Intrebari Lectie Anne Frank

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The Diary of Anne Frank Study Guide Name_____________KEY___________________

Act I
1. Know: some of the important world events between 1929 and 1945 (Know about D-Day)
2. Be able to identify each character in the play and describe their personalities. Be aware of typical
comments made by each character or about him/her. (T-Charts in notebooks)
 Anne Frank:
 Otto Frank:
 Edith Frank:
 Margot Frank:
 Peter Van Daan:
 Mrs. Van Daan:
 Mr. Van Daan:
 Mr. Dussel:
 Miep Gies:
 Mr. Kraler:

3. Define flashback. How do the writers use this device to bring the reader to the main action of the play?
Note the change of the dates in Act I, scene 2. Note also the first and last scenes of the play occur at the
same time period.
Flashback begins after war, Mr. Frank goes back to annex and finds the diary. The story flashes back, Mr.
Frank relives Anne’s memory and time in annex.

4. How were the Jews restricted in Amsterdam?

Banned from movies, driving cars, owning businesses, wore Star of David.

5. Why is Mr. Frank a logical choice as leader for the group in the secret annex?
-Characteristics: kind, compassionate, and understanding (examples on t-chart).
-Anne always condides in Mr. Frank for the conflicts with her Mother.
-Mr. Frank’s reaction to Mr. VanDaan stealing food is different from Mrs. Frank. He did not want to kick
him out of the annex; he wanted to find a resolution.

6. Compare and contrast Anne’s relationship with her mother to that with her father.
Anne takes advice from Mr. Frank about writing/her future. She says her dad is the only one “she truly
loves.” She fights with her mother more, does not take advice about Peter.

7. Compare and contrast the relationship between Anne and Peter at the beginning of the play and later on
in the play.
-Peter and Anne teased each other; he called her Mrs. Quack Quack because she talked too much.
Towards the end of the play they started to listen/talk to each other. A romantic relationship started

8. Why did Anne find it difficult to destroy the Star of David?

She felt like it became part of her and she was used to being labeled.

9. In the early scenes of the play, how does Anne manage to get on others’ nerves? (Mention at least 2)
-Talks back to Mr. and Mrs. VanDaan
-Fights with Dussel about the room
-Annoyed by her parents always comparing her to Margot
10. Compare Anne and Margot. Do their differences ever cause problems?
Margot is well mannered, polite, and quiet. Anne is very outspoken; she is often compared to Margot,
which sometimes builds a sibling rivalry.

11. Explain: Mrs. Quack Quack

Peter’s nickname for Anne because she talks too much.

12. What are some of the causes of disagreement between Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan?
(Should be in Act 2, the fur coat incident, Mr. Van Daan being selfish.)

13. What is Mr. Van Daan’s first response to the news of Mr. Dussel?
Worried he will take all the food. He was being selfish.

14. Do you think everyone in the annex should have had a part in the decision to take in Mr. Dussel? Explain
your answer.
Opinion based answer.

15. Why is Dussel’s surprise at seeing the Franks in Amsterdam good news for those living in the annex?
Before they left they left clues of traveling to Switzerland.

16. What conflicts arise between Anne and Mr. Dussel? Why?
-Anne wants time in her room
-Anne has nightmares and tossing and turns
-Dussel is not used to being with people/sharing space.

17. Discuss the irony of Mr. Dussel’s comments about getting along well with children.
It’s ironic because he has conflict with Anne several times throughout the play.

18. What does Anne’s nightmare in scene 4 tell the audience about her?
Shows she is still a child with fears.

19. How does Anne describe the problem between her and her mother?
Claims her mother does not listen.

20. How does Anne make Hanukkah special for the group?
Makes everyone a thoughtful gift and is very resourceful.
-Mom: Coupon
-Dad: Scarf
-Margot: crossword puzzle
-Dussel: ear plugs
-Peter: razor

21. Explain the irony of Mr. Van Daan’s complaint about Mouschi’s eating up all of the food.
It is ironic because we learn later that Mr. Van Daan is the one stealing the food.

22. What happens during the Hanukkah celebration that causes fear among the group?
A robber breaks into the warehouse. Mr. Van Daan fears the robber heard them upstairs.
23. What does Anne’s gift giving reveal about her? How do her gifts to her mother and Peter show that she
has changed?
She gives her mother a gift card to help her with anything she needs, and gives Peter a razor.

Act II
1. Describe the cake incident in the beginng of Act II, Scene I.
Miep brings cake for the occupants of the annex. Margot was sick so Mr. Van Daan insists on having her

2. What does the fur coat incident reveal about Mr. Van Daan’s character?
Mr. Van Daan wants to sell her fur coat for money, they fight about it and Mrs. Van Daan shares her
sentimental value to the coat.

3. Mr. Kraler brings news of a new problem. Explain.

Carl is a ex-worker in the warehouse, Mr. Kraler is afraid he knows about the annex, he was asking
questions about the bookshelf being a door in the past.

4. What does Peter admire about Anne?

The way she talks to adults.

5. How do Anne’s visits with Peter cause conflict for Mrs. Frank?
She doesn’t approve of Anne going to Peter’s room and spending so much time with him.

6. What are Anne’s plans for her future? Why does she “think more seriously about life.”
She wants to be a journalist or writer.

7. What is the only event that causes Mrs. Frank to really become angry? What is the result?
Mrs. Frank becomes angry at Mr. Van Daan for stealing food, she wants to kick him out of the annex.

8. Why does Mr. Frank not want Miep to see the group arguing?
He is trying to find a resolution.

9. Identify: D Day
Allied powers invading Normandy

10. After news of the invasion, why does Mr. Van Daan’s stealing no longer seem to matter?
It was great for the war, they became positive because the war is almost over.

11. What new threat has now appeared (at the end of the scene 3)?
They havnt seen Meip or Mr. Kraler in a while. The phone has not stopped ringing in the warehouse.

12. Anne tells Peter that she has a way of “escaping” the annex. Explain.
Thinking about all the beautiful things in the world.

13. How does Anne attempt to explain the war to Peter? How does he react?
She explains it’s a phase, things are going to change in a 100 or so years, also ironic: still prejudice.

14. Explain the irony of “I want to go on living even after my death.”

She goes through her diary.
15. What does Mr. Frank mean in the last scene when he says, “She puts me to shame”?
He admires her ability to find good in people even through the horrific events of the Holocaust.

16. Does the play offer any evidence of Anne’s statement that “people are really good are heart”?

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