By Sha'ul Ben Yahukhanan

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By Sha’ul ben Yahukhanan

Copyright 2010©

The Way of the Most High

“Exalting belief in Our Father, the Most High (YaHU(W)aH), through His
(falsely called ‘Old Testament’).”

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What you see below is called the “alef-bet,” from which came the Greek
“alphabet.” “Alef-Bet” means the “Leader’s House.” It is the starting point of all
language. When learning any language, one must learn the letters first, and then move on
to words and sentences. Each letter was a symbol in ancient times, like the hieroglyphics
of Mitsrayim (Egypt). Actually, those hieroglyphics developed from the letters you see
below. These letters are known as “Early Semitic” and were similar to what the people of
other lands were writing in. Other scripts like the Phoenicians were similar. We will go a
little deeper into the usefulness of these symbols at the bottom of this alef-bet.

Alef (ox, meaning strong power, leader), English equivalent is “A.”

Bet (tent, house, meaning family) “B”

Gimmel (foot, meaning to gather or walk) “G”

Dalet (door, meaning entrance) “D”

Hay (person with arms raised, meaning Look, reveal, or breath) “H”

Waw (tent peg, meaning to secure or hook) “W” or “V”

Zayin (mattock/hoe, meaning food, cut or nourish) “Z”

Khet (wall, meaning outside or divide) “KH” or “CH”

Tet (basket, meaning to surround, contain, mud/clay) “T”

Yod (arm and closed hand, meaning to work or throw) “Y” or “I”

Kaf (open hand, meaning bend, open, or allow) “K”

Lamed (shepherd staff, meaning teach, yoke, bind) “L”

Mem (water, meaning chaos, mighty, or blood) “M”

Noon (sprout, meaning heir, continue) “N”

Samek (thorn, meaning grab, hate, protect) “S”

Ayin (eye, meaning watch) “A”

Pay (mouth, meaning blow, scatter, edge) “P” or “F”

Tsawdee (meaning chase, snare, or hunt, or sperm - seed) “TS”

Qof (sun at the land’s end, meaning circle or time) “Q”

Resh (head, meaning first, top, beginning) “R”

Shin (two front teeth, meaning press, eat, two) “Sh”

Tau (crossed sticks, meaning sign, mark, monument… this is not related to a
“cross” as in the Christian symbol, and such a symbol is foreign to our TaNaKh (OT).


Ghayin (rope, meaning crooked, dark, or goat) “Gh”

While there are no writings of Scripture that are written in this “Early Semitic
font” for us to read, it is helpful to use these fonts out of reverence for the Name of the
Almighty. And we can always transliterate our modern Eebreet (Hebrew script) TaNaKh
(OT) back into this ancient picture language to help us understand words and names. It is
also helpful for us to see how the original writing of Scripture was written using letter-
pictures. When you are reading Scripture in the modern Eebreet (Hebrew script) you will
be able to put those letters back into the ancient font to see what the word pictures. Now
here is a breakdown of a few examples regarding the Name of the Most High and a few
other names in Scripture:

1. = “Yah”
2. = “Yahu”
3. = “Yahudah”
4. = “Yahuah” or “YaHuWaH”
5. = “Yahushua” the son of Nun (Not to be confused with
“Yahushua/Yeshua/J.C” whom we do not believe in).

The very first Name that you see under number 1 is “YaH.” You will find this in
modern script in Tehillah (Psalm) 68:4. Only since the 15th century and the masoretic
scribes has it been thought that the Name of the Most High is “Yehovah.” And out of this
has come a movement of Messianics who have come to believe that the Name of the
Most High is “Yehuweh.” It is a combination of “Yehovah” and “Yahweh.” So it is
evident that there are many different beliefs out there concerning the Name of the
Almighty. But what is the truth? The truth is that the Name of the Most High was known
to be “YaH” from ancient times until Galatinus penned the famous transliteration of
“Yehovah.” Of course, Galatinus was a Christian who followed the method of the
Masoretic scribes. Long before Galatinus, the Masoretic scribes decided to “hide” the
Name of the Almighty so that it wouldn’t be “blasphemed.” They decided to put vowel
points within the Name of the Most High based upon a method of thinking that they
devised. They added the vowel of “e” from “Elohim” between the “yod” (Y) and the
“hay” (H). They added the vowel of “o” which is common to both “ElOhim” and
“AdOnai” in between the two H’s. They added the vowel of “a” from “Adonai” between
the “waw” (W) and the “hay” (H). And so we ended up with “YeHoWah” or
“YeHoVah.” But Galatinus and the Masoretic scribes forgot to mess up the rest of
Scripture. They didn’t change “YaH” to “Yeh” in the vowel pointing in other places of
Scripture, such as the phrase “halleluYah.” Rather, they vowel-pointed “YaH” in
“hallelu-YaH” exactly as we have done throughout this article and our writings. And
when the translators put Scripture into English, they maintained the pronunciation of
“YaH” and other names which had “YaH” in it, like “IsaIAH, JeremIAH,” etc. And while
those names are not transliterated properly as “YeshaYaHU” (Isa.) and “YirmeYaHU”
(Jer.), they still give evidence that the Name of the Most High originally began with
There is also evidence from the Arabic language that attests to the Name of
“Yah.” Believers in “Yah” are known in Arabic as “al-yahud.” Arabic is very similar to
Eebreet (Hebrew language), and naturally so, since Yishma’El (Ishmael) was the brother
of Yitskhak (Isaac). Many of their customs, such as the slaying of the lamb each year at
Mecca, also correspond to Scriptural truths that were handed to Yitskhak (Isaac) and the
twelve tribes of Yisra’El (Israel).
It is also noted that the “Murashu texts” of the Eebreet (Hebrew Scriptures) used
the form of “Yahu” rather than “Yeho” as well. Thus, even in the exile to Bahbel
(Babylon), Yisra’El (Israel) maintained the “Yahu” pronunciation. There are tons of other
archaeological finds that correspond to the “Yahu” pronunciation, such as what Saggs
revealed in his book on The Babylonians.
The correct Name of the Most High ignores the Masoretic scribal vowel points. It
starts with “YaH.” On top of the Name of “YaH,” contained in the phrase “hallelu-YaH,”
there is the extra “waw” added to make “YaHU.” “YaHU” is contained in the names of
many Scriptural people. There is a quotation from the writings of “YirmeYaHU” (falsely
called “Jeremiah”) on our homepage of our website.
Finally, our ultimate answer is found in the name of the tribe of “Yahudah,”
known as “Judah” in modern English versions. “Yahudah” received his name from his
mother when she said that she would “praise” the Most High (see Eebreet (Hebrew script)
of Gen. 29:35). The phrase is “va’tahad ode,” meaning “gratefully praise” as The Stone
Edition Tanach translates in English (pg. 71). The word “ode” is “praise,” and when
connected to the Name of the Most High “YaH” we get “YaHUDaH.” Ultimately, this
means to “praise” or “worship” (YaH).
What is the significance of “Yahudah” in comparison with the Name of the Most
High? Well the only difference between the two names, as seen in the modern script, is
the letter “d” or “dalet.” See examples 3 and 4 above, where we gave the breakdown of
the Names. Tons of Scriptural scholars have seen the connection between existence
“hayah,” the name of “Yahudah,” and the Name of “Yahuah.” T.J. Meek, Clover, and
Otto Proksch to name a few. And in many counties today, the pronunciation of “Yahuah”
remains preserved. Only in North America and many English-speaking countries do we
find the pronunciation of “Yehuweh,” “Yahweh,” or “Yehovah.” Lastly, we will speak
regarding the name of “Yahushua” the son of Nun, as seen under point number 5. In most
English translations, this name is transliterated as “Joshua.” However, you will notice that
all concordances attest that the original is “Jehoshua.” It is spelled in the modern Eebreet
(Heb. script) as “ .” Most concordances will tell you that it is pronounced as
“Jehoshua.” But of course, there never was a “Jehoshua” because there was no Strong’s
concordance back then. And Strong’s concordance is biased towards the use of
“Jehovah.” So, every time you come to a name in Scripture that starts with “Jeho,” you
can change it back to “Yahu.” There are several versions of Scripture which have rightly
done that. Thus, the original is “Yahushua,” the son of Nun. (see Yahushua (Josh.) 1:1).
His name combines the Name of (“Yah”) and the word for “deliverance” which is
“yeshua.” Thus, His Name is literally speaking that “YaH” is our “deliverance.” This is
seen in how the Most High has delivered us when we were slaves in Mitsrayim (Egypt).
“Behold, the Mighty One is my deliverance (yeshua). I will trust, and not be fear. For
(YaH), (YaHuWaH) is my strength and my song. And He is my deliverance
(l’yeshua)” (YeshaYaHU (Isa.) 12:2). Indeed, we must proclaim that He alone is our
deliverance. That is our message here. We pray that this has been helpful to
understanding Eebreet (Hebrew script) picture letters, vowels, and the names of many in
Scripture who had the Name of the Most High in their own names.
Below is a chart which shows the modern Eebreet (Hebrew script) letters, and a
chart that shows the vowels that can be found under the modern script in modern-day
versions of the TaNaKh (OT).

Alef a
Bet (or vet) b or v
Gimmel g
Dalet d
Hay h
Waw w or v
Zayin z
Khet (Chet) kh or ch
Tet t
Yod y
Kaf k
Lamed l
Mem m
Noon n
Samek s
Ayin a
Pay (or fay) p or f
Tsawdee ts
Qof q
Resh r
SHin sh
Tau t

Understanding Niqqud (Vowel-points):

Mark English Vowel Equivalent

and Sound
Khiriq, dot under letter I, “ee” as in “machIne.”
Qubbuts, dot top left of U, “oo” sound, as in
letter “tUne.”
Patakh, line under letter A, “ah” sound, as in “pAw.”
Segol, three dots under E, “eh” sound, as in
letter. “Elephant.”
Tsere, two dots under letter. E, “eh” sound, as in “grEy”
or “lay.”
Qamats, T-shape under A, “ah” sound, as in “pAw.”
Sh’va, : under letter. When sh’va is used under
first letter of a word, it is a
soft “e,” like in “hElp.” Such
as “Debarim.” When in the
middle of a word, it indicates
silence, as in “sh’va.”
Shuruq, dot to the left and Indicates that you would
middle of the letter. use the normal use of the
letter. For example, when
used with the Waw or Vav, it
would be Waw (“oo” or “w”
sound) rather than vav (“v”
sound). When used with Pay
(or pey), it would be “p”
rather than “f” (fay) sound.

Kholam or kholam malay, O, as in “Olam” or “mOle.”

dot above letter, in middle.
Letter Shin with a dot an Pronounce the Shin as “s”
top left. rather than “sh” (But I think
this is more of a falsehood
than truth. Hence, “Shatawn”
rather than “Satawn.”

Letter Shin with a dot at top Pronounce the Shin as “sh”

right. rather than “s.”
Khataf segol or khataf When the sh’va ( : ) is
patakh, combines the three placed under a letter with the
dots and the : under the letter, segol (three dots) or the line
or the line and the : under the (patakh), the result is a khataf
letter. segol or khataf patakh. The
sh’va is telling you that the
segol or patakh is to be
softened in sound, just like the
“sh’va” or hardly heard “e” in
Khataf qamats, combines When the sh’va ( : ) is
the T-shape and the : under placed under a letter with the
the letter. qamats (T shape), the result is
a khataf qamats. Like the
khataf segol and khataf
patakh, it indicates a softening
of the sound, like the hardly
heard “e” in “sheva” (sh’va).

The Scriptures. Northriding, South Africa: Institute For Scripture Research, 2002. The
Stone Edition Tanach. Brooklyn, New York: Mesorah Publications, 2007.
JPS Hebrew-English TaNaKh. Philadelphia, USA: The Jewish Publication Society, 1999.
Saggs, H.W.F. The Babylonians. London: St. Edmundsbury Press, 2002. 6th Printing.

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