3 - BRD - Seismic Isolation Design For Bridges
3 - BRD - Seismic Isolation Design For Bridges
3 - BRD - Seismic Isolation Design For Bridges
High Damping Rubber Bearing
Seismic Isolation
-Seismic Isolation is one of the most popular method to protect a structure against
seismic forces. A top-heavy superstructure should be decoupled from its
substructure on a shaking ground.
Basic components of seismic isolation are:
Long Period : To increase the natural period of the vibration of the
structure. (To avoid resonance vibration)
High Damping: To increase the energy absorption capacity of the
structure. (To reduce displacement)
Reaction Distribution: To distribute the optimized reaction to substructures.
(To avoid concentration of reaction)
Non-Seismic Isolated Building vs. Seismic Isolated Building
Source: Wikipedia & www.youtube.com
2. Basic Principle
Location of Setting of Seismic Isolation Device:
Building shall
be protected Top heavy structure
Isolation Substructure shall be
Device protected
For buildings For bridges
2. Basic Principle
Effect of Long Period and High Damping
-The seismic force can be reduced by “increasing natural period” and the energy
absorption capacity with “high damping” of the structure.
1st Vibration Mode of Non Seismic
Isolation Bridge
(in case of T = 0.5s)
Secondary Secondary
plastic plastic
behavior behavior
4. Structural Design for Seismically Isolated Bridges
δ P Linear Nonlinear
P: Lateral
Ductility of bridge
pier is expected
In case of
Primary plastic
P Primary plastic
Seismic Isolation
Secondary plastic Secondary plastic
behavior behavior P
Secondary Secondary
plastic plastic LRB for Design
behavior behavior
RB for Design δ
δ Damping by LRB
LRB for Actual
Note: The ordinary laminated bearings that are used conventionally to our bridges do not dissipate energy.
The main purpose is to transfer the gravity load of superstructure to substructure.
General Description of Sample Bridge
-Ground Type 2
-Operational Classification: Essential Bridge
6. Examples of Seismic Isolation Devices
Advantages Disadvantages
• By adding seismic isolation • During a large earthquake, it
devices, the period is lengthened, produces larger displacement in
the forces are reduced, and the superstructure. Hence, there is a
energy dissipation is increased. need to provide some special
• Pier is designed not to yield. expansion joints.
During a large earthquake,
elastic behavior is anticipated.
6. Examples of Seismic Isolation Devices
Advantages of using LRB with lead plug and HDR than LRB
• Displacement of superstructure when using LRB w/ lead plug and
HDR is smaller compared with using LRB. (In this example, it is
smaller by more than 40%)
• Forces at Pier is much larger when using LRB.
• Energy is dissipated by damping property of LRB w/ lead plug and
HDR bearing. Therefore, the force and displacement of both
superstructure and substructure induced by an earthquake is
reduced due to the damping properties of bearing.
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(n.d.). Retrieved from blog.goo.ne.jp/ruribo0209.
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(n.d.). Retrieved from Kawakin Core-tech Co., Ltd.
(n.d.). Retrieved from https://pbs.twimg.com.
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LRFD Bridge Seismic Design Specifications. (2013).
Takayuki, T. (2018, May 22-24). Seismic Isolation Design. Regional Training Program for the
Technology Transfer Component DPWH Bridge Seismic Design Specifications (BSDS) Application to
Seismic Design of Bridges.
www.eonet.ne.jp. (n.d.).