The Evolution of The Pipe Conveyor
The Evolution of The Pipe Conveyor
The Evolution of The Pipe Conveyor
bulk handling technology
Bulk Handling Technology
of several kinds of enclosed/folded belt conveyor
For over a 100 years belt conveyors are used for the systems.
transportation of bulk goods. It is a fact that in many instances commonly used
Limited investment and low operational costs per systems are utilized when the use of another
ton conveyed caused major developments in the conveyor system would give advantages with
design and utilization of this concept with respect to respect to economics, technique and environmental
the capacities conveyed and the uninterrupted reasons.
length without transfers per conveyor. However it remains difficult to introduce new
Despite all the advantages a disadvantage of the systems and displace the more conventional
conventional troughed belt conveyor is the systems. The pipe-conveyor concept has already
occurrence of dust because of product becoming existed for more than twenty years and over a
airborne, and spillage of product at the return side thousand systems have been installed worldwide,
of the conveyor due to inadequate cleaning of the operating at a reliability that in many occasions is
belt at the head section. superior to conventional systems. Still most of the
The increased demands for the reduction of spillage users of belt conveyor systems are not really
and dust have been a stimulus for the development familiar with this concept.
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bulk handling technology
Bulk Handling Technology
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bulk handling technology
Bulk Handling Technology
The 135 meter long conveyor has an angle of support for the drive station. The pipe-conveyor
inclination of 14 degrees and is designed for 500 eliminates the need for a gantry, which made the
mtph. This pipe has an outside diameter of 250 mm. solution with a pipe-conveyor a financially sound
This conveyor was originally an 800 mm wide one.
conventional troughed conveyor that needed The loads, static and dynamic, on the existing
replacement and had to be installed in a closed buildings and foundations were reduced because of
gantry. the new design with an open gantry. In 2007 IBT
designed a second pipe conveyor for Nyrstar Budel.
By using a 900 mm OAW pipe-conveyor belt The latest pipe-conveyor designed in the
TBO/IBT managed to re-use the complete drive Netherlands will be in operation at Eon near
section, including drive pulley, drive and the Rotterdam.
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bulk handling technology
Bulk Handling Technology
The pipe-conveyor has, with exception of the head troughing belt and a specialist can tell the
and tail section, the shape of a pipe in between differences. If the combination of pre-tensioning of
idlers in hexagonal positions. the conveyor belt, belt width, the specific hexagon
The pipe-conveyor is loaded as a conventional configuration and the center to center spacing of the
troughing conveyor and discharges at the head hexagon idler stations is correct and well designed
pulley as a conventional conveyor as well. Past the the pipe conveyor belt will keep its folded pipe-
loading area the rubber belt in the intermediate shape with the right overlap. By changing the idler
sections is folded like a pipe for both carrying part position gradually the belt will fold or unfold. This
and return. is the way the conveyor is closed from some meters
A special cross-rigid ply in the rubber belt makes after the loading section up to a few meters before
the belt suitable for this purpose and arranges for the discharge at the head pulley. The pipe-shape
the constant surface contact of the belt with the belt protects the product inside from the
idlers. If a conventional rubber belt would be used environmental influences. Not only at the upper
as a pipe conveyor, after a short while the belt part, the carrying side, but at the return side as well
would experience severe sagging at the upper part the belt runs in a pipe shape, which makes the pipe-
of the pipe-shape, causing loss of surface contact conveyor dust and spillage free. Sticky material,
with the idlers. that loses contact with the rubber belt at the return
The rubber belt must be cross rigid enough to keep is still contained within the belt and can only leave
the round form but longitudinally flexible in order the conveyor after the belt unfolds near the tail-end
to negate the pulleys in as a conventional conveyor pulley.
belt. In case material drops off the belt before it is
In case the belt trajectory includes one or more completely enfolded a small spillage conveyor or
horizontal or vertical curves the belt must be rigid screw conveyor that runs in the direction of the
enough to absorb the additional tension forces in head pulley will return the spillage to the main
the belt that try to lift the belt from the lower idlers product flow. In case of limited amounts of
in the hexagon. From the outside, the rubber belt spillage, the installation of a spillage plate is an
itself looks exactly the same as a conventional effective and economical solution.
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bulk handling technology
Bulk Handling Technology
From this moment on the belt is kept in a circular systems or systems that convey high tonnage’s it
form by idlers positioned in a hexagonal might be necessary to install steel cable belts.
configuration. The belt will stay that way until the The elastic elongation of the belt will be reduced
head section is reached. but the steel cable belt requires longer radii; starting
The first meters after the transformation from 60 times up to 1,200 (one thousand two hundred)
touched belt into pipe-conveyor and a few meters times the diameter of the pipe.
before the unfolding takes place the pipe-conveyor During the transition from pipe to trough the
needs to follow a straight trajectory. Beyond that product-carrying belt is be supported by idlers in a
the pipe conveyor can make upturn and downturn touched configuration with a decreasing angle.
bends, make right and left turns or even a At the return the same process repeats itself. For the
combination of vertical and horizontal curves. The transition from the flat belt to the pipe-shape and
radius for the curves is determined by the occurring back IBT-Canada uses special troughing stations
forces in the belt at various positions; the with idlers that vary in length and an adjustable
combination of bend/turn and the total angle of the troughing angle suitable for the specific
bend/turn that is between 300 up to 800 times the requirements per position.
diameter of the pipe for synthetic plies. To support the idlers in the hexagonal configuration
For vertical curves some shorter radii are accepted. IBT –Canada also developed special clamps that
Similar for the pipe-conveyor as for the lock the idlers completely and fix their positions.
conventional conveyors for long overland conveyor
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bulk handling technology
Bulk Handling Technology
- The pipe conveyor can be loaded in more than one position.
- The pipe conveyor can be provided with a longer loading
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 section.
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Bulk Handling Technology
The product in the belt at a maximum filling rate of 70% will be responsible for the positioning of the center of
gravity and will keep the belt in the right position with the overlap on top.
At the return part the overlap will define the center of gravity which is on the opposite side of the overlap. This
will keep the overlap at the bottom side.
When the belt is twisted upside down before it transforms into a pipe-shape it is possible to carry product in the
return part of the belt as well. In such system the clean side of the belt is always on the outside and the product
carrying side on the inside. Only the clean side of the belt will be in contact with the idlers.
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bulk handling technology
Bulk Handling Technology
We feel the pipe-conveyor will offer great • Ore concentrates, minerals, bauxite, animal
possibilities to numerous companies that at the feed, fertilizers and potash.
present time struggle to optimize their bulk • Wet fly ash, gypsum, petroleum and coke.
handling process. • Refined sugar, cocoa.
• Cement, clinker, dry cement pre-mixtures, • Over land conveyors for surface mining,
filter-dust, fly-ash, sawdust, wood chips. underground mining.
• Waste water treatment sludge, dredging sludge,
pulp and filter cake.
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bulk handling technology
Bulk Handling Technology
Bulk Handling Technology
For additional technical information please refer to IBT-Canada:
P.O. Box 370 6710BJ Ede
the Netherlands
Tel. (+)31-6-51523046
E-mail: [email protected]
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