A Review of Mocharas (Bombax Malabaricum) : in The Light of Unani Medicine

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Volume 4, Issue 8, August – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

A Review of Mocharas (Bombax malabaricum):

In The Light of Unani Medicine
*Sada Akhtar and **Mohd Zakir Siddiqui
*Department of Ilmul Advia, Faculty of Unani Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 202002
**Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, New Delhi, 110025

Abstract:- One of the traditional systems of medicine In Unani literature it is described as a huge Indian
that is Unani System of Medicine utilises Mawalid tree; its wood is white and light in weight. Trunk is big
Salasa (Plants, Animals, and Minerals) for the with numerous branches; each branch has five hands like
management of various diseases. Among them plants leaves, which resemble with the leaves of Jamun
are widely used for the treatment of diseases. Mocharas (Syzygium cumini). Fruits resemble with the fruit of Bakain
is an important drug of Unani medicine and a member (Melia azedarach) and are mucilaginous, dark red in
of family Bombaceae which is usually known as Silk colour. Flowers shed off. Root is white, soft and
Cotton Tree. It is a well known medicinal plant of mucilaginous in nature and is called Musli Sembhal.
tropical and subtropical India. It has wide range of Sembhal tree is of two types. One has prickles and called
therapeutic applications. In Unani System of Medicine Kanti Sembhal, Second type has no prickles. First variety
it is used as diuretic, anti-dysenteric, emetic, anti- has better pharmacological actions (Azam Khan, 2014). Its
diarrhoeal, and aphrodisiac. It is used to treat wounds, bark is bluish, fresh bark having conical projections
acne, skin blemish, pigmentation, cold and cough. It has (Lubhaya, 1977). Infected bark of the tree yields a gum
many pharmacological activities like In-vitro Anti- called Mocharas.
inflammatory, Anti-diabetic, Anti-obesity, Hypotensive,
Antioxidant, Antiangiogenic, Antimicrobial, In Tibb-e-Unani it is used as Astringent (Qabid),
Cytotoxicity, Aphrodisiac and Antipyretic. This paper styptic (Habis), aphrodisiac (Muqawwi-i-Bah),
provides an overview on pharmacological, adipogenous (Musammin-i-Badan) (Nadkarni, 1954;
phytochemical properties and therapeutic benefits of Khory and Katrak, 1985; Azam khan, 2014). It is indicated
the tree. in diarrhoea, dysentery and menorrhagia (Dey, 1973).
Tooth powder of Mocharas is useful in loose teeth to
Keywords:- Mocharas, Bombax malabaricum, Unani strengthen them (Fazalullah, 1918; Nabi, 1958; Hakeem,
formulations, Temperament 1922; Ghani, 2010). If the cotton of Mocharas accidently
gets inside the ear, it may cause deafness (Azam Khan,

Mocharas is the gum of the tree Bombax II. VERNACULARS

malabaricum (Synonym: Bombax ceiba Linn; Salmalia
malabarica DC Schott & Endl.) also called Kapok family Samagh-ul-Mocharas, Semul, Simuli nuagarh,
of flowering trees and shrubs. It belongs to the family Heembal, Deokapas, Huttian, Rakto-semul, Kanta-
Bombaceae. The family consists of about 22 tropical Kudruma, Picha, Shalmali, Tool phalli, Silk Cotton Tree,
genera and more than 150 species. The largest genera Gond Supari, and Samagh Seembhal) are some of its
comprise 60 species of Bombax, 15 species of Ceiba, 15 vernacular names (Dymock et al., 1890; Nadkarni, 1954;
species of Durio, 10 species of Salmalia and 10 species of Khory and Katrak, 1985; Anonymous, 2000; Anonymous,
Adansonia (Meena et al., 2011). In the world tropical 2004; Anonymous, 2007; Usmani, 2008; Anonymous,
regions, there are about 55 species of Bombacaceae that 2008; Azam Khan, 2014)
yields floss similar to Java kapok. Its tree is known as
Kanta-kudruma, means a tree with hard conical prickles. III. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION
The gum is also known as Supari ka phul (Areca catechu)
in allusion to the fact that children masticate the blunt The trees of Bombax malabaricum are distributed
thorns of Bombax malabaricum, the flower buds are among Tropical Eastern Himalaya and throughout the
known as Semargulla. Seeds are covered with fine cottony hottest forest regions of India to Burma and Ceylon
hairs and these hairs are used for stuffing pillows and are (Hooker, 1982; Nadkarni, 1954; Khory and Katrak, 1985).
called Sembhal ki rooae. Bast fibres of tree used for A tall tree buttressed at the base, widely distributed
making ropes and its wood is used for making scabbards. throughout India, including the Andamans, up to 1500 m.
In Mahabharata it is narrated that Pitamaha after having is found in the tropical evergreen, semi-evergreen and
created the world, reposed under the tree Salmali, and in moist deciduous forests along the western coast from North
the code of Yajnavalkya it is mentioned as one of the trees Kannada southwards, extending into Anamalai hills in
of the infernal regions (Yamadruma), because it makes a Tamil Nadu. It also occurs in Assam and Tripura and in the
great show of flowers, but produces no fruit fit to eat Andamans where taller trees are found (Anonymous,
(Dymock et al. 1890). 2004). It occurs throughout the year and distributed in

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Volume 4, Issue 8, August – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
different parts of India and also occurring at Chimtipur of – 9.00 micron in length and are found singly or in groups
Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh (Bhattacharjee, (Anonymous, 1997).
2004). Flowering takes place during January to March and
fruiting during March to May (Anonymous, 2007). V. CULTIVATION


The tree starts fruiting at the age of 8 years and the
Bombax malabaricum is a large deciduous tree, fruit ripens during March-May and open while still on the
notable for its height and covered with hard conical tree and the seeds are widely dispersed by wind. Under
prickles. Flowers are large, bright red in colour with green favourable conditions, natural regeneration takes place
cup shaped calyx followed by egg shaped green capsules; freely on new alluvial flats, savannahs, and other open
seeds numerous, of a black colour, and covered by long spaces. Attempts are being made in Uttar Pradesh to
silky hairs, or a quantity of fine cotton. The root is of carrot regenerate the tree from sucker. In Orissa, fair amount of
size; bark is externally dark brown and reddish from inside, natural regeneration takes place as a result of coppicing.
fibrous, hard and studded with a soft spongy substance. It
has astringent gummy or mucilaginous taste (Khory and  Artificial regeneration:
Katrak, 1985). Capsule are 6 to 7 in number, ovoid, The tree can be raised by direct sowing, entire
downy, 5-valved, valves silky within. Seeds are obovate, transplanting and stump planting; all the three methods
smooth (Hooker, 1982). The juice of Mocharas is not have been successfully practiced in various regions.
normal but the product of diseased action, which consists Propagation can also be done through branch-cuttings, but
in the proliferation of the cells of the bark, only exudes the survival rate is poor. The tree prefers deep sandy-loam,
from the bark which injured by decay or by insects. derived from granite, attaining maximum development in
Incisions in the healthy bark produce nothing. On incisions the deep alluvial soil of the valleys. The tree also grows on
into the diseased bark, a number of small cavities are seen, well drained hill slopes, provided the soil is moderately
which contain a jelly like substance, some granular matter deep. In its natural habitat, excluding the hills, the absolute
and starch. Thus in appearance Mocharas resembles galls maximum shade temperature varies from 34º to 49º, the
more than a gum; when first exuded it is in whitish absolute minimum from 3.5º to 17.5º, and the rainfall from
fungoud pieces, which gradually turn red, and finally 75 to 460 cm or more, thriving best in places where the
mahogany like. In some pieces holes made by insects are rainfall is well distributed throughout the year. The tree is
distinctly seen, the galls thus resembling Kakda-singa. It is strongly light demander, a character which prevents its
very brittle, the fractured surface being resinous looking forming pure, dense crops. It is fairly drought resistant, but
and red. It has astringent taste and resembles Chikni Supari it is affected by severe frost (Anonymous, 1999).
(Khory and Katrak, 1985).
 Macroscopic:
The gum of Bombax malabaricum is amorphous, Gum is exuded from natural wounds probably caused
opaque, solid, brick-red to black in colour. The pieces are by decay or insects but is not exuded from artificially made
irregular and of different sizes varying from 2.5 to 5.0 cm wounds (Anonymous, 1997). Mocharas or Supari ka phul
long. The surface is quite smooth and shiny and sometimes is collected by Bheels and other wild tribes. It is sold by all
a small portion of bark is attached. The odour is slightly the druggists (Dymock et al., 1890).
pungent and taste is acrid, Fracture is hard, difficult to
break but brittle (Anonymous, 1997).  Preservation and Storage (Tahaffuz Wa Zakheera
 Microscopic: The gum is air dried under shade and should be
The powder of the crude drug shows the presence of stored in dry and cold place (Anonymous, 1997).
abundant brick-red granules of different sizes. During the
investigation different tissues are reported; among these  Parts Used (Hisas-e- Mustamlah)
fragments of tissues, cork cells are found in abundance. In Almost all parts of the tree like gum, roots, stem
surface view the cork cells are hexagonal to polygonal or bark, flowers, seeds and leaves etc possess medicinal
oval with slightly thickened wall containing reddish brown properties but in Unani System of Medicine only gum and
contents and they are of 54.00 – 94.50 × 18.00 – 54.00 roots are used medicinally.
microns in size. These cells show the presence of tannins
with ferric chloride solution. The fibres are also studied but  Temperament (Mizaj)
lesser in number and they are large and usually found With the consensus of various Unani authors the
fragmented. They occur singly or occasionally in groups of temperament of Gum is Cold 2 ̊ and Dry 3 ̊ along with
two or three. Individual fibres are fusiform with bluntly slight variation in grade of temperament (Fazalullah, 1918;
pointed ends; the walls are straight, thickened and lignified Hakeem, 1922; Nabi, 1958; Daljeet, 1974; Lubhaya, 1977;
with somewhat uneven lumen and few inconspicuous pits Ghani; 2010)
and of 288.00 – 738.00 × 10.00 – 18.00 microns in size. : Cold and Dry (Azam Khan, 2014)
The starch grains are numerous, oval to round, simple, 4.00

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Volume 4, Issue 8, August – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Flower: Cold and Wet (Azam Khan, 2014)  It is a chief ingredient in various restorative,
Root: Hot and Wet 1º (Lubhaya, 1977; Azam Khan, expectorant and aphrodisiac confections (Khory and
2014) Katrak, 1985).
Cotton: Slightly Hot (Azam Khan, 2014) Wood  The drug is useful in snake bite also (Nadkarni, 1954;
Afaq et al., 2011)
 Pharmacological Actions (Af’al)  Mocharas is used in various other diseases also like
Gum: Astringent (Qabid), demulcent (Mulattif), styptic epistaxis (Ru’af), hypo viscous Semen (Riqqat-e-Mani),
(Habis), aphrodisiac (Muqawwi-i-Bah), spermatogenic menorrhagia (Kathrat-i-Tamth), leucorrhoea (Sayalan
(Muwallid-i-Mani), tonic (Muqawwi), repellent (Radi), al-Rahim), spermatorrhoea (Jarayan), premature
avaricious and semen Viscositive (Mumsik wa Mughalliz-i- ejaculation (Sur’a al-Inzal), haemoptysis (Nafth al-
Mani), desiccant (Mujaffif), glutinous (Mugharri) Dam), incontinence of urine (Salas al-Bawl), excessive
(Fazalullah, 1918; Hakeem, 1922; Nadkarni, 1954; Nabi, nocturnal emission (Kathra al-Ihtilam), polyuria
1958; Dey, 1973; Lubhaya, 1977; Khory and Katrak, 1985; (Kathra al-Bawl), dysentry (Zahir)
Dayal, 1993; Anonymous, 1999; Anonymous, 2004;  (Fazalullah, 1918; Hakeem, 1922; Nabi, 1958; Dey,
Kabeeruddin, 2007; Usmani, 2008; Afaq et al., 2011) 1973; Lubhaya, 1977; Khory and Katrak, 1985;
Root: Demulcent (Mulattif), tonic (Muqawwi), diuretic Bhattacharjee, 2004; Anonymous, 2004; Kabeeruddin,
(Mudirr-i- Bawl), aphrodisiac (Muqawwi-i-Bah), emetic 2007; Usmani, 2008; Afaq et al., 2011; Azam Khan,
(Muqi), astringent (Qabid), spermatogenic (Muwallid-i- 2014)
Mani), adipogenous (Musammin-i-Badan) (Nadkarni,
1954; Dey, 1973; Lubhaya, 1977; Khory and Katrak, 1985;  Ethnomedicinal Uses
Azam Khan, 2014). Seeds and roots of Mocharas were used in the
Stem Bark: Demulcent (Mulattif), tonic (Muqawwi), treatment of serious skin diseases like leprosy. Fresh
diuretic (Mudirr-i- Bawl), astringent (Qabid),emetic rubbed bark of Mocharas was applied topically on pimples,
(Muqi)(Nadkarni, 1954; Afaq et al., 2011) acne and boils. The tender twigs were used as a toothbrush
Flowers: Aphrodisiac (Muqawwi-i-Bah), astringent to cure mumps. Powdered flowers along with honey were
(Qabid), adipogenous (Musammin-i-Badan) (Azam Khan, used for menorrhagia. Root bark extracts were used as a
2014) tonic in case of sexual debility and also as a nervine
rejuvenator. Root powder mixed with sucrose and milk
 Medicinal Uses (Mahall-e-Istema’al) was taken to avoid impotency. Plant seed powder was used
 Decoction of the gum is used as mouthwash in mouth with other drugs containing raisin for abortifacient activity
ulcers caused by the ingestion of mercury (Ghani, 2010; in eastern states (Antil V. et al., 2013).
Nabi, 1958; Hakeem, 1922).
 Mocharas is used in the form of pessaries and  Commercial Values of Bombax malabaricum
suppository in menorrhagia (Hakeem, 1922; Nabi, The wood is used in the manufacture of matches. The
1958). cotton from the fruits of this plant is used commercially for
 The powder prepared from Mocharas, Bael fruit (Aegle stuffing pillows and mattresses (Bhattacharjee, 2000). The
marmelos) and kernel of mango seed 3.5 gm each and floss is also used as an insulating material for refrigerators,
opium 5 grains in the amount of 20-40 grains is used in sound-proof covers and walls. Young roots, tender leaves,
the treatment of diarrhea and descentry. flower buds, fleshy calyces and gum are eaten. Flower
 Fine powder is used effectively as a surgical dressing, buds in Uttar Pradesh are consumed as a vegetable. Roots
after cleaning of wounds. are roasted over the fire and eaten as in the case of sweet
 Petals are squeezed and soaked in human or cow’s milk potato. Leaves and younger twigs are lopped as fodder
then applied for conjunctivitis of infants for soothing (Anonymous, 1999).
 Pastes of leaves are applied on skin eruptions.  Adverse effects (Muzir Atharat)
 Dry young fruits are beneficial in calculous affections, It causes dryness in the body (Fazalullah, 1918; Nabi,
chronic inflammation, dysuria and ulceration of the 1958; Usmani, 2008; Ghani, 2010), slows down digestion
bladder and kidneys including strangury. (Lubhaya, 1977; Usmani, 2008) and produces morbid
 Fruits are also useful in weakness of genital organs. humours in the body (Kabeeruddin, 2007).
 Root is also used for gonorrhoea and dysentery.
 Seeds are used in the management of catarrhal  Correctives (Musleh)
affections, gonorrhoea, gleet and chronic cystitis The Musleh or correctives of Mocharas are Garam
(Nadkarni, 1954). Masale (Hot Spices) (Daljeet, 1974; Lubhaya, 1977),
Shakar (Sugar) (Fazalullah, 1918; Hakeem, 1922; Nabi,
 The gum (2gm) mixed with cow’s milk (30ml) and
water (30ml) is reported to cure bleeding piles 1958; Anonymous, 1997), Roghan-e-Badam (Oil of
(Anonymous, 2000). Prunus amygdalus) (Fazalullah, 1918; Hakeem,
1922; Nabi, 1958; Anonymous, 1997; Usmani, 2008),
 Native women use it largely after delivery to stop
Darchini (Stem bark of Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
menses during lactation.
(Daljeet, 1974).

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Volume 4, Issue 8, August – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Substitutes (Abdaal)  Dosage (Miqdar-e-Khurak)
The various substitutes (Abdal) of Mocharas The various dosages of gum mentions in Unani
(Bombax malabaricum) mentions in various Unani literatures are 2 gm (Anonymous, 2000), 3 -5 gm
literatures are Samagh-e-Dhaak (Gum of Butea frondosa) (Anonymous, 1997; Usmani, 2008; Daljeet, 1974;
(Fazalullah, 1918; Hakeem, 1922; Nabi, 1958; Usmani, Lubhaya, 1977; Kabeeruddin, 2007), 5 – 10 gm
2008), Mastagi (Gum of Pistacea lentiscus) (Hakeem, (Anonymous, 2008) and Decoction of root: I to 2 ozs
1922; Usmani, 2008), Post darakht-e-Anar (Stem bark of (Khory and Katrak, 1985).
Punica granatum) (Anonymous, 1997) Found to be a
valuable substitute for gum Kino (Eucalyptus resinifera)  Unani Formulations (Unani Murakkabat)
and red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) (Khory and The important Unani formulations of Mocharas in
Katrak, 1985). which the drug is used either as chief ingredient or one of
the ingredients of the formulation are Majoon Mocharas,
 Adulterants Safoof Gond Kateere Wala, Safoof Sailaan, Majoon
Moringa oleifera and Eriodendron anfractuosum are Zanjabeel, Habbe Muqawwi (Daljeet, 1974; Kabeeruddin,
used as adulterants. They may readily be distinguished by 2007; Usmani, 2008), Majoon Sohag sonth, Majoon
their weight and solidity (Dymock et al., 1890). Bandkushad, Safoof Ziabetus Qawi, Majoon Muqawwi
Rahim (Anonymous, 2006; Anonymous, 2007).

 Phytochemical Constituents
 Major: Lupeol, Shamimicin (Anonymous, 2008)

Fig 1

Others: β-Sitosterol (Anonymous, 2008) Gum: L- 4’,5,7- trihydroxyflavone-3-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl(1→4)-

arabinose, D-galactose and D-galacturonic acid and traces α-L-rhamnopyranoside (V) (Rastogi and Mehrotra, 1991).
of rhamnose. 6-O-β-D-galactopyranosyluronic acid-D- Seeds: Seeds yield 25 p.c. of a sweet non drying oil, of a
galactose. 2,4,6-tri-2,6-di-O-methyl-D-galactose and 2,3,4- light yellowish brown colour which contains crystalline,
tri-O-methyl-D-galacturonic acid in equivalent amounts. insoluble fatty acids 92.8 p.c. (Khory and Katrak, 1985).
The degraded gum was shown to be a branched chain n-hexacosanol, palmitic acid, octadecyl palmitate, gallic
polysaccharide and the repeating unit consisted of a acid, tannic acid, 1-gallayl-β-glucose, ethyl gallate and a
framework of D-galactopyranose residues with main chain mixture of α-, β-, ɣ- tocopherols, crude protein and
linked by 1→3 and side chains attached by 1→4 linkages. pentosan, oleic acid, myristic, palmitic, arachidic and
Riboflavin and thiamine were also reported from the gum, linoleic acids. Stearic, tetradecenoic and hexadecenoic
Catechutannic acid. (Rastogi and Mehrotra, 1990; acids were not present (Anonymous, 2004).
Anonymous, 2000; Anonymous, 2004)
Stem: Lupeol, β-sitosterol, Flavonoids, glycosides, sterols,
Flowers: β-sitosterol and β-D-glucoside of β-sitosterol, Terpenoids. Stem bark contains crystals of calcium oxalate
Hentriacontane, Kaempferol, Quercetin, Traces of an and Potassium nitrate (Rastogi and Mehrotra, 1991;
Essential oil, two anthocyanidin glycosides named A and B Anonymous, 2000; Anonymous, 2004).
namely pelargonidin-5β-D-glucopyranoside and cyaniding-
7-methyl-ether-3β-glucopyranoside, respectively, Ca, P Root: proteins, fatty matter, tannins, sugars, starch,
and Mg (Anonymous, 2004), 24β-ethylcholest-5-en-3β-O- monogalactan, steroids, terpenoids, alkaloids, flavones,
α-L-arabinopyranosyl(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranoside (III), phenolics, saponins, n-triacontanol, β-sitosterol, 5,7,3’,4’-
3,5-dihydroxy-4’-methoxyflavone-7-O-α-L- tetrahydroxy-6-methoxyflavan-3-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-α-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranoside (IV) and D-xylopyranoside. lupeol, β-sitosterol, O-

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Volume 4, Issue 8, August – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
hydroxyaldehyde, isohemigossypol-1,2-dimethyl ether, 8- VII. PHARMACOLOGICAL STUDIES
napthaquinone, 7-hydroxycadalene, 1,6-dihydroxy-3- Mostly experimental studies were carried out on the
methyl-5-(1-methylethyl)-7-methoxynapthalene-8- seeds, roots, flowers, stem bark, leaves and fruit of the tree
carboxylic acid (8→1), Higher content of calcium Mocharas only few experimental studies have done to rule
(93mg/100gm) makes it a calcium rich food for calcium out gum’s pharmacological properties.
deficient rural population (Rastogi and Mehrotra, 1993;
Anonymous, 2000; Anonymous, 2004).

B.malabaricum (Part Tested Methods/Test/ Activity Authors

studied) Animals/Dose Model
Leaf & Stem branch - - Enzyme activity Gupta and Gupta, 1997
Seed Extract - - Haemolytic activity Chowdhuri and
Chatterjee, 1973
Methanol and acetone - Agar disc diffusion Antimicrobial activity Vaghasia and Chanda,
extracts of plant parts method 2009
Different extracts - Human Red Blood In-vitro Anti- Rameshwar et al., 2014
Corpuscles (HRBC) inflammatory activity
membrane stabilizing
Stem bark extract Wistar rats HFD induced Anti-obesity activity Rameshwar et al., 2014
experimental obesity
Methanol extract of stem Sprague Dawley - Hypotensive and Saleem et al., 2003
bark rats hypoglycaemic activity Phulan and Khullar,
Methanol extract of stem - Mitochondrial activity Antioxidant activity Rameshwar et al., 2014
bark in Vero cell line
Crude plants extracts mice Acetic acid induced Analgesic activity Dar et al., 2005
writhing and hot plate
Ethanolic extract of the - respiratory syncytial Antiviral activity Zhang et al., 2005
flowers virus (RSV) by the
CPE reduction assay
and plaque reduction
Methanol extract of the - in vitro tube formation Antiangiogenic activity You et al., 2003
stem barks of human umbilical
venous endothelial
cells (HUVEC)
Aqueous extracts of the - brine shrimp lethality Cytotoxicity Krishnaraju et al., 2005
plants test
Methanolic extract of - Against isoniazid and Hepatoprotective Ravi et al., 2010
flowers rifampicin activity

Methanol extract Rats Baker’s yeast-induced Antipyretic Activity Hossain et al., 2011
Root extract male mice Aphrodisiac Rameshwar et al., 2014
Methanol extract of bark normal and Immunomodulatory / Wahab et al., 2014
immunosuppressed Antioxidant Activity
mice models
Root powder - Anabolic Effect Verma et al., 2011
Aqueous extract of flower Rats Adriamycin-induced Cardioprotective Effect Patel et al., 2011
myocardial infarction
B.malabaricum extract Rats streptozotocin-induced Anti-diabetic activity Rameshwar et al., 2014
Table 1

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Volume 4, Issue 8, August – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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