The Communicative Function of Ulaon Pogu Ni Alaman in Exhumation (Mangongkal Holi) at Funeral Ceremony in Toba Batak
The Communicative Function of Ulaon Pogu Ni Alaman in Exhumation (Mangongkal Holi) at Funeral Ceremony in Toba Batak
The Communicative Function of Ulaon Pogu Ni Alaman in Exhumation (Mangongkal Holi) at Funeral Ceremony in Toba Batak
Keywords: The communicative functions, Ulaon Pogu ni Alaman, Batak Toba, Funeral
*Graduate Status
**Lecturer Status
A. Introduction
Communication is the key of a social interaction. People communicate to one another for
their concern with information by using a medium of communication called language.
Language is very important in life and language will not be free from human. Wehmeier (in
Firnawaty, 2007: 1) explains that language is all the words that person uses in a particular
language and the people use when the one talking about a particular subject. In conducting
communication, people can express their feelings and emotions. People hope in order to
interpret other people’s language and expect other people to interpret their own in this way
all time.
Every language that is uttered by people has different function and meaning. It depends
on the context and situation. Jakobson (in Hebert, 2011: 3) highlights six communicative
functions of language, there are: the referential function is oriented toward the context; the
emotive (expressive) function is oriented toward the listener; the conative (action-inducing,
such as a command) function is oriented toward the speaker; the metalingual (language
speaking) function is oriented toward the code; and the poetic function is oriented toward the
message. This study refers to the use of communicative function of language in the
exhumation (Mangongkal Holi) in Toba Batak. The reason why the writer studies the
communicative functions of language because of some people knows how to speak, but
people do not know what the function of language itself.
B. Theoretical Framework
1. The Communicative Functions of Language
The linguist Jakobson has extended Bühler’s model by adding further functions.
Jakobson proposed three additional functions, making six fundamental factors, each
assuming an orientation within the verbal message. As Jakobson (in Hebert, 2011: 3) has
shown that in any given act of verbal communications (speech event), there are six
fundamental factors which must be present for the act to be operable:
a. The Referential Function
The referential function is oriented toward the context. It is the one most
commonly addressed because it concerns descriptions or contextual information. The
people utter the information that happens factually to show the things or facts. The
referential function is the most obvious function of language.
b. The Emotive Function
The emotive function is oriented toward the addresser. This function comes out
when the people want to express their emotions although they do not speak any
information. In this function, the people communicate themselves more than they
communicate to other people who hear them.
c. The Conative Function
The conative function is oriented toward the addressee. This function finds it in
imperative sentences; it helps the speaker make other people do something by the
command. It may include orders and prayers.
d. The Phatic Function
The phatic function sets for a contact, which establishes, prolongs, and
discontinues the communication. The use of this function is to know whether the
channel works or whether the contact is still there. The purpose in this function
firstly is to maintain the contact with the people who are talking to the speaker.
e. The Metalinguistic Function
The metalinguistic function is concerned with utterances that deal with language
itself (of a linguistic nature), or what is sometimes called “code.” The code used
whenever the addresser and the addressee need to check whether they use the same
code and when the language is used to speak about language in.
f. The Poetic Function
The poetic function deals with that language whose primary focus is the beauty of
the language itself. The poetic function puts the focus on the message for its own
sake. The poetic function involves the ability to manipulate language in a creative
way. The poetic function appears in a speech event such as in political slogans,
advertising, commemorative speeches.
2. Toba Batak
Toba Batak is the most numerous of Batak people of North Sumatera, Indonesia.
Toba Batak often considered the classical ‘Batak’ most likely to willing self-identify as
Batak. The Toba Batak people speak in the Toba Batak language and are centered on
Lake Toba and Samosir Island within the lake. (Sibarani, 1999: 15-16)
3. Exhumation (Mangongkal Holi)
Toba Batak tribe since the ancient time until today has retained the traditional and
religious values inherited from their ancestors, although sometimes it is contrary to
religious teachings. The cultural phenomenon Mangongkal Holi event is one of Toba
Batak traditions that still survives and is preserved today in the origin area (bona pasogit)
and in the overseas area (parserakan). This tradition persists because of the strong roots
of traditional culture, cosmology, and religion of Toba Batak that influence their
C. Research Methodology
This research used descriptive qualitative method. This method applied because it is
intended to analyze and describe the utterances those are used by each speaker. The research
was defined to find out the communicative function of language using by Roman Jakobson
on Communicative Function of Ulaon Pogu ni Alaman in Exhumation (Mangongkal Holi).
According to Holloway (2010: 3) qualitative research is a form of social inquiry that
focus on the way of people interpret and make a sense of their experiences in the world. The
aim of this method is to understand the social reality of individuals, groups, and cultures.
This study would analyze the data and the results are obtained from this study is a form of
verbal data in words or phrases containing on the concept the language speaking of Ulaon
Pogu ni Alaman’s event. Then the data would be classified into the six models of
communications by Jakobson’s theory.
The data would be taken from the 3 documentary videos of Ulaon Pogu ni Alaman in
exhumation or Mangongkal Holi event in Toba Batak from Youtube. There are 100
utterances would be put on this research. Other source was the Toba Batak dictionary and
the informants that helps the writer to be more understanding the language.
D. Findings and Discussion
1. The Distribution of Each Type of Language Functions
Table 4.1 Types of Satire
(Today, I have clearly seen your kindness towards us because of you have
organized the traditional ceremony according to our wishes.)
The word sadarion shows the time when this event is held. It conducts the
information of time. Then, the sentence nunga saut tarpatupa means that the
information of action that had been done by people there.
Mostly, the event of Ulaon Pogu ni Alaman is held in the noon until afternoon.
However, it is organized during the day because the families and neighbours usually
gather in the light of day. Mangongkal Holi ceremony is highly expected by all
families. Therefore, everyone will rejoice when attending that ceremony. The family
who organized the ceremony is very hopeful that all guests present will be happy. The
guests will be given good service to protect the honor of their ancestors. If they are
happy, it means the ceremony is being successful.
b. Emotive Function
The second type of language functions is emotive that only has 5. Emotive
function means express the speaker’s feelings. This function oriented toward the
The interjection above is used for expressing a feeling, as the example for
showing that you are interested, surprised, pleased, and annoyed.
In the context of situation, that word expressed in order to showing that they are
interested when the dishes were coming and someone asked where he should place
the dishes. The bah accent characterizes the Batak Toba people. The interjection can
also be said to express surprising. Therefore, when the Batak people are surprised,
they will say bah.
c. Conative Function
The third type of language functions is conative that has around 28. Conative
function means attempt to get someone/ people to do something or it may include
orders and prayers. It is oriented toward the addressee/ listener.
Tapuji ma Tuhanta.
The words tapujima Tuhanta shows that the speaker wants the people there to do
an action, like prayer. The event of Ulaon Pogu ni Alaman is also followed by a
religious event.
Usually, at the event, there is a priest who will lead the prayer. The word tapujima
Tuhanta is always the beginning of the prayer to be said. In addition, these words can
also be interpreted as singing. The priest will invite all guests to sing spiritual songs.
It is conducted because Toba Batak people believe that God will always bless the
d. Poetic Function
The third type of language functions is conative with 12 utterances. Poetic
function focuses on the ability of speaker to manipulate language in a creative way.
Dia ma matana, dia ma haltona;
The words above is formed by the ability in beauty of language. The speaker uses
the words so that they look very interesting. It could be known by the use of
alliteration (repeat consonant) and assonance (repeat vowel).
The text above is one of the traditional poetry of Batak Toba. However, that text
above is often pronounced during Batak Toba ceremonies because that text has no
meaning. The purpose of the sentence is literally like the following sentence: “What
does this mean?”
e. Metalinguistic Function
The sixth type of language functions is conative with total amounts are 9
sentences. Metalinguistic function means comment on the language itself which is
used to discuss or describe. It focuses on the attention upon the code itself in order to
clarify and negotiate it.
Tu joloni ise ma peakkonnami sipanganon on?
The words of tu joloni ise ma above shows that the speaker focused on the code
by asking the question in order to negotiate something through the listener.
In the Mangongkal Holi ceremony, how to put the object is a matter of great
concern. For example, during the event of Ulaon Pogu ni Alaman, the dish will bring
at lunch is not just put on there. The dish will be placed in front of hulahula as the
respected people.
f. Phatic Function
The fifth type of language functions is phatic with a total number of 15 sentences.
Phatic function serves to establish, prolong, and discontinue the communication. It
focuses on the contact by getting the attention of people surrounding.
Songon nidok ni umpasa ma
The sentence above means that the speaker wanted to prolong the communication.
After saying that sentence, so it will be continued with traditional poetry.
In the event of Ulaon Pogu ni Alaman, the parhata (master of ceremony) will say
several traditional poetry related to the theme of the ceremonies. For example, the
traditional poetry contain advice to the family who are left dead will be raised in the
Mangongkal Holi ceremony. Therefore, the traditional poetry is often spoken by
E. Discussion
This part presents the discussion of the research findings. There are two research
questions. The discussion focuses on the finding of the two proposed research questions.
The first discussion is about the language functions that are applied by people in the Ulaon
Pogu ni Alaman. The research found 100 utterances using by people in the Ulaon Pogu ni
The second question focuses on the classification of communcative function of language
in Ulaon Pogu ni Alaman. The researcher found six types of communicative function of
langugage in Ulaon Pogu ni Alaman. There are 31 utterances in referential functions, 5
utterances in emotive function, 28 utterances in conative function, 15 utterances in phatic
functions, 9 utterances in metalinguistic function, and 12 utterances in poetic function. The
findings of this research is related with the theory of communicative functions by Jakobson
The most frequency types of communicative function in Ulaon Pogu ni Alaman is
referential function. It is indicated the communication was used in Ulaon Pogu ni Alaman
has showed the description and contextual information that happened on that ceremony.
F. Conclusion
After analyzing the using of language function in Ulaon Pogu ni Alaman event, the
conclusions can be drawn as follows:
1. There are six types of communicative functions of language used in Ulaon Pogu ni
Alaman event, which are referential, poetic, emotive, conative, phatic, and metaliguistic
2. The dominant type of communicative function of language in Ulaon Pogu ni Alaman
event is referential function with the 31 occurences.
3. Referential function is the dominant type of language function used in Ulaon Pogu ni
Alaman event. It has an implication that Ulaon Pogu ni Alaman event used that function
mostly in all the utterances because this event is the traditional ceremony. The
communication which was doing in Ulaon Pogu ni Alaman event established the
description and contextual information that happened on that day.