Digital Control System Analysis & Design

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Chương 1

1.________ is one in which certain system forcing functions (inputs) are determined, at least in part, by
the response (outputs) of the system (i.e., the input is a function of the output)

A. A simple closed-loop system

B. A closed-loop system

C. Both A & B

D. None of all

2_______is required to drive the plant

A. A simple closed-loop system

B. A closed-loop system

C. control actuator

D. The sensor

3. _______ measures the response of the plant, which is then compared to the desired response.

A. A simple closed-loop system

B. A closed-loop system

C. control actuator

D. The sensor

Chương 2

1. The interface at the input of the computer is an_______

A. analog-to-digital (A/D)
B. digital-to-analog (D/A)
C. proportional-integral (PI)
D. Both B & C
2. _________ is required to convert the binary signals of the computer into a form necessary to drive the plant.
A. analog-to-digital (A/D)
B. digital-to-analog (D/A)
C. proportional-integral (PI)
D. Both B & C
3. ________ consists of finding the complementary and The particular parts of the solution in a manner similar to
that used in the classical solution of linear differential equations
A. classical approach
B. sequential procedure
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
Chương 3
1_______ is inserted into the system directly following the sampler
A. data hold
B. zero-order hold
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
2. The simplest data-reconstruction device, and by far the most common one, is the______
A. data hold
B. zero-order hold
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
3. The sampler that appears in a sampler/hold model is usually referred to as an ________
A. ideal sampler
B. impulse modulator
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
Chương 4
1.______ usually has an output data-hold register that gives the D/A the characteristics of a zero-order hold
A. The D/A converter
B. The A/D converter
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
2._________ is necessary to define the z-transform of a delayed time function.
A. The analysis of open-loop systems
B. The analysis of closed-loop systems
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
3. ______ may be used to determine the pulse transfer functions of discrete-time systems containing ideal time
A. The modified z-transform
B. ideal time delay
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
Chương 5

1. The systems equations can also be solved by constructing a signal____from these equations and applying
Mason’s gain formula.
A. sampled signal flow graph
B. original signal flow graph
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
2. Note that the effect of the sampler is included in________since the sampler output is shown in starred form, E*,
and E* will be treated as an input
A. sampled signal flow graph
B. original signal flow graph
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
3. ___________ are more difficult to derive if the system contains a digital controller
A. System state equations
B. A single-loop digital control system
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
Chương 6
1.______ often used for selecting sample rates is that a rate of at least five samples per time constant is a good first
A. A rule of thumb
B. time constant.
C. the analog system
D. None of all
2. Since the stable region of the s-plane is the left half-plane, the stable region of the____ is the interior of the unit
A. s-plane
B. z-plane
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
3. Hence poles located on the unit circle in the z-plane are equivalent to pole locations on the imaginary axis in
A. s-plane
B. z-plane
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
Chương 7
1. The function F(z) is important in analysis and design, and we will call it the______
A. open-loop transfer function
B. open-loop function
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
2.____ is -GH(z)
A. open-loop transfer function
B. open-loop function
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
3. _____ designed to satisfy certain steady-state constraints
A. proportional-plus-integral (PI) compensator
B. The root locus
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
Chương 8
1. the product of rise time and bandwidth (i.e., the product t rx) is approximately____
A. Change
B. Cónstant
C. Little
D. None of all
2. Calculation of the ________frequency response shows that this compensator results in a
A. system open-loop
B. System closed-loop
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
3. ______ is to reduce the open-loop gain at higher frequencies, which in turn reduces system bandwidth
A. phase-lag compensation
B. phase-lead filter
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
Chương 9

1. The system that estimates the states of another system is generally called
A. observer
B. state estimator
C. Both A & B
D. None of all

2. The states of the system to be observed are_______

A. x(k)
B. q(k)
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
3. Since the observer will be implemented on a computer, the signals_____ are then available for feedback
A. x(k)
B. q(k)
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
Chương 10
1.____ are systems with no memory
A. Static systems
B. (LTI) systems
C. Both A & B
D. None of all

2. If all measurements are accumulated and the coefficient vector Φ is calculated in (10-47), the process is said to
A. batch least squares
B. recursive least squares
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
3. (10-47) can be manipulated into a difference equation such that the Φ vector can be recalculated with each data
sample as it arrives; the method is then said to be_____

A. batch least squares

B. recursive least squares
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
Chương 11
1. In any case, the control must satisfy certain constraints; any control that satisfies these constraints is called
A. admissible control
B. quadratic form
C. optimal linear regulator control systems
D. None of all
2. Note that both the plant and the cost-function matrices are allowed to be_______
A. time varying
B. linear time-invariant plants
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
3. Rcall that the design procedures developed earlier require________
A. time varying
B. linear time-invariant plants
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
Chương 12
1._____ is low order and presents no particular design nor implementation difficulties
A. servomotor system
B. lateral control system
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
2. The plant for ______ is the aircraft lateral dynamics, including the bank autopilot, and is ninth order
A. servomotor system
B. lateral control system
C. Both A & B
D. None of all
3______. is a PID compensator plus added filtering to reduce noise effects.
A. servomotor system
B. lateral control system
C. The digital controller
D. None of all

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