Concrete Lining

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Canal Operation and Maintenance:

Concrete Lining and Structures

U.S. Department of the Interior

Bureau of Reclamation
Office of Policy
Technical Service Center
Denver, Colorado November 2017
Mission Statements
The U.S. Department of the Interior protects America’s
natural resources and heritage, honors our cultures and
tribal communities, and supplies the energy to power our

The mission of the Bureau of Reclamation is to manage,

develop, and protect water and related resources in an
environmentally and economically sound manner in the
interest of the American public.

Reclamation staff, operating entities, and others provided
their insights and experiences for this guidance, and we
would like to recognize their valuable help and input. In
particular, we wish to recognize Chris Vick, Chris Duke,
Kylie Fink, Shannon Harrell, Kurt von Fay, Westin Joy,
Chris Ellis, Ryan Woodruff, and Deena Larsen. The
assistance and diligent reviews of these and numerous
others is gratefully acknowledged.
Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

Reclamation developed this manual to provide basic guidance to help canal
operators promote effective maintenance and repair of concrete components of
canal systems. This information complements—and does not replace—existing
Reclamation manuals and standards related to the subject. As each canal system
has unique designs and features, these general guidelines cannot be substituted for
facility or operating-specific guidance and specifications. Every operating entity
is different, and this advice and strategies may not be suitable for all situations.

This is general information useful for typical canal systems for routine concrete
related maintenance and repair activities. For non-routine activities, other sources
of information should be pursued. Contact local Reclamation Area and Regional
office personnel. More in depth information on concrete repair can be found in
(von Fay 2015) Reclamation’s Guide to Concrete Repair, Second Edition,

This manual is made available with the understanding that Reclamation is

offering general considerations and not mandating action. Reclamation strives to
make the information in this manual as timely and accurate as possible, but
neither Reclamation nor its employees make any claims, promises, or guarantees
about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of its contents, and expressly
disclaims legal liability for errors or omissions in its contents. Reclamation
provides no warranty of any kind, implied, expressed, or statutory, relating to the
use of this manual, including merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Before relying on this manual for any important matters, users should carefully
evaluate its accuracy, currency, completeness, and relevance for their purposes. In
some cases, the manual may incorporate or summarize views, guidelines, or
recommendations of third parties.

The incorporated or summarized materials from third parties assembled in good

faith, but does not necessarily reflect the collective views of Reclamation or
indicate a commitment to a particular course of action. Links to other websites
and notes about products are inserted for convenience and do not constitute
endorsement, recommendation, or favoring of material at those sites, or any
organization, product, or service. Information about commercial products or firms
may not be used for advertising or promotional purposes. Unlisted firms, brands,
or products do not imply they are unsatisfactory.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

Acronyms and Abbreviations

°F Degrees Fahrenheit

ACI American Concrete Institute

ASR Alkali-Silica Reaction

CAP Central Arizona Project

HMWM High Molecular Weight Methacrylic

NRMCA National Ready Mixed Concrete Association

psi Pounds per square inch

Reclamation Bureau of Reclamation

SOP Standing Operating Procedures

w/cm water-cementitious materials ratio

Canal Maintenance: Concrete

Table of Contents

1. Purpose and Scope ............................................................................................ 1 

2. How to Identify Concrete Cracking and Deterioration................................. 1 

2.1. Causes of Concrete Damage ................................................................ 1 
2.1.1. Function ................................................................................ 2 
2.1.2. Thermal Considerations ........................................................ 2 
2.2. Construction Related Considerations................................................... 3 
2.2.1. Early Age Issues ................................................................... 3 
2.2.2. Weather Conditions .............................................................. 4 

3. Concrete Deterioration and Cracking: Identification and Prevention ........ 5 

3.1. Chemical Deterioration ........................................................................ 5 
3.2. Physical Deterioration.......................................................................... 7 
3.3. Structural Overloading on Concrete Structures ................................... 9 
3.4. Structural Overloading on Concrete Canal Lining .............................. 9 

4. Develop a Concrete Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair Program ......... 13 

5. Repairs ............................................................................................................. 17 

5.1. Prioritize Repairs ............................................................................... 17 
5.2. Sulfate Attack, Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) ................................... 17 
5.3. Corrosion............................................................................................ 18 
5.4. Abrasion-Erosion Repair ................................................................... 18 
5.5. Cavitation Repair ............................................................................... 18 
5.6. Freeze-thaw Repair ............................................................................ 19 
5.7. Crack Repair ...................................................................................... 19 
5.7.1. Concrete Structures............................................................. 19 
5.7.2. Canal Lining Leaking Cracks and Joints ............................ 19 
5.8. Repairing Shotcrete............................................................................ 22 
5.9. Reinforced Concrete Pipe Repairs ..................................................... 22 

6. Design Considerations for New or Replacement Concrete ......................... 26 

6.1. Concrete Mixture Design................................................................... 26 
6.2. Construction Practices ....................................................................... 27 
6.2.1. Batching, Mixing, and Placing............................................ 27 
6.2.2. Consolidation ...................................................................... 27 
6.2.3. Curing ................................................................................. 27 
6.2.4. Hot and Cold Weather ........................................................ 28 

7. References........................................................................................................ 29 

Appendix A: Concrete Maintenance Checklist

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

1. Purpose and Scope

This manual is designed to help irrigation districts identify and address routine
potential problems related to concrete canal linings and structures that can impact
the Bureau of Reclamation’s (Reclamation) conveyance system. It also outlines
preventive maintenance activities based on routine observations and periodic
inspections to discover and treat potential causes of concrete damage, thus
prolonging the service life and ensuring water deliveries. This manual will also
touch on routine repairs that can be performed by the canal operator and will
direct the reader when consultation with an expert is recommended.

The old adage that all concrete cracks—implying that we just need to accept it—
is no longer an acceptable approach to managing concrete structures. We need to
do everything we can to minimize and control cracking. In the right exposure
conditions, quality concrete will last indefinitely and can continue to strengthen
over time. However, many exposure and performance conditions can lead to
deterioration and damage to the concrete. For concrete in these conditions, proper
inspection, routine maintenance, and appropriate repairs will ensure the concrete
will perform as intended for as long as possible.

Reclamation staff are available to provide advice and technical

support on Reclamation-owned canals. Contact Reclamation and
consider additional engineering support before making
modifications to concrete linings or structure. If you determine
work outlined in this manual requires more expertise than your staff
can provide, please contact Reclamation for technical support at:

2. How to Identify Concrete Cracking and

Many times, concrete is considered maintenance free, but it is not. Concrete
structures and canal linings are exposed to harsh conditions as they deliver water.
This can result in damage to the concrete. Therefore, diligent monitoring and
routine maintenance or repair on concrete structures and canal linings is
paramount to keep facilities in good operating conditions. This is critical to ensure
continued safe operations and water deliveries. Identifying and resolving issues
early can prevent expensive repairs or replacement later.

2.1. Causes of Concrete Damage

Since many repairs will use new concrete, it is important to know a little about the
essential steps of making, placing, and curing concrete. Concrete design,
construction, and service life exposure determine if the concrete will have a long

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

and successful service life. In most cases, the operating entity maintains existing
canal linings and structures, and the original concrete design and construction
were probably out of their control. However, concrete design and construction
will be discussed later in Section 2.2. Construction Related Concerns and
Section 6. Design Considerations for New Concrete in this manual so operating
entities can become familiar with what might affect the concrete and why it is
crucial to maintain structures throughout the structure’s life.

2.1.1. Function
The structure’s function is critical for determining the concrete design
requirements of the structure. Knowing the function will help determine the
intended exposure, loading conditions, and possible damage mechanisms.
Typically, on large projects, different concrete mixes are used, depending on the
function of the concrete.

Using the appropriate concrete mix design for its function and exposure
conditions ensures the concrete will be durable and have a long service life. For
example, in a baffled outlet, the energy of the incoming water jet is dissipated by
striking the baffle. This function as an energy dissipater makes the baffle outlet
susceptible to abrasion-erosion (Aisenbrey et al. 1974). To counteract potential
abrasion-erosion damage, use a high strength concrete.

2.1.2. Thermal Considerations

Concrete that is approximately 2.5
feet thick or larger in all directions is
considered mass concrete and needs
special consideration. For mass
concrete sections, heat generated
during hydration of the cement in
concrete can lead to high internal
temperatures in the concrete
element. The concrete can crack if
the temperature differential between
the interior of the concrete and the
external surface gets too high
(generally about 35 degrees
Fahrenheit [°F]) before the concrete
develops sufficient strength Figure 1. Thermal crack in a thick section of a
(Figure 1). concrete wall in a pumping plant. Ground water is
leaking through the crack.
These conditions can be even more
pronounced when thicker sections are needed with higher early concrete strengths
(5,000 pounds per square inch [psi] or greater 28-day strength, or 3,000 psi or
greater strength at 3 days). Under these conditions, unless proper precautions are
taken, internal concrete temperatures can get very high—nearing
175 °F or higher.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

When using mass concrete, the mix design, placement, and curing conditions
become critical. Mass concrete mix designs usually have larger aggregate and
large replacement volumes of cement with a pozzolan. This will bring down the
cement content which will reduce the heat generated in the mix. Special attention
to lift heights and insulation of the concrete during the curing phase is also
critical. It is best to consult with a concrete engineer when mass concrete is
expected on the project.

2.2. Construction-Related Considerations

Properly placing, finishing, and curing concrete can have a big impact on service
life. Performing any of these functions improperly can lead to issues, like
cracking, that can allow water or other environmental factors to damage the
concrete, shortening the life of the structure. The following section will help the
reader identify durability issues that can occur during the finishing and curing

2.2.1. Early Age Issues

Concrete must be protected until it reaches sufficient strength to avoid damage.
The needed strength depends on the early age exposure and loading conditions.
For example, in cold weather, the concrete needs to be about 500 psi, which can
take about three days to achieve, before it is exposed to freezing weather. If in
those same conditions, the concrete is wet, then it may need to be protected much
longer to withstand the effects of freezing weather. Cold weather concreting will
be discussed further in Section 2.2.2. Weather Conditions. Another example is
shown in Figure 2 where the paste washed away because the concrete was not
protected from moving water before the concrete developed enough strength to
withstand erosion from flowing water.

Figure 2. Paste washed from concrete exposed to flowing water

before sufficient strength was achieved

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

2.2.2. Weather Conditions

The American Concrete Institute (ACI) has design guides to follow when placing
concrete in hot or cold weather. In hot weather, concrete can set up quickly—
making it difficult to finish properly. In addition, if there are high ambient and
concrete temperatures, low relative humidity, and high winds, plastic shrinkage
cracking can become a problem. Plastic shrinkage cracking occurs while the
concrete is still plastic (soft) (Figure 3). After the concrete hardens, drying
shrinkage cracks can occur (Figure 4). When these cracks are large enough, they
can lead to durability problems. Plastic shrinkage cracks tend to be short and
discontinuous, while drying shrinkage cracks can be widespread, continuous, and
much longer.

Figure 3. Plastic shrinkage


Figure 4. Drying shrinkage cracks on a

concrete deck being prepared for a
surface sealer.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

Placing concrete in cold weather brings

along its own issues. As mentioned
above, freezing weather can damage the
concrete if it freezes too soon after
placement. Since cold weather slows
down strength gain, the concrete may
need to be protected longer. In addition,
an air-entraining admixture is required to
provide sufficient freeze-thaw durability
for concrete subjected to cycles of
freezing and thawing weather when it is
saturated or nearly saturated. Poor
finishing processes can also lead to
problems for concrete exposed to cold
weather. If bleed water is trapped in the
concrete because of premature finishing,
a weak and thin top surface is
susceptible to freeze-thaw damage.
Adding water during the finishing
process can do the same thing. If deicing
salts are used to melt snow, concrete with Figure 5. Improperly finished concrete leading
to surface damage from cycles of freezing
a weak surface may see similar results. and thawing weather.
Figure 5 shows what can happen if this
weak layer is created in a freeze-thaw
prone environment.

3. Concrete Deterioration and Cracking:

Identification and Prevention
Three broad types of concrete damage can occur any time during the service life
of the structure: chemical and physical deterioration mechanisms and structural
overload. These three basic types of damage can be further exacerbated when
good concrete practices are not followed. This chapter provides more specifics
about the main durability issues that affect water conveyance structures and some
steps to prevent them from occurring.

3.1. Chemical Deterioration

Chemical deterioration occurs when there is a chemical attack on the concrete—
either from an outside source or when a reaction between the constituents in the
concrete occurs.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

Sulfate attack. Sulfates found in soils and

groundwater react with compounds in the
cement paste, creating a byproduct that can
soften and expand the paste causing cracking
of the hardened concrete (Aisenbrey et al.
1974). Figure 6 shows concrete deterioration
of an abutment wall due to sulfate attack.

Prevention. Quality concrete with sulfate

resisting cements and certain fly ashes can
prevent sulfate attack. Figure 6. Sulfate attack on a canal
Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR). This occurs
when alkalis in the cement react with
siliceous aggregates that were used to make
the concrete. The reaction forms a gel that
swells in the presence of water and can cause
concrete cracking (Aisenbrey 1974). Figure 7
shows extensive ASR damage to a concrete

Prevention. Typical concrete practice now is

to use non-reactive aggregates and low-alkali
Figure 7. ASR deterioration.
cement to prevent ASR. Using other additives
in the concrete can also help prevent ASR.
Corrosion of reinforcing steel (rebar).
Normally, the steel is protected by the
concrete cover over the steel. However,
chlorides in water or on the concrete surface
can penetrate into the concrete leading to
corrosion. In addition, if there is not enough
concrete cover over the rebar, the rebar may
start to corrode. As the rebar corrodes, it
may crack the concrete and lead to further
corrosion (von Fay 2015). Rust staining on
the surface of the concrete can indicate Figure 8. Corrosion of
reinforcing steel.
there is corrosion of the reinforcing steel
(Figure 8).

Prevention. Deicing chemicals are a major source of chlorides and attempts

should be made to keep them off the concrete if corrosion is suspected or if the
rebar is susceptible to corrosion. In some cases, sealers or coatings can help.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

3.2. Physical Deterioration

The following forms of deterioration occur from physical mechanisms.

Abrasion-Erosion. This damage results from the

grinding action of silt, sand, and rock that impact
the water conveyance structure. Figure 9 shows
abrasion-erosion damage of concrete.

Prevention. Reduce debris that may cause erosion

 Using screens or settling basins at inlet

 Providing retaining walls to protect flowing

water from rock slides.

 Providing fences to keep people from

throwing rocks and debris into the water.

 Using high strength concrete to improve Figure 9. Abrasion-erosion of concrete

resistance to abrasion-erosion. surface leading to exposed and
polished aggregate.
However, exercise care when using heavy
machinery to remove debris to avoid damaging the concrete as shown in
Figure 10.

Figure 10. A front end

loader damaged this
concrete liner.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

Cavitation. This damage occurs when high velocity

water flows encounter rough areas along the flow
surface. Cavitation damage starts to become a concern
when water flow velocities begin to exceed about 40
feet per second and the flow surface is rough. One
major concern with cavitation is that once cavitation
begins, more rough areas are formed which can create
more extensive cavitation damage. Figure 11 shows
some early warning signs that concrete erosion, and
possibly cavitation, have begun.

Prevention. Proper concrete maintenance in high

velocity flowing water structures includes eliminating
offsets in joints and holes in concrete surface, and
repairing observed cavitation damage before it can Figure 11. The early stages of concrete
enlarge to cause more damage (von Fay et al. 2015). erosion and possible cavitation.

Cycles of freezing and thawing weather. This

damage occurs in concrete that does not have
proper air entrainment and that is saturated or
nearly saturated. As the water freezes in the
concrete, it expands and can crack the concrete.
Each new crack can hold additional moisture,
leading to further cracking during the next freeze
cycle. Figure 12 shows freeze-thaw damage to a
concrete flume.

Prevention. Modern concrete used in exposures with

freezing weather are made with air-entraining Figure 12. Freeze-thaw damage to concrete
admixtures, which create an air void system in the flume.
concrete to protect it when it freezes. Air voids in
properly air-entrained concrete relieve the pressure
caused by the freezing water, which prevents cracking of
the concrete.

Preventing or minimizing freeze-thaw damage in

existing structures may be possible in some cases by
varying the water level to avoid concentrating the
damage in one location as shown in Figure 13. Other
options include using weatherproofing treatments
with concrete sealers and coating systems. However,
these treatments need to be carefully designed, or they Figure 13. Freeze-thaw damage that
will not work and could potentially lead to further could have been reduced by changing
damage. the structure’s operations.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

3.3. Structural Overloading on Concrete Structures

Structural overloading is the other main
category of damage to concrete. Cracks from
structural overloads usually have a distinctive
appearance and typically do not look like
cracking from deterioration. As shown in
Figure 14, cracks from the structural damage
are usually distinct and occur in one area of
the structure. For most Reclamation
structures, structural overloads are a rare
occurrence, and usually only result from an
accident, flooding, or an earthquake.

3.4. Structural Overloading

on Concrete Canal Lining
When canal linings have cracks or leaking
joints, water under the lining can lead to a host Figure 14. Structural damage from a
of problems in the canal. When a concrete collapsed roadway that impacted a
support pier of a siphon. The road was
canal lining cracks, it is usually because of undercut by flooding and then
some type of structural overload—from collapsed against the pier.
improper foundation support due to poor
preparation, soil erosion, settlement, expansion or excess hydrostatic load. This is
because concrete is relatively weak in tension, and concrete canal linings are
rarely reinforced. When the linings experience a tensile load, they can easily
crack. The section below describes some of the issues that can occur in concrete
canal linings due to leaks from cracks or failing joints.

Cracks may form in the concrete liner from a

number of mechanisms discussed in this
document. Cracks or leaking joints allow
seepage under the liner exacerbating the damage.
Water beneath the lining can then lead to soil
erosion (voids), subsidence of the foundation,
and uplift and cracking of canal linings
(Figure 15).

Prevention. Canal lining maintenance requires

prompt repairs of cracks and leaking joints. See
Section 5.7.2 Canal Lining Leaking Cracks and Figure 15. A crack in the canal allowed
Joints for suggestions on how to repair leaking water to erode the soil beneath the
joints and cracks. liner.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

Voids under the concrete lining can occur due to

seepage and soil erosion, subsidence, solutioning
of soluble soil material, or animal burrows. Water
which seeps through cracks or open joints often
cause voids to form on the interior embankment
slopes and/or the canal invert.

Concrete linings can suffer significant damage if

the voids are large enough so that the lining is no
longer properly supported. Concrete linings are
typically thin and unreinforced, and thus have little
capacity to “bridge” voids. Figure 16 shows the
damage that can occur when voids under concrete
liners are allowed to continue to erode the

Prevention. The first step to repairing voids is to

repair any leaking to prevent voids from getting Figure 16. Voids under
worse from infiltrating water. After repairing any canal linings.
leaks, proper void repair depends on the nature of the
void. Repair options include various backfill grouts,
including cementitious and chemical grouts, and controlled low strength materials
(a special type of concrete which is usually proportioned to be flowable). Careful
consideration is needed before filling voids beneath the lining. Grout pressures of
just a few psi can lift the canal lining and cause additional damage. In addition,
some canals may have drains (scupper drains) or other features under them, and
void filling operations need to be monitored to ensure those features are not

Control animal burrows as discussed in Reclamation’s Canal Operation and

Maintenance manuals (Reclamation 2017 [Animals]).

Subsidence can occur if the soil below

the concrete liner is not sufficiently
compacted, collapses upon wetting, or
contains minerals subject to solutioning.
Once the void becomes large enough, the
lining will deform and crack. The
compromised lining then allows more
water beneath the lining and subsidence
worsens.Figure 17 shows extensive
damage of concrete linings due to Figure 17. Subsidence of several canal
subsidence. linings.

Prevention. Use the same methods as preventing voids.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

Blowouts can occur when

the canal water surface is
drawn down too quickly
(Reclamation, 1967). During
extended operations,
hydrostatic pressure develop
on both sides of the canal
lining as the supporting soils
become saturated. When the
canal water is removed, the
hydrostatic pressure behind
the lining is no longer offset
by the water in the canal.
The differential hydrostatic
pressure can cause the canal
lining to buckle outwards or
separate from adjacent Figure 18. Hydrostatic pressure behind the lining
ruptured the canal lining.
linings. Figure 18 shows
damage to a concrete liner
where hydrostatic pressure
overloaded the concrete

Prevention. In general,
lowering the canal water
surface slowly will prevent
blowouts. Avoid lowering
the canal water surface by
more than 1 to 2 feet per
day. Follow the site-specific
Standing Operating
Procedures (SOP) for canal
drawdown procedures.
Figure 19. Hydrostatic pressure from ground
water cracking a concrete canal lining.
In some cases, ground water
from other sources can exert
similar pressures on canal linings and lead to cracking and possibly failure, as
shown in Figure 19. In these cases, special drainage features (such as scupper
drains near the canal invert) may be needed to relieve the pressure. This may be
common in northern climates where canals are un-watered in the winter.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

Uplift of the canal lining can occur

when expansive soils are present in the
foundation or were used to construct the
embankment. Highly expansive soils
can cause large uplift pressures on the
underside of the canal lining. These
pressures can also cause the lining to
buckle outwards or separate from
adjacent linings.
Figure 20. Uplift of the concrete lining.

Nearby woody vegetation with root

systems that extend beneath the canal lining can cause uplift or similar damage.
Figure 20 shows uplift of a concrete liner.

Prevention. Where expansive soils are known to be causing uplift and damage,
take every effort to limit the amount of water seeping from the canal. This might
include regular crack and joint sealing and/or the addition of a geomembrane
liner. Sometimes the soil can be treated with cement or lime to limit the swell
potential. The type of treatment should be designed by a geotechnical engineer.
In-situ soil treatment can be very expensive. Other solutions may require over-
excavation and replacement with a more suitable backfill material.

For new canals, geotechnical investigations should be completed to identify

whether there are expansive soils along the alignment and to design preventative

Control vegetation as discussed in in Reclamation’s Canal Operation and

Maintenance manuals (Reclamation 2017 [Vegetation]).

Buckling of the canal lining can occur

when there is an insufficient number of
expansion joints. As the concrete
expands, the concrete liner will buckle
outward similar to uplift of the linings
(Figure 21). Buckling of the linings will
happen at every joint, whereas uplift will
only occur at one location. If buckling is
due to heat expansion, then typically
joints only on one side of the canal (the
side with direct exposure to the sun)
will be impacted. Figure 21. Buckling of canal lining where
joint material is being squeezed out.
Prevention. The location and spacing of
expansion joints should be carefully considered during the design phase.
Additional expansion joints can be added after construction by saw cutting. An
engineer should be consulted prior to adding additional joints.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

4. Develop a Concrete Inspection,

Maintenance, and Repair Program
Rather than jumping to the questions: “How do we repair this and how much will
it cost?” it is better to follow a proactive and systematic approach in identifying,
monitoring, and repairing concrete structures. To properly monitor the condition
of concrete structures and canal linings, establish a formal inspection program.
Focus on finding and observing signs of concrete damage. Make records of
observed damage and store these in an easy-to-access location. These records can
be compared over time to determine if damage is getting worse, how fast the
damage is progressing, or if it is remaining stable. Inspection, maintenance, and
repair plans should discuss:

 Monitoring concrete structures for damage. Perform regular, routine

inspections. Develop maps and/or drawings of all concrete structures in
the canal system, and note any problem areas on the maps/drawings.
Photograph and monitor these areas regularly. Appendix A: Maintenance
Checklist for Concrete Canal Structures and Linings is a checklist that can
be used during the inspection.

 Determining the cause(s) of damage. Addressing the underlying causes

of the damage is the only way to prevent further damage from that same
cause. Damage from a one-time event, like an accident or an earthquake,
is unlikely to occur again. But other forms of concrete damage can stem
from recurring damage mechanisms and can combine into multiple causes.
Fixing the damage without understanding what caused the problem in the
first place will likely mean that the repair will be damaged in the same
way. Moreover, it is important to do a thorough investigation of cause and
extent before performing any repairs, because the wrong repair could
unintentionally cause more damage.

 Evaluating the extent of damage. Determine how much concrete has

been damaged (how long, how wide, how deep, and how much of the
structure or lining is involved). How will this damage affect the
serviceability of the structure or lining? Monitor to help predict how
quickly the damage is occurring and how the damage is likely to proceed.
This step may require obtaining samples of concrete to help answer these
questions or to conduct other forensic investigations.

 Planning response to damage. Most concrete damage progresses slowly,

and several options are usually available if the deterioration is detected
early. Early detection allows time for planning and budgeting for repairs,
and in some cases, can allow for changes in operation to prevent or
minimize further damage. Determine:

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

o What can be done to prevent or minimize further damage? A

combination of repair and maintenance procedures or operational
changes may help slow or stop the rate of deterioration.

o Does the damage need to be repaired and if so, when? Consider

many factors before deciding to repair the concrete. Repairs are
needed if the damage affects operations and safety or will likely do
so in the future if the deterioration progresses.

o How should the damage be repaired? There are many standard

repair and maintenance methods described in Reclamation’s Guide
to Concrete Repair (von Fay 2015). In general:

 Select the repair method and material

 Prepare the existing concrete for repair
 Apply the repair method
 Cure the repair properly

 Monitor after a repair. Periodically visit the repair site to check the
performance of the concrete repair. If the original source of the damage
was not removed, the damage or deterioration could come back or
propagate to areas that were previously unharmed. The same could happen
if an inappropriate repair material was used.

Failing to monitor and address problems promptly could result in more expensive
repairs or replacement later.

Table 1 indicates the type of damage that each structure in the canal system might
experience. Use this table when developing a maintenance and repair program to
pay special attention to each kind of deterioration or damage and where it might

Reclamation can be consulted with preparing a good monitoring


While operating entity staff can handle routine and small repairs, it
is best to consult with Reclamation’s Area Office to determine the
best method to handle larger repairs. Contact local Reclamation
O&M engineers. They or Reclamation’s Technical Service Center
(TSC) can provide technical assistance with unique or tough repairs
and challenges as well as the latest recommendations on materials,
methods of mixing, application, curing, and precautions to be
exercised during placement.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

Table 1. Types of Concrete Damage by Structure Type

Structure Sulfate ASR Corrosion Abrasion- Cavitation Freeze Structural Foundation Soil Subsi- Lining Canal Buckling
Types Attack of Reinf. Erosion Thaw Overload Voids Erosion dence Blowout Lining
Steel Uplift

Canal Linings x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x
Bench Flumes x x x x x x x x x
Conveyance Elevated 1
x x x x x x x x
Structures Flumes
x x x x x x x x x x
Drops x x x x x x x x x

Chutes x x x x x x x x x x

Checks x x x x x x x x

Check-drops x x x x x x x x x
Regulating x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x
Check and Pipe
x x x x x x x x x
Wasteways x x x x x x x x x x

Protective Culverts x x x x x x x x x x
Structures x x x x x x x
Drain Inlets x x x x x x x x x

Parshall x x x x x x x x x
Water Stilling Well x x x x x x x
ment Weirs x x x x x x x x x
Weir Boxes x x x x x x x x
x x x

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

Structure Sulfate ASR Corrosion Abrasion- Cavitation Freeze Structural Foundation Soil Subsi- Lining Canal Buckling
Types Attack of Reinf. Erosion Thaw Overload Voids Erosion dence Blowout Lining
Steel Uplift

Baffled Apron
x x x x x x x x x x
Energy Baffled Outlets x x x x x x x x x x
Dissipators Vertical Sleeve
Valve Stilling x x x x x x x x x x

Transitions x x x x x x x x x x
and Erosion Transitions
Protection Erosion
x x x x

Pipe and x x x x x x x
Pipe Appurt- Pipe
enances Pipe
x x x x x x
Will only occur if sulfates in the water because the structure is elevated from the soil.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

5. Repairs
5.1. Prioritize Repairs
With the exception of erosion damage, cracking is the leading indicator of many
types of damage to concrete canal linings. The size, type, cause, and location of
cracking can have a big impact on deciding whether repairs are needed and when.
Many times, observation and careful consideration are needed to make that
determination. Other times, it can be pretty obvious that repairs are needed and
needed soon. In most cases, repairs on large cracks are required as soon as these
cracks are observed. For concrete canal linings, the decision to make repairs to
cracks or joint leaks depends on foundation material conditions or whether the
canal section is in “fill.” Environmental conditions can also make simple crack
repairs a much larger repair project.

For concrete structures other than canal linings, determining when to repair
cracked and deteriorated concrete can be more difficult and may require more
investigation, planning, and budgeting. The decision should be based on exposure
conditions, the cause of the cracks, and the potential for additional damage caused
by the cracking. For concrete structures undergoing some type of deterioration,
repairing cracks is usually futile. For example, repairing cracks caused by ASR
will not work if the concrete is still deteriorating because the concrete will just
crack again. When possible, remove concrete undergoing deterioration, and
replace it with concrete designed to handle the conditions. Sometimes, special
sealers and coatings may slow down the deterioration if time is needed before
repairs can be done. However, this solution is only a stop-gap measure—do not
rely on this solution to last more than a few years, if that. In addition, the sealers
can be expensive and properly applying them can be labor intensive.

After an inspection of the concrete structure has been performed and a repair plan
has been made, it’s time to think about what repairs the water district can perform
and what repairs require experts or expert advice. A quick reference guide for
possible short-term and long-term solutions is in Table 2 at the end of this section.

5.2. Sulfate Attack, Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR)

Properly diagnosing these specific forms of deterioration usually requires
laboratory testing. This may be a prudent expenditure because it can help provide
information for a sound repair or maintenance plan.

For example, if the cause of deterioration is sulfate attack, then sulfate-resisting

concrete or repair mortar materials are needed to ensure that the repairs will last.
These repair materials are readily available or can be easily proportioned when
they are needed.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

Repairs to concrete that has undergone sulfate attack or ASR deterioration

normally require complete replacement of the structural element.

The Guide to Concrete Repair (von Fay 2015) details temporary fixes to slow the
deterioration from sulfate attack: applying a coating (per Section D.1.d) or a
concrete sealing compound (per Section D.1.a through D.1.c). The Guide also
explains that low viscosity epoxies (Section D.1.b of Guide to Concrete Repair)
and high molecular weight methacrylic (HMWM) sealing compounds (Section
D.1.a of Guide to Concrete Repair), when applied as “healer-sealers,” can
sometimes slow the rate of deterioration in concrete undergoing ASR. The
decision to use these materials should not be taken lightly. They can be expensive,
require special surface preparation, usually only work in specific exposure
conditions, and their service life could be relatively short.

5.3. Corrosion
If it is known that the concrete will be exposed to deicing salts, then some sealers
can slow down the intrusion of chlorides. In addition, special additives to the
concrete can help protect the rebar from corrosion.

When making repairs to concrete that is suffering from deterioration due to rebar
corrosion, take special care or the corrosion can accelerate or can start to occur at
a location very near the repairs. Many times, additional concrete will need to be
removed to eliminate all chloride contaminated concrete and additional corroded
steel may need to be removed. Refer to Reclamation’s Standard Protocol to
Evaluate the Performance of Corrosion Mitigation Technologies in Concrete
Repairs (M-82; Reclamation 2014) for determining the best repair material
options to mitigate corroded steel in concrete. A structural engineer should be
consulted to determine if the structure’s strength has been compromised.

5.4. Abrasion-Erosion Repair

Abrasion-erosion is best repaired with a high strength concrete. As outlined in the
Guide to Concrete Repair, silica fume concrete (Section D.3.d) or polymer
concrete (Section D.2.d) are the best materials for repairing concrete that will
continue to sustain abrasion-erosion damage (von Fay 2015).

5.5. Cavitation Repair

Repairs to cavitation damage can be difficult. In some cases, cavitation damage
can be repaired using polymer concrete or epoxy mortar (Section D.2.d of the
Guide to Concrete Repair). In other cases, it may be necessary to use a packaged
cementitious or chemical repair mortar (Section D.2.f of the Guide to Concrete
Repair). Reclamation has not found consistent performance with these types of
materials, so materials must be carefully considered. Work with an expert to
determine an appropriate product. Hydraulic engineers should be consulted for
design and operations changes to prevent cavitation from continuing.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

5.6. Freeze-Thaw Repair

Keeping concrete that is susceptible to freezing and thawing deterioration
(typically older concrete placed before or about 1950) dry can prevent
deterioration. For many water conveyance structures, keeping this concrete dry
can be difficult or impossible. Certain portions of exposed concrete structures are
more vulnerable than others to deterioration from weathering in freezing climates:
exposed surfaces of the top of walls, piers, posts, handrails, and parapets; all
curbs, sills, ledges, copings, cornices, and corners; and surfaces in contact with
spray or water at frequently changing levels during freezing weather. When
performing repairs to this type of concrete, it is important to use materials that are
durable in a freeze/thaw environment and that won’t trap moisture under the
repair material bond line.

In other cases, it may be possible to apply weatherproofing treatments with

concrete sealing compounds as described in the Guide to Concrete Repair
(Section D.1.a through D.1.c) to surfaces that are especially susceptible to freeze-
thaw (von Fay 2015). Concrete sealing compounds may provide some protection
of the concrete. However, their use needs to be carefully considered, or these
compounds will not work or could even potentially lead to further damage.

5.7. Crack Repair

5.7.1. Concrete Structures
Repairing cracking due to structural overload may require the assistance of a
structural engineer to help determine the cause of the cracking and to design a fix.
If the structural overload resulted in yielding of the steel reinforcement, the
reinforcement will need to be replaced.

For cracking that is not resulting from some form of deterioration (for example,
cracks from drying shrinkage, thermal, or plastic shrinkage), cracks as large as
0.004 inches wide can self-heal (plug) in certain conditions. In other cases, cracks
as small as 0.002 inches wide may need to be repaired. For example, if the crack
will allow water that contains various salts to come in contact with reinforcing
steel, then the crack may need to be repaired using a suitable chemical grout
(epoxy for example) to prevent corrosion of the reinforcing steel.

5.7.2. Canal Lining Leaking Cracks and Joints

Keeping canal linings from moving requires prompt repairs of cracks that are full
depth and joints that may be open. If water gets under the linings, then a host of
problems can occur as described earlier.

The general guidelines for repairing cracks or damaged joints to existing (not
new) canal linings are:

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

 For linings with cracks or joints with offset or displaced edges, larger than
0.50-inches, replace the lining or part of a lining.

 For linings with cracks or joints with offset or displaced edges smaller
than 0.50-inches that are leaking, repair using a chemical grout or suitable
spray applied polyurea. Not all chemical grouts or polyureas are
appropriate for repairing leaking cracks or joints in concrete canal linings.
Care is needed when selecting materials for leak repairs. In addition, using
these repair materials can be expensive, so it may be more economical to
simply replace the lining.

 Cracks less than 0.04-inches wide and not full depth (not leaking):
Monitor crack.

 Cracks between 0.04-inches and Sandblast

0.20-inches that may be leaking:
Elastomeric 2" 2"
Repair using routing (cutting a
Sealant 1-½” 1-½”
small channel in the concrete to
hold the sealant) and sealing is an
option. It may be prudent to do
nothing and monitor the crack. If
routing and sealing is selected,
Concrete Lining


o Route a minimum 0.25-

inches wide and 0.50-
inches deep with
chamfered edges

o Use a non-sag
(Not to Scale)
polyurethane sealant
Figure 22. Cap seal for random cracks.
o Completely fill the routed
groove with sealant

 Another option for smaller cracks and offset joints or edges less than 0.04
inches is the cap and seal method (Figure 22). However, surface
preparation is critical, and it may be difficult to monitor the crack once it
is capped. In addition, this type of repair may not last long.

These are general guidelines and may not be suitable for all cracks and joints.
Repairs to leaking joints and leaking cracks that show signs of movement (for
example, offset edges) require relatively flexible materials or the repair will likely
fail prematurely. A suitable chemical grout or spray-applied polyurea should be
considered. Again, care is needed when selecting materials for leaking crack or
joint repairs.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

For cracks that extend full depth and do not appear to be moving, more rigid
repair materials can be used, including some epoxies and rigid polyurethanes.

If seepage flows are observed in adjacent embankments, or especially if water is

observed to be “flowing” through lining cracks or joints, examinations and repairs
should be conducted immediately. As seepage increases, the possibility of piping
embankment materials and failing foundations or embankments becomes

Sealing joint leaks and cracks in canal linings has been a critical issue for
Reclamation because in the past, performing the repair required dewatering and
shutting off service for extended periods of time. However, some recent research
conducted by Reclamation’s TSC Concrete, Geotechnical, and Structural
Laboratory has found that some chemical grouts can be injected underwater with
the support of a commercial diver to seal seepage cracks. A field demonstration of
this repair was conducted on a crack on a Central Arizona Project (CAP) canal
lining outside of Casa Grande, Arizona (Harrell and Klein 2015 and 2016). and
Figure 24 show the final product of the chemical grouts after they were injected
underwater and cured for 24 hours. Further work is being considered to examine
methods to deliver these materials without the aid of divers.

Figure 23. Chemical grout product A with

120 oF pre-mixed injection water.

Figure 24. Chemical grout product B

with no mix water.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

5.8. Repairing Shotcrete

Shotcrete, sometimes called gunite, is an application method for concrete.
Typically, the concrete materials are selected and proportioned to make
application effective. Shotcrete is defined as “mortar or concrete pneumatically
projected at high speed onto a surface” (ACI Committee 2016). There are two
basic types of shotcrete: dry mix and wet mix. In dry mix shotcrete, the dry
cement, sand, and coarse aggregate (if used) are pre-mixed with only sufficient
water to reduce dusting. This mixture is then forced through the delivery line to
the nozzle by compressed air. At the nozzle, sufficient water is added to the
moving stream to meet the requirements of cement hydration. For wet mix
shotcrete, the cement, sand, and coarse aggregate are first conventionally mixed
with water, and the resulting concrete is then pumped to the nozzle, where
compressed air propels the wet mixture onto the desired surface.

Because shotcrete is concrete, it can suffer from all the damage mechanisms
described above. Repairs to shotcrete should be conducted according to the
guidelines presented here and other referenced sources. In addition, shotcrete can
be repaired with shotcrete, if that is the most appropriate method selected after
following the necessary steps to arrive at a sound decision.

5.9. Reinforced Concrete Pipe Repairs

Repairs to damaged reinforced concrete pipe can become complicated, depending
on the extent of the damage. If there is only minor damage to the cover on the
rebar, the concrete can potentially be repaired with a repair mortar. If there is
damage to the rebar, an entire section of pipe may need to be replaced (depending
on whether the pipe is prestressed or not). Structural engineers should be
consulted immediately if any damage to pipe is detected. Repairs should not be
attempted without first consulting a structural and materials engineer.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

Table 2. Solution Matrix to Service Life Issues

Issue Type of Short-term Solution Long-term Solution Repair Repair can be Notes
Deterioration performed performed
or Damage in the dry underwater
Sulfate Chemical Apply a coating or Replace affected Likely Unlikely Repairs may be short lived if all the
Attack sealer. concrete. affected concrete is not replaced.

Sealers only slow the rate of the

Alkali-Silica Chemical Apply a low viscosity Replace affected Likely Unlikely Repairs may be short lived if all the
Reaction epoxy or a high concrete. affected concrete is not replaced.
molecular weight
methacrylate (HMWM) Sealers only slow the rate of the
as a “healer-sealer.” expansion.
Corrosion Chemical Apply a topical corrosion Remove and replace all Likely Unlikely Corrosion of steel may extend
of inhibitor. damaged concrete and beyond the extent of damaged
Reinforcing corroded steel. concrete.
When repairing concrete damaged by
corrosion of steel careful planning is
Abrasion- Physical Remove excessive Repair concrete with a Likely Unlikely If silica fume concrete (SFC) will be
Erosion debris from water. high strength repair used for repairs, consult with a
material. concrete materials expert.

Repair with a silica fume Trial placements with SFC are

concrete. encouraged.
Cavitation Physical Apply coatings. Structural modification to Likely Unlikely No known material will withstand
entrain air in the flow or cavitation indefinitely.
Grind protrusions. reduce flow velocities.

Fill voids with a high

strength material.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

Issue Type of Short-term Solution Long-term Solution Repair Repair can be Notes
Deterioration performed performed
or Damage in the dry underwater
Freeze- Physical Apply a coating or Replace or repair Likely Unlikely The repair must be thick enough to
Thaw sealer. concrete. reduce freezing and thawing of
underlying concrete.
Adjust operations of the
canal to limit exposure of
concrete to water during
freezing periods.
Overload of Structural Alter loadings. Alter loadings. Likely Unlikely Consult with a Structural Engineer.
Structure Repair cracks with epoxy Repair cracks with epoxy
injection. injection.

Replace damaged Replace damaged

concrete. concrete.

Shore or brace. Replace or strengthen

Voids Structural Fill void with low Remove the lining and Possibly Yes, but may Consult with Reclamation to develop
pressure grout or by reconstruct the subgrade be very a grouting program.
sluicing sand to support of the affected area. expensive
the canal lining. (grouting) Excess grout pressures can cause
Use low pressure grout to relative to other additional damage to the
fill void(s) and support options embankment and lining.
the canal lining.
Subsidence Structural Add steel bracing to limit Remove and reconstruct Likely Unlikely Conduct an investigation to
further liner movement. the lining and subgrade understand the cause and extent of
in the affected area. the subsidence. Consult with
Cover area with an Reclamation to develop an
anchored geomembrane appropriate design.
to minimize seepage
Blowouts Structural Seal cracks to minimize Replace damaged canal Likely Unlikely Refer to SOP for drawdown rates.
seepage losses. linings.
Consider the addition of weep holes
Remove or fill lining Modify operations to and scupper drains.
offsets that might affect prevent future blowouts.
canal hydraulics.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

Issue Type of Short-term Solution Long-term Solution Repair Repair can be Notes
Deterioration performed performed
or Damage in the dry underwater
Uplift of Structural Seal cracks to minimize Replace damaged lining Likely Unlikely Over excavate foundation materials
Liners seepage loss. panels. and compact fill prior to lining
Remove or fill lining Replace expansive soil
offsets that might affect with a non-expansive Consider lime or other chemical
canal hydraulics. foundation material. additives to limit future swelling soils.
Buckling Structural Sawcut additional Sawcut additional Likely Unlikely
expansion joints. expansion joints.

Replace linings that

include proper expansion
Leaking Structural Repair the crack or fill Replace the lining. Possibly Possibly Depending on the repair material
Cracks and the joint with a flexible selected, dewatering may be
Joints in surface seal or injection Inject the crack or joint required.
canal material. with a flexible material.
Soil Erosion Structural Modify local drainage Channelize surface runoff Likely N/A The canal should be inspected for
paths. by using berms, ditches surface erosion after each major
and armored swales. storm. The affected areas should be
Fill voids with soil to repaired as soon as possible as they
prevent worsening Construct a concrete will worsen from subsidence rainfall
condition. curb and gutter system. events.

Add drainage inlet and

culverts as needed.
1. For more information, please refer to the Reclamation’s Guide to Concrete Repair Second Edition (von Fay 2015).
2. Consult an Engineer prior to performing any repairs.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

6. Design Considerations for New or

Replacement Concrete
If replacement concrete is required to repair a structure, consider these factors
while working with experts and before ordering concrete.

6.1. Concrete Mixture Design

Many considerations go into specifying concrete, including:
 What kind of weather or soil conditions will the concrete be exposed to?

 Will the concrete be in contact with water?

 Is the concrete exposed to chemicals that may require the rebar to have
extra protection?

One of the most important considerations when designing a concrete mix is to

know the concrete’s service and exposure conditions. For many Reclamation
concrete structures, the exposure conditions dictate the concrete requirements
rather than the structural loads.
American Concrete Institute (ACI) standard ACI 318-14 requires the designer to
determine the exposure category and class (i.e., severity of the exposure) for each
type of concrete placement. This standard specifies mix requirements for four
exposure categories:
 Freezing and Thawing (F). Freeze-thaw exposure will determine if the
concrete mix needs to be air entrained. The concrete will likely be affected
by freeze-thaw damage if the concrete undergoes cycles of freezing and
thawing temperatures while the concrete is saturated or nearly saturated
with water and does not contain an adequate air void system. Properly
adding air entrainment will provide the required air void system.

 Sulfate (S). The concentration of sulfates in the water or soil in contact

with the concrete will determine what type of cement is required. High
levels of sulfate content may require using supplementary cementitious
material to increase sulfate resistance of the concrete. Many areas of the
Western U.S. have soils and water that contain sulfates high enough to
damage improperly proportioned concrete. If sulfate levels are not known,
samples of the soil and water should be tested.

 In Contact with Water (WA). Concrete in contact with water should

have low permeability. For this reason, the concrete mix is required to
have a low water-cementitious materials ratio (w/cm).

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

 Corrosion Protection of Reinforcement (C). Corrosion protection of

reinforcement is considered when the concrete will be exposed to moisture
and chlorides (for example, de-icing chemicals or seawater). Exposure to
chlorides and moisture will require a limit on the chloride content from the
concrete making materials (aggregates, cementitious materials, mixing
water, and admixtures). There are also additional requirements on the
concrete cover on the reinforcement.

Use a minimum 4,000 psi 28-day strength mix if the concrete will be exposed to
freeze-thaw cycles with limited exposure to water, low sulfate exposure, and no
exposure to external sources of chlorides (such as deicing chemicals). If the
concrete will be in an area with freeze-thaw cycles and frequent exposure to
water, high sulfate exposure, or exposure to external sources of chlorides, the
minimum compressive strength should be 4,500 psi at 28-day strength. For more
severe exposure, the compressive strength may need to be 5,000 psi at 28 days’
age. In abrasive environments, strengths over 10,000 psi at 28 days’ age may be
needed. An air-entraining admixture should be used in all exterior concrete
exposed to cycles of freezing and thawing weather.

6.2. Construction Practices

As can be seen from Section 2.2. Construction-Related Problems, many of the
concrete deterioration issues can result from poor concrete construction practices.
Follow these good concreting practices when placing concrete.

6.2.1. Batching, Mixing, and Placing

It is recommended that a National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA)
certified batch plant be used to supply the concrete mix if available in the area.
The concrete should be manufactured and delivered in accordance with American
Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) C94. Typically, the concrete should be
placed within 90 minutes of batching, but if the location is remote and the truck
cannot get there in time, an extended set control admixture can be used. Concrete
temperature at placement shall not exceed 90 °F.

6.2.2. Consolidation
Poor consolidation (compaction) can create honeycombing as a result of using
improper or faulty vibrators, improper placement procedures, poor vibration
procedures, inappropriate concrete mixtures, or congested reinforcement.

Consolidation using vibrators is a process that is mastered with experience. Over-

vibrating the concrete can lead to segregation and loss of entrained air. Under-
vibrating can result in rock pockets and poor consolidation around rebar.

6.2.3. Curing
Adequate curing will increase the strength, water tightness, abrasion resistance,
freeze-thaw resistance, and volume stability. There are several methods for

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

 Sprinkling or fog spraying: entire surface is kept wet during the curing

 Wet burlap or mats: materials are kept wet during the entire curing period.

 Membrane forming curing compounds: waxes and resins that seal the
moisture in.

One of these methods should be used on all new concrete placements. Curing
should last a minimum of 3 to 7 days—longer is almost always better. The
temperature of the concrete should be between 50° and 100° F, but may be higher.
If a curing compound is used, it should be applied as soon as the bleed water has
dissipated and finishing operations have ceased.

6.2.4. Hot and Cold Weather

Special precautions should be taken for certain weather conditions.

 Hot weather. Placing concrete in hot weather conditions can lead to lower
28-day strengths, more thermal, plastic shrinkage, and drying shrinkage
cracking, and difficulty controlling air entrainment during placement. Hot
weather conditions occur with high ambient heat, high concrete
temperatures, low relative humidity, wind, and solar radiation exposure.
Plan for hot weather by monitoring weather reports and placing at cooler
times of the day. Use adequately sized crews so that the concrete can be
placed quickly. When possible, use enclosures to provide shade and shield
the concrete from wind exposure.

 Cold weather. Placing concrete under cold weather conditions can lead to
slower setting times and slower strength gain, lower 28-day strengths and
permanent damage if the concrete freezes, and plastic shrinkage cracking.
When placing concrete under cold weather conditions, protect the concrete
from freezing until the concrete reaches 500 psi by providing insulating or
heating blankets. In some conditions, protection may be needed until the
concrete reaches a higher strength. Air-entrain concrete for exterior use.
Do not perform any finishing operations while water is present on the
surface. Do not use steel trowels, which will seal the surface, trap bleed
water, and create a weak layer below the surface. Do not place concrete on
frozen ground, snow, or ice.

ACI has several guides related to Hot (ACI 305R) and Cold (ACI
306R) Weather Concreting.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

7. References
American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committee, 2010. 305R-10 Guide to Hot
Weather Concreting. Farmington Hills, MI: American Concrete Institute,
ACI Committee, 2014. ACI 318-14 Building Code Requirements for Structural
Concrete and Commentary. Farmington Hills, MI: American Concrete
Institute, 2014.
ACI Committee, 2016. 506 Guide to Shotcrete, Farmington Hills, MI: American
Concrete Institute, 2016.
ACI Committee 2016. 306R-16 Guide to Cold Weather Concreting. Farmington
Hills, MI: American Concrete Institute,
Aisenbrey, A. J. Jr., R. B. Hayes, H. J. Warren, D. L. Winsett, and R. B. Young,
Design of Small Canal Structures, Denver, Colorado: United States
Government Printing Office, 1974.
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) C94.Farmington Hills, MI:
American Concrete Institute, 2016
Harrell S. and M. Klein, 2016. "Underwater Cure Polymeric Repair Field
Demonstration," Casa Grande, Arizona.
Harrell S. and M. Klein, 2015. Underwater Cure Polymeric Repairs to Seal
Seepage Cracks.
Reclamation, Design Standard No. 3 Canals and Related Structures, Denver,
Colorado: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, 1967.
Reclamation, Standard Protocol to Evaluate the Performance of Corrosion
Mitigation Technologies in Concrete Repairs, M-82, Denver: Bureau of
Reclamation, 2014.
von Fay, K. F. Guide to Concrete Repair, Second Ed., Denver, Colorado: U.S.
Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Technical Service
Center, 2015.

Canal Operation and Maintenance: Concrete

Appendix A: Maintenance
Checklist for Concrete Canal
Structures and Linings
This Maintenance Checklist for Concrete Canal Structures and Liningss
based on von Fay, K. F. Guide to Concrete Repair, Second Ed., Denver,
Colorado: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation,
Technical Service Center, 2015.
Bureau of Reclamation
Maintenance Checklist for Concrete Canal Structures and

Project Name:

Project Location:

Date of Inspection:

Name of Inspector:

Other Attendees:


Refer to Canal Maintenance: Mechanical, Section 6, Safety for procedures prior to starting the inspection.
Bureau of Reclamation
Maintenance Checklist for Concrete Canal Structures and


Item Structure V/S/BL/ Photo

# Type Station/Location Description U/BU Location* A M IA

EX:1 Canal Lining Sta. 15.00 4'-0" wide V X


V: Void S: Subsidence BL: Blowout U: Uplift BU: Buckling

A: Acceptable M: Monitor IA: Needs Immediate Attention
*Directory or file location where photos are stored
Bureau of Reclamation
Maintenance Checklist for Concrete Canal Structures and


Item Photo
# Structure Type Station/Location Width Length Location* A M IA

EX:1 Canal Lining Sta. 15.00 0.03 inches 4'-0" X


A: Acceptable M: Monitor IA: Needs Immediate Attention

*Directory or file location where photos are stored
For more information refer to Guide to Concrete Repair Second Edition- Part I- Section C.11.
Bureau of Reclamation
Maintenance Checklist for Concrete Canal Structures and


Item AE/ Photo

# Structure Type Station/Location Description C/FT Location* A M IA
Sta. 15.00
EX:1 Canal Lining 4 ft from top of lining 2'-0" x 3'-0" FT X


AE: Abrasion-Erosion C: Cavitation FT: Freeze-Thaw

A: Acceptable M: Monitor IA: Needs Immediate Attention
*Directory or file location where photos are stored
For more information refer to Guide to Concrete Repair Second Edition- Part I- Section C.6, C.7, and C.8.
Bureau of Reclamation
Maintenance Checklist for Concrete Canal Structures and

Item Photo
# Structure Type Station/Location Description Location* A M IA
2'-0" x 3'-0"
EX:1 Canal Lining Sta. 15.00 delamination in area X


A: Acceptable M: Monitor IA: Needs Immediate Attention

*Directory or file location where photos are stored
For more information refer to Guide to Concrete Repair Second Edition- Part I- Section C.9.
Bureau of Reclamation
Maintenance Checklist for Concrete Canal Structures and

Sulfate Attack/ Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR)

Item Photo
# Structure Type Station/Location Size Location* A M IA

EX:1 Canal Lining Sta. 4+15.00 2'-0" x 3'-0" X


A: Acceptable M: Monitor IA: Needs Immediate Attention

*Directory or file location where photos are stored
For more information refer to Guide to Concrete Repair Second Edition- Part I- Section C.4 and C.5.

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