As Trustee of Various Retirement Funds

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Republic of the Philippines-

Quezon City


as Trustee of Various
Retirement Funds,

- versus - C.T.A. CASE HO. 4421

X - - - -

This is a claim for refund of the amount of

P12,798,826.39 representing withholding tax on income

from its investments on bank deposits, money market

placements and securities for the year 1988.

It appears that petitioner Citytrust Banking

Corporation is an employees trust, set up by the

employer for the purpose of providing its employees

retirement, disability, death and separation benefits.

From January to December 1988 petitioner as trustee

and investment manager deposited and reinvested the

assets of the Fund in savings and time deposits as well

as in fixed-income investments, including money market

instruments, and in securities (including government

securities, such as treasury bills with various banking

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C.T.A. CASE NO. 4421 -

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and £inancial institutions. These banking and £inancial

institutions withheld the £inal tax o£ 20X provided

under Section 21(cc><1> in relation to Section 50(a) all

o£ Title II o£ the NIRC, £rom the interest income or

yield derived by the Funds on various dates during the

calendar year 1988.

On January 8, 1990, petitioner £iled a written

claim £or re£und with respondent. Without waiting £or

respondent to resolve its claim £or re£und, petitioner

£iled the instant petitioner £or review as a way o£

tolling the two (2) year prescriptive period set by law.

The sole issue to be resolved in this case is

whether or not petitioner is exempt £rom withholding tax

on income £rom money market placements, bank deposits

and securities pursuant to Presidential Decree 1959.

Petitioner alleged that the withholding and

collection o£ the 20X £inal tax £rom the income or yield

derived by the Fund £rom bank deposits and investments

are erroneous and/or illegal, the Fund being exempted by

law £~om income tax.

Likewise i t invokes the ruling in GCL Retirement

Fund vs. Commissioner of Interal Revenue, CT.A Case

No. 3888, December 16, 1986, in maintaining that the

issues in the case at bar are similar. Under Section

53<b> o£ the NIRC, petitioner alleged that i t is exempt

£rom income tax being a quali£ied retirement £und.

.)____________ .
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Respondent on the other hand alleged among other

things that:

1. > Petitioner does not state a cause o£


2. > Petitioner who claims to be entitled to

income tax exemption o£ the earnings o£
its employees retirement £und under R.A.
4917, in relation to Sec. 56<b> (now
Section 53<b> o£ the National Internal
Revenue Code, cannot invoke the a£oresaid
section to claim exemption £rom the £inal
tax imposed by Section 2l<d> and 24(cc)
[now Section 21 <c><l> and 24<e><l>J o£
the said Code on earnings derived £rom
interest on bank deposits and/or deposit

3. > The exemption £rom the £inal tax on

interest on bank deposit substitutes
which petitioner previously enjoyed was
pursuant to the then proviso £ound in
Sections 21<d> and 24<cc> o£ the NIRC.

4. > Presidential Decree No. 1959 which took

e££ect on October 15,1984 amended the
a£oresaid sections by deleting the said
proviso granting exemption £rom the lOX
£inal tax o£ interest £rom bank deposits
and/or deposit substitutes to recipient
therein who are expressly exempted by law
£rom income taxation.

5. > Moreover, petitioner averred that because

o£ such amendment, the exemption granted
under Sections 2l(d) and 24<cc> is now
deemed to have been repealed or

6. > Additionally, petitioner cannot claim

exemption £rom the £inal tax imposed by
Section 2l<d> and 24<cc> [now Section
21<c><l> and 24<e><l>J since such
exemption which is previously enjoyed had
already been revoked by Presidential
Decree No. 1959.


C.T.A. CASE NO. 4421-

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7. > It is alleged that petitioner has not

shown that the tax sought to be re£unded
was actually withheld and remitted to
herein respondent in accordance with the

8. > Petitioner who has the burden o£ proving

that i t is entitled to tax re£und, has
£ailed to establish that the tax subject
o£ its claim £or re£und was erroneously
or illegally collected.

9. > Respondent argued that petitioner was not

able to comply with the provisions o£
Sections 243 and 246 <now Sections 204
and 230 o£ the Tax Code.

10. > Likewise, the claim £or re£und, being in

the nature o£ an exemption £rom taxation,
must be construed strictly against the

We £ind £or the petitioner.

First o£ all, i t is noteworthy to state that

Citytrust Banking Corporation being an employees trust

has quali£ied as exempt £rom income tax by the

Commissioner a£ Internal Revenue in accordance with

Republic Act No.4917 which was approved on 17 June 1967.

The said law is herein quoted to wit:

Section 1. Any provision o£ the ~av to

the contrary notwithstanding, the
retirement bene£its received by officials
and employees of private firms, whether
individual or corporate, in accordance
with a reasonable private bene£it plan
maintained by the employer shall be
exempt from all taxes and shall not be
liable to attachment, levy or seizure by
or under any legal or equitable process
whatsoever except to pay a debt of the
official or employee concerned to the

--- ......

C.T.A. CASE NO. 4421 -

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private bene£it plan or that arising £rom

liability imposed in a criminal action."
<Underscoring supplied>

The pertinent law which exempts employees trust

£rom income tax is Section 56<b><now 53[bJ> o£ the Tax

Code, as amended by Rep. Act. No. 1983, supra which took

e££ect on June 22, 1957 and reads as £allows:

•sec. 56. Imposition o£ Tax.

laJ App1ication of tax. The taxes

imposed by this Title upon individuals
shall apply to the income o£ estates or
of any kind of property held in trust.


lbJ Exception. The tax imposed by

this Title shall not apply to employee's
trust which forms part o£ a pension,
stock, bonus or pro£it-sharing plan o£ an
employer £or the bene£it o£ some or all
o£ his employees x x x "

Mainly, the rationale behind the tax exemption

extended to employees trust is because o£ the purpose o£

its creation. Employees trust or bene£it plans are

designed to provide economic assistance to employees

upon the occurrence o£ certain contingencies, namely old

age, retirement, death, sickness or disability. It

assures protection against certain risk to which members

o£ the Plan may be exposed. Likewise, it is an

independent and additional source o£ protection £or the

working group, and is established £or their sole bene£it

C.T.A. CASE NO. 4421 -
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and for no other purpose. <GCL Retirement Plan vs.

Commissioner of Internal Revenue~ CTA Case No. 4130~

February 18~ 1993>.

The deletion in Presidential Decree No. 1959 of the

provisos dealing with tax exemption and preferential

rates under the old law, therefor cannot apply or extend

to employees trusts. The said decree, being a general

law, cannot impliedly repeal a specific provision,

Section 56<b><now 53[bJ> in relation to Republic Act No.

4917 granting exemption from income tax to employee's

trusts, Republic Act No. 4917 was enacted on June 17,

1967, long before the issuance of Pres. Decree No. 1959

on October 15, 1984. A subsequent statute, general in

character as to its terms and application, is not to be

construed as repealing a special or specific enactment,

unless the legislative purpose to do so is manifested.

This is so even if the provisions of the latter are

sufficiently comprehensive to include what was set forth

in the special act. < \'illegas vs. Subido~ G. R. No.

L-31711~ 30 September 1971~ 41 SCRA 190>.

Inso£ar as the final tax and the withholding

thereof are contained in Title II o£ the Tax Code under

"Income Tax", inevitably said trust must be deemed

exempt therefrom. Section 56<b> in relation to Section

56<a> supra, clearly excepts employees trust from "the

taxes imposed by this Title". Moreover, it cannot be


C.T.A. CASE NO. 4421 -

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denied that the £inal withholding tax is collected £rom

income in respect o£ which employees trusts are declared

exempt [Sec. 56<b> now 53<b>J, Tax Code.

Section 56<b>, now 53(b) o£ the Tax Code, as

amended by Republic Act No. 1983, exempted employee's

trusts £rom income tax. <Commissioner o£ Internal

Revenue vs. Court o£ Appeals, 207 SCRA 487>

The subsequent application o£ the withholding

systems to interest on bank deposits or yield £rom

deposit substitutes is essentially to maximize and

expedite the collection o£ income taxes by requiring

its payment at the source. Since, Citytrust Banking

Corporation is an employee's trust, it certainly enjoys

a tax-exempt status £rom income. There£ore, we £ind it

illogical in withholding a certain percentage o£ that

income which it is not obliged to pay in the £irst

place. (Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. The

Honorable Court of Appeals,, 6. R. No. 95022,

l'Jarch 23, 1992>

Petitioner was able to prove its entitlement £or

the re£und by proving that the interest £rom the

investments o£ various retirement £unds are tax exempt

as certi£ied by the Bureau o£ Internal Revenue and

provided £or under R.A. 4917.

It was likewise established by petitioner that it

£iled its claim £or re£und within two-years £rom the

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date o£ payment o£ the tax as provided £or under Section

230 o£ the NIRC •. •

By way o£ evidence, petitioner presented various • J.·
monthly remittance returns o£ income tax withheld which

was £iled by the Central Bank with the BIR. Various

certi£icate o£ £inal income tax withheld issued by the

Central Bank in £avor o£ petitioner was likewise

presented to prove that the 20Y. £inal tax withheld by •

the Central Bank £rom interest on taxable securities

purchased were remitted to the BIR.

From the £oregoing, petitioner was able to prove by

way o£ material evidences its clear entitlement to the

re£und sought £or.

It is a well established. principle that tax

exemption is likewise to be enjoyed by the income o£ the

pension trust. <Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. •

Court of Tax Appeals~ 207 SCRA 487>

WHEREFORE, in view o£ the £oregoing, respondent

Commissioner o£ Internal Revenue is hereby ordered to

re£und to petitioner the sum o£

representing withholding



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Q~ lQ.;. c:~


Associate Judge


I hereby certify that this decision was reached

after due consultation among the members of the Court of
Tax Appeals in accordance with Section 13, Article VIII
of the Constitution.

Presiding Judge
Court o£ Tax Appeals

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