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Air Overpressure

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Air overpressure:-

One of the principal disturbances created by surface blasting is air blast. In the surface blast, a part of the total
blast energy escapes in to the atmosphere which is usually above speed of the sound, typically at 300m/sec in
normal air . This over pressure wave is atmospheric. It is transmitted away from blast sites in the form of wave that
travel at the called Air Blast or Air Over Pressure (AOP) [41]. Noise is the audible and infrasonic part of this wave
spectrum from 20 Hz to 20 KHz [42]. Audible air blast is called noise and those inaudible to the human ear are
called concussions [43].With detonation of explosives, transient air blast pressure waves get generated that lost
for a about second. Cause of air blast was proposed as under

. Rock pressure pulse due to detonation of explosives.

 Escape of gases from the blast hole when the stemming is ejected.

 Escape of gases through the fractures created in the rock masses face.

 Detonation of initiating cord in the open air.

 Displacement of bench at the bench face.

 Collision between projected fragments of rock.

Air blast adversely impacts the house through the roofs, walls and windows of the structures through rarely
causing heaving damage. In addition it causes annoyance to the people living around mining areas. The main four
reasons are discussed below.

1- Air Pressure Pulse

Each blast hole acts as (APP) source. From front row blast hole, air pressure pulses are generated and moves
forcefully by the help of next rows pulses. But far behind the face, due to dispersion and refraction in pulses loses
its APP spikes.

2- Rock pressure pulse

Rock pressure pulse is generated by vertical component of ground vibration. The relation between Rock pressure
pulse (lb/in2 ) and vertical component (in/s) is V 0.0015RPP (15) Where, RPP is Rock pressure pulse and V is the
vertical component of ground vibration.

3- Gas release pulse and stemming release pulse

These pulses depend upon stemming, spacing, burden and detonation velocity. GRP and SRP appear as series of
spikes which are superimposed on the APP.

4- Types of Air noise

Air over pressure is of three types as

 Audible noise (Direct noise)

 Inaudible noise( Combination with ground motion which produce structural

 motion and produce noise) High audible noise (produce crack in windows)
S.NO. Air noise level in (dB) Description

1 115 Threshold of complaints

2 134 Bureau of mines recommended safe level of blasting

3 140 Historical Proven safe level

4 151 Occasional windows break

5 171 General windows break

6 180 Possible structure damage

Blast Hole Deviation

The paper deals with the issue relating to the deviation of drill holes during the rock blast
operations in surface mines. Accurate drilling is of primary importance in every rock drilling
process. It results in improved rock fragmentation and lower overall cost. Each hole should
be drilled in the correct direction to the proper depth according to the designed drill pattern
grid. However, during the drilling process, the actual drill hole path often deviates from the
planned one, more or less.

Many factors influence the drill hole deviation such as the rock mass characteristics, the
technical parameters of drilling equipment, the experience of drill operator, the angle
drilled, geological conditions etc. Drill hole deviation can be measured. Nowadays, there are
many precise deviation measurement systems. Many problems may occure if blast
operators proceed to charge blast holes on the basis of the designed drill pattern grid on the
assumption that holes are straight, rather than the actual drilling results.

Drill hole deviation may cause bad blasting results and increase blast and operating costs.
Deviation in drilling has also an impact on fly rock accidents, injury to workers and property
damage. The factors that lead to deviation during drilling, the consequences of deviation
and measures to be taken to minimize drill hole deviation will be presented in this paper.

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