Developmental Follow Up Programs

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Developmental Follow up Programs

Early Childhood is an important stage for developmental milestones. As your baby's brain
and body grow and their pathways gradually connect up, babies learn to smile, then crawl,
walk, speak - and develop many other skills along the way.

● At every age, Baby achieves the skills particular

for that age group in all areas of development and
as the age advances, the functional skills also
increases. Parents can use the milestones to know
about normal development, and red flags for
potential developmental delay

● Developmental delays are significant lag in one or more areas of physical, Mental,
Socio emotional development. The warning signs for different kinds of delay may
show up from infancy to age two.
● We recommend early stimulation to all babies, as it boosts brain development and
shapes the brain architecture which leaves a positive legacy on toddler brain well into
the late teens. Early stimulation and intervention is the best way to help the children
with lag to make progress and helps to catch up with their peers.

Developmental follow-up programmes reassure you that your baby is doing well and
address any concerns.

Infant and Toddler Developmental screening and Assessment

What are Developmental Screening and Assessment?-

It’ a brief test about child’s activities

0-3months 1mon to 6 years 3mon to 2.5 years

• Amiel tison
angles/ General • Developmental • Confimatory
movements / Screening Test test
reflexes/ Denver II • Developmental
Sensory and Assessmet
feeding Scale for Indian
assessment Infants (DASII)
• Alertness

Denver II- Developmental Screening Test

It’s a parent Assisted screening from one month to 6 years , Quick, reliable easy to
administer and score .It consists of 125 tasks and screens the following
Personal –social
Fine motor adaptive
Gross motor

Developmental assessment
If the screening tool identifies an area of concern, a formal developmental evaluation is
advised .This formal evaluation is a more in-depth look at a child’s development,
done by trained specialist. The results of this formal evaluation determines
whether a child needs special treatments or early intervention services.

DASII (Developmental Assessment Scale for Indian Infants)

This test is conducted for infants between 3 months and 2.5 years of age.

The motor development items (67 Items)cover the child's development from supine to erect
posture, neck control, locomotion and basic locomotive skills, such as climbing, jumping,
skipping etc. It also includes the record for manipulative behavior such as reaching, picking up
things, handling and manipulating them, putting or throwing them in a directed manner etc.

The mental development items (163items) records the child's cognizance of objects in the
surroundings, perceptual pursuit of moving objects, exploring them to meaningful manipulation.
It also covers the development of communication and language comprehension, spatial
relationship and manual dexterity, imitative behavior and social interaction etc.

It helps to calculates Motor age and Mental Age, provides Developmental Quotient

Who needs Developmental Screening and Assessment?

All children need to undergo Developmental evaluation and early stimulation to

optimise their development.

Detailed evaluation is mandatory for high risk infants and for those who fails the
screening test

● High risk pregnancy

● Genetic defects
● Severe medical problems developing soon after birth
● prematurity

Risk factors Mild Risk Moderate Risk High Risk

Risk for Neuro Marginally increased At definitely increased Majority have Severe
Developmental risk of NDD than in risk of NDD NDD & poor outcomes
Delay(NDD) general population
Aim of Neuro Screening and Screening and Early Diagnosis and specific
developmental follow up referral interventions interventions

Developmental Follow up Programs

Protocol for screening

First year Second year Follow

Third year Four year to six years
Four times up Follow up age six years of age

At Discharge

15 months 30 months
or Once a year as per the requirement school
36 months performance and
behavioural evaluation


Corrected age is used for preterm infants

Early Stimulation & Early intervention

• Early stimulation program – for all stages of development
• Baby gym activities
• Infant massage
• Pediatric Physiotherapy
• Parenting tips –Positive parenting
Feeding time to interact with children
Early potty training

Age appropriate toys / Norms for Screen time

Baby Early stimulation Group

• Encourage learning and development of your baby
• Meet others with young babies
• Take advantage of their great potential in the first year of life
• Through interactive sessions Learn activities to optimize the global development
of the baby

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