Some Mental Faculties of The Top Sportsmen

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The scientific journal FACTA UNIVERSITATIS

Series: Physical Education Vol.1, No 4, 1997, pp. 37 - 44
Editor of series: Nenad Živanović, email:[email protected]
Address: Univerzitetski trg 2, 18000 Niš, YU
Tel: +381 18 547-095, Fax: +381 18 547-950


UDC: 159.95:796.071.2

Blagoje Nešić
Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Physical Culture, Niš, Yugoslavia

Abstract. This research of inquisitive character has aimed at examining the level of
development of many mental abilities (such as those related to space, perception and
others) of the sportsmen who have taken part in the First Federal League competitions.
The basic goal has been to determine whether there are differences, regarding the level
of development of the above-mentioned abilities, between handball players and
football players; in addition, the sex differences have also been examined. The
measurement of the abilities has been done by applying the ability tests that most of all
register the following psychological operations: visualization, visual transformation,
spatial reasoning, conclusion-making by analogy, shaping flexibility, perception of
shapes, speed of perceiving identical figures, classification of figures and style of
perception (dependence or independence of the field). The analysis done on the results
has shown that the level of development of the examined mental abilities differs among
the sportsmen depending on their sex and the kind of sport they practice.

Key words: mental abilities of perception, mental abilities related to space, mental
profile of the sportsman

In the last few years the sports population has increasingly becoming an object of a
great variety of psychological examination. Most of these analyses, both in Yugoslavia
and the world at large, are concerned with analyzing structure and dynamics of the
sportsman’s personality, or with the psychological profiles of the sportsmen regarding
their specific traits for particular groups of sports or particular sports disciplines. The
results of this research show that sports practice is the choice made by individuals with
somewhat characteristic personality’s profile; it has also shown that sports practice has an
effect upon forming certain psychological characteristics, especially those that are
relevant for acceptance and success in a particular sports discipline.

Received March 18, 1996


Though many research projects have confirmed importance of mental abilities in

predicting success in sports, the true nature of this relation has not been completely
explained as far. The question of the sportsman’s mental structure, the question of
manifesting one’s mental abilities in particular sports situations (training and competition)
as well as the question of the intellect’s participation in the sports’ result of each
individual are only some of the issues that require permanent research on the part of
psychologist and pedagogue of physical culture. The research done so far concerning the
above-mentioned issues can be roughly divided into two following groups. One group
comprises those that deal with links between cognitive, conative and motor activities. An
impressive number of research projects in this domain has been done by A. H. Ismail with
his associates and K. Momirovi} with his associates. The results of this research that
comprised various samples (normal and mentally retarded examines, examines of
different age, examines involved or not involved in sports) have shown several interesting
things; namely, a) they have shown that there is a significant correlation between mental
and motor abilities. The correlation increases if motor tasks are more complex, and they
are the greatest with the tasks that involve coordination. The correlation between mental
and motor abilities decline with age, b) they have also shown that the variables of growth
(weight, height) as well as tasks of speed, force, power and precision are not significantly
correlated with intelligence and school achievement.
The second group of projects comprises a really scarce number of those that are
focused upon mental profiles of sportsmen and non-sportsmen. As for our country, an
impressive project concerning this has been carried out by the psychologist O. Stojanovi}.
By analyzing sportsmen’s abilities she has come to the conclusion that a successful
sportsman should possess the ability to register one or more configurations in the
perception field among many other irrelevant sensations; moreover, he should have the
ability for orientation in space, that is, the ability to perceive space relations between
objects and their distribution, as well as the ability to predict possible changes induced by
their motion. He should also possess the ability of fast visualization (perception speed) of
a complex perception field, as well as of its coordination with the motor realization of a
task; then, he should be able to manipulate objects in space and transform imagined space
relations just as he should be able to analyze and restructure a complex perception field
and make a synthesis of a new object of perception.


Having in view the fact that in this domain there has been a much greater number of
research projects concerning the coordination between diverse mental and motor abilities
than those dealing with the determination of the sportsman’s profile, our choice of this
preliminary research has been to search for an answer to the question referring to the
degree to which sportsmen competing in various sports disciplines of the top league
possess some of the mental abilities that are assumed to be relevant for success in sports.
More concretely, this research has compared the level of development of some significant
mental abilities of the sportsmen practicing handball and football. Regarding the fact that
both the sexes are practicing the above-mentioned sports (both male and female) we have
also searched for differences in these mental abilities regarding the sex.
Some Mental Faculties of the Top Sportsmen 39

Regarding the above-mentioned research problems the following hypotheses have

been made:
1. Differences are expected in the level of development of perception-mental and
space-mental abilities between handball players and football players, and,
2. Differences are expected concerning the level of development of mental abilities
between male and female players.

The following tests have been used for measuring mental abilities:
Unfolding the Rolls (T1)
This test is popularly called the "rolls" and it contains 24 tasks. The examine is
required to determine which of the four offered pictures is obtained when the roll is
unfolded. Each properly solved tasks brings about 1 point.
Rotation of Figure (T2)
The test comprises 18 tasks and the examine should find all the figures that are
identical with the offered one regardless of his position. The test is graded by subtracting
the number of the wrong answers from that of the right answers on the condition that the
overall score must not be less than zero.
Spatial reasoning (T3)
This test is popularly called "small bricks". It has 30 tasks. The examine should give
the number of the small bricks that the marked small brick is touching with any of its
sides. This is one of the well known general intelligence tests. Each right answer brings
about one point.
Figure Analogies (T4)
This test comprises 30 tasks. Each task consists of a given pair of figures in a certain
correlation and a new figure for which another figure that should be in the same relation
with it as the given pair is sought for. This is one of the well known tests of general
Hidden Figures (T5)
The tests consist of 30 complex geometric compositions and five simple standard
figures. The examine is to find which of these figures is hidden in each of the given
compositions. This test is not only that of abilities but it is the one of a special style of
observation which is known in psychology as dependence-independence of the field. Each
correct answer brings about one point.
Completion of the Square (T6)
This test contains 20 tasks. The examine is offered five parts in order to find the one
which, when added to the offered part, forms the square. This is also a general
intelligence test. Each correct answer is worth one point.
Perception of Shape (T7)
The test has 60 tasks. The examine should find as soon as possible the figures
identical to the given ones. Each correct solution brings about one point.
Identical Elements (T8)
The test has 48 tasks. The examine is supposed to choose for each given picture -
among several offered ones - the one which is identical to it. Each correct answer is worth

one point.
Figure Classification (T9)
It comprises 28 tasks. In each of them the examine should find, among five offered
pictures, the one which is in some respect different from others. Each correct answer is
given one point.
All the above-mentioned tests are of the paper-pencil type and are assigned as those of
speed. Most of them are not standardized, but they have all been applied in numerous
research projects (primarily, those of A. Bukvi}, B. Ne{i}, and others) in which their
metric characteristics have been checked (validity, reliability, objectiveness and ability to
discriminate). Otherwise the tests have been chosen in order to record the following
psychological operations: visual conclusion-making, visualization, spatial reasoning,
conclusion-making by analogy, style of perception (dependence-independence of the
field), shaping flexibility, perception of fine distinctions, of complete identity and
classification on the principle "it is not like the others".


The research was carried out on the sample of 61 examines. They were sportsmen
from four clubs from Niš who took part in the First Federal League competitions. These
are: the Handball Club "DIN", Niš, the Handball Club "Železničar", Niš, the Football
Club "Radnički", Niš and the Women’s Handball Club "Mašinac", Niš.
The players of the Handball Club "DIN" include the girls who are on average 22,2
years of age. Most of them have completed high school, two of them have University
grade and one is a student. Their parents are workers or clerks with the completed high
school expect for one whose parents are teachers.
The Football Club "Mašinac" has female players whose average age is 19,1 years. The
majority of them attend high school, while two of them have a University grade. Their
parents are mostly workers and clerks. The mothers of five girls are housewives.
The Handball Club "Železničar" comprises the players whose average age is 22,3
years. Not more than five of them have only completed high school; all the others are
students. One player has completed the Faculty of Medicine, while five of them attend the
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Comparing to the other clubs, the social status is
somewhat more favorable regarding the fact that there is a number of dentists,
economists, teachers and others among the parents.
The Football Club "Radnički" has the players whose average age is 22,7 years. One
player is a student, two of them attend high school while the others have completed high
school. Except for two cases, the players are from workers’ families.


Regarding a rather small number of examines (15 in each group) we have decided to
use several statistical techniques for this research: arithmetical mean, standard deviation,
standard error of arithmetic mean and standard error of the difference between arithmetic
means. As a test for checking up the importance of the differences between arithmetic
means we have applied T-test on the abilities testing.
Some Mental Faculties of the Top Sportsmen 41


Average values and standard deviations of the examined groups subdued to the mental
abilities’ tests are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Arithmetic Means (M) and Standard Deviations (Sd) of the Examines Subdued
to the Mental Abilities’ Tests

Handball- Football-
Handball- male Football- male
female female
Test M Sd M Sd M Sd M Sd
T1 11.8 5.1 5.0 2.2 6.0 1.7 9.1 3.9
T2 11.8 2.5 9.2 3.1 8.6 3.0 14.0 5.2
T3 18.8 7.4 10.3 7.8 13.5 6.0 12.6 6.8
T4 14.7 3.1 8.7 4.5 10.4 2.8 8.1 4.1
T5 13.3 3.5 7.8 2.2 8.5 2.2 10.6 2.9
T6 12.8 3.6 7.4 3.9 7.7 2.4 7.7 3.0
T7 29.6 8.5 24.1 7.9 26.4 6.1 27.1 7.9
T8 31.1 5.0 28.2 5.1 29.6 7.6 30.2 3.9
T9 19.5 2.7 14.1 6.3 14.4 4.7 17.1 3.5

The given Table show that the examined groups of sportsmen achieved various results
on the tests of abilities. By checking upon the importance of the differences between the
average achievements of the examined groups we have reached the following conclusions:

1. By comparing the results of the handball and the football players we have found
that the handball players have achieved better results in all the tests (Table 2).
Table 2. Test of the Importance of the Differences Between the Arithmetic Means of the
Sportsmen (Handball and Football Players) Obtained by the Mental Abilities’ Tests

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9
Dm 5.8∗ 3.2∗ 5.3∗ 4.3∗ 4.8∗ 5.2∗ 3.2∗ 1.5∗ 5.1∗
p 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.01 - - 0.01
differences advantageous for the handball players

Having in view the fact that these differences are advantageous for the handball
players, and that they are even statistically significant in seven of the given tests while
they are insignificant only in the two of them, we believe that the level of development of
the psychological operations recorded by the applied tests (such as visualization,
perception of identical rotating figures, visual conclusion-making, conclusion-making by
analogy, flexibility of shaping figures and style of perception - dependence or
independence of the field) is much greater than that for the football players. Starting from
the fact that all the applied tests (especially those of figure analogies, figure classification
and completion of the squares) show the level of intelligence we can say that the handball
players are at a higher mental level than the football players. The Table further shows that
the differences in the two tests recording the simplest abilities of perception between the
handball and the football players are not important. Therefore, these abilities, especially
speed of perception, are equally important for both the sports.

The recorded differences in achievements on the tests of mental abilities which are in
favor of the handball players can primarily be explained by a higher level of schooling of
the handball players (there are 5 students of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty, two
students of the Physical Culture, one doctor of medicine and one dentist among the
handball players), since among the football players only one of them is a student whereas
the others have only completed a primary or high school. Having in view the fact that the
average age of both the teams is approximately the same and that the teams have
approximately the same experience in sports practice, then the hypothesis that particular
branches of sports develop some abilities more significantly than others seems very

2. The opposite conclusion has been reached after comparing the achievements of the
female handball players with those of the female football players (Table 3).
Table 3. Test of the Importance of the Differences Between the Arithmetic Means of the
Players (Female Football and Handball Players) Obtained by the Mental Abilities’ Tests

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 TF7 T8 T9
Dm 4.18∗ 4.7∗ 2.2∗ 0.6∗ 2.8∗ 0.3∗ 2.9∗ 1.9∗ 2.9∗
p 0.01 0.01 - - 0.01 - - 0.05 -
differences advantageous for the female football players

Namely, the female football players have shown a significantly better success than the
handball players in some tests. In the rest of the tests no significant difference has been
noticed. If we consider the fact that the female handball players are somewhat better than
the female football players regarding their schooling and that they practice sports longer
than it is more reasonable to expect them to show a better result in the tests of the
examined abilities. However, their test results are worse than those of the football players.
Why? Unlike the female handball which has a longer tradition, the female football is a
sport that has been developing just now (at least in the team being examined) and thus it is
more attractive (arousing sports curiosity) than the handball. It seems that this is one of
the essential reasons why this sport attracts more capable girls than the handball.

3. The handball players (male) have shown in all the tests (expect for one)
considerably better results than the female handball players (Table 4). These differences
can be explained primarily due to a higher educational level of the handball players as
well as due to their greater experience in this sport.
Table 4. Test of the Importance of the Differences Between the Arithmetic Means of the
Players (Female Handball and Male Handball Players) Obtained by the Mental Abilities’

T1 T2 T3 T5 T6 T7 T9 T10 T11
Dm 6.8∗ 2.5∗ 8.4∗ 6.0∗ 5.5∗ 5.5∗ 5.5∗ 2.9∗ 5.4∗
p 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.01 - 0.05 0.05
differences advantageous for the male handball players

4. There are some differences between the male and female football players; in some
Some Mental Faculties of the Top Sportsmen 43

tests these differences are advantageous for the football players (for instance, conclusion-
making by analogy), while in the others they are advantageous for the female football
players (for instance, test of visualization, rotation of figures, and style of perception).
This is shown in Table 5.
Table 5. Test of the Importance of the Differences Between the Arithmetic Means of the
Players (Female and Male Football Players) Obtained by the Mental Abilities’ Tests

T1 T2 T3 T5 T6 T7 T9 T10 T11
Dm 3.05∗ 5.4∗ 1.07 2.31 2.12∗ 0.04 0.65∗ 0.59∗ 2.64∗
p 0.01 0.01 - 0.05 0.05 - - - -
differences advantageous for the female football players

Though in most of the tests the differences are not significant, a certain advantage on
the part of the female football players can be explained by a higher level of education
comparing to the male football players.

Let’s sum up: The results’ analysis shows the following:

1) The best results in almost all the applied tests of abilities have been achieved by the
handball players. Their test results are significantly better than those achieved by the other
three groups of sportsmen (male football players, female football players and female
handball players),
2) The female football players’ results in most of the tests are better than those of the
female handball players and of the male football players, and,
3) The achievement of the female handball players is in most of the tests lower than
that of the other groups with which it has been compared.

1. Bojanić-Bačanac Q.:(1981), Neki metodološki aspekti procene intelektualnih sposobnosti sportista,
Fizička kultura 1, Beograd
2. Bukvić A.: (1985), Problem zajedničkog faktora u figuralnim i verbalnim testovima sposobnosti,
Psihologija 1-2., Beograd
3. Vanek M. i Krata B.: (1974), Psihologija i vrhunski sport, Partizan, Beograd,
4. Dragićevič Č.: (1984), Statistika za psihologe, SDPS, Beograd
5. Ismail A. H.: (1976), Integrirani razvoj - teorija i eksperimentalni rezultati, Kineziologija, 1-2, Zagreb
6. Korać Ž.: (1985), Razvoj psihologije opažanja, Nolit, Beograd,
7. Mejovšek M.: (1979), Relacije kognitivnih i motornih sposobnosti, Kineziologija 1-2, Zagreb
8. Nešić B.: (1989) Faktorska i logičko-psihološka analiza jedne grupe testova prostorno-perceptivnih i
verbalnih sposobnosti kod učenika trećeg, petog i sedmog razreda osnovne škole, Zbornik radova 10.,
Filozofski fakultet, Niš


Blagoje Nešić
U istraživanju koje je eksplorativnog tipa ispitivan je nivo razvijenosti nekoliko primarnih

intelektualnih sposobnosti sportista koji se bave rukometom i fudbalom. Obuhvaćene su četiri

ekilpe koje su se takmičile u Prvoj saveznoj ligi i to: rukomet - muškarci, rukomet - žene, fudbal -
muškarci i fudbal - žene. Testovi sposobnosti izabrani su tako da registruju sledeće psihološke
operacije: vizuelno zamišljanje, vizuelnu transformaciju, prostorno rezonova nje, zaključivanje po
analogiji, fleksibilonost uobličavanja, zapažanje finih razlika u oblicima i dimenzijama likova,
brzinu uočavanja identičnih figura i stil opaža nja (zavisnost - nezavisnost od pola). Preliminarna
analiza ranga uspeha na testovima sposobnosti je pokazala sledeće: Najbolje rezultate u skoro
svim prime njenim testovima postigli su rukometaši. Njihovi testovni rezultati su bili bolji od
rezultata koje su postigle ostale tri grupe sportista (fudbaleri, fudbalerke i rukometašice).
Postignuća fudbalerki su u većini testova bolja od postignuća rukometašica i fudbalera. Na kraju,
uspeh rukometašica je u većini testova slabiji od ostalih grupa koje su upoređivane. Prema tome,
rezultati pokazuju da je nivo razvijenosti različitih intelektualnih sposobnosti različit kod različite
grupe sportista što može doprineti uspešnijoj selekciji mladih za razne vrste sportova.
Ključne reči: mentalne sposobnosti percepcije, mentalne sposobnosti u odnosu na prostor,
mentalni profil sportiste

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