Vineland Social Maturity Scale: An Update On Administration and Scoring

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Vineland Social Maturity Scale: An Update on Administration and Scoring

Article  in  Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology · January 2020


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Bangalore N Roopesh
National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences


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Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology Copyright, 2019, Indian Association of
2019, Vol. 46, No. 2, 91-102 Clinical Psychologists (ISSN 0303-2582)
Review Article

Vineland Social Maturity Scale: An Update on

Administration and Scoring
Bangalore N Roopesh1*

Vineland Social Maturity Scale (VSMS) has been one of the main psychological assessment
tools for the evaluation of social and adaptive functions for several decades globally as well as in
India. In addition to assessing social competence, VSMS is also used as a substitute test to assess
intelligence when other core intelligence tests cannot be used due to various reasons, such as poor
speech ability and in conditions where the child is not cooperative. The original version (Doll,
1953) was adapted to the Indian setting by A.J. Malin (1965) and later it saw further modification
by Bharat Raj (1992). However, due to the extreme difficulty of obtaining the manuals, especially
the Indian adapted, several errors have crept in over the years in its administration as well as
scoring. Two important errors that need immediate attention of the professionals are the maximum
possible Chronological Age (CA) to be considered and the way the final Social Age (SA) is
calculated. In this regard, to help in arriving at a consensus across professionals, this article will
discuss few of the important aspects in administration and scoring with appropriate examples.
Key Words: VSMS, Bhatia Battery, Binet Kamat Test, Intelligence, S.Q., Children

I. INTRODUCTION: clear and easy, so the postgraduate trainees who have

Vineland Social Maturity Scale (VSMS; Doll, either bachelors or masters degree in psychology
1935, 1953) is one of the widely used psychological might be able to easily understand its administration
assessment tools in the Indian Subcontinent. and scoring. Compounding the difficulty, there are
It is mainly used to assess social and adaptive two Indian adaptations / modifications, one from
functions or social competency. Generally, VSMS A.J. Malin in 1965 and again by Bharat Raj in 1992.
is administered along with other tests such as Binet- However, the complete manual of these adaptation/
Kamat Test and Bhatia’s Battery of Intelligence test, modification are extremely difficult to obtain. What
to obtain the comprehensive picture of the child/ is available is usually a brief introduction of the test,
person’s abilities. VSMS is the most preferred test the test items and the description of some of the
to assess intelligence whenever standard intelligence items. A substantial majority of the professionals are
tests cannot be used due to various reasons such not even aware that there are two Indian versions and
as when child’s speech output is inadequate, when there are differences between them. Those who are
the person is not cooperative, in situations where a aware about the two versions, despite ascertaining
person has active psychopathology / symptoms and the merits and demerits of each version, blindly
in situations where a large number of subjects are adhere to what has been taught to them. Due to the
waiting for the assessment and certification (eg., above issues, throughout the country, there are no
consensus with respect to the proper administration
disability assessment camps). In addition, VSMS
and scoring of VSMS. This complacency can be
is also preferred because it takes relatively very
observed across the subcontinent irrespective of
less time compared to other tests and also due to its
whether it’s an established premier institute or new
apparent simplicity of administering, scoring and
small department.
Surprisingly, due to its apparent simplicity many II. BACKGROUND
institutions do not devote adequate time in teaching/ Edgar Arnold Doll (1935) constructed
training this particular assessment tool. Probably the Vineland Social Maturity Scale on the similar lines
implicit understanding might be that as VSMS is very of Binet and Simon test of Intelligence scale. The
1. Additional Professor, Dept of Clinical Psychology, 311, 3rd Floor, Dr. M.V. Govindaswamy Building, NIMHANS, Bengaluru-29
*Corresponding Author: Dr B N Roopesh, Email: [email protected]

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items were arranged in order of ‘normal average life Score SA Score SA Score SA
age progression’. The total 117 items were arranged 1.0 .06 31.0 1.83 76.0 9.7
in the increasing order of difficulty. It was meant to 1.5 .09 31.5 1.85 76.5 9.8
measure maturation in social independence or social 2.0 .12 32.0 1.89 77.0 10.0
competence from infant to young adult, i.e. from
2.5 .15 32.5 1.91 77.5 10.1
age ‘0 to 25+’. The main purpose of each item is to
3.0 .18 33.0 1.94 ..continues ..continues
represent a particular aspect of the ability to look after
3.5 .21 33.5 1.97 101.0 20.0
one’s own practical needs. The important purpose of
the test was for child guidance, child training, and to 4.0 .24 ..continues ..continues 101.5 20.8
distinguish between mentally retarded/intellectually ..continues ..continues 74.5 9.2 102 21.0
disabled child with or without social incompetence. 30.0 1.77 75.0 9.3 103 22.0
The test had a correlation of around .80 to .85 30.5 1.79 75.5 9.5 ..continues ..continues
with standard intelligence tests such as Stanford- III. INDIAN ADAPTATION
Binet. Similar to mental age (MA) of Binet-Simon
Malin in 1965 from Nagpur Child Guidance
test of intelligence, Doll adopted social age (SA).
Centre, adapted VSMS to Indian settings. The
However, in contrast to using age-credits as used
adapted version had only 89 items and assessed from
in Binet-Simon test, Doll used a “direct total score-
0 to 15 years of age. The 89 items, except few, are
conversion” table to arrive at the social age (Doll,
almost the exact match (in terms of content) with
1953; or kindly refer table 1 below for description).
the first 89 items of the original version of Doll
Table 1: Showing The Example of Doll’s Norms for (kindly refer table 2). However, it appears* that in
Conversion of Total Score To Social Age. Notice contrast to the ‘direct total score-conversion table’,
That The Half Points Between Every Whole Malin slightly modified the same and arrived at “age-
Numbers. Decimal Points in Social Age (SA) credits” for each item in each year to arrive at the
Columns Below Indicate Months and Days social age (kindly refer figure 3 for description).

Figure 1: Showing The Malin’s ‘Age-Credits Table For Each Item In Each Year’

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Bharat Raj in 1992 further extended/modified Doll’s norms for converting total scores to SA values
the VSMS and this version is more similar to the is not given here due to possible copyright issues.
Doll’s in terms of item description as well as scoring However, it has been briefly given in table 1.
(kindly refer table 2).
Figure 2: Shows the table of Bharat Raj’s
Table 2: Comparison of the Modified VSMS Conversion of Raw Score to Social Age.
Items Among the Three Versions. Items
Not Mentioned Here are Relatively Same
in all The Three Versions.
Doll (1953) Malin (1965) Bharat Raj (1992)
1 “Crows”, laughs “Crows”, laughs Cries/laughs
Removes shoes or
21 Pulls of socks Pulls of clothes sandals, pulls off
Gives up baby Walks without Walks or uses go-
carriage support cart for walking
Plays with other Plays with own
children hands
Eats with own hands
28 Eats with spoon
(biscuits, bread, etc.)
35 Asks to go to toilet Signals to go to toilet Asks to go to toilet
Eats with spoon/
38 Eats with fork
hands (food)
43 Cuts with scissors Can do paper folding
Uses skates, sled, Uses hoops, flies Uses hoops, flies
wagon kites, or uses knife kites, rides tricycles
Plays simple games
Plays simple table
59 which require talking
Uses table knife Mixes rice “properly
for spreading unassisted
Tells time to Can differentiate Tells time to
quarter hour between AM & PM quarter hour
Uses table knife Helps himself during
for cutting meals
Refuses to believe The author has come across several trainees
Disavows literal Understands and and professionals having doubts or confusion
68 any magic and fairy
Santa Claus keeps family secrets
tale regarding several aspects of the test. For the clarity,
Writes occasional
Distinguishes Writes occasional they are divided into issues with administration,
78 between friends any short letters to scoring and interpretation.
short letters
play mates friends

Makes telephone Makes independent IV. A: ISSUES WITH ADMINISTRATION
calls choice of shops
Answers ads; IV. A. i: Who is the Informant?
Answers ads; Follows local current
purchases by mail events
writes letters for Informant should be usually the person who
information knows the child most and who has seen and interacted
Bharat Raj’s norms has been given in the with the child at least for few weeks to months. It
figure 2. Bharat Raj’s norms is almost similar to is usually the primary care taker. It can be mother,
Doll’s norms, except that Doll has and given social father or grandparents. Sometimes it so happens that
age equivalents for every half point between every a father/uncle/aunt/grandparent who is not staying
whole number from item 1 to item 102. The entire with the child on a regular basis accompany the child

Bangalore N Roopesh.... / Vineland Social Maturity Scale: An Update .....

for the assessment. In this scenario it is advisable is strongly advisable to perform the assessment when
that the psychologist requests them to bring along the the child is around.
primary care taker to get the adequate information.
This also applies to any other person who accompanies IV. A. iii. What Actually Does the Items Assess?
the child. In some situations, a child is bought by a There are items in the test where explanation
caretaker of the children’s home (with a request from is not provided in the items sheet itselt. However,
the child welfare committee/court), where the child for many items, detailed explanations are provided
would have got admitted to the home couple of days later in the assessment manual. A psychologist
before the referral. In this situation, the psychologist should be aware about all these explanations, and/or
can send the caretaker back with the request that the whenever in doubt, they should refer to these detailed
informant/caretaker should observe the child for few explanations. However, there are some items, where
weeks and then bring back for the assessment. a trainee or a novice psychologist might find it
difficult to know what actually to look for. Example
IV. A. ii: To Assess With Or Without The Child of one such item where there is no explanation is,
Being Present? ‘Item 53: Goes about neighborhood unattended’.
VSMS is devised in such a way that it can be Here the problem might be to determine ‘what
administered without the child. This nature of the test is neighborhood’ and it can be subjective, where
has been one of the reasons for its success since its neighborhood can be different to different people.
inception. However, experienced psychologists would Whenever such problems arise, the psychologist has
have observed that several times, informants will be to ‘look at what age level the item belongs to’. This
completely unaware whether their child has or has will most of the time solve the problem. In the above
not achieved particular behaviour. Example of such example, item number 53 is in the age of 4 years 4
Items where the informants may not be aware of are, months (age range between 4 to 5 years). Therefore,
‘unwraps sweets, chocolates’, ‘can do paper folding’, one has to know how much a 4 years 4 months old
and so on. In addition, there can be unintentional child can explore the neighborhood. In this case, it
bias from the informants while reporting. Again, might be about few houses around its own house (if
experienced psychologists would have come across, the child is in an independent house) or going around
informants giving positive responses to several tasks, the apartment complex within its boundary wall.
where upon direct observation, the child might not Another such item without explanation is, ‘item 70:
seem to be able to perform. Example of such items Combs or brushes hair’. Again, the test administrator
are, ‘mixes rice properly unassisted’, ‘goes to bed should be aware that what 8 years old (age range of
unassisted’, and so on. In many instances, trainees 7 to 8 years) child can do with her/his scalp hair. An
8 years old boy with a typical male hair cut should
in the institutions perform assessment with their
be able to comb his entire scalp neatly and probably
limited assessment skills. In these situations, if the
able to separate the hair both sides (typical left and
child is present it becomes easier for the consultants
right separation) clearly. If the child is a girl with
or supervisors to cross-check the results with the
typical long hair, then she is expected to comb her
observation and interview of the child. Further, in
entire scalp and separate sides clearly. However,
several conditions especially where the child has a
tying of the hair can be optional, but not mandatory
developmental syndrome with recognizable body
as tying the hair is not part of the item. However, all
features, it becomes easier to observe and corroborate
the above tasks are rated mainly if the child is taught/
the assessment results.
trained/provided the opportunity to do the task/
There can be instances where there might activity. If the child is not learnt a particular task/
be differences in what is being reported by the activity, then different rating system applies (more
informant and what is being observed in the child. on this in the section below on giving half-credits).
In such conditions, psychologists should not hesitate
to ask the child to perform a particular behaviour. IV. A. iv.: To Administer It Serial Wise or
Example of such items are ‘paper folding’, ‘walking Domain Wise?
downstairs one step at a time’ and so on. Therefore, it Another issue several trainees have doubt is

Bangalore N Roopesh.... / Vineland Social Maturity Scale: An Update .....

whether to administer the items in serial wise or IV. A. v.: When to Give Half Mark/Credit?
domain wise. Either way it should not matter if the The ability of the children does not always
examiner knows what all to look for and considers exactly fit according to the description of the test
every aspect while administration. However, it is items. There will be variations in their ability to
always better if the test is administered domain perform particular task, and these variations should
wise. The reasons for this are be acknowledged both for diagnosing as well as for
Its easy to ask questions in the domain wise. rehabilitation purposes. In this regard, providing
For example, the examiner can ask everything half mark/credit becomes important. The examples
about the hygiene aspects continuously, such as of the scenarios where the examiner feels that a child
whether the child washes and dries his/her own has the ability to do an activity, but was not able
hand, whether s/he washes her/his face, can take to do due to several reasons are; child not having
bath with and without assistance and so on. Domain had an opportunity to master the skill, temporary
wise assessment will also make it easier to identify ill health, caregivers have not taught particular skill
discrepancies in the tasks a child can perform. set and so on. In these cases, a half-credit can be
For example, if the informant says that the child given. For example: ‘Goes to school unattended’.
can’t wash face, but can take-bath-assisted. Here Here half-credit can be given if the family stay in a
taking-bath-assisted is higher level activity, and heavy road traffic area and the parents won’t send
when the child can perform higher-level task, s/he the child alone to school, but otherwise parents
should be able to do lower level activity. Further, say the child might / would’ve gone to school with
in domain wise assessment both the examiner some help if the traffic constraints were not there
and the informant will be talking mainly about a (Same thing applies, if the school is far and the
particular domain and will not be jumping from one child goes to school in the van/bus). Examiners
should be cautious that half-credit/mark cannot be
activity (in a particular domain) to another activity
given when the performance has been adversely
(in another domain) if the test administered in the
affected by the any permanent mental disability.
serial (non-domain) wise.
On the other hand, there can be scenarios
If the test is administered in a serial wise,
where at that instance the child may not perform the
there is a chance that the examiner might skip (not
task due to lack of opportunity, but the caretakers
assess) particular items in a particular domain. This
(and the examiners) are convinced that the child can
is because the items are not evenly distributed across
do a particular task to the full extent, a full credit/
the domains. For example, self-direction domain
mark should be given instead of half credit/mark.
starts from item 60 (at age 5 years 8 months), and For example, item/task ‘is trusted with money’. In
the next item in self-direction is 76 (at 9 years 4 this scenario if the caretakers don’t allow the child
months). If administered serially, there is a chance to go out to for small purchases, but the child has
that if a child is getting all negative responses from, the ability to take care of the money at home (eg.
for example item 65 to item 73, an examiner might puts the money carefully in the piggy bank), knows
think of stopping the administration, thinking the neighbourhood adequately especially where the
that the child has got so many negative credits. shops are located (this can be ascertained by asking
Similarly, in locomotion domain, after item 61 (at 6 the caretakers or even the child), and can go around
years) the next item is 77 (at 9 years 4 months). If immediate surroundings/neighbourhood. Then it is
the examiner administers serially, and the child gets clear that if provided the opportunity, this child will
continuous negative score, for example from item be able to perform this task, and hence a full credit/
63 to item 73, there is a chance that the examiner mark can be given.
might stop administering the test thinking that the
child is getting continuously negative scores. Here IV. A. vi: Where to Start and When to Stop?
in this example, if stopped administration, the VSMS is a brief test and hence the examiner
examiner will not get a chance to know whether the can start about 2 years lower than the child’s
child can or cannot be able to do item 77. chronological age. However, this should be flexible,

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depending on the behavioural observation of the (*the different names for the scoring i.e. ‘Total Correct
child. On the other hand, the examiner can stop the Score – Match’ and ‘Add Months-to-Years wise’, are used/
administration after 3 failures in the same domain, given by this author for the description and comparison
especially when the child has developmental issues. purpose. However, irrespective of what they are called, one
Examiners should be aware that a child who has should know that both are different scoring system)
developmental delays or disability will have more An illustration of the administration has been
scatter than a typically developing child. Therefore, carried out with an imaginary subject who has problem
administration should continue as much as possible in speech and communication. The same results (i.e.,
i.e. either till 3 failures in the same domain and/or whether the person can do or cannot do a particular
until the test items match the chronological age of the activity) are applied to the three different scoring
child. For example, if the child with developmental system. Each of these three methods are explained
difficulties is 8 years old, it is advisable to administer below along with figures for clear understanding.
the test items that corresponds to 8 years, i.e. in this Only ‘‘Add Months-to-Years Wise’ Scoring System
scenario it will be till item 70. (IV. B. i. b. and Figure 4) is Appropriate, Better
and Does Justice to the Subject.
IV. B. i. Arriving at the Social Age: IV. B. i. a.: The ‘Total Correct Score – Match’
The Difference between Two Commonly Used Scoring Method:
Methods: In this method, one has to add up the entire
Different institutions follow and teach different scale’s correct responses to arrive at a total score,
methods. Some follow the ‘Total Correct Score – and then match the total score to the corresponding
Match’ method* (Doll/Bharat Raj’s scoring system), ‘social age’ in the norms table (refer figure 3). For
some ‘Add Months-to-Years Wise’ method* (Malin’s example, if the child has obtained overall 82 (i.e.
scoring system) and some of them follow the mixture able to do 82 items on the whole), this score of 82
of the above. It should be noted that the ‘Add Months- will be matched on the norms table*2. The score of
to-Years wise’ method of scoring yields the best 82 corresponds to the social age (SA) of 134 months
results. The proof with examples are given below. (figure 3, red circle).

Figure 3: Showing the 'Total Correct Score – Match’ Method of Scoring Using Bharat Raj’s Norms

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IV. B. i. b: done for each year to arrive at that particular year

‘Add Months-to-Years Wise’ Method: age score in months. After this, on has to add up all
This method requires one to add up the number these ‘age scores’ to arrive at the social age (SA).
of correct responses for each year separately to One does not have to do the above calculations,
obtain the age score for that particular year, and because the ‘age-equivalent chart’ gives the values.
then adding up these separate age scores to arrive The psychologist has to just add up the number of
at the social age (refer figure 4). In this scenario, correct items (in that particular year) and look at
each item has its value in terms of the number of the same year box and find the ‘age-score’ for that
days/months. This value for each item (within a year) particular year. For example, in figure 4, it shows that
can be easily arrived at by dividing the ‘number of in year 5 to 6, the person can do 4 items (out of 5),
months in a year i.e., ‘12’ by ‘number of items in so in that particular 5 to 6 year, 4 items correct yields
that particular year’. For example, as there are 17 9.6 age credits/value.
items in year 0 to 1, so each item has a value of 0.7 Apparently on the surface level both methods
months (12 divided by 17 results in 0.7 months). appear to be correct, as both methods yield relatively
Therefore, if a child can perform 15 items in year 0 same Social Quotient if the subject is a small child
to 1, then that child’s score for that year is 15 (items) and/or to some extent if the child is developmentally
multiplied by 0.7 (months), which results in 10.5 normal. This apparent similarity might have been
months (for year 0 to 1). Similarly, there are 4 items one of the major factors in professionals ignoring
in year 6, so each item has a value of 3 months (12 the differences in the scoring system and following
divided by 4 is 3 months) in that age level. Therefore, the incorrect ‘total correct score-match’ method of
if a child has achieved 2 items in year 6, then the scoring. The differences in scoring method will be
child’s score for that year is 2 (items) multiplied by apparent if the subject is an adolescent and/or if the
3 (months) is 6 months. Similar calculations can be child has developmental delay in any of the domains.

Figure 4: Showing ‘How To Calculate Social Age Through Correct Method (‘Add Months-To-Years
Wise’ Method). If You Total the Credit in Months from Each Year, the Total Will Be 160.4
Months. This Will the Social Age (SA).

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IV. B. I. C. An Erroneous Way of Mixing of Two However, even this method is also incorrect (refer
Methods of Scoring: figure 5). As it can be observed that the social age
Another erroneous practice has been in the obtained through this method of scoring closely
vogue where the scoring involves both the norms. resembles the social age obtained through the ‘total
Here professionals who practice the incorrect ‘Total correct score-match’ method (figure 3), thereby
correct score–match’ method (of Doll’s / Bharat corroborating that these two methods are incorrect.
Raj’s) of scoring follow Malin’s normative data.

Figure 5: Showing the Results Another Incorrect Scoring Method, Where ‘Total Correct Score–
Match’ Method is Used With Malin’s Normative Data.

IV. B. i. d: The Reason Why ‘Total Correct Score – Match’ Scoring Method is Wrong:
The reason is very simple and it is due to the fact that the ‘number of items are different in each
year’, and especially/specifically due to the number of items in the last 3 years (12 to 15 years). For
example, as mentioned earlier in year ‘0 to 1’ there are 17 items (and so each item has 0.7 months value).
However, year ‘12 to 15’ has 5 items (and so each item has 7.2 months value) (refer table 3). As mentioned
earlier, the ‘total correct score–match’ method, just uses the total number of correct responses to find the
corresponding social age. Here, the main culprit is that the norms that are used to find the social age match
is in the age scale (and not in point scale), yielding scores that are in months (and not in points).
Therefore, the problem arises when a child does not perform any particular item. If the child does
not perform any 4 items, then 4 scores/points are reduced from the total score. That is, the child gets 85

Bangalore N Roopesh.... / Vineland Social Maturity Scale: An Update .....

items correct (i.e the total possible obtainable is 89 Actually, the two (or three) different scoring
in VSMS, so if the child does not perform 4 items, system make substantial differences. The differences
the score is 85). Here, the ‘total correct score– are significant when a child has developmental delay
match’ method does not consider in which year the more in any specific domains compared to global
child has not achieved/cleared a particular item, i.e. delay. In this regard, table 4 clearly shows the extent
whether it is in year ‘0 – 1’ or it is in year ‘12 to of the differences among different scoring method.
15’. That is, this method incorrectly treats all the It clearly shows how commonly practiced ‘total
unachieved items as same (without considering the correct score–match’ scoring method is incorrect and
value of each item in a particular year). Therefore, further shows the benefit of using ‘add months-to-
irrespective of the item that is not achieved, the year wise’ method.
score of 85 is matched with the norm and the social Table 3: Showing The Number of Items in Each
age is obtained, which is 12.6 years (refer figure 2). Year and the Value of Each Item in That
That is, the months are reduced/knocked off from
Particular Year
the top. Further, at the value of months are more for
each item (refer table 3). So, any item anywhere if it Age / year No. of items (in each year) Each item carries
is not achieved, the costly months are reduced from 0 – 1 year 17 0.7 months
the top (which is incorrect and should not be done). 1 – 2 year 17 0.7 months
That is, as mentioned earlier, each year has 2 - 3 year 10 1.2 months
different number of items and subsequently has 3 - 4 year 6 2 months
different value for each item (table 3). Therefore, 4 - 5 year 6 2 months
in year ‘4 to 5’, each item has a value of 2 months, 5 - 6 year 5 2.4 months
and in year ’12 to 15’, each item has a value of 7.2 6 - 7 year 4 3 months
months. Therefore, in ‘total correct score–match’ 7 - 8 year 5 2.4 months
method of scoring, in whichever year, for the non- 8 - 9 year 4 3 months
performing item/task of the child (if the child makes 9 - 10 year 3 4 months
equal to or less than 5 errors), the penalty is always
10 - 11 year 4 3 months
paid in 7.2 months at the year ’12 to 15’ (in a child
11 - 12 year 3 4 months
who is more than 15 years of age and the score is
12 - 15 year 5   7.2 months
total score is not less than 84. If the child has 10
items less, which gives it’s a score of 79, then the Figure 6: Showing the value of each item in a
penalty would be 7.2 months for 5 items each, which year on the first column on the left. The second column
is 36 months, 4 months for 3 items each which is shows how one item less anywhere will reduce 7.2
12 months, and 3 months for 2 items each, which months from the social age. The third column on
is 6 months. That is for 10 items less the values are the right shows, how one item less (in this scenario
reduced from the top, which is 36+12+6 months = the in year 7 – 8) will just remove the value of that
54 months reduction from the top). Figure 6 shows particular value item (2.4 months in this scenario) and
how much value each item has in a particular year not 7.2 months (The figure is just for illustrative and
and how much will be reduced from the top. In the explanation purpose. This is not to be used for scoring).
middle bar graph (incorrect scoring system) it can
be seen that how just one item less in the year 7
to 8 (which actually has just 2.4 months value for
each item), has reduced 7.2 months. At the same
time in the right bar graph (correct scoring system),
the same one item less from year 7 to 8 (having 2.4
months value for each item) has reduced the same
2.4 months value. Figure 6 has been shown only
for illustration purpose to pictorially depict how
the erroneous method (middle bar graph) of scoring
knocks off age-credit from the top.

Bangalore N Roopesh.... / Vineland Social Maturity Scale: An Update .....

Table 4: Table Showing the Results (SQ and its chronological age (CA) should also be 15 years. If
Interpretation) of the 3 Different Scoring the child is less than 15 years old, then obviously the
Methods of the Imaginary Subjects child’s actual age should be considered. Different
(Chronological Age 15+ Years) With Different scenarios are explained below in table 5.
Difficulties. Clearly, ‘Add Months-To-Years Table 5: Explaining what Chronological Age to
Wise’ Method Yields Appropriate Social Age. be Considered for Different Age
Total correct
mix of both
Add Months-to- Scenario Child’s age Chronological Age (CA)
score – match Years wise
methods 1 7 years 7 years (84 months)
Absent Self-Direction 80 80 89
(money, purchases, Lower Dull Lower Dull Higher Dull 2 10 years 6 months 10 years 6 months (126 months)
choice of shops) Normal Normal Normal
3 14 years 10 months 14 years 10 months (178 months)
66 66 87
Absent communication 4 15 years 2 months 15 years (180 months)
Mild Mild Dull Normal /
(speech issues)
Retardation Retardation Below Average
5 16 years 15 years (180 months)
68 68 84
Absent socialization
(ASD issues)
Mild Mild Dull Normal / 6 18 years 15 years (180 months)
Retardation Retardation Below Average
93 Some professionals take 16 years as the
Absent locomotion 73 73
(Cerebral Palsy) Borderline Borderline
Normal / maximum. Here one of the main reasons they use 16
years is because for Binet Kamat Test (BKT), 16 years
Specific Learning 84
Disability (SLD) (4 items
Dull Normal
93 are used as the maximum possible chronological age.
Dull Normal / Normal /
less, about reading, item
Below Average
/ Below
Average These professionals might not be aware that these
number 73, 78, 81 & 84) Average
are two different tests and that these two tests have
IV. B. ii. Maximum Chronological Age to be different ceiling levels. For example, as mentioned
above, VSMS has items to assess only till 15 years
Considered - 15 Years or 16 Years?
of age, whereas BKT has items to assess till 22
An analogy will explain it better. Students years of age. Somebody can think what difference
of Section A and Section B, both are of 10th grade it can make if you take 16 years than 15 years as the
were told that they will have exam next month for maximum chronological age. The below description
the chapters that were taught. Both the sections were clearly explains the discrepancies.
taught from chapter 1 to chapter 15. Students prepare
For the explanation purpose, let us assume that
for the exam. As usual like normal curve, some a child who is 16 years old has completely normal
students prepare extremely well, some extremely development/abilities in all the aspects. So, it is
low and some prepare about average for their exams. understandable that given the ‘completely normal’
However, for the exams, one of the teachers of development/abilities this child is supposed to get an
section B (not fully aware that the chapters taught SQ/IQ of around ‘100’. So, if we administer VSMS
were only till chapter 15) includes questions from she will pass all the items (as she has normal abilities)
chapter 1 to chapter 16. After few days when the of the test. So, her Social Age will be 15 years (the
results are announced, students from section A would maximum one can obtain in VSMS – Indian version).
have scored more marks compared to students from Let us calculate what happens if we take 16 years and
section B. School principal, other teachers and the 15 years as the maximum chronological age.
parents of the section B think that those students - If 16 years as the chronological age: SA / CA x
(section B) are less intelligent compared to the 100; 15 / 16 x 100 = 193.75,
students from section A. - If 16 years as the chronological age: SA / CA x
Well, the above is what happens when 16 years 100; 15 / 15 x 100 = 100
is considered as the maximum chronological age The difference of 6.75 SQ points, where a normal
(when the child is at or above 15 years of age). Similar child got less scores for not her fault (when 16
to the above analogy, Indian version of VSMS has years is considered).
items and assess the social and adaptive functions Similarly, for explanation purpose, let us assume there
only till 15 years of age. Therefore, the maximum is another girl who is 17-year-old and has some

Bangalore N Roopesh.... / Vineland Social Maturity Scale: An Update .....

developmental difficulties. After administering IV. B. v. Half-Credit Calculation:

VSMS she get the social age of 11 years. There is confusion regarding how the half-credit
- If 16 years as the chronological age: SA / CA x (half mark/point) are to be considered. Doll’s method
100; 11 / 16 x 100 = 68.75 (Mild Retardation) is such that there is not chance for this confusion,
- If 15 years as the chronological age: SA / CA x because throughout in the norms-chart Doll provides
100; 11 / 15 x 100 = 73.33 (Borderline) separate Social Age values for half-credit (i.e.,
In the above example, erroneously taking 16 separate social age values for say total score of 70,
years as the maximum chronological age has resulted in 70.5, 71, 71.5, 72. Refer table 1). However, Indian
otherwise ‘Borderline’ social and adaptive functioning adaptations do not have this separate social age values
child, to be wrongly diagnosed as having ‘mild mental for so many half-credit scores. However, this problem
retardation level of social and adaptive functions’. only arises if the total score has half points. If the total
Given this, in VSMS the maximum score has half points, the examiner has to round it off
chronological age to be considered should be 15 to the higher value. That is if the total score is 65.5,
years (180 months). then it should be rounded off to 66.
On the other hand, if there are any half-credit
IV. B. iii. Decimals:
in between the test, there are few things the examiner
Those who are less inclined in arithmetic
should be aware of. If the half-credit is between two
might overlook this small but significant difference.
full credits, then this particular half-credit should be
Decimals vary from 0.1 to 1.0 (i.e. 10 decimal points).
considered as full credit. The latter half-credit to full
VSMS scoring tables also lists social age in decimals
(10 decimal points). However, one should be aware credit conversion should be done only with a domain.
that a year has 12 months (12 points) which is not in For example, item 43 (in ‘occupation’ domain) gets
decimal system. Therefore, one has to remember to a half-credit (½ score), and item 36 (which is below
follow two things. item 43 in the same domain – ‘occupation’) and
item 48 (which is above item 43 in the same domain
i. All the calculations should be done using months
- ‘occupation’) gets a full credit/marks (1 point
instead of years. If the child’s age is 12 years
each). Therefore, in this scenario, item 43 should be
2 months, then for the calculations (for both
considered as a full-credit (1 point).
Social Age and Chronological Age) it should
be converted into months (i.e. 14 years x 12 = On the other hand, if item 58 gets a ½ credit,
144+2 = 146 months). and item 57 gets 1 credit and item 59 gets 1 credit,
ii. When the social age chart/norm table says 7.5 then item 58 should not be given 1 credit, as items
years, the decimal value is actually 6 months. 57, 58 and 59 belong to totally different domains.
So, for the social age it should be considered as
7x12 + 6 = 84+6 = 90 months.
IV. C. i. Is SQ the Same as IQ?
IV. B. iv. Retrospective Assessment:
A psychologist has to remember that VSMS is
There can be situations where a psychologist
not the first line of or the main test to assess intelligence
is expected to assess social and adaptive functions
quotient (this article has a limited scope and so does
retrospectively. For example, before the regression
of psychomotor functions or before the onset of not discuss what is intelligence). Social Age or the SQ
psychotic symptoms. Here for the scoring purpose, obtained by administering VSMS adds value to the
the chronological age should be the time in the past IQ, and SA/SQ is mainly used for the rehabilitation
and not the current age of the child. For example, planning and also to determine the extent of disability.
currently the child is 13 years, and had the onset Only and only when no other tests can be used to
of psychotic symptoms at age 11 years 3 months. assess IQ, one can use SQ with limited interpretive
Here the psychologists evaluate the child’s social liberties. In situations, where IQ tests cannot be used
and adaptive functions at age 11 years (to be on the to assess intelligence, the psychologist should not give
safer side). So, the chronological age (CA) for the up but wait and see whether the IQ tests can be used
SQ calculation should be 11 years (i.e. 132 months). after some days/weeks, when the situation improves.

Bangalore N Roopesh.... / Vineland Social Maturity Scale: An Update .....

Example: When a child has psychotic symptoms. Here variations such as socio-economic status (where low
the psychologist instead of using VSMS, can wait socioeconomic children will do poorly compared to
until the symptoms reduces and then can try to do children from high socioeconomic status) and certain
appropriate IQ tests to determine intelligence. developmental conditions. Conditions, such as autism
In terms of similarity of SQ with the IQ, Doll spectrum disorders, where children score low on
and others have reported the correlation of VSMS ‘socialization’ and ‘communication’ domains, which
SQ scores to be around 0.8 to 0.9 with IQ scores will adversely affect the SQ. Similarly, children
(eg. Binet-Simon intelligence test). Therefore, to a with cerebral palsy score poorly on ‘locomotion’
significant extent SQ can be a good substitute for IQ and ‘socialization’ domains, which affects their SQ.
(again, only in the absence of an IQ score). However, Despite these differences, there are no ways this can
the psychologist should be cautious in interpreting the be offset or compensated.
SQ. This is more so in situations when the child has On the other hand, as in any test that assesses
speech delay, autistic symptoms and/or cerebral palsy. the ability, more so in VSMS (as it is interview based
assessment) examiners has to be aware that ability
IV. C. ii. Domain-Wise / Profile and Scatter Analysis is different than motivation/interest. Experienced
As reported earlier item distribution in VSMS examiners, have heard the caretakers telling that “my
across domains as well across age is not uniform. child doesn’t do it, but only if I yell at him, he will
There are scatter in terms of age (for example there do”. This statement implies that the above child has
are 5 items in age 8, 4 items in age 9, for a complete the ability for that behaviour and should be given full
list (refer table 3). On the other hand, there is a scatter credit (1 score). Here whether the child is interested
in terms of domains (items end at 7 years 4 months to do or lazy should not influence the judgement.
for ‘Self-Help General’, items end at 15 years for
VSMS is more clinical than psychometric in
‘occupation’, where as items start at 5 years 8 months
nature. The technique used is more of an interview
for ‘Self-Direction’).
and behavioural observation. Therefore, VSMS is
In terms of number of items in terms of age more suited for rehabilitation purpose in terms social
level, VSMS has substantial number of items or has and adaptive skills. However, it has also proved its
relatively similar number of items till around age 8 efficacy in the diagnosis of mental disability, if used
years. Therefore, domain wise scatter analysis is with caution.
more accurate till this year. After above this year,
To conclude, the current article is not an
the psychologist has to be cautious in reporting and
exhaustive account on the administration, scoring
interpreting the domains separately. Similarly, in
or interpretation. It focuses mainly on the areas
terms of domain per se, for ‘Self-Direction’ items
where there is more confusion or no consensus. The
start from 5 years 8 months, this should be kept in
important thing about scoring that any psychologists
mind for reporting and interpretation. In this case,
assessing VSMS should be aware of is that the
if the child is younger than for example 6 years, it
maximum chronological age should be 15 years
is advisable to say that ‘there are no items to assess
and ‘add months-to-year wise’ scoring system is the
below 5 years 8 months for self-direction’ rather than
correct system.
saying, self-direction not achieved. On the other
hand, for the scatter analysis, a score difference 2 REFERENCES
or more can be considered as significant. However, Doll, E. A. (1936). A practical method for the measurement
again due to uneven distribution of items across the of social competence. Paper presented at the
domains, interpreting scatter needs caution. 24th Annual Meeting of the Eugenics Research
Association, New York, June 6th, 1936.
CONCLUSION Doll, E.A. (1953). The Measurement of Social
VSMS it is not immune to bias and influences Competence: A Manual for the Vineland Social
from various sources. This article above has looked into Maturity Scale. Educational Publishers Inc, USA.
one such bias which is the “examiner’s experience and Bharat Raj (1992). Vineland Social Maturity Scale and
knowledge”. Apart from this, there are other sources of Manual, Indian Adaptation – Enlarged Version,
Swayamsidtha-Prakashana, Mya.


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