Grdjev01i120050 PDF
Grdjev01i120050 PDF
Grdjev01i120050 PDF
ISSN: 2455-5703
Sanjith. J Ranjith. A
Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
AIT, Chikmagaluru, VTU-Belagavi, Karnataka. India AIT, Chikmagaluru, VTU-Belagavi, Karnataka. India
Limestone is mainly constituent of chemical compound calcium carbonate (CaCo3). It is basically called sedimentary rock
substance. As per researchers it forms 10% of total volume of Sedimentary rock. The extrusion & Implementation of limestone
in any form deals with ease of work and as a less pollutant for Environment, hence it can be massively used and utilized as a
replacement to coarse aggregate in construction. This study deals with introduction of usage of local available limestone
aggregates in concrete mix as a replacement for using normal coarse aggregates. In this research article Effect of limestone
aggregate on Fresh and Hardened properties of high strength concrete were discussed, Substitution of the Local Available and
Naturally occurring limestone aggregates as a Partial replacement for normal coarse aggregate material made for M50 grade.
Adopting a suitable W/C ratio, Number of Specimens was casted and tested for different ages. The tests were conducted on
casted specimens and results were discussed in detail in the discussion part of the article. From the test results, it clearly shows
that usage of limestone aggregates in concrete will lie in range between 50% - 75 % replacements for M50. On further addition
of Limestone aggregates in concrete it leads to decrease in strength properties and swelling is observed cause of repulsive
charges of aggregates.
Keywords- limestone aggregate concrete, partial replacement for M50 grade and Fresh and Hardened properties
This Research article deals with introduction to usage of local available limestone aggregate in concrete mix design as a
replacement to normal coarse aggregates in concrete mixes. In order to overcome the rate of demand or shortage of the locally
available natural coarse aggregates, Substitution of using naturally occurring limestone aggregates in concrete, as an 0%,
25%,50%,75%,100% substitution for normal coarse aggregate material is done. Before the replacement of limestone aggregates,
it is recommended to understand the physical, chemical & biological characteristics of these limestone property. various tests
have been conducted over these physical tests on limestone aggregates like specific gravity, flakiness Index, elongation index
test ,crushing strength test, impact tests on coarse aggregates, water absorption tests, while these experimental results gives the
appreciable values which are almost accepted by IS-Code provisions. Limestone is mainly constituent of chemical compound
calcium carbonate (CaCo3). It is basically called sedimentary rock substance. As per researchers it forms 10% of total volume of
Sedimentary rock. It is quite most available and cheaper material and readily can be used as alternate replacement of coarse
aggregate. When limestone is pulverized and mixed with water it acts a good Binding material and can be used to construct walls
and columns. In early clay and lime is used to produce bricks which poses a good engineering properties for construction. Where
lime-surki mixed with jiggery in a specific proportion it will be tough & of very less pervious and can be used for massive water
retaining structures. The physical properties and Chemical composition can be illustrated in the following Tables:
Table 1: physical properties of limestone aggregates
Serial no. Property type Characteristic property
1 Hardness 2.9 to 3.9 on Moh's Scale
2 Porosity Quite low
3 Water Absorption Less than 2%
4 Weather Impact Resistant
5 Compressive Strength 60-170 N/mm2
6 Density 1500 to 2600 Kg/m3
Table 2: composition of limestone
Serial no. Component Chemical formula Percentage%
1 Calcium oxide Cao 5.1-5.2
As the cement content in M50 grade is more, Presence of lime content is also more and when this lime and limestone
together contributed to excess heat of hydration and shrinkage has led to disintegration of moulds.
Photo showing the disintegrated section is given below. One can easily understand and observe the bulging and detaching of
sides prior to the loading.
Table 12: Test results of split tensile strength for 7, 14 and 28 days
Split tensile Strength
Sl. no % Replacements M50 grade
7 Days 14 Days 28 Days
1 0% 3.27 3.36 3.40
2 25% 3.31 3.40 3.44
3 50% 3.22 3.26 3.34
4 75% 3.34 3.41 3.44
5 100% 3.10 3.31 3.40
Table 13: Test results of Flexural strength for 7, 14 and 28 days
Flexural Strength Flexural Strength
Sl. No % Replacements M25 grade M50 grade
28 Days 28 Days
1 0% 4.24 4.4
2 25% 4.13 4.35
3 50% 3.95 4.26
4 75% 3.79 4.14
5 100% 3.53 4.10
Fig. 2: compressive strength of M50 grade of all % of Limestone concrete at for different curing period.
Fig. 3: Split tensile strength of M50 grade of all % of Limestone concrete at for different curing period.
Fig. 4: Flexural strength of M50 grade of all % of Limestone concrete at for different curing period.
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