15 Triangular Levelling PDF
15 Triangular Levelling PDF
15 Triangular Levelling PDF
at P C .
AG. 15.1. BASE ACCESSIBLE Thus, in Fig. 15.1, R.L. of Q = R.L. of B.M. + S + D tan a+
h =QQ' a line of indirect
tal Indirect LevelliDg. The above principle can be applied for running
S = reading of staff kept ac B.M., with line of sight horizon levels between two points. P and Q, whose difference of level is required (Fig. 15.3)).
a = angle of elevatio n from A to Q.
i' ... (15.1) 91 ~92~ '!3 9 a
From mangle AQQ' ; h = D tan a p
of sight horizontal,
1: If the reading on the staff kept at the B. M. is S with the line In order to find the difference in elevation
n R.L. of Q = R.L. of B.M. + S + D tan a between P and Q, the instrument is set at
The method is usually employed when .·-.!': a munber of places o, 0,, o, etc., with points
n . as the turning points as shown
the dismnce A is small. However, if D '\___ __J A, B, C etc.,
·:1 is large, the combined correcti on for curvatu re __..-. r j ::;::¥-..._ in Fig. 15.3. From each instrument station,
and refraction can be applied. observations are taken to both the points on
In order to gee the sign of the combined either side of it, the instrument being set otidway
between them. Thus, in Fig. 15.4, let o, be
correction due co curvature and refraction,
the first position of the instrument midway P
consider Fig. 15.2. PP"P' is the vertical (or
and A. If a, and p, are the angles observed AG .. 15.4
plumb) line throughPandQQ'Q" is the vertical
from O, to P and A, we get
line through Q. P ' is the projection of P PP' = D1 tan a1
on the horizontal line through Q. while and AA' = D, tan p,
P " is the projection of P on the level line
The difference in elevation between A and P = H 1 = PP" +A"A
through Q. Similarly, Q' and Q'' are the
= (PP'- P'P") + (AA' + A'A")
projeorions of Q on horizontal and level lines
respectively through P. = (D, tan a, - P' P '') + (D, tan p, + A'A'')
FIG. 15.2
If the distance between P and Q is If D,=D ,=D, P'P'' and A'A" will be equal.
not very large, we can take PQ' = PQ" = D = QP "= QP'. Hence H1 = D (tan a, + tan p,)
and LQQ' P = LQP' P = 90' (approxiruately) The instrument is then shifted 10 o,, midway between A and B, and the angles
B aod A is
Then QQ' = D tan a a, and P, are observed. Then the difference in elevation between
Hence the combined H, = D' (tan a 1 + tao P,) where D' = D, = D,
But the true difference in elevation between P and Q is QQ"
which should be added to QQ' to get the true
correction for curvature and refraction= Q'Q" The process is continued till Q is reached.
difference in elevacion QQ".
Similarly, if the observation is made from Q, we gee
... (2)
From trian3'e BQQ', h = (b +D) tana1
:r VERTICAL PLANE AS THE ELEVATED OBJECT Equaling (1) and (2), we get
' D tan a,= (b +D) tan a, or D (tan a,- tan a,)= b tan a,
If the horizontal disrance ... (15.2)
between the insttument and the D == b tana1
or tan a, -tan a.2
object can be measured due 10
obstacles etc., two instrument sta- b tan a, tana2 b sin a, sin az ... (15.3)
O.! h = D tanat tan a. - WI a2 - sm .
(a, - a2)
tions are used so that they are ;'
in the same vertical plane as the ! R.L. of Q=R.L. of B.M. +S+h .
elevated object (Fig. 15.5). a·!·i'
'••·-·-·-·-·-·-·- (b) Instrument axes at different levels (Fig. 15.6 and 15.7)
Procedure Figs. 15.6 and 15.7 illustrate the cases, when the insttument axes are at different
I. Set up the iheodolite ;
at P and level it ac- ! levels. 1f S, and S, are the cor-
curately with respect >---l':( f-- 01----,- ., responding staff readings on the
10 the altitude bubble. staff kept at B.M., the difference
2. Direct the telescope to- in levels 'of the instrument axes
wards Q and bisect it FIG. IS.S. INSTRUME)IT AXES AT TilE SAME LEVEL will be either (S1 - S1) if the
accurately . Clamp axis at B is higher or
both the plates. Read the vertical angle a,. (S, - S,) if the axis at A is higber.
3. Transit the telescope so that the line of sigbt is reversed. Mark the second insuument Let Q' be the projection of Q
rrt· ",u,w,"'", rt.J,}rr111"
7JPin;ll;;.,,.. •~ .. _ D----o l
station R on the ground. Measure the distance RP accurately. on horizontal line !hrougb A
Repeat steps (2) and (3) for both . face observations. The mean values sbould and Q" be the projeetion on
be adopted. horizoDlal line througb B. Let
4. With the vertical vernier set to zero reading, and the altitude bubble in the us derive the expressions for Fig. 15.6 when S, is greater than s,
... (!)
centte of its run, take the reading on the s1aff kept at the nearby B.M. From triangle QAQ', h, = D tan a,
... (2)
5. Shift the insttument 10 R and set up the theodolite there. Measure the vertical From triangle BQQ", h, = (b + D) tan a,
angle a, 10 Q with both face observations. Subtracting (2) from (!), we get
6. With the vertical vernier set 10 zero reading, and the altitude bubble in the (h 1 - hz)= D tan a,- (b +D) tan a,
centte of its run, take the reading on the staff kept at the nearby B.M. h, - h, =difference in level of insttument axes = S,- s, = s (say)
In order 10 calculate the R.L. of Q. we will consider three cases : s = D LaD a, - b LaD. a 2 - D lana.~
(a) wben the insttument axes at A and B are at the same level.
or D (tan a, - tan a,)= s + b tan a,
(b) when they are at different levels but the difference is small, and _ (b + s col az) tana1
D = s + b tan a, ...[15.4 (a)]
(c) when they are at very different levels. or tan a,- tan «2
tana,-tan al
(a) lnt.1rument axes at the same level (Fig. 15.5)
Now h1 = D tan a,
Let h= QQ'
(b + s ~t a,) sin a, sin a' ... [! 5.5 (a)]
h, = (b +scot a 1) tana 1 tan a 1 _
a, = angle of elevation from A 10 Q tana1- tan a2 .sm (a,- ai) . ·
a, = angle of elevation from B to Q. by producing the lines of sigbt BQ backwards
Expression 15.4 (a) could also be oblllined
S = slllff reading on B.M., taken from both A and B, the reading to meet the line Q'A in B1 • Drawing 8 1 B, as vertical to meet the horizontal line
being the same in both the cases. Q" B in B, , it is clear that with the same angle of elevation if the insttument axis were
b = horizontal distance between the insttument stations. at B,, the insttument axes in both the cases would have been at the same elevation. Hence
D = ho,.;zoDlal distance between P and Q same
the diJ!ance at which 'the axes· are ar the level is AB 1 = b + BB1= b + s cot a,. Substituting
From triangle AQQ', h = D tan a 1 ... (1) this value of the distance between the insttument stations in equan"on 15.2 we get
3l5 1:
(b +scot a,) tan a, .. . . Let s= Difference in level between the
D which IS the same as equation two aXes at A and B. With the same symbols
tan a1 -tan a2
Proceeding on the same lines for the case of Fig. 15.7, where the as earlier, we ~have II
h, = D tan a, ... (1)
at D is higher, it cao be proved
that and h, = (b +D) tan a, ... (2)
D _ (b- s coE a 2) tana2 Subttacting (1) from (2);·· we get
tan a1 1an a2
... [15.4 (b)) (h,- ht) = s = (b+D) tan a,- D tan a,
FIG. 15.9.
and or D (tan a,- tan a,)= b tan a,- s
a,) sin a,.sin a,
h,- (b- scot
sin (a a,)1-
D tan a,- tao «2
... (3)
. . .. [15.5 (b)] (b tan a,- s) tan a, (b- scot ai) sin a, sin a,
- . ... [15.5 (b))
Thus, the general expres- and h1 = D tan a,- tan «1 - tana1 sm (a,- a1)
sions forD and h1 can be written FIG. 15. 7. INSTRUMENT AXES AT DIFFERENT LEVEL!;.
as From Fig. 15.9, we bave
Height of station P above the axis at B =h - r = b tan a - r.
D = (b ±scot a 1) tan a, ... (15 .4)
tan a1- WI a2 Height of axis at A above the axis at B =s = b tan a - r + h'
h, = (b ± s "':''a,) sin a, sin a, ... (1S.5) where. h' is the height of the instrument at P.
and Substituting this value of s in (3) and equation [15.5 (b)], we can get D and h,
sm (a, - az)
,il Use + sign with s cot a 2 when the inst(Ument axis at A is lower and - sign when · Now R.L. of Q =R.L. of A + h, =R.L. of B + s + h1
it is higher than at B. = (R.L. of B.M. + backsight taken from B) + s +h,
II R.L. of Q = R.L. of B.M. + S1 + h, where s=btana-r +h'
II (c) lnstnunent axes at very different levels 15.4. BASE OF THE OBJECT INACCESSIBLE: INSTRUMENT STATIONS NOT IN THE
,-, ·1r_ s,- S1 or s is too great to be measured on a staff kept at the B.M., the following SAME VERTICAL PLANE AS THE ELEVATED OBJECT
procedure is adopted (Fig. 15.8 and 15.9): Let P and R be the two instrument stations not in the same
vertical plane as that
(1) Set the instrument at P (Fig. 15.8), level it accuralely with respect to the altitude of Q. The procedure is as follows:
bubble and measure the angle.
a, to the point Q.
(2) Transit the lelescope
(1) Set the instrument at P
and level it accurarely with respect
to the altitude bubble. Measure the
and establish a point R at a
distance b from P.
(3) Shift the instrument :nI
angle of elevation a, to Q
(2) Sight the point R with read-
ing on horizontal circle as zero and (I'9
...~~ :~-~:~--------------
to R. Ser the instrument and
--·-·-f -·-; ~ measure the angle RPQ,, i.e, the
level it with respect to the al-
titude bubble, and measure the
angle a, to Q.
~~---. . . . . 1. . 10"'j
horizontal angle 01 at ·P.
(3) Take a baksight s on the
kept at B.M.
'\-. '
(4) Keep a vane of height . \ -~ a, ______ ............ .
•i (4) Shift the instrument to R
r at P (or a staff) and measure p .
i and measure a, and e, there.
the angle to the top of the vane i i
. D
A b I
In Fig. 15.10, AQ' is the hori-
[or to the. readilig r if a staff
is used_- (Fig. 15.9)]. •
FIG. 15.8. INSTRUMENT AXES AT VE~Y DIFFERENT LEVEI.5. zontal line through A, (l being the NOT IN THE SAME VERTICAL PLAN!!.
357 fl
al plane. Similarly, BQQ" is a vertical SolUtion.
vertical projection of Q. Thus, AQQ' is a vertic and the instrwnent axis :.rl
on a horizontal line through B. PRQ, is a The difference in elevation between the vane "I"''l)i
plane, Q" being the vertical projection of Q = D tan rx = 3000 tan 5' 36' = 294.152 m
horizontal plane, Q, being the vertical projec
tion of Q, and R vertical projection of B ,,I· .f
-on a horizontal plane passing through
P. 6 1 and ~ are the horizonral angles,_ and
Combined correction due to curvatUre and r~fraction = ~ ~ ,j
and B respectively.
a, and a, are the vertical angles measured at A
From triangle AQQ', QQ' = h, = D tan a,
... (!)
' ( 3000 )' =0.606 m
c = 0.06728 D' metres;,. when D is in km =0.06728 1000 ~~~'
LPQ1R = 180' - (a, + 9,) =" - (a, 9,)
From triangle PRQ ,
PQ, RQ, RP b Since the observed angle is negative, combined
correction due to curvature and refraction
From the sine rule, (a, + 9,)] = sin (a, + 9,) is subtractive.
sin a, = sin a, = sin [x - instrwnent axis
Difference in elevation between the vane and the
b sin a, ... (2) = 294.1 52- 0.606 = 293.546 =h. I"',I
PQr= D= sin(a, +9,)
R.L. of instrument axis= 436.050 + 2.865
= 438.915 m II
RQ b sin a, = R.L. ofinstrwnent axis- h = 438.9 15-29
3.546 = 145.369
and 1 ... (3) :. R.L. of the vane
Sin (ar + a,) !]:
:. R.L. of Q = 145.369 -2 = 143.369 m
Substituting the value of D in (1), we get ion of the top (Q) of the signal
b sin a, tan a;-,: ; Example 15.3. In order to ascenain the elevat hori?.on.tal
tnenl SUI/ions P and R at a
sin (a, + 9,)
... (15.6) on a hill, observations were made from two instru
h, = D tan "' R being in Une with Q. The angles of
distance 100 metres apart, the stations P and
R.L. of Q=R .L of B.M. +s+ h, 18 '6' respectively. The staff readings upon
elevation of Q at P and R were 28' 42' and
y 2.870 and 3. 750 when the instrumenl
b sin G1 tan a2 the bench mark of elevation 287.28 were respectivel
As a check, . (a 1 + a-' nlal. Detennine the elevation of the foot
h, = RQ, tan rx, .. -•-sm n was at P and at R, the telescope being horizo
its base is 3 merres.
on B. M. the R.L .. of Q can be known by adrlilig of the signal if the height of the signal above
If a reading is talren from 8,
h2 to R.L. of B. Solution. (Fig. 15.6)
B.M. + staff reading
P and the angle of elevation to a Elevation of instrwnent axis at P = R.L. ·of
Example 15.1. An instrument was set up at
vane 4 m above the foor of the staff held at Q
was 9" 30~ The hori?.onlal distance between = 287.28 + 2.870 = 290.15 m
nine the R. L. of the sraff· station Q. given Elevation of instrument axis at R = R.L. of
B.M. + staff reading
P and Q was known to be 2000 metres. Deten
that the R.L. of the Instrument axis was 2650.
Solution. Height of vane above the instrw
38 m.
nent axis
= D tan a =2000 tan 9' 30' =334.6 8 mou.
= 287.28 + 3.750 = 291.03 m
Difference in level of the instrument axis
at the two stations
= s = 291.03 - 290.15 = 0,88 m .
Correction for curvarure and refraction = ~ ~; a1 = 28° 42' and az = 18° 6' i
= 0.06728 (
Ht. of vane above inst. axis= 334.68 + 0.27 =
C = 0.06728 D' me1res, D is in km
334.95 m
= 0.2691 " 0.27 m ( + ve )
scot a,= 0.88 cot 18' 6' = 2.69 m
From equation [15.4 (a)), we have
D _ (b + s col 1X2) tan a, _ (100 + 2.69) tan 18'
- - tan az
tan a1 tan 28' 42' - tan
h, = D tan rxr = 152.1 tan 28' 42' = 83.264 m
6' _
6' 152 ' m. ti
R.L. of vane =334.95 + 2650.38 =2985.33 m axis at P + h1 - ht. of signal
. . R.L. of foot of signal = R.L. of inst.
R.L. of Q =2985.33 - 4 =2981.33 m.
and the angle of depression to a = 290.15 + 83.264 -3 = 370.414 m
Example 15.2. An instrument was set up at P
was 5 '36~ Tlje hori?.onlal disrance between (b +D) = 100 + 152.1 = i52.1 m
vane 2 m above the foot of the staff held at Q Check
nine the R.L. of the sraff station Q. given . h, =(b +D) tan 1X2 = 252.1 x tan 18' 6' m
P and Q was known to be 3000 metres. Deten
50 was 2.865 metres.
that staff reading on a B.M. o[.-elevation 436.0
:. R.L. of foot of signal = R.L. of inst. axis at R + h2 - height of signal PQ,=D= bsina2
= 291.03 + 82.396- 3 = 370.426 m. sin (a,+ a,)
Example 15.4. The top (Q) of a chimney was sig/ued from two staJions P and h, = D tan IX = b sin a, tan "' = 60 sin 68° 18' tan 10° 12' - 12.87 m
R at very different levels, the stations P ·and R being in line with the top of the chimney. and ' sin (a, + a,) sin (60° 30' + 68~ 18')
The angle of elevation from P to the top oj the chimney was 38 o 21 ' and that from R.L. of Q = (R.L. of instrument axis at P) + h, = (435.065 + 1.965) + 12.87
R to the top of the chimney was 21 o 18: The angle of the elevation from R to a vane
=449.900 m
2 m above the foot of the staff held at P was 15 o 11: The heig/us of instrument at
P and R were 1.87 m and }.64 m respedive/y. The harizonta/ distance between P and
h = b sin a, tan a,-
60 sin 60° 30' tan 10° 48' = 12.78 m.
Check : ' sin (8 1 + a 2) sin (60° 30' + 68° 181
R was 127 m and the reduced level of R was 112. 78 m. Find the R.L. of the top of
R.L. of Q = R.L. of instrument axis at R + h, = (435.065 + 2.055) + 12.78
the chimney and the harizontal distance from P to the chimney.
Solution. (Figs. 15.8 and 15.9) =449.9 m
(1) When the observations were taken from R to P. 15.5. DETERMINATION OF HEIGHT OF AN ELEVATED OBJECT ABOVE THE
h = b tan a= 127 tan 15° 11' = 34.47 m GROUND WHEN ITS BASE AND TOP ARE VISIBLE BUf NOT ACCESSIBLE
R.L. of P = R.L. of R +height of instrument at R + h - r (a) Base line horizontal and In line with the object
= 112.78 + 1.64 + 34.47 - 2 = 146 ..89 m Let A and B be the two instrument stations, b apart. The vertical angles measured
at A are a, and a , and those at B are ~. and ~,. corresponding to the top (E) and
R.L. of instrument axis at P = R.L. of P + ht: of instrument at P 2
;: bottoin (D) of the elevated object. Let us take a general case of instruments at different
= 146.89 + 1.87 = 148)6 m ... (1)
i: Difference in elevation between the instrument axes = s
heights, the difference being equal to s.
= 148.76- (112.78 + 1;64) = 34.34 m T
D _ (b tan a,- s) 127 tan 21° 18'- 34.34 49.52-34.34 l.
tan a1 - tan a2 tan 38° 21'- tan 21° 18' 0.79117-0.38 988
= 37.8 m
h, =D tan a, =37.8 tan38° 21' = 29.92 m
.. R.L. of Q = R.L. of instrument axis at P + h,
= 148.76 + 29.92;, 178.68 m -----------
!I! Check : R.L. of Q = R.L. of instrument axis at R + h,
"(11278 + 1.64) + (b +D) tan o., B.M. A B
i = 114.42 + (127 + 37.8) tan 21° 18' = 114.42 + 64.26 = 178.68 m. I· b D ----->1
I Example 15.5. To find the elevation of the top (Q) of a hill, a f/iJg-stajJ of 2
m heig/u was erected and observations· were nzotk from iwo stations P and R, 60 metres
aport. The harizontal angle measured at P between R and the top of the f/iJg-stajJ was 60 o 30' Now
PIG. 15.11
I on B.M. when the instrument was at P = 1.965 m and that with the instrument at R
cot a 1 - cot ~.
AB = b = C D cot a,- C,'D cot p2 = C1 D cot"'- (C,D + s) cot~'
I = 2. 055 m. Calculate the elevation of the top of the hill if that of B.M. was 435.065
metres. or
b = C,D (cot"' -.cot P,)- scot ~'
' b+scotP,'
Solution. (Fig. 15.10)
or C,D
Given b = 60 m ; 91 = 60° 30' ; a2 = 68° 18' ; a1 = 10° 12' ; a2 = 10 11 18' . cot "' - cot p,
H = C,E- C,D- ---: ..;,. .
cot a 1 -cot ~' cot a,- cot ll, tal line, with instrument
Let A, 11, C be three instrument stations in one horizon
ents at A and B are equal, s = 0 E on the horizontal plane through
If heights of the instrum axes at the same heigh!. Let E • be the projection of
n of the object E, measured
.. H=b[ I - I ._] ... (15.7 a) ABC, and let EE' = h. Let a, p and y be the angles of elevatio
cot a, -cot p, cot a,- cot , = b, and BC = b1, be the measured
from instrumentS. at A, B and C respectively. Also let AB
BorizDIIIIll distonce of the object from B horizontal distances.
EC,• =Dtan p, and DC,• =D tanjl,
EC,' - D.Ci "' H = D (tan p, - tan ll,)
D= H . ... (15.7 b)
tan p, - tan lh
where H iB given by Eq. 15.7.
(b) Base line horizontal but not in line wilb lbe
Let A and B he two instrument stations, distant b. Let a 1 and a, be the vertical
measur ed at B , to the top
angles measured at A, and ~. and ~' be the vertica l IIJigle
Let a and cp ·b<i: the horizon tal angles measured
(E) and bottom (D) of the elevated object.
at A and B respectively. ·
e ..,..,..
1:1 ~. c
A1<- ---- - b, --- --- >fl --- -- b2 ----.,
FIG. 15.13
'' From niangle AEB, we have from cosine rule
c,:'' 2
h2cot' a+ bl- h' cot p
------·c·,:~~ cos q> = 2b h
cot a
. . .. (!) ... (15.9)
"'"' I: ~-- "'- ...... ........
2(b,+ b,)hc ota
h1 cot2 a + bl- h cot ~ li' cot' a + (b, + b,)' - h' cot' y
1 1
Equabng (1) and ( ),
2 2 b1 h cot a = 2 (b, + b,) h cot a
b ·_:_:...:__ _ _ _ _~
'· 2 + b,)1]
r or (b, + b,) [h1 (cot' a - cot P) + blJ = b, (h' (cot' a -cot' y) + (b,
b,)2 - bl (b 1 + b,)
h' [(b, + b,) (cot'a - cot' Pl- b, (cot a - cot'tll = b1 (b 1 +
FIG. 15.12 1
AC BC AB h' (b, +b) [b, (b, .;. b,) - blJ
From niangle ACB, sin cp =sin a· sin (180'- a- cp) or
(b, + b,) (cot' a -cot' Pl- b, (cot' a- cot' y)
.. AC = b sin cp cosec (a + 'll) (b, + b,) b, b,
and BC = b sin a cosec (a+ 'P)
= (b, + b,) (cor a -cot' p) - b1 (cor a -cot' y)
Now H =ED= A,C, (tan a,- tan a2) = AC (tan a,- tan a,)
or H = b sin cp cosec (a + cp) (tan a, - tan a,) ... (15.8 a)
+ b,)
b, b, (b, ]"' ... (15.10)
or h=[
Similarly H =ED= Bt;.' (tan ~~ -tan ll,) = BC (tan p, - tan ll,) b, (cot' y - cot' Pl + b, (cot' a -cot' Pl ·
or H = b sin acosec (9 + cp)(tan p, -tan ll,) ... (15.8 b)
up station E as follows : .........-AT PROBLEMS
AI A : 7' 13'41J' I. A theodofile was set up at a distance of 200 m from a tower. The angle of elevations
AI B : 10 o 15'00" to the top of !he parapet was 8° 18' while !he angle of depression to · the foot of the wall was
AI C : 13 ° 12' 10" 2' 24'. The staff reading on the B.M. of R.L. 248.362 with the telescope borimntal was 1.286
m. Find the height of !he tower and !he R.L. of !he top of the parapet.
Calculate (a) the heiglu of station ~~·-
E above the line ABC ·A~ 2. To determine the elevation of the top of a flag·smif, the following observations were made:
{b) the bearing of the line AE ;....:::::_ b--__ s p· /rut. staJion Remling on S.M. Angle of elevation
R.L. of B.M.= 248.362
(c) the horizontal distance between '.....___~ A 1.266
A and E : -.,..____ b, ::---.E B 1.086 7" 12'
Solution : Refer Fig. 15.14. ~ Stations A and B and the top of !he aerial pole are in !he same vertical plane.
Given : a= 7° 13' 40" ; Find the elevation of !he top of !he Dag·staff, if the distance herween A and B is SO m.
p = 10° 15' 00"; FIG. 15.14
[[3 ; I'
A 0.862 18' 36' R.L of B.M. =421.380 m \
B 1.222 10° 12' Distance AB = 50 m
Stalions A and B and the top of lhe cbimney are in lhe same
4. The top (Q) of a chimney was sighted from two stations
venical plane.
P and R a! very different levels, ..
Permanent Adjustments of Levels 'II
lhe cbimney . The angle of elevation from P
the stationa P and R being in line wilh the top of
was 36' 12' and !hat from R to the top of the chimney was 16' 48'. The
to the lOp of chimney
lhe foot of the staff held a1 P was 8' 24'. The
angle of elevation from R to a vane I m above
heights of ins<rume nt at P and .R were 1.85 m and
R was
1.65 m
The horizontal distance
the R:L. of the top of 16.1. INTRODUCTION I~
and the R.L. of s re/JJiive/y
Permanenl tuijustmenlS consist in setting essential parts into their true position
between P and R was 100. m
P to the chimney .
the chimney and the horizonlal distance from out of adustment,
to each othEr. Accurate work can often be done with an insttument
d. Such special methods
provided cenain special methods eliminating the errors are followe
involve more tilile and extra labour. Almost aU surveyin
I. 37.558 m ; 278.824 m
instrumeDIS, therefore, require certain field adjustments from B B'
time to tilile. li
2. 267.796. m
3. 442.347 m
Method of Reversion
The principle of reversion is very much used in aU
4. 290.336 ; 33.9 m
adjustments. By reversing the instrument or part of it, the
error becomes apparent. The magnitude of apparent error
is double the true error because reversion simply places
the error as much to one side as it was to the opposite
side before reversion. Example may be taken of a set square,
the two sides of which have an error e in perpendicularity
(Fig. 16.1). By reversing the set square, the apparent error FIG. 16.1
becomes 2e.
(a) The Principal lines. The principal lines in a dumpy
level are :
(i) The line of sight joining the centre of the objective to the
of the cross-hair.
(ii) Axis of the level tube.
The vertical axis.
(b) Conditions of Adjustments. The requiremeDIS that
are to be established are:
(l) The axis of ·the bubble tube should. be perpend icular to the vertical axis
(Adjustment of the level tube).
(ii) The horiwntal cross-hair should lie in a plane perpend
icular to the vertical
axis (Adjustment of cross-ha ir ring).
(iii) The line of collimation of the telescope should be
parallel to the axis of
the bubble tube (Adjustment of line of sight).