Earth and Life Science Exam Prelim - Final

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Notre Dame of Masiag, Inc.

Masiag, Bagumbayan, Sultan Kudarat

Government Recognition No. 018, s. 1993
TIN: 000-578-187 (Non VAT)
“Service for the love of God through Mary”
Name: _________________________________ Grade/Sec:___________________ Score:_______
Test I: Multiple Choice: Read each sentence below and choose your answer from the 4 given choices. Encircle the
letter of the correct answer.
1. How many seconds does it take for sun’s 8. Oceans occupy what percent of earth’s water?
light to reach the surface of the earth? A. 65%
A. 150 seconds B. 71%
B. 250 seconds C. 80%
C. 500 seconds D. 98%
D. 1000 seconds 9. This compound in the stratosphere absorbs high
2. What is the average distance between the earth energy radiation.
and the sun? A. Ozone
A. 91 million miles B. Methane
B. 93 million miles C. Carbon dioxide
C. 95 million miles D. Diatomic oxygen
D. 97 million miles 10. Scientists were able to understand earth’s
3. What is the process by which plants interior by means of sophisticated pieces of
manufacture their own food by converting solar equipment involving.
energy into chemical energy? A. Radar
A. Calvin cycle B. Sound
B. Photosynthesis C. Photons
C. Cellular respiration D. Seismic waves
D. Photodissociation 11. The property of mineral that can be observed
4. What is the gaseous layer that envelops the directly is the
earth? A. Size
A. Ionosphere B. Color
B. Atmosphere C. Streak
C. Ozone layer D. Texture
D. Stratosphere 12. The second softest mineral according to the Mohs
5. The earth’s outer core is predominantly made scale of hardness is the
up of iron and A. Talc
A. Nickel B. Apatite
B. Cobalt C. Calcite
C. Copper D. Gypsum
D. Aluminum 13. Which of these is an example of a silicate mineral?
6. The largest among the four subsystems. A. Galena
A. Biosphere B. Gypsum
B. Geosphere C. Feldspar
C. Atmosphere D. Corundum
D. Hydrosphere 14. Which of these is an example of non-silicate
7. It encompasses all life forms on earth. mineral?
A. Biosphere A. Galena
B. Geosphere B. Feldspar
C. Atmosphere C. Orthoclase
D. Hydrosphere D. Plagioclase
15. This refers to the ability of a mineral to continue 16. First 2 elements formed after the Big Bang.
Glowing even after a source of ultraviolet has
been turned off. A. hydrogen and helium
A. Luster B. helium and lithium
B. Luminosity C. hydrogen and lithium
C. Fluorescence D. hydrogen and oxygen
D. Phosphorescence
17. The process of breaking down rocks into smaller 18. The thickest layer of Earth’s internal structure is
pieces or changing its chemical composition. A. crust
A. Weathering B. mantle
B. Erosion C. outer core
C. Transport D. inner core
D. deposition
Test II: True or False: Write True if the statement is correct, otherwise False on the blank provided.
______1. 500 seconds does it take for sun’s light to reach the surface of the earth.
______2. 93 million miles average distance between the earth and the sun.
______3. Photosynthesis the process by which plants manufacture their own food by converting solar
energy into chemical energy.
______4. Atmosphere is the gaseous layer that envelops the earth.
______5. The earth’s outer core is predominantly made up of iron and Nickel.
______6. Geosphere is not the largest among the four subsystems.
______7. Biosphere it is not encompasses all life forms on earth.
______8. Oceans is not occupy 71 percent of earth’s water?
______9. Ozone is not compound in the stratosphere absorbs high energy radiation.
______10. Scientists were not able to understand earth’s interior by means of sophisticated pieces of
equipment involving sound.
______11. The property of mineral that can be observed directly is the color.
______12. The second softest mineral according to the Mohs scale of hardness is the Gypsum.
______13. Feldspar is an example of a silicate mineral.
______14. Galena is an example of non-silicate mineral?
______15. Phosphorescence refers to the ability of a mineral to continue glowing even after a source of
ultraviolet has been turned off.
______16. Diamond is the hardest mineral.
______17. Crust consists mostly of oxygen and silicon.
______18. Hydrogen and Helium are the 2 elements formed after the Big Bang.
Test III: Identification: Identify what is being described or defined in each of the item below. Write your answer on
the blank provided before each number.
__________1. It is a unique planet.
__________ 2. It is a layer or a set of layers of gases.
__________ 3. It is the ability to be active.
__________ 4. It is a force of attraction that exists between any two masses, any two bodies, any two particles.
__________ 5. It is the region surrounding the earth or another astronomical body.
__________ 6. It is a colorless, transparent, odorless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, river, and rain.
__________ 7. It is a highly reactive gas composed of three oxygen atoms.
__________ 8. Is takes in the carbon dioxide produced by all breathing organisms.
__________ 9. It is an astronomical body orbiting earth and is the planet’s only natural satellite.
__________10. It is economy that is neither overheated nor too cold to cause a recession.
__________11. It is the second major layer of Earth’s atmosphere, just above the troposphere.
__________12. It is the total amount of water on a planet.
__________13. It is made up of the parts of earth where life exists all ecosystem.
__________15. It is radiant light and heat from the sun that is harnessed using a range of ever-evolving technologies.
__________16. These are a group of rock-forming tectosilicate minerals that make up about 41% of the Earth’s.
__________17. It is the earth itself.
__________18. It is where you’ll find the very important ozone layer.

Test IV: Essay

Answer the following questions focusing on the content of our lesson. Write your answers in a paragraph form
for five (5) to six (6) statements per paragraph on the back of this page.
1. What is the significance of understanding the characteristics of the earth?
2. Which of the aforementioned unique characteristic of the earth do you like the most and why?
Rubrics 1 : for Essay/ Writing Activity
Criteria & Descriptive Unsatisfactory Needs Satisfactory Outstanding RATING
Percentage Rating Improvement (Score
x %)
Score 2 3 4 5
Content & - Content is - Content is not - Content is - Content is
Development incomplete. comprehensive, accurate. comprehensive
- Major points -Major points are - Major points and accurate.
(70 %) are not clear. addressed, but are stated. - Major points
-Specific not well - Responses are stated clearly
examples are not supported. are adequate and are well
used. - Responses are and address supported.
inadequate or do topic. - Responses are
not address topic. - Content is excellent, timely
-Specific clear. and address
examples do not -Specific topic.
support topic. examples are - Content is
used. clear.
examples are
Organization - Organization - Structure of the - Structure is -Structure of the
& Structure and structure paper is not easy mostly clear paper is clear
detract from the to follow. and easy to and easy to
(15 %) message. - Transitions follow. follow.
- Writing is need - Transitions - Transitions are
disjointed and improvement. are present. logical and
lacks transition - Conclusion is - Conclusion maintain the
of thoughts. missing, or if is logical. flow of thought
provided, does throughout the
not flow from the paper.
body of the - Conclusion is
paper. logical and
flows from the
body of the
Grammar, - Paper contains - Paper contains - Rules of - Rules of
Punctuation numerous few grammatical, grammar, grammar, usage,
& Spelling grammatical, punctuation and usage, and and punctuation
punctuation, and spelling errors. punctuation are followed;
(15 %) spelling errors. are followed spelling is
with minor correct.
Spelling is
Notre Dame of Masiag, Inc.
Masiag, Bagumbayan, Sultan Kudarat
Government Recognition No. 018, s. 1993
TIN: 000-578-187 (Non VAT)
“Service for the love of God through Mary”
Name: _________________________________ Grade/Sec:________________ Score:_______
TEST I: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each sentence below and choose your answer from the 4 given choices.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following best describes the Rock ?
A. It is made of one mineral B. It is not made of mineral
C. Most rocks are a mixture of minerals D. All of the Above
2. Which of the following is NOT a kind of rock?
A. Magma B. Igneous
C. Sedimentary D. Metamorphic
3. Metamorphic rock changes from their original form by______.
A. pieces of other existing rock B. cools and solidifies
C. heat and pressure D. melting of rock
4. It is a kind of rock formed where there are compilations of sediments over time:
A. Igneous B. sedimentary
C. metamorphic D.granite
5. The following are examples of igneous rock ,EXCEPT:
A. Granite B. Obsidian
C. Limestone D. Pumice
6. Which type of rock do fossils belong?
A. Sedimentary B. Igneous
C. Metamorphic D. all of these
7. The solid mixture of a rock is called___.
A. magma B. minerals
C. lava D. sediments
8. Which are examples of non foliated rocks ?
A. marble and quartzite B. gneiss and schist
C. slate and phyllite D. all of these
9. Which of the following is an example of foliated metamorphic rock?
A. slate B. limestone
C. marble D. coal
10. Which of the following igneous rock is formed from rapidly cooling lava?
A. granite B. pumice
C. obsidian D. basalt
11. Which of the following processes occur in the rock cycle?
A. heat and pressure B. weathering and erosion
C. cooling and solidification D. all of these
12. Rocks are mixtures of the following, EXCEPT .
A. Minerals B. organic matter
C. volcanic glass D. none of these
13. It is an example of foliated metamorphic rock .
A. coal B. limestone
C. marble D. slate
14. Regional metamorphism is caused by .
A. heat B. pressure
C. metamorphism D. all of these
15. Students found a metamorphic rock in the campsite. Its presence is an evidence that the rock
found is from .
A. sediment deposition B. wind-borne sand
C. dinosaur activity D. high pressure
16. When does tension stress happen on rocks?
A. pulled apart B. compressed
C. slip D. steady
17. The following are types of stress, EXCEPT:
A. shearing B. tension
C. compression D. metamorphism
18. The San Andreas is an example of what stress?
A. compression B. shearing
C. tension D. fault
19. It is a type of stress that dominate at divergent plate boundaries .
A. tension B. compression
C. shearing D. force
20. The Rocky Mountains is an example of stress.
A. compression B. shearing
C. tension D. none of these
21. It is a type of stress where rock slides side by side.
A. tension B. compression
C. shearing D. transform
22. What is the force that changes rock shape or volume ?
A. stress B. tension
C. shearing D. compression
23. The rock is changing from original form to a new form due to extreme heat and pressure.
A. True B. False
24. The continents are example of what stress?
A. compression B. shearing
B. tension D. fault
25. The process that breaks rock into smaller pieces is___.
A. weathering B. erosion
C. solidification D. metamorphism
TEST II : Identification: Put a check mark (/) to its corresponding type of Rock.
Rock Sedimentary Igneous Metamorphic
9.Pink Marble

TEST III: CLASSIFICATION: Classify the following rocks according to its kind. Write your answer on the box
below each picture.

1. 2.

5. 6.


9. 10.

TEST IV: ENUMERATION: Enumerate what are asked. Write your answer on the space provided.
1-10, Types of Rocks
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
TEST V: ESSAY: Answer the following questions in a complete sentences below.
1. What are rocks?
2. Differentiate the three types of rocks based on their formation.
3. Create your own story about how rocks are formed . Make at least 3 paragraph.

Rubric for the essay writing : How Rocks are Formed

Content Clearly elaborate Adequately elaborate Did not elaborate
important details important details important details
Spelling and 1-3 errors in 4-6 errors in 7 and more error in
Grammar spelling, rules of spelling, rules of spelling, rules of
grammar and grammar and grammar and
punctuation punctuation punctuation
Exceptional sense Adequate sense of Lacks sense of clear
Organization of clear and orderly clear and orderly and orderly
connectionof ideas connection of connection of ideas

Notre Dame of Masiag, Inc.
Masiag, Bagumbayan, Sultan Kudarat
Government Recognition No. 018, s. 1993
TIN: 000-578-187 (Non VAT)
“Service for the love of God through Mary”
Name: _________________________________ Grade/Sec:________________ Score:_______
TEST I: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each sentence below and choose your answer from the 4 given choices.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What do we call a fault in which the hanging wall moves up along the dip with respect to the footwall (as pictured)?

A. A normal fault C. A dip fault

B. A strike-slip fault D. A reverse fault
2. What do we call a fold in which the rock layers are folded upward, with the limbs sloping up to the axis of the fold
(as pictured)?

A. A thrust fold C. A recumbent fold

B. A syncline D. An anticline
3. A fault is always the result of tensional stress.
A. True B. False
4. What do we call a fault in which the movement is horizontal along the strike?
A. A strike-slip fault C. A horizontal fault
B. A reverse fault D. A dip-slip fault
5. What produces a reverse fault?
A.Tensional stress C. Compressional stress
B. Shear stress D. Shear stress
6. Synclines will always form valleys in the landscape.
A. True B. False
7. What do we call a downdropped block of the crust, bounded by normal faults on each side?
A. A horst C. A graben
B. A normal block D. A syncline
8. The San Andreas Fault in California is an example of a _____ fault in a _____ plate boundary.
A. a normal fault in a transform plate boundary
B. a strike-slip fault in a convergent plate boundary
C. a reverse fault in a transform plate boundary
D. a strike-slip fault in a transform plate boundary
9. The Sierra Nevada Mountains in California are primarily what kind of mountains?
A. Folded C. Fault-block
B. Volcanic B. Warped
10. Which of the following statements is true of the epicenter of an earthquake?
A. The epicenter is at Caltech in Pasadena, where the seismographs are located.
B. The epicenter is the point on the Earth’s surface just above the location where movement on the fault
C. The epicenter is a place on the fault where it intersects the surface.
D. The epicenter is the point on the fault’s surface within the Earth where the rupture on the fault began.
11. It is a process in which sedimentary rocks are arranged in layers due to crustal movement, displacement of soils, and distortion of
A. Compression C. Stratification
B. Tension D. Expansion
12. The following are examples of igneous rocks EXCEPT:
A. Basalt C. Pumice
B. Granite D. Marble
13.Which is an example of sedimentary rocks?
A. Conglomerate C. Slate
B. Basalt D. Granite
14. It is a type of rocks which are formed when other rocks are changed by heat, pressure and chemical reaction.
A. Sedimentary C. Igneous
B. Metamorphic D. Stratified rock
15. It is a type of rock which are formed through solidified molten rock.
A. Sedimentary C. Igneous
B. Metamorphic D. Stratified rock
TEST II : IDENTIFICATION: Identify what is being described or defined in each of the item below. Choose your
answer inside the box and write it on the blank provided before each number.
_________1. It is a one-sided slope connecting two horizontal or gently inclined strata.
_________2. It is an upward fold on the rock.
_________3. It is a downward fold on the rock.
_________4. It happens when one-fold is pushed over the other limb due to increasing pressure.
_________5. It is an extreme type of overturned fold in which the axial plain acquires an almost horizontal altitude.
_________6. It occur when rock is being pulled apart due to tension force.
_________7. It happens when rock is being squeezed due to compression force.
_________8. It happens when rocks slide past each other in opposite direction.
_________9. It is formed through solidified molten rock.
_________10. It is formed when combinations of rock fragments, seashells, fossils and chemicals are compressed in layers and
_________11. It is formed when other rocks are changed by heat, pressure and chemical reaction.
_________12. It is the movement of the plates results in deformation.
_________13. It is the typeof Earth movement resulting from thecompression of rock because of high temperature and
pressure from the interior of Earth.
_________14. It is a movement of the plates results in deformation.
_________15. It is a downward fold on the rock.

TEST III: TRUE or FALSE: Write True if the statement is correct, otherwise False, on the blank provided before
the number.
______1. Folding is a movement of the plates results in deformation (folding and faulting) of the Earth’s crust.
______2. Plate tectonic is the type of Earth movement resulting from the compression of rock because of high
temperature and pressure from the interior of Earth.
______3. Monocline is a one-sided slope connecting two horizontal or gently inclined strata.
______4. Anticline is an upward fold on the rock.
______5. Syncline is a downward fold on the rock.
______6. Overturned happens when one-fold is pushed over the other limb due to increasing pressure.
______7. Recumbent is an extreme type of overturned fold in which the axial plain acquires an almost horizontal
______8. Faults form cracks or fractures on the rocks.
______9. Normal (divergent) fault occurs when rock is being pulled apart due to tension force.
______10. Transform (convergent) fault happens when rock is being squeezed due to compression force.
______11. Reverse (strike-slip) fault happens when rocks slide past each other in opposite direction.
______12. Stratification is the process in which sedimentary rocks are arranged in layers due to crustal movement,
displacement of soils, and distortion of terrain.
______13. The Rock Cycle is a group of changes.
______14. Igneous rocks are formed through solidified molten rock.
______15.Sedimentary rocks are formed when combinations of rock fragments, seashells, fossils and chemicals are
compressed in layers and hardened.

TEST IV: ENUMERATION: Enumerate what are asked. Write your answer on the space provided.
Write at least 10 spectacular scenery found in Mindanao.
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

TEST V: ESSAY. Answer the following questions. Write your answer in a short bond paper.
1. Explain the concepts of folding and faulting.
2. Compare and contrast folding and faulting.
3. Cite the importance of folding and faulting in our lives.
4. Describe the types of folding and faulting.
5. Compare and contrast the three types of rocks.

Rubric for the essay writing

Content Clearly elaborate Adequately elaborate Did not elaborate
important details important details important details
Spelling and 1-3 errors in 4-6 errors in 7 and more error in
Grammar spelling, rules of spelling, rules of spelling, rules of
grammar and grammar and grammar and
punctuation punctuation punctuation
Exceptional sense of Adequate sense of Lacks sense of clear
Organization clear and orderly clear and orderly and orderly connection
Connection of ideas connection of of ideas

Notre Dame of Masiag, Inc.
Masiag, Bagumbayan, Sultan Kudarat
Government Recognition No. 018, s. 1993
TIN: 000-578-187 (Non VAT)
“Service for the love of God through Mary”
Name: _________________________________ Grade/Sec:________________ Score:_______
TEST I: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each sentence below and choose your answer from the 3 given choices.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is a movement of the plates results in deformation (folding and faulting) of the Earth’s crust.
a. Plate tectonic b. folding c. monocline
2. It is the type of Earth movement resulting from the compression of rock because of high temperature and
pressure from the interior of Earth.
a. Folding b. plate tectonic c. anticline
3. It is a one-sided slope connecting two horizontal or gently inclined strata.
a. Monocline b. anticline c. folding
4. It is an upward fold on the rock.
a. Anticline b. syncline c. overturned
5. It is a downward fold on the rock.
a. Syncline b. overturned c. anticline
6. It is happens when one-fold is pushed over the other limb due to increasing pressure.
a. anticline b. overturned c. syncline
7. It is an extreme type of overturned fold in which the axial plain acquires an almost horizontal altitude.
a. faults b. recumbent c. normal
8. They form cracks or fractures on the rocks.
a. normal b. faults c. reverse
9. It is a fault occurs when rock is being pulled apart due to tension force.
a. reverse b. normal c. transform
10. It is a fault happens when rock is being squeezed due to compression force.
a. normal b. reverse c. faults
11. It is a fault happens when rocks slide past each other in opposite direction.
a. transform b. normal c. reverse
12. It is the process in which sedimentary rocks are arranged in layers due to crustal movement, displacement of
soils, and distortion of terrain.
a. Stratification b. transfer c. faults
13. This is a group of changes. Igneous rock can change into sedimentary rock or into metamorphic rock.
a. Rock Cycle b. Stratification c. normal
14. These are formed through solidified molten rock.
a. Igneous rocks b. Rock Cycle c. Stratification
15. These are formed when combinations of rock fragments, seashells, fossils and chemicals are compressed in
layers and hardened.
a. Sedimentary rocks b. Igneous rocks c. Rock Cycle
16. These are formed when other rocks are changed by heat, pressure and chemical reaction.
a. Metamorphic rocks b. Sedimentary rocks c. Igneous rocks

TEST II : IDENTIFICATION: Identify what is being described or defined in each of the item below. Write your
answer on the blank provided before each number.
__________1. These are formed when other rocks are changed by heat, pressure and chemical reaction.
__________2. These are formed when combinations of rock fragments, seashells, fossils and chemicals are
compressed in layers and hardened.
__________3. These are formed through solidified molten rock.
__________4. This is a group of changes. Igneous rock can change into sedimentary rock or into metamorphic rock.
__________5. It is the process in which sedimentary rocks are arranged in layers due to crustal movement,
displacement of soils, and distortion of terrain.
__________6. It is a fault happens when rocks slide past each other in opposite direction.
__________7. It is a fault happens when rock is being squeezed due to compression force.
__________8. It is a fault occurs when rock is being pulled apart due to tension force.
__________9. They form cracks or fractures on the rocks.
__________10. It is an extreme type of overturned fold in which the axial plain acquires an almost horizontal
__________11. It happens when one-fold is pushed over the other limb due to increasing pressure.
__________12. It is a downward fold on the rock.
__________13. It is an upward fold on the rock.
__________14. It is a one-sided slope connecting two horizontal or gently inclined strata.
__________15. It is the type of Earth movement resulting from the compression of rock because of high temperature
and pressure from the interior of Earth.
__________16. It is a movement of the plates results in deformation (folding and faulting) of the Earth’s crust.

TEST III: TRUE or FALSE: Write True if the statement is correct, otherwise False, on the blank provided before
the number.
__________1. Plate tectonic movement of the plates results in deformation of the Earth’s crust.
__________2. Folding is the type of Earth movement resulting from the compression of rock because of high
temperature and pressure from the interior of Earth.
__________3. Monocline is a one-sided slope connecting two horizontal or gently inclined strata.
__________4. Anticline is an upward fold on the rock.
__________5. Syncline is a downward fold on the rock.
__________6. Overturned happens when one-fold is pushed over the other limb due to increasing pressure.
__________7. Recumbent is an extreme type of overturned fold in which the axial plain acquires an almost
horizontal altitude.
__________8. Faults form cracks or fractures on the rocks. The movement is caused by low temperatures that
make rocks brittle. Instead of folding, rocks break into large chunks.
__________9. Normal (divergent) fault occurs when rock is being pulled apart due to tension force.
__________10. Reverse (convergent) fault happens when rock is being squeezed due to compression force.
__________11. Metamorphic (strike-slip) fault happens when rocks slide past each other in opposite direction.
__________12. The rock cycle is the process in which sedimentary rocks are arranged in layers due to crustal
__________13. Transform is a group of changes.
__________14. Sedimentary rocks are formed through solidified molten rock.
__________15. Igneous rocks are formed when combinations of rock fragments, seashells, fossils and chemicals
are compressed in layers and hardened.
__________16. Faults are formed when other rocks are changed by heat, pressure and chemical
TEST IV: FIND ME. Copy and answer. Find the word by connecting the letters of the word with a straight line.
TEST V: ESSAY: Answer the following questions. Write your answer in a short bond paper.
1. Explain the concept of absolute dating.
2. Differentiate relative dating from absolute dating.

Rubric for the essay writing

Content Clearly elaborate Adequately elaborate Did not elaborate
important details important details important details
Spelling and 1-3 errors in 4-6 errors in 7 and more error in
Grammar spelling, rules of spelling, rules of spelling, rules of
grammar and grammar and grammar and
punctuation punctuation punctuation
Exceptional sense Adequate sense of Lacks sense of clear
Organization of clear and orderly clear and orderly and orderly
connectionof ideas connection of connection of ideas


“ Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.”

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