Guidelines in The PACUCOAs Hybrid Accreditation V3

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Guidelines for Hybrid Accredita4on Visit (HAV)

This strategy recognizes the dynamic nature of the educa3onal environment. It capitalizes on the
advantages of in-person assessments while harnessing technology to streamline data-collec3ng
and record-keeping processes. It promotes a holis3c understanding of the ins3tu3on's prac3ces
and their alignment with accredita3on standards.

Defini4on: Hybrid Accredita3on reflects the blend of tradi3onal on-site evalua3on and the
incorpora3on of digital documenta4on in the accredita3on process. Using digital copies allows
for more efficient handling, storage, and documenta3on sharing. At the same 3me, the face-to-
face component enables evaluators to observe the school environment, interact with
stakeholders, and gain a comprehensive understanding of the ins3tu3on's prac3ces.

This approach leverages the benefits of in-person assessment while u3lizing technology for more
efficient data collec3on and record-keeping. Here are the various steps involved in hybrid


1. Digital Documenta4on Compila4on

a. The school compiles and submits the required ini3al documents in digital format for
assessment. It includes the following:
1) Compliance report (for levels I to IV visit only)
2) Ins3tu3onal Profile (by program)
3) Professional Regula3on Commission cer3ficate (3, 4, or 5 years as applicable)
4) List of school officials and their available schedule for interview
5) Current enrolment data by year level
6) Faculty list with their qualifica3ons, subjects taught, and employment status
b. PACUCOA undertakes a comprehensive assessment to gauge the preparedness of the
program, u3lizing the ini3al set of digital documents that have been submiXed. This evalua3on
process serves as a preliminary step in determining the program's alignment with the rigorous
standards set forth by PACUCOA.
c. Upon confirma3on that the program meets the ini3al criteria for accredita3on, the applicant
program ini3ates the process by obtaining the electronic Self-Survey Instrument (eSSI) from the
finance office. Following this, they diligently fill out the eSSI, ensuring that all relevant details are
accurately provided.
d. Once the eSSI is duly completed by the school, the program takes the following steps to
compile the necessary digital documenta4on and evidence per area of accredita4on. These
materials are thoughZully curated to present a comprehensive picture of the program's
adherence to accredita3on standards. To ensure the security and confiden3ality of these
materials, they are submiXed through a secure plaZorm, with access shared exclusively with
e. The digital documenta3on submiXed is wide-ranging and inclusive. It encompasses various
elements, such as me3culously cra\ed curriculum plans, thoroughly documented assessment
data, and well-defined policies that underscore the program's commitment to quality educa3on.
In addi3on, student work samples are included to showcase the prac3cal applica3on of the
curriculum. Evidence of learning outcomes is also presented, demonstra3ng the program's
efficacy in nurturing students' educa3onal growth.
f. Moreover, any supplementary informa3on related to the program's educa3onal integrity is
included, underscoring the ins3tu3on's comprehensive approach to mee3ng and exceeding the
accredita3on standards set by PACUCOA.
g. The digital documents should be well-organized, easy to access, and accurately represent
the school's prac3ces.


2. Preliminary Review of Digital Documenta4on

a. PACUCOA undertakes an ini3al comprehensive review of the digital documenta3on that has
been submiXed, methodically assessing it against the accredita3on standards and criteria
established by the associa3on. This diligent review process serves as a preliminary checkpoint to
ascertain the alignment of the submiXed materials with the rigorous benchmarks set forth by
b. During the review process, any instances of incomplete or inconsistent informa3on within
the submiXed documenta3on may come to light. In such cases, PACUCOA proac3vely
communicates these discrepancies to the respec3ve school. This communica3on is a
collabora3ve effort to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the accredita3on assessment.
c. By no3fying the school of these iden3fied issues, PACUCOA allows necessary correc3ons.
This ensures that the evalua3on process is based on accurate and comprehensive informa4on,
aligning with the associa3on's commitment to upholding high accredita3on standards.

3. Evalua4on Planning
a. PACUCOA purposefully assembles a highly skilled and diverse team of accreditors. This team
comprises seasoned educators and experienced administrators who have honed their exper3se
in specific specialized fields over years of dedicated prac3ce and leadership. Their collec3ve
knowledge encompasses various disciplines, ensuring a comprehensive and insighZul evalua3on
process. These professionals bring a depth of understanding in their respec3ve areas and a
broader perspec4ve that enriches the overall assessment. Their collabora4ve efforts guarantee
a thorough and me3culous evalua3on, contribu3ng significantly to the accredita3on process's
credibility and integrity.
b. The dates for the on-site evalua3on are scheduled, along with an agenda outlining the areas
that will be observed and which stakeholders will be interviewed.
c. PACUCOA collaborates with the ins3tu3on in organizing logis3cal aspects of on-site
accredita3on, encompassing travel coordina3on and lodging arrangements for accreditors, as
well as designa3ng a school-based point of contact.

4. Onsite Visit
The ac3vi3es during an onsite evalua3on aim to provide a holis4c understanding of the
school's prac3ces, instruc3onal methods, curriculum, student experiences, and overall
educa3onal environment. Combining observa3ons, interviews, reviews, and assessments helps
the accredita3on team make informed judgements about the school's compliance with
accredita3on standards and commitment to con3nuous improvement. The team chair will be
responsible for preparing the schedule of on-site ac3vi3es. The i3nerary of events is sent to the
school a minimum of two days before the visit, aiding them in logis3cal prepara3ons. Here, is the
rundown of the ac3vi3es:
a. Opening Mee4ng - The accredita3on team meets with the school's administrators,
leadership team, and relevant stakeholders to introduce themselves, explain the evalua3on
process and set expecta3ons.
b. Interac4on with Leadership Team (Administrators, Deans, and Program Chairs) - The
accredita3on team meets with the school's leadership team to discuss strategic planning,
resource alloca3on, staff development, and the school's overall vision.
c. Classroom Observa4ons – Accreditors visit classrooms to observe teaching methods,
student engagement, classroom management, assessment, and overall learning environment.
d. Stakeholder Engagement - The accredita3on team conducts interviews and
interac3ons with teachers, students, support staff, and community representa3ves to gather
insights into various aspects of the school, including teaching methodologies, student
experiences, and community involvement. This can provide a well-rounded view of the
e. Facili4es Inspec4on - The accredita3on team inspects the school's physical facili3es,
including classrooms, libraries, laboratories, recrea3onal facili3es, and other relevant areas, to
ensure they are conducive to learning and meet quality and safety standards.
f. Review of Student’s PorZolios – Accreditors review samples of students' work, projects,
assessments, and assignments to assess the quality of instruc3on, the alignment with learning
objec3ves in an OBE plaZorm, and the student’s understanding of the material.
g. Curriculum and Transcript of Records Analysis - Accreditors examine curriculum
materials, syllabi, lesson plans, and assessment strategies to ensure they align with educa4onal
standards and accredita4on criteria. Transcript analysis will be conducted to determine whether
the students complied with the required number of program units.
h. Technology Integra4on Assessment - If the school employs technology in its teaching
and learning, the accredita3on team assesses how effec3vely technology is integrated into the
curriculum and whether it enhances student engagement and learning outcomes. A detailed
technology hub framework should be presented to show the capacity of the school to carry out
effec3vely and efficiently online learning.
i. Internal Quality Assurance – Documenta3on on the internal quality assurance of the
ins3tu3on is crucial. Thus, aXen3on should be given on the organiza3onal structure, plan, budget,
and how internal quality assurance system of ins3tu3on contributes to the quality of instruc3on
and opera3ons.
j. Documenta4on Verifica4on - The accredita3on team verifies the accuracy and
completeness of the digital documenta3on submiXed by the school. This may include
triangula3on: cross-referencing documents with tes4monies from stakeholders and on-site
observa4ons. If the accredi3ng body requires extra documents for valida3on, the ins3tu3on can
choose to provide either physical printouts or digital copies.
k. Closure Mee4ng - At the end of the on-site accredita3on, the team holds a closing
mee3ng with the school's leadership team and key stakeholders. They provide ini3al feedback,
discuss observa3ons, and address immediate ques3ons or concerns. The ins3tu3on can also
respond to the ini3al findings, addressing inaccuracies or providing addi3onal context.
l. Documenta4on and Repor4ng - The team compiles a comprehensive report
documen3ng their findings, observa3ons, and recommenda3ons a\er the onsite evalua3on. This
report serves as the basis for the accredita3on decision.


5. Data Collec4on Integra4on

a. The data acquired from the careful review of digital documenta3on (quan3ta3ve data) and
the comprehensive on-site evalua3on (qualita3ve data) are skillfully merged and integrated to
form a unified dataset. This harmoniza4on of informa4on enables a holis3c assessment
encompassing a broad and nuanced understanding of the ins3tu3on's prac3ces, performance,
and compliance with accredita3on standards.
b. The accredita3on team seeks to establish unity between the asser3ons made by the school
within its digital documents, informa3on from stakeholders and the actual prac3ces observed
during the on-site assessment. This thorough process aims to ensure alignment and consistency
between what is stated and witnessed, thereby contribu3ng to a comprehensive and accurate
evalua3on of the ins3tu3on's adherence to accredita3on standards.

6. Data Analysis and Interpreta4on

a. The accredita3on team undertakes a comprehensive analysis of the integrated data to
evaluate the school's prac3ces, qualita3ve and quan3ta3ve data, and evidence to ensure their
alignment with the rigorous accredita3on standards set forth by PACUCOA.
b. The accredita3on team iden3fies strengths and opportuni3es for improvement, where the
ins3tu3on could improve its compliance with standards and overall quality, considering both
quan4ta4ve data from digital documenta4on and qualita4ve observa4ons from the on-site


7. Report and Recommenda4ons

a. Following their thorough assessment, the accredita3on team diligently compiles a detailed
report that effec3vely captures their observa3ons and analyses. This report provides a concise
yet comprehensive overview of the ins3tu3on's status. It accentuates the ins3tu3on's
commendable strengths and thoughZully pinpoints and elaborates on specific areas iden3fied as
poten3al areas for improvement. By presen3ng this balanced perspec4ve, the team contributes
to a holis3c understanding of the ins3tu3on's performance, facilita3ng informed decision-making
and strategic planning for ongoing enhancement.
b. The recommenda3ons put forth by the team encompass a range of valuable insights aimed
at improving various aspects of the ins4tu4on's educa4onal ecosystem. These sugges3ons may
span diverse areas, including innova3ve approaches to teaching methodologies, curriculum
design refinement to foster comprehensive learning experiences, and strategies for seamless
technology integra3on to augment educa3onal delivery.
c. Furthermore, the recommenda3ons may extend to fostering a more inclusive and diverse
learning environment, promo3ng effec3ve student engagement strategies, and enhancing
faculty development ini3a3ves. The goal is to provide a well-rounded set of ac3onable
sugges3ons that address immediate concerns and contribute to the ins3tu3on's long-term
growth and advancement.

8. Response and Improvement Plan

a. The evaluators/accreditors share the ini3al findings with their counterparts from the
ins3tu3on, allowing them to respond by clarifying points, adding context, and explaining how
they plan to address areas needing improvement. This dialogue promotes a deeper
understanding of the ins3tu3on's efforts, preven3ng poten3al misunderstandings and ensuring
that the evalua3on accurately captures the ins3tu3on's ini3a3ves.


9. Final Evalua4on Report

a. U3lizing the comprehensive evalua3on derived from a me3culous review of digital
documenta3on and the outcomes of the on-site assessment, the accredi3ng body me3culously
formulates an accredita3on report. This report serves as a culmina3on of the in-depth analysis
conducted by the evalua3on team, offering a comprehensive overview of the ins3tu3on's
compliance with accredita3on standards.
b. Accreditors u3lize the shared folder created by the chairman to transmit digital documents.
These documents encompass a range of items such as the compliance report, narra3ve report,
signed non-disclosure agreement, accreditors' performance evalua3on, and more.
c. Once this rigorous report is compiled, it is entrusted to the chairman of the accredi3ng team,
who assumes the responsibility of submieng it to the Philippine Associa3on of Colleges and
Universi3es Commission on Accredita3on (PACUCOA). This submission represents a pivotal
moment in the accredita4on process, signifying the culmina3on of a thorough evalua3on
journey and the commencement of the accredita3on body's communica3on with the governing
accredi3ng authority.

10. Accredita4on Decision

a. The final report, prepared through an exhaus3ve evalua3on process, is presented to the
esteemed Board of Directors at the Philippine Associa3on of Colleges and Universi3es
Commission on Accredita3on (PACUCOA). This report, encapsula4ng a comprehensive analysis
of the ins3tu3on's prac3ces, data, and evidence, signifies a significant juncture in the
accredita3on journey.
b. The members of the PACUCOA Board of Directors engage in thoughZul and thorough
delibera3on, drawing upon their collec4ve exper4se and knowledge. Through this delibera3ve
process, they examine the report's findings, paying keen aXen3on to the ins3tu3on's alignment
with the stringent accredita3on standards set forth by PACUCOA.
c. This delibera3on entails a holis4c considera4on of the evalua3on team's observa3ons, the
ins3tu3on's responses, and the overall context in which the ins3tu3on operates. The members
of the Board weigh the evidence presented in the report against the established benchmarks,
ensuring an equitable and just decision-making process.
d. Drawing upon their insights and analyses, the PACUCOA Board of Directors makes a well-
informed determina3on regarding the accredita3on report. This decision reflects their
commitment to maintaining the quality and integrity of higher educa4on ins4tu4ons in the
Philippines, affirming the ins3tu3on's dedica3on to mee3ng the established standards.


11. Con4nuous Improvement

a. Educa3onal ins3tu3ons that have achieved accredita3on demonstrate a steadfast
commitment to a con3nuous improvement journey rooted in the insights and outcomes derived
from the rigorous evalua3on process. Acknowledging the significance of accredita3on as both a
valida4on of their quality and a roadmap for enhancement, these schools wholeheartedly
embrace the evalua3on results as a catalyst for con4nual growth and advancement.
b. Embracing a culture of ongoing improvement, accredited schools u3lize the evalua3on
findings as a dynamic framework to guide their strategic decisions. The insights garnered from
the evalua3on process are analyzed and interpreted, serving as a founda3on for construc3ng
meaningful ac3on plans. These plans are tailored to address iden3fied areas for development,
capitalize on strengths, and align prac3ces with the highest industry standards.
c. Accredited ins3tu3ons foster an environment of reflec3on, collabora3on, and innova3on by
engaging with the evalua3on results as a compass for their journey. They harness the feedback
provided by the evaluators as a valuable resource, leveraging it to enhance their curricula,
teaching methodologies, student support systems, and ins3tu3onal policies.
d. The commitment to ongoing improvement transcends administra4ve boundaries and
permeates every facet of the ins4tu4on. Faculty, staff, and administrators collaborate to
implement targeted ini3a3ves to elevate the overall educa3onal experience. Students, too, are
integral to this process, as their feedback and engagement contribute to the itera3ve refinement
of educa3onal prac3ces.
e. In essence, the dedica3on to ongoing improvement encapsulates the spirit of accredita4on.
Accredited ins3tu3ons understand that the journey does not culminate with achieving
accredita3on status; instead, it is a perpetually evolving quest for excellence. This commitment is
a testament to their passion for providing the best possible educa3on and fostering an
environment of con3nuous learning and progress.
f. To promote con3nual quality improvements, PACUCOA regularly monitors school ac3vi3es
as considered appropriate. This monitoring process is conducted in a manner that aligns with
established standards and guidelines, ensuring that the accredited schools are consistently
delivering high-quality educa3on and maintaining the required standards. PACUCOA's
commitment to regular monitoring of school ac3vi3es is a vital component of our mission to
elevate the quality of educa3on in the Philippines. Through this process, educa3onal ins3tu3ons
are encouraged to iden3fy opportuni3es for growth, make informed changes, and consistently
meet the established standards, resul4ng in an ongoing cycle of improvement and advancement
in the field of educa4on.

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