instruction level parallelism.

B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 3rd Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

Data Structure and Algorithm

Code: PC(CS/IT)302
Contacts: 38L
Credits: 3

Module 1: Introduction [10L]

Elementary Data Organizations, Data Structure Operations: insertion, deletion and traversal in arrays,
asymptotic Notations, Time-Space trade off, recursion, tail recursion, Tower of Hanoi, recursion tree
and master theorem method of complexity analysis, Linear Search and Binary Search Techniques and
their complexity analysis, finding min max in O(3n/2) time.

Module 2: Stacks and Queues [6L]

ADT Stack and its operations: Algorithms and their complexity analysis, Applications of Stacks:
Expression Conversion and evaluation – corresponding algorithms and complexity analysis. ADT
queue and types of Queue: Simple Queue, Circular Queue, Operations on each type of Queue:
Algorithms and their analysis.

Module 3: Linked List [6L]

Singly linked lists, Representation in memory, Algorithms of several operations: Traversing,

Searching, Insertion into, Deletion from linked list. Linked List representation of Stack and Queue.
Doubly linked list: operations, space and time analysis. Circular Linked Lists: all operations and
complexity analysis. Floyd-Cycle finding algorithm. [6L]

Module 4: Trees [10L]

Basic Tree Terminologies, Different types of Trees: Binary Tree, Threaded Binary Tree, Binary
Search Tree, AVL Tree, binary heap, b-tree; operations on each of the trees and their algorithms with
complexity analysis. Tree traversal algorithms: recursive and iterative. Catalan Number and its
connection to binary trees and stack sortable permutations. Comparison of performance of Heap, array
and insertion priority queues.

Module 5: Hashing [6L]

Hashing: Chaining, probing, Universal hashing function and analysis of various hashing methods.

Text Books:

1. Horowitz, Sahni, Anderson-Freed: Fundamentals of Data Structures in C (Second Edition),

Universities Press, 2008.
2. T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R. Rivest and C. Stein: Introduction to
Algorithms,(Second/Third Edition), PHI, 2009.
3. R. Sedgewick: Algorithms in C, Pearson, 2004.
4. Steven S Skiena, Algorithm design manual, 2nd Edition, Springer.

Reference Book:
1. Steven S Skiena, Miguel A. Revilla, Programming Challenges: The Programming Contest
Training Manual (Texts in Computer Science) Springer.
B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 3rd Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

Course outcomes

After completing the course the student will be able to

CO 1: analyze the algorithm to determine the time and computation complexity.

CO 2: decide based on nature of the search problem which search technique (Linear Search, Binary
Search, hashing) to use when.

CO 3: implement the Stacks, Queues and linked list data structure and apply the same to various

CO 4: apply non linear data structures in searching, insertion and retrieval of data. Analyze the time
complexity of various balanced and unbalanced trees and to apply the data structure to relevant

Economics for Engineers

Code: HS(CS/IT)303
Contacts: 30L
Credits: 3

Module 1: [6L]

Economic Decision Making – Overview, Role of Engineers in Economic Decision making, Problem
in Economic Decision Making, Decision Making Process.

Engineering Costs & Estimation – Fixed, Variable, Marginal & Average Costs, Step Cost, Product
and Period Cost, Direct and Indirect Cost, , Sunk Costs, Shutdown Cost, Opportunity Costs,
Recurring and Nonrecurring Costs, Incremental Costs, Cash Costs vs. Book Costs, Life-Cycle Costs;
Types Of Estimate, Estimating Models - Per Unit Model, Segmenting Model, Cost Indexes, Power-
Sizing Model, Learning Curve Model, Benefits and difficulties in estimation.

Module 2: [12L]

Cash Flow, Interest and Equivalence: Cash Flow – Diagrams and Cash Flow Statement, Time Value
of Money, Real, Nominal & Effective Interest, Different Interest Formulae.

Cash Flow & Rate Of Return Analysis – Net Present Worth Analysis, Annual Worth Analysis,
Internal Rate Of Return, Future Worth Analysis, Benefit-Cost Ratio Analysis, Sensitivity And
Breakeven Analysis.

Module 3: [6L]

Inflation And Price Change – Definition, Effects, Causes, Price Change with Indexes, Types of
Index, Use of Price Indexes In Engineering Economic Analysis.

Uncertainty In Future Events - Risk, Risk vs. Return, Probability, Expected Value and Variance,
Economic Decision Trees, Simulation.
B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 3rd Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

Module 4: [6L]

Depreciation and Replacement Analysis - Basic Aspects, Deterioration & Obsolescence, Depreciation
Calculation Fundamentals, Depreciation and Capital Allowance Methods, Replacement Analysis
Decision Map, Minimum Cost Life of a New Asset.

Accounting – Function, Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Financial Ratios, Role and Functions of a
Financial Manager.


1. H.L. Bhatia & S.N. Maheswari: Economics for Engineers, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
2. R. Paneer Seelvan: Engineering Economics, PHI.
3. James L. Riggs, David D. Bedworth, Sabah U. Randhawa : Economics for Engineers 4e , Tata
4. Donald Newnan, Ted Eschembach, Jerome Lavelle : Engineering Economics Analysis, OUP
5. Sullivan and Wicks: Engineering Economy, Pearson.
6. Partha Chatterjee: Economics for Engineers, Vrinda Publications.

Course Outcome

After completing the course the student will be able to

CO 1: explain the role and scope of Engineering Economics and apply the process of economic
decision making.

CO 2: analyze the different concepts of cost and apply different cost estimation techniques.

CO 3: explain the concepts of cash flow, time value of money and different interest formulas and
create cash flow diagrams for different situations and apply different interest formulae to solve
associated problems.

CO 4: apply various analytical methods like net present worth analysis, internal rate of return
analysis, future worth analysis, benefit –cost ratio analysis, break-even analysis , sensitivity analysis
etc. to evaluate different engineering projects.

CO 5: explain the process of inflation and apply different price indices to quantify the effects of

CO 6: state and explain the concepts of risk, return and uncertainty and incorporate the effect of
uncertainty in economic analysis by using various concepts like probability, expected value, variance,
decision trees and simulation.

CO 7: explain the concepts of depreciation and replacement analysis and solve associated problems of

CO 8: interpret and apply the various concepts of Accounting like balance sheet, income statement
and financial ratio analysis and understand the role and functions of a Financial Manager
B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 3rd Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

Digital Electronics Lab.

Code: ES(CS/IT)308
Contacts: 3P
Credit: 1.5

Group 1: Experiments on Analog Electronics

1. I-V characteristics of semiconductor diode.

2. Input and output characteristics of BJT in CE configuration

3. Output and transfer characteristics of JFET in CS configuration.

Group 2: Experiments on Digital Electronics

1. Logic function realization using logic gates.

2. Design and implementation of half adder and full adder

3. Design and implementation of parity generator and checker

4. Construction of simple Decoder & Multiplexer circuits.

5. Realization of RS / JK / D flip flops using logic gates.

Computer Organization Lab.

Code: PCL(CS/IT)303
Contacts: 3P
Credits: 1.5

1. Familiarity with IC-chips, e.g. a) Multiplexer , b) Decoder, c) Encoder b) Comparator Truth

Table verification and clarification from Data-book.

2. Incremental circuit.

3. Design an Adder/ Subtractor composite unit .

4. Design a BCD adder.

5. Design of a ‘Carry-Look-Ahead’ Adder circuit.

6. Use a multiplexer unit to design a composite ALU .

7. Design counter circuit.

8. Implement read write operation using RAM IC.

9. (a) & (b) Cascade two RAM ICs for vertical and horizontal expansion.
B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 3rd Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

Data Structure & Algorithm Lab

Code: PCL(CS/IT)304
Contacts: 3P
Credits: 1.5

1. Application of array insertion, deletion and traversal operations in solving problems.

2. Linear Search, Binary Search Techniques and time complexity comparison.

3. Application of binary search like divide and conquer technique in various array related O (log
n) problems.

4. Implementation and applications of Stacks and queues using arrays.

5. Implementation of Singly linked lists, Linked representation of Stack and Queue.

6. Implementation of Binary Search Tree.

7. Application of binary trees in solving various problems.

8. Array implementation of binary heap.

9. Comparison of performance of binary Heap and array as priority queues.

10. Implementation of B-Tree.

11. Implementation of Chaining and probing techniques of collision resolution in hashing.

Application of hashing in appropriate problems.

IT Workshop
Code: PCL(CS/IT)305
Contacts: 3P
Credits: 1.5

1. Python Introduction

2. NumPy Introduction

3. Numpy Arrays & Numerical Operations on Numpy Arrays

4. Python, Numpy and Probability

5. Weighted Choices and Weighted Samples

B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 3rd Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

6. Creation of Synthetic Test Data

7. Matrix Arithmetic

8. Reading and Writing ndarrays

9. Matplotlib Introduction

10. Histograms

11. Contour Plots

12. Pandas Introduction

13. Pandas DataFrames & Data Files

14. Data Visualization with Pandas and Python

15. Python, Pandas and Timeseries

Study Material:


Course Outcome

After completing the course the student will be able to

CO 1: do numerical computations efficiently.

CO 2: exploit the parallelism in vector operations to implement mathematical calculations.

CO 3: generate synthetic test data.

CO 4: employ matrix parallelism to solve algebraic problems.

CO 5: plot graphs of functions with appropriate representation

CO 6: implement various data visualization techniques.

B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 4th Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20


01 BS(CS/IT)408 Discrete 3 1 0 4 4
02 ES(CS/IT)409 Communication 3 0 0 3 3
03 PC(CS/IT)406 Design & Analysis of 3 0 0 3 3
04 PC(CS/IT)407 Formal Language 3 1 0 4 4
and Automata
05 PC(CS/IT)408 Computer 3 1 0 4 4
06 MC(CS/IT)401 Environmental 2 0 0 2 0 (non-
Sciences credit
01 ESL(CS/IT)410 Communication 0 0 3 3 1.5
Engineering Lab
02 PCL(CS/IT)409 Algorithm Lab 0 0 3 3 1.5
03 PCL(CS/IT)410 Programming Lab 0 0 3 3 1.5
using C++

01 CLA(CS)-4 Comprehensive 0 0 0 0 1
TOTAL 17 3 9 29 23.5
B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 4th Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

Discrete Mathematics
Code: BS(CS/IT)408
Contacts: 36L (3L+1T)
Credit: 4

Module 1: Theory of Numbers: [8L]

Principles of Mathematical Induction, Well Ordering Principle, Divisibility theory and properties
of divisibility; Fundamental theorem of Arithmetic; Euclidean Algorithm for finding G.C.D and
some basic properties of G.C.D with simple examples; Congruence, Residue classes of integer
modulo n (Zn) and its examples, Chinese Remainder Theorem.

Module 2: Counting Techniques: [4L]

Pigeon- hole Principle, Principles of inclusion and exclusions; Recurrence relations: Formulation
& Modelling of different counting problems in terms of recurrence relations, Solution of linear
recurrence relations with constant coefficients ( upto second order) by (i) The iterative method
(ii) Characteristic roots method (iii) Generating functions method.

Module 3: Propositional Logic: [6L]

Syntax, Semantics, Validity and Satisfiability, Basic Connectives and Truth Tables, Logical
Equivalence: The Laws of Logic, Logical Implication, Rules of Inference, The use of
Quantifiers. Proof Techniques: Some Terminology, Proof Methods and Strategies, Forward
Proof, Proof by Contradiction, Proof by Contraposition, Proof of Necessity and Sufficiency.

Module 4: Algebraic Structures and Morphism: [10L]

Algebraic Structures with one Binary Operation, Semi Groups, Monoids, Groups, Congruence
Relation and Quotient Structures, Permutation Groups, Normal Subgroups, Quotient group,
Homomorphism & Isomorphism (Elementary properties only). Algebraic Structures with two
Binary Operation, Rings, Integral Domain and Fields. Boolean algebra and Boolean Ring,
Identities of Boolean Algebra, Duality, Representation of Boolean Function, Disjunctive and
Conjunctive Normal Form.

Module 5: Graphs: [8L]

Planar and Dual Graphs. Kuratowski's graphs. Homeomorphic graphs. Eulers formula ( n - e + r
= 2) for connected planar graph and its generalisation for disconnected graphs. Detection of
planarity. Graph colouring. Chromatic numbers of simple graphs. Chromatic Numbers and its
bounds, Independence and Clique Numbers, Perfect Graphs-Definition and examples, Chromatic
polynomial and its determination, Applications of Graph Colouring. Simple applications of
chromatic numbers. Statement of four and five colour theorems.
B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 4th Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

Text Books
1. C L Liu and D P Mohapatra, Elements of Discrete Mathematics A Computer Oriented
Approach, 3rd Edition by, Tata McGraw – Hill.
2. N. Chandrasekaran and M. Umaparvathi, Discrete Mathematics, PHI.
3. J.K. Sharma, Discrete Mathematics, Macmillan.

1. Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Tata McGraw – Hill
2. Susanna S. Epp, Discrete Mathematics with Applications,4th edition, Wadsworth Publishing
Co. Inc.
3. Douglas Brent West, Introduction to Graph Theory, Prentice Hall
4. Clark John, Holton Derek Allan, A First Look at Graph Theory, World Scientific

Course Outcomes

CO 1: determine multiplicative inverses, modulo n and use to solve linear congruences.

CO2: solve different engineering problems using counting techniques.
CO3: express a given logic sentence in terms of predicates, quantifiers, and logical connectives
and derive the solution for a given a problem using deductive logic and prove the solution based
on logical inference.
CO4: classify the algebraic structure for a given mathematical problem and evaluate Boolean
functions and simplify expressions using the properties of Boolean algebra.
CO5: develop the given problem as graph networks and solve with techniques of graph theory.

Communication Engineering
Code: ES(CS/IT)409
Contacts: 36
Credit: 3

Module 1: [12L]
Introduction to Communication Engineering, need of Modulation [2L]
Amplitude Modulation(AM): Concept of AM, Calculation of Modulation Index, Total
transmitted power of AM, DSB-SC modulation & SSB-SC modulation techniques, calculation of
Bandwidth and Savings of power ,Demodulation of AM, Superheterodyne receiver [10L]

Module 2: [5L]
Frequency Modulation(FM): Concept of FM, Direct & Indirect Method, Bandwidth calculation
of FM, Demodulation of FM. [3L]
Phase Modulation(PM) : Concept of PM , generation of PM from FM [2L]
B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 4th Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

Module 3: [12L]
Pulse & Digital Communication: Sampling Theorem, aliasing effect, natural and flat top
sampling, PAM, PWM,PPM, basic concept of Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) , concept of
quantization and quantization error, Companding, DPCM, Delta Modulation and Adaptive Delta
Modulation, signal to quantisation noise ratio in PCM system.[9L]

Module 4: [7L]
Data Formatting: NRZ-Unipolar, NRZ-polar, NRZ-Bipolar, RZ-Bipolar, Manchester Coding
Synchronous and Asynchronous Data Transmission [3L]
Concept of Satellite Communication [2L]

Text Books:
1. Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems by B.P. Lathi, Published by Oxford
University Press.
2. An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications by Simon Haykin (Wiley India)
3. Principles of Communication Engineering by Taub H. & Shilling D.L.- TMH
4. Introduction to Digital and Data Communication – Michael A. Miller, Jaico Publishing

Reference Books:
1. Communication Systems by A. B. Carlson, Published by McGraw-Hil
2. Principles and Analog and Digital Communication by Jerry D Gibson, Published by
3. A Text Book of Analog and Digital Communication by A Kumar, Umesh Publication
Modern Electronic Communication, Principles and Practice- Sharma & Sinha,
Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (p) Ltd.

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course the students will be able to-

CO1: Understand the necessity of modulation and how to transfer information from one place to
another place using Amplitude Modulation, Frequency modulation and phase modulation and
Compare their merits & demerits.
CO2: Apply the concept of sampling for analog to digital signal conversion.
CO3: Analyze various techniques of digital communication techniques.
CO4: Understand different data formatting techniques.
CO5: Apply the concept of modulation and demodulation for understanding Satellite
Communication system..
B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 4th Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

Design and Analysis of Algorithm

Code: PC(CS/IT)406
Contacts: 36L
Credits: 3

Module 1: Models of computation & Algorithm design frameworks [5L]

Models of computation [2L]: RAM model, Deterministic and Non-deterministic problems,
Tractable and Intractable problems, Solvability,
Algorithm design frameworks [3L]: Divide/Decrease and Conquer, Backtracking, Greedy,
Dynamic Programming, Decision and Optimization problems-; Comparison: Divide & Conquer,
Greedy and Dynamic Programming.

Module 2: Sorting [8L]

Comparison based sorts: Bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, quick sort, merge sort,
analysis and comparison. [4L]
Non-comparison based sorts: radix sort, count sort. [1L]
Median order statistics. [2L]
Lower bound of sorting. [1L]

Module 3: Illustrations of various design framework [7L]

Dynamic Programming: Optimal substructure and overlapping subproblems; Matrix-chain
multiplication [4L].
Backtracking: 8-queens problem [1L].
Greedy Method: Knapsack problem, Job sequencing with deadlines [2L].

Module 4: Graph Algorithms [6L]

BFS and DFS- algorithm and comparison; Single source shortest path, All pair shortest paths;
Prim's and Kruskal's algorithms for finding minimum spanning tree.

Module 5: String matching problem [3L]

Naive algorithm, Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) algorithm.

Module 6: Amortized Analysis [4L]

Basic concept of amortized analysis, disjoint set data structure.

Module 7: P and NP [3L]

Notion of NP Class: P, NP, NP-hard, NP-complete; reduction (concept only); Cook’s theorem
(statement only)
B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 4th Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

Text Books:
1. T.H.Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L.Rivest and C. Stein ,“Introduction to Algorithms”, PHI.
2. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaz R. Sahani, “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms". Computer Science
3. A. Aho, J. Hopcroft and J. Ullman, “The Design and Analysis of algorithms”, Pearson

1. D.E. Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 1, Vol. 2 and Vol. 3, Addison-Wesley.
2. G.Brassard, P.Bratley, Fundamentals of Algorithmics -, PHI.
3. S.Baase, Allen Ven Gelder“Computer Algorithms-Introduction to Design & Analysis"- 3rd
Edition, Pearson Education

Course Outcomes

After completing the course the student will be able to-

CO 1: classify algorithms as on the basis of various design paradigms.
CO 2: analyze a problem to determine which design paradigm to use to solve the problem.
CO 3: clearly distinguish between problems employing divide and conquer, greedy and dynamic
CO 4: solve various graph problems efficiently.
CO 5: identify whether a problem is in P or NP.

Formal Language and Automata Theory

Code: PC(CS/IT)407
Contacts: 36L (3L+1T)
Credits: 4

Module 1: Introduction:[2L]
Alphabet, languages and grammars, productions and derivation, Chomsky hierarchy of

Module 2: Regular languages and finite automata:[10 L]

Regular expressions and languages, deterministic finite automata (DFA) and equivalence with
regular expressions, nondeterministic finite automata (NFA) and equivalence with DFA, regular
grammars and equivalence with finite automata, properties of regular languages (proof not
required), pumping lemma for regular languages, minimization of finite automata.

Module 3: Context-free languages and pushdown automata: [9L]

B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 4th Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

Context-free grammars (CFG) and languages (CFL), Chomsky and Greibach normal forms,
nondeterministic pushdown automata (NPDA) and equivalence with CFG, parse trees, ambiguity
in CFG, pumping lemma for context-free languages, deterministic pushdown automata, closure
properties of CFLs(proof not required).

Module 4: Context-sensitive languages: [4L]

Context-sensitive grammars (CSG) and languages, linear bounded automata and equivalence
with CSG.

Module 5: Turing machines: [9L]

The basic model for Turing machines (TM), Turing recognizable (recursively enumerable) and
Turing-decidable (recursive) languages and their closure properties, variants of Turing machines,
nondeterministic TMs and equivalence with deterministic TMs, unrestricted grammars and
equivalence with Turing machines, TMs as enumerators.

Module 6: Undecidability: [2L]

Universal Turing machine, the universal and diagonalization languages, Rice s theorem.

Text books:
John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani and Jeffrey D. Ullman, Introduction to Automata Theory,
Languages, and Computation, Pearson Education Asia.

Reference books:
1. Harry R. Lewis and Christos H. Papadimitriou, Elements of the Theory of Computation,
Pearson Education Asia.
2. Dexter C. Kozen, Automata and Computability, Undergraduate Texts in Computer Science,
3. Michael Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation, PWS Publishing. 4. John Martin,
Introduction to Languages and The Theory of Computation, Tata McGraw Hill

Course Outcomes

After completing the course the student will be able to-

CO 1: identify the class to which a language belongs.
CO 2: design finite automaton, grammar, expressions for regular languages.
CO 3: design pushdown automaton, grammar, for context free languages.
CO 4: proof correctness of automata for various languages.
CO 5: decide whether a language is decidable or undecidable.
B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 4th Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

Computer Architecture
Code : PC(CS/IT)408
Contacts: 38 (3L+1T)
Credits : 4

Module 1
Pipelining Architecture: [10L]
Introduction: Review of basic computer architecture (Revisited), Quantitative techniques in
computer design, measuring and reporting performance.
Pipelining: Basic concepts, instruction and arithmetic pipeline, data hazards, control hazards and
structural hazards, techniques for handling hazards. Exception handling. Pipeline optimization

Module 2
Memory Module: [9L]
Hierarchical memory technology: Inclusion, Coherence and locality properties; Cache memory
organizations, Techniques for reducing cache misses; Virtual memory organization.

Module 3
Instruction-level parallelism: [9L]
Basic concepts, techniques for increasing ILP, RISC Architecture, superscalar, super pipelined
and VLIW processor architectures. Array and vector processors.

Module 4
Multiprocessor Architecture: [10L]
Multiprocessor architecture: taxonomy of parallel architectures; Centralized shared-memory
architecture: synchronization, memory consistency, interconnection networks. Distributed
shared-memory architecture, Cluster computers.
Non von Neumann architectures: data flow computers, reduction computer architectures, systolic

1. Advanced Computer Architecture-Kai Hwang & Naresh Jotwani, McGraw Hill
2. Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing -Kai Hwang and A. Briggs, McGraw Hill
3. Computer Architecture: a quantitative approach - J. L. Hennessy and D. A. Patterson,,
Harcourt Asia, Singapore.
4.Computer Organization and Architecture - V. Rajaraman and T. Radhakrishnan PHI Learning
Pvt. Ltd.
B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 4th Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

1.Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing - Hwang and Briggs, TMH.
2.Computer Architecture and Organization - Hayes, McGraw-Hill.

Course Outcome

After completing the course the students will be able to-

CO 1: explain the concept of pipeline architecture, different hazards and analyze different
techniques for handling pipeline hazards
CO 2: clearly visualize the hierarchical memory technology and design cache and virtual
memory organization
CO 3: explain multiprocessor architecture and taxonomy of parallel architecture
CO 4: analyze the concepts of distributed shared-memory architecture, cluster computers
CO 5: explain the design of Non von Neumann architectures: data flow computers, reduction
computer architectures, systolic architectures.

Code: MC(CS/IT)401
Contacts: 27L
Credit: Non credit

MODULE 1: The Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies [2 LECTURES]

Definition, scope and importance, Need for public awareness.
MODULE 2: The Natural Resources [5 LECTURES]
Renewable and non renewable resources:
a) Natural resources and associated problems
Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, mining, dams and their effects
on forests and tribal people.
Water resources: Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought,
conflicts over water, dam’s benefits and problems.
Mineral Resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using
mineral resources.
Food Resources: World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and over grazing,
effects of modern agriculture, fertilizers- pesticides problems, water logging, salinity.
Energy Resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewable energy sources,
use of alternate energy sources.
Land Resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil
erosion, and desertification.
B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 4th Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

b) Role of individual in conservation of natural resources.

c) Equitable use of resources for sustainable life styles.

MODULE 3: Eco Systems [5 LECTURES]

a) Concept of an eco system: Understanding ecosystems, Ecosystem degradation, Resource
b) Structure and function of an eco system.
c) Producers, consumers, decomposers.
d) Energy flow in the eco systems: Water cycle, Carbon cycle, Oxygen cycle, Nitrogen cycle,
Energy cycle, Integration of cycles in nature
e) Ecological succession.
f) Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids.
g) Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of (1) Forest ecosystem (ii)
Grass land ecosystem (iii) Desert ecosystem (iv) Aquatic eco systems (ponds, streams, lakes,
rivers, oceans, estuaries)

MODULE 4: Biodiversity and its Conservation [5 LECTURES]

(a) Introduction, Definition: genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity.
(b) Biogeographically classification of India.
(c) Value of biodiversity: consumptive, productive, social, ethical
(d) Biodiversity at global, national and local level.
(e) India as a mega diversity nation.
(f) Hot-spots of biodiversity.
(g) Threats to biodiversity: habitats loss, poaching of wild life, man wildlife conflicts.
(h) Endangered and endemic species of India.
(i) Conservation of biodiversity: in-situ and ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.

MODULE 5: Environmental Pollution [6 LECTURES]

(a) Definition,
(b) Causes, effects and control measures of: (1) Air pollution, (2) Water pollution, (3) Soil
pollution, (4) Marine pollution, (5) Noise pollution, (6) Thermal pollution, (7) Nuclear hazards
(c) Solid waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial
(d) Role of an individual in prevention of pollution.
(e) Disaster management: Floods, earth quake, cyclone and landslides, industrial safety.

MODULE 6: Social issues and the Environment [4 LECTURES]

(a) Urban problems related to energy
(b) Water conservation, rain water harvesting, water shed management
B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 4th Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

(c) Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns,

(d) Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and
(e) Wasteland reclamation
(f) Consumerism and waste products
(g) Environment protection Act
(h) Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act
(i) Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act
(j) Wildlife protection act
(k) Forest conservation act
(l) Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislations
(m) Public awareness

Recommended Books:
1. Textbook of Environmental studies, Erach Bharucha, UGC
2. Fundamental concepts in Environmental Studies, D D Mishra, S Chand & Co Ltd
3. Environmental chemistry, A. K. Dey
4. Environmental studies, Anil Kumar Dey & Arnab Kumar Dey, New Age International (P) Ltd.
5. Perspectives in Environmental Studies, Anubha Kaushik & C.P. Kaushik, New Age
International (P) Ltd.

Course outcome

After completing the course the students will be able to-

CO 1: apply the knowledge regarding how human beings should make a sustainable living using
the Earth’s finite resources.
CO 2: use scientific methods judiciously in preventing causes which damage natural
CO 3: use the knowledge in protecting endangered and endemic species and conserving
CO 4: use the knowledge in preventing/minimising various types of pollution, their causes and
CO 5: apply their knowledge of disaster management in case of natural and anthropogenic
CO 6: apply their knowledge of various environment protection acts, “Environment Impact
Assessment” (EIA) as and when required in setting up of new industries as well as expansion
of industries in which they will be employed.
B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 4th Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

Communication Engineering Lab.

Code: ESL(CS/IT)410
Contact Hrs./Week : 3P
Credit: 1.5

1. Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation

2. Frequency modulation and Demodulation.
3. Generation and Detection of PAM
4. Generation and detection of PWM & PPM
5. Generation and detection of ASK
6. Generation and detection of FSK
7. Time Division Multiplexing & Demultiplexing

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course the students will be able to-

CO1: Compare the performance of different analog communication system.
CO2: Evaluate analog modulated waveforms and measure the modulation index.
CO3: Compare the performance of different pulse modulation systems.
CO4: Evaluate the waveforms of different shift keying techniques and compare with the
corresponding analog systems.
CO5: Understand the concept of multiplexing and demultiplexing of different signals.

Algorithm Lab
Code: PCL(CS/IT)409
Contact Hrs./Week : 3P
Credit: 1.5

1. Comparison of performance of various sorting algorithms.

2. Implementation of median order statistics in O(n) time
3. Performance comparison of problem solving using dynamic programming and recursion
4. Solving 8 queens problem using backtracking and brute force method with comparison of
5. Solving of Knapsack and job sequencing using greedy approach
6. Implementation of BFS and DFS both recursive and non-recursive version and their
performance comparison
B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 4th Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

7. Implementation of Prim’s algorithm and performance comparison based on different data

structures used
8. Implementation of Dijsktra’s algorithm and performance comparison based on different data
structures used
9. Implementation of Bellman Ford algorithm and all pair shortest path algorithm.
10. Implementation of KMP algorithm

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course the students will be able to-

CO1: Compare performance of various sorting algorithm.
CO2: Decide which design paradigm to use for a particular problem
CO3: Implement various graph algorithms
CO4: Apply graph algorithms to real life problems
CO5: Implement string matching algorithms.

Programming Lab Using C++

Code: PCL(CS/IT)410
Contact Hrs./Week : 3P
Credit: 1.5

1. Introduction to the source code writing, compilation and execution process of C++
programme. Writing C++ Programme using I/O stream, command line arguments. basic
loop control, functions with CBV and CBR, identification of variables with scope
resolution operator. [3P]
2. Programme writing on classes, creation of objects, constructors and destructors,
accessing members, array of objects, accessing of static members [3P]
3. Programme writing on function overloading, constructor overloading and default
constructor, Object passing as function arguments and returning of objects from
functions. [3P]
4. Programme writing on friend functions, local classes., dynamic initialization of objects
5. Programme writing on copy constructor, operator overloading – binary and unary
operators. operator overloading using friend functions [3P]
6. Programme writing on derived classes, implementation of single inheritance, multilevel
inheritance, hierarchical inheritance with constructor calling sequence. [3P]
7. Programme writing on multiple inheritances, constructor calling in derived classes,
virtual base classes. [3P]
8. Programme writing on abstract classes, pointer to objects, this pointer, pointers to derived
class. [3P]
B. Tech. (CSE) 2nd Year/ 4th Semester Course Structure and Syllabus for 2019 -20

9. Programme writing on virtual functions and run time polymorphism [3P]

10. Programme writing on basic Class and Function templates [3P]

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course the students will be able to-

CO1: Implementing ADT in the form of classes incorporating their data protection along with
ways of accessing the different class members and distinguishing between function call by value
and call by reference.
CO2: Recognizing the usage of same function declaration under different implementation
scenarios and also sharing of private data between different classes including nested classes.
CO3: Utilizing indirect accessing of class members through pointers and also exploring the data
abstraction concept through operator overloading.
CO4: Applying code reusability through generalization/specialization concept and utilizing same
functions for different types of specialized entities with their different implementation scenarios.
CO5: Implementation of generalized structure patterns with class and function templates.
5th SEM
01 PC(CS/IT)511 Operating Systems 3 1 0 4 4
02 PC(CS/IT)512 Database Management 3 1 0 4 4
03 PC(CS/IT)513 Object 3 1 0 4 4
04 PEC(CS)501 Elective-I 3 0 0 3 3
A: Advanced
Algorithms B: Soft
C: Embedded Systems
05 MC(CS/IT)502 Constitution of India/ 2 0 0 2 0 (non-
Essence of Indian credit
Traditional Knowledge accordin
g to
01 PCL(CS/IT)514 Operating System Lab 0 0 3 3 1.5
02 PCL(CS/IT)515 Database Management 0 0 3 3 1.5
System Lab
03 PCL(CS/IT)516 Programming Lab using 0 0 3 3 1.5
01 CLA(CS)-5 Comprehensive 0 0 0 0 1
Laboratory Assessment
TOTAL 14 3 9 26 20.5
Operating System
Code: PC(CS/IT)511[PC (CS/IT)-513]
Contact: 3L + 1T
Credit: 4
Allotted Hrs: 36L

Module I:
Introduction of O.S [2L]: Concept of OS. Operating system services, dual-mode operation,
Evaluation of O.S, Different types of O.S: batch, multi-programmed, timesharing, real-time,
distributed, network.
Introduction of Process [2L]: Concept of process, Process life cycle, Operations on processes,

Module II:
System Structure [2L]: Computer system operation, Operating system structure, kernel:
microkernel, monolithic kernel, system calls.
Threads [2L]: Overview, Benefits of threads, User and kernel threads.

Module III:
CPU Scheduling [4L]: Scheduling criteria, Preemptive & non-preemptive scheduling,
Scheduling algorithms(FCFS,SJF/SRTF,RR,Priority), MLQ scheduling, Multi-processor
Process Synchronization [3L]: Race condition, Critical Section problem, Semaphore, Mutex,
Deadlocks [3L]: Deadlock criteria, Methods for handling deadlocks, Resource allocation graph,
Banker’s algorithm, Recovery from deadlock.

Module IV:
Memory Management [3L]: Background, Logical vs. physical address, Address binding,
Swapping, Contiguous memory allocation, Fragmentation, Segmentation, Paging.
Virtual Memory [3L]: Concept, Demand paging, Page replacement, Page replacement
algorithms (FCFS, LRU, Optimal).
File Systems [2L]: File attributes, File system structure, File access methods, File allocation
methods (contiguous, linked, indexed).

Module V:
Disk Management [3L]: Disk structure, Disk formatting, Boot block, Bad blocks, Disk
scheduling algorithms (FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, C-SCAN, LOOK,C-LOOK).
Module VI:
I/O Management [3L]: I/O hardware, Polling, Interrupts, DMA, Application I/O interface,
Kernel I/O subsystem, Spooling and device reservation.
Protection & Security [2L]:Goals of protection, Security problem, Authentication, Program
threats, System threats
Case Study [2L]: Windows family, Linux family, Mac and iOS, VMWare, XEN family,

Text Books / References :

1. SilbersehatzA.,Galvin P. And Gagne G.“Operating System Concepts”, Willey.
2. Tanenbaum A.S. and Woodhull “Operating System Design & Implementation”, Pearson
Education US.
3. Milenkovie M, “Operating System : Concept & Design”, McGraw Hill.
4. Dhamdhere: Operating System. TMH
5. Stalling, William, “Operating Systems”, Maxwell McMillan International Editions.
6. Dietel H. N, “An Introduction to Operating Systems”, Addison Wesley.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of this course students can able to

CO1: Understand the concept of operating system with different types of operating system and
concept of process.
CO2: Understand the structures of operating system and mechanism to handle resources and
concept of kernel and thread.
CO3: Analyze different mechanism to handle CPU scheduling of processes, process
synchronization, deadlock.
CO4: Analyze different memory management mechanism to provide better performance to users,
file management mechanism
CO5: Implement different disk management policies.
CO6: Implement input/output devices management technique, evaluate protection and security
aspects related to operating system and some case studies related to modern day operating

Database Management System

Code: PC(CS/IT)512
Contacts: 3L + 1T
Credits: 4
Allotted Hrs: 36L

Module 1: Introduction [2L]:

Concept of File system & Database system & their differences, Data abstraction & Data independence in
DBMS, Instances & Schemas, Data models, Database languages (Data definition & Data manipulation

Module 2: Entity Relationship Model [3L]:

Basic concepts, Types of attributes, Relationship sets, Mapping cardinalities & Participation constraints,
Types of Keys., Entity – Relationship diagram(E-R diagram)., Strong & Weak entity sets, Specialization
& Generalization & Aggregation in ER model.

Module 3: Relational Model [4L]:

Fundamental operations in Relational Algebra, Extended Relational Algebra operations, Concept of View,
Relational Calculus.

Module 4: Relational Databases [11L]:

Introduction to SQL [4L]:

Characteristic of SQL, Types of SQL commands(DDL, DML, DCL, TCL), SQL operators & their
procedures, Queries, Sub-queries & nested queries., Aggregate Functions, Operations on Modification of
databases (Insertion, Updation, Deletion).

Integrity Constraints [2L]:

Concept of Foreign Key, Definition of integrity constraints, Types of integrity constraints(Domain
Constraints, Entity Integrity Constraint, Referential Integrity Constraints, Key Constraints).

Functional Dependencies & Normalization [5L]:

Functional Dependency, Closure of functional dependency, Armstrong’s Axioms, Canonical Cover.,
Lossless join decomposition & Dependency preservation, Full & Partial & Transitive dependency, Prime
& Non-prime attribute, Need of Normalization, 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF.

Module 5: Transaction Management [13L]:

Transaction [6L]:
Overview of Database transaction concepts, ACID properties, Transaction state, Concurrent executions,
Conflicts in Transaction, Serializability, Conflict & View Serializability, Test for serializability
(Precedence Graph), Recoverability, Recoverable&Cascadeless& Strict schedules.

Concurrency Control [4L]:

Shared lock & Exclusive lock, Two phase locking protocol, Deadlock handling, Deadlock prevention,
Deadlock detection, Deadlock Recovery

Recovery System [3L]:

Causes of transaction failure, Storage structure, Log-based recovery, Write Ahead Logging (WAL)
protocol, Checkpoints, Shadow paging

Module 6: Storage [3L]:

Single level & Multi level indexing, Structure of B & B+ tree, File organization in B+ tree, Hashing
Text Books
1. Henry F. Korth and Silberschatz Abraham, “Database System Concepts”, Mc.Graw Hill.
2. ElmasriRamez and NovatheShamkant, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Benjamin Cummings
Publishing. Company.
3. RamakrishnanGehrke: Database Management System , McGraw-Hill

1.SQL, PL/SQL the Programming Language of Oracle,4th edition, Ivan Bayross
2.An Introduction to Database Systems, 8th edition, C.J. Date,

Course Outcomes:

After completing the course the student will be able to-

CO 1: Design ER-models to represent simple database application scenarios.
CO 2: Implement SQL queries on data.
CO 3: Apply normalization to Improve database design.
CO 4: Solve concurrency problems in database transactions.
CO 5: Explain basic database storage structures and access techniques.

Object Oriented Programming

Code: PC(CS/IT)513[PC (CS/IT)-513]
Contact: 3L + 1T
Credit: 4
Allotted Hrs: 36L

Module I [2L]
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Concepts
Object Oriented Programming language concepts & features, Comparison between Object Oriented
Programming language and conventional programming languages, Object Oriented Modelling concepts.

Module II [10L]
Introductory Concept of Java Programming
Advantages of Java, Data types & variables, Loops, Arrays, Operators, Control statements, constants,
methods, Compile time Polymorphism: Method Overloading, Keyboard input operations.

Classes & Objects

Defining Classes and Creation of objects, Access specifiers, Instance variables and Static variables,
Constructors, Constructor overloading, Static blocks, Array of objects, Use of this keyword, Passing
objects as parameter to a method & returning objects from a method, Nested classes & Inner classes
concept of string object with length(), equals() and charAt() method of string object, Command Line
Arguments, garbage collection.

Module III [10L]

Inheritance and Polymorphism in Java
Concept of Inheritance, Super classes & Subclasses, Object Modelling in Java: Generalization and
Specialization, Constructor calling mechanism in inheritance, Use of super keyword, Runtime
Polymorphism: Method Overriding. Use of static keyword in java.
Abstract classes & Interfaces
Concept of Abstract classes & Interfaces and their properties, use of final keyword, Dynamic binding in
abstract classes and interfaces, Inheritance of interfaces, Nested Abstract classes & Nested Interfaces.

Packages in Java
Creation of packages, Importing packages, Member access rules in the aspect of packages.

Module IV [5L]
Exception handling in Java
Basic concept of exception handling in Java, Different types of exception classes, Concept of try and
catch block, Concept of nested try block and multiple catch blocks, throw and throws clause, Concept of
finally block, Creation of user defined exception classes.
Module V [6L]
Multithreading in Java
Basic concept of multithreading, Concept of main thread and child thread, Thread life cycle, Creation of
multiple threads, Thread priorities, Thread synchronization, Inter thread communication, Deadlocks,
Suspending & Resuming threads.

Module VI [3L]
Applet Programming in Java
Basics of applet programming, Applet life cycle, Differences between application & applet programming,
Parameter passing through applets, I/O operations in applets.

1. Core Java Volume I — Fundamentals (9th Edition) by Cay S Horstmann and Gary Cornell
2. Object Oriented Modelling and Design by Rambaugh, James Michael, Blaha; Prentice Hall, India
3. Java: A Beginner’s Guide byHerbertSchildt, Oracle Press.

1. Head First Java by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates
2. Deitel and Deitel- “Java How to Program”, Pearson Education.

Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course the students will be able to -

CO1: Recognize some of the enhanced features of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and also be able
to design an entity structure in the perspective of object oriented modelling.
CO2: Implement ADT with data protection, method overloading, string operations and object independent
access features of the java programming.
CO3: Learn selective inheritance, implement run time polymorphism for abstractions, and build modular
programming scenarios with development of packages.
CO4: Effectively handle java run time exceptions, recognize the control flow of exception paths and also
design user defined exception classes.
CO5: Implement parallel processing scenarios with multithreading concepts and their synchronizations.
CO6: Design window based I/O operations for web applications through applet programming.

Advanced Algorithms
Code: PEC(CS) 501 A
Credits: 3
Allotted Hrs: 36L
Module 1: Probabilistic Analysis and Randomized algorithms [6L]
The hiring Problem, Indicator random variables, Randomized algorithms.

Module 2: Polynomials and FFT[6L]

Representing Polynomials, DFT and FFT, Efficient FFT implementation.

Module 3: Number Theoretic Algorithms [10L]

Modular arithmetic, Solving Modular Linear Equations, The Chinese Remainder Theorem, primality
Testing, Integer Factorization.

Module 4: Computational Geometry [6L]

Line Segment properties, determining whether any pair of segments intersect, Convex hull, Finding the
closest pair of points.

Module 5: Approximate Algorithms [8L]

Performance ratios for approximation algorithms, The vertex cover problem, The Travelling Salesman
Problem, The set covering Problem, Randomization and linear programming.

Text Books:
1.T.H.Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L.Rivest and C. Stein ,“Introduction to Algorithms”, PHI

1.Randomized •algorithms, Rajeev Motwani, PrabhakarRaghavan, Cambridge University Press
2. Computational Geometry Algorithms and Applications, Third Edition, Mark de Berg ,Otfried Cheong
Marc van Kreveld , Mark Overmars, Springer
3.Approximation Algorithms, Vazirani, Vijay V, 2003, Springer.

Course Outcomes
After completing the course the student will be able to-
CO 1: Analyze Randomized algorithms for a given problem.
CO 2: Efficiently implement FFT, primality testing and integer Factorization.
CO 3: Solve Modular Arithmetic Problems.
CO 4: Apply computational geometry algorithms to real life problems
CO 5: Design approximate algorithms for problems.

Soft Computing
Code: PEC (CS) 501B
Contacts: 36L
Credit: 3
Allotted Hrs: 36L

Module-I [2L]

Introduction to Soft Computing: Concept of computing systems, “Soft" computing versus "Hard"
computing, Characteristics of Soft computing, some applications of Soft computing techniques.

Module-II [12L]

Artificial Neural Network:

Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks, Perceptron, Neural Networks Learning Rules, Activation
Functions, Derivation of generalized delta learning rule (back propagation) for Multilayer perceptron.
Kohonen Self- Organizing Feature Maps.

Module-III [5L]

Fuzzy Logic:
Fuzzy Sets, Basic Definitions and Terminology, membership function Set-theoretic operation. Fuzzy
union, intersection and complement, various T-norm and T-conorm operators, Fuzzy Relations. Fuzzy
Logic, Approximate Reasoning, Compositional Rule of Inference.

Module-IV [10L]

Evolutionary Algorithms:
Genetic Algorithms: Simple GA, Encoding Techniques, Crossover, mutation, inversion and deletion,
genetic algorithms in search and optimization.
Ant Colony Optimization(ACO).
Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO).

Module-V [7L]

Hybrid Systems:
Hybrid Systems, GA based Fuzzy Systems and Neural Networks Training, Any other applications of soft

Text Books:

1. S. Rajasekaran and G.A.V.Pai, “Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithms”, PHI
2. Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft computing, Jang, Sun, Mizutani, PHI
3. Neural Networks: A Classroom Approach,1/e by Kumar Satish, TMH,
4. Genetic Algorithms in search, Optimization & Machine Learning by David E. Goldberg, Pearson/PHI
5. Fuzzy logic with engineering applications, Timothy J. Ross, John Wiley and Sons.

Reference Books:

1. Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic: Theory and Applications, George J. Klir and Bo Yuan, Prentice Hall
2. Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation (2nd Edition), Simon Haykin, Prentice Hall.
3. A beginners approach to Soft Computing, Samir Roy &Udit Chakraborty, Pearson

Course Outcomes

After completing the course the student will be able to

CO 1: Identify and select a suitable Soft Computing methodology to solve the problem

CO 2: Understand & define fuzzy sets and represent these sets by membership functions

CO 3: Describe the relation between real brains and simple artificial neural network models

CO 4: Design genetic algorithms for single and multiple objective optimization problem
CO 5: Analyze and design neuro fuzzy and other hybrid approaches of soft computing techniques for
problem solving

Embedded Systems
Code: PEC(CS) 501 C
Credits: 3
Allotted Hrs: 36L

Module 1:Introduction[3 L]
Introduction to Embedded System, features of Embedded System, application of Embedded System.

Module 2:8051 Microcontroller[10L]

Overview of 8051 family and various versions of 8051 Microcontroller. Block Diagram of 8051
Microcontroller, Memory Organization: bit addressable register, byte addressable register, general
purpose register and special function register (SFR). Assembly Language Programming for Arithmetic
and Logic operations, Assembly Language Programming using the instructions JUMP, LOOP, CALL etc.
Description of Timers and Ports of 8051 Microcontroller.

Module 3: AVRAtmega8[11L]
Introduction to AVR Microcontroller.Description of AVR ATmega8 Microcontroller.Assembly Language
Programming for Arithmetic and Logic operations using AVR ATmega8 Microcontroller.Assembly
Language Programming for Input-Output Port for AVR ATmega8 Microcontroller.Interfacing of sensors
with AVR ATmega8 Microcontroller.Data uploading toAVR ATMega8 Microcontroller.

Module4:Arduino UNO R3[12L]

Overview and features of Arduino UNO R3.Mapping of AVR ATMega8 pins and Arduino UNO R3
pins.Analog pins, Digital Pins and Power Supply of Arduino UNO R3.Programming of Arduino UNO
R3.Interfacing of sensors with Arduino UNO R3.Usage of the common instructions pinMode(),
analogRead(), analogWrite(), digitalRead(), digitalWrite(), Serial.begin(), Serial.print() , delay(), etc.

Text Books:
1. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Using Assembly and C by M.A. Mazidi, J. G.
Mazidi an R. D. McKinlay, published by Pearson.
2. The 8051 Microcontroller by Kenneth J. Ayala, published by Cenage Learning.
3. AVR Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C by M. A. Mazidi ,
published by Pearson.
4. Make: Getting Started with Arduino by Massimo Banzi and Michael Shiloh (Available at

Reference Books and Websites

1. Make: AVR Programming by Elliot Williams, SHROFF PUBLISHERS &DISTRIBUTERS
2. Internet of Things with Arduino-Cookbook by Marco Schwartz published by
3. Getting Started with Arduino [www.it-ebooks.info]
4. Arduino Software [www.arduino.cc]
5. AVR Microcontroller Book[www.finebook.ir]
6. AVR Studio Software [www.microchip.com]
Course Outcomes
After completion of the course the students will be able to-
CO1: Identify the features of Embedded System and their necessity.
CO2: Gather knowledge on Assembly Language Programming of Microcontroller.
CO3: Program AVR Microcontroller using low level as well as high level language.
CO4: Design of various experiments, analysis and interpretation of results on Arduino Platform.

Constitution of India
Code: MC(CS/IT)502[PC (CS/IT)-513]
Contact: 2L
Credit: 0
Allotted Hrs: 35L

Indian Constitution: [5]

Sources and constitutional history, Features: Citizenship, Preamble, Fundamental Rights and Duties,
Directive Principles of State Policy.

Union government and its administration: [10]

Structure of the Indian Union: Federalism, Centre- State relationship, President: Role, power and position,
PM and Council of ministers, Cabinet and Central Secretariat, Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha. State government
and its administration: Governor: Role and Position, CM and Council of ministers, State Secretariat:
Organisation, Structure and Functions.

Supreme court: [10]

Organization of supreme court, procedure of the court, independence of the court, jurisdiction and power
of supreme court. High court: Organization of high court, procedure of the court, independence of the
court, jurisdiction and power of supreme court. Subordinate courts: constitutional provision, structure and
jurisdiction. National legal services authority, Lokadalats, family courts, gram nyayalays. Public interest
litigation (PIL): meaning of PIL, features of PIL, scope of PIL, principle of PIL, guidelines for admitting

Local Administration: [10]

District’s Administration head: Role and Importance, Municipalities: Introduction, Mayor and role of
Elected Representative, CEO of Municipal Corporation, Pachayati raj: Introduction, PRI: ZilaPachayat,
Elected officials and their roles, CEO ZilaPachayat: Position and role, Block level: Organizational
Hierarchy (Different departments), Village level: Role of Elected and Appointed officials, Importance of
grass root democracy.

Text books:
1. Indian polity, M, Laxmikanth, MC Graw Hill education, 5th Edition.

Reference books:
1. DD Basu, “ Introduction to the constitution of India”, 21st Edition, Lexis Nexis Books Publication ltd,

Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course, the learners will be able to

1. describe
• different features of Indian constitution.
• power and functioning of Union, state and local self-government.
• structure, jurisdiction and function of Indian Judiciary.
• basics of PIL and guideline for admission of PIL.
• Functioning of local administration starting from block to Municipal Corporation.

2. identify authority to redress a problem in the profession and in the society.


Code: PCL(CS/IT)514
Credits: 1.5
Allotted Hrs: 33P

1. Managing Unix/Linux Operating System [9P]:

Creating a bash shell script, making a script executable, shell syntax (variables, conditions, control
structures, functions,commands). Partitions, Swap space, Device files, Raw and Block files, Formatting
disks, Making file systems, Superblock,I-nodes, File system checker, Mounting file systems, Logical
Volumes, Network File systems, Backup schedules andmethods Kernel loading, init and the inittab file,
Run-levels, Run level scripts. Password file management, Passwordsecurity, Shadow file, Groups and the
group file, Shells, restricted shells, user-management commands, homes andpermissions, default files,
profiles, locking accounts, setting passwords, Switching user, Switching group, Removing users &user

2. Process [3P]: starting new process, replacing a process image, duplicating a process image, waiting for
a process,zombie process.

3. Signal [3P]: signal handling, sending signals, signal interface, signal sets.

4. Semaphore [6P]: programming with semaphores (use functions semctl, semget, semop, set_semvalue,
del_semvalue, semaphore_p, semaphore_v).

5. POSIX Threads [6P]: programming with pthread functions (viz. pthread_create, pthread_join,
pthread_exit,pthread_attr_init, pthread_cancel)

6. Inter-process communication [6P]:pipes(use functions pipe, popen, pclose), named pipes(FIFOs,

accessing FIFO),message passing & shared memory(IPC version V).

Database Management System Lab

Code: PCL(CS/IT) 515
Contacts: 3P
Credits: 1.5
Allotted Hrs: 33P

1. Structured Query Language [6P]

Creating a Database, Creating a Table, Specifying Relational Data Types, Specifying Constraints,
Creating Indexes

2. Table and Record Handling[6P]

statements, DROP, ALTER statements.

3. Retrieving Data from a Database[9P]

The SELECT statement, Using the WHERE clause, Using Logical Operators in the WHERE clause,
Using IN, BETWEEN, LIKE , ORDER BY, GROUP BY and HAVING Clause, Using Aggregate
Functions, Combining Tables Using JOINS, Sub queries.

4. Database Management[6P]
Creating Views, Creating Column Aliases, Creating Database Users, Using GRANT and REVOKE

5. PL/SQL Concepts and Constructs[6P]

Introduction of PL/SQL , Structure of basic PL/SQL Structure, Conditional statements, Basic loops,
Cursors in Oracle PL / SQL

Programming Lab Using Java

Code: PCL(CS/IT)516
Contact: 3P
Credit: 1.5
Alloted Hrs:33P

1. Programming with java classes involving data members having various access protection, class
methods, constructors, overloading features, this and final keyword, static block, static variables and
methods. [3P]
2. Use of array of objects, passing of object in method and returning of object form method, use of string
handling functions– length (), equals (), charAt(), keyboard input operations, command line arguments.
3. Program implementation for nested/inner classes, name conflict resolving for inner and outer classes.
4. Programme implementation for abstract class, interface, inheriting multiple interfaces in a single class,
extending multiple interfaces within a single interface, combined inheritance of both abstract class and
interface. Use of dynamic method dispatch for abstract class and interface implementation. [6P]
5. Implementation of nested abstract class and interface combinations. Resolving name conflict scenarios
for the combined inheritance of abstract class and interface. [3P]
6. Designing programme modules with creation and accessing of packages. [3P]
7. Handling exception with try, catch and finally. Adoption of throw, throws and user defined exception.
8. Programme writing for creation of multiple threads, thread synchronization, inter thread
communication. [6P]
9. Applet programme execution with I/O operation, use of repaint () method. [3P]
Course Outcome:
After completion of this course the students will be able to -
CO1: Implement java classes with incorporation of data protection, method overloading, string
operations, call by reference aspects and object independent access of the class members.
CO2: Design nested structuring of classes and resolve name conflict issues for the nested classes.
CO3: Implement abstract class, interface and their nested structuring along with dynamic method
CO4: Tackle java run time exceptions, and also design user defied exception classes.
CO5: Perform parallel processing with multithreading concept and implement their synchronization.
CO6: Execute applet programming for web applications with window based I/O operations.

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