Energy Management of Hybrid Power System: Dongara Ramesh, M. Jyothsna, G. Abhinay Kumar

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Energy Management of Hybrid Power System

Dongara Ramesh1, M. Jyothsna2, G. Abhinay Kumar3

Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
MLR Institute of Technology,
Hyderabad - 500 043, Telangana, India.

2Assistant Professor, Department of Science & Humanities

MLR Institute of Technology,
Hyderabad - 500 043, Telangana, India

JNTUCEH, Centre for Energy studies
Hyderabad - 500 043, Telangana, India

Abstract – Globally most of the power generation is carried out by coal and mineral oil based
power plants, which contribute heavily to greenhouse gases emission. The ever increasing energy
consumption, high cost and the exhaustible nature of fossil fuel and the worsening global
environment had created interest on green power generation systems. The demand for new and
environmentally friendly energy system is growing worldwide. Remote rural areas are not getting
sufficient grid power. Wind and Solar power are the two most promising renewable power
technologies that are having biggest share in the current trend. Hybrid system is an excellent
solution for electrification of remote rural areas and is economical. Solar and wind depends upon
the climatic and geographical conditions. During night hours solar power is zero, whereas wind
can supply power in the day and night. Battery alone cannot meet the load demand. Hence Fuel
cell is integrated to make system more sustainable. In this alternating hybrid alternating energy
system consisting of Wind, Fuel cell, Electrolyzer and Super capacitor are connected together to
supply uninterrupted power which increases the power reliability. Wind is primary power source
and Fuel cell - Electrolyzer combination is used as a backup and long term energy storage system.
A Super capacitor is used as a short time backup to supply transient power to provide
uninterrupted high-quality power, and an advanced power control techniques are presented which
are source control technique and grid control technique out of two control techniques source
control technique has better performance than grid control technique. This project is simulated
using MATLAB and performances are evaluated.

Keywords: Electrolyzer, Super capacitor, Fuel cell.

I. Introduction systems to provide certain services, like frequency and

voltage regulations of the local grid. Wind power is
Renewable energy sources (RES) and distributed considered in this paper. Wind energy is the world’s
generations (DG) have attracted special attention all fastest growing energy source, expanding globally at a
over the world in order to reach the following two goals, rate of 25%–35% annually over the last decade.
the security of energy supply by reducing the dependence However, classical wind energy conversion systems work
on imported fossil fuels and the reduction of the like passive generators. Because of the intermittent and
emission of greenhouse gases (e.g. CO2) from the fluctuant wind speed, they cannot offer any ancillary
burning of fossil fuels. Other than their relatively low services to the electrical system in a micro grid
efficiency and high cost, the controllability of the application, where stable active- and reactive-power
electrical production is the main drawback of renewable requirements should be attributed to the generators. As
energy generators, like wind turbines and photovoltaic solutions, hybrid power systems (HPS) are proposed to
panels, because of the uncontrollable meteorological overcome these problems with the following two
conditions. In consequence, their connection into the innovative improvements.
utility network can lead to grid instability or even failure Energy storage systems are used to compensate or absorb
if they are not properly controlled. Moreover, the the difference between the generated wind power and the
standards for interconnecting these systems to the utility required grid power. Power management strategies are
become more and more critical and require the DG
Dongara Ramesh1, M. Jyothsna2, G. Abhinay Kumar3

implemented to control the power exchange among II.1. Renewable Energy Sources
different sources and to provide some services to the
Hydrogen technologies, combining fuel cells (FCs) and Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) refer to the
electrolyzers (ELs) with hydrogen tanks are interesting sustainable natural energy sources, such as the sun
for long term energy storage because of the inherent and the wind. Renewable energy systems convert
high mass–energy density. In the case of wind energy these natural energy sources into consumable
surplus, the EL converts the excess energy into H2 by energy forms (electricity and heat), which are easy
electrochemical reaction. The produced H2¬ can be to transport and to use. RES includes Wind, Solar
stored in the hydrogen tank for future reutilization. In (photovoltaic, thermal electric), Geothermal, Wave
the case of wind energy deficit, the stored electrolytic H2 and tidal energy, Biodegradable waste and Biomass
can be reused to generate electricity by an FC to meet (biogas).Nowadays, hydropower and wind power
the energy demand of the grid. Thus, hydrogen, as an are technically and economically the best
energy carrier, contributes directly to the reduction of renewable energy utilizations. In countries with
dependence on imported fossil fuel. According to hydropower potential, small hydro turbines are
researchers, wind electrolysis is a very attractive used at distribution level to sustain the utility
candidate for an economically viable renewable network in dispersed or remote locations. In many
hydrogen production system. However, FCs and ELs countries, the wind power potential has led to a fast
have low-dynamic performances, and fast-dynamic development of wind turbine technologies in the
energy storage should be associated in order to overcome last decade. The main advantage of renewable
the fast fluctuations of wind power. energy systems is the low impact on the
Recent progress in technology makes super capacitors environmental pollution as no fossil fuels are
(SCs) [1] the best candidates as fast dynamic energy involved. An additional advantage is the
storage devices, particularly for smoothing fluctuant insensitivity to fuel prices since they are free
energy production, like wind energy generators. natural resources. This decreases the operational
Compared to batteries, SCs are capable of very fast cost of renewable energy systems and reduces
charges and discharges and can achieve a very large economic operation risks. The major drawback is
number of cycles without degradation, even at 100% the initial investment in renewable energy systems.
depth of discharge without “memory effect.” Globally, It is often more expensive to build renewable
SCs have a better round-trip efficiency than batteries. energy systems than non-renewable energy
With high dynamics and good efficiency, flywheel systems, since the environmental deterioration has
systems are also suitable for fast-dynamic energy storage not yet been taken into account for the cost
[2]. However, this mechanical system is currently calculation. However, this investment cost will be
hampered by the danger of “explosive” shattering of the reduced with the fast developing technologies (just
massive wheel due to overload (tensile strength because like the development of computer industry in the
of high weight and high velocity). SCs are less sensitive last three decades). Other disadvantages of RES are
in operating temperature than batteries and have no the specific requirements of the site and the
mechanical security problems. unpredictability of the generated power. The
In order to benefit from various technology advantages, intermittent availability of the RES means a higher
we have developed a wind generator (WG), including cost for balancing the electricity and for
three kinds of sources: 1) a RES: WG; 2) a fast-dynamic maintaining reserve capacity, for example in the
storage: SCs; and 3) a long-term storage: FC, EL, and event that the wind drops below or increases above
H2 tank. The control of internal powers and energy the operating area of wind turbines.
management strategies should be implemented in the
control system for satisfying the grid requirements while III.2 Distributed Generation
maximizing the benefit of RESs and optimizing the
operation of each storage unit. The purpose of this paper
is to present the proposed power management strategies
of the studied HPS in order to control the dc-bus voltage
and to respect the grid according to the micro grid
power requirements. These requirements are formulated
as real- and reactive-power references, which are
calculated by a centralized secondary control center in
order to coordinate power dispatch of several plants in a
control area. This area corresponds to a micro grid and
is limited due to the high level of reliability and speed
required for communications and data transfer.
Dongara Ramesh1, M. Jyothsna2, G. Abhinay Kumar3

Distributed Generation (DG) refers to distributed energy Today’s electrical grid has to take the challenges to
generation and energy storage (like electricity and match the modern digital economy and information
heat, near to or at the load center). Generally, a age, which requires higher load demands,
part of the electricity is used locally and the uninterruptible power supplies, and other high-
remainder is delivered to the grid. The heat, on the quality, high-value services. Especially, the
other hand, is always used locally, as heat transport integration of more and more DGs based on
is costly and involves relatively large losses. In this intermittent and fluctuant RES will lead to
dissertation, we focus on the generation of reliability problems of ancillary service, power
electricity. DGs are usually smaller than 50 MW quality disturbances, brownouts, and blackouts.
and are connected to the distribution network, The original power grid technology has its control
which has a low or medium operating voltage level systems embedded in the generating plants. The
(240/400 up to 110kV).Today, central electricity utilities attempt to meet the demand and succeed or
production still dominates electricity production fail with varying degrees (brownout, rolling
because of many issues, like economy of scale, blackout, uncontrolled blackout). The total amount
efficiency, fuel capability and lifetime. However, of power loaded by the users can have a very wide
the advantage of the central production’s economy probability distribution, which requires a lot of
of scale is decreasing, because fossil fuels, which spare generating plants in standby mode to respond
are economically suitable for central production, to the rapidly changing power usage. Thus, the
are not abundant enough for the next century clusters’ generating capacity should usually be
(without steady supply or stable price). Recently, oversized, so it is very expensive for the power
the world has shown its great interest and ambition producers, and the resulted brownouts and outages
of integrating RES and DG into the Transmission can be also very costly for consumers. As new
and Distribution Network (electrical grid) because electricity transmission and distribution network is
of many advantages. These advantages include required for integrating the newly emerging
additional energy-related benefits (improved distributed renewable energies. Smart Grid is a
security of supply, avoidance of overcapacity, peak modernized “grid” that uses robust two-way
load reduction, reduction of grid losses) and communications, advanced sensors and distributed
network-related benefits (transmission network computers to improve the efficiency, reliability and
infrastructure cost, power quality support, safety of power delivery and use. With the
reliability improvement). Moreover, DG can application of communication and information
increase the overall fuel efficiency of the plant technologies to the electric grid, many smart digital
considerably, as the heat can be used locally. meters can be integrated in the modernized grid to
Except for large-scale hydro, offshore wind farms replace analog mechanical meters. The Smart Grid
and co-combustion of biomass in conventional System Operator (SGSO) is able:
(fossil fuelled) power plants, most renewable
• To control the electrical powers down to the
energy systems are small DG systems. In the last
residential level, small-scale DGs and storage
decades, electric power systems undertook several
modifications toward a more decentralized energy
• To communicate information on operating status
system paradigm, allowing the increase of DG
and needs and to collect information on prices and
integration. With the fast development of
grid conditions;
distributed renewable energies, many efforts should
• To transform the grid under central control into a
be done in the following domains:
collaborative network.
• Modernization of the Transmission and
Distribution (T&D) networks (like Smart Grid), for II.4. Micro grid
distributed renewable energies grid integration.
•Innovation of the local system’s Management and
Control Concepts (like Micro grid), for distributed With a large number of widely dispersed distributed
renewable energies’ local demand and supply generators, the real-time communication and
optimization. control are difficult to perform for the whole power
• Implementation of Controllable and Reliable system, especially with extremely large amounts of
Generation (like Active Generators), to overcome information and long transmission distance.
the intermittent and fluctuant availability of Therefore, the optimized real-time control and
renewable energies and to supply ancillary services management of distributed generators and loads
to the electrical network. should be implemented within local power systems.
The necessary information should be firstly
gathered and then be exchanged with the Grid
II.3. Smart Grid System Operator [3] for the whole power grid’s
control and optimization. As a new control and
management concept of organizing the distributed
renewable energies and local loads, micro grids
have attracted great attention all over the world.
Dongara Ramesh1, M. Jyothsna2, G. Abhinay Kumar3

Fig:1.1 Smart grid and Micro grid Because of the intermittent and fluctuant availability of
the renewable energy sources, Hybrid Power
Systems (HPS) provide a high level of energy
security through the mix of various generation
systems and often incorporate energy storage
systems to ensure maximum reliability of power
supply. Several kinds of hybridization of power
sources are presented as follows:
 Hybridization of renewable energy sources and backup
power units: Because of the intermittent availability of
renewable energy sources, backup power units are
usually integrated for a high level of local energy
security. For example, diesel generator, micro gas
turbine and fuel cells are usually used as for
uninterrupted power supplies.
 Hybridization of renewable primary sources: Two or
more renewable primary sources can be associated for
complementary advantages. For example, the PV-Wind
The power connections are presented by the bold lines, system are often proposed, because the PV panels
which symbolize the infrastructure network. The provide powers only in the day time and wind generators
Smart Grid interfaces many micro grids and each produce usually more powers with stronger wind in the
micro grid combines locally the dispersed night.
generators and load, which are totally or partially  Hybridization of renewable energy sources and energy
controllable. The information connections are storage devices: The association of energy storage
presented by the dotted lines, which symbolize the devices with renewable energy sources can ensure
advanced communication technologies connecting reliability and security of the distributed power
Smart Grid System Operator (SGSO), Micro Grid generation system while maximizing the benefit from
System Operator (MGSO) and the controllers of renewable energies. For these systems, the excess and
distributed generators and loads. Many technical deficit of energy production can be optimally adjusted by
challenges are associated with the operation and the energy storage units to increase the energy efficiency.
the control of micro grids. Energy management is  Hybridization of different kinds of energy storage
very important for the achievement of good energy devices: In this, we have classified energy storage
efficiencies by optimizing production and devices into two categories: fast-dynamic storage devices
consumption of heat, gas and electricity. With and long-term storage devices. We propose an
various conflicting requirements and limited association of these two kinds of device to bring their
communication techniques among a large number complementary advantages to the renewable energy
of distributed energy sources, the management of based generator for the improvement of power supply.
instantaneous active and reactive power balancing
is a key challenge of micro grids. Another key
challenge of micro grids is to ensure stable II.6. Classification of energy storage systems
operation during faults and various network
disturbances. Transitions from interconnected
operation to islanding operation are likely to cause Energy storage systems can be classified in accordance
large mismatches between generations and loads, with the storage of electrical, magnetic, thermal,
and to cause severe frequency and voltage control chemical, kinetic and gravitational potential
problems. Maintaining stability and power quality energy. From the system view, more attentions
in the islanding mode of operation requires the should be paid to the access time, application and
development of sophisticated control strategies. control of the storage units can be classified into
two categories [7]. They are Dynamic storage
systems which usually can deliver high specific
II.5. Hybrid power system power with fast dynamics. They cannot store much
energy for a long-term operation but can provide
fast and high power variations, such as flywheels,
super-capacitors, superconducting magnetic energy
storage (SMES).
Dongara Ramesh1, M. Jyothsna2, G. Abhinay Kumar3

Long-term storage systems (“energy sources”), which

usually have slow dynamic and high specific
energy. They cannot provide fast varying power but
can store much energy for long-term operation,
such as diesel generator, micro gas turbine,
batteries, fuel cells with electrolyzers and hydrogen

III. Conclusion
In this, a dc-coupled HPS has been studied with the
three kinds of energy sources: 1) a WG as a renewable
energy generation system; 2) SCs as a fast-dynamic
energy storage system; and 3) FCs with ELs and
hydrogen tank as a long term energy storage system. The
structure of the control system is divided into three
levels: 1) SCU; 2) ACU; and 3) PCU. Two power-
balancing strategies have been presented and compared
for the PCU: the grid-following strategy and the source
following strategy. For both of them, the dc-bus voltage
and the grid power can be well regulated.

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