A Study On Emerging Trends, Methods and Criteria For Effective E Recruitment in The Organisation
A Study On Emerging Trends, Methods and Criteria For Effective E Recruitment in The Organisation
A Study On Emerging Trends, Methods and Criteria For Effective E Recruitment in The Organisation
Volume 3 Issue 5, August 2019 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD26606 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 1190
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
legislation in erecruiting and the impact it has on Criteria for Effective E-Recruitment:
management. The requirement for it is to benefit the selection
procedure. Thus to make the process effective, the
Sills, Maureen (2014) The purpose of this study was to
organizations should be concerned about various
explore whether the traditional recruitment process has
factors. Among them most important are- Return on
diminished and what social media has influenced. In this
investment (ROI) should be calculated to compare the
paper, the author felt it appropriate to conduct a
costs and risks. It facilitates to evaluate benefits and to
qualitative analysis along with a quantitative analysis to
calculate the estimated return.
gain an eagle’s eye into the subject. Utilising secondary
Recruitment policy should be flexible and proactive, to
research to support and argue many points made by the
adapt market changes. The companies will have their
empirical research, the author was able to come to a
own mix and match sources according their objective.
conclusion regarding the hypotheses made during
The guidelines to be provided in the policy.
Unemployment rate, labour turnover rate are
Tong, David Yoon Kin The purpose of this paper is to considered. As the whole process depends on the
examine the employed jobseekers' perceptions and availability of candidates in the market. For every post,
behaviours of third-party e-recruitment technology position it is not viable to spend too much of time. These
adoption in Malaysia. Using the validated modified rates will determine whether to be stringent or lenient.
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) without the Impact of supplying compensation details to be
attitude construct as the core research framework and considered. That is the wage, salary, benefits, when
identifying Perceived Privacy Risk (PPR), Performance disclosed on line then it should follow the legal norms.
Expectancy (PE), Application-Specific Self-Efficacy Chance for negotiation will not be there. Compensation
(ASSE), and Perceived Stress (PS) as key external rate of the company not only reaches to the candidates
variables that form the research model for the study of but will be known to all.
e-recruitment technology adoption. The results identify Precautions to be taken for resume screening. Words
few key determinants to this technology adoption. that discriminates gender, age, religion etc to be avoided
Moreover, the weak evidence of the behavioural and are not preferable.
intention indicates that e-recruitment has not replaced Review the results periodically and also update
some of the conventional recruitment methods. third regularly to achieve a better result. Otherwise pool of
party e-recruiters' policy makers and human. The paper candidates will remain static and will not serve the
provides an insight for human resources practitioners purpose.
on the effective use of third-party e-recruitment service Organizations need to selective while choosing the sites.
provider and the strategy to attract employed It refers to whether it is required to be giving to the job
jobseekers for employment. search sites like www.monster.com or in their own site.
When special skill candidates are searched then generic
Objectives: job search sites to be avoided.
1. To list out the methods and trends in E-Recruitment.
2. To outline the criteria for effective E-Recruitment. Conclusion:
Traditional methods should not be replaced by the E-
E-Recruiting Methods: Recruitment, it should supplement each other. One method
Job boards: These are the places where the employers should not replace the other. When two vacancies are there
post jobs and search for candidates. Candidates become and two candidates are available, the companies do not have
aware of the vacancies. Special skill candidates to be much choice, thus they prefer to widen their search and
searched by certain job boards attracts numerous applications. But when for two vacancies
Employer web sites: These sites can be of the company a company receive 2000 application, the in depth screening
owned sites, or a site developed by various employers. process is not possible. While other methods like campus
Professional websites: These are for specific interview, internal search has a personal touch. But receiving
professions, skills and not general in nature. The application in hand, communicating with candidates
professional associations will have their own site or becomes time consuming without internet. No doubt there
society. has been a paradigm shift in the recruitment process by
companies and the credit goes to the value, efficacy and ease
Trends in E-Recruitment: of using today's career sites.
1. AI candidate screening: Automated and machine-
learning algorithms will be used to screen CVs and References
communicate with candidates. [1] E- Recruitment, Avinash S. Kapse Vishal, Patil S, Nikhil
2. Jobseekers enhance their personal brand using Patil V. International Journal of Engineering and
video: Expect jobseekers to embed video content in Advanced Technology. (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958,April,
their LinkedIn profiles as part of building an engaging 2012, 1(4).
personal brand. This will offer hiring managers and [2] http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/recrui
recruiters a deeper insight into their expertise and tme nt.html
potential cultural fit. [3] http://www.chalre.com/hiring_managers/recruiting_q
3. Candidate experience becomes a differentiator: uoteshtm
Recruiting has the bad reputation that its practices are [4] http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-recruitment
slow, outdated, and unfriendly to candidates. [5] http://www.onrec.com/news/news-archive/the-
Organizations are starting to pay attention that a great latestonline-recruitment-practices-in-2014
candidate experience is an important differentiator. http://www.123oye.com/job-
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD26606 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 1191