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The key takeaways are that the document discusses the conceptual design of a STP (Sewage Treatment Plant) including drawings, capacity calculation, equipment list, hydraulic calculations and process flow diagrams. It provides details on the design criteria and capacities for the various treatment units.

The main components of the wastewater treatment process being designed are: coarse screens, fine screens, grit chamber, lift pumps, MBR (Membrane Bioreactor) process, sludge treatment process involving dewatering, disinfection, treated water tank.

The design criteria being considered for the grit chamber includes it being an aerated grit chamber with a detention time of 3 minutes for maximum hourly flow. For other facilities, the document provides criteria for screens, lift pumps and other units.


Conceptual Design of STP

(1) Drawings

(2) Capacity Calculation

(3) Main Equipment List

(4) Hydraulic Calculation

(1) Drawings











(2) Capacity Calculation

Pejagalan Wastewater Treatment Plant Design Concept

1. Basic Design Condition

(1) Inflow Waste water Quantity

Inflow rate based on Revised Master Plan are as follows.

Average Daily Flow rate 198,000 m3/d

Maximum Daily Flow rate 264,000 m3/d
Maximum Hourly Flow rate 396,000 m3/d

Inflow rate for our design will be determined the same value as Revised Master Plan.

According to Pipe construction plan, phased inflow rate are determined as follows

Final Phase Phase 1

Average Daily Flow rate 200,000 100,000
Maximum Daily Flow rate 264,000 132,000
Maximum Hourly Flow rate 400,000 200,000

(2) Inflow Waste water Quality

The inflow wastewater qualities are determined by actual data in JAKARTA.

BOD 120 mg/L

TSS 120 mg/L

(3) Effluent Quality

Effluent qualities are in accordance with Effluent Quality Standards established in

Source: Quality standard of liquid waste (DKI Jakarta Governor decree No.122, 2005)

BOD <50 mg/L

TSS <50 mg/L
Ammonia <10 mg/L

Target treated water qualities are set as follows

BOD <10 mg/L

TSS <10 mg/L
Ammonia <5 mg/L

* Denitrification process is carried out in the future, does not perform immediate.

In the future T-N <15 mg/L

(4) Wastewater Treatment Process

As No 1 priority of the site constraints, we choose the Treatment Process.

As a result, to adopt the following treatment process.

MBR (Membrane Bioreactor) Process

(5) Sludge Treatment Process

Since adopting the MBR process, the thickening process is omitted.

Therefore only the Dewatering process is established.

Excess sludge ----- Dewatering ----- to Dump site

(6) Inflow Conduit

Dimension diameter 2200 mm

Bottom Elevation about PP - 29.20 M (GL - 33.70m)

(7) Discharge facility

Discharge stream to BANJIL KANAL

Conduit Dimension 2,000mm x 1,500mm

Highest water level at Discharge point PP + 4.30 M

(8) Site Ground Elevation

Ground Elevation PP + 4.50 M

2. Process Flow Diagram

Wastewater Inflow

Coarse Screen

Fine Screen

Lift Pump

Grit chamber

over than 200,000m3/d

Equalization Tank Disinfection Discharge

Feed pump

Drum Screen

Pre-Aeration / MBR

Treated water Tank Excess Sludge

Sludge Storage tank

Discharge Recycling

Sludge storage Hopper

to Dump site

3. Design criteria for each facilities

(1) Coarse Screen

opening 100 mm
operation Manual

(2) Fine Screen

opening 20 mm
operation Mechanical

(3) Grit Chamber

type Aerated Grit Chamber
Detention Time 3 minute (for maximum Hourly)
Grit collector Screw type
Grit lifter Sand pump 

(4) Lift Pump
type Volute type mixed flow pump
capacity No.1 Diamater 700 mm 70m3/min
Pump head about 35 m (assumed value)

(5) Drum Screen

opening 1 mm

(6) Equalization Tank

Retention Time 4 hr
Having a function of spillway and disinfection

(7) Membrane Bioreactor Tank

a) In the immediate
Membrane placement inside the activated sludge reactor
MLSS in reactor tank 9,000 mg/L
Design Flux 0.5~0.6 m3/m2/d
Excess Sludge production rate 70 %
BOD removal rate 0.12 kg-BOD/kg-SS/d
BOD removal rate per unit volume 1.44 kg-BOD/m3/d
Nitrification rate 0.025 kg-N/kg-SS/d
Nitrification rate per unit volume 0.3 kg-N/m3/d

(8) Oxygen requirement

a) for BOD removal
Required unit oxygen for BOD removal 0.5 kg-O2/kg-BOD

b) for Nitrification
Required unit oxygen for nitrification 64/14 kg-O2/kg-N

c) for endogenous respiration

Required unit oxygen for endogenous respiration 0.12 kg-O2/kg-VSS
MLVSS/MLSS 0.7~0.75

(9) Treated water Tank

a) for Back wash
about 400 m3

b) for recycling (in the future)

20,000m /d*8hr 6,700 m3

(10) Dewatering Facility

Dehydrator Type Pressing Rotary Outer Cylinder-Type Screw Press
Influent Sludge Concentration 0.9 %
Dewatered Sludge Concentration 83 %
Operation time 24 hr
capability of Screw Press

(11) Available Land for STP
Available land is shown in Figure -1.


Sludge Mass Balance Calculation Sheet

<Final Phase> <Phase 1>

Influent Qin 200,000m3/d Influent Qin 100,000m3/d

Dsi 24.000t/d Dsi 12.000t/d
Conc. 120mg/L Conc. 120mg/L
Return Wastewater Return Wastewater
Qr 2,581m3/d Qr 1,291m3/d
Dsr 1.227t/d Dsr 0.609t/d
Conc. 475mg/L Conc. 472mg/L

Pump well Qin 202,581m3/d Pump well Qin 101,291m3/d

Dsi 25.227t/d Dsi 12.609t/d
Conc. 125mg/L Conc. 124mg/L

Equalization Qout 202,581m3/d Equalization Qout 101,291m3/d

tank Dsi 25.227t/d tank Dsi 12.609t/d
Conc. 125mg/L Conc. 124mg/L

MBR Tank Qout 199,863m3/d MBR Tank Qout 99,932m3/d

Ds 25.227t/d Ds 12.609t/d
Excess sludge Dewatering Dewatering effluent Excess sludge Dewatering Dewatering effluent
Q 2,719m3/d Qdin 2,719m3/d Rd 95.0% Q 1,359m3/d Qdin 1,359m3/d Rd 95.0%
Dsf 24.470t/d Dsdi 24.470t/d Qrd 2,582m3/d Dsf 12.231t/d Dsdi 12.231t/d Qrd 1,291m3/d
R.E. 97.0% Conc. 0.9% Dsrd 1.225t/d R.E. 97.0% Conc. 0.9% Dsrd 0.611t/d
Conc. 0.9% Qdout 137m3/d Conc. 0.9% Qdout 68m3/d
Dsdo 23.247t/d Dsdo 11.619t/d
Conc. 17.0% Conc. 17.0%
Discharge Qef 199,863m3/d Discharge Qef 99,932m3/d
Dse 0.757t/d Dse 0.378t/d
Conc. 4mg/L Conc. 4mg/L

Item Final Phase Calculation Phase 1 Calculation

1. Inlet Pipe

1.1 Pipe Condition

Design Flow rate
3 3 3
Avegrage Daily Flow rate = 200,000 m /d = 2.315 m /s = 100,000 m3 /d = 1.157 m /s
3 3 3
Maximum Daily Flow rate = 264,000 m /d = 3.056 m /s = 132,000 m3 /d = 1.528 m /s
400,000 3 4.63 3 2.315 3
Maximum hourly Flow rate = m /d = m /s = 200,000 m3 /d = m /s
Pipe Diameter = 2,200 mm = 2,200 mm
Pipe Gradient = 1.1 permillage = 1.1 permillage
Invert Level = -29.199 M = -29.199 M
Manning's "n" value = 0.013 = 0.013
3 3
Full Flow rate = 7.602 m /s = 7.602 m /s
Full Flow Velocity = 2.000 m/s = 2.000 m/s
Water Depth
Avegrage Daily Flow rate = 0.906 m = 0.580 m
Maximum Daily Flow rate = 1.060 m = 0.669 m
Maximum hourly Flow rate = 1.371 m = 0.833 m
Water Level (above sea level)
Avegrage Daily Flow rate = -29.199 + 0.906 = -28.293 M = -29.199 + 0.580 = -28.619 M

Maximum Daily Flow rate = -29.199 + 1.060 = -28.139 M = -29.199 + 0.669 = -28.530 M
Maximum hourly Flow rate = -29.199 + 1.371 = -27.828 M = -29.199 + 0.833 = -28.366 M

1.2 Inlet Chamber

Invert Elevation = -30.000 M (above sea level) = -30.000 M (above sea level)
Water depth at upstream of inlet Gate
Avegrage Daily Flow rate = 1.707 m = 1.381 m
Maximum hourly Flow rate = 2.172 m = 1.634 m

2. Inlet Gate
Invert Elevation = -30.000 M (above sea level) = -30.000 M (above sea level)
Gate Width = 0.800 m = 0.800 m
Gate Height = 2.000 m = 2.000 m
Number of Gate = 4 Nos. = 2 Nos.
Passing Velocity
Avegrage Daily Flow rate = 2.315 /( 0.80 x 1.707 x 4 ) = 0.424 m/s = 1.157 /( 0.80 x 1.381 x 2 ) = 0.524 m/s
Maximum hourly Flow rate = 4.630 /( 0.80 x 2.172 x 4 ) = 0.666 m/s = 2.315 /( 0.80 x 1.634 x 2 ) = 0.885 m/s

Item Final Phase Calculation Phase 1 Calculation

Headloss at Inlet Gate

Avegrage Daily Flow rate = 1.5 x 0.424 ^2 / 19.6 = 0.014 m = 1.5 x 0.524 ^2 / 19.6 = 0.021 m
Maximum hourly Flow rate = 1.5 x 0.666 ^2 / 19.6 = 0.034 m = 1.5 x 0.885 ^2 / 19.6 = 0.060 m
Water Level at downstream of inlet Gate
Avegrage Daily Flow rate = -28.293 - 0.014 = -28.307 M = -28.619 - 0.021 = -28.640 M
Maximum hourly Flow rate = -27.828 - 0.034 = -27.862 M = -28.366 - 0.06 = -28.426 M

3. Screen
3.1 Coarse Screen
Openning = 100 mm = 100 mm
Type = Manual Rake = Manual Rake
Bottom Elevation = -30.050 M = -30.050 M
Channel width = 2.000 m = 2.000 m
Number of Screen = 4 Nos. = 2 Nos.
Approch water depth
Avegrage Daily Flow rate = -28.307 - -30.050 = 1.743 m = -28.640 - -30.050 = 1.410 m
Maximum hourly Flow rate = -27.862 - -30.050 = 2.188 m = -28.426 - -30.050 = 1.624 m
Approch velocity
Avegrage Daily Flow rate = 2.315 / ( 2.00 x 1.743 x 4) = 0.166 m/s = 1.157 / ( 2.00 x 1.410 x 2 )= 0.205 m/s
Maximum hourly Flow rate = 4.630 / ( 2.00 x 2.188 x 4) = 0.265 m/s = 2.315 / ( 2.00 x 1.624 x 2 )= 0.356 m/s

Headloss at coarse screen = neglect = neglect

3.2 Fine Screen

Openning = 15 mm = 15 mm
Type = Mechanical Rake = Mechanical Rake
Bottom Elevation = -30.150 M = -30.150 M
Channel width = 2.000 m = 2.000 m
Number of Screen = 4 Nos. = 2 Nos.
Approch water depth
Avegrage Daily Flow rate = -28.307 - -30.150 = 1.843 m = -28.640 - -30.150 = 1.510 m
Maximum hourly Flow rate = -27.862 - -30.150 = 2.288 m = -28.426 - -30.150 = 1.724 m
Approch velocity
Avegrage Daily Flow rate = 2.315 / ( 2.00 x 1.843 x 4) = 0.157 m/s = 1.157 / ( 2.00 x 1.510 x 2 )= 0.192 m/s
Maximum hourly Flow rate = 4.630 / ( 2.00 x 2.288 x 4) = 0.253 m/s = 2.315 / ( 2.00 x 1.724 x 2 )= 0.336 m/s

Item Final Phase Calculation Phase 1 Calculation

Headloss at fine screen
Avegrage Daily Flow rate = 2.34 x sin70 x (9/15)^(4/3) x( 0.157 x 2)^2 / 19.6 = 0.005 = 2.34 x sin70 x (9/15)^(4/3) x( 0.192 x 2)^2 / 19.6 = 0.007
Maximum hourly Flow rate = 2.34 x sin70 x (9/15)^(4/3) x( 0.253 x 2)^2 / 19.6 = 0.012 = 2.34 x sin70 x (9/15)^(4/3) x( 0.336 x 2)^2 / 19.6 = 0.021
Water Level at downstream of Fine screen
Avegrage Daily Flow rate = -28.307 - 0.005 = -28.312 M = -28.640 - 0.007 = -28.647 M
Maximum hourly Flow rate = -27.862 - 0.012 = -27.874 M = -28.426 - 0.021 = -28.447 M

4. Lift Pump
Type Vertical shaft Volute type mixed flow pump

Design Flow rate

200,000 3 139 3 100,000 3 69 3
Average Daily Flow rate 䋽 m /d = m /min 䋽 m /d = m /min
3 3 3 3
Maximum Daily Flow rate 䋽 264,000 m /d = 183 m /min 䋽 132,000 m /d = 92 m /min
400,000 3 278 3 200,000 3 139 3
Maximum hourly Flow rate 䋽 m /d = m /min 䋽 m /d = m /min

Pump Capacity
Number of Pump 䋽 4 nos 䋽 2 nos

4 70 3 2 70 3
Pump Capacity 䋽 278.0 / 䋽 䋽 139.0 / 䋽

m /min m /min

Pump Diameter 䋽 146 㬍 ( 70.0 / 3 )^0.5 䋽 705 䋽 146 㬍 ( 70.0 / 3 )^0.5 䋽 705
䋽 700 mm 䋽 700 mm

Pump Head
Discharge water level 䋽 5.500 M 䋽 5.500 M
Suction water level 䋽 -27.500 M 䋽 -27.800 M
Actual Pump Head 䋽 5.500 䋭 -27.500 䋽 33.000 m 䋽 5.500 䋭 -27.800 䋽 33.300 m
Others head loss 䋽 2.000 m ( assumed) 䋽 2.000 m ( assumed)

Total Pump Head 䋽 33.000 䋫 2.000 䋽 35.000 m 䋽 33.300 䋫 2.000 䋽 35.300 m

Motor output 㱝 㬍 䌧 㬍 Q 㬍 H
㪧㪔 㬍 䋨 1䋫 㱍 䋩
60 㬍 1000 㬍 㱓

Item Final Phase Calculation Phase 1 Calculation

㱝 䋺
Water Density 1,000 kg/m3
g 䋺
Acceleration of Gravity 9.8 m/sec2
Q 䋺
Flow rate 70 m3/min
H 䋺
Pump head 35.00 m
㱓 䋺 Pump Efficiency 0.8
㱍 䋺 Surplus ratio 0.15

1,000 × 9.8 × 70.0 × 35.0

䋽 㬍 䋨 1䋫 㪇㪅㪈㪌 䋩 = Same left
60 㬍 1,000 㬍 0.8

䋽 575.2 㸢 580 kW = same left

Lift Pimp Specification Type Vertical shaft Volute type mixed flow pump Type Vertical shaft Volute type mixed flow pump
Diamater 700 mm Diamater 700 mm
Capacity 70 m3/min Capacity 70 m3/min
Pump Head 35.00 m Pump Head 35.30 m
Motor output 580 kW Motor output 580 kW
Numbers 5 nos ( Include 1 stand-by) Numbers 3 nos ( Include 1 stand-by)

5. Grit Chamber
Type Aerated Grit Chamber Aerated Grit Chamber
Design Flow rate
3 3
Avegrage Daily Flow rate 䋽 264,000 m /d 䋽 132,000 m /d
3 3
Maximum hourly Flow rate 䋽 400,000 m /d 䋽 200,000 m /d

Detention Time = 3 min = 3 min

(For M aximum Hourly Flow rate)

3 3
Required Volume 䋽 400,000 ÷ 1,440 㬍 3 䋽 834 m 䋽 200,000 ÷ 1,440 㬍 3 䋽 417 m

No. of basin 䋽 4 basins 䋽 2 basins

3 3
Required Chamber Volume (each) 䋽 834 ÷ 4 䋽 209 m 䋽 417 ÷ 2 䋽 209 m

Item Final Phase Calculation Phase 1 Calculation

Depth 䋽 3.0 m 䋽 3.0 m

Width 䋽 4.0 m 䋽 4.0 m

Length 䋽 17.5 m 䋽 17.5 m

4.0 3.0 210 3 4.0 3.0

Actual Volume 䋽 mW 㬍 m䌈 㬍 17.5 mL 䋽 m 䋽 mW 㬍 m䌈 㬍 17.5 mL 䋽 210 m3

0.3 3 5.3 3 0.3 3 5.3 3

Required Air (each) 䋽 17.5 m 㬍 m /min/m 䋽 m /min 䋽 17.5 m 㬍 m /min/m 䋽 m /min

Total Air supply required 䋽 5.3 㬍 4 䋽 21.2 m3 /min 䋽 5.3 㬍 2 䋽 10.6 m3 /min

Airation Blower
Number of Blower 䋽 2 㫌㫅㫀㫋㫊 䋽 1 㫌㫅㫀㫋
3 3
Blower capacity 䋽 11 m /min 䋽 11 m /min
Discharge Pressure
Diffuser Depth 䋽 3,000 㫄㫄㪘㫈 䋽 3,000 㫄㫄㪘㫈
Loss of Diffuser 䋽 750 㫄㫄㪘㫈 䋽 750 㫄㫄㪘㫈
Other loss 䋽 500 㫄㫄㪘㫈 䋽 500 㫄㫄㪘㫈

Total Pressure 䋽 4,250 㫄㫄㪘㫈 = 42 kpa 䋽 4,250 㫄㫄㪘㫈 = 42 kpa
Blower Specification
Type 䋽 Rotary Roots Blower 䋽 Rotary Roots Blower
Diameter 䋽 㪈㪌㪇 mm 䋽 㪈㪌㪇 mm
3 3
Capacity 䋽 11 m /min 䋽 11 m /min
Discharge Pressure 䋽 42 kpa 䋽 42 kpa
Motor Output 䋽 22 kW 䋽 22 kW
Qantity 䋽 3 units ( including stand-by 1 unit) 䋽 2 units ( including stand-by 1 unit)

Quantity of Grit at peak flow 㪘㫊㫊㫌㫄㪼㩷㪸㩷㫍㪸㫃㫌㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㪇㪅㪇㪌㫄㪊㪆㪈㪇㪇㪇㫄㪊㩷㪸㫋㩷㫇㪼㪸㫂㩷㪽㫃㫆㫎 㪘㫊㫊㫌㫄㪼㩷㪸㩷㫍㪸㫃㫌㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㪇㪅㪇㪌㫄㪊㪆㪈㪇㪇㪇㫄㪊㩷㪸㫋㩷㫇㪼㪸㫂㩷㪽㫃㫆㫎

䋽 400,000 㬍 㪇㪅㪇㪌 ÷ 1,000 䋽 20.0 m3 /d 䋽 200,000 㬍 㪇㪅㪇㪌 ÷ 1,000 䋽 10.0 m3 /d

Item Final Phase Calculation Phase 1 Calculation

5. Equalizer Tank

Retention Time = 4 hour = 4 hour

33,333 3 16,667 3
Required Volume = 200,000 / 24 㬍 4 䋽 m = 100,000 / 24 㬍 4 䋽 m
Number of Tanks = 8 tanks = 4 tanks
3 3
Tank volume (each) = 33,333 / 8 䋽 4,167 m = 16,667 / 4 䋽 4,167 m
50 3 2 50 3 2
Surface loading = m /m /d = m /m /d
2 2
Required surface Area = 200,000 / 50 䋽 4,000 m = 100,000 / 50 䋽 2,000 m
Tank depth = 33,333 / 4,000 䋽 8.30 m = 16,667 / 2,000 䋽 8.30 m

Tank Dimension Width = 16.0 m = 16.0 m

Length = 31.0 m = 31.0 m
Depth = 8.5 m = 8.5 m
Number = 8 basins = 4 basins

16.0 㬍 31.0 㬍 8 3,968 2 4 1,984 2

Actual total surface = 䋽 m = 16.0 㬍 31.0 㬍 䋽 m
3 3
Actual total volume = 3,968 㬍 8.5 䋽 33,728 m = 1,984 㬍 8.5 䋽 16,864 m

Constant rate Pump Install Five (5) Pumps per twe (2) tanks

Pump capacity = 200,000 / 20 / 1,440 䋽 6.9 m /min = 100,000 / 8 / 1,440 䋽 8.7 m3 /min
Pump diameter = 146 㬍 㺕䋨 6.9 / 2.5 䋩 䋽 243 㫄㫄 = 146 㬍 㺕䋨 8.7 / 3 䋩 䋽 249 㫄㫄
䋽 250 mm 䋽 250 mm

Pump Type Nonclogging pump

Pump head Actual Pump head = 10 m

Piping head loss = 4 m
Total Pump head = 14 m

Motor output 㱝㬍㪾㬍㪨㬍㪟

P= 㬍䋨㪈㪂㱍䋩

1,000 㬍 9.8 㬍 6.9 㬍 14

㪔 㬍 䋨 㪈 䋫 0.2 䋩
60.0 㬍 1,000 㬍 0.6

Item Final Phase Calculation Phase 1 Calculation 
㪔 31.6 㸢 37 kW

Pump Specification
Type = Nonclogging pump = Nonclogging pump
Diameter = 250 䌭䌭 = 250 䌭䌭
3 3
Capacity = 6.9 m /min = 8.7 m /min
Head = 14 䌭 = 14 䌭
Motor output = 37 䌫㪮 = 37 䌫㪮
Numbers = 24 nos. (including 4 standby) = 12 nos. (including 2 standby)

Mixer for antisettling

Type = Submersible propeller Mixer = Submersible propeller Mixer

Propeller Diameter = 300 mm = 300
Motor output = 2.8 kW = 2.8
Numbers = 5 nos./each channel 㬍 4 㬍 8 = 160 nos. = 5 nos./each channel 㬍 4 㬍 4 = 80 nos.

6. Disinfection Tank

3 3
Design Flow (maximum) = 200,000 m /d = 100,000 m /d
Retention Time = 5 min = 5 min

3 3
Required Tank volume = 200,000 / 1,440 㬍 5 = 694 m = 100,000 / 1,440 㬍 5 = 347 m
Tank size Width = 1.20 m = 1.20 m
Length = 70.0 m = 70.0 m
Depth = 2.10 m = 2.10 m
number = 4 tanks = 2 tanks
3 3
Actual tank volume = 706 m = 353 m

Disinfection chemicals = Sodium hypochlorite

Effective chlorine density (ȕ䋩 = 10 %
Specific gravity = 1.1 10% density
Dosing ratio (Į䋩 = 10 mg/L

Item Final Phase Calculation Phase 1 Calculation

Dosage Capacity
Maximum consunption q = Q 㬍 Į 㬍 10-6 㬍 ( 100 / ȕ ) 㬍 ( 1/ Ȗ ) = Q 㬍 Į 㬍 10-6 㬍 ( 100 / ȕ ) 㬍 ( 1 / Ȗ)
= 200,000 㬍 0.00001 㬍 ( 100 / 10 ) 㬍 ( 1 / 1.1 ) = 100,000 㬍 0.00001 㬍 ( 100 / 10 ) 㬍 ( 1 / 1.1 )
3 3
= 18.18 m /d = 12.6 L/min = 9.09 m /d = 6.3 L/min

Storage tank capacity 2 daays storage, and 1train 1 tank

9.1 3 9.1 3
Required tank capacity = 18.18 㬍 2 / 4 = m = 9.09 㬍 2 / 2 = m

Number of pump 1 train 1pump and 1 stanby

Required pump capacity = 12.6 / 4 = 3.15 L/min = 6.3 / 2 = 3.15 L/min


Item Final Phase Calculation Phase 1 Calculation

6. Membrane Bioreactor Tank (MBR Tank)

6.1 Tank Volume

1) MBR tank Volume

3 3
Design flow rate = 200,000 m /d = 100,000 m /d
0.42 3 2 0.42 3 2
Design Flux = m /m /d = m /m /d
200,000 2 100,000
Required Area of Membrane 㪔 / 0.42 㪔 476,190 m 㪔 / 0.42 㪔 238,095 m2
2 2
Membrane Area per unit 㪔 600 m /unit 㪔 600 m /unit
Required number of Membrane unit 㪔 476,190 / 600 㪔 794 nos 㪔 238,095 / 600 㪔 397 nos
Number of Basin 㪔 20 basins 㪔 20 basins
Number of Membrane unit per basin 㪔 794 / 20 㪔 40 units 㪔 397 / 20 㪔 20 units
Membrane unit size
Length 㪔 1,288 mm 㪔 1,288 mm
Width 㪔 1,687 mm 㪔 1,687 mm
Depth 㪔 2,852 mm 㪔 2,852 mm

250 㩿㫄㪸㫉㪾㫀㫅㪀

1,288 1,800
250 㩿㫄㪸㫉㪾㫀㫅㪀

400 400
㩿㫄㪸㫉㪾㫀㫅㪀 㩿㫄㪸㫉㪾㫀㫅㪀

Membrane tank size

Length 㪔 20.0 m (2.50m x 8units = 20.00m) 㪔 20.0 m (2.50m x 8units = 20.00m)
Width 㪔 9.0 m (1.80m x 5units = 9.00m) 㪔 9.0 m (1.80m x 5units = 9.00m)
Depth 㪔 5.0 m 㪔 5.0 m
Numbers 㪔 20 nos 㪔 10 nos
3 3
Membrane tank volume per unit 㪔 900 m 㪔 900 m
900 18,000 3 900 9,000 3
Membrane tank volume 㪔 㬍 20 㪔 m 㪔 㬍 10 㪔 m
MLSS in Membrane Tank 㪔 9,000 㫄㪾㪆㪣 㪔 9,000 㫄㪾㪆㪣

Item Final Phase Calculation Phase 1 Calculation

3) Aerobic tank volume for BOD removal

3)-1 BOD removal in Aerobic tank
3 3
Design flow rate 㪔 200,000 m /d 㪔 100,000 m /d
Influent BOD䇭concentration 㪔 120 mg/L 㪔 120 mg/L
Influent SS䇭concentration 㪔 120 mg/L 㪔 120 mg/L
BOD load 㪔 200,000 㬍 120 / 1,000 㪔 24,000 kg/d 㪔 100,000 㬍 120 / 1,000 㪔 12,000 kg/d
BOD removal rate 㪔 0.14 kg-BOD/kg-SS/d (25 degrees C) = 0.14 kg-BOD/kg-SS/d (25 degrees C)
MLSS in MBR tank 㪔 9,000 mg/L = 9,000 mg/L
1.26 3 1.26 3
BOD removal rate per unit volume 㪔 0.14 㬍 9,000 / 1,000 㪔 kg-BOD/m = 0.14 㬍 9,000 / 1,000 㪔 kg-BOD/m
24,000 1.26 19,048 3 12,000 1.26 9,524 3
Required Aerobic tank volume for BOD 㪔 / 㪔 m = / 㪔 m

3)-2 Nitrification in Aerobic tank

3 3
Design flow rate = 200,000 m /d = 100,000 m /d
Influent BOD䇭concentration = 120 mg/L = 120 mg/L
Influent SS䇭concentration = 120 mg/L = 120 mg/L
Influent T-N䇭concentration = 40 mg/L = 40 mg/L
MLSS in Aerobic tank = 9,000 mg/L = 9,000 mg/L
BOD load = 200,000 㬍 120 / 1,000 㪔 24,000 kg/d = 100,000 㬍 120 / 1,000 㪔 12,000 kg/d
T-N load = 200,000 㬍 40 / 1,000 㪔 8,000 kg/d = 100,000 㬍 40 / 1,000 㪔 4,000 kg/d

Excess sludge production rate = 100 % = 100 %
Nitrogen concentration in sludge = 6 % = 6 %
Nitrogen in excess sludge = 200,000 㬍 120 㬍 0.06 / 1,000 = 1,440 kg/d = 100,000 㬍 120 㬍 0.06 / 1,000 = 720 kg/d
T-N load for nitrification = 8,000 - 1,440 㪔 6,560 kg/d = 4,000 - 720 㪔 3,280 kg/d
Nitrification rate = 0.037 kg-N/kg-SS/d (25 degrees C) = 0.037 kg-N/kg-SS/d (25 degrees C)
MLSS in MBR tank 㪔 9,000 mg/L = 9,000 mg/L
Nitrification rate per unit volume 㪔 0.037 㬍 9,000 / 1,000 㪔 0.33 kg-N/m3 㪔 0.037 㬍 9,000 / 1,000 㪔 0.33 kg-N/m3
Nitrification in MBR tank 㪔 19,600 㬍 0.33 㪔 6,527 kg-N/d -OK- 㪔 9,000 㬍 0.33 㪔 2,997 kg-N/d

Aerobic tank size

Length 㪔 28.0 m 㪔 28.0 m
Width 㪔 7.0 m 㪔 7.0 m
Depth 㪔 5.0 m 㪔 5.0 m
Numbers 㪔 20 nos 㪔 10 nos
980 3 980 3
Pre-aeration tank volume per unit 㪔 m 㪔 m
980 19,600 3 980 9,800 3
Pre-aeration tank volume 㪔 㬍 20 㪔 m 㪔 㬍 10 㪔 m

Item Final Phase Calculation Phase 1 Calculation 

6.2 Required Air Volume

1) Oxygen for biological treatment

1)-1 Required Oxygen for BOD removal

200,000 3 100,000
Design Flow rate 㪔 m /d = mg/L
Influent BOD䇭concentration = 120 mg/L = 120 mg/L
BOD load = 24,000 kg-BOD/d = 12,000 kg-BOD/d
Required unit Oxygen for BOD removal = 0.5 kg-O2 /kg-BOD = 0.5 kg-O2 /kg-BOD
Required Oxygen for BOD removal = 24,000 㬍 0.5 㪔 12,000 kg-O2 /d = 12,000 㬍 0.5 㪔 6,000 kg-O2 /d

1)-2 Required Oxygen for nitrification

T-N load for nitrification 㪔 6,560 kg-N/d 㪔 3,280 kg-N/d
Required unit Oxygen for nitrification 㪔 64/14 kg-O2 /kg-N 㪔 64/14 kg-O2 /kg-N
Required Oxygen for nitrification 㪔 6,560 㬍 64/14 㪔 29,989 kg-O2 /d 㪔 3,280 㬍 64/14 㪔 14,994 kg-O2 /d

1)-3 Required Oxygen for endogenous respiration

19,600 3 9,800 3
Pre-aeration tank Volume 㪔 m 㪔 m
19,600 3 9,800 3
Total tank Volume 㪔 m 㪔 m
MLSS in tank 㪔 9,000 mg/L 㪔 9,000 mg/L
MLVSS/MLSS 㪔 0.75 㪔 0.75
Quantity of MLVSS 㪔 9,000 㬍 19,600 㬍 0.750 / 㪈㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪔 9,000 㬍 9,800 㬍 0.750 / 㪈㪃㪇㪇㪇
= 132,300 kg/d 㪔 66,150 kg/d
Required unit Oxygen for endogenous respiration 㪔 0.12 kg-O2 /kg-VSS 㪔 0.12 kg-O2 /kg-VSS
Required Oxygen for endogenous respiration 㪔 132,300 㬍 0.12 㪔 15,876 kg-O2 /d 㪔 66,150 㬍 0.12 㪔 7,938 kg-O2 /d

1)-4 Total required Oxygen for biological treatment 㪔 12,000 + 29,989 + 15,876 = 57,865 kg-O2 /d 㪔 6,000 + 14,994 + 7,938 = 28,932 kg-O2 /d

1)-5 Standard Oxygen Requirement (SOR)



Item Final Phase Calculation Phase 1 Calculation

Oxygen saturation concentration in clean

water at 20 Celsius
䋽 8.84 mg/L
Ca ; Average DO
䋽 1.5 mg/L
Oxygen saturation concentration in clean
Cs ;
water at 25 Celsius
䋽 8.39 mg/l
T ; 㫎㪸㫋㪼㫉㩷㫋㪼㫄㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫌㫉㪼 = 25 degees C
r ; Coefficient of water depth
r 䋽 1 䋫 䋽 1.23
H ; Average depth of air diffuser = 4.80 m
Į ; 0.93
ȕ ; 0.97
P ; 760

SOR 㪔 70,585 kg as O2 /d 㪔 35,292 kg as O2 /d

1)-6 Required Air Volime (Gs)
SOR 㪉㪎㪊㩷㪂㩷㪫
Gs 㪔 ×
EA 㬍 ȡ 㬍 Ow 273

EA ; Oxygen Transfer Efficiency ( 28 %)

㱝 ; Air Density ( 1.293 kg/m3 N-Air)
OW ; Oxygen Content in Air ( 0.232 kg-O2 /m3 N-Air)
T ; 㫎㪸㫋㪼㫉㩷㫋㪼㫄㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫌㫉㪼 = 25 degees C

70,585 273 䋫 25 35,292 273 䋫 25

Gs 㪔 㬍㪈㪇㪇㬍 㪔 㬍㪈㪇㪇㬍
28 㬍 㪈㪅㪉㪐㪊 㬍 0.232 273 28 㬍 㪈㪅㪉㪐㪊 㬍 0.232 273

917,321 3 458,654 3
㪔 Nm /d 㪔 Nm /d
637 3 319 3
㪔 Nm /min 㪔 Nm /min
32 3 32 3
㪔 Nm /min/each tank 㪔 Nm /min/each tank

Item Final Phase Calculation Phase 1 Calculation 
2) Air volume for Membrane air scrubbing
0.18 3 0.18 3
Air volume of one(1) membrane unit 㪔 Nm /min/module x 20module/unit 㪔 Nm /min/module x 20module/unit
3 3
㪔 3.6 Nm /min/unit 㪔 3.6 Nm /min/unit
Number of unit 㪔 800 units 㪔 400 units
Total Air volume for membrane 㪔 800 㬍 3.6 = 2,880 Nm3 /min 㪔 400 㬍 3.6 = 1,440 Nm3 /min
3 3
㪔 144 Nm /min/each tank 㪔 144 Nm /min/each tank

7. Aeration Blowers

7.1 Required Air Volume per each Tank

consider about 10% allowance
3 3
for Aeration Tank 㪔 32 㬍 1.1 = 35 Nm /min/each tank 㪔 32 㬍 1.1 = 35 Nm /min/each tank
144 1.1 158 3 144 1.1 158 3
for MBR Tank 㪔 㬍 = Nm /min/each tank 㪔 㬍 = Nm /min/each tank

7.2 Number of Actual working Blower per each tank

for Aeration Tank N 㪔 1 unit 㪔 1 unit

for MBR Tank N 㪔 4 unit 㪔 4 unit

7.3 Blower Capacity

3 3
for Aeration Tank G 㪔 32 / 1 = 32 m /min 㪔 32 / 1 = 32 m /min
144 4 36 3 144 4 36 3
for MBR Tank G 㪔 / = m /min 㪔 / = m /min

7.4 Discharge pressure

1) for Aeration Tank
Diffuser Depth 㪔 4,800 mmAq 㪔 4,800 mmAq
Loss of Diffuser 㪔 1,100 mmAq 㪔 1,100 mmAq
Other loss 㪔 1,000 mmAq 㪔 1,000 mmAq
Total Pressure 㪔 6,900 mmAq = 68 kpa 㪔 6,900 mmAq = 68 kpa
2) for MBR Tank
Diffuser Depth 㪔 4,800 mmAq 㪔 4,800 mmAq
Loss of Diffuser 㪔 750 mmAq 㪔 750 mmAq
Other loss 㪔 1,000 mmAq 㪔 1,000 mmAq
Total Pressure 㪔 6,550 mmAq = 64 kpa 㪔 6,550 mmAq = 64 kpa

Item Final Phase Calculation Phase 1 Calculation

7.5 Blower Specification

1) for Aeration Tank
Type Turbo Blower (single stage oilless) Turbo Blower (single stage oilless)
Diameter 200 mm 200 mm
120 3 120 3
Capacity m /min m /min
Discharge Pressure 5000 mmAq 5000 mmAq
Motor Output 220 kW 220 kW
Qantity 10 units ( including stand-by 2 units) 5 units ( including stand-by 1 units)
2) for MBR Tank
Type Turbo Blower (single stage oilless) Turbo Blower (single stage oilless)
Diameter 200 mm 200 mm
245 3 245 3
Capacity m /min m /min
Discharge Pressure 5000 mmAq 5000 mmAq
Motor Output 450 kW 450 kW
Qantity 14 units ( including stand-by 2 units) 7 units ( including stand-by 1 units)

7.6 Excess Sludge pump

2,719 3 1.9 3 1,359 3 0.9 3
Drawing Sludge Volume = m /d = m /min = m /d = m /min

Number of Pump 1 pump per 1 train (5 Tanks)

Type Non-clog type sludge pump Non-clog type sludge pump

Diameter 100 mm 100 mm
3 3
Capacity 1.0 m /min 1.0 m /min
Discharge Pressure 12 m 12 m
Motor Output 11 kW 11 kW
Qantity 8 nos. Including 4 standby 4 nos. Including 2 standby

Item Final Phase Calculation Phase 1 Calculation 
8. Dewatering Facility

8.1 Design Condition

Input Sludge Solids quantity = 24.462 t/d = 12.237 t/d

Input Sludge Solids Concentration = 0.9 % = 0.9 %
2,718 3 0 3
Input Sludge Volume = m /d = m /d
Operation time = 23 hr/d = 23 hr/d
Dehydrater Type = Pressing Rotary Outer Cylinder-type Screw Press = Pressing Rotary Outer Cylinder-type Screw Press
(Hybrid type) (Hybrid type)
Screen Diameter = 800 mm = 800 mm
Filtration rate = 320 kg-DS/hr = 320 kg-DS/hr

8.2 Required number of Dehydrater = 24.462 / 0.32 / 23 = 3.3 = 4 nos = 12.237 / 0.32 / 23 = 1.7 = 2 nos

8.3 Dehydrater Specifications

Type = Pressing Rotary Outer Cylinder-type Screw Press (Hybrid type) = Pressing Rotary Outer Cylinder-type Screw Press (Hybrid type)
Screen Diameter = 800 mm = 800 mm

Input Sludge Concentration = 0.9 % = 0.9 %
Filtration rate = 320 kg-DS/hr = 320 kg-DS/hr
Operation time = 23 hr/d = 23 hr/d
Dosage type = Organic Polymer (Cation) = Organic Polymer (Cation)
Dosage rate = 1.7 % = 1.7 %
Total Motor power = 1.7 kW/1 unit = 1.7 kW/1 unit
Numbers = 5 nos. including 1 standby = 3 nos. including 1 standby
(3) Main Equipment List

Facility : Lift Pump and Grit Chamber Facility

Final Phase
No. Equipment Brief Spec. Phase output Remarks
I Total (kW)
1 Inflow gate Electrical motor operation cast iron 2 2 4 3.7
sluice gate
1.0mW x 2.0mH

2 Coarse screen Flat bar screen (manual raking) 2 2 4 -

Spacing 100mm
( 2.5mW x 4.8mH, 65 deg installation)

3 Fine Screen Single rake automatic Screen 2 2 4 2.2

Spacing 15mm
( 2.5mW x 4.8mH, 70 deg installation)

4 Lift pump Vertical shaft Volute type mixed flow pump 3 2 5 570 Include 1 standby
700mm x 70.0m3/min x 34.5mH

5 Flow meter Ultrasonic type 3 2 5

Diameter 700mm

6 Hoist Electric motor operation hoist 1 0 1 5.0 (hoisting)

lifting capacity : 10 ton
0.85 (traveling)

8 Pump up well Manual operation cast iron 1 0 1 -

connection gate sluice gate
1.5 mW x 1.5 mH

9 Outflow gate Electrical motor operation cast iron 4 0 4 3.7

sluice gate
1.0 mW x 1.2 mH

10 Grit collector Screw type collector 2 2 4 5.5

screw diameter 300mm, length 15.0m

11 Grit lifting Pump Submersible sludge pump 2 2 4 5.5

80mm x 0.5m3/min x 10m

12 Air Blower Rotary Roots Blower 2 1 3 22 Including 1 standby

150mm x 11m3/min x 42kpa

Facility : Equalization Tank Facility
Final Phase
No. Equipment Brief Spec. output Remarks
Phase I Expan-
Total (kW)
1 Inflow weir gate Manual operation cast iron weir type gate 16 16 32
0.6 mW x 0.6 mH

2 Constant rate pump Nonclogging pump 12 12 24 44 Phase1 including 4 standby

250mm x 8.7m3/min x 14m Final phase including 4 standby

3 Mixer for antisettling Submersible propeller type 80 80 160 2.8

propeller diameter 300mm

Facility : Membrane Reactor process Facility

Final Phase
No. Equipment Brief Spec. Phase output Remarks
I Total (kW)
1 Ultra fine screen Drum Screen 10 10 20 0.4
Spacing 1mm
capacity 420m3/h or more

3 Aerobic tank Air diffuser Membrane panel type 10 10 20 -

Whole floor aeration

4 Aeration Blower Turbo Blower (single stage oilless) 5 5 10 220 Phase1 including 1 standby
for BOD removal 120m3/min x 68kps Final phase including 2 standby

5 Membrane unit Hollow fiber membrane 20 20 40

Membrane area 600m2/unit

6 Permeate pump centrifugal pump 10 10 20 22

11m3/min x 7m

7 Aeration Blower Turbo Blower (single stage oilless) 7 7 14 450 Phase1 including 11 standby
for membrane scrubbing 245m3/min x 64kps Final phase including 2 standby

9 Excess Sludge Pump Non-clog type Sludge Pump 4 4 8 11 Phase1 including 2 standby
Final phase including 2 standby

Facility : Disinfection Facility
Final Phase
No. Equipment Brief Spec. Phase output Remarks
I Total (kW)
1 Sodium hypochlorite Fiberglass plastic construction 2 2 4
storage tank cylindrical tank 10m3

2 Sodium hypochlorite Diaphragm pump 4 4 8 0.4 Phase1 including 2 standby

dosing pump 15mm dia. x 3.2L/min x 0.2MPa Final phase including 2 standby

Facility : Dewatering Facility

Final Phase
No. Equipment Brief Spec. Phase output Remarks
I Total (kW)
1 Excess sludge mixer Vertical shaft paddle mixer 2 0 2 11

2 Excess sludge feed pump Progressive cabity pump 3 2 5 11 including 1 standby

125mm x 4.3 - 35m3/h

3 Dehydrater Pressing Rotary Outer Cylinder 3 2 5 1.7 including 1 standby

-type Screw Press (Hybrid type)
Screen diameter 800 mm

Facility : Electrical Facility

Final Phase
No. Equipment Brief Spec. output Remarks
Phase I Expan-
Total (kW)
1 Transfformer 20kV/380V 50Hz 3,200kVA 2 2 4

2 Generater 380V 50Hz 3,700kVA 1 1 2

Gas turbine engine 4,000Ps or more

(4) Hydraulic Calculation

1. Basic Conditions

㧔㧝㧕Name of WWTP‫ޓޓ‬JKT Central treatment Plant

㧔㧞㧕Wastewater Treatment Process‫ޓޓ‬Conventional Activated Sludge
㧔㧟㧕Design Flowrate

Final Phase First Phase

Design Flowrate 3 3 3 3
m 㧛d m 㧛s m 㧛d m 㧛s

Average Daily Flowrate 200,000 2.315 100,000 1.157

Maximum Daily Flowrate 264,000 3.056 132,000 1.528

Maximum Hourly Flowrate 400,000 4.630 200,000 2.315

㧔㧠㧕Inflow Pipe
Pipe Diameter‫ޓޓ‬ ij2,200mm

Design High Water Level +4.30 M

㧔㧢㧕Planned Ground Level

Existing Ground Level +4.30 M 㨪 +4.50 M
Planned Ground Level +4.50 M


2. Water Mass Balance

QDA= 2,581

QDA= 2,718 QDA= 137


Excess Sludge

QDA= 400,000
Return Sludge

Inflow QDA= 200,000 QDA= 202,581 Screen & QDA= 202,581 QDA= 202,581 Grit QDA= 202,581 Equalization Distribution QDA= 200,000 QDA= 600,000 QDA= 600,000 QDA= 197,282 Permeate
Lift Pump Anoxic Tank Aerobic Tank MBR Tank
Pipe QDM= 264,000 QDM= 266,581 Lift Pump QDM= 266,581 QDM= 266,581 Chamber QDM= 266,581 Tank Pump QDM= 200,000 QDM= 600,000 QDM= 600,000 QDM= 197,282 Pump
QHM= 400,000 QHM= 402,581 QHM= 402,581 QHM= 402,581 QHM= 402,581 QHM= 200,000 QHM= 600,000 QHM= 600,000 QHM= 197,282

QDA= 2,581 Confluence

over flow
QDM= 66,581 Box
QHM= 202,581

QDA= 199,863
QDM= 263,863
QHM= 399,863
㧽DA㧦Daily Average Flow㧔m3㧛day㧕
㧽DM㧦Daily Maximum Flow㧔m3㧛day㧕
㧽HM㧦Hourly Peak Flow in three units operating㧔m3㧛day㧕
Point 㨇Discharge Conduit (1)㨉‫̪ޓ‬Gravity flow
Content Symbol
(m /d) 200,000 400,000
Flowrate Q
(m /s) 2.315 4.630
Number of pipes (pipe) 㨚 1 2
Flowrate/pipe (m /s) 㨝 2.315 2.315

Schematic Box Culvert 2 serises

Diagram Width 1.5 m
Depth 1.5 m

Length (㨙) 㧸 9 n=0.014

Invert Elevation (M) FH +1.500

Water Depth (㨙) H' 1.500 1.500 Ho-FH

Cross Section (m ) A 2.25 2.25
Wetted Perimeter (㨙) P 6.00 6.00
Hydraulic Radius (㨙) R 0.375 0.375 A/P

Velocity (m/s) V 1.029 1.029 q/A

2/3 2
Hydraulic Gradient (‰) I 0.767 0.767 (n*V/R )

Down stream WL (㧹) Ho +4.300 +4.300

H Outflow 2
(㨙) 0.054 0.054 1.0*(V /2g)*(Nm+1)
Friction (㨙) 0.007 0.007 I*L

S Inflow (㨙) 0.027 0.027 0.5*(V /2g)*(Nm+1)
Total (㨙) h 0.088 0.088

Water Level (㧹) H +4.388 +4.388 Ho+h 

Point 㨇Discharge Conduit (2)㨉‫̪ޓ‬Gravity flow
Contents Symbol
(m /d) 100,000 200,000
Flowrate Q
(m /s) 1.157 2.315
Number of pipes (pipe) 㨚 1 1
Flowrate/pipe (m /s) 㨝 1.157 2.315

Schematic Box Culvert 1 serises

Diagram Width 1.5 m
Depth 1.5 m

Length (㨙) 㧸 130.00 n=0.014

Invert Elevation (㧹) FH +1.500

Water Depth (㨙) H' 1.500 1.500 Ho-FH

Cross Section (m ) A 2.25 2.25 B*H'
Wetted Perimeter (㨙) P 6.00 6.00 2*H'+B
Hydraulic Radius (㨙) R 0.375 0.375 A/P

Velocity (m /s) V 0.514 1.029 p/A
2/3 2
Hydraulic Gradient (‰) I 0.191 0.767 (n*V/R )

Down stream WL (㧹) Ho +4.388 +4.388

H Outflow (㨙) 0.013 0.054

1.0*(V /2g)*1
Friction (㨙) 0.025 0.100 I*L
o 2
L Refraction (90 ) (㨙) 0.013 0.053 0.99*(V /2g)*1
S Inflow (㨙) 0.007 0.027 0.5*(V /2g)*(Nm+1)
Total (㨙) h 0.058 0.234

Water Level (㧹) H +4.446 +4.622 Ho+h 

Point 㨇Discharge Channel (1)㨉‫̪ޓ‬Gravity flow
Contents Symbol
(m /d) 0 50,000
Flowrate Q
(m /s) 0 0.579
Number of pipes (pipe) 㨚 1 1
Flowrate/pipe (m /s) 㨝 0.000 0.579

Schematic Channel 1 serises

Diagram Width 1.0 m
Depth 2.0 m

Length (㨙) 㧸 73.80 n=0.014

Invert Elevation (㧹) FH +2.500

Water Depth (㨙) H' 1.946 2.122 Ho-FH

Cross Section (m ) A 1.946 2.122 B*H'
Wetted Perimeter (㨙) P 4.89 5.24 2*H'+B
Hydraulic Radius (㨙) R 0.398 0.405 A/P

Velocity (m /s) V 0 0.273 p/A
2/3 2
Hydraulic Gradient (‰) I 0.000 0.049 (n*V/R )

Down stream WL (㧹) Ho +4.446 +4.622

H Outflow (㨙) 0.000 0.004

1.0*(V /2g)*1
Friction (㨙) 0.000 0.004 I*L

S Inflow (㨙) 0.000 0.002 0.5*(V /2g)*(Nm+1)
Total (㨙) h 0 0.01

Water Level (㧹) H +4.446 +4.632 Ho+h 

Point 㨇Discharge Channel (2)㨉‫̪ޓ‬Gravity flow
Contents Symbol
(m /d) 0 50,000
Flowrate Q
(m /s) 0 0.579
Number of pipes (pipe) 㨚 1 1
Flowrate/pipe (m /s) 㨝 0.000 0.579

Schematic Channel 1 serises

Diagram Width 1.0 m
Depth 2.0 m

Length (㨙) 㧸 17.00 n=0.014

Invert Elevation (㧹) FH +2.500

Water Depth (㨙) H' 1.946 2.132 Ho-FH

Cross Section (m ) A 1.946 2.132 B*H'
Wetted Perimeter (㨙) P 4.89 5.26 2*H'+B
Hydraulic Radius (㨙) R 0.398 0.405 A/P

Velocity (m /s) V 0 0.272 p/A
2/3 2
Hydraulic Gradient (‰) I 0.000 0.048 (n*V/R )

Down stream WL (㧹) Ho +4.446 +4.632

H Outflow (㨙) 0.000 0.004

1.0*(V /2g)*1
Friction (㨙) 0.000 0.001 I*L

S Inflow (㨙) 0.000 0.002 0.5*(V /2g)*(Nm+1)
Total (㨙) h 0 0.007

Water Level (㧹) H +4.446 +4.639 Ho+h 

Point 㨇Discharge Channel (3)㨉‫̪ޓ‬Gravity flow
Contents Symbol
(m /d) 0 25,000
Flowrate Q
(m /s) 0 0.289
Number of pipes (pipe) 㨚 1 1
Flowrate/pipe (m /s) 㨝 0.000 0.289

Schematic Channel 1 serises

Diagram Width 1.0 m
Depth 2.0 m

Length (㨙) 㧸 17.00 n=0.014

Invert Elevation (㧹) FH +2.500

Water Depth (㨙) H' 1.946 2.139 Ho-FH

Cross Section (m ) A 1.946 2.139 B*H'
Wetted Perimeter (㨙) P 4.89 5.28 2*H'+B
Hydraulic Radius (㨙) R 0.398 0.405 A/P

Velocity (m /s) V 0 0.135 p/A
2/3 2
Hydraulic Gradient (‰) I 0.000 0.012 (n*V/R )

Down stream WL (㧹) Ho +4.446 +4.639

H Outflow (㨙) 0.000 0.001

1.0*(V /2g)*1
Friction (㨙) 0.000 0.000 I*L

S Inflow (㨙) 0.000 0.000 0.5*(V /2g)*(Nm+1)
Total (㨙) h 0 0.001

Water Level (㧹) H +4.446 +4.640 Ho+h 

Point 㨇Equalization Tank㨉‫ޓ‬Outflow Though
Formula㧦Thomas Gump
Contents Symbol
(m /d) 0 50,000
Flowrate Q
(m /s) 0.000 0.579
Number of pipes (pipe) 㨚 16 16
Flowrate/pipe (m /s) 㨝 0 0.0361875


Outlet Pit Outlet Trough

Length (㨙) 㧸 8.000 m

Width (㨙) 㧮 0.400
Invert Elevation (㧹) FH +4.700

2 2 1/3
Critical depth (㨙) hc 0 0.094 (q /9.8*B )
Water Depth (㨙) ho 0.000 0.163 л3*hc
Water Level (㧹) Ho +4.446 +4.640


Water Level (㧹) H +4.700 +4.863 FH+ho 

Point 㨇Equalization Tank㨉‫ޓ‬Outflow V-notch
Contents Symbol
(m /d) 0 50,000
Flowrate Q
(m /s) 0 0.579
Number of pipes (pipe) 㨚 1040 1040
Flowrate/pipe (m /s) 㨝 0.000 ˜ 55.673 ˜


Outlet Trough Final Sedimentation Tank

Length (㨙) D 128.00 m (8.00 × 16㧕

Number of Notch 㨚 1040 (8.0m / 0.125m = 64)

Weir Elevation (㧹) FH +4.900

Water Level (㧹) Ho +4.700 +4.863
Overflow (㨙) h 0 0.043 (q/1.42)^(2/5)

Water Level (㧹) H +4.900 +4.943 FH+h

Equalization Tank
Base Level -3.100 H-8.00 

Point 㨇Equalization Tank 㨉 Inflow gate
Contents Symbol
(m /d) 50,000 100,000
Flowrate Q
(m /s) 0.579 1.157
Number of pipes (pipe) 㨚 8 8
Flowrate/pipe (m /s) 㨝 0.072 0.145


Gate Width (㧹) B 0.400 m

Bottom Elevation (㧹) FH +4.400

Water Depth (㨙) H' 0.500 0.543 Ho-FH

Cross Section (m ) A 0.2 0.2172 B*H'
Velocity (m /s) V 0.362 0.666 q/A

Down stream WL (㧹) Ho +4.900 +4.943

H Outflow (㨙) 0.007 0.023 1.0*(V /2g)*1

S 2
Inflow (㨙) 0.003 0.011 0.5*(V /2g)*(Nm+1)

Total (㨙) h 0.003 0.034

Water Level (㧹) H +4.903 +4.977 FH+h 

Point 㨇Equalization Tank 㨉 Distribution Channel (1)
Contents Symbol
(m /d) 25,000 50,000
Flowrate Q
(m /s) 0.289 0.579
Number of pipes (pipe) 㨚 1 1
Flowrate/pipe (m /s) 㨝 0.289 0.579

Schematic Channel 1 serises

Diagram Width 1.5 m
Depth 2.0 m

Length (㨙) 㧸 17.00 n=0.014

Invert Elevation (㧹) FH +4.000

Water Depth (㨙) H' 0.903 0.977 Ho-FH

Cross Section (m ) A 1.3545 1.4655 B*H'
Wetted Perimeter (㨙) P 3.31 3.45 2*H'+B
Hydraulic Radius (㨙) R 0.410 0.424 A/P

Velocity (m /s) V 0.213 0.395 p/A
2/3 2
Hydraulic Gradient (‰) I 0.029 0.096 (n*V/R )

Down stream WL (㧹) Ho +4.903 +4.977

Friction (㨙) 0.000 0.002 I*L

Total (㨙) h 0 0.002

Water Level (㧹) H +4.903 +4.979 Ho+h 

Point 㨇Equalization Tank 㨉 Distribution Channel (2)
Contents Symbol
(m /d) 50,000 100,000
Flowrate Q
(m /s) 0.579 1.157
Number of pipes (pipe) 㨚 1 1
Flowrate/pipe (m /s) 㨝 0.579 1.157

Schematic Channel 1 serises

Diagram Width 1.5 m
Depth 2.0 m

Length (㨙) 㧸 17.00 n=0.014

Invert Elevation (㧹) FH +4.000

Water Depth (㨙) H' 0.903 0.979 Ho-FH

Cross Section (m ) A 1.3545 1.4685 B*H'
Wetted Perimeter (㨙) P 3.31 3.46 2*H'+B
Hydraulic Radius (㨙) R 0.410 0.425 A/P

Velocity (m /s) V 0.427 0.788 p/A
2/3 2
Hydraulic Gradient (‰) I 0.117 0.381 (n*V/R )

Down stream WL (㧹) Ho +4.903 +4.979

Friction (㨙) 0.002 0.006 I*L

S Inflow (㨙) 0.005 0.016 0.5*(V /2g)*(Nm+1)
Total (㨙) h 0.007 0.022

Water Level (㧹) H +4.910 +5.001 Ho+h 

Point 㨇Equalization Tank to Grit chamer㨉 Connection conduit (1)
Contents Symbol
(m /d) 100,000 200,000
Flowrate Q
(m /s) 1.157 2.315
Number of pipes (pipe) 㨚 1 1
Flowrate/pipe (m /s) 㨝 1.157 2.315

Schematic Channel 1 serises

Diagram Width 1.5 m
Depth 1.5 m

Length (㨙) 㧸 42.00 n=0.014

Invert Elevation (㧹) FH +1.500

Water Depth (㨙) H' 1.500 1.500 Ho-FH

Cross Section (m ) A 2.25 2.25 B*H'
Wetted Perimeter (㨙) P 6.00 6.00 2*H'+B
Hydraulic Radius (㨙) R 0.375 0.375 A/P

Velocity (m /s) V 0.514 1.029 p/A
2/3 2
Hydraulic Gradient (‰) I 0.191 0.767 (n*V/R )

Down stream WL (㧹) Ho +4.910 +5.001

H Outflow (㨙) 0.013 0.054

1.0*(V /2g)*(Nm+1)
Friction (㨙) 0.008 0.032 I*L

S Inflow (㨙) 0.007 0.027 0.5*(V /2g)*(Nm+1)
Total (㨙) h 0.028 0.113

Water Level (㧹) H +4.938 +5.114 Ho+h 

Point 㨇Grit Chamber㨉‫ޓ‬Outfall weir
Contents Symbol
(m /d) 200,000 400,000
Flowrate Q
(m /s) 2.315 4.63
Number of pipes (pipe) 㨚 4 4
Flowrate/pipe (m /s) 㨝 0.579 1.158


Weir Width 㧔㨙㧕 B 3.00

Weir Height (㧹) FH +5.200

Water Level (㧹) Ho +4.938 +5.114
Overflow (㨙) h 0.222 0.353 (q/1.84*L)^(2/3)

Water Level (㧹) H +5.422 +5.553 FH+h

Point 㨇Grit Chamber㨉‫ޓ‬Inflow Channel
Contents Symbol
(m /d) 200,000 400,000
Flowrate Q
(m /s) 2.315 4.630
Number of pipes (pipe) 㨚 4 4
Flowrate/pipe (m /s) 㨝 0.579 1.158

Schematic Channel 1 serises

Diagram Width 1.0 m
Depth 2.0 m

Length (㨙) 㧸 4.50 n=0.014

Invert Elevation (㧹) FH +4.000

Water Depth (㨙) H' 1.422 1.553 Ho-FH

Cross Section (m ) A 1.422 1.553 B*H'
Wetted Perimeter (㨙) P 4.34 4.61 2*H'+B
Hydraulic Radius (㨙) R 0.327 0.337 A/P

Velocity (m /s) V 0.407 0.746 p/A
2/3 2
Hydraulic Gradient (‰) I 0.144 0.465 (n*V/R )

Down stream WL (㧹) Ho +5.422 +5.553

H Outflow (㨙) 0.008 0.028

1.0*(V /2g)*(Nm+1)
Friction (㨙) 0.001 0.002 I*L

S Inflow (㨙) 0.004 0.014 0.5*(V /2g)*(Nm+1)
Total (㨙) h 0.013 0.044
Pump Discharge Well
Water Level (㧹) H +5.435 +5.597 Ho+h 

Point 㨇Grit Chamber㨉‫ޓ‬Inflow Channel
Contents Symbol
(m /d) 150,000 200,000 QDM=Q*1/4, QHM=Q*1/3
Flowrate Q
(m /s) 1.736 2.315
Number of pipes (pipe) 㨚 2 2
Flowrate/pipe (m /s) 㨝 0.868 1.158


Weir Width 㧔㨙㧕 L 0.50

Weir Height (㧹) FH +4.000

Water Level (㧹) Ho +5.422 +5.553
Overflow (㨙) h 0.962 1.165 (q/1.84*L)^(2/3)

Water Level (㧹) H +4.962 +5.165 FH+h

Base Level +4.000 

3. Results of Survey for Affordability and WTP of Household

‫ޣ‬Outline of Affordability Survey‫ޤ‬

Affordability: To evaluate affordability by examining the cost of relevant consumables in household

expenditure as same value as exploited by water environment improvement.

‫ޣ‬Outline of WTP , Willingness to Pay, Survey‫ޤ‬

Background of WTP and CVM

CVM (Contingent Valuation Method): to valuate extensive role of infrastructure, value of which is
not prevalent to commercial market.

Role of Sewerage System: to improve sanitation and public health, to mitigate storm water inundation,
to conserve water environment and water resource, and to create aesthetic urban view and amenity

WTP (Willingness to Pay): to evaluate the willingness to pay examined by statistical analysis of
contingent valuation, CVM questionnaire survey

Study Scheme and Procedure of Survey

RDD㧔Random Digit Detecting㧕extracts recipients and questionnaire is mailed.

Survey area: Planned Central Sewerage Served Area in Jakarta

Sampling number: 60 samples, which is equivalent to 87% of reproducibility
Questionnaire is designed to “Double-Bounded Dichotomous Choice” and elaborated by pre-test.
Contingent situation of “Assumption of water environment” is carefully explained to Questionee
since “Relation of water environment and role of sewerage” or “Before/after of sewerage system”
is sometimes difficult to be understood.

Table-1 Presented Amount to Double-Bounded Dichotomous Choice of CVM Survey

Bound Presented Amount (IDR. /month/household)
1st bound 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 50,000

No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes

2nd bound
2,500 7,500 5,000 15,000 10,000 20,000 15,000 25,000 20,000 40,000 30,000 70,000
10 10 10 10 10 10

Table-2 Sample Number of household of PD PAL Jaya customers classified in monthly income.
Group Type A Type B Type C Type D Total

450㨪 900㨪 1,300㨪

Electricity consumption 2,200VA㨪 -
900VA 1,300VA 2,200VA
Number of Customer of
896 (79%) 196 (17%) 20 (2%) 25 (2%) 1,137
PD Pal Jaya
Income Level Low Middle High -
Sample number of 60 is allocated to three income levels as same rate as PD Pal Jaya customer Type A
through Type D.

(Reference No. )

Questionnaire “Affordability & WTP” Survey

Wastewater Management in DKI Jakarta

Part-1 General Information of Questionee

Please check by ( ‫ ) ܂‬on Yes( ) No ( ) of Q-1 through Q-5.

Address Kec. Kel.

No. of Family Member: persons Area of Floor: m2
Monthly Household Income IDR/month
Monthly Household Income IDR/month
Immovable property tax (Asset tax) IDR/year
Electricity Consumption ( ‫) ܂‬
Type-A      Type-B      Type-C       Type-D 
( ) 450-900 VA ( ) 900-1,300 VA ( ) 1,300-2,200 VA ( ) 2,200 VA ~

Which is your water supply?    (  ) Piped(Tap) water  ( ) Well ( ) Both
How much do you pay for water supply?  IDR/month          
How many and how much pay of 5 gallon-bottled water? bottles IDR/month

Do you know water pollution caused by wastewater discharge of household and municipality
Yes( ) No( )

Do you know the role of sewerage system as followings?
Yes( ) No( )
Roles of sewerage system:
to improve sanitation and public health,
to mitigate storm water inundation,
to conserve water environment and water resource, and
to create aesthetic urban view and amenity spot

Part-2 Affordability Survey and WTP (Willingness to Pay) Survey

Please answer to Q-4 and Q-5&6, on the assumption that water environment is polluted and
sewerage system restores as follows.

Present water environment is (D-level)
Polluted and offensive odor

Debris deposits 㪧㫆㫃㫃㫌㫋㪼㪻
Unhygienic and caused habitual diarrhea

After sewerage system improves water 㪚㩷㵨㩷㫃㪼㫍㪼㫃

quality level to: 㪩㪸㫀㫊㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㪹㫆㪸㫋㪸㪹㫃㪼㪆

Boatable㧔C㧕 㪽㫀㫊㪿㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㫃㪼㫍㪼㫃





Water cleaned up to “Boatable”

‫ޣ‬Affordability Survey‫ޤ‬
Q-4: How much do you pay? Please refer Figure and check (‫ ) ܂‬one from (1) through (10).
(1) BFT: Basic food stuffs
(2) H&O: Housing & household operation
(3) FTP: Fuel, transport & public service
(4) A&T: Alcohol & tobacco
(5) N-C: Non-consumables
(6) A&F: Apparel & foot ware
(7) MED: Medicine
(8) REC: Recreation
(9) Others
(10) No

‫ޣ‬WTP, Willingness to Pay, Survey‫ޤ‬

How much do you pay for sewerage service?

Q-5 “1st Bound”

Do you pay for sewerage service? IDR/month 1st Bound Amount of Table-1

Please check ( ‫) ܂‬
Yes( ) No( )

Q-6 “2nd Bound”

Do you pay for sewerage service?

IDR/month IDR/month
“Yes” 2 Bound Amount Table-1 “No” 2nd Bound Amount Table-1

Please check ( ‫) ܂‬ Please check ( ‫) ܂‬

Yes( ) No( ) Yes( ) No( )

㪟 㫆 㫌 㫊㪼 㪿 㫆 㫃㪻㩷 㪪㫌 㫉㫍㪼 㫐㩷 㩿 㪈 㪆 㪋 㪀

㪝㫃㫆 㫆 㫉 㪟㫆 㫌 㫊 㪼 㪿 㫆 㫃㪻 㪟㫆 㫌 㫊㪼 㪿 㫆 㫃㪻
㪝㪸㫄㫀㫃㫐 㪘㫉㪼 㪸 㪘㫊㫊㪼 㫋 㩷㪫 㪸㫏
㪥㫆㪅 㪢㪼 㪺 㪸㫄㪸㫋㪸㫅 㪢㪼 㫃㫌 㫉㪸㪿 㪸㫅 㪠 㫅 㪺 㫆 㫄㪼 㪜㫏 㫇㪼 㫅 㪻㫀㫋 㫌 㫉 㪼
㩿㪠㪛㪩㪆 㫐㪼 㪸㫉 㪀
㪤㪼 㫄㪹㪼 㫉
㩿 㫄㪉㪀 㩿㪠 㪛㪩 㪆 㫄 㫆 㫅 㫋 㪿 㪀 㩿㪠 㪛㪩 㪆 㫄㫆 㫅 㫋 㪿 㪀

㪈 㪫㪸㫅㪸㪿㩷㪘㪹㪸㫅㪾 㪢㪼㪹㫆㫅㩷㪢㪸㪺㪸㫅㪾 㪈㪊 㪊㪇㪇 㪊㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇

㪉 㪪㪸㫎㪸㪿㩷㪙㪼㫊㪸㫉 㪢㪸㫉㫋㫀㫅㫀 㪌 㪋㪉 㪊㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪃㪋㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪊 㪪㪸㫎㪸㪿㩷㪙㪼㫊㪸㫉 㪢㪸㫉㫋㫀㫅㫀 㪏 㪋㪇 㪈㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪏㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪋 㪫㪸㫄㪹㫆㫉㪸 㪫㪸㫄㪹㫆㫉㪸 㪋 㪍 㪈㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪊㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪥㪆㪘
㪌 㪫㪸㫄㪸㫅㩷㪪㪸㫉㫀 㪞㫃㫆㪻㫆㫂 㪍 㪈㪏 㪈㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪌㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪍 㪞㪸㫄㪹㫀㫉 㪧㪼㫋㫆㫁㫆㩷㪪㪼㫃㪸㫋㪸㫅 㪈㪌 㪈㪇㪌 㪋㪃㪋㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪋㪃㪋㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪥㪆㪘
㪎 㪧㪼㫅㫁㪸㫉㫀㫅㪾㪸㫅 㪧㪼㫁㪸㪾㪸㫃㪸㫅 㪍 㪍㪇 㪐㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪐㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪊㪎㪃㪌㪇㪇
㪏 㪤㪼㫅㫋㪼㫅㪾 㪢㪼㪹㫆㫅㩷㪪㫀㫉㫀㪿 㪌 㪋㪉 㪊㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪎㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪐 㪤㪼㫅㫋㪼㫅㪾 㪢㪼㪹㫆㫅㩷㪪㫀㫉㫀㪿 㪌 㪎㪉 㪈㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪌㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪈㪇 㪤㪼㫅㫋㪼㫅㪾 㪢㪼㪹㫆㫅㩷㪪㫀㫉㫀㪿 㪋 㪌㪍 㪈㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪊㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪉㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪈㪈 㪧㪼㫅㫁㪸㫉㫀㫅㪾㪸㫅 㪧㪼㫁㪸㪾㪸㫃㪸㫅 㪉 㪍㪇 㪏㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪏㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪇㪌㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪈㪉 㪞㪸㫄㪹㫀㫉 㪧㪼㫋㫆㫁㫆㩷㪬㫋㪸㫉㪸 㪎 㪐㪇 㪋㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪊㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪐㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪈㪊 㪫㪸㫄㪸㫅㩷㪪㪸㫉㫀 㪞㫃㫆㪻㫆㫂 㪊 㪉㪇 㪈㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪥㪆㪘
㪈㪋 㪫㪸㫄㪹㫆㫉㪸 㪫㪸㫄㪹㫆㫉㪸 㪎 㪋㪉 㪊㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪈㪌 㪪㪸㫎㪸㪿㩷㪙㪼㫊㪸㫉 㪢㪸㫉㫋㫀㫅㫀 㪊 㪍㪇 㪉㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪋㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪈㪍 㪪㪸㫎㪸㪿㩷㪙㪼㫊㪸㫉 㪢㪸㫉㫋㫀㫅㫀 㪋 㪉㪇 㪉㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪈㪎 㪧㪼㫅㫁㪸㫉㫀㫅㪾㪸㫅 㪧㪼㫁㪸㪾㪸㫃㪸㫅 㪋 㪍㪇 㪉㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪍㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪈㪏 㪤㪼㫅㫋㪼㫅㪾 㪚㫀㫂㫀㫅㫀 㪌 㪉㪇 㪈㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪉㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪈㪐 㪤㪼㫅㫋㪼㫅㪾 㪚㫀㫂㫀㫅㫀 㪈㪇 㪉㪏 㪋㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪊㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪉㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪉㪇 㪤㪼㫅㫋㪼㫅㪾 㪚㫀㫂㫀㫅㫀 㪍 㪍㪇 㪉㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪉㪈 㪤㪼㫅㫋㪼㫅㪾 㪚㫀㫂㫀㫅㫀 㪌 㪉㪏 㪐㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪐㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪌㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪉㪉 㪫㪸㫅㪸㪿㩷㪘㪹㪸㫅㪾 㪢㪼㪹㫆㫅㩷㪢㪸㪺㪸㫅㪾 㪊 㪌㪇 㪌㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪋㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪉㪊 㪫㪸㫄㪹㫆㫉㪸 㪫㪸㫄㪹㫆㫉㪸 㪉 㪍 㪋㪌㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪋㪌㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪥㪆㪘
㪉㪋 㪫㪸㫄㪸㫅㩷㪪㪸㫉㫀㩷 㪞㫃㫆㪻㫆㫂 㪉 㪈㪍 㪍㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪍㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪥㪆㪘
㪉㪌 㪪㪸㫎㪸㪿㩷㪙㪼㫊㪸㫉 㪢㪸㫉㫋㫀㫅㫀 㪎 㪍㪇 㪌㪃㪉㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪋㪃㪍㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪌㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪉㪍 㪪㪸㫎㪸㪿㩷㪙㪼㫊㪸㫉 㪢㪸㫉㫋㫀㫅㫀 㪊 㪉㪋 㪈㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪍㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪉㪎 㪞㪸㫄㪹㫀㫉 㪧㪼㫋㫆㫁㫆㩷㪪㪼㫃㪸㫋㪸㫅 㪍 㪌㪇 㪊㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪍㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪉㪏 㪧㪼㫅㫁㪸㫉㫀㫅㪾㪸㫅 㪧㪼㫁㪸㪾㪸㫃㪸㫅 㪏 㪎㪌 㪊㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪃㪎㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪥㪆㪘
㪉㪐 㪧㪼㫅㫁㪸㫉㫀㫅㪾㪸㫅 㪧㪼㫁㪸㪾㪸㫃㪸㫅 㪋 㪎㪌 㪊㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪊㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪊㪇 㪧㪼㫅㫁㪸㫉㫀㫅㪾㪸㫅 㪧㪼㫁㪸㪾㪸㫃㪸㫅 㪋 㪈㪎㪌 㪈㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪥㪆㪘
㪊㪈 㪤㪼㫅㫋㪼㫅㪾 㪚㫀㫂㫀㫅㫀 㪐 㪌㪍 㪉㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪏㪌㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪊㪉 㪤㪼㫅㫋㪼㫅㪾 㪚㫀㫂㫀㫅㫀 㪏 㪐㪇 㪉㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪊㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪊㪊 㪫㪸㫅㪸㪿㩷㪘㪹㪸㫅㪾 㪢㪼㪹㫆㫅㩷㪢㪸㪺㪸㫅㪾 㪌 㪍㪇 㪉㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪥㪆㪘
㪊㪋 㪫㪸㫄㪹㫆㫉㪸 㪫㪸㫄㪹㫆㫉㪸 㪊 㪈㪇 㪎㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪍㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪊㪌 㪫㪸㫄㪸㫅㩷㪪㪸㫉㫀 㪞㫃㫆㪻㫆㫂 㪋 㪈㪉 㪍㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪍㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪥㪆㪘
㪊㪍 㪪㪸㫎㪸㪿㩷㪙㪼㫊㪸㫉 㪢㪸㫉㫋㫀㫅㫀 㪈㪈 㪊㪇 㪈㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪍㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪊㪎 㪪㪸㫎㪸㪿㩷㪙㪼㫊㪸㫉 㪢㪸㫉㫋㫀㫅㫀 㪌 㪐 㪈㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪐㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪊㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪊㪏 㪞㪸㫄㪹㫀㫉 㪧㪼㫋㫆㫁㫆㩷㪬㫋㪸㫉㪸 㪌 㪌㪋 㪊㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪊㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪏㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪊㪐 㪧㪼㫅㫁㪸㫉㫀㫅㪾㪸㫅 㪧㪼㫁㪸㪾㪸㫃㪸㫅 㪎 㪈㪐㪌 㪋㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪋㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪋㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪋㪇 㪤㪼㫅㫋㪼㫅㪾 㪚㫀㫂㫀㫅㫀 㪈㪉 㪈㪇㪇 㪐㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪏㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪋㪈 㪤㪼㫅㫋㪼㫅㪾 㪚㫀㫂㫀㫅㫀 㪍 㪌㪇 㪈㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪊㪌㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪋㪉 㪧㪼㫅㫁㪸㫉㫀㫅㪾㪸㫅 㪧㪼㫁㪸㪾㪸㫃㪸㫅 㪌 㪍㪇 㪈㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪉㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪋㪊 㪧㪼㫅㫁㪸㫉㫀㫅㪾㪸㫅 㪧㪼㫁㪸㪾㪸㫃㪸㫅 㪊 㪎㪏 㪈㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪍㪌㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪋㪋 㪫㪸㫄㪹㫆㫉㪸 㪫㪸㫄㪹㫆㫉㪸 㪊 㪐 㪈㪃㪉㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪉㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪥㪆㪘
㪋㪌 㪫㪸㫄㪸㫅㩷㪪㪸㫉㫀 㪞㫃㫆㪻㫆㫂 㪏 㪈㪍 㪈㪃㪏㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪏㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪥㪆㪘
㪋㪍 㪪㪸㫎㪸㪿㩷㪙㪼㫊㪸㫉 㪢㪸㫉㫋㫀㫅㫀 㪋 㪐 㪏㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪍㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪥㪆㪘
㪋㪎 㪫㪸㫅㪸㪿㩷㪘㪹㪸㫅㪾 㪢㪼㪹㫆㫅㩷㪢㪸㪺㪸㫅㪾 㪋 㪍㪇 㪈㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪋㪏 㪪㪸㫎㪸㪿㩷㪙㪼㫊㪸㫉 㪢㪸㫉㫋㫀㫅㫀 㪌 㪊㪍 㪉㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪏㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪌㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪋㪐 㪞㪸㫄㪹㫀㫉 㪧㪼㫋㫆㫁㫆㩷㪬㫋㪸㫉㪸 㪌 㪈㪉㪇 㪊㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪊㪉㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪌㪇 㪧㪼㫅㫁㪸㫉㫀㫅㪾㪸㫅 㪧㪼㫁㪸㪾㪸㫃㪸㫅 㪋 㪋㪏 㪊㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪊㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪌㪈 㪧㪼㫅㫁㪸㫉㫀㫅㪾㪸㫅 㪧㪼㫁㪸㪾㪸㫃㪸㫅 㪐 㪋㪏 㪋㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪊㪃㪏㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪌㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪌㪉 㪤㪼㫅㫋㪼㫅㪾 㪚㫀㫂㫀㫅㫀 㪍 㪉㪇㪇 㪉㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪌㪊 㪧㪼㫅㫁㪸㫉㫀㫅㪾㪸㫅 㪧㪼㫁㪸㪾㪸㫃㪸㫅 㪌 㪊㪌 㪊㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪥㪆㪘
㪌㪋 㪤㪼㫅㫋㪼㫅㪾 㪢㪼㪹㫆㫅㩷㪪㫀㫉㫀㪿 㪐 㪋㪍 㪊㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪊㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪉㪌㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪌㪌 㪫㪸㫄㪹㫆㫉㪸 㪫㪸㫄㪹㫆㫉㪸 㪋 㪍 㪐㪌㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪏㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪥㪆㪘
㪌㪍 㪫㪸㫅㪸㪿㩷㪘㪹㪸㫅㪾 㪢㪼㪹㫆㫅㩷㪢㪸㪺㪸㫅㪾 㪌 㪈㪍㪇 㪈㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪋㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪌㪎 㪫㪸㫄㪸㫅㩷㪪㪸㫉㫀㩷 㪞㫃㫆㪻㫆㫂 㪉 㪊㪇 㪊㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪊㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪌㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪌㪏 㪪㪸㫎㪸㪿㩷㪙㪼㫊㪸㫉 㪢㪸㫉㫋㫀㫅㫀 㪌 㪈㪏 㪈㪃㪌㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪃㪊㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪍㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪌㪐 㪪㪸㫎㪸㪿㩷㪙㪼㫊㪸㫉 㪢㪸㫉㪸㫅㪾㩷㪘㫅㫐㪸㫉 㪋 㪉㪋 㪏㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪏㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪋㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪍㪇 㪞㪸㫄㪹㫀㫉 㪧㪼㫋㫆㫁㫆㩷㪬㫋㪸㫉㪸 㪍 㪍㪇 㪊㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪌㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪍㪈 㪤㪼㫅㫋㪼㫅㪾 㪢㪼㪹㫆㫅㩷㪪㫀㫉㫀㪿 㪌 㪋㪌 㪍㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪋㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪐㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪍㪉 㪧㪼㫅㫁㪸㫉㫀㫅㪾㪸㫅 㪧㪼㫁㪸㪾㪸㫃㪸㫅 㪍 㪐㪇 㪎㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪍㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪋㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪍㪊 㪧㪼㫅㫁㪸㫉㫀㫅㪾㪸㫅 㪧㪼㫁㪸㪾㪸㫃㪸㫅 㪋 㪈㪋㪇 㪈㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪎㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪋㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪍㪋 㪧㪼㫅㫁㪸㫉㫀㫅㪾㪸㫅 㪧㪼㫁㪸㪾㪸㫃㪸㫅 㪏 㪈㪉㪇 㪏㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪍㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪌㪍㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪍㪌 㪤㪼㫅㫋㪼㫅㪾 㪚㫀㫂㫀㫅㫀 㪌 㪉㪇㪇 㪉㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪊㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇

㪟㫆㫌 㫊㪼 㪿 㫆㫃㪻㩷 㪪㫌 㫉㫍㪼 㫐㩷 㩿 㪉 㪆 㪋 㪀

㪜㫃㪼 㪺 㫋㫉㫀㪺 㫀㫋㫐㩷 㪚㫆㫅 㫊㫌 㫄㫇㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪨㪄㪈

㪮㪸㫋㪼 㫉㩷 㪪㫆㫌 㫉㪺 㪼 㪮㪸㫋 㪼 㫉 㩷㫊㫌 㫇㫇㫃㫐 㪙 㫆㫋㫋㫃㪼 㪻㩷 㪮㪸㫋㪼 㫉
㪥㫆㪅 㪋㪌㪇㪄 㪐㪇㪇㪄 㪈㪊㪇㪇㪄
㪕 㪉 㪉 㪇 㪇 㫍㪘 㪧㫀㫇㪼 㪻 㪺 㫆 㫊㫋 㪨 㫌㪸㫅㫋㫀 㫋㫐 㪚㫆 㫊 㫋
㪐 㪇 㪇 㫍㪘 㪈 㪊 㪇 㪇 㫍㪘 㪉 㪉 㪇 㪇 㫍㪘 㪮㪼 㫃㫃 㪙 㫆㫋㪿 㩿㪠 㪛㪩 㪆 㫄㫆 㫅 㫋 㪿 㪀 㩿㪾 㪸 㫃 㫃 㫆 㫅 㪆 㫄 㫆 㫅 㫋 㪿 㪀 㩿㪠 㪛 㪩 㪆 㫄 㫆 㫅 㫋 㪿 㪀
㫎㪸㫋㪼 㫉
㪈 㪈 㪈 㪇 㪈㪌 㪍㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪉 㪈 㪈 㪇 㪋 㪌㪉㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪊 㪈 㪈 㪈㪏㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪇 㪇
㪋 㪈 㪈 㪇 㪋 㪈㪍㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪌 㪈 㪈 㪍㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪇 㪇
㪍 㪈 㪈 㪈㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪉 㪈㪋㪋㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪎 㪈 㪈 㪏㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪇 㪇
㪏 㪈 㪈 㪎㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪍 㪎㪉㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪐 㪈 㪈 㪈㪉㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪇 㪇
㪈㪇 㪈 㪈 㪈㪉㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪇 㪇
㪈㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈㪎㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪇 㪇
㪈㪉 㪈 㪈 㪉㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪈㪌 㪈㪏㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪈㪊 㪈 㪈 㪇 㪏 㪐㪍㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪈㪋 㪈 㪈 㪈㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪉 㪉㪉㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪈㪌 㪈 㪈 㪋㪍㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪊 㪊㪍㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪈㪍 㪈 㪈 㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪈㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪈㪎 㪈 㪈 㪍㪌㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪇 㪇
㪈㪏 㪈 㪈 㪊㪌㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪍 㪎㪏㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪈㪐 㪈 㪈 㪇 㪏 㪈㪇㪋㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪉㪇 㪈 㪈 㪇 㪈㪇 㪊㪌㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪉㪈 㪈 㪈 㪇 㪇 㪇
㪉㪉 㪈 㪈 㪉㪉㪌㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪏 㪐㪍㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪉㪊 㪈 㪈 㪐㪃㪇㪇㪇 㪊 㪊㪍㪃㪇㪇㪇
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㪟 㫆 㫌 㫊㪼 㪿 㫆 㫃㪻㩷 㪪㫌 㫉㫍㪼 㫐㩷 㩿 㪊 㪆 㪋 㪀

㪨㪄㪉 㪨㪄㪊 㪨㪄㪋

㪥㫆㪅 㪦 㪫㪟㪜㪩
㪰㪼 㫊 㪥㫆 㪰㪼 㫊 㪥㫆 㪙 㪝㪫 㪟 㩽㪦 㪝㪫㪧 㪘㩽㪫 㪥㪄㪚 㪘㩽㪝 㪤㪜㪛 㪩㪜㪚 㪪

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㪟 㫆 㫌 㫊㪼 㪿 㫆 㫃㪻㩷 㪪㫌 㫉㫍㪼 㫐㩷 㩿 㪋 㪆 㪋 㪀

㪨㪄㪌 㪨㪄㪍㪸 㪨㪄㪍㪹

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㪍㪋 㪈 㪈 㪌㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇
㪍㪌 㪈 㪈 㪌㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇

Household Income
Average: 3,000,000 IDR/HH/month
Mean Value: 2,000,000 IDR/HH/month
75 % of Existing Survey “5,295 USD㧔2008, Mizuho Research Institute.” which does not include

House Floor Area

Average: 63 m2/HH
Mean Value: 50m2/HH
Modest household lives in single room house which does not equip toilet, bath room or laundry.
Accordingly MCK is replaced to them.

Property Tax Rate on Household Expenditure
Average: 0.8%
Mean Value: 0.8%

Water Supply Cost of Tap water and Bottled water
Average monthly cost: 124,500 IDR/HH/month, Mean value: 124,000 IDR/HH/month
Tap water: 76.300 IDR/HH/month Bottled water: 48,200 IDR/HH/month

Rate of Water supply cost of Tap water & Bottled water on Household expenditure
Average: 6.5% (Tap water 4.1 % and Bottled water 2.4 %)
Mean vale: 5.5%
Water supply cost (Average) is 124,000 IDR/HH/month

Sewerage tariff rate per Household expenditure
Average: 0.33%×HH Exp.
Range: 0.1㨪1.6 %×HH Exp.
㧔Estimated by Existing Tariff System㧕

Sewerage tariff rate per Household income

Average: 0.33%×HH Income
Range: 0.1㨪1.6%×HH Income
㧔Estimated by Existing Tariff System㧕

Sewerage tariff rate per Household expenditure classified by floor area
Average: 0.41%×HH Exp.
Less than average floor area (63㨙2): 1.0% ×HH Exp.
Less than mean value (50m2): 0.5%×HH Exp.

Sewerage tariff rate per Property tax

Sewerage tariff is equivalent to 55% of Property tax.

Sewerage tariff rate vs. Water supply cost
Sewerage tariff rate is equivalent to 2.8% of water supply cost plus 4,400 IDR.
Sewerage tariff per water supply㧦Average 11% Mean value 5%
High rate tariff household㧦House owner of large house area more than 200m2.
Only shallow well user (2HH of surveyed 65HH): Sewerage tariff is newly levied , accordingly
poverty mitigation is required.

Understanding on Water pollution source
Yes “understanding” : 78% No “not understanding” : 22%
Respondents range over low income to high income.

Understanding on Sewerage
Yes “understanding” : 68% No “not understanding” : 32%
Respondents range over low income to high income.


Affordability Survey
Among respondents of 65 HH,
Yes “have willingness”: 78.5% of Alcohol & tobacco, medicine and recreation.
Most frequent response is “Others”.
No “have not willingness” : 21.5%
AFT㧦Approx. 1.0-1.5% of household expenditure.

Q-4 (ATP)
Nos.& %
Total = 65 0 13 1 4 3 3 5 4 18 14
% 0 0.2 0.015 0.062 0.046 0.046 0.077 0.062 0.277 0.215

(1) BFT: Basic food stuffs
(2) H&O: Housing & household
(3) FTP: Fuel, transport & public
(4) A&T: Alcohol & tobacco
(5) N-C: Non-consumables
(6) A&F: Apparel & foot ware
(7) MED: Medicine
(8) REC: Recreation
(9) Others
(10) No

Affordability (Conclusion)
x Sewerage tariff (Ave. 7,900 IDR/HH㧕 is 2.4 % of water supply cost (Tap water & Bottled
water) of 124,000 IDR. Water supply cost is 6.5% of HH expenditure.
x AFT & WTP is estimated to apprx. 1% of HH expenditure through existing surveies in
x No willingness is approx. 20% of respondents.
x Sewerage tariff level is estimated to 0.41% of household expenditure and less than 1.6% for
99% of respodents. Sewerage tariff levy requires poverty mitigation.

4㧚 Results of Survey for Buildings

(1) Buildings in Central Sewerage Area

(2) Building Sewer Management Survey-1

(3) Building Sewer Management Survey-2

(1) Buildings in Central Sewerage Area
(#) Building List

No. Building Name Location City Floor

1 Kempinski Residences Jl. MH. Thamrin Jakarta Pusat 57

2 BCA Tower Jl. MH. Thamrin Jakarta Pusat 56
3 UOB Plaza Jl. MH. Thamrin Jakarta Pusat 42
4 The Plaza Tower Jl. MH. Thamrin Jakarta Pusat 41
5 Plaza BII Tower II Jl. MH. Thamrin Jakarta Pusat 39
6 Alamanda Tower Jl. Kebon Kacang, Thamirin Jakarta Pusat 39
7 Bougenville Tower Jl. Kebon Kacang, Thamrin Jakarta Pusat 39
8 Crysant Tower Jl. Kebon Kacang, Thamrin Jakarta Pusat 39
9 Daisy Tower Jl. Kebon Kacang, Thamrin Jakarta Pusat 39
10 Edelweiss Tower Jl. Kebon Kacang, Thamrin Jakarta Pusat 39
11 Monaco Residence Kemayoran Kota Baru Bandar Kemayoran Blok B2 Jakarta Utara 36
12 Istana Harmoni Apartment Jl. Suryopranoto, No.2, Gambir Jakarta Pusat 35
13 The View Executive Residences Kemayoran Jakarta Utara 35
14 Apartemen Mediterania Marina Tower 1 Jl. Lodan Raya, Pademangan Jakarta Utara 32
15 Apartemen Mediterania Marina Tower 2 Jl. Lodan Raya, Pademangan Jakarta Utara 32
16 Apartemen Mediterania Marina Tower 3 Jl. Lodan Raya, Pademangan Jakarta Utara 32
17 City Lofts Glodok Jl. Gajahmada Jakarta Pusat 32
18 City Lofts Jl. KH Mas Mansyur Jakarta Pusat 32
19 The Sumit Kelapa Gading Jakarta Utara 32
20 Apartemen Batavia I Jl. KH Mas Mansyur Jakarta Pusat 32
21 Apartemen Batavia II Jl. KH Mas Mansyur Jakarta Pusat 32
22 Menara Batavia Jl. KH Mas Mansyur Kavling 126 Jakarta Pusat 32
23 Bank Bumi Daya Plaza Jl. Imam Bonjol Kavling 61 Jakarta Pusat 32
24 Wisma Nusantara Jl. MH. Thamrin Jakarta Pusat 30
25 Metro Marina Ancol Tower 1 Ancol Jakarta Utara 30
26 Metro Marina Ancol Tower 2 Ancol Jakarta Utara 30
27 Mapple Park Apartment Tower 1 Kemayoran Jakarta Utara 29
28 Mapple Park Apartment Tower 2 Kemayoran Jakarta Utara 29
29 Pavillion Apartments Tower 1 Jl. KH Mas Mansyur Kav 24 Jakarta Pusat 28
30 Pavillion Apartments Tower 2 Jl. KH Mas Mansyur Kav 24 Jakarta Pusat 28
31 Pavillion Apartments Tower 3 Jl. KH Mas Mansyur Kav 24 Jakarta Pusat 28
32 Pavillion Apartments Tower 4 Jl. KH Mas Mansyur Kav 24 Jakarta Pusat 28
33 Robinson Apartment Tower 1 Jl. Jembatan Dua Raya No.2 Jakarta Utara 28
34 Robinson Apartment Tower 2 Jl. Jembatan Dua Raya No.2 Jakarta Utara 28
35 Aston Mangga Dua Hotel & Residence Jl. Mangga Dua Abdad, Sawah Besar Jakarta Utara 28
36 Salemba Residence Tower A Jl. Salemba Tengah II No 10 Jakarta Pusat 28
37 Salemba Residence Tower B Jl. Salemba Tengah II No 10 Jakarta Pusat 28
38 Gajah Mada Plaza Jl. Gajah Mada Jakarta Pusat 27
39 Apartment Puri Kemayoran Puri Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat 27
40 Mitra Bahari Tower 1 Jl. Pakin, No.1, Penjaringan Jakarta Utara 26
41 Mitra Bahari Tower 2 Jl. Pakin, No.1, Penjaringan Jakarta Utara 26

42 Bank Indonesia Tower 1 Jl. MH Thamrin Jakarta Pusat 26

43 Bank Indonesia Tower 2 Jl. MH Thamrin Jakarta Pusat 26
44 Gedung Menara BTN Jl. Gajah Mada Jakarta Pusat 26
45 Royal Tower Riverside Apartment Tower A Royal Tower Riverside Apartment Jakarta Utara 25
46 Royal Tower Riverside Apartment Tower B Royal Tower Riverside Apartment Jakarta Utara 25
47 Royal Tower Riverside Apartment Tower C Royal Tower Riverside Apartment Jakarta Utara 25
48 Royal Tower Riverside Apartment Tower D Royal Tower Riverside Apartment Jakarta Utara 25
49 Puri Kemayoran Tower 1 Jl. Benyamin Suaeb, A-6, Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat 25
50 Puri Kemayoran Tower 2 Jl. Benyamin Suaeb, A-6, Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat 25
51 Departemen Pariwisata, Pos dan Telekomunikasi Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 16-19 Jakarta Pusat 24
52 Thamrin Resort Residence Tower 1 Jl. H. Fachruddin, Tanah Abang Jakarta Pusat 24
53 Thamrin Resort Residence Tower 2 Jl. H. Fachruddin, Tanah Abang Jakarta Pusat 24
54 The Regatta Dubai Tower Jl. Pantai Mutiara Jakarta Utara 24
55 The Regatta Monte Carlo Tower Jl. Pantai Mutiara Jakarta Utara 24
56 The Regatta Miami Tower Jl. Pantai Mutiara Jakarta Utara 24
57 The Regatta Rio de Janeiro Tower Jl. Pantai Mutiara Jakarta Utara 24
58 The Regatta Tokyo Tower Jl. Pantai Mutiara Jakarta Utara 24
59 The Regatta Acapulco Tower Jl. Pantai Mutiara Jakarta Utara 24
60 The Regatta Sydney Tower Jl. Pantai Mutiara Jakarta Utara 24

No. Building Name Location City Floor
61 The Regatta New York Tower Jl. Pantai Mutiara Jakarta Utara 24
62 The Regatta Shanhai Tower Jl. Pantai Mutiara Jakarta Utara 24
63 Graha Reformed Millenium Jl. Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat 24
64 Star City Apartment Tower 1 Jl. Gajahmada No 188 Jakarta Utara 24
65 Star City Apartment Tower 2 Jl. Gajahmada No 188 Jakarta Utara 24
66 Laguna Apartment Pluit Jakarta Utara 24
67 Menara Salemba Batavia Tower 1 Jl. Matraman Jakarta Pusat 22
68 Menara Salemba Batavia Tower 2 Jl. Matraman Jakarta Pusat 22
69 Menara Salemba Batavia Tower 3 Jl. Matraman Jakarta Pusat 22
70 Allson Residence I Jl. Senen Raya No. 135-137 Jakarta Pusat 21
71 Allson Residence 2 Jl. Senen Raya No. 135-137 Jakarta Pusat 21
72 Allson Residence 3 Jl. Senen Raya No. 135-137 Jakarta Pusat 21
73 Hayam Wuruk Plaza Tower Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 8, Kebon Kelapa Village Jakarta Pusat 21
74 DKI Jakarta Government Office Jl. Merdeka Selatan Jakarta Pusat 21
75 Wisma Kosgoro Jl. MH Thamrin Jakarta Pusat 20
76 Gedung Sapta Pesona Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 17 Jakarta Pusat 20
77 Sheraton Media Hotel & Towers Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 3 Jakarta Utara 19
78 Wisma Antara Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan. No. 17, Gambir Jakarta Pusat 18
79 BCA Wisma Asia II Jl. S Parman Kav 79 Jakarta Pusat 18
80 Borobudur Jakarta Hotel Jl. Lapangan Banteng Selatan No.1 Jakarta Pusat 18
81 Emporium Pluit Pluit Jakarta Utara 17
82 Hayam Wuruk Residence Jl. Hayam Wuruk Jakarta Pusat 17
83 Mediterania Lagoon Residences Tower 2 Jl. Benyamin Sueb St. Pademangan Jakarta Pusat 16
84 Dusit Mangga Dua Mall Jl. Mangadua Jakarta Utara 16
85 Mahkamah Konstitusi Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 6 Jakarta Pusat 16
86 Menteng Park Apartment Tower 1 Jl. Pegangsaan Barat Kav. 6-12 Menteng Jakarta Pusat 16
87 Menteng Park Apartment Tower 2 Jl. Pegangsaan Barat Kav. 6-12 Menteng Jakarta Pusat 16
88 Menteng Park Apartment Tower 3 Jl. Pegangsaan Barat Kav. 6-12 Menteng Jakarta Pusat 16
89 Menteng Park Apartment Tower 4 Jl. Pegangsaan Barat Kav. 6-12 Menteng Jakarta Pusat 16
90 Sahid Sahirman Memorial Hospital Sahid Puri Kencana Superblock Jakarta Pusat 15
91 Dinas Teknis Abdul Muis Jl. Abdul Muis No. 66, Petojo Selatan Village, Jakarta Pusat 15
92 Surya Building Jl. MH. Thamrin, Kav. 9, Menteng Jakarta Pusat 15
93 CBD Pluit Office Tower 1 Jl. Pluit Selatan Raya Jakarta Utara 15
94 CBD Pluit Office Tower 2 Jl. Pluit Selatan Raya Jakarta Utara 15
95 Dusit Mangga Dua Hotel Jl. Arteri Mangga Dua Raya Jakarta Utara 14
96 PT. Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia Jl. Gajah Mada. No.14, Gambir Jakarta Pusat 14
97 Ratu Prabu Jl. Jend. Sudirman. Kav.9, Tanah Abang Jakarta Pusat 14
98 Wisma Hayam Wuruk Jl. Hayam Wuruk. No. 8, Gambir Jakarta Pusat 14
99 Apartemen Mangga Dua Court I Jl. Mangga Dua Raya, Jakarta Utara 14
100 Apartemen Mangga Dua Court 2 Jl. Mangga Dua Raya, Jakarta Utara 14
101 Hotel Sari Pan Pacific Jl. MH Thamrin Jakarta Pusat 13
102 Wisma BII Jl. MH Thamrin Jakarta Pusat 13
103 Menteng I Kecamatan Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 12
104 Menteng II Kecamatan Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 12
105 Menteng III Kecamatan Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 12
106 Wisma BSG Jl. Abdul Muis Kavling 40 Jakarta Pusat 12
107 Departemen Luar Negeri Jakarta Pusat 12
108 Exim Melati Jl. MH. Thamrin, Kav. 8-9, Kebon Melati Villag Jakarta Pusat 12
109 Jaya Building Jl. MH. Thamrin, No.12, Menteng Jakarta Pusat 12
110 Plaza BII Tower II Jl. MH. Thamrin Jakarta Pusat 12
111 Lion Air Tower Jl. Gajah Mada, No. 7 Jakarta Pusat 12
112 Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (KONI) PusaJl. Pintu 1 Gelora Bung Karno, Tanah Abang Jakarta Pusat 12
113 Graha Adira Jl. Raya Menteng, No. 21, Menteng Jakarta Pusat 12


Source: JICA PPP Study Team

(B) Number & Distribution of Buildings

No. of No. of
District Building use District Building use
Building Building
High rise Apartment &
1 5 21 4 Medium Commercial
2 4 High rise Apartment 22 2 Large Hotel & Government
3 4 High rise Apartment 23 8 High rise Apartment
Large Hotel & High rise
4 1 Large Commercial 24 3
High rise Apartment &
5 14 Medium Commercial 25 6
High rise Apartment &
6 3 26 5 Commercial & Hospital
7 2 High rise Apartment 27 30 Large Commercial & Hotel
8 2 High rise Apartment 28 2 Large Commercial
High rise Apartment &
9 7 High rise Apartment 29 8
Medium Commercial & Medium Commercial &
10 2 30 5
Hotel Government
11 7 Large Commercial 31 12 Medium Commercial
Medium Apartment &
12 1 Large Commercial 32 8
High rise Apartment &
13 1 Large Commercial 33 13
14 1 Large Commercial 225
Large Commercial &
15 12
Large Commercial &
16 2 High rise Apartment 34 1
Medium Commercial & Large Commercial &
17 13 35 13
Government Apartment
High rise Commercial & Sub-tot
18 9 13
Hotel al
Large & Medium
19 6
20 23 Medium Commercial Total 238



㧝 㧞



1 km



1 km



1 km







1 km

(2) Building Sewer Management Survey-1




Address Jl. MH. Thamrin No.9 Kel. Kebon Sirih Kec. Menteng
No. of Floors 18 Floors
Area of Building Floor 21.195,97 m2
Immovable property tax (Asset tax) N/A IDR/year

Water Sourc: Piped-water

Monthly Water Consumption 3.791 m3/month 47.729.620 IDR/month


Installation Cost of Wastewater Treatment Plant
TOTAL 0 x 1.000.000 IDR (no data)
ME 0 x 1.000.000 IDR (no data)
CIVIL 0 x 1.000.000 IDR (no data)

Installation Date : December 1975

Treatment Capacity 100 m3/day

Type of Treatment Process : Extended Aeration Process

Management Cost of Wastewater Treatment Plant
Monthly O&M 2,700,000 IDR (excl. Labor Cost)
Number of O&M Staff 1 People

History and Cost of Repair, Rehabilitation and/or Replacement

(Content and/or reasons) (month/year)
1 Renovation of Sewage Treatment (septic tank) Oct-87 38,730,000 IDR
2 Engine Replacement 2008 19,750,000 IDR
3 Engine Replacement 2009 18,150,000 IDR
4 Pipe & Valve Replacement 2010 5,850,000 IDR

Any Action in order to comply with the effluent standards
1 Examination of water sample in the laboratory every month 115,000 IDR
2 Examination of water sample in the laboratory every three months 300,000 IDR
3 Emptying septic tank once a year 300,000 IDR


Survey Results

No. of Floor stories 18 9 21 5 9 23

Floor Area m2 21,196 2,500 11,370 7,800 76,822 29,000

Property tax IDR/year N.A. 53,751,250 N.A. 65,000,000 2,320,000,000 373,000,000

Property Tax per Area & Month IDR/m2/month 1,792 694 2,517 1,072

Monthly Water Consumption m3/month 3,791 200 24,000 500 2,400 2,952

IDR/month 47,729,620 2,500,000 301,200,000 6,500,000 30,120,000 37,000,000

IDR/m3 12,590 12,500 12,550 13,000 12,550 12,534

Installation Cost (Total) N.A. N.A. N.A. 19,000,000 240,000,000 N.A.

ME N.A. N.A. N.A. 8,000,000 140,000,000 N.A.

Civil N.A. N.A. N.A. 11,000,000 100,000,000 N.A.

Treatment Capacity m3/day 100 32 650 26 75 70

Treatment Process Septic Tank Extended Aeration Septic Tank Extended Aeration Activated Sludge

Monthly O&M excld. Labor

IDR/month 2,700,000 150,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 N.A.

Number of Staff 1 3 4 2 3 2

Repair Cost IDR/year 10,937,500 N.A. 85,000,000 N.A. 10,903,750 N.A.

Sampling Test IDR/year 2,580,000 N.A. 3600000 N.A. 913,000 N.A.

Desludging IDR/year 1,200,000 1,000,000 20,000,000 N.A. 7,200,000 N.A.

O&M Total Cost IDR/year 77,117,500 92,800,000 252,600,000 72,000,000 127,016,750

O&M Cost of Building excluding Construction Cost

Wastewater Management Cost per Floor Area excluding Construction Cost

Wastewater Management Cost of Construction & OM per Floor Area


Wastewater Management Cost per Property Tax excluding Construction Cost


(3) Building Sewer Management Survey-2

Questionnaire “Building Sewer Management” Survey

Wastewater Management in DKI Jakarta

Part-1 General Information of Questionee

Address Kec. Kel.

No. of Floor: Floors Area of Building Floor: m2
Immovable property tax (Asset tax) IDR/year

Water Source ( ‫) ܂‬
( ) Piped-water ( ) Shallow well ( ) Deep well
Monthly Water Consumption m /month IDR/month

Part-2 Individual Information of Building Sewer Management

Wastewater Treatment Plant ( ‫) ܂‬
( ) Individual ( ) Communal owned
Treatment Capacity m3/day
Type of Treatment Process

Cleansing & Desludging of Treatment Plant
times/year m3 tank truck /each time
Cleaning Cost IDR/year
Please check ( ‫) ܂‬ ( ) Private Septic Plumber ( ) Public (Dinas Kebersihan)

What bothers you on wastewater disposal and facility management?
( ) Offensive Odor, ( ) Maintenance, ( ) Cost, ( ) Expertise Staff, ( ) Floor Area

(in detail)


Do you know the role of sewerage system as followings?
Yes ( ) No ( )
Do you want to continue owned treatment plant or to connect to public sewer, if public sewerage
system is developed?
Yes ( ) No ( ) ( ) depends on the Tariff ( IDR/month)



Present water environment is (D-level)
Polluted and offensive odor 㪦㪽㪽㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㫆㪻㫆㫉
Debris deposits
Unhygienic and caused habitual diarrhea 㪚㩷㵨㩷㫃㪼㫍㪼㫃

After sewerage system improves water quality 㪽㫀㫊㪿㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㫃㪼㫍㪼㫃
level to:

Boatable㧔C㧕 㪙㩷㵨㩷㫃㪼㫍㪼㫃

Fishable㧔B㧕 㪩㪸㫀㫊㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㫇㫃㪸㫐㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫅



Water cleaned up to “Boatable”


Commecial Building Survey (1/3)

Water Source Water Consumption
Kecamatan Kelurahan Area of Building Asset Tax note
no. No. of Floor Piped Shallow Deep Recycled volume
Floor (m2 ) (IDR/year) (m3/month)
cost (IDR/month)
water water well water

21195,97 (gross);
1 Menteng Kebon Sirih 18 N/A 9 3,791 47,729,620
15137,93 (nett)

water consumption cost is around Rp

2 Tanah Abang Tanah Abang 26 33,000 1,000,000,000 9 5,000 65,000,000
60.000.000 - 70.000.000

Volume of water consumption is around

60% from tap water 40% from ground
3 Tanah Abang Karet Tengsin 19 & 26 49,000 1,257,000,000 9 9 11,500 144,325,000 water. The answer just cover volume
for tap water, because they didn;t know
exactly volume for ground water usage

4 Menteng Gondangdia 11 & 30 77,000 3,200,000,000 9 9 15,000 188,250,000

5 Tanah Abang Gelora 29 50,000 N/A 9 9 1,500 18,825,000

They use ground water just for back up

6 Senen Kenari 9 2,500 53,751,250 9 9 200 2,500,000
(irregulary used)
They use ground water just for back up
7 Gambir Petojo Utara 23 29,000 373,000,000 9 9 2,952 37,000,000
(irregulary used)

They use ground water just for back up

8 Menteng Kebon Sirih 21 11,370 N/A 9 9 24,000 301,200,000
(irregulary used)
Kuningan They use ground water just for back up
9 Setiabudi 5 7,800 65,000,000 9 9 500 6,500,000
Timur (irregulary used)
They use ground water mostly. Supply
10 Taman Sari Mangga Besar 9 76,822 2,320,000,000 9 9 2,400 30,120,000 from tap water use for just 3rd & 4th

Commecial Building Survey (2/3)

Q-1 Q-2
Waste Treatment Plant Cleaning method
ID Already Treatment Treatment Frequency of Cleaning
Type of treatment note note
no. Individua Commun connect to capacity desludging cost
sewerage (m 3) (m 3/10,000m 2) process (times/year) Private Public
l al (IDR/year)

extended aeration
1 9 100 2 5,250,000 9

2 9 0

3 9

They do desludging every 9

months; cleaning cost is

aeration &
4 9 400 52 1 25,000,000 9 included in all STP
cost per month

aeration &
5 9 1000 200 12 36,000,000 9

6 9 32 128 septic tank 2 1,200,000 9

aeration process &
7 9 70 24 active sludge 1 2,000,000 9
extended aeration
8 9 650 572 process & septic 3 25,000,000 9
9 9 26 33 septic tank 1 1,500,000 9

extended aeration
10 9 75 10 2 2,000,000 9

Commecial Building Survey (3/3)

Q-3 Q-4 Q-5

Offensive Maintenance
Expertise Don't have note Depends note
no. Cost Floor area in detail Yes No Yes No
Odor staff problem on tariff

they think if using sewerage system will make

1 9 9 9
operational&maintenance easier to handle.

Because of already connected to sewerage

2 9 9 9
piped, so far they don't have any problem.

Because of already connected to sewerage

3 9 9 9
piped, so far they don't have any problem.

For now, they still using own facility. The reason is

4 9 9 9 9 9 because high demand on water consumption while

supply of tap water is vey low and unstable.

usually problem about machinery failure. Some

5 9 9 9
broken equipments or blower

6 9 9 9

Not enough capacity of blower. So aeration

7 9 9 9
process is not going well
Existing treatment facility is kind a out of dated,
8 9 9 9 so there are some leaks that occur in the outlet 9 9 They already had plan to build recycled treatment.
9 9 9 9
Broken pump caused by too much solid waste
flow into pump. It cause overflowed to aeration
10 9 9 9
tank (so aeration didn't perform maximum

Result of Commercial Building Survey

Water source
Piped water 10 Waster consumption 7 – 800 m3/day
Shallow well 0 Small office: 10 – 20 m3/day
Deep well 6 Large office: 100 – 300 m3/day
Recycled water 2 Hotel: 500 – 800 m3/day

Water supply cost: 12,600 IDR/m3

Estimated sewerage tariff cost: 25 – 60 % of water supply

Wastewater treatment
Treatment process Extended aeration
Trickling filter, Aeration & RO (filtration)
Septic tank
Treatment capacity 26 – 1,000 m3/day
Mode: 70 – 100 m3/day
Sludge disposal 1 – 3 times/year, most frequent 12 times/year
Sludge volume: 5 - 50 m3/time
Cleansing Cost: 42,000 - 200,000 IDR/m3
Ave. Cost: 170,000 IDR/m3

Problem on O&M Yes Detailed comment

Offensive odor 0 x Usually problem about machinery failure. Some broken
Maintenance 7 equipments or blower
Cost 2 x Not enough capacity of blower. So aeration process is not
Expertise staff 2 going well Existing treatment facility is kind a out of dated, so
Floor area 0 there are some leaks that occur in the outlet pipe

No problem 3 x Broken pump caused by too much solid waste flow into
pump. It cause overflowed to aeration tank (so aeration didn't
perform maximum process)


Awareness of Sewerage
Yes No Detailed comment
Sewerage role 10 0
Public sewerage 8 2 x They think if using sewerage system will make operational &
maintenance easier to handle.
x For now, they still using own facility. The reason is because
high demand on water consumption while supply of tap
water is very low and unstable.(Majority is miscellaneous
use = low quality water)
x They already had plan to build recycled treatment.

Asset Tax 700 – 3,500 IDR/m2

Average: 2,200 IDR/m2

Estimated Sewerage Tariff Level

Water Supply 25 – 60 % of water supply
Asset Tax 30 % of Asset Tax


Additional Opinion on Commercial Building Survey

JICA PPP Study Team

Building Name Opinion Questioner impression

Actually they are willing to connect to In my opinion, building owner was

sewerage pipe as long as it is indeed the not aware that the existing system
terms set by the government. But if that is they use can pollute the environment
an option, it will be a consideration. They especially ground water. They still use
will connect as long as cost still makes a conventional septic tank with
sense. They think the waste water that absorption into the soil.
has been produced is not a problem. It is automatically contaminate
Because office occupancy rate is low groundwater.
enough, then the domestic waste In addition, the government seems not
produced is also not much. strictly apply the rules. (probably it
caused by location of the office not on
a business or commercial district)
They have a problem with broken Overall, the existing STP is on good
existing equipment (machinery failure) condition. But somehow, their blower
and limited budget for the renovation. does not perform maximum capacity.
Because of it, they think sewerage pipe is They have 2 blowers and it run one by
a better solution. If they connect to one (switch every 2 hours). They told
sewerage pipe, building owner is no me that blower capacity not enough to
longer thinking about STP maintenance process all of wastewater. Sometimes,
issue. Would be better is the tariff are effluent water appear turbid and bit
cheaper than STP maintenance and smelly.
operational costs.
Basically building owner was still
considering about connect to sewerage
pipe. They had a plan to build recycled
water treatment this year. The plant
automatically requires a supply from STP
output. They are willing to connect with
condition that existing STP not to be
closed. In other word, waste water that
will be flowed to sewerage pipe are the
rest of the recycled water treatment.
Actually they think sewerage pipe is a
good idea to manage general drainage
condition in Jakarta. During this time,
each building flow waste water onto city
drainage pipe. The pipe often becomes
clogged due to many solid wastes. When
rainy season comes, the pipe becomes
overloaded and cause flooding. This is
caused waste water drain back onto
building pipe. It is of course aesthetically
disturbing and may cause sanitation
problems. Then with the sewerage pipe is
expected to be an alternative for better
drainage system.


Building Name Opinion Questioner impression

For the building owner this plan is very
welcomed. With the condition of old
buildings, existing STP has been
renovated several times. So in their
opinion, sewerage pipe facilitate their
needs. They are no longer deal with
wastewater treatment problem because it
has been handled by government. Besides
they have a plan to expand building area,
so the area should be allocated for STP
can be used for other purposes given the
relatively high land prices.
Sewerage pipe feel quite necessary to be Based on the info obtained, the
realized. Building use as a shopping building was often reprimanded by
center then wastewater generated was BPLHD because the quality of
quite a lot. Building owner find it difficult effluent water does out of standard.
to deal with problems caused by STP. If They have several problems of broken
GP they connect to sewerage pipe, then they blower, pump, even leak pipe. STP is
would not provide expert staff to handle overloaded and does not have enough
the problems. capacity to treat waste water. So,
before waste water is properly
processed in one tank, it will be
overflow to the next tank.


5㧚 Summary of Environmental Survey on Road Conditions

Surveyed on  :  Saturday‐Sunday, 1‐2 July 2012 (Holiday) 
Surveyed by  :  Ade Erfansyah 
Description of Road Condition 
Location/Name of 
STA.  Majority Usage of Side Walk  Underground 
Road Segment  Geometric   Traffic Condition and Public Trans  Photo Doc 
and Roadside   Infrastructure 
1.  Jln Tambak ( 2  ROW  20 m   Relatively dense on workday and   Poles of street lighting,   Telephone 
way), Kelurahan  TW  14 m  smoothly on holyday.  electricity, and  billboard  Cable and  
Pegangsaan, Jkt  TL  7 m   P‐156, AC‐60, P‐116, Steady Safe    Roadside usage are Small   Drinking 
Pusat   SW  0.8 m  936 (Manggarai‐Psr Baru),   shop, business and town  water pipe 
DR  0.5 m   Steady Safe AC‐47 (Manggarai‐ house  (PAM) 
(C)  Senen) 
2.  Jln Bandengan  ROW  15 m   Relatively dense on workday and   Poles of street lighting,   Telephone 
Utara ( 1 way),  TW  10 m  smoothly on holyday.  electricity,  billboard,  Cable  
Penjaringan, Jkt  TL  5 m   Mikrolet M‐13 (Kalideres‐Kota)  telephone, traffic sign,   Drinking 
Utara  SW  1 m   Ojeg (free route)  trees, bridge crossed  water pipe 
DR  0.7 m    Roadside usage are Small  (PAM) 
(C)  shop, business, school, 
SR  0.8 m  gov’t office and town house

3.  Jln Proklamasi ( 1  ROW  15 m   Relatively dense on workday and   Poles of street lighting,   Telephone 
way), Kelurahan  TW  10 m  smoothly on holyday.  electricity,  billboard,  Cable  
Pegangsaan, Jkt  TL  5 m   Trans Jkt coridor V (Kp. Melayu‐ telephone, traffic sign,   Gas pipe  
Pusat  SW  1,5 m  Ancol)  trees,    Drinking 
DR  0.8 m    Bus Sinar Jaya P‐156 (Kp.   Roadside usage are  water pipe 
Rambutan – Psr Baru), Bus AC P‐ university and town house  (PAM) 
SR  0.3 m 
16  (Rawamangun – Lebak   Electricity 
bulus), Mayasari 905 (Pulo  cable 
Gadung – Dr  Wahidin),
  Steady Safe 962 and AC‐54 (Pulo 
 Metromini T‐49 (Pulo Gadung – 
4  Jln. Bandengan  ROW     Relatively dense on workday and   Poles of street lighting and   Telephone 
Utara ( 1 way),  TW  6m  smoothly on holyday.  crossing bridge  Cable  
Kelurahan  TL  6 m   Mikrolet M‐13 (Kalideres‐Kota)   Roadside usage are retail,   Electricity 
Penjaringan,  SW  ‐  warong and town house  cable 
Jakarta Utara  DR  1m 
SR  0.6m 

Description of Road Condition 
Location/Name of 
STA.  Majority Usage of Side Walk  Underground 
Road Segment  Geometric   Traffic Condition and Public Trans  Photo Doc 
and Roadside   Infrastructure 
5  Jl. Pegangsaan  ROW     Relatively dense on workday and   Parking on right sidewalk   Gas pipe  
Barat ( 2 way),  TW  7 m  smoothly on holyday.   Roadside usage are offices,   Drinking 
Kelurahan  TL  7 m   U 07, T 502 , U 13  Apartment, Puskesmas.  water pipe 
Pegangsaan,  SW  1m  Sebrang jln: Taman, Station  (PAM) 
Jakarta Pusat  DR  1m   Kereta Cikini   
  SR  0.6 m 

6  Jln. KH. Moch.  ROW     Relatively dense on workday and   Poles of street lighting,   Drinking 
Yamin ( 1 way),  TW  6m  smoothly on holyday  electricity,  billboard,  water pipe 
Kelurahan   TL  6m    Kopaja T‐502 (Kp. Rambutan –  telephone, traffic sign,  (PAM) 
Menteng,  Jakarta  SW  1 m  Tanah Abang)  trees,    
Pusat  DR  2 m   Roadside usage is Elite 
  SR  ‐  settlement 

7  Jl. Pejalan ( 1 way),  ROW     Relatively dense on workday and   Poles of street lighting, the   Drinking 
kecamatan Roa  TW  6m  smoothly on holyday  big pots  water pipe 
Malaka, Jakarta  TL  6 m   Mikrolet M‐10 (Tanah Abang‐  Roadside usage are  (PAM) 
Utara  SW    Kota)  Commercial building, and   Electricity 

DR  0.8 m  retail  cable 
SR  6 m 

8  Jln. KH. Moch.  ROW     Relatively dense on workday and   Poles of street lighting,   Drinking 
Yamin ( 1 way),  TW  6m  smoothly on holyday  electricity,  telephone,  water pipe 
Kelurahan   TL  6 m    P73, P20, p158, P116, 52, 507,  trees,   (PAM) 
Menteng,  Jakarta  SW    906, P7, 507   Roadside usage are Elite   Telephone 
Pusat  DR  0.8 m  settlement, elite settlement  fiber optic 
  SR  6m  and embassy office  Cable  

9  Jl. Perniagaan  ROW     Relatively dense on workday and   Poles of street lighting,   Drinking 
Barat, kecamatan  TW  5 m  holyday  electricity,  telephone,  water pipe 
Roa Malaka,  TL  5 m   Mikrolet M‐10 (Tanahabang‐ trees,   (PAM) 
Jakarta Utara  SW    Kota)   Roadside usage are   
DR  0.8 m   Many Ojeg in the traditional  townhouse, retail, office, 
SR  1 m  market area  warehouse, and traditional 
  market (pasar pagi) includes 
parking  and waste area    
Description of Road Condition 
Location/Name of 
STA.  Majority Usage of Side Walk  Underground 
Road Segment  Geometric   Traffic Condition and Public Trans  Photo Doc 
and Roadside   Infrastructure 
10  Jln. KH. Moch.  ROW     Relatively dense on workday and   Poles of street lighting,   Drinking 
Yamin ( 1 way),  TW  6m  smoothly on holyday  electricity,  telephone,  water pipe 
Kelurahan   TL  6 m    P73, P20, p158, P116, 52, 507,  trees,   (PAM) 
Menteng,  Jakarta  SW    906, P7, 507   Roadside usage are Elite   Telephone 
Pusat  DR  0.8 m  settlement, elite settlement  fiber optic 
  SR  6m  and embassy office  Cable  

11  Jln. KH. Moch.  ROW  10 m   Relatively dense on workday and   Poles of street lighting,   Drinking 
Masyur  (2 way),  TW  10 m  smoothly on holyday  electricity,  telephone,  water pipe 
Kelurahan  TL  5 m    trees,   (PAM) 
Tambora, Jakarta  SW  3 m   Roadside usage are   
Barat  DR  0.8 m  townhouse, retail, office, 
SR  1 m   warehouse, and traditional 
market  includes parking  
and school    
12   Jl. H. Agus Salim   ROW     Relatively smoothly on workday   Poles of street lighting,   Drinking 
(2 way), Kelurahan  TW  10m  and  holyday  electricity,  telephone,  water pipe 
Menteng, Jakarta  TL  5m   PPD 916 (Kp Melayu‐Tanah  trees,   (PAM) 

Pusat  SW  ‐  Abang   Roadside usage are Elite 
DR  2 m   settlement, elite settlement 
and embassy office 
13  Jln. KH. Moch.  ROW     Relatively dense on workday and   Poles of street lighting,   Drinking 
Masyur  (2 way),  TW  10 m  smoothly on holyday  electricity,  telephone,  water pipe 
Kelurahan  TL  5 m    trees,   (PAM) 
Tambora, Jakarta  SW  3 m   Roadside usage are   
Barat  DR  0.8 m  townhouse, retail, office, 
warehouse, and traditional 
SR  1 m   market  includes parking  
and school  
14  Jl. Sumenep.(1  ROW     Relatively smoothly on workday   Poles of street lighting,  Telephone fiber 
way), Kelurahan  TW  6 m  and  holyday  electricity,  telephone,  optic Cable 
Menteng‐ Jakarta  TL  6 m     trees,  
Pusat  SW  0.3 m   Roadside usage are Elite 
  DR  0.8 m  settlement, elite settlement 
SR  0.3 m  and embassy office 

Description of Road Condition 
Location/Name of 
STA.  Majority Usage of Side Walk  Underground 
Road Segment  Geometric   Traffic Condition and Public Trans  Photo Doc 
and Roadside   Infrastructure 
15  Jl. Purworejo .(1  ROW     Relatively smoothly on workday   Poles of street lighting,  Telephone fiber 
way), Kelurahan  TW  6 m  and  holyday  electricity,  telephone,  optic Cable 
Menteng‐ Jakarta  TL  6 m    trees,    
Pusat  SW  0.7 m   Roadside usage are Elite 
  DR  4 m  settlement, elite settlement 
SR  0.6 m 
MD  0.3 m 
16  Jl. Blora .(1 way),  ROW     Relatively smoothly on workday   Poles of street lighting,   Telephone 
Kelurahan  TW  12 m  and  holyday  electricity,  telephone,  fiber optic 
Menteng‐ Jakarta  TL  12 m    trees,   Cable  
Pusat  SW     Roadside usage are   Gas pipe  
  DR  1 m  townhouse , restaurant, pot   Drinking 
SR  0.3 m  and un‐ formal retail  water pipe 
MD   Electricity 
17  Jl. Teluk Betung (2  ROW     Relatively dense on workday and   Poles of street lighting,   Telephone 
way), Kelurahan  TW  8 m  smoothly on holyday  electricity,  telephone,  fiber optic 

Kebon Melati‐  TL  4 m    trees,   Cable  
Jakarta Pusat  SW  0.7 m   Roadside usage are   Drinking 
  DR  1.5 m  townhouse , restaurant, pot  water pipe 
SR  0.8 m  and un‐ formal retail  (PAM) 
18  Jl. Kebon Kacang  ROW     Relatively dense on workday and   Poles of street lighting,   Drinking 
(2 way), Kelurahan  TW  12 m  smoothly on holyday  electricity,  telephone and,  water pipe 
Kebon Melati‐  TL  7 m    trees   (PAM) 
Jakarta Pusat  0.3   Roadside usage are   
cm  townhouse , hotel, 
DR  3 m  apartment, and mall 
SR  0.3m 
Description of Road Condition 
Location/Name of 
STA.  Majority Usage of Side Walk  Underground 
Road Segment  Geometric   Traffic Condition and Public Trans  Photo Doc 
and Roadside   Infrastructure 
19  Noname Road (1  ROW     Relatively dense on workday and   Poles of street lighting,   Drinking 
  way), Kelurahan  smoothly on holyday  electricity,  telephone  water pipe 
Kebon Melati‐  TW  6 m     Roadside usage are  (PAM) 
Jakarta Pusat  TL  6 m  townhouse , mall and Street   
SW    parking  (2 road side) 
20  Jl. Kebon Kacang  ROW     Relatively dense on workday and   Poles of street lighting,   Drinking 
(2 way), Kelurahan  TW  7 m  smoothly on holyday  electricity,  telephone,  water pipe 
Kebon Melati‐  TL  7 m    trees,   (PAM) 
Jakarta Pusat  SW  0.3 m   Roadside usage are   
DR  ‐  townhouse , hotel, 
SR  0.8 m  apartment, and mall 
21  Jl. KH. Mas  ROW     Relatively dense on workday and   Poles of street lighting,   Telephone 
Mansyur (2 way),  TW  12  smoothly on holyday  electricity,  telephone and,  fiber optic 

Kelurahan Kebon  TL  6   Steady Safe P‐133 (Grogol‐ trees   Cable  
Melati‐ Jakarta  SW  ‐  Kelender)   Roadside usage are   Drinking 
Pusat  DR  1 m   Kopaja S‐608 (Blok M‐ townhouse , offices and  water pipe 
SR    Tanahabang), Kopaja S‐615  retail /informal retail (kaki  (PAM) 
MD    (lebak Bulus‐Tanahabang) and  lima)   
Mikrolet M‐38 (Grogol‐Tanah 
22  Jl. Abdul Muis (2  ROW     Relatively dense on workday and   Poles of street lighting,   Telephone 
way), kelurangan  TW  6 m  smoothly on holyday  electricity,  telephone and,  fiber optic 
Petojo Selatan,  TL  3 m   Mayasari Bakti 507 (Pulo  trees   Cable  
Jakarta Selatan  SW    Gadung‐Tanahabang), Steady   Roadside usage are   Drinking 
DR  1 m  Safe 939 (Blok   M‐Veteran),  townhouse , offices and  water pipe 
SR  0.6 m  Steady Safe AC‐110 (Tj. Priok‐ retail /informal retail (kaki  (PAM) 
  Tanahabang) and Mikrolet M‐08  lima)   
MD  (Tanahabang‐Kota).   
Description of Road Condition 
Location/Name of 
STA.  Majority Usage of Side Walk  Underground 
Road Segment  Geometric   Traffic Condition and Public Trans  Photo Doc 
and Roadside   Infrastructure 
23  Jl. Suryopranoto  ROW     Relatively dense on workday and   Poles of street lighting,   Telephone 
(2 way),  TW  12 m  smoothly on holyday  electricity,  telephone and,  fiber optic 
kelurangan  6 m   Bus way corridor III (Kalideres‐ trees   Cable  
Petojo Selatan,  (3m  harmoni)   Roadside usage are   Drinking 
Jakarta Selatan  busw  PPD 504 (Pulo Gadung‐Grogol),  townhouse , offices,  water pipe 
ay)  PPD P‐25 (Senen‐Tangerang) and  settlement  and retail  (PAM) 
SW    Kopaja P‐12 (Senen‐Kalideres)  /informal retail (kaki lima)   
DR  1 m 
SR  0.8 m   
24  Jl. Ir. H. Juanda (1  ROW     Relatively dense on workday and   Poles of street lighting,   Telephone 
way), kelurahan  TW  10 m  smoothly on holyday  electricity,  and telephone   fiber optic 
Gambir, Jakarta  TL  10 m   Bus way corridor II (Pulo   Roadside usage are  Cable  
Pusat  SW  0.8 m  Gadung‐Harmoni), Koridor III  townhouse , offices and   Drinking 
  DR  4 m  (Kalideres‐Harmoni)  settlement  water pipe 
SR  0.8 m    Steady Safe 936 (Manggarai‐Psr  (PAM) 
Baru), Steady Safe 939 (Blok M‐    
MD    Veteran), PPD 12 (Blok M‐
Senen), PPD P1 (bekasi‐Harmoni)  

25  Jl. Veteran (1  ROW     Relatively smooth on workday   Poles of street lighting,   Telephone 
way), kelurahan  TW  7 m  and holyday  electricity,  telephone and,  fiber optic 
Gambir, Jakarta  7 m   PPD P1 (Bekasi‐Harmoni), PPD  trees   Cable  
Pusat  (3 m  P43 (Banteng Utara‐Depok)   Roadside usage are Elite   Drinking 
  busw settlement on the side back  water pipe 
ay)  of President Palace   (PAM) 
DR  1 m 
SR  ‐   
26  Jl. Teluk Gong (2  ROW     Relatively dense on workday and   Poles of street lighting,   Telephone 
way), kelrahan  TL  14 m  smoothly on holyday  electricity,  telephone and,  fiber optic 
Pejagalan, Jakarta  SW  7 m   M25 (Grogol –Kota) , B01  trees   Cable  
utara  DR   1 m  (grogol‐angke)   Roadside usage are   Drinking 
SR  60 cm  townhouse , offices and  water pipe 
1 m  settlement  (PAM) 

Source  :  Field Survey, 1‐2  July 2012  
Surveyedon : SaturdayͲSunday,1Ͳ2July2012(Holiday)
Surveyedby : RandiSuhendi
STA. TrafficConditionandPublic MajorityUsageofSideWalk Underground
RoadSegment Geometric PhotoDoc
TransportationRoute andRoadSide Infrastructure
1. Jl.Moh Mansyur ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlighting, x Telephone
TW 6m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity,andbillboard Cableand
TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 1m x MetrominiNo.80KaliDeres glasswaremarketon±100 waterpipe
SW Ͳ JembatanLima mcorridorinthemorning (PAM)
DR 1.5m x MikroletM10TanahAbangͲ andvegetablesinthe
Kota evening(PasarJembatan

2. Jl.Latumenten ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlighting, x Telephone
Raya TW 16m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity,andbillboard Cableand
TL 4m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 6m x Buswaycorridor townhouse,officeandretail waterpipe

SW Ͳ x Mikrolet25and01GrogolͲ (PAM)
DR 1m Muarakarang

3. Jl.Bendungan ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlighting, x Telephone
Utara TW 10m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity,andbillboard Cableand
TL 4m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 3m  townhouse,officeandretail waterpipe
SW 5m (PAM)

4. Jl.Tubagus Angke ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlighting, x Telephone
TW 8m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity,andbillboard Cableand
TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 1,5m x Metromini86and29,Mikrolet townhouse,retailand waterpipe
SW Ͳ 02 settlementalongtheriver (PAM)
DR 1m side

STA. TrafficConditionandPublic MajorityUsageofSideWalk Underground
RoadSegment Geometric PhotoDoc
TransportationRoute andRoadSide Infrastructure
5. Jl.Tubagus Angke ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlighting, x Telephone
JembatanLima TW 5m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity,andbillboardand Cableand
TL 2m holyday. anexistingtraincrossing x Drinking
SR Ͳ x Metromini86and29, x Roadsideusageare waterpipe
SW 1m Mikrolet02 townhouse,retailand (PAM)
DR 20m settlement

6. Jl.Jembatan2 ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlighting, x Telephone

Raya TW 12m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity,andbillboard Cableand
TL 3m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 1m x Metromini83,andMikrolet25 townhouse,retailand waterpipe
SW Ͳ GrogolͲKota settlement (PAM)
DR 1m


7. Jl.Gedong Panjang ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlighting, x Telephone

2 TW 19m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity,andbillboard Cableand
TL 3m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR Ͳ x Metromini84andMikroletM townhouse,retailand waterpipe
SW 1,5m 25KotaͲKapuk settlement,aswellas (PAM)
DR 2m informalretail(Kakilima)

8. Jl.Gedong Panjang ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlighting, x Telephone

1 TW 15m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity,andbillboard Cableand
TL 5m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR Ͳ x BuswayPluitPinangRanti townhouse,retailandoffice waterpipe
SW 1,5m Corridor (PAM)
DR 2m x MetroMini84(KaliDeresͲ
x Mikrolet01MuaraKarang– 
STA. TrafficConditionandPublic MajorityUsageofSideWalk Underground
RoadSegment Geometric PhotoDoc
TransportationRoute andRoadSide Infrastructure
9. Jl.TelukGongRaya ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlighting, x Telephone
TW 6m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity,andbillboard Cableand
TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 6m x Mikrolet01MuaraKarang– townhouse,retailandoffice waterpipe
SW Ͳ Grogol (PAM)
DR 1m

10. Jl.RayaJembatan ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlighting, x Telephone

3 TW 15m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity,andbillboard Cableand
TL 5m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR Ͳ x 100mtocrossingwith townhouse,retailandoffice waterpipe
SW Ͳ traditionalmarketand200m aswellasinformalretail (PAM)
DR 5m tooverfly (kakilima)


11. Jl.PluitUtaraRaya ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlighting, x Telephone
TW 12m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity,andbillboard Cable
TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 4m x Mikrolet01Grogol–Angke settlementandretail waterpipe
DR 1m x Electricity

12. Jl.Pantai Mutiara1 ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelysmoothon x Polesofstreetlighting, x Electricity
TW 6m workdayandonholyday. electricity cable
TL 2m x Ojeg x Roadsideusageare 
SR 2m housingt
DR 1m

STA. TrafficConditionandPublic MajorityUsageofSideWalk Underground
RoadSegment Geometric PhotoDoc
TransportationRoute andRoadSide Infrastructure
13. Jl.Pantai Mutiara ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlighting, x Telephone
TW 8m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity Cable
TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusagearehouses x Drinking
SR 2,5m  complex waterpipe
SW 1,5m (PAM)
DR Ͳ x Electricity

14. Jl.MandalaBahari ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlighting, x Telephone
TW 8m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity Cable
TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusagearedock, x Drinking
SR 2m  market,andtownͲhouse waterpipe
DR 1m x Electricity


15. Jl.Pasar Muara ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlighting, x Drinking
Angke   workdayandsmoothlyon electricity waterpipe
TW 7m holyday. x Roadsideusageare (PAM)
TL 2m  traditionalmarket(Pasar 
SR 1m MuaraAngke)andfish
SW Ͳ storageasswellastown
DR 1m house

16. Jl.Kapau ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlighting, x Telephone
TW 20m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity Cable
TL 4m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR Ͳ  townhouseandsettlement waterpipe
SW Ͳm inalongtherivercorridor (PAM)
STA. TrafficConditionandPublic MajorityUsageofSideWalk Underground
RoadSegment Geometric PhotoDoc
TransportationRoute andRoadSide Infrastructure
17. Jl.LodanRaya ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlighting, x Telephone
TW 20m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity Cable
TL 4m holyday. x Roadsideusageareretail x Drinking
SR Ͳ andwarehouse waterpipe

18. Jl.Pakin ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlighting, x Telephone
TW 20m workdayandsmoothlyon electricityandbillboard Cable
TL 40m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR Ͳ x Mitromini02(SenenͲMuara townhouse,retailand waterpipe
SW Karang)andMikroletM15 housingcomplexMuara (PAM)
DR Angke


19. Jl.Jalan Muara ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlighting, x Telephone
Baru(jalanraya) TW 10m workdayandsmoothlyon electricityandbillboard Cable
TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR Ͳ x MitrominiO2(SenenͲMuara warehouse,apartmentand waterpipe
SW 1,2m Karang) settlement (PAM)
DR 1m

20. Jl.Muara Baru ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone

TW 10m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity Cable
TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR Ͳ x MikroletU11(MuaraBaru– Settlementontherightand waterpipe
SW Ͳ MuaraAngke) leftroadcorridor (PAM)

STA. TrafficConditionandPublic MajorityUsageofSideWalk Underground
RoadSegment Geometric PhotoDoc
TransportationRoute andRoadSide Infrastructure
21. Jl.PluitRaya ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone
TW 10m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity Cable
TL 3m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 6m x Metromini02andMikroletU Settlementontherightand waterpipe
SW 1,5m 11(MuaraBaru–Muara leftroadcorridor (PAM)
DR 1,5m Angke)

22. Jl.PluitRaya ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone
TW 8m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity Cable
TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 3m x Metromini02andMikroletU Settlementontherightand waterpipe
SW 3,5m 11(MuaraBaru–Muara leftroadcorridor (PAM)
DR 3,5m Angke)


23. Jl.MandalaBahari ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone
TW 10m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity Cable
TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 1m  Settlementontherightand waterpipe
SW Ͳ leftroadcorridor (PAM)
DR 1m

24. Jl.Pluit Karang ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone
Barat TW 10m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity Cable
TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 4m x Bis(kotaͲMuaraAngke)and townhouse,retailand waterpipe
SW Ͳ Mikrolet01(Grogol–Muara settlement (PAM)
DR 2m Angke)

STA. TrafficConditionandPublic MajorityUsageofSideWalk Underground
RoadSegment Geometric PhotoDoc
TransportationRoute andRoadSide Infrastructure
25. Jl.KomplekKarang ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone
Elok TW 8m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity Cable
TL 2m holyday. x RoadsideusageareHousing x Drinking
SR 2m  KomplekofKarangElok waterpipe
DR 2m x IPALpipeline

26. Jl.MuaraKarang ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone
UtaraRaya TW 24m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity Cable
TL 4m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 4m  Settlementontherightand waterpipe
SW Ͳ leftroadcorridor (PAM)
DR 2m


27. Jl.PermaiRaya ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone

TW 14m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity Cable
TL 3m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 4m  settlement,retailandMall waterpipe
DR 1m

28. Jl.PluitUtaraRaya ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone

TW 12m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity Cable
TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 4m x BusWayCorridor9 Settlementontherightand waterpipe
SW Ͳ x Metromini02(BendunganͲ leftroadcorridor (PAM)
DR 1m Kota),andMikrolet01(Grogol

STA. TrafficConditionandPublic MajorityUsageofSideWalk Underground
RoadSegment Geometric PhotoDoc
TransportationRoute andRoadSide Infrastructure
29. Jl.Tambora ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone
TW 5,5m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity Cable
TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 1m x KWK02(KotaͲCengkareng) Settlementontherightand waterpipe
SW 1,5m leftroadcorridor (PAM)
DR 1,5m

30. Jl.TanahSerial ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone
TW 6,5m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity Cable
TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 1m x MetrominiM41KotaGrogol Settlementontherightand waterpipe
SW Ͳ leftroadcorridor (PAM)
DR 1m


31. Jl.KrendengRaya ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone

TW 6m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity Cable
TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 1m  Settlementontherightand waterpipe
SW Ͳ leftroadcorridor (PAM)
DR 1m

32. Jl.KrendengBarat ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone
TW 6m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity Cable
TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 1m  Settlementontherightand waterpipe
SW Ͳ leftroadcorridor (PAM)
DR 1m

STA. TrafficConditionandPublic MajorityUsageofSideWalk Underground
RoadSegment Geometric PhotoDoc
TransportationRoute andRoadSide Infrastructure
33. Jl.JembatanBesi ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone
awal TW 6m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity Cable
TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 2m x MikroletM41(KotaͲGrogol) Settlementontherightand waterpipe
SW Ͳ leftroadcorridor (PAM)
DR 2m

34. Jl.JembatanBesi ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone
akhir TW 10m workdayandsmoothlyon electricityandbillboard Cable
TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 1m x MikroletM41(KotaͲGrogol) townhouseandretail waterpipe
SW 1,5m  (PAM)
DR 2m


35. Jl.Lutumenten ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone
TW 14,5m workdayandsmoothlyon electricityandbillboard Cable
TL 4m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 4m x KWK25and01,BusWay townhouse,retailandoffice waterpipe
SW 3m (MuaraKarangͲKampung x Existingartificiallake,toll (PAM)
DR Ͳm Rambutan)andKopaja86 bridgeandriver

36. Jl.Mohammad ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone

mansyur TW 7m workdayandsmoothlyon electricityandbillboard Cable
(tembusanHasyim TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
Akbar) SR Ͳ x AngkotM10(TanahAbangͲ townhouse,retailandoffice waterpipe
SW 3m Kota)andMetromini80 (PAM)
DR 2mm (GrogolͲKaliDeres)

STA. TrafficConditionandPublic MajorityUsageofSideWalk Underground
RoadSegment Geometric PhotoDoc
TransportationRoute andRoadSide Infrastructure
37. Jl.Veteran ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone
TW 5,5m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity Cable
TL 1m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 2m Settlementontherightand waterpipe
SW Ͳ leftroadcorridor (PAM)
DR 1m

38. Jl.Pecenongan ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone

TW 12m workdayandsmoothlyon electricityandbillboard Cable
TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 1m townhouse,retailandoffice waterpipe
DR 1,5m

39. Jl.POS ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone
TW 12m workdayandsmoothlyon electricityandbillboard Cable
TL 4m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 2m x Metromini(Senen–Benhil)and townhouse,retailandoffice waterpipe
SW 4m Busway(BlokM–KaliDeres (PAM)
DR 3m andPriuk–BlokM)

40. Jl.TamanSahari ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone

TW 8m workdayandsmoothlyon electricityandbillboard Cable
TL 3m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 1m townhouse,retailandoffice waterpipe
SW 1,5m x Existingtrainstation (PAM)
DR 2,5m

STA. TrafficConditionandPublic MajorityUsageofSideWalk Underground
RoadSegment Geometric PhotoDoc
TransportationRoute andRoadSide Infrastructure
41. Jl.ManggaBesar5 ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone
TW 8,5m workdayandsmoothlyon electricityandbillboard Cable
TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 2m x Angkot01(PasarBaruͲKota) townhouse,retailandoffice waterpipe
DR 1m

42. Jl.Buni ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone
TW 8,5m workdayandsmoothlyon electricityandbillboard Cable
TL 2m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 2 x Angkot01(PasarBaruKota) townhouse,retailandoffice waterpipe
SW 3m  (PAM)
DR 1m


43. Jl.Manggis ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone

TW 5,5m workdayandsmoothlyon electricity Cable
TL 1m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR Ͳm setllement waterpipe
DR 1m

44. Jl.Jayakarta ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone

TW 10m workdayandsmoothlyon electricityandbillboard Cable
TL 3m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 1m townhouse,retailandoffice waterpipe
DR 1,5m

STA. TrafficConditionandPublic MajorityUsageofSideWalk Underground
RoadSegment Geometric PhotoDoc
TransportationRoute andRoadSide Infrastructure
45. Jl.GunungSahari ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone
TW 10m workdayandsmoothlyon electricityandbillboard Cable
TL 4m holyday. x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 2m x Angkot53(pulogadungͲkota), townhouse,retailandoffice waterpipe
SW 4m Metromini02(muarakarangͲ  (PAM)
DR Ͳm senen)andbusway(AncolͲ

46. Jl.ManggaBesar ROW m x Thetrafficrelativelydenseon x Polesofstreetlightingand x Telephone
Raya TW 8m workdayandsmoothlyon electricityandbillboard Cable
TL 3m holyday.Angkot53pulo x Roadsideusageare x Drinking
SR 1m gadungkota townhouse,retailandoffice waterpipe
SW 2m  (PAM)
DR 3m


6㧚 JCC Presentation Material

JCC-1 Presentation Material

AGENDA of Working Group #1

Preparatory Survey for PPP Infrastructure Project A. Technical: Zone-1 sewerage facilities
Sewage Treatment Plant Project in DKI Jakarta A-1 Sewer line routes
A-2 Prediction of sewage inflow based on sewer construction progress

JKT Sewerage Zone-1 PPP-FS A-3 WWTP capacities to be balanced with sewage inflow
A-4 Zone-1 development phasing plan
Working Group Meeting B. Financial:
B-1 Consideration for PPP model
B-2 Construction cost and Service fee
18 June 2012 B-3 Preliminary Analysis on Cost sharing
B-4 Key to Success of the Project

C. Subsequent PPP-FS schedule 2

(Source: JICA MP Review)
Zone-1 Sewer Line
3 4

Zone-1 Primary & Secondary Sewers

(Source: JICA PPP-FS)
Distance of Pipe Open
Diameter Distance Construction Method Pipe Distance of Pipe Jacking Method Nos of Manhole
Trench Method Nos of
Pipe jacking Open trench
(mm) (m) Slope (‰) 3m 5m 7m 9m 10 m >10m SubTotal 1.5 m 3m 5m SubTotal Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 SubTotal
method method
φ 150 168 0 168 3.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 168 0 0 168 2 0 0 0 2 5
φ 200 1,397 713 684 3.0 100 613 0 0 0 0 713 0 684 0 684 7 14 0 0 21 15
φ 250 1,478 508 969 2.8 0 508 0 0 0 0 508 0 969 0 969 11 8 0 0 19 8
φ 300 5,972 1,891 4,082 2.8 0 1,891 0 0 0 0 1,891 2,471 1,610 0 4,082 42 31 0 0 73 30 construction
φ 350 7,830 2,996 4,835 4.0 800 2,196 0 0 0 0 2,996 588 4,247 0 4,835 51 49 0 0 100 54
φ 400 10,931 5,658 5,273 3.5 100 1,324 1,734 0 2,500 0 5,658 752 4,521 0 5,273 44 106 0 0 150 69
φ 450 5,113 1,820 3,293 3.0 246 500 1,074 0 0 0 1,820 602 2,691 0 3,293 38 30 0 0 68 50 (Source:
φ 500 7,104 3,441 3,663 2.8 0 665 0 1,220 814 742 3,441 2,434 1,228 0 3,663 33 53 0 0 86 58
φ 600 6,520 5,222 1,298 2.6 0 637 1,222 2,951 411 0 5,222 0 1,298 0 1,298 13 67 0 0 80 24 JICA PPP-FS)
φ 700 10,915 10,850 65 2.4 1,616 560 2,537 2,558 803 2,776 10,850 65 0 0 65 0 0 139 0 139 30
φ 800 9,399 8,610 789 2.2 0 3,723 278 0 1,368 3,241 8,610 0 789 0 789 0 0 53 0 53 23
φ 900 4,371 4,371 0 2.0 0 704 1,116 0 0 2,552 4,371 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 18 36
φ 1,000 7,165 7,165 0 1.8 0 1,647 1,285 0 38 4,196 7,165 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 20 32
φ 1,100 3,283 3,283 0 1.6 0 0 629 0 0 2,654 3,283 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 11 2
φ 1,200 1,810 1,810 0 1.6 0 0 0 0 0 1,810 1,810 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 0
φ 1,350 1,130 1,130 0 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 1,130 1,130 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 6
φ 1,500 466 466 0 1.4 0 0 0 0 0 466 466 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0
φ 1,650 970 970 0 1.3 0 0 0 0 0 970 970 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 0
φ 1,800 0 0 0 1.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
φ 2,000 1,941 1,941 0 1.2 0 0 0 0 0 1,941 1,941 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0
φ 2,200 1,423 1,423 0 1.1 0 0 0 0 0 1,423 1,423 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 2

Total 89,386 64,267 25,119 2,862 14,967 9,875 6,730 5,934 23,900 64,267 7,081 18,038 0 25,119 241 358 258 10 867 444

 $ !(*'#" +  
 $ !(*" +  
 !$ '& !%
"#%#% % *"$$ 5 6

JCC-1 Presentation Material
Sewer construction Prediction of Sewage Inflow to WWTP
prediction (Source: JICA PPP-FS)

Small Diameter Pipe
Dia. 250,000
Jacking Method
Theory Max (Primory sewer collect 100%)
(mm) (m/day) (m/day) (m/day)
φ 150 - - 3.70 Challange (Primary sewer collect 70% by Year 4)
φ 200 3.34 - 3.62

Inflow rate in WWTP (cum per day)

φ 250 3.17 - 3.46
200,000 Slow Start (Branch sewer starts Year4)
φ 300 3.08 - 3.27
φ 350 2.98 - 3.01 West & North collection system are constructed
φ 400 4.34 - 2.87
φ 450 4.31 - 2.67 150,000
φ 500 4.29 - 2.57
φ 600 3.99 - 2.33

Operation Start
φ 700 3.89 - 2.16
φ 800 - 1.80 2.07 100,000
φ 900 - 1.76 1.93

φ 1,000 - 1.75 1.78
φ 1,100 - 1.75 -
φ 1,200 - 1.69 -
φ 1,350 - 1.57 - 50,000
φ 1,500 - 1.56 - 2015 2017 2020 2023
φ 1,650 - 1.49 -
φ 1,800 - 1.43 -
φ 2,000 - 1.37 - 0
φ 2,200 - 1.30 - Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y 10
Years from Starting of Sewer Construction

7 8

Zone-1 Sewer Development Strategy

Zone-1 Development Phasing (Source: JICA PPP-FS)  Sewer development procedure is deeply involved in the optimization of project feasibility.
 As the inflow rate in WWTP is depending upon progress of house connection, because
delay of house connection makes delay of revenue.
WWTP Capacity - Theory Max Case WWTP Capacity - Challenge Case  Slow growth of sewage inflow into WWTP is the biggest obstruction factor for recovery of
250000 250,000 investment due to postponement of full use of WWTP.
WWTP Inflow Rate (cum per day)

WWTP Inflow Rate (cum per day)

200000 200,000  In order to avoid such adverse effects, this PPP-FS propose scenario of sewer
150000 150,000 development as follows;


100000 100,000

50000 Theory Max (Primory sewer 50,000

Early stage (approx. year 1 to 10) Later stage (after Year 10)
collect 100%) Challange (Primary sewer collect a.Primary sewers are constructed from a. Secondary sewers, tertiary sewers and further
0 0 70% by Year 4)
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2,015 2,016 2,017 2,018 2,019 2,020 2,021 2,022 2,023 2,024 2,025 downstream in whole Zone-1. small sewers are constructed gradually in
Year Year b.Secondary sewers and manholes are Zone-1.
constructed for collection of sewage from b. Manholes to connect sewers and house
WWTP Capacity - Slow Start Case WWTP capacity - West & North Only drainage. connection are constructed gradually.
250,000 250,000 c.House connection and sewers in between house
WWTP Inflow Rate (cum per day)

WWTP Inflow Rate (cum per day)

200,000 200,000 West area only connection and secondary sewers are not
150,000 150,000 constructed yet.

100,000 100,000

50,000 Slow Start (Branch sewer 50,000

starts Year4)
0 0
2,015 2,016 2,017 2,018 2,019 2,020 2,021 2,022 2,023 2,024 2,025 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Year Year

9 10

(Reference Only)
Cost Comparison between Separate Sewer & Interceptor Sewer Proposal on Business Model
(for Pre-JCC1 Meeting)

1. Conditions and Constraints

2. Cases of Phasing Construction of WWTP
3. Points to be discussed in related to Cases
of Phasing Construction

June , 2012
JICA PPP-FS Study Team
11 12

JCC-1 Presentation Material
Conditions given by Indonesian sides
in Zone 1 Sewerage Development Physical Constraints for PPP Driver in Zone 1
A. Policy Target of Sewerage Service Coverage in DKI Sewerage Development
Jakarta shall be at 20% by 2020
Sewage Treatment Required in 2020 (A) Taking into account JICA ODA Loan Standard Process,
= 20%Total discharge in JKT sewer pipe construction will be started in 2015.
= 403,462m3/d(this figure based on M/P Draft Final) (B) Then the estimated Zone-1 WWTP inflow rate in the
end of 2016 is estimated to be 6,039m3/average-day.
B. Zone 1 contribution
(C) As well as the above (B), the estimated WWTP inflow
= 198,000m3/average day
rate in the end of 2018 is about 79,926m3/average-day
= 49 % of Sewage Treatment required in 2020
at the completion of Trunk Sewers Construction.
C. WWTP Operation shall be started in 2017

D. Treated Sewage Effluent Water Quality shall be

complied with Environmental Regulations.
13 14

Financial Constraints CAPEX-sharing Proposal

in Sewerage Development in Zone 1
Development Pipe Network +Wastewater Treatment Plant
(A) Construction Period for Sewer Pipe; within 10 Years Plant
(Grace Period of JICA ODA Loan is Maximum
10 Years)
Extent of Pipe Network Wastewater Treatment
(B) Shortening the Schedule for necessary Procedures Fiscal Burden Plant
for JICA ODA Loan is limited
ex)EIA Procedure before Commencement of
GOI Private (SPC)

Construction of Pipe Network is public business.

Construction of Wastewater Treatment Plant
is private business.
15 16

Item of Cost, Type of Payment to SPC and Cases of Phasing Construction of WWTP
Supplementation for Service Fee in O&M Period) Assumption; based on Conditions and Constraints
Treatment Capacity 99,000(m3/d) 49,500(m3/d)
Item of
Cost O&M Cost WWTP Initial Capex 1.7 trillion 1.1 trillion 0.8 trillion
(IDR, in case of MBR) (IDR) (IDR) (IDR)
(O&M cost included Additional Capex) WWTP Construction
3 Years 2.5 Years 2.5 Years
Period (Years)
Main Sewer Pipe
Initial Capex 1.6 trillion (IDR)
Type of
Service Fee from Local Govt Main Sewer Pipe
Payment to SPC 10 Years
Construction Period
Estimated Effluent
Water Quantity in 197,878 (m3/d, Average Daily Flow)
for Service Fee Tariff Income Others Estimated Effluent
118,675 (m3/d, Average Daily Flow)
Water Quantity in
<Characteristic of Sewerage Project> Operation Ratio of
14% 29% 58%
 Initial and Additional capex Huge WWTP in 2017
 Full cost recovery by TariffImpossible
 The financial gap should be supplemented in Construction Period
17 18
and/or in O&M Period

JCC-1 Presentation Material
Points to be discussed in related to Cases of
Points to be discussed in related to Cases of
Phasing Construction
Phasing Construction
Based on the current Pipe Network Plan, Estimated For the increase of WWTP Operation Ratio, additional
Effluent Water Quantity (Average Daily Flow) will much Construction for Sewer Pipe Networks is necessary.
increase in 34 years.
in 2 Years(2016); 6,039m3/d Shortening the Schedule for necessary Procedures
in 3 Years(2017); 28,525m3/d for JICA ODA Loan is limited.
in 4 Years(2018); 79,926m3/d We want to ask DKI to priorly invest to Sewer
Pipe Networks (for example, 2 Years Prior Invest)
In 2020 (after 6 Years since the Commencement of Pipe
Network Construction by JICA ODA Loan), We want to discuss the extent of Fiscal Burden by GOI
Estimated Effluent Water Quantity is 118,675m3/d. and DKI .
Possible Amount of Initial Capex Investment will
High Operation Ratio of WWTP is important, determine Phasing Construction Pattern.
but if the number of Phasing Construction increase,
we will have more Inflation Risk in the future.
19 20

B. Financial: Zone-1 financial structures

B-1 Consideration for PPP model
B-2 Construction cost and Service fee
B-3 Preliminary Analysis on Cost sharing
Thank you for your attention!! B-4 Key to success of the Project

(for your references)

 Finance for Sewerage in Japan and USA
 Tariff level all over the World and Concept of Full cost recovery
 Development Strategy of Manila Water
 Step-wised House Connection in JKT Sewerage

21 22
Copyright © 2011 ORIX Corporation All rights reserved. 21

B-1. Consideration for PPP model B-1. Consideration for PPP model
Proposed Demarcation of Zone-1 PPP development
Pipe network Wastewater Treatment Plant
2&%#*   % 6" %%!
290 million US$ 185 million US$ $!&#
(61%) (39%) 3! $%#&%!
!,, #'% 867#% #'%
1 Public   3! $%#&%! 5:6 5:6
!(#$ : 19!
 867#%  867#%
2 Public SPC Typical PPP :
#&$* 867#% #'%
185 million US$ !,,
3 :
SPC Impossible
!(#$ #&$* 867#% 867#%
475 million US$
1. O&M Company will be set up jointly by DKI Jakarta and Japanese Investor.
Note: GOI is very negative to increase “Foreign Debt”. 2. One agreement to cover EPC and O&M is applied to WWTP.
GOJ is very positive to accelerate “PPP by Japanese Companies”.

JCC-1 Presentation Material
B-2. Construction cost and Service fee B-2. Construction cost and Service fee

3.2 ha

No Facility Name Dimension

1 Lift Pump 23,000mmL x 40,800mmW x 1set
2 Aerated Grit Chamber 18,000mmL x 26,600mmW x 1set
3 Equalization Tank 37,000mmL x 40,700mmW x 4sets
4 Anoxic Tank 32,000mmL x 38,000mmW x 4sets
5 Aerobic Tank 29,000mmL x 38,000mmW x 4sets
6 MBR Tank 48,000mmL x 26,000mmW x 4sets
7 Mechanical room of MBR 51,400mmL x 20,000mmW x 4sets
8 Dewatering Building 19,000mmL x 46,800mmW x 1set
9 Administration Building 26,350mmL x 20,350mmW x 1set
Note: Private sector has large allowance in pricing for sophisticated
10 Discharge Conduit 5,700mmL x 2,800mmW x 1set technologies such as MBR. 26

B-2. Construction cost and Service fee B-3. Preliminary Analysis on Cost sharing
Basis of Service fee
6% 2#!(
Payment in OM period
:3!$% / 1 $%#%! 9!#!$%:%#$ (DKI SPC)
Service Fee
:4? / =%%*%#%*(%#
/ 3! $&& O&M Cost Repayment of CAPEX
Break down
6%!4)" $$ / ;&%*$$&# 6 $"%!  of Cost Item (OPEX) Replacement, Funding Cost
/ & $"!$
/ <"#$@# %   Supplementation
Tariff Income Shortfall
/ :%#$ for Service Fee

<"* %! # " ,,! $%#&%! !$%

314? <Characteristic of Sewerage Project>
 Initial and Additional capex Huge
6 %#$% 6 %#$%!,,! $%#&%! !$%  Full cost recovery by TariffImpossible
 The financial gap (Shortfall) should be supplemented in Construction
Period and/or in O&M Period
* %!#&0).>#
-; .># -;$.A
27 28

B-3. Preliminary Analysis on Cost sharing B-3. Preliminary Analysis on Cost sharing
Case Study: PPP 4 Model Basic Assumptions (Tentative)
Pipe Network Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Period 20 years
Management Public SPC Additional included
Construction Cost 290 million US$ 185 million US$ CAPEX (Replacement)
Inflation not considered
475 million US$
Case 1 Sludge Disposal Unit Fee 100 USD/m3

290 million US$ 185 million US$ Currency Exchange Rate IDR 9,012.5 = USD 1.0
IDR 8,570 = USD 1.0
Case 2 Public SPC
Bank Loan or Project 10%(Annual Interest)
(100%) Finance Interest Rate Note: to be explored more in the study.
345 million US$ 130 million US$
Bank Loan Grace Period 3 years
Case 3 Public SPC
(30%) (70%) Repayment Period 18 years (Principal & Interest Equal Basis)
400 million US$ 75 million US$
Case 4 Public SPC Tariff Revenue: 616 mil. USD (Total for 20 years)
Commercial - 2.5 times, Residents – same as it is today
(60%) (40%) 30

JCC-1 Presentation Material
B-3. Preliminary Analysis on Cost sharing B-3. Preliminary Analysis on Cost sharing
Sludge Disp. 35 $/m3
DKI Total Expenditure in 2011
= USD 3,093 mil.
Funding Short
Cost Fall

Replace. 2.2 0.5 0.2

CAPEX Tariff % % %
Viability Gap Fund:

Case 4-1: VGF around 40% can achieve full cost recovery
Case 1: No Subsidy for Pipe & WWTP only with Tariff
Sludge Disp. 100 $/m3

Case 2: No Subsidy for WWTP Case 3: 30% Subsidy for WWTP Case 4-2: VGF around 50%

B-3. Preliminary Analysis on Cost sharing B-4. Key to Success of the Project
Action by Public Sector
Summary on Service fee Variation  Introduction of BOT deduct 10  15% of construction cost
Assumptions Subsidy in  Conducting Open Bidding get the Lowest Price with Quality
OM Period
WWTP Interest of Sewer for
(milli.USD/y  Consideration for optimized balance of Subsidy or VGF
investment Private fund Investment DKI Budget
) < Construction Period > < O&M Period >
Case 1 Private 10% Annu. Private 68.9 2.2% WWTP Initial CAPEX Service Fee for WWTP

Case 2 Private -ditto- Public 16.1 0.5%

Subsidy or VGF Private Fund w / wo Subsidy
Case 3 70 % Private -ditto- Public 6.0 0.2%
30 % Public
Action by Private Sector
Case 4-1 60 % Private -ditto- Public 0.0 0.0%
40 % VGF  Large allowance in pricing for sophisticated technologies
Case 4-2 50 % Private -ditto- Public 0.0 0.0%  Optimized financing arrangement through JICA/PSIF, PIP, IIG, PTSMI
50 % VGF

33 34

B-4. Key to Success of the Project

Issues to be discussed in JCC#2

 Appropriate Tariff Level Analysis based on ATP, WTP

 FIRR, EIRR Analysis based on Shadow Income

 Implementation Diagram Permitting process, Contracts, Others

 Risk Management Risk allocation and Insurance

Terimakasi banyak!
Key Events
 JCC #2 in July

 G - G Consultation in September

 JICA Pre-Appraisal in October

 JICA Appraisal in December

35 36
Copyright © 2011 ORIX Corporation All rights reserved. 36

JCC-2 Presentation Material
3?>?=95C?6*31<5 (B?@5B-?<E=5*5G5B+I@5
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1 2

*31<5=5B9D?6*5G5B175CICD5= 5F5<?@=5>D9>, *31<5=5B9D6?B'%?CD H1=@<59>1>7;?;

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.1CD5G1D5B6<?G= 4
  (+ I51BL*G9CCB1>3@5B(?@E<1D9?> AE9F1<5>D @5B/51B
*?EB35+85EB?@51>.1D5BCC?391D9?>1>4+855B=1>CC?391D9?>6?B.1D5B .1CD5G1D5B1>4.1CD5

Lesson : $5CC?>  *?EB351>7;?;G1CD5G1D5BG?B;CB5F95G "!  

1. Life cycle cost of per capita 50,000 PE is approximately 50 % of 1,000 PE. '%3?CD?6C=1<<C31<5DB51D=5>D@<1>D?6 = 41I?B<5CC9C ,* = 1>4
2. Catchment areas with bigger WWTPs are more efficient <1B75C31<5DB51D=5>D@<1>D9C ,* = G89389C5AE9F1<5>DD? ?6C=1<<C31<5
- both in terms of cost and pollution control. 3 4

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  J F5B175'=7 $ #1DCEI1=1B9475
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J *5G5B175*1DEB1D9?>$5F5< 30

$5CC?>  10 20
 *=1<<C31<5DB51D=5>D@<1>D9CDB?E2<5C?=59>G1D5BAE1<9DI3?>DB?<1>4'%?6 0 0
 ?F ?6%1<1IC91381>7549DC@?<93I1>481C45F5<?@54<1B75C31<5DB51D=5>D
=5381>931<45G1D5B9>7 *?EB35#9D1;IECIE9DI)5@?BD
1. Interceptor can be easily installed in a short time and have big contribution to
water quality.
5 2. Separate sewer needs long period for installation and huge cost. 6

JCC-2 Presentation Material

!>D5B35@D?B?=29>54 >?*5@1B1D5 #1?8C9E>7 +19G1> 5F5<?@546B?=D85C1=5C9DE1D9?>1C?6#!"#+ 1>7;?;

Love River Water Front Dragon Boat Festival

?=29>544B19> 'F5B6<?GG59B $5CC?> 
!>D5B35@D?B*5G5B #1?8C9E>7 +19G1>  *5G5B175CICD5=9>1>7;?;6?3EC5C?>@?<<ED9?>3?>DB?<?6=E>939@1<7B1IG1D5B 
7  *5G5B=19>C1B5<1949>31>1<G85B5G1CD5G1D5B9C49C381B754 8

?>F5BC9?>6B?=*5@1B1D5*=1<<@<1>DC 81>75?69>1>391<*E@@?BD?6545B1<?F  ,*
D??=29>54$1B75@<1>DC %1>9<1
545B1<?F 545B1<?F
*E2C94I 545B1<?F *E2C94I

%E>939@1<?F %E>939@1<?F
?>4 %E>939@1<?F  ?>4

*?EB35  !=@<5=5>D1D9?>!CCE5C9> .1CD5G1D5B%1>175=5>D6?B%5DB?%1>9<1 B4!>D5B>1D9?>1<.?B;C8?@ .1D5B(?<<ED9?>?>DB?<545B1<.1D5B<51>.1D5B3D
1>4D8>>E1<%55D9>7?6 .1D5B>F9B?>=5>D(1BD>5BC89@9>C91.( 3D=5>4=5>D(?<<ED9?>?>DB?<3D+G9>56939D?6 ?F

$5CC?>  $5CC?> 
 ?=29>54C5G5B175CICD5=81C255>B5@<139>7C5@1B1D5?>54E5D?@B?F945   $571<CICD5=9C1=5>4546B?=G1CD5G1D5BDB51D=5>D @?<<ED9?>3?>DB?<D?C?E>4
3?<<53D9?>?6G1CD5G1D5BEB75>D<I1>4D?B54E35@B?:53D3?CD  G1D5B5>F9B?>=5>D 
 ?=29>54C5G5B175CICD5=9C4569>54D?Q1DB1>C9D9?>1<@B?F9C9?>6?BG1CD5G1D5B  *E2C94ICICD5=81C5>81>354=E>939@1<9DID?1335<5B1D5..+(9>CD1<<1D9?> 
3?<<53D9?>E>D9<C5@1B1D5CICD5=C1B59>@<135R  9 10

?CD*81B9>72I5>DB1<?F %E>939@1<9DI 9D9O5>C "1@1> Q>F9B?>=5>D1< 81B75R 6B?= Q*5G5B175 81B75R %1>9<1
1@9D1<!>F5CD=5>D '@5B1D9?>?CD ?=29>54*5G5B1751@@<954 1>4
5C97>1D549D95C "1@1>  !>133?B41>35G9D8*5G5B17545F5<?@=5>D
..+( H@5>49DEB5)5F5>E5 %?B5D81> 
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5>DB1< ?F 81B75
)5@1I=5>D >F9B?>=5>D81B75 >F9B?>=5>D81B75
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)5@1I=5>D "(/ = 81B75 81B75
(B?F9454 2I  "(/ =
$5CC?>     !>6EDEB5
1. Considering sewerage role as national infrastructure, financing source is shared by *?EB35%1>9<1.1D5B
Central Gov, Municipality, and Users.
2. Sewerage improve “Housing environment” for people, therefore, levies house 1. Environmental Charge is introduced because Combined sewer collect “Gray water”
connection cost, Taxes, and Sewerage charge on Beneficiaries. in whole area regardless of house-connections.
3. Since sewerage contributes to public water environment and urban aesthetic, 2. “Environmental Charge” from “Sewerage Charge” is necessary to secure sustainability
Municipality shares on a part of O&M cost. of service and fair burden for public environment of area.
11 12

JCC-2 Presentation Material
A-3. Affordable Tariff Level and Cross-subsidy A-3. Affordable Tariff Level and Cross-subsidy
.1D5B *5G5B175D1B966<5F5<6?B ?EC58?<4H@5>49DEB5 )1D9??6.1D5B*5G5B175D1B966

H@5>49DEB5 *5G5B175 .1D5B*E@@<I *5G5B175 .1D5B*E@@<I81B75

=5B79>7?E>DB95C 4F1>354?E>DB95C  

Exeter Kansas city
  Sao Paulo Berlin DC

Lio D Paris
 Yokohama Il de france


( 1@9D1,* (Source: PWC Japan)


1. There is actually no big difference for Water supply tariff between countries but $5CC?> 
sewerage tariff is very different mainly because of applied technologies.  *5G5B175D1B9669C1<=?CDC1=51CG1D5BCE@@<I?>59>14F1>3543?E>DB95C
2. Tariff for sewerage should be around 1% or more for HE when an advanced  +85*D1B%1B;9>D85697EB59CD85@?C9D9?>?6#!"#+1>49D=51>C ?6G1D5B
technology is introduced. 13 CE@@<ID1B9669CB51C?>12<51CC5G5B175?>5 14

A-3. Affordable Tariff Level and Cross-subsidy A-4. Practice & Issues of Other Cities in Indonesia
)53?==5>41D9?>6?B#!"#+  +B51D=5>D@B?35CC
EBB5>D+1B966<5F5<9>#!"#+ 5B1D54<17??> 9>=?CD39D95C $17??> )* 1>4*(
.1D5BCE@@<ID1B9669C ?6=?>D8<I   *5G5BDI@5
*5G5B175D1B9669C=5B5<I ?6=?>D8<I  *5G5B=19>C1B53?>CDBE3D5469BCD1>43?>CDBE3D9?>?68?EC53?>>53D9?>81C
*5G5B175D1B966C8?E<425D? 6?B=?>D8<I   9>1>35
D? ?6=?>D8<I 9CAE9D566?B412<56?BB5C945>DC  '@5B1D9?>1>4=19>D5>1>35
*5G5B175D1B9665AE9F1<5>DD?9C D9=5C?63EBB5>D?>5 '%3?CD1B5?G>542I(
?B3?==5B391<  D9=5C?6D1B9669>3B51C59CCD9<<166?B412<5
)53?==5>41D9?> )1D9??6B5C945>DD1B966 3?==5B391<D1B966 1B5F1B9?EC25DG55>D? P 
?B3?==5B391<6139<9D95C 9DC8?E<425B19C542.5 times )1D9??6B5C945>DD1B966 9>4ECDB91<D1B9661B51<C?F1B9?EC25DG55>D? P 
?BB5C945>DC 9D31>25;5@D9>D853EBB5>D<5F5<
15 16

A-Summary: A-Summary:
Lessons learned to Sewerage System in DKI JKT Recommendation to Sewerage System in DKI JKT
Appropriate development way of Sewerage System in DKI JKT
a) Step-wising and sewer main construction in advance
9775BDB51D=5>D @<1>DC1B5?2F9?EC<I5669395>D?>1>I@?9>DC
Sewer main collects wastewater (gray water), which is a principal
pollution load, quickly and widely.

!>D5B35@D?B1>4?=29>54 *5G5B9C*D1>41B49>1<<C91> b) Setting of Affordable tariff and Cross-subsidy

9D95C Tariff for Commercial should be raised 2.5 times at the beginning
of the project according to the installation of sewer mains and regularly
3?>>53D9?> 9>1<< based on the GDP growth.

Collaboration with urban development project
5>DB1<?F *E2C94I 9C>535CC1BI1>4P 6?B..+(
Effluent quality of on-site systems should be monitored, then
66?B412<5 D1B966 1>4B?CC
CE2C94I9C;5I6?BCECD19>129<9DI encourage Commercial to access to public sewer connection.
Sewer main will provide public sewer connection to urban
17 development & re-development projects (= Separate sewer). 18

JCC-2 Presentation Material

*5G5B=19>C3?F5B1B51B1@94<I1>43?<<53D+1B966G9D8?ED ?EC5 *D5@

WWTP Capacity - Theory Max Case WWTP Capacity - Challenge Case

250000 250,000

WWTP Inflow Rate (cum per day)

WWTP Inflow Rate (cum per day)

200000 200,000

150000 150,000


100000 100,000

50000 Theory Max (Primory sewer 50,000

collect 100%) Challange (Primary sewer collect
0 0 70% by Year 4)
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2,015 2,016 2,017 2,018 2,019 2,020 2,021 2,022 2,023 2,024 2,025
Year Year

WWTP Capacity - Slow Start Case WWTP capacity - West & North Only
250,000 250,000

WWTP Inflow Rate (cum per day)

WWTP Inflow Rate (cum per day)

200,000 200,000 West area only

150,000 150,000

100,000 100,000

50,000 Slow Start (Branch sewer 50,000

starts Year4)
0 0
2,015 2,016 2,017 2,018 2,019 2,020 2,021 2,022 2,023 2,024 2,025 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Year Year
19 20

&?6" (5:171B1>..+(5>5B1<(<1>6?B%)*ICD5=
9>1<(81C5 = 41CD85419<I1F5B175!>6<?G

3?>?=95C?6*31<5 (B?@5B-?<E=5*5G5B+I@5 )5AE9B54 B51 81

9>1>391<*E@@?BD6?B*5G5B1755F5<?@=5>D *E2C94I?B81B75



F1<E1D9?>?6+B51D=5>D(B?35CC6?B(5:171B1> %) %) *(



Z $96D(E=@ [ B9D81=25B\ AE1<9O1D9?> 1>4*549=5>D1D9?> +1>;] 5B?293+1>;
^ %)+1>;_ %5381>931<B??=6?B%)` 4=9>9CDB1D9?> 5G1D5B9>7E9<49>7 a 9C381B75?>4E9D
21 22

(5:171B1>..+(5>5B1<(<1>6?B*(*ICD5= ?=@1B9C?>?65138DB51D=5>D@B?35CC
Z $96D(E=@ !D5= (B?35CC *( %) %)
[ B9D81=25B
\ AE1<9O1D9?> 1>4
*549=5>D1D9?> +1>; )5AE9B54 B5181      
] 5B?293+1>;
^ >4 *5DD<5=5>D+1>; 1B51 )1D9?D?*(
_ <?G5BE9<49>7
` 5G1D5B9>7E9<49>7
a 4=9>9CDB1D9?> E9<
)5AE9B54B51 81 b9C381B75?>4E9D 66<E5>D '=7 $ V V V
WE1<9DI **=7 $ V V V

(5:171B1>..+(5>5B1<(<1>6?B%)*ICD5=  = 4   

&?D5C 3?CD  = 4    
Z $96D(E=@
[ B9D81=25B %9< ,*
\ AE1<9O1D9?> 1>4
*549=5>D1D9?> +1>;
  = 4   
] 5B?293+1>;
^ >4 *5DD<5=5>D+1>; '@5B1D9?>3?CD,* =   
_ <?G5BE9<49>7
` 5G1D5B9>7E9<49>7
a 4=9>9CDB1D9?> E9< )5@<135=5>D3?CD%9< ,*   
)5AE9B54B51 81
ach system was designed without removal N and P.
?>CDBE3D9?>3?CD B5@19B1>4B5@<135=5>D3?CDG5B55CD9=1D542I"!D51=
23 '@5B1D9?>3?CD9>3<E45CB5@19B3?CD1>49C6?B = 4 '@5B1D9?>B5@<135=5>D3?CD1B56?B I51BC 24

JCC-2 Presentation Material

  = 4 

  = 4

'@5B1D9?>3?CD,* =
     = 4


?>CDBE3D9?>3?CD%9< ,*

6?B5138DB51D=5>D@B?35CC 9>3<E49>7B5@19B3?CD6?B I51BC

!>31C5?6 =

 *( %) %)

)5@<135=5>D3?CD%9< ,*

%) *( %)





6?B I51BC

6?B5138DB51D=5>D@B?35CC !>31C5?6 =

*( %) %)
%) *( %)
25 26

 Comparison between MP review and PPP/FS
?B3?==5B391<6139<9D95C 9DC8?E<425B19C54 D9=5C ,>9D%9< !)

?BB5C945>DC 9D31>25;5@D9>D853EBB5>D<5F5< '%(5B9?4              


?==?>3?>49D9?> )5@19BC          

 !>D5B35@D?B9CG945<I9>CD1<<54 9>0?>5
9>  +?D1<'%?CDZ              

 +85B56?B5 #!"#+CD1BDC3?<<53D9?>?6D1B9669>  +1B966)5F5>E5[              

 (9>3B51C5 ?6#!"#+9CD85C1=51C&1D9?>1<1F5B175 

+1B9669CB19C54 D9=5C 6B?=3EBB5>D?>59>  
+85> 9D9CB19C542I3E=E<1D9F5(9>3B51C55F5BII51BC  &?>5       

?==5B391<6<??BC9>3B51C5G9D8(9>3B51C55F5BII51B ((( * $5CCD81>81<6=?CD<I      


+1B9669CD85C1=51C3EBB5>D ?>5  ?6=?>D8<I 
+85> 9D9CB19C542I3E=E<1D9F5(9>3B51C55F5BII51BC  $5CCD81>CD9=1D5?6%()5F95G6?BI51BC
EB45>9CC1=5?B<?G5B D81>3EBB5>D<5F5<D8B?E78(B?:53D@5B9?4 
27 28

 !=@13D>1<IC9C?6*E2C94I1>4- )5F95G?6" 
 !=@13D>1<IC9C?6*E2C94I1>4- )5F95G?6"
Case Study: PPP 4 Model Basic Assumptions (Tentative)
!D5= (9@5&5DG?B; .1CD5G1D5B+B51D=5>D(<1>D
'% (5B9?4  I51BC
%1>175=5>D (E2<93 *(
?>CDBE3D9?> ?CD  =9<<9?>,*S =9<<9?>,*S 9>3<E454
(X )5@<135=5>D
475 million US$ !>6<1D9?> >?D 3?>C945B54
Case 1 SPC
*<E475 9C@?C1< ,>9D 55  ,* =
290 million US$ 185 million US$ !)  ,*
EBB5>3I H381>75 )1D5
Case 2 Public SPC !)  ,*
(100%) 1>; $?1> ?B (B?:53D  >>E1< !>D5B5CD
345 million US$ 130 million US$ 9>1>35 !>D5B5CD )1D5 &?D5 D? 25 5H@<?B54 =?B5 9> D85 CDE4I

Case 3 Public SPC 1>;$?1>B135(5B9?4 I51BC

(30%) (70%)
400 million US$ 75 million US$ )5@1I=5>D(5B9?4 I51BC(B9>39@1<!>D5B5CDAE1<1C9C
Case 4 Public SPC +1B966)5F5>E5 =9< ,*+?D1<6?B I51BC
(60%) (40%) ?==5B391<
 D9=5C )5C945>DCP C1=51C9D9CD?41I
29 30

JCC-2 Presentation Material

 !=@13D>1<IC9C?6*E2C94I1>4- )5F95G?6" 
 !=@13D>1<IC9C?6*E2C94I1>4- )5F95G?6"

Sludge Disp. 35 $/m3

DKI Total Expenditure in 2011
= USD 3,093 mil.
Funding Short
Cost Fall

Replace. 2.2% 0.5% 0.2%

CAPEX Tariff
Viability Gap Fund:

Case 4-1: VGF around 40% can achieve full cost recovery
Case 1: No Subsidy for Pipe & WWTP only with Tariff
Sludge Disp. 100 $/m3

Case 2: No Subsidy for WWTP Case 3: 30% Subsidy for WWTP Case 4-2: VGF around 50%
31 32


 !=@13D>1<IC9C?6*E2C94I1>4- )5F95G?6"
 O&M Period : 20 years
Assumptions Subsidy in Ration  Additional CAPEX(Replacement) : Included
WWTP Interest of Sewer OM Period for
 Inflation : Included
investment Private fund Investment (milli.USD/y) DKI Budget
 Sludge Disposal Unit Fee : 60 USD/Dry-t
Case 1 Private 10% Anu. Private 68.9 2.2%
 Currency Exchange Rate : IDR 9,012.5=USD 1.0
Case 2 Private -ditto- Public 16.1 0.5%
 Loan Interest Rate : 9%(IDR/Annual Interest)
70 % Private -ditto-
Case 3 Public 6.0 0.2%  Bank Loan Grace Period : 5 years
30 % Public
60 % Private  Repayment Period : 18 years(Principal & Interest Equal Basis)
Case 4-1 -ditto- Public 0.0 0.0%
40 % VGF
 Tariff Revenue : 759 Mil.USD(Total for 20 years)
50 % Private
Case 4-2 50 % VGF -ditto- Public 0.0 0.0% Commercial – 2.5times, Residents – Same as it today

33 34


Impact of Subsidy for Initial Construction and Replacement
*E2C94I 6?B
+1H 'D85BC

  *E2C94I *8?BD1<< *5BF93555
%9< !) /51B

?CD !>9D91<(X +?D1<(X %9< !) I %9< !) I

    449D9?>1< (X !>3?=5  

  !>9D91< (X


,C175 *?EB35C

&51B<I 05B?     
+1H 'D85BC

%9< !) /51B

  *E2C94I   E>49>7?CD Shortfall will

6?B!>9D91<  449D9?>1<(X
be vanished 


by bidding
,C175 *?EB35C
+?D1<(X=51>C!>9D91<(XT449D9?>1< (X
35 *E2C94I6?B+?D1<(X9C=E38<?G5BD81>?>56?B!>9D91<(X 36

JCC-2 Presentation Material

Impact of Subsidy for Initial Construction CCE=@D9?>6?B3?>?=93>1<IC9C
 ?>CDBE3D9?>*D1BD1D 1>4'@5B1D9?>*D1BD1D 
 (B?:53D$965UI51BC d 



Z )54E354'%?CD?6*5@D93+1>;C
!=@13D453B51C5G9D8 [ 6653D?6!=@B?F5=5>D9>(E2<93*1>9D1D9?>
*8?BD1<<%9< !)

9>3B51C9>7?6CE2C94I \ 6653D?>!=@B?F5=5>D?6<9F9>7>F9B?>=5>D
 Y[c\ U31<3E<1D542I=?E>D?6.9<<9>7>5CCD?(1I.+(*EBF5I

] ,C175?6+B51D54.1D5B 6B?=..+(
 ^ 6653D?6)9C59>$1>4-1<E5
_ 6653D?>+?EB9C=)53E@5B1D9?>



 !>9D91<(X 6?B..+(1>4*5G5B(9@5

449D9?>1<(X 6?B..+(
'% 3?CD6?B..+( 38

9>1>391<1>43?>?=931<F1<E1D9?> CD9=1D9?>?6449D9?>1<1C8!>6<?G
*E2C94I6?B !D5= /51B          
?>CDBE3D9?> !))Z
!>9D91< !)) [   \
*D175 (B?:53D!)) .+(6?B>F9B?>=5>D1<
(X !=@B?F5=5>D


+9=5     )5F5>E5 6B?=C5<<9>7+B51D54


6B?=9>3B51C54 +?EB9C=
       !>3?=52I9=@B?F9>7 ?D5<
!>3B51C9>7?6-+ 6B?=
    9>3B51C54 +?EB9CDH@5>49DEB5    
2I453B51C9>7 )1D5?6.1D5B

&?D5C ?B>59C51C5
ZU*5G5B@9@53?>CDBE3D9?>3?CD9C>?D9>3<E454  1>4 '@@?BDE>9DI3?CD
[ \UC5G5B@9@53?>CDBE3D9?>3?CD9C9>3<E454 Additional Cash Inflow          
39 40

Sewerage in Zone-1 is indirectly over Full- cost recovery Sewerage in Zone-1 is directly Full- cost recovery
+9=5$9>5?6CD9=1D54)5F5>E51>4+?D1<(B?:53D?CD +9=5$9>5?6+1B9661>4+?D1<(B?:53D?CD
%9< !) %9< !)

?>CDBE3D9?>*D175D9=5 ?>CDBE3D9?>*D175D9=5

  !>9D91<(X 449D9?>1<(X




























Remarks: Funding cost & tax are not considered. Remarks: Funding cost & tax are not considered. 42

JCC-2 Presentation Material

Sewerage in Zone-1 is indirectly over Full- cost recovery Sewerage in Zone-1 is directly Full- cost recovery
+9=5$9>5?6CD9=1D54)5F5>E51>4+?D1<(B?:53D?CD +9=5$9>5?6+1B9661>4+?D1<(B?:53D?CD
%9< !) %9< !)
?>CDBE3D9?>*D175D9=5 ?>CDBE3D9?>*D175D9=5

'% '%
  +1B966  !>9D91<(X




























Remarks: Funding cost & tax are not considered. 43
Remarks: Funding cost & tax are not considered. 44

B-Summary:  !=@<5=5>D1D9?>*DBE3DEB5C
Recommendation to Sewerage System in DKI JKT
 %)9CD8525CD 6B?=D85@?9>DC?6?CD(5B6?B=1>35 B51?>CDB19>DC 

 P *E2C94I 9C5>?E786?B3?>CDBE3D9?>1>4B5@<135=5>D9>0?>5
G89389C5AE9F1<5>DD? CE2C94I?6D9=5 9>'+

9CF912<5 2531EC5?6@?C9D9F5!)) 
3?CDB53?F5BI @B?:53D

45 46

D5B=C3854E<5 *8?BD

47 48

JCC-3 Presentation Material
*+#-$'# % *".+)+'%
Sewerage PPP Project in DKI JKT Murasakigawa River
Murasakigawa River, flows in
 Future Image of the Goal urban center, is a symbolic river
in Kitakyushu.
Sewerage has remarkably
restored water environment Kitakyushu Administrative
 Issues and Solutions since watershed of
Murasakigawa retains in
Administrative region.
 Cost, Revenue, and Fund Resource
 Steps to the Initiation

December 5, 2012
JICA PPP Study Team Murasakigawa River
1 2

+*+($&*&#  +*+($&*&# 
*+#-$'# % *".+)+'% +*+($
*+#-$'# % *".+)+'%
Before After
(in 1979) (in 2008)

(in 2004)

(in 1979)

3 4

+*+($&*&#  ))+)&#+* &%) 

+*+($" **".+)+'% &) +% ,% )  *&,((&!* %&%
At Present Zone1:
 Sewerage Area 4,901 ha
 Served Population 1,137,853 people
 STP Capacity 264,000 m3/day Sewerage
 Total Cost 4,384,000 juta Rp Zone
STP 1,600,000 juta Rp
Sewers 2,784,000 juta Rp

Pejagalan WWTP Site

Love River Water Front Dragon Boat Festival
5 (3.3  α ha out of 6.9ha) 6
Copyright © 2012 ORIX Corporation All rights reserved.

JCC-3 Presentation Material
))+)&#+* &%)  Issues & Solutions:
 Traffic Jam → Difficulties for Sewer Construction
))+)&(,( 4#&'$%* %   Huge Number of Terraced Houses → Difficulties of House-connection installment

Solution (1) in Planning

 Physical Issues
> Step-wised Sewer Development
 Traffic Jam → Difficulties for Sewer Construction
 Lack of Land Space → Difficulties for Treatment Plants Construction First stage (approx. year 1 to 10) Second stage (after Year 10)
 Consistency with City Development → Influence of MRT Construction → Main Sewer & Existing Drainage → Development of House-connection
 Huge Number of Terraced Houses → Difficulties of House-connection
Outcome (1) : Rapid Increase of Wastewater Collection Outcome (3) : Completion of House-connections
 Financial Issues Outcome (2) : Improvement of Cost Performance

 Remarkable Inflation → Cost Increase by Implementation Delay Large Commercial & Others
 Lack of Budget → Shortage of Necessary & Timely Investment

 Social Issues HOUSE

 Lack of Environmental Consciousness → Low Interest for Sewerage STORM WATER

 Huge Unbalance of Revenue → Difficulties of Tariff Setting SEWAGE



Issues & Solutions:

Solution (1) in Planning  Traffic Jam & Lack of Land Space → Difficulties of Sewer Construction
> Step-wised Sewer Development Solution (2) in Technology
> Curb & Long-distance Pipe Jacking Method
Outcome (1) : Remarkable Mitigation of Traffic jam
Outcome (2) : Rapid Increase of Wastewater Collection

Trunk sewer

Road side gutter & existing

drainage are connected

Vertical shaft
Bore hole (Boring)
&%,(/ %(&+*)

Solution (2) in Technology Issues & Solutions:

 Lack of Land Space → Difficulties for Treatment Plants Construction
> Curb & Long-distance Pipe Jacking Method  Remarkable Inflation → Cost Increase by Implementation Delay

Solution (3) in Technology

> MBR (Membrane Bio-reactor)
Outcome (1) : Small Foot Print of WWTP
Outcome (2) : Applicability of Recycled Water
Outcome (3) : Easiness of O&M

Cut & Fill Curb & Long distance pipe jacking Pejagaran WWTP General Plan for MBR System
(Final Phase : 264,000m3/day for the maximum Inflow)

Required site area : 4.03 ha

6 / *+$' 7 ( * $2(8 3+# 5* &% % $%** &% %"9
(&2 %"
11 :  1%"; % #(&&$&( 1<
$ % )*(* &%  ,*( % + # % = )( &%+ *

JCC-3 Presentation Material
))+&#+* &%)  ))+&#+* &%) 
&)* &$'( )&%2,A*', )%+##'(* &)**&()&(*', )4)A+##'(*
Increase of Total Investment:
Rapid Increase
Coverage 100% of Wastewater Collection
Full Separate > 13% Step-wised

WWTP to be
expanded according
to increase of house
connections. Remarkable Improvement
of Cost Performance

13 14

))+&#+* &%) 
&(2#( % %% 
&)**&()&(*', )4)A+##'(* 1&#( %&,( 4#&'$%* %&%
Rapid Improvement
of Water Environment

&,(*)+)* %2 # *. 
Remarkable Improvement
of Cost Performance
.&1&#( % ) &)*( %A

&(2#( % %% 

&(2#( % %% 
&)*( %&,( 4#&'$%* %&% &)*( %&,( 4#&'$%* %&% KML

+*(. %$%* $'#$%** &%

)&+( Infrastructure Treatment Plant
&%)*(+* &% G
&JJ ( 4*+2#  ( 4*
Sewerage Network
&%)*(+* &% G G
&,() G
 "(*  "(* Funding Private & VGF ODA Loan
( +2) . "(* ( 4*
&JJ Repayment Service Fee
(Central Govt)
(refunded by Tariff)
&,() ( +2) . "(* "(*
Design by PPP Company PU
&,(*)+)* %2 # *. 
&)*( %*&2 -2)&% %% Construction by PPP Company Contractor

&(2 # *. 17

JCC-3 Presentation Material

&(2#( % %% 

&(2#( % %% 
&)*( %&(,(2.&4*@ @%H)() $'*0)) *.&( %()&(/( &$$( #
-'% *+( ( 14%+(Considering Floor Area Growth)
-'% *+( 14%+ Resource ,&  , *  , *  A
)#* &% )#* &% /A A-AB
Surplus revenue
1'#$%* can replace Grant 1'#$%* ,(
( ,(

with Private Fund (358) (
G DKI JKT ,( ( 4* G 736 ~ 887 ,(
( (630) (

+% % &)* '% H +% % &)* Deficit

(Surplus) ( 4* EBDAEB 40%


JJ Central Gov. = JJ 167
(%* EBEAEB 60%

Central Gov.
 %,( (%*  %,( 290

&,(*)+)* %2 # *. 
&,(*)+)* %2 # *. 
( 4*+%
4 #2 # *.*&2 -'(&'(#.A ( &(/( &$$( # ).A
19 20

&(2#( % %% 

&(2#( % %% 
$'*&( 4*+%%I ) 
))+$'* &%& %% #
%#.) )
Pipe Network Wastewater Treatment Plant  O&M Period : 20 years
Management Public SPC
 Additional CAPEX(Replacement) : Included
Construction Cost 290 million US$ 167 million US$
 Inflation : Included
457 million US$
 Sludge Disposal Unit Fee : 60 USD/Dry-t
Case 0 Public
 Currency Exchange Rate : IDR 9,012.5 = USD 1.0
290 million US$ 67 million US$
 Loan Interest Rate : 9% (IDR/Annual Interest)
Case 1 Public SPC
(100%) (60%) (40%)  Bank Loan Grace Period : 5 years
340 million US$ 84 million US$  Repayment Period : 18 years
Case 2 Public SPC
 Tariff Revenue : 940 Mil.USD
(100%) (50%) (50%) 1) Total for 20 years
390 million US$ 117 million US$ 2) New unit tariff adopted
3) GDP E & L.C. x 2.0
Case 3 Public SPC 4) Floor Area Growth
(100%) (30%) (70%)
21 22

&(2#( % %% 

&(2#( % %% 
$'*&( 4*+%&(% * # &%)*(+* &% $'*&( 4*+%&(% * # &%)*(+* &%

Full cost recovery 40% by Private is necessary
only with Tariff (VGF=60%)


Funding Tariff
Tax Cost Tariff Income
Funding Tariff Replace
Cost Income
% * #
% * #
'- O&M

70% by Private 50% by Private

(30% Subsidy) (50% Subsidy) 24

JCC-3 Presentation Material

&(2#( % %% 

&(2#( % %% 
(4 %( 14%+*(&+&+* G'( & .'& %*&&%) (* &%
*+#+2) .%I&(
-'% *+( ) 
Full cost recovery +2# J&(") 
only with Tariff
+%  '# *.

( 4*
40% by Private
+%  '# *. ( 4*


 %,( (%*

&,(*)+)* %2 # *. 
+2)  )(+% * %*&* $I %
G+**&*#&)*2.EB? %%#%A25

&%#+) &%  *')*&*% * * &% 

1&$$%* &%*&,( 4#&'$%* %  *"&#()&,(&#
1) Cost for Sewer Development Loan (ODA / 290mil$)
> STP: 1,600,000 juta Rp. JICA MoF/PU
Sewer: 2,784,000 juta Rp. VGF Scheme
Loan Guarantee Agreement
2) Sewer Development (PSIF) – if PPP is
> Step-wised sewer development Japanese Investor
Service fee
3) Treatment Process DKI JKT
> MBR (Membrane Bio-reactor) PPP
Consortium Refund (Tariff)
4) Implementation Structure
> BOT with Open Bidding O&M
Outsource Jaya Residence
5) Tariff Setting
> Cross-subsidy from Commercial /Management O&M Asset transfer Asset transfer
after 20 years /O&M Construction
$167M ($290M)
6) Provision of Private Fund
> 40% of Construction cost for STP Wastewater
Sewerage Pipe Network
Treatment Plant (WWTP)


  *($)+# (*


JCC-3 Presentation Material
&(* *($)+# (*

( $) >

31 32

Solicited projects or Unsolicited Solicited projects or Unsolicited

Whether the Project is classified as a solicited or unsolicited
• The PPP Presidential Regulation acknowledges two types of PPP projects,
project under Indonesian rules and regulations? namely those which have been indicated by the Government (solicited) and
those who have not (unsolicited).

• One of the requirements for unsolicited project is “not included in the master
The proposed project is considered a solicited project, plan of the relevant sector”;
given that it is contained a master plan for sewerage
sector in Jakarta and listed in the 2012 PPP Book. • The PPP Presidential Regulation states that Solicited projects are openly
published and accessible. In the 2012 PPP Book, the Project is included as
solicited project.
In case of solicited projects,
[Relevant Laws]
procurements for PPP services must be open bidding • Presidential Regulation No. 67 of 2005 on Cooperation between the
Government and Private Entities in Infrastructure Procurement as amended by
(public tender) by the Government Presidential Regulation No. 13 of 2010 and lastly amended by Presidential
Regulation No. 56 of 2011
project companies may be granted government support.
33 34


7㧚Memorandum of JCC

JUNE 21, 2012
Chair of the Meeting: Dr. Dedy S. Priatna, Deputy to the Minister of Bappenas

Participants: Members of the JCC (See Attached List of Participants)

Presentation: (1) Technical Aspect (Mr. Suzuki, See attachments)

(2) Financial Aspect (Mr. Yamamoto, See attachments)

Comments and Discussion:

Dr. Dedy S. Priatna, Deputy o the Minister - Bappenas:

1. On the Summary of Service fee Variation (page 33): In the case 4.1, it is stated that the
subsidy required for service fee in the operation and maintenance period is 0 per year. This
situation can be achieved by cost sharing in Capital Expenditure for WWTP between the
private (SPC, 60 %) and public (DKI Jakarta Government, 40%). This option shows that
the DKI Jakarta will choose providing “Government Support“ for the construction of the
WWTP at the initial stage instead of giving subsidy for the service fee to the SPC annually.
Several questions can be raised as follows. Will the DKI Jakarta accept this option? Do we
believe to the consultant? Is the Japanese standard quality applied in this case not too

2. In the scenario of the report, pipeline sewerage will be provided through the public fund.
How about lessons learned from other countries such as Taiwan, Vietnam and others?

3. According to the consultant, the technical model applied for the proposed WWTP is a
membrane system. How is the trade - off between the cost and performance? What are
models employed for other countries?

4. Options for staging in the construction period of the WWTP proposed by the consultant
are very important. Which one should be chosen for optimizing the capacity of the plant
and the cost which should be paid?

5. Comment on the assumption on flat tariff for the residential uses during the o & m period:
A scenario for gradual increase on tariff should be employed in the calculation of
affordability to pay of the Jakarta Government for service fee.


Mr. Syukrul Amien, Director - Ministry of Public Works

1. Prior to giving comments, Mr. Amien Reported to the Chair of the JCC regarding last
week meeting between the MPW and the consultant.

2. Based on the scenario proposed by the consultant, the construction of sewerage pipelines
will be conducted by the government through the public fund (either loan or APBN) due to
various reasons. Although the consultant should be responsible to the JICA, the scope of
the PPP project should include a particular section or coverage area of the sewerage

3. Zone 1 is characterized by the domination of commercial activities and accordingly

potential for high revenue for a PPP project. Sewerage zones in Jakarta are different from
the Zone 1 and many of them are dominated by residential uses. Therefore, replication of
the PPP approach employed in the Zone 1 to other zones should consider the characteristic
of such zones.

4. Comment on the option of construction staging of the WWTP: To build a full capacity of
the WWTP at the initial stage will be ineffective because there will be idle capacity of the
facility. Accordingly, option no 4 (staging approach) is more appropriate.

5. Comment on membrane technology for the WWTP: Membrane technology is very good
but expensive. If possible the construction cost should be minimized and staging approach
to the construction should be applied.

Mrs. Driah Head of Physical Sub Directorate – Bappeda, DKI Jakarta

1. Comment on Operation and Maintenance: Are the operation and maintenance proposed by
the consultant is only limited to the WWTP or they include the sewerage pipeline? As a
system, O & M suppose to be conducted by one provider, to ensure continues supply of
waste water intake to the WWTP.

2. On tariff and its relation to the revenue: Based on current survey, an initial model on the
relationship between tariff and potential revenue in some zones is available.

3. PPP project scheme requires involvement of various agencies in the management and
implementation processes. Therefore, the FS report should clearly describe their roles,
tasks and responsibilities.


Mr. Adi A. Head of Economic Bureau – Bappeda, DKI Jakarta

1. Since the PPP project will deal with big asset and high value, therefore institutional
arrangements for the project management is crucial and should be comprehensively
included in the report.

Mr. Andono Warih BPLHD–DKI Jakarta

1. Subsidy from the Government (GOI and DKI Jakarta) should be minimized.

Mr. Fadly H. Tanjung Ministry of Environment

1. Consultant should take into account the relationship between Zona 1 and other Zones in the
management processes including its environmental impacts.

Mr. I Wayan Sutana Ministry of Finance

1. Up till now there is no formal regulation on Viability of Gap Funding (VGF) from the
MOF. RPMK (Rencana Peraturan Menteri Keuangan/ Draft Regulation of the MOF) will
be issued within 2 -3 months later.

Mr Nugroho, Director of Settlements and Sanitation – Bappenas

1. Based on lessons learned (practices), up till today, there is no Sewerage Projects in the
world, Financially Feasible (no subsidy).

2. The sewerage system projects are based on principle of improving the welfare of the
society or on social-economic benefit. In this case the government support or subsidy is
categorized as sunk cost.

3. It should be emphasized here that the principle of matching grant will be employed in the
case of grant from the Government to the local government.

Mr. Bastary , Director of PPP – Bappenas

1. Experiences in several cities in Indonesia show that provision of Sewerage System through
merely public fund, does not work well due to the limited budget of the national as well as
local governments.


2. The WWTP PPP DKI Jakarta project may be considered as a “good potential project”
since it is not purely public fund but a combination of both the private and public funds.

Mr. Syukrul Amien, Director - Ministry of Public Works

1. Repeated his comments and messages in English language.

2. Emphasized that the Study is a grant from the JICA to the GOI. Therefore the project will
be treated as a solicited project and will be delivered through a competitive open tender.

Conclussion: Mr Dedy S. Priatna, Deputy to the Minister – Bappenas

1. Possible options proposed by the consultant in the report will be carefully scrutinized and
taken into account in the decision making process by the government of DKI Jakarta,
Ministry of Public Works, Bappenas and other main stakeholders.

2. Suggestion to the government of DKI Jakarta: Annual subsidy to fulfill the gap between
service fee (payment for SPC for Opex and Capex of the WWTP) and revenue from tariff
should be avoided. Instead, DKI should provide initial Capex for the WWTP as a sunk

3. Consultant should include in the report other countries experiences in providing and
managing sewerage facilities.

4. Consultant should include a scenario on a package of PPP project in which WWTP and the
sewerage pipeline (covers a certain area probably dominated by commercial uses) are
bundled, utilizing private fund.

5. The DKI Jakarta government will explore the possibility of utilization of VGF from the
Ministry of Finance.

6. Indonesian consultant, in this regard Mr. Windu is assigned to complete and submit the
minutes of meeting.

Responses from Mr. Yamamoto

1. In responding to the technology employed in the project: China adopts the membrane
system and there is no objection to such a method so far.

2. Further response will be conducted by the consultant after receiving the translation of


3. The second JCC meeting will be conducted before Ramadhan

Limited Discussion After the JCC

1. Participants: Dr Dedy (Bappenas),(Mrs Yani (Bappeda DKI Jakarta), Mr. Windu H

(Consultant), Kawik Sugiana (Consultant)

2. Result of the Discussion:

a. Comments from Ibu Yani:

i. Sewer Development Strategy, on early stage: rain water will go to the sewer
pipe, therefore it will increase the volume of waste water flowing to the

ii. The facilities and building should be shifted toward north direction within
the site

b. Dr Dedy request Mr Windu to include the result of the limited discussion in the
Minutes of Meeting of JCC.

Kawik Sugiana Ph.D


SS 1, Bappenas

Date: July 26, 2012

Agenda: See attachment
Chair: Dr. Dedy S. Priatna, Deputy to the Minister of Bappenas on Infrastructure Affairs
Participants: See attachment
Reporter: Kawik Sugiana Ph.D


Opening Speech by Dr. Dedy S. Priatna, Bappenas

x Well come to the participants

x Introduced the JICA consultants responsible for formulating the FS of Sewerage
Treatment Plants in Zone 1 and Zone 6, DKI-Jakarta

x Both teams were asked to present the progress of their studies in the JCC 2

x The Zone 1 is implemented through PPP, while Zone 6 is managed through the
ODA loan or Public-funding. Based on those two studies, the GOI will then
determine, which approach should be more appropriate for the case of DKI Jakarta

Overview from representative of the JICA-Jakarta

x Several Studies have been conducted under the Master Plan of the DKI-Jakarta.
Some of them will be implemented through PPP approach, including the WWTP of
the Zone 1.
x Emphasized the different management approaches employed in Zone 1 and Zone 6.


Presentation of Zone 1: Mr. Kenichi Yamamoto, Orix

x See attachment

Presentation of Zone 6: Yachio Consultant


x See attachment


Dr. Dedy S. Priatna, Bappenas

x He was surprised with the time schedule proposed by the Zone 6 team. Why does
the Zone 6 require longer period in the project completion (project formulation,
procurement and construction) in comparison with the Zone 1 which adopts the
PPP approach? The period of project completion in the case of Zone 6 was too long
according to Dr.Dedy
x Two main financial alternatives proposed by the team of the Zone 1, they are: (1)
go by loan/public fund and (2) some parts will be funded through private sector.

x Asked the representative of JICA-Jakarta to request the Zone 6 team to conduct

financial-calculation similar to the Zone 1 team, to include both the project
financing scenarios through public funding and PPP model.

Representative of the JICA-Jakarta

x Agreed with the request of Dr. Dedy; the Zone 1 team will include both the project
financing scenarios through public funding and PPP model

Mr. Syukrul Amien, Director - Ministry of Public Works

Prior to give comments he reported the last week meeting and discussion with the
two consultants. Since these projects concern with big investment, decision from related
higher decision makers will be required.

x In the JCC1, an option for a step by step construction process was discussed, since
there were constraints/problems related to house-connections. However, he had an
objection if the construction of WWTP should be divided into 4 steps. A single step
for constructing the WWTP is preferable; however, the scope of the water sewage
treatment will be the grey water.
x Based on the proposal for the Zone 1, 60 % of the CAPEX of WWTP will come
from the government and another 40 % from the SPC, and 100 % CAPEX of the
pipe network will be provided by the government, if O % of subsidy is required
in the Operation and Maintenance. In this scenario, therefore, around 400 + 110
million IDR is required from the government fund. Accordingly, careful
consideration and decision should be conducted by the government of Indonesia,
since the decision will concern with huge investment.


x The Zone 6 team offered the cost-sharing scheme between the central and the local

Mrs. Yani, Head of the Bappeda DKI-Jakarta

x The government of Jakarta would be very glad with the initiative to solve the
environmental matters.
x There are 15 zones in Jakarta. Therefore, the systems and technologies employed
across those zones should be designed in such a way to maintain their harmony and
consistency. The investment cost for Zone 1 is approximately 4.5 trillion IDR.

x As discussed in the previous limited meeting, the site-plan of the project should be
modified towards the north-west direction. The project location is still the same
with the initial design.

x In the case of piping network, the existing network and the new one are combined
in order to reduce the cost.

x Further clarification was needed: (1) will the black water be channeled through
special pipes? Whether user charge will be imposed on the grey water?

x Social study on social- behavior change is required in relation to the burden of tariff
imposed on the house-holds. Currently, the tariff for house hold is only 10 – 15
thousand IDR per month and about 40% of costumers have not paid the bill yet.

x To keep the house hold’s tariff similar with the existing charge as proposed by the
consultant was inappropriate according to her, since this would not educate the

x The DKI-Jakarta government may not be able to solve its environmental problems.
Accordingly, support from the central government is strongly required.

Dr. Dedy S. Priatna, Bappenas

x Emphasized the need for in-depth social study to influence the behavioral change.

Ms. Lily, PD IPAL DKI-Jakarta

x Needed further clarification regarding the technologies and systems applied in Zone
1 and Zone 6; one is using a combined system while the other using a separated
system. In the case of the 15 Zones in Jakarta, variation of technologies and
systems employed in each zone will complicate the operation of services.


x According to the Consultant, tariff for the commercial users will be increased 2,5
times from the current one. Two issues should be taken into account: (1) Currently,
the government of DKI-Jakarta attempts to increase 15 % of the commercial tariff;
many of commercial users oppose to such a policy; (2) The proposed tariff should
be less than the cost for individual treatment. In this regard, individual septic tank is
still allowed according to the environmental law
x Option not to increase the house hold tariff during the concession period should be
further elaborated.

Dr. Dedy S. Priatna , Bappenas

x Option for keeping the tariff is absolutely wrong, because citizens should
appreciate efforts to improve the quality of their environment which in turns will
give benefit to them

Mr. Adi A, Head of Economic Bureau – DKI Jakarta

x In principal agreed with the proposed scheme presented by consultant.

Mrs. Tyas DKI-Jakarta

x Questioned on the Project Cost of Zone 1 and Zone 6: whether the cost includes
cost for removal of the existing buildings and facilities.
x DKI-Jakarta government couldn’t afford to bear the budget for its development by
itself. As a Special Capital District, according to the law, DKI – Jakarta is eligible
to get financial support from central government

Mr. Syukrul Amien, Ministry of Public Works

x Suggested consultants to handle gray water and black water in Zone 1 and Zone 6.
x To treat black water requires significant cost and intensive participation from
society. Therefore black water will be treated through stages. In Stage 1, grey water
will be treated. In the absence of black water treatment facility, septic tanks can be
used instead. In the sub-sequent stage, black water treatment will be provided.
x Tariff across zones should be similar otherwise protest from consumers will arise.

Ms. Lily, PD IPAL DKI-Jakarta

x Back to the Spatial Plan of the DKI-Jakarta. The drainage (for water storm) should
be separated from the sewerage. Shall we still consistent with that principle?


x If both of them should be combined, what kind of technology will be used?

Mrs. Yani, Head of the Bappeda DKI-Jakarta

x The case of other countries: At the initial stage, a combined system between
drainage and sewerage is employed. Later the separated one will be used.
x If the staging approach is more expensive, why not to choose the separated system
at the initial stage?

Mr. Nugroho, Director of Settlements and Sanitation – Bappenas :

x Explained that it would be ideal if we use the separated system. However, in
practice the construction will be very very slow, unless for the new housing
x There are 2 ways could be applied in the combined system:
1. Install the interceptor at the end of the system
2. Install the interceptor on each house, on the outlet system. This way costs
less than the first one
x Population will also get other benefits in the Zone 6 method, such as better quality
of environment, increasing land value etc.
x Prior to determine whether a system is cheap or expensive, see page 33 of the
presentation (“Preparatory Survey for PPP Infrastructure Project Sewage
Treatment Plant Project in DKI Jakarta. JKT Sewerage Zone-1 PPP-FS”).
Several options of payment are shown: at the beginning, while
construction/operation, or at the end of operation or concession period. The more
we delay to provide the infrastructure, the more expensive the cost will be.
x Based on best practice in the developed countries, Wastewater tariff should be
around 70%-80% of the clean water tariff.

Mrs. Yani, Head of the Bappeda DKI-Jakarta

x No other choice, but we have to start immediately.

Mr. Bastary, Director of PPP Bappenas

x PPP is not merely a budget oriented based approach, in which private parties will
share the budget for infrastructure provision and services.
x Other objective for encouraging private sectors to participate in infrastructure
provision is to improve the performance of public services.


x Therefore, efforts to encourage PPP approach in the WTP should be highly

appreciated. Of course the tariff is not fix yet,and further analysis will be required.


Mr. Kawik Sugiana, Consultant

x Stated that many other issues should be discussed and decided by the JCC members,
in addition to technical, financial and environmental matters. If we take a look at
page 43 from the presentation of “Preparatory Survey for PPP Infrastructure
Project Sewage Treatment Plant Project in DKI Jakarta. JKT Sewerage
Zone-1 PPP-FS”, several questions may arise related to legal aspect, institutional
aspect etc.
x When those matters will be discussed?

Dr. Dedy S. Priatna, Bappenas

x Consultant should provide options. The decision is on government’s hands,
including the payment method

Mr. Nugroho Director of Settlements and Sanitation – Bappenas

x Stated that unfortunately, we had only few days to read the report. At least 2 weeks
prior to the discussion, report should be distributed to members of JCC. We need
more time to learn, to produce a good decission.

Dr. Dedy S. Priatna, Bappenas

x Asked both consultants to take into account issues and decisions in the meeting in
the study and to complete the reports
x If a combined system ( a combination of drainage and sewerage)is applied, each
consultant should collect information on people’s opinion.
x Closing the discussion.

Sewerage Treatment Plant/ STP PPP Project in DKI Jakarta
Akmani Hotel, Jakarta

Date: December 05, 2012

Agenda: See attachment
Venue: Lentini and Amalfi rooms,
Akmani Hotel, Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim 91, Jakarta
Chair: Dr. Dedy S. Priatna,
Deputy to the Minister of Bappenas on Infrastructure Affairs
Participants: See attachment
Reporter: Kawik Sugiana Ph.D


Opening Speech by Dr. Dedy S. Priatna, Bappenas

x Well come to the participants
x Team leader was asked to present the progress of the study in the JCC 3 meeting,
x The GOI expected that Project Ground Breaking would be conducted in the end of 2013


Presentation: Mr. Kenichi Yamamoto, Orix

x Material of presentation for the meeting included: Future Image of the Goal, Issues and
solutions, Costs, Revenues and Funding resources, Steps to the initiation (see
x Because of the time limitation for the meeting, the presentation and discussion were
focused on issues related to the time schedule and finance.

9 The Minister of Public Works and the new Governor of DKI Jakarta have agreed on
the Sewerage PPP project in DKI Jakarta
9 The construction period would take within 3 years started from the end of 2014 and
completed in 2017 (see draft mid-term schedule, presentation 05 Dec, 2005 in the
9 Based on the above time schedule for the construction, Mr. Yamamoto emphasized
the importance of fulfilling the readiness criteria for the PPP project, i.e.,
clarification of the Government Contracting Agency /GCA, establishment of the
Project Management Unit/PMU), formulation of the Pre-Feasibility Study,
registration for the next 2013 PPP book (see also Steps to Implementation.
Presentation 05 Dec, 2005 in the attachment).

Financial Issue
9 Financial analysis is shown in page 18 to 27 of the presentation:
o Cost for the STP would be funded through government (1 time VGF) and
private sector. The proportion of the private sector would be further
discussed and decided in the discussion (initial proposal VGF : SPC = 60% :
o PPP structure: BOT
o Tariff setting: Cross-subsidy from commercial
9 Clear and appropriate tariff setting was required and tariff adjustment should be
conducted. Cross-subsidy approach with increasing tariff (2 x) for the large
commercial business would be applied. The tariff should be lower than the cost
for Independent Treatment Plant/ITP of large commercial (see page 18}.


Dr. Dedy S. Priatna, Bappenas

x He was confused with the figures: He asked the team to clarify how much money should
be the portion of the MPW and the DKI government respectively.
x He also requested further clarification on the basis of the tariff formulation
x With regard to the tariff escalation: whether the escalation would be based on annual
escalation or certain period escalation.

Mr. Yamamoto
x Projection of tariff revenue was based on Floor Area growth of commercial areas.
x Three scenario of tariff escalation was presented by the team namely: (1) W/O GDP
escalation; (2) With GDP escalation 6 % annually; (3) 2 X of tariff of large commercial
with GDP escalation 6 % annually.

Dr. Dedy S. Priatna, Bappenas

x Tariff adjustment based on the escalation of GDP may be reasonable, however the
impact of tariff adjustment on the subsidy provided by the DKI government should be
further discussed with the new governor of DKI Jakarta. Escalation of subsidy every year
would be difficult for the government of the DKI Jakarta.
x He suggested that the team should make a simulation for the investment cost; it should
be provided within one time or per year payment and their impact to the DKI Jakarta
Government. Again, the provision of investment cost per year would create problem to
the DKI government since it has to deal with the Provincial Legislative Body.
x However, which option would be taken, the decision would be dependent on the
Jakarta government itself.

Mr. Budiyuwono, DG-Ciptakarya, MPW
x For this STP PPP project, VGF could be provided by the central government in the form
of loan from overseas.
x With regard to tariff adjustment, he was unsure whether the provincial government of
Jakarta could easily increase the tariff.

Mrs Lily, PD IPAL DKI-Jakarta

x Principally, the government of DKI Jakarta intended to utilize Full-Separated system in
the future for both the commercial buildings as well as residential areas.
x She also concerned about technological solutions to sewerage system on the using of
interceptor (combined system) versus full separated system (page 8 – 14). The
government of Jakarta should carefully review the options offered by the team prior to
making the decision.
x Interceptor would be utilized in the high density populated residential areas.

Mr. Nugroho, Director of Settlements and Sanitation – Bappenas :

x Explained that it would be ideal if Full-Separated system would be applied. However, in
practice the construction process would be very slow, unless for the new housing

Dr. Dedy S. Priatna, Bappenas

x He urged the consultant to show the data, calculation, and simulation to the
government of DKI Jakarta and MPW. This activity should be followed by presenting all
the figures to the New Governor of DKI Jakarta
x Prior to do so, working group discussion should be conducted to elaborate the following
issues and to achieve agreement:
9 Technological solutions including house connections and interceptors
9 Financial issue: the team should check the regulation on VGF with staff of the
Ministry of Finance
9 Schedule

Mr. Bastary, Panji Indra, Director of PPP Bappenas

x Comment on the schedule: the team should indicate who would be responsible for
activities described in the schedule
x The team should also clearly state the amount of VGF needed for the PPP project to the
x He also asked about the tendering process in the construction of STP funded through
VGF and Private: Will the tender be conducted through a simultaneous process or
separated process?
x How the integration of the tendering process, construction and operation between STP
and sewerage piping projects?

x He also reminded that according to the PPP guideline, the governor of DKI Jakarta
should request VGF to the Minister of Finance
x Above all, the team should devote its efforts to convince the new governor of DKI
Jakarta that PPP approach to infrastructure provision is beneficial for the DKI Jakarta

Mr. Fajar, Dinas PU, DKI Jakarta

x Issues and materials presented in the meeting (i.e., reasons for adopting PPP approach,
return of investment, tariff setting) have not been recognized and well understood by
the majority of staff in Dinas PU DKI Jakarta as well as in other government agencies.
Therefore, dissemination of such materials should be conducted.
x According to his opinion, subsidy that should be provided by the government of DKI
every year could become a big burden. He also mentioned that some groups in the
society might not receive the subsidy and the benefit. Therefore, the formulation of
subsidies should be conducted carefully and wisely, to avoid social problems in the

Dr. Dedy S. Priatna, Bappenas

x He invited other comments and inputs from the participants of the meeting

Mr. Arianto Wibowo, Indonesian Infrastructure Guarantee Fund (IIGF)

x He was interested in the project risks since these issues were very important beside the
financial and technical issues. He asked about further elaboration of the risk profiles and
how should they be mitigated.
x He also concerned with the project risk associated with “connectivity” between the STP
and the sewerage piping system. It was critical because there would be two different
parties involving in the construction as well as operation processes.
x For the purpose of providing the government guarantee the DKI Jakarta government
should clarify who would be the CGA (e.g., Dinas Public Works Jakarta, Bappeda). He
seemed to have objection if PD PAL Jaya would be assigned as the GCA .
x He recommended that since in the beginning the JICA team should continuously discuss
and work together with IIGF particularly on issues related to compliance of the STP PPP
project with the PPP guideline. A schedule on this collaboration (particularly with ibu
Cintya) should immediately be made.

Assistant Deputy, Environmental Agency, DKI Jakarta Provincial Government

x Agreed with Dr. Dedy’s recommendations that the JICA team should provide options
and their consequences.

Dr. Dedy S. Priatna, Bappenas

x He wanted to discuss the schedule again and clarify the responsibility of the central
government, the DKI Jakarta provincial government and the private sector.
x The central government would be responsible for the overseas loan.

x The DKI Jakarta provincial government should calculate its capacity in investment cost of
the project based on the provincial tax/ non tax revenues and other possible sources.
x He reminded that the ground-breaking would be at the end of 2013 or the beginning of

Mr. Ogawa, Representative of JICA

x JICA would carry on the loan in the pipe-line of the projects.
x Fact findings would be conducted in next week.

Mr. Syukrul Amien, Director - Ministry of Public Works

x He expected that sources of the project funding and sharing would be clearly and fully
understood by the respective parties.
x He asked whether the procurement process of DED for the construction of the sewerage
system could be accelerated by JICA.

Dr. Dedy S. Priatna, Bappenas

x Based on the current “Blue Book”, the amount of loan for this project was USD 144
Million and the rest would be provided in Rupiah currency.
x To get more information about the VGF, the JICA team should contact Mr. Freddy
Saragih at the Risk Management Unit/ RMU- MOF.

Mr. Kobayasi, Representative of the JICA Team

x On behalf of the Team, he appreciated the participation of the stakeholders in the
discussion and he believed that it was very productive.
x He also stated to maintain the compliance of the project to the PPP regulations and
guideline and also the ODA requirements.
x The team would follow up the result of the discussion, and would start to have a
working group meeting tomorrow.


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