ASCII, Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal, and Binary Conversion Table
ASCII, Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal, and Binary Conversion Table
ASCII, Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal, and Binary Conversion Table
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Helpful information for converting ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary values can
be referenced in this table.
Table 1. Conversions between ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary values
null 0 0 0 0
start of header 1 1 1 1
start of text 2 2 2 10
end of text 3 3 3 11
end of 4 4 4 100
enquire 5 5 5 101
acknowledge 6 6 6 110
bell 7 7 7 111
backspace 8 8 10 1000 1/12
11/4/2018 IBM Knowledge Center - ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary conversion table
linefeed 10 A 12 1010
shift in 15 F 17 1111
negative 21 15 25 10101
end of 23 17 27 10111
cancel 24 18 30 11000
escape 27 1B 33 11011 2/12
11/4/2018 IBM Knowledge Center - ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary conversion table
space 32 20 40 100000
! 33 21 41 100001
" 34 22 42 100010
# 35 23 43 100011
$ 36 24 44 100100
% 37 25 45 100101
& 38 26 46 100110
' 39 27 47 100111
( 40 28 50 101000
) 41 29 51 101001
* 42 2A 52 101010
+ 43 2B 53 101011
, 44 2C 54 101100
- 45 2D 55 101101
. 46 2E 56 101110
/ 47 2F 57 101111
0 48 30 60 110000
1 49 31 61 110001
2 50 32 62 110010
3 51 33 63 110011
4 52 34 64 110100
5 53 35 65 110101
6 54 36 66 110110
7 55 37 67 110111
8 56 38 70 111000
9 57 39 71 111001
: 58 3A 72 111010 3/12
11/4/2018 IBM Knowledge Center - ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary conversion table
: 58 3A 72 111010
; 59 3B 73 111011
< 60 3C 74 111100
= 61 3D 75 111101
> 62 3E 76 111110
? 63 3F 77 111111
@ 64 40 100 1000000
A 65 41 101 1000001
B 66 42 102 1000010
C 67 43 103 1000011
D 68 44 104 1000100
E 69 45 105 1000101
F 70 46 106 1000110
G 71 47 107 1000111
H 72 48 110 1001000
I 73 49 111 1001001
J 74 4A 112 1001010
K 75 4B 113 1001011
L 76 4C 114 1001100
M 77 4D 115 1001101
N 78 4E 116 1001110
O 79 4F 117 1001111
P 80 50 120 1010000
Q 81 51 121 1010001
R 82 52 122 1010010
S 83 53 123 1010011
T 84 54 124 1010100 4/12
11/4/2018 IBM Knowledge Center - ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary conversion table
U 85 55 125 1010101
V 86 56 126 1010110
W 87 57 127 1010111
X 88 58 130 1011000
Y 89 59 131 1011001
Z 90 5A 132 1011010
[ 91 5B 133 1011011
\ 92 5C 134 1011100
] 93 5D 135 1011101
^ 94 5E 136 1011110
_ 95 5F 137 1011111
` 96 60 140 1100000
a 97 61 141 1100001
b 98 62 142 1100010
c 99 63 143 1100011 6/12
11/4/2018 IBM Knowledge Center - ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary conversion table
163 A3 243 10100011 7/12
11/4/2018 IBM Knowledge Center - ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary conversion table
163 A3 243 10100011
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