Anne Frank: The Life and Diary of A Young Girl

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The Life and Diary of a Young Girl
The Beginning
Annelies Marie Frank was born on June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt Am
Main, Germany. She was a happy baby, and the second child of
Edith and Otto Frank. Otto had even been decorated as a German
officer during World War I. But what Anne didn’t know was the
terrible political climate outside the boundaries of her rich, green

Anne Frank and her sister, Margot Baby Anne Anne, Margot, and their father

Pretty soon, Otto thought it became way too dangerous for the
Frank Family to live in Germany. As German as they felt, they
were also Jewish. And with Hitler and his army, Jewish, was
very dangerous to be. In 1933, the Franks moved to The

One of the last photos of The Jewish Star of David.

the Franks in Germany.
Adjusting to New Life
For Anne, it was very easy to make friends. She loved
school, and talked a lot. She also had a trick of
dislocating her shoulder for a good scare out of her
teachers and classmates. Her best friends were
Hanneli Goslar, Jacqueline Van Maarsen, and Sanne
Lederman. The original three friends were called
Hanne, Sanne, and Anne. The three (including another
friend) had a club called “The Little Dipper”. She also
had six other friends in the club including herself, and
then they found out that the Little Dipper had five
stars instead of seven, so they named the club, “The
Little Dipper Minus Two”.
Anne was very chatty, like it was told. In fact, she was often
told by her teacher to write short stories in school, that
were often humorous, and protection towards her teacher
and classmates. One day, she was told to write an essay on
“The Traits of a Qauckenbush”. She explained that she
couldn’t help herself because it was a feminine trait, and
that her mother talked twice as much as she did. She kept
right on talking, and was given another story to write called
“Quack, Quack, Quack!!”. It talked about three girl geese
and the father who ate their heads off for talking too much.
This story was her most humorous, and she still kept on
talking. This was her last and final essay her teacher gave
School Life

Anne got good grades, but her biggest problem was

algebra. She totally loathed it. She also liked to flirt a lot,
but only her mother wished she could’ve been smarter
and got better grades like Margot, but Anne knew she
could never measure up.

Margot Frank’s Report Card


Anne was still happy with her way of life, along

with the rest of the Frank’s. One dreadful day
in 1941, the Nazis invaded Germany.

Adolf Hitler,
Nazi Leader The Nazis
Hello, Hello!!

Also in 1941. Anne met a decent sixteen-year-old

boy. His name was Hello Silverberg. She was into
him, and he was into her. They also hung out a lot
together. One day, Anne and Hello stayed out
passed the Jewish curfew, which was 8:00 P.M.
Since Jews were forbidden to do so, they could be
arrested. So when Anne got home, her father was
devastated. He told Anne she would now have to
be home by ten to eight. She agreed and they still
hung out, until one dreadful day in July of 1942.
Dearest Kitty

On June 12, 1942, it was Anne’s birthday. She woke up very

early to open up her presents in 37 Merwedeplein. The first
gift she opened was a red and white checkered diary. She also
got a blue blouse, flowers, chocolate, and more, but the diary
caught most of her attention. She screamed with excitement,
running to her father, hugging him.
Her first entry:
“I hope I shall be able to confide in you completely, as I have
never been able to do in anyone before, and I hope that you
will be a great support and comfort to me.”

Anne Frank’s diary, Kitty.

(The most famous diary
during the Holocaust.)
Call-Up Notice
One dreadful afternoon of July, there was a knock at the door.
Anne hoped it was her beau, Hello Silverberg, but it was not.
It was a Nazis order for Margot Frank to report to a German
labor camp the next day. Anne was frightened, but did not
know who the order was for, so Margot and Edith decided it
was best to not tell her the truth. Margot told her that it was
Pim’s (nickname for Margot and Anne’s father)order. Anne
was wailing. “Of course he’s not going.” Margot said.
(quoted in Anne’s diary a little later.) While the Females of
the Frank household prayed that Otto would return, they
didn’t open the door for anyone else the next day. They also
didn’t know that at the time when the Nazis invaded
Holland, contacted his assistant employee assistant, Miep
Gies, about going into hiding that day.
The Franks done as they were told. Then Margot told Anne that it was actually
her call-up notice. This very much did not help Anne’s whelping. The next
morning, they were told to go early in the morning, to a hiding place. Anne
later wrote, “ Into hiding- where would we go, in a town or the country, in a
house or a cottage, when, how, where…?”
Anne also described what she was taking with her: “ These were the questions
that I was not allowed to ask, but I couldn’t get them out of my mind.
Margot and I began to pack some of our most vital belongings into a
school satchel. The first thing I put in was this diary, then hair curlers,
handkerchiefs, schoolbooks, a comb, old letters; I put the craziest things
with the idea that we were going into hiding. But I’m not sorry,
memories mean more to me than dresses.” The next morning, the Frank
family arrived at their destination.
263 Prinsengracht

The Franks arrived at their new hiding place, until the war was
over, or they were discovered. It was a three-story building
above the store of Otto Frank. First, there was a big door that
said “Employees Only” that was the entrance to the hiding
place. (Later known as “The Secret Annex”.) One of the
helpers of the Frank family put up a bookcase in front of the

The Bookcase to the

The front of 263 The back of
Secret Annex
Prinsengracht 263
The van Pelses

On November 16, 1942, the van Pelses arrived.

Anne thought they were good at first, and
then thought they were insane. She mostly
fought with Mrs. Van Pels. Anne often wrote
about them in her diary, as the van Danns.

Auguste and Hermann

van Pels Peter van Pels
Fritz Pffier

A couple of weeks later, a new fugitive was

hidden, making this the eighth and last person
in hiding. His name was Fritz Pffier, or in
Anne’s diary, Alfred Dussel. He was a Jewish
dentist who Anne thought was also once a
sweetheart, but became annoying to Anne

Fritz Pffier
Mother-Daughter Relationship

Anne’s relationship with her mother was in poor

shape. She had constant arguments with her,
and never called her “Mom”, or “Mommy”.
She called her “Mum”, “Mummy”, or
“Momsy”, because Anne thought her mother
wasn’t close. She also wrote about her in her
diary, and once wrote she was beginning to
hate her.

Edith Frank
Romance Blossoms

The years went buy, in a routine, mostly. Peter

and Anne felt that their parents didn’t
understand them, so they started to confide in
each other. One day, Anne shared her first kiss
with Peter, and they met often. But later,
Anne found out she was no match for Peter.
She couldn’t get much out of him, as much as
she confided to him. But that didn’t worry her,
she still had Kitty.

One peaceful morning at around 10:30 A.M. on

August 4, 1944 , A large march came up the
stairs of the Annex. It was Gestapo, who
frightened the family. He asked for any
valuables, and told the Franks and van Pelses
to pack. Someone had betrayed the Franks
and van Pelses!!

The Franks + van Pelses were scared, and taken

to a downtown prison for a couple of days,
and were sure this was just the beginning of
the worst.

The Franks and van Pelses were headed to

Westerbork, their first concentration camps. It
would be the best camp anyone imprisoned
could go to. But, they realized that it was actually
a transit camp. Every Tuesday, thousands of
trains were going to other concentration camps,
while passengers did not know where they were
going. But all they knew was to fear it. On one
unlucky Tuesday, the Franks and the van Pels
were headed for Auschwitz. As unlucky as they
were, that was the last train to leave Westerbork
before it was liberated.
When the families arrived to Auschwitz, it was much
worse. There was a director who would say left or
right, and the Franks were lucky that they took left.
Hermann went the wrong way, the right, straight into
the gas chambers. He was killed shortly after. What
then made Anne scream was that she was separated
from her father. They four women were taken into this
room filled with stripped women, meaning they had to
take their clothes and get uniforms. The women also
had to have their heads shaved. But that didn’t hurt
the 3 Franks that much, as long as they were together.
In November of 1944, Anne and Margot saw their mother for the last time.
They were headed off for another concentration camp, Bergen-Belsen.
This would be the worst for them. When they arrived, they were
frightened, sick, and were tired. They were suffering from scabies, a rash
caused by parasitic mites. As thousands of people laid over dead, the two
sisters lost hope, as they grew weaker and weaker. Margot was one day
two sick to get up. In between April-May 1945, Margot Frank died. Anne
was slightly stronger, but truly knew she was alone. Without family,
without her diary Kitty, she had nothing. Typhus epidemic grew wider,
and Anne already had it, just to make her loose her will to live. But what
she didn’t know was that her school friend, Hanneli Goslar, was over the
fence of Bergen- Belsen. That made Anne a little happy, but still not
enough to make her smile. Hanneli Goslar remembers: “ ‘I have nothing.’
Anne said. I threw her a package over the fence (filled with socks and
fruit) and then I hear she’s crying. What happened? Another hungry lady
grabbed the package, and ran away with it. We met two days later, and she
caught the package…..but this was the last time we could speak.” A
couple of days later, Anne Frank died.

The grave of Anne

and Margot Frank.
Coming Home

When the war was over, Otto Frank returned

home. Auschwitz was liberated the 27th of
January, but Otto decided to come after the
war for a safe return. He knew Edith had died
at a concentration camp, and had no news on
the van Pelses. But all Otto wanted and had
hope was for his two daughters.
Dreadful News

Otto still searched for his two daughters, and

then got the news from another person at
Bergen-Belsen. The news that he’d been
dreading finally happened: His two daughters
were dead. A week later, he got a letter from
the Red Cross with the same answer.

Red Cross’s Letter

Anne’s Legacy

When Otto told the dreadful news to Miep, she

was saddened. But when the families were
arrested, Gestapo threw Anne’s diary on the
floor. When Gestapo left, Miep and Bep went
to pick the diary up, so (they thought) Anne
would be happy to have it back when she
returned. Miep opened a drawer, and picked
out Anne’s diary. She handed it to Otto, and
said, “This is Anne’s legacy to you.”

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