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Anne Frank Questions

Pages 1-21
1. What is the date of the first diary entry?
Her first diary entry was on June 14, 1942.

2. What is Anne’s birthday? How old is she?

Anne’s birthday was on June 12, 1929. She was 13 years old.

3. What did Anne receive for her birthday?

Anne received a diary. Then a bouquet of roses, some peonies and a potted plant. A blue
blouse, a game, a bottle of grape juice, a puzzle, a jar of cold cream, 2.50 guilders and a
gift certificate for two books.

4. What did she plan to do with her birthday money?

She planned to buy The Myths of Greece and Rome.

5. Who was Lies?

Hanneli Goslar (Lies) , a friend that Anne came to appreciate a great deal.

6. What does Anne call her diary?

Since Anne said she didn’t have a friend, she named her diary Kitty.

7. In May 1940 what happened to the Jewish population of Amsterdam?

They began to suffer. The good times were few and far between: first there was the war,
then the capitulation and then the arrival of the Germans. Jews were required to turn
their bicycles; Jews were forbidden to use street-cars; Jews were forbidden to ride in
cars, even their own; Jews were required to frequent only Jewish-owned barbershops
and beauty parlos; Jews were forbidden to be out on the streets between 8 P.M. and 6
A.M..; Jews were forbidden to attend theaters, movies or any other forms of
entertainment; Jews were forbidden to use swimming pools, tennis courts, hockey fields
or any other athletic fields; Jews were forbidden to go rowing; Jews were forbidden to
take part in wa

8. What was Anne forced to do in Mr. Keptor’s math class?

She had to write a composition about "A Chatterbox" then another one "Incurable
Chatterbox" then a third one called "Ouack, Quack, Quack says Mrs. Natterbeak." Her
friend who writes poetry well helped her write the third one in "verse." Mr Keptor was
so impressed that he read it to all of his classes.

9. What kind of personality does Anne have?

She is courageous, outgoing, talkative, smart, witty, and "Sassy."

10. Who is Margot? How old is she?

Margot is Anne's sister. She is 16 years old.

11. What incident causes the Franks to go into hiding?

Margot Frank received a "call up" letter ordering her to report to the S.S. This means
deportation to a concentration camp or extermination camp.

12. Which people working for Mr. Frank knew about the Secret Annexe?
Miep Gies, Johannes Kleiman, and Bep Voskuijl worked in the front room, and Victor
Kugler worked in the back room. They had to keep the company running. And more
importantly: they took care of the people hiding in the Secret Annex.

13. Describe the building in which the Secret Annex is located.

It is a rectangular building. It’s in between two buildings that have a
triangle roof. Large six windows. The Secret Annex was in between
these buildings.

14. What is the Westertoren?

The Westertoren bells are mentioned several times in Anne's diary. ... Also known as
Westerkerk, this Protestant church was very close to the house where Anne and eight
others hid for two years. Built in 1620 to 1631, the church and its bell tower occupy a
unique place in the hearts of Amsterdammers.

15. What is wrong with Margot’s health?

She had a bad cold.

Pages 22-47
1. When did the Van Daans arrive at the Secret Annexe?
On July 13, 1942 (seven days after the Franks arrived in the Annex), the van Pels family
(called the van Daans in Anne's published diary) arrived at the Secret Annex.

2. Who is Peter? Describe his personality.

The teenage son of the van Daans, whose real name is Peter van Pels. Anne first sees
Peter as obnoxious, lazy, and hypersensitive, but later they become close friends. Peter
is quiet, timid, honest, and sweet to Anne, but he does not share her strong convictions.

3. What is the W.C.?

The bathroom. The people in hiding got the hot water for their Saturday baths from the
office kitchen. Anne took her tub to the office staff's toilet. The helpers used the kitchen
for simple experiments with Opekta and spices.

4. How do Anne and Mrs. Van Daan get along?

They can’t stand each other. She's also jealous of Anne's relationship with her son,
wanting Peter to confide in her rather than in Anne. However, Mrs. van Daan does have
a few strong points. She occasionally can be reasonable and back down from fights, is
generally neat and tidy, and is often easier for Anne to approach than her own mother.

5. What is Anne’s nickname for her father?

Anne gave her father the nickname 'Pim', and in turn, Otto Frank gave his daughter
Anne one too.

6. What are the bathing arrangements for the people of the Annexe?
- Peter used the kitchen.
- Anne and Margot use the front office
- Mr. Frank uses his bath in his office.

7. What sort of relationship did the Van Daans have? How did Peter feel about
Van Daan constantly fought with each other and with the other residents of the Annex.
As for Peter, he and Anne ended up developing romantic feelings for each other.

8. What did Anne hear about her Jewish friends?

That they had been sent to the Westerbork concentration camp.

9. Who is Miep? Is she able to help the Jews living outside the Annexe?
A lady who works at Mr. Frank 's office.
10. What incident occurred that caused Anne to think they might be caught?
A carpenter came.

Pages 47-60
1. What is wrong with Mr. Frank?
He is ill with a high temperature and a red rash.
Mr. Frank is feeling the effects of being frightened, cooped up, and frustrated. As time
goes on, we see him touched by hopelessness.

2. How does Anne get along with her mother?

She thinks her mother is irritable and that she favors Margot. The relationship between
Anne and her mother was problematic. Their personalities were incompatible, and they
often clashed. But they could not avoid each other in the Secret Annex. In her diary,
Anne had often written harshly about her mother.

3. Who joins the people of the Secret Annexe?

Albert dussel.
In July 1942, the Frank family went into hiding. The Van Pels family followed a week
later. The two families already knew each other: Hermann van Pels worked for Otto's
company. Four months later, they were joined by an eighth person: Fritz Pfeffer, an
acquaintance of the Frank family.

4. Who writes a set of Annexe “rules”?

The Van Daans

5. What does Anne discover about her warm feelings for her father? Why does this
upset her?
She discovers that he is the only one he loves. She wants her father's real love.

6. What two holidays do the people of the Annexe celebrate?

They celebrate Chanukah and St. Nicholas Day.

7. What type of cooking does Mr. Van Daan do?

He cooks and butchers meat.

8. Describe the incident involving Dussel and Mrs. Van Daan when he was treating
her to dental work.
He found 2 teeth that would make her cry in pain.
Pages 61-80
1. What does Anne think of the children of the neighborhood? Are they Jewish?
She thinks they're poor, dirty, and hungry.

2. What do the people living in the Annexe offer the people who come to help them
and to offer them news?
They were completely dependent on six helpers; employees and friends of Anne's father.
The helpers provided food and clothing, as well as books, magazines and newspapers.

3. What “burglars” in the attic did Mrs. Van Daan think she heard?
A swarm of enormous rats.

4. What happens to the building in which the Secret Annexe is located?

There was a short circuit.
It is sold without Kraler and Koophius’s knowledge.

5. What happened to Peter when he went into the attic?

- He puts his hand without looking.
- He fell down the ladder because of the pain of the rat bite.
- An enormous rat bit his hand.

6. What was Mr. Van Daan’s nickname?


7. What were the 500 and 1000 guilder notes worth? Was that important? Why?
0. They were not available anymore.

8. How did Anne treat her mother? How did her mother feel about this?
She pushes her mother away rudely and is cold.

Pages 80-95
1. Why do the people of the Annex need to light fires every other day?
Anne and the others had to light fires every other day in order to burn their refuse. It is
too dangerous to cause any kind of suspicion by throwing it away.

2. What were the Dutch students forced to sign in order to complete their degrees?
Did they?
That they are in sympathy with the Germans and that they approved the new order. 80%
did not sign.
The Dutch students had to sign a paper saying that they were sympathetic to the
Germans and approved the new order in order to complete their degrees.

3. What particularly frightened Mrs. Van Daan one night? What did she do? How
did everyone in the Annexe react?
She saw a red glow, she bolted upright,the others ran to her.

4. What were they forced to do with the radio?

They had to hand it in.

5. What “position” does Anne enjoy in the family order?

She alludes to the Bible.

6. Describe the disagreement between Anne and Mr. Dussel.

Mrs. Van Daan thinks a thief may never tell that they are in hiding. Mr. Dussel disagrees
with her, saying a thief might make a bargain with the Green Police in exchange for
information about people in hiding.

7. What did Elli offer to get the people of the Annexe?


8. What does Anne wish for the most? Margot?

Home of her own and to be able to move freely. Hot bath.

Pages 96-166
1. How long have they been in the Annex in the beginning of this section?
Anne Frank spent 761 days in the Secret Annex. Although each day was different from
the last, there was a certain rhythm to life in the Secret Annex.

2. What does Anne describe for us in detail?

Anne describes life in the annex as cramped, stale and somewhat helpless. They are
always under the danger of being discovered. They have to be quiet throughout the day
and speak very little at night. People in such close quarters begin to get on each other's
nerves. They are dependent on food and supplies from the kindness of others who dare
defy the Nazis to help them. Anne's burgeoning sexuality is made more awkward by the
fact that there is little privacy. Anne compares herself to a bird with broken wings,
longing for fresh air.

3. What happens at the Westertoren?

Nazi occupiers steal and return the bells of the Westertoren

The bells were transported to Germany where they were melted down in order to use the
metal for tanks and weapons. Some of the bells of the Zuiderkerk and the Oude Kerk
were carted off.

4. How does Anne’s father feel about scraping potatoes?

It is but a piece of precision work to him.

5. When the Franks are forced to be quiet, what do they enjoy doing?
Reading, Sleeping/Resting, Do School work

6. What happens to Mr. Koophuis?

He has to get an abdominal surgery and go to the hospital.

7. Which Axis country has surrendered or capitulated?


8. Why does Anne take Valerian pills? What would help more?
Because she is worried and depressed.

9. Who is becoming suspicious about the Annex?

The Warehouseman (V.M.)

10. What are the Van Daans forced to sell?

Their clothes.

11. How does Anne feel about the Annex?

- It is like a cage and she is imprisoned.
- It is like a castle surrounded by clouds.
- It is like an impenetrable wall.

12. Who did Anne dream she saw?


13. What did the people in the Annexe receive for St. Nicholas day?
- A poem about Santa Claus.
- A paper package in each person’s shoe.
- A large basket adorned with bows of blue and pink carbon copy paper.

14. What was wrong with Anne at this time?

It has prompted the usual flurry of online content, both old and new. Part of that, as
happens from time to time with the character of Anne, has been to try to explain her
with a diagnosis. Over the years Anne has been claimed by reactive attachment disorder,
bipolar disorder, and PTSD.

15. Who was “Mumsie”?

The other cat at the warehouse.

16. Besides Lies, who else comes into Anne’s mind at this time?
Her Granny.

17. What does Anne think about her faith in God?

That she does not have enough. Anne has faith that God will save her and the other Jews
from suffering and that her diary will help the world learn from the Jews about how bad
people can be treated. She is down but she never stops believing in god and the future.
This is her strong personality and character.

18. Why did Anne get so angry with her mother?

Because her mother doesn’t understand her.

19. Who does Anne become close to now?


20. How has Anne’s attitude toward the Van Daans changed?
She sees them in a different light.

21. How does Peter feel about his intelligence?

He thinks he's stupid.

22. Why does Anne enjoy going to the attic?

To blow stuffy air out of her lungs.
23. Describe the most recent burglary.
The second major burglary on the night of 9 to 10 April 1944 was much more serious.
That evening, Peter heard sounds from the warehouse. The people in hiding decided not
to wait but to take action. The men went down with whatever they could use as
‘weapons’ and Hermann van Pels shouted ‘Police’. They were successful, and the
burglars ran off.
Shenalla Márquez
7mo Grado.

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