Yogurt HACCP Plan - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points - Food Safety
Yogurt HACCP Plan - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points - Food Safety
Yogurt HACCP Plan - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points - Food Safety
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Yogurt HACCP Plan
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This linear HACCP plan covers the manufacture of an apple yogurt
Bestsellers product, packaged in a pot. The HACCP plan will cover: * The
HACCP food safety team * Prerequisite programmes * Descr…
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The Food Safety Plan – H.A.C.C.P
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This linear HACCP plan covers the manufacture of an apple yogurt product, packaged in a pot.
It will start at raw materials intake through to dispatch of processing plant.
The HACCP plan will cover final product safety and will look at the following hazards:
And the following codes of practice/guidelines documents were used in developing this
HACCP plan:
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The HACCP plan is developed and managed by Fab Foods’ multi-disciplinary food safety team
which includes those responsible for quality/technical, production operations, engineering and
other relevant functions.
The team leader has an in-depth knowledge of HACCP and is able to demonstrate competence
and experience.
The team members have specific knowledge of HACCP and relevant knowledge of product,
process and associated hazards.
In the event of the company not having appropriate in-house knowledge, external expertise will
used, but day-to-day management of the food safety system remains the responsibility of the
All persons are trained in HACCP and repeat the training annually.
Below is a table showing how Fab Foods operates an organised structure of the HACCP team.
Fab Foods has established and maintains environmental and operational programmes necessary
to keep an environment suitable to produce safe and legal food products
Monitor Monitor Corrective
Process Control Record Responsi
Hazard Prevention Method Frequency action Validation
Step Limits Sheet ble
Presence on, re Weekly
Environ Listeria/sa ISO Weekly
of listeria/ clean and review of
mental Environm lmonella approved monthly/ Pathogen QC
Salmonell re swab pathogen
Hygiene ent swabs absent methods Quarterly file Manager
a area file by QC
Design, Action log
Visual and Hygiene
layout, created.
Physical Food Hygiene and Internal
Internal Clean & Actions
/Micro grade and Housekee and
Structure undamage monitored
contamina walls and housekeep Ongoing. ping Technical external
s& d continuou
tion equipment ing audits Audits audits
Fittings sly
Food and
Control household
& Visual and Hygiene records
Monitori Physical Clean & Hygiene and created. Internal
ng /Micro undamage and Housekee Continuou and
ual Ongoing. QC
Equipme contamina d housekeep ping s external
Inspection manager
nt tion ing audits Audits monitorin audits
Clean Correct Visual and Hygiene
rs For Physical
colour colour, Hygiene and Daily
Waste & /Micro Monitorin
coded clean and and Housekee monitorin
Inedible contamina Clean Productio g log
waste undamage housekeep ping g of waste
Substanc tion daily n created.
containers d ing audits Audits containers
e if
External All areas
Legionella Water Quality legionella
Water Legionella company at least Legionella
contamina Absent storage Control found in
Storage testing sample twice file
tion records Officer water, risk
and test annually
washing Report
Personal Physical Hand swabs,
procedure On- All deviations
Hygiene/c /Micro washing/c and Hygiene
s and going/qua Employee to Action log
aptive contamina aptive Hygiene records
change of rterly s supervisor
clothing tion clothing and
clothing in /manager
ing audits
n areas
Temperat Temperat Report Weekly
Temperat Product Calibrated Temperat
ure ure As per QC deviations audit of
ure contamina thermome ure
monitorin specificati schedules manager to QC temperatu
Control tion ters Records
g ons manager re records
Do not
Spray Weekly
with review of
Contamin acidic cleaning
ation due solution logs.
n until
Cleaning to after clean Surface Surface After each Productio
Program ineffective on filler hygiene hygiene cleaning Cleaning n Internal/e
y hygiene
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has been
procedure surfaces audits
Do not
Cleaning proceed Weekly
Contamin carried out with review of
CIP and inspection As per
ation due to correct Operators/ productio cleaning
Cleaning hand s, sanitizer cleaning
to time, Cleaning Team n until logs.
Program cleaning checks scheduled/
ineffective temperatu logs leaders/Te satisfactor
mes procedure and frequencie
hygiene re and chnical y plant Internal/e
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procedure sanitizer hygiene xternal
strength has been audits
All pest
Microbiol actions &
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Physical evidence Pest actions
or of pest Pest control taken
Pest chemical activity Control technician Rentokil reported
contract in Technical Rentokil
Control risks reported Technicia -monthly File to
place with Manager report.
associated and n visits reports. technical
with pests. controlled. manager.
reports of
Rubbish Hygiene Action log
Rubbish sightings
cleared on & created
provides All of
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Waste environme rubbish to waste/deb Waste
and ping Audit Once per to document
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Codes of complianc
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Practice e by all Hygiene Technical
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and Good site records Manager
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Manufact personnel.
practises in place.
Re swab
Personnel and if
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Monthly records
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ell visitors rules records
factory. the
enter site. while on
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Thermal Sanitization involving the use of hot water or steam for a specified temperature and
contact time.
Cleaning and Sanitization is carried out to remove unwanted matter on food-contact surface,
referred to as Food Soil.
Detergents and cleaning compounds are composed of mixtures of ingredients that interact with
soils in several ways: Physically active ingredients alter physical characteristics such as
solubility or colloidal stability. Chemically active ingredients modify soil components to make
them more soluble and, thus, easier to remove. Example of cleaning agents used are Alkaline
Builders, Acid Builders, Water Conditioners, Oxidizing Agents, and Enzyme-based detergents.
The below table can be used when selecting cleaning agent to use
Tabl e 5: Comparison of the Chemical and Physical Properties in commonly used Sanitizers
It is important that the clean, sanitized equipment and surfaces drain dry and are stored dry so
as to prevent bacteria growth. Necessary equipment must also be cleaned and stored in a clean,
sanitary manner.
Cleaning/sanitizing procedures are evaluated for adequacy through evaluation and inspection
procedures. Adherence to prescribed written procedures (inspection, swab testing, direct
observation of personnel) are continuously monitored, and records maintained to evaluate long-
term compliance.
(Schmidt, 2000)
All areas regarding Cleaning and Sanitizing must be documented and signed in appropriate
specification sheets.
Pest Control
Pest Control is carried out to eliminate the entry of insects and rodents into the food processing
Pests include: Rodents (Rats, Squirrels, Mice etc.) Cockroaches, Flies, Ant, Birds and other
Control of Pests in done by an outside service provided by Rentokil . (Hazel House, Millennium
Park, Naas, Co Kildare, 1890 333 888).
Poisoned Bait, Traps, Electrical Discharge system, Repellents, Pitfall traps and Sticky insect
traps are among the controls put in place by Rentokil .
In addition to this:
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The below ‘house’ rules are in place as well and in conjunction with H.A.C.C.P. Staff are
trained upon entry and annually by an official body which comply with the FSAI’s Guide to
Food Safety Training Level 1 and Level 2.
The scope of each HACCP plan, includes the products and processes covered, including
Product Description
Tabl e 7:
Fab Foods ensures that the HACCP plan is based on comprehensive information sources, which
are referenced and available on request. It uses:
The intended use of the product by the customer is described, defining the consume target
groups, including the suitability of the product for vulnerable groups of the population (e.g.
infants, elderly, allergy sufferers).
The prepared flow diagram covers each product, product category or process. This sets out all
aspects of the food process operation within the HACCP scope, from raw material receipt
through to processing, storage and distribution. It contains the following:
3. Addition of dry
Ingredients (SMP,
4. Filtration 2. Mixing Hopper NaC) from ambient
5. Pumping of milk
through balance tank
6b. Homogenisation
Path of
6c. De-aeration
93˚ C x 4min
7. Inoculation
- addition of
CCP 1 Cultures from
Divert of Product
where applicable
8. Incubation 36°-43°C
9. Cutting of yogurt ph
10.Filtration 0.5mm
15a. Lid
& pot
Waste yog to
effluent plant &
packaging to
Unit Operations
Mixing Hopper
Milk from the silo is then passed in to the mixing hopper, where ingredients which were stored
at ambient temperature, such as calcium and vitamins are added to the milk to be enriched. It
provides gentle agitated to distribute the ingredients to form a precise liquid. It provides cooling
so the milk stays under 7˚C.
The type of filtration technology used in the industry is Microfiltration which is a low pressure-
driven membrane filtration process, which is based on a membrane with an open structure
allowing dissolved components to pass while most non-dissolved components are rejected by
the membrane. In the dairy industry, microfiltration here which is used for bacteria reduction
and fat removal in milk and whey as well as for protein and casein standardisation. The size of
the membrane is 1.4µm.
This is an essential process step to protect flavour, ensure nutritional value, and prevent
microbial or physical contamination. It allows a product to have a specified fat content and for
total fat and solids content.
The type of membrane used in this filtration system is ceramic. They are resistant to
temperature, chemicals and are easy to clean.
Balance tank
The milk is then pumped in to a balance tank or float tank. The tank is equipped with a float
valve. The purpose of this is to keep the milk at a constant level and to maintain a constant
supply of milk to the regeneration section of the pasteuriser.
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Milk which is still at 4˚C is pumped from the balance tank into the regeneration section of the
plate heat exchanger, where it is heated. The plate heat exchanger contains a series of stainless
steel plates stacked together with spaces in between them. The spaces are the forming chambers
which hold the milk as it passes through.
The milk will increase from 4˚C to 72˚C for effective pasteurisation. This is held for 15 seconds
and then chilled again to 4˚C.
In the regeneration section the heat of the pasteurised milk is used to warm up the cold milk.
Therefore the outgoing hot milk is the heating medium for the cold raw milk. The cold milk is
the cooling medium for the hot milk, as it is used to cool down the hot milk from 72˚C to 4˚C.
This all takes place in the plate heat exchanger where counter current flow is the most effective
way of heat exchange. When the cold milk meets the oncoming hot milk, and is heated up, it
is then passed through the holding tube which is long enough to last at least 15 seconds. Here
the milk is being pasteurised. It flows to the regeneration section where it warms up the cool
milk coming in and then off to the cooling section which is the final section.
The divert valve on the processing unit is used for diversion of any liquid that may be under
the pasteurisation temperature. In this case if it’s under 72˚C the milk is brought back to the
regeneration section and pasteurised again.
Raw milk contains acid and alkaline phosphatases. These enzymes catalyse the hydrolysis of
certain phosphate esters. The thermal stability of alkaline phosphatase (AP) in milk is slightly
higher than that of Microbacterium tuberculosis. AP is inactivated by heating milk to 72C and
holding for 15seconds. Inactivation of AP ensures the destruction of Microbacterium
tuberculosis. Adequately pasteurised milk will be phosphate negative.
Homogenisation process allows two immiscible liquids to become mixed. This is achieved by
turning one of the liquids into a state consisting of extremely small particles distributed
uniformly throughout the other liquid.
When the milk is fed through the homogeniser, the workhead generates high shear rates. The
milk is forced through a small passage at high velocity. The disruption of the fat globules is
due to turbulence and cavitation.
While milk is forced through, the large fat globules are broken down into smaller ones.
Resulting in a size of 2-5 microns. This results in a stable emulsion, better mouth feel of the
product, reduced sensitivity to lipid oxidation.
Deaeration is the removal of oxygen and other dissolved gassed in the product. This is to
prevent/avoid undesirable changes in the final end product. Not only free air can be removed
but also mechanical air. Deaeration of a product can result in an oxygen level of <1ppm. This
improves product quality and shelf life.
Incubation/holding tanks
The milk is held for the fermentation process to be carried out. This occurs at a temperature
around 45˚C.
Cutting of yogurt pH
These bacteria form a symbiotic starter culture to ferment milk. By creating the starter culture
it increases the production of lactic acid in the fermentation process.
Streptococcus thermophilus starts to grow first dropping the milks pH from 6.6 to 5.0, and
produces carbon dioxide and lactic acid. These products stimulate Lactobacillus bulgaricus to
grow and further drop the pH to 4.2. The sugar found in milk is lactose, when the starter culture
is added to milk it breaks the lactose into glucose. After the sugar glucose is formed it. Then it
is fermented into lactic acid by the microorganisms.
The lactic acid decreases the pH of the milk and causes the casein, protein found in milk,
molecules to denature and stick together. The milk then curdles to produce yogurt
Filtration of yogurt can remove the excess whey from fermentation process and gasses which
were produced form the starter cultures. This improves quality and shelf life of the product.
Filtration membrane used in this process is 0.5mm.
After filtration the yogurt is cooled and then passed into yogurt holding tanks. The tanks here
keep the yogurt at the right temperature under atmospheric pressure. The yogurt is gently
agitated to keep the yogurt mixed with no whey separation and to keep a good consistency for
the product.
Metal Detection
Metal detection is a very important procedure in the manufacturing process. The yogurt is
frequently checked using a pipeline metal detector prior to final processing and final packaging.
The product is normally pumped through a non-metallic pipeline which passes through the
detector. Removal of contaminated product is achieved through the use of automated reject
valves which divert the product flow out of the process. Any high viscosity products that are
being produced which have the potential to solidify in the pipeline, there are heated pipelines
and valves are used, to limit pipe blockages. This will remove all contaminated substances
from the product, resulting in a high quality and safe product.
Blast Chilling
Blast chillers/freezers rapidly chill foods from a temperature of 140˚C to 40˚C in less than two
hours. As for yogurt, this will be even less. Blast chillers are ideal for chilling foods quickly
that are made on a daily basis. Blast chillers and freezers have powerful fans that create a fast
even air flow that is very cold. It uses a high-powered refrigeration system to blast the cold air
laterally over the product at high speed, extracting heat at an optimum rate, whilst maintaining
food quality. After the chill or freeze cycle is complete, the equipment switches into Hold mode
to keep the food at the required temperature.
After the yogurt has been chilled, it is then ready to be put into yogurt pots. These are single
yogurt pots chosen for this product. The machine used here is the Automatic Rotary Type Cup
Filling & Sealing Machine SP-2502.
Cups fall into the holders on the machine, there are two stacks of yogurt cups, were two falls
each time into the individual holders. These are then passed along to the dust and blow suction
system. This takes away any access particles away from the cup. It passes on to a UV sterilizer,
this kills all microbes that may be present in the cups which could have got contaminated during
storage. It provides a sterile environment for the yoghurt. It moves on to the piston filler where
the cup fills up with the chilled yogurt from the blast chillier.
The yogurt cups pass though the labelling machine, where is puts on a sleeve around the yogurt
cup, stating all the requirements, such as yogurt name and nutritional information. A label is
also stuck on the lid of the yogurt stating the best before date.
Cold storage/Dispatch
The yogurts are taken of the labelling line and are stored at 4˚C in trays/ boxes in cold storage
rooms. These are now ready to be picked up by the truckers through dispatch. A physical test
is done before any of the yogurts are dispatched. The Yogurt is now sold to consumers.
The HACCP food safety team verifies the accuracy of the flow diagrams by on-site audit and
challenge at least annually. Daily and seasonal variations are considered and evaluated.
Records of verified flow diagrams are maintained.
1.7 List all potential hazards associated with each process step, conduct a
hazard analysis and consider any measures to control identified hazards
The HACCP food safety team identifies and records all the potential hazards that are
reasonably expected to occur at each step in relation to product, process and facilities.
This includes hazards present in raw materials, those introduced during the process or surviving
the process steps, and allergen risks. It also takes account of the preceding and following steps
in the process chain.
Fab Foods uses Risk Analysis to establish Hazards and uses it in conjunction with Food
Standards such as Food Safety Requirements, HACCP, Good Manufacturing & Hygiene
Practices and Total Quality Management to put an effective Food Management programme in
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Table 8: Risk Analysis in conjunction with Food Standards such as Food Safety
Requirements, HACCP, Good Manufacturing & Hygiene Practices and Total Quality
The HACCP food safety team conducts a hazard analysis to identify hazards which need to be
prevented, eliminated or reduced to acceptable levels. Consideration are given to the following:
Where elimination of the hazard is not practical, justification for acceptable levels of the hazard
in the finished product shall be determined and documented.
The HACCP food safety team considers the control measures necessary to prevent or eliminate
a food safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level. Where the control is achieved through
existing prerequisite programmes, this is stated and the adequacy of the programme to control
the hazard is validated.
Cream Chemical Within GMP check by
2(a) separation risk Cleaning parameters SOCP supplier of
Homogenisatio Chemical Within GMP check by
3(a) n risk Cleaning parameters SOCP supplier of
1.8.1 For each hazard that requires control, control points are reviewed to identify those that
are critical. CCPs are those control points which are required in order to prevent or eliminate a
food safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level. If a hazard is identified at a step where
control is necessary for safety but the control does not exist, the product or process shall be
modified at that step, or at an earlier or later step, to provide a control measure.
Would a loss of control at this point result in a realistic risk of ill ness or
Ref: Advi sed by the Chartered I nsti tute of Envir onmental Heal th (C.I.E.H) U.K.
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Fab Foods recognises the below as Critical Control Points in the production of the
For each CCP, the appropriate critical limits are defined in order to identify clearly whether the
process is in or out of control. Critical limits include:
The HACCP food safety team validate each CCP. Documented evidence show that the control
measures selected and critical limits identified are capable of consistently controlling the
hazard to the specified acceptable level.
A monitoring procedure is established for each CCP to ensure compliance with critical limits.
The monitoring system is able to detect loss of control of CCPs and wherever possible provides
information in time for corrective action to be taken. Means of monitoring include:
online measurement
offline measurement
continuous measurement, e.g. thermographs, pH meters etc.
where discontinuous measurement is used, the system ensures that the sample taken is
representative of the batch of product.
Records associated with the monitoring of each CCP include the date, time and result of
measurement and are signed by the person responsible for the monitoring and verified, as
appropriate, by an authorised person. Where records are in electronic form there is evidence
that records have been checked and verified.
The HACCP food safety team specifies and documents the corrective action to be taken when
monitored results indicate a failure to meet a control limit, or when monitored results indicate
a trend towards loss of control. This includes the action to be taken by nominated personnel
with regard to any products that have been manufactured during the period when the process
was out of control.
Procedures of verification are established to confirm that the HACCP plan, including controls
managed by prerequisite programmes, are effective. Examples of verification activities
internal audits
review of records where acceptable limits have been exceeded
review of complaints by enforcement authorities or customers
review of incidents of product withdrawal or recall.
Results of verification are recorded and communicated to the HACCP food safety team.
Critical Limits for Monitoring
Control Significan each Correcti Verificati
Point t preventat ve Records on
(CCP) Hazard ive What How Frequenc Who actions
measure y
high: can Corrective For each
Maintainin Temperat be action log. batch
g the ure and Fermentat cooled Fermentati processed
correct Microbial 25 – 30 C Temperat recorder Every 30 ion with ice on testing the QA
Fermentati ure 0C and visual minutes Superviso water; log. superviso
on Temp. on PC r too low; Yogurt r will
display stop the quality review
process log. each log
Table 11: Comparison of the EU maximum residue limits (EEC Regulation 2377/90 and
amendments) with the sensitivities of the microbial inhibition assays for the detection of
antibiotics in milk.
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