Objectives:: The General Form of The Yokogawa Cs3000 and Centumvp Pid Controllers

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The General Form of the Yokogawa CS3000 and CentumVP PID Controllers:

P = Proportional Band (Range: 0 to 1000) [P=100/Kc]

I = Reset Time, Seconds (Range 0.1 to 10,000 Seconds)
D = Derivative Time, Seconds (Range 0 to 10,000 Seconds)

Commonly referred to as the throttling range (TR), proportional band is defined as the amount of
change in the controlled variable required to drive the loop output from 0 to 100%. For example,
if the PB is 20%, then the gain is 5. A 3% change in the error signal (setpoint- process variable) will
result in a 15% change in a controller’s output, due to the proportional action. If gain is 2, then the PB
is 50%.

1. Minimum change in PV (dynamic stability) with changes in load

2. Fast response to setpoint changes (minimum dynamic error)

3. Minimum overshoot/undershoot/oscillation following sudden load or setpoint changes

4. Minimum error (PV − SP) over time

5. Minimum valve velocity (i.e. minimal effect to upstream or downstream processes)

 The control actions best suited for rapid response to load and/or setpoint changes are
proportional and derivative. Integral action takes effect only after error has had time to
develop, and as such cannot act as immediately as either proportional or derivative.
 If the priority is to minimize overshoot, undershoot, and/or oscillations, the controller’s
response will likely need to be more sluggish than is typical. New setpoint values will take
longer to achieve, and load changes will not be responded to with quite the same vigor.
Derivative action may be helpful in some applications to “tame” the oscillatory tendencies of
proportional and integral actions.
 Minimum error over time can really only be addressed by integral action. No other controller
action pays specific “attention” to the magnitude and duration of error. This is not to say that
the process will work well on integral-only control, but rather that integral action will be
absolutely necessary (i.e. a P-only or PD controller will not suffice).
 Minimum valve velocity is a priority in processes where the manipulated variable has an
effect on some other process in the system. For example, liquid level control in a multi-stage
(multi-“effect”) evaporator system where the discharge flow from one evaporator becomes
the incoming flow for another evaporator, is a system where sharp changes in the
manipulated variable of one control loop can upset downstream processes.In other words,
an aggressively-tuned level controller on an upstream evaporator (e.g. Effect 1) may achieve
its goal of holding liquid level very steady in that evaporator by varying its out-going flow, but
it will do so at the expense of causing level variations in all downstream evaporators. Cases
such as this call for controller tuning (at least in the upstream effects) responding slowly to
 Proportional action will very likely be limited to low gain values (high proportional band
values), and derivative action (if any is used at all) should be set to respond only to the
process variable, not to error (PV − SP). This leaves the main work of stabilizing the loop to
integral action, even though we know that integral action tends to overshoot following
setpoint changes in an integrating process such as liquid level control. Understand that
tuning a PID loop with the goal of minimizing valve motion will result in longer deviations
from setpoint than if the controller were tuned to respond faster to process or setpoint

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