Geological Field Report of Attock Cherat Ranges
Geological Field Report of Attock Cherat Ranges
Geological Field Report of Attock Cherat Ranges
Anwar U Din
YEAR # 2018-19
Anwar U Din
Date of Field:
Date Of Submission:
The place selected for our field trip was Attock Nizam pur. It is basically located in Punjab province
of Pakistan. From Geological and Structural prospective this area got so much importance. It contain rocks
with age from Jurassic (Samna Suk formation) to recent Eocene rock (Marghala Hill Limestone
These area consist of different formations like Magalia hill limestone, Patala formation, Lockhart
limestone, Hangu formation, Kawaghar formation, Lumshiwal formation, Chichalli formation and
Samana suk formation.
Attock Nizam pur is known for its excellent exposures and structural deformation which consist of
different folds and some of the minor faults for example very clear anticline and syncline are observed at
the 1st stop and the some of the fault like the fault in between kawaghar and Samana Suk formation.
Our 2nd field was arranged on 01 May in 2019 to the area of kala Chita which is the part of Attock district
province of Punjab. We left department at 8 45 am and start travelling toward the Attock nizampur.When
we enter in Nizampur basin .We start study of kala Chita it is the part of hill mountain northern of Pakistan.
In the north it is hisser tang fault Attock cherat range while in south there is kala Chita while in east is Indus
river in the west the kala Chita and Attock cherat range both are together. The kala Chita is highly folded
and faulted deform area which are intense stresses. So the folded form the stresses from east west and
lying in north south direction. It is very importance in geological point of view. So there is small scale of fold
in Marghala hill limestone and there is also fossil on the basis of these age is assigned to different lithological
Hissartang Fault
Figure 2 field picture showing an alternative Anticline and Syncline which occur in Marghala hill
Figure 5 field pic show Marghala hill limestone and its forms
Figure 7 Field Pic show lateritic body of Hangu formation which clearly show the unconformity
Figure 9 field pic show the Contact between the Samana Suk formation and Kawaghar formation, to
the left in upper portion show samana Suk formation and the down side to the right side show
Kawaghar formation.
Figure 11 Field Pic show the Kawaghar Limestone interbadded with shale
Field observation
Field lecture of Dr. Sajjad Ahmad and Mr. Gohar Rahman
Stratigraphy of Pakistan by S.M. Ibrahim Shah
Geology and Tectonic Of Pakistan – A.H Kazmi and M. Qasim